> Tears to the Blood Moon > by WarMagus1983 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The first cut > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My name…..is Bloodstone. Ironic considering the facts, but long ago it was not so. I was born, as most children were, to a loving family. My parents, both earth ponies, where shocked when I was born a unicorn of all things. But it was during a time of strange things and even stranger occurrences. To them it was odd yes, but that did not stop them from loving me none the less. I was their son, and only heir and my being a unicorn just made them expect great things from me. But never did they force their will on me; no, I accepted every trial and tribulation with honor and grace. My father was one of the wealthiest stone masons in all of Equestria. It was like he had a knack for finding the best quality stone in the world. And from it he made some of the greatest monuments of our time, including the Grand Palace of the Princess Pony Sisters. Oh such wonders that place once held. But I am getting of track, forgive me. It was during its construction that I first met them, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Oh such beauty they held was not meant for this world, each one blessed with a power of grace and wrath the like of which no unicorn could hope to match. Celestia was as warm and tender as the sun, but deep within was a fire that she only unleashed on those who brought harm to her ponies. And Luna, oh there are not enough words in the languages of all the world to describe what majesty she held; even when destroying those who threatened Equestria she was as lovely as could be. Ah, once again I wander from the path of this story, my apologies. Luna must have sensed something unique about me and took an interest in my magical talents. Under her watchful eye my magic flourished and grew and with it our families fortune. It was not long before I was strong enough to not only pull stone from the earth, but also cause the creation of many different types of gemstones. Many began to say that it was in my blood, and so it was proven when my cutie mark appeared. A crimson stone as red as the blood of any pony, little did I know how much that simple stone would become a curse to me. As time went by I began to notice that Luna was slowly drifting away, there were even times she dismissed me entirely. Normally a gentle colt would never ask a lady such as Princess Luna questions about her bodily functions, but as I said before I was not a ‘normal’ gentle colt. I confronted Luna, demanding to know who the father was and if he was going to do the right thing. To my great embarrassment a child was not the cause of her mood swings and change of demeanor. No, in fact it was the loss of life that was causing her distress. One of her former students had just passed away quite suddenly and she felt great pain for it. Apparently he had been quite….let us say for the lack of a better term ‘committed’ to her. He had devoted the entirety of his life to worshiping her and she feared the same would happen to me. Of course I was still a young colt after all, so this ‘obsessing’ over a filly, even Princess Luna, seemed silly to me. But to put her at ease I promised not to bind my heart so blindly to her. She was immortal and I, at the time, was not. As I grew older I found it incredibly easy to keep my word, for while Luna had elegance none could match mortal mares held my interests by changing so often. They were like the seasons, ever changing, always in motion. And while some of my romances ended badly I always enjoyed them. But as time wore on I began to look, not for a simple ‘fling’ but a wife. I began to search for that ‘special’ somepony that would make my life’s adventure all the more sweet. In the end I found two whom I loved more then anything, Witch-hazel and Lady Rainbow Diamond. Witch-hazel was a common born unicorn, her family lacked, to put it bluntly, the breeding most ponies expect of unicorns. But one could not fault her passion, nor deny her magical power. She even gave me a unique gift that I still keep to this day, a chalice from which any liquid could be called forth no matter how rare or unique. Despite all this I found myself lacking in the same interest she showed in me. In fact there were several times I found her attentions….unwanted. But Rainbow Diamond was different; she was a unicorn of grace and beauty nearly equal to the princess themselves. And while I was able to create gems with my magic, I was unable to make them in any form other then rough uncut states. Rainbow however could take any gem, any precious metal, and craft it into jewelry of the highest quality. To her, creating beauty out of the raw material’s presented to her, was her greatest joy. And soon, she became mine. Our romance was slow at first, mainly due to her parents not liking their daughter being the attention of a ‘mutant earth pony’. But over the course of time I was able to ‘win’ them over with my determination and more then a little bit of gold. Rainbow however was much harder to win over then her parents. She wanted someone who loved her for who she was and what she loved to do. And that is who I strove to become and in time she began to love that which I was and what I loved to do. To many it would seem my story would in fact have a happy ending, oh that it were only so. But fate and the cruelty of Discord had yet to have its final say in what was just the first act. It was a night of the full moon, Luna had made sure that the stars and the moon would be at their brightest for this moment. I was going to meet Rainbow at a cliff overlooking the ocean and propose to her that night, it was to be the best night ever. But Witch-hazel decided to give it one more go. She came to me that night with an ultimatum, choose her or she would destroy all I held dear. Of course to me that was the final straw; I made it very clear to her that night, if she ever threatened those I loved I would kill her myself. In hindsight I probably should have killed her that night anyway, but I digress. I arrived at the cliff, ring in hoof and heart beating like crazy. The very air around me felt like it was charged with electricity. If only my mind not been solely focused on my love I may have been able to stop what came next. Rainbow was standing with her back to me and I shamefully stopped to stare at her flank when it happened. She turned to me and that is when I first noticed something was wrong. Her lovely magenta eyes were a pale golden color and she was trembling as if fighting for control of herself. She locked eyes with mine and said the last two words I heard when I was still of this world. “Help me…” And with that she flung herself from the cliff. I raced forward and desperately tried to catch her with my magic, but there was something else in the air that prevented my magic from working right. The great stone hands I drew from the cliff crumbled as soon as they appeared and Rainbow, the love of my life, struck the cold stones at the base of the cliff. It was in this moment that the world went silent; I could not hear the waves crashing against the cliff nor the beating of my own heart. I couldn’t even hear the wind whipping in my ears as I plunged over the cliff to join my beloved. I know not how long I lay on those cold wet stones before I realized that I was not dead. My body was soaking wet from the sea, yet I did not feel the least bit cold. I reached out to touch my beloved, only to have my body suddenly be wracked with pain indescribable. But if I had to try I would say it was like I had suddenly been filled with molten fire and left to burn. I heard cracking and snapping as my body began to change in ways I couldn’t even begin to dream of in my darkest nightmares. My teeth, teeth made for eating apples and other vegetables, began to grow and sharpen into fangs for piercing hide and drawing blood. The flesh of my back began to twist and surge as if something under my very skin wished to free itself, and so it did with a fountain of blood two wings tore from my already pain wracked body. But these were not the wings of a simple pegasus pony, no; they were wings more akin to a dragon or a bat. It took me several minutes to realize what had happened to me, I had gone from being a normal unicorn and loyal friend to the moon princess to being a beast of blood and shadow. I was cursed. I was….a vampire. I had heard of such creatures since this was the time of Chaos, but never did I expect to BE one. But I did know one thing, such a transformation was no accident. With my newly enhanced senses I turned my gaze to the top of the cliff and saw her standing there as brazen as could be. But it was not Witch-hazel alone, no. There was the presence of another, a being of great power and evil. If I had not been taught by Luna herself I would not have believed my eyes that night. For whom I saw upon that cliff stole what little warmth my now undead body possessed. Discord. The days that followed were a blur of pain and sorrow, I could not even attend my beloved’s funeral due to my condition. But through a combination of the loyalty of my family and our servants and a goodly helping of luck I was able to keep my need for blood in check and my secret hidden. I still performed my duties that my family required, but when I was not I hunted the beasts that Discord had unleashed on our land. I don’t know if I made any difference, but I like to think I did. And it was soon after my transformation that Discord was cast down from his throne of chaos and sealed away and with his disappearance so to disappeared most of his ‘loyal’ minions. And with their disappearance I found my nights open to more ‘open’ then usual and I had to entertain myself with refining my magic and thoughts of revenge on Witch-hazel. It was to my great displeasure that I found that she had been busy too. She had stirred up the rumor that I was had sided with Discord and was a monster waiting for the right moment to strike. And while Luna dismissed these things and hate mongering for an unrequited love, the village I called home soon roared for justice and neither princess could ignore it. They arrived just as Luna had raised the moon and I was beginning to stir from my daily slumber. My family and loyal servants begged and pleaded with them, telling them that I was not the monster Witch-hazel had cast me as; but it was to no avail. I surrendered myself to them on the condition that my family, servants, and home were to be born no ill will. It was agreed and I was taken into custody and locked away for trial. Sadly it seemed that the luck on which for so long appeared to have run out; for my trial was a joke before the princesses. And my sentence, while in Luna’s eyes was light, was cruel beyond measure. I was to be locked in an iron coffin and buried alive until my mind and body finally gave out and I perished. Before I was sealed Luna asked me if I hated her for what she had done. For the first time in a long time I truly smiled, we were not princess and the condemned but teacher and student again. My words were as follows, “I hold no ill against you Luna, or against your sister. You are doing what you must to ensure peace in our land. Only she who has TRULY wronged me need fear my wraith. I do not care if I must wait ten, twenty, or even two thousand years! I will take my revenge on her.” And so I was sealed away in darkness, unaware of the changes which went on above me. Until I awoke to freedom once again. Author’s Notes: Hello there! I am here to make sure a few things are clear. This is a story about a vampire and his quest for vengeance in the world of Equestria. He’s not going to fall for any of the Mane Six. He’s not in love with either of the princesses. He is going to inflict grievous harm on the local wildlife. And finally he is NOT going to sparkle! This story is based off of The Dark Shadows soap opera and not Twilight. And for those of you expecting a happy ending, well you’re just going to have to wait for the end and see now won’t you?