Land of liberty.

by general well

First published

what happen if the country of United States teleport middle of the ocean. on a different planetwhat is the outcome here it is

what happen if the country of United States teleport middle of the ocean. on a different planet what would United States. would America make enemies or allies who would they be would it benefit or would not here's my take on it

prologue. edited.

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-Location- (Alabama) -Fort Hawk- -testing- -(unknown)-

Beep, beep, beep, is the sound made by the machine that Professor Britney help created. she is happy that it finally finished. “we done it.” Britney announced to everyone in the lab.

“We’ve finally done it!”, one of the scientist exclaimed. After 5 years Britney had finally done it. Britney helped to create the first ever united states dimensional transporter or the USDT. the name could be better. She thought.

“Looks like we did it Professor Britney.” John said. John is the head of the research team of the dimension transporter.

“Looks like we have to tell the president about this success.” General Wellington declared. Wellington is the general of the American Army and had been so for the last seven years. He had seen the horror of war, but it didn't stop him; he rose through the ranks and claimed the rank of General over the entire army. You could see the scars covering him, due to a few interrogation attempts by foreign enemies. Rumors also said he had been shot five times in the chest, once in the head, twice in the leg, and even stabbed in the arm; all in the defense of the american way of life, he was a true american patriot.

“I’ll get right on it, just wait second.” Britney stated. She walk over to the phone and pick it up to her ear and enter a combination of numbers,

Ring ring, ring ring.

hello, who is this.” the man said with a tired voice.

“Hello, Mr. President, I'm sorry to call you, I know you're busy but this is very important, this is about Project Explorer.” Britney said.

What about project explore?” the president ask.

“Well, we finish the project.” britney said.

What, this is great, Good work professor, did you test it yet?” The president ask.

“Not yet, but we’re preparing to do so as we speak, sir.” Britney affirmed.

“Okay, go continue with your work. Congress wants to know if it works, this could stand be one of the greatest accomplishments, in the history of our nation. The people of America will be grateful, go carry on your work professor.” the president responded, he proceeded to hang up.

She put on phone and turn around to her coworkers she spoke, “Okay everybody, the president has given us the thumbs up to activate the next phase of our work.” The scientists scramble to did their part to get the machine activated. Hissing and humming began to emit from the transporter as it came to life.

“Time to make history.” general Wellington said with a slight smirk on his face.


Meanwhile, across the multiverse, a certain lavender pony is working in the lab of her new crystal castle; her name is, Twilight Sparkle. She was researching teleportation over long distances, the mare had dark bags under her eye’s and her mane was a complete mess. She hadn’t slept in a week.

“Ahhhhh! This is so frustrating, Spike! where's my tea?!” Twilight grumbled.

Spike walk up to her with the tea in his hand claw. “Here’s the tea Twilight.” Spike said in a bored tone.

“Thank you Spike, this is turning out to be a lot harder than I originally imagined.” Twilight said, as she enveloped, the warm tea in her magic. She blew at the service of the liquid before taking a satisfying sip.

“What are you doing?” Spike asked, with a curious expression as he looked over what Twilight had laid out in front of her.

“I'm trying to find a spell that would help me travel long distances.” Twilight announced, a bit of frustration still apparent in her voice.

“Why are you researching that?” Spike question further.

“Because it would help me escape fans. Do you know how annoying it can be constantly bombarded by ponies, and all because of these?!” she pointed a hoof at her wings, “Plus, I want to see how far I can teleport as well. It has been a long time since I’ve really challenged myself or my magic.” Twilight added in a much chipper tone.

“Ok.” Spike said as if he just lost interest.

Wait a second she thought as she looks over her paper. “Ok, I think I finally figured it out, stand back Spike.” twilight said with a determined look on her face as she pushed a large amount of energy into her horn and then proceed by firing it at the center of the room; in a matter of second a small orb of small magic began to grow and tear open the fabrics of time and space.

“It’s working!” Twilight shouted, as she watch the portal continuing to grow. Suddenly the energy began to fluctuate, causing her earlier happy expression and confidence to contort into one of fear and uncertainty.

“What's going on Twilight?!” Spike yelled, backing away from the haywire portal.

“I don't know, Spike!” Twilight scream, just before it exploded into pulse of energy and hit them causing them to blackout.


At the same time, back on Earth the dimensional transporter’s power levels were increasing at an alarming rate.

“What's going on with the machine?” General Wellington ask with concern.

“I don't know, General, I didn't think this would happen.” John said while checking over for solutions to stop this.

The machine got more violent and light started shining out of it.

“It's going to overload!” one scientist yelled from the other side of the room.

“Everyone, quickly evacuate the room!” Britney shouted. Everyone quickly filed out of the room as machine began to spark controllably.

Wellington notice the machine start to have cracks in it. it's going to explode. He thought. “Everyone get down!” Wellington yelled, then machine released a loud roar and next it exploded in multicolored, then Wellington blacked out.


-Location- (Texas)

-Meanwhile at Mexican Border- 9:43 AM

Fred was just doing paper work when a guard came into his room.

“Sir! we found a couple immigrants trying to smuggle across the border.” the guard said.

“Take me to them.” Fred said, they walked to the interrogation room and the guard open the door for him.

“Qué está.” the Mexican said sitting on the chair.

Fred sit down down on the chair facing the Mexican. “Porque te quería pasar aquí.” Fred responded.

“I'm here because my father wanted me to get a better life.” the captive immigrant said.

“Okay, so you can speak English.” Fred said.

“What, you think I can come to your country without speaking the language, how am I supposed to get a job then?” The Mexican ask.

“I don't really know.” Fred said.

Anyways they talk for 30 more minutes when a guard came in the room with a horrible expression across his face.

“Sir! Mexico is disappearing!” the Guard said with a grim face.

“What do you mean?” Fred ask, while looking at the guard incredulously.

“It started vanishing, what what should we do?” the guard ask.

“Let me see what happening, just wait here.” he said skeptically to the Mexican. He left with the guard, with haste they ran on top of the building.

“look at that sir.” the Guard pointed toward the distance. He was right Mexico with disappear in front of his eye.

“We have to tell the lieute-” Suddenly Fred blackout unexpectedly and fell down on the floor.

chapter 1. edited.

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"What happen?" Wellington ask. He get up off the floor, he stops and looks around. "Is everyone ok?" general Wellington ask,

"I'm ok, but not my laptop." John answered as he looks at his laptop which it's destroyed.

"It a mess, does anyone know what happened." one of the scientists said.

"I don't know, but Looks like the machine overloaded and exploded because of that, good thing I saved the design on my flash drive." Britney Said as she proceeded to wipe the dust off of her.

Ring ring, ring ring. one of the scientist picked it up the phone,

"hello, okay." the scientist said, he proceeded to walk to Wellington.

"General, it's the president" the scientist said and proceeded to give the phone to general Wellington who was nervous.

"general! tell me what's going on right now, because border Patrol just told me Mexico just vanish and Canada." The president said with it angry tone.

"And NASA just said right now, that most all our satellites went off the grid and also something wrong with the Sun now!, what did you do General Because I'm getting angry about this." the president yelled.

…….."look, sir, I'm sorry what happened, but the machine exploded, I don't why, just wait until the scientists can figure out what happened, I tell you later when they're figured out." general Wellington explain.

"you better figure this out before we have a crisis on our hands and I be blaming you." The president said.

"Okay, Mr President, good day general Wellington Said. *click*, "now people tell me yours theory of what happen, "I want to know right now,General Wellington said." a scientist came up to him.

"I think we teleport in a different universe or a different planet or different dimension the scientist said.…….

"good theory, just holds on to it" general Wellington said.

-Location- (Florida)


Couple hours later. meanwhile in NASA.

"as you could see the stars are in different positions, and the Sun is going around us, and also 45 remaining satellites, I able to take a picture of the planet we are at, as you can see our country became an island like Australia, but it is a continent, but other continents are not the ones we know." Nikolai explain to the crowd.

"how could this happen?" scientist said on the back chair.

"because the official at Fort Hawk decided to build a device able to transport to other dimension." Nikolai said.

"why didn't we hear about this.” another scientist questions.

"because the president said it classified, also we don't know what country is spying on us, because you know, it happens all the time, atomic bomb, the hydro bomb mostly about weapons and other stuff.” Nikolai explain. “Anyway let's carry on, as you can see in this picture, there is a castle on the hill and the houses style, look like from the dark ages. The species that habitat this place look like Griffin from the old myths, they may have a society with monarchy or anything that lives in a castle, because looks like they have noble family, because you can see some looks like peasants.” he said as he shows the display of pictures.

"so what do we do, are we going to make contact with any with them?” a scientist said.

"I don't know, only the government would know when make contact with them.” Nikolai explain, “now here is a another city, which looks like New York City except smaller, the tallest is about 25 floor and also there is a statue that looks like the Statue of Liberty, but in pony form and the inhabitants look like they are pony.” Nikolai said as he shows more pictures. “Okay here's the fun part, it looks like they have subspecies , the regular one, the Unicorn and the Pegasus, that's all we know about.” then he proceeded to show train tracks. “It looks like they have trains, but no cars, but only chariots, which is strange, anyways here's another city in the clouds.” he said.

Then everyone started arguing.

"That's outrageous, are you sure it isn't fake.” A scientist said.

“Is this a joke?” one of the scientists in the crowd question.

"it isn't fake, it real pictures, go see yourself.” he said.

everyone went to the computer.

"he is telling the truth.” a scientist said.

"I wonder if they have plants able to cure diseases.” a female scientist said excitedly.

"I don't know what's out there, but we will find it and discover it, in the name of science." he said as he looks over the pictures.

chapter 2

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8:35am White House inside the Oval Office

"Mr President, the governor of Alaska wants to know what's going on around here, also he say, why is the ocean around the capital said the vice president ." another person came up to him

" Sir, We started to station troops at beaches and also new beach of every single state near the water, also the people want to know what's going on the Secretary of Defense said."

" Just wait until they set up the camera, is everything ready the president said," to the camera crew.

" Yes, Mr President ready to go on air, 3.2.1 said the cameraman."

",mm my fellow American, I'm the president, I'm going to tell you nothing to worry about, As you can see Canada and Mexico are missing in fact, we are the ones that are missing because a incident, involving something the military made, it is called dimension transporter, in Fort Hawk, in Alabama, a incident occurred yesterday
at 10 p.m. the president said, we were about to transport a drone to test, what would happen in a different dimension,
but something went horribly wrong, and there was power surge, and we got transported to a different dimension or alternate universe, NASA and the officials of Fort Hawks will try to figure it out, so my fellow Americans arm yourself and call the police if you see anything suspicious and have good day, and also stays safe I'm signing off the President said."


9:23 am, meanwhile on the outskirts of Hawaii, on a battleship that's name is dragonfly, As the ship move through the water slowly, a young sailor spotted something on the horizon getting close, and it's huge.

"what is that, I have to go to the captain he said, he's got up, On his feet, running through the deck, !captain! captain! I saw something on the horizon, he said exhausted."

"what did you see the captain said with concern."

"Something big is coming toward us, sir, the sailor told. "

"show me where the thing, that you saw captain said."

" Follow me,sir the sailor said. "

"they run to the bow of the ship, can you see it the sailor said."

"Someone give me a telescope the captain said."

"sir, I have one a sailor said."

" thank you private captain said with smile." A crowd started to surround the captain the captain grabs the telescope.

"okay, I can see it, what is that the captain said with wonder,

"sir what is it captain a another sailor said."

"it looks like a dragon the captain said."

"but sir, dragons do not exist one of the sailors said."

" doesn't matter is a dragon or not, arm the cannon and the missile, it looks like we are going to battle the captain said."

" yes sir," the crew said and saluted, the ship exploded with activity, the sailors are starting to armed the guns and weapons.

"get those AA gun arms, and also those turrets ready, and also give me a radio the captain ordered."

" yes sir, a sailor I'm right on Captain the sailor saluted."

"how long do we have wait until then that creature make it here the captain said."

"3 minutes, sir should I get the bazooka the sailor said next to him."

"permission granted the captain said."

" sir, the guns are ready to fire one of the sailors said,"

" then fire at it the captain said."

" ok fire the sailors yelled."The metric tons of guns turn to the creature and fire, the round came out of the of the barrel, it flew through the air piercing the left of the creature, the creature roar in agony, And it fell to the ground, it was floating above water.

" it's a hit captain a Gunner said."

" thank you, now give me a radio, we need more ships to bring this thing to Pearl Harbor the captain said

" Yes sir the man said."

"What happen said Twilight," as she was starting to wake up, as she looks around her surrounding she realized, she was at the hospital.

" I wonder what happened, wait, I remember the teleport spell,where's spike she said with a worried tone." then the door opened in her room.

"Twilight are you ok tell me what happen" said a worried rarity.?

"Rarity where is spike she said," with worried.?

"Oh he's OK, he have a couple scratches and cuts but he would be fine,
But you took most of the damage, one of your wings is sprain and also you are exhausted from your magic and a broken ribs, so you have to wait for a week,
In the hospital and also what were you doing to cause this" said rarity.

" I was testing myself to teleport long distances, so I was using a spell, something went wrong, but I don't know what went wrong " Said twilight.

"Twilight, that what you are doing because Celestia came and wanted to know that you were doing, because she felt a massive energy and most of the unicorns in town got hurt by it and also me" to said Rarity.

" I'm sorry I didn't know it was that powerful, that spell I was using I'm sorry that I hurt you rarity" said twilight with a sad face.

" I'm okay but Celestia wants you to report what were you doing said Rarity.?"

"Celestia wants me to make a report Twilight screams out, I must get out of here, help me get to the castle Twilight Said!"

" Twilight calm down you yet making yourself more stressed twilight"Rarity said.

"But Rarity I must make a report for the princess" twilight Said.

"Twilight you better rest I don't want you to hurt yourself more and the doctor said, you're better rest to get your magic back
And you have to wait for a week"said Rarity.

"Ok Rarity, but a week" twilight groan out.

"Yes twilight, you have to stay here for a week and also spike will leave the hospital tomorrow," rarity said.

" that's a good thing" said twilight.

"Goodbye twilight, I have to go home to make a dress for one of my customers" said rarity.

"Goodbye rarity" said twilight. As rarity left
Twilight Sat alone on her bed "it's gonna be a long week" twilight.

chapter 3

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On a gryphon merchant ship, traveling through the ocean to the zebra land, they ending up on the wrong Island as the ship landed at the beach and its occupants left the ship.

"Captain, are you sure this is the zebra lands" the merchant said. As he look around.

"Yes, the zebra land should be in this direction, I think these are one of the islands off the shores of the mainland" the captain said.

"Hopefully, we are near a village, I need to buy more some potions, because the last batch I got ton of bits" merchant said.

"Guards go see the surrounding area" the captain ordered, 5 of the guards got off the ship, and went into the trees.

"What do you think it's out here" a guard said.?

"I don't know this is my first time out here" another guard answer.

"Could you please be quiet, you could bring something we don't want to here"
a guard said.

"Hey guys I think I found a house by the look of it isn't zebra" a guard said.

"I wonder who built this, because I don't think the zebra built that, maybe a pony" a guard said.

"Hey guys, I see movement at the window" a guard said. All the guard look at the window that close for a split second.

"Hey, is somegriffin there, we want to know where is a zebra village"the guard said.

"Wow that was close, I think the bird spotted me, looks like the president is right, I have to call the police" the girl said as she grabbed the phone and dial 9-1-1.

" hello this is 9 1 1 what is your state of emergency" the operator said.

"There are strangers outside out of my house, they are carrying spear and have armor, could you please send someone over here, I think they spotted me" the girl says with a worry tone.

"Alright stay calm madam, I sent 10 police officers to your area" the operator said.

"Thank goodness, how long I have to wait" the girl said.

"About a minute" the operator said.

"Hey,I just got something on the police radio, it said the couple of strangers with Spears wearing armor on some woman lawn" the cameraman said.

"What are you waiting for let's get in the van" the reporter said. They got inside the van.

The distance sounds of police siren are getting close.

"Hey could you hear something"a guard said.

"I could hear it too, what is that" another guard said. Then 10 strange looking contraptions came up to them, then stop a front of me and ten strange looking hairless Minotaur came out. and one of them spoke out.

"This is the police, please drop your weapons and put your hands up" the officer said.

" what did we do wrong" a guard said.

"You are trespassing on private property" the officer said.

And then another contraction came up, on the side it says news, And two more strange looking Minotaur came out, in one of them had a big device on it shoulder, and the other one had a stick that had a ball on the top.

"Oh come on who told the news, forget it doesn't matter anyway, can you guys drop your weapons, you have a minute before we fire and we will shoot" the officer said.

"Hey guys what should we do" a guard said.

"We should fly out of here" a guard said.

1, 2 ,3, go the guard said. Then all of them flew off.

"They are escaping, fire" the officer said.
Then all the officers fire at once, the air was filled with bullet, then one of the griffin got hit by a bullet in the left wing, and he fell on the ground, 2 griffin descended and picked him up.

"Hurry, they are escaping, get into the cars. The officer said as he got into his car.

The griffins are flying away as the police were chasing them.

"Hurry they are catching up to us, I can see the ship" the injured griffin said. The ship is close to them, on the ship the merchant saw them and the things that were chasing them.

"Captain get this boat ready right now"the merchant said with fear.

"I got it, hurry,get this ship off this Island" the captain said. As the sailors were starting the sails, the griffins guard flew on the deck and crash

" help me I'm injured"the guard said.

"Hurry we must get out of here"a guard said.

"Captain the sails are ready" a sailor said. Then the captain went to wheel and move the ship from the beach, as the cop cars were getting on the beach, the officers looked at the ship as it sail away.

"This going to be a lot of paperwork" the cop said.

chapter 4

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"This is channel 5 with breaking news with news reporter Amelia" the announce said.

"Thank you I'm here with a young girl who should not be name because she doesn't want to be known, now tell me what did you saw,"Amelia said.

"I saw 5 giant looking Eagles, at the front of my lawn, first I thought they were people in front of my lawn dresses as griffin, but I soon realized that wasn't the case, when I was looking at them one of them spotted me, and said where is a local zebra village,
I was scared for my life so I grabbed the phone and called the police, but I tell them, I saw people with weapons"the girl said.

"But why did you told them you saw people with weapons why didn't you tell them you saw griffins" Amelia questioned.

"Because the police would thought I am crazy and wouldn't send help"the girls said.

"Good thing you told them not that but this,because we wouldn't got this on camera, now show the people what we got on tape"Amelia said.

The TV screen went to the video, it showed the police talking to Griffin. and the griffin started flying way and the police started shooting at them then one of the griffin is shot and two more pick him up, the police got in they car and went chasing after them, Next it showed a ship sail away.

"That was a crazy adventure wasn't that,Amelia" the anchorman said.

"Yes it's was,I'm the first reporter catch something like this on camera"Amelia said.

"Wait a second I'm getting something from the White House, let's see what it is" anchorman stated. It change to the man who was speaking.

"My fellow Americans as you know now, the incidence of Hawaii I decided to send barricade around the island, and also Alaska to prevent something like this to happen again, and also we are sending 2000 soldiers to a land, we found nothin living there, is rocky,it Desert, and we don't detect any settlements with the satellites, we hope to establish a base there, so able to establish contact with other countries or territories and kingdoms and also tribe's or clans, and here is our best scientist's" the president said.

"hello everybody, my name is Dr John, I'm going to explain what happening to Hawaii and Alaska, Hawaii landed on Mountain under the sea, that why if you have a beach house, you notice your house its further away from the beach, maybe like 16 mile away now, it looks like you have more land, and also that explains why some of the parts Hawaii is bigger, okay let talk about Alaska, Alaska is a strange one, Alaska somehow has more diamonds,now it's a gold rush except with Diamonds and mining companies are springing up, hurry, get rich, and also some places in Alaska are getting hotter and other places are getting colder, is it strange, that why a team is sent there to investigate this phenomenon, and the capital of Alaska, it is in danger that gets flooded by a tsunami or a hurricane, that's why a wall will be construction around the city, and also this is a different planet or universe,so they could be unknown diseases,if you get sick go to the hospital, if any journalist or news reporter want to go with us talk, to general Wellington, now I'm finish with this goodbye everybody" John said. The TV screen change back to the anchorman.

" well that was interesting well folks if you don't have money go to Alaska, now for the weather" the anchorman said.

"Twilight I'm happy to see you are okay" spike said.

" I'm okay Spike, how is the caste" twilight said.

"it doing fine, I miss you, it's boring around there" spike said with a face sad.

"at least you have the entire castle to yourself, did you bring the newspaper, I didn't look at the news for the entire week" twilight said.

"Alright I did bring it, here it twilight" spike said as he given it to her.

"Thank you spike" twilight said as she read the newspaper, "mmmm Prince blueblood bought a new mansion,mmm
Should we need more princesses,mmmm
Crazy merchant said he was attack by hairless Minotaur, wait what!"twilight said as she scan over the article, twilight read
The article,

" a Crazy merchant said he was attack by hairless Minotaur, he said he was traveling on his ship, sailed for zebra land,
They thought the landed a zebra Island part of the zebra mainland, he said five of his guards was attacked by hairless Minotaur, they were in weird looking contractions, and also they had sticks that exploded, one the guards was hit by it, we couldn't interview the Griffin that was hit, does this mean a new land was discovered, who knows".

"A new land was discovered, this is so exciting I can wait until when I tell the everypony, maybe I could become the ambassador, spike I need a note"twilight said.

"Here twilight i have one spike said as he gave the note to twilight.

Twilight pick it up with her magic, dear Celestia, "I just read the newspaper from marehattan, it said a merchant discovered a new land, I wondering if this is true, I want to go and see it, because who knows what's in there, maybe magic we never discovered or maybe food we never eaten,
Maybe knowledge the natives known, this is great, your student Twilight Sparkle, Twilight wrote down, she gave it to spike.
Then he burn it with his flame.

chapter 5

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On a aircraftcarrier going to the land with no life on it, a certain general is angry

" John is an asshole, lying to the public, saying I am bringing reporters and journalist with us" general Wellington said with a angry tone.

"General calm down, what's wrong with journalists and reporters" Brittney said.

"Bringing civilians is a bad idea, because we have to protect them from everything" general Wellington said as he slam on the table.

"Ok general, I leave your here" Brittany said as she walk out of the door, she left the room and walk down the hall and went into the kitchen.

"Hey Brittany, which lunch do you want" the cook asked.

" I need a chicken sandwich please" she told him.

" Okay little lady" the cook said with a smile as he went back to the kitchen.

" mmmmm, what to do " she said to she said to herself as she look at the around, then she noticed someone in the crowd of Reporters and journalists, it was Amelia, the girl who recorded the griffin,
Hey Amelia over here Britney said waving at Amelia to come here, Amelia walk over to her

" hey, you the are one scientist that caused this, this is a blessing and a curse
Because I'm now because I am a well known reporter so thank you Britney said.
Britney was speechless.

Ok she thought, "thank you, tell me why you came with us"she said.

"Because, it would be a adventure, and also that would help my career" Amelia answer.

" so where is your camera man?" she said.

" he just getting some biscuits" Amelia said. Britney look at her watch, it was 5:21

" oh no it starting, sorry Amelia I have to go" she got off the chair and ran to the meeting.

"That way, you should have put a machine gun nest" lieutenant Greg said.

"No, electric fences are better" captain Charlie said.

"could you guys be quiet, I'm playing chess with Linda here" corporal Ted yelled As he puts his knight down.

"ya guys be quiet. ha checkmate" sergeant Linda said.

"that's bullshit"Ted said as he threw his king down on the floor. Brittany came into the room.

"hey, what's going on?" she said.

" I just defeated Ted at chess" Linda admitted," now Ted, give me the $50" Linda said as she hold out her hand.

"Fuck, here's your money" Ted said angrily handling the money to Linda.

"Where's the general?" Greg said.

"Probably hanging the privates on their toe off the ship. Charlie said.

" No actually, he's punching the table again" Britney said.

" Why is he doing it again?" Linda said.

" He say he doesn't wants to bring reporters and journalist here, because they will be in danger" Britney explain.

"Yeah he's right because they always go in danger" Greg said.

"I disagree they will show how strong we are" Charlie said.

"you only want them to take pictures of you" Linda said.

" what's going on here" general Wellington said as he came in the room.

"General, which one is better, machine gun nest or electric fences?" Greg said.

"Electric fences around a machine gun nest is better instead of one of them" general Wellington said.

"Are you finished being angry" Brittney said.

"No, I'm not finish with this, and also we landed, now dirtbag get off the ship. General Wellington order.

"Yes sir everyone said".

"Finally" twilight thought as she walk out the hospital, she sees spike running at her.

"Twilight" spike said hugging twilight "I miss you"spike said.

" I missed you too spike, how you been"twilight said with a happy look.

" It been good, it would have been better If you been there to lecture me" spike stated

Twilight laughed and smile 'let's go home, hey spike have you heard about the new land discover? " twilight said.

"Yeah I heard about that, what did this mean exactly?" spike said.

" it mean trade, culture, history, technology, magic, that's what it means"said twilight.

" ok, now hurry up Twilight"spike said as he ran by Twilight.

" Wait up"Twilight said chasing him, as she got into the castle, pony jump front of her.

"Surprise" everypony said.

" welcome back" twilight Pinkie Pie said.

" how was the hospital egghead?" Rainbow Dash said.

" it was boring" Twilight answer.

" good thing you're okay" Fluttershy stated.

" it's time to eat cake" Rarity said Levitating the cake to them.

" I brought the applecider" Applejack

" thank you girls" twilight said as they ate the cake together.

Queen Mothra had a busy day, she was talking to a noble when a guard came up to her.

" my queen is a big metal strange ship landed on the beach"

" is it the pony?" Mothra ask with concern

" I don't know my queen. The drone said.

" Then keep an eye on it, and tell me what you see"mothra

" yes my queen"the drone said as he salute.

As the drone walked out of the room,
Mothra Only thought what to do in this situation.


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chapter 6

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‘‘Mr President, there were a couple incidents, but nothing to worry about and also do you remember the dragon was captured that's in Pearl Harbor, he's able to talk and he told us he's from the Dragon land and he is 14 years old.’’….. the Lieutenant said as he was interrupted.

‘‘Wait, wait, wait, you telling me, he's 14 years old and he's that big’’ president said.

‘‘But Mr President he told me all dragon grow bigger because they get greedy.’’ the lieutenant said.

‘‘okay so they one of the seven sins.’’ the president said with a confusion face.

‘‘kind of like that, anyway he says that the kingdom nearby by is name Equestria, it's ruled by a princess who control the Sun and the moon. The lieutenant said.

‘‘Now tell me lieutenant, is this country is threat, because they have someone that power to the control of the Sun and the moon.’’

‘‘I'm sure they are dangerous, so we must be vigilant Mr President, anyways said there are Griffin Kingdoms that's are solo territory owned by a kings or whatever.’’ The lieutenant said

‘‘So it like ancient Egypt and medieval Europe combined, so what else did the dragon said.’’ the president said.

‘‘No that all what he said Mr President and general Wellington have landed.’’ The lieutenant said.

‘‘That's good to know lieutenant, dismiss.’’ the president order.

‘‘Yes sir.’’ the lieutenant said as he left the room.

As the lieutenant left, the president thought to himself. where's my coffee.

5:36, 11.16.15

Fort heat. Location, unknown

(operation wasteland)

- 5 months after teleporting-

-3 week after landing-

Inside the meeting room, general Wellington and Britney are talking about a discovery.

‘‘General, we found quantity of uranium at the caverns underneath outpost 5.’’ Britney told Wellington.

Wellington looks surprised for a second.
‘‘Wait! you telling me, we on a gold mine of uranium, that's the best thing ever l heard of.’’ Wellington said.

‘‘Yes sir, this is a large amount of uranium, should I get a cargo ship to transport back home?’’ Britney ask.

‘‘That's a great idea and Britney. A groups of soldiers have reported they seen bugs like creatures watching them, I don't know if they're pulling a prank or or actually telling the truth, so that's why I'm putting this place under the lockdown.’’ Wellington stated as he pulled out a pen.

‘‘Sir, do you think the bugs are dangerous?’’ Britney ask with concern.

‘‘I don't know professor, but I know one thing for certain be aware at all time Wellington said as he open his drawer. ‘‘So remember professor be safe, dismiss.’’ Wellington said to Britney.

‘‘Yes sir.’’ Britney said. She got off her chair and started walking toward the door.

‘‘Wait Britney!’’ she heard Wellington said.

‘‘Yeah general’’ she said almost halfway through the door, Wellington look up to her.

‘‘Professor, one more thing, its important, can you tell the soldiers station at outpost 5 to move away from the uranium, we don't want people to die from radiation and don't tell them about this, its classified.’’ Wellington order as he started filling out paperwork.

‘‘Yes sir.’’ Britney said as she saluted, she walk out of the office and start walking, she passed the restroom and the break room, which is lovely and also the firing range.

How lucky am I even though I caused this, but anyway I can't change the past, so let's move on, now I am discovering other life forms and learning about new cultures and different type of religion. Britney thought to herself. Anyways she walks through the halls, I need to fill out my paperwork and also where did I leave my laptop, I'm pretty sure I left it at my office, well are I get it later. she thought to herself.

Britney exit out of the building and stumbled upon a Humvee ‘‘hey marine I need to go to outpost 5 ASAP.’’ she told the driver.

‘‘Ok, get in the Humvee.’’ the marine said. The marine open the door for me.

i sat next to him.

The Marine put the key in the ignition and started driving the Humvee to the direction I told him. we pass the medical Bay and the watchtower and also the huge anti-air gun before we exit the base. ‘‘So why do you need my help?’’ the marine ask as he turn left.

‘‘I can't tell you its classified, only if you
were a top ranking official, if I did, I have to kill you if I told you .’’ Britney said sarcastically.

‘‘Must be something serious then’’ the Marine said.

‘‘Well, it General Orders.’’ Britney said with a half lied, anyways she decided to lookout the window, the view is lovely and it started to rain with the smell of wet dirt, it had a calming effect on her. but suddenly Britney noticed movement in barren land, she sees a black figure moving across the land following the Humvee, it was getting closer and closer until the Humvee bump something, the black figure stop and she could see clearly it looks like a bug cross with a pony and it was looking at the thing we ran over, it was another one of them.

‘‘Looks like we ran over something professor, it must have been a animal the marine said ‘‘well it doesn't matter anyways we almost there 7 more minutes and we be there.’’ The marine stated as he made the humvee faster

Britney was in deep thought about the thing they ran over and the other one, what does this mean, are they natives here, hopefully this isn't war. She thought.

Anyways the Humvee begin slow down to a stop.

‘‘Here's your stop madam.’’ the Marine said.

‘‘Goodbye soldier.’’ Britney said as she open the door and got out.

‘‘Farewell.’’ the marine stated as he close the door and then he drove away.

Britney turn around and started walking toward the outpost, which looks very nice with all those roses growing around it, LaRosa's protect the outpost, surrounding it with it natural thorn acting like barb wire to keep intruders out. Britney didn't know why the roses were tall as 5 feet, but she was pretty sure it was the uranium and the strange activity going around here.

‘‘hey professor, what are you doing here?’’ a voice call out.

Britney look up and see the man who was talking to her. Hi I need to tell you something, its from the general, can you let me in.’’ She said.

‘‘Ok, wait a minute.’’ the man disappeared and the gate started sliding open. The man appeared behind the gate, Britney realize it who it was, it is Lieutenant Greg. ‘‘welcome professor, so what does the general wants us to do?’’ lieutenant Greg ask.

I look around to see anyone's is seeing us, once I know the coast is clear I decide to tell him. ‘‘Wellington want you to leave the outpost.’’ Britney tell Greg.

Greg's is surprise for a second and returns the normal. ‘‘Wait! you telling me Wellington wants us to abandon this outpost, why?’’ Greg ask.

‘‘Well.… it classified, there is something here that pose as a threat to your mans, that's why you need to evacuate immediately!’’ Britney explain.

‘‘Ok but you have- *boom* what was that!?’’ Greg said as we turn around to see where explosion occurred, one of the guard tower was destroy, nothing was left but only the debris, *wwwwwrrrrrrrrrrr* the alarm turn on and soldiers were coming out arm out of the buildings, sound of gunfire started erupting around us,

‘‘Lieutenant! We under attack by bugs like horses and we already have casualties, what should we do?’’ a soldier ask.

‘‘Private, tell everyone that have the right to engage the attackers’’ Greg said.
The private saluted and ran off. Greg turn to Britney. ‘‘professor I need you to come with me, I need to get you to safety right now.’’ Greg order.

‘‘Okay lieutenant’’ Britney said. She's follows Greg to a building heavily guarded by soldiers. Britney follow him up the stairs and he opened the door and let her come inside. They continue through the hallway until they reach the last door and they enter inside. Inside the room was filled with radio equipment buzzing with Raider feed of screen and call for reinforcements.

‘‘Sir! we are overrun, we need to evacuate right now, we can't hold them off any longer.’’

Greg grabs one of the mic. ‘‘we need to hold them off, reinforcements are on the way.’’ Greg order.

‘‘Yes sir, mens! hold them off, what is that? OH MY-’’
*static* the line went dead.

‘‘Hello! HELLO!’’ Greg put down the mine. ‘‘Well Shit, what should we do now Britney.’’

‘‘I don't lieutenant, I don't know.’’ Britney stated, she hung her head down and thought. what am I supposed to do now. Then she hears a noise sounds, like crawling. It's coming from the ceiling. she thought. ‘‘lieutenant, there something in the ceiling.’’ Britney said as she grab the coat rack next to her, she break the end off to make a spear.

Greg pulled out his gun and aim at the ceiling. the sound got closer and closer until the air ducts burst open and two bugs like horses tackle Greg to the ground but not before he fired a shot and kills one of them, Britney whack the other one off Greg and then proceeded to impale it with the coat rack. More and more bugs started coming out of the vent. Britney kill some of them before they took her down.

‘‘Let go of me.’’ Britney said. One of the bugs came up to her and touch her with it horn as it was growing. Britney started closing her eye before she was knockout She heard one last thing.

‘‘take this one to the Queen I'm pretty sure she's important.’’ a bug said and then everything went black.


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New York Times

Is this war?

Yesterday at 5:30 p.m.

Professor Britney was kidnapped by bugs that attack an outpost, the location is classified, so therefore we can't say where it happen. General Wellington says the outpost personnel were taking surprise unknown amount of enemies, the insects storm the outpost capturing almost one hundred Military personnel.

Only 33 escape the outpost and we are with one of them.

Q. Now tell me Tim, how was your experience?

A. it was terrifying, I was just in the kitchen when it happen, I was making myself peanut butter and jelly when I heard something exploded, so I ran to the arsenal to get my weapon.

Q. And what happened as you ran to the arsenal?

A. I was ambushed by the insects, I was surrounded by all side and I thought I was going to die, until someone save me, her name was Kelly and she had a Barrett REC7, she was able to dispatch the insects, she pick me up and gave me a pistol and we decided to hide out in the bathrooms. It been one hours since we heard the last gunshots, so we both decided to leave the bathrooms.

Q. Is that when you get rescue?

A. Yes, when we left the bathrooms we decided to leave the building and wait for rescue, first thing we noticed the bodies are missing, I'm pretty sure the bugs took them, anyways we waited and waited until some other people found us, only thirty three of us were the only survivor of this tragedy.

Q. Tim, are you going back there? because Congress decided to have a rescue mission to find the missing personnel, Tim will you join?

A. Yeah, I will join, I will find the missing people and kill the enemy and that, is a promise.

After this interview, Tim join the rescue team to search for the missing people who were taken during the attack. read more on page 4

San Francisco Chronicle

Demand for oil!

It been 2 months since Texas oil ran out and the demand for gas increase, because the displacement of the country, most of the oil reserve didn't come with us and most of the oil we getting is from Alaska which is having a ecosystems disaster.

As the president issue a state of emergency, all the oil companies decided to look for oil at the oceans and are pleading for Congress, to let them explore on other continents to find oil. we don't know what decision will Congress make, but hopefully it a good one.

Anyways, we have a shocking story for the readers, yesterday a dragon was able to Pass the blockade and was able to land in Oregon at North Bend. The dragon was able to make 1358 people homeless and did 20 million dollars in property damage, when the National Guard arrived to dispatch the Dragon, only 350 died in this attack, but the death toll is still rising after finding more body. Read more on page 8

The Seattle Times


The government decide to seize all oil reserve and ration it out until they able to find more, because of this, it caused a riot today at Chicago which ended up with 5 death and 31 wounded, and also there was another riot in New York, which was breaking up by New York Police Department which resulted in 10 deaths and 131 wounded. Here we have someone from the riot.

Q. Now tell me what happened?

A. I was just visiting my aunt when the riot started, it was just 30 people, but then it started to mass until it was over 500 people, that when all went downhill.

Q. How did it go downhill?

A. people were smashing windows and overturning cars, burning shops, fighting.

Q. Do you know why this happen?

A. All I heard is about the rationing of the gasoline, I know that would make any people angry, but come on, just wait until the government actually find oil reserves, I hope this gets resolved soon.

Hopefully the government will find oil. Read more on page 9

chapter 7

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New York City

It been an hour, that Gregory
waited for the man to pay him, so he can help them get pass the military barricade. Gregory was drinking his coffee until he spotted the man that he was waiting for.

‘‘Hey Mr. Robert, I've been expecting you.’’ Gregory said.

‘‘Can you be quiet, we don't want the government to know about this.’’ Robert tell Gregory as he sits down.

‘‘Hey everybody, it Robert!’’ Gregory tells everyone in the diner and nobody noticed. ‘‘See, no one cares, now do you have the money?’’ Gregory ask Robert who pulls out a briefcase and open it and shows Gregory the money.

‘‘See, 100% real and 5 million dollar, the rest would be delivered after you sneak the team through the barricade.’’ Robert said as Gregory rummaged through the cash.

‘‘Okay, I do it, just tell your team to meet me at the docks tomorrow at 8 pm, it betters to sneak through at
night.’’ Gregory said to Robert.

You better be there, if you not, we will not forget this Gregory.’’ Robert said, with that he left Gregory alone with briefcase at his table.

That guy give me the creeps. Gregory thought to himself.

A day later.

Gregory sees the van that he is waiting for. The black van slow down to a stop, the engines go out and five people step out of the van, Gregory walks over to the only female of the group.

‘‘Are you Nancy Foley?’’ Gregory ask the woman.

‘‘Yes, are you Gregory?’’ Nancy Foley asks the man.

‘‘Yes.’’ Gregory pull it out an umbrella then proceeded put over his head.

‘‘Okay Mr. Gregory, now take me to your sea vessel, I think the cops are on to us.’’ Nancy Foley said.

*Siren* can be heard.

‘‘You brought the cops, now you make this harder!’’ Gregory yeah at Nancy who proceeded to brush it off.

‘‘Now you listen here Mr. Gregory, if you bail on us, we know where to find you, so shut up and let's go.’’ Nancy Foley stated to Gregory.

‘‘Fine, the ship over there, if we hurry up we can make-’’ Gregory about to say something else when a bright light shine it on them on. Oh no it the cops. Gregory thought to himself.

‘Freeze! This is the NYPD, put your hand behind your head and get on the floor.’’ The voice boom from the helicopter that is flying above them.

‘‘Run!’’ Nancy ordered as she started running toward Gregory ship and the other soon follow.

Nancy is the first one to get on the boat and the rest climb on.

‘‘Don't make this harder people.’’ The Voice said.

Gregory runs over to the ship wheel and put the key in the ignition, as the ships start moving forward, a NEW copter appears with a camera man filming them.

‘‘Step on it!’’ Nancy tells Gregory.

Gregory push the lever forward to make the ship go faster. He sees the police chopper is falling behind.

‘‘Look like we made it.’’ Gregory said with relief.

Nancy gives a serious look. ‘‘we are not out of this yet, we still have 10 miles of sea and military blockade, I hope you have a plan?’’ Nancy ask Gregory.

‘‘I do have a plan, just not right now.’’ Gregory said.

Why am i with this guy. Nancy thought to herself.


‘‘Ow, my head!’’ Britney said out loud. Wait a minute. She thought to herself as she looks around hers surrounding, ‘‘where am I?’’ She says as she realizes that she's in a green cocoon. How do I get out of here. She thought to herself as she used her nails to try to scratch it. It made of flesh, maybe I could rip it with my teeth. She thought. Anyways she put her mouth on the fleshy substance and proceeded to rip it with her mouth. It need a bit more sugar. She thought as continue to by the way out of the cocoon. Just a little more, fresh air. She thought as she reach out and pull herself out of the cocoon. ‘‘Oh no my coat is messy.’’ she groans. Then she hears someone talking. There must be a place to hide. she thought as she looks around. ‘‘Perfect’’ she said. she hide inside a hole and proceeded to cover herself with dirt and glowing green slime as the voices drew closer. ... --- .-- .... .- - -.. .. -.. -.-- --- ..- -.. --- -.-- . ... - . .-. -.. .- -.-- one of the voice said.

Britney realize it one of the bugs that attacked the outpost.

-. --- - .... .. -. --. -- ..- -.-. .... .--- ..- ... - - .... . ..- ... ..- .- .-.. Another bug clicked.

.-- .- .. - .- -- .. -. ..- - . --..-- .-- .... . .-. . .. ... - .... . .--. .-. .. ... --- -. . .-. .-.-.- The bug clicked as it look inside my empty cocoon.

.-- . -... . - - . .-. .-. . .--. --- .-. - - .... .. ... - --- - .... . --.- ..- . . The other bug click and with that, the bugs left the room without noticing Britney.

Is it just me or did the bugs talk in Morse code. Britney thought with confusion. Anyways she started jogging through greenish hallway about 10 minutes until she stumbled across a large cave filled with other people. Britney walk up to one of them. How am I going to get them out. she thought as she inspected the cocoon. She scanned around and notice a rock with a jagged tip. That might work. she thought as she grabbed it. Britney started smashing the cocoon with the rock. she soon sees the cocoon starting to get a large opening on it. She reach in the cocoon and pull the body, Britney inspect the unconscious soldier and she proceeded to slap the soldier on his face.

‘‘Ow!’’ The soldier yelled out as he grabs his cheeks. ‘‘Why! did you do that!?’’ soldier ask as he looks around.

‘‘Well it's your job to protect me, because we are captured by an unknown enemy so get up!’’ Britney explain to him.

‘‘C-cap-capture, how?’’ the soldier asked with confusion.

‘‘Where are you at the time?’’ Britney asked irritated.

‘‘In my quarters, hearing music.’’ the soldier answer.

‘‘You idiot! Anyways now help me get the rest of these people out of here. Britney order.

‘‘Okay, but you not my superior.’’ The soldier said.

‘‘I don't care, I got you out of the cocoon, now help me.’’ Britney told him.

‘‘Ok, do you have something to help me get them out?’’ the soldier ask.

‘‘Here, have a rock.’’ Britney said as she gives him a rock.


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chapter 8

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One hour later..…

Queen Mothra is having a bad day, the prisoners escape, 10 of her spy were discovered in manehattan, now, her hive is at war with another hive, the Changeling in charge is king wasp, he took over his hives when his Queen died, the Queen didn't have a heir for the throne. most changeling hive die out if they don't have a heir. But wasp took over the hives and also he's just a drone, he not even part of royalty.

‘‘Pathetic drone, so tell me, what is today agenda?’’ Mothra ask her advisor who proceeded to open his book.

‘‘Well, the nobles are concerned about king wasp building up his troops, so they want you to attack him before he does.’’ The advisor said.

‘‘Go tell them it's a bad

idea.’’ Mothra order.

‘‘Yes my queen.’’ advisor said as he wrote it down.

‘‘So what else?’’ Mothra ask.

‘‘We need more gatherers and the humans need to be stop.’’ the advisor said.

‘‘Humans?’’ Mothra said confused.

‘‘The creature we captured are call human, we were able to interrogate one of them before they escape, he didn't give us a lot of information.’’ The advisor said as he clear his throat. ‘‘but just enough to tell us what his species name is.’’ The advisor answer. ‘‘that is all today issue, My queen, do you have any question?’’ The advisor ask.

‘‘No, but I need to meet the humans and stop this before it gets worse.’’
Mothra said. She get off her throne and walk down the red carpet.
‘‘Guards! Follow me, we need to get there at once.’’ she ordered. Two of the guards proceeded to follow her close behind.
Location (unknown)

Time (unknown)

Point of view (lieutenant Greg)

‘‘Hold the line! Don't let the bugs get in here.’’ I ordered as the bugs try to get in.

‘‘Sir! We are able to secure the entrance, but there are 5 more tunnels open, we need more man to secure the other 5 tunnels sir.’’ First private said as he pulls out a map and show me the unsecured tunnels. ‘‘The enemy of coming from this area’’ *First private point at the area where the bugs on coming from* ‘‘Sir, if we are able to block it, it would stop the flow of enemies to a smaller scale.’’ First private explain to me.

This is a good thing.
‘‘That is a great idea private, take some mans with you and seal them off, good luck soldiers.’’ I salute him and he salute back. Then I was left alone in the small cave like room.

10 minutes later…..

Location (Tunnel 2)

Time (unknown)

Point of view (First private)

That is kinda creepy. I thought as I sees a statue of a bug. It looks bigger than the other bugs and with a smile that's almost rival the mona lisa. (fun facts. The mona lisa smile it's more mysterious and better looking.) but the most strange part of it, it has a crown on it head. What is this, I stare at the crown and realize it made of Emerald.

‘‘Sir, we have set the dynamite in place, I advise you to move away.’’


I decided to take the Emerald crown. This will help my family. I move away from the blast zone and get behind a rock. Blast it! I ordered the demolition crew. The man push the button and *BOOM* the tunnel collapse filling the entrance. Well that's great.

‘‘Sir, we must go back and tell the lieutenant that the entrance is now seal.’’

‘‘Okay then, let's go, we don't want any nasty surprise.’’ I said. We started walking out of the tunnel and hide the crown in my sleeve.
(The statue behind them start glowing)

Point of view (Queen Mothra)

‘‘It's right here my queen, as you can see, they fortified the entrance, what do you want us to do?’’ the drone said as he inspect the wall.

‘‘Stop where you are!’’

What. I look up and see two humans holding their weapon.

I decided put my hooves up in the air. Both of them look confused at me until one of them lower his weapon.

‘‘What do you want creature?’’ the human ask.

I clear my throat. ‘‘My name is Queen Mothra, the ruler of this hive, I'm here to talk with your leader.’’ I said to them.

Both of the human look at each other and whisper. When they finish one of them leave to somewhere.

‘‘You wait here, my friend is getting one of our officer.’’ the human said as he sat down.

5 minutes have passed when I hear chattering. I look up and see more humans dress in better looking uniforms.

‘‘My mans tells me you're the ruler, now tell us why you are attack and brought us here? The human ask me.

‘‘It wasn't me, it was my captain who decided to attack, if you want to know what happened to him, I stripped his rank to private.’’

‘‘That's a good thing.’’ human said.
(The rest of the human soldiers are still pointing their weapon at me).

‘‘I apologize what happened, it was out of my control, but I hope we could start over?’’ I raise my hooves at the human.

‘‘Well that isn't my decision to
make, but I'm willing to accept, if we get 20 miles of land near here.’’ the human answer.

‘‘If it doesn't make us enemy, I accept.’’ the human proceed to shakes my hooves.

‘‘Good thing because there are people coming here.’’ the human said with nice smile as he let go of my hooves.

What, more of his kind is coming here, how? I look at him to see if he's lying. But his expression is so hard to read. ‘‘how do they know?’’

He simply smiles and point at me. ‘‘Well, next time don't put our stuff near us, you might regret it.’’

‘‘Is that a threat!’’ I grow as I show him my fangs.

He simply shrug. ‘‘They could have been worse humans you could have capture, I'm not saying that you got the best but neither the worst, you only capture the middle.’’ he said. with that he left.

chapter 9

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Report on changeling.

Location (badlands)

3 weeks later after contact.

Written by DR, ----------.

Changeling, they look like horses except they are black and has a hard exoskeleton, they language is consisted of ticks, which in fact is Morse code. So when we talk to them in their language, they were surprised by it and told us that no one else could figure it out. Which make me proud.


I don't need to explain, you already know about the exoskeleton. Anyway they have a crooked horn like a unicorn and wings like a dragonfly, the food they eat is love,
(which I don't know its real or not)
They say that they able to consume love from any place or anything. Like a wedding or a park and also maybe a date.


Changeling has a society like ants and bees, which mean that usually they have a queen, the changeling do not have say in the government except the Queen, and also maybe advisor or general, the currency is love? they trade the love for many things, housing, political, marriage and other things.

Love give them health, power, shapeshifting and leadership, because the Queen has the most love the changeling must follow her,


This one is hard to explain, they act like bees and ants, but they have individual personality, this is confusing, I need to investigate more on this subject.

Signed by DR, ---------.


3 weeks in human occupied.

-Pov- (queen Mothra)

‘‘Wow, you must be really serious.’’ I said as I oversee the human complex that is currently being built.

The complex is spread over 5 miles of land with additional 10 miles. It has a Airport and army barracks, being patrolled by tank, drone, turret and soldiers.

‘‘Well, it needed to be big.’’ The general of the human army said.

‘‘What you going to do with it?’’ I asked with curiosity.

The general looks at me with a serious look. ‘‘I can't tell you, It's classified.’’

‘‘So when do your ‘president’ comes here General?’’ I ask as the general.

‘‘In a couple of hours, he's going to arrive in Air Force One, so you must be ready to greet him and don't, worry about where you going to talk with him, we already have an office for you to talk about issues with him.’’ The General answer with a yawn. ‘‘Well.…. I'm going to my office, if you wish to see me go there.’’ The general said. He turns around and proceeded to walk out of the ditch.

I must get ready. I thought as I flew to my hive to get ready to meet the human leader.


-Location- (Air Force One)

-Pov- (president Larry)

‘‘Hopefully this goes well, because if it does, we may get our first ally here and if the shape shifting is true, we could able to investigate the other countries without sending our people, ahhh….. The possibilities are endless director.’’ I said to the director of the FBI.
Hannah Weitzenbaum.

‘‘That is good and all but, if the shape shifting it true, the Changeling could infiltrate our rank, so we must figure out how to tell who our men are.’’ Hannah said with a serious tone as she looks over the report.

‘‘Just don't shoot anyone until you actually know its a changeling.’’ I said to her.

As soon as I finish talking a flight attendant comes up to us.

‘‘Mr. President, we are nearing our destination, I advise you to put on your seatbelt.’’ The attendant order.

‘‘Thank you for telling us.’’ I answered. Flight attendant left us alone and we proceeded to put on our seatbelts.

I started to feel the plane going downwards. I look over to the window and see the plane descent on the runway. The plane bounce for a couple of time until it slow down to stop.

*The plane has landed, you are free to get off* The captain said in the intercom.

My Secret Service men comes up to me. One of them step forward.

‘‘Mr. President, we are ready to get off the plane.’’ He said.

‘‘Good, let's get off now.’’ I ordered.
I got off the chair and Havana also get off to.

*The president, the Secret Service and the director gets off the plane and walk down in the direction of the complex.*

‘‘I'm pretty sure we should shoot them anyway, it saves us from problems.’’ Havana whisper in my ear.

‘‘I didn't take you for a racist director.’’ I said with a smirk.

She rolls her eyes at me.

‘‘Just admit it, you are only here because you listen to that paranoid buffoon of a director.’’ She accused.

‘‘Director Ryan is it good man, he serve his country well, you have no right to say that, just because he may have fallen off the bike doesn't mean he is crazy!’’ I yelled at her.

‘‘Ok, have fun talking to a bug.’’ She said with angry tone.

And everything went into silence.

-10 minutes later-

‘‘Here's the room sir, the Queen is waiting inside.’’ The private said with a salute.

I saluted back ‘‘thank you private.’’ I open the door and went inside. There was the queen. She does look like a bug. I thought to myself as I sat on the chair.

‘‘Soooo.… you are the human leader I thought you were more….... terrifying.’’ The Queen said with a confused look.

‘‘Why would you think I look terrifying?’’ I asked her.

She shrugs. ‘‘So how you become ‘president’ do you fight others or do you use your magic to show everyling how powerful you are?’’ She asked me.


‘‘No, I do not fight others, I get voted in and humans do not have magic only in fiction.’’ I explain to her.

‘‘What!’’ she yelled. ‘‘what creature doesnt have magic ’’ She yelled out as her horn started to glow.

‘‘Hey stop it!’’ I yell at her with fear.

She closed her eyes and her horn stop glowing.

‘‘What the hell happened?’’ I asked her with anger.

‘‘I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that, I just wanted to scan can you.’’ She explain to me.

‘‘Can you tell me more about this.’’ I said to her.

‘‘Well okay.’’ she said as she starts explaining to me.

side chapter 1

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-Location- (Unknown?)

-Pov- (Nancy)

‘‘So professor, what did you find out about the specimen?’’ I asked professor Farhan Shaikh.

He turns to look at me. ‘‘I discovered that she is intelligent being.’’

‘‘You mean the zebra that's we capture?’’ I question. ‘‘intelligent, does the government knows about this?’’ I asked Farhan who proceeded to shrug.

‘‘I don't know, even if they knew it, It doesn't really matter, so do you want to meet the zebra?’’ Farhan ask me.

I nod my head.

‘‘Ok, follow me.’’ he said as he started walking down the jungle.

‘‘So what else did you discover?’’ I asked him with curiosity.

‘‘Well, we in the landmass of something, and the population mostly consists of tribal zebra.’’ he said.

‘‘That what the zebra said.’’ I said.

*Front ahead is the tent*

‘‘Yes and much more.’’ he answered.

He stepped on the tent and I follow him in. We walk over to the cage where the zebra is. She was in the corner of the cage looking down afraid. (almost rhyme) she looks up to us.

‘‘What do you want from me, we did everything you told us to do, I'm sorry that we attack your men, please spare me.’’ The terrified zebra cried out as she started sobbing.

What is she talking about. I thought to myself as Farhan walk over to the zebra and he sat down next to it.

‘‘What do you mean?’’ the professor asked the zebra.

The zebra look up while wiping her tears. ‘‘ain't you part of the Armed Forces?’’ she said with a confused face.

‘‘No, what is this ‘Armed Forces’?’’ I asked the zebra.

‘‘So you don't really know.’’ she answered.

I shrug and the zebra come out of the corner and proceeded to sit down.

‘‘It happened 3 months ago when a group of metal ship arrived at the shore, one of the local tribe went to investigate the landing, when the tribe got there the inhabitants of the ships were are already out, they spoke in a strange tongue, we couldn't understand them until some of them were able to speak our language. What we heard that they called themselves human, they demanded to see the chief of the tribe who met them, after that we didn't hear anything until 2 weeks ago. The humans arrived to our village and they said they were part of the Armed Forces and they were here to find more volunteer for their army. The zebra said.

Farhan and I looked at each other, deep in thought until Farhan broke the silence.

‘‘What's your name?’’ Farhan ask the zebra.

‘‘ധിക്കാരിയായ.’’ answered ധിക്കാരിയായ.

‘‘So, ധിക്കാരിയായ, can you describe the Armed Forces and what kind of uniform they have.’’ Farhan ask the silent zebra.

*The zebra put one of her hooves on her chin and thought to herself*

‘‘They were wearing almost all green clothes, they had big metal turtle that were destroying everything under it and are flying contraption.’’ The zebra answers.

‘‘That doesn't sound like ours.’’ I stated.

Farhan nodded and turn to look back at the zebra.

‘‘Did you see what flag they have, any stars, stripes?’’ Farhan ask.

The zebra shakes her head. ‘‘Yes, it has stars and stripes.’’ she said.

‘‘Thank goodness, it is the USA.’’ I said with relief.

‘‘What if it isn't.’’ Farhan stated.

‘‘Why wouldn't it be the US?’’ I question him.

‘‘Could be a native human country or another land mass came with us, that's why we should leave.’’ Farhan said nervously.

‘‘If this is true then we must leave now. I realize.‘‘Farhan, ok, we must go then.’’

‘‘Ok, get the others, I would go-.’’

*Sounds of planes flying overhead*

‘‘They are here!’’ The zebra screen and got up and ran out of the cage.

‘‘Wait!’’ I grabbed the zebra back hooves making her fall face first on the ground.

*She gets up and try kicking me in the face*

‘‘Ow!!!’’ I scream in pain as the zebra runs out of the tent. ‘‘Fuck.’’ I said out loud as I rub my jaw.

I felt Farhan hand grab my shoulder. ‘‘We need to go Nancy now!’’ He ordered as he pick me up off the ground.
‘‘Yeah yeah, I get the other you get Gregory and tell him get the ship ready.’’ I said to him. He nods and runs out of the tent, I walk out the tent and go to where others are.


I walk upon the camp and see the others around a fireplace. I walk up to them and they notice me.

‘‘Hi Nancy, what are you doing here?’’ ask one of scientist on the back.

*Clear my throat* ‘‘mmh, ok everyone as your security manager, I'm here to announce that we are in danger so we must return to the ship.’’ I answered calmly.

The scientist huddle together whispering and arguing until they stop, one of them comes up to me.

‘‘If this is true we must leave, everyone wrap up-.’’ the scientist was interrupted by the sound of helicopter blades coming near.

I look up in the sky and see a military chopper land in front of us. The door open and two men in uniforms steps out with there gun pointing at us.

‘‘Poner la mano hasta el aire.’’

chapter 10

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-Location- (Equestria)
-Town - (Ponyville)

‘‘Are you sure about this Twilight.’’ spike asked as he roll up pieces of paper for the trip.

Twilight use her magic to get some bottle ink off the shelf. ‘‘Yes spike.’’ she retorted as she floated the ink in the saddlebag. ‘‘The sights and rumors are too many to ignore.’’ she said.

‘‘But it doesn't mean it's real.’’ He replies as he waves his claw around in the air.

“I know that but-.” she was about to say something more but spike interrupted her.

“I know, that I can't stop you so that why.” He paused for effect. “I'm coming with you.”

Twilight look satisfies. “Oh, I thought you wanted to stay here?”

“Well.” Spike put his claw on his chin to make a thinking position. “You can't get kidnapped or worse.” He said with a worried tone.

Twilight simply roll her eyes. “Spike, I'm not going alone.” She said that she pack more things and her bag.

Spike tilt his head in confusion. “Who you going with?” He ask as he crossed his arm.

“With the rest of my friends, who else.” Twilight answered as she used her magic to put the saddlebag on her back and she walk over to to the door.

“Ahh....” Spike couldn't figure out what to say next.

Twilight open the door and pointed outside “Spike, are you going to go with us?” she asked.

Spike looks happy. “Yes, just let me get my thing.” He said as he rush to upstairs to get his things.

It wasn't just over five minute before Twilight heard things was happening upstairs. After a while Spike came down wearing clothes that looks like for a professor well wear.

“My princess.” Spike said in a mocking tone. “My name is professor Spike from Canterlot Royal Library,” He said with a dramatic polls. “At your service.”

Twilight laughed at Spike antics and decided to play along. “Well professor Spike” She said with a polite voice. “we need to get going, you don't want to get left behind by your colleague.” Twilight imply as she simply walk out of the door.

“Ok princess.” Spike said as he follow behind.


After walking down the road. Twilight and Spike approach sugar cube corner. They open the door and went inside the building to find the rest of their friends were there waiting for them. “Come on Twilight!” Yelled Rainbow Dash as she hover over Twilight. “We've been waiting for you for 5 minutes.” She claim.

“I'm sorry girls.” Twilight said with a sheepish looks. “I was just gathering my stuff for the trip.”

*Applejack approach Twilight.*

“Well sugar cube, I'm pretty sure we have to go right now.” she pointed out as she hold the schedule of the train station. “We are have 7 minutes to get there before the trains leave.”

“Oh no I almost forgot, come on girls we need to get going before the train leaves us.” Twilight scream with panic as she gallop out the door.

Everyone else quickly followed her behind.


When they made it in train with just a couple minutes to spare. Twilight and her friends got on their own private room and sat on a seat.

The train whistle and it started moving forward with the sound of choo choo.* Which made the Mane six and Spike to think about the situation.

Twilight: I wonder what kind of books they have, I imagined millions.

Applejack: I wondering what kind of farming technique they have.

Rainbow Dash: I wondered that somepony is fast as me, not like anyone faster than me.

Pinkie Pie: I wondered what party they have, do they like cake or cheese or bread, maybe something else, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Rarity: Hopefully, they have better fashion that the diamond dog and are civilized.

Fluttershy: I wonder what type of exotic animals they have and lovely places.

Spike: look at her. she is beautiful.

The whole room is silent until Twilight decided break the silent.

“Well girl's.” She said breaking the silence. “How was your day today?” She ask nervously.

“Well... sugar cube.” Applejack spoke while putting a hooves on her chin. “I was able to collect most of apple's today and help prepare Granny Smith for the next zap apple harvest.” She answered with a smile.

Rarity nods her head in acknowledgement. “Well that's interesting darling.” She states as she wave her hooves in the air. “What I did was to deliver my latest fashion to some important pony in Canterlot.” She said with a smile on her face.

Twilight nods and turn to see Fluttershy who is in the corner. “How about you Fluttershy?” She asked the shy pegasus who decide to hide behind her mane. “What did you do today?”

The shy pegasus spoke from her corner. “Um… Well, I was able to help a family of bunny find a new home after their home was destroyed by a flood.” she said with a quiet voice.

“And I been practicing my cool moves.” Rainbow Dash added for no reason.

“Okay, thank you for adding that Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said with annoyance.

“So how about you Pinkie Pie?” Twilight ask the pink pony who is hopping around.

“I help plan a birthday today and and bake cakes and got news party supplies and read a book on 35 ways how to party at a funeral.” She said with a happy tone of voice.

“…..Okay.” Twilight Said to herself. “Anyways the reason we are going to Manehattan is to explore an island that was discovered 5 months ago by Griffins merchant ships.” She explained as Rainbow Dash raise one of her hooves in the air.

“Yes Rainbow Dash, what is it?” Twilight ask the rainbow color pony.

Rainbow Dash proceeded to put down her hooves and speak. “Twilight, why are we going to explore a hunk of rock?” she said with boring look. “I thought we were going to fight a new villain or find a mysterious treasure.” She said.

“No Rainbow Dash we are not going to fight the new enemy, maybe.” She answered. “We going to check this island to contacts the inhabitants of the island if they need help.” Twilight explain to everypony in the room.

“Why?” Rainbow Dash ask.

“Because we are able to trade with them and learn about their culture.” Twilight said happily.

chapter 11

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“Um what.” Said a barely awake Spike as he tried to get up but instead he fell off his seat and hit the floor with a metallic smack



“Spike, are you okay?” Said a worried Twilight as she pick him up with one of her hoof.

“Yes Twilight, I'm okay.” Answered Spike as he recover from his fall. Then Spike proceeded to rub his elbows and look around the train. The train had trash and newspaper lying around the floor and the train felt like it has stopped moving.

“Why have we stopped?” Ask Spike as he realized the train wasn't moving.

Twilight spoke calmly. “Because we finally made it to Manehattan.” Twilight answered as she got near the exit.

“Come on Spike, the girls are waiting for us.” Twilight said as she got off the train and Spike yelled out to Twilight to wait for him as he grab his luggage and runs after her close behind.

As he gets off the train, he takes his eyes off his luggage and looks up to see a large amount of the three species pony. (Mainly Earth pony).

The amount of bodies crowding the platform was too much for him to bear.

Never in his whole life he's seen so much pony in one single spot, it made him petrified in amazement and wonder.

He stayed frozen until Twilight snap him out of it. “Spike!”

“What!” Yelled Spike as he took his eyes off the crowd and looks back at Twilight who is far away from him.

“Come on! we need to get on a carriage.” Explain Twilight as she trotted away from his line of sight.

Again, what the rush? Thought Spike as he drag his luggage across the platform meanwhile dodging pedestrians who are yelling at him to move out of their way.

“Watch it!”

“Move it!”

“Get out of the way!”

“Please move it!”

“Cut it out!”

“Watch where you're going idiot!”

“Ahh an dragon!’

When Spike finally made it out of the overcrowded platform station. He sees Twilight and the rest of the girls standing at the taxiriage parking lot where are a taxiriage is waiting for them.

He runs up to them with his luggage being dragged behind. Once when he made it over to them, he wheeze and proceeded to collapse on his luggage.

Then Rainbow Dash hover into his vision. “Um.. Spike, why are you laying on the ground?” She ask as she stop flying and landed on the ground next to Fluttershy.

“Oh my goodness.” Fluttershy gasp as she went over to him. “Are you okay Spike?” Fluttershy ask as she check on Spike.

“Spike! are you okay!?” Twilight ask with worried as she trotted over to Spike.

Spike sat up and wave Fluttershy away with his claw. “Yeah I'm OK.” Answered Spike. “I'm just being overwhelmed.”

Twilight face soften with relief. “Thank Celestia that you are fine.” Said Twilight. “Come on Spike, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity are already inside the carriage.

“Will do.” He says as he open the carriage door to let the other girls in. “After you.” He said as he step aside and bow down like a gentleman would do.

“What a gentlecolt.” Complemented Fluttershy as she enter the carriage.

“That's my number one assistant.” stated Twilight as she also enter the carriage to.

“Thank you.” Spike thanks as he enter the carriage. When he entered the carriage, it was kind of small and it felt cramp.

“This is horrible.” Voice Rarity as she look at the paint job inside the taxiriage. “It looks absolutely terrible.” She point it out. “The color scheme doesn't match. Most of the parts are missing paint. The windows are so thin, I'm pretty sure if I touch it with one of my hoof. It would break easily.” Said Rarity with a distasteful tone as she continued to look at the plain taxiriage. (Explanation: Which if you don't already know, it's a taxi).

Applejack simply responded with one eye roll. (Explanation: She roll her roll eyes). “This hasn't changed much the last time I been here. The taxiriages used to look more worst, but this is the first time I seen one in great condition.” Claim Applejack. (Explanation: And I don't know how to write a southern accent).

“You call this Improvement!” Questioned Rarity. “This is the worst taxiriage that I seen in my entire life.” She confirm. “I seen better one in Fillydelphia.”

“Well… you better get used to it, you're going to use it for the entire time being here with us.” Remark Applejack.

Twilight decide to do something before it becomes a argument. “Girls girls girls.” Interrupted Twilight. “We can talk about this later. let's focus on something more important, like helping Celestia explore this new islands.”

“Uh Twilight… didn't you need to continue to tell us about the island?” Ask Fluttershy

“Oh thank you Fluttershy for reminding me,” Twilight Thank as she remember about the talk. “Ok, what the Griffin discovered maybe part of a bigger thing.” She answered with excitement.

“What do you mean?” Said Rarity with a confusing tone of voice. “I thought it was only small island's.”

Twilight simply nodded. “Yes, that's what we originally thought it was. But the ships protecting the islands are far too big and many come from those Island's.” She explain. “The resources to make these ships must be enormous and also the Griffin also spotted the ships coming from another direction toward the islands. So that means the ships are coming somewhere else besides from the islands and we going to find out where.” She declare as she raised her hooves in the air.

“That's good darling.” Spoke Rarity. “But we don't know if they're hostile and dangerous.” Rarity pointed out. “And We don't know what their society it's like and their culture. What if we say something and they get angry or touch something important that we shouldn't have.” Voice Rarity with concerned. “I don't think we should do this, let Celestia sent somepony else more prepared for this.”

Applejack also spoken out “I agreed with Rarity, I never done this before and what if we messed up. I don't want to taint relationship with us and Them just because we did something

“But it could be the most important discovery in equestrian history and pony would recognize you girls as the Explorers and it would be good for your businesses. Replied Twilight.

“I know it would be good but I still think it is too dangerous to do it and we don't really have any diplomatic skills except with the Buffaloes and the yaks which almost ended in disaster.” Applejack mention as all the girls remembered at those memories.

“Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that!” Said Pinkie Pie as she butt in the conversation. “Which was almost my fault, except with the yaks. That was Twilight fault.” Admitted Pinkie Pie.

“Hey, both of them ended well
anyways.” Defended Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah I know that.” Retort Rarity. “But I still think it's too dangerous to go anyways.” She said.

“Okay girls.” Spoke out Twilight. “If most of you don't want to go, I understand.” she said with a sad tone. “I will send a letter to Princess Celestia to send somepony else to lead this Expedition.”

“I'm sorry Twilight.” Said Applejack. “I didn't mean to make you sad. She explained. “We could still do it if you want to.”

“Yeah me too.” Added Rarity.

“Ahh thank you Applejack and
Rarity.” Twilight said happily. “I appreciate you girls are going with me. I don't know what I would have done if I was going alone.

“It's okay Twilight.” Said Fluttershy as she finally spoke out from her corner. “I'm sure we are all sorry and and we are all willing to follow you to this new place.” She proclaim as the rest of the girls nodded in agreement with her.

“Um, girls.” Interrupted Spike. “I think we made it to the hotel.” He said as the girls crowded next to the window to see the hotel coming in their View

The -DE MARE Hotel- is one of the most luxurious hotel in Manehattan. It service is so well, that you will never need to raise your hoofs to get the employees to help you. Anyways the hotel is made of solid marbles and inside the hotel, the dining room is the second largest room in the hotel with the finest chefs from all over Equestria. It has 300 rooms and has one of the largest Hanging Garden in Equestria on top of it roof.

Most of the wealthiest pony at least has visit this Hotel once in their lifetime and the courtyard was filled with so many important pony from all over Equestria. It was hard to keep track of them all.

Anyways let's get back to the story.

“Twilight my dear.” Said Rarity with happiness in her voice. “you should have told me we were going to this hotel. I would have packed something much better than this.” She said as she pointed at her dress.

“Stop complaining Rarity.” Said Applejack with Annoying look on her face. “Just because this is probably the most expensive hotel in Equestria, it doesn't mean you have to be dress for it.”

“Of course I do.” Rarity reply quickly. “What kind of Pony would I be if I didn't dress for formal events, my career would be ruined forever as a fashion designer.”

“But unlike you, I don't need to dress up to sell my Apple and I-”

*Knock knock*

The girls look at the door and see a guard waiting for them outside.

“Princess Twilight.” Said the guard in a clear voice. “I'm here to escort you and debrief what we know about these islands and their native.” The guardpony explain as he opened the door. “Come on princess, I'll take you to your room.”

Twilight look at the girls and Spike. “Let's get to our rooms.” With that, they got off the taxiriage and went forward to the hotel. To find their room.

News 2

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New York Times

United we live.

| Most of the US oil companies has decided to fund an expedition somewhere in the East sea. (Name undecided). And they hope to find oil and Supply it to the American people. Anyways it's been months since martial law and rationing has been in effect. anything like chocolate and coffee has become a rare commodity. The only places left supplying this, is Texas and Hawaii which isn't producing much. | See Supply on page 14.



Miami Herald.

Salty sea.

| Just yesterday, the US government has decided to make a seawall to protect the Great Lakes from the saltwater of the oceans. After the continent has been displaced, the Great Lakes was left open to the Sea and thus, salt have been invading ever since.

The plan was estimating to be cost 34 billions dollars. But officials have not stated how long it's going to take to be built. Anyways it has. | See wall on page 13.


Yakima Herald Republic.

Martial law.

| Yesterday a pair of teenager was caught and arrested after they were caught sneaking out of their home's during lights out hour.

The two were charged with assaulting an officer and disobeyed military law.

This already has been the third arrest made this week and countless others across the Nation.

2 Star General Adam Clarke made a statement about this in an interview last week. “We are doing this to protect our country from unwanted elements from the outside, if you can't stay in your house during midnight, that's your fault and your parents.”

After Martial law went into effect. People have tried to. | See Marshall on page 16.


Crawford County Avalanche.

The changing tides.

| President Larry, and Changeling Queen Mothra of the red hives have decided to open trade with each other. Starting today, the first shipment will be consisted of building materials. This will help our new allies accustomed to the American structure. And we hope to help them with wherever the problem is. The president made a statement about the new Trading agreements. “For the first time in history and USA. We are trading with a alien species and we haven't vaporized like all those movies. This is just another step for man and for the American people.” Anyways after. | See Allies on page 3

Chapter 12

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Location- (White house).

POV- (President Larry).


I, President Larry of the United States of America. was from Illinois. I am 42 years old. I was elected in 2012 and I am currently serving my first term as president. And I regret it, you know why. Because I decided to support a classified project to travel between dimensions. Believe me, I didn't believe it at first. But after the scientist show me the test results, I immediately decided to help fund it. And now look where it landed me. A country about to collapse and and being the world's biggest fool. Well technically this world. Haha, yeah. I shouldn't have ran for president, now I'm facing the consequences.

?Now the present¿

“What do you mean it got stolen!” I yelled at General Clarke who slightly back away from me.

“Um… it's gone.” He answered with some dignity.

As his words sink into me. I fall back on my chair feeling a little exhausting from this ordeal. “So.” I said. “Can you tell me how this happened again general?”

“W-well, what I-i know. There was 5 people who attacked the L-Laboratory yesterday and what the FBI has told me. That they have d-destroyed the interdimensional teleporter and s-stole the schematic.” He explained with sweat coming down his face.

I simply push myself away from the desk and turn myself the other way around, not facing the shameful General Clarke to continue to stare at me from behind.
I think my head is starting to hurt from this. I simply thought as I try to reach my head around this. After a couple of minutes thinking about it.

I have decided to speak again to General clarkins who was still waiting for an answer from me. I proceeded to clear my throat and spoke softly with some anger still there.

“So…. You know I could brand you as a traitor and give you a life sentence for your failure.”

Clarke simply nodded at the my statement.

“But, I still need someone to takeover for General Wellington as he is being moved to Hawaii.” I admit it. “So I need you to take over for him. Do you accept General Clarke.”

“I will accept mr. president.”

I nod in agreement. “But I will not forget this, so now get out of my office.” I ordered while pointing at the door.

“Yes s-sir.” General Clarke said as he saluted. With that, he left the room leaving me alone sitting on my chair.

After he left I reach over to the phone and grab it. I punch in the numbers and hold the phone next to my ear.

*Beep, beep, beep, click*


“Hey, Hannah Weitzenbaum.” I said out loud as I hold the phone next to my ear. “How's it going?.”

Hannah simply reply to me with a slightly annoyed tone. “What do you want mr. president?”

I reply back calmly to her. Not trying to anger her the slightest.

“Well I just wanted to know if you knew anything about the crisis that happen yesterday?” I asked. Waiting for her answer.

When she finally responded, she answered me with a regular tone of voice. (Not angry at me). “Yes why?.”

“So could you tell me what happened?” I asked. “I need a little bit more information.” I told her over the phone. “Because General Clarke didn't tell me that much.”

“Clarke?” Hannah sounded surprise as I mentioned the name. “You mean that idiot from the military.”

I simply answered. “yes.”

“Oh, okay. What I know from my agent that the one leading the group is name Anzhelika Kyznetsov.” She answered with disdain.

“I suppose you have some history with her.” I stated.

“Well you you could say something like that. But anyway let's get back to business.” Hannah said. Pressing on with the issue. “Anyways she used to work for the MI6 until she quit her job.”

“And what happened after that I may ask?”

“After she quit her job, she moved over to the CESIS which was in Italy until in 2007 when it was disbanded and replaced with the AISE. After that she joined the Russian. What happened next I don't have the slightest clue.” Hannah explain over the phone. “So please don't ask me.”

“So.” I said, “Is that all you know for now?”

“yep mr. president.” Havana answered. “That's all we know about her. But that doesn't mean we could learn more, I'll be sending my best agents throughout the country searching for whatever clue about her.” Havana promise with a sincere tone of voice.

“Good luck with that mission Havana.”

“Thank you sir, well goodbye.”

“Goodbye…” *Click.*
Well, I think that went well. I thought to myself as I put down the phone. Hopefully she does catch this Anzhelika Kyznetsov before she do something worse. But I cannot think what more worse than this. Anyways I better get going. I have to get to the meeting, I don't want to miss it.


<|.inter .<||>. Miss .|>

:*] i /*\ On [*:

Here I am, at the meeting. Listening to the man in front of me. His name is Brian Conde and he is from the Oil Field Incorporated or the O.F.I if you wish to call them by the acronym. Anyways, he's a spokesperson for the company and they want my permission to start drilling in the territories that we own inside Queen Mothra domain.

“…Mr. president. As we know, there are a large amount of oil in this surrounding area that I am pointing at.” Brian Conde said as he pointed at the map which have a large circle with x on it saying oil is here. “Sir-I mean Mr. President, my boss wants your permission to start drilling in this area and we may need a little extra funding to get it started, if you approved of this.” The men explain as he crossed his arms. Waiting for a answer from me.

I thought about it quickly but before I could answer, Yas Rogers, a representative for 5 different mining companies, spoken up before I did.

“Um… Mr. president, ain't that also iron, silver and copper in that area too”. He pointed out where he sat from. “Shouldn't we mine those first, if we do, we could-”

“Hold it right there.” Spoke up Brian, interrupting Yas in mid sentence. “The oil is way much important that some copper and silver you know that.” He stated out loud. “Because mr. president, you know riots are happening because of the oil shortage and the rationing.” Brian said, proving his point. “What we have is a golden opportunity to stop this mayhem for once and for all.” Brian declare as he stood up from his chair. Accidentally spilling his water all over his sides of the table. Brian cursed as he reacted to the accident.

“Please mr. Brian.” Said Veata Mao. A Pedologist (Who, I really don't know where she came from). Anyways she was sent to study the soil at the territory we own inside Queen Mothra domain. What she found was extraordinary, All under that granite and Stone was heavily fertilized soil. “Please restrict yourself from using such barbaric language.” She told Mr. Brian, who started glared at her.

“I could do whatever I want.” He replied back sharply. “The only reason you are here because you have that report and nothing else.”

Veata Mao simply smirk at the statement. “At least I only needed the report “ she said as she crossed her arms together. “You need a companies to back you up with this, I just need the report.”

“At least I work instead of looking at dirt and-”

“Calm down.” I said, interrupting him. “We are here together to talk about a important matter.” I told them as I look at my watch. (it was 5 a.m.). We are not here to argue or play around. So let's get down to business.”

transmission. short. really short

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////#Transmission incoming#////

“Sir! They have discovered Where We Are, what should we do sir?”

“I need you to destroy the plan and quickly use the Escape Route. I know you have a map somewhere of it.”

“Yes sir, I have it right here.”

“Okay then go.”

“But wait one more thing sir”

“What is it?”

It's about the #@@$, I may have discovered something about it, it could have-”


*Sound of people into the room.”

“This is the FBI, stop right there!”

*Bang bang bang*

/////*@Transmission interrupted*/$///