> The Seventh Element > by ColdHardPlace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Seventh Element?! (and a new pony) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was at her castle, thinking. Suddenly, she got up, her eyes wide. "Spike! I just remembered! We're going to be late!" she gasped. "Late for what?" yawned Spike, slightly annoyed that Twilight had woken him up. Twilight just pointed to the calendar as today's date was circled. Spike got up and read it, only to say "Twilight! We're going to be late for Pinkie's party! Wait, what's so special about a party? She throws them all the time.". Twilight sighed, and yelled, "IT'S HER BIRTHDAY PARTY SPIKE!". Spike jumped and they both ran out the door. As they ran through Ponyville Twilight overheard some gossip from some mares. She usually would of just kept carrying on but something made her stop. It was probably because she heard something about the Elements... and a seventh element... Wait, a seventh element! Her jaw dropped. Twilight regained her composure and told Spike to write that down. Then she started to run again. When they arrived, everypony was waiting for Pinkie. Naturally, everypony in town was there. About a minute after Twilight had arrived, Pinkie came in. Confetti went everywhere and everypony started to sing Happy Birthday. "Oh you guys!" giggled Pinkie. "How did you know?". Twilight rolled her eyes before saying "Pinkie, we do this every year. Don't tell me you forgot!". Pinkie replied with her usual giggle before everypony started partying. A while later the door creaked and everypony turned to stare at the newcomer. The new pony had a beautiful light green coat, and she had pinkish-purple eyes like Rainbow Dash. Her mane was a dark shade of blue with yellow highlights, her mane and tail weren't brushed and her mane was slightly curly. Her wings were quite large, almost as big as Celestia's even though she was a normal sized pony. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak. "BAHAHAHA! Look at those wings!" she laughed. The unknown pony whimpered and raced out the door. "Wait!" yelled the rest of the mane six. Twilight and the other raced after her, with Rainbow getting there first. "Hah! You think you can outrun the fastest flyer in Ponyville?" she said. The other pony unfurled her wings and she was gone. Rainbow stopped, stunned. When the others caught up they asked what happened and Rainbow said "Uh... I don't know...". They returned to the party, but Rainbow was too busy thinking about what had happened to party. When they got back, Twilight decided to write a letter to Princess Celestia. "Spike, take a note please. Dear Princess Celestia. Yesterday, I heard rumours of a seventh Element. A new pony also arrived. Do you know anything about this? Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." Spike sent it off to the Princess, and they waited. Before long, a response arrived. Twilight opened it up and began to read. Dear Twilight Sparkle, Unfortunately my sister is not here, as she disappeared a while ago. You may be asking why you have not heard of this, but we have been trying to keep it hush hush, as we don't want to cause a panic. I raise the sun at the moment, and to answer your question, I do not think that the two events are connected, but maybe you should keep an eye on this new pony for a while. Yours, Princess Luna. Twilight though before turning to Spike and saying "It's getting late, how about we go to sleep?" Spike yawned before saying "That's fine with me!" The next day... Twilight rubbed her eyes and got up, ready for a new day. She started making plans for the day, including finding out where the new pony was staying. She wanted to find out who this strange new pony was. As soon as she stepped outside she noticed a dark and ominous-looking cloud, hanging low in the sky. All the weather ponies were circling it like flies, occasionally trying to get rid of it. If Twilight squinted she could see Rainbow Dash, yelling orders at anypony who would listen. "Rainbow Dash!" she called. "Alright, gather the other ponies and... Huh? Yeah Twi?" she responded. The tired looking pegasus she had been yelling at smiled gratefully and flew away. "Do you know what happened here? I woke up and this was here!" Rainbow shook her head before trying to burst the cloud by flying at high speed into it. However, a big hole appeared in the cloud and swallowed her up. "Rainbow!" yelled Twilight. A couple seconds later, Rainbow came shooting out of the cloud like a missile. She almost hit Twilight, but luckily she caught her in her magic. For a while, Twilight and other unicorns were firing bolts into the cloud from all directions. All of them seemed to get consumed by the cloud though. Twi noticed a light growing in the cloud right in front of her. A small bolt of magic clipped her wing sending her spinning off balance. A bigger light illuminated another patch on the cloud, and Twilight barely had time to close her eyes before the next, larger, bolt came flying towards her... > What Just Happened?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- But the impact never came. Twilight opened her eyes to see a green streak making the bolt dissipate. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was the new pony. She came to a stop right beside Twilight. "So, what's your name?" asked Twilight. "I'm Bright. Bright Blaze. And that there is the Acrinosiant, a foe who I have heard of, but never seen." Twilight opened her mouth, presumably to ask more questions. "Yes, yes, no, you wouldn't of heard of it, and Niani's Book Of Monsters." Twilight closed her mouth, confused as to how Bright had answered her questions before she had even asked them. A while later... Twilight, Bright and Rainbow had tried everything they could think of. But nothing worked. "It's not working!" yelled Twi. "Well of course not silly! Didn't you read the above text?" "Pinkie!? Where did you come from?!" yelled Rainbow and Twilight. But the pink pony was nowhere to be seen. "There's only one more thing I can think of, but it's highly dangerous." said Bright. "Do it if you must." replied Twilight. Bright plunged her front hooves into the cloud and pulled out a large ball of it that crackled with power. Spinning it between her hooves, she let it cover her forelegs. When it disappeared there was a grayer shade of green rapidly spreading up her body. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again they were a burning red. When she spoke, it was a raspy, deep sound. "Okay. Lets do this." > Dark Soul, Bright Blaze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before she did anything Bright pulled two golden circles out of thin air and clamped them around her hooves. "Magical restraints" she explained, "so I don't accidentally destroy the entire universe." "Wait, what?! You can actually do that?!" exclaimed Rainbow. "Yep." She flew higher. And higher. And she flew even higher before suddenly dropping into a steep dive. A cone of light started to appear, similar to the one that formed when Rainbow Dash did the Sonic Rainboom. Bright whizzed through the cloud, making a hole in it. She repeated the action until there were so many holes in the cloud it looked like a slice of swiss cheese. All the ponies could only watch as she flapped, going so high they could barely see her. She snapped her wings to her sides and fell front hooves first. Four ribbons of light were created by her hooves, trailing behind her. Bright Blaze started to spin, creating a beautiful spiral of light behind her. When she collided with the (considerably smaller) Acrinosiant, there was a huge flash of light, making everyone turn their heads away. Rainbow was the first to look back, so she was the only one who saw Bright Blaze plummet down to the town square. Everyone saw the huge dust cloud from where she landed though. Twilight and Rainbow flew down to check on her. They found her lying in a crater outside Town Hall. What interested Twilight most was Bright's wings. "Rainbow, come here." "Yeah?" said Rainbow Dash, but then she caught sight of the pegasus' wings. There were huge clumps of feathers missing, but that wasn't the strangest thing. Where the feathers were gone, underneath a thin coating of shimmering blue, the ponies could clearly see the cogs, pistons and machinery that made up the pegasus' wings.