My Little Pony: The Element of Distortion

by Thunderwing250

First published

A year has passed after the attacks on Equestria from two Bronco-Titans. Now, a new threat appears not on the surface, but under the murky aquatic depths of the planet. Journey under the sea as Twilight and her friends encounter the "War Master"


One Year after Khaoios' return, the Wrath of the "War Master", himself resurfaces on the vast city of Las Pegasus bent on Revenge. Luckily an unlikely ally assists to fight off the Bronco-Titan, only to find out Twilight becomes the target of interest on both sides. What can she do? What will she do to fight both sides. Journey with Twilight and her friends as they go from the city of Las Pegasus, to the dark and murky depths of Vorago's Deep.

Any questions about the story, please visit: COMING SOON

Show and Characters by Hasbro/DHX/Lauren Faust
Story Writer, OC's, Ideas, & Locations: Thunderwing250 (Me, of course)
Story Editor: COMING SOON
Story Proofreader: COMING SOON
Character Design (Titannus): Foreshadow
Vector Drawing and Digital Painting (Cover Art): COMING SOON


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“A year has passed since Khaoios’ return, reattempting of recapturing Manehattan, where I have felt very unsteadily for these past couple of months. On the positive side, I felt reborn after Twilight’s sensing of Amethyst Crystal, alive and well beside her unconscious father. Perhaps the Queen was right, and we have been wrong…Khaoios was spared from imprisonment because she sensed good within him and now his daughter at his side may keep him occupied for a while. Just something he wanted as a way to bring him to peace.

Unfortunately, he is still considered a threat to Equestria so we must keep a close eye on him if he were to return. For Twilight and her friends, they have gone through various quests of their own spreading the magic of friendship including one that I particularly puzzled me. That one pony Twilight encountered capable of Time Travel is what caught my eye most of the time and how obtaining the Time Spell, herself. However, I rather leave that to Timaeus to solve, for that spell is originally his thus its his problem. As of now, no danger has come about, but I fear one who I would consider the “war master” may return and this one in particular will lay waste. Ever since Xenxus escaped Tartarus, he is one we need to seriously consider taking immediately action. Wouldn’t surprise me at all, but his intentions were well examined when he took Equestria by force without the Princess even knowing about him. Our biggest problem, in this case is quite simple. Why have we examined the stars when we haven’t even discovered our own aquatic depths? Because if we think about it, the aquatic depths are vast and making it extremely difficult to find him. Not to mention, the ocean is his domain. For now, we must have patience until he arrives…”

Chapter 1: Twenty-Five Hertz

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Over a quiet and peaceful night in Las Pegasus, the sea moved calmly as the waves crept up to the sandy beaches. Some beachgoers, specifically young pony couples walked along the quiet night, exchanging interests to one another. While they walked, a low humming sound echoed out from the ocean like a pod of whales singing a song. Thinking it was beautiful the beachgoers sat and watched the night sky as they continued to hear the song. Sitting in a trance, the songs frequency changed as other songs began to be heard causing the sound to be not only louder, but irritating. It was as if the sea creatures were crying for help from something unknown. Fearing for their lives, the ponies ran from the beach until the beach laid empty and only the whistling sounds from the wind with waves crashing could be heard. The song had stopped, adding nothing but complete silence along the coastline.

Few blocks from the shore, up in a nearby skyscraper a Pegasus pony, who was navy blue colored, wearing a lab coat remained asleep on top of his computer, only to be awakened by the recording of the sound heard on the beach. Jumping into action, he tried to identify it, but failed once the frequency died down. At that moment, a purple unicorn walked into the room.

“Have you found anything?” the unicorn asked.

“Yes. Unfortunately, the frequency was unable to record. All I could conclude is that the sound was so loud, the hydrophones power was cut preventing it from recording…” The Pegasus pony paused.

“However, from what I saw at the beginning of the record was that the scaling frequency started at twenty-five hertz then the hydrophones died out.” The Pegasus pony continued.

“I see. What should I inform the doctor?” the unicorn asked.

“He needs to hear this. While you’re at it, call Bronze Compass. We’ll need him here as well.” The Pegasus pony replied.

“For what?” the unicorn asked.

“I need him to try and navigate where the sound came from before the single died.” The Pegasus pony replied.

Complying with his words, the unicorn went to find Bronze Compass. The Pegasus pony turned to the blank screen. To him, the recording was so strange that he didn’t know that it was powerful enough to shut down the hydrophones. Something was sounding off under the sea and was indeed loud enough to scare away the other species. However, he could only think of one thing powerful enough to create such a disturbance like that.

“I think he’s back, father.” The Pegasus pony thought to himself.

As the night continued, Doctor Cabaleron slept in his home until a knock was heard at the doorway. Feeling exhausted from his recent travels, he stood up from his bed and walked to the doorway. Immediately sensing who was standing behind the door, he exhaled calmly. Opening the door, he walked outside looking up to the starry night. From nearby, he heard branches break and leaves cracking. He chuckled for moment.

“For one who tries to have a quiet meeting doesn’t help with you making all that noise” the doctor he paused.

“I’m guessing your son heard something again?” the doctor continued.

“Yes. Spectra is going to inform Bronze Compass. I need you to assist them.” The shadowy figure appeared from behind a tree.

“Understood, my Master. However I must ask, why have you returned? Quite unusual since Timaeus and Paguseus were looking for you? Vacation, I’m guessing?” the doctor asked.

“Why do ask?” the shadow figure replied.

Doctor Cabaleron stood silently and shook his head.

“Never mind. I was curious, but anyhow I shall aid your children. Are there any recommendations?” the doctor replied.

“Yes…keep that Princess of Friendship out of my way. I don’t want her to interfere with this situation.” The shadowy figure concluded before disappearing.

Cabaleron shook his head as he noticed Alteros held a grudge. He stood curious, wondering why but instead let it pass him. Without any further due, Cabaleron soon gathered his belongings and hurried south to Las Pegasus. Back in the city, Bronze Compass arrived alongside Spectra viewing the blank screen. After two whole hours, Spectra and Amplitude watched as Bronze Compass tried to recalibrate the recording, hoping to get the previous recording.

“Amplitude, did you at least capture what ever recorded before it subsided.” Bronze asked.

“Umm…no. I was only to get the beginning of it, before it died out.” Amplitude replied.

Spectra sighed.

“Don’t bother. Brother fell asleep again.” She responded.

“Look, I was up for two whole days trying to capture this sound. The hay you expect me to do?” Amplitude spoke back.

“We expected you to keep a close eye on the scanners and once again you failed to capture it. This previous moment you missed would’ve been our best opportunity.” Bronze Compass yelled.

“Why you…” Amplitude stood up and confronted his brother.

“Instead of arguing over some ridiculous thing, let us go to the beach and wait until we hear it again.” Doctor Cabaleron appeared at the doorway.

The three ponies turned and paused for that moment, staring at the doctor. He walked over to them and looked at the screen. He slowly turned his head at the three young ponies.

“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongues?” Doctor Cabaleron chuckled.

The three ponies shook their heads and gathered whatever equipment they needed for the beach. Once they were finished, they left the room and hurried to the beach, quiet as it was before the sound. As they set up equipment, they waited and waited for the signal only to realize Sunrise was on the horizon. Having no other choice, they abandoned their search and returned to the lab. As they returned to the lab, below the surface of the sea reaching its darkest depths, an aquatic creature with white eyes passed through a current at incredible speed. As it passed through the current, its song echoed like a large whale calling out to others before it disappeared into the murking abyss.

Chapter 2: History behind the Shadow Dynasties

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Over in Ponyville, Twilight and the Archivist were rearranging books by subject with the assistance of Spike and Doctor Hooves. While rearranging, Twilight came across one astronomy book that made her think. She picked up her head and stared at the wall.

“Madame Archivist, I want to ask you a question.” She called out.

The Archivist continued to stack books alongside Doctor Hooves.

“Yes, Twilight.” The Archivist replied.

Twilight exhaled.

“What are the Shadow Dynasties?” she asked.

The Archivist and Doctor Hooves stood in place and looked at one another.

“I’ll leave you two alone. Come, little dragon.” Doctor Hooves said as he walked away.

As the two walked out, Twilight and the Archivist remained in the room and walked over to a table. As Twilight sat down, the Archivist used her magic to summon a circular seal below their hooves. Stepping inside, they both went through a virtual realm showing events that occurred throughout history. Twilight observed in awe as she saw events not even written in the current history books.

“This…is like that formula I drank from Zecora showing me past events but I’ve never seen this before.” Twilight said.

“You could say that but this is far different. What you are seeing are events that occurred during the Shadow Dynasties. Yet, since you asked, I can tell you only little but viewing most of it tells you exactly what the era was…a dark, terrifying period in which the Bronco-Titans ruled the land.” The Archivist replied.

Twilight continued to watch, viewing time periods dating back two-thousand years before Celestia and Luna as well as the birth of Equestria. What she saw could only leave her speechless. At one part, she saw Khaoios and Xenxus, then two other unidentified alicorns, with the blue one being the tallest.

“The tall one is Titannus, the War Master, The Element of Force.” The Archivist said.

“What about the one that’s all black?” Twilight pointed out.

The Archivist snared.

“That…my little pony…is Tyrannus. The Element of Tyranny and the darkest, most deadly alicorn to walk Pre-Equestria” she replied.

Twilight watched as one particular event led to a warzone involving Centaurs marching towards the Dark Castle. Twilight watched as they continued to march in full armor until she came across one centaur with a familiar face.

“THAT’S…” she paused.

“Yes…Prince Tirek, Son of Tyron, and Grandson of Tyronus. Tyronus and Tyrannus go back centuries with those two at each other’s throats. In this battle, the match is finally met.” The Archivist continued.

Twilight turned.

“What happened?” she asked.

“See for yourself…” the Archivist pointed.

Twilight saw a vision of the fierce battle between Tyronus and Tyrannus only to be struck down by none other than the Dark Alicorn, himself. Claiming victory, Tyron swore revenge on Tyrannus by charging towards him with all his might. Unfortunately, he too perished along with thousands of other centaurs, being defeated by these alicorns and their soldiers. One by one, they all fell to only leave Prince Tirek and his other brother, Scorpan to surrender. Mortally wounded, Twilight noticed that Scorpan begged to his enemies to spare his and his brothers life, which she then noticed Khaoios turning away. Very unusual reaction, she thought especially from one of the enemies that took Manehattan, twice. Noticing Scorpans plea, the Bronco-Titans spared their lives and warned them if they returned, they would be killed. Twilight then noticed the tall one, snorting in annoyance.

“Titannus seems to be extremely annoyed from what I’m seeing.” Twilight commented.

“Yes. Titannus is one that we feared most, just behind Tyrannus. Though Xenxus and Tyrannus may be deadly, Titannus is all about brute-force and destruction. Particularally an alicorn that would rather lay waste on an entire city. That’s what he’s for and also why he tends to stand beside his oldest brother.” The Archivist added.

“What happened to him, specifically? I know that Xenxus and Khaoios attacked us, but where would he be?” Twilight asked.

The Archivist concluded the viewing of the past and returned back to the library as the seal disappeared under them.

“To be honest, I rather not know and want to keep it that way.” The Archivist responded.

“I see. When do the Guardians actual take power from them? Seems to me that something is missing?” Twilight asked.

“That is for another time, my dear Twilight. For now, you have your duties today and I have mine. Let’s attend to them while the day is still young. Remember one thing though.” The Archivist said.

“What’s that?” Twilight asked.

“Most origins have dark beginnings. Do those words ring a bell?” the Archivist said.

Twilight thought back to her first confrontation towards Khaoios and indeed, her words and Khaoios words are true. Its dark history could also be a major threat for which she knew that revealing it worldwide, it would lead to everyday fear.

“Of course.” Twilight sighed.

Before the Archivist walked out, she became curious and turned.

“By the way, what made you ask about the Shadow Dynasties?” she asked.

“I don’t know, really. All I remember was when you told me not to touch the Element of Space, it seemed to give me a past vision of the Shadow Dynasties. Funny, the Element of Time showed me only bits and pieces and when I had the Element of Space, it gave me the whole picture.” Twilight responded.

“The Elements gave you remnants of its darkest past. A past no pony should ever know. Intriguing. Anyhow, you have work to do. I’ll be back later.” The Archivist said.

“Where are you going?” Twilight asked.

“To pay my colleague a visit” the Archivist replied back.

As the Archivist left down the hall, Doctor Hooves stood by. Beside him stood Spike, who was allowed to return back to the library, leaving the Archivist and Doctor Hooves alone in the hall.

“She saw something?” Doctor Hooves asked.

“Yes. She saw remnants of the Four-Horns War. The battle between Tyronus and Tyrannus, to refresh your memory.” The Archivist replied.

“I see. What would you like me to do in the meantime?” Doctor Hooves said.

“As of now, keep an eye on Twilight. I will be up in Galloping Gorge asking for assistance from Daring Do. She may know something since the ancient Temple is near her home. I’m surprised that she didn’t know about it and hope it stays like that.” The Archivist commented.

“The Temple used by Tyronus? Then I best not keep you here.” Doctor Hooves replied.

“Yes and yes, I need your help on this. Contact Cabaleron and ask him if he has come across anything unusual.” The Archivist stated.

Doctor Hooves understood her words and went off to his duties. Back in the library, Twilight continued rearranging the remaining stack of books onto the shelf. She still wondered however about the war between the Centaurs and the Alicorns. For a while, she could only question one thing, how much of a history does Equestria have and the reason for it to be hidden from its current inhabitants. The ponies of Equestria do have the right to know its history, but to what extent? Perhaps the words from the Archivist is true. Ignoring the matter, she finished stacking her books in her library and decided to walk around Ponyville, assisting her friends in other matters.

Chapter 3: The Warning

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Throughout the day, ponies from all over lived on their lives normally, as if nothing previous ever happened. High above, in the Galloping Gorge, explorer and writer, Daring Do entered an unknown temple filled with unusual architecture. Passing through, she came across a statue that looked aquatic, but nothing she had ever seen before.

“What is this?” she thought to herself, examining the statue.

Surprisingly, Ahuizotl stood nearby holding an ancient relic.

“Looking for this, Daring Do!” he called out, waving the relic.

Daring Do looked up.

“Ahuizotl!” she snared.

As he monologue about his success over obtaining the relic, Daring Do felt that action was required until suddenly, the statue shook. Both turned and watch the statue’s head turn towards them. With its bright blue eyes, it gave them a death stare.

“Stealing the Relic of Alantos is death mere fools.” The statue’s deep voice spoke.

Once it stopped speaking, the echo from the voice caused a massive earthquake within the Temple, sinking into the ground. Luckily, Daring Do managed to escape only to leave her trembling. As for her nemesis, no sight of him could be found and the relic she tried to take destroyed itself. Out of all the adventures she went through, this was no ordinary adventure. This temple she stumbled upon was a temple that was not meant to be found and thus whomever used it will awaken and bring fear to Equestria. Still trembling, she tried the best she could to hurry back to her home to write this part of her adventure in her books. After an hour, she arrived at her home, only to find her door opened. Ready to defend herself, a voice called out to her.

“Who’s there?” Daring Do replied back.

“Just come in, please.” The voice called out again.

Daring Do stepped into her home and saw the Archivist sitting at her seat. Observing on what the Archivist was doing, she felt her privacy was being invaded.

“I have to say, I really am enjoying your writings.” The Archivist commented.

Daring Do walked up and closed the book shut on her.

“That’s none of your current busy now. By the way, what are you doing in my house and why are you here?” Daring Do asked in annoyance.

“Well, true that it’s none of my business but your recent experience will be our business.” The Archivist said.

Daring Do walked up to her curiously.

“I’m listening…” she paused.

“Did you happen to come across any temples that had an Aquatic Statue?” the Archivist asked.

Daring Do’s eyes widened.

“How did you know about the Aquatic Statue?” she asked.

The Archivist’s facial expression was the same.

“Ironic. When did you go?” she asked.

“Just now. I went into the temple to excavate it and ran into Ahuizotl along the way, but as we were fighting over a relic, a statue turned and stared at us and said something…” Daring Do explained.

The Archivist jumped and confronted her.

“The statue? What did it say, when you touched the relic?” she said.

“I don’t remember. I was trembling so much that I just can’t remember.” Daring Do struggled.

“Try!” the Archivist yelled.

Daring Do thought back about the incident and then she remembered the haunting words the statue said.

“It said, stealing the Relic of Alantos is death…That was it.” Daring Do said.

The Archivist knew something that wasn’t supposed to occur has now brought another danger to Equestria. Only this one, is out at sea. Seeing this as an important issue, she informed Daring Do to go to Las Pegasus to assist her supposed rival, Doctor Cabaleron. Though at first she denied it, the Archivist explained their differences in one another had to be put aside for this matter involves them both. Understanding her words, Daring Do picked up her hat and headed for Las Pegasus. The Archivist hurried back to Ponyville to bring them the news for another perilous journey awaited them.

Across the western side of Equestria, out at sea, a storm brewed in on a tramp steamer vessel, commanded by Griffons, fishing and harvesting. Thunder and lightning roared in the sky as the rain and wind poured down as strong and heavy as a roaring waterfall. Struggling to reel in the nets, one griffon tripped over a rope as a massive wave hit them from port side. The Captain, steering the vessel from the storm could not hold steady as it continued to rock back and forth. Suddenly, one griffon sailor barged through the doorway.

“Captain! The Lower Haul has been breached! We gotta move away from the storm now!” he pleaded.

“I’m trying!” the captain said.

All of a sudden, the crew heard and felt a loud bang from the starboard side of the vessel and noticed it was sinking, as if something were dragging the ship down. Then all was calm and quiet. The crew looked at one another curious on what it was until a low humming sound was heard like the song of a whale. Only this one wasn’t singing, it was hunting. In an instant, another bang was felt that it breached the side of the vessel, now dragging it below the surface. Yelling at one another to abandon ship, the griffon sailors jumped ship with life rafts floating. Luckily, all the griffons jumped ship just in time as they all watched in horror as their vessel was literally being dragged to the bottom. Before it fully sunk, a loud and massive explosion rocked on the deck of the ship, creating a shockwave knocking the griffons into the water. Each one struggled to make it back onto the raft. One griffon who grabbed the raft, became petrified when he turned and saw an unknown aquatic creature, drag the ship, before it disappeared. The captain along with other griffon sailors pulled the one griffon out of the water.

“What happened? Sailor?” the Captain called out.

There was no response from the petrified griffon.

“Sailor? What did you see?” one other griffon sailor called out.

“I…saw…something. Something scary…” the petrified griffon said, before fainting.

Chapter 4: "Word Must Not Get Out"

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Back in Ponyville, Twilight had just finished assisting her friends, fixing a small reservoir for the apple trees at Sweet Apple Acres. After a long and sweaty job, they each sat down and had a drink of cider.

“This cider is awesome!” Rainbow Dash cheered.

“Yeah. Thank you all for helpin’ me out. I seriously couldn’t have done it without ya’ll” Applejack said happily.

“Hugging!” Pinkie Pie cried.

Hugging each other, Spike ran to them only to stop and watch.

“Umm…what are you doing?” Spike asked.

“Oh you to Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity said, grabbing him and hugging them.

Spike struggled to breath, trying to say that a letter from Princess Celestia had arrived. Immediately, they let go of one another and Twilight took the letter and began to read it.

“Princess Twilight. I am sending you this urgent letter for your presence is needed in Canterlot. The current issue we are having is from the Griffon ambassador. He has come to inform us that something unexpected has occurred out in the Western Ocean and that this matter may result in a conflict between nations. Please come immediately to discuss this matter further. Princess Celestia”. Twilight read.

“Oh no...” she paused.

Her friends looked at her.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“If this was out at sea…that may be…” Twilight paused.

“Where’s the Archivist?” she continued.

They all looked around but could not find her.

“Nah. She’s probably sleeping or something…” Rainbow Dash commented.

“If I were sleeping, Rainbow Dash, I would be sleeping on a beach.” The Archivist surprisingly appeared.

“Twilight. I need to tell you something important.” She said.

“Well, I do too. I just got a letter from Princess Celestia. It appears the Griffon Kingdom is involved as well.” Twilight added.

“Is that so? Very well then. Gather your things and let’s go. Would the rest of you mind staying here, for I have a task for each of you?” The Archivist

“A task…” Rarity said.

“…for us?” Rainbow Dash added.

“Yes. While Twilight and I are discussing this matter, please gather your things for we’ll be taking a trip to Las Pegasus and will be staying there for a while. I have a strong sense that this matter is going to get worse and to remain on the western coast will prevent any dangers from making it into inland.” The Archivist said.

“Yay! We’re taking a vacation! Well…and secret vacation. I’m off to pack” Pinkie Pie replied before dashing away back to Sugarcube Corner.

Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy followed behind to prepare their belongings. Twilight and the Archivist then arrived at the train station. Yet, it surprised her that the Archivist requested one whole coach to them. Once they walked in, StoneColt was sitting inside.

“Princess…” StoneColt bowed his head.

“General…” Twilight bowed.

“Now. What we say is strictly confidential and must be between us three. Do you understand, Twilight?” StoneColt said.

“Yes.” Twilight answered.

“Good. Our Intel at Las Pegasus have sent me a telegram that a very loud frequency was picked up on the hydrophones early this morning. Now, Amplitude, which is one of the associates tried to record it but the frequency disrupted the signal causing a damaged response.”

“…In other words, it was a vocal disruptor, similar to Xenxus’ Electro-magnetic Pulse.” The Archivist whispered to Twilight.

“We currently don’t know what it is, however we need to make sure this type of incident doesn’t cause ponies to panic. Yet, from what I heard, the Griffons are involved which will only make the matters worse. Personally, I don’t believe its Titannus…” StoneColt paused.

“Titannus?” Twilight interrupted.

“Yes. Titannus? How do you know?” StoneColt asked.

“Twilight had a vision of the Four-Horns War. A side effect she received after wielding and/or touching the Elements.” The Archivist added.

“I see. Well, for now, let’s remove Titannus as the primary suspect, because he hasn’t been seen for centuries, however, since we haven’t explored our oceans there are various possibilities.” StoneColt commented.

The Archivist looked at him, trying to understand why he would ignore the possible choice of Titannus being the cause and focus more on something else. She became quite confused, but at the same time she felt calm. Whenever she thought about the Bronco-Titans she would become cautious, but when she doesn’t, she feels calm.

“Archivist. Is there something you want to add?” StoneColt asked.

“Yes. I paid Daring Do a visit up in Galloping Gorge, but when I found her, she was trembling in a sense of fear. She told me that while investigating a nearby temple, she stumbled upon an Aquatic Statue that told her and Ahuizotl that stealing the Alantos’ relic is death. As of now, I dispatched her to go to Las Pegasus to meet her there tonight.” The Archivist said.

“Understood. If need be, I will be stationed back up at the Academy so if you need reinforcements. You’ll know where to find me.” StoneColt said.

The Archivist nodded.

“By the way, what did you do with Janus?” she asked.

“Paguseus took him for recover. In addition, he and Timaeus are investigating the temple up at Mt. Tse’ Reve, since we reported to them their may have been an imposter among us. On the bright side, they instructed us to not worry about it and that they'll will handle the matter” StoneColt replied.

“So to conclude this conversation, something was awoken and we are in its beginning stages. Objective is to keep quiet before oblivion breaks loose.” StoneColt stated.

“I understand, General.” Twilight asked.

As soon as they finished, the Train whistle blew and StoneColt stood up.

“As mentioned before, if you need me. You’ll know where I’ll be.” StoneColt concluded as he walked off the train and flew away.

The train whistle sounded off as steam puffed out of the funnel and it began making its way for Canterlot.

Chapter 5: S.O.S From Vorago's Deep

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Out in Las Pegasus, Doctor Cabaleron, Amplitude, Bronze Compass, and Spectra began to scan for nearby frequencies only to receive no results. Frustrated, Amplitude got up and walked towards the doorway only to open it and be surprised that Daring Do was standing behind it.

“Welcome, Daring Do. So kind of you to join us. I believe the Archivist saw you?” Cabaleron said.

Daring Do, feeling uneasy that she was being assigned to work with a pony she considered her rival in her field of Archeology, sighed.

“Yes. I still don’t trust this.” She responded.

“Might as well spit the truth out. When we first came across one another, it wasn’t because I wanted to join you, it was I who was trying to recruit you, by order of my Master.” Cabaleron said.

“By order…of your Master?” Daring Do replied, raising an eyebrow.

“Master Alteros.”Cabaleron mentioned.

“Our father, Miss Daring Do.” Bronze Compass said.

“He wanted you to join us, because he was interested in your intellect in archeology. Yet, you wanted to work alone on your adventures. Basically, it wasn’t I who wanted to go on your adventures. That’s your thing. He only wanted you to join on certain occasions. This event in particular.” Cabaleron concluded.

Daring Do dropped her head, trying to analyze his words.

“What do you need me to do?” she spoke.

“We are currently analyzing a frequency from the ocean, but I need you to gather the information you came across at the Alantos’ Temple. While doing that, go to the libraries and search for a book on the third floor, second aisle, number 5427. We need that book.” Cabaleron said.

“Of course.” Daring Do replied.

“Bronze, go with her. The library in this city is big so having two looking for the book will be easier.” Cabaleron replied.

“What’s in the book, anyway?”

“It’s a journal that was written by father, and left it for a few of us to access.” Spectra said.

Daring Do and Bronze Compass then left the room, leaving Cabaleron, Amplitude, and Spectra still scanning the frequency. As they continued to scan throughout the afternoon, Twilight and the Archivist arrived at Canterlot Castle, where news awaited them in the throne room. Inside, Ambassador Gronk of the Griffon Kingdom demanded answers, accusing of a crime they didn’t commit.

“My good ambassador, this event out a sea was unexpected. Thus we did not even know such an incident occurred.” Princess Celestia spoke.

“You didn’t know? An entire vessel commanded by the Griffons sunk. Explain to me, how one of our biggest vessels sunk? The only type of power would be the unicorns and alicorns.” The Ambassador angrily responded.

“Sir, please be calm. We are troubled by this too, but we are trying our best to resolve this problem without any international conflicts.” Princess Luna calmly responded.

The Griffon Ambassador could only feel rage, along with his associates, blaming the alicorns for their troubles. Suddenly, Twilight walked in along with the Archivist which surprisingly the griffons became silent. As she passed, she looked at every single one of them, only to turn away in disgust. The Ambassador grinned at her, as she smiled passed him.

“Out of all the visits I’ve been too, I can’t believe we have run into each other, again.” The Ambassador said.
“Well, it’s nice to see you, my former love.” The Archivist smirked.
“Nice to see you again, witch. But since these Princesses don’t know, why don’t you entertain us on what kind of creature would drag…” Grotto was interrupted.

“…creature would pull down an entire vessel? I may have the answer, but may not be 100%. First off, guards…please leave us and lock the doors shut. No pony is to listen to this conversation other than us.” The Archivist said.

The guards in the room looked at one another and were signaled by Twilight to leave the room. As they left the doors were locked shut and silence was in the room.

“My associates are currently out in Las Pegasus to scan frequencies on this unknown sound that was heard quite a few times. However, it failed for it caused a major disruption on the recording.”

“A distorted sound?” one griffon associate said.

“That is correct.” The Archivist answered.

“Well, that’s very nice news. Now will you tell us what sunk our ship…” the ambassador spoke.

“…before we answer on what sunk your ship, you will tell ME…where was the ship when it sunk. Location is the key to identifying the solution.” The Archivist interrupted.

The Ambassador, Grotto paused and looked at his associates. One griffon walked up with a map of the ships last location. The Princesses, the Archivist, and the Ambassador looked at the map and the ambassador point the location where the ship was last seen. Immediately, when the Ambassador pointed the location of the ships location, the Archivist smacked the Ambassador over the head. Everyone in the room jumped and yelled out to the Archivist.

“What was that for?” the ambassador Grotto said.

“What the hell was your ship doing above Vorago’s Deep? Tell me, GROTTO!” the Archivist yelled.

The griffon associates drew their weapons only to halt when the ambassador stuck out his hand. Struggling to get up he began breathing heavily annoyed and embarrassed.

“You tell me. Who altered their direction? Because it wasn’t us.” Ambassador Grotto yelled back.

The Archivist began to breathe heavily from her rage. She knew exactly what may have sunk their ship. And to reveal it would bring global panic. Instead, she turned and walked out to the balcony, silently. Twilight looking at all of them, walked to the Archivist. She looked up to her, only to see her tearing.

“I have never been so wrong in my life. And my former love interest proved it to me.” She cracked.

“What? What’s so important about that location?” Twilight asked.

“I’ll tell you later. Let’s just go back inside.” The Archivist suggested.

Walking back inside after cooling off, she apologized for her actions and continued the conversation. After an hour, they have received all the information on what could be the result of it. Strong storms that sent the vessel off course. Believing it was an accident, the meeting had concluded, yet the Princesses felt troubled. They thought the solution was too obvious and that more information was missing. Princess Celestia turned to her sister and to Twilight.

“Luna, if you manage to pass over Las Pegasus, let me know what you see. Twilight, keep staying near the Archivist because I seriously doubt she told the truth.” Princess Celestia asked.

“Of course.” Both Twilight and Luna responded.

Twilight had to agree with her mentor, though. The Archivist seemed to be hiding something.

“What are you going to do?” Twilight asked.

“We will double the guards here in case something bad occurs.” Princess Celestia said.

In the back of her mind, however, the Princess was planning something now that such an incident like this occurred. Something had to be resolve even if that means interrogating. As Twilight left the castle, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watched as Twilight walked beside the Archivist. Luna turned and called to her guards.

“Follow them to Las Pegasus but keep your distance. When the time comes. Capture her and her associates.” Princess Luna ordered.

“Yes, your majesty.” The guard said taking flight.

“It’s about time we start receiving answers, sister.” Princess Luna said.

“I highly agree with you, sister.” Princess Celestia replied.

Chapter 6: Titannus Resurfaces

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Down below at the train station, the Archivist and Twilight boarded a private coach, only to notice the Griffon Ambassador, Grotto and his guards sat. Feeling, threatened Twilight’s unihorn glowed only to have the hoof of the Archivist blocking her way.

“We seriously need to talk.” Grotto said.

“Oh I can’t wait to hear the full details.” The Archivist bitterly responded.

The Archivist and Twilight sat down on their chairs waiting to speak the details.

“Look. It wasn’t my intention to come here. I was ordered. Problem is, I didn’t expect the crew to be fishing in Vorago’s Deep. Not to mention, what lies down there.” Grotto explained.

“Well. It blows my mind that out of all the places, the vessel ended up in the deepest trench in the world. The only place we would find him.” Grotto paused.

“No! No! No! Titannus is gone. Hasn’t been seen and without any further due, I claim he is dead. Period!” The Archivist angrily responded.

“…And if he isn’t?” Twilight added.

The Archivist paused and turned to her.

“…then we’re all in trouble.” The Archivist replied.

“I understand deeply concerned you are with Titannus. However, you need to think what other force on this planet would be powerful to drag a vessel that big under the surface?” Grotto said.

“I know. But I refuse to believe Titannus was responsible.” The Archivist sadly replied.

Twilight sensed something bothered the Archivist deeply but couldn’t understand what it was. Though the Archivist sensed what Twilight was sensing, she could only hold in her emotions. As the train whistle blew, Grotto stood up.

“I best be going now, with news to my superior. I suggest you deal with this issue before it becomes worse. Fare thee well” he replied as he walked out with his guards. Twilight and the Archivist bid them farewell, but the Archivist continued to feel uneasy. The danger from Khaoios, Xenxus, and now this wasn’t subsiding but growing.

Twenty miles off the coast of Las Pegasus, a tramp steamer fishing vessel, commanded by ponies were going through their usually harvesting, until an unusual storm crept up from the south. One Pegasus pony looked up and tried to identify the storm for he could not understand how a storm approached if the Weather Patrol didn’t create it. Something was wrong, he thought. Hurrying to the bridge, he threw the door open.

“Captain! Storm approaching from the South.” He said.

“Impossible. The weather patrol are supposed to inform us when storms occur.” The Captain turned his head.

“The Weather Patrol didn’t create this storm. It’s like…its natural.” The Pegasus said.

The Captain his crew turned their heads slow at the Pegasus pony. Suddenly, another crew member ran in.

“Captain. Rough waters approaching. We need to return to the mainland.” He said.

Taking his word, the Captain alerted his crew. Reeling up lines, a beeping was then heard in the bridge. A crew member noticed the sonar was picking up a signal two-hundred and fifty feet below the surface and whatever it was; it was big. Now desperately trying to make it back to land, the storm came faster and the waves began pounding the sides of the ship. Before they turned, they could only realize they were stuck from two of the lines in the water. Trying to reeling them up, the Captain ran outside.

“Cut the lines!” he yelled.

One of the crew members came out with a sword, slashing the line as it plunged into the water. Breathing a sigh of relief thinking it was over, the ship tilted on its left side, feeling an impact from something massive. The Captain and his crew held on as hard as they could as the ship continued to turn on its side. One crew member panicked so much, he yelled out abandoned ship only to halt in place as he confronted something. In an instant, the ship slipped back on its side for the creature had disappeared only for whirlpools to appear. As it got stronger and stronger, a few yards away, bubbles rocked the surface until electric pulse created an explosion as the creature rose to the surface, revealing itself. The Captain and crew stood petrified as they saw this aquatic alicorn reveal itself as its roar echoed. Without even thinking the Captain ordered all hooves to abandon ship. Before abandoning ship, the Captain raced to the emergency telegrams, where a communicators operator sat.

"Captain..." he turned.

"I know. Send an emergency telegram. Now!" the Captain yelled.

The ship slowly tilted as the crew hurried to gather belongings, while the Captain and the communications operator prepared the telegram. Set up, the operator turned.

"Sir?" he asked.

"Begin. To all ships in the area. Attacked by unknown sea monster on unknown coordinates due to unusual storm. Abandoning ship at this moment...I repeat, abandoning ship after attack from unknown sea monster...Captain Anchor Hoof." the Captain paused.

"Do you have a code name for the unknown sea monster?" the operator asked.

The Captain turned.

"Yes. Send this one and send another one to Doctor Hooves Labratory in Ponyvile. Type in CLASSIFIED. As for the monsters name..." the Captain paused.

As the Operator sent the first telegram, he prepared a second one, but before they could the ship continued to tilt. Time was running out for them. Quickly, he turned.

"Name!" the operator asked.

"Tango...Igloo...Tango...Alpha...November...November...Umbrella...Sandpony. Send it now." the Captain replied.

The Operator sent and soon, both ponies ran out of the room and onto the deck. Outside, the crew tossed a life raft into the water just before the alicorn jumped onto the ship, creating a hole through the deck and through the bottom. As the ship sunk slowly during the violent storm, one crew member crawled over to the Captain.

“Cap. What was that?” he asked nervously.

The Captain could only remain speechless.

“I…I don’t know…” he whispered.

Down below the surface, the aquatic alicorn dragged the ship down disappearing beneath the murky depths of the sea. Sensing the danger, the Archivist jumped from her nap. Twilight who happened to be next to her was curious.

“What happened?” Twilight asked.

“Something terrible has happened.” The Archivist replied.

“What?” Twilight asked again.

“We need to hurry. Have you contacted your friends, before we left?” the Archivist asked.

Twilight raised an eyebrow and wondered how could see communicate with her friends if she’s not near them. Luckily, the Archivist looked and her and explained about the Telepathy spell. As the two closed their eyes, they practiced on communicating with one another. Though it took a while for her to learn the spell, she managed to communicate with her friends back at Ponyville. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy stood by the train station awaiting for the train’s arrival.

“Twilight! Is that you?” Pinkie thought to herself.

“Yes. I’m on my way back to Ponyville right now.” Twilight responded.

“Oh this is so cool, Twilight. Able to talk through your mind.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yes. But can you hear me clearly?” Twilight asked.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie popped through the window, surprising Twilight.

“Hey, Twilight.” She screamed out.

Twilight got knocked to the floor, breathing heavily after that jump scare. The Archivist chuckled as she looked down to Twilight.

“Perhaps we need to practice on that a little more shall we?” she said.

“Oh yeah. Right?” Twilight chuckled nervously.

After a few minutes of loading the train, the group headed off to Las Pegasus, yet nothing would prepare them for what they were about to expect. Something seemed to trouble the Archivist as if something knows of their arrival. How would she respond, she thought? All she could do is remain calm and only plan on the good things.

Chapter 7: Crouching Discord, Hidden Alteros

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Nightfall came over Las Pegasus, as Cabaleron, Amplitude, and Spectra continued to monitor the scans. Unfortunately, no scans were picked up, making their searching much more frustrating.

“We spent all day trying to find the scans and still nothing. What’s going on?”

“I don’t know, Amplitude.”

Suddenly, ponies took to the streets, demanding answers on an unknown cause. While the three looked out the window, Daring Do and Bronze Compass continued their search throughout the library for the book. Shelf to shelf, book to book, they found it rather difficult to identify the book they were looking for. Daring Do could only remember the number but did not understand who wrote it. Bronze Compass took the paper from Daring Do.

“We’ve been here for hours. We can’t find the book” Daring Do said.

Bronze Compass rubbed his chin.

“If I were father, where would I put a book that is so secretive, I would hide it in no other place than the…Records Room!” he quickly said.

Hurrying to the Records Room, the two went to the back and noticed an empty shelf with an unusual seal carved into the shelf.

“We found it. But where?” Bronze Compass said leaning on the shelf, revealing a secret room.

In the middle, the two looked around to realize a light shined down on a book that stood in the middle of the room. Bronze Compass looked down and noticed the books location was in the middle, surrounded by nothing but a large never-ending dark pit. Frightened, he backed off but Daring Do smirked for a moment for she felt this was her moment of being sneaky. Slowly making her way across, she reached the book, took it, but suddenly the ground began to shake. Quickly the two made it out just in time before the platform in the room collapsed. After succeeding in obtaining the book, they hurried back to the lab only to confront a crowd of ponies standing in front the Mane Hall. Bronze Compass tapped her shoulder, nodding to return to the lab. As they went into the room with the book, and breathing heavily.

“What happened to you two?” Amplitude asked.

“Do…not…ask.” Daring Do exhaled in anger.

“The book should’ve been easy to find. What did you two do?” Cabaleron asked curiously.

“You never told us it was hidden in a secret room where everything falls if the book is taken.” Bronze Compass added.

Cabaleron raised an eyebrow, then he turned to Amplitude and Spectra. He turned back towards Bronze Compass Daring Do.

“Your father only told me that it was on a shelf?” Cabaleron questioned.

“Of course it was…until I moved it.” A voice spoke.

From behind, a shadow figure appeared and walked into the light. He was dark purple with a vortex for a cutie mark. Daring Do tilted her head in curiosity.

“Who are you?” she asked.

“Greeting, Master Alteros.” Cabaleron bowed his head.

“Father” Amplitude, Bronze Compass, and Spectra said.

Alteros turned to Daring Do.

“Their words explain it all. However I am glad you have come. Forgive for my apprentice’s previous way of recruiting you and you denying it. As you know, it was my doing that I had asked him to recruit you. I am interested in your intellect and your adventurous personalities for it serves as a way to ensure the safety of some secrets on this planet.” Alteros spoke.

Daring Do could only have her jaw drop, since this is the second superior she met after Khaoios first reappearance on Equstria.

“Yes and thank you, Master Alteros. I have told your apprentice that I rather work alone because I feel that trust is…” Daring Do was interrupted.

“You needn’t worry about that, my little pony. Trust is one thing I am picky about and trust with you, my apprentice, and my children is of high importance.” Alteros added.

“I see. I may need some time to think about that offer, but I am interested.” Daring Do replied.

“Very good. Now, what have you scanned?”

“Well, scan...” Amplitude paused.

The scanner was picking up unusual waves from the hydrophones. As they all got closer, they immediately recorded it and re-enhanced it only to shock them. Alteros remained perfectly calm, realizing exactly who it is. Daring Do looked to Cabaleron and Alteros, in confusion.

“Who is it?” Daring Do asked.

Cabaleron, Amplitude, Bronze Compass, and Spectra looked up to Alteros.

“That, my little pony…is Titannus.” Alteros replied.

On the train, the Archivist continued to nap, while Twilight and her friends continued their conversations with fun and laughter. While asleep, she heard the voice of Alteros and realized one key individual was missing and would most likely be required for this expedition. Lifting her head up, she turned to Twilight.
“Is there something wrong?” Twilight had asked.
The Archivist thought for a moment and turned to Fluttershy.

“Miss Fluttershy.” She asked.

“Yes?” Fluttershy replied.

“Where is your friend, Discord?” the Archivist asked.

“What?!” the ponies yelled.

“Yes. We may need Discords help on this issue, especially when it comes to reasoning with his former master.” The Archivist.

“Former Master?” Rarity tilted her head.

“No! Please don’t call Discord! He’s just gonna cause some…” Rainbow Dash was interrupted by a flashbang from behind her.

Surprisingly, Discord appeared in the coach.

“Oh I heard some pony was talking about me?” He said.

Fluttershy flew over and hugged him.

“You’re here.” She said.

“Of course I am. Yet, worry not, my dear friend. I understand this is quite some important issue that must be dealt with.” Discord said.

“What would you have me do, my beautiful Archivist?” Discord continued.

The Archivist blushed for a second, but held herself together.

“Well first off, the answer is no, you will not go on a date with me as I’ve said several times in the past. However, we…I need you to speak with your former master.” The Archivist spoke.

“Alteros…” Discord gasped.

He shapeshifted into a chicken, trying to slowly back away.

“You know, how he feels about me. I’m sorry but I cannot help…I have some other plans ahead…” Discord stopped, with the Archivist stepping on his tail.

“Don’t be a chicken, Discord. The reason for this job is because since you are the apprentice of alterations and distortions, I need you to sense…aquatic environments. Per say…” the Archivist added.

“Oh please Discord.” Fluttershy pleaded, with a puppy eye.

Discord sighed, knowing what trouble lies ahead.

“If Fluttershy is here and needs help with her friends, then very well. I shall assist.” Discord happily replied.

“What is the purpose for sensing distortions in the water?” Discord asked.

“I communicated with Cabaleron and informed me that distorted sounds were heard in the water and only you and Alteros can identify it?” The Archivist mentioned.

“I see. Did he say what it sounded like? Every distortion does have a different sound. Like my record” Discord said, summoning a broken record playing.

“Unfortunately, no. We’ll find out more once we arrive.” The Archivist nodded.

Chapter 8: Titannus' Confrontation

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After the conversation, the train stopped unexpectedly. Looking out the window, they noticed something very unusual, for even the Conductor asked all the passengers to remain seated while the train lines were being switched. Curious, Twilight asked the Conductor what occurred, only to nod his head. She decided to walk outside only to feel shocked at what she saw. Her friends, the Archivist, and Discord followed as they looked at the track, destroyed by an unusual force. Discord immediately took flight to see ahead only to widen his eyes.

“I am maybe the Master of Chaos but this…this is beyond Chaos itself. It’s Destruction.” He stumbled.

Fluttershy flew up next to him, only to ask her to not look, but when she did, she could only gasp in horror. The Archivist looked up to him.

“What happened?”

Fluttershy hugged Discord for comfort.

“Madame Archivist…there is only one creature on this planet that could destroy an entire village near the waterfront. But this…I have no words…” Discord sadly responded.

Floating down, he sat and tried to relax. Twilight and the rest walked to him, curious at what he saw. Knowing that a severe danger lies ahead, he became very compassionate to assist them on their quest to defeat this unknown creature, even if that means losing his life. Discord knew that this enemy is beyond his power and that this creature means only one thing…War. He turned towards Twilight and her friends.

“Twilight. I know in the past that I’ve been considered your enemy and somewhat of a fool, betraying you for Tirek. But I want to bury those dark thoughts I’ve had, for this threat is truly something we should worry about and resolve fast. The safety of Equestria depends on it because if he manages to make landfall, we are all in trouble. I am willing to give my life to protect you and your friends. I just can’t believe that his return…” Discord was interrupted.

The Archivist stomped her hoof on the ground.

“No! I refuse to believe Titannus is alive.” She yelled.

“Do not doubt his return. His destructive force he left behind in that village proves he is back.” Discord mentioned.

Over at the train, the Conductor called out to them that the train will have to halt for the night for the switch was disable, preventing them from going any further. While the passengers groaned about the incident, they all decided to walk a mile where another village stood, unharmed. Though still in one piece, Twilight felt uneasy. Yet at the same time, she knew rest was needed, thus going anyway with her friends. Approaching the hotel, the ponies gathered their belongings and went to their rooms. Twilight, who was next in line was pleaded not to stay by the manager. Claiming the village is unsafe from a creature. Curious, she asked what had occurred but the manager was too frightened to answer. The Archivist pulled Discord aside to a hallway.
“I need you to sleep outside with me tonight, to make sure nothing enters the village.” The Archivist said.
“I agree. Funny that I was going to mention just that to you.” Discord commented.
“We’ll give them rest, and once we are up, we need to move out fast.”
“I understand.” Discord said, walking outside.
Twilight and her friends walked up to the Archivist looking outside.
“Where’s Discord going?” Fluttershy asked.
“We’ll be spending the night on the roof to monitor. If the manager of this hotel said to you that we should go, then something is up. Anyhow, what you six need is rest. I will wake you early tomorrow morning to get a head start.” The Archivist smiled.
Twilight and her friends smiled back as they all went to their room. The Archivist’s smiled soon died down after thinking about what may lie out there, bent on laying waste to Equestria. That problem, she thought, will hopefully occur that night to clearly identify what the creature is. Yet, the appropriate question was “who is it”, not “what is it”. Two hours had passed and a storm brewed in, forcing the Archivist and Discord to build a tent. While the ponies in the village slept, the Archivist continued to monitor, until she and Discord fell asleep. They were awoken suddenly, by loud stomping sounds. Curious, she ran out in the stormy weather and looked down, where she realized a mist had brewed it, preventing them from seeing what was happening. Now, frightened she woke up Discord.
“Wha…What happened?” Discord yawned.
“The mist is out. We need to go down to the ground.”
“Just one more…” Discord stopped as soon as he heard the stomps.
“I take that back. Hurry.” Discord said flying down under the fog.
As the stomping continued to be heard, Rarity awoke complaining about the sound and decided to go down to the lobby and complain. In doing so, she walked out of the hotel, only to look up at something that frightened her so much she could only scream in horror. Hearing her, Twilight and her friends jumped out of bed and looked for Rarity. Now desperately trying to find her, Twilight ran downstairs and saw Rarity run back into the hotel only to have the creature blast the entrance. Twilight immediately used her magic to knock the creature backward, but deflected her magic. Suddenly, the Archivist used her magic sending the creature down the street and into a cottage. Luckily, no pony was in there at the time, the creature swung his tail into a line of cottages, forcing ponies to flee their home. Twilight flew out and blasted again, until the creature roared out with a powerful force knocking Twilight backwards.
“Who are you?” Twilight struggled to speak.
The creature stepped closer as a lightning bolt struck next to him revealing his true self. The Archivist, who stood nearby dropped her glasses in shock. For the first time ever, she was proven wrong.
“Titannus…” she and Twilight whispered.
“Twilight Sparkle the filth who defeated my brothers. Now, you shall deal with me.” Titannus spoke, swinging his tail and hitting Twilight.
Twilight was immediately knocked out unconscious from the force of his tail, thus scaring the villagers out, as well as the passengers from the hotel. Leaving everything behind, the ponies thought of saving themselves from the danger. Twilight’s friends were petrified by Titannus’ appearance that they hid in a nearby alley. As the fog grew thicker and thicker, Twilight struggled to get back on her hooves.
“Remember well, Twilight Sparkle. This is only the beginning…the next is your destruction.” Titannus’ voiced echoed.
Twilight’s rage grew as she fired a powerful magic through the fog, but sadly, she missed. Once the fog cleared, Titannus was gone. Disappeared before their very eyes, Twilight thought. Discord, who was also blinded by the fog, crash landed next to the Archivist.
“Discord? Where were you?” she asked.
“I don’t know. Seems the fog summoned by Titannus blinded me greatly.” Discord said.
“Change in plan. We leave for Las Pegasus, now!” the Archivist said.

“Yes. I will hurry to the train” Discord replied.

The Archivist ran over to Twilight, followed by her friends. They all looked down at Twilight, as her body was steaming. A very unusual power the Archivist sensed, however at least Titannus didn’t do too much damage…or did he. On the train, the ponies did all they can to switch the track and luckily, it switched. The conductor called out to the ponies that all was well and that it was departing for Las Pegasus. As they all ran back on board, the Archivist summoned her blade-wing spells and flew up to view the village. Observing it, she noticed not a single structure stood. It was as if everything was wiped out from a massive hurricane. Though still feeling doubtful of Titannus’ return, this maybe the first time she may be proved wrong. Twilight from the train called out to the Archivist. Twilight watched as the Archivist descended slowly.

“Is everything alright, Archivist?” Twilight asked curiously.

“You’re encounter with Titannus was quite unexpected. How he knew that you were there is quite puzzling to me. For now, I’m glad you and your friends are alright.” The Archivist replied.

As the train whistle blew, it headed for Las Pegasus. Twilight who was sitting by her friends talked about the incident among them. Discord who stood by the Archivist felt curious.

“Titannus must be holding a grudge against her for some reason?” he spoke.

“Of course he does.” The Archivist replied.

“How do you know?” Discord asked.

“I don’t know. I immediately noticed it when I looked at Twilight’s eyes. Once we get to Cabaleron’s lab, we’ll find out more.” The Archivist replied.

Chapter 9: Truth Behind Titannus

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At Las Pegasus, a storm brewed in, making ponies curious about where the weather came from. Unusual that only the weather patrol has the power to control it, but the storm was something else. As each one took shelter, a news pony began to report the about the storm that interestingly came about. Cabaleron, Daring Do, Amplitude, Bronze Compass, and Spectra watched the report.

“As you can see now, this weather is oddly forming and is getting bigger. Reports say weather patrol has no idea where or how this storm formed. Further investigation is on the way.” The reporter said.

“Titannus’ storm spell has tripled. I really can’t believe he’s doing this.” Cabaleron commented.

“It’s almost as if he’s able to alter the weather to rough conditions. What if the Princess…”

“The Princess shall not interfere…” Alteros spoke from behind.

“In addition, you tell the Archivist to send back the Princess of Friendship along with that former wretch of mine?” he continued.

“But Master. They are key…” Amplitude said.

“I do not care!” Alteros concluded before vanishing into thin air.

“Why does he hate her so much? Like seriously…what did she do to him?” Spectra asked.

“I don’t know.” Cabaleron said.

“Spectra, can you please go downstairs and await the Archivist with the Princess.” Cabaleron asked.

“Of course.” She replied, walking out of the room.

Within the hour, the train finally arrived at Las Pegasus, yet the weather was stormy as everypony ran to shelter. As for Twilight and the others, the Archivist led their way to Cabaleron’s lab. As they plowed through the monstrous storm Rainbow Dash looked up trying to observe the storm.

“I may be part of the weather patrol but this isn’t normal? Seriously, what the hay is going on?” she asked.

“Titannus’ Storm Spell. He’s the only alicorn, for that matter the only creature that can create storms.” Discord mentioned.

“Hurricane’s to be precise, but he needs to makes sure he has enough magic. If not, he won’t be able to summon it. Like his brothers, he needs to recuperate. Using a lot of magic drains his body greatly.” The Archivist added.

Soon they all arrived at Cabaleron’s lab, where Amplitude stood.

“Greetings, Princess Twilight. I am Spectra. We have been expecting you all. Please follow me.” She said.

On the way up, they opened the door and stood Doctor Cabaleron, Daring Do, Amplitude, and Bronze Compass. They each greeted one another and gave a tour of the lab. Suprisingly, the technology that was in the lab was beyond Twilight’s understanding.

“This technology actually belongs to Master Alteros’. He gave it to us to record sounds and frequencies anyway in the world as well as underwater.” Bronze Compass said.

Twilight walked up to the computers, observing every single one of them. She couldn’t understand most of it, but added that the only place she saw that piece of technology was in the alternate world. Speaking of alternate world, the Archivist thought, she walked to Cabaleron discussing their recent encounter with the Bronco-Titan. Doctor Cabaleron raised an eyebrow.

“That’s strange. Just earlier this morning, we picked up a sound.” Bronze Compass mentioned.

“Well, I can tell you that Titannus roared out, cracking windows and glass. Something you would find common with Sirens.” The Archivist said.

“Sirens?” Twilight asked.

“Oh Twilight. Didn’t we receive a message from Sunset Shimmer about Sirens?” Pinkie Pie mentioned.

“Yes, but what do they have to do with Titannus and his roar? Why is he interested in me?” Twilight paused.

Cabaleron and the Archivist turned to Twilight.

“He smelled the scent of his daughters on you, Twilight Sparkle.” Amplitude spoke.

Cabaleron turned to the Archivist.
“Out of curiosity, were the names of the Sirens, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata?” both he asked.

“Yes. From what I read, they were banished into that world by Star-Swirled the Bearded. Why?” Twilight asked.

“I remember that incident. Harsh it was, for him and myself.” Discord sadly replied.

The Archivist looked at Discord.

“Yes. At that same time period, you took on the name Discord, when your true and original name was Janus. And that was way after Alteros’ betrayal. But that is for another time.” She mentioned.

“Well…what about the Sirens and Titannus.” Fluttershy asked.

“And what does Star-Swirled have to do with this.” Rainbow Dash added.

“The truth was never recorded, because we wanted to avoid a global incident even away from the Princesses.” Cabaleron said.

“Wait. What happened?” Applejack asked.

“After the banishment of the Sirens, Titannus who was far down in the dark depths of Vorago’s Deep failed to receive a return response from them. Drawn with concern, he resurfaced to find them but failed again now sensing that they have been banished. Enraged, he hunted down the only pony responsible of doing such a thing…Star-Swirled the Bearded.” The Archivist said.

“After finding and interrogating his apprentice, Clover the Clever she revealed to him her master’s whereabouts and set out to find him. Then the unexpected happened…” she paused.

“What happened?” Daring Do asked.

“Titannus put Star-Swirled out of his misery for the crime of banishing his daughters without his consent.” Cabaleron added.

All the ponies stood extremely still after hearing Cabaleron’s words. None of them expected to hear the death of a well-known wizard would fall against one of the most powerful alicorn’s that walked Equestria.

“One major reason why he has grown an interest in Twilight. Not only does she understand Star-Swirled’s spells but her encounter with Titannus’ daughters.” The Archivist added.

“Two for the Price of one.” Amplitude smirked.

“Titannus…slayed Star-Swirled?” Twilight choked.

“Unfortunately, yes.” Cabaleron replied.

“…And due to the Queen, heartbroken by his death, ordered us to find Titannus and arrest him. Though a battle between him and I ensued, I was able to defeat him and send to Tartarus immediately.” Alteros said, walking out of the shadows.

“Though you could say I would’ve preferred him dead, but imprisonment would be an eternal torture for him.” Alteros concluded.

They ponies turned and saw him, giving them an angry expression. Not willing to look at both Twilight and Discord, he turned to the Archivist.

“What have I told you? I told you not to have these…things interfere with our current situation.” He spoke angrily.

“With all due respect, Master. Twilight…” the Archivist was interrupted.

“I do not care, Archivist!” Alteros yelled as he disappeared.

Chapter 10: Third Attack

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As Alteros vanished, Rainbow Dash folded her legs.

“Wow. What’s his problem?” she asked.

“Why is he mad at me? First Titannus and now Alteros. What the hay?” Twilight said.

“Alteros is upset at you because he is the Master of Distortion and Alterations. Basically, he is the Dimensional Gatekeeper, and with Sunset Shimmer first arriving here to take your crown, you followed which then he had to take action to prevent a collapse of the Space-Time Continuum. So yeah. He basically blames you for going into this alternative universe using his portals. Funny part about that is that he also blames Paguseus as well.”

“That part with Paguseus, I know. He told me.” Twilight sadly replied.

“Everything will be explained later. For now let’s try and focus on finding a way to defeat Titannus.” Cabaleron mentioned.

“Indeed.” The Archivist replied.

As the ponies planned out their strategic moves, riots continued to break out on the street, as ponies protested in front of the Mane Hall. As panic struck the city, horns sounded from the shore line as the storm continued to get worse. Twilight looked out at the sea and noticed waves were only getting bigger and much more dangerous. She called for the Archivist to view the outside, until suddenly the power not only in the lab, but throughout the city died out. As the city blacked out, ponies panicked in horror, trying to find shelter. Amplitude and Spectra ran to the power breakers, but failed to restore power.

“Nothing is responding. Back-ups are dead.” Amplitude said.

“Oh yup. Everything’s dead.” Spectra said.

“Could it be an Electro-Magnetic Pulse?” the Archivist asked.

“No, Titannus can’t summon power conversions. Xenxus is the only one.” Cabaleron responded.

“Can sound frequencies cause problems like this?” Twilight asked.

“Doubt it.” Bronze Compass replied.

Discord rubbed his chin, curiously.

“Perhaps Twilight is right. Some distorted frequencies could do something like this, but requires a lot of power. If I recall, when I was with Alteros, Titannus unleashed a supersonic wave that disabled power. He went as far as disabling my power, but he couldn’t unleash it on his surroundings. He would have to face something and roar towards it to disable its power.” Discord mentioned.

“I never thought of it that way. However, this seems different. He may have combined his storm spell with his supersonic waves to disable power.” Amplitude added.

“One reason why he hasn’t resurfaced in over a thousand years.” Cabaleron assumed.

“He was badly weakened after that attempt. But, I believe he knew he was going to get sentenced to life in Tartarus so why not pull one last trick. And that trick was…” Bronze Compass said.

“Spell Distortions.” Spectra said.

“Exactly. He created this storm as a way to weaken the coastline and getting his revenge…” Cabaleron spoke.

“He wants to wipe out the western cities?” Twilight whispered.

“Starting off with Las Pegasus.” The Archivist said.

Fully understanding what the problem was now, Twilight and the others planned out their strategic moves, until the building shook like an earthquake struck. The ocean tides made it into the city, flooding the streets and creating flash floods. Ponies down below hurried to nearby buildings, closing themselves in and avoiding the water. Rainbow Dash jumped to the ledge looking down.

“We gotta help them.” She said.

Amplitude flew out without a word.

“Let’s go!” he shouted.

Fluttershy followed as they assisted ponies to higher ground. The Archivist and Cabaleron looked out at the beach and noticed something rising out of the water. Bellowing out, they realized who it was.

“Titannus! Everypony head for cover! NOW!” Cabaleron shouted out of the window.

All the ponies below heard both him and Titannus, hurrying as fast as they could to higher grounds. As Titannus walked onto the beach, Twilight was surprised by his full appearance. He wasn’t like the Sirens. He had all four legs, and a tail fin. He was navy blue, with aqua colored streaks on his body. He had fins from the top of his head down to his dorsal fin and tail. He had wings of a Changeling, but more visible and amphibious. She took a while to study him, trying to identify his appearance to his brothers, Khaoios and Xenxus. She was curious, however on how they are considered alicorns. The Archivist noticed Twilight’s curiosity and looked out staring at Titannus.

“Like Xenxus, Titannus is an Alicorn-Hybrid. An alicorn with the combination of other animal features. In this case, Titannus has amphibious features, which is why he spends a lot of his time underwater. A Sea Monster you could say.” The Archivist said.

“I noticed.” Twilight exhaled.

“This world is full of extraordinary secrets, and most of them are in his environment.” Cabaleron added.

They watched as Titannus got closer and closer to the city and with the floods, he has a major advantage. Twilight called down for Rainbow Dash, Amplitude, and Fluttershy who were gathering the remaining ponies to higher ground. Successfully, gathering them up, Titannus dove under the flashing flood, cloaking himself like a crocodile. Quickly yelling to them, the three were surprised when Titannus resurfaced fast in front them. Petrified by fear, an object flung at Titannus face. Suddenly, from above a Pegasus stood with a regiment of Pegasus ponies.

“Hey, fish-face. What do you think you’re doing flooding my city and scaring these ponies.” The Pegasus said.

“As a light shone, Twilight and the others were surprised General StoneColt arrived just in time.

“General!” Rainbow Dash shouted excitedly.

“…And the Wonderbolts!” she continued.

Titannus looked up and snared at StoneColt.

“Who are you calling, fish-face. You wretch!” Titannus shouted.

“Wha-ho. Somepony is mad.” StoneColt smirked.

Titannus roared out, creating a powerful shockwave as it cracked and shatter windows. As he did, Bronze Compass noticed the electricity within the buildings began to flicker and the monitors were recording a massive frequency. Titannus was creating a sound so distorted and so loud, it caused the computers to burst into flames. As fire slowly spread, the ponies fled the lab and hurried to the roof. Down below, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Amplitude got away safely from the Bronco-Titan. As the sound died down, StoneColt charged with a regiment as they hit Titannus in the face, knocking him on his side and into the water.

Chapter 11: Matters Getting Worse

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“Soldiers, keep a certain altitude. This guy can jump up and snatch ya.” StoneColt warned.

The Pegasus ponies remained high above the flooding river, until suddenly Titannus jumped up and used his magic to unleash a powerful lightning bolt, blowing a hole through two buildings. Thought they dodged it, many of them trembled for his power was unexpected.

“Didn’t see that comin’. Gotta lure him out of the city.”

He turned to his regiment.

“Alright, boys. Let’s lure the reptile back out to sea.” StoneColt commanded.

“Yes, sir!” they all responded and split into two groups.

One group distracted Titannus, who was unable to take flight, swung his tail at the Pegasus ponies only to slam into a building. Annoyed that his time was being wasted, the storm became stronger and stronger, creating hurricane like winds and knocking the Pegasus ponies out of the sky and onto the roof tops. Twilight, who was watching the battle flew down and confronted Titannus.

“No! Twilight!” the Archivist called out.

As Twilight landed, Titannus stopped and snorted. Turning his head, he stared at the princess.

“We meet again, Twilight Sparkle!” Titannus growled.

Twilight gulped as she slowly showed fear, but knew the safety of Las Pegasus depending on her and the other ponies. Titannus, sensing her fear chuckled.

“Your facial expression towards me is none other than a pony who has fear.” Titannus slowly walked towards her.

“Look at this precious city of yours. A land that I want to sink…”

“Yes. I know. You want to beat me and watch as you dismantle the western coastlines, just because Star-Swirled…”

“Thou shall not speak that name in front of me.” Titannus roared.

Twilight backed off a bit and sensed his weakness.

“Don’t worry, I already know?” Twilight snared.

Titannus soon noticed Twilight’s eyes slitting, like a venomous serpent. Not understanding what it was, he stomped his hoof on the rock Twilight stood on.

“Your eyes…may show your deathly power, but they are no match for me.”

The Archivist immediately sensed what Titannus meant by Twilight’s eyes. She couldn’t believe it, but turned and fell to her knees. Daring Do walked over to her.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

The Archivist’s eyes widened, breathing heavily. Yet, without an answer Cabaleron walked over, followed by Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity.

“You seemed to be afraid of something?” Rarity.

“Well of course she’s afraid. Look at her…shaking.” Pinkie Pie shouted.

The Archivist looked up and looked at Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity, only to drop her head again. Discord picked up his head and squinted his eyes. Something was seriously wrong with the Archivist and decided to use the Telepathy Spell. Asking her what was wrong, she exhaled.

“Twilight’s dark side is slowly growing. She’s being baited by Titannus.” She whispered telepathically.

Discord and Cabaleron jumped and ran to the ledge.

“Twilight! Get away from Titannus.” Both of them yelled out from the rooftop.

Hearing them, Twilight continued to lock eyes with Titannus.

“I sense get fear in your, Twilight Sparkle. And I am looking forward to seeing it.” Titannus raised his tail.

Twilight feared, shielding herself from his tail. Luckily, Titannus’ tail was snatch and as they looked, it was Alteros. Titannus roared back at Alteros forcing him to free his tail. With such strength, Alteros stood and lifted Titannus, flipping him over and landing on his back as he crashed into the water. StoneColt looked down with disgust.

“Great. The grumpy one has arrived. Yet, at least he saved Twilight for the time being.” He said.

As Titannus resurfaced, a battle between him and Alteros ensued, slamming buildings, sinking each other underwater. The ponies witnessed a ferocious battle between the two only for Titannus to retreat back out to sea. Seeing this as an advantage, StoneColt led his squad and flew down towards Titannus, but failed as soon as he dove, disappearing beneath the dark blue surface of the sea. Holding position, StoneColt knew the storm prevented them from going any further as lighting and thunder roared over the sea. Throughout the remainder of the dark morning, the storm soon subsided revealing sunlight. Bright skies shone on the city as the flood drained into storm drains, leaving debris on the streets. Ponies walked out of buildings as they looked around in total confusion. Nothing like this has ever been experienced throughout the city. Rarely does Las Pegasus flood, one pony thought until the mayor of the city called out to the ponies to attend a meeting in the Mane Hall. High above the rooftop, the Archivist breathed a sigh of relief, happy that the battle was over, but not Titannus. He was still out there, in an environment that they could not go. Discord and Cabaleron stared at the Archivist for a moment then looked at one another.

“Madame Archivist, if I may. I don’t have the power to defeat Titannus, however I think there is a way to defeat him. Won’t kill him but at least imprison him.” Discord said.

The Archivist looked at Discord and fainted from exhaustion.

Down below, Twilight turned and focused on Alteros.

“Th…Thank you, Master…”

“No need to thank me, pony. I wasn’t doing this for you. I only did it because that stupid fish has become a thorn on my shoulder. You are of less importance to me.” Alteros rudely replied.

Twilight with her feelings hurt teared up.

“Why do you hate me so much, Alteros? Whatever did I do to you that you have to become some jerk.” Twilight cried out.

Alteros turned and stomped his hoof in front of her.

“Your stupidity to go through a dimensional portal to go after Sunset Shimmer into the world of the Homo-Sapiens is the reason why I am disgusted with you. It is against my Laws to go through the portals, yet funny…both you and Sunset Shimmer are so much alike in so many ways. But don’t worry, I’ll deal with her later. As of now, you want my respect. Good luck getting it.” Alteros roared out and disappeared.

Twilight stood speechless, wanting to cry. No one had offended her this bad to deeply upset her. StoneColt who stood nearby heard the whole conversation, only to realize that Twilight’s words are somewhat similar to somepony before. There, he knew what set off Alteros.

Chapter 12: Myth of the Element of Distortion

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Within his own domain, Alteros unleashed his rage, using his magic to toss tables and chairs around. Causing a loud ruckus from knocking books off the shelves, he could only feel anger.

“How dare she tell me why I hate her? Utter nerve.” He growled.

Suddenly, from outside, Timaeus threw the doors open.

“What the hell is going on, Alteros? Why are throwing furniture around and knocking all those books?” he asked.

“Why do you care? I’m just annoyed at the fact Titannus has come back after I locked up that fish. The nerve to flood Las Pegasus and threaten my children.” Alteros said.

Timaeus sensed something more to Alteros, only to turn away. Nodding his head in disappointment, he turned and walked towards the doorway.

“I suggestion you get over this issue with Twilight Sparkle.” Timaeus sighed.

“And how do you think I should do that, Timaeus. She’s has done things that is against the laws of physics. Intruding the dimensional portals without my knowledge and going after Paguseus daughter; and I will deal with both of them on that matter later. But the utter nerve to think she could do whatever she pleases is unacceptable.” Alteros shouted.

"She is the Princess..." Timaeus was interrupted.

"Princess or no Princess...I do not appreciate her invading my dimensional terrtories without my consent. I shall not put up with this." Alteros shouted.

“You shut up and you put up with it. Stop being over possessive of your own studies. And for that matter being rude towards everypony. Funny, if I remember correctly Twilight said the same exact words Spectra did.” Timaeus spoke back.

Enraged, Alteros charged for Timaeus only to be stopped by the Architect.

“That’s enough, Alteros. Arguing over the most ridiculous thing is beyond me. You will knock off this anger or I will personally imprison your for misconduct.” The Archivist said appearing from out of nowhere.

Alteros calmed down, knowing that his actions would cost him. Having no other choice, he turned his head.

“Forgive me for my rude actions, your Majesty.” Alteros exhaled.

“I better not see such actions like this again. Even though you, Timaeus and Paguseus are older than me, I am still your Queen and as your Queen you will take Timaeus’ advice and deal with it. Do you understand me, Alteros?” the Architect scolded.

“Of course, Your Majesty.” Alteros said, vanishing.

“You think he’s going to do it again.” The Architect whispered.

“Of course he will. He’s got to learn how to deal with certain things.” Timaeus spoke.

A bright morning shone on Las Pegasus, as the ponies returned back to the lab. Twilight and the others began to discuss a new alternative into taking down the Aquatic Bronco-Titan, yet for this plan, StoneColt thought, would not be an easy one. Discord stepped forward.

“I know, I’m not the one who is supposed to mention this, however I would like Cabaleron and I to speak with Twilight alone.”

Everypony tilted their heads in curiosity, but the Archivist nodded. Bumping their shoulders, Twilight’s friends, StoneColt, and Daring Do walked out of the room.

“Now, Twilight. What we are about to tell you is classified due to its high importance.” Amplitude said, sitting on a chair.

Twilight looked and noticed Amplitude, Bronze Compass, and Spectra remained in the room.

“I thought…” Twilight paused.

“No need to worry, we already know since father already told us.” Spectra commented.

“Unlike its other counterparts, the Element of Time and Space, the Element of Distortion is considered to be the most powerful and deadliest one of the three.” Cabaleron said.

“How so?” Twilight asked.

“The Element of Distortion is the combination of Time and Space but more of a Space-Time Collapse. It could be used to destroy the Space-Time Continuum, but that’s more of its primary function. A lesser power it has is releasing distortions and opening new dimensions…” said Amplitude.

“Something Alteros and I are capable of doing. But if we are not around, the Element itself will be able to unlock a doorway to another dimension.” Discord added.

“What we found out is that the Element of Distortion can be used against Titannus if we were able to render its power to aim for vocal disruptors.” Cabaleron said.

“Basically, summon Supersonic Waves to disrupt Titannus’ power so that it can weaken him and there we could attack him.” Bronze Compass said.

“Sadly, the Element won’t kill him, but knock him severely unconscious. Our primary goal is to capture him alive and imprison him.” Spectra added.

Twilight absorbed their words for a better understanding, but felt confused. Why was she being the only one told of the Element? Immediately sensing her thoughts, the Archivist came through the door.

“Ugh…you boys are confusing her, excluding Spectra. Yet, for the most part you are all right. The thing is Twilight. Since you were able to travel to an alternate world, you are capable of wielding the Element because of how powerful your magic is. Does that make better sense to you?” the Archivist asked.

Twilight, after all the fights she’s been in knew that there was no turning back. If Titannus is a major threat to the western coastline, then she must defend it will all her might even if that means losing her life in the process. Standing up proudly, she nodded.

“I understand. Where can find this Element of Distortion?” Twilight asked.

“Well, unlike Timaeus and Paguseus who accidentally misplaced their Elements, Alteros left his in an area where no pony wouldn’t dare reach it. Hidden in plain sight in enemy territory.” The Archivist said.

“Titannus’ layer? But isn’t that under the sea.” Twilight said.

“Yup, Vorago’s Deep." Amplitude replied.

Twilight paused for a moment, to register his words. She felt confused on how they would stop Titannus. Especially in an enivornment they are not accustom to. Before she could speak, Bronze Compass chuckled.

"So…can you swim?” he smiled.

Chapter 13: Spell of the Seapony

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Twilight began to think back on her adventures with her friends. Only once has she gone underwater for a short period of time. Vorago’s Deep, however is a depth she had never heard of nor does she have enough power to reach the bottom. The Archivist stepped forward with an idea.

“I’ll teach her the Seapony Transformation Spell. It will take up a lot of magic, but she can’t, I’ll use my magic and have her maintain her own magic. We need to take at least a day to work on it so in the meantime, I suggest we get some reinforcements along with two ships.”

“Two ships…”

“…For what, if I may ask?”

“We gonna need a lot of firepower if he plans to attack us.” The Archivist concluded walking out of the room with Twilight.

Outside, stood StoneColt, Daring Do, and Twilight’s friends along the hallway as the two walked down the stairs.

“I’ll deal with the reinforcements, Archivist.” StoneColt said, flying out the window and returning to Cloudsdale.

Cabaleron called in Daring Do to discuss their mission in the meantime. While Discord remained in the room along with Alteros children, Rainbow Dash and the others decided to follow Twilight instead, when they suddenly saw them in a poor.

“What! In a pool?” Rainbow Dash screamed out.

“Glad you are all here. Jump in.” the Archivist said.

As the five jumped in, Twilight looked up to the Archivist.

“Madame Archivist, I actually know the Seapony Spell, but…” Twilight was interrupted.

“The reason why I’m teaching this part of the spell is because the spell you want to use won’t hold your form for long, especially at Titannus’ depth. The spell I will teach you is the official one that will grant you the seapony form without a time limit.” The Archivist replied.

“Seapony, Yay!” Pinkie Pie shouted in excitement.

Using her magic, the Archivist summoned the seapony spell, as a dust of magic circled each of them. After a few seconds, the six ponies had taken the form, each one playing around with their new forms, Twilight turned as the Archivist collapsed on her knees.

“Archivist! Are you okay?” she called out.

“I’m fine. Took a lot of magic out of me to summon that. In the meantime, practice swimming in these forms because you’ll be diving tomorrow morning.” The Archivist replied as she limped away out of the room.

Twilight surprisingly sensed the Archivist’s magic drainage just by her lack of strength. She knew that this particular transformation was twice as powerful as hers and that she would’ve been in worse condition than the Archivist. Pinkie Pie continued to play around with her form, leaping out of the water like a happy dolphin. Applejack called Twilight over to the group.

“Hey, Twi. Let’s practice.” Applejack said.

“Sure.” Twilight replied, swimming over.

As each one dove under, they practiced how to maintain their forms as well as breathing continuously. Doing so, they each mastered it in a very short period of time, resurfacing and inhaling oxygen. Outside the room, the Archivist observed the six as they continued training but felt worried. Cabaleron walking passed her with Daring Do, stopped.

“You seem troubled?” Cabaleron asked.

“I don’t have enough power to go with them to retrieve the element…” the Archivist sadly replied.

“Whoever said you’re not going with them?” Cabaleron said.

“What do you mean?” the Archivist curiously asked.

“I have scuba diving gear that I used when I journeyed through underwater caverns. Luckily we have three of them.” Daring Do said.

“Then that makes better sense.” The Archivist grinned.

“Good. And of course, we’re leaving early tomorrow morning, before the dawn.” Cabaleron said.

“What about Discord, Amplitude, Bronze, and Spectra?” the Archivist said.

Cabaleron turned.

“The four of them will remain on a ship, scanning for frequencies so that it’s easier for us to locate Titannus.” he said.

“Understood.” The Archivist said.

Curious on where they are going, Cabaleron explained the current mission and that they would arrive at nightfall. Once Cabaleron and Daring Do left, Twilight and her friends came out of the water and laid on the edge of the pool. The Archivist walked back in an informed Twilight to use her magic to return to their normal forms. In an instant, Twilight used her magic and they were all restored. Feeling a little light-headed, they all decided to take rest in their rooms. While her friends fell in their beds, Twilight turned to the Archivist, who had her head down.

“What’s wrong, Archivist?” she asked.

“Oh nothing. Just feel exhausted from early this morning.” The Archivist nervously replied.

Twilight smiled as she went into her room and closed the door. The Archivist sadly walked away from the rooms and went to the roof. Watching her pass by, Discord followed her curious about her. Once they reached the roof, the Archivist sat and watched the sunset over the sea.

“You seemed very troubled by something, Madame Archivist.” Discord calmly spoke.

The Archivist turned, who was tearing a bit.

“Yeah. It’s just…”she paused.

“You truly care for her, don’t you?” Discord smiled.

“Yes. To be given the responsibility of watching over Twilight is like watching over my own daughter. Every time I see her, she just puts a smile on my face. The ambition, dedication, and not willing to give up on anything especially her friends. That’s what makes her special or what I should say is, it’s what makes her sparkle.” The Archivist smiled.

“The Mentor and Pupil.” Discord chuckled.

“Yeah.” The Archivist said.

“But why the tears?” Discord asked.

The Archivist tried to catch her breath.

“I am afraid. Afraid of losing her to Titannus. She’s still young and if she were to…” she paused.

“…I don’t know what I’ll do…” the Archivist choked.

Discord put his head over her shoulder in comfort.

“You know, the first time they defeated me I wanted revenge on all of them. Then I came across Fluttershy who was so kind that I had an immediate change of heart. The sense of friendship I have with Fluttershy is somewhat like you and Twilight. You would do anything to protect her as I will do anything to protect Fluttershy. Not to mention, she’s my only true friend, but after Tirek’s defeat, they’ve all become my friend and I am glad that I’ve changed.” Discord happily replied.

“I guess you’re right.” The Archivist replied, wiping away her tears.

“Let’s go back inside and rest so that we’re ready in the morning.” Discord said.

The Archivist nodded and the two returned to the lab, below. On the top of another building, Alteros watched them silently, like a hawk seeking its prey.

Chapter 14: The Last Threat

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Along the beach, Cabaleron and Daring Do continued their quick observance of the area and marked it down as a point of interest. Curious, Daring Do picked up her head towards Cabaleron.

“I never had the chance to say this, but I am sorry.” Daring Do said.

“For what?” Cabaleron asked.

“For all the troubles in the past. It’s just, that I’m as young as them and that not having a partner makes it easier for me to keep cautious. If I had a partner, I would worry about them too much.” Daring Do replied.

Cabaleron exhaled.

“I see. Apology accepted. Now, I need a favor from you.” he replied, smiling.

Daring Do tilted her head in curiosity.

“You have taken on the form of a seapony several times before Twilight and her friends could achieve it. I need you to go with them in that form.” Cabaleron continued.

“A seapony? But I only transformed into one whenever I visited the ancient temples of the gulf seas? And that was over ten different times, trying to examine it.” Daring Do said.

“Which is why you are going with them. You have lots of knowledge of underwater temples and that having an extra pony to help them with the info will be extremely important. You could write it as one of your adventures if you think about it.” Cabaleron replied.

Daring Do began to blush.

“But…you know how I am. I tend to get shy on how I look as a seapony. But if that’s what you and the Archivist need. I gladly accept. These creatures are roaming our planet causing devastation…I won’t allow that to happen.” She said.

Cabaleron nodded in satisfaction. Soon they looked out, noticing the sunset dimming and the moon in the sky. Knowing it was time to return, they marked their area of interest and returned to the lab. As they walked away, a dark shadow slowly resurfaced as an eye opened like a crocodile seeking its prey, silently and deadly. Within seconds, it went under and disappeared.
At the lab, the Archivist and Discord were viewing the scanners until a recording was heard on the hydrophones. Trying to examine it, it deeply surprised them that it was the Bronco-Titan, but wasn’t roaring in anyway. He was singing.

“Echolocation! He’s singing as a way of communicating, but it’s a response we cannot answer. Only seaponies can understand what he’s saying.” Amplitude said.

“He’s singing like a whale, Amplitude.” Spectra commented.

“Oh and how do you know that?” Amplitude rudely replied.
“Have you forgotten, we are the children of the Master of Alterations? With father teaching us alteration spells, I do happen to possess the Seapony Transformation Spell, giving me the ability to not only transform into one, but understand certain things most ponies cannot not. In this case, I’m telling you that he’s probably singing to alert the other aquatic creatures to stay away.” Spectra said.

Amplitude stood speechless for a moment. Yet, he had to agree they were taught some alterations spells and his youngest sister happen to have the seapony spell.

“Well, you and I spend most of the time here and that she’s the one who takes on the form to dive and scan the frequencies. Yet, as you said, seaponies can understand what he’s saying so when she transformed into a seapony, she was able to understand him.” Bronze Compass said.

“Lucky girl.” Amplitude said under his breath

Spectra giggled.

Cabaleron and Daring Do soon walked through the door and looked around. Discussing the plan, Spectra felt uncomfortable at the fact Daring Do was to dive with the other ponies. However, she felt her role was needed as well. As they discussed a new plan, all were in agreement and soon went off to bed, awaiting for the early morning. Towards midnight, up the coastline stood a power plant along with ship docks. Sailor ponies, going through their usual routine, looked around noticing waves were becoming choppy. Feeling that a storm is brewing, they finished with their current patrol and returned back to their headquarters. Suddenly, an alarm from the power plant began to sound off. One worker ran up from the docks and informed the sailor ponies that something had infiltrated the pumps. Informing them, the sailors ran outside, only for the docks to break with wood flying into the air. Quickly then, set off the alarm to all incoming ships to stay away. Something was attack them. Up at the power plant, workers noticed one of the boilers overheating only to flee as it exploded in a massive explosion.
Back onto the docks, the creature bang its head under the office floor, knocking furniture on its side. With its immense power, a lantern that stood over head fell and shatter, spreading oil and fire throughout the office. Safely out of the office, the building exploded as oil leaked onto the deck, engulfing the ships in flames only to explode a few seconds later. Now desperate to save themselves from this disaster, both sailor and worker ponies fled the plant as it continued to explode like bombs going off in a warzone. One sailor turned and spotted a creature in the water only to splash his tail up and down. Calling his co-workers, one yelled out in terror.

Strangely, while everypony was sleeping Cabaleron awoke from the sound of the explosion and went to the roof to observe. Surprisingly, the Archivist was their watching the power plant explode along with the shipping docks. When he looked at the bay, it was no mistake, Titannus was attack the plant and docks. He turned and noticed the Archivist with a very anger mood.

“I’ll get the equipment ready for tomorrow morning.” Cabaleron exhaled.

“I’ll send word to the General about this incident…” The Archivist replied.

She continued to watch the disaster as the fire continued to grow and explosions getting bigger.

“He’s not showing any mercy this time. We need to stop him immediately because all I see from him is total destruction.” The Archivist continued.

Cabaleron turned and walked back to the lab.

“Enjoy your destruction while you can fish-face. We’re coming for you.” The Archivist thought to herself.

Over in Canterlot, Princess Luna’s spies arrived to report the news in Las Pegasus. With both Lune and Celestia hearing the report, they knew what had to be done. Princess Celestia turned to them.

“Once their mission is complete or so. Arrest them. All four of them.” She ordered.

“On what charge, if they ask?” one spy asked.

“Espionage.” Princess Luna quickly replied.

“Understood, your majesties.” The spies replied, before disappearing into thin air.

Chapter 15: The Hunt for Titannus

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Next morning, the Cabaleron and the Archivist awoke the ponies from their sleep. Twilight who was the first to wake up, went to all her friends, but unfortunately, Rainbow Dash refused to get up. Pinkie Pie who was next to her, took out her trumpet and began to play it, making Rainbow Dash jump.

“Oh goodie. You’re up!” Pinkie Pie laughed.

“Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Come on, now Rainbow. We gotta job to do!” Applejack came over.

Rainbow Dash felt annoyed. For a Pegasus like her waking up before the dawn is rare for her. As the six ponies gathered equipment they needed, walked out of the lab and saw Amplitude, Bronze Compass, Spectra, and Daring Do on the street. Together they walked to the dock and boarded a tramp steamer vessel. It surprised them at first, only to be surprised further that StoneColt appeared on the dock.

“What are ya ponies waitin’ for? Come one!” he called out.

Before he boarded, StoneColt bumped into another pony carrying a cage.

"Oh dang it, Chief Brony. What the hay are you doing with that cage." he said.

"Oh no worries, I'm going shark hunting with three other shipmates." Chief Brony said.

"Really. Well you're gonna need a bigger boat catching those bad boys." StoneColt laughed.

"No worries, StoneColt. We have plenty of hooks to bring it in." Chief Brony held the cage in the air.

"Good huntin', Chief." StoneColt chuckled.

"Likewise, General!" the Chief said, walking to his ship.

As the General and the other ponies boarded the vessel, a regiment of Pegasus ponies and sailor ponies set off to Vorago’s Deep. With two other vessels following from behind as support, Twilight tried to observe the situation however felt something. After her confrontation with Titannus, she felt three vessels as protection wasn’t enough. Slowly, she began understanding more and more about what she is dealing with. On the way, the Archivist, Cabaleron, Discord, and StoneColt discussed the plan on retrieving the Element of Distortion. While discussing it, Spectra and Daring Do walked up to them.

“We’ll be going with you. I will monitor the vocal frequencies…” Spectra said.

“…And I’ll be decoding the languages to the best of my ability when we are in the Deep.” Daring Do added.

“Oh Daring Do, is joining us!” Rainbow Dash said in excitement.

“Yeah.” Daring Do replied.

“But wait, how can you?” Twilight asked.

“Didn’t you read my one book, Journey through Atlantios? I transformed into a seapony, from a necklace that was given to me and luckily, I still have it.” Daring Do smiled.

“Oh yeah…I forgot.” Rainbow Dash said in embarrassment.

“I happen to possess the seapony spell so there is no worries for now.” Spectra replied.

Understanding the situation, they gathered what was needed and prepared the portable frequency scanner. The weather continued to be a blue sky, until clouds slowly took shape. Their destination was very near. The Archivist, put her head down preventing her from losing her confidence. Discord walked over and put his hand over her shoulders.

“Remember the words I said. She’ll be alright.” He smiled.

The Archivist’s frown soon turned upside down forming a smile. One the ledge of the ship, Twilight and her friends along with Daring Do and Spectra turned. The Archivist, using her magic transformed the ponies into seaponies, and Daring Do with her necklace and Spectra with her own spell. Now the seven of them as seaponies dove into the water, slowly trying to get accustom to the environment.

“This is so cool” Rainbow Dash proudly swam around with her tail.

“Well…it is hard, but awesome…whoo…hoo.” Fluttershy whispered.

Suddenly, a school of fish passed by them leaving them in awe. The beauty and peacefulness of the sea amazed them, especially Fluttershy.

“These creatures look so cute…” Fluttershy said, seeing dolphins pass by her.

“Oh, this is fabulous.” Rarity said.

Daring Do and Spectra chuckled for a moment.

“You six need to seriously hang out with us more.” They both said.

“Right. Come on, girls. We gotta find that Element.” Twilight said.

The seven swam to a massive, dark canyon that scared Fluttershy a bit. Yet, Spectra on the other hoof had to agree. There are darker places in the sea than there are on the surface. Spectra feeling that Twilight and her friends were unexperienced, took the lead as she swam down the canyon. As the hours passed, they went deeper into the dark abyss as the temperature began to drop dramatically, as well as visibility. Twilight used her unihorn to light up the bottom along with Rarity, but halted as did the others. Fragments of skeletons from massive creatures laid on the bottom. Up on the surface, the Archivist sat down as if she were meditating and communicated with Spectra and Twilight telepathically.

“Thought we lost contact with you.” Spectra said.

“Temporarily. What have you found?” the Archivist replied.

“Skeletons of big creatures that I don’t know of.” Twilight replied.

“Could be whales?” Spectra said.

“Then you are near the Temple. Within the Temple, find the Crystallized Monolith. Daring Do should be able to translate it. Be warned though, during this time of day, Titannus sleeps if not, roaming the depths.” The Archivist said.

“Understood.” Both Twilight and Spectra replied.

The Archivist opened her eyes, concluding her mediation. She turned to Amplitude and Bronze Compass.

“What’s their depth?” she asked.

“Five-thousand feet.” Amplitude said.

“Good. If Titannus is not there, then they are safe. If he’s sleeping, we need to keep our eyes peeled. But I’m forgetting something…” the Archivist said.

“What did you forget?” Cabaleron asked.

“I don’t know. Spectra did tell me that they found skeletons of something big.” The Archivist continued.

Amplitude’s eyes widened.

“Wait! Bronze…what was the depth?” he said.

“Five-thousand feet. Why?” Bronze Compass replied.

Amplitude began to hyperventilate. He could only think of one thing, and like his brothers he sets up traps. Soon it came to him that what his sister described weren’t just whales…it was remains of a meal. As Twilight and the other ponies went deeper, loud cracks sounded off until a low growl was heard. Hiding in a nearby corner, they only saw a small whale passing through, however that sigh of relief was short lived, when a serpent like creature crashed out of the rocks and chased the ponies further down the trench. Screaming in horror by the massiveness of this creature, Amplitude and Bronze Compass picked up a recording, only for the creature to change directions. Instead of chasing the ponies, it went towards the surface. Everypony on the ships soon noticed the dark shadow as it got bigger and bigger.

“There’s only one creature that could’ve eaten those whales.” Amplitude said.

After he spoke, all three ships felt a bang in their hulls, as water began to flood the ship. Waves began to grow higher and higher, until the serpent rose out of the water. StoneColt fell over to the each of the mast and came face to face with its eye.

“HOLY FISH! IT’S LEVIATHAN!” he shouted.

Chapter 16: Battle of the Western Ocean

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Hearing the creature roar, as it echoed, the Archivist turned.

“Leviathan!” she paused.
“Everypony, keep him occupied!” she continued.

Hearing her, StoneColt noticed what she was thinking and took her advice. Ordering the ponies to fight off Leviathan would serve as a distraction. Now distracted, the ponies continued their decent soon arriving at an underwater city filled with ancient structures and artifacts. Passing through each one, they could not believe it at first. Looking at one another, they noticed Rarity was missing. Calling for her, they noticed she was viewing herself through a mirror. Going towards her they soon began viewing themselves not knowing they are distracting themselves from their mission. While Daring Do was reading the inscriptions on the Temple pillars and the walls, she scratched her head.

“Out of most adventures, I’ve never seen a language like this.” She said, continuing to observe them.

Rainbow Dash swam towards her, only to bump into an armored suit falling and creating a loud sound. Hearing the sound, the ponies froze in place hoping nothing heard it. Unfortunately, Titannus, sleeping in one of the Temple, heard the sound. Feeling his beauty sleep was disturbed he lifted his head. Growling in anger by the intrusion, he sensed who it was and cloaked himself within the murky water. Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow!” Twilight said.

“Hehehe…sorry.” Rainbow Dash replied nervously.

Rarity remained by the mirror admiring herself on her new fashionable look. Suddenly, from behind the mirror something was looking right at them. Thinking it was behind them, they saw nothing, but looking back towards the mirror Titannus crashed through the mirror clamping his crocodile-like jaws missing the ponies. This whole mission was a trap, Daring Do thought to herself and served as a distraction for Titannus. Swimming around loops and pillars, Titannus crashed into them knocking them down.

“No. He’ll bury the city and we won’t be able to find the Element of Distortion…” Twilight paused.

Glowing around her body and unihorn, a blast from her horn shot at a Monolith that stood nearby. Inside the Monolith, an object began to glow brightly, blinding Titannus temporarily.

“That fool, Alteros burying his Element inside the Monolith!” he roared out.

“The Element!” Twilight shouted as she charged for it.

Titannus quickly recovered and charged after her, only to miss and hit another pillar. Successfully retrieving the Element, the Archivist, Cabaleron, StoneColt, and Discord sensed the Element, contacting them to return to the surface. However, removing the Element revealed another trap not by Titannus, but by hydrothermal vents. Titannus sensing underwater volcanoes erupting felt it was the perfect time to trap them. Twilight and the others continued their way to the surface. Unfortunately, Titannus fell into his own trap as rocks buried him from the volcanic eruption. Above the surface, matters were only worse as the Leviathan slammed its tail right in the middle of one of the ships, sinking it. Luckily, the ponies abandoned ship before it went down. The Leviathan turned towards Amplitude and Bronze Compass as it raised its tail.

“NO!” Cabaleron yelled out.

Suddenly, another Serpent like creature rose and bit the Leviathan in the face, shutting its mouth closed. Immediately, both ponies realized its colors.

“Father!” both of them said.

Alteros had shapeshifted into a Sea Serpent saving his two children. Within seconds, he pulled down the Leviathan keeping it away from the ponies. After several minutes, Alteros jumped out, shapeshifting back into his normal form.

“What is this madness, Cabaleron?” Alteros exhaled.

“Twilight and her friends went down to the Temples to retrieve the Element.” Cabaleron replied.

Alteros looked around and noticed Spectra was missing. He turned towards them.

“Where is my daughter?” Alteros angrily said.

“She’s with them.” The Archivist said.

Alteros’ rage grew and could only blame Twilight for their troubles. Cursing her out, the Archivist walked up and hit Alteros in the face with her hoof.

“Listen here, you stupid horse. I don’t care how you feel about Twilight! She has done more things than you have and now she’s done their retrieving YOUR element so that she can use it on Titannus. So pull it up and help us! GET IT!” the Archivist yelled.

There was an immediate silence from everypony for they could not believe what she did and said. Below the surface, Twilight and her friends hurried back to the surface, hoping to escape Titannus. Unfortunately, she was wrong, Titannus charged up and halted their advances.

“Everypony! Split Up!” Rainbow Dash said.

As each one swam in different directions, Titannus’ hunt became easier. Not knowing his plan, none of her friends realized Twilight was the intended target as he charged for her. Not willing to abandon her, Applejack and Rainbow Dash turned around trying to find Twilight. As Twilight swam faster and faster, Titannus crashed out from a mountain of rocks, knocking Twilight to a nearby seabed. Bruised from the impact, she felt a strange power, running through her body. As her pupils slit, she began to growl as she looked up to the Bronco-Titan. Luckily, Applejack and Rainbow Dash swam forward, blocking Twilight from Titannus.

“Ya want Twilight, varmit…” Applejack spoke.

“Then you have to go through us!” Rainbow Dash said

“Get out of my way, you filth!” Titannus growled.

Suddenly, Daring Do, Fluttershy, Spectra, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity swam to Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Looking at them, Titannus sensed their courage for they would do anything to protect the Princess.

“Very well, then. You can watch as I destroy the ones on the surface.” Titannus spoke, using the force of his tail to knock them backward.

Charging for the surface, Titannus immediately punched through the first vessel as it sunk within minutes. Crewmembers on that ship, were able to jump off just in time as it sunk and exploded into a massive fireball. Now resurfaced, StoneColt on the second tramp steamer, turned to one of his crewmembers.

"Sailor...Get a group and bring out the big boys" StoneColt ordered.

"Big Boys?" the sailor asked.

“Yes...Bring out the cannons.” He said.

Without a word, the sailor went below deck with a small group of sailors, carrying out six cannons. The Archivist turned to view the tramp steamer only to strain her eyes.

“What is that idiot doing?” she asked.

Cabaleron picked up a pair of binoculars and viewed the situation. Once he saw cannons he dropped the binoculars.

“He’s gonna shoot Titannus with the cannons…” Cabaleron said.

Chapter 17: The Fall of Titannus

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The Archivist turned to him with her eyes widened. Reckless as he is, the Archivist called out to him, but the storm was too fierce and loud. As the sailor ponies set up the cannons, StoneColt ordered them to open fire as each cannon went off in an explosion. Blasting cannonballs into the water, Titannus dodged each one as he charged for the steamer. Impacting its hull, the ship began to take in water, fast.

“General! Hull’s been breached!” one crewmember called out.

StoneColt, ignoring the call, ordered the sailors to continue firing. With thunder, rolling in the sky, waves reaching unexplained heights, the battle continued to be chaotic, until finally the ship was slowly tilting on its side.

“That’s it. Abandon Ship!” StoneColt shouted.

As the ponies hurried to the long boats, a loud metallic screech was heard. When they looked, the ship was yanked, knocking them off their hooves. Not realizing it, one crew member ran to the bow of the ship. He noticed the anchor they had set down was moving.

“Report!” StoneColt called out.

Before he could responded, the stern of the ship was lifted up from the water and the bow of the ship, being pulled down.


“EVERYPONY! GET OFF THE SHIP!” StoneColt shouted.

As the ponies jumped off, Titannus continued pulling the tramp steamer below the surface of the water, until it slowly disappeared. Quickly swimming through the powerful storm, Twilight and her friends resurfaced just in time to rescue the ponies. Hurrying to the main tramp steamer, The Archivist, Cabaleron, Amplitude, Bronze Compass and the crew members assisted the ponies on board. Just before Twilight and her friends could start climbing Titannus’ tail threw them high in the air and slamming it into the hull of the ship. Badly hit, the ponies hurried below deck to cover the damage. With their quick thinking and timing, they were able to keep the ship from sinking.
Twilight’s friends, along with Daring Do soon shapeshifted back into their normal forms. Without wings, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack fell from the sky only to be saved by Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Daring Do. Twilight and Spectra landed back in the water still, in their seapony forms. Twilight breathing heavily from the fall looked over and noticed Titannus staring at her. Observing her surroundings, the second ship was gone, leaving only the primary ship still above. Not willing to lose any more ponies she signaled Titannus as she held the Element of Distortion. Titannus snared at her as Twilight’s pupils slit like a deadly viper.

“You want it, wretch. Come and get it.” Twilight jumped back into the water and swam off.

Sensing this, the Archivist noticed Twilight’s “dark-side” was growing due to the threat against her friends. Now intimidated by her words, Titannus charged with all his power. Her friends tried to reach her, but sustained injuries from before. The Archivist called the ponies over as she swam to the other ship, but surprisingly Alteros was nowhere in sight. Immediately, changing the ponies back into their normal forms, they climbed aboard the last vessel, leaving only Spectra and the Archivist in the water. Expressing her disappointment about Alteros, Spectra decided to swim after Twilight. The Archivist yelled out to her, but she ignored. In Spectra’s mind, she knew that her father was treating Twilight the same way as she was treated in the beginning. Too young, too inexperienced. That is going to change, she thought. As crazy as she is, she wanted to remind her father, where ever he was that both she and Twilight have guts and would do anything to protect the ones they cared about.

Only a few miles off the coastline, Twilight went towards the rocks to rest temporally only to be surprised by Titannus as he appeared behind her. Throwing her in the air and slamming his tail down, the ponies watched in horror on the ship as their friend was sent under the surface. Trying to assist, they couldn’t fight their injury. Twilight resurfaced only to have Titannus once again jump out with his mouth open, but Spectra pulled Twilight down, barely missing the Bronco-Titan. As the two, quickly swam closer and closer to the rocks, Titannus used his magic firing an electric beam from his unihorn, knocking out both Spectra and Twilight. Lying helplessly on the rocks, Spectra struggled to her hooves, standing on the badly injured Twilight.

“Father. You’ve always considered me naïve along with Twilight. From there, you felt disgraced that I was your daughter, and treated Twilight the same way. If you truly care about me, your daughter…save us. Save me.” She whispered.

Closing her eyes as Titannus jumped towards them, Alteros reappeared knocking away Titannus as he slammed into a set of rocks landing back in the water. Both the Sailor and Pegasus ponies cheered as Alteros appeared, standing over both Spectra and Twilight.

“You heard me…” she teared.

“True, I may be one strict father, but I only did it to teach you that there are others out there who will put you down and keep you down. I wanted you to stand up for yourself and at this point, you have. As for Twilight and I should mention Sunset Shimmer…you are all very much like each other. Young, naïve at times, break certain rules, but learn how to do one thing…have confidence and courage.” Alteros spoke.

Twilight looked up and noticed both Alteros and Spectra. Struggling to get up, she realized both her and Spectra were still in their seapony forms. However she was still in possession of the Element of Distortion. Sensing its power, Titannus stood up and roared out at Alteros.

“Time to lock you up again, Titan.” Alteros roared back as he charged.

Both alicorns then fought fiercely like two angry lions fighting over a lioness. Throwing each other in and out of the water and using their magic, the other ponies arrived at the docks and Twilight’s friends hurried to the beach. Daring Do, Cabaleron, the Archivist, and Discord followed from behind. Shapeshifting back to their normal selves, Twilight put the Element of Distortion around her neck. They all turned and saw the battle between both alicorns and had to work fast if they are to defeat the Bronco-Titan. Looking at the Element, Twilight exhaled.

“We have to get to higher ground and close enough to beat Titannus.” Twilight said as she looked over and saw a cliff approximately a mile away.

Galloping as fast as they could, both Twilight and her friends felt uneasy. Daring Do and Spectra laughed.

“That’s the side effect from the seapony forms.” Daring Do.

“Dizziness to be specific.” Spectra said.

As the battle continued, Alteros bit Titannus’ tail, throwing him at the edge of the cliff. Breathing heavily, he knew his power was running out.

“You can’t win, Titannus. I have already won.” Alteros boasted.

“No! When I am finished with you, I will deal with those pathetic ponies and your children, Alteros!” Titannus snared.

Feeling extremely threatened, Alteros charged only to be hit in the head and knocked down to the ground. Not moving, Titannus stepped on his head.

“Who is the victor now, Guardian?” he spoke.

“Hold it right there!” Applejack shouted out.

Turning his head, he saw Twilight and her friends together. Behind them stood, the Archivist, Daring Do, Cabaleron, Discord, and Alteros’ children. Continuing to boast about his victory, Spectra ran next to Twilight taking the Element and wearing it.

“Use your Rainbow Powers and I’ll use my powers to combine the Element to your power.” She insisted.

Twilight agreeing with her, summoned her Rainbow Powers along with her friends. Titannus readied himself by charging his magic.

“Give me your worst!” Titannus intimidated the ponies.

Firing their magic, Titannus blocked it with his own magic. Willing to use all their magic, the ponies pressed on, but Titannus’ power was way too strong, until the Element’s true power was fired. Spiraling around the rainbow beam, Titannus was knocked back. Still trying to hold his ground, Alteros jumped up and charged at Titannus as the beam knocked both alicorns off the cliff, crashing into the water down below. In horror, Spectra, Amplitude, and Bronze Compass ran to the edge to see their father. Unfortunately, he was gone. Within seconds, Alteros flew out of the water and ascended high into the sky, before disappearing. Down below, they noticed Titannus did not resurface making them victorious. As tough as this entire battle was, Twilight and everypony on Equestria were once again able to breathe a sigh of relief. The strongest of the Bronco-Titans was finally defeated. Trying to catch their breath, Royal Soldiers appeared from behind surrounding Doctor Cabaleron, the Archivist, and StoneColt.

Twilight tried to stop them, but failed to do so. Asking them why, she was not permitted to stop them. The Archivist turned to Twilight and nodded her head. It was the only way. StoneColt, annoyed on why he was being arrested was chained by the hooves. Suddenly, the three of them looked and noticed Doctor Hooves was among them, who was arrested earlier. Willing to accept their fate, the four of them were escorted off onto a carriage and were lifted away. Not only upset, but angry Twilight tried to follow them but Discord held her back.

“No Twilight. They know what they are doing.” He said.

Twilight turned and could only pound the ground in anger. In comfort, her friends surrounded her, including Spectra and Daring Do. Curious on why, Discord recommended them to take a rest, from their injuries and once fully recovered, they would go to Canterlot to discuss the issues. Throughout the rest of the day, entering nightfall, the ponies returned to the lab and each one fell asleep. Twilight, however couldn’t sleep and continued to feel uneasy. What did the Archivist and her associates do? Was this all a trap? What could have happened? Finally, with all these thoughts running through her mind, collapsed on her pillow and fell asleep.


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In the massive prison of Tartarus, beasts of evil tried to fight their way out of their jail cells, only to be stopped by the barking three headed dog, Cerberus. Walking passed each one and guarding the gate, one jail cell was ripped open leaving a trail of black fluid on the ground leading all the way to the outside. Sniffing the trail, Cerberus realized something had escaped a week ago, thus passing him undetected. Down in the Badlands of Equestria, a Centaur came face to face with a massive black Temple which was supposedly abandoned thousands of years before. Journeying to the inside, the Centaur reached a large room, where a Monolith stood. Inside the Monolith a Black Crown with Horns floated in the middle as if it were a special artifact. No matter what it was, the Centaur took it and raised it at the reflecting Monolith.

“The ancient power of the Alicorns…is now MINE!” the Centaur spoke deeply.

As the reflection sharpened, the Centaur was revealed to be the escape convict, Tirek eager to get his revenge on Equestria. Yet, high above the Temple statues, a black dog with this point ears glared at the centaur, only to disappear into thin air.