> The Executioner > by Sacrific3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Penitent Hands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponies could be seen at a distance preparing for battle against the creature that they never encountered before. The creature in question was near 10-foot tall being and for it's head was a safe covered in barbwire's. This confused the ponies to no end on how this creature could see without no eyes, but when they thought that they had the edge over the creature they soon found out that the creature could sense perfectly even without vision. Ten ponies died that day by the creature. They were sent to secure the creature for questioning, but the creature seemed aggro by there presence and acted violently. The guards seen this and acted on instinct preparing for combat. The creature out of nowhere pulled out a bloodie covered large hammer from it's hand. What they saw was it using magic in there eyes when it summoned the weapon. As soon as the red mist disappeared the ponies let out a breath that they thought that they were not holding. What they sensed from the strange magic was evilness which sent a cold chilled down there spines. All of a sudden the creature's presence soon started to release some kind of force that striked them with fear beyond belief. They were shaking in there armor from merely looking at the creature now. The creature soon started to walk up to one of the guards and stopped about two feet away from the guard. It seemed to stand there for what felt like an entirety. All of a sudden it lifted up the hammer then strike down at the ponies mid-section where you could hear a loud crack of all the ponies bones being shattered to dust from the force of the blow. After that was finished the creature lifted its foot and planted down with a thud crushing the poor ponies head in pieces under its boot with so much force that it was like a melon being squished. The screaming soon stopped after that. The creature soon turned it's head in the direction of the others. The ponies quickly snapped out of there stupor after the death of there friend. The last nine of them took position readying to stop the creature even though there fear of the creature never left them, but they were willing to push through it after what the creature did to one of them. They charged the being head-on. Two ponies stayed in back firing off beams of laser's toward the creature while the other seven ponies trotted closer to the creature. When they get there five earth ponies surrounded the creature while it was fizzed form the beams being shoot at it and the two remaining guards took to the sky. After the creature shrugged off the beams it seen that the ponies had surround it. It counted five around it and tried to find out where the other two ponies where at, but before it could the Pegasus in the sky delivered a hoof to its head sending the creature to studder a few feet. The creature was pissed by this and his safe door opened. You could hear the scream of anger raiding from his ear piecing scream that the ponies quickly had to cover there ears for. Once again the Pegasus came in again trying to deliver another swing, but before it could the creature grabbed the Pegasus head right before it could deliver the hit. The creature slowly started to apply force in his left hand slowly crushing the ponies head. while that was going on the other Pegasus charged in to help his friend, but before he could the hammer in the creatures right hand swing directly at his face making his bone structure in his muzzle to get pushed in. After that was all done the creature tossed the ponies body to the side then turned around facing the others. The seven remaining guards looked in horror of what the creature has done and they soon realized that this was a lost battle from the beginning. They decided to retreat for it. As they started to trot for it they soon found out that it was a lost cause since the creature might have been big for it's size, but it could run fast like it did not have that extra mass. It soon caught up to the ponies and took a swing at one of them from behind which sent the pony flying to the left side with his back hoofs broken. The others soon came to a stop already knowing there fate while the creature took them out one at a time and soon there was only three left in a bubble shield that the two ponies generated at the last minute. They were stuck there hopelessly wanting for there time to come as the creature kept banging on the shield. The unicorns were already at there limit with holding the shield that one last hit that the creature charged up was the last thing that did it. It sent the two unicorns six feet away and the earth pony four feet from where they stood at. When the two unicorns landed they breathed there last breath from over using there magic past there limit which resulted in killing them. The only one left was the earth pony. There he lay on the soft grass having his memories of his life flash before his eyes. He know that it was the end of his life and he had no will to push on against the creature that took them out like they were nothing. It was his time. He heard the footsteps of the creature approaching him. As the creature stood right by him he was wondering why the creature has not ended him yet, but the creature had planned something special for this pony. He picked up the pony against his struggle and started heading back to where he arrived at. There he opened his safe then stuffed the pony inside. After that was done he started to start tugging his head back and forth until it broke the link with the body then sent him back to his world. Where he would give Ruvik this new creature to test upon.