On the Biological Compatibility of Pokemon: As Queried by Twilight Sparkle

by Quetzalcoatl

First published

Twilight wants to understand more about otherworld biology, and forge a new friendship via shared learning - even if the subject matter is a little embarrassing. Crossover with Pokemon, featuring a Mewtwo named Grimalkin.

It isn't very often that a scholar has the opportunity to discuss knowledge from other worlds with someone who actually came from one, but Twilight is one of the lucky ones. A being called a Pokemon, identifying himself as something termed 'Mewtwo' has ended up in Equestria, and Twilight is bound and determined to learn whatever she can from him - even if it means asking embarrassing questions. After all, what sense do Egg Groups even make?

Aside from gaining new information, Twilight also hopes to form a bond of friendship with the intellectual Mewtwo - named Grimalkin - based on their shared scholarly nature. Their discussions range from the history of both of their worlds, to matters of physiology - this particular talk being focused on the curious matter of Pokemon reproduction.

This fiction may yet tie in with other stories of mine as a side story, but it could potentially stand on its own.
As reproduction is only alluded to, rather than described in great detail, I believe this rates as Teen.

A Slightly Awkward Discussion

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Eyes alight with curiosity, the research-prone student of Celestia held her quill at the ready in her magic field, poised to begin writing. It wasn't often that one had the opportunity to ask questions of a being from another world, and she suspected that it was even rarer to encounter such a being who could really understand her enthusiasm and doggedness when it came to seeking out new information. Fortunately for her, though, the outworlder she was sitting ready to take notes on had an enquiring mind of his own – finally, somepony who understood! While she had yet to convince him to undergo any tests, Grimalkin had proven willing to exchange information quite readily – like for like.

Both purple beings possessed sharp, scientific minds – for all that Twilight's was oriented towards the science of magic, and Grimalkin's towards the science of life – so perhaps that made sense. Rainbow Dash had commented that she might have to check in a few times to make sure that the 'pair of eggheads' didn't forget to eat – though somewhat blunt of the Pegasus, Twilight had to admit that it could actually be necessary. She did sometimes lose track of other things while in the midst of her studies, and Spike was out trying to help Rarity find the Crusaders. She wasn't entirely sure what the trio of little fillies had done this time, but it was likely to involve tree sap – and lots of it. Just as well that they weren't in her library, all things considered. She didn't mind rambunctious fillies, but she couldn't help but feel that they'd cause no end of mess if they brought their sap-covered selves among the shelves. If there was one thing Twilight hated, it was damage to the books under her care.

Across from the curious Unicorn, a paler purple creature sat, his long and darker-hued tail curled around him. This feline being, who seemed intimidatingly tall to many ponies, slightly resembled a Dragon or a Diamond Dog – in fact, Twilight had initially hypothesised that he was a feline equivalent to the latter species. However, Grimalkin was from an entirely different world, and she supposed that she could hardly expect his physiology to conform to Equestrian norms. Apparently, he was something called a Pokemon – that being a general term for his type of being, from what he had already told her. Not so much a species as some other form of classification – though she was still unclear on precisely what type of classification.

When she'd asked him about what sort of Pokemon he was, if there were as many variations as he'd claimed, he had explained that there were different sorts of classification used to distinguish that. Intrigued, she'd requested more detail, and he had explained to her about Types – a fascinating concept – and moved on to evolutionary lines and Egg Groups. It had initially confused her, hearing that one Pokemon could become another, until she had drawn the parallel between that and things like caterpillar or tadpole metamorphosis – and postulated that Pokemon evolution was a magical form of that kind of process.

Still confusing, though, was the idea of Egg Groups. She could wrap her mind around the idea that all or most Pokemon produced eggs – it seemed strange to her, but not impossible. She had, after all, read about platypi and the like. However, the groupings seemed odd to her, and rather arbitrary, and she had therefore requested a more in-depth explanation. She was aware that the subject matter would likely delve into Pokemon reproduction, but her curiosity was greater than her awkwardness at the thought of discussing reproduction. It always nagged away in her mind, when she couldn't understand something – she felt that she had to know more, to comprehend, before she could move on.

It had long been a foible of hers, even when she was a little filly. She did try to reign it in, but she could not often resist the lure of fresh information. It was something that had cost her many opportunities for friendships back in Canterlot – not that she'd really given it much thought in those terms at the time. Now, though, it was possible that she could found a friendship upon the very thing that had once kept her isolated, and share her pursuit of learning with another. She supposed that she really shouldn't have been as surprised as she was by how much that notion tugged at her core – tying in closely with a need to feel validated that she hadn't even been fully aware of.

If she could forge a friendship based around research and scientific enquiry, then at least she'd know for certain that she could really, truly be herself in all her borderline obsessive studying awkwardness, and still make a connection with someone who understood – and in some ways shared – that part of her. She understood that her friends didn't really have the same place in their hearts for learning as she did, and that was okay, everypony was different – but it got kind of lonely at times, being the only 'egghead' of the group.

It was a little bit more awkward a topic, addressed to a being who had stated that he was not a product of such natural processes, but created artificially instead – still, he hadn't objected. She felt a little guilty, not sure whether it bothered him or not, but her enquiring mind still wanted to know. Ah, yes – Egg Groups. I recall that you were somewhat startled when I used the example of a small feline successfully reproducing with a large marine mammal. The Mewtwo began, a slight half-smile drifting into being as he recalled her expression and frizzed mane when he'd mentioned that Skitty and Wailord could produce viable offspring. That particular detail surprised me as well, when I was conducting my own research. It is not as impossible, nor as unpleasant, as you may be imagining.

A sceptical expression adorned Twilight's features as she listened – not only was she half-certain that he'd chosen that example specifically to get a reaction from her, she had serious doubts about the feasibility of such a thing. “Are you sure?” The equine scholar asked, “Whether or not their biological make-up is compatible, their physiology certainly wouldn't be! That poor little feline would be completely dwarfed!” She put in, a little frustrated that Grimalkin might be trying to wind her up. I assure you, it is possible – without incurring serious harm on the smaller party.

For a moment, Twilight was concerned that Pinkie Pie, the irrepressible and fairly unpredictable party planner, might suddenly pop out from behind a broom or a cupboard door at the mention of any kind of party, but the library remained tranquil. Breathing a mental sigh of relief, Twilight narrowed her eyes. “How?” She asked simply, while Grimalkin appeared to be totally calm. In fact, the outworlder was inwardly quite amused by the situation, and enjoying the frustrated and embarrassed confusion wafting from Twilight like the scent from something freshly baked. You would term it a form of magic, I believe. The term I am familiar with is 'mutability'. Simply put, all Pokemon known to have originated on the planet I am from – bar possibly one or two lines – are descended from one variety in particular – Mew. He explained, working his way into the topic, while trying to discern what would be the best way of putting things.

Mew are believed to be extremely adaptable, being as there are records of them being able to perform more moves than most – if not all – other species. This would equate to your talent in magic as a whole, as opposed to the usual magical prowess of a Unicorn whose talent lay in something completely different. Before I had the opportunity to query an actual Mew, the idea that they could be proficient at assuming the forms of others was mere conjecture – I now know it to be a viable option for them, although apparently not all perform this feat. Therefore, it can be inferred that Mew physiology is relatively malleable according to their whims and needs. He continued, taking care to keep his tone relatively bland. Like Twilight, he found discussing natural reproduction slightly awkward, though this was partially because he did not yet understand the non-physical side of things.

Quill rapidly scurrying across her notepaper, Twilight's eyes widened slightly – she wasn't entirely certain where this was going, but she had an inkling. Unlike Mew, most kinds of Pokemon are unable to alter their forms at will. However, the descendants of Mew retain the capacity for shape alteration in the case of specific anatomical features. Those that were able to reproduce with the widest variety of partners were the most likely to pass on their make-up, meaning that retaining the capacity to alter reproductive organs to correlate more closely with those of others was an advantageous trait. This capacity for alteration is highly versatile, allowing Pokemon with greatly differing physiology – but compatible genetics – to reproduce with near impunity.

Twilight's quill was racing by now, but her mind was not hailed as razor sharp for nothing – she still had questions. “What about blood flow relative to the brain? Wouldn't a small Pokemon attempting to procreate with a very large one cause themselves to pass out, due to the greatly increased blood requirement imposed by their enlarged reproductive organs?” She asked, trying very hard not to think of the other physiological implications if the smaller partner were the female. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction – just as the more diminutive Pokemon's genitalia would enlarge, the more massive Pokemon's genitalia would reduce in size. It is true that there are upper limits for the smaller species, and lower limits for the larger ones – which would likely have implications for the ease and enjoyability of such a match – but it is generally possible for a compromise to be reached. In case you were wondering, it is this same mutability that allows Pokemon to keep their genitalia safe during battle – the reproductive organs are protected within the body unless they are required.

Twilight's cheeks flared crimson beneath her pelt, as she couldn't stop herself from imagining the process that lead to such measures. It spoke volumes about the nature of love, though, that such examples were well known in Grimalkin's world. After all, when would creatures with such disparate sizes and shapes randomly decide to attempt to reproduce with one another rather than others of similar size to themselves? They didn't even live in the same habitats. Therefore, Twilight was of the opinion that, as Grimalkin had stated the majority of Pokemon to be at least moderately sentient, matches like that were testament to the versatility and dedication of love. It was rather sweet, actually, now she thought about it. Come to think of it, friendship was also a kind of love, wasn't it? Considering all that she and her friends had managed to achieve with the power of their friendship, she couldn't help but feel pleased by the notion that – even between worlds – love was a powerful force.

“Thank you, that's given me a lot to think about.” She responded politely, receiving a nod in acknowledgement. “Perhaps we could discuss the founding of Equestria next time?” She suggested, recovering from her slight loss of composure. Grimalkin nodded, another of his faint smiles in evidence. That would be appreciated. Until next time, then. The Mewtwo replied, floating into a standing position as Twilight got to her hooves and placed her notes carefully among her personal records. “Until next time.” She confirmed, a smile of her own emerging as she saw him off. It was so nice to be able to discuss how things worked between worlds, even if the subject matter sometimes made her feel awkward.