> The Other Button > by One of the Crowd > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue: why am I here? "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" I yelled as I ran out of my prison into a very busy street filled with even more of these horned horses that kidnapped me. They were all wearing fancy suits and dresses which was strange because they're fucking horses! I couldn't really take the time to think about it though because of- "GET BACK HERE, LUCKY!" The crazy ass mare yelled toward me as she was approaching the door ever faster. When she got close enough I slammed the door shut which resulted in a loud 'thump' to resound from the other side. With that part of my problem solved it was time to start running to... somewhere else because she is definitely going to be coming out soon. It was amazing how often she fell for that door slam too considering how often I had used it on her while I was running around that god forsaken house of hers, She could of at least dusted! The horses all around me were staring at me now and I knew they were going to just hand me right back over to that thing if I let any of them grab me so I did the only thing I could I ran. My new hooves repeatedly hit the stone street as I passed tall stone buildings while running as fast as my now small blue body could take me, and even when I'd consider stopping another one of those horses in armor would be running toward me calling for me to stop. They keep saying my mother is looking for me as if I didn't know that, but them handing me back to that mare would only make my mother wait longer for me to get back home since that mare would never let me out of that damn room unless she forgot to lock the door which was how I was finally able to escape earlier. I had to keep running or I would never see my family again so when I saw the huge ass castle of course I decided to duck inside of it. The armor wearing horses that stood out front didn't seem to mind me when I walked into the yard out front of it when their compatriots yelled for them to capture me, but I was already running for the hedge maze when they started to give chase. "HOPE YOU GUYS KNOW HOW TO CHEAT THESE!" I yelled back at those horses as they chased me into the maze which was a lot bigger than I originally thought now that I'm actually in it. I always loved mazes when I was younger I guess that was why I ran in here now that I think about it, but because of that I also knew a few tricks to cheating your way out of these especially hedge mazes if you're small enough anyway. First thing though was to get far enough in to lose these guys so I decided to use my way of cheating and walked up to one of the walls that lead to another part of the maze and stuck a hoof in it to feel for where the branches were. "There we are," I said to myself as I felt a separation of the branches inside of the hedge and started to push through the shrubs when the ones chasing me yelled at me to go over to them because my mother was worried, but they were not going to take me home they were going to take me back to that mare that kept me trapped here for so long. I continued pushing through the hedge until I was finally halfway through when one of them grabbed me by the legs, but that was a huge mistake on his part as one of my legs went directly into his jaw as I flailed around wildly trying to get him to drop me. He of course didn't let go and dragged me out of the hedge so that they could take me back to that crazy bitch. "Oh thank Celestia you're alright Lucky," speaking of the crazy bitch there she was right now which meant I had do get the fuck out of here right now. I started to wiggle and hit the guy carrying me toward her but nothing would work until we got near a statue that I grabbed onto as soon as we got close enough, no way I'm going back without giving them hell. They kept tugging on me until I finally came loose which resulted in me flailing around in pure unadulterated panic as I was getting closer and closer to my demise. I felt my heart stop when we got close enough because I felt myself be picked up by some invisible force as it levitated me toward the bitch. I didn't have anywhere to go and there was nothing to grab onto or use as a weapon anywhere near me as I inched closer and closer toward her. She had a devilish smile on her forest green face as she continued pulling me toward her before she said, "I'm so happy to see you didn't hurt yourself Lucky, we have a big day ahead of us," My eyes widened as she said that because all of her 'big days' would hurt like hell as she would probe at my head looking for as much info on my home as she could. I never knew what she wanted to learn, but I was never in a position to answer as most of the time I was either unconscious or in to much pain to ask. "SHIT SHIT SHIT!" I yelled when I was finally next to her which caused most of them to glare at me with disapproval at my choice of words, but can you really fucking blame me I don't want to be a lab rat! I didn't know what to do when I heard a very loud voice boom, "WHY ART THOU SCREAMING IN TERROR!" Shit another one and she is a lot bigger than these other ones so I did the most logical thing I could and screamed even louder in its face. Now this was not my best plan of action as the crazy bitch holding me shoved a hoof into my mouth to shut me up I however took this opportunity to bite her as hard as I could. She yelped in both surprise and pain causing her to drop me giving me time to you guessed it run in the other direction as I yelled back at them, "I WON'T GO BACK TO THAT HELL!" I began making a b-line for the door that the huge horse had come out of because I was hoping It'd follow video game logic and lead to safety and boy was I wrong. I entered into a large hall with a crystal chandelier and a few statues of horses were around, but I didn't pay much attention because I had to get away and this place to open to hide in so I ran toward the door at the other end of the hall. I was making good progress too, but nothing ever works out the way it's supposed to as when I was about to reach the door it swung open revealing a tall white creature just like the other in the garden. "Well hello there small one," It said in a very calm quite voice that didn't really make me want to run from it, in fact when I heard the guards shouting behind me I took cover under its legs. I know it was a stupid decision, but I was terrified and it seemed like this was the only thing not trying to hurt me. "Oh thank you for stopping my son princess. Come on Lucky time to go," The crazy mare said as she walked over toward me which made me shiver in fear. Celestia must have noticed my reaction and moved one of her legs to block the crazy mares path, "Your son seems to be rather afraid of you, why is that," Celestia asked in a rather stern voice though it never gave up its regality. "Oh he's just a colt Celestia, he just thinks he's in trouble. Don't worry about him," "Please, don't let her take me back," I pleaded to the creature I was hiding under as the crazy mare moved around the creatures legs. I moved to the other side of it's legs when the other creature from earlier came in and looked toward us with a confused look on its face. "Sister why are you hiding the colt from his mother," it asked before it took a few steps toward us when the creature I was hiding under spoke, "He's scared to death of her Luna, I think we should understand why before handing him back," This angered the crazy mare as she started yelling at the top of her lungs, "THAT IS MY SON YOU CAN'T HOLD HIM FROM ME!" "There is a difference between fear of punishment and fear for ones life, he is showing the signs of the latter," The tall creature said before taking a few steps toward the mare, "If there are signs of some type of abuse we have the authority to investigate it" The mare shrank back as Celestia took a few more steps toward her keeping their eyes locked on one another the entire time before the mare nodded and said, "Fine" "Good we'll get a psychological professional, and see why your colt is so horrified of you," ***4 hours later*** I told the doctor my story of how I ended up in this kids body and what that mare did to me while I was with her the past month, and to say the least he was shocked about what happened to me but he didn't believe that I wasn't actually a pony. They found magical residue in my head so they figured that the mare had erased my memory, and that me believing that I am human was some part of my previous minds imagination shinning through. They attempted to arrest the mare for using such magics, but she had ran before any of the guards could capture her for what she did to me. When they came in and told the princess she got away I was scared, not because she would comeback for me, but because she brought me here and one of the few that could get me home. "Don't worry we will find your family Lucky just-" "My name is Chance. She called me Lucky because it was ironic I think," "As I was saying we will find your family Chance, and we will find that mare so she can't hurt you anymore," "You won't find my family. I have to find my own way home." > New Game > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: New Game *** Six months later*** I swear arrow's snoring has only gotten louder since we left Manehatten a few hours ago. You would think that a guard would be a bit more alert as well considering for the past ten minutes I've been doodling all over his face; with his own pen no less! This isn't to say arrow here was a bad guard he is just a little unaware. He is actually one of the few guards who would have a legitimate conversation with me about various topics instead of just brushing me off like the others would. Of all the ponies I've met in the time I've been in Equestria Arrow Dodger has been one of the better ones. "Hmmm... What's up, Chance?" Speaking of Arrow it appears he has decided to finally awaken from his Slumber. He stood up and started to stretch out the various parts of his body with his brown wings being first. "Oh, you know stuff," I said to him as I tried to keep a straight face as I looked at his drawn on monocle and mustache. He was giving me his whole 'I know you did something' look which I responded with a innocent smile. He just sighed before asking, "Just what did you draw?" "You look like a dashing gentleman sir. I mean only you can pull off such an elegant mustache and monocle," He rolled his eyes before walking over to the train cars bathroom to wash off his snazzy facial attire. After a moment or two my escort had returned from the bathroom with water still dripping down his face and part of his peach colored mane. He always was one to take my pranks in stride as he didn't seem to react to them unless you count cleaning up the mess; however when I thought he wouldn't retaliate a water balloon hit me directly in the face. Wiping the water from my eyes I turned toward Arrow who had at least twenty more sitting beside him just waiting to be thrown. This was another thing about Arrow I liked, he was able to have fun with me without being forced into it. The odds were a little stacked though considering he had all the balloons so I decided to correct that by attempting to levitate a few over to me. I was moderately successful as five of the ten balloons I had reached for made it to me while the other five exploded halfway. Arrow was smiling at me now; probably because of the fact I was able to control my magic. My first target was the stupid grin plastered across his face. Using my magic I lobbed the balloon directly at his face only for it to go over his head and hit the train conductor instead. He glared at the two of us before he spoke, "Water balloons are NOT allowed on the train. I'd expect this from a kid, but not a royal guard," Arrow rolled his eyes at the conductor before picking up some of the balloons and dumping them out of one of the train's windows. To say I was annoyed would be the understatement of the century as I wasn't even able to nail Arrow with a balloon yet, but rules are rules so I decided to help by lifting a few of the balloons with my magic which was a huge mistake. The balloons I picked up began to hiss and the water inside began to boil before they all popped sending scalding hot water all over the train car. Some of the water landed on Arrow and I saw his face tense up in pain, but quickly turn into one of worry when he looked over toward me. I was borderline panicking because of my mistake with lifting the balloons which caused them to explode like that. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I kept repeating as I curled up into a ball to hide from everyone in the train car that was sure to be very angry with me. Instead of yelling however, I felt a pair of forelegs wrap around me and I heard Arrow calmly saying, "It's alright, Chance. You didn't mean it," I was still quivering despite his attempts to calm me. No matter how hard I tried I could never get past starting small fires with my magic, and it would always result in someone getting hurt because of it. I could hear Arrow trying to keep me calm, but I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying as I was more concerned with how the conductor would react to what just happened. I uncurled a little so that I could see the guys face, but it wasn't what I thought it would be. He wore a concerned expression as if I was the one who had gotten hurt rather than the one that caused them to get hurt. I didn't even know I had fallen asleep until I felt Arrow poking my side. Apparently when I fell asleep Arrow had carried me to one of those cars with beds in them so no one would wake me up. I was about to ask him why he was waking me up when the loud speaker came on announcing that we were going to arrive in Ponyville in about ten minutes. "You ready to meet your new family, Chance?" Arrow asked before helping me down from the bed that was actually pretty high up. I looked up at him before I began to speak, "I already have a family!" "I'm sorry, Chance but no one came forward to claim you. Besides I actually know Loving Care, you'll like her" Arrow said as he pulled my only bag down from the bed I was sleeping on. "You said that about the last family too," "I'm sorry, Chance but you did set their garden on fire," "There was a spider. It was justified!" Spiders are pure evil, why else would they be portrayed like that in every single monster movie ever created. Arrow knew about how much I hated spiders, and would always put one of those fake rubber spiders on my shoulders when I wouldn't go jogging with him in the mornings. "Sure it was. We're almost there now, Loving should be meeting us at the station," "How long do you think I'll stay here? I give myself two weeks," "Stop being a pessimist. Besides she has a kid about your age," "I don't think an eighteen year old will hang out with me, Arrow," This was one of the draw backs to becoming a magical horse who can levitate things with his mind; no one believes you. I still visit that therapist regularly for 'treatment' even when there is nothing wrong with my head in the first place. I've played with the idea of pretending that I believe I am a pony, but the more I thought about it the more scared of the Idea I became. If I pretended to be a pony in mind as well as body I'd be giving up part of who I was, and that is not an option! No matter how much they think they know about me they never realize that I'm a lot smarter than their average kid so I get away with certain things. This is beside the point though, I refuse to give up part of myself just so I can get some peace. The train's brakes began to hiss as we approached the station that existed near Ponyville. Looking out the window I saw what looked like a medieval village which was quite the opposite to the bustling metropolis of Manehatten. The buildings had straw roofs and each had some type of garden out front that reminded me of certain evil eight legged creatures. The train station however didn't seem to be all that different from the one in Manehatten though unless you counted the sheer lack of ponies that were waiting for their trains. "You ready, Chance" "Only if Loving is a milf!" I replied keeping a straight face while I waited for Arrow's response which for some reason never came. That was when the train door opened to reveal a cream colored pony with a brown mane holding a sign that said 'Lucky Chance' on it. My jaw dropped at the sight because by pony standards she looked amazing for a mother. I looked over toward Arrow who had the biggest grin Plastered on his face from seeing my reaction to Loving's striking appearance. "Hello, Arrow it's good to see you again" she said before walking over to the two of us before giving Arrow a big hug. After releasing him from her grasp she looked down toward me and smiled before asking, "You're, Lucky I assume" Images of that horror that brought me into this world flashed before my eyes when she called me Lucky. I began to breath harder and I started shivering when I felt Arrow grab onto me and looked me in the eyes. "It's alright, Chance It's alright, that mare won't come near you while I'm around I promise" I kept breathing hard, but I stopped shivering when he spoke before I looked up toward the mare who was looking at me with a worried expression, "I'm sorry miss, that part of the name brings back bad memories," I said before extending a hoof "Just call me Chance" She took my hoof and gingerly shook it as if it were made of glass. I could already tell that my sudden panic had caused her to become very worried about me which was a good sign. I actually calmed down faster than normal for some odd reason, but I chalked it up to my mental health improving from the trauma I had endured when I originally gotten here. "Well, Chance I'm Loving Care and I will be taking care of you now," "Alright, um... do you think we can get something to eat first. That train's food was terrible so I haven't eaten in awhile," "As soon as we pick Button up from school we will go out, that sound good," "I don't see why it wouldn't be," > Tutorial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Tutorial (hehe puns) "How much further?" "Not much farther," "But I'm hungry!" "Don't act like a baby," Loving said to a disgruntled Arrow who had been trying to hurry up and get Button so that he could eat at some bakery in town called Sugar Cube Corner. He would go on and on about he used to love going there when he lived in Ponyville a few years ago, but since he grew up here I didn't hold it against him even when it got a little annoying. Loving Care however had a whole other opinion on it, and constantly would tell him to stop complaining about having to wait. I however was content to wait for the food as complaining about it would only serve to annoy Loving, and make me think about how long ago it was I ate. My stomach however had different plans and growled letting everyone within a ten foot radius know it's displeasure in being kept away from food. Arrow looked toward me before saying, "See even Chance is hungry. Maybe we can just go ahead and-" "We're almost there so you can stop complaining Arrow," Loving said, cutting off Arrow before he could continue with the idea of getting some food without Loving's son. A small old time looking school house appeared as we were walking; I was just going to guess that since this town looked like it belonged in a history book that the building was probably the school. It was really simple in design, just a basic square with one of those small tower things at the top that contain the bell. Speaking of that bell it began to ring and many fillies and a few colts started to rush out of the building at break neck speeds. One of the colts however had seen us and waved toward loving with a smile on his face. He was a little smaller than me with brown fur and a kind of orange hair with a propeller hat on. When he walked over toward us he gave Loving a big hug before looking over to me and Arrow, "Mom, who are they?" he asked "Button, this is Lucky Chance. He will be staying with us for awhile." Loving motioned over toward me, and I gave a small wave to let him know it was me she was talking about. He looked me up and down, analyzing every minute detail about me before speaking, "Why are you wearing a vest?" "Because they wont let me wear pants," I said giving him a smile before continuing, "I prefer to wear something at least." My response seemed to be enough for him as he turned toward his mother, and told her about everything that happened that day at school, every single thing! I did my absolute best to tune him out until he I realized he asked me something else, "Hmm... I'm sorry, could you repeat that" "I was just asking if you liked video games," I actually wasn't prepared for that question as every family I stayed with wouldn't let me near those arcades I saw. I remembered playing plenty of games back home, but I wasn't exactly good with limiting myself to a reasonable amount of gaming as I would spend most of my day playing them. Button though was still waiting for an answer so I gave him a nod to signify that I did enjoy them. This answer seemed to put a big grin on his face as he started to name off various games that he liked playing which all resembled games from back home. I didn't even ask when he talked about an old school game called Mareio, and just pretended that it wasn't a horrible horse pun of a gaming legend. "Button, honey. I think Chance is tired after his trip from Manehatten." Thank you Loving Care for getting Button to stop talking. I could go on and on about video games, but Button here didn't have an off switch when it came to them. Normally, I'd gladly continue this conversation as well, but Loving was right; I was still tired from the trip from Manehatten, and all of my panic attacks from earlier had taken a lot out of me. "Psst... Hey Chance," Arrow was trying to whisper toward me, though he wasn't exactly good with keeping his voice down as he was essentially talking at his same volume, "When we get there, can you get Loving to buy me a Super Duper Splatter Milkshake?" "I am NOT spending fifty bits on a milkshake!" "But...But... It's awesome, and I don't have the bits," "You're lucky I'm buying your food in the first place. The last thing you need is that milkshake anyway," "What's that supposed to mean?" Arrow asked before I patted him on the stomach to signify what I believe she meant. He looked at me with a frown while I was grinning up at him before saying, "Don't worry, just cut out the soda and you'll get much better," "I don't even drink soda that often!" "I know, It's not like I'm much better," I said as I patted my stomach while chuckling a little, "Not at all" A large building that appeared to be made of various sugary food came into view after we walked for a few minutes. Arrow and Button both seemed to become possessed by Sugar hungry demons as they both rushed ahead of me and Loving only to stop when they reached the door and realized that we were still halfway down the street. As we approached a group of three fillies covered in chocolate came out of the building with disappointment of their faces. I don't know why they'd be sad I mean they're covered in chocolate one of the most beautiful things on the planet! One of their faces however seemed to brighten up when she saw Button, but quickly turned away when he looked at her and waved. "So... This is a bakery? I'm kind of worried that if I go in a witch will eat me," "What?" Arrow asked which resulted in me face-hoofing. Never face-hoof kids it hurts a lot more than a face-palm. "It's an old story about two kids who go out into the woods and find a gingerbread house. I'm not going to tell you the entire thing though" Taking a step into the building I was immediately hit with the smell of chocolate, donuts, and other baked goods, and I could see all of said baked good behind a glass showcase. My stomach rumbled at the sight which caused confetti to shoot out of a nearby trash can with a pink mare flying out of it. "HELLO," The pink mare practically screamed in my face before jumping across the room landing behind the counter. I was surprised, confused, and still freaking starving all that the same time so I didn't question what happened and just accepted that these horses are also confetti ninjas. "Can I get...-" "Ooooh, you're new in town! You must be the new colt Loving is taking care of" "I suppose I am... As I was saying can I get-" "I'm Pinkie, and I-" "Please let me speak," "Whoops, sorry I talk a lot more than most ponies care for because I just talk and talk which amazes most ponies because it seems that I never take a breath, and I never realizes that I'm talking too much unless somepony tells me I am so-" "You're talking too much, Pinkie," I said which finally got the overly energetic mare to be quite long enough for me to order something from the many, many sweets that they had for sale at this place. Arrow wasn't able to get the Milkshake he wanted, but he did get one that was bigger than my head which in all honesty should of taken him longer than four minutes for him to drink. I however was eating my food at a slower pace so I could actually enjoy it though Button's staring was making me uncomfortable. I understood that I was new to him, and I was going to stay with him for awhile but I could do without another shadow. I finally had enough of it after maybe ten minutes of his constant staring, "What?" I asked which came out with a bit of a hiss slipping into it. Arrow and Loving glared at me while Button shrank away before whispering, "Sorry," "Sorry, I just don't like being stared at. It makes me feel like people are judging me," Arrows glare softened a bit after my apology and reasoning. He probably remembers how bad I was when one of the fillies back in Manehatten made fun of how I spoke; It's not like I was hurt I just didn't want to talk to anyone for awhile... "Oh... I'll just, um" "I didn't mean to say it like that, Button. You can look at me just don't... just don't stare, please" It's hard for me to speak to new people especially when I get annoyed and say something that I don't mean, but I don't want Button or Loving seeing me as someone who will get angry at everything. After awhile we eventually finished our food, and began heading toward where I would be staying. The house was relatively similar to all the other building around with it being two stories with a few windows and a garden out front. Arrow decided that this was the time for him to leave for his friends place where he'd be staying for as long as I was here. Entering the home I looked up to Loving who was still looking at me with a slight angry expression, but I didn't blame her after all I did get angry at her son when I had only just met them. She lead me through the house passing various rooms until we arrived at a door at the end of the hallway. "You will be staying in Button's room until we can get the guest room ready for you" She said in a rather flat tone. Button walked in first with me following in after him; his room had a large T.V. against one of the walls with what looked like a Nintendo 64 connected to it. Normally I'd be excited to see one of those, but after screwing up so much in one day I just wanted to go to bed and forget about my day. "Hey, Chance. You want to play mareio world?" Button asked with two controllers next to him. "You really want me to play with you?" "Sure! I like playing with somepony else" "Even with how I acted earlier?" "You don't like being stared at. It's not like you got angry for no reason," "Sure, Button I'll play a game with you." We played various games through out the night while Button talked about various things he found interesting while I listened, and told him various things I liked. Maybe I was quick in assuming that he would just be one of those ponies that would only annoy me. > Breakfast Anyone? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Breakfast Anyone? I woke up in my bed with my good old alarm clock blaring louder than a volcano that had too many burritos for dinner. I stretched my arms and legs, and I received some satisfying pops from my back and neck. The sun outside was shining into my bedroom through the window that didn't have any curtains on it, strange. It was not matter though as I got up from my bed so I could go and say good morning to my mother before I'd head out for a college interview today. As I walked through the hall a very familiar smell was ever present in the air, and only grew stronger the closer I got to the kitchen in the house. As I grew closer I began to recognize the smell as Bacon, and there was also something else, Pancakes maybe? Whatever it was it definitely smelled good, and it probably tastes even better if mom used her special pancake recipe. Just before I reached the kitchen however I passed my older brother's door which hasn't been opened for a long, long time. He was a complete ass to me while he was here, but he was always there even when I didn't deserve him to be. I looked down toward the floor because I couldn't bare to think about him anymore; Not since he disappeared a year ago without leaving a trace. This wasn't something I could dwell on though as I had to be at that interview in half an hour. "Morning, mom," I said as I walked into the kitchen with my mom by the stove flipping pancakes like I thought. She didn't seem to notice that I said anything though so I tried again, "Morning, mom." Again she didn't do anything so I decided to walk over toward her to see why she wasn't talking to me. When I got closer though everything started to get bigger and darker for some reason. My mom turned around and I saw her; not my mother but that damn mare that trapped me. "Good morning, Lucky" She said before grabbing onto my hand which was now a hoof attached to a blue leg. I started to panic, and flailed around in an attempt to loosen her grip on me, but it only grew tighter! I had to do something, anything to get her off of me when I realized that the pan was still on the stove. I reached for the pan, and thankfully I was able to grab it and hit the mare over the head with it. She screeched in pain as I realized that the pan was searing hot, and it had left a scorch mark on her face! I was free though so I took this opportunity to run as fast as I could to the front door so I could get out and find help. When I opened the door however, The neighborhood I grew up in was replaced by a strange city with ponies everywhere and they were all looking at me. I froze under their gaze as I remember all of this happening before somewhere, but I couldn't remember when. I felt something grab my shoulder though, and I was pulled back into my house which was now just a bedroom with the windows boarded up. I looked around and saw the mare walking toward me with a demonic smile across her face. "Are you ready for another big day, Lucky!" I curled up into a ball and began whimpering. "I want to go home! Please, God let me go home!" I cried out as I felt the mare's magic envelop me. *** I shot up out of bed in a cold sweat. I took in my surroundings to realize that I was still in Button's room, and there was no crazy mare about to poke at my brain with her damn magic. Looking toward the window I saw that it was still early morning, and that nobody was currently awake. Turning to the clock on the wall I saw that it was currently 5:30 in the morning, but since I'm one of those people that can't sleep after waking up I decided to be nice to these ponies, at least this once. I quietly made my way out of Button's room so that I would wake him up which was actually difficult considering all the junk he owned. I entered a hallway that lead to some stairs, and tiptoed or tiphoofed in this case down the stairs to make sure that I wouldn't make any noise that would wake up anyone in the house. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I realized that I didn't know where their kitchen was and promptly facehooved. After rubbing away my self inflicted pain I began to explore the place to see if I could find the kitchen anywhere. I did find a few interesting things in my search as well which included a Gameboy, (though it did say Joyboy) a few stray bits, and one Playmare magazine. I was not going to open up that magazine as I've already seen one of them in Manehatten, and that was enough to last a life time. In the end though I found the kitchen right beside the living room which is probably where I should of started at. I made my way into the kitchen, and started to look around for where I might find what I need to make breakfast for everyone. The first thing I had to look for was pancake mix so I could get started, and after that I can try to make some Hay Bacon again. I started looking in the lower cabinets in hopes that these ponies put their food down there, They did not. Looking up I saw a row of cabinets a few feet above me; I sighed before getting to work in getting up there. After searching around I had a broom, a chair, and a lot of legos stacked on one another for my plan. I positioned the chair and used my magic to open up the cabinets so I could place the tip of the broom in them. I then hopped up onto the chair and used the broom as a tightrope while holding the legos to help keep my balance while I made my way across the gap. To say I succeeded on the first attempt would be a lie, but I did get close! After much trial and error as well as a few modifications to my plan which included that Playmare I was finally able to make it into the cabinets! I lit up my horn and began my search for the great pancake mix that made me waste a solid half hour to get. It took a minute or two, but I was eventually able to get it before I threw it down for use with making breakfast. Next on the list was milk and butter; I sighed as I knew this wasn't going to be easy either so I went ahead and opened up the fridge door. I was pleased however as the milk wasn't on the top shelf like I thought it would be, and not only that I found some Blueberries! I was much happier than I should of been, but then again I haven't had Blueberry pancakes in over a year so I had a right to be excited. My excitement gave me the energy I needed to make Bacon, but sadly the Bacon would be one of the harder things to get this morning. I however had a semi ladder to use this time however so I began climbing up the fridge toward my prize. The shelves creaked and groaned as I made my way up them, but they can't complain this is bacon we are talking about! I finally reached the freezer after a lot of climbing, but I was finally able to grab the bacon so I could actually begin making breakfast. I took one last look at the clock to see that it was now 6:20 so I had plenty of time to make this the best damn breakfast they will ever eat! *** some time later*** "What smells so good?" Loving asked as she walked into the kitchen to see me setting the table with three plates filled with food, and one extra plate for anyone that wanted seconds. I was grinning at her slack-jawed expression when Button came in behind her with a smile across his face. "YAY, PANCAKES!" He said as he ran toward the table and took a seat with one of the plates ready. He wasted absolutely no time before he stuffed his face with pancakes. "Slow down, Button," Loving said which caused Button to look over toward her, and smiled revealing a piece of Hay Bacon rather than teeth. I swear I can still hear the sound of a hoof smacking into a face at an incredible velocity. Loving then turned toward me before she asked, "Did you do this?" "I figured that I didn't make the best introduction yesterday, so I figured that making breakfast would help. It did, right?" I asked as I looked her in the eyes to make it harder for her to lie to me. She giggled a little before saying, "You went to all this trouble, because you think you made a bad impression?" I nodded before pointing to the chair at the end of the table. "That's your stack" I said before taking a seat beside button who went back to devouring the entire plate of pancakes. It was actually quite flattering to see someone enjoy my cooking so much, but it was something that I did normally so I wouldn't get to see people enjoying it too often. "Where is , Seas' food?" Loving asked which caused me to choke on a piece of Hay Bacon I was gorging on. "Who the he-" I looked over toward Button who was listening into the conversation, "-ck, who the heck is sea?" "Oh, right you haven't met my husband yet. He came in late last night, but he should be up in a few minutes," Well looks like seconds for everybody just became this Seas' Breakfast, but I supposed I should of figured that she was married since she took me in with her already watching Button. I then heard heavy footsteps come from the stairs which was a telltale sign that someone was about to come down them soon. I finally saw the stallion when he entered the kitchen. He didn't really stand out from any other stallion I've met other than his coat being the same brown as Button's, and his mane being almost pure white. He looked over toward me before he spoke, "Loving, why is there a random colt at the table?" > The Welcome Wagon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4: The Welcome Wagon "I'm here to take over the world. What about you?" I said before pushing the extra plate of pancakes and Hay Bacon over to him. I don't think he understood I was joking as he was just staring at me as if I was an enigma. "Open, this is Chance. The colt we are looking after," Loving said to the dumbstruck stallion who was still processing the fact I was sitting here. He eventually came out of his stupor and turned toward Loving before whispering something I couldn't really hear, but I did hear something about next month so it's something. When there semi quite chat was finally over Mr. Seas decided that talking to me might be a good idea. "It's nice to meet you Chance. I was told you'd be here next month though so excuse my remark," Seas said as he extended a hoof toward me. By the way he spoke I could already tell that I was not going to like this guy at all, but I've jumped the gun with that feeling before so it could be wrong again. Putting my feeling aside I extended a hoof and shook his before saying, "You don't have to apologize for something like that; it was perfectly reasonable to question why randomly appeared," Letting go of his hoof I let him sit down at the opposite end of the table from Loving. Breakfast was rather quite until everyone was done, and Seas decided to speak, "Those pancakes were amazing! Did you try a new recipe, Loving" "Actually, Chance made them, Open" Open Seas looked over toward me with an eyebrow raised. I nodded a confirmation to him before shoving another pancake into my mouth, and humming happily. Mr. Seas was eyeing me up and down which was starting to get uncomfortable, and I was about to say something when Button cut in, "Hey dad can me and Chance go to the arcade today?" Thankfully Seas looked away from me to Button so he could answer his question face to face. It was apparently okay so Seas handed Button ten bits and was about to hand me some until I pulled out a small pouch from my vests pocket. "You'd be surprised where I find money," I said as I tossed the bag up repeatedly catching it as it fell. While I did find Bits rather often I also made them in other ways as well. *** "Got any eights?" "Go fish. Got any kings?" "eeyup" "I win! Now pay up" Arrow then handed me another fifteen Bits before challenging me to another rematch to get his other 75 Bits back. *** "Alright then, but I think Button should show you around town first." Mr. seas said before looking toward Button who was squinting up at one of the cabinets I was going through for the pancake mix. Following his gaze I saw exactly what he was looking at, and I was somewhere between laughing my ass off or covering his poor eyes. I didn't get a chance to do either though because he just had to ask, "Mom, what's a Playmare?" Loving's eyes shot open at the question, and my decision was final. I fell off the chair laughing at what was going on as Loving was frantically grabbing for the magazine to hide it form Button while Mr. Seas just stood there stupefied by the whole thing. It took me a solid five minutes before I finally was able to stop laughing long enough to focus on the magazine, and bring it down. Loving tried grabbing it out of the air as I floated it over toward me, but I kept it just out of reach to make this take as long as humanly possible. Button had snapped away from the magazine to look at me while I made it levitate just above his mother who was trying desperately to grab a hold of it. She eventually realized that I was purposely keeping it out of reach, and decided that I had fucked around long enough. "CHANCE, YOU DROP THAT MAGAZINE THIS INSTANT" The sudden yelling made me jump, and it caused the magazine to land right next to Button with it opened to one of the more lewd pages. Loving quickly grabbed Button and shielded his eyes while I took a moment to appreciate the fact that Button had caused all this trouble from noticing a magazine. I decided that this had to end with something though so I took a look at the magazine and said, "Elephants got smaller dicks than that guy!" Everyone in the kitchen froze and turned to me as I picked up the magazine with my magic and handed it to Mr. Seas before I walked over to Loving, and pulled Button out of her grip. "Want to go jogging with me and Arrow, Button?" *** "A Playmare?" "eeyup" "And you just left?" "yeah" "You just can't go a day without causing trouble, can you?" "I'm an eighteen year old who is trapped in a magical colts body! you think I wouldn't abuse it!" I said as me and Arrow turned the corner, and started making our way back toward Button's house. We had been jogging for a good hour, and Arrow had asked me about my morning which I'm sure he's enjoyed so far. His ears however were splayed back, and he whispered something, "I really wish I could help you..." "What?" I asked as I didn't hear him right, and it sounded like he said something about a fish. He didn't respond though which kind of caused us to drop the conversation all together because he wouldn't respond to me anymore. This was one of the annoying things about Arrow because when he says something quite like that he wont talk anymore until we would split up. I eventually gave up trying to get him to speak again because I realized it was a waste of time just like always, and I decided my time was better suited for looking around town as we went by. All the buildings looked exactly alike with the only exceptions being stores and the gardens in front of them being in different patterns. The one thing that really stood out was a crater in the center of town which Arrow said was where the old library stood before some jackass blew it up. I was going to see if Arrow would let us go by the crater so I could see if any old spell books survived, but while talking about it he said that all surviving books had been moved to that weird castle in the middle of town. This meant one of two things, I could go and have access to many books about magic or I could go and be denied entry from what used to be public books. I was hoping for the former as my research was only just starting to bare fruit in Manehatten when I found that old tome in their library. "Hey, you're that new colt in town!" an orange filly said which snapped me out of my thoughts. Her mane was a type of purple and looked as if it was purposely made to look unkempt. She was looking at me with a quizzical expression, and waved a hoof in my face to try and get my attention, "Sorry, I was distracted. You're right, though" I said before looking behind her to see two more fillies running over toward us. "Why'd you run off like that, Scootaloo?" Said the yellow one with a red bow in her even more red mane. She looked over toward me or rather toward my ass, "YOU DON'T HAVE A CUTIE MARK" "MY EARS!" "whoops, sorry I got a little excited. I'm Applebloom, and that's sweetie belle" She said motioning toward the white filly that had finally joined the rest of the group. Arrow was looking toward me expectantly, and I knew exactly what he wanted me to do, "My name is Chance. Nice to meet you all" I gave them a small smile to show that I was being genuine, but I think they took it a different way. "He's shy!" Sweetie said quickly walking over toward me and invading my personal space, "Don't worry, we will help you!" "Wait, what!" that was all I could say before being dragged off by the three fillies to god knows where. Arrow didn't exactly help the situation by laughing and letting them drag me away to 'help' me! ***** "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS...um... what do they call ponies that help shy ponies?" Applebloom asked while I was busy trying to get a yellow pegasus to speak. They dragged me along for some convoluted scheme to get me to be less shy when really I just don't want people giving me their problems again! I however felt bad for this poor mare as she was absolutely silent the whole time until I finally decided to ask her why, "I was waiting for you to finish speaking," I facehooved as I realized that she was just being polite, and not just extremely shy toward children. I wasted a solid hour of my life talking to this mare for absolutely no reason; looking over toward the crusaders I saw them all looking at there own asses with a sad expression forming on their faces. "Looks like we have to try something else," Scootaloo said before turning toward me, "Can you-" "I am not dealing with this bull sh-" Everyone in the room was staring at me; waiting for me to finish my sentence, "Never mind, I'm just done with this!" "Why not!" "Because you dragged me along to deal with a problem I don't even have!" "So, I was going to ask if you wanted to help us pull pranks around town!" "Did you say, pranks?" A smile similar to the grinche's formed on my face as I turned toward them and said, "Sure, let's go pranking!" > I Regret Nothing! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: I Regret Nothing! "AAAAHHHHH! GHOSTS" A cream colored mare yelled as she ran away from her stall. The best targets tend to be the easiest when it comes to pranking and from what these girls told me Rose there was an easy target. It was a really simple prank too, I only had to levitate a sheet in front of her to make her go into a full blown panic. We were laughing the entire time, but Rose eventually noticed I was using my magic on the sheet. She was mad to say the least, but with quick thinking and some pepper we were long gone by the time she had quit sneezing. I don't think we stopped running until we were clear across town where our next target would be at this time. "So, how do we go about Pranking your sister, Sweetie?" I asked as I pulled out various items from the saddle bag we got from pinkie when we began our pranking spree. Sweetie looked toward the spa with a mischievous smile across her face before asking, "Do we have any green dye?" ****** Let me just say that the windows to this spa should be more secure. I mean I literally just tapped it and if opened the way to the supply closet. Crawling into the window I checked to make sure the cost was clear before pulling the other three in with me. It did not go smoothly as when I tried pulling Scootaloo in last we both fell backwards into a crate filled with beauty supplies. "Do you mind getting of me, Scootaloo? This is a really weird position for me," I said as I tried pushing Scootaloo off of me. She did pull herself up thankfully so my leg was not permanently next to my head. We both clambered out of the box using the various bottles to give us both a small boost. "Alright, Sweetie. Do you see the bottle?" I asked as I pulled out the green mane dye. "It's too dark. I can't see anything," I responded to that by focusing my magic into my horn giving off a blue light. It wasn't the brightest light in the world, but it was enough to illuminate most of the room we were currently in. After a minute or two I was finally stored enough magic in my horn for me to not have to focus on it anymore; when I opened my eyes however Sweetie was looking at me wide eyed. "Do have something on my face?" I asked as I started wiping my face of whatever it was she was looking at. "No, you... You can control your magic," "Yeah?" "I'm still trying to learn basic levitation. Do you think that maybe... Nevermind," "Don't be scared to ask me something, Sweetie," She seemed to want to keep speaking, but something wouldn't let her continue so I didn't press the issue for now. My magical ability was semi natural, and I say that because from what I understand how I came here left a large amount of magical energy in me. The fact that I'm also eighteen and have a better understanding of the world might of also had something to do with it. After all magic is really all about knowing what you want, and focusing on it until it happens. We however still had a task at hand, and that was finding a bottle of mane shampoo that Sweetie's sister would ask for. It was some really long winded name that I couldn't even begin to pronounce, but I knew it started with a S and had really fancy lettering. Fortunately I found the bottle in question; unfortunately said bottle was on the top shelf in the storage room. "Anyone got an idea?" I asked while looking between everyone. They were staring at me expectantly when I realized what they wanted me to do, "I can't do everything! I'm only huma...I mean I'm only a pony!" Their eyes all widened when I almost told them what I was before I came here. "Did you just say, human?" Scootaloo asked. "No, I said pony. What made you think I said that?" I know I was dodging the question, but these girls were really nice and I didn't want them calling me crazy, like before. I stopped telling new people about my problem back in Manehatten since it only served to make me that weirdo who everyone avoided. "You were about to say human! You-" "I know what I said! Just forget I said it." I pleaded as I began climbing a box that was near the shelf so I could get closer to the bottle. "But Wh-" "Drop it!" I said with a little more spite than I had intended. "She was just asking about it!" Applebloom said raising her voice slightly. "No she wasn't. She was going to call me a freak just like everyone else!" They were all looking at me with quizzical looks before I continued, "I don't want to be a freak anymore. Please, just forget I said anything." By this time I was finally close enough to the bottle to lift it off the shelf, and tossed it down to the girls who were all less enthusiastic about the prank now. I know that I probably said something I shouldn't have, but I already knew this was going to be the exact same as last time. *** Manehatten, week 1 day 4 *** "HA, look at the Freaky colt!" "Yeah what a loser," "I thought you were my friend, Cold," I said looking toward the pure white colt who had told everyone about my problem. "Friends? With you, that's a laugh!" I couldn't take it anymore, and I ran all the way to the apartments that Arrow was staying in. I don't know why I did that; he did let me stay with him however, at least until the ponies looking after me came for me later that evening. ******* We finished emptying the bottle, and refilling it in a few seconds getting out was the problem. None of the girls were looking me in the eye anymore so I knew I already screwed up; at least I had a week of fun in Manehatten instead of one day! As soon as the bottle was refilled I started climbing back up the boxes to replace the bottle. "You really thought we'd call you a freak?" Scootaloo asked from below me. "Why not? Cold jumped at the chance to be popular with that," "Cold doesn't sound like a very nice pony," "I thought he was when I met him. Shows what I know about people," A silence fell upon the room as I put the bottle exactly where I got it from. I even made sure to have the label facing the same direction as it was when I grabbed it to make sure there was no way they could tell someone messed with it. Just as I placing it the door cracked open which caused me to jump and fall off the shelf back into the crate me and Scootaloo were in earlier. The girls were hiding behind the door as it opened to reveal a hot pink pony. She walked in with an air of calm about her as she looked up toward the bottle we had just filled with dye. Looks like our mission was successful because she grabbed the bottle and began to leave the room when she stopped. I froze because she turned toward the crate I was hiding in and started taking a few steps before being called back by another pony; she stared at my crate for a few seconds before walking back to the door and leaving. I sighed in relief before climbing out of my crate and looking toward the girls who had serious expressions on their faces. "Before you start poking at this without context, lets enjoy a prank well done," I said taking a few steps toward the window we entered from. "Chance, we wont tell anyone about what you said," Applebloom said before walking up to me, "Pinkie Promise" She then did various motions that ended in her touching her freaking eye! The other two did the same before walking over to me, "Yeah, we'll even help keep ponies from bullying you," Sweetie said before giving me a random hug that was a little uncomfortable, but hey free hugs! These three barely knew me and they just promised to keep my problem a secret for me; I began thinking that I was being cynical toward these fillies so I decided to so something nice for them. What that nice thing would be was still up for debate because I barely knew them either, but hey it's the thought that counts. After all of that was over we quickly made our exit through the window we had entered from so we could get front row seats to the show. When we got back outside I realized that it had gotten really late as the sun was about to set so as soon as I saw the Sweetie's sister's reaction I'd head back to Button's for the night. We quickly made our way to the waiting room where two ponies were moving around frantically as one white unicorn with a green mane was staring into a mirror, complete shock on her face. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at her complete shock over her hair as if it was irreversible. She did however take note of our laughing and looked directly toward us with a scowl before yelling, "SWEETIE BELLE!" With that we all booked it in different directions, and I said a silent prayer for Sweetie because she'd have to deal with that eventually. I did not though so when I was certain that her furious sister was far behind me I started making my way back to Button's house where Arrow and Loving both were standing with a worried expressions on their faces. When their eyes landed on me however, they changed from worry to furry; with that I knew I fucked up big time. > Never Mind, I Regret Everything! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: Never Mind, I Regret Everything! "Where in Tartarus have you been, Chance! It's eight!" "Oh, give me a break, Arrow. Besides I would of been with you if you didn't pawn me off!" "I didn't-" "You let three random fillies take me away while you laughed!" "You needed friends so I figured that-" "It's a good thing you were right." I gave Arrow a huge grin before hugging his leg, "I was with them all day," "You still didn't check in with either me or Arrow. We were worried sick!" Loving said when I finally let go of Arrow's leg. "I didn't think about that." "Chance, you have to check in with us. What if something happened to you?" "It'd be my problem, not yours!" I said raising my voice a little by accident which only served to make them angrier with me. I didn't wait for their response since I knew it would only be more angry words for me so I pushed past Loving and made my way upstairs. They of course were calling for me the entire time, but I ignored them which would bite me later. I made my way into Button's room before borderline slamming the door shut behind me. Why should they be able to get angry with me when I do exactly what they wanted? I hated this back home, and I hate it just as much here; just make up your damn minds before getting me to do something instead of getting pissy because you changed your god damned mind afterword! So I decided to say fuck this, and moved over toward the window so I could get out without their noticing. I may have been on the second story, but there were a few bushes just below the window to cushion the fall albeit a little painfully. I was just about to jump into the bushes when a voice sounded behind me. "Chance, what are you doing?" Button said taking a few steps toward me. "Leaving," "Why?" "Because of... you know what. you don't need to know," "You sound like mom and dad," That caught my attention as he said it with a rather sad tone. I took a step away from the window so that I could have a more face to face conversation with Button. "What do you mean by that, Button?" "When they argue and I ask why; they say I don't need to know," I took a few more steps away from the window so I could get closer to Button who was sounding more and more depressed. By the way he was saying all of this it made me think that leaving might not be a good idea; not because of me but because Button is going to need someone who understands what he will go through. I was finally next to Button and gave him a hug which he responded with trying to push me off. I however kept my grip on him, and he eventually stopped and just accepted the hug. When I go home I think I might take one of these ponies just because they are so freaking soft; I mean they are literally as soft as... I'm getting off topic aren't I? "Listen to me, Button. I wont leave until I've found a way home," "But you are home," "No, my home Button," "Why can't you just go there?" "Because of... because..." I couldn't tell him why I was trapped, could I? Those fillies didn't make fun of me so maybe Button here wont either. "Because I'm from another world, er universe... actually I'm still not sure about that," "Really?" He asked in a rather skeptical voice, "Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but-" "That's so cool," "Wait, what?" did he just say cool instead of 'Oh my Celestia he's a freak'? "Yeah, I mean you probably get to go on lots of adventures," "I don't, but what I want to ask is; you actually believe me?" "Sure! Its happened in video games so why not real life?" I couldn't argue with that logic, and it means that Button might help me to get home in the near future. All I needed was to find a book that held the spell that brought me here in the first place; with Button here I might be able to find said spell faster. Looking over to the clock I saw that we had been standing here for awhile actually as it was about 9:30 now. I decided that going to bed might be a good idea as being bitched at was my near future, and I needed all the energy I could get before dealing with it. Button however wanted to have another night of gaming, but I got him to agree to let me sleep while he played his games on a low volume. Climbing into my bed, I snuggled into the pillow and drifted off as I began to dream; in this case however it was another horrifying nightmare. ****** "I LEARNED HOW TO WALK AGAIN! NOW COME IN HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!" I yelled as I repeatedly hit the door with my front hooves. I've been in this god damn room for about a week now and ever day that crazy horse would come in here and fuck with my head whether or not I agreed to it. I kept hitting the door with all my might, but it wouldn't move an inch; I was however able to cause a bit of damage to it when I kicked it as hard as I could. It wasn't much, but it meant progress so I started kicking the door even if I fell onto my face repeatedly. I had to get out of here if I ever wanted to see my home again; the more I kicked the more chips would fly off in random directions causing the floor to look like a beach made of saw dust. I kept at this for a few hours until I heard footsteps coming from the other side of the door which made me realize she was coming! I quickly made my way over to where she left me last time she saw me so she wouldn't realize something was wrong. My plan was all on the hope that she didn't hear my yelling earlier so she would leave the door open like usual. "Lucky, are you ready for another big day?" She said as she opened the door and walked into the room. She looked over toward me with her damned smile, and started walking toward me at a cheery pace which only served to make me more horrified. "Before you do that magic mumbo jumbo can I ask you something?" I asked hoping she would take the bait and by me the time I needed. "Well, I suppose that you deserve at least some answers. go on ahead," "Alright, can you tell me if THIS HURTS" I yelled as I rushed toward her causing my horn to impale on of her front legs. She cried out in pain as I pulled my horn out of her leg, and booked it out the door into a dark hallway. I didn't have time to think so I rushed over to the stairs to my left so I could get lower, and hopefully find a way out of this hell hole! I rushed down as fast as I could, but seeing as I just learned how to walk again I tripped and face planted on to the floor causing my nose to start bleeding. It really hurt, but I couldn't focus on it as that mare was now at the top of the stares with a wicked grin across her face before she spoke, "You can't get away, Lucky. You are mine!" "Say that when you don't have a hole in your fucking leg," I yelled back as I booked it through the hall way I had entered toward a door. I threw the door open, and quickly shut it behind me which resulted in a thump from the other side, "You really fell for that!" I called back before turning and seeing a window that lead to the streets. I decided that getting cut up by glass isn't the worst possible thing so I jumped for the window causing it to shatter under the force. Once I was through the window I did a small victory dance before realizing that there were more of these horses all around me. My heart started to race as they all stared at me with varying expressions, and a few of them started to move toward me. I was not going to let any of them grab me so they could start fucking with my head so I ran in the opposite direction. I darted into alleyways, dumpsters, and even jumped through a hole in someones fence at one point to avoid being caught by any of those damn horses; I was almost out of there too but one of those horses wearing armor grabbed me. He told me my mother was worried about me which confused me because how could he possibly know who my mother was. I realized he was talking about that mare when she came into view with a grin and thanking him for finding her 'son'.He handed me over to her without question, and I wasn't able to protest because when she used her magic on me she did something to my vocal cords so I couldn't speak; when we were back at her home she spoke quietly into my ear, "That was a bad idea you know. Now I'll have to speed up our day so I can keep schedule!" her smile only grew larger when she realized something, "I've read that these spells work better when you're awake. Are you ready for a really big day, Lucky?" I whimpered silently before the door shut behind us; freedom was so close but it was stolen away from me. > Grounded > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7: Grounded I woke up in a cold sweat again from those nightmares I keep having, damn mare. I didn't bother getting up as I already knew I'd get an ear full this morning when I got up so why rush it? I however was not able to push this off forever as Button was up and currently poking at my face. "Button, why are you poking me?" "I'm trying to see if your disguise disappears after touching it," "What disguise?" "You said you're an alien thing so you must be wearing a disguise to avoid notice!" "Hate to break it to you, but this isn't a disguise. When I got pulled here I was forced into this body." I said as I stretched out my hooves to show that it was all real. He poked at my foreleg just like how he was poking my face because apparently that's how disguises work here. "Why?" "I don't know, That mare never gave me a reason," I said as I put my hoof down since Button seemed to be satisfied with the amount of times he poked me. Normally, I'd of told him off for poking me but I don't think Button needs to worry about me getting angry with him over every little thing. "Sooo... um, what do you want to do today?" Button asked as he started walking toward the door of the bedroom. I hadn't really thought about what to do today, but those books in that castle might be worth looking into today. Well that is probably the best thing I could do today anyway so I'm either getting into the castle through the front door or I'm using a catapult, but seeing as catapults aren't a common commodity I would have to hope for the prior. Right before we got into the hallway however Button stopped and reached for something behind his bed. After a moment or two of pulling he was finally able to get it out from behind there; I was wondering what he was grabbing for until he turned around with a fucking mustache on his face! "Button, why do you have a mustache?" "I'm not Button, Chance. I am 'the stache'" I heard a thousand hooves smacking into faces that moment, and it was glorious! We just continued out of the room while Button was pretending he was Manes Bond which is clearly a James Bond knock off! The more of these horse puns I hear the more brain cells I feel cry out in agony before turning to mush. He would roll on the floor and hide behind walls as we passed by until we got to the stairs and he slid down the rail. I just kept going along as if nothing was going on because I both didn't want to ruin his fun, and It was actually kind of funny watching him; he had even made a theme song for himself while doing all of this too! When we both arrived at the bottom of the stairs though Loving and Seas were in the middle of arguing over something. I was closer to them so before Button could hear I pulled him over to the front door so we could go ahead and get the day started Right when the door opened though I heard Loving call from behind me, "Chance, I need to speak with you," Well you can't win them all so I started moving toward the kitchen where Loving was sitting. I noticed that seas wasn't around anymore, and I was about to say something when I heard him talking to Button. "Give me back my mustache, Button!" "But it's so cool!" "The same thing happened over the summer you know," Loving said as she turned to face me, "You wanted to talk?" "Yes. earlier this morning miss Rarity came by with her sister, and they said some interesting things," "Oh, that," "You know I'm going to have to punish you," "I don't think you know me well enough to now what punishment works," "you're grounded for a week," "Okay," She wore a shocked expression on her face; probably due to the fact a kid just told her he was fine with being grounded for an entire week. "Just let me go to that castle so I can see if I can get a book," "Alright," She was still skeptical about what had just occurred, but I was used to this response from whoever was watching me since it only gave me more time to look a for a way home. Ground me I read a book. Take away the T.V. I read a book. Take away my book I read another book. Prevent me from reading my books I sneak into where the books are and take them back. Dealing with punishments like that are all about mentality, and finding loopholes that you can exploit. With one shocked Loving care by my side I made my way to the castle that was really out of place in this small town. Button had decided to come along too so he could see if he could find a Daring Do book that was recently published. He was of course welcomed to come along though he kept trying to ask me about where I'm from which I was fine with, but it only served to make it harder not to think about how much I missed everyone. It was about a ten minute walk from Button's house to the castle which was a lot taller than it looked from where I stood before. Two guards stood by the gate, and judging by their armor they were brand new recruits. I only knew this because Arrow told me about how the armors have subtle patterns to indicate rank so guards knew who to report to, but criminals couldn't tell who was giving orders as easily. Taking a few steps towards the door the blocked the entrance with their spears. "Halt, no civilians allowed within the castle," "We're just here to see if we could borrow some books that used to be in the library," Loving said while giving the guards a smile. Both guards held their steely gaze. They clearly weren't going to let us in willingly so I had to try to figure out another way inside though it would take some time, and maybe a few slingshots. "Sorry, Chance. You're still grounded though," "For what?" "For not checking in, and turning Rarity's mane green," "Oh, right. If I apologize can you not ground me?" "I'll make it 5 days instead" "3 days" "Deal!" > I'll just sit here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8: I'll just sit here That Sunday passed without anything note worthy happening aside from Button coming back home with eight sets of mustaches. Where did they come from; I have absolutely no clue and Button wont tell me! That is beside the point though because aside from that nothing happened for the rest of the day, and I mean literally nothing. However my first day of being grounded is over, and if Rarity decides to come by for the apology I am a third of the way done. Staying in this house all day wasn't exactly the best thing to happen, but I at least didn't have to go back to- "BUTTON, CHANCE! TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" Loving called from down the stairs. I just happily sat up from my bed, and said the one thing I always said on school mornings, "I can already feel my soul being crushed," Unlike me Button was already up, and he was still glued to the T.V. like I left him last night. I remember Loving telling Button to not play those games all night earlier so when she came in after a few minutes; I pulled out some popcorn that I had stashed earlier in my nightstand. "Have you been playing those games all night, again?" she asked in a rather stern voice to a delirious Button Mash. I'm not sure he even knew where he was because he replied with something about a salad; she was not amused to say the least. She ended up unplugging the neightendo, and taking it somewhere Button wouldn't find it while he cried out for it's return. I didn't care since there were better ways to spend my time, but I realized something. I have school today. Last time I had to wait a week before being forced back into school which brought up a certain question for me; why the hell do I even have to go to school here? I've already proven that I know more than a filly or colt would normally know, and even if they don't believe me about my history they should be able to tell that making me go is a waste of time. I decided to go through my normal morning routine since it was basically the exact same as my school morning routine back in Manehatten. On my way to brushing my teeth though I stumbled across Loving who was walking down the stairs so I decided to ask her about why the hell I'm going to school my second day here. "Well, Chance. We knew you were coming ahead of time so we went ahead, and did all the paper work," "I literally got here three days ago! Don't I need more time to adjust to my surroundings?" "Arrow said you'd try that. In other words no" Loving said before continuing down the stairs leaving me at the top to decide how to properly kill Arrow without his notice. I sighed before making my way into the nearby bathroom for Brushing my teeth with some hay toothpaste. I always wondered why they made literally everything out of hay, but that would probably never be answered. When I finished up in the bathroom I made my way back toward Button's room so I could get my vest before heading out. I was the opposite of happy when I walked back into the bedroom because I saw Button wearing my vest, and one of his mustaches that he brought back last night. "Button, would you kindly remove my vest," "But it's-" "Don't care. That vest is mine," I said while walking toward him with one of my hooves outstretched. He looked at me then my hoof then back to me before removing the vest. He wasn't happy about me taking back my vest or about me cutting him off, but he has no idea what me and this thing have been through so he just needs to suck it up. I didn't take his mustache along with the vest so he shouldn't complain about taking something that has literally been with me since I was freed. The rest of the morning went off without a hitch until I met open seas by the door where Arrow was waiting to take me and Button to school. Button had forgotten something in his room so I decided to talk to see what was up. Seas was apparently aggravated about Arrow's being there; I wasn't sure why until I got close enough to hear what was being said, "I'm taking my son and Chance to school. Not some random stallion my wife is sleeping with," Arrow was staying calm and collected while Seas kept on with his rant; for about three seconds. "Hey, you do not, and I repeat DO NOT insult Arrow or I swear I'll-" "Calm down, Chance. You don't have to help," "Let the boy speak, whorse" OH HELL NO! "YOU DO NOT CALL HIM A WHORE!" I started moving toward him when Arrow grabbed me by the barrel so I wouldn't rip seas' face off of his god damn head! "LET ME GO SO I CAN RIP HIS DICK OFF!" "Chance, calm down. This is below both you and me" Arrow said still as calm as ever. I've never seen Arrow get angry, and that was one of the reasons he became my personal guard; I might not have said that right. He only became my escort because I asked for him to be because he saved me from that crazy mare when she came back for me. ***Canterlot, 2 weeks after freedom*** "No one is out here, Lucky.No princess to hide behind this time" The mare said as she started to circle around me like a wolf. The fact it was about 2 AM only added to the Illusion; the fact we were out in the park didn't help things either. I was backed into a tree, and had no way of escape that I could exploit. No matter what I did I couldn't get away so I did the only thing I could, "HELP ME!" I know you're going to ask why I didn't fight back; you see I couldn't use my magic to well and using my horn to impale her would require me to surprise her. She laughed at my pitiful attempts to call out for help, and she even started yelling for help to just to mock me even further. "See, Nopony is coming for you" When she said that a shadow swept past her before disappearing. She didn't seem to notice it, but I did. Even if I wasn't sure about those Pegasi that were around; it did give me a little hope that one of them actually was around. She took another step toward me when we both heard someone shout from nearby, "Step away from the colt." We both looked toward the brown pegasus in golden armor who was currently walking out of a nearby bush. "I don't think so," with that she threw a few magic bolts at the pegasus who just shirked them off as if they were nothing. "You realize that this armor isn't just for show, right?" The mare started to get annoyed at the fact her magic had absolutely no effect on him. She turned toward him, and charged at him with her horn. She wasn't able to get far however as one of her back hooves was smacked by a stick; the one I had grabbed to be specific. The guard made his way over to the mare so he could arrest her, but she teleported away before he could disable her magic. I was really shaken up by the whole encounter, and the guard took note of this before making his way over to me. "Hey, hey. It's okay little buddy. She's gone now." I hugged one of his legs while I thanked him, repeatedly. "Where are your parents?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you" "Try me," So I told the guard everything, and of course he didn't believe me about my humanity. He did however recognize me when I brought it up however as I was the talk of the town for the past month. "Wait if you're Lucky Chance, that means that must of been Jungle Vine. 500 bits gone like that," "What do you mean?" "She's got a bounty on her for using that magic she used on you, Chance" "Well thank you sir," "My name is Arrow Dodger, sir is for the higher ups" He took me back to where I was staying then. He would check up on me to see if I was okay from my close encounter which was another reason I liked him. From that point on Arrow became some what of a big brother to me, and I believe he sees me as a little brother all things considered. Either way he has kept me safe from that mare every time she found me; which is why I get really defensive when someone insults him. ****** I was certain Seas was going to say more, but Button had finally returned from his room with his propeller hat on and his saddlebags. Seas just grumbled, but didn't continue the issue for now so Button and I walked with Arrow toward the school this morning. I wasn't even able to give seas a thrashing, but I suppose beating the hell out of one of your guardians is not proper so I would wait another two weeks before doing so. Arrow kept on walking as if nothing had happened, and Button didn't say anything probably because he didn't know what had happened. I hope he doesn't find out about it because I want to keep my friend, but I don't want to ruin his and his dad's relationship either. That however isn't a problem as long as no one brings it up. > I'm not weird...I'm just different > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9: I'm not weird...I'm just different "-and then I shot an arrow at him just before he could finish me" Button said excitedly. He was talking about one of the hardest games to ever be created, and it apparently was both here and at home. He was talking about how he had played Dark Souls or rather the pony equivalent of it as a fucking archer! That is a feat in my opinion since most bows in that game aren't useful in boss fights or any other fight for that matter. "I call bull!" I said while I was next to Button who looked at me as if I had killed a puppy, "But...but I did" "You killed Gwyn Lord of whatever with a bow. How am I suppose to believe that!" "I'll do it again, and this time I wont use the estus flask!" "Let me know when because I have to see this train wreck," The school was now in sight, but I was worried about Arrow. Normally he'd be more talkative about how estus sounds a little like estrus, but he's been silent the entire time since we left Button's house. I think seas might of gotten into his head or something so after school I'm taking Arrow to that bakery for the milkshake he wanted. I'm not expecting it to make him forget this morning, but I am hoping it will get him talking about it so it wont eat at him forever. We were in front of the school now where a magenta colored mare was standing. Many of the children seemed happy to see her, and gleefully greeted her as they walked into the school. With all of that I assumed she was either the teacher or a substitute everyone absolutely adored having. Button seemed pleased to see her as well because once we got close enough he ran over to her, and hugged her leg. "Good morning to you too, Button" She said with a soft smile before looking toward Arrow and me. "Hey cheery," Arrow said in a kind of sad voice. The mare's expression faltered for a second before going back to her original smile; I'm not sure but I think these two have history together. "Hello Arrow. I thought you were in Manehatten," "I was until a few days ago..." "Well it's nice to see you, Arrow" She seemed to have stressed the nice part of that sentence as if it was difficult to say. There was silence after that, and the tension in the air only grew thicker until I decided Arrow didn't need to suffer through this anymore. "Hello, Ms Cheery. I'm Chance," The mare broke her gaze off of Arrow to look towards me with what I assumed was meant to be a smile, but it looked more like she was constipated. "Nice to meet you Chance. I am Ms Cheerilee," "Oh, sorry..." "It's fine, Chance. We will begin class in a few minutes so go ahead and find a seat," I was a little uncomfortable when I left Arrow's side to head into the building. After all I didn't know anybody here- "HI CHANCE!" "MY EARS!" I yelled before covering up the floppy things with my hooves as fast as humanly possible. Once my ears finally stopped ringing from the sudden yelling I looked toward where the damned noise came from. I saw three familiar fillies sitting near me while talking and pointing at me with exaggerated movements. "I told you we shouldn't surprise him like that!" "I thought he'd like being welcomed like that," "He literally did the same thing as last time!" "Maybe it's how he says hello," Scootaloo said toward Applebloom who was shaking her head in what I believe was annoyance. "He's from Manehatten, not another planet," While those two continued arguing over how I greeted people Sweetie Belle noticed me watching the fighting, and bent over to my ear to speak, "They do this a lot," "You aren't picking a side?" "Nope," We watched them continue their bickering for a few minutes before Ms. Cheerily came in, and called for everyone's attention. Everyone started moving to sit in the various desks that filled the room; only one seat was left open which was next to a pink filly wearing a tiara. I tentatively took my seat next to her, and kept my eyes forward in hopes that she wouldn't bother with me. "Hi," CODE RED, CODE RED WE NEED TO DISAPPEAR NOW! "Um...hi?" WHAT ARE YOU DOING! NOW SHE EXPECTS A CONVERSATION! "Why are you wearing that?" I looked around myself for several seconds before realizing she was pointing at my vest. "It's um... It's special to me," I said trying not to sound all weird like. Why was I so nerves around this filly? She looked like she was going to say more, but stopped herself and turned toward the teacher. I followed her lead and looked toward the front of the class so I could get out of this awkward situation. Cheerilee was currently calling out the names of the various kids in the class while I tried to not shrink into my seat. As long as she didn't call me up to introduce myself I would be fi- "Also we have a new student. Would you kindly come up here, Chance?" GOD DAMN IT! I rose from my seat and began walking toward the front of the class. I was hoping that they would just start talking and completely ignore me, but it was silent and I could feel them staring at the back of my head. Before I could walk in front of people easily, but I just couldn't do it anymore for some reason; I blame my lack of hormones. When I was near the front of the room I tripped over my own four hooves and face planted into the floor. I quickly picked my self up and continued moving toward the front despite everyone laughing at my stupidity. I didn't look up at all even when I had reached the front I just kept my eyes down so I wouldn't see their faces. "Would you kindly say your name for the class?" "My name is um... Chance," "Could you say that a little louder?" "My name is Chance," "One more time so the ponies in the back can hear you," "My name is Chance. Can I please go back to my seat." I pleaded taking my eyes off the floor to look up at her. I think she realized I did NOT like being up here and nodded before continuing on with the class. When I returned to my seat I could just feel all the eyes on me, and I wanted to just fade out of existence so they would stop staring. "Are you alright? You're shaking?" The pink filly asked which made me look down at myself to realize that I was in fact shaking worse than a volcano that was currently erupting. "I'm fine. Just a little cold," I said trying to pretend as if nothing was wrong. "It's actually really hot you know," "I'm cold-blooded?" It came out more like a question, but it didn't satisfy the filly's question as she continued on with it. "Listen, I just don't like being the center of attention okay." "What's wrong with being in the center?" "Nothing. I just can't take being focused on by multiple people." "People?" "I mean ponies, sorry." I was praying that she wouldn't question my choice of words when A piece of paper was handed to both me and the filly. "We will be conducting a group project this month everypony!" The pink filly groaned before Cheerilee spoke to her directly,"Do you mind working with Chance, Diamond Tiara?" "Do I have too?" "No, but Chance would appreciate it." "If she doesn't want to work with me it's okay.I tend to work alone anyway" I said cutting into their conversation. Cheerilee looked toward me with a slight frown while Diamond's expression was unreadable. "Are you sure, Chance?" "I've worked alone on these types of projects before. This way no one can take credit for my work." "Alright then," She the proceeded to give instructions on the project. Apparently there was a special constellation that only appeared every two-hundred years or so; it only lasts a year before it disappears and it turns out that the constellation appeared eight months ago. One good thing about the project is that Cheerilee has special permission to go into the castle's library to retrieve certain books. Why she is able to but not other people I don't know, but I think it has something to do with knowing that new princess pony that came up earlier this year. The rest of the school day went off without a hitch, and by that I mean that there was a math test that I decided to go ahead and take. I didn't have to take the test, but staring the year off with a good grade wouldn't be such a bad idea. It was mostly simple adding and subtracting with multiplication and division problems sprinkled in every now and again. Once the test was over for everybody it was time for recess which was really strange for me after high school. Walking out into the yard beside the school I said one of the most important questions today, "What the hell am I supposed to do?" > Fort Epicness (No pirates allowed) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 Fort Epicness (No pirates allowed) "CLOSE THE GATES!" "PRIVATE BUTTON IS STILL OUT THERE THOUGH!" "CLOSE THE GATES, AND USE THE CANNONS PRIVATE CHANCE!" I rushed to the front of Fort Epicness. Two boxes were lying beside the entrance to our fort which lead to the battlefield where private Button was currently fighting the dastardly pirate Pipsqueak! Looking through the opening I pushed the two boxes together sealing the fort from invasion. "GATES ARE CLOSED CAPTAIN RUMBLE!" "GOOD, NOW MAN THE CANNONS" "WHY ARE WE YELLING WHEN WE'RE RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER?" "I don't know actually," "Well I'm stopping; it's kind of hurting my throat," After that I remembered that Button was still out there while Rumble and me were talking this entire time. I than ran over to the side wall where our 'cannons' were stockpiled; grabbing a handful of the pine cones I moved over to the side wall and looked out over the battlefield. Button and Pip were locked in sword combat, and by that I mean they were using sticks we found near the edge of the school yard. It was actually kind of funny watching them bash the sticks together with such determination when this was just a game Button decided to start with his friends. The only reason that I'm part of it is because I literally had nothing else to do other than chill beside the wall and pretend that I don't look like a creeper. I could of went with Applebloom and her friends, but they were only talking about getting their cutie marks which I had no interest in. I mean really, who wants their destiny decided by a tattoo on their ass? "FIRE!" Rumble cried which snapped me back to reality. I levitated one of the pine cones and took aim at Pip or rather his general direction since magic is a bitch to use. Right when I was about to throw the pine cone a voice sounded behind me, "Surrender, Chance," Dinky said excitedly over having snuck up on me and Rumble. I dropped the pine cones and let my hooves down in defeat while Dinky smiled at her victory for about four seconds. "surprise!" Rumble said before pouncing on Dinky from the side. "Hey, that's cheating!" "nuh uh," "yuh huh," "Nuh uh," "uh huh," I facehooved over the fact they were actually doing this right now. If I see a llama that says it's an emperor I am done, and I will NOT go on an adventure to turn him back into whatever the hell he was! "Did we even make any rules?" I asked as it just crossed my mind that the only thing we said was that we were supposed to either capture or defend Fort Epicness. That was it, we never said anything about what we could and couldn't do so how do we keep this from becoming unfair exactly? I mean what if someone was to hit me while I'm having an internal monolo- "Suprise!" Dinky said as she whacked my head with her stick sword thing. I was dazed for a few minutes to say the least as I spent most of that time trying to figure out why there were four Dinkys in front of me. Something wet and warm was sliding down my head as well, and I swear I could smell copper. Both Dinky and Rumble's eyes went wide before they ran out of the fort calling out for Cheerilee to come and help me for something. I reached up to feel what it was sliding down my face, and when I pulled my hoof back was when I realized it was blood. I should of realized it sooner, but I was a little busy trying to ignore pain while counting Dinkys. Three very familiar fillies came into the box fort in a few seconds instead of one mare which made me think either something was wrong or they just show up at the worst times. "Are you okay, Chance?" "Of course he isn't okay scoots, He's bleeding!" "I bleed when I fall off my scooter; it's not big deal!" Did they really only come in here to argue about this? Yet again sweetie seemed to be the one that wanted to see if I was okay. "Do you need help getting up?" Sweetie asked extending a hoof to me. I shook my head side to side to indicate I didn't need her help, and proceeded to get up on my own. It wasn't that bad of a head injury as far as I could tell so why were they all acting like I was crippled? I took a few tentative steps towards the entrance of the box fort before my head felt like it was being split open by a shovel. I hissed in pain but kept going despite my heads protests to being awake in general. I just kept on moving until I was outside the box fort where everyone else was waiting for something. They all gasped when there eyes fell upon me which didn't bode well for my 'it's a scratch' theory. "Can I get an Ice-pack?" After I asked that everything went fuzzy before I fell over onto the ground. Everything around me started to swirl and distort. Even the voices of the various ponies around me were becoming hard to understand. Just before everything went black I could hear Dinky say, "I'm so sorry," ****** "Just...Fucking...Break already!" I cried as I kept pulling the chain around my leg as hard as I could. She put this damn thing on me the day after I was almost free; If that damn horse didn't stop me I wouldn't be here! I kept pulling on the chain in hopes that it might break somehow, but I had been pulling for hours and it hasn't moved an inch. I kept pulling until I could hear those damned hooves coming from outside the door. "Lucky, it's a beautiful day isn't it?" The mare said as she trotted happily into the room. Her leg was wrapped in bandages from where I stabbed her with my horn. "It's always a beautiful day when I get to see your leg like that, Bitch!" "Oh my, Lucky. That is incredibly rude!" "No, trapping me here against my will is rude," "It's for science!" "There is this thing called ethics; I think you should get some." She started charging her horn up before facing me directly, "I enjoy these big days with you, Lucky," She pressed her horn against my head. I can't even begin to describe the pain of it all; the only thing I could compare it to would be breaking every bone in your body seven times while a conga line of elephants went over you. I could see glimpses of my old memories as she continued on. "Where are you?" She asked as I began to lose focus and lose consciousness from the pain. > I really don't like you > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11: I really don't like you "That had to hurt," "It did, but it's still funny as hell" "You were hit at your horn's base. That's not-" "It's the equivalent of a nut shot for a unicorn! I don't even care that it still hurts" I said while I was walking beside Arrow and Button. "Why are you laughing about it? Aren't you mad?" "I was pissed for about 5 seconds. Then I said fuck it all," I quickly covered my mouth after saying that before looking over to Arrow. He was glaring at me for swearing in front of him yet again. He never liked my swearing so I tried to cut back on it around him because he wouldn't say anything other than it's bad character. That respect is why I don't swear around him to often; it's kind of a mutual thing I suppose. "You still got hit pretty hard. Are you sure you're okay?" Button asked walking up to my side. He was eyeing the new wound just below my horn. "You should've met my brother. He would randomly hit me in the nuts for fun!" "You had a brother?" I realized what I had just said and looked toward Arrow who's ears were currently angled toward us. I never told Arrow about my brother because there wasn't a reason to. That's what I told my self anyway, but I really just didn't want to think about Ryan. "I did," "Why'd you say it like that?" "I don't want to talk about him, alright" One thing Button seemed to understand was when to lay off. He didn't push the topic any further until we got closer to his house. He gasped before sprinting ahead toward a cream colored earth pony that had a guitar slung across his back; Loving was talking to him about something with an extremely happy expression. When Button got Close enough to the Stallion he yelled, "GIBSON!" The stallion's expression immediately changed from a smile to one of annoyance. That couldn't be a good sign, but Button kept on going as if nothing was wrong until he finally tackled/embraced the stallion who kept his annoyed expression. After a literal second he pushed Button off of him with a hoof before checking that guitar for scratches I assume. "Don't tackle me Button," The stallion simply said. "But you just got back!" "I was only gone for a month," "I know. wait, you haven't met Chance yet!" Button said before running over to me and Arrow. He bit into my vest before dragging me toward the stallion. I don't like being dragged around so I tried to plant my hooves into the ground only for button to continue pulling me and a big pile of dirt.When I was finally face to face with the stallion he face hoofed before speaking, "Dear Celestia. Button I don't care about your friends," "You don't have to be an ass about it" I said which earned the attention of everybody nearby. Arrow was once again glaring at me while Loving's mouth was wide open. The stallion however had to say something because I just called him an ass, "Listen to me you little shit I-" "Watch you fucking language; there is a god damn kid here!" I said before pulling Button beside me to emphasize that there was a colt here. "CHANCE! Can you stop cussing for 5 minutes?" Arrow asked rather harshly which was weird for him. I think that everything that's going on for the past few days might be getting to him so that milkshake is definitely on the to-do list. I sighed before nodding my head and backing away from the stallion who Loving was currently whispering to. "Why didn't you tell me before I got home?" "He got here two days ago, and we didn't even know until a week ago," Loving said to the stallion who appeared to be very frustrated. "Just keep him and Button away from me," "Gibson..." "I just got back home. I don't want to deal with them right now," I really wanted to sock this dude in the face right now, but Arrow would stop me before I could give him a proper beating. Loving sighed while Gibson walked into the house before giving me a dirty look and closing the door behind him. It was silent outside with Button walking over toward me with a smile on his face for some reason. I was just about to ask when Button started talking, "That was my brother, Gibson!" "He seems a little..." "No, he just likes to hang out with his friends. He sometimes lets me help him with his music!" "Really?" "Yeah! I get them water, snacks, a cactus-" "A cactus?" "One of my brother's friends asked for one. I had to ask the Cutie Mark Crusaders to find it," I wanted to ask him who the hell the Cutie Mark Crusaders were, but I realized that Arrow was currently looking toward me with a questioning look. I told Button I'd talk with him more later which he was fine with for now. I walked over to Arrow who was still waiting for me to walk over to him; once I was next to him he asked, "You remember your family?" "I do," "Where are they?" "I don't know where my brother is if that's what you're asking," I said that with a little more spite than intended, but every time I talk about my past everyone dismisses it. Even Arrow did because humans are myths and legends here, but that only served to make me even angrier when I talked about it. "Why not?" "I don't want to talk about it," *** 2 years ago*** "Get up, Chance," I stretched my arms out, and they 'accidentally' hit Ryan's face. "Whoops, sorry," The air went out of my lungs after I said that and a pain began to manifest itself between my legs, "Cheap shot man" I said between gasps. "Don't punch me then," "Stop being an ass then," Once again the air went out of my lungs and the pain surged through me again. "We're going on an adventure. Now get the fuck up," "Where?" "You remember that legend about the abandoned church in the woods?" I remembered that legend involved spirits, and those who fucked with them dying so I told Ryan exactly how much I liked the idea of going there, "I'M NOT FUCKING WITH GHOSTS MAN!" "Don't be a pussy," "The pussy tends to live longer in movies," I thought he would give up after that, but instead of leaving he flipped the mattress I was on. "We're going," "Why do you want me to go with you anyway?" "Because I haven't been here in four years," "So college made you forget about everything?" "Just fucking come on!" ******* I shook my head of the memory before it went any further. I was not going to remember that fucking nightmare, and I was not going to remember how I fucked up! Arrow was behind me with his expression remaining completely unchanged from how it was when we left Button's house. "Where are we going, Chance?" "Trust me. you'll be happy when we get there; speaking of which..." Sugar Cube Corner came into view which caused Arrow to give me a perplexed look before asking, "Why are we here?" "You'll see" We took a few steps into the bakery where the pink pony was currently behind the counter. She looked over to me before smiling an inhuman smile that literally went beyond her head "Hi, Chance!" "Hey. Do you think I can get a Super Duper Splatter milkshake?" Arrows eyes widened when I asked that and I'm pretty sure I saw a faint smile cross his lips. "Here you go," "Really? I just ordered it," "I knew you were coming," I am not going to even begin asking questions because the less you know the happier you are most of the time. After handing pinkie over fifty bits Arrow and I sat in one of the corner booths; I was facing toward the door because I prefer knowing where an exit is at all times. Arrow was happily slurping away on the milkshake as if it would disappear in the next five minutes. It was good to see him smiling over such a simple thing since he seemed to be really stressed since we got here. I felt a smile creeping onto my face as well until I saw a certain mare walk in from the door. Her coat was a mint green, and her mane was a similar shade with white being mixed in with it. Why I noticed her of all ponies was because that was who kidnapped me six months ago! She simply did something with her hair to brighten it up so nobody would recognize her, but I did. You can never forget the eyes of someone that cruel to you. My heart started beating faster, and before I knew what was going on I was halfway down the street with bits of window glass in my hooves. She found me again, and that was terrifying considering that this is the third time since I escaped. I realized that no matter where I went I couldn't get away from her. That was when I noticed a forest when I was on the edge of town. She's found me in every city I've been too so I figured that maybe she wouldn't be able to find me in the forest. I changed direction so that I was now on a course that would lead me directly into the trees; I heard Arrow calling behind me to stop but I couldn't risk her getting me again so I ran in. That was a big mistake. > Never Free: part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12: Never Free: part 1 I was still running even after I stopped hearing my name being called. I knew that mare was still behind me because she never gave up, and she probably never would until I was either dead or hers. Though Running into this forest might not have been one of my better ideas considering the fact that I was now completely lost. I had been running for a long time too considering that it was a full sprint, and it's getting dark out when it was only four when I ran off. My legs were aching and the glass in my hooves stung like someone poured hand sanitizer into a paper cut. I knew I had to find somewhere to stop and rest ,but that crazy mare could be anywhere so if I stopped I'd have to find some shelter that would give me an advantage over her. This was when I found a cave that was perfect for the situation. "I both hate and love my luck," I said to myself as I took tentative steps toward the cave in question. The caves entrance was extremely big, and the roof looked like it had jagged teeth. I couldn't see extremely far into the cave because of the moon not giving off enough light to see further into the cave. This is one of the times I asked myself 'where did it all go so wrong' I know the answer, but I don't want to accept it. *** 2 years ago*** "You got everything?" "I still think this is a bad idea, Ryan," "It's just a myth, Chance. Don't worry, I'll protect you from any monsters," "You just have to be an ass over my superstitious side," ****** NO NO NO GET OUT OF MY HEAD. I shook my head vigorously of the memory before it could play anymore of that fucking day. I was not going to put myself through all of that again! Once I was able to focus again I started making a plan on what to do so I could survive out here until either Arrow finds me or that crazy mare does. First off was to claim that cave which would be just setting up a fire in it, and finding a particularly hidden spot to sleep in. Secondly I'd need a weapon to defend myself; good thing there are plenty of sticks and rocks around here. Finally I'm going to need a source of fresh water. Food was in there somewhere, but I hopefully wont have to eat anything I find out here due to having no survival training on what wont kill me. I took a few steps into the cave before lighting up my horn so I could see more than a few feet. This cave was huge, and I'm not exaggerating when I say that it could fit an entire stadium in it. One thing did send up some flags though; the cave walls had scorch marks all over the entrance and I could see silhouettes in some of the walls. For most people they'd turn tail and run, but I see an opportunity here. If whatever caused all those burns is still in here I have the ultimate defense, but if it's not I have plenty of room to run around and hide in. I dimmed the light in my horn so that i could still see, but whatever might be in here couldn't spot me as easily. When I got really deep into the cave I saw something shining in the distance which caught my curiosity. I calmly walked toward it to see what it was, and I was not disappointing. There were bits literally everywhere in this pile; I could by a fucking mountain if I wanted to with this much money! I bet you're wondering what I did next. You see, I swan dived into that bitch! You can't blame me for doing that I mean a bit is made of fucking gold! "So this i how scrooge mc duck lived," I said to myself as I swam around in the metal coins that absolutely filled the cave. That was until I bumped into something scaly and warm however. I heard a very loud grunt before the scaly object turned over to where I was currently sitting/floating. I was horrified to realize that the scaly object turned out to be a big green dragon. "Another thief? Can you roast yourself because I'm tired," "Did you really just ask that?" "Yes I did. Now scram before I decide to do it myself," "How about this, I stay and don't fuck with your stuff and you let me chill in here," "No," "Okay, how about this I am going to stay and you are not going to complain," "Is that a demand," "It is and don't think I'm scared of your scaly ass!" On the inside I've been quaking in fear this entire time. This entire conversation was just in the hopes that I could bluff the dragon into protecting me. "You got a pair kid. Don't shit in the cave," it said before rolling back over and falling back asleep. With that said and done it was time to start setting up what I'd need to survive out here which just got significantly easier. First things first however, so I began to remove the glass that was now firmly stuck in my hooves. Good thing about hooves is that they aren't made of flesh so they help prevent pain. Bad thing about hooves the glass took almost three hours to get each bit of it out of both of my hooves. My hooves were in extreme pain the entire time, but I couldn't worry about that because I still had other things to prioritize right now. I went outside of the cave to get a few sticks and some leaves before returning. I piled them on top of one another while keeping a few just in case I had to try again. I began to focus on the leaves in the piles and before long there was a small fire dancing around. I sat there and stared into the fire for a long time before I started to slowly drift off to sleep. > Never Free: part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13: Never Free: part 2 "There it is," "Great, we saw it. Now lets go home," "Let's go inside," "Enjoy dying then," "You are coming with me," "No I'm not" "Chance, don't you want to-" "I'm going to stop you there because I do not, and I repeat do NOT fuck with spirits," Ryan started walking toward the church knowing that I'd follow him anyway. He always abused my fear of being alone like that, but even when I called him out on it he'd deny everything. "What's the worst that could happen?" ****** "STOP!" I cried out to my brother; I realized after a moment that it was only a dream or rather a memory. "Stop what?" A deep voice asked behind me. I didn't pay much attention to him however as I was still thinking about that day that I couldn't save Ryan. I started to curl up into a ball, and started to repeat the words, "i'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that," "Calm down kid! What's the matter?" I felt the large being get closer to me, but I shrank away from him. I am a horrible person; I don't deserve to be alive when my brother burned to save me. I can't keep going like this I can't. Who's going to die because of me next, Arrow? I froze at that thought; Arrow was the only pony to stick by me even when it would of been better for him to leave. I just ran without thinking of the consequences and it just now hit me that he might be worried. What the hell is wrong with me. "I'm a horrible person," "What makes you say that?" "I hurt so many other people without thinking about it!" "Do you mean to hurt them?" "No, I just want to live my life," "You're not a horrible person. You make mistakes just like everybody else," "Do those mistakes get people killed?" I asked sarcastically to the giant lizard. He didn't speak, probably because even a dragon could tell that I was the worst possible thing to be around. I however felt something being draped over me before I looked up at the dragon. "A pony gave me this blanket. I burnt down a small village by accident while learning to control my flames. When the ponies of that village demanded my death she stopped them. I asked her why and do you know what she said? She said that it wasn't my fault that I wasn't able to control myself. My point is that bad things are going to happen, but you shouldn't let them destroy you," I wasn't sure how to react to this dragon. Yesterday he asked me to roast myself and now he's dropping wisdom about how I'm not a bad person. He however was trying to be nice to me for some reason; whether this is because he's nice or he has something to gain has yet to be seen. My stomach started growling before my train of thought could continue, and I'm pretty sure dragons don't eat fruit or vegetables. I realized that it might be a good idea to go back to town, but if that mare was still there...I felt a chill roll down my spine. I could try eating the grass I suppose but last time I tried that I was sick for a week. How was I supposed to know that the glass was plastic? I mean it was in a park for fuck's sake! "Chance!" I heard someone calling from the entrance of the cave. My scaly friend seemed annoyed over the disturbance before looking toward me and saying, "I'm not letting another pony in here," "I'll go see who it is. You are really pissy, you know?" "I can still roast you and have no regrets," "Then you wouldn't get to see my pretty face anymore," You haven't heard a facepalm until you meet a dragon that does it. I swear the entire cave shook from the sheer force of it. I stood up before levitating the blanket over to the dragon. I then started walking toward the cave entrance to see who it was. When I reached the caves entrance my heart started to beat faster and harder than a war drum. That mare was standing right beside the caves opening, and she was looking for me. I did the most manly thing that moment, "HOLY HYENAS HARASSING HIPPOS WITH HARPOONS!" I yelled before booking it back to the deepest part of the cave. My dragon friend was currently taking a bite out of a ridiculously big ruby when he noticed my running. "What's going on?" "KEEP HER AWAY FROM ME!" I cried as I ran behind the dragon. He was confused for a few moments before looking toward the cave mouth where that mare was walking in. I was visibly shaking now and I'm pretty sure that the dragon could tell I was terrified of the mare that was walking in. "LEAVE!" The mare didn't expect to see my new friend and I could see the color drain out of her face. She was shaking almost as bad as I was. She however did speak, "I-I'm Sorry to d-disturb you Mr. dragon, b-but I'm looking for a c-colt," "Don't let her take me," I said hiding myself further behind the dragon. The mare however noticed me and called out to me. "Chance? Everyone in town is worried about you. I'll take you back safe and sound," "FUCK OFF, I know exactly what you'll do if I go with you!" I said. My dragon friend seemed to take this as his cue to start roasting the damn monster. His cheeks puffed up and his nostrils started to leak smoke stacks while the fire built up in him. The mare wasn't going to stick around when she would die so she ran out of the cave faster than a road runner. He couldn't exactly just make the fire go back into his lungs so my scaly friend released the fire out of the caves opening. I looked out to see that there was a clear path of smoke and ash for at least a quarter mile. "DAMN, lay of the onions man!" "I like onions!" "Wait, really?" "Yes," Food problem= solved "Do you thin that I can eat some of those onions of yours?" "First you barge into my home and now you want me to feed you!" "Yes?" "I swear, I should just eat you" "I'll give you indigestion though" I think I heard the start of a chuckle from the dragon before a bag of onions dropped on my head. "Don't eat too much," "I do what I want!" *** 2 hours later*** "I'm going to die!" "I told you not to eat to much," My scaly friend said while relaxing on his bed of gold coins. He might not be the most pleasant or caring company, but he still could of fried me at any point and he did try helping me. I figured that a day and a half was probably long enough in the whole not knowing each others name thing. "My name is Chance," "What?" "My name...it's Chance," "Oh, I'm Fire Catcher," "Sounds painful," "I'm a dragon and I breath fire!," "It's still fucking fire," "Watch your mouth!" "Sorry, I just got 'heated'," I said with a small grin appearing on my face. He was definitely groaning over that pun I just made and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off the entire time. I made my way over to my little campfire that had long since gone out. I was about to go find more sticks to burn when a wall of flame erupted in front of me. Looking up I saw Fire smiling down at me before moving back to his hoard of treasure, and falling asleep. I don't know why this dragon is helping me so much, but I appreciate it. Maybe I should do something nice for him... > Never Free: part 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14: Never Free: part 3 (like every boss fight) "Sapphire!" "Ruby!" "Sapphire is better!" "they're the same game, but Ruby is better!" "Why am I even arguing about this with a dragon?" "Because you saw the Joyboy in my hoard!" "Oh yeah... Sapphire!" "Shut up Chance," F.C said as I tried to continue our battle over the ponymons! I don't care that I'm eighteen this shit will never die and these ponies understand that. I didn't even realize that it was nightfall until I noticed a bright orange glow on the walls. We had been arguing over this for four hours which is surprisingly short in comparison to some of my other arguments with the ponies. The glow on the wall I would of just chalked up to my fire going, but it was brighter and a lot bigger than it should be. I turned my ears toward the cave entrance to see if I could hear anything; I could hear a lot of hoofsteps entering the caves entrance. "CHANCE!" I heard Arrow call out from the entrance. F.C heard him as well and had his claws come out. "WAIT! I know him Fire," He let his claws fall back to the ground and nodded for me to go meet arrow. I began walking toward the entrance where Arrow was waiting. His expression was one of worry until he saw me then it was pure relief. "Dear Celestia, Chance!" Arrow said as he started hugging me tightly. "Hey Arrow..." "Are you okay? Lyra came back into town saying a dragon was holding you hostage and -" "I'm fine, Arrow," I wasn't looking him the eyes while he asked me all these questions. I mean how could I when I ran away from him and caused him to worry about me for 2 whole days. He finally let me go to inspect me for any injuries when he caught sight of one of my hooves which were still covered in scars from the glass. "I'm so sorry, Chance," "About what? You're sorry about my fears because you shouldn't be," "I'm supposed to protect you, and I let this happen to you," He said motioning toward my hooves. He pulled me back into the hug and I heard something from Arrow I didn't think possible. When I felt the tears hit me I knew it; he was crying over me. Why is he so worried about me when I caused him all this grief because I couldn't simply let him handle everything. "It's not your fault, Arrow. I shouldn't have ran away," I felt tears welling up in my own eyes the more I thought about how much I fucked up. I couldn't cry though I'm a man for fucks sake! Tears started to leak out of my eyes anyway so I just let it go and began crying with Arrow; it felt good to let that out. "Lets get you home, Chance," "Arrow I...I-" "I know," "Before we go. let me say goodbye to Fire Catcher," "Who?" "The dragon who looked after me while I was out here," "Oh shit!" I was about to ask him why he just said that when a very tall white alicorn walked by him with a very angry expression on her face. I was confused as to why she was here when I heard roars from the inside of the cave that were definitely not pony. "FIRE! LET ME GO ARROW!" I yelled as I tried pulling away so I could help my friend who roars became louder and louder each passing moment. Arrow wouldn't let me go however so I had to do the one thing I could think of and bit his hoof causing him to drop me suddenly. I ran toward the back of the cave where Celestia and Fire were currently though Fire was a bloody mess and Celestia was still her pristine white. "Back away little one. I'll protect you," She said giving me a small smile before pulling a boulder out of one of the walls and raising it over Fire's head. I couldn't let her kill him because of my stupidity so I did probably the worst thing possible and tackled her before rushing toward Fire who was barely concious. "I'm here, Fire. I'll protect you," "Bad things happen..." "...but you shouldn't let them destroy you," "Good kid, now go on and leave before they decide that you are dangerous too," Celestia had walked up behind me during our conversation and picked me up and handing me to arrow who had just caught up to us. "I think he has Stockholm syndrome. Bring him by his therapist tomorrow," Celestia said before picking the boulder back up in her magic which caused something in me to snap. "YOU WILL NOT TOUCH HIM!" I yelled as fire erupted around me. I don't know what exactly was going on, but I didn't care they were going to kill something that had done nothing wrong. I was not going to let that happen because of my incompetence. "I will kill you if you try..." *** 2 years ago*** "This place is really freaky," "It's just an abandoned church, Chance," "Demons like taking these places over man. For the irony of it I think," I said as I slowly walked toward the center of the small building. This place just felt wrong in every sense of the word. "You really believe that shit?" "Yes I do. People get stuck between worlds sometimes and demons like stealing souls," "It just seems a little childish to me," "You can't explain everything with normal logic so I use superstition to fill the gaps," He was looking at the podium and his eyes went wide at whatever it was he was looking at. "I don't think this is a bible man," he said as he lifted up a book that's cover was completely blank and seemed to be made of some kind of leather. This was really fucking weird so I took a few steps toward Ryan, but the closer I got to him and the book the more I felt like something was wrong. "It sure as hell isn't. I don't think we should mess with it," "I want to see whats inside," He opened up the book and a chill ran down my spine. A feeling of dread enveloped me as he began reading. He was also one of those people that speak when they read; I couldn't understand what he was saying but it sounded evil. When he reached the last word flames erupted near us revealing a creature of fire. "RUN!" I yelled to him which he gladly obliged. ****** "STOP THIS INSTANT, CHANCE!" Celsestia said with an authoritative voice in an attempt to get me to stop defending Fire. "DROP THE ROCK AND I MIGHT!" Celestia didn't lower the rock and instead shot a beam of magic at me. I jumped to my right before sending a fire ball directly at her. She dodged it with ease before attempting to throw another magic bolt at me which hit one of my legs making it go numb. "GIVE UP, CHANCE. YOU'RE ONLY MAKING THIS WORSE FOR YOURSELF!" "I WONT LET YOU KILL MY FRIEND!" I yelled back at her before tossing another fireball at her which she dodged. The fire went flying for a few feet before it hit something. I heard a yelp of pain from behind Celestia causing us both to turn toward it to see Arrow was on the ground with severe burns on his legs. The flames around me died instantly as I limped toward him in hopes that it was just an illusion, but when I got there they were as real as could be. "I'm so sorry, Arrow! I didn't mean to-" I blacked out before I could finish my sentence. > Look into your heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15: Look into your heart "What the hell is that thing!" "I don't know; want me to stop and ask it, Ryan?" "DAMN IT CHANCE! Now is not the time for sarcasm," Ryan said as we were sprinting through the woods that surrounded us. We've been running for at least an hour because we literally couldn't stop. I decided to look behind my shoulder at one point and nearly had my eyebrows burnt off from that things fire. "I said we shouldn't have come here, but nooooo. You had to fucking see this bullshit!" "I'm sorry, Chance. You are lucky I have a plan," "What is it?" "Just keep running!" he said to me while I kept an eye forward for something I'd need. When a low hanging branch was in sight I grabbed on and kept running causing it to break off. Now I just had to find some water... ****** My head felt as if someone just danced on top of it while trying to stomp on a spider at the same time. I could smell disinfectant in the air, and a few other things, but I wan't sure what they were. A beeping noise was going on near me; at this point I realized I was in a hospital but I didn't know why. Opening my eyes I saw that I was in a bland white room with one window, and a nightstand. I was covered in a blanket that hid the majority of my body. I decided that getting up, and seeing why I was here was a good idea so I tried to sit up only to be caught half way. Something was holding me down to the bed; I couldn't move. The heart monitor next to me started to beep faster. Everything around me started changing for some reason; until I realized I wasn't in a damn hospital. I was in a dark room with a boarded up window, and I could hear hoofsteps outside the door. That damn mare came in quickly to greet her recaptured torture doll probably, but I will not let her have me that easily. "GET OVER HERE SO I CAN RIP YOUR HEART OUT!" I yelled toward her. "Why ever would you want to do that, Lucky," "You know why you monster!" Shadows started to appear by the door, but I was more focused on the mare that was beside me now. She was messing with an IV bag that I never knew was in this room before. After a second everything started to get blurry and her voice became distorted, and I was scared. ***Nurse Red Heart point of view*** Why was that colt freaking out so much? He should of realized that he was no longer in danger from whatever it was that put him in danger in the first place. Then again he did pass out from using all of his magic at once which was why he was here. Magic is so complicated when I think about it; I mean you use too much you die and you use to little you can't control it which can cause you to die. I started rubbing my temples over the thought, but it was over now so it was time to check up on my next patient. "Mr. Dodger?" " Please call me Arrow," "Alright Arrow. How are the burns?" "They still hurt a little, but I'll live... I will live right?" "Yes you will. May I ask what caused the burns in the first place?" "It's classified," "These are sever magical burns. Whatever caused them would be extremely dangerous." "Not dangerous, just protective," He said as I began to remove his bandages which revealed his leg which was covered in burns. He sounded like whatever did this to him was doing good, but what good could come out of doing this to a royal guard. "Protecting what?" "Classified. Hey is Charlie here? I heard he got a job here when I left to join the guard," "Dr. Charlie Horse isn't on duty, but I can call him if you'd like," "Thank you nurse," I was almost done wrapping new bandages around his legs when he asked the same question he asked everyday since he got in here. "How's Chance?" "He's fine though he did have a panic attack a few moments ago. Don't worry he's been sedated and should be fine when he wakes up," "What caused it?" "I don't know, though he did say he'd rip my heart out and called me a monster," Arrow was silent for a few minutes after that so I figured we were done conversing and made my way toward the door. He cleared his throat to get my attention before he spoke, "If you tied him down that's why he's freaking out. Same thing happened last time and he told me about certain things; let me know if he goes off again and I'll handle it," "I don't think that would be a good idea," "I'll handle it," He said that with authority behind his voice so I decided not to press the issue for now. Besides I had other patients to deal with after all. ***Chance*** "I want to go home..." I whimpered silently. ****** I was staring at the boarded up window to my prison. I had given up trying to get free three days ago, and the monster knows it. Every time she comes in here she gloats about her victory as if I'd share her enthusiasm. I looked at the chain around my leg, and I felt angry over losing my freedom in such a way. A god damn chain is the only fucking thing stopping me other than the door which was almost always locked. Why can't I just fucking go? what is the god damn point in torturing me like this? WHY SHOULDN'T I RIP OUT HER THROAT WHEN SHE GETS NEAR ME? I kept getting angrier and angrier over everything that had happened until my leg started to feel extremely hot, and my head felt weird as well. I took my focus off of the chain and looked toward my leg where the chain was linked to what used to be a leather strap. That strap however was no longer there and ash had taken its place. I could move again, and I could run again. Today just became a good day. > Hey Doc. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 16: Hey Doc. What happened? I don't remember anything after throwing that fireball and hitting... "ARROW!" I shouted as I shot up from the bed I was currently resting on. I was in a pristine white room that had various posters of pony anatomy on the walls. I could smell disinfectant in the air, and I was hooked up to a heartbeat monitor for some reason. I was in a hospital, but we were in the middle of that forest. How could we have gotten here? "I see you've finally woken up, Chance," Said a pony to my right side. "Insight? What are you doing here Doc. My next appointment is Sunday not...what day is it?" "Sunday. Your magic surged again," "Oh god, please tell me I didn't hurt anyone this time," When I said that I remembered what got me up in the first place. I tried to use my magic to unhook everything that was attached to me, but for some reason it wouldn't work. I didn't understand why until my therapist spoke, "Arrow was the only one to be injured, and he will be fine in time. Your magic has been restrained while you're in the hospital though so you don't end up hurting yourself or me." he said before levitating a cup of tea over to himself. I knew it was tea because he literally drinks nothing else whenever I have one of my appointments. Arrow getting hurt was my prime concern though considering that those burns were pretty horrific when I saw them. I was about to get up when Insight spoke up, "You can see Arrow after your appointment Chance. Don't worry, we will be done in an hour," I sighed before leaning back on the bed and asking, "Where were we last time?" "We were discussing your last day in that hell hole as you call it," "Oh right. So I finally was able to move around..." ******* I was looking around the room for anything that might help me get an edge over the bitch that's kept me here for over a month. Nothing really stood out except for the chain that held me down for so long, but I couldn't use that, could I? Walking over to the rusty chain I observed the metal ring that kept it attached to the floor. "Why would you already have one of these installed in a room?" I said to myself as I observed around the ring. The floor was made of wood, but in some areas the wood was rotting so I was hoping that maybe this board was as well. It wasn't however so that threw that idea out of the metaphorical window. I heard hoofsteps outside of the door once more, and I knew I didn't have a way of defending my self unless whatever burned that strap was still around. Since I couldn't fight her I had to come up with another plan and quick or else she'd make my life even worse here! It finally struck me that I could hide behind the door and hopefully surprise her. I quickly moved to the side of the door and waited while the hoofsteps grew louder and louder. Finally the door opened up, and a gasp escaped my captors lips; she stepped into the room and started looking around for her 'son'. It would of been so easy to just sneak up on her and snap her fucking neck, but she survived a fucking stabbing so that probably wouldn't be the best idea. I ultimately decided to sneak out of the door which she so conveniently left wide open. Thank you stupidity! I carefully creeped around the door so I wouldn't make any noise when I heard a overly happy voice speak, "There you are, Lucky!" "FUCKITY FUCK FUCKING FUCK!" I ran out of the room and quickly slammed the door before a thud resounded from the other side. Did she really fall for that again? The handle started to move so I couldn't stick around to think about how she thought I wouldn't do that again; I quickly made my way back to the stairs that I used to escape last time. "Get back here,Lucky! Our big day can't wait forever," "GO TO HELL!" I yelled back to her as I ran down the stairs. I tripped on the final step sending me tumbling down onto the floor; I actually heard a gasp escape the mare before I got back up and tried to figure out the way I went last time. I had to make a choice so I went left and found myself in a kitchen of some sort. The floor was made of white tiles though there were stains all over them. There were cabinets lining the walls, and the majority of them were rotted and falling to pieces. I could smell rotting food and I believe some air freshener though the smell of something rotting tend to be stronger than flowers. I quickly hid in the fridge that was slightly ajar on the other side of the room in hopes that she would think I ran somewhere else. When I entered the fridge I could tell it wasn't on as it was warm and I stepped in something sticky and squishy. I gulped back a little vomit over what I thought it could be, but what horse would keep organs in their fridge? Then again she had kept me locked in a house that was literally rotting to the point that even termites wouldn't eat it. "Lucky? Where are you? I just want to talk," The cliches! why does every horror movie villain think that their victim will come out by just calling to them? I just kept still inside of the fridge and prayed that she wouldn't check it. The door swung open revealing the mare standing in front of it. "Shit!" "There you are!" She said with a wicked grin as she picked me using her telekinesis. I thrashed about trying anything to escape, but I couldn't do anything, I was finished. I hung my head down as I was slowly carried out of the kitchen, and back up the stairs toward the room I was trapped in for so long. "Why are you doing this?" "I already told you, for science!" "What science though?" "Well I hope to discover-" I dropped to the floor suddenly which dazed me for a minute. Looking up I saw that the top stare had collapsed under her weight which caused one of her legs to drop through. I decided that this was my only chance to get out of here without her being on my tail both metaphorically and physically. I quickly ran back down the stairs and took a right this time which lead toward a door. Looking behind me I saw that the mare had freed her leg and was currently charging at me. "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU CRAZY BITCH!" I yelled as I ran out of my prison into a very busy street filledwith even more of these horned horses that kidnapped me... ****** "...The rest is history," "I see. You've always been quite resourceful when you need to be," "When you deal with assholes all the time you have to be," Insight never cared for my swearing, but he didn't tell me to stop either so I would just say whatever the fuck I wanted. "What do you mean?" "I kind of attract them. When I first came here I meet two right of the bat and I'm living with them," "Who might they be?" "I believe their names are Open Seas and Gibson," "Why do you think this way about them," "Well Open called Arrow a whore for no reason so he can fuck off, and Gibson was a prick to his little brother for no reason. That is a big no no in my book," "Why is that?" "My brother was a dick. I know that, but Button doesn't seem to understand that his is as well. I mean just dismissing him immediately after not seeing him in a month is fucking cold!" "Did you take into account why Gibson chose to act that way?" "No, It shouldn't matter though! A brother is a brother; you do not fuck with that," I realized that this therapy session hasn't diverged into my humanity yet which was weird until Insight spoke up, "An interesting idea, Chance. Now, I believe it is time we discussed your problem," "What problem?" "Chance-" "Do not even start Insight or I swear-" "We can't give you back your family, but we can help you get better," "I am not forgetting my home!" "But you have, Chance. Jungle did too much damage to your mind for you to remember naturally. I'm giving you the option to start again," "Can I say something doc?" "Go ahead," I leaned in close to the doctors ear before speaking, "SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!" "Chance I-" The clock on the wall began to ring which signaled the end of our session. "Good bye, Doctor. Next time I'll bring the donuts," He sighed while I got up from the bed and made my way toward the door. I opened the door and gestured for Insight to leave; he did and I followed him until we reached the lobby area. "Chance, I want you to consider this," "I'm telling you right now. I will not give up my humanity," He turned away from me while I made my way to the front desk where a white earth pony was sitting. She seemed to be distracted by something and was completely oblivious to my attempts at getting her attention; She was just focusing on a file in front of her. "Excuse me, miss.." She put the file down and looked at me. Her expression changed from being annoyed to something else; I'm not sure what it was but she definitely wasn't happy to see me. This was going to be a long day, I could already tell just by how it's beginning. > I'm Sorry > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 17: I'm Sorry "Can I help you?" the white Mare asked looking down at me. You'd think that a mare with pink hair would be a little more friendly toward people, but she definitely didn't care for me. "I'm looking for Arrow Dodger. Can I go see him?" "Are you related to him?" "No," "Only family can visit him currently," "He is family to me!" "I can't bend the rules for you. Now return to your room Chance," "How did you know my name?" The mare facehoofed, "You came in at the same time as Arrow who identified you," "Oh..." Well since I couldn't go see Arrow I decided to head back to the room I woke up in. I didn't get far though as a certain brown colt bumped into me. "CHANCE!" "Hey Button," Behind him Loving was standing and she looked like she hasn't slept too well lately. She wore saddlebags that were filled to the brim with various flowers and fruits. "I don't suppose those are for me?" She jumped a little before looking at me and smiling before saying, "Good to see you're up pants. I mean Chance," "Are you alright?" "I just haven't slept in awhile. I'll be fine," My ears folded back when I realized she probably hadn't slept because of my disappearance; god I truly am a jack ass. Why do I always let instinct take over when it always gets someone hurt or killed... *** 2 years ago *** "FUCK FUCK FUCKING FUCK!" "THAT'S NOT HELPING, CHANCE!" "I'M STILL WAITING ON YOU TO TELL YOUR FUCKING PLAN!" "WE'RE ALMOST TO THE LAKE!" "WHAT, WE GOING TO TRY TO FUCKING DROWN IT?" "SORT OF," "WE ARE FUCKED!" I yelled to Ryan who was covered in sweat and scratches from our marathon through the woods. This thing would not give up and it's almost gotten me and Ryan several times already. I wasn't much better since half of my hoodie was burned off from when that thing grabbed onto it. Twigs snapped as we ran through the forest toward the lake that resided right in the middle of it. Me and Ryan used to come here when it was the weekend so we could relax and blow off some steam. Now it might be our only hope in escaping a fucking demon or some shit. "THERE IT IS!" Ryan cried out as we neared the edge of the murky water. We were almost there, but I could feel the monsters flames rising as we got closer to the lake. I tried to pick up the pace, but my foot got caught on a root which cause me to fall forward. I hit the ground hard, and felt an extreme heat near my back before being picked up. It was hard to look directly at this thing because of the flames, but I believe that it's face was burned to an extreme degree. I mean that like his skin was peeling off and you could see bits of its flesh. It reached up to my face before grabbing my head in it's hands and forcing me to stair into it's eyes. I couldn't tell what was going on, but I saw that book Ryan read out off being used for some ritual. Whatever was going on though ended quickly however when Ryan hit the monster with a broken tree branch. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" My brother yelled as he hit the creature again with the branch which caused it to drop me. He grabbed onto the tree branch and tugged on it which caused Ryan to be within it's grasp. I still had the branch I picked up earlier, but I was scared of this thing. Instead of helping Ryan I ran away because I was so damn scared of dying I ran all the way home and slammed the door shut to keep the monster out. I sat in front of the door for hours until our mom came home worried sick about us. She had been searching for us for hours, but when I told her what happened she didn't believe me! The police searched the woods for months in hopes of finding my brother, but they found nothing other than scorch marks. I went searching on my own after awhile in hopes of finding something relevant to what happened, and I found that damn book by the lake.I kept that book in hopes that it could somehow bring Ryan back, but I was never able to figure out what language it was let alone how to find my brother. It was my fault he's gone; why should I be here when he gave himself up to save me? I am nothing compared to him... ****** "Are you alright?" Button asked as he shook me out of my memory. I had a frown on my face, but I nodded before looking up to Loving, "I'm so sorry for all the trouble I've caused," My ears flattened against my skull and I looked down so I wouldn't have to see the disappointment in her eyes. "I'm just glad you're safe, Chance. Everyone in town was looking for you, you know," "Didn't think anyone cared," "We live in a town that sees its neighbors as friends, and its friends as family," "I like that. It reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago," I realized that I was about to talk about my brother, but stopped myself. I turned away from them and began heading back toward my room with them in toe. Button probably just got out of school since he was wearing saddle bags that were filled with paper and books. He was smiling though so I suppose today is a good day for him. We finally reached the door that lead into my room, and I was about to enter it when Loving stopped me. "Arrow is over here Chance; why are you trying to go in there?" "I was told only family could see Arrow," "That's strange because me and Button have been visiting you both these past few days," That bitch lied to me! What is the point of that; I literally just met her! I turned from the door to my room and walked over to them so I could see Arrow. The door to his room was right next to mine, and as I drew closer my legs began to feel more and more like they were made of lead. I'm the one who hurt him; would he even want to see me after that. For all I know he despises me. Loving opened the door and Button happily walked in, but I shrank away from it. I couldn't do it. He probably hated me and he had every right to be so why should I go and make his day worse. "Chance?" I heard Arrow call from inside the room. I looked into the door and realized that he was sitting up and looking at me. "H-hey Arrow..." "It's good to see you're awake," "I'm sorry, Arrow." "Don't apologize, Chance." "Why not? I got angry and I hurt you, arrow! You've done nothing but help me and this is how I repay you?" I said as I motioned toward his legs that were covered in bandages. I didn't even want to take a guess as to what was under them. "You didn't mean to Chance," "That doesn't excuse what I did, Arrow!" "Chance, I want you to look at me," My eyes were on the ground or closed that entire time. I didn't even realize I was crying until I opened my eyes and felt the water more freely run down my face. I looked directly at Arrow who's expression was one of pity. "Why are you trying so hard to help me, Arrow? I ruin everything, and you've been hurt so many times by this; I am a fucking curse," "You are not a curse, Chance! I don't want to hear you say that ever again! do you understand?" I let my eyes drop to the floor. Why can't he accept the fact that I only serve to cause problems for those around me. I felt something furry grab a hold of me and embraced me. I realized it was Button who was watching everything that had been going on. He didn't say anything; he just kept hugging me. We stayed there for a few hours until that earth pony form the front desk came in. "You fucking liar!" I called out to her. She looked toward me and a scowl appeared on her face, but quickly melted away for some reason. I looked away from her to Arrow who definitely wasn't happy to see her now. > Out of the Frying Pan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 18: Out of the Frying Pan The mare stood there as everyone in the room stared at her because of my outburst. Her expression was now neutral to everything that was going on. She made her way over to Arrow and whispered something into his ear. "He just woke up! I don't think-" The mare started whispering again before Arrow could finish, "Fine, but why can't she send a letter instead?" The mare shrugged before moving back out of the door while shooting a glare at me the entire time. "What a bitch," I said to myself before I realized that there was three other people in there and one of them was a colt. I turned around to hear what they would say, but they were all distracted by the food Loving brought in her saddlebags. I smiled and made my way over to them so I could try to somehow make amends with them. They never said they hated me though; this was very strange since I did kind of set one of them on fire. Why do they care so much about me? I could think of an answer before the door opened up. I didn't see who entered, but I also didn't care as I was more preoccupied with being around Arrow. I felt the pony get near me before Arrow looked up and spoke, "Hey, Lyra," "Hey, Arrow. I see your kid is awake," "Chance? Yeah he woke up today," "This is the first time I'm seeing him not freaking out," What did she mean by that? I started turning and when I finally face the mare all the color drained from my face. It was her! My heart started to beat faster and faster. I started to tremble where I stood, and I could feel my legs getting ready to bolt out of the room when I heard Arrow call out, "Chance! Calm down!" "It-Its h-her Arrow. It's that m-mare," My eyes were locked onto her, and I wanted to run away. My legs weren't listening to me however and they refused to listen to me. She was staring at me with fake pity! She thinks I don't know who she is; well I am smarter than she fucking thinks! "Arrow?" The mare asked taking her eyes off of me for a minute. This was my chance to get out of here, and get to safety. My legs unlocked and I started sprinting toward the door. It slammed shut when I got near it however, and it also locked itself. When I was able to focus again I saw the mares horn glowing with a golden aura. "Stay away from me!" I called out. The mare didn't listen to me and started to move closer to me so she could grab me. I wasn't going to let her take me. "Chance! This isn't Jungle!" Arrow called to me. He didn't see it? He actually doesn't recognize this monster that kept me trapped for over a month! I tried to use my magic to lift the lamp beside Arrow, but I realized that my magic wasn't working because they cut it off while I was here. "Stay back or I'll...or I'll" I felt something pierce my ass and everything was going foggy. Looking behind me I saw that nurse from earlier with a syringe in her mouth. "You bitch..." ***Arrow*** "Did you have to knock him out?" I asked looking toward the nurse who lifted Chance onto her back. "He was about to panic, and could of harmed everyone in here," She retorted. "He's not that dangerous Red Heart," "We can't take any chances," "Yeah, a nine year old can do some serious damage..." "He's a nine year old that had a magical surge powerful enough to almost kill him. If that happened here there'd be big problems," She retorted as she walked back out of the room. I was alone with Lyra and Chance's foster family now so I decided to see how things were those first few days. "Before all of this, Did Chance give you guys any problems?" Loving was still staring at Lyra in confusion before turning toward me and saying, "He actually made us breakfast his first day," "Did he make his blueberry pancakes?" "Yes?" "Why didn't you tell me? He's made the best pancakes I've ever had!" Lyra decided that this was as good a time to cut in as any other, "How have you been Arrow? Any word on my sister?" She asked. This was when I pieced together why Chance was panicking so often while we were her. Jungle Vine was Lyra's sister who was a tiny bit insane; they both believed in the human myths but Jungle was on a whole other level. "Jungle hasn't shown up since Manehatten. Thanks for finding Chance by the way," "I couldn't let my former band mate's kid get hurt," "Actually, I'm looking after him," Loving said as she walked over to Lyra and extended a hoof. "Nice to meet you Lyra," "Likewise" Lyra said as she took Loving's hoof and shook. Button had decided to climb onto the bed with me while the ladies were talking. He seemed to be really bored and pulled out a piece of paper so he could doodle random things. "What are you drawing there?" I asked. "My family," I looked over to his drawing and saw a five different ponies. Based on the colors I recognized his parents, him, and his brother. The other pony wasn't colored in though, "Who's that?" I asked as I pointed at the blank pony, "It's Combo." "Who's Combo?" Button didn't respond and just started to color the pony in with a dark blue crayon. Kids are weird, I mean normal kids are strange but this is just plain abnormal. Chance is almost as weird I mean I remember how he actually would talk to me about politics, politics! What kid can tell you the difference between an absolute monarchy and a dictatorship? He's a smart kid, but I wish he could understand that he's a pony not a human. I noticed that it was getting dark outside, and the nurse came in to inform them that visiting hours were over. I didn't want them to go yet, but rules are rules. When everypony left and the nurse came in I decided to have a little chat with her. "Why did you lie to Chance?" "He is a danger to you, Arrow," "How exactly?" "A kid comes in from a magical surge, and a guard comes in with massive burns. I can put two and two together," "I still don't see the problem," "If that happens again there is a good chance you'll die," "I doubt th-" "Those burns are severe and the actual point of impact was the bottom of your hooves. If he hit you directly you'd be ash." I reeled back at the thought of Chance accidentally disintegrating me, but he wasn't that dangerous. "He's not as dangerous as you think he is," "He might not be, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be careful," She calmly walked back out of the room. I was once again alone, and had a lot to think about. The most prevalent was how to get Chance to stop being scared of Lyra. > And Into The Fire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 19: And Into The Fire I was groggy when I finally woke back up. I swear I'm going to flay that nurse alive if she sticks that needle in me again! I slowly opened my eyes back up to see the room I woke up in earlier. "Good Morning, Chance!" Three fillies happily said a bit loudly. It was better than the yelling so that's good, but it begs the question of why they were here in the first place. "Morning, what's been going on?" Scootaloo stepped up and answered, "Everyone at school heard you got hurt so we all decided to stop by," That explains these three chilling next to me, but they said everyone at school so where is- Before I could finish my thought Applebloom swung the door open and multiple children came filing in. Cheerilee came in behind them and made sure that all the stragglers were in the room as well. "Good morning, Chance!" Cheerilee happily said as she trotted over to me with a cake balanced on her back. It was a pretty big cake too, I mean the thing could be used for a fucking wedding and still have pieces left over! It had white frosting and the message 'get well soon' on the top of the cake in red frosting. It might be the fact that I hadn't eaten anything since I got to the hospital, but I decided that I deserved half of that cake NOW. "Leave us some, Chance!" Sweetie cried out as I shoved my face into the side of the cake before gorging myself with said cake. I didn't rightly care that they wanted any because this was probably the best cake I've ever had; at least until confetti shot out the top of it. "Happy happy birthday I sing this song for you! Happy happy birthday your cake is almost through!" Sang a pink pony who was dancing on top of the cake that I had buried half my face into prior. I looked to everyone else in the room and they were all just as confused as me. Even Cheerilee was surprised by the recent turn of events. "How did you... you just...what?" Cheerilee sputtered as she tried to get her brain to restart, but sadly it broke and her warranty expired last month. Pinkie just smiled before hopping down from the cake and taking Cheerilee by the shoulder and taking her on a journey of what the fuck happened. "You see, when you ordered the cake for Chance I had the..." I stopped paying attention because of a tapping on my left side. Turning over to face whoever it was I saw Dinky sitting there. She had a glum expression and seemed to want to say something but couldn't find the words. "Yes, Dinky?" "I'm sorry," She squeaked out. "About what?" "If I didn't hit you with the stick you wouldn't have run away!" She was tearing up and turned away from me in shame. She actually believed I ran because of her. That isn't right so I decided to clear things up right now. "Dinky, I didn't run because you hit me with a stick. I don't even know why you thought that, but you didn't cause this," "But you-" "Hush now baby child," I said while putting a hoof over her mouth. "You didn't cause me to get hurt. It was my own stupidity, not you." She didn't say anything else after that, instead she lunged at me. I didn't realize what the hell she was doing until she wrapped her arms around me for a hug. Why do these ponies love hugging so damn much; It's adorable but why? I just returned the hug when I heard a few of the kids in the room make impromptu gags. "Dinky and Chance sitting in a-" "Finishing that is not a good idea" I cut off whoever was starting to sing that stupid saying song thing. I always hated when kids would do that randomly whenever you decided to be nice. It even happened back in Manehatten with that one filly that made fun of how I spoke. Apparently that was a sign that she really like me to them because they wouldn't shut up! When she pulled away her face was starting to turn pink for some reason. Embarrassment does tend to do that to people so why not ponies. I was going to try to speak some more with her when someone started to tap on my other side, and as I turned around I realized it was Button. "Yo, Bro," I said. In my mind it was perfectly fine, but Button's face told an entirely different story. His face had a huge smile on it for some reason before he spoke, "Is there a crow show?" "No though there's a doe toe," "Why are we rhyming, Chance?" "You continued it when I was just saying hi," "Oh right..." He turned around to walk away when I stopped him, "What did you want Button?" He turned around realizing that he forgot the entire reason he was talking to me in the first place. He pulled out a book that had stars all over the cover before saying, "Ms. Cheerilee wanted us to work on the project together," God damn it they already got the books! How am I supposed to find what I need now? My thoughts were interrupted when I realized Button had been talking this entire time, "I'm sorry can you repeat that last part?" I asked which didn't seem to bother him as he turned to a certain page in the book and spoke, "This is the constalation we're working on, but I can't read this half," I looked toward the half of the page he was pointing to. I froze when I saw the writing because it was the exact same as the book Ryan found. "Button, where did you find this book?" "Cheerilee handed it to me, why?" "It's very important I find out what language this is, Button." "Why is it-" "I have to know," He nodded before picking the book back up and heading to Cheerilee who was trying to wrap her head around everything pinkie had just said to her. Why do these ponies love tapping me because yet again someone was tapping my other side. "Hi Chance," Diamond said when I was facing her. There was another filly behind her with a grey coat and semi-white mane. She was also wearing glasses. I was about to ask who she was when Diamond continued, "This is my friend Silver Spoon." "Hello," She said in a sort of snarky voice which earned her a glare from diamond. "Nice to meet you Silver. What did you need Diamond?" "I just wanted to know when your cuteceañeara was," "What do you mean by that?" She pointed toward my ass which now had a picture of a bonfire on it. Well color me purple and call me Vincent, I have an ass tattoo! "I've been up for two days and no one said a word about this?" "You didn't know?" "I was a little unconscious for a few days," "Well then I should help you plan-" The doors opened before she could continue with what she was saying. In walked in two royal guards and one very large white alicorn. I remembered that I had attacked her back in the cave and now I'm remembering that she is royalty, I'm fucked. Everyone in the room bowed down to her, even me. I didn't see a reason why not to, and it might just serve to keep me from being executed. Wait, I'm in a hospital so execution isn't happening so what is she... "May I speak with Chance alone?" Celestia asked Cheerilee who nodded and ushered the enitre class out of the room. She looked to the guards and nodded for them to leave as well. Once they were finally gone she walked over to me and took a seat. I felt so small in her presence, and instead of that safety I once knew near her, I felt fear. "I'm sorry princess!" I blurted out rather suddenly. I didn't dare look up at her in fear of what she might do if she didn't think I was honest, "I know, but you committed a capital offence, Chance. If you were any other pony it would be grounds for execution." As she spoke I felt chills run down my spin over what she had decided to do with me instead of execution. "I understand," "You however are a sick colt, and I'm not a tyrant so I've decided that instead of execution you shall be Arrow's personal assistant." "I under- wait WHAT?" "I said you shall be-" "I heard you, but that seems a little lenient," "Only you, Arrow, and I were in that cave. If a guard was there I'd have to throw you in a dungeon. This is a great mercy I'm granting you Chance. Do not waste it," With that she started to walk out of the room, but I had to ask, "What happened to Fire Catcher?" "He's back in his cave with a few new royal gems," She then walked out of the room with elegance leaving me alone in silence. A few moments later was when everyone else returned to talk to me, and see what the princess wanted. I never answered that question because of what she said about if anyone else was there. > I'm still a Person, Right? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 20: I'm still a Person, Right? I was released from the hospital about four days ago. If I'm thinking right that means today is Monday; didn't think I had been in town for two weeks already. Even though I was discharged from the hospital I still have to go there daily. After all Arrow still has to deal with those burns, and I'm his new assistant so I have to do a few things for him. Things like turning the channel, bringing him news, throwing a banana at the bitchy nurse. The usual things he'd do if he was able to move more freely. Today though was his day to finally get out of there. When I saw him yesterday he said that we were going to have a serious conversation about what happened, and about this assistant thing. That wasn't what I thought was important though because I still had to make sure that I didn't destroy his life. I shouldn't have gotten angry like that. I can't control myself if I get to emotional, and bad things happen. I shook my head of these thoughts as I made my way up the grassy hill to the ponyville hospital. "Hey, Chance," Diamond said when she walked up behind me. "Hey, Diamond. What's up?" "I saw you so I figured We'd talk about your new cutie mark," I stopped in my tracks when she said that. I didn't pay much mind to the new ass tattoo, but it was these ponies destinies. That begs the question of why I have one if my destiny is to go home. "I'd rather not talk about it," "Why not?" She asked as she picked up her pace to walk in front of me. She turned around to look me directly in the eyes before continuing,"It's a big deal," "Not to me. All this thing says to me-" I said as I patted the picture on my rump, "- is that I can roast marshmallows" After saying that I moved around her so I could get to the hospital at the top of this hill. I knew she was still with me, but I didn't turn to face the filly. This mark doesn't make me any more of a pony than I already was, right? Yeah, yeah I'm still the same old Chance who likes cake and hates jackasses. When I finally reached the top of the hill I saw Arrow standing by the entrance talking with a grey unicorn. Why was my therapist here; he isn't supposed to be around for another week? Arrow noticed me and directed Insight toward me as well before walking over. "Good to see you, Chance," Arrow said with a grin plastered across his face. "I was just talking with Insight about you," "Really?" "We were discussing your problem," Insight said as he walked up beside arrow. Of course they'd go back into my humanity when I didn't need help with it. "I don't need help," I said in a spiteful tone. Insight held up a hoof before continuing, "No, no we meant your magical problem and your fear of Ms. Heartstrings," "Who?" "The unicorn from the day you woke up," Arrow interjected. I remember that unicorn; she seemed almost identical to Jungle Vine except her fur was a lighter tint of green. "I have a solution to both," "I really don't believe-" Insight tried to voice concern, but Arrow cut him off with. "He's a quick learner, and if she teaches him he'll lose his fear," "I know how to use my magic. I don't need teaching," Of course they'd try to get me to be taught magic over that surge, but really that only happens when I'm extremely angry. "Chance, you need to learn to control your magic. That is why I've requested a professional teacher," Insight said. In all honesty I hated both options because one I'm near someone that might be a sociopath, and the other is a professional. So my choices were crazy and hostile or boring and excessive amounts of work. "Like I said, I know how to use my magic," "We can have this conversation another time. Arrow, please ask him when you get the chance," That was a strange request, but Arrow just nodded. I was about to ask what he was going to talk to me about when Diamond spoke up, "My daddy can find you a teacher. I can ask him if you'd like," "I know how to control it. I just need to stay calm and it's fine," "I can-" "It's fine!" I couldn't stand it when people kept pushing me for something. They just don't know when to stop harassing me about things I don't need. Diamond looked a little hurt by my outburst, but she didn't say anything and instead trudge back down the path. I looked at Arrow who had a disapproving gaze across his face. "Don't say it," I said to him before walking back down the path with him beside me. We were about half way down when he began speaking, "Things have been pretty rough for you, haven't they?" "What gave it away? My lack of judgement, my fear of that mare, the fact that I keep hurting people?" "You know, we can help you," What did he mean by help me? What could he possibly do to help me out of this situation? "Insight knows a spell that-" "NO!" I yelled at Arrow before he began. I didn't want to lose myself; I can't lose the only part of me that's still me. I still have my mind, but everything else is gone! My brother GONE, my body GONE, my life GONE. The only thing that keeps me from breaking down in tears is the fact that I might have a way back and that is fucking sketchy at best. I felt Arrow start to hug me, and he wiped away the tears that I didn't even notice had formed in my eyes. "I don't want to lose myself Arrow. I don't want to," I started hugging one of Arrow's legs. They were still covered in bandages, but I had to hold something to keep myself from curling up. "You won't lose yourself, Chance. I promise," I felt him pat my head before letting me go. "Now, we are going to have to talk about what happened in that cave," I wiped the few tears left on my face away before giving Arrow my full attention. "First is the fact you attacked Celestia. She is one of the princesses, Chance. If it wasn't for the fact you are a kid, and she knew about your mental health she could of given you a much harsher punishment," "I understand," I said looking down to the ground, "If any one else was in there you can bet it would of been worse. She wants me to keep tabs on your treatment Chance," "Why?" I asked looking up at Arrow with a perplexed expression. "She wants you to get better Chance, but if you keep fighting your treatment she'll force that spell on you," "She wouldn't dare," I could feel anger starting to rise in my tiny being over this. She can't do that, and even if she tried I'd just jump of a damn cliff first. If I forget who I am it was going to be my choice! "She would, Chance. Now you have to understand she wants you to get better Chance, but you aren't leaving us much of a choice." "I thought you understood that I can't forget myself Arrow!" "If it wasn't for me you would of woken up without any of your memories!" "What..." "They wanted to go ahead and erase your memories. I told them not to because I believed you could get better on your own," They were going to make me forget? I really screwed up didn't I? I looked back down to the ground in shame. I wanted to be angry; I wanted to do something to spite them but that really wouldn't help my situation would it? "Just try to get better, for me," Arrow asked in a low voice. "If I try, will you stay with me? I mean afterwards," "I'm supposed to protect you, Chance. I wont leave until I have to," "Thanks Arrow. Can we go home now?" "Only if you get me another Super Duper Splatter milkshake," "I am not buying another one of those! It took up half the money I won from you!" "I'll fly us there," Once he said that I jumped up onto his back and yelled, "Onward Buttstallion!" > The Home front > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 21: The Home front ***Button Mash*** Just one more dive attack and this boss is done for. I climbed on to the the ladder of the tower where the hollow archers were at the beginning of the boss fight. The were no match for my Black Knight sword however, and neither was this boss. When I was about halfway up the ladder the boss cheated! "That was so far out of my hit-box!" Why did Chance have to get me to like Dark Souls, why? He made this game look easy with all the fancy rolling and secret passages, but I can't even get past the first boss. "BUTTON!" Gibson yelled as he burst into my room. He was definitely angry about something because his face was twisted in a really funny way. "Where is it you little prick?" "Where's what?" "My guitar pick!" He yelled out again as he started searching my room for his guitar pick. I don't know why he thought I would have it... again. What, I just wanted to play his guitar that one time. "I don't have it," "Yeah, just like you don't have mom's special spoon," "She doesn't need it!" It's my special spoon now anyway. If you find it it's yours; that's what dad said anyway. "Whatever, just give me back my pick," Gibson said while looking under Chance's bed for it. While looking under there he found Chance's bag that he brought along when he got here. "What do we have here?" "It's Chance's." Gibson unzipped the bag and dumped the contents out onto the floor. "Let's see what he brought then," "I don't know, Gibson. Chance doesn't like it when ponies look at him. I don't think he'd like it if-" Before I could finish a book fell out of Chance's bag. The cover was blank except "Chance" was written in gold lettering. The book itself was a simple blue and seemed to have been well taken care of. "A diary? Really. Let's just see what he's keeping secret," "Gibson-" "Button, don't you want to know more about Chance?" "I suppose, but this still feels wrong." "It's not wrong if he doesn't know about it," After that he opened the book to the first page. I was curious too, but what if Chance found out? He'd be angry and probably wouldn't want to see me again, but maybe there was something in there I can help him with. Scooting over to Gibson I looked into the book and began to read. Dear Journal, I suppose? It's been about two weeks since I was finally freed from that mare and her damn magic. Thankfully I haven't seen her since then, but I still have to be careful. I suppose I should say why I'm writing this so anyone who decides to invade my privacy knows that they are assholes, and this is not my choice. My new 'therapist' says that writing my thoughts might help me to get over certain things such as my fear of unicorns. It's not a universal thing, but when I see one using magic I have flashbacks and it scares me. They are worried about me going off the wire when I have these memories so I'm always with a guard, but I know there patrols now so it's time to go explore. I'll write when more interesting things happen. Sincerely, Chance That wasn't what I expected to be in here, and I also had to ask, "Gibson, What's an asshole?" "Don't say that, Button!" Gibson half shouted while I laughed at his expense. "Twerp. Let's see what else is in here," Dear Journal Nobody has claimed to be my parents so that's good. However they have put me into some kind of foster program or something. So I'm heading to a cherry farm of some kind tomorrow. The idea is that being away from crowds might help me with my distrust of others. I'm actually kind of sad to be leaving since I don't get to chill in a castle anymore, but Arrow is coming too so that's good. I suppose I haven't said who Arrow is, have I? Well he's a guard that I met a few weeks ago, and to say the least he's actually pretty cool. I met him when that mare found me that night I snuck away from the guards; I don't want to think about what could of happened otherwise. That is beside the point however because that is said and done. My flashbacks are happening less often now, but they're getting worse. Last time it happened Someone had to get my attention before I realized that my leg wasn't in a chain. I suppose that getting away might be a good idea after all. Sincerely, Chance ps. Arrow got me this vest! I'd prefer pants but clothing is clothing and I don't feel so naked now. That was all I wanted to say. "I don't think we should read anymore, Gibson," I said turning to my big brother who was nodding his head in approval. "That's right. You shouldn't be reading that!" Chance said from the door. ***Chance*** "I finally get out of the hospital, and I come back to you guys looking through my shit!" I said exasperatedly over this annoyance. "Sorry, We just wanted to find out-" Was all Gibson could say before I cut him off with, "I don't fucking care. Now Give that back before I break that guitar of yours!" I threatened before extending a hoof for my journal. No one can fucking respect my right to privacy, can they? "I said we shouldn't go through it!" Button quickly said. I knew he was only trying to cover his own ass here. Throwing your bother under the bus to save yourself; that is fucking despicable! Whoever does that kind of thing doesn't deserve anything they have, and should take their brothers place because of it. I sighed, "Just give it back. If you want to know me just ask," "Chance? What's it talking about with flashbacks?" Button asked while handing the book back over to me. I didn't want to go into those times, but they'd probably just look into this thing again so I started, "I occasionally have flashbacks. They are caused by seeing things that remind me of certain events that happened. It's part of the reason I ran..." Button seemed to not expect me to answer it that way, but he asked. Gibson was listening attentively, but I wasn't going to let him and Button just get away with invading my privacy this way. "We're sorry, Chance," Button said before I looked at him with a large smile across my face. "It's no problem, Button. All I want in return is for you to get me something," "What?" "I want you to go get me a blue flower that grows in the everfree," I knew exactly what I was telling him to get, but I doubt he knew. Gibson probably didn't either so I asked him to go as well. I watched them returned later that day; Button was a lot fatter and Gibson was now balding. "You are so dead!" Gibson said when he saw me. He started running toward me with Button though Button was wobbling more than running. I ran back into the house and locked the door while they hit it with as much force as they could muster. I was between laughing my ass off and dying from lack of air. "What are you laughing at, Chance?" Loving asked as she came down the stairs. Oh shit. "Nothing..." Loving walked over to the door and looked out the peephole to see the two. "CHANCE!" Time for me to run. > What happened? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 22: What happened? "How's the leg?" I asked to Arrow who was currently taking me and Button back to school. "It's fine. Still can't take the bandages off though," Arrow replied. "I'm still sorry," "Don't be, Chance. Besides if it wasn't for you that dragon would be dead," He had a point there. If i didn't do anything F.C would be dead right now so maybe I did some good with my temper. That's a first since every other time has resulted in a lot of people getting hurt, but then again this time it wasn't directly caused by a flashback. When I think about it maybe I should go see him and apologize for all the trouble I caused him. Would he want to see me though? I mean the only reason he got hurt was because I was using him as a shield. It probably would be a good idea to see him though even if he never wants to see me again. Maybe I should bring him a piece offering. "Good morning, Chance," Cheerilee said with a bright smile across her face. She was making an effort not to look at Arrow who was standing beside me. After a moment though I noticed Button had latched himself onto her leg. He was holding that leg with a certain look in his eyes and then it hit me. Button had a crush on the teacher! "Good morning, Cheerilee. How have you been?" "I've been good. You?" "Life is a rollercoaster, but right now it's at a mid point." Was my reply before I walked past Cheerilee into the school house. Before I past the threshold however I pried Button off of her leg, much to his disappointment. I'd deal with that situation later, but right now I had to do some simple math problems. I walked over toward the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they call themselves. I didn't know that until I pieced they shouted that everytime they did something extremely dangerous and stupid. Those were some fun adventures with those guys, whoops I mean girls. "Bull fighting is totally safe," Scootaloo was saying to her two other friends. They held a 'you are fucking crazy' expression their faces. Sweetie was the first to notice my presence and ushered me over. "Hey Chance. We were just talking about how to get our cutie marks tomorrow," She said while looking toward the other two who were still arguing over bull fighting and Ninja training. I swear these kids need to chill with what they try doing. "Wait, Tomorrow? You guys tend to do these thing everyday," "Yeah, but today is Twilight time. She helps us learn some skills," Who was Twilight? I knew that there was a princess in town by that name, but it couldn't possibly be her right? "Alright, what kinds of skills does she teach you all?" "She helps Scootaloo work on her scooter, Applebloom with alchemy, and she helps me with magic," Wait Magic? That could be useful to me. I'm assuming these kids are similar to me in the sense that these kids also hate people with sticks up their asses so maybe I could talk to Arrow about me learning magic with this Twilight. "Chance? What are you doing talking to the blank flanks?" Diamond said as she walked into the building. That was strange for her to say since she never said that to me while I didn't have my ass tattoo. "You mean my friends?" "How could you be friends with them?" She said with spite in her voice. She was pointing toward them as well, but she seemed to be more focused on Applebloom for some reason. "They drag me along to try and 'help' me. When that didn't work they offered to let me go pranking with them and BOOM friendship," "I wouldn't stay friends with them for long. Especially her!" Diamond said while pointing to Applebloom. She walked away after that leaving all of us confused. "What was that about?" I asked Applebloom who wasn't looking at any of us. This was weird and diamond had said all of that with such hatred. There was definitely something going on here, but Cheerilee walked in and told us to get to our seats. Whatever is going on I'm going to have to get the story from both Diamond and Applebloom. "Alright class, it's time I taught you about fractions..." Fuck you school! After awhile it was once again time to head to recess. Rumble and Pipsqueak asked if me or Button wanted to play knights vs. pirates again, but I was going to try and figure out what Diamond had against the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Button decided to help me by writing down whatever I told him to which would be a great help to me. I'm surprised he hasn't held that poison joke thing against me, but he did seem to be remorseful about poking at my history. They asked how I knew about those plants and all I told them was to read a little. It's actually funny how much alchemy goes into rituals that open portals. That's beside the point however as I had an investigation to begin. I saw Diamond and Silver talking beside the swings when me and Button walked over to them. Diamond saw me and said something to Silver before she nodded and walked over to me. "Diamond doesn't want to talk to you," She said in a snarky voice. "Too bad. I'm going to speak to her" I said side stepping Silver and making my way toward the swings when Silver got in front of me. "I said she doesn't want to talk to you!" "Listen Lap Dog, I just want to speak to one of my friends. If you have a problem with that you can fu-" I remembered she was only a kid"-fudge off!" I tried moving around her again, but she would just get in front of me again and again. I couldn't get past her until Button walked over to me and whispered into my ear, "I've got the notes," I was wondering what he was saying when I noticed where he came from. He had been talking to Diamond this entire time while Silver was trying to stop me. I whispered back to him, "Good job," before turning around and walking away. "So what did you get?" "Not much, but she did say that her and Applebloom used to be friends," "Really? I swear this sounds like a cliche T.V. show episode," "Yep," We were ready to go speak to Applebloom when Dinky walked up to us, "Applebloom said that Diamond was lying," Dinky said. "About what? Also when did you talk to Applebloom?" "I don't know. She just pointed yo you saying to tell you Diamond was lying. I was asking what their problem was when I over heard you guys talking." "I'm not sure whether to be mad at you for eavesdropping or thankful for you saving us time," She was blushing again, "It was no problem," I gave her a smile before grabbing the notes Button took, and taking Dinky to the side to compile everything. Button had more than what he let on because it goes into a little more detail than they used to be friends. Apparently Silver, Diamond, and Applebloom all used to be best friends before something happened. Neither of them said what it was that caused them to break apart, but there was one lead that Button was able to get. A filly named Twist was there before whatever it was that broke them up. "I know Twist. Maybe I can help you," Dinky said while giving me a smile. It would make getting information easier if Twist knew the person asking the questions so I gave her a nod. The smile on her face doubled in size after that. "I wont let you down, Chance!" "I don't expect you to. Meet me after school and we'll discus how we will go about this." "Sure thing" We could of gone to speak to Twist during recess, but I took enough of everyone's time so that was why I decided to do the rest after school. Whatever the reason for these two hating each other Twist is the only one that may give a direct answer. > Detective Chance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 23: Detective Chance The day went by uneventfully after recess. That was until it was time to get out of the school where Arrow was waiting a fair distance from the door. Seriously, I may not know what happened between these two, but it's already annoying. "Hey, Chance." Arrow said cheerfully when me and Button got closer to him. He was already starting to walk in the other direction after he said the so I had to stop him. "Um... Arrow I've kind of got plans with a friend," "That's nice Chance. Let me know when and I'll go with you two," Arrow didn't seem to understand that I meant I was going to said friend right then so I had to reiterate what I said, "I mean we're supposed to meet right now," This seemed to come as a shock to Arrow for some reason, but then again normally I give him some more warning before making these plans. He seemed to go deep into thought for a moment. I supposed dropping this on him randomly wasn't the best idea so I gave him time to think. "Who is your-" "HI, CHANCE!" Dinky yelled cutting Arrow off. Thank god she wasn't right beside me when she yelled like the CMC did. Following her was a grey pegasus mare with a bubble cutie mark. Looking up toward her I realized she was looking directly at me, wait no she was looking Directly at Arrow. That was wrong too she was looking at both of us! "This is your little friend, muffin?" The pegasus asked while looking down at me. "It's good to see you, Arrow. Did a mare finally capture your heart?" "Nothing like that Derpy. oops, sorry Ditzy. I wasn't thinking," "I don't mind it anymore. How have you been?" "Oh you know. Joined a band, had to quit the band for the guard, ended up having to protect Chance here from a sociopath. The usual" "You always ended up in the weird situations, didn't you," "It makes life interesting. I suppose if your fine with it Chance could play with Dinky," "I am. How about we catch up a little while they play?" "That sounds good." Arrow turned to me, "Be careful Chance, and make sure Button doesn't get into trouble." I was already walking away from him with Button and Dinky beside me. Seems like Arrow has a lot of old friends here so maybe I could use them to find out what happened between him and Cheerilee. I probably shouldn't poke at the past, but avoiding these problems aren't good for people. "Normally Bon Bon picks her up since her parents work so late," Dinky said as we started walking down the path toward town. "A candy picks her up?" I asked. I knew it was a pony name, but I still had to question all of these pony names. Hell, mine is Lucky Chance! How is it a chance if there is luck behind it? I suppose a second chance would be lucky, but I didn't ask for one and I didn't need one. "No! Bon Bon is the one who taught her how to make candy. She own a candy shop in town," "Did you say candy?" One thing about me is that I don't eat sweets too often, but when I do I don't stop. What can I say I have a sweet tooth that goes for days without much sugar. When I finally get some candy or a milkshake I just eat/drink it all at once because it's just so good! While we were talking a cream mare with a sort of blue and pink mane came into view. Beside her was who I assumed was twist who was a very pale creamy color with a curly red mane. I swear if any other person was here they'd immediately make a ginger joke, but I always found that rude unless the person themselves played along with it. "What do you want to make today, Twist?" The mare asked the filly. "How about some jawbreakers?" The filly responded with a smile. "Good idea." This was when we finally got close enough for Dinky to get Twist's attention, "Hey, Twist!" Dinky called out to her friends who immediately turned to face us. "Hi Dinky! Who's that?" She said pointing to me, "That's Chance. Do you think we could ask you something?" "Okay." She took a few steps toward us so that we could talk more normally. "What do you want to know?" "We're trying to figure out why Diamond doesn't like Applebloom. Do you have any idea why?" I asked while Button pulled out his notepad. Right then was when I realized that he had a detective hat and a mustache on. "Wait, Button where did you get all of that?" "All of what?" Button asked clearly avoiding the question. I just facehoofed and looked back to Twist before motioning for her to speak. "That? It's been awhile since that started." Twist said while Bon Bon took a seat next to her. "What do you remember?" I asked. "I remember a little about the day it happened," *** three years ago: Twist*** "What do you guys want to do?" I asked the other three fillies in the room. We were currently at Applebloom's house. "We could go to the park," Applebloom said just to pitch an idea. "I don't want to go to the park though. How about we go to my house?" Diamond said giving us all a new idea. "Nah, how about we go swimming in the lake?" Silver said. "Maybe Combo Breaker has something we could do?" I said in hopes that everyone in the room would agree. "You mean Button's Brother?" Diamond asked "Yeah! he always has something we could do!" Applebloom said. Combo was a good friend of everyone in town. He's kind of like Pinkie in the sense he can make you feel nice when you're down in the dumps. He was just so nice to everyone, and he doesn't even say anything about my lisp! Everyone agreed that Combo was probably the best thing we could do right now so we left Applebloom's house to head to Ponyville. We didn't have to go far however because Button's entire family was at the farm for some reason. "Thank you so much for agreeing to watch Button and Combo, Granny," Button's mom said to Applebloom's granny "It's no problem. I couldn't ask you to miss your son's first thingamabob," Granny said while Combo and Button chased each other around the trees nearby. "We have to be there in 20 minutes so we have to go. Thank you again granny," After that Button's parents both walked down the path to Ponyville together. We all immediately walked over to Button and Combo so that we could see if either of them had any ideas on what to do. "Hey Twist!" Combo called out when he spotted me and the other girls. "Hey Combo!" I called back to him. He was smiling at us and Button was too. ***Present Day: Chance*** "Everything after that is blurry," Twist said giving me a sort of sad expression. "I only remember that bad things started happening when we went to the everfree later that day," "Twist, do you remember what happened to Combo?" Button asked in a shaky voice. When I turned to him I saw that he was crying for some reason. I didn't even know Button had another Brother aside from Gibson, but this Combo definitely hit Button hard. "I don't know what happened to him. I was too scared to see anything," "Too scared! TOO SCARED! YOU GUYS TOOK MY BROTHER, AND I NEVER SAW HIM AGAIN!" Button was definitely angry over this so I had to do something. I walked beside Button and put an arm around him before speaking, "Button, calm down," "Why should I? Combo is gone because of them!" "Because it's said and done. You have every right to be angry Button, but you can't get angry like this," "Why? It's not like you lost your brother! You don't even remember who you really are!" That hit me at home. Everything around me slowed down around me, and I felt a chill run down my spine. He thinks he is the only one to lose someone, and he thinks he can just say all of that. "Normally I don't say this to children, but you are now an exception Button. In other words, FUCK YOU!" I yelled at Button before walking away toward the everfree forest. I don't need this bullshit, and I don't want to talk to anyone about this anyway. > I Don't Need Anyone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 24: I Don't Need Anyone Who the hell did Button think he was? I've never lost my brother he says. I don't remember who I am he says. He can go to hell for all I care! I actually started to think that he could be a good friend, but NO fuck you Chance! You don't deserve friends, you don't deserve family, you don't deserve a brother because you fucked all that up long ago! The more I thought about all this the more tears fell from my face. Why did he have to say all of that? All I was doing was trying to get him to calm down, but he just had to do that. I still remember who I am, right? I'm a human trapped in a colt's body aren't I? I shook my head to clear the thoughts, of course I am a human. I can do higher forms of math than these kids. 'What if that's because you always were smart?' "Who was that?" I asked aloud. There was no one on the path that I was on, and barely anyone had the guts to go near the everfree for some reason. 'I'm you, sort of. your old self.' "I haven't changed" I replied to the voice. 'You need to accept that you are wrong.' "I'm not though! I remember my mother,my brother- 'do you remember their faces?' I tried to think hard on what they looked like, but nothing was coming to mind. My eyes widened in horror at the realization that I couldn't remember what they looked like. I can't remember my family, I can barely remember what I looked like! "I...I don't remember much..." 'That's because there is nothing to remember' "Please, just stop." 'you need to accept that-' "I said stop! I will be whoever the hell I want, and if you don't like it go to hell" I shouted at nothing. I waited for the voice to say something else, but nothing came. That was good because I don't need a distraction in the everfree anyway. I finally entered the forest, and started to explore the very dark place. It was just after three when I left so why the hell does it seem like it's midnight out here? The dirt under me was more like mud because every step required more effort than it was supposed to and I'd hear a sucking sound every time I lifted my foot. The trees were growing more and more dense as I proceeded deeper into the forest. You know something is wrong in a place if even the trees look like fucking monsters. I couldn't focus on the tree's because I knew there was some dangerous things in that forest. How I got through without a scratch last time is amazing, but then again adrenaline mixed with dragon is a formula for safety. Fire. I completely forgot about him! Wow I really need to chill with my forgetfulness or bad things are going to start happening. Wait they already fucking happened! I really need to stop getting so caught up with myself and go check on him. This was when I realized that I had no idea where his cave was or where I was for that matter. fuck. "Alright. You've been in this situation before so the best thing to do is...is." shit I don't know what to do here. "Are you lost?" A voice sounded behind me. Turning around I saw a blue earth pony with a brown mane. "Sort of. You know where we are?" I asked the pony, "I know we're in the everfree, but that's it. Have you seen my friends?" This kid is just as lost as me and he has friends in here too. Well I can't just leave them out here alone so I did the decent thing. "No I haven't, but I'll help you look for them," "Thank you," He said with a smile. We began to look throughout the forest as best we could though it was difficult since it seemed to make us go in circles. I swear we passed that tree with the tuba seven times already.The kid took the lead, and he seemed to have no idea where we were going though he covered it up very well. "I never got your name by the way," I said to the kid as we passed the tuba tree once again. "I don't remember it," "You don't remember your name?" "I only remember waking up here, and looking for my friends," "That's a little weird. Do you remember who your friends are?" "Sort of. I remember one of them had a pink coat." This was getting weirder and weirder. This kid shows up from nowhere and asks me to help him look for his friends. Then he doesn't remember his name or the names of his friends, but remember their coat colors. "What were you doing out here anyway?" I asked to try and get a better understanding of what was going on. "We were exploring and found this weird book. A creature came out of nowhere and started chasing us." That was strangely similar to something that happened to me. "Was the creature made of fire?" "Yeah, how'd you know?" "Because I've seen it before." He found a book that is very similar to the one I had back at home. If this was the same book maybe I could still find Ryan. Maybe I can still save him from that thing. Maybe I can redeem myself. "How?" "You're not the only one to have to run from that thing. Do you remember where-" A roar resounded through the forest. I turned to look in the direction it came from, and saw a fire rapidly growing. I was going to focus on how far away that fire was when I felt the other colt grab my leg and pull me into a sprint. "It's coming for us!" He shouted as we started running away from the flames that had now taken the shape of a pony sprinting toward us. I thought that thing disappeared, but nope because there it fucking was. It was gaining on us fast too so I had to make a plan. "YOU GO LEFT, I'LL GO RIGHT!" I shouted toward the colt who nodded in response before we split up in the two directions. How did this thing appear here anyway? I thought someone had to summon it or something? I turned my head to look behind me, and boy was that a mistake because it was right behind me and it was within grabbing distance. It reached for me, but I jumped into a nearby ditch to try and avoid it's reach. This was a horrible mistake because now I was on the ground and that thing was looming over me. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" shouted a familiar voice as a branch smacked the creature in the face. "RUN, CHANCE!" I wasn't going to complain about the opportunity to run away from this thing. I got back to my hooves and started sprinting in a random direction to try and get as far away as possible from the scene. That thing had almost gotten me again and if it wasn't for that branch hitting the thing it would of gotten me. I knew exactly who saved me. I just ran away again while he has to deal with that thing. I swore I'd save him if I ever had the chance, but I'm doing the same thing as I did two years ago. "I'm sorry Ryan," I whispered to myself as I ran deeper into the forest. Who knows maybe that wasn't really him and was that colt instead, but I swear that voice was almost too perfect... > I Knew Books Were Evil > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 25: I Knew Books Were Evil 'Hi again' "Fuck off voice!" I said as I ran through the forest. I swear if this voice is going to try to convince me I'm a fucking horse again I'm going to silently scream. I heard the creature from earlier roar as if it was right behind me. That's why it would be a silent scream over your standard scream your lungs out one. 'Hey! What did I do?' "You're trying to annoy me. Now fuck off!" 'No. I'm trying to get you to accept facts. You are a pony' "No, I'm not. and I know this because I yell damn, hell, and fuck repeatedly. they don't," This would most definitely trump the voice. I mean how could it- 'You might not be equestrian.' "You really feel the need to argue over this while a demon is chasing us?" 'good point.' The voice went silent after that. It's good to see that I still have a understanding of logic or I swear I'd go insane. Well I am hearing a voice already so I guess I technically am insane or at least have somepony fucking around in my head. Did I just... I meant somebody, damn it! I need to hurry up with finding a way home or I'm going to forget everything without that spell. I tried everything to get home, and the most promising spell that I found was missing a page. I eventually ran into a tree because I was too distracted with my thoughts.. I was dazed for a few minutes, but eventually realized that colt from earlier was standing beside me. "Are you Alright? He asked while giving me a hoof to help me up. "Yeah, just a little shaken," "Alright, I found a cave a little deeper in the forest. We can hide there until someone finds us," Cave? Maybe it was F.C and he could get us back to town. "Sure, let's go" I said while picking up a stick"Just in case," "Why not use your magic?" The colt asked as we started walking deeper into the forest. "I use it, Just not on others." "Why not?" "Well, I'm in some kind of foster care system so I went to a few semi homes. The first was a cherry farm run by ms. Jubilee who was a very nice lady by the way. Anyway everything was good there until one of the farm hands got stuck under a tree. I tired helping him with my magic which I was only just recently learning. To spare you the details the fact he was alive was a miracle. I cause his blood to boil." "You did what?" "Please, don't make me repeat it. That was the only time I felt at home while I was here, and my stupidity let it slip away." The colt fell silent after that. I still remember how Jubilee treated me. She was like Arrow in the sense that she wouldn't just treat me like a kid, but she'd still remember that I can't do everything either. She was the one that helped me learn magic through books. Since she was an earth pony she couldn't tell me exactly what to do, but she knew a few things to help me get started. I noticed that it was getting even darker out here and it seemed that the sun and moon decided to go on a vacation. I could barely see three feet in front of me without focusing really hard. I could feel eyes staring at us from all around. This forest is a lot freakier than I remember. We eventually did reach the cave, but it wasn't F.C's. In fact I wasn't even sure it was a cave at all; I mean it had stone columns inside! If anything this seemed to be more of a shrine to something. There was weird writing on the walls, and upon further inspection I realized what the writing was. "This is the same writing that was in the book!" I shouted out to the colt who was also looking at the walls. "It is, weird," Stepping away from the walls I made my way over toward the center of the cave which had a podium. Looking behind said podium I saw a statue of that creature that was chasing us earlier. "Did people worship this thing?" "Maybe," This place is weird, and I had a bad feeling. Looking toward the podium I froze in place. "H-How is that here!" I half shouted while pointing toward the book on the podium. It had a blank cover and was made of some kind of leather. When I pointed that out the colt turned toward me with a frown, "I'm sorry, Chance. I didn't have a choice," What did he mean by that, and how did he know my name? I turned to view the front of the cave where that damn monster was standing. I'm not sure, but I think I could see it grinning with satisfaction. That colt trapped me for this monster. I quickly ran up and grabbed the book before going back toward the statue. The creature let out a screech as soon as I touched the book and started to run towards me. I had to think fast or else this thing was going to get me like it did with Ryan. "GET AWAY FROM MY LITTLE BROTHER!" shouted that voice again. I turned toward where the voice came from, and saw Ryan sprinting toward us before he tackled the monster. How was he here and why for that matter? "DON'T JUST STAND THERE, RUN!" "I WONT ABANDON YOU AGAIN!" I shouted toward him as I sprinted toward the two. "YOU HAVE TO! I CAN ONLY HOLD HIM FOR SO LONG, NOW GO!" Ryan shouted back toward me. I didn't want to abandon him again. I can't abandon him again. This is the one time I get to see him again, and he's using it to save me again. "I'M SORRY!" I yelled toward him as I ran out of the cave shrine. I couldn't look back or I'd stop, but I wanted so desperately to help my brother. Why did he have to save me again? Why didn't he leave me to die like I essentially did to him two years ago. "CHANCE! CHANCE! I'M SORRY!" I heard Button calling from within the forest. What was he doing this deep in the damn forest? I had to get to him, and fast before that monster was able to. "BUTTON, I'M OVER HERE!" I shouted toward him. A few minutes later he appeared from some bushes in front of me. "I'm sorry, Chance. I shouldn't have-" "Not now, Button. We have to get out of here!" "Why?" "Just trust me," He nodded and we started to make our way back to town on the trail Button was on. I was surprisingly close to it the entire time, and the only reason I missed it was because I didn't bother to look to my left. While on the trail I felt those eyes fall upon us again, and I knew Button felt them too since he had a worried expression on his face. "I always hated this place," He said. "I can understand why. This place just feels wrong," "No. This was where Combo disappeared and I always feel like he's disappointed in me." "He shouldn't be. You're a good kid, Button and I'm lucky to call you a friend." Button shouldn't feel like his brother is disappointed in him because he couldn't do anything. He wasn't there so he didn't have a chance to help, but I did. "Thanks, Chance," he said when I realized the path disappeared. "Button? where's the path?" "We were just on it!" He said while frantically looking around. It had disappeared behind us too so we couldn't back track either! A roar resounded throughout the forest and turning behind me I saw that thing running toward us. "RUN!" I shouted to Button who was confused until he looked behind us. "WHAT IS THAT?" "I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T CARE!" I yelled toward him as we both started sprinting in the other direction. I knew we couldn't out run that thing but I had a plan, "BUTTON, TAKE THIS BOOK" "WHAT?" Button yelled before I threw the book at him. He almost dropped it before getting a good grip with his teeth and started running away from me. "KEEP THAT BOOK SAFE! I'LL SEE YOU LATER!" I called out to Button. That thing was after me so I decided to try to keep it away from Button. Turning toward the creature I shouted, "LET'S DANCE MOTHER FUCKER!" I got ready to fight the thing, but instead of coming at me it changed direction. It was now heading straight for Button. Oh shit! > BOSS FIGHT! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 26: BOSS FIGHT! Why did it have to go for Button? I thought it was after me for god's sake! I jumped over a burnt log as I was sprinting toward the direction Button and the creature ran. Why would it go after him anyway> it's not like he has anything important... "THE BOOK!" I shouted as the realization hit me. It was after me until I handed the book to Button for safe keeping. If it didn't want me to have that book then he should of stopped chasing me! Jumping over another burned log I could see small specks of fire off in the distance. I don't even know how it could get that far ahead of me in three minutes. I had to get to Button before that thing does, but I couldn't go any faster than I already was. The only way I could reach him in time was if he came running towards me. My legs were getting extremely tired and I knew they were about to give up on me, but I had to keep going or Button would be the one to pay for my stupidity. "Need some help?" Asked a voice beside me. Looking toward it I saw Ryan Sprinting right beside me. He looked exactly the same as he did two years ago except he had a few more scorch marks. Same blue eyes. same black hair, same cocky grin, exactly like his old self. "I'd love some!" I said to him with a large grin plastered on my face. He nodded before sprinting ahead of me and yelling for me to follow him. I put what was left of my energy into my legs so I could keep up with him. He didn't follow the flames like I was, but instead he took a sharp right turn. "They're that way Ryan!" "He's going to his alter. He wont hurt your friend if he can help it," "Why not?" "The same reason that I'm still here. He needs us for something," "Is that what happened to that colt?" "You mean Combo? He's been trapped longer than me, and has lost all free will." "Is there anything I can do? maybe that book has-" "No, Chance! if you get that book you destroy it. As long as it exists my master does!" "How are you helping me anyway? Shouldn't you be like Combo?" "I was, but I still remember enough to have a reason to fight it little brother," He gave me a thumbs up after that before we finally reached the cave. Ryan was the only one who knew what those letters meant back home so I decided to see if he could help me here. "Can you teach me to read this?" I asked while motioning toward the walls. He looked toward them before walking over toward me and petting my head. "I can't," "Why not?" "You'd try saving me." "I can't leave you like this! It should of been me, not you!" I was angry at him for not realizing that he should be happy I could save him. This is my one chance at redemption and he is just holding it in front of my face. I had to learn to read these letters or he was doomed, and I can't live with myself if I'm the one to destroy the only way home for him. "Chane," Ryan said softly before pulling me into a hug. "Don't blame yourself for my choices." He hugged me even tighter before he uttered his last words. "I love you, Chance," Normally I'd call him gay for saying the, but all I could really say was, "I love you too, Ryan." "He'll be here in a moment. As soon as Button and him come in you grab Button while I distract my master," "Got it! Hopefully this will-" I was cut off when a magical bolt hit Ryan. It wasn't fire so it couldn't be that creature, and I didn't fire it so who could it have been? looking toward the cave's entrance I saw the creature, Button, and another colt that looked almost exactly like me. "You should of known better, Ryan. Master already wants to punish you for earlier and you just making it worse," The colt said with a wicked grin across his face. "You did save us time by bringing your brother here however do maybe he'll go easier on you." He was too focused on Ryan to notice that my horn was lighting up. He noticed me only after his tail was on fire and part of his leg. He just shook his head with a small cackle, "You really think that hurts?" he asked before the flames died instantly. "We might not be dead, but we still have some of its perks." "CHANCE!" Button called out before Combo reluctantly hit him in the back f the head. I say reluctantly because when the creature looked at him he raised his hoof, but it took him a second before actually hitting him. Maybe I can still save them all. "Let...him...go," I said while trying to keep from getting angry. If I lost it again who knows what would happen, but I still had to save Button from them. Combo looked toward me with a sad expression before putting Button on his back and walking into the cave. The creature and the other colt looked at him with rage filled eyes. "What are you doing, Combo!" "I'm letting Button go. I'm letting my brother go!" He said after he dropped Button beside me. I'll be damned before I let any of them be trapped now. Combo started to walk back toward the other colt when he was struck by a magical bolt which sent him flying toward Ryan. "You will have to be punished too!" "You wont lay a hand on them!" I said while standing between him and them. "I will see you burn before I let you!" The air around me started to get really hot, and I could smell hair burning. The colts expression changed to being amused before firing another bolt at me only for a wall of flame to block it. "You've met a terrible fate, haven't you?" I asked while giving of a small laugh. Three fireballs formed around me while I focused on the other colt who's grin grew wider, "Today just got interesting," He said before fire formed around him as well. "I bet I can control this better than you. After all it must be pretty difficult just controlling my old body," I would question that later, but right now I was more focused of frying this bastard. I threw one of the fireballs at him which he simply blocked with his own flames before he did the same. I jumped out of the way before it could hit me, but a few of my hairs got singed. I forced a pillar of fire to rise from underneath him causing him to be engulfed in flames, but he simply walked out of it a few seconds later. "That took me awhile to learn. I guess stealing my talent is pretty easy in my body, eh," This guys constant taunting is getting frustrating. While I was focused on try to figure out what to do next a bird of fire started flying around and flew down towards me. I was confused for a minute before realizing that it was bad, mostly because it was trying to peck my eyes out! I'm surprised it actually didn't succeed since my eyes are literally as big as my skull. I swatted at the bird until it flew back toward the other me and landed on his back. "Familiars are so useful aren't they? I guess you haven't gotten one yet, have you?" That's it I'm dragging this bastard to hell just so I can have a go at stabbing his ass! Before I could do anything else I saw Ryan charge at the colt knocking him off his feet. "I'LL KEEP LUCKY DISTRACTED! GET OUT OF HERE, CHANCE!" Ryan yelled toward me. I ran toward Button who was currently staring down at Combo with tears in his eyes. "Combo? Please talk to me!" Button cried as he shook the unconscious Combo Breaker. I grabbed his shoulder and pulled him with me toward the entrance. We weren't able to get out however because that creature was standing between us and the exit. It laughed a little before opening the book in it's hands and it started reading it. I felt a cold chill run down my spine after each word it spoke. "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" shouted Combo as he ran toward the creature. I didn't even know he was awake, but he bought us enough time to run. As we exited the cave I picked the book up in my magic for future use. I wasn't going to leave them to be damned for all eternity if I could help it. As we got further from the cave I started to get more and more tired until I eventually wasn't able to move anymore. I just dropped to the jungle floor while Button shouted for me to wake up. Everything started to grow dark before I passed back out. The last thought I had was 'I'll save you like you saved me, Ryan' > Do not tell me what to do! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 27: Do not tell me what to do! "I'M COMING RYAN!" I shouted toward Ryan as he was being dragged away. I had to get to him before he reached that ledge; he wasn't even fighting to save himself! Why wasn't he fighting it? "HOLD ON! I"M ALMOST THERE!" We were nearing the edge of a cliff when I shouted that. I jumped to grab him and I did right when he went over. I was gripping his hand as tight as I could. Whatever had him wasn't giving up though because it was pulling both of us down. "You have to let me go, Chance" Ryan said while looking back up at me. He had a solemn expression across his face. "I don't want to lose you again," "You have to let me go or you'll fall too," "I don't care!" I shouted at him while I pulled on him even harder. I started to slide even faster towards the edge of the cliff as whatever was pulling Ryan had put in some more effort. Ryan wasn't fighting this thing at all and because of it I was going to fall with him. "I wont abandon you again..." ****** "So that's why Chance was in the hospital?" Button asked somebody. I couldn't tell who it was until they spoke up. "Sure is. I didn't even think a pony could control fire like that," F.C replied to Button. I groaned a little bit before opening up my eyes to see that I was in a cave somewhere. My body felt like it was hit by a freight train again, but hey I'm alive! I turned to my side to see Button and F.C roasting marshmallows over a small fire. "You think Chance is going to wake up soon?" Button asked as he pulled out a flaming marshmallow. He quickly dropped the stick he was using back into the fire. "I don't know. I'm a dragon, not a doctor" F.c Replied as he pulled out a pony sized marshmallow from the fire. This one was also on fire, but F.C didn't seem to care and just ate it as is. "Can I get one of those?" I asked from my makeshift bed. They both turned toward me with relieved expressions , well Button had a relieved expression. Fire's expression could best be explain like- "About fucking time,"-that. Exactly like that. "If you had chocolate I'd of gotten up sooner. We need smores for days!" I didn't even notice Button had walked up to me while I had a little fun with F.C until Button hugged me. "You keep this up, and I might just hug you back," "I was so worried about you," Button said as he hugged me tighter. "Worried about me? Boy, do you even know how scared I was over you? I almost burnt down the forest!" "I'm sorry," "Don't be. It's my fault you got dragged into this mess," I said with a dejected sigh. "I should be sorry," "Was that really Combo?" Button asked. I didn't know how to answer that question, but he was looking at me with his special eyes. HIS BRAND! "It might seem bad, but I hope so. If it was then that was my brother too, and I might be able to help him," "That colt that looked like you?" Button asked questioningly. "No. The thing on two legs," I replied which caused Button's eyes to widen. I swear his eyes took up at least three-fourths of his head! "Really?" "eeyup," "Wow thats-" "I'd hate to interrupt you two, but I need to speak to you, Chance," Fire's expression was very serious as he said that so I slowly walked over toward him. I figured that it probably had to deal with the whole near death hing a few weeks ago so I was preparing an apology, "I'm sorry about th-" "That's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Do you know what book this is?" Fire asked. That wasn't something I expected out of him, but I simply shook my head. "It's a book from an old legend. I didn't believe it was that book, but when I read part of-" "YOU READ IT! TELL ME WHAT IT SAYS!" "As I was saying I read part of it. It's a really old dragon dialect from 20,000 years ago so I could only read a few words." "What did it say?" I asked now very desperate to learn anything about the book. "I read something about a portal and the stars. That's it." Well shit. "You should destroy this book," "WHAT! WHY?" "The book is said to contain the spirit of an ancient evil. It uses the souls of it's victims for terrible rituals." Fire said very solemnly. "That's why I'm keeping this book. I have to save my brother!" "If he's it's slave there is no saving him," "BULLSHIT! I'll find a way. I have to find a way," If Fire was going to try and stop me then he can fuck off. I'm going to save my brother, I'm going to find a way home, and we're going to have a happy life without dealing with anymore of this supernatural bullshit! "Chance, you have to listen-" "NO! You listen to me! I will not and I repeat WILL NOT abandon my brother!" Fire didn't say anything else, and I assumed he gave up trying to convince me to not help my brother. That's good because I didn't need him trying to stop me. I know that keeping this book will result in very bad repercussions later on, but I can't just leave him like that. 'you have to let me go or you'll fall too' I heard Ryan's voice echo in my head. This book might destroy me, but I will not abandon him again. I can't go through losing him again! "I can't lose him again Fire," I said quietly. He scooped me up before looking me in the eyes, and hugging me too. "I know," I would of told him to let me go, but I was getting light headed and could barely breath. He eventually got the idea when I started going limp in his grip "Whoops! I forget how fragile you ponies are," "it's *wheeze* alright *Cough*" He set me back down beside Button who was currently chilling next to the fire. "What did you talk about?" Button asked while roasting another marshmallow "Nothing. Button, I want you to not tell anyone about today," "What! why not?" "They think I'm crazy because of this. You start talking about it and they'll think the same way about you," I said as if it were fact. I mean they would call him crazy because I wouldn't back him up. I know that seems bad, but I'm on thin ice so I can't say anything that seems crazy no matter how truthful I am. "Maybe Gibson-" "Don't tell anyone," "But-" "I'm just trying to protect you, Button," He sighed but I think he got the message. He just learned that his brother was also a slave to that thing so I don't blame him for wanting to get help, but he hasn't been through this. "I'll get Combo back. I promise." Button sniffled a little bit before hugging me again. For once I decided to return the hug. We've both been through a lot today, but I think Button needed a shoulder to cry on more than I did. I'm going to be here for Button. I will be the brother I should of been for Ryan. > Back to not so normal life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 28: Back to not so normal life This is amazing! The wind flowing through my mane and the view is just to die for. I could see for miles up here from Canterlot to Ponyville and I think even Detrot! This was what I always loved about flying with Arrow, but he could never get this high because of his wings. "You two okay back there?" Fire asked while turning his head to look at us. He offered to give us a ride back to Ponyville so we wouldn't get lost on the way. I think it was actually avoid another misunderstanding though considering one of his eyes were still healing. "We're fine," I yelled back toward him. He went back to focusing on flying while I turned back toward Button, "You okay?" "Yeah," Button answered a little downtrodden. "Button, I'm here for you. Anything you need just let me know," I said while patting him on the back. "Remember my promise a few weeks ago?" Button looked up at me confused before thinking very hard. He shook his head to confirm he did not remember so I decided to repeat it, "I wouldn't leave until I found a way home. Until I help our brothers I'm not going to try to get home," Button's expression brightened when I said that, but it was obvious he was still sad over everything. Who could really blame him? He thought his brother was dead or missing for three years and now he sees him working for a monster. That would mess anyone up. I turned my head to look at the skyline as Ponyville grew closer to us. I was always scared of heights back home, but ever since I've been here that fear was gone. I think Arrow's catching me after falling off a building might have been what helped me with that fear. He always was there when I needed him. When we get back I'm going to have to express how much he means to me somehow. I just had to figure out what he would really appreciate. Maybe two of those crazy expensive milkshakes would work. If I did that I would be flat out broke though...better win all his money before doing that then. "We're almost there. I'm going to be keeping an eye on you from now on, Chance. Maybe you wont find anymore evil books if I do," F.C yelled back to us as we descended toward Ponyville. This might not have been the greatest idea because I could already hear the screams of everyone in town, and we were at least a half a mile high! "I guess they haven't seen a dragon before!" I shouted towards F.C as we landed in the center of town. He extended a wing for me and Button to slide down to the ground where a crowd had started gathering. "CHANCE!" Dinky shouted when I hit the ground. She ran up to me before giving me a big hug and turning to Button. "You go to find Chance, and you bring back a dragon. How'd you pull that off?" "I actually know Fire," I interrupted before Button could even speak. Looking toward the crowd I could see all the other foals from school looking at me with awe. I guess riding a dragon into town isn't the most common occurrence in Ponyville, but the weirdest shit happens every other week here. Seriously, I saw a flying orange at one point! This was when I saw Arrow finally emerge from the crowd with a mixture of relief and pure anger. I guess riding F.C back to town was enough to tell him where I was all day. How am I going to explain all of this to him without him getting angry? "Chance! what were you-" "He was looking for me!" Button interrupted Arrow. There was a series of 'what's coming from everyone in the crowd as well as me. "I ran into the forest and Chance went looking for me." "Is that true, Chance?" Arrow asked. I looked toward Button who gave a slight nod. "No. I went into the forest because I got angry over something stupid. Button's just trying to cover for me," I said while bowing my head in shame. I can't let Button get in trouble over my mistakes so I had to be the bad guy here. "He went to help me, and we got lost." I still didn't have to to tell the whole truth though. "I'm glad you're being honest with me, Chance. You still shouldn't have gone back in there though," Arrow said before turning towards Fire. "Thanks for bringing them back," "It wasn't a problem. They're good kids; they just need to be a little more careful," He looked toward me after he said that. I knew he was talking about the book, but wasn't saying anything to Arrow. I guess he understands my desperation, and is going to let me do what I have to. Who knows maybe I could convince him to teach me some dragon dialects to help me figure out the language. "I know what you mean. Chance can be a hoof full whenever he has an idea," This was when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around I saw the CMC and Diamond standing there with worried expressions. "Are you alright, Chance?" Applebloom asked, "Never better! I could go for a milkshake though," I said while turning toward Arrow who was still chatting with F.C. Looks like my plans are on hold until later so I turned back toward the fillies. Diamond was looking down toward the ground in what I think was shame maybe? "We're sorry," Diamond said while looking up toward me. "We should of just told you what happened," "What's done is done. There is no point in being sad about it. Besides I was going to go in there anyway to check of Fire there," I said while pointing toward the big ass dragon in the center of town. The fillies looked at me confused before putting two and two together and giving a collective 'oooooohhhh'. "You are friends with a dragon?" Scootaloo asked, "Just like Spike!" Sweetie interrupted before I could speak, "Wait, who's Spike?" I asked genuinely confused. "He's Twilight's assistant, and he's a dragon!" Sweetie said enthusiastically. So there has been a dragon in town this entire time, and I'm just NOW hearing about it. How has no one told me about this for the past few weeks? This isn't exactly the most common thing in any world! "You should come with us to Twilight time so you can meet him," Applebloom shimmed in. "Didn't Twilight say to stop inviting every foal to Twilight time?" Scootaloo added. "I'm sure she wont mind meeting Chance. Besides she hasn't met him yet," Applebloom said with her unparalleled logic. While it was true I never met this Twilight I'm sure that she probably doesn't care to meet me. Still if she has a dragon the princess that lives here probably keeps a close eye on her just in case. "If she doesn't mind my coming along then I'll go," I said though I'm pretty sure neither of them could hear me. Sweetie moved up beside me to watch the shouting match that was starting. "Do they ever not shout at each other?" "Nope," "Any idea on what time it is?" I asked. Sweetie looked toward the sun before saying, "About 6:00. Why?" "I should probably get back home. I have to see Insight tomorrow morning," "Who's that?" Sweetie asked while giving me a questioning look. "My therapist. It's time for my next appointment, and I have a few things I need to talk to him about." I finally have a chance to get my brother back so I have even more of a reason to pretend to get 'better'. I can't risk that mind wipe and leaving Ryan and Combo in the clutches of that monster. So I'm going to have to do the one thing I didn't want to. I'm going to have to act as if I think I'm a pony. > I'm Perfectly Normal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 29: I'm perfectly Normal "You're lucky Fire found you two. What were you thinking,Chance?" Arrow asked as he was walking me back home. That's kind of a weird though now that I think about it. I haven't really felt at home here unless you count with cherry or here. It's kind of nice to have some place to return to after all that happened today. "Button got angry at me, and said a few things. I got mad at him and stormed off. Not much else to say" I replied to Arrow. I didn't want to go into exactly what I got angry about because I know how Arrow would react. Well if I told him the exact reason that it set me off, but maybe he wouldn't question it. "What did he say?" "He said that I couldn't even remember who I really was. I got angry because...because I'm starting to think you all were right," I can't just suddenly say that I believe them or they'd know I was lying about all of this. If I'm thinking right opening up to Arrow first is what I need to do then he'll tell Insight. "You really think that?" Arrow asked in both disbelief and I think I could hear a hint of happiness. I really didn't want to use him like this, but I can't have anyone getting in my way of saving Ryan. Not even Arrow. "I never said I believed those thoughts! I'm just saying hypothetically I might be wrong," I can't just make him say that I'm suddenly thinking 'hey I'm a pony' either. He still had a smile on his face while he replied, "I understand, Chance." 'maybe we should go through with the mind wipe?' Oh shit that voice is back and I can't openly debate with it while Arrow is here. I mean If I just start talking to myself he'll think I'm slipping into pure insanity and I'll end up in a mental war. 'Do we even really want to go back? Mom doesn't look at us, and dad left for that whore when we were eight.' This voice needs to shut the hell up right now! I'm going to get home and mom is going to be so ecstatic that she didn't lose me to. She's going to look at me and stop saying that I should of been more like Ryan. She's going to see that I exists! We finally reached Button's house where Loving was waiting by the door with a smile on her face. I was a little worried about telling her about today when Arrow leaned down toward me. "Don't worry. I wont tell her anything," "Thanks Arrow," Loving heard about the dragon, and Button wouldn't stop talking about how awesome it was to fly in the sky. Loving tried to talk to me about everything, but I just stuck to the story that me and Button had created. He stuck with it rather well so no one really questioned us though Button received a stern talking to about what not to say. I didn't care to do much else that day so I decided to turn in early. Besides I have to talk to Insight tomorrow. ****** I was in pitch black room with nothing inside of it. I don't remember falling asleep here. "Finally we can talk face to face," a voice sounded behind me. Turning around I saw my pony body standing there. "You know this is a sign of insanity right?" I said when another voice resounded to my left side. "Indeed it is. That's why this conversation is already over." Turning toward the other voice I saw my old human body standing there with it's arms crossed. "He want's to go home," "No he doesn't! Here we don't have to worry about college. We have people that actually see us!" The pony version of me said rather infuriated. "We finally find Ryan, and all you're worried about is people seeing us! This is bigger than you think!" My human self retorted. "Let the princesses deal with it! It's not our problem," "It is. Ryan, Combo, and Lucky are slaves to that thing and you just want to abandon them!" "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted which caused both of them to go dead silent. "We are not having this conversation right now. We are going to help Ryan and Combo, and then I'll decide on what to do," The world started to shimmer and break apart with other mes fading out of existence. I guess that I'm waking up now; too bad I couldn't fuck around in one of the only lucid dreams I've ever had. ****** "This is going to rock," A hushed whisper came from my side. I could feel something in my hoof and after a moment i believe it was whipped cream. Yep, there was definitely whipped cream in my hoof. "Is he awake?" I heard another voice ask. Looks like Button and Gibson has decided for pranking revenge; too bad It's going to back fire. I felt them start to tickle my nose with a feather. I made my hoof move a little to make it seem like I was about to do it. They tried again, but instead of swatting my own face Gibson got his face covered in it instead. "By the way I was awake, Button," I said while smearing more of the cream on Gibson's face. "You two are rather loud so that's what woke me up." That's not really what did it, but maybe they wont try again if they think they'll give themselves away. Getting off the bed I looked toward the clock to see that it was 8:00. Looks like it's time to go meet Insight. Once I was out the door Arrow was waiting to take me to Insights office in Caterlot. You'd think it'd take awhile to get there, but it is only a half hour ride to and from the city. I swear every time I went to his office I was always on edge because of that mare. I never saw her while I was in that city, but I always felt like I was being watched. It was a short walk to the train station, but something was off about Arrow's walk. He was walking almost as if he was worried about something. "What's up Arrow?" I asked in hopes that he might tell me. "Nothing," He quickly said. Alright something was definitely off here and that has me worried. Arrow is always calm and collected so if something has him like this it had to be bad. When we got onto the train he tensed up even more. The ride itself was relatively boring, but Arrow was just acting more and more strange the closer we got to Canterlot. Was there something going on there or something? I couldn't think of any other reason for Arrow to be worried about us going to Canterlot. "You really are coming around right?" Arrow asked me out of the blue. "Yeah, Why?" He sighed before speaking up. "Insight sent me a letter last night. He wants to go ahead with the mind wipe. He said not to tell you, but you deserve a choice in the matter," Insight was going to do it anyway? I wanted to be angry at him, but that'd only serve to make the mind wipe seem like a greater option. "Thanks Arrow. Do you think you can convince him to not do it. I'm kind of...I'm kind of scared of it. What if I forget about you?" I was genuinely worried about that idea actually. Arrow had been with me since the beginning and to just forget him like that it's just not right. "I'll try, Chance. Just tell him you're coming around and he might can the idea," "I hope so," I said as we finally pulled into Canterlot station. I didn't even notice that we had been talking that entire time. Whatever was going to happen today was going to change everything so I better be careful. I can't forget about anything that I found yesterday because If I mess up me and Ryan are both doomed. > I Just Want to Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 30: I Just Want to Help ***Insight 8:55 am*** "Thank you for the muffins ms. Hooves," I said as I took a bite out of one of the muffins Ditzy had kindly brought with her. "It's no problem doctor. You did help my little muffin after all," She replied while petting Dinky's head. Dinky was happily licking on a lollipop that I had given her at the end of our session. Normally I don't give candy to my patients, but Dinky is a special case. When she first came to me three years ago she was for lack of a better term, broken. "She's a nice filly. I'm glad that she's happy to be with you," I still remember Ditzy adopting Dinky. They were both so happy that their smiles would carry over from each of our sessions. That was why I became a psychologist; so I could help ponies. "Me too. Would you like for me to bring some more muffins during our next visit?" "You don't have to ms. Hooves." I held my head high before leaning it down a bit, "I prefer banana nut." Ditzty winked at me before tapping her daughter's shoulder to get her attention. "It's time to go Dinky. Say goodbye," "Bye Insight!" Dinky said enthusiastically after popping the lollipop out of her mouth. She looked at the treat in her magic before she suddenly asked me something. "Can I get an extra lollipop?" "I can't give you too many. You'll get cavities," Kids. They never learn how bad a cavity can be until they've had one. "It's not for me though! I'm giving it to Chance," This caused me to stop for a minute. I knew Dinky was in the same town as Chance, but I never thought that they might of been friends. Oh this could be extremely bad. Still, I couldn't just leave the situation as it is so I gave her one extra lollipop before asking, "Are you a friend of Chance's?" Her cheeks went a little red when I asked that. That's cute, I believe she might have a little crush on him. "Y-yes. He's really nice," She was stuttering too. In all honesty this could be good for both of them, but first Chance needs to give up his delusions for it to work. If he doesn't then he might just make things worse for Dinky. He was actually scheduled to be coming in any minute so I humbly apologized to Ditzy and Dinky before shooing them out. I walked over to my desk, and filed Dinky's case back into it's proper spot before pulling out Chance's file. I truly feel bad for him with all that's happened to him since Jungle Vine destroyed him. What mare plays with a child's mind as if it were a toy? Did she not realize what she was doing? The more she pushed the more of his memories faded until there was nothing left to save. When he first came to me I had hoped to recover some fragment of Chance, but there was nothing left. The only thing that he could remember was his name or at least part of it. This is really why I want to go ahead with the mind wipe; nopony should have to live their only memories being horrible. Ever since we were able to get a hold of him he wasn't ever truly able to interact with many ponies. Especially unicorns at first which would cause him to go into blind panic when they'd use their magic. This was a perplexing issue because there was no ready means to handle such a fear with unicorns being so wide spread in Equestria. That's when ms. Jubilee came along. She took him in and that's when he started improving tremendously. The success was short lived however because of the incident involving one of the farm hands. He just wanted to help and nearly killed the poor stallion. After that he started to regress a little bit and more incidents began to happened. If it wasn't for Arrow's involvement I would say Chance would be unreachable. "Hey, you in here Doc?" Chance called from the doorway. ***Chance 9:05 am*** "It's good to see you Chance, but you're a little late," Insight said while looking over toward me. I was currently enjoying a sucker Dinky had given me on her way out of here. I talked with her a little bit, but I didn't ask why she was here. I suppose I could of asked her, but that wouldn't be polite. "Sorry, Insight. I saw Dinky and decided to talk to her a little bit," I said after popping the sucker out of my mouth. Damn thing was almost impossible to get in there too! I know it's one of those suckers you have to lick for awhile, but it's candy so I don't give a fuck! "Are you friends with her?" He asked with a weird look on his face. "Yeah...She's one of my friends," "That's good to hear. So I've heard that you've been getting in to some more trouble lately?" I knew he was going to ask this, but I still didn't have a way of answering it without looking very bad. "Ummm...yeah, I've kind of been in a bit of trouble again. What thing that I did do you want to talk about?" I knew he couldn't possibly know about the forest yesterday so I didn't know exactly what he was talking about. I've still been in trouble throughout town after I got out of the hospital and Arrow was still in it. "I've heard that you wore a cloak and hid your head while chasing ponies around town. Why were you purposely scaring ponies?" He asked. I remember that prank and it was amazing! "That was Scootaloo's idea. We decided to go pranking around town so we decided to end the day with a bang, and boom the headless horse in real life." "Scootaloo is another friend of yours?" "Yeah! You can't beat her ideas. I've seriously haven't had that much fun in forever!" Insight's face changed a little bit more at that. He was actually grinning a little bit at me. "That's good to hear, Chance. I'm glad you're finally making friends your own age," "They haven't given me a reason to hate them so why wouldn't I be friends with them?" I asked. I mean I don't typically befriend the colts and fillies that I meet, but they're always assholes in some way. Especially Cold. "No reason. I would like to ask you something else. How has you're foster family been?" It's going to be weird answering this question since normally I don't have anything good to say. The only good report before today was when ms. Jubilee watched over me, and that was because she didn't act like I was crazy. "How can I put this? Loving and Button are two of the nicest ponies I've ever met," He smiled at me as I said that. I understood Insight cared enough about me to worry about this, but that wasn't his only reasoning. He doesn't have direct power to do anything if he detects signs of trauma, but Arrow has a lot more legal authority over me than my foster parents. This is because I have to be with the family for a full year before I'm relinquished to them completely. "What about Open or Gibson?" My face dropped to a frown at the thought of those two. Gibson I could look past because he's in his teenager 'fuck everything' faze. Besides I was starting to go into that faze when I was dragged here by that mare. "Gibson can be nice when he wants to," I was openly avoiding answering the part about Open because I didn't want to leave them yet. If he hears about how much of a jackass Open is then he might tell Arrow and I'll be taken away again. "What about mr. Seas?" "Who?" For the love of god I hope he gets the hint that I don't want to talk about him. "You're deliberately avoiding the question. Has he threatened you, Chance? If he has then I'll call Arrow and-" "DON'T CALL ARROW! I mean don't call Arrow. Open hasn't threatened me I just don't get a good feeling around him." SHIT SHIT SHIT! I really have to real this back before he does call Arrow. He slowly walked over toward me with a small frown. "What do you mean?" Insight asked while looking into my eyes. "Something about him just feels...off. Like he's trying to pretend he's something he's not," I do my best to avoid him at all costs, but I always hear him coming into the house at one in the morning. He's got to be doing something shady because I know he works during the day. "Alright, May I ask you a question Chance?" "Actually, Can I ask you a hypothetical question?" I think that we're far enough into the visit for me to safely ask this so I hope he'll listen. Who knows, he might even believe me. "Go ahead," "Let's say Hypothetically I actually don't remember who I was"- I looked at Insight who had an eyebrow raised -"Let's also say that I was a pony for my entire life, and just don't remember. How exactly would I go about becoming normal again?" Insight's expression was unreadable at this point as he thought for a moment. He smiled at me before speaking, "Well 'Hypothetically' you'd have to slowly reintegrate into society. Once that is done you can either try to remember who you were or start a new life." "Thanks Doc. It looks like our session is almost over though," I said while pointing to the clock that read 9:50. He looked up at it before he jumped up and ran toward the door. I guess he had somewhere to be? ***Celestia 9:35 am*** "Luna...just...move!" I said while pushing my sister toward her therapist's office. "I don't need a therapist!" She shouted back toward me. I'm happy that she's home, but I forgot how stubborn she could be about her health. 'We're alicorns' is not a reason for us to neglect our bodies or our minds. "We have to make sure you're mind is healing!" "My mind is perfectly fine!" She said as she moved away and started running back towards the castle. Before she could get very far I was able to catch her in my magic and levitated her beside me while we walked toward Insight's office. Insight is a therapist that does particularly well when it comes to extreme cases of mental trauma. He is one of the only Unicorns I'm willing to let learn that mind wipe spell because he understands when it's necessary. Normally, I wouldn't condone such a use of magic, but he only uses it on foals while they can still adapt to life. If it wasn't a complete mind wipe I'd say that it would be able to help my sister forget that she was even on the moon to begin with. "Your highness," Arrow said when I walked up to Insight's office. What was he doing here? "Hello Arrow. What are you doing here?" "I'm here for Chance's appointment. He's actually getting better!" He said excitedly. I admit that I might not have treated my last meeting with Chance as it should have been handled, but I couldn't just let him off the hook. I mean I was told there was a dragon who foalnapped Chance and had murdered several ponies already. Why does information always get so muddled on the way up? "That's good to hear Arrow. I was just-" "Haha! I have broken free!" Luna cried as she started running away from us. I sighed before nodding toward Arrow. "I apologize, but as you can see; I have a family problem to deal with." Why Can't Luna just see a therapist like normal ponies? ***Insight 10:00 am*** Where are the princesses? They're normally here at exactly ten O'clock. Oh my, did I miss the deadline and they walked away? That can't possibly be good for princess Luna's health especially considering how close we are to a breakthrough. I was pacing in the reception office while I waited for them to arrive. I was certain that they would be here by now, but instead they're nowhere to be found. "*wheeze*My apologies *wheeze* Mr. Insight," A very sweaty and tired Celestia as she came in. Luna was wrapped up in a fishing net for some reason, and attempting to gnaw through the net. "It's not a problem, princess. Would you like that report you asked for?" The report I was referring to was Chance's latest visit. She asked for it to ensure that he is getting better mentally. "If you would kindly," She said as we started to make our way back into my office. This was when I remembered that I never ended my and Chance's session. As I opened up the door he was standing by my desk with a slightly shocked expression on his face. I was about to ask why when, "HAHA! No net can hold me!" Why do I get the eccentric patients? ***Chance 9:55 Am*** I was still relaxing in that therapy chair Insight had left me in before bolting out of here. He could of at least said goodbye before ditching out on me like that! I looked around the rather ordinary office of Insight. The only interesting things were on Insight's desk. He had some weird clock thing, and one of those old timey scales. I got off the chair and made my way over to his desk so I could mess with said scale because why not? When I reached the desk however something caught my eye. There was a piece of paper in the center of the desk. When I looked at it I immediately recognized it as one of Insight's patient files. The only reason I knew what those looked like was because he showed me mine at one point. By that I mean I looked at mine while his back was turned. I knew I shouldn't read this because it is illegal, but then again it's probably mine. I began reading what was on the paper, Patient has a noticeable increase in happiness with her new foster mother. Nope, that is definitely not mine. I shouldn't read this, and just let Insight know he left it out whenever it is that he returns. Then again, I already broke the law so reading a little more couldn't hurt. Damn you curiosity! Memory wipe seems to have had no negative side effects on her other than a minor headache that is easily treated. I'm glad that she chose to go through with the memory wipe, but I'm certain no filly wants to remember what she had to. I've only had a few patients from Detrot, but she witnessed her entire family being killed in that train wreck. Ditzy is a good mother for her, and I'm glad she came by when she did. Wait, Isn't Ditzy Dinky's mom? Ditzy decided that since she would think she was her blood mother that she would give her a new name. I believe it was Dinky. Dinky went through with a mind wipe? She doesn't seem like...I mean...What? At this moment was when Insight walked back into the room with a large white alicorn right behind him. > Hello Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 31: Hello Again After a whole minute of staring blankly at the ponies in the doorway my brain finally started to work again. Did Dinky know she had a mind wipe? That can't be true since the reports said she thinks Ditzy is her blood mother, but she would still question her missing memories, wouldn't she? The other princess was currently clawing at the exit while Celestia tried to pull her away. I remember that other princess, but I never really spoke to her since the whole Jungle Vine thing. It's not that I held a grudge against her, but it's more that she is fucking terrifying when she yells. Insight was also trying to help the situation by talking to the princess in a calm voice which she responded with her head hitting the door. I hate having to come here, but I don't hate it that much! Finally I decided to walk out towards the exit that the princesses were at so I could get out of here. "Luna! Would you please just go sit in his office? You don't even have to say anything!" Celestia said to the other alicorn who was currently beating on the door. Stealthily making my way over towards them I tapped on the blue alicorns leg which got her attention. "If I may..." I said as I used my magic to pull the door open before calmly walking outside. When I got outside I nodded toward Arrow before turning back towards the door. The blue alicorn was looking at me with a baffled expression before a grin crossed her face and she started running out of there. "I'm not going to ask," Arrow said as he trotted up beside me. "Let's just say she forgot how to pull open a door," I said as we started walking back towards the train station. Sure, Canterlot had lots of things to see, but I've already seen everything interesting so there really is no point. As we drew closer to the train station something felt off, and I mean more than usual. Normally I feel like I some one is watching me, but this felt different almost like someone was studying me. Looking around I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary until my eyes fell on a green mare sitting at a table. My heart started to race and I was getting ready to bolt when a pony passed by and she vanished. She wasn't real? Whatever the case she was gone and my heart rate returned to normal before Arrow noticed anything was wrong. "Once we get back to Ponyville; you want to grab a milkshake?" Arrow asked as we neared the train station. I nodded vigorously until in confirmation when somepony came up behind us. "Good day your highness," "Hello again Arrow. Do you mind if I speak with Chance for a moment?" Celestia asked Arrow which he gave a salute to before walking towards the train. I was now alone with the princess. Well sort of alone since we were still in the middle of the street. With a bright flash and a loud 'whoosh' we were in some weird room. "Sorry, but I still can't appear to be a weak ruler," "Alright, I still don't understand why-" "I wish to apologize," Celestia said looking at me with an unreadable expression. Did she really want to apologize to me? Was she going to apologize for the attempted mind wipe? "About what?" I asked giving her a quizzical look. "When we met in the everfree you tried to defend Fire Catcher. I was misinformed and thought there was a clear danger towards my little ponies." "You were just doing what you thought was right. The fact that you're apologizing just shows that you truly believe you were wrong," "You're a strange colt, Chance," "That's what makes me awesome!" I said while pounding my chest with a hoof. Celestia just gave off a little giggle before charging her horn up for the teleport. I remember when seeing that would cause me to go into a panic attack, but that was before Manehatten. After the teleport we were standing in front of a very confused Arrow. "What the hell?" He shouted before covering his mouth. "Damn it Chance now I'm saying that!" Arrow cussing? That's hilarious! His face contorted in such a weird way when saying damn, DAMN! For fucks sake he needs to practice his cussing if that's how he looks like while doing it. "Nice try Arrow, but if you have that much trouble saying that you really shouldn't cuss," I said while patting him on his leg while boarding the train. He had a grumpy expression after that, but didn't say anything else as he also got on the train. "Hi Chance!" Dinky said as we entered a train car. Looking to my right I saw Ditzy and Dinky sitting in one of the seats. How am I going to talk to her now? I know something that she might have no idea about; how do you talk to someone after that? "Hey Dinky. You're on your way back too?" I said trying to keep the conversation as normal as possible which is harder than it sounds. "Yeah. Would you like to sit with me?" She asked which caused her face to turn red once again. Why does it do that so often? She should probably get it checked out because I don't think it's healthy. "Sure." I took a seat by Dinky and she scooted over closer to me. I was about to say something when our train car's door opened and in walked a white pegasus colt. I tried to hide behind the seat when he caught sight of me and glared. "Hey, Chance," He said with as much spite as his voice could muster. A mare walked in behind him before she looked at me and also glared. "Hey, Cold. I'd say more but I have decent company," I said as I motioned toward Dinky and her mom. "Why don't we catch up? It's only polite since you got everyone to hate me!" "That's your own fault, Cold. I gave you a fair warning before you threw that punch," I retorted as I got off my seat and stood in front of him when the mare stepped up. "Don't speak that way to my son!" "If he starts something I'll say something. Don't act like he has a right to be an a-"I looked toward Dinky, "-angry colt!" Maybe I should cut out my cussing a little. "Listen to me you-" "HEY! I recommend you leave," Arrow interrupted her. She was about to say something else when she caught sight of Arrow's guard armor. She slowly nodded her head before turning to leave with her son in tow. They both looked back at me with disdain. Why were they on a train to Ponyville anyway? "Who were they?" Dinky asked me as I took my seat beside her. "An old headache," I replied as I sat silently while Dinky stared at he side of my head. Out of everyone I never wanted to see in my life again, Cold breeze was near the top. He war actually right under Jungle Vine if you can believe it. "He pretended to be my friend," I quietly said. Dinky looked at me with a slight frown. "I'm sorry," "I'm fine now. It's not like he hid it well. Other than Arrow he was my first friend, but he only wanted to use me to impress a filly. Thought that fighting me was a good idea. I told him not to try me and I walked away. He decided that since I wouldn't fight him directly he jumped on my back. I slammed him into a wall for that, and everyone hated him for trying to force me to fight him." "He really did that?" Dinky asked which I just nodded to. Everyone knew about my ability to use magic back then which is why he tried fighting me. He thought fighting a unicorn who can use magic would make him look cool, but instead it made him look like an ass. "That was two weeks before I came to Ponyville Actually. I'm happy to say that no one bothered me after that." I said giving her a slight smile. "And since coming to Ponyville I've made plenty of real friends." She hugged me after I said that and I felt the heat rise in my cheeks. I'm happy to be able to consider Dinky here a true friend. On the way back to Ponyville we kept talking about what we were going to do, and how we were going to do it. I started to have that weird feeling again so I looked around the train car. Nothing was out of place, but something was definitely off. ***The next train car*** "I'll soon have you back, Lucky. I'll destroy that monster that has you trapped in your body." I said to myself as I glared at Lucky's body. I will have my son back if it kills me. > The Cold Shoulder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 32: The Cold Shoulder (Bad pun is bad!) ****** "What's up?" My pony self asked me as I was back in that featureless room. "What did I say last time? Because I recall saying exactly what we were doing. It's not up for debate," I said before the fucker could even start. "Why not? It's a lot to think about so why not list all the good things from staying?" "We never get to see our actual mom again, Ryan is damned for all eternity, we can't possibly have a normal life. I could go on, but you get the point." My old human self said as he walked into the room. "We have a chance we never had back home. Do we really want to give up having a family that isn't broken?" "Our family isn't broken! We just need to-" "I WANT BOTH OF YOU OUT!" I shouted before my human self could finish. Both versions of me went silent, and the world started to shimmer again. "I don't want to see either of you again," ****** "It's time to get up Chance," "I don't wanna," I grumbled in my bed before pulling the covers over my head. Loving wasn't amussed with my antics and proceeded to steal said covers from me. "I said to get up Chance," She repeated." "The bed has finally accepted me as a pillow. Don't take this away from me," I said rather drowsily as I waved my hoof in the air. Don't even pretend you haven't been in the same situation before! I curled up into a tight ball to bring back some of the stolen warmth when Button hopped up onto my bed. He started jumping up and down repeatedly in an attempt to get me up. Since I ended up falling to the floor because of it I'd say that it worked. "Why can't I sleep in anymore?" I asked out loud as I slowly rose to my hooves and looked up at Button and Loving. "It's Monday, isn't it?" "You did go to Insight yesterday so..." Loving said before turning towards the door," I made a special breakfast!" Oh right, that whole Insight fiasco. It's not like I could really forget yesterday since so much happened so suddenly. Hell, I even saw Cold again. What was he even doing on the train to Ponyville? My stomach started to grumble which put an end to my thoughts so I trotted over to the door with Button behind me. "Are you alright?" Button asked me out of the blue. "I'm fine. Why?" "You were talking in your sleep. you talked about something being broken," I was talking in my sleep? That can't possibly be good especially if I say something that I might regret. "Don't worry about it Button. Dreams are weird so who knows what was going on in here," I said while tapping on my head. He gave a slight frown before walking past me into the hallway. He has to deal with enough already I don't need to drag him into more of my problems. I followed him out before I smelled one of the best things ever. PANCAKES! I quickly sprinted down the stairs as fast as I could. I even jumped clear over Gibson who was about half-way down the stairs when I was at the top. Remember that the power of pancakes makes you superhuman. I don't think Gibson noticed because he just kept walking down the stairs like a zombie. How could he possibly not be excited when there are pancakes to be eaten! When he finally reached the bottom of the stairs was when I noticed why he wasn't excited. The guy was sleep walking. I didn't want to mess with him if he was asleep because that just isn't right. Then again he tried to do something similar to me yesterday morning so... "*snort* huh what? What's on my head?" Gibson asked while trying to remove me from his head. I'll have you know I make an excellent hat. "I am. Now carry me to the table!" I said while Gibson tried and failed to get me off of his head. Messing with him while he was sleep walking probably wasn't smart but he didn't try stopping me from climbing up here. "Get off or I'll cream you," Gibson said while once again attempting to get me off of his head. "Fine. You really are a kill joy, you know," I said as I used his head as a diving board. That probably wan't a good idea because I face planted onto the floor. Gibson started laughing like a hyena while I peeled my face off the floor. "Who wants...Why is Chance's face flatter than the pancakes I made?" Loving said as she poked her head out of the kitchen door. I shook my head until everything went back to it's proper place before speaking up. "I blame the economy." "What?" "I don't know. I do know that I'm hungry though so food sounds good about now," I said while walking over toward the kitchen door. She just shook her head as I stepped into the kitchen. My stomach dropped the moment my eyes fell onto seas.He smiled at me and I smiled back even though I had to force it a bit. "Good morning, Chance. Did you sleep well?" He asked. He never gave me a reason to not like him, but something about him just felt really off. "Yeah, Can you slide me a plate?" I asked as I sat down at the other end of the table. He did as I asked before he spoke up again, "So...you got your mark. That's nice." "I got it a few weeks ago." "Right, right..." Someone get a knife because the tension here needs to get cut! Seriously he was trying to make small talk when he probably realized I don't have anything to say to him. The rest of breakfast was quite even when everyone else came to the table. It couldn't be just because of me because Loving kept glancing over to seas for some reason. A knock came from the door which thankfully gave me a reason to get out of the situation. I quickly got up and bolted out of the kitchen to answer the door which had Arrow standing behind it. "Ready for school?" He asked. I nodded before calling out for Button to meet us at the door. When he walked out a very disgruntled Seas followed him out. "What are you doing here?" He asked in a spiteful tone. "Do you have to do this every time you see me? Especially in front of the kids?" "Hey Arrow, I'm ready for school and so is Button so lets just go," I said as I walked out of the house with all of them looking at me confused. I did not want to go through this again especially since Seas is acting more and more like a bitch each time he sees Arrow. Button and Arrow followed me soon after since I sure as hell wasn't stopping to listen to that bullshit. The walk to the school was the same as any other day's except I felt like I was being watched again. I don't know what's going on, but something definitely isn't right around here. The school house came into view and so did Cheerilee which made Arrow slow down his pace slightly. "Good morning, Chance!" Cheerilee said while giving me a big smile. She looked up at Arrow and gave him a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to me. "Do you mind showing our new student around?" "Wait, we have a new-" "Hey Chance." Cold said as he walked out of the school building. For the love of god, why did he have to be here? "You two know each other? That's great! It will be much easier for Cold to feel at home by already having a friend," Cheerilee said happily before walking into the building. "Let's set a few things straight. I don't like you, and you hate me so lets just suck it up and get along." I said while walking into the school. Cold decided to trip me as I walked past him, I guess he doesn't want to play nice. He got close to my ear while I was still on the ground before whispering. "You ruined me back home so I'm going to ruin you here," This guy is playing with fire, and I mean that semi literally. He walked into the building while I got back to my hooves. It wasn't bad enough that I had to pretend to be getting better, but now I have to deal with a jackass that doesn't understand karma. Why does the universe hate me? > Get Over It > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 33: Get Over It "Settle down class. I'd like to introduce you all to Cold Breeze," Cheerilee said to the class while presenting the white pegasus. He was standing confidently in front of the class while glancing toward me every so often. It's not my fault he got everyone to hate him; I was just a victim. "Would you like to tell the class about yourself?" "My name is Cold Breeze," He said uninterested in the class. "My mom and me moved here from Manehatten yesterday." After that he started walking back to his seat which was right beside mine. Why did the last open seat have to be beside me? "That's good, Cold! Now I'd like to announce that family appreciation day is next week," Cheerilee said while clapping her hooves together. I remember Applebloom talking about this awhile ago. She brought her grandma or something and everyone loved her. It's going to be nice to see everyone's loved ones. I can show everyone how awesome my... my... I don't have anyone to show off, do I? The day went on like it normally does except this time Cold would constantly try to distract me from my work. At one point, he got up to turn in a test and purposely bumped into my desk causing me to scratch out half my work; I had to redo that entire paper in 10 minutes! Still, it's not like he can do any real harm to me. The bell finally rang signaling that it was time for recess. Getting out of my seat I made my way over to the door where Button was waiting on me. "Hey, Chance. Rumble wanted to know if you wanted to play with us again," He said enthusiastically. "Sure, I want to be a pirate this time though!" I said as I ran out the door towards the fort where Rumble and Pipsqeak were currently talking to someone else. As I got closer I could see that they were talking to Cold, and they had a mixed expression on their faces. As I drew loser I could hear what he was saying to them. "Then he slammed me into a wall, and everypony blamed me!" Cold said with complete confidence in his voice. "That doesn't sound like Chance. Didn't he forgive Dinky for hitting his horn?" Rumble said. Cold cringed a little when Rumble mentioned the horn thing. I actually forgot about the whole incident with everything that had been going on lately. "All I'm saying is-" "That your trying to spin the story to make me the bad guy? I don't see how you can do that when you jumped me," I said making my presence known. "I don't think you understand that I don't fight ponies without reason." "Yeah right. I'm surprised you haven't abused your condition here too," "What do you mean?" I asked. This was when I realized what he meant and I couldn't stop him from saying it. "How you think you're a human. You didn't want them to know? oops" He said sarcastically. I froze when he said that, and all of the foals looked toward me. I could spin this in a different direction, but I had to spin this right. "Wow, you still think I was being serious?" I asked with a grin across my face, "I admit that it was a pretty good prank, but seriously? I expected better of you, Cold." "Nice try Chance, but I remember how you talked about your therapist," I forgot I told Cold about Insight before. Well my plan went out the window so I had to come up with something else. I just shook my head side to side before speaking, "Whatever. You guys ready to play Pirates vs. Knights again?" I asked as I turned to Pipsqueak and Rumble who were watching the whole thing play out. "I wasn't done talking to you!" Cold said while getting in my face. This dude really wants to start something doesn't he? "Well I was done talking with you. Listen I'm sorry about Manehatten, but you need to let that stuff go," I said. If he's willing to give this up then I'm willing to show him around town. Instead of taking my advice he spat on my hooves. "That wasn't very nice," ***Arrow*** "So you're in the Canterlot orchestra now?" I asked Lyra who was sitting across from me. After I dropped Chance of at school I dropped by Lyra's for a small chat. "Yep, I've done pretty well for myself," She said as she rubbed a hoof against her chest after breathing on it. Why do ponies do that? "You sure have. The only thing I can really boast about is Chance and that's about it," I said while taking a sip of the tea Lyra gave to me when I arrived. "He's a good kid. He reminds me of my nephew Lucky Charm before he became a vegetable," This was news to me. "You had a nephew?" "Yeah, he looked a lot like Chance but last I heard he was kidnapped from the Canterlot hospital. I think that's why my sister is so interested in Chance. She can't let her son go," "You think she might have been trying to make Chance turn into Lucky?" I asked while looking toward Lyra who was intently focused on her cup of tea. "Maybe. I miss him too, but I wouldn't go that far. You know, I remember when he was around 2 and he conjured his first familiar. It was a bird of all things, but for a 2 year old it was impressive. That thing never left his side," "I'm sorry," I said while putting a hoof on her shoulder. She just sighed before looking up at me, "Does Chance still need a magic teacher?" I thought for a minute. That teacher Insight hired never showed up because of something in Canterlot, but would Chance even be able to stay calm around Lyra? "He does. You want to teach him?" I asked. she just nodded before I looked at the clock. I realized it was about time to go pick up Chance and excused myself before making my way to the school. When I got there I was greeted by the sight of Cheerilee out front with a bruised Chance and that obnoxious colt from yesterday. ***Chance*** "Hehe how you doing Arrow?" I asked while rubbing the back of my head. "What happened?" Arrow asked worried about my safety probably. It's not like I started the fight! Cold threw the first fucking punch. "Cold and Chance were fighting during recess. I have no choice but to suspend them for a few days," Cheerilee said. "Wow, Self defense is frowned upon? I didn't know that not letting the tar get kicked out of you was a bad thing," I retorted. I might not be handling this situation properly, but this was just plain unfair! "CHANCE! Get over here!" Arrow said rather agitated. I don't think I made the right choice here because when I got over to Arrow he gripped my ear in his teeth before dragging me back to Button's. "Ahhh, stop it!" I yelped as I tried to get out of Arrow's teeth by squirming around. Arrow spit my ear out of his mouth before speaking. "Chance, what did I tell you about fighting?" I looked toward the ground before answering him. "I'm better than that," "Exactly. What were you even fighting about to begin with?" "He tried to get everyone to hate me because of Manehatten. I only said what was true so he couldn't twist the story." "*sigh* Chance, just because he was spreading lies doesn't mean you can go and beat him up," Arrow said. In most cases I could agree with him, but Cold wasn't most cases. "I didn't even throw the first punch!" I said when we neared Button's house. Loving and Button were currently outside and Loving had a very angry expression on her face. The only reason Button was here so early was because Cheerilee sent a letter home to let Loving know about my incident. "We'll talk more about this later," Arrow said still agitated. Before leaving however he asked me one last question, "How bad did you beat him?" "Knocked him down 3 times," I stated before walking over to the very angry Loving. Today was a long day, and it's going to be an even longer night. > Sneaking Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 34: Sneaking Out CHORES! I just had to go and fight Cold, didn't I? When I came home yesterday Loving decided that Since grounding me didn't work last time that throwing chores my way would work. Why does self-defense result in punishment? "This sucks!" I said to myself as I continued to mop up the kitchen floor. Why am I mopping it? Well when we had dinner earlier someone spilled their drink all over the floor. Now I'm stuck on cleaning duty! "Sorry," Button said while he was soaking up the spill with a sponge. "At least you have that sponge...where did you get that from?" I asked because I never found a sponge with the cleaning supplies. "Found it," Why am I even questioning this? He keeps on finding things and doesn't ever tell anyone where they're from. Dipping my mop back into the water bucket before I looked over to Button, "How do you always find these things in the first place?" "I actually do find them. Pinkie has hiding spots all over town," I just face hooved. Of course the confetti ninja has hiding spots for random objects all over town. I see her around town and she's always doing something that defies the laws of physics...and even the laws of non-physics if they exist. We were finally done cleaning up the spill and I took a moment to step back and admire our work. Then Gibson and one of his friends came up from the basement. Their hooves were covered in dust and some dirt which ruined all the hard work me and Button just did. I am going to have to beat a bitch. "GIBSON, I JUST SPENT AN HOUR CLEANING THIS FLOOR!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me and then to the floor before wiping more dirt on the floor. "DUDE!" "Come on man. That's not right," Gibson's friend said as he walked past us. "What? I'm just helping him build character," Gibson retorted as he followed his friend out of the kitchen. That dude is an asshole through and through. I looked down at the floor to see that the dirt was getting wt and becoming muddy. "You can go, Button. I'll get this," I said as I pulled my mop back out of the bucket to begin cleaning. Instead of going off to play his games I saw him pick his sponge back up and start cleaning up some of the dirt. "You heard me, right?" "Yeah. But if I help you we can play together sooner," Of course he'd be thinking of playing together as a reason to help. Still, I gave him a smile as we went back to work on the kitchen floor for another hour. ***1 hour later*** "Why did they have to come in and out every three minutes!" I said as I walked up the stairs to our room. Button just shrugged his shoulders when we reached the top of the stairs and saw Open heading towards us. I stepped out of his way while he continued on until he reached the front door. "Where are you going?" "I have business to attend to. I'll be back later," He said as he walked out of the house. I swear that dude is up to something shady. I however wasn't allowed to leave the house along with the chores. Why did I let Cold get in my head like that? Turning my focus back to the hallway I noticed that Open had dropped a small pouch. I decided to investigate and see what exactly it was that he had left. Picking up the pouch I opened it up to see quite a few bits in it for some reason. What would he be spending bits on at this time of night? All the stalls and restaurants are closed so he couldn't be using them to buy anything from them. "What are you looking at?" Button asked as he trotted up beside me to look into the pouch. "Some bits." I said while showing him its contents. "Oh, we should probably go give it to dad before he gets to far," Button said as he turned towards the stairs. I quickly stopped him however before I began to explain. "I think we should give the bag to Loving, Button. If Open needs it he'll come and get it," In reality I just want to see if Loving has any idea on what Open would need money for at this time of night. Button looked towards the stairs then back to me before nodding. "Okay. Mom can give it to dad when he comes back," I swear the innocence in this child is heart wrenching. Turning back towards the hallway we made our way to Loving and Open's bedroom. After knocking on the door I waited for a few minutes before Loving opened it. "What are you doing up? It's 11 at night!" Loving asked clearly exhausted from the day. I dropped the bag of bits in front of her before speaking, "Open dropped this on his way out," "Why would he need bits if he's...Chance, I want you and Button to go to bed." She said as she stormed out of her bedroom. Looks like she didn't know about the money and she's pissed about it. I might of made a mistake here. I grabbed Button's arm and quickly made our way over to our room. Once we entered I made my way over to the window to see Loving running off into the night. Yep, I definitely did a bad here. "Where's mom going?" Button asked which reminded me he just saw that entire thing. "I don't know, Button. I'm going to go find out though," I said as I made my way back out of our room. "But mom said-" "I don't care." I cut him off as I started making my way out of the room. I might of really messed up here if this goes the way I think it's going. Only when I reached the front door did I realize that Button was right behind me. "Go to bed, Button," "No, I want to help!" "You don't want to come with me. Trust me," I said as I opened up the door. Button held firm and replied, "I'm going whether you want me to or not!" I just facehooved before beckoning him to come along. He wants to deal with the backlash then that's his problem. I just wanted to figure out what's going on. Still maybe he can help with the situation if it's what I think it is. God I hope I'm wrong. > You Shouldn't See This > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 35: You Shouldn't See This ***Button*** "Where is mom going?" I asked as me and Chance kept running after her. When we left the house earlier Chance was trying his best to make me stay for some reason. I had to go with him though because he seemed to think something was wrong with mom and dad. "I don't know. I still think you should go home, Button," Chance said while giving me a slight frown. Why does he always want me to stay back while he deals with everything? I can help! Doesn't he think that I can do something other than play video games. "Why should I go home? Don't you trust me?" Chance stopped when I asked that. He slowly turned to me with a slight frown. "Because I'm trying to protect you, Button. You shouldn't have to deal with this stuff. Now come on, Loving is about to go into that building" Chance said while pointing to a rather large building with some bright lights near the side. I never saw this place before, but we have been running for awhile so maybe we went outside of town. "What is this place?" I asked which caused chance to quickly cover up my mouth. "Listen to me, Button. You are not going in there and you are going home." I tried to argue with him, but I couldn't speak because of his hoof covering my mouth. "I'm going to bring your mom back, but I can't let you follow me in there," He finally removed his hoof from my mouth which I used to finally get a word in. "Why not? What is this place?" "Someplace you shouldn't be. Now go home so I can hopefully stop something bad from happening," What could he mean by something bad happening? Were my parents in any danger? I can't just walk away if that's the case, but Chance wont just let me go in for some reason so I had to trick him. I slowly nodded my head and turned to head back into town. Before I got very far however Chance called out to me, "I'm sorry, Button. I promise that this is for the better!" How can I believe that if he wont even tell me what kind of place this is? I kept on walking until Chance turned around to head into the building. This was when I started to walk back to him so I could stay close by in case he needed any help. He was getting near the door, But for some reason he hid behind the trashcan that was near it. "What is he doing?" I asked myself before noticing Chance move out of his hiding spot to go through the front door. I was confused on what he was doing until I saw a very tough looking pony guarding the entrance. He was an earth pony that was wearing a black shirt and some sunglasses. Why would he wear those at night? This was when I realized that Chance had done all that to sneak past this pony. Why would he need to do that unless...MY DAD IS IN A GANG! That explains why he would show up so late at night. It also explains why Chance wouldn't want me to go in to the building with him. I can't just let Chance go in there alone when these ponies could hurt him so I decided to follow in Chance's hoofsteps.I slowly walked over towards the door and hid behind the trashcan Chance had used when I got close enough. Peaking around the side I saw the pony gazing off into the distance at something which I used to my advantage and snuck by him. "HEY! you aren't aloud in there," The bouncer pony said just as I was entering the building. I had to think fast so that I could keep up with Chance. "I...um...my ball rolled in here and I was getting it back," There we go. He shouldn't have any problem with that- "I didn't see any ball," Crap. "Please sir. I jut want to get my ball back," The stallion rolled his eyes before walking up to me and saying. "Just tell me what it looks like and I'll get it." "It's red and round," He facehooved before opening the door and walking into the building. I took this opportunity to follow him inside so I could get to Chance. The inside of the building was weird. It smelled horrible and it was incredibly dark with grown ups everywhere. There was really loud music that sort of reminded me of Vinyl Scratch's. I quickly ducked under a table when I realized I was standing in the open of a gangs hide out. This was when I noticed something else; all the adults in here were looking towards a stage with a stallion in socks dancing on it. This place is weird. ***Chance*** A fucking unstrip club! They went to a fucking unstrip club! I swear to god if I get anywhere near Open I am roasting him alive for this bullshit! I had to sneak past several ponies already and when I got to the back stage one 'propositioned' me. That dude wont be having children anytime soon. I swear the hypocrisy that Open is committing here is going to ruin his fucking family if I don't do something. As I walked around in the back rooms I could hear yelling coming from one of them. Looks like I'm a little late in stopping this bit. I got closer to the door that I heard the yelling coming from and put my ear up to it. "-A SON! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Loving's voice rang from the other side of the door, "IT'S NOT LIKE THAT'S STOPPED YOU! I BET YOU'RE SLEEPING WITH THAT DAMN GUARD!" Open yelled back. My blood started to boil over him saying that. Arrow had more honor than what this bastard is implying. I didn't realized I was leaning even more into the door until I fell over which caused the door to open. Looking up I saw Open, Loving, and a stallion with knee socks on. "I told you to stay home, Chance!" Loving said while giving me an angry glare before turning back towards Open. "I thought getting Chance would bring us together, but it's only made you act worse!" "THE ONLY THING THAT HAPPENED WHEN CHANCE SHOWED UP WAS YOUR NEW FUCK TOY!" Open yelled back at her. The stallion with the socks was just sitting there in complete silence while the two argued. I was right with him since it seems that this was going to happen no matter what. "I'VE BEEN FAITHFUL! YOU"RE THE ONE COMING TO THIS WHORE!" Loving yelled back while pointing to the stallion who got angry at that. "IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN PICK MY CUSTOMERS LADY! I WANT BOTH OF YOU OUT!" He yelled towards the two when I heard a small voice behind me. "mom dad, what's going on?" I slowly turned to see Button standing there with tears starting to form in his eyes. I thought I told him to go home so he wouldn't have to deal with this. "Button, I-" "You're mother and I are having an adult conversation." Open said before Loving could say what she wanted. "What are you-" "Go home Button," Open said cutting Button off. Button hung his head and turned to me. "Let's go home, Chance. I don't want to be here anymore," He said before slowly walking out the door into the back rooms. Before I walked out with him I turned back towards the Open, "If I ever see you again I'm going to roast you alive." After that I turned my back on him and ran back up to Button who was nearing the entrance. "I'm sorry you had to see that, Button." Button didn't say anything and just kept on walking until we exited the building where that bouncer was still standing. "Hey! There wasn't a...ball..." He trailed off when he looked at Button. I was curios why until I felt something wet hit my chest as Button hugged me. He was crying. "It's all my fault!" He cried out. I just hugged him back before saying, "No, it's not. I'm going to fix this, Button. I promise." > Stepping Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 36: Stepping Up "Why should we get involved? It's not our problem," My human self said while taking a sip of water. I was back in that featureless room that these two seemed to be obsessed with meeting me in. "It's our problem because Button shouldn't have to go through this," My pony self countered before smacking the water out of my human self's hand. "Quit being selfish!" "I'm just saying that all we'd do is make things worse," "The least we can do is be there for Button," I was just sitting in a chair I conjured up while listening to both of them. Normally by now I'd tell them both to fuck off, but this is the only time that I can truly think about the situation and how to fix it. "I feel bad for the kid, but he needs to learn that life sucks," "Are you even hearing yourself talk? Chance, do you really think Button should go through this?" I looked up at my two selves. They both were staring at me with big eyes. Why can't they leave me out of their arguments? "He's eight. My dad left us then and I turned out fine," I said while looking away from them. "You promised you'd fix this!" My pony self practically yelled at me. I know I promised to help Button, but I have a lot of my own problems to deal with. Do I really want to add more to them for Button's sake? "Why should we care?" My human self said while folding his arms. The pony me walked up to me before looking me in the eyes. "He already has to deal with his brother being turned into a slave! Do you really think that you can live with yourself if you left him alone?" I focused on my pony self. He had a point; what kind of person would I be if I left Button alone. The last thing he needs is to be in this alone. "Alright, I'll try to help him. You guys just...just don't talk to me while I'm awake." I said while walking over to the door of the room. I turned the handle before looking back at them, "I'm still not sure about that mind wipe," ****** I woke back up in my bed early in the morning. At least I think it was early since the sun was just peaking out over the horizon; damn dreams making time keeping impossible. Looking over to Button's bed I saw that he was still asleep after last nights revelations. "I'll make things right," I whispered to myself as I went through my normal morning routine until I got downstairs and saw Loving asleep on the couch. I sighed before making my way to the kitchen so I could try to make breakfast again. These guys have been through enough so I should try to make things a little easier on them. When I was in the kitchen however I smelt smoke and burned hay. Looking up I saw Gibson looking over the stove with a small mushroom cloud coming off it. "Dude, the microwave is where you nuke things," I said while walking up to him. He just looked at me with a annoyed expression, "I just figured I'd try being helpful," He sighed after that. I guess I thought Gibson wouldn't have known about the whole situation yet, but I guess he put 2 and 2 together. It was nice to see him trying to be helpful, but cooking clearly isn't his specialty so I grabbed the pan and dumped it's contents into the trash can. "Hey! I was-" "I'll cook breakfast. If you don't mind, can you go get me some blueberries?" I said while I began to recreate the pancakes that I made my first day here. Gibson just stood there a minute before he started searching for what I asked for. I know that this isn't going to fix anything or make anyone feel better, but maybe it will take their minds off their problems, even if it's for a moment. Gibson returned a few minutes later with those blue berries I asked for. "Here you go," He said while dropping the berries next to me which I quickly added to the pancakes so that they had a bit of extra flavor. "Thanks...Gibson can I ask you a favor?" "Yeah, go ahead." "Can you keep an eye on Button? He's...He's going to be in a very dark place for awhile," I said while looking up at Gibson. His expression was unreadable, but he gave a firm nod before walking out of the kitchen to let me work in peace. "I hope you can help him," I said to myself as I looked out the window towards the rising sun. ***10 years ago*** "It's alright mom." I said with tears in my eyes as I hugged my mother. She was crying at the dining table with my brother to her other side. She didn't even seem to notice that I even said anything as she continued to sob even harder into to the table. "I'm sorry *sniffle* I couldn't fix-" My mom broke down into more sobs before she could finish what she was saying. I just hugged her tighter. This stuff only happens in movies so how could it have happened to us. "Don't be sorry. Let the fuck rot for all I care," Ryan said while storming away from us. He was hit the hardest by all of this if you ask me because after we got the letter he's just been so angry all the time. It still didn't give him a right to be an ass to mom though so I decided to try talking to him. *Whaling* after mom stops crying. ***Back to now*** I was pulled out of my memory when a small ding rang next to me. Looks like breakfast should be done. Piling up all the pancakes onto a plate I carefully used my magic to levitate it over to the table. Thankfully it didn't burn while I did that. A moment later a very bedraggled Loving came slowly into the kitchen and sat down at one end of the table. "Morning," I said with as much of an upbeat attitude as possible. I was hoping that acting happy might rub off on them, and make everything seem a little less bad. She looked up toward me with very dark bags under her eyes. "*yawn* Good morning, Chance," She said while stretching out her hooves and back. A few minutes later Gibson came in with Button resting on his back with tears still staining his face's fur. I really wish he had listened to me when he could of. "Good morning!" I said faking my enthusiasm again in hopes of spreading a little bit of cheer. Button just raised his head and looked at me with a pitiful expression on his face before laying his head back down on his brother's back. This is not good especially since this is all still new. I set up four stacks of pancakes on the table while taking a seat opposite of Loving. Gibson set Button down next to their mother before taking his own seat on her other side. Loving took agonizingly slow bites of her food while Gibson just ate as he normally did, but Button...Button wasn't eating at all. "Button? You need to eat," I said to him. He just looked at me before grabbing his fork and almost took a bite of food, but he pushed his plate away instead. "I'm not hungry," He said. This has definitely hit him hard so I got up from my chair and made my way over to him. "Button, please eat. If not for me do it for your family,"I said while motioning towards his brother and mother who were looking at him with worried looks. He reluctantly took back his plate before taking a bite of his food. That's good, If I can keep him from shutting everyone out then I can help him through this. A knock resounded from the front door which I reluctantly excused myself to answer. Making my way over to the door I opened it to see Arrow with a worried expression on his face. "Chance, are you alright?" He said while examining my face with a hoof. I swatted it away before I spoke, "It's just been a long night. I think I might be the only one heading to school today," I said while looking back towards the kitchen where Button had begun crying again with Loving hugging him close to her chest. "What happened?" "It's a long story. Can we just get going?" I asked while walking out of the house. I really don't need to deal with anymore problems today or I think I might just snap. > The Fire of Learning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 37: The Fire of Learning "I thought we were going to school?" I said when Arrow to a left turn down a street instead of just going to normal way to school. "You were suspended, remember?" He retorted as he continued down the path with me right behind him. Oh right, I beat the shit out of Cold for being an asshole...worth it. We were now going down the street where all the vendors set up there shop. They sold all kinds of things from what I could see which was really only hats, cats, bats, mats, and flowers. Why did they sell so many things that ended in ats I'll never know because we were walking up to that candy shop in town. It was the same as most of the other buildings except it had large windows out front which gave a view of what was within. You could see baskets filled with jellybeans, suckers, and even jaw breakers. Sitting right behind them however was the biggest chocolate bare I have ever seen. I swear I was getting diabetes just looking at all this candy. "Why are we here? Don't tell me you want me to buy you one of those chocolate bars! It's bigger than me," I said while pointing to the sugary treat. "No! Okay that's part of the reason, but the real reason is to help you," Arrow said while grinning at me. What could he mean by help me though? I don't know of too many things that a candy shop could actually do other than make you have a sugar rush. "What do you mean by 'help me'," he just looked down at me and gave me a serious expression. "Do you trust me, Chance?" Oh god why would he ask this? "Yes?" I said giving him a questioning look. He just smiled before patting my head and telling me not to worry about it. When he opened the door I was instantly hit by the really sugary smell of everything in the shop. Why is that smell always so strong in these places? "Welcome to Bon Bon's...oh hello again, Arrow," A cream colored mare said from behind the counter. I recall seeing her when I went into the everfree forest after telling Button to fuck off. I still feel horrible about that. "Hey Bons. Is your roommate here?" Arrow asked weirdly. "You mean Lyr-" "Yes. Is she here?" Arrow asked again after he shoved his hoof into Bons' mouth. She slowly nodded before pointing to a door behind the counter. Wow this is getting insanely creepy and I fear for my butt. "Arrow, Why are we looking for her roommate?" I asked while slowly walking past the counter towards the door Arrow didn't say anything and just stayed behind me the entire time. "Arrow?" I asked again, but again he said nothing. This was when I started to hear a really beautiful instrument being played. I couldn't tell exactly what it was, but I'd say it could be a harp, maybe. Arrow picked up on the music to and slowly walked over towards the door that the music was coming from. Before opening the door he turned to me. "You know I wouldn't put you in harms way, right?" He asked. "Yeah, what's going on Arrow?" I asked again when he opened up the door and pushed me inside. I was really confused as to what was going on until my eyes landed on a mint green unicorn holding a lyre in her hooves. My heart started to beat faster and my legs started to freeze up in terror. "Chance, I need you to look at me," Arrow said while putting a hoof on my shoulder. I couldn't move let alone turn my head so Arrow just moved in front of me breaking my sight with the mare. This was when I realized I was holding my breath that entire time. "I promise this isn't Jungle. I'd never let her near you," "A-Arrow....C-can We P-Please go?" I asked in a shaky voice. I could feel the mare starring at me through Arrow. "I need you to listen to me, Chance. Lyra has offered to help teach you to control your magic, and it might help you stop being scared of her," He said with a very serious expression plastered onto his face. I can't argue with his logic, but I couldn't stop shaking. "I promise I wont let her hurt you again," My shaking stopped as he said those words. I was still terrified, but something about how Arrow said that made me feel safer for some reason. I decided to look past him to look at the mare that had nearly caused me to panic. She was sitting on a bed looking at me with a sad look. I started to shake again, but I felt a hoof rest on my back. Looking up I saw Arrow giving me a smile before nudging me closer to the mare on the bed. "Hello, Chance. My name is Lyra and Arrow tells me you want to learn to control your magic," She said in a calm low voice while looking me in the eyes. "I Can control it...mostly," I said that last part a little quieter, but I believe she heard me. "How about you show me how well you can control it then?" She said while levitating her lyre over to me. "Pluck a few strings for me," I did as she asked and started to use my magic to pluck various strings in a random order. That was until the lyre started to glow a little orange which caused me to panic and drop it on the ground. "I'm sorry!" I quickly said while she used her magic to move the lyre to reveal a scorch mark in the carpet. "I was going to get this replaced soon anyway. That proves that you can't control you magic though," She said very calmly. I ws about to protest when she levitated a small bottle from a nearby dresser to me. "Drink this," "Why?" "Just do it," I took the bottle with my magic and drank it's contents. It didn't have much of a taste to it for some reason. "That should keep you from accidentally burning anything," "R-really?" I asked shocked by what she just said. I didn't have to worry about burning anything anymore? "Now, I want you to try lifting up my lyre again, and play a few strings," She said as calmly as before. Looking over toward Arrow for reassurance. I saw him give me a smile and give me a wings up (Which is oddly enough like a thumbs up). Carefully I picked the lyre back up and started to play the different strings again, but this time the instrument didn't start to glow from any excess heat from my magic. It just stayed in the air while I played it. "I did it! Look Arrow, I actually did it!" I said gleefully while jumping up and down a few times. I may be older on the inside, but I was just as excited as any other foal right now. "I told you she could help you," Arrow said while giving me the biggest grin I've ever seen on him. That smug bastard was right about all of this! "You did good, Chance. Now let's go into into manipulating multiple objects at once..." I was so excited that I finally was able to use my magic without worrying about it hurting someone. I could finally start using my magic for something useful rather than random bullshit like I've been using it for. I began to learn various things about magic including a few minor spells that Lyra picked up over the years. I learned how to heal small cuts and bruises in a few minutes, and I even learned how to use my levitation more precisely. These weren't really useful, but I loved learning from Lyra all the same. I didn't even remember that she looked like that monster that kidnapped me so long ago until I looked at her, and even then I didn't care. "I believe our time is up. Come back tomorrow and we'll see how you are with conjuring small things," Lyra said while ushering me and Arrow out the door. I didn't even realize that it was 4:00 pm until she had said anything. I was sad that I had to go so soon, but I could practice all that I learned while I was at home anyway. When we got outside of the candy shop Arrow looked down at me and spoke, "Sorry I had to trick you like that. Can you forgive me?" "I can, but only if you buy me that chocolate bar that's bigger than me." Arrow just shook his head while giving a small laugh before walking back into the store and buying me a normal sized chocolate bar. Today was a good day after all. > Frozen in Time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 38: Frozen in Time The walk back to Button's was relatively quite and I began to remember the mornings events very clearly. During the day kept distracting myself so that I wouldn't accidentally tell someone about the incident. There is no need for people to be looking down on them at a time like this. "Why haven't you eaten your chocolate, Chance?" Arrow asked while looking towards me. "It's for Button," I stated simply. I know I can trust Arrow with anything, but I don't think that Loving would want me to be telling him about all of this. Arrow's expression was one of slight sadness, but he didn't push the matter any further for now. About this time was when the CMC ran up to me with worried expressions. "CHANCE!" They yelled out as they plowed into me full force. When the ponies flying around my head disappeared I asked them what the problem was. "Dinky went into the everfree forest!" "That's a problem because?" Why are they so panicked about Dinky going in there. I've gone twice and the only problems I ran into involved a certain fire demon. "The everfree forest is filled with monsters," Sweetie said. "Yeah, there are manticors, timber wolves, chimeras, and even pony eating plants!" Scootaloo added. I don't recall seeing any of those things when I was in there, but if Dinky was in danger I had to go help her. "Alright, I'll-" "Go home. I'll go get your friend, Chance," Arrow interrupted me. "Where did she go into the forest?" Arrow asked rather urgently. The girls just motioned for him to follow them while leaving me in the dust. "Like hell I am," I said to myself as I started to sprint after them. Arrow may be a guard, but he has no idea what's out there so I have to go and help him. Even if he doesn't want me to help him I have to. When I was rounding the corner of a building I ran head first into somebody else causing us both to be knocked down. I could hear a groan escape from the other guy while I slowly got up and opened my eyes. "I'm really sorry about...fuck," When the guy got up to look at me I realized that it was actually Cold. "You should be sorry," He said while lowering himself into a pouncing position. I hope he realizes that we are equines and not large cats...or cat birds. "That's why I said sorry. Now, If you'll excuse me I've got to go," Side stepping him I started to run towards where I though Arrow had run off too. I lost track of him when I went head first into the equivalent of a brick wall. Before I could get far however Cold landed in front of me with a grin on his face. "Why not stay and tell me all about where you're going?" '"Because it's important and I don't have long," I tried side stepping him again, but he just blocked my path again. "Too bad. Now how about you give me that chocolate bar of yours?" He said while pointing to the chocolate bar that I was saving for Button. "Fine!" I said before throwing the candy in his face and running past him in hopes of catching up with Arrow and the Crusaders. When I was nearing the edge of town was when Cold tackled me to the ground from behind. "You aren't getting away that easily," He said as he shoved my face into the dirt. I think I could hear him laughing a little bit to like tiny sociopath. This was when I violently threw him off my back so I could get back up. "I do NOT have time for you!" I said as I kicked him in the head before sprinting towards the everfree forest. Considering the fact that he didn't block my path or try tackling me I assumed that he had given up...or was knocked out either was good. As I approached the treeline something felt very wrong; almost as if I was being watched by something. I couldn't let that bother me though as I had to find Dinky and Arrow in here before anything happens to them. When I took my first step into the forest my stomach dropped, and I felt a chill run up my spine. Something was very wrong here. The trees started bending in unnatural ways, and I could hear various noises that I didn't hear before. Why is this stuff bothering me so much when I could walk in here perfectly a little while ago? Looking into the forest I couldn't see more than a few feet in front of me because of how dark it was getting. I was about to turn around and try to find a path to follow instead of aimlessly wandering when I realized that the darkness had surrounded me. I tried to charge up my horn so I could have some light, but for some reason it wouldn't light up. I couldn't even get it to spark. "CHANCE!" I head Dinky cry out in the forest which spurred me to run as fast as possible towards her. I can't let her get hurt; I have to help her! ***Dinky*** "Chance, where are we going?" I asked as he took me even further into the everfree. He said that he wanted me to help him with something, but he wouldn't say what. "We're just going to this cool cave I found." He said with his voice still sounding slightly different from it's usual self. "I thought you wanted me to help you with something," "You will. We just have to get there first." He's been acting strange this entire time, but it's not like he was going to hurt me. As we continued walking Chance began to grin with a kind of scary smile. After a moment or two we were standing in front of a cave's entrance. "Here we are. Mares first," He said while ushering me in. Something about his smile seemed very off, but I just figured it was because the forest was making me scared. When I walked into the Cave I froze in fear when I saw a pony on fire sitting in the middle of it. Beside it sat a strange creature with almost no hair on it except for its head. The fire pony slowly rose to it's hooves before it walked over to me. I was too scared to move so I just stood there and stared at it until I finally screamed. "CHANCE!" > Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 39: Lost ***Arrow*** "I want you girls to head home. I'll bring your friend back," I said while taking my first few steps into the everfree forest. It's been a long time since I was a curious colt, and entered this forest. It still gives me chills, but it's my solemn duty to protect equestria's citizens. "She's our friend though," The one in the red bow protested while trying to follow me in. "I promise you'll see her again just go home for now," All three fillies looked at each other before lowering their heads and heading back into town. I can understand their desire to protect their friend, but it is simply too dangerous in here for foals. I still don't understand how Chance was able to go through here twice without getting hurt by anything. Looking to the found I saw a set of hoof tracks that lead further into the forest so I deduced that they must be Dinky's. What is with this forest and foals anyway? Seriously over the years more foals have disappeared in this forest than full grown ponies. Getting a little further into the forest the trees started to bend in unnatural ways, and a feeling of dread washed over me. There was definitely black magic at work here considering how sudden all of these changes were. A moment later I could smell something slowly burning and something else was in the air. "CHANCE!" I heard a voice cry out in the distance. That must have been Dinky, but why would she be calling for Chance unless...he came in here anyway! I started sprinting towards the yelling, but before I could get far two timber wolves emerged from some bushes in front of me. "I do not have time for mutant shrubs!" ***Cold Breeze*** I groaned a bit as I got back to my hooves. When I opened my eyes I saw that one of my teeth were lying on the ground in front of me. "Oh, you've done bucked up freak," I said to myself as I looked towards the direction Chance was heading in. It was just a stupid forest which would serve perfectly for his beating. I picked up my tooth and put it in...I have no idea actually. One minute there is a pocket on my flank and then it's just gone. Screw the logic behind it I have bigger freaky things to worry about. I wasn't in a rush so I calmly walked towards the forest that he seemed to be in such a rush to get to. He's going to get the beating of a life time so I need as much energy as possible to pummel him into the ground. ***Chance*** "I'M COMING" I yelled out as I began to approach a very familiar cave. "Oh, shit!" "CHANCE? WHAT'S GOING ON?" Dinky asked rather panicked from within the cave. What was she talking about? I Ran through the entrance without a moments hesitation to see that fire demon thing and Lucky holding Dinky down. "GET OFF OF HER!" I yelled as I tried to tackle Lucky to the ground. He stood firm however when I hit him. He turned his head towards me and had the most evil smile you could imagine plastered onto his face. "Nice of you to join us, Chance. Now we can get our book back too," He said with his grin growing even brighter as his horn grew even brighter. I couldn't move because I was now trapped in his magic, and god was it burning badly. "Chance? Why are there two of you?" Dinky asked while looking towards me with big eyes. No point in lying to her right now so, "That's not me. He's...well I don't know, but he sure as hell doesn't have good intentions for us," I said while struggling against Lucky's magic. He just laughed at my attempts as he forced me to the ground beside Dinky. "This is priceless! You think you can get away again. I'm sorry to say, but your brother isn't going to help you this time," Lucky said as that fire demon walked up behind him. It started to speak, but I couldn't understand anything that it was saying. "Yes sir. Looks like we're going to be working together Chance," Lucky smiled after saying that. "Yeah, fuck that shit!" I said while flailing my limbs around in an attempt to get out of the magic. It of course didn't work too well, but I was able to hit Lucky in the face once so it was kind of worth it. "You've got a lot of fight in you. You'll do nicely," He said while patting my head. He didn't even react to the fact that I just hit him in the fucking face. "Now, would you kindly tell me where that book is so I can retrieve it?" I just spat in his face which he wiped away with a hoof. "Chance, I'm scared," Dinky said beside me. "I know, Dinky. Stay calm and I'll get us out of here," I said while looking around the cave in hopes of finding something that would help us. There was nothing at all, and I could barely move so we were kind of stuck. "You should just give up it's easier. I did and look at me," Lucky said while flaunting himself around. "I'm my masters favorite, and I wont be used for the ritual!" "What ritual?" I asked rather worried for my brother, and Combo. "That's a surprise! Now let's begin the-" Before Lucky could finish the fire demon cried out in rage for some reason. It pointed towards the cave entrance and I saw Arrow standing there with a determined look on his face. "I've seen some crazy shit, but this is at the top of the list," He said before dropping into a a low stance ready to attack whatever came near him. Lucky summoned up gigantic balls of fire with a amused expression on his face. "I've got you beat. Please try fighting though it's a lot more fun," Luck said while getting ready to blast Arrow to smithereens. "Let them go and I'll help you," Arrow said looking toward Lucky with pity. Why should he care about that fucker when he's holding me and Dinky hostage? "HAHAHAHA! You think I need your help? Let me just show you how much help I need," Lucky threw one of the fire balls at Arrow who quickly ducked under it before rushing towards us. When he got close to Lucky he stopped and tapped his horn causing the fire to disappear and me and Dinky to be freed. "Get out of here, Chance!" Arrow said while lowering himself into that fighting stance again. I was going to protest, but I heard Dinky whimper which made me realize that I had to get her out of here first. I begrudgingly grabbed her hoof and started running towards the caves entrance so that we could escape. ***Arrow*** As long as they're able to get out of this alright then everything will be fine. "I see the guard is still piss poor at there job," The colt that looked like Chance said with a smile on his face as he summoned up more fireballs to chuck at me. Too bad touching a unicorns horn only stops magic that is currently being used or this would be a lot easier. "I just don't want to hurt a kid," I said when I realized that the ground beneath me was getting a lot hotter. Looking down I noticed that a red ring had formed around me which I quickly jumped out of just as a column of fire shot out of the ground. That sure as Tartarus isn't a normal colt. This was going to be a very interesting fight, but where was that pony that was on fire? This was when I felt something extremely hot behind me, and when I turned around I saw that thing ready to grab me. "Buck me with a cactus," ***Chance*** "Where's the path?" Dinky asked in a panicked voice as we continued running in the opposite direction of the cave. "I don't know, but I'm not stopping till we're out of here," I said as we kept running through the extremely dark forest. Why do we seem to be going in circles when we've only been going straight this entire time? No matter how far we go I swear I've seen that tree at least three times now. "I think we're going in circles," "That's impossible! We've only gone straight this entire time," How is this possible unless...FUCKING MAGIC! "There you are!" A very familiar and unwelcome voice cried out in front of us. The bushes started rustling and out came Cold Breeze with a grin across his face. Looks like I knocked out a tooth when I kicked his face. "Let's finish what we started." "We have to go, Cold! There's a monster, and-" "You really are insane. I can't wait to-" "Will both of you shut up! We have to go," Dinky interrupted us before we could get into an argument. "You can't possibly believe him," Cold said which got him a glare from Dinky. "Considering that monster almost ate us, I do." After saying that A roar resounded throughout the forest and birds chirped in the distance. Cold held an expression of fear after hearing that and just pointed in a direction. "I came from the path over there." Cold got really close to my face before speaking some more, "I'm not done with you." We started running back towards where Cold had pointed as it might just be our only hope of getting out of here alive. ***Arrow*** "What the Buck are you?" I asked the strange creature running beside me. "I'm Chance's brother. That's all you need to know," it replied before hitting the fire pony in the face with a stick. If this creature didn't come in at the time he did I would of been used in some weird ritual. Chance is a pony though. This thing can't possibly be his brother unless...Celestia, Chance wasn't trying to cope with what Jungle did to him. We were trying to make him forget himself because we thought that he was just broken, but he was-. A fireball whizzed by my head as I rushed towards the colt. Normally I don't approve of hitting children, but this colt was possessed by something to be able to do half the shit he was. Seriously what kind of colt can summon a bird of fire at will? "I think we should run," the creature said. "Why?" I asked when it pointed towards the fire pony which was speaking in some weird language. Yeah, I don't think that it has good intentions so me and the creature started sprinting towards the cave's entrance. If Chance was out there with anything like this he's going to need us. > It wasn't your fault > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 40: It wasn't your fault ***Chance*** "You said there was a path here!" I yelled at Cold who was frantically looking around for something. "There was, I swear!" He said back as he looked under a bush in desperation. We didn't have time for him to be getting us more lost especially in this forest. "We can't sit in one spot. Let's get going, and try to find our way out," I said as I began to walk in some random direction. We didn't exactly have anything to point towards civilization so I picked a path that was just as good as anything. After a minute was when I realized that Cold and Dinky were still searching for the path. "I said we shouldn't stay in one spot," "I know the path is nearby. If we go off well lose it," Cold reasoned with me. Well reasoned is putting it politely as he semi spat it out at me before continuing his search. Dinky was searching frantically around as if that thing was right behind us so I decided that calming her down might be a little more important than yelling at Cold. "Dinky? Please calm down," I said as I put a hoof over her shoulder. She turned to face me and that was when I saw that her face was covered in tears and was frozen in pure terror. "It's alright. I wont let that thing hurt you again," "I...I want to go home!" She cried as she buried her face in my chest. Why did that thing have to bring her into all of this? Why couldn't it just ruin my life and be done with it? I just patted Dinky's back while she sobbed when Cold came up and grabbed her. "Will you stop crying! It's annoying," "Fuck off, Cold. She's been through enough today," I said as I swatted his hoof away from Dinky. He glared at me before dropping down into that pouncing position like before. "Do you really think fighting me now is a good idea? Unless I'm wrong, I'm the only person that has gotten away from this thing before,; "You what?" Dinky questioned. I just sighed before I started telling them everything. I began with my brother and me going to that fucking church. I told them about how when I saw that thing here with Combo and the real Lucky. I told them everything about this thing that I knew which sadly wasn't that much. "Where is this book then? Can't you just read out a spell or something from it or-" "It's written in a language I don't understand. Fire thinks in some ancient dragon language though," I interrupted Cold before he could list off another useless suggestion. "How did your brother read it then?" Dinky asked. I opened my mouth to say something, but I realized that I didn't actually know. While he was in college he got the chance to explore the world for one of his classes which could explain it. Though I don't recall those trips involving dragons or anything magical really. "I...I don't know. Maybe I'll ask him when I get the chance," I said as I let go of Dinky and started walking towards an opening in the trees/ "How are you going to-" "CHANCE!" Arrow called out from behind us. Turning around I saw him quickly run up and pick me up in his hooves. "I told you not to come out here. What were you thinking?" "I'm sorry, Arrow. I knew that the monster was out here and I figured I could-" "YOU KNEW! Chance, you should of told me so I could call in the guard," "I didn't want to be labeled crazy and forget about my-" "Brother?" A familiar voice sounded beside us. Looking up I saw the very familiar warm eyes of my brother Ryan looking down at me. "I said I'd protect you from any monsters, remember?" I squirmed in Arrow's grip for a moment before he finally set me down allowing me to move about. The instant my hooves touched the ground I started walking over to Ryan. Once I was close enough I hugged his leg as tightly as my little body could. I started to feel tears rolling down my face, but I didn't care I had my brother here and I could finally say what needed to be said. "I'm so sorry, Ryan. I abandoned you, and now you're-" Ryan put a finger to my lips while going 'ssssshhhhhh'. "It's alright, Chance. You couldn't control what was going on, and you probably would of ended up like me if you even tried to help," "It's still my fault! I knew it was a bad idea, and I still went along with it and...and-" I broke down into more tears as Ryan scooped me up in his arms. "It was my fault, Chance. You kept telling me it was a bad idea, but I just wanted to mess with you. I'm sorry about putting you through all of this." He started to pull me into a tighter hug before continuing, "I know you still have that book, Chance. You need to get rid of it no matter what. You can't hold onto me forever or you'll fall too." My eyes widened as he said that. I remembered that dream I had with me trying so desperately to pull him back up which only caused me to slide closer to the cliff's edge. The harder I tried to save him the more I condemned myself. I looked up at my brother with a solemn expression on my face before speaking, "I don't care. I wont abandon you again," He just looked at me with a sad expression crossing his face. I know that's the one answer he didn't want to hear, but I can't let him go like this. "I'd try to get you to listen to reason, but you never really were one for that," He said as he slowly set me back down onto the ground where two terrified foals were staring up at him from. "I nearly forgot. Dinky, Cold this is Ryan, my brother." I said making hoof motions to each of them as I said their names. This was a pretty nice moment, but one problem still annoyed me. "Do you know anyway out of here, Ryan?" "Master has an enchantment that keeps most creatures going in circles when they enter the cave. Lucky for you I know how to break it," Ryan said as he waved his hand to reveal a path through the trees. "We don't have long before he notices this so I recommend you get out of here," "What about you?" I asked a little scared for the answer. "He can't kill me since he needs me. I'll slow him down," He said while turning around to face where that cave was. "No! I don't want you to go again!" I cried as Ryan got down on one knee and ruffled my hair. "You're a shorty," He said giving a small laugh. "Keep Chance safe for me, alright." After that Ryan ran back into the forest towards the sound of something roaring in the distance. I tried to follow him, but Arrow was holding me back with one of his hooves. "We have to go, Chance. We're going to get the guards, and we're going to save your brother. I promise," Arrow said while I continued to struggle against his hoof. I couldn't leave my brother again, not again. "I'll see to it that princess Twilight helps you save your brother." I didn't stop struggling against Arrow until I literally couldn't struggle anymore. Arrow just put me on his back while I cried into his neck over losing my brother the moment I got him back. While we followed the trail back a bush began to rustle, and a wold made of wood jumped out at us. It was made of many broken branches and had piercing green eyes. After a moment two more came out behind us leaving us surrounded. "I thought I was done with you guys," Arrow said as he placed me on the ground next to the horrified foals. I wanted to get up and help him, but Dinky was hugging me to tightly out of fear. Why can't I ever help anyone? > Broken Promises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 41: Broken Promises "HOW CAN A FUCKING WOLF JUST REASSEMBLE LIKE THAT?" I shouted while everyone was running in the opposite direction of the wolves. When those wolves surrounded us earlier the one in front of us pounced on Arrow and bit one of his wings which is still bleeding rather badly. If we could stop I would try to help with the bleeding, but those wolves are still right on our tails. "MY TAIL!" Cold shouted when one of the wooden wolves latched onto his blue tail. I wasn't sure when, but Arrow had moved backwards and kicked the wolf in the head releasing Cold from its jaws. One of the other wolves took the opportunity to jump onto Arrow's back and bit his neck. "Get off!" Arrow shouted as he started to buck wildly causing the wolf to go flying into his friend that was just getting up. We don't know where that other wolf went, but I wasn't going to complain about not having to run from another one especially with Arrow like he is. "I don't suppose anyone here has a plan, do they?" I asked while looking towards the other ponies in the group. No one spoke up so I suppose that that would be a no to that question. "Well fuck," We had to keep running or because those wolves were already right back on us. How can they re assemble like that when Arrow literally broke every single stick in them. I'm not lying he literally stomped on them multiple times, but they just came back together anyway because fuck us right. Arrow now had a permanent look of pain on his face, and I could tell all those bites were starting to get to him. Each step he takes I can hear him let out a pained breath especially when it's on the his right side where most of the bites were located. We had to get him to a hospital as soon as we get out of here. "Look! We're almost home!" Dinky shouted overjoyed while directing us towards a light at the end of the forest. This was great news since we'd finally be able to get out of here, and get Arrow some help. This was when my blood froze however because of a certain pony walking in front of the light. "Hello again," Lucky said as we ran towards him. I wasn't going to let this fucker stop us from getting Arrow some help so I lowered my head as I ran full speed towards him. "FUCK YOU ASSHOLE!" I shouted as my horn pierced his chest. He grunted in pain as I carried him through the light towards the edge of a cliff. The light lead to a fucking cliff! "Whoops, did you think you were about to get away?" Lucky said as he pushed me off of him and onto the ground. Dinky helped me up to my hooves while I just stared at Lucky who had a hole in his chest now. Scratch that the hole had closed almost instantly. "That's fucking cheating man!" I shouted as those timber wolves finally came out of the forest to cut off our escape. We were surrounded and we all knew it. "Maybe, but then again I never played fair. I'm more surprised that your friend there is still alive let alone moving around," Lucky said motioning to Arrow who was struggling just to stand up now. He was still bleeding for some reason and it was obvious it was effecting him somehow. "Timber wolves are such interesting creatures. I tried to get them to follow us, but they run off pure instinct and wont take orders." At this point both of the wolves were right behind us and a few more growls emanated from the forest. After a moment three more wolves appeared from the forest and joined the others. Looks like that one that disappeared called in a few friends. "I'm going to give you all a choice here; either come with me and work for my master or I let the wolves kill you," "I don't think so," I said as I focused on one of the wolves as hard as I could. Eventually smoke started to pour out of it causing the other wolves to look at it in confusion until fire burst out from it. "I prefer going home and kicking your ass over the other choices." "That's a shame. I guess I'll just have to kill you myself," Lucky said while fire started to erupt near him. "I suppose you can still be useful minions even without your minds," "CHANCE!" Dinky shouted for some reason causing me to look at her instead of Lucky. She was looking towards my hooves where a red circle had surrounded me. Does he have anything else o use other than this bullshit! I quickly jumped out of the way though part of my tail got caught in the flames as they shot up out of the ground. At this moment Lucky had called up his bird thing and had sent it to peck out Arrow's eyes. "Why do they always go for the eyes!" Arrow shouted while covering his eyes as he back away over towards the ledge while swatting at the bird. "ARROW, STOP!" I shouted as I saw Lucky grin at me before forming a fire ball beside him. "Careful, there's a ledge there," He said as he tossed the fire ball at Arrow hitting him square in the chest. The ball hit him with such force that he was pushed off the ledge. I...I could hear him screaming on his way down. "ARROW!-" I shouted as I ran over to the ledge and looked down it only to see trees. "-ARROW! NONONO, ARROW!" "Now that problem is solved how about you reconsider my offer," Lucky said in a very smug voice. I turned toward him with a glare that would melt stone. "I'm going to kill you and use your skull as a fuck toy," I said while fire started to erupt around me though instead of it's usual orange color it was blue. "I'm going to kill you and then find a necromancer to bring you back so I can kill you again and again." "This should be interesting," He said with a smug look. Those wolves that were surrounding us had ran off as soon as the fire began to appear around me. That was too bad since I could of used some of their sticks to shove up Luck's ass! "Chance?" I heard Dinky ask in a scared voice as I stared Lucky down. I didn't respond to her, but instead used that same spell that Lucky seemed to have an obsession with. He just stood there with a smug look on his face before I set it off. "Don't you remember that I can't burn?" He said as I let loose the fire. I'm pretty sure that smug look on his face was gone since he was actually shouting in pan from within the torrent of fire. When the fire ceased Lucky was standing there with a pained look on his face and steam coming off his back. "That isn't normal," "I said I'd kill you, and I'm a man of my word," I said as three fireballs formed around me which made Lucky's eyes widen before he just surrounded himself in fire. When that fire of his dissipated he was gone. "YOU FUCKING FUCK! GET BACK HERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!" I was so angry, and I couldn't get back at the person who fucking caused all this! I swear I will find that bastard and tie him to a chair so I can have some fun before getting my revenge. I will- "Chance, you're scaring me," Dinky said in a very scared tone. Looking over towards her I realized that those flames around me only grew bigger the angrier I got. I tried to calm down, but I just couldn't I had to get my revenge! ***Arrow*** I groaned from the pain as I slowly woke up. Looking up I could just barely see the top of the cliff I fell off through the trees, and I could see some kind of blue fire coming off of it. I tried to stretch out my wing, but quickly stopped when the bite on my wing started hurting to much. Looks like I'm going to have to walk back up the cliff if I want to help Chance. I tried to get onto my hooves, but this was when I realized that one of my hooves were bent in the wrong direction. "SHIT!" I shouted when I noticed. I stayed there for a few minutes to try and form a plan when the bushes next to me began to rustle and a glow started to emanate from them. Slowly that fire pony from earlier emerged, and walked slowly over towards me while I tried to crawl away. It started to speak in some weird language as it grabbed a hold of one of my hooves. I felt a burning sensation in my hoof, but it was only for a minute before everything started to seem really distant. I stopped fighting when I could barely feel anything, and everything went black. The last thing I remember before finally blacking out was me saying. "I'm sorry, Chance." > I Missed You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 42: I Missed you We all were silently walking back through the forest back towards Ponyville. Cold had found a path shortly after the incident with Lucky was over with, and those flames around me died down. When I finally calmed down enough I started feeling extremely sad in a way I could barely describe. I had lost the only pony that cared about me in this world, and I couldn't do a damn thing to save him. Dinky was walking extremely close to my side to my great annoyance. If she didn't come in here then Arrow wouldn't be dead, and me and him could be relaxing at a lake or something. He came in here to save her stupid ass from something he knew nothing about and it cost him everything. Why did he have to try and be a hero? Cold on the other hand was also being dead silent and would occasionally glance my way with a pitiful expression on his face. Was that bastard feeling sorry for me?It's his fucking fault too! If Arrow didn't have to slow down for him so much he wouldn't have gotten bitten so much and could of kept on fighting. We should of left them to their fates. 'you don't truly believe that, do you?' the voice of my pony self spoke. I thought I told them not to speak while I was awake so I didn't appear to be crazy. 'Arrow went the extra mile to protect you so why shouldn't he do the same for them?' "Because he was my friend, not theirs," I said under my breath which caused Dinky to look at me perplexed. "Did you say something?" She asked while looking me in the eyes. "It's nothing, just leave it alone," I didn't want them to go and say I was crazy now of all times. Arrow was the only one that could actually stop Insight from mind wiping me. Without him the crown will leave the decision up to Insight only because 'he knows best'. The best probably involves erasing Arrow from my mind. I started to feel the tears welling up in my eyes though I kept on walking as if nothing was wrong. I have to be strong, I can't go back to being that scared kid I was when I first came here. I have to hold onto the confidence Arrow had given me while he was here. "I'm sorry," Dinky said quietly which earned her a slight glare from me which she shrank away from. I wanted to yell and scream and tell her that it was all her fault my best friend was dead, but I realized it wouldn't solve anything. It wouldn't bring him back and it would only serve to make things even worse for me. "Don't worry about it. Let's just get out of here and I'll...I don't know. I don't have anything anymore," The tears started to well up even more in my eyes as I said that. I 'm trapped in a land of horses with no guarantee of a way home, and the only pony that I could trust was dead. My brother was enslaved by a demon and I made a kid witness his parents fight that will most likely lead to their divorce. I'm just a shitty person who can't do anything right. The trees were starting to part and light began to pour into the forest though it wasn't much. It turns out that we had been in there almost all day, and it was currently sunset. I just had to go home and do something. "Where are you going?" Dinky said while stopping me with a hoof. "Back to Button's. I'm done for today," I said while taking her hoof off of me. "We have to tell the princess or-" "They wont believe a word we say. They'll chalk up Arrow's disappearance to wild animals and forget about it." These people wont look into anything we say. They'll just call us insane and tell us that they'll handle it while they sat on their fat FUCKING ASSES! "They have to! We all saw it happen," I really wanted to believe that they would believe us, but they didn't believe me when my brother went missing so why would they believe us now? I felt a hoof rest on my should which caused me to turn and face Cold. "I'm sorry about what happened, but we have to get help. If we don't then Arrow will have died for nothing," When Cold said that my blood began to boil. What gave him the right to say that Arrow would have died for nothing. I threw his hoof off of my shoulder before I semi screamed at him. "You didn't even know him! The only reason you even care is because you need more ponies to say what happened! Well if you want me to say anything then bring my friend back! Oh, wait you can't because he's fucking dead!" Cold shrank away from me as I yelled that last part. "I'm going home," I stormed away from them completely angry over everything that happened because of their stupidity. Why would they think that anyone would even believe us about this bullshit. Turning a corner I was finally on the street that Button's house was on. Something felt wrong however, almost as if someone was watching me. "Hello, Lucky," A terrifyingly familiar voice rang in front of me. Out from one of the alleys on the street came a forest green unicorn with golden eyes and pale mane. I froze when I saw her, and a chill ran up my back every time she said a word. "It's about time I found you all alone. I was beginning to think I would have to deal with that guard myself." She smiled after saying that and slowly began to walk towards me. Her horn began to glow a full yellow and a tingly sensation covered my entire body before I realized I couldn't move. I tried to scream, but nothing would come out of my mouth. My heart began to pick up its pace, and I was about to go into a panic attack when everything started to go dim and eventually black. ***Cold*** What was that mare doing to Chance? I tried to follow him and talk with him more about going to the authorities when I saw that mare come out of nowhere. I hid behind a trashcan so she wouldn't spot me, but after a moment she wrapped her magic around Chance while calling him Lucky for some reason. Wasn't that kid in the forest named Lucky? Now that I think about it they look extremely similar, but why would she be kidnapping Chance. I could see him trying to scream when her horn glowed even brighter and he stopped moving in her magic. She started walking down the street with Chance on her back. I have to follow them or who knows what will happen to Chance. > Memories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 43: Memories ***Cold*** Why should I even be helping this prick? I thought for a few moments over exactly why I was helping Chance when he ruined everything for me back home. All I wanted was for him to say that I beat him in a fight so I could look cool. I even offered him some bits in exchange, but he just had to be hard headed about it. Still, I can't just leave somepony that needs help; even if they're pricks. I'm not just going to let something bad happen to him; my dad would be ashamed of me. He always said that he became a guard to protect people even if he didn't like them. The mare finally reached her destination; which was the side of a cliff for some reason. Her horn glowed revealing a doorway that wasn't there a few moments ago. After she walked through the door the wall reappeared in front of the door causing it to once again disappear. I slowly inched my way over to where the door was and started to push against the wall. It was solid as a rock and wouldn't move. I thought maybe it was just an illusion, but it wasn't. What would dad do if he was in this situation? ***Jungle*** I finally have him back! I finally have my son's body back! I spent so long carefully planning on how to capture him without that guard getting in the way. Imagine my surprise when I saw Lucky walking all alone at night; I just had to jump on the opportunity. I heard a small groan come from my back which made my smile drop a little bit. That thing inside of Lucky was the worst mistake I ever made. All I wanted was to have my son come back to me, but I got a monster in his place. The monster twisted everything so it looked like it was the victim when in reality I was. Sure, I might of not been the nicest host to the thing, but I had to figure out what went wrong during the spell by going into it's memories. This was how I knew that it was a monster rather than a pony in my son's body. Walking further into my humble home I lit up a few lanterns with magical fire. It took me years to learn how to conjure up doorways that lead you anywhere and even longer to learn to do it without a door. It's been really useful in keeping myself out of the Canterlot dungeons. I looked back towards the body lying on my back and tried to remember a happier time before he disappeared. ***3 years ago*** "Mom, Mom! I finally figured out how to make Roxy water proof," Lucky said while running up to me with his familiar Roxy on his back. He was always so worried about that bird getting hurt you'd think it was his only friend. "That's nice honey. Do you mind lighting the stove for me?" I asked as I slowly pulled out some hay fries for dinner. He focused on the stove intently until finally a small fire was lit. "Thank you sweetie. Now how about you tell me about you making Roxy water proof," "In class we were learning about bird and how some have feathers that don't hold that much water. So I used my magic to mimic those feathers and-" He kept on going about the process he used on his bird. He was always so passionate about whatever it was he was talking about to the point that you could listen to him all day. I just couldn't believe that I was able to have such a wonderful son when I could barely hold a job. When I had him it was the happiest day of my life. ***Today*** *Snore* Was that thing snoring? I knocked it out not read it a bedtime story! I finally made it back to Lucky's old room where I was holding him originally. It was still rather dilapidated, but that was more my fault than anything. I just couldn't stand going in there when Lucky disappeared and our home suffered. I slid the sleeping colt off my back before chaining him back to where I originally had him. This time however I had acquired a more sturdy chain to hold him with. Before I forgot I focused on Lucky's horn until I saw it glow in return sealing his magic for now. I don't want him to escape after all. ***Chance*** "OH GOD I CAN"T GO BACK TO THAT!" I yelled as I scurried around the dark room in a panicked state. My other selves sat quietly at a table with uneasy expressions on their faces. "Chance, you need to calm down," My human self said as he got up and started to walk over to me. "Panicking isn't going to get us out of the situation." "I agree. If you waste all your energy running around we're screwed!" My pony self said as he got up to speak to me as well. I didn't exactly listen to either as I continued to run about in a blind panic. That mare had me again and I couldn't just sit there and let her hurt me again. I can't just let it all happen again when I was finally getting over everything that happened. I can't let her stop me from saving everyone because she's a lunatic! "WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!" I yelled again as I bashed against the walls even harder. I couldn't be trapped with her again for the love of god I couldn't go through this again! > Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 44: Explanations ***Jungle Vine*** "Chains? Check! Magic suppressant? Check! Monster that stole my sons body..." I looked towards my son's body which still laid on the floor unconscious, "Check, looks like I have everything I need to keep him from escaping again," I smiled to myself as I inspected the room my son used to live in three years ago before that creature took him. I remember going into that forest to go get Lucky's ball that he kicked in there, but I got lost. I don't even know how I got lost when I only went a few yards into the forest but the path disappeared and the trees all looked the same. I eventually did find his ball at the entrance to a mysterious cave, but when I attempted to grab it something pulled it further into the cave. I followed it in to see the ball resting next to a strange book with nothing on it's cover. Something about the book compelled me to pick it up and read it, that was a huge mistake. When I picked it up and opened it up a pillar of fire erupted out of it which almost burnt my fur off. I quickly tried to slam the book shut, but it began to burn my hoof causing me to drop the book. I started to back away from the book as a hoof rose out of it and squirmed around before another hoof followed it out. A pony started to crawl out of the book! I was frozen in place as it pulled itself out but that wasn't what had me terrified. When the pony's head came out of the book it was severely burned and was looking directly at me. As it pulled more of itself out of the book I heard Lucky's voice call out for me. I don't remember much of what happened next other than I was running away with Lucky on my back when that thing grabbed him! *Snore* I turned to look at the sleeping colt once again with a frown across my face. I found Lucky's body after days of searching and brought him to a hospital in hopes that they could do something. They told me that there was absolutely nothing they could do and that my son was brain dead. I screamed for hours about how they were wrong and how my son was just sleeping. My sister had to be the one to pry me away from Lucky as nopony else could get close enough to me without a magical blast heading there way. Lyra didn't take Lucky's demise well either but she did her best to comfort me the next few days. She consoled me for that entire year that I mourned my son. When the doctors asked me if they should take Lucky off life support I snapped and screamed at him, claiming he was a monster. They tried to tell me that it would be a mercy for Lucky and to me if I just let him die. They asked me if I wanted to see my son, who I raised for 6 long years, die because it would bring me closure. The only reason I didn't rip that doctor's head off was because I didn't want Lucky to wake up while I did it. I spent every day for the next year studying every spell known to ponies in hopes of finding one that would bring Lucky's mind back to me. I eventually found one in an old dragon language that could work when a special constellation would appear in the sky which could bring Lucky back to me. That night I broke into the hospital and took my son's body back to our home which had become dilapidated as time passed. I quickly set up everything I needed for the spell and began to cast it but something went wrong. Lucky slowly looked around the room in confusion before his eyes landed on me. I was expecting him to smile and yell mommy mommy, but he instead screamed in pure horror. I was extremely worried about Lucky and quickly went up to hug him, but he crawled away as fast as he could. He kept screaming about something not being right as he crawled around. I thought I had done something wrong, but I had no idea what could of gone wrong until I realized something. That creature grabbed Lucky and most likely hurt him in some way, so I did the only thing any worried mother would do. I used a spell to help him fall asleep while I tried to figure out what that monster did to him. Lucky tried to fight my magic for some reason so I applied more power to the spell. He yelped in pain before passing out which caused me to back away from the sudden noise. I swear I didn't mean to hurt him, but I used too much magic and it caused him some pain. I carefully picked him up and tucked him into his bed which was exactly as he left it that day. I focused my magic on him until I was finally able to slip into his mind and look around. Something was wrong however as there was a large door blocking my entrance into his memories which was never there before. I often had to directly help Lucky deal with his nightmares so I knew his mind like the back of my hoof so seeing that door was strange. I figured that it was there to prevent him from remembering what that monster did to him so I attempted to open the door. It was sealed shut however so I began to attempt to unlock it using my magic which caused Lucky some pain. I had no idea it was hurting him at the time as I was too focused on opening the door to help Lucky. I felt really guilty about it after I realized it but the door was opened and I made my way in. This was when I realized that everything was wrong inside my son's head. All of his memories were replaced by those of somepony else. I quickly ran all around inside of there in search of any remnant of my son but there was nothing! Everywhere I turned I saw another creatures memories and that was when I realized it. I saw one memory where that creature from before was staring at whoever it was in my son's body. That monster must have done something to keep my son away from me and sent this thing in his place! I was furious and started to not so gently search through this thing memories for any indication of what happened to my Lucky. I kept searching and searching until I stumbled across a particularly interesting memory with that same book that the monster came out of. I was about to investigate the memory further, but my magic drained too much so I was forced back out of the mind I was in. After that I came back everyday to search for that memory and find out exactly what this thing knew in hopes of the 'big day' when I would find it. That was until he escaped into the city for a second time. The princesses wouldn't understand the lengths I went to for my son. They wouldn't believe that anything was wrong with him, and they turned on me when he spoke to them. I had to run away from our home because of this monster's need for survival. A smile once again crept onto my face as I observed the sleeping form of what once was my son. "Today is another big day!" ***Insight*** I was in my old dusty office while I went through Chance's old case file. It was a good thing that he was finally moving on with his life instead of clutching to that make believe world of his. I suppose that I was wrong about Chance requiring the mind wipe like I originally thought. When he showed absolutely no signs of improvement I thought it was truly the only way to help him. Nopony should have to live their life in a mental institution when they could simply forget the problem to begin with. I remember when I first met him he was terrified of me. I had no idea why until I was informed that he was terrified of unicorns, especially when they would use their magic. It took some time, but I eventually was able to get him to trust me enough to talk about his problems. That was when I began to realize how scared this child was. Even in his imaginary world he didn't speak of many happy things. He spoke of his father leaving his family for what he referred to as a 'whore'. He spoke about how his mother would always tell him to be more like his brother. This worried me greatly since normally a child would have a happy imaginary world instead of whatever he had. I began trying to get him to work out the problems in his imagination by getting him to talk about them as if they were real. I had hoped that there would be some clues as to where he really lived so we could bring him back to his family. There was nothing however other than they always wore clothing. That brought up a rather uncomfortable topic between the two of us. He asked me to get him some...pants. What kind of pony messes a kid up so bad that they get the kid to ask for sexual clothing? I tried to explain to him how inappropriate his request was, but he wouldn't listen to me. Later, his personal guard, Arrow, showed up with a green vest for him to wear. That was after our fourth session; you wouldn't believe how scared I was when I saw a guard coming to pick up Chance instead of his foster family at the time. That brings me to Chance's bad luck with his various homes he's been apart of since coming into our care. We first sent him to a cherry farm to live with Ms. Jubilee and it was great for awhile. Chance started to come out of his shell and was able to have a more enlightening conversation with me until... I sighed to myself as I opened up the page showing the accident at the cherry farm. There was an earth pony tapped under a tree with his skin bubbling. Chance had tried to help him get out from under there but inadvertently caused the pony's blood to boil. After that Chance shut everypony out except for Arrow. We quickly transferred Chance out of that home to Manehatten where things only got worse for him. He was bullied rather often and despite what I said I couldn't transfer him without the crown's consent. Eventually, I was able to get that consent after he got into a fight with one of his bullies. When he got to ponyville I became extremely worried for his safety. Not only did Jungle's sister live in the town but it was attacked by monsters every few weeks. Nopony knew the reason why, I personally think it has to do with the elements living within that town. My fears were both accurate and wrong at the same time as he began to accept what was real, but he did go into the everfree forest several times. He had no idea about it's dangers, not many outside of ponyville do, so I didn't blame him for trying to find shelter within it's confines. I was more worried about the princess giving him a harsh punishment, but she instead pardoned him by making him Arrow's assistant. I knew exactly what happened in that forest as I am Chance's therapist. His ability to use so much magic however both fascinates and worries me as he is only 9 or 10. He caused a pony to boil and he fought with Celestia, both of which are no small task. I believed a teacher would be good for him, but Arrow would always prevent me from sending a message to the school for gifted unicorns. I don't know why, but he would say it was because chance couldn't handle authority well. I laughed at that as his best friend was a guard for Celestia's sake. A knock came from my door before Loving came rushing into my room with a white colt behind her. "CHANCE WAS FOALNAPPED!" This was an emergency I had to take care of so I put Chance's file back up and sparked up my horn. > Getting Help > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 45: Getting Help ***One hour ago, Solar Guard*** "How many times do I have to tell you that ponies are allowed to use the library?" Twilight continued her rant at me and my fellow guards. "We're following protocol, your majesty. No pony is allowed within the castle walls unless specifically invited by you," Spear said while giving Princess Twilight a salute. He was a kiss ass in boot camp to, but he wasn't trying to sleep with our drill sergeant then. I hoped he realizes that, if Twilight wanted, we could execute him for his advances...We need a better legal system. "I understand that's protocol in Canterlot, but you are in ponyville now and under my jurisdiction. Now, stop turning ponies away from the library!" Twilight said with an annoyed voice before walking back into her castle. "She was totally hitting on me," Spear said next to me while posing. Why does he think that the princess is into him? "She bumped into me when we got here and I knew she would fall in love with me! It happened with that Flash Sentry dude; good thing he had a marefriend!" I remember that day pretty well. We were temporary guards for the Crystal empire ,much like we are here, until the princess could have a full compliment of guards. Long story short, the Princess Twilight went through a mirror and when she came back she bumped into Flash. She tried asking him out that same week but got rejected since he wasn't big on the idea of cheating. "I don't see how any of that could count as her hitting on you," I said while keeping my eyes straight forward. "It was in her body language. Either that or she was angry, but I'm sure it's because she was hitting on me." I just facehooved after he said that. I still don't see how Spear passed the test at the end of boot camp when he barely knows basic math. "I swear, you are the stupidest-" My ears twitched as I heard voices crying for help from down the street. Turning my head, I saw a small white colt and a grey filly sprinting down the street towards us with a panicked expression on their faces. "HEY, WHY ARE YOU KIDS OUT SO LATE?" I called out to one of them as they rushed up to us. When they finally were near us they stopped and tried to catch their breath while explaining what happened. "Chance *wheeze* Forest *wheeze* kidnapped!" The filly said in between breaths. Spear looked towards me and I gave him a nod before talking with these kids. Spear went inside to gather a few guards and begin searching the area. "I need you both to show me where your friend's mother is," ***Loving Care*** "Have you seen Chance, Button?" I asked Button while he sat across from me at the table. He looked up at me before shaking his head to signal that he didn't know. He hasn't spoken all that much since this morning and only answers yes or no questions. Why did Open have to go and ruin our family like that? I sighed to myself, "Maybe we can go to the arcade tomorrow. How does that sound?" I hoped that the arcade might get Button to at least say something, but he didn't even look up from his plate. This is my fault. I knew that Open was really jealous, but to do that when Arrow came back into my life is a little extreme. I always told him that we were just old friends. "Hey, Button, do you want me to teach you how to play a guitar?" Gibson asked. Button looked up at Gibson before slowly nodding his head ad getting out of his seat. I'm happy that Gibson came home when he did or I don't think Button would be able to cope with everything that's going on. A loud knock came from the door after a moment and I went to go answer it while Button and Gibson followed me. It was late at night so no one should really be knocking at this hour. When I opened the door I saw one of those guards that kept ponies from using the royal libray standing there. "Mam, are you by any chance Loving Care?" The guard asked in a gruff voice. "Yes?" I replied while he motioned for me to come outside. I did as he asked while closing the door behind me. "Chance has been foalnapped, mam." My eyes widened as he said that. Chance couldn't have bee foalnapped he's to smart to fall for any tricks. "His friends here saw the whole incident." The guard motioned to the two foals that were next to him. I recognized Dinky as one of Chance's friends but the colt I didn't know. "Ms. Care, we were talking to Chance when we had a small argument and he left. A weird mare came up and paralyzed him before they disappeared!" Dinky said rather panicked before the colt began. "I followed her for awhile until she went up to a cliff and opened up a weird looking door. It disappeared after they went through it, and that's when I went to get the guards!" "You saw all of this?" I asked the two of them. Dinky shook her head, but the colt nodded. "That mare seemed to be really happy when she got him," The colt added. If Chance was kidnapped by somepony then that somepony might be... "I have to get to Canterlot!" I quickly told the guard who gave me a confused expression before nodding. "May I ask why?" He asked. "Because I need to see Insight," ***2 months ago*** Dear Loving, How have you been? I know I haven't written to you as much since I joined the guard, but I need to ask you a favor. In the envelope with this letter is a file on a kid I've been looking after. No, he's not mine, but he might as well be. Anyway, he's been having a rough time for awhile now, and I believe that you're the best one to take care of him. Please don't just toss it away when you read it's contents. Chance is a good kid when you get to know him so please look after him. You are the only one that I know can take good care of him. Sincerely, Arrow Dodger I read and reread the letter over and over in an attempt to see if I missed anything. I haven't talked to Arrow in over a year and he just randomly asks me for a huge favor. Doesn't he remember that my marriage has been and still is on the rocks? I sighed to myself as I looked at the plain manila folder on the table. The least I could do is read the folder. Lucky Chance Age: 9 Eye color: blue Coat color: blue Mane color: Red Race: Unicorn Special case: Chance was treated to mental torture for over a month while in the care of a miss Jungle Vine. After he freed himself for a second time he ran to the princesses for protection. He was removed from Jungle Vine's care and has routine therapy visits to get over his fears that have arisen due to the torment. Due to Jungle Vine escaping before being Charged with child abuse and endangerment Chance has been put under special watch. He has a personal guard and if need be his therapist can track Chance's whereabouts. After reading all of that I didn't see what Arrow was referring to by it saying if Chance being a good kid or not. I flipped to the next page of the file which caused me to freeze. Chance looked almost exactly like Combo. Chance has been discovered to have a belief that he is human which is assumed to be a defense mechanism to protect himself from the mental torment that he was put through. He believes that this is true and get rather angry when somepony tries to say otherwise. He often uses words that are slightly changed from what they are here as well as making up his own words. examples of these made up words include hell, everybody, foot, and whore (We believe he is trying to say whorse but we do not wish to act until we're sure.) Chance seems to go from being happy to angry in an instant which point's towards something being wrong with him, but upon analysis he is completely normal. (We're still conducting tests) He repeatedly says that he is in fact 18 years of age and has proven that he is well above the average intelligence for a colt but that could be due to education he received before his encounter with Jungle Vine. Chance's magical capabilities are astonishing as they are dangerous. He is able to build up large amounts of magical energy without trying which often causes him to lose control of his spells. His magic is especially unstable when he's emotional as he can't control it for long nor control what it does. More often then not he will burn object (And ponies) if he isn't extremely careful. This has been proven when Chance boiled a ponies blood in his original foster home. Chance tries to not care about other ponies unless they are a special case. These cases include his personal guard, Ms. Jubilee (Original foster mother), and Insight (his therapist, though it's not certain where he lies). Recommendations: Under your care it is advised that you attempt to get Chance to feel comfortable and safe in his new home. Avoid putting him in high stress situations and make sure that he doesn't panic. (This will cause his magic to flare) If possible, find Chance an adequate magic teacher to help him better control his abilities. Any further questions can be answered by Chance's personal guard Arrow Dodger. Chance burned a pony alive? No wonder Arrow wanted me to ignore parts of this file, but he forgot that it's me he was writing to. I waited for Open to come home and converse with him about letting Chance stay with us for awhile. He was...skeptical of having another colt in the house, but he agreed, I of course didn't tell him about the bad parts of Chance's file. We sent a letter back to Arrow that same day and quickly started setting up fro Chance's arrival. I was hoping that maybe having another foal would help Open and me come back together. That wasn't what happened though. > A Life Not Forgotten > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 46: A Life Not Forgotten "Lucky, wake up. I think today is the day!" The monster said in an overly cheery voice. I looked up into her bright golden eyes before spitting in one of them. "Go to hell you fucking bitch." I said calmly. She wiped the spit from her eye while keeping that same damned smile. "That was very rude, Lucky. It's no matter though; you're being punished soon anyway." She said as he damn horn ignited. "I'm going to make you regret pulling me here when I get out." I said as my skull began to feel as if it had been crushed by an elephant. ***8 months ago*** "Chance? Chance, are you alright?" The horse in front of me asked with concern in her voice. I just nodded my head while looking out the window. The street below was filled with even more of these magical horse things and almost all of them had horns. A chill ran up my spine just thinking about them. Why did I have to be the one pulled into this god damn place; why did it have to be me instead of someone else? A horse with wings flew by the window which interrupted my train of thought. "This place is so weird." I commented which seemed to get the horses attention. "What's so weird about it Luc- I mean Chance?" "For starters horses don't talk where I'm from." The horse started writing something down on the clipboard in front of her after I said that. They all act so weird around me for some reason. "Why wouldn't they talk?" She asked in a rather gentle tone. Why do they act as if I'm made of fucking glass? I may have been tortured, but she didn't do any lasting damage to me. "They're not, what's the word? sapient? sentient? Whatever, they can't think in a way to form a language. People are the only things that talk so you are kind of freaking me out." I said calmly while brushing everything off. In all honesty I was freaking out on the inside since I wasn't allowed to roam around without one of these horses with me. They think that the horse thing will come for me if they're not, but I still can't shake the feeling something is wrong here. ***Inside Chance's mind*** "That's not the right one. Grr, where is it!" Jungle growled as she stomped around inside my skull. I wish I could just kick her out, but I have absolutely no way of throwing her ass out. Every time she pulls at a memory pain explodes throughout my body and I'm powerless to stop it. "Please, just stop and I'll find what you're looking for." I tried pleading, but she decided to yank out another memory instead of listening. ***6 months ago*** "I'M HOME!" I yelled throughout the country styled house that I was currently living in. "You here, ms. Jubilee?" "Home already?" Ms. Jubilee said before sticking her head outside of the kitchen door. "I didn't realize it was four yet." "School let him out early today. How are you by the way, Cherry?" Arrow asked as I ran up and gave Ms. Jubilee a hug. She returned the hug before picking me up in her hooves and putting me on her back. "I'm good. Chance has been a real help with sorting the cherries. He's the perfect little helper." She said happily while reaching up the pat me on the side. I crawled away from her hoof and made my way to the top of her head and where I snuggled into her hair. "I reject your hoof and claim your mane as my own!" I said while hiding inside the red ball of fur. Both Arrow and Ms. Jubilee gave a small chuckle while Arrow pulled me out of her mane. I flailed my hooves around wildly in an attempt to free myself. "Put me down, pony! I must claim that mane for the mother land!" "I don't understand half the things you do, but you're just adorable, Chance." Ms. Jubilee said as Arrow carefully set me down on the ground. "I'm not adorable! I'm handsome." I said as I strutted into kitchen to help make supper. ***Back to Chance*** "Hmph, I see you were able to trick so many ponies, but I know what kind of a monster you are." Jungle said as she tossed the memory aside and proceeded to search around my mind. The complete lack of respect from her infuriated me, but I couldn't use my legs let alone anything else to force her out. "You keep saying I'm a monster, but who's the one invading someone else's mind? Who's the one with a complete lack of empathy for another ponies life? I believe you're the monster here." I said which caused her to yank out a random memory and toss it aside just to hurt me. "Not nearly as much of one as you. Ruining my life is one thing, but defiling my son's body is a whole other situation." She said with disdain as she pulled up another memory for her sadistic pleasure. *** 5 months earlier*** "I did it!" I cried happily as I threw my hooves into the air while a small fireball danced around me. "Fuck you science, I have magic now!" "Will you stop swearing in ever sentence?" Arrow asked with a deadpan expression. "I'm doing better than when we first met. Besides, I think finally being able to control my magic should give me free reign to say something." I replied to Arrow as Ms. Jubilee walked up to us. "It's time to head inside, Chance. Thank you for watching him for me, Arrow." she said as I began walking back towards my home...heh, it's kind of weird thinking of this as my home when I'm still trying to find a way back. Maybe I don't need to get home as soon as I thought I should. ***Back again*** "Making yourself at home in my son's body, aren't you?" Jungle said with disdain as we were back in my mind. "You're a fucking psychopath," I simply said as she pulled up a more recent memory. ***1 month ago*** I sat silently in Button's room while he played his game. He's gotten really good at this game in only a day when it took me at least two to beat that damn taurus demon. I grinned to myself as he kept on playing the game without a care in the world. I really wish he didn't have to deal with me though, he doesn't deserve it. "Button?Chance? Are you to ready to go on the picnic?" Loving called from the bottom of the stairwell. Button put down the controller and happily skipped along to the door with me still sitting down. "Aren't you coming, Chance?" He asked which caused me to snap out of my stupor. "Hm, yeah." I said while faking a smile. I was thinking about everything that happened since I came to Equestria and how much I screwed up. I got up from my seat and proceeded to follow Button down the stairs where everybody else was waiting in nice clothing by pony standards. "What's with the get-up?" "It's time for a new family photo, and we were going to take it before we started our picnic." Loving said with a smile on her face.I kept my smile up while I had an internal battle in my head over acting happy for them. They were nice ponies so I couldn't drag them into my problems when they didn't need to be so I kept my mouth shut as we left for a nice plain just outside of town. When we arrived, Seas set up the picnic blanket while I just sat in the field looking off into the blank distance. I still don't see why they were so adamant about me coming along for this picnic when I'm still new to them. After another moment I felt a gentle hoof lay on my shoulder. "Come on, Chance. It's time to take the photo," Loving said while nudging me to get up. I gave her a questioning look before asking, "Isn't this a family photo? I don't think you want me in it." "Nonsense, you are part of the family, Chance." She said while nudging me again, "now come along." Arrow showed up soon after and after a small confrontation and some pleading on my part, Open allowed Arrow to take part in the picnic. I even convinced them to let Arrow be in the photo! ***Back to now*** "It's disgusting how you've twisted the truth to make you seem like a victim!" Jungle said as she tossed that memory aside like it was nothing. That was one of the only memories I wanted to keep! "Get out of my head, NOW!" I yelled which caused her to look towards me with an unamused look. "Why should I listen to a monster like-" An unseen force began pushing against Jungle until she was thrown outside of my head. "AND STAY OUT BITCH!" > I'm done with you > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 48: I'm done with you ***Insight*** "Left!" I shouted as I sprinted down the canterlonian streets towards my destination. After Ms. Care and Cold arrived in my office I quickly began to cast a spell to track Chance down for just this reason. Why Arrow didn't stop this in the first place is beyond me. When I discovered that Chance had been brought back to Canterlot I was shocked and confused until I realized that Jungle Vine had kidnapped him. She was placed on a canterlot watch list for quite some time prior to Chance being taken from her and placed in the crown's care. I did some digging and discovered she used to teach at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns which explains why the guard wasn't able to catch her after so long. It also explains how she knew the spells that she did, but I still wonder why I wasn't told any of this. "Right!" I shouted as we turned into Canterlot's poorer district. The cobblestone street was cracked and the buildings themselves covered in mold and sludge. The air itself had a rather foul smell to it, but that was at the back of my mind while saving Chance was my top priority. "Where are we going?" Ms. Care asked as she struggled to keep up with me through the desolate streets. "We are going to where Ms. Vine lives," I shouted back before making another turn down an alleyway which would lead us right next to our destination. I stopped when I reached a broken window and my magic faded; we were there. I peered through the window to make sure the coast was clear and climbed in, being mindful of the shattered glass. If I recall, Chance had used this window for his first escape from that vile mare. "What are you doing!" Loving said in a harsh whisper. "I'm saving Chance. Stay here and keep a look out for Jungle Vine!" I whispered back as I slowly creeped around the the room. It looked like some kind of office with books lined up across the opposing wall and a desk right beside the window. I slowly made my way towards the door a few yards away when a loud creek emanated from the floor board. I quickly lifted my hoof back up and listened closely for any sound of hooves. Thankfully, I didn't hear any and kept walking towards the door though I was much more mindful of where I stepped on these floors. When I pushed open the door a strong odor of rot and decay smacked me in the face. I entered a hallway which was covered in various molds and splintered floors. How somepony could live in such conditions is beyond me. I slowly walked down the hall until I reached a set of stairs which I heard voices coming down from. I listened very closely in hopes of hearing exactly what was going on. ***Chance*** "When I get this thing off my leg, I'm gonna kill you!" I shouted at the mare who was eyeing me with a considerable degree of anger. After something yanked her out of my head she attempted to force her way back in which failed. This was my one chance at figuring out how to get out of here, "Th same way you killed my son? You monster!" She retorted as she smacked me across the face with her hoof. It stung but I kept my eyes focused on her before giving back my own insult. "Says the bitch that ruined my life! I didn't ask to come here!" I yelled back as I yanked on my chain even harder. "I know you work for that monster! I saw it in your memories!" She yelled. I yanked on my chain even harder which caused it to give a little. Looking back I saw that the floor board it was attached to was severely rotted and giving out. I just had to pull on it hard enough. "Then you saw how I ran while my brother was taken from me! You saw how everything was taken from me because of you! AND YOU SAW HOW YOU DESTROYED THE ONLY CHANCE AT LIFE I HAD!" I yelled as I yanked the floor board with all my might causing it to fly into Jungle's face. "I'LL SEE YOU IN HELL!" I yelled as I walked up to her with the board in hoof. "CHANCE, STOP!" ***Insight*** "CHANCE, STOP!" I shouted as I burst into the room where I saw Chance standing over Jungle with a bloody wooden board. He looked over at me and then back to Jungle before a look of horror crossed his face. He dropped the wooden board and slowly backed away from Jungle Vine before speaking. "That wasn't, I didn't, I'm sorry." He said as he backed up to the wall. I quickly made my way over to Jungle to see if she was alive or not and thankfully she was. There was a small gash under her right eye, but she was still alive. Chance didn't kill her when he had the chance; there was still hope for him. I walked over to Chance and picked him up before walking out of that Celestia forsaken house. He kept his face hidden in my mane, but I didn't stop him, he needed some comfort. When I walked outside, Loving quickly took Chance from me and hugged him tightly while I called for the guards. Jungle Vine was quickly apprehended, but before the guards took her way she looked directly at Chance and said, "I'm going to find you, baby killer." My mind froze.