My Little Pony: Mutual Respect is Magic

by Frieza665

First published

Starlight Glimmer creates 4 raptors to help her take over equestria. But when things go south, the raptors decide to find a new way of living.

Starlight Glimmer creates 4 velociraptors named Blue, Delta, Charlie, and Echo to help with her equalization of equestria. But when the mane six free the village, the raptors believe starlight to be dead and seek new loyalty. This is their story. (There may be some minor gore at points in the story so I added the gore icon just to be safe.)

The Scent

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Morning had just arrived for the land of Equestria. It had been a year since Tirek attempted to steal equestria's magic. Luckily the power of the tree of harmony sent him back to Tarturus. All had been peaceful for Twilight and her friends until the cutie map sent them to a place that needed friendship. It was a small village in the middle of an arid desert. Little did they know that ponies with creepy smiles weren't the only ones living in the village, and that's where our story starts.

Blue had just got done roaming the perimeter of the village and went to Sugar Belle to get a meat pie. Most of the towns ponies have spent enough time around Blue and her sisters long enough to understand their shrieks, barks, and other raptor noises. Sugar Belle immediately ecommidated Blue with a squirrel on a stick, to which held in her claw. She barked a thanks to the unicorn and trotted off to meet up the other raptors. She sniffed at the air to smell them and find them quicker when suddenly she smelt something else. It was unmistakably a scent of ponies, to be more exacted it was 2 earth ponies, a unicorn, 2 pegasi, and something else. It seemed be the combined smells of a Pegasus and Unicorn. Whatever it was, the founder of the village, Starlight Glimmer, would jump at the chance to equalize the new pony.

Delta, Charlie and Echo were about the village interacting with the equal ponies. Delta was chatting with Party Favor, Charlie and a filly were headbutting a ball back and forth to each other, and Echo was watching Night Glider zoom around the town. All this came to an end though as Blue rounded the corner, gnawing on a squirrel. Before Blue could swallow the squirrel and tell her sister of what she smelt, the other raptors had already caught the new scent. It seemed like the ponies were heading towards the village. Blue barked at Echo to tell Starlight the news and Echo ran into her cottage to tell her. Delta and Charlie went to tell the other citizens about the newcomers and prepare for a welcome ceremony.

Echo casually walked into Starlight's sitting room and barked out,
"There are six ponies approaching our town, one of them seems to have the combined scents of a unicorn and a Pegasus."

Starlight's eared perked up upon hearing this. What echo was talking about was an alicorn, most likely a princess of equestria. Starlight dismissed Echo to prepare the village. Starlight just couldn't contain her excitement. If a princess joined them then everyone in equestria would be convinced that cutie marks are bad.

The raptors told everyone to act natural and welcome them as they walked through. After being told to they went back to their business and pretended not to notice them coming. Not even 5 minutes of waiting later, the raptors used their binocular vision and saw six siloettes walking side by side in their direction. Blue had a feeling in the back of her mind that this visit would be one to remember.

In Our Town

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Twilight and most of her friends were freaked out of what was going on. The village that they were sent to was full of ponies with creepy, painfully wide smiles on their faces. Everypony they made eye contact with yelled out an overly friendly,
"Welcome to our town!".

That wasn't the only creepy thing about the place. Each and every pony had the same cutie mark, an equal sign. Twilight was wondering what the sign meant until she was met with the freakiest sight yet. 4 big lizard things came out from between the buildings. One was grey and had 2 blue stripes running from it's eyes to the tip of it's tail (Blue). One had grass green skin, circular pupils as opposed the diamond shape pupils that the other had, and had 2 light blue spots on either side of it's snout (Delta). One was smaller than the others, had light green skin with darker green stripes (Charlie). Finally the last one she saw had dark brown skin, and had thin, apricot stripes (Echo). What they all had in common though was that they were around the same size as Princess Luna, walked on 2 legs, their arms looked like how a dog's arms would look like when they're laying on their back. Each of their hands were tipped with razor-sharp claws. Their feet had 2 toes and 1 hook shaped claw.

A low growl resonated from Blue as she stared at the alicorn. She had already known the raw power of a normal pegasus and unicorn. She's seen Starlight shoot blasts of harmful magic at changlings when her and her sisters were small and harmless. She had heard rumors that pegasi have the ability to control the weather. If a being could do both of these things then they would be a serious threat to them and Starlight. Because of this, Blue kept her distance from twilight as not to instigate a conflict. After a moment of staring at each other Blue barked at the ponies and the raptors trotted towards the furthest house from the village.

The mane six were confused at what the raptors did. But one of the villagers came fourth and enlightened them,
"Blue wants you follow her, they must want you to meet our founder!"

Pinkie Pie got a horrified look on her face, not only was she freaked out by the smiling ponies and raptors, but now she just found out that these "ponies" could understand all those grunts and growls they make. Now they were about to meet the possible commander of these creatures.

As soon as they walked up to the house, Charlie shrieked up at one of the windows, probably to tell starlight to come down and meet the new ponies. Soon the door creaked open and a pink unicorn mare stepped out and greeted the six. She had a lighter hue than the other villagers and her mane looked a lot like Twilight's mane, except that instead of pink stripes she had bright green stripes. The mane six started bombarding Starlight with questions. Questions like, why are all the cutie marks that same? Why does everyone smile so much? What are these creatures you control?

Now Starlight got rather irritated by that last question. She held her hoof up to silence the ponies and said,

"Now, now. All of your questions will be answered in due time, in the meantime allow me to get you all equainted with our town." But then Starlight added," Oh! And I don't CONTROL the raptors, its a relationship based on mutual respect."

Starlight then trotted off and started rounding up the villagers to sing a stupid song of how they are happy the way they are without cutie marks. Things the raptors couldn't possibly understand. The raptors began running and jumping in the air to impress the 6 ponies. But then something grabbed Charlie's attention. The yellow pegasus with the pink mane was rocking her head side to side. She was obviously the only one of them who took a liking to them. But then the friendly pony received a death glare by the bright pink one with the tasty looking mane (Pinkie). That really ticked Charlie off, so she stopped prancing around with the other raptors and ponies, walked right behind pinkie, tapped on her back, and as she turned around Pinkie received the biggest scare of her life. Charlie loomed over her, her face inches from Pinkie's. Charlie then gave her a toothy grin and exhaled in her face to add to the intensity, her breath was so strong it nearly flattened Pinkie's mane. Charlie then continued to jump, run, and prance around while the equal ponies continued singing.

Starlight looked on with pride. Soon all of equestrian would be without cutie marks, and it would be all thanks to her brains and the raptor's brawn. Soon the mane six would be one of them.

The Reveal

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The plan worked!!! Starlight had lured them into the chamber where which she kept the villager's cutie marks and the mane 6 were ambushed by the raptors. The six's cutie marks were all removed and were kept by Starlight herself. As for the ponies who criticized them for their beliefs, they were to be assimilated by spending a few days in the reeducation house. This "place" was an unfinished house in the village with no bathroom or place to sleep, and there were microphones on the ceilings repeating the ways of Starlight. It only look a day for the one called Fluttershy to join them. Echo really didn't like Fluttershy. She found her very hard to trust after the things she said towards what called her family. Blue and Delta had a positive reaction to this. Charlie on the other hand became friends with fluttershy immediately, Starlight even found the time to teach fluttershy to understand what the raptors say like she can. Charlie was like the raptor version of the pegasi, she was shy, and was nicer to the villagers then her sisters were.

As of right now it was morning and it was time to see if the other 5 were ready to be a part of their town. Charlie noticed that Fluttershy was a bit antsy. All of the towns people were gathered around the reeducation house, Delta and Echo escorted the ponies out. After a few minutes of going through them one by one fluttershy piped of,
"Umm Starlight? I think we might have one more friend joining us today."

Blue's neck craned upward in shock when the alicorn strolled out the door. Why in equestia would SHE want to join us, she thought to herself. Personally Blue thought that the one called Twilight would become her and her sister's weekly feast but no. After a few questions from Twilight, Blue was lost in her thoughts. However this dozing off would cost her dearly because Fluttershy snuck off and grabbed a pale of water and dumped it on Starlight. Luckily Starlight dodged it but some of the water splashed onto her backside. The water revealed some of her real cutie mark. Soon a fellow villager got a wash cloth and wiped the water away. Now her cutie mark was fully revealed and all the villagers became angry with her. They were yelling questions like, "Why didn't you assimilate yourself?", and "How could you!?". The ponies responsible for this were telling her how they thought true friendship was achieved, trying to make her join them, but she wouldn't budge. For a moment Starlight was so angry that she charged up a spell at the one called Party Favor, and yelled "QUIET!!" so loud that veins appeared in her neck. Soon the villagers began to surround her, possibly to attack her. The raptors new this was the time to act. They dashed in front of Starlight and got in an attack position, ready to rip the guts out of anypony who dared to lay a hoof on their alpha. Starlight thanked them and ran towards her house. Just as she was about to shut the door she gave the raptors a signal. She ran her hoof across her neck and gave them a serious look and promptly slammed the front door shut. The raptors all recognized this signal. It meant to teach these traitors a lesson they'll never forget.

Blue and the raptors turned around and hissed at the crowd gather behind them. Twilight knew by the grins appearing on the raptor's faces that this was not going to end well for them.

Turning Point

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Twilight panicked! She shot a burst of magic directly in front of the raptors. However the raptors ran off in the cloud of smoke generated. Twilight and her friends ran in the house where Starlight took cover in and shut the door behind them so they couldn't be followed. Soon the villagers ran in the cutie mark vault and broke the huge wall of glass. Cutie mark went flying every where and soon the owners of each one were jumping in the air to catch them. In minutes every villager had their cutie mark back and were celebrating. But a group of villagers named Double Diamond, Party Favor, Night Glider, and Sugar Belle followed the 6 friend to help stop starlight and get the last cutie marks.

Charlie emerged from an ally-way in plane sight of the villagers. They stared at her, and she stared right back with eyes filled with hate, confusion, and disbelief. Suddenly, Delta and Blue bounded around the side of the buildings and charged at the scared ponies. They tried to run but it was no use. Delta jumped the air and pinned a cult to the ground and dug her toe claw into the poor pony's neck, severing a few arteries. Meanwhile, Blue ran to the closed door of Starlight's house. She had seen earth ponies push down on the handle to get in so Blue easily opened the door and entered the cottage. She walked up the stairs to Starlight's room and found a secret door that had been opened that led to the mountains nearby. Blue went down the passage to follow the ponies and try to prevent them from getting their cutie marks back.

The pegasus mare wailed as Charlie bit in to her leg. Charlie hated the taste of pony flesh and broke the mare's neck with a quick but strong bite on the neck. Echo had chased 3 villagers into a house, their muffled screams where heard by other fleeing ponies and were then silenced. Delta was gnawing on the foreleg of a pony that she had killed. After about 3 more minutes of this slaughter, the remained ponies were either hiding or playing dead. Charlie ran to find Blue and join her on her mission while Delta and Echo were left to make sure nopony could escape.

Blue was hot on the trail of the other ponies. She stopped to sniff the air to where they went. Blue concluded that they had split up to find Starlight and the cutie marks. There were six different rocky pathways for her to go down, so she went down the east path. It didn't take long for Blue to hear the clopping of hooves heading in her direction. She quickly hid behind a pile of rocks in the path and sniffed the air. Blue became enraged when the pony's scent was revealed to be that of Double Diamond. Starlight trusted Double more than any other pony she knew, thinking about the same pony who betrayed that trust made Blue grit her teeth.

Blue couldn't stand hiding any longer and she walked around to confront the traitor. Double yelped and began backing away from the raptor, but Blue got closer to him. Double new that if he didn't think of something to stall her until another pony found them, then he was as good as dead.
"Blue listen, Starlight raised you and you sisters as guard dogs because she was afraid we would stand up to her. What you need is a friend, I'll be your friend if you will just let go of your hatred and stop this senseless slaughter." he pleaded.

This made Blue angrier then she had ever been in her entire life. How dare anyone insult her alpha like that. She couldn't wait to rip this pony's intestines out. Blue snarled and began to run at top speed at Double. Double screamed and squeezed his eyes shut. But as soon as she was about to wrap her fore claws around his head she was sent flying into the wall of the mountain, knocking her out cold. Double opened his eyes and saw that Applejack had bucked Blue as hard as she could. Double sighed in relief, thanked the cow-mare, and ran with her to continue the search.

Charlie went straight down the north path and heard Starlight yelling at someone about "true friendship" and "special talents". Charlie trotted down the path and before she could intervene, she was met with a blinding flash. When the flash subsided race walked to the location of the event. What she saw next made her want to scream. All the ponies she and her sister were standing in a half-circle. In the middle of the circle was a small pile of ash. This could only mean one thing...Starlight Glimmer was decintigrated by that alicorn who was standing in the middle. Pure sadness overcame Charlie as she start whining. Tears formed in her eyes as she turned tail and ran away. Fluttershy noticed Charlie behind them and called out,
"Charlie wait!! We can help you!"

Delta and Echo were in the village making sure nopony tried to escape. They had seen the bright flash in the mountains but they didn't think much of it. They thought that it maybe it was Starlight making mince meat out of that alicorn abomination. But soon another bright light appeared in the sky. Echo and Delta stared up at it in awe and it slowly decended down towards them. They knew it was something not right here and they both approached the light. But then the light said,
"Greetings, I am Princess Celestia, I have never seen your kind in equestrian before now."

Now the knew what trouble they were in for.

The Princess and Separation

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Blue had woken up to the feeling of something warm and wet brushing up against her face. What she felt was Charlie licking her face. Blue soon jumped to her feet and turned to face Charlie. Blue's youngest sister looked worse then she ever looked in her life. There were tears rolling down her snout, her legs and arms were shaking, and she was almost hyperventilating. This sent a chill down Blue's spine, "what in equestrian could make her look so traumatized" she thought. Blue asked what happened and Charlie explained that their alpha, Starlight Glimmer was eviscerated into a pile of ash by that alicorn abomination. Blue wasn't angry by this news...she was ABSOLUTLEY LIVID. She knew that if that dumb earth pony hadn't kicked her into that wall, she would have been able to prevent them from taking their alpha away from them.

Delta and Echo stared in horror at the "thing" that stood in front of them it was an alicorn like Twilight, had a long flow, multi-colered mane, and was almost twice the size of the raptors. The alicorn, trying not to notice the blood and bodies everywhere asked the raptors another question since they failed to answer her previous one,
"Can you talk or do I have to use telepathy on you?"

The raptors started to get angry and growled at the deity. Celestia didn't like that. Not one bit. So she decided to scare the 2 raptors a little.
"You know you're lucky I'm more understanding than my sister, Luna. If she came here before I did, I bet she would have either blown you 2 to bits, or vomited out her breakfast at the sight of your slaughter."

The 2 raptors were surprised that this abomination wouldn't try to kill them. It looked more then capable then doing this. But then she continued,
"Now that I've seen how loyal you are to your own and allies, I wonder how you could do if you used you abilities for good."

Now the raptors had herd enough. How dare she try to shirk their bond with Starlight Glimmer. Delta was about to pounce Celestia until she then teleported behind them.
"You know Twilight and her friends are about to arrive and I can't be seen talking to you...for now, however if your ever interested in "reforming" give me a call."

Celestia then teleported away. Delta and Echo were about go find Blue and Charlie and tell them of who came to visit them but then said raptors bounded around the corner, not looking happy at all. Blue rushed up to her two sisters and told them that their alpha was dead. Delta snarled in anger and then whined, burrowing her face against a wall. She just couldn't believe that the equivalent of her mother was gone forever. Echo started whining but then started growling when she found out the ponies did this. But now wasn't the time to mourn. The raptors then heard the clopping of several ponies coming their way. It was obviously the ponies who took their alpha away. They were ready to rip there faces off on Blue's command but when they turned the corner they just glared at them. The ponies got a look of pure horror on their faces when they saw the sight that beheld them. There were about a dozen dead bodies lying on the ground in front of them and the bodies had bite and claw marks all over them. Twilight ordered the remaining villagers to get behind her and the rest of her friends stood beside her. Twilight then began another boring speech.
"Raptors, you have not only have you slaughtered most of this village of innocent people, but have attempted to take the cutie marks of every pony in equestria. What do you have to say for yourselves."

Blue started to dig her toe claw into the dirt. She was getting ready to attack head on. Twilight noticed this and said,
"To prevent you four from terrorizing the land of equestia any longer we will turn you to stone with our powers."

Rainbow Dash chimed in and said,
"YEAH! Any last words you monsters!?"

Fluttershy turned to Charlie and said,
"I'm so sorry Charlie but this is the only way everyone and yourself safe."

Charlie roared at Fluttershy. This pony was no friend of hers, the pegasus was nothing but a traitor. With that the ponies were engulfed in a ball of energy. Blue and the raptors bow their head down to shield their eyes from the bright light. Then the ponies emerged out. The raptors were all shocked that the ponies appearance changed. The ponies' manes and tails got significantly longer and had an extra color to go with it, mostly gold. Their cutie marks slightly changed as well. Before the raptors had time to react, a huge wave of energy hit them. They ran away a fast as their feet could carry them. Unfortunatly, Echo ran in the opposite direction.

Soon the spell wore off and the ponies returned to normal. They quickly noticed that instead of turning to stone, the raptors disappeared entirely. Twilight wonder if they were either sent to the moon or destroyed until Applejack discovered sets of raptor foot prints. Three pares went in one direction while one pare went in the other. Twilight figured they escaped before the spell could take effect. Somehow Twilight knew that they would meet again soon. But deep down Twilight didn't want to even think about what would happen hadn't they gotten the rainbow power.

Echo vs Everfree Forest

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Music link here:

Echo had been looking for her sisters for 3 days and she was beginning to lose hope. Right now she was wondering through a strange forest. It was filled with more plant life then she had ever seen in her life. She even happened across an old, deserted castle. In the front she saw a statue of the big white alicorn they'd encountered earlier that week. Judging by this statue, the alicorn must have a part of the ponies government. Also because she called herself "Princess". Echo snuck around the castle as not to attract attention in case there actually was someone...or something in there. She continued her trek threw this jungle until she felt something grip her tail. This turned out to be a vine. Echo just shrugged it off and continued walking.

Soon though she became paranoid. She was hearing noises and the vines kept grabbing onto her. Eventually a huge vine came from beneath the ground and wrapped around her foot. This made her trip on the ground and the vine started dragged her to someplace unknown. Luckily her toe claw sawed through the vine with little effort. Without thinking, Echo got up of the ground and dashed through the vegetation a fast as she could. While running she spotted a cave and headed over to it. Echo thought that it would be a good idea for her to take cover in there for a while.

Once she was in the cave she decided to explore it a little to make sure it was safe. After a long search she found no danger and decided to take a nap. She couldn't believe that Starlight was dead. Maybe some sleep will calm her nerves. But just as she was drifting off a silky web shot out from the darkness and wrapped around Echo's snout. Her eyes shot open and she jumped to her feet quick, noticing what landed on her. But then the web started to burn away the flesh of her snout. She screeched as loud as she could and darted out of the cave. The web that caused this flew off due to how fast she was running. After about a minute of running and screaming in pain she arrived at a lake. She walked over to the water to see her reflection.

End Music

Echo was shocked to see that there was a huge burn scar that wrapped around the end of her snout like a rubber band. To be honest she thought it looked fine. To avoid it from getting infected, Echo dipped her head in the water for a moment. When she was done washing the wound she heard a rustling sound from behind her and sound turned round to see.

Standing before the scarred raptor were 3 timber wolves and they seem to being choosing her as their next meal. Echo knew what to do, she ran, only because there were 3 of them and one of her. The wolves were almost as fast as her and were catching up fast. She was soon corner by the ravening beasts. She was getting ready to fight when she noticed from the corner of her eye a bright light. It was the edge of the forest and no doubt the boarder of a populated area. She ran as fast as she could to the light. A wolf almost took a chunk out of her tail as she pounced out of the trees and into an open plain. Luckily, Timber Wolves must hate leaving their territory because they ceased their chase. As soon as Echo realized she was in the clear she promptly collapsed and fell asleep. But before she closed her eyes she saw long white legs approaching her. It was Celestia and she said
"You've had a long day haven't you? Well sleep now, you'll be with your sister soon enough."

Rising Up

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Four Months Later

Princess Luna had done it again. She had put the land of Equestria in danger a second time. Due to her guilt of the evil she did as Nightmare Moon, she created a beast that not only fed off that guilt, but gave the princess the same nightmare every night. Well that evil was about to break loose of the world of dreams. The entire population of Ponyville was doing their best at controlling the smoke-like creature's power. The "Tantabus" as it was called, eventually seized enough power to create a portal to the real world. It grew to an unimaginable size at it took a form that looked just like it's creator. Luna finally broke down under the pressure and confessed to what she was about to cause. The ponies tried their best to convince Luna to let go of her guilt, but to no avail. But just as all hope was gone Luna stopped and realized something.
"I sense 4 life-forms entering this dream. But I doubt anything can stop the Tantabus at this point. We're all doomed!!"

All ponies stopped and began to accept their nightmarish fate. Fluttershy was thinking of ANY other way to prevent this. Would she wake up now and fetch Princess Celestia, would she get all of her animals and live underground forever? Her thoughts were interrupted though by a faint thumping sound that sounded a bit like footsteps. It got closer and louder as Fluttershy realized that whatever was doing this was running on two legs. But spike was right in front of her. The only ones she new capable of this was..

Fluttershy and the others gasped as Blue charged at the Tantabus and jumped on it's hide. Fluttershy actually started cheering for her, much to her friends dismay. Blue was on the creature's back, biting and scratching at its hide. The Tantabus howled in pain and the portal closed. Luna landed on the ground, her mind filled with questions. Delta, Echo and Charlie soon joined the fray and began attacking the monster. Soon all four raptors were digging their toe claws into the blue freak. Twilight and her friends saw this as a chance to convince Luna to let go of her guilt and weaken the Tantabus. Each of them taking turns yelling advice to her.

Blue clung tightly to the creatures hide, using her toe claws to both climb and do damage to this beast. She looked up at her younger sisters, Charlie and Echo, digging like moles in the creatures back. Blue eventually made it up to the creature's back and looked down upon the ponies below. She was unpleased to see the six ponies who ruined her old life. They appeared to be encouraging the blue alicorn of something. Delta was still climbing up the Tantabus's leg, but the creature finally decided to defend itself and shook Delta off it's leg, making her fly into a nearby building. Delta shrugged it off though and continued the assault. Blue after watching Delta get thrown returned her gaze to Luna. Knowing she was safe on the creature's back, she used her binocular vision to get a good look at her face. The semi large alicorn grew a small grin on her face as if she realized something and mouthed out a phrase. Blue recognized the lip movements as "I do."

The raptors were surprised by the sudden shrinking the Tantabus was going through. It was obviously loosing its power fast. The raptors jumped off the creatures back and landed on the ground. Soon the beast was the same size as its creator and Luna absorbed the creature into herself, ending the battle. The six ponies ran up to the night princess and hugged her tightly. But they soon turned their attention to the four raptors staring at them just a few meters away. Luna stepped forward and addressed them,
"Thank you for your help. If it weren't for your efforts, the land of Equestria would have been destroyed. if that would have happened I don't know if I could live with myself at all."

Blue snarled at the princess, she couldn't believe that this fool had the gall to make such a monster. Delta was thinking the same thing as Blue and barked a few times at Luna. Fluttershy recognized Delta's insults and called her out on it,
"Delta, Princess Luna knows she did the wrong thing. Yelling insults at her will only make her feel more guilty."

Charlie growled growled loudly at Futtershy, she obviously hasn't forgiven her for her betrayal yet. Suddenly, a citizen spoke up in a hostile tone to the raptors,
"Hey! Aren't you going to bow to the Princess!?"

Blue immediately diverted her attention to this naysayer that was carrying her head as a balloon. The grey raptor deflected the impulse to send the mare's brains into orbit. Before Blue could address the purple pony, Luna said,
"Hey aren't you those monsters that attacked that village 4 months ago? Why would you want to help us!? I might find and destroy you once the dream ends."

Blue snarled at Luna and stomped up to her. Not breaking eye contact at all. It wasn't long until Blue stared down Luna , mere inches away from her face. Luna's stern look turned into one of fear as Blue rose up on her haunches to make herself appear larger than Luna. Fluttershy looked on in shock at what Blue was doing. She saw this behavior in that of Timberwolves. The act of asserting dominance over a seemingly superior force. The main six watched with looks of horror as Blue stood over the alicorn, now on her knees trying not to make eye contact with Blue who was growling loudly. Twilight had seen enough, she ran in between Blue and Luna and pushed Blue back a few feet. Twilight again said another speech,
"You have a lot of nerve to come back to threaten a Princess of Equestria! I'll be happy once we wake up because I won't have to think of how you four abuse the magic of friendship. May you live the rest of your lives in peace, and for your sake, I hope we never meet again."

Then Luna announced that morning was about to arrive in the land and one by one the ponies started to disappear. Blue shot the six ponies and Luna the meanest glare ever as her and her sisters faded away from the dream world.

Princess Celestia sat on her throne, awaiting for a meeting. She new they would arrive soon with news so she had the guards leave the room. Not even five minutes later, the one she sent out to look for her sister came back to her. Looking up at Celestia were Blue, Delta, Echo, and Charlie. It seemed the raptors had considered Celestia's offer.


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Alright guys, I have created the trailer for this fanfiction. It can be found here:
Hope you like it:pinkiehappy:!!!