A Twilight Summit

by Ponyess

First published

Of course Twilight ascended to Alicorn and was crowned as a Princess, but what became of the old Twilight Sparkle? Or rather; where did all the rest of her go? Now there is a Summit. Only most of her friends are shocked.

01.01 Just as Princess Celestia had foreseen, Twilight ascended to become the Alicorn we now know her to be. Then she was crowned as a Princess, to the envy of her friend Rarity.

If this had been the end of the story, we would all have been bored out of our skulls. As an added blessing, or curse, there is something yet untold.

Later, a Unicorn is found wondering the castle, even if she for some reason can’t recall how she got there, or where the old library had gone. This is where the interesting and shocking details are starting to slip out of the bag, or in their case, saddle bag.

In this adventure; each and every facet of Twilight Sparkle are sepatrate and independent characters. While still remaining Twilight Sparkle.

Ps: Note that I will have to make a few changes to the tags and a few chapters, once the changes are in effect!

An Unexpected Meeting: 1

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”Where am I? I can’t recall these books ever being in my library!” Twilight inquired as she set eyes on a pink mare she had known since the day she set hoof in Ponyville.

“We are in the Royal library of Ponyville, silly!” Pinkie Pie responded, before she noticed the odd detail about her friend, her wings are clearly missing.

“Then I am still in Ponyville, I guess that is a relief? A Royal library?” she then echoed.

“Yes, silly. But, where are your wings?” Pinkie Pie responded.

The light purple Unicorn mare stood still in silence for a moment as she pondered the question, as silly and absurd as it had sounded. Even if it had been the pink mare she knew as Pinkie Pie who had asked her.

“You do know I was born a Unicorn, right? Unicorns has a horn, but certainly no wings!” she then responded in a hushed voice.

“Of course, every last Pony in Ponyville knew that. I hope it isn’t Discord who pulled a new prank of his on you. You do still recall our Draconiquus friend, right?” Pinkie responded.

“Yes, I still do recall him, such a bad trickster. But, why would you assume I had wings, Pinkie Pie?” Twilight responded.

“Twilly, there may be a few details I will have to explain, and things I will have to show you in order to get to the bottom of this!” Pinkie then put forth.

“Since you insist on seeing me as an Alicorn, which would technically make me a Princess on par with Celestia and Luna. Yes, you certainly do have to explain quite a few details here, alright!” Twilight responded with a light sigh.

“Which takes us to the heart of the matter, the throne room. This is after all the castle of Friendship, and is located in Ponyville!” Pinkie pointed out as she bounced on her way to the room in question.

“I do recall taking up the mission of learning everything there is to know of Friendship and the associated Magic involved. If I am supposed to be an Alicorn Princess, I guess you should take me to the throne room. Your logic is consistent and uncharacteristically hard to refute today, Pinkie!” she responded.

“Since you have accepted that much of what I have been explaining, I think this is the only logical conclusion. You certainly do need to see the throne room. Your name is Twilight Sparkle, right? How else could your mark be that of the Element of Magic?” I put forth, slowly bouncing in the direction I had just indicated.

“Of course I am Twilight Sparkle, daughter of Velvet Sparkle, prodigy of Princess Celestia of the Royal castle at Canterlor. I got the mark of the Element of Magic, as she accepted me as her pupil, after I had hatched a dragon egg, which contained the Dragon named Spike. I currently live in the Golden Oak library in the centre of Ponyville!” she explained.

“Very well then, Twilly. Now I will simply have to throw you a new Welcome to Ponyvile Party, for you. I hope you understand my situation!” I pointed out in no uncertain terms.

“Going by what I remember from the previous occasion and my first party you threw for me; that is bound to be a noisy, lively and festive occasion, with every Pony you can pull out of the village and fill the hall of your choice with. Am I following you, this far?” she responded with a silly smile on her face.

“There will be free pastries, cake and punch, to start off. How could any Pony say no to that? I fear the village has grown since your previous party, but so has your home. I think I can make room for each and every Pony who would like to partake in welcoming you, Twilly!” I pointed out as we finally reached the door to the throne room.

“Would you do the honour and open the door, Twilly?” I then added.

Of course, all of the others were already there, which is clearly including Twilight Sparkle.

Gasps were heard from the Ponies gathered in the room, which was clearly to be expected. Who was expecting a second Twilight Sparkle trotting in on the new meeting? A Unicorn at that, nonetheless.

“I am sorry to interrupt. I will also have to bring up a new point on the meeting, which we will also have to discuss. A somewhat urgent matter, if you can see what I mean!” I proclaimed as the door closed quietly behind us, thus finally opening the meeting once and for all.

“Since we are all here, I call to order so that we can get the meeting going!” Princess Twilight exclaimed.

The room soon quieted down, which incidentally had the effect that Spike woke up, looking around in a curious fashion. Only to stop dead in his tracks as he saw the Unicorn standing in the room, looking back at him.

“I think I see what you are driving at, Pinkie. This certainly is an unexpected revelation!” the Princess exclaimed.

“Yes, she is the new point on the list of discussions we have to deal with today!” I pointed out, incapable of hiding the smile entirely.

“Aside from the Party I know you yearn to throw, which I guess I can’t deny you in this case. This does have a few more issues to go over!” the Princess continued.

“You know me only too well, Twilly. The party is unavoidable. Yet, there are other more important aspects of our new friend’s arrival here at your very own castle. I have reasons to believe her on whom she claims to be, even despite certain events we have gone through in the past. Like the Changelings, the Mirror Pool and Discord on the top of our list!” I responded in a more gravely serious tone of voice.

“The Changelings would know that you are an Alicorn Princess by now, Twilight. They would not try to imitate or duplicate an outmoded fashion, not this blatantly. The Mirror Pool would require the Individual to have been at the pool, but it is way too long since you were a mere Unicorn, Twilight!” Rarity pointed out.

“Discord has been too good a friend, for too long to pull this prank now. Maybe a year back, but he would still know that you are a Princess and Alicorn!” Fluttershy spoke.

“Since the library was destroyed, the question is where you would live, Twilight!” the Princess inquired.

Upon mentioning the destruction of her beloved home, the Unicorn broke down and started to sob.

“Of course we can’t leave you homeless, dear Twilight. If you like, we can show you the remains of the Oak, but I think that could wait until we have taken care of certain matters!” Rarity pointed out.

“I guess that would at least give some closure, but my home is still gone!” the Unicorn cried on.

“Aside from Applejack, I am the only Pony with room enough to spare for you. There may be an advantage in staying here, you would always be free to speak with Spike Naturally, he has advanced in his career since the library was destroyed!” the Princess explained.

“Oh yeah. I am not merely the first assistant of the library, now I am the Royal librarian!” Spike exclaimed with some joy to his voice, even if the memory of his former home still refused to agree with him.

“Hello, Spike. Nice to see you. I take it you are doing well here, even without the old library with all these dear memories!” Twilight spoke.

“Hello, Twilight. Sure is nice to see you too. Even if I guess one could say that it was a bit unexpected!” Spike responded.

--- --- ---

An Earth Pony: 2 (the Return of Harmony)

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”Uh, hello. Have I seen you anywhere before?” I whispered shyly.

“Hello, Fluttershy. Wait, didn’t I see you by the hedge maze just outside Princess Celestia’s Castle at Canterlot, when we were looking for our Elements? We were looking for them, in order to recapture Discord in stone, as I remember!” Twilight Sparkle responded.

“But, but.. you are an Earth Pony?” I responded.

“Yes, I am. Just the way I have been, ever since he stole my horn, just as he stole your wings, remember?” she responded.

“Wait, what?” I stammered, as I looked closer at the purple Earth Pony.

“Exactly!” she responded, pointing a hoof at where her mark is, the very same star as she has had since she first got her mark when Princess Celestia accepted her as her prodigy after Twilight Sparkle managed to hatch the Dragon egg containing the Dragon we now know as Spike.

“Oh, but where are my manners? My name is Twilight Sparkle!” she then continued.

“I am Fluttershy. Most every Pony in Ponyville would know me and of me by now. Only now, I am getting late for the latest meeting in the throne room. My friends are all there, but I guess they are your friends as well, right, Twilight?” I responded.

“Throne room? Are we in a castle?” she responded as she followed me towards my destination.

“Yes, of course we are. Since I haven’t seen you for a good while, I take it you don’t know?” I responded.

“Which castle are we in, if I may ask. We are not in Canterlot, right?” she inquired in a more worried tone of voice.

“Of course not. We are in Ponyville. This is the castle of Friendship. Not that far from the castle of the two sisters in the Everfree forest, though!” I responded, shuddering at the thought of that vial place.

“Wait, I do recall that castle. We were there in order to gather the elements the first time around, when we faced Nightmare Moon. She soon proved to be the corrupted form of Luna!” she pointed out.

“We are here!” I said as I opened the door; “You can enjoy the books in the library, I am sure you will enjoy them, even if you can’t use magic!” I responded as I stepped into the room where they had already gathered, just as I had feared.

“Oh, there you are, Fluttershy!” the Princess spoke.

“Wait, another Twilight?" the Unicorn exclaimed.

“Ah reckon. The Discord incident, wasn’t it?” Applejack responded.

“Curious!” Rarity added with a slight giggle under her voice, as she noticed the Twilight stepping into the room.

“Okay, one more Twilight for me to house!” Princess acknowledged.

“Of course. This is after all Twilight Sparkle's castle, isn’t it?” Pinkie Pie giggled as she realised what was up.

“Twilight Sparkle is my name too!” the Unicorn pointed out.

“If this is Twilight Sparkle’s castle, then it is our castle too!” the Earth Pony prompted.

“This was confusing enough with a Unicorn named Twilight Sparkle stepped into our throne room the previous week. Now we have three Twilight Sparkles here. I hope this is the end of this poor joke. I have had it with being the butt of all jokes!” Spike groaned, in obvious dismay.

“I think that will be my position from now on, Spike. You know, I am still the element of Magic, but I am an Earth Pony. How stupid is that?” the Earth Pony countered.

“On that note, do I now have three Ponies to serve and work for? Although I guess I have two extra Ponies to accompany me around here. I fear Owlowiscious will not be amused when he wakes up tonight and learn he has three, not two Ponies to find books for?” Spike suggested with a new smile on his face.

“Don’t worry, Spike. No matter how many Twilights show up on our door, or in our castle, you only work for me. Although you may still serve them, just as you would any of my other guests. If my Earth type persona has shown up here, what is to be next?” the Princess corrected him warmly.

“Then the first I need to do after this meeting is to show them where everything is? They could help themselves like any other of your guests, Twilight!” Spike responded.

“This is going to be so much fun. Now I will have to throw a party, even if I will have to change the plans!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in ecstatic tones.

“I guess a party may be in order. Yet, you may have to change these plans again, all over again if a new guest was to arrive mysteriously!” Rarity pointed out with a gleeful smile.

“Uh, Rarity. Don’t bait Pinkie. Now we will never get to the end of this!” I pointed out quietly.

“Ah reckon!” Applejack seconded my motion.

“Thanks Applejack!” I put forth.

“Ya’re quite welcome, Flutters!” she responded kindly.

“Good call, Fluttershy. I think we can go over any party planning later, after we have finished the meeting. Besides, if there is another Twilight, we can deal with that when she is on our door!” the Princess commanded.

“Parties?” the Earth Pony responded.

“Even you do know Pinkie Pie well enough to remember her for her partying, right?” the Unicorn inquired.

“Uh, don’t remind me of that night, please?” the Earth Pony merely moaned.

“Since we have tabled the question of party planning, what is the next point on the agenda?” the Princess inquired.

“Since the Party and your other selves questions are tabled, next question would be what we can help our new friends with!” Spike suggested cheerfully.

“Assuming they stay here in the castle, they would still need something to wear. Granted they are all Twilight, but they are separate Ponies and would require their own wardrobes. I think I should help them with these; after asking them in person what they would like to wear!” Rarity suggested.

“Sounds reasonable enough, Rarity!” the Princess agreed.

“Even if I am free to stay here as I please, I would love to have something more productive to perform. I know the library is to be stocked well, but I need other things to do, being an Earth Pony and all that!” the Earth Pony pointed out.

“Ah reckon ya could try a day by my place. We could find something useful for you to do!” Applejack offered.

“That sounds like a reasonable opportunity, Applejack. I will give your farm and orchard a try and see how it goes!” came the response.

“She will be the perfect Twilight for the farm, knowing your stand on magic!” the Unicorn added.

“Yes, I do still recall how I fared at the Winter Wrap up. Thankfully, I could find my place and saved the day!” the Princess added with a sigh.

“Even if I am new here, I could help you and Spike with the Royal library. After that, I could help you out in your Boutique, Rarity!” the Unicorn added.

“I still do get myself in a fix from time to time. I am certain I could use the help!” Rarity agreed.

“Like at our first time before the Gala, or when I helped you out with the Crusaders?” I interjected.

“Don’t get us started on those events!” Rainbow Dash suggested.

“They ended well, but point is taken!” I responded.

“Of course, I may have to send a message to Princess Celestia. Regardless of if we can manage to house, cloth, feed and in general entertain all our new guests and me. I think it is important to inform her of the latest developments!” the Princess pointed out.

“I agree!” the Unicorn stated, and the Earth Pony echoed her.

“That message clearly falls upon my shoulders!” Spike pointed out, pulling out a quill and parchment, before filling out the message to Celestia, before passing it over to Twilight.

“That looks good enough for Celestia!” the Princess then nodded and passing it back to her Dragon assistant, who promptly sent it on its merry way to the Princess in Canterlot.

“That should take care of the point of the message!” Spike announced with a smile.

“As cool as it is to have a few more Twilights, but it would be great if Celestia had an idea; why they all show up in the castle right now. Just not sure how many more of her there could be, or how many more of her we could handle. Even if I guess I am glad it is Twilight, rather than certain other Ponies!” Rainbow pointed out.

“I am inclined to agree with you there. Even if it could be interesting if we had another Fluttershy?” Rarity suggested.

“Don’t even go there. Even if I can agree on how nice it would be with a Fluttershy. I love throwing a party for her, and you, Flutters!” Pinkie responded.

“Thanks, Pinkie. I am Kindness, after all. I am bound to be nice. Although I fear we would be putting our faith to the test, if that was happening all over with new Me’s all over my cottage!” I pondered, shivering from the chill the thought gave me.

--- --- ---

A Bipedal Intrusion: 3 (Equestria Girls Movie)

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”Hello, Rarity. I seem to be lost here. I can’t find my way around to where I was going!” the girl stated.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to the castle of Friendship in Ponyville!” I responded.

“Wait, how did I end up here in Ponyville?”the girl named Twilight Sparkle inquired.

“In your current form, you mean? You should have changed back to your Pony form, as you went through the mirror or portal from Canterlot High. At least; that is what I was told!” I responded.

“That makes sense. I changed into this Human form as I stepped through the portal from our end, to the Human realm. Then I changed back to Pony as I had gotten my hands on the crown containing my element of Magic. The question is why I am a Human now, when I was supposed to have been turned back into my Pony form on my way here!” she responded.

“I have no idea. You are the only Pony, next to Sunset Shimmer to actually go through the portal, to the best of my knowledge!” I pointed out.

“Starswirl the Bearded sent the Sirens to that place, but I doubt either of them used the portal as per se. Either way, if they did, it was in historic time, and the Sirens we know as the Dazzlings are still stuck there!” she responded.

“Would you care to follow me to the throne room? I need to be at the latest meeting!” I inquired.

“I have no other place to go to, and nothing that is requiring my presence at this time. Sure. Even if I fear there is a high probability I am already there by now. Unless Twilight Sparkle is already there?” she then put forth as she started to walk behind me.

“If you have nothing better to do, you do need to go there with me!” I merely pointed out firmly.

“Oh!” she merely responded, while still following me, staying on my right side.

“On the matter of meeting Twilight Sparkle, I fear that is highly unlikely to avoid at this point. On that note; you have already seen her once before in your library before it was destroyed by a certain Tirek!” I then explained.

“Now as you mentioned it, I still do retain the memory of meeting myself in the Golden Oak Library. Pinkie Pie followed me to the Star Swirl wing at the Royal library at the castle in Canterlot. I faced myself for a few seconds. it amounted to nothing, of course!” she explained.

“On second thought, I am certain she is there, but that isn’t the exciting part of it. You will see in a moment!” I pointed out as I opened the door with my magic and entered the room slowly.

“Greetings, Rarity and Twilight!” the Alicorn Princess named Twilight Sparkle exclaimed as we entered the room, side by side.

“Greetings, Princess, Unicorn and Earth Pony Twilight sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rainbow Dash!” I responded.

“Greetings, friends and Twilights!” the girl responded on the group of Ponies already gathered in the throne room.

“Welcome, and congratulations on making a new friend, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Ah reckon it was about time you have a Twilight to round up, Rarity. Congratulations on a job well done!” Applejack expressed.

“That is about twenty percent cooler, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash put forth with a giggle to her voice.

“You found a Twilight too, Rarity?” Fluttershy inquired in surprise.

“Thank you, Applejack, yes, and I seem to have found one of my own, Fluttershy!” I responded, slowly trotting the rest of the way to my throne.

“Spike, would you find a chair for miss Sparkle, please!” the Princess told Spike.

“Oh yeah, she can’t very well stand up. I think I can find something for her to sit on, or in!” Spike responded, as he scurried out of the room in search for that ever so elusive chair in the Kingdom of Ponies.

“Here, miss Sparkle. I hope the chair will be reasonably comfortable to you!” Spike told the girl as he finally managed to return to his place with a chair in hand.

“Looks good to me!” the girl responded and promptly sat down.

“Thank you, Spike!” she then responded.

“You are quite welcome. I will just have to get used to see you in this form again, particularly since I am back as the Dragon you hatched so many years ago!” Spike then responded.

“Since the matter of the chair is once and for all dealt with, it is time to move on to the next matter of the day!” the Princess continued, just as the girl had finally found her place in the room.

Of course, she is sitting by Rarity’s side, just like the Earth Pony is standing by Fluttershy’s. It is as if they all had found it more comfortable to be by the side of the Pony who found them wondering in the castle that never really had been their home. Only this time, the castle is in a way the home of the girl.

Oh, so this is the castle!” the girl pondered quietly.

“If we have already found these three Twillys, what about the next one? We are bound to find another by next week!” Pinkie Pie pointed out with a final certainty of hers.

“What is prompting you to say that, Pinkie? Oh, not sure if I want to know!” the Princess then spoke up as response.

“There are several versions of you we have not found yet, Twilly. The question is just who is to stumble upon the next you; not if it happens. Is it the one from Maretropolis, the Breezie, or the one living at Canterlot High, or yet another one? Oh, not to mention the one who defeated Lord Tirek?” Pinkie blurted out.

“If I have already gathered these three, I guess it is possible that they do find their way into my castle, right along with any other version of me too!” the Princess pondered in words.

“This may be the time to alert your mentor, Princess Celestia of what is happening here!” I pointed out.

“Sounds reasonable, Rarity!” the Princess responded, nodding towards her assistant and librarian; Spike.

Sure!” Spike prompted, pulling out a new scroll and quill, before writing:

Dear Princess Celestia.

We have encountered three Twilight Sparkle in our castle; the Unicorn, the Earth Pony and now the Girl from Canterlot High. Pinkie is predicting that more versions are to appear in the castle on a weekly basis.

If you know anything, or if your library has anything remotely relevant, we would appreciate it greatly, if you could let us know.

Since the once we have encountered are among the first to be in Ponyville and Equestria, there is a chance we have some kind of pattern.

Yours, Princess Twilight Sparkle of Ponyville; Equestria!

Spike read through the message quietly and rolled it up, before breathing his green fire at it, only to see it evaporate in the flame and disappear.

The message soon reappeared in its original state before the Princess, as she was standing in the garden behind the castle. Celestia reads the message with a curious expression and a growing sense of unease. This was unheard of. Anything unprincessed is a source of great concern and worry, even when it sounds as if it is harmless on first glance.

“Sister, sister!” Celestia exclaimed.

“Yes, you seem worried. Anything your prodigy told you?” Luna responded as she saw the scroll that had just arrived.

“Yes, sister. Twilight Sparkle, my latest prodigy has encountered several versions of herself in the Ponyville castle. Unlike the previous time when she had caused herself to encounter a future version of herself, she has no knowledge of why they are all building up, or what they may have in mind!” Celestia responded.

“As amusing as it may sound, I do share your worry. We need to investigate this to the full extent of our resources, and as fast as possible. You could as well alert Cadance in the Crystal Empire as well. She may be sitting on the key to what is happening. She has a library of her own that just may explain what is happening!” Luna pointed out.

“I will write to her on the matter. You could go to the old castle in the Everfree forest, I know there are books hidden away. You are the Pony who best knows where to look, and to find where we need, if it is indeed hidden in any of these dark, poorly lit vaults of ancient secrets!” Celestia responded.

“I am sure Princess Celestia will turn up something useful, she has both a millennium of memory and an entire Royal Library to draw information from!” Pinkie Pie pointed out, just a moment after Spike had sent the message.

“She also have her sister Luna and Princess Cadance!” the Unicorn pointed out.

“Luna is resourceful and doesn’t have to take part in the daily work Princess Celestia has been managing, while Luna was out of touch on the Moon. Maybe she could pull something out?” the Earth Pony suggested.

“Princess Celestia isn’t alone on her throne. There is an entire court backing up her every move. While that is true for both Luna and Cadance as well. Right now, we also need to take care of another urgently pressing matter. I already have tree Twilights on my hooves who needs a home and something to do!” the Princess pointed out.

“I can live in any of the currently unused bed rooms!” the Unicorn stated.

“That would go for me, too!” the Earth Pony countered in response.

“There are several rooms that could house a Pony, or a Girl for that matter!” I put forth.

“Then the matter of your living quarters could be considered solved, for now. I am sure you could all manage your respective rooms. Then I just need to order in beds and other furniture for each room currently occupied!” the princess pointed out.

“I would be only too happy to help you with advice on how to decorate your rooms!” I added.

“Thanks, Rarity. I will appreciate your offer. I think I can help Spike out in the library. Even if I have no Magic, I can still handle books and read. On that note, I guess I could help out on other issues where hands are handy!” the girl prompted.

“Woah, am I getting a senior assistant now? You do know the library almost as well as I do, Twilight!” Spike spoke.

“Your library is much larger than my old library ever was, Spike. You have a Royal Library to deal with, given the influx of new books to deal with, aside from my requests on books to read!” the Princess pointed out.

“If you really do want to help me, making my bed? As an Earth Pony, I guess it is a bit of a challenge to handle that, even if I know Earth Ponies are making their beds on their own!” the Earth Pony pondered.

“I could manage making your bed in a few minutes. After that, I could help Twilight and Spike in the library and research!” the Girl stated.

“On that matter, is there any chance I can help out in the library or the research too, Twilight?” the Unicorn inquired hopefully.

“Certainly. Spike could use your help in filing and finding books in his Library. I am sure you know your way around. Now I guess the two of you could split the responsibilities between the two of you. I don’t like to have too many crowding the same spot in the library!” the Princess pointed out.

“Now, this is an interesting reversal, Twilight!” Spike chuckled, thinking of how he now had a Unicorn Twilight as his personal assistant in the Royal library.

The fact that the girl Twilight was to be working down in the basement, where the Princess were conducting her research wouldn’t bother him. Even if it was getting increasingly confusing with the growing number of Twilight Sparkles in the room.

“There is a small detail, with the increasing number of Twilights around here!” Spike pointed out.

“At least, we are still recognizable and individuals. Yet, we are also the same, all carrying the same mark on our respective flanks!” the Earth Pony responded.

“Since we agreed on having you helping Applejack at the Sweet Apple Acres, which I hope is still going well on your end!” I inquired.

“I am slowly getting used to being an Earth Pony and the farm seems to be an ideal place to work. Gives the Apples a little bit more of breathing room, on the days it is otherwise hard work. I may not be a veteran or expert, but I could buck some of their apples in season, among other things. Other days I could help out looking after Apple Bloom!” the Earth Pony suggested.

“Ah reckon you are coming along nicely, Twilight!” Applejack confirmed confidently.

“Hmm, Now we have a Twilight at the farm, one in the library and one in the basement. Who is to claim the next?” Pinkie teased, in her usual manner of delighted pranks and jolly merriments.

“That is an interesting question!” I pointed out.

“That would depend on which Twilight is coming next, and what help is needed at the time!” the Princess pointed out.

“I know I could use a second horn, in my boutique on occasion, when the demand is fierce. I know you are good enough at it, Twilight!” I added.

“Just let me know, if I have a Twilight free, she could help you out as much as she likes. I can’t make any promises in advance, or order either of them to your Boutique, but the later would be counterproductive if she doesn’t like to go when you need her!” the Princess pointed out.

“There is always a chance that I could come over, if I have the time at the moment, Rarity. I know you enjoy having me over from time to time!” Spike offered generously.

“Of course I enjoy your help, Spikey, Wikey!” I responded with a warm smile at the Dragon.

“Are there any questions we need to take up right now? Or can we continue next week?” The Princess inquired.

--- --- ---

On the Breeze: 4 (It Aint Easy being Breezie)

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After Fluttershy had invited me over to Ponyville, and to see the castle, I had been only too eager to go. The trip was not all that much of a problem. The train in Equestria is after all reliable.

Once at the gates, I give the door a jolly knock, knock. As was to be expected, Spike was manning the door and bid me to enter.

“Welcome, Tree Huger!” Spike offered me.

“Hiya and thanks, Spike!” I responded as he took a step to the side and thus pulled me inside.

“Right this way, dear Tree Huger!” Spike continued as he closed the door behind me.

“You seems to prosper here in the castle in Ponyville, Spike!” I pointed out.

“I can’t complain, the Ponyville castle is nice and all. Actually, the space is doing great for a little Dragon like myself, if I can say so, myself!” he pointed out.

“Here you are, in the Royal Study, Tree Huger!” he then explained.

“I hope Fluttershy will be here soon!” I pointed out.

“I am quite sure she will, but you will also see a few others you may recall!” he added.

“This is the Ponyville Royal Castle, I came well in time for the meeting!” I expressed.

“Have a seat, she shouldn’t take long, before she is here!” he pointed out.

“Can you make me company until then, unless you happen to have any other and more important, pressing duties to attend to?” I inquired as I sat down in the chair he pulled out for me.

“Sure, I think I can give you time and attention. I have a new assistant, as have the Princess, Twilight Sparkle!” he explained.

“Hiya, Spike!” Twilight the Breezie exclaimed loudly, for a Breezie that is.

“Hiya, Twilight. Is that you? You turned into a Breezie, again?” Spike exclaimed.

“Greetings, Twilight!” I responded.

“Twilight, your new Royal Castle is wonderful. I am so happy to have the chance to see it!” I added.

“Wait, a Royal Castle? Where am I? This is Ponyville, right?” the Breezie inquired in a more worried voice; uncertain, all of a sudden.

“You are Twilight Sparkle, right, Breezie?” I inquired in order to make sure we were not talking to the wrong Pony.

“Yes, of course I am Twilight Sparkle!” she pointed out, poking her right fore hoof at her flank where the mark is firmly showing.

“This is still the same Ponyville. You still do recall me and my work in your library?” Spike inquired as he had made the explanation.

“Yes, Spike. I still do recall you and how I loved having you as my assistant librarian. Just that we live in the Golden Oak Library in the middle of Ponyville, Spike!” she pointed out casually.

“Oh, now I see, how could I have forgotten? You are the latest in a line of new Twilight Sparkles. We have the Unicorn, the Earth Pony and the Human Girl; Twilight Sparkle. I guess I should have been expecting you. I recall I was pushing a small group of the Breezies out of the line, when your kind was here in Ponyville!” Spike explained.

“I used to be a regular Unicorn, Spike!” she then pointed out.

“You mean to say that Twilight Sparkle wasn’t always an Alicorn? She has even been an Earth Pony?” I inquired.

“Twilight was born a Unicorn. Yet, she was an Earth Pony over an afternoon, thanks to a friend of Fluttershy’s, if you recall Discord?” Spike pointed out.

“Discord, as in the one at the Grand Galloping Gala, of course I still do remember him. How could I ever forget him after the Gala? Including the one moment I wish I could have forgotten!” I pointed out.

“Twilight Sparkle was crowned, once she finished and performed a spell Princess Celestia asked her to complete after a certain Starswirl the Bearded!” Spike pointed out.

“Hiya, Spike!” the two arriving Ponies echoed in chorus; Earth Pony and Unicorn side by side on their way towards the throne room, only to stop by the study, where I am waiting for Fluttershy.

“Hiya, Twilights, meet Tree Huger and Twilight Sparkle the Breezie!” I spoke.

“I take it, these are the Ponies you mentioned!” I then responded.

“Yes, they are the Ponies I was just mentioning!” Spike responded with a chuckle.

“Then you will have the pleasure of presenting yet another new Twilight to the Princess Twilight Sparkle!” I pointed out with a sly grin and giggled at my wit.

“Hiya, dear Tree Huger!” Fluttershy quietly exclaimed.

“Hiya, Fluttershy. You made it, and in time to have a moment with me, before the meeting!” I put forth.

“Yes, I did. But, who is out latest new friend?” she inquired.

“I take it, it was a good long while since you saw her. Twilight Sparkle, the Breezie. You met me, while you were learning of the Breezies!” I pondered.

“She will have to ride with you into the Throne room at the meeting!” Fluttershy explained.

“Not every day I carry a Breezie into the Throne room. This will most likely be interesting!” I suggested.

“Since it is the first time I ride you into a Throne room, I am sure this will be very interesting. It is the first time I have been in a castle before. Even though I was going to the castle with Princess Celestia, but that feels like an entirely different Pony!” the Breezie committed.

“Time to go, they are waiting for us!” Spike exclaimed.

“If only they had built seats for you as well, in there, but they never knew of you before you ended up here now!” Fluttershy interjected.

“Oh, Fluttershy. You are so kind and thoughtful!” I responded.

“Greetings, Tree Huger!” the Princess greeted me as I followed Fluttershy into the room.

“Greetings, princess Twilight!” I responded as I bowed formally.

“Uh, one more of me?” the Princess inquired, as the Breezie was revealed as I had bowed.

“We do recall the incident where you turned us all into Breezies, Twilight!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“My wings were kind of like the once you gave me as I followed Rainbow Dash to Cloudsdale, when she needed a few more friends to cheer her on at the game. Even if the antennae was a bit strange. Of course, the mascara was also a bit on the excessive side for me!” Rarity interjected before she had the time to reflect on what she had actually been saying.

“It was kind and generous of you, Rarity. Following me to that event. Even if you did take up a bit too much attention, once you arrived!” Rainbow Dash pointed out with a slight hint of indignation, thinking back at the incident.

“Even as horribly as I failed in cheering you up, but you did win that race. Celestia gave you the day with your Heroes, the Wonderbolts, as I recall!” Fluttershy added.

“Okay, let me summarize this. We have the Unicorn, the Earth Pony, the Girl, and now the Breezie to add to the list!” Spike pointed out.

“We have had a new Twilight on each and every new meeting for several weeks. What if there is a new one at the next meeting too?” Fluttershy worried openly.

“Depending on when she is from; that could be awesome!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Ah reckon. She’s been mighty helpful at the farm, this far!” Applejack concluded.

“From my end, I have only good words!” Spike seconded.

“I guess I could get used to having a new breezie over at my cottage?” Fluttershy suggested rather weakly, although it was a possible companion for her.

“The problem is that we don’t know who is to come next, if any. On that note, this is bound to have consequences both here and elsewhere!” the Princess declared.

“I can follow you, Fluttershy. The Breezie seems like the obvious choice for you. She can actually make you feel better!” I added, although I could see the point of the consequences as well.

“The problem is that we can’t predict who is next, if any at all. Or if the next will come on schedule. At least, this far there have been timid Twilights; like the Earth Pony and the new Breezie!” Twilight concluded.

“I guess that is a fair point!” the Earth Pony agreed, even if she was less than happy about how this came out.

“Since Tree Huger is your friend, Fluttershy, it feels like the best option for you to adopt her. Besides, you are the best Pony to care for her in general, even if I guess the large castle could be a convenient place for her to stay. The problem is that neither of you can be in two places at once!” the princess pointed out.

“She certainly is a good friend of mine, ever since I met her as I was preparing to handle the business of the Breezies coming to Ponyville!” Fluttershy confirmed.

--- --- ---

The Filly of Mine: 5

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The weekly meeting is over and my friends had just left the castle. I went back to my Royal chambers, feeling spent and in need of rest.

What I found is a surprise, not as in the white Unicorn, by the name. This time it has nothing to do with Pinkie Pie, or her friends, the white Unicorn. It is a solid surprise, and a purple Unicorn filly. Just not any Unicorn filly, purple or otherwise. I recognize her as one I once knew.

How does one not recognize the mark carried on one’s own flank, even when it is clearly on the flank of another Pony. I have seen these a few times before, even if she stayed for a brief moment the first time. That spell could only keep her by my side for these few seconds to a minute, back then.

Now, this time I have a filly before me, younger rather than older than myself. Yet, her name still is the same. I knew her as Twilight Sparkle.

I look at the little filly, lying on my bed as I entered the room. Alone and not exactly expecting any company for the rest of the day. I had even made the effort of making a point of excusing Spike for the remainder of the day.

“Hiya, Twilly!” I greeted her as I had trotted up close enough to the bed in order to be absolutely certain it was actually truly her; or me?

“Hiya, Twilight!” she responded with large eyes as she saw me entering the much lager bed room.

“I hope you are comfortable in the large bed. Guess it is convenient to have a full-size Alicorn bed, when I have such an important Pony over at my place!” I continued.

“Wait, are you an actual Alicorn, Twilight?” she then responded.

“Yes, Twilly. My old Filly sitter Cadance is one too. Celestia apparently granted her the Crystal Empire as she ascended and coronated her in short order. You do recall Cadance, right?” I inquired.

“Cadance? Yes, I do recall her. The pink Pegasus mare who used to take care of me from time to time, she was so fun to play with!” she agreed.

“That’s her. She is married to big brother Shining Armour. I was there and saw their wedding, quite magnificent!” I added.

“I feel a bit weird, I can’t make up my mind. Are you my sister or my mother? I certainly can’t go around and call you Twilight or Princess all the time!” she confessed.

“Oh, that would be weird, alright. No, you couldn’t call me Twilight when it is your name too. I guess you could refer to me as Princess, but since you are Twilight Sparkle too; that would still be strange. Just because Pinkie Pie calls me Twilly, but that is just Pinkie and no Pony can fully understand her anyway. I can’t be both, even if I guess I could play both parts for you. I think Mother is the better name, here!” I rambled on in an attempt to explain as best I could.

“Twilly? Would it be alright if I called you Mommy in public, then?” she responded with a happy smile as she looked up to me.

“Of course, and I guess you could call me Twilly in private, if you like. Just that it would be very confusing if you did it in public. We have way too many by the name Twilight Sparkle around here right now for it to be appropriate!” I pointed out with a grin spreading out over my face.

As the impact of the words sunk in, which happened just after I pronounced them, I found my head start to spin. I had not expected it. Having a Foal to care for had never really hit home with me. If it is for the books I kept reading, and then to keep up with my friends right along with all my other duties.

On that note, I need two Ponies to have a Foal. If I am one of them, I only need the stallion who is the lucky father. If she is my sister, both my parents would have been involved. How would I break the news to them, spilling the beans about a new little filly daughter? Even if there is a chance of a half sister, both I still need to tell my parents about the filly.

If I adopted her, but then I had to explain why I chose to adopt the little filly anyway. Adding the complication of her mark.

With that, having her as my daughter is the only option with complications in mind.

Of course, now I need a father for her. The only other option is to claim that the magic of my element is to blame. I don’t know if I am ready to let on such a thing right now. Maybe I could ask Spike to go over the matter in the library as quietly and hastily as he could squeeze into the schedule without undue attention. As a Princess, such attention was never preferable and could get less than enjoyable. I have to put all my efforts towards my role as the Princess of Friendship in Ponyville. Even if I could spare the efforts required in order to care for a daughter, even as unexpected as my new little Twilly.

Of course, then it hit me, she is in the age when I got to the magical kindergarten. I had to teach her everything I knew. Including and most importantly the magic of Friendship. Friendship above and beyond all else. Not just because of my position, but I wanted to give her the best fillyhood I could possibly give her.

On the matter of education, I had to have her attend the school in Ponyville too. I think it is the age she is in and she does look more than ready to go.

Naturally, I had to ask Pinkie Pie help me out with a few details, after I had her swear silence on the matter. I know she is the absolute expert on friendship, aside from partying and anything associated to having fun. Not sure if all was to be relevant to my daughter though.

After that, I would have to ask both Celestia and Luna to help me tutoring her. Giving her the best comes at a price and this is just the first down-payment there. I guess I could have her visit Cadance on the summer semester as well. She obviously knew the mare beforehoof in any event. The only problem there is to explain to the Princess how I had a daughter with the same mark. Unless I chose to disguise her, like with Nyx?

“Twilly, you are the best mommy a little filly like me could have!” the filly admitted happily.

“I will make my best to live up to it. Yet, it is late and I need to sleep. I will have to buy a bed for you, but that could wait until tomorrow. Then I have a few other items on that note to care for!” I pointed out.

“Yeah, I guess it is late. I can sleep here with you, if you don’t mind?” she responded and yawned at the end of the statement.

“That is a mother’s privilege, to sleep with her daughter. At least until you grow up enough to require your own bed and your own room, but that is for tomorrow. Besides, I will have to show you my library after breakfast too!” I pointed out, before I added a yawn of my own.

“Sleep tight, Twilly!” she added, before she closed her eyes.

“Sleep tight, my little filly!” I answered and closed my eyes too.

With that, the day came to and end and we both fell asleep, slipping off to Luna’s realm of dreams and wonder. Maybe I should send her a letter early tomorrow morning?

I was woken up by a little hoof poking me on my shoulder. My daughter Twilly had apparently just woken up. Only now she had been startled by what she had found under the quilt. I had forgotten all about it, I have wings as an Alicorn.

“Mommy, mommy. You have wings, but are you not a Unicorn, just like me?” she exclaimed as I opened my eyes and looked at her in search for what she wanted.

“Uh, yeah. I sprouted wings a short while back. Just before I moved in here in the new castle!” I responded before I had had enough time to actually consider the question, or the answer.

“I thought only Pegasi had wings!” she then pointed out.

“So did I. With the tiny exception of Alicorns. You know, just like Celestia and Luna. Apparently, only Alicorns ascend to become a Princess, these days. I will have to present Princess Cadence to you one of these days!” I responded.

“Mommy, I am hungry!” she pointed out.

“Then it is high time we go to the kitchen and have something to eat. We had better get there before the breakfast leave!” I teased with a sly grin.

“Whoa, would the breakfast really run off without us?” she responded in a more worried tone of voice and an expression that clearly indicated that she was indeed worrying.

“Probably not, but why take the chance? Let’s see what Spike prepared for us today!” I countered.

“I go for that, why take the chance? Spike?” she responded, following me out to the door.

I had opened the door before I had even realized it, closing it just behind her on what would pass for a reflex. Had I been an Alicorn that long, already? Yet, as a Unicorn; I had been pretty fluent with the magic too.

“Twilight, I have just made Pancakes for us!” Spike exclaimed as I entered the kitchen, where he stood as he finished the first batch.

“Yay, pancakes!” my daughter exclaimed.

“I think you will have to make a third portion today!” I then filled in, before he had a chance to ask.

“You sure are picking up an apetite, these days, Twilight!” Spike responded on what I just said.

“Well, at least one Twilight is at the Apples’ orchard, so you don’t need to cook for her. There is a small detail I will have to let you in on, Spike. I have a daughter, Twilight, who also will enjoy her breakfast with us from now on!” I blurted out.

“Let me se if I follow, te Earth Pony is at the orchard, the Breezie is at Fluttershy’s cottage, but then you have a Unicorn and the girl. Now you mean to say that we also have a little filly who is staying at the castle?” he summarized before he heard what he had just pointed out.

“Pretty much. Just call my daughter Twilly!” I responded.

“Twilly? I guess that is a good name for a filly!” he then added.

“Spike, meet my daughter Twilly!” I introduced her, pointing a hoof in order to indicate who I was indicating.

“Hiya, Twilly. And good morning!” he responded.

“Twilly, meet Spike the Dragon, the Librarian of Ponyville!” I continued.

“Hiya, Spike. Nice to meet you and good morning!” she responded.

“Good of you to make the pancakes, Spike. It’s a perfect breakfast today!” I pointed out.

“Who doesn’t love pancakes? I know a certain Dragon does. I am quite sure little fillies would do too!” he responded.

“With sugar and jam on top, I certainly do enjoy your pancakes!” Twilly stated, licking her lips all over again.

“I think you will have to increase the influx of comics, Twilight!” Spike pointed out, with my daughter Twilly in mind.

“I can read, you know!” Twilly pointed out, confidently.

“Then I will just have to add more books fit for a little daughter, not just the comics. If memory serves me, I will have to get more books on basic magic and practice!” I pointed out.

“Since you have a library of your own, Mommy, I do love reading. But, I guess you did know that already, too!” Twilly responded.

“Oh, I certainly did know. I have been living with Twilight since the day she hatched me in the presence of Princess Celestia!” Spike put forth, making a point out of just how long he had known me.

“I did love books and reading already, by the time I met Princess Celestia!” I explained.

--- --- ---

Miss Sparkle: 6 (Friendship Games Movie)

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Of course, this is kind of a silly to embarrassing moment. I am looking for a Twilight, only the girl. I wanted her to help me finding a book.

“Twilight, Twilight, could you help me find a book?” she exclaimed, hoping the girl was within earshot.

“Yes, I am Twilight Sparkle. What could I help you with?” I responded, tapping my back with her right hand.

“Wait, what did you do with your mane, or hair? I did not recall you had it styled like this, yesterday!” the Pony respond, as she turned around to see me.

“I may be a bit confused, but I know I haven’t changed my hair since yesterday. Oh, and what is that about mane style?” I responded.

“Confused? Oh yeah, you are the other Twilight Sparkle, right? You attended Crystal Prep? I guess that could explain it!” she responded.

“That is where I used to go to school. Are you the other Twilight Sparkle, then?” I inquired in order to get my bearing on the situation.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Alicorn. This is where I live. I take it you are familiar with books, being a Sparkle and all. Just too bad you never got to know Princess Celestia the way I did. If you truly do want to learn and understand, I am the guide you have been looking for. Although it would be nice if you could help me along with my research and studies too!” she politely informed me.

“So you are a Princess here? With your very own castle, library and librarian? Books, yes. In books you can trust, you know. Maybe we have more in common than I could have expected? You do know me better than that, of course. You just look a bit young to be my teacher, something I will have to get used to here. Princess Celestia, as opposed to Principal Celestia? That sounds like the best offer I have had since I enlisted at Crystal Prep!” I pointed out.

“I guess you could say that I got the crown as a graduation gift. I was Princess Celestia’s personal Prodigy back then, and enjoyed every moment of it. There is just one tragic memory, even among all the challenges; as hard as some of them were back at the time. That is how I met and befriended the girls at Canterlot High, they are just like the friends I made here in Ponyville on my first assignment. I had to retrieve my crown from her former prodigy at the school. They may be the same, but they are quite different too. Sunset Shimmer learned friendship from my friends at Canterlot High. From what I can follow, Cadance wasn’t the one actually pulling the strings, the Lady behind her wasn’t quite as nice, sadly. I guess she will regret losing you since you were the best student she ever had!” she responded, filling me in on a few details.

“Sounds as if I am going to enjoy it here. Even if it will take something getting used to, not just you being a Pony, but also the magic and all the other changes compared with what I am used to!” I submitted.

“I know how that feels. I had the same problem as I arrived at Canterlot High. Oh well, where is the other Twilight? She is supposed to be here somewhere and help me find the books!” she responded.

“The other girl? You don’t mean the one you turned into when you went to where I came from? I thought you were supposed to have changed back into the Pony you are now!” I put forth.

“That is the one, and yes I did. We found her here a few weeks ago!” she explained.

“You called for me, Twilight?” came from behind a bookshelf not too far away.

Then she came out from behind the bookshelf, face to face with the other Miss Sparkle, which is me. What am I to do now, try to hide or run away? No, that doesn’t quite feel like me. I quite like it here.

“Yes, I did. Although I guess it is proper that I present to you, Miss Sparkle. How about you say hello to the Human. Miss Sparkle, say hello to my Human self?” the Pony presented us.

“Hello, nice to meet you, as confusing as it may be!” I responded.

“Hello, nice to meet you too. I guess I have to agree on the confusing part!” she responded in kind.

“Uh, oh. Now I understand why you thought I had changed my mane style. Your other me looks like me, but with a style more like yours, Twilight!” I pointed out.

“When you put it like that, make sure to watch out for your other self, and any others like me, in whatever guise they may be in as they wander around in or around the castle!” the Pony pointed out, matter of fact.

“Exactly how many of you are there out there?” I exclaimed in shock.

“I don’t know. For now, there is only you two girls, but there is an Earth Pony at Sweet-Apple Acres with my friend Applejack and her family. I have myself as daughter and a mare Unicorn. Then there is the Breezie I sent off to Fluttershy at her cottage. I have the impression there is a chance you bounce into another I have yet to see anywhere around in the castle!” the princess counted.

“How many more Twilights could there possibly be, once you counted us all off?” the other girl expressed in sudden horror at the thought of bumping into yet another one, who and what ever she may be like.

“When you put it like that, there is always the God-like me waiting for her introduction. On that note, there is the Changeling Girl and Pony from your school at Canterlot High, I fear!” the princess prompted with a wry grin playing on the corners of her mouth.

“When you say God-like, you refer to something orders beyond yourself as an Alicorn?” the girl prompted.

“Well; she would be about four times my potential, but last time I recall, she had some problems containing the raw power of it all. Thankfully, she doesn’t need to raise and lower the Sun and the Moon; Celestia and Luna respectively will handle these duties now. As luck has it, we are bound to face her any day now!” the Princess pointed out in no uncertain terms.

“Wait, there are two more of me in Changeling guises?” I prompted.

“Sunset Shimmer explained the event to me. If you met the girl with yellow and read hair?” the princess put forth.

“Wait, I did see her once I got to the school, just after the entire incident was over!” the girl expressed.

“Since I know I can trust you with books and science, I guess you could be my research assistants?” the Princess inquired.

“Books and science? I was pretty advance on these, when I left off at the Crystal Prep. Sounds like fun. I doubt I could go back to Crystal prep, even if they may like me at Canterlot High. Sunset Shimmer gave me that idea. On that note, I hope your Equine counterparts will enjoy my presence and company too, even if I guess I will stay most of my time down here!” I prompted.

“There is no going back now, I know as much. If you offer me a job worth doing and the friendship to go with it, how could I possibly refuse?” the Girl responded to the offer the Princess gave.

“Thank you girls. The library upstairs is more than enough for my librarian Spike to handle. Besides, I will love to have the both of you on my side down here. On that note, Pinkie Pie will hit the roof and bounce all over the place in joy now!” the princess pointed out in glee.

“If we all are the same, I already know you intimately. Borrowing the quirks the various circumstances we have been through; that is. This is after all my first time in Equestria, and I never did hang out with Ponies or Royalties such as you!” I pointed out.

“You will most likely see a few more Royalties, and plenty of Ponies around here!” the Princess put forth.

“As to Royalties, I have all I need right here. On the matter of the other Ponies, I guess you could introduce me to a few of your friends, at the most convenient opportunity!” I prompted.

“Maybe I could get to meet the Celestia and Luna you got to know, as opposed to the once I knew at the High-school? As to the rest, I assume your friends are close enough to the once I knew from Canterlot?” the Girl filled in.

“An Apple is an Apple. You can take her on the word any day of the week!” the princess proclaimed.

“Since we are going to need new clothes, I take it we need to see your Rarity?” the Girl inquired.

--- --- ---

Spotted Unicorn, Limping in Twilight: 7

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I had found myself in a humongous library, in the middle of the night. My horn refused to light up since I had stumbled through the field of Poisonous Joke blossoms a while back.

Now I have to make due with the spares light I have. Yet, I know this is a library do to the scent of books, from newly minted with fresh ink in them to the old to ancient tomes with dust cover and even a few with mold in the old parchment pages.

After a few more minutes of fruitless stumbling between the bookshelves, I gave up and stopped where I stood; considering my options.

“Spike!” I finally exclaimed, as loud as I dared; considering the time of the night I figured it would be, right now.

This should be somewhere in the very small hours after midnight; maybe even after the proverbial ghosts had left the haunted mansion, I feared I had been spirited into.

“Who!! Who!!” a voice came out from the darkness, behind a shelf not too far away.

Either this was truly one of these haunted mansions, or this is the owl I knew as Owlowiscious. As it is, both answers scared me enough to send my still blue spotted horn jiggling, on the top of my head.

“Who!! Who!!” the voice returned; just inches from my head, this time.

Okay, that is my owl; the junior assistance of my library of the Golden Oak, in central Ponyville.

“Is that you, Owlowiscious?” I exclaimed.

“Who!” came the response, as he sat down on my back.

“Since you are here; could you fetch Spike, or a light for me?” I inquired.

“Who!” he responded; and took off into the darkness, of this huge library.

I know I have never been here. It isn’t the library in Canterlot’s Royal castle, and it isn’t the castle of the two sisters either. I had been to both numerous times.

Then it hit me; it is a Royal castle, and I certainly have never been here before. I can’t go by the light of the stars or the moon; due to the small detail, I can see neither and make out no other light sours well enough to make out what they are or where they came from. Yet, I feel hard crystal under my hooves. Could this be the legendary library of the Crystal Empire? At least, the crystal floor could agree with that notion.

Of course, if my owl Owlowiscous is here; the question is how and why he would be here. Am I still in Ponyville, or had he been spirited away right along with me? Unless of course, I am imagining I had seen and heard him. It could have been any old owl, and I had merely connected the owl to my own friend.

Half an hour later, a confused and sleepy little dragon entered my field of vision. What struck me as odd is that he is several years older than the Spike I recall from when we last met at my library.

“Spike! Is that you?” I exclaimed; as he slowly walked on unsteady feet, towards where the owl had led him.

“Yeah, my name is Spike. Who is asking, and why have I been summoned into the library at two o’clock?” he responded.

“Since you are Spike, I will assume that you are the Spike I used to know in the Golden Oak library, at the centre of Ponyville. I just don’t know where I am right now. Just as I have no idea, as to how I ended up in this; library in the first place!” I exclaimed, with growing anxiety to my voice since nothing made sense right now; even if I had seen Spike and Owlowiscous.

“The Golden Oak library? You live in that old library since before Tirek!” Spike prompted.

“Sorry to crush your dream. That tree is since long destroyed, and moved into the new castle. I guess I could lead you to a small guest room, where you can sleep over the night. I know Princess Twilight Sparkle would love to see you by breakfast!” Spike pointed out.

“Wait, the library has been destroyed by a Tirek? I may have read of him in one of the ancient tomes; just as I read about Nightmare Moon, Discord and King Sombra. Of course I do recall Nightmare Moon, we reformed her just after you went to sleep, Spike!” I pondered.

“Sorry, if I am not my usual nice and polite self!” Spike pointed out.

“Now, if you don’t mind? I will escort you to a bed, in which you can sleep. Then we can go over who you are, where you are and all the events that have transpired; since we moved to Ponyville. I could as well point out that you still are in Ponyville, too!” he prompted; as he showed me out of the library, and to a small bed room.

“Here you go. Sleep tight and I will escort you to your breakfast tomorrow!” he put forth, closed the door behind himself and left me alone in the room.

As a Pony in Ponyville, I never wear anything. Not unless it is a special occasion, like the Grand Galloping Gala. Oh, I may carry my old trusty saddle bags; but these doesn’t count.

I am too tired to look around all that long. I have a bed to the right of the door and the wardrobe to the left. I even have a window facing out of the room. I could see darkness out there, but had the impression I am outside of Ponyville proper.

Trotting up to the bed and sliding in under the warm quilt. There is something about the bed that made me feel right at home. The quilt looks exactly like the one I used to have on my very own bed, as I used to sleep in my bed in the library. The bed linen are the same light purple as I used to have. There is an eerie feeling about this.

Once my head hit the pillow, I soon found myself soundly asleep in a deep slumber. I slept safely and contently, throughout the remainder of the night.


I wake up early, with the sun of Celestia beaming with joy as the light play over the entire room through the window. I found myself nude, alone, confused and with no belongings to call my own.

Slipping out of bed and sitting down. Now I can see the room clearly. As small as the room may be, but there still is something familiar about the bed and the scent coming from the room and the bed linen.

To my surprise, there is an exuberant and excitable knock to the door. There can be but one pony on the other side of the door. I feel the scent of her cotton candy mane. I open before I have time to consider any further.

“Good morning, Twilly!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

“Morning, Pinkie!” I responded, as I feel the tightly curled up mane against my shoulders.

“I had the impression that you were sleeping in the room, and that you would be waking up just about right now!” she merely responded, not even looking at my spotted horn limping.

“Of course! Trust Pinkie Pie to know!” I merely pointed out; as I followed my pink mare friend, along the long halls to the dining room.

“Trust Twilly to find her way to her old home!” she responded; half by half in jest, just with a twinge of seriousness to her voice, as she looked up at me and into my eyes.

“These are my bed linen, right?” I prompted eagerly, in hopes to be confirmed.

“Of course, Silly Twilly; after a fashion. The castle and everything within these walls belong to Twilight Sparkle, and you are Twilight Sparkle; right?” she pointed out.

“Uh? Yeah, I am Twilight Sparkle. That is my name; you do know that, Pinkie Pie!” I prompted in indignation.

“Yeah, of course I know. On the other hoof; you knew that all along, Twilight Sparkle. There is just a little problem. Where are your wings?” she pointed out, nipping my butt in a silly manner only a pink mare named Pinkamena Diana Pie could devise, in the first place.

“Wings? I am no Pegasus; and you know that better, then even my parents!” I prompted.

“Oh, of course you are no Pegasus. Yet; I know you were for a short while, just as you were an Earth Pony, a Breezie and a filly. Yet; what I am driving at right now, you are supposed to be an Alicorn and the Princess of Friendship!” she counted off on her hoof; point by point, hoof by hoof. Only then; she ended up with many more; than the four hooves I used to see her trot around on.

“Wait, where in the name of Celestia did you get all these hooves from? On that note; only Celestia and Luna are Alicorns and Princesses!” I prompted.

“Oh, sorry if I am confusing you with my obscure mathematics. Your foal-sitter Cadance is an Alicorn as well, she married your brother Shining Armour. Oh, and the spectacle that Wedding turned into!” she pointed out.

"My brother; as in Shining Armour; BBBFF!?” I inquired.

“The one and only!” she shot back, with a giggle.

“The only brother I have ever had, you know. Not to mention; the only Pony I cared to have as my friend, as a filly!” I responded.

“Yes; that brother, with my foal-sitter; Cadance?” she added.

“To the best of my knowledge, there is just the one Cadance; besides, I only had one foal-sitter worth mentioning, if I ever had another!” I prompted.

“So, you don’t see either your brother, or your foal-sitter all that much; these days?” she inquired.

“Sadly, no. But they do come over to Ponyville on a visit; from time to time!” I responded.

“Both on a personal and an official level!” she prompted.

“Wait, are they in Ponyville on official visits too? Why? This little village has nothing official to it, right?” I continued.

“The village is still the same old little village, yes; but you are in a castle right now; remember? You are the Princess of Friendship!” she prompted, as explanation.

“Oh, yeah; I was wondering why you had changed the old oak floor into this scary crystalline material. Even if I could see it as easier to keep clean!” I pointed out.

“I may still have Spike to do much of the chores like cleaning and doing the dishes, but it is growing over his head now. I still do have my old Owl; Owlowiscous as well, for all the nocturnal work like picking up a book for me!” Twilight pointed out.

“Speaking of books, if you are a Princess; does that mean you get increased funding for acquiring additional literature for your Royal library, compared with the old Golden Oak library of Ponyville too?” I then prompted, with reignited eagerness.

“I have a steady influx of new books, so that is a definite yes; right there. Guess that topic should warm you up a bit, even after that incident!” Twilight responded.

“If you have more books, I guess you did move up in the world. Yes, that incident; it is a pain!” I responded; poking my blue spotted horn with my right fore-hoof, as to demonstrate my plight.

“I still do recall that day, and it isn’t one of my happier memories. On that note, Discord stole my horn one day. When I returned to the castle, I sent her off to the Sweet-Apple Acres, in order for her to live and work with the Apples!” I then added.

“So, she is kind of reliving that Winter Wrap-Up? As an Earth Pony, I guess she is doing a whole lot better than we did the last time!” I responded; with a slight hint of a giggle, remembering the day.

--- --- ---

Future Twilight: 8

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Pinkie Pie had just hoofed me that scroll, with the spell to take me back to my past self. I read the spell, as written in the scroll; feeling the surge of magical power as the spell is taking effect.

Only when I am rematerializing on the other end, something is horridly wrong; I am not in the old Golden Oak library where I used to live, but am standing on a dark purple crystal.

When I look around, I soon find shelves lined with books; books I had never red, seen or even known to exist.

Looking down, I notice that the black rubber suit I had put on as disguise now is brand new; there are no scratches and the hood is still on, it is in fact even shiny, as if freshly polished. I guess there is something. If the suit is new, then I have none of the old marks to my body and face; the once I sustained during my insane rush to secure the village of Ponyville and Equestria against the upcoming disaster I had been expecting, or the trip to and through the Royal castle of Canterlot in the search of the scroll with the spell I had been looking for, before I found myself here.

Aside from the time, location and my general state; there seems to be no real differences her. I may have missed my target, but I should be right back in the library at the Royal castle in a few minutes at the very most. I am still the very same Unicorn I had been, when I left the castle; no cause to worry or alarm.

Yet, there shouldn’t be too much of a problem; if I were to have a brief look around and possibly read a page of a future book, even if I thought I should have been in the past. A past I am never to see ever again.

“Hiya, Future Twilight!” I hear an only too familiar voice, if just a few years older than I had remembered him.

“Hiya, Spike!” I responded; before I turned around to see the dragon, who had been my library assistant for so many years.

“Wait, why are you wearing that old suit? Even if it is looking brand new!” Spike prompted.

“Because I was wearing it; when I snuck into the Starswirl the bearded wing at the library, at the royal castle at Canterlot. I guess I did take a wrong turn; on my way to the Golden Oak library, in Ponyville?” I pointed out, in response.

“Oh yeah; I do recall when we did go there, and you were trying to leave your past self a message. Yet, as I recall it; you failed capitally in that. But alas; you did throw the suit away, after we left the library!” he explained.

“The strange thing is; the suit is still in mint condition, or better!” I prompted.

“Yeah, it sure does look much better than when I last saw you wearing it. A wrong turn? As if you had been trotting over to Ponyville, from the castle in Canterlot?” he teased.

“If the suit had been looking as it did, when I cast the spell; I certainly can understand why she threw it away, it was a Royal mess after all I went through on my way to the wing at the library. I guess that wouldn’t make sense; but it would explain, how I had gotten this far of target?” I suggested.

“That suit sure was a mess, deserving of retirement; all right. If you just stop for a moment; and look at just how far of target you got, even if you are at your very own library!” he put forth.

“As strange as it may seem, I guess the suit has grown on me!” I prompted; without realizing the effect, of the words hastily spoken.

“Then, I am in Ponyville?” I added.

“It is Ponyville, certainly. Speaking of Royal castles, this is the castle of friendship in Ponyville. Yet, where are your wings, Twilight?” he responded, with a raised eyebrow.

“Thank Celestia for that. Wait, there is a castle in Ponyville? Has the village grown that much since I last saw it? It isn’t the castle of the two Sisters in the Everfree forest, right?” I pointed out.

“Sorry to break it to you, but your old home in the Golden Oak library has been destroyed; but was soon replaced by a castle donated to you, by the Tree of Harmony. Your new castle is just outside of Ponyville proper, such as you knew it, though. I guess you arrived much too late, but that saved you from the trauma of seeing your home destroyed. On that note; the tree is still here, in the castle!” he pointed out.

I just froze for a moment. Nothing had happened, and I am still here; talking to my old friend and assistant.

“Something is wrong. Why have I not been sucked back to the time, from which I came?” I inquired.

“Beats me, I have no idea. Maybe I shouldn’t be worrying myself about such matters. If I were you; I think I would try to enjoy my stay here, for as long as I could. Maybe you do go back to where you came from; but there are a few things you may like to avoid, when you do get there!” he prompted.

Thankfully, no reaction to his words.

“On that note, there are a few things you may like to see. Besides, I still have chores to attend to, you know; a castle to clean and books to sort!” he pointed out.

“Oh, how silly of me; of course you have chores to attend to. I guess the first thing on my agenda, is to see my room?” I responded.

“Don’t sweat it, but yeah; that room would be the first thing to see, On that note, you don’t need to wear anything in Ponyville, let alone in your very own home; even if it is a royal castle of friendship, these days. You may choose to slip out of that rubber suit!” he put forth.

“Okay, Spike; I wouldn’t sweat it. I never used to wear anything, before; why start now?” I responded, as he trotted off to the wing where all the guest quarters are located.

“On that note, we do have a few guests currently living in the castle. I don’t know if you recall them, or how close they may be to you; just so that you know!” Spike explained.

“If I am supposed to have met them; after the date, when I went to Canterlot, I don’t know them; I am afraid!” I responded.

“As an odd occurrence, most of our current guests are named Twilight Sparkle!” Spike added, as we were approaching the door.

“That would be an odd occurrence indeed, Spike; since it used to be my name too. Maybe I need a new nickname?” I suggested.

“Here you go; your very own room, feel right at home!” Spike pronounced, as he followed me into the small room.

“Thank you, Spike; how thoughtful of you, the bed is already made with my old bed linen and all!” I put forth.

“Yes, these are indeed your bed linen. Most likely new; but I did make your bed for you, just the way you would like it!” he responded.

“Since your name is Spike, you had to know how I wanted it; even when I did come back from the past to a time even later than where I originally came from!” I reflected, as an amusing side-note.

“I still do recall that episode as we snuck into the Royal castle and into the Star Swirl the Bearded Wing, in order to find that time spell. Only that ended with me getting a tummy ache as if it had been straight from Tartarus!” he pointed out with a weak grin on his little muzzle.

“That was quite the threat, as I recall; but it ended fairly well, and I stopped fussing about that!” I prompted.

“Only something did go wrong on the day, he ruined our old home at the Golden Oak Library. That is why we are here in the new royal Castle of Friendship in Ponyville!” he admitted with a grin.

“I can wait until tomorrow, and I can explain it all to myself; after breakfast!” I pondered.

“Then I will be off and finish my chores, and leave you to a good night’s sleep!” he prompted, as he left me and closed the door after himself.

I woke up early, from the sound of the knocking on my door. Looking around, I notice that I still am in the same room I entered the last night. Everything is exactly where it had been; and the bed linen are exactly the way I wanted them, including my very own colours; while the walls are a strangely dark purple crystal.

After a few more familiar knocks, knowing it is Spike the Dragon; the very same Dragon as I had been talking to the other day, I trotted to the door and opened for him.

“Morning, Spike!” I greeted him, eager to have him escort me to the promised breakfast.

“Morning, Twilight. Time for breakfast!” Spike claimed, before he turned and walked to the dining room.

“Thank you, Spike. Right on time, you do know when I like to have my breakfast!” I responded.

“Right this way, and of course I know when a proper breakfast is to be served a Princess; I have been working for you for years, Twilight!” he prompted.

I followed him through the long, empty halls, for several minutes before he stopped and turned to a door and opened it for me.

“We are here, but you will have to learn to find your way around in the castle. Sorry, but I can’t escort you through the castle every day, Twilight!” he prompted.

--- --- ---

A Mare Does Well, in Twilight: 9 (10)

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I open the doors to the throne room, where the Friendship Map is; only to see the map actually being active.

This time, however; it is just the map over Ponyville and the direct surroundings. On a second glance; I see the glow of cutie marks hovering over specific locations. Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy. They are all moving towards the castle. Rainbow Dash is not included. Strange to see, one mark out of the group not included.

Suddenly, the marks stop on top of the castle, blinking, like a bomb about to go off.

Once the blinking had stopped, it is dark and silent for exactly one second; before the silhouette of a pony is seen on top of the map, hovering. The silhouette is slowly taking form and substance. She is covered in a suit I heard Rarity named Mare-Do-Well. Most of her suit had been a very dark indigo, as I recall. Just that the rest had been a deep purple.

“Mare Do Well?” I exclaim, half by half as a question and half by half as a statement in uncertainty.

“I have been called that; otherwise, I am Twilight Sparkle!” she points out.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle; and welcome, to the Twilight Summit! You are just in time!” I respond.

“Thank you; Twilight Summit?” she responds.

“Oh, but where are my manners; I forgot to introduce myself, I am Starlight Glimmer!” I offer.

“If you are Twilight Sparkle, you have been summoned to the summit!” I explain.

“Are you saying, that more Twilight Sparkles has been summoned to this summit; Starlight Glimmer?” she inquires.

“Yes, that is exactly what I meant to say; I have already seen your Earth pony, Unicorn, Breezie, Filly and several of your Human counterparts here!” I point out.

This is the time, when there is a deep purple glow around the door,. The door opens and Princess Twilight Sparkle enters the room.

“Greetings, Princess Twilight Sparkle!” Mare Do Well exclaims, bowing in a very formal greeting.

The next moment, Twilight’s filly is trotting into the room; looking at the map, in amazement.

There is a distinct squeak, followed by an entire series of squeaks heard from outside the room. The next moment, a pink mare is bouncing into the room. Pinkie Pie had made her entrance.

A minute after Pinkie Pie had found her place in the throne marked with the three balloons, the scent of apples and farming had started to spread. Applejack soon is seen, entering the large room. Of course; a purple Earth pony came in tow with her. It is the Twilight Sparkle.

“Magic, beyond magic; is that Discord’s work? Twilight Sparkle, is that really you?” Mare Do Well exclaims.

“Yes, I am Twilight Sparkle, the Earth pony! This was indeed Discord's work, initially!” she responds.

There is a knock on the door.

“Is it acceptable, if I enter the room?” inquires a girl in Crystal Prep uniform.

“Yes, but of course! Please, by all means; do step in!” Princess Twilight Sparkle exclaims.

Two girls enter the room, both marked with the symbol of magic.

Just as the two girls had found their place by the table, Fluttershy enters the room. Only she is coming with a Changeling in tow. The Breezie is peaking out, from her hiding place in Fluttershy’s voluminous mane. Confused by the numerous Twilight Sparkles, but still calmed down by all the familiar faces.

One final mare enters the room, a purple Unicorn with blue spots all over her now limp horn. With every move, or every step; her horn wiggles, like a delicious jello served by Pinkie Pie. The mare is still in a blue mood; but she had gotten over the initial panic, from the event when she had been cursed.

“I guess are we all gathered, we could as well start the meeting!” she suggests.

“Since we have never experienced an event, with more than one appearance; that would be correct!” the Princess responds.

“Of course, you never know if and when that is happening; just to spite your image, of what is happening!” I point out.

“The first order of business; Mare Do Well, and where she is going to stay for the duration of the summit!” Princess Twilight Sparkle points out.

“Thank you, Princess; I may need somewhere to stay, if this summit lasts more than over the day!” she responds.

“While it would have been an honour, to have you at my place; but the boutique only have so many rooms, and I need to keep the business open!” Rarity points out.

“Thank you, Rarity; I understand, completely!” Mare Do Well responds.

“By the way, Rarity; didn’t you create my suit, too?” she then adds.

“Yes, I believe I did!” Rarity responds, winking.

“I would have loved, having you over; Mare Do Well, but my cottage is just too small and cramped, with all the critters I am constantly taking care off!” Fluttershy whispers.

“I understand, I think I have seen it!” the Hero responds.

“Maybe just a cup of tea, some time!” Fluttershy suggests.

“A cup of tea, would be quite nice; the Hero responds.

“If I can’t have you over at my place, but I will have to insist, on hosting the Welcome to Ponyville party, for you!” Pinkie Pie exclaims, jubilantly.

“I would not have it any other way, Pinkie!” she responds.

“Of course, I would love to see your home; Rainbow Dash, but I am not sure how to enter your cloud mansion!” she then adds.

“Since I am sure you will stay, long enough for that; I will just have to give you the tour, one of these days!” Rainbow Dash responds.

“Naturally, I would love to cast the Cloud Walking spell for you, when that is required!” Princess Twilight Sparkle points out, without even the slightest hint of a doubt that this would happen.

She had cast the spell, rather competently before; thus certain in her ability, to cast this spell again.

“I think I can accept your offer, Twilight; but for how long does it last, if my stay here is going to be extended?” she inquires.

“Sadly, just three days; but I guess I could make room for you in the castle! What is one more Twilight Sparkle, even if she is in the guise of the Hero; Mare Do Well, in the castle of friendship?” the Princess points out.

“With some effort, and time for research and experimentation; I may be able to extend the time, for you!” I whisper to the Princess.

“With your previous results in mind; I would love to see what you can come up with, Starlight!” she responds, nodding at me.

“I know, isn’t it fascinating?” I giggle.

“For most other Ponies, it would be threatening; for me, on the other hoof, it certainly is!” she responds, quietly.

Even I could make use, of one of her new assistants in my research!” I ponder.

Of course, this line of thought is indeed very interesting and fascinating to me. Sharing the fascination with a pony, like Twilight Sparkle could make it all the more rewarding. Maybe, just maybe; I could make a mark on the history of magic here, with the oversight of Twilight Sparkle by my side.

At least, I have a home!” Mare Do Well ponders.

If you do need me, I will go down to the archive!” the girl in the Crystal Prep uniform pointed out.

“I am right there, with you!” the other girl responds.

The girls walk out of the room, continuing towards the flight of stairs down to the advanced laboratory.

“I guess I could make use of a hand, and a pair of hands!” the first girl acknowledges.

“I know! Isn’t it exciting; research is waiting, we do not have any time to drag our feet!” the other girl responds.

“I’m heading back to the barn, the apples do not buck themselves!” the Earth-pony excuses herself, before she is trotting out of the room.

“I understand; this is no fillies’ game, here!” the Twilight with the limp horn giggles, towards the filly.

With that, she is trotting out of the room with the filly in tow.

“Too many mommies!” the filly responds, as she is following the mare out of the room.

“We are all Twilight, so I guess that is a bit confusing!” the mare responds, just as she had stepped out of the room.

Princess Twilight Sparkle closes the door, with her magic; once the last of the guest Twilight Sparkles had trotted out of the room. Of course, Mare Do Well had jumped down onto the floor. The Breezie is still in Fluttershy’s mane.

“Nothing particular is going on, so I am not needed out there, right now!” Mare Do Well adds, staying in the throne room.

“That is convenient, but who knows when your services will be needed?” Rarity offers.

“Pinkie Pie knows!” the mare responds, giggling at the obvious response.

“Yeah, I know; I know that I know!” Pinkie Pie giggles.

All of a sudden, her tail goes wild, just a moment before she is expanding like a balloon; indicating a doozy is going down.

“Wait; now, this is just a bit too much!” Rarity exclaims.

“You tell me, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash exclaims.