The night of tears

by Sacrific3

First published

A colt who finds out that he was meant to kill.

A colt who finds out that he was meant to kill.

A killer is born

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Once upon a time, there was a colt who discovered he had what it took to kill others without no remorse or pity for the victim he killed. It all started out on April 1st of Wednesday. He went about his day like any other even though his life was filled with trouble times of gambling parents and dept buried so deep that they lived life in fear of one day being killed or beaten to death.

Even though with all that happening around the colt he was still able to put a smile on his face and look past his crappy life even if it was for just a short period of time. The place he could escape to from his troubles was manehattan High. Here he was able to not be afraid of being taken away by the ponies that were hustling/threatening his family for there money and not having to watch his back constantly. Here it was a place he could drop his guard and be carefree an be himself.

The school day went as well as any other day. He talked with friends, did his work, and eat some food which was nice since his parents didn't buy any food instead used it all at casino gambling away there life not really caring if he would get killed one day or taken away. All they thought of him as was a liability.

The time came to an end at school. When it was time for the colt to return home or the dump of which were he lived. It was nothing at all just an abandoned house on the out skirts of the city were hardly anypony lived and it was the more dangours part of town were hookers, drug dealers, gangs, and etc. it was not really a nice place to live in fact, but it was were his run down home was and it give him a roof over his head from the elements.

When he got home the colt seen his parents in the living room crashed out on the couch with bottles laying around them. There mane/coats were all out of place and they smelled like something died. He just continued on his way toward the stairs carefully avoiding the bottles so to not awaken his parents. Even though his parents were bucker's he still was able to love them. It wasn't like they were bad ponies in the first place, they were just ponies that took a few to many wrong turns ending them up in there current situation.

The colt took one last look back at his parents and smiled a faint smile in there direction before preceding up the stairs. The colt walked down the hallway toward his room. He opened the door then walked inside before closing it. Home sweet home he told himself in his head tossing aside his saddle bags before jumping on to his lumpy mattress that was in his room.

The colt soon fall asleep after his head landed on the soft mattress. Hours went by and before you know it was twelve fifty-six p.m. at night. The colt slowly started to stir from his sleep. His head slowly lifted up from the mattress and soon he was up in a sitting position. He had to use the restroom. He (yawned) then trotted toward to his door to proceed down the hallway toward the restroom down the hall. When he got there he quickly emptied his blunder and was about to head out the restroom before he heard a faint sound coming from the floor below.

He at first hesitated to walk out the restroom at first, but reminded himself that it must have been one of his parents that woke up. So he continued to open the door and walk back toward his room before half way there he heard somepony struggling down the stairs. He stopped in his tracks then slowly as he could stepped back a few more steps to the stairs that he passed and peeked his head out around the corner and tried to see if he could hear or see anything to get some more detail on what's causing that noise.

He could not see a thing in the damp dark. So he cautiously placed one hoof at a time down the steps to get a closer look. He reached the point where he could see from the small opening of the stairs before you go all the way down. At first he could see nothing, but as quickly as that nothing a flash appeared outside from the rain storm. What he saw he quickly wanted to run back up the stairs and toward his room then hide under the bed. What he saw was his parents tied up in chairs and two other ponies wearing ski masks with wooden baseball bats in there mouth.

He probably did one of the stupidest things you could and made a small noise that escaped his mouth before he could stop it then as that got out the two ponies with the baseball bats looked toward his direction. The colt quickly as he could hid. His breathing started to get quicker and panic started to set in. He wondered if they saw him.

His answer soon quickly got answered. He begin to hear hoof steps coming toward his direction. Fear started to set in. He as fast as he could stepped back up the stairs then slowly jogged toward his room. When he got there he heard the noise from the stairs starting to creak one at a time before it reached to top. He stopped peeking out his door and begin to close it slowly.

About a minute or two passed before he begin to hear the hoof steps coming down the hallway. He panicked and hid under the bed. Right after he did the door slammed open from the pony wearing the ski mask. The pony in question started to look around the room. After the pony was about to leave he stepped on the colt's saddle bags. At first the pony was going to shrug it off, but decided to look through the bag. One of the items fall down on the floor making a noise.

The pony looked and was about to couch down and grab it before a colt run out from under the bed. The colt tried running for it because he know that the pony in question was going to see him hiding. The colt was just about to run down the stairs before something slammed right into him. When the colt's vision was about to fade he seen the pony in the ski mask standing over him. The pony in the ski seen that the colt was still awake and punched the colt in the face knocking him out cold. The pony put the colt on his back and headed down the stairs back toward the main room.