> Sophmore Year > by SASouthernapple > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Before school Library meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack opened the trucks door, making sure she didn't hit the dark blue car beside her. Grabbing the top of car door she slung her body forward and onto the school's newly paved parking lot. Applejack glared at the car," Now who on Earth would park so close to the darn line?," She asked, turning her head over to look at her brother. It was only the first day of school and already some darn idiot had to park their car so close to the white parking line. Big Mac just shrugged and ducked back into the truck for his book bag. Applejack grabbed her's from the front seat's floorboard and slung it across her back, "Hey Mac I'm gonna head on over to the cafeteria, and then over to the Library to meet up with the girls. I'll see ya later," She said walking off, but stopped and turned back around facing Big Mac again," Have fun at your first day as a senior, " And with that she walked on up to the school and into the building. Big Mac just shook his head, not really wanting to find out if she was trying to mess with him or not. I mean she knew how he felt about being a senior this year, and yet she just loved to though it in his face. "Hm, oh well", He though as he followed after her. Applejack looked around the cafeteria, trying to watch herself as waves of teenagers rammed their way in and out of the lunch room. One teen, White Out, a kid she knew from her old middle school, Furman, was laughing with some stupid guys she knew. He was trying to impress them talking something about smoking. She just rolled her eyes, "Uh! So many freshmen," she thought. It wasn't that Applejack disliked freshmen for the fact that they were freshmen. Applejack didn't like them because she knew that this group of kids were a bad group, even if she was friends with a few of them. She sighed and started to look around, maybe one of her friends stopped by the lunchroom before going to the Library, or maybe even she-knew-who was around talking to his friends. I mean that is sorta of the real reason why she came into the lunchroom, before the Library in the first place. Applejack started talking to herself yammering all the colors of hair she saw and students she knew that walked by, " Blue, no; Lyra, no. No Daisy, no Rose, football players, nope not looking for any of them. Hmm," She quietly said to herself scanning the cafeteria," Trixie, uh! Definitely no. Hmm let me see...um Octavia and Vinyl, no. Pinkie, no. Flur de- Wait!" Applejack snapped her head back to the direction where she had spotted the curly pink haired girl. She look over seeing an overly excited girl skipping in the direction of the breakfast line, almost running Applejack attempted to dodge the hoards of students in her way. Spotting the pink haired girl again she tried to call her name out, " Pinkie, Pinkie. Pinkie Pie. Uh, gosh darn it! I'm gonna have to be loud, aren't I?" She asked herself, taking a deep breath she called her friend's name out once more," Pink Pie!" She called, finally getting her friends attention, and some of the other students as well. The pink haired girl turned right around, scanning the mounds of teens. Applejack waved her hand as high as she could trying to get her friend to notice her. Pinkie saw this and ran straight at Applejack, running over anyone who was in her way. Applejack gasped as her friend pulled her into a death lock of a hug," Hum...uh-Pinkie," Applejack tried to say, still hanging in her friends grip. "Yes?" The candy loving girl asked, not letting up on her grasp. She swung Applejack around, getting strange looks from the freshmen whom were new to Pinkie's antics. "I...I can't breath...Pinkie," Applejack managed to say. Pinkie pie looked up at Applejack and laughed nervously, letting her apple friend go. "Sorry," She laughed," I guess I just miss you girls sooooooo much!" She smiled in glee. Applejack rolled her eyes, she was fixing to tell Pinkie that they had all just seen each other at the beach a month ago, but then she had heard something behind her, something familiar" Don't you just love my new dress, Dash Darling?" A dainty voice asked from. Applejack spun around looking for the owner of that voice. "Yeah, I'm not that big on dresses Rarity, but I really like this one. It's a lot more simple then what you normally make," Rainbow Dash complemented, but them realized Rarity wasn't paying any attention to her. "Rarity are you even listen-?" Rainbow had stopped dead in her tracks finally recognizing why Rarity had completely lost interest in their conversation. Applejack noticed that the two had finally caught her's and Pinkie's attention. Taking Pinkie's hand she ran over to the two girls," Hey! Where are we goin- Rainbow dash! Rarity!" The party pony cried, switching gears she took the lead and hauled Applejack with her over to their friends. "Darlings,it's so good to see you two," Rarity smiled, as Applejack hugged her. Applejack smiled back at the pale fashionista, "Good to see y'all two as well," Applejack finished hugging Rarity and went over to Rainbow dash to hug her. After Applejack hugged her, Rainbow dash grabbed a green can of Monster Energy that she had in the left pocket of her book bag, she lifted its tab, as it expelled out a hiss of disapproval, "Hey, have you two seen Twilight or Fluttershy?" She asked, taking a sip of the energy drink. Applejack thought for a second, then shook her head," Enope, guess they're both waiting for all of us in the Library, I mean we did say we'd meet there anyway," The cowgirl said, picking up her book bag she had dropped when hugging Rarity slinging it across her back once more, "I'm thinking we all should head on that way, don't won't to get those two to think we forgot about them or something like that, do we?" "Well then, we don't won't to worry the two, now do we?" She asked, walking over to the entrance to the breeze way that separated the Library from the lunchroom, the other girls followed after her. Inside the Library Twilight Sparkle was flipping though a new book, it was called, What my mother doesn't know By, Sonya Sonins. The book was something about how a girl did all these weird things and her mother always knew, but the mother never told the daughter that she knew and the daughter never knew that the mother knew. Really complicated and confusing if she did say so herself. Her friend Fluttershy was beside her, listening to music. Twilight closed her book and looked over to Fluttershy, taping on her wrist. The shy girl took off her headphones and looked at her friend, "Hm?" She asked. "Aren't the girls suppose to meet us here? It's like 8:25, school starts at 8:35. I need them to show up; Rainbow dash, Applejack, and I have homeroom together and I don't know where it is, I left my schedule at home," She said. Fluttershy was about to answer, but then the Library's doors opened revealing the four girls that Fluttershy and Twilight were waiting for. Applejack was holding the door open as Rainbow dash, Pinkie pie, and then Rarity walked in. The cowgirl closed the door and walked over to the two girls, "Hey y'all," She said, puling a chair out and sitting beside Fluttershy. Rarity did the same, pulling one out and sitting beside the farm girl, with Pinkie beside her, and Rainbow dash sitting in between the party loving girl and Twilight. "What took you guys so long?" Twilight asked, moving her book to the middle of the table," The bell rings in like five minutes," Rarity was looking though her purse trying to find her small compact mirror, "Sorry darling, but it had seem that the four of us had the same idea to look in the cafeteria first, before the Library. I was in there trying to find Photo Finish. I bought a picture from her and I was getting it, " She said, finding the mirror and looking at her makeup once more. Twilight looked at them a little confused, "Well why the rest of you in the lunchroom?" she asked. "I was looking for Lightning dust, had to get my dollar back that she owed me from last year," Rainbow dash said. Pinkie looked over at Twilight and smiled, "I was in the lunchroom because I wanted breakfast, but I never got any because I saw Applejack and ran right after her, and gave her the biggest bestest huggiest hug in the whole world!" Pinkie pie exclaimed, hugging herself. Twilight just rolled her eyes at Pinkie's um...Pinkieness, looking over at Applejack she lifted her eyebrow, "Well why were you in the cafeteria Applejack," She asked, wondering why her friend was so quiet. Rarity looked confused as well, "Yeah why were you in the lunchroom, you said that you were going to and I quote 'Nah, I'ma head strait to the Library, I wanna see if I can find myself a good book to read'," Rarity said, doing a poor southern accent. Applejack bit her tongue, she didn't like to lie and she knew she'd already lied once to Rarity; She didn't want to lie again to her friends, but she also didn't want them to know why she really was in the cafeteria. "No, they don't need to know about Flim...but I don't want to lie to them either," She thought, "Uh...you're gonna have to do the right thing, aren't ya Applejack?" Applejack asked herself. The other five sat there waiting for Applejack's reason to lie to them. Both Rarity and Rainbow dash had their arms crossed over their chest, Pinkie was watching her, almost staring at her friend with anticipation for her answer, and Twilight and Flutter shy were simply sitting in their seats waiting patiently for Applejack to come back to reality. Applejack was still trying to figure out how she was going to tell her friends about her...um crush on Flim. Still wrapped up in her mind and not yet answering the question, Rainbow dash was getting a little impatient. She tried to give Applejack some time to answer, but she while waiting she started to think, "Applejack lie to Rarity...why would she do that? This is Applejack we're talking about! The most honest of honest people. I mean she makes the word honesty look like a lair, she's that honest! I need to know why she's acting strange," She thought. "Alright!" Rainbow slammed her hands down on the table and stood strait up, but then she sat right back down when to Librarian gave her a 'I hate you all' kind of look," Why did you lie to Rarity? I mean you never lie, NEVER! What's going on with you? I want to know, and I want to know now Dam**t!" She cursed loud enough for the girls to hear her, but not enough for the librarian to shoot her another look. Applejack finally looked up at her friends, fiddling with her already bitten down to the skin nails. She was sweating bullets, "Huhhh..." She finally gave up and sighed, "I'm awfully sorry about lying to you girls, it's just that I was scared and I...well I didn't want you girls findin' out about my um...my crush," Applejack said, saying the last word to low for them to hear. "You're what?" Fluttershy asked, looking at Applejack's now vibrant red cheeks. She was leaning over the table, along with the others trying to figure out why Applejack was acting so weird. "I wanted to see my...my umm, uh*Sigh*I wanted to see my crush...Flim," Applejack finally let the truth out, she didn't want to tell her friends about her crush on Flim, but she couldn't lie to herself. It kinda felt good to let someone know. The five girls that were leaning over the tan skinned girl were now gawking at Applejack. They couldn't believe that Applejack, a wonderful simple farm girl had a crush on Flim. Flim! The same exact Flim that had a twin brother named Flam. That Flim! Rainbow dash stared at her, weird eyed, " Why Flim! Why? He is like a stupid brother to me, and you're like my sister. Brother's and sisters don't go together!" Rainbow flung her arms in the air. Rarity was the first to straiten herself back up, "I do believe Rainbow dash has a point darling, why do you like Flim? I mean his...well Flim!" she explained taking a sip of Rainbow dash's monster. The Library fell silent again, Applejack looked down. She knew her friends wouldn't understand, she knew they just didn't get why she liked Flim. She liked him because he was...well Flim, but not just because of that. He was funny and kind and sweet, he was second lieutenant in Afjrotc, he was brave and crazy and a stupid red neck, but that's what everyone else saw too. What they didn't see was a caring and loving guy, a real country boy. He was a gentleman and a real fine one at that. She just couldn't understand how her friends couldn't see this. As the girls sat in silence the bell to go to homeroom finally rang, all the girls got up from their seats, hugged the ones who weren't in their homeroom and left. Pinkie pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy had the same homeroom teacher, Mr. Bud light on the 4,000 hall way (Okay, so maybe his actual talent wasn't teaching English 2, but he is now...so yeah) Applejack, Rainbow dash, and Twilight had Mrs. Daffodil, whom was on the 3,000 hall way. As Applejack, Rainbow dash, and Twilight walked, they started talking about their homeroom teacher, "I heard she was new, and she took over Mrs. Love's room," Rainbow dash said. Twilight looked over at Rainbow," Wait Mrs. Love is gone? But she was like the best Physical Since teacher ever!" Twilight said, motioning her hands around as she spoke. Applejack and Rainbow dash just laughed at Twilight as they walked down the 3,000 hall way. Applejack was enjoying herself, well that was until she spotted someone, " Flim!" She thought. Flim was walking strait towards her, Applejack's heart started to beat very fast and her hands started to sweat. She wasn't easy to make nervous, but man did he sure make her nervous. Rainbow dash and Twilight saw this, Rainbow smirked while Twilight just giggled to herself quietly. Flim smiled at the three girl, then noticed they were laughing, "Hey girls, what are y'all laughing at?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets. Twilight smiled," Oh nothing. Hey, Rainbow dash, go to class with me! I want to...um, greet the new teacher," Twilight lied," Why don't you and Applejack talk some," She said grabbing Rainbow's hand and pulling her to class. Flim looked at them strangely, while Applejack just struggled to keep herself from biting her nubs of finger nails down even more. If that was possible, "Well, um any who how are you?" Flim asked the cowgirl. Applejack looked up at the dude in front of her, she looked at how perfect his clean face was, and his beautiful his eyes are, and that smile! "I'm good, how are you?" She asked, punching him lightly in the arm. Okay, so maybe she showed emotion a little to broad and rough. Flim rubbed his arm and smiled, "I'm good," Flim looked around, seeing almost everyone out of the hallway,"I better go, I'll see you around," He hugged her and walked into some other teacher's classroom Applejack didn't know. Applejack watched him leave, smiling goofily. "Wow, I really needed help," She smiled at herself, and walked on to first block.