Faulty Hoofcuffs

by Sam Cole

First published


Twilight Sparkle never took the time for friends before coming to Ponyville, but that does not mean she never clopped around. As a true egghead, she never saw the value of a committed relationship, only pursuing hook ups to 'fill the need.' So after having trouble getting a good lay in the fair village, she turns to her trusted toys. But one mishap with a pair of cheap hoofcuffs leads to a discovery for Twilight, that she has feelings for a certain white mare.

I'm changing the normal idea up that Twilight is a virgin and never fooled around, cause I bucking can. If you like the idea, cool, if not, hey read this anyways, couldn't hurt. Credit for the pic, would be here mis amigos. Also I am using the CMC but not tagging them, I just can't tag them in a mature fic, much less a clop fic.

Aggravation and new life styles.

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Please support the official release. Also all characters used in clop are of age, and should be viewed as such.

Twilight Sparkle exhaled loudly as she walked down the street to her library home, tucking her chin down against to cold autumn wind.

"Damn it all," She said with a gruff, "All I wanted was one good romp in the hay, why do they all think I'm a virgin or looking to settle down?" She asked to the empty street. Twilight was regretting having to come home to her toy collection yet again, having failed, yet again, to pick up a partner. She had tried cafes, bars, rodeos, even a dating service that only set her up with one colt, and that was the worst one yet. Twilight opened her door with her magic, head still down. Had she been looking, she would have seen poor Spike right there.

"Hiya Twilgughgh!" Spike said as Twilight knocked him over into the door way.

"Oh, Spike! I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay?" Twilight asked her assistant and friend.

"Uh, yeah, just swallowed the gum I was chewing..." Spike said looking down, a little miffed.

"Sorry. I'll be more careful next time Spike. By the way, where are you off too?" Twilight asked as she dropped off her scarf and boots by the door.

"I was going over to Rarity's for a Cutie Mark Crusader sleep over. I promised to help out," Spike said rising his chest with pride.

"Anything for Rarity huh?" Twilight teased as she walked into her bedroom nook and started brushing her hair. Hurry up and go Spike, Twilight thought, I want to read some after I take care of myself.

"Yeah... Rarity..." Spike said with a grin on his face and his eyes glazed over.

"What ever lover boy," Twilight said with a giggle, "Scoot, the doors open and its cold out."

"Oh, yeah, Bye Twilight, see you tomorrow," Spike said hopping out the door and banging it closed. The sound of silence settled into the library as Twilight exhaled, glad for the turn of events letting her get to work that much faster. She opened up a hidden compartment of the floor and took out her favorite pink and lavender knee socks, hoof-cuffs, and purple stallion stand in. Twilight hummed to her self as she took great care in rolling the socks up her slender legs, taking great care to massage her legs and warm them up before going farther. She had all night, why not enjoy it? She settled onto her bed as she floated the hoof-cuffs over to her self, stroking the cool metal against her stomach and chest, letting them rise slowly up her forelegs, til they found the point right below her hoofs, and clicked the right one shut. Twilight then looped the chain around the bedpost and secured her left fore leg to the post, already getting wet thinking of the pleasure to come.

She floated the stallion replica over to her, and with a giggle licked around the head of the plastic lover. She took great care in looping her tongue around and around the purple unit, flicking her tongue gently over the fake opening and then licking all the way down the shaft, wetting it with her saliva as she picked up speed, ready to feel the toy inside of her if she could not have the real thing. She moaned as she placed the unit against her already swollen lips, rubbing it up and down, in these cute, tiny circles over her tender love button. She slid the unit in, gasping as she expanded to meet the new object. She used the toy a lot, but was gifted to have a constantly tight pussy, and oh so sensitive. She slowly pushed the plastic in, inch by glorious inch, til it rested hilt deep inside of her. Twilight could feel her muscles squeezing and milking the fake cock, wanting to make it come, but alas she would have to settle for a fake again. She started to pull back on the toy with her telekinesis when her worst fear ever happened, there was a knock on the door. Twilight tried in vane to open the cuffs, but found the key to not work in the shackles any more.

"Stupid cheap cuffs!" She yelled at the metal bindings. "Come back later... Unless you're a lock smith!" Twilight yelled at the door. There was a moment as the pony responsible thought for a second, then opened the door cautiously and poked her head in, revealing it to be little Fluttershy.

"Twilight, are you okay? I thought you said locksmith?" Fluttershy asked, unable to see Twilight from her spot on the floor.

"Fluttershy, quick, please go get Pinkie, she has hoof cuff keys, right?" Twilight asked.

"Yeeeesssss. Why?" Fluttershy asked as she made her way to the stairs. Twilight's heart was in overdrive as she thought for a way to get Fluttershy to stop.

"I... um... crap. I'll explain later, please, just go find some keys?" Twilight asked of her friend. She really didn't want to tell Fluttershy, but after this incident, she knew she had to. And of course Pinkie. Which would make it a group thing. So while Fluttershy left, Twilight quickly pulled out the toy, her tension from almost being caught and just the feeling it made sliding out pushed Twilight over the edge as she climaxed, pulling against the irons and bucking her hips to the sensation. Maybe I can try that later, Twilight thought after a second of gleeful sensation, kind of turned on by nearly being caught. But soon enough, the whole gang, to include Rarity, the Cutie mark crusaders, and Spike where there. Pinkie had made a big show of Twilight needing help apparently. Thank Celestia I hid the dildo, Twilight thought to her self as they came up and worked to get her free.

"Why did ya go and cuff yer self to a bed for Miss Twilight?" Apple bloom asked as Twilight lowered her aching forelegs.

"Hahaha, well, I just got these and I was playing around with them, and wouldn't you know it, the key didn't work on them," Twilight said, honest but clean, hoping none of her friends looked too deeply into the matter.

"But why would you get hoofcuffs in the first place?" Sweetie Bell asked, her head tilled to one side.

"Um... I thought they were neat?" Twilight said, which apparently flew over really well with the kids, they thought the cuffs were cool too, and were soon trying to be cutie mark escape artist. Then cutie mark lock smiths as they found Scootaloo could not get out to the cuffs. Everypony shared a laugh and filled out, Rarity telling Spike to take the girls home, she would catch up in a second.

"Twilight, Darling. You explained the cuffs, but not those lovely knee socks," Rarity said with a smile looking at Twilight's legs.

"Oh, these old things?" Twilight said blushing a starting to stumble over her words. "Well, y-y-you see, haha, um... Yeah..." Twilight failed to communicate and settled on a cheesy smile to do the work. Why am I so nervous, it's not that I'm being caught, I could have said I was cold. Why does it matter that Rarity is looking at my legs? Does she really like them? Twilight thought to herself, except for accidentally saying that last question out loud.

"Hmm, yes I do. They are absolutely," Rarity said leaning in to whisper into Twilight's ear. "Naughty." The word set Twilight's heart back into overdrive, going a million beats a minute. Just feeling Rarity's warm breath on her ear, her sweet, angelic voice so close to her sent Twilight for a loop. And the word, the way she let the N drag, the -ty hang from her lip, gifting it to Twilight's eardrum, a small present from the white unicorn. Twilight shuddered at the exchange, leaning her head ever so slightly to the unicorn and brushing her check to Rarity's, to which Rarity didn't really seem to mind. Was it just Twilight's imagination, or was Rarity blushing too? Twilight's brain lagged, it seemed to be full of cotton candy as she leaned into Rarity, wanting more words to float to her, and ended up losing her balance, A quick second of panic and Twilight was standing there, laughing at her clumsiness.

Oh my Twilight thought to her self as she looked into Rarity's eyes. Those big, beautiful sapphire eyes that filled Twilight's soul with glee and.. and some strange alien emotion. It was like the love she felt for all of her friends, but magnified a million times. It was intoxicating. Have I always felt this way? Twilight thought. I always related to Rarity well, and enjoyed my time with her as I do all of my friends. But what is this longing I have, I don't want sex right now, I just got off? Why am I thinking about Rarity like this? I just want to see her smile, hear her voice, see her early in the morning and late at night. I just want to hold her, talking for hours about absolutely nothing. I have never felt like this before.

"Twilight dear? Are you alright?" Rarity asked the unicorn, fearing her coy teasing had sent Twilight over the edge. Way to go Rarity. You wanted to tell Twilight for months now that you loved her, that you could not imagine life with out her, and now she is locked up solid. I should have known she didn't feel that way towards me. Stupid stupid Rarity. Rarity turned quickly and exited the library, muttering something about having to see to Spike and the girls, make sure her house was still standing.

Way to go Twilight, The lavender mare thought, you just scared her off by being a total spaz. I should really look up what I was felling, see if there is a psychological solution for my reaction. Rarity slumped against the library door outside, the wind cutting into her as she stifled a tear, thinking to her self. Brilliant Rarity. Way to scare her off. I bet she never wants to see me again. I am never going to leave my shop again. She thought in her typical dramatic fashion.


The night passed without incident, and the next day, Twilight braved the fresh snow fall to visit everyone at Sugarcube Corner. Upon arriving though, she found a certain fashionista was oddly absent.

"Well if it ain't ol' lock em' up Twilight," Applejack teased as Twilight took a seat next to them, happy to be in the warm room now.

"Haha, I guess I deserve that for locking myself up with out checking that the cuffs worked first. Where is Rarity?" Twilight asked the gang.

"She said she couldn't make it today, had to much work to catch up on, what with this early winter, Dashie," Pinkie said, finishing with a glare at Rainbow Dash.

"What? Winter solstice is just a week away. It was time for snow," Rainbow said lifting her head from her hot cocoa. She sported a nice whipped cream 'stash, to a round of giggles from the ponies there. "What? Whats so funny?"

"Nuthin' Rainbow Stash," Applejack said with a laugh.

"Oh..." Rainbow said, happily licking the stash clean.

"So Twilight, Um, I was wondering, why it was you were in handcuffs yesterday, if you don't mind my asking that is?" Fluttershy said as she looked up from her cup, but not through her bangs.

"Oh, yeah, I promised I would tell you. I just wanted to keep it down in front of the kids. I was, well... you know," Twilight said drawing small circles on the table with her hoof looking down. Everypony at the table leaned in, sensing that this secret was not one Twilight would part with easily.

"Yes?" Pinkie asked, tilting her head almost completely sideways.

"I was trying to get off," Twilight said a little deflated. But to the others, this was not a big deal. They just laughed at it, in all truth.

"Well shoot Twi, ya just need a coltfriend, then ya won't have ta lock yer self up like that," Applejack said with a laugh sitting back.

"I've, never done that though..." Twilight said still looking down.

"I understand, your first time is special, you want it to be perfect. And we can help get you ready egghead, better than any book at least," Rainbow said with a smug look.

"Oh no, I've bucked before. I've never had a relationship," Twilight said looking up now. Spoons fell loudly, and cocoa was spit out by the shear shock of what had just been said.

"What? How have you made love with out being in a relationship?" Fluttershy asked. Twilight's four friends wore matching looks of shock and realization now, a sight Rarity would have loved, or so Twilight thought.

"I never made love, I just fooled around back in Canterlot. I would pick up a partner when ever I was horny, buck til I felt better, then carry on with my studies. But ever since I moved to Ponyville, I have not been able to get one hook up. Not a one. What is it girls? Am I not pretty here?" Twilight asked, feeling self conscious all of the sudden.

"Nnnnooooo, you're pretty Twilight. It's just, well..." Pinkie started.

"Ponyville colts ain't like that. All colts out here are raised to be gentlecolts, only engaging in relations once in a committed relationship," Applejack finished.

"Wait, everypony? Even the mares?" Twilight asked a little taken aback.

"Well duh. The mares need the colts to fool around," Pinkie said rolling her eyes. "Silly Twilight. How else could two ponies have an intimate relationship?"

"You're serious?" Twilight asked looking at her friends.

"Yep, as a heart attack. That must be why the Princess sent ya down here, to learn bout love and stuff, first from friends, then romantic. This will make quite a letter, huh?" Applejack said nudging Twilight, who mumbled agreeably, shocked at the lack of understanding. They don't even recognize the idea that two mares could be in love. Does that mean Rarity could never love me then? What if I am in love with her, but she is scared about that kind of thing? What if that's why she didn't come out today? Twilight thought, and again letting slip the last thought as a stated question.

"What do you mean Twilight? Are you talking about Rarity? You think she didn't come out because your promiscuity scared her?" Pinkie asked looking at Twilight with saddened eyes.

"I..." Twilight started.

"It's okay sugar cube. We love ya for who ya are," Applejack said with a friendly smile.

"Thanks," Twilight said putting on a great false smile, hiding the questions in her heart. Would you all still love me if you knew I was different? "I have to go talk with Rarity, thank you girls so much," Twilight said hugging everypony then getting up and heading out to the Carousel Boutique.


Twilight walked briskly and soon found herself at the door to fashion mare's shop home. She raised a hoof tentatively to knock, but stopped when she worried about what to say. She was about to put her hoof down when the door flew open inwards and Sweetie Bell ran out right under Twilight's raised hoof.

"Oh, Sis, Twilight's here! Go ahead in," Sweetie Bell said to Twilight.

Haha, great, now I can't back down. The two mares thought simultaneously. Twilight said her thanks to Sweetie Bell before entering the Shop and knocking the powder off her hooves by the door on a mat laid out just for that. She trotted into the studio and found Rarity hard at work studying a particular garment.

"Twilight, dear, what brings you about?" Rarity said as she turned to Twilight, trying to hide the picture of the Purple mare she had just been looking at.

"Rarity, about yesterday... um, I, gee," Twilight said, starting to feel hot as her blush rose and her ears laid back against her head.

"Oh, Twilight, I'm so sorry. I never meant to make you uncomfortable, I was just kidding around," Rarity said, her eyes pleading to the mare that if nothing else, let her not hate me. For Twilight though, upon hearing those words, it felt like her heart broke into a million pieces. She had just imagined Rarity blushing too, just imagined everything. And to think, said the magical student to her self, I had just figure out I loved her, I don't know when, but I do. And now...

"Oh, Rarity, I was afraid I had made you uncomfortable," Twilight said, breaking free of her infatuation. Fearing that her heart was broken forever, her tongue was much more cooperative.

"How ever would you have made me unsettled darling?" Rarity asked her friend, feeling as if a huge weight had been lifted, but noticing a rather subtle change in Twilight's body language. If it had been any pony else they would have missed it, but not Rarity and her eye for detail.

"I um..." Twilight started, unsure how to continue. Rarity was a little piqued though, but Twilight could not notice over her fight to just control her own mouth again, she had to tell her friend all these compromising details. "I was being a little... physical yesterday, brushing your check and leaning in to you," Twilight said to the floor, hoping Rarity could hear. "I understand now that here in Ponyville it's unheard of for a mare to like another mare, and I'm sorry if I made you think I was doing anything else. I was just...well, it's nothing now Rarity."

"Darling, I was..." This time Rarity took a turn at locking up, " I um, well, that is, I kind of..." Inside there was a war, Rarity's heart vs her mind. Her mind was saying that what Rarity wanted to believe was not true, but her heart said it was. The heart called out, straining to be heard, to be felt, understood. She had to say it! She had to, her heart told her so, and if her love was true, then it would be rewarded. If not...

"It's okay Rarity, I understand," Twilight said walking over to hug Rarity, glad to have cleared the air between them. If nothing else, she thought, I can keep her in my life as my friend. The one that got away...

"Twilight I love you!" Rarity said with her eyes forced shut, scrunching all of her muscles up to be able to force out her confession. She let out a large breath as she let those four words escape her. She didn't know if it was right to say it, but she couldn't hold it in any longer.

"I'm sorry, what?!" Twilight said a little too loud in hindsight, Because she felt like scum when Rarity flinched at the question. "I'm sorry Rarity, I have been struggling with my feelings for a bit now, to find that our friends don't really like the idea of two mares loving each other..."

"I'm sorry Twilight, but I had to tell you. I have loved you for months now. The way you always need to read about a situation before you try it. The way you brush your mane so it splits right at your highlights. Even the way you get angry and burst into flames. I love you Twilight, each and every detail. Please don't hate me," Rarity said looking up into those beautiful lavender pools that shown the World perfectly. Rarity was almost in tears as she watched Twilight sit, inches away, stunned, trying to wrap her head around the concept that she had just heard.

Twilight just leaned in, with out a word, and put her mouth to Rarity's. Reaching up with her right hoof, Twilight placed it behind Rarity's head, pulling her deeper into the kiss. Rarity was shocked as first, but soon she subsided to the pleasure. Please dear Celestia, if I'm dreaming, let me finish! Rarity thought as she felt Twilight tongue press against her lips. Rarity parted her soft lips, happy to let Twilight explore inside of her waiting mouth. She moved her own tongue to touch Twilight's, happy to see she eagerly wrapped her tongue around Rarity's and played with it, eliciting a small moan of pleasure from the white unicorn.

Twilight leaned into the kiss more, taking her left foreleg and wrapping it around Rarity's waist, pulling the mare close as Rarity in turn threw her legs, both fore and aft, around Twilight. Twilight gently at first, then with more passion, lowered Rarity to the floor, laying on top of her as she continued to pull her friend into a deeper and deeper kiss. Rarity was in heaven, feeling the mare she loved kiss her as such was the best feeling ever. Twilight rubbed her hoof down the white coat, twirling her hoof around the closest of three little diamonds that made Rarity's cutie mark. Rarity moaned in pleasure as she felt the pressure on her flank, her hooves pulling hard at Twilight's back as she did so, begging her to keep going.

"What in the hay are you two doing!?!" Sweetie Bell asked as she came back in with her two friends. They all sat open mouthed looking at the two mares on the floor. Rarity broke the kiss now, looking to her sister.

"Sweetie, how long have you all been there?" Rarity asked with a slight chuckle to her voice.

"Not long enough," Scootaloo said, her wings standing straight out. "You don't have to stop just because of us," She ventured. She grumbled when Twilight sat bolt upright, and Rarity rose a second later, adjusting her mane.

"Girls, please knock in the future," Rarity said as she and Twilight competed for the best blush ever award.

"But I live here," Sweetie Bell protested.

"Um..." Rarity started.

"Don't worry girls, why don't we continue this discussion at the library, Rarity," Twilight said full of poise.

"But y'all was kissin' not talkin'?" Apple Bloom said trying to wrap her head around what she saw.

"It was a very nice talk," Twilight said.

"So very nice," Rarity smiled at Twilight.

"Get a room," Sweetie said as she and Apple Bloom pushed Scootaloo out the door to Sweetie's bedroom.


Twilight and Rarity walked along the empty street to their destination, flank to flank, laughing all the while. Twilight was happy now, and she didn't know why, just being with Rarity was enough. Soon they rounded the corner, and bumped into another friend, but right now, that term was used loosely.

"Well there ya two are!" Applejack said as she saw the two mares. "Why are y'all walking like that an' laughin?"

"Oh, hello Applejack," Twilight said, her mind reeling for an excuse. Thank Celestia for Rarity.

"What a pleasure Applejack. Twilight came by and offered to show me something at the library, but I was a tinny bit cold, so I'm trying to warm up against her," Rarity said with a laugh.

"Shoot, don't blame y'all. It's mighty frigid out here. What was Rainbow Dash thinkin?" Applejack said, her discontent for the cold distracting her.

"She is too busy with Soarin these days dear, you know that," Rarity said with a shiver, as she dug into Twilight's mane. She took the chance to inhale deeply of Twilight's scent, the hint of lavender and lilacs laying beautifully in the mare's mind.

"Yeah, she has been mighty happy with her coltfriend. Speakin' of which," Applejack started to Twilight's horror, she had neglected to tell Rarity about the cover up, "We want to help Twilight here learn to date, we found out she ain't never had a coltfriend in her life."

"Really?" Rarity said with a chuckle.

"Yep, but she is ready to give up sleepin' round, just as the Princess would have it, right Twilight?" Applejack said. Rarity pulled away to get a better view of Twilight, looking into the lavender mare's eyes for the answer, knowing it would make her the happiest mare ever, or destroy her fragile heart forever.

With a happy smile, one so slight only Rarity was privileged to see, she said just above a whisper "I hope so, I want something more." Rarity's heart soared at the answer. If Applejack had not been there, she was sure she would have kissed Twilight, longingly, deeply.

"Well ain't that the best news ever. Way ta' go Twi. I know you can do it, we are all here to help you," Applejack said.

"Hmm, I hope so," Twilight said still looking at Rarity, but turning to Applejack, changing her tone. "I can't thank you enough AJ. I hope I can someday repay you for showing me I needed love in my life."

"Just find a nice colt sugar cube, that'll be enough for me," Applejack said with a honest smile and parted ways.

"Colt? Oh Twilight," Rarity jokingly nudged Twilight with her flank, "Am I not enough for you?" She finished with a big pout, tilting her head ever so. Twilight laughed, and nuzzled close to her new love.

"Mmm, you are perfect for me. Why did I wait so long to realize this?" Twilight said as they started to walk again.

"Because darling, you had no idea you loved me just yet," Rarity said as they came upon the step to the Library, opening the door to a flustered Dragon named Spike, and Twilight remembered another problem, telling Spike.

"Hi Twilight, oh and Rarity too! Hi," said the infatuated little dragon as he watched the two mares walk in and shake off the cold. "What brings you by?"

"Oh just making a day of it, visiting with Twilight. And of course I had to see my little Spikey Wikey," Rarity said in a baby voice for the end, but Spike didn't care. He was lost in the sauce.

"Oh stop teasing him Rare, I think he's blushing," Twilight said looking at Spike.

"I am not! Dragons don't blush," Spike said defiantly, crossing his arms.

"Oh I think blushing is cute," Rarity said, and both Twilight and Spike began to blush, much to Rarity's enjoyment. "But weren't you going out today, to help the girls with their cutie mark search? Keep adventuring with them and you may get one too with all the work you put into it."

"As if. And I was going to, but I decided against it with the snow. Sweetie Bell keeps suggesting a boys vs girls snowball fight, but then just aims at me," Spike said pouting a little.

"Really?" Rarity said, but thought just one word, IDDEEEEAAAAA!

"Well okay Spike, you can stay down here, but Rarity and I really need to be in private, would you mind going to the lab down stairs to work?" Twilight said.

"Sure thing Boss, come on Owlisious," Said the dragon descending into the library's laboratory. Rarity and Twilight wasted no time, going up stairs and continuing the kiss from where they had left off. But pressing matters soon split their lips as they needed to talk about some thing.

"Twilight, dear, I think we have a few issues," Rarity said sitting up on Twilight's bed to look her love in the eyes.

"Yeah, 3 that I can see. First, I have no relationship experience," Twilight said counting the point on her hoof.

"As I lack any with a mare. But we will overcome that, I will help you, and you can in turn, help me, so to speak," Rarity said, as their lips met for a quick kiss at the ideas forming. "I do believe, though, that our friends will be a bigger issue."

"Ugh, don't remind me. I don't want to carry my love life in the shadows like I have had to my sex life. I want to be able to sit with you in the park, enjoy a good picnic, see a show. I want to hold you in public," Twilight said pulling Rarity in close and kissing her again. Soon though, she stopped and looked down, a little guilty. "But our last problem is the biggest. Spike. He loves you, and now his best Friend is with the mare of his dreams. I don't want to keep hiding this from him," Twilight said almost in tears. She wanted to protect Spike, and was being split by this thought.

"I know my love, but I thought of a solution. I do believe Sweetie Bell has a little crush on our dearest little Spike. Why don't we just push that, I'm positive I can make those two love each other," Rarity said with a wink.

"Really?" Twilight said, never even thinking of such a scheme.

"Yes my darling, I have already been working it so to speak, that's why I ask Spike to help them as much as I do. I was hoping to be with you, and now..." Rarity said, with a dreamy look, rubbing her hoof on Twilight's chest.

"Oh you are too perfect," Twilight said, taking her lover to the bed again, both hooves in her mane as Twilight kissed up and down Rarity's neck. Rarity moaned and gasped as Twilight hit the sweet spot. Twilight picked up on the reaction, and ever so lightly put her teeth around the spot and bit gently, blowing hot air on to the white unicorn's neck. Rarity almost purred at the nibble, turning her head away to give Twilight the most room possible, making the neck muscles pop. Twilight bit a little harder, puling back ever so, and Rarity could only respond with a grunt and two hooves digging into Twilight.

"Oh Celestia, Twilight. Ummmg," Rarity said as Twilight continued, "Uhh, *pant pant* please Twilight, mmm, please. yes, oh goddness yes, right there AHHHHH!" Rarity screamed a new octave as Twilight pulled back on the spot and moved her head in a small circle.

Twilight giggled into Rarity, causing more grunts and gasps. Twilight let her right hoof go for an adventure, letting it slide down and start to play with Rarity's cutie mark. Rarity's breath was sharp and quick, her moans deep as she arched into the lavender mare. Twilight twirled her hoof on the Diamonds, pressing a little more here, brushing it there. Soon Rarity was pulling on Twilight hard, her hooves finding purchase right behind Twilight's shoulder blades. Twilight with another giggle slid her left hoof down, and started to rub the inside of Rarity's thigh, which make a new sound escape Rarity, begging.

"Ugg, yes. Down. Down there. Yes!" Rarity yelled through gritted teeth as she neared her edge.

"Oh," Twilight said, picking her head up from her lovers neck, "Is This," She said sliding her hoof across Rarity's dripping mound, "What you want?" Rarity's eyes rolled back as she pressed herself harder into the hoof, grunting like a mad filly. Twilight moaned with pleasure, truly happy to make the mare she care so much for feel this damn good. Twilight rubbed up and down, Rarity forcing her eyes shut as she was pushed further and further to her breaking point. Twilight pressed harder now, moving in a small circle, rubbing Rarity's button with the tip of her hoof. Rarity could stand no more, and as she brought her head forward, Twilight felt how close she was. Rarity dug her teeth into Twilight's neck, screaming with wave after wave of her orgasm, the mix of erotic pain and the pleasure of bringing this to her lover knocked Twilight over the edge as she ground into her own hoof, the very one working Rarity, as she too felt wave after wave of pure pleasure. Both mares were well and truly spent now, and Twilight rolled off of Rarity, slowly, shakily bringing up her drenched hoof.

"Was that moi?" Rarity said eyeing the hoof in question.

"It was us," Twilight said breathlessly, but still licking the hoof in one, long draw. The sweet taste of Rarity was almost to good to be true. Rarity took the hoof between her own, and gave it a good licking, swirling her tongue over every inch, sucking on the edge that had tripped her own button.

"Mmm, You taste divine, my love," Rarity said, her eyes half lidded.

"You too," Twilight said as she cuddle up to Rarity, closing her eyes, truly content for probably the first time in her whole life. Twilight drifted in between sleep and consciousness for a bit, finally lossing for a minute. She was roused awake by a small dragon named Spike. Oh crap! the only two words to run through her waking mind.

"Hey Twilight, Rarity is washing up, she said you two put a lot of work into that new spell. I get why you wanted me downstairs, a spell that takes another unicorn to control it sounds dangerous," Spike said.

"Yeah," Twilight said, happy that Rarity had covered this situation before it became something much worse, but her mind still lagged from sleep. "So Rarity is...?"

"Right here, Darling," Rarity said, stepping out of the wash room, a cloud of steam accompanying her.

"Oh pony," Spike said, "She looks like an angel."

"Yeah," Twilight said under her breath watching the unicorn with the alabaster coat. Snapping to though, she asked, "How long was I out?"

"Hmm, about twenty minutes dear. You looked like a little angel sleeping, I didn't want to wake you," Rarity said with a smile.

"Thanks, I needed a nap," Twilight said rising from her bed as she headed to the wash room for her turn.

"Not a problem dear. Spike," Rarity called on the dragon, "Would you run and get me some tea please?"

"Of course Rarity," Spike said hoping downstairs.

"Thanks Rarity. I think it is time to push Sweetie Spike," Twilight said, looking down to her friend in the kitchen working like mad to make some tea.

"Agreed, I want to be able to spend the night at some point," Rarity said with a giggle watching Twilight saunter into the washroom, quickly snapping her flank with her tail to a small yip and a lusty look from Twilight.

Randomness and revelations.

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"Spike, come on, we will be late for our lunch!" Twilight yelled to her assistant. She signed, knowing that her sudden urge to research 5th century Canterlotian architecture had put them in this bind, but she couldn't help it, those books were not going to read themselves.

"Twilight, I've heard of some libraries that you just take one or two books at a time, then put them back," Spike said carrying a stack of books taller than himself and fighting for balance.

"Are you saying I should do that from now on?" Twilight asked in a rather innocent tone.

"Yes esssss oh whoa!" Spike said as gravity won the battle.

Twilight just laughed, using her magic to lift the books, and sorted them out as fast as she could to re-shelve them. In 5 minutes, the two of them were walking, or in Spike's case riding, to Sugarcube corner. Twilight was a little too excited, this would be their first meeting to help Twilight learn how to be romantic and in a relationship. And, most importantly, Rarity was going to be there. Twilight sighed thinking of her new marefriend.

"What's up Twilight?" Spike asked from atop his purple mount.

"Oh, nothing, it's just..." Twilight said before catching herself. She had to keep it on the down low, at least til Rarity's plan followed through. And what a plan. Twilight was proud to call the mischievous mare hers.

"Just..." Spike pressed on.

"This is a big change, and I'm ready to make it. It's even better with the help of my friends," Twilight said, banking on incomplete truth. Soon the dragon and pony were at the Corner. "It seems like we come here a lot..." Twilight thought out loud.

"Yeah, huh?" Spike noted, hoping off of Twilight's back and running to the seat next to Rarity. Twilight fancied the idea of magically moving him, but knew she couldn't, not with out good reason. So she sat opposite the lovely white unicorn. But upon seeing everyone, Twilight got a vibe that some thing was very different. Four were good, but one bad...

"Twilight! Oh my gosh, you will never believe it! Soarin pulled some strings for me, I have a try out with the Wonderbolts next week. My dream is coming true! This time next week I will be a Wonderbolt!" Rainbow said before Twilight could even make her round of hellos. Rainbow was so happy she was airborne, and causing quite a gust in the store.

"That's great, I'm so happy for you Rainbow!" Twilight said. She looked over her friends, all happy and congratulatory, except for Fluttershy. She was her normal, quite self. Head down. "Fluttershy? Is everything okay? Your best friend just said she has a shot at her dream..." Twilight was saying but trailed off seeing everypony mime and gesture to stop. But it was too late.

"Oh I'm thrilled," Fluttershy said, sinking further into the chair. "I'm really happy for you Rainbow Dash. Please, um, visit and all, once you're a Wonderbolt, if you don't mind that is..."

"Oh, Fluttershy..." Rainbow said, settling to the floor, "I'm sorry. I, I forgot... I was just so happy that I forgot what I mean to you. Fluttershy, when I'm a Wonderbolt, I will visit with you three times a week, no four! I will never leave my friends," Rainbow said hugging the yellow mare tight. Fluttershy hugged her back, pulling the multicolored mare close, almost in tears.

"You were the only pony to stand up for me in flight camp. You were the only nice one. Rainbow, please don't leave me, I..." Fluttershy said before Rainbow's hug silenced her, a look of dread and joy competing for top emotion.

"We should throw a party guys, to celebrate this, and cheer up Fluttershy. A sort of good luck but come back Party!" Pinkie said, much to the enjoyment of the group.

The gang all settled over gossip and news, not much had happened in the day they were apart, other than Rainbow's news and Twilight and Rarity's secret relationship. But nothing worth mentioning...

"So my sister tells me that yesterday, she spotted two low down, dirty deviants," Applejack said eventually, ruining the useless news streak. "Apparently she saw two mares, acting romantic with each other!" She said it to the group, but Twilight was sure eyes were on her and Rarity. Both mares thought of explanations, but Applejack continued before they could speak. "Yep, I know girls," She said looking at Twilight and Rarity's faces of panic, fear quickly rising in them, "It's horrible to think. Bon-Bon and Lyra, out front of their house, sharing a kiss. What in tarnation has Equestria come to!?!"

Twilight visibly relaxed, which given the groups reactions was not the best move. "What? I'm from Canterlot, public displays of affection are common."

"No Twilight, it ain't the kissin that's the problem, it's the fact that it was two fillies," Applejack said, hotly, "And in front of my sister too."

"Well yeah, I guess explaining that is kind hard..." Twilight reasoned.

"I know, but Granny Smith and Ah set her right," Applejack said. Twilight's heart sank, fearing that telling her friends now would surely result in a falling out.

"So speaking of kissing," Spike said, "I'm getting curious about that stuff now. What's it like?"

"Um..." Everypony said, not making eye contact with the dragon.

"Have any of you even kissed?" Spike said.

"Yes..." Twilight said.

"Well, you know about me, I've kissed a colt, several times... But they were all very serious relationships." Rainbow Dash said, looking up from her chest.

"I got my first kiss thanks to seven minutes in heaven... Oh it was wonderful. I dated the colt for about two years after that, and we used to..." Pinkie said, being stopped by Applejack's hoof and a stern glance. "Oh, hehehe, sorry Spike," Pinkie said embarrassed of her near faux pas.

"I am a horrible pony. I, I wanted to kiss this one colt at flight camp..." Fluttershy said, looking about ready to cry again. For some reason, Rarity thought she could see the subtle hints of a lie, but ignored them, Fluttershy would never do that.

"Um Shy, that doesn't count," Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy blushed deep crimson, and then corrected that yes she was a complete virgin after all.

"Well I have had a very wonderful, private love life," Rarity said, a sly smile on her face.

"Ah guess I never did tell y'all, huh? Ah used to be engaged. My coltfriend back in high school and I were gonna get married, but then we called it off. But we did some things, like what we were talking about yesterday..." Applejack said looking a little hurt.

"I'm old enough to know what you mean by that," Spike said, but was rather ignored, as grown ups tend to ignore the young on this matter.

"AJ, I had no idea. May I ask?" Twilight posed, knowing not to push this issue too far.

"He didn't want to live in Ponyville, but my home and family are here. So Ah choose family. A true love will never ask you to give up whats important," Applejack said. Though she sounded fine, Rarity could read her body language like Twilight could a book, and knew that Applejack's loss still weighed heavy upon her.

"Thank you for sharing that with me, I know it means a lot to you," Twilight said, to a tip of the hat from Applejack.

"So Darling, speaking of love lives, we need to help you with yours, no?" Rarity asked, smiling at Twilight.

"Oh, um, yes. Please," Twilight said, mentally shifting to the new topic as she remembered and color coordinated her mental notes of the last conversation.

"So tell me, what are you looking for in a partner?" Rarity asked, leaning in to the table, her face supported by one hoof as she smiled to Twilight. Rarity took a little pleasure in making Twilight blush here, knowing Twilight was not terribly fond of this. Twilight was enjoying the game though, she knew she would get Rarity back later, when she least expected it.

"Well, haha, um..." Twilight started, and the rest of the group was now rapt to her every word. Even Spike, who normally tuned out romance stuff. "I want somepony that loves me, for me. Some pony that will be there for me after a hard day, just talking sweet nothings as we relax. I would like a creative type, that would mesh well with my personality I think."

"I think so as well, some pony that could fuss over a project or piece as you study it, make notes, and give insight. It would be very rewarding for both of you," Rarity said, much to Twilight's satisfaction.

"I want some pony that is giving, but has their own dreams..." Twilight said, losing her self in the moment.

"Uh, sugar cube? Why are you making googily eyes at Rarity?" Applejack asked. Busted, Twilight thought, think fast!

"Um, I was just enjoying the romantic talk, day dreaming a bit." Twilight said.

"Ah Twilight. Are you sure you are not part pegasus, you always have your head in the clouds?" Rainbow Dash teased. Twilight laughed too though, it was a good cover. But she had to be more careful now. Suddenly, Twilight felt a hoof rubbing up and down on her leg, a hoof that Twilight knew belonged to Rarity, though her face betrayed nothing. So much for careful.

"Where were we dear?" Rarity asked, as the hoof on Twilight's leg edged slowly up and down, sending shivers of joy through the purple mare.

"I want a partner that can teach me, and wants to learn from me and my experiences," Twilight said, as Rarity blushed a little bit, remembering their conversation last night. Twilight would do this battle between them with words, Rarity with actions. Both would win in the long run.

"I want a partner that is smart, clever, kind, strong of heart and body, and determined to see their dreams through," Twilight said. She had described Rarity well, but not to the t in the white mares eyes.

"What about Beautiful?" Rarity asked. She might be losing, her voice was sure to have given something away, but no pony said anything.

"I think they will exceed my wildest dreams," Twilight said, again with the eyes as Rarity's leg brushed the inside of her thigh now.

"Easy Twilight, no need to get all riled up now, we just reigned ya in," Applejack said. "Now the hard part, compromise. Pick the traits ya would be willing to part with first." Applejack said to a now stunned Rarity and Twilight.

"No, Darling, Don't give up your love. Or standards..." Rarity said rather hotly at first, then calmed to a much more manageable level. Everypony but Twilight chalked it up to Rarity's love of romance.

"You should. You may not meet perfection right away, so you should be ready to give a little," Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow, that is the smartest thing I have ever heard you say..." Twilight said, new respect dawning for her friend, "And I see you point." Rarity pouted at the comment, but a quick look from Twilight told her everything, just play along. "And I would give up the creative type. That was a real limiting factor I guess..." Twilight said, guessing the best sounding idea for the group.

"Wow Twilight, it sounds like you put a lot of thought into this," Fluttershy said with a large smile, clearly enjoying the conversation, even if she was not participating much. Neither was Pinkie... Where was Pinkie?

"Ohmygosh!" came the pink pony's voice from under the table, making Twilight and Rarity freeze. But Pinkie came up fast, a happy look on her face, holding something "Two bits, just sitting on the floor! It's my lucky day!" Both mares relaxed a little, but only just.

The conversations worked about for a bit, til Mr Cake came by with a jade cupcake, the same shade as Sweetie Belle's eyes actually, Rarity thought, and placed the treat right before Spike.

"Oh boy! That looks delicious! Thank you Mr Cake," Spike said.

"No problem, but credit goes to somepony else, they asked us to make this for you. The wifey could not resist such a sweet gesture, she thinks it is too darn cute," Mr cake said smiling.

"Who was it? Rarity?" Spike said turning to the white unicorn next to him.

Rarity giggled, "No Spike, I do believe you have a secret admirer."

"A secret admirer, how cute! Spike I am so jealous!" Pinkie said. Every pony enjoyed giving Spike a little bit of grief, but they all thought it was truly the cutest thing ever. Rarity knew, and Twilight guessed, that Sweetie Bell had been behind the confection, but said nothing. They had to let the love bloom naturally. As the gang was leaving,Twilight and Rarity were stopped by Pinkie.

"So why were you two so scared earlier, is it because I caught you two playing hoof-sees?" Pinkie said, making both mares blush and stammer.

"Oh, well Darling, it was just..."

"I guess we should..." Twilight started but was cut off.

"You two were so funny, being all serious while trying to get the rise out of the other!" Pinkie said with a smile.

"Is that what you think was going on?" Twilight asked.

"Yepperunnie, what else could it have been?" pinkie said still smiling, not connecting a and b.

"Not much, I guess..." Twilight said. In truth that was their little game, just they were a little more romantically inclined.

"Tehehehe, I love playing that game, but I never win. You two are champs though," Pinkie said walking past them outside. before returning a second later. "Where the hay am I going? I live here."

Twilight, Spike and Rarity walked along for a block before Rarity had to split off to her home. It hurt both mares, the knowledge that their love was right there, and they could not go and be with them for fear of scrutiny from their own friends and neighbors. So Spike rode on Twilight, happily talking about the jade cupcake, when all of the sudden with a loud wet smack, he was gone.

"Spike?" Twilight asked, turning around and finding Spike buried in a small drift, groaning.

"Oh my gosh Spike," Sweetie Belle said running up to them, "I'm so sorry. I saw you riding Twilight there and I... I just thought maybe I can get him with a snow ball. I never meant to knock you off. Please don't be angry with me..." She said, her eyes misting over as she neared tears, and looked down. With her head down, she was soon knocked off balance by a snow ball from Spike's own claw.

"Take that Sweetie Belle! I'm gonna get ya," Spike said, rising up and chasing a now laughing Sweetie Belle, who would crouch, and leap at the dragon, wrestling for a second playfully, then bounce up and run off again.

"Spike, come home soon. I don't want you catching a cold," Twilight said with a laugh. Then she was struck by an idea of her very own. "Sweetie Belle, would you and the Cutie Mark Crusaders like to come to a good luck party for Rainbow Dash?"

"Rainbow Dash party, count me in!" Scootaloo said popping up out of nowhere.

"Where did you..." Twilight started but was cut off.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS PARTY AT SUGAR CUBE CORNER, YAY!!!" The Three fillies said grouping together in front of Twilight.

"How? Where? When?" Twilight bubbled over with questions, so many that she forgot to ask Apple Bloom what she told Applejack.

"Twilight, can I play with the Crusaders?" Spike asked, as Sweetie tackled him in to a hug from the side. How could Twilight say no to that? So she let the dragon play, giving him her scarf to keep warm while she went home to get ready for the party... Ok, she admitted to her self, to finish my research.


The party was going full force now, a true Pinkie Pie party for the ages. Twilight was being taught how to dance, she had tried to start, but every pony and dragon stopped her, for decencies sake. Thankfully, Rarity was her teacher. And the two of them were enjoying the dance.

"Twilight, you look fantastic tonight," Rarity said, quickly leaning in to whisper " My love." The words were sweet, better than Twilight could have ever hoped. She hoped she was not forgetting the room though. She was amazingly aroused, and feared the she would slip up, get caught. But it was worth it, and luckily no pony noticed. They danced for a few minutes more, then took a break and watched as Pinkie came out and announced a game of pin the tail on the pony. Every pony was having a blast, except Fluttershy.

"Hey Shy, whats wrong?" Rainbow asked, taking a seat next to her friend.

"Oh R-Rainbow, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to drag down your party..." Fluttershy said.

"Hey, you're my best friend, if there is anything troubling you, tell me, and I will make it better," Rainbow said puffing up her chest, placing her hoof on it rather regally for the athlete.

Fluttershy smiled at Rainbow, and just pulled in to a hug, burying her face in the multicolored mane, "I'll be okay, I just want to enjoy my time here, with you..."

"What?" Rainbow asked, unsure of what her friend meant. But Fluttershy was happy, so she let it slide. All of the sudden, the record player started to skip horribly. It proceeded to make the worst noise ever heard in the name of music, til Pinkie cut the tunes.

"Sorry everypony. Guess this one is shot now..." Pinkie said looking at the worn out machine, "Oh well, lets do some karaoke!" To a majority of 'yeahs' and 'lets' from the gang. Sweetie Belle shrunk into the corner though.

"Hey, come on Sweetie Belle. Sing for us," Pinkie asked the little filly.

"No, I...I couldn't..." She replied to a round of encouragement. But one shot through all the others.

"Please sing for us Sweetie Belle. I really love hearing you sing, when ever I get the chance..." Spike said, and Twilight was sure he was blushing. Could things really be going this well? She asked herself.

"Okay," Sweetie said, steeled by Spike's words. She hopped up on a table and took Pinkie's toy microphone before clearing her throat, still a tad bit nervous. Rarity walked up and whispered to her.

"Go ahead, he'll love it," She pressed.

"Thanks, you're the best sister ever," Sweetie said with kindness pouring from her eyes. She turned to the assembled ponies, and started her song. "I wrote this for Rainbow Dash, a good luck song. Ohhhh, Rainbow, high into the Sky you go. Wonderbolts look out, it a Rainbow finish today..." She started, the beautiful melody and tempo were perfect, and even Scootaloo and Apple bloom helped, making music with drums and maracas Pinkie gave them. Every pony enjoyed the song, Rainbow almost in tears.

"That... was... so... AWESOME!" she yelled, taking the little singer into a hug with the other CMC members, "Thank you girls," She said, "I have never felt more ready to rock!"

"Girls, it's getting late now, you best say good night, Spike you too. Pinkie, do you have a spare bed they may sleep on?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yeah, this way guys," Pinkie said leading the four up stairs.

"But Ah ain't *yawn* even tired..." Apple Bloom protested.

The party picked up a bit now, Applejack pulling out some Sweet Apple Acres Cider she had saved for a special event like this. But one drink lead to a rather pleasant discovery.

"Um, Applejack, this taste different..." Fluttershy said, wrinkling her nose at the new bitter taste, not bad, but unexpected.

"Ah know, I let this batch ferment. This is a new product, Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider. Whaddya think?" Applejack asked with raised eyebrows, almost on her tippy hooves.

"It's..." Pinkie started, looking quizzically at the bottle she had, and Applejack began to fear, "Terrific! I have never had anything like this before!" Pinkie said, but quieted down remembering the 6 little ones up stairs. Applejack was relieved, and brought out enough hard cider for a truly fun evening. Soon the magic of booze worked up courage in all the mares, and questions were being asked.

"So Twilight, you kind of surprised me a couple of days ago," Rainbow Dash started, "Why were you sexually active if you didn't want any relationships?"

"Well, I guess it was my time with the Princess," Twilight said placing a hoof to her chin as she lay on the floor, "I was with her from a very early age, since I was 7. I grew up being allowed to ask any questions, so when the time came that I got curious about the facts of life, Celestia didn't hold back. She told me all I wanted to know, and let me read as I saw fit. When I turned 18 four years ago, I was allowed to date, but I just wanted to experiment with what I had been studying for the past three years then. I found it was easy to get a colt in Canterlot, and I found I enjoyed it..." Twilight said with a blush.

"Huh, guess we never thought of that. You would follow what you read, and all the books talked about how it was natural, but you probably didn't read the dating books, did ya?" Applejack asked from her spot on the floor.

"Hehehe, ah no, no I didn't. The Princess magically protected me, so I never thought much about it what I did, and that meant I never cared for the same partner twice. But I guess her concern for my... aloofness, was what prompted the whole study friendship thing," Twilight said. Rarity giggled, and hiccuped at the statement. "You okay, Rare?" Twilight asked.

"I think I have had a bit too much hard cider... Twilight, could you please help me to a spare bed?" Rarity asked with her pleading eyes and pout.

"Okay, okay. Come on Rarity," Twilight said helping her up and to a back room Pinkie had set up when they started drinking.

"So Applejack, you really think that two fillies were kissing?" Pinkie said, looking at the orange mare now that there was just the four of them.

"I don't know why, it can't be nice like a kissin' a colt..." Applejack said looking a little perplexed.

"Lets find out!" Pinkie said and rushed Applejack, placing her lips to her friends. Applejack's eyes shot wide open at the turn, and tried to protest, but found that, oddly, her body didn't want to resist. She kind of liked the feel of the soft lips against hers, the taste of the cider coming across. She opened her mouth a little out of reflex, not meaning too, just doing it. Pinkie slide her tongue into the work horse's mouth, making quick little licks that tickled Applejack, making her lift a hoof to pull Pinkie in more. But right as she was about to, Pinkie broke the kiss. Pinkie looked into Applejack's heavily lidded eyes and giggled. "Mmm, that was good. Why is it bad to kiss a filly? You were much better than any colt!" Pinkie said as Applejack snapped back to.

"Ah- y'all just- Pinkie!" Applejack said, rather flustered. What in tarnation just happened? Applejack thought, her head spinning.

"Um..." Rainbow Dash said, summing up what her and Fluttershy were thinking, "What that bucking hay just happened?"

"Nuthin' happened!" Applejack said.

"Dashie, you watched. I kissed Applejack. OH we should kiss! No wait, you have a colt friend. Fluttershy! Pucker up!" Pinkie said, trying to kiss the laughing and resisting yellow pegasi. The cider had made Fluttershy really open up, so she was just happy go lucky right now.

"Pinkie, you just redefined Random," Rainbow said laughing.

"Hey, I'm surprised myself, I thought Applejack would be a bad kisser, but she was great and got 'cha!" Pinkie said as she feigned right and stole a kiss on Fluttershy as well. In Fluttershy's mind, everything was wrong. This was not right, this was not who she wanted her first kiss from! But... but... oh my, She thought, feeling the pink mare's soft lips on hers, the smell of sugar and fresh baked bread filling all of Fluttershy's senses. Fluttershy's eyes danced for a second, then closed as years of romance novels told her to act, she opened her mouth just slightly, letting Pinkie's tongue in as it danced a flirted about the inside of her mouth. She instinctively began to suck on the tongue, and didn't even realize she had wrapped her legs around the pink earth pony, using her right hoof to pull Pinkie's head to her, delighting in the fervor of the kiss. The kiss was the best felling Fluttershy had ever known, next to earning her cutie mark. She felt Pinkie grabbing her too, and was over joyed at the feeling of two hooves pulling her into such a passionate kiss. But again, as much as Fluttershy wished it could last forever, Pinkie soon broke the kiss. Fluttershy pulled though, and their lips met for just a second, but only just.

"Pinkie," Fluttershy said as she opened her eyes, brethless from the kiss, and hot all over, especially down there.

"Am I the only straight pony left here? Where's Twilight, I need back up..." Rainbow said jokingly, looking around for the Lavender mare.

"MMMMM hmmm, just as good the second time. You are a great kisser Fluttershy," Pinkie said as Applejack gawked.

"Pinkie, that wasn't right, that was her first kiss, and y'all just did it random. I'm sorry Fluttershy," Applejack said.

"Don't be. It was... nice," Fluttershy said with a contented grin.

"Oh Luna," Applejack said.

"Oh you liked it AJ, you kissed me back as well. You had more experience if it makes you feel better," Pinkie said. Applejack's mind was lost. She had enjoyed the kiss. Did this mean everything Granny Smith had said about fillyfoolers was wrong, or was it just the booze and good, trusted friends? They all talked for a bit, Fluttershy seemed very happy, but other wise they just enjoyed the evening. Applejack would talk to Twilight about it tomorrow, she felt the city pony with loose morals could help.


In the back room, Twilight and Rarity were laying on the bed, having a discussion of all things, but a needed one, they could not meet up daily, not yet.

"Twilight, I have been helping Sweetie Belle, I told her I knew about her crush, and coached her into action. Do you think it's working?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, I do. So Rarity, do you remember when you asked me to spill my dream in front of every pony? May I ask why you love me," Twilight said.

"No sexy times?" Rarity said, pouting.

"No, you're a screamer love. We don't want our friends to find out that way," Twilight said with a giggle.

"Mmm, question for question then?" Rarity invited.

"We'll see," Twilight said. She had a good tolerance for the drink, while Rarity rather not.

"Okay. I have ever since I laid eyes on you. Even after Rainbow Dash pranked you with the whirl dry. You were so poised, so polite. But you had an aloofness to you, you were different. As I watched you, I realized I cared about you more than the rest of the group. I tried so hard to make your first slumber party a success. I would give you dresses whenever. I soon came about to teaching you my prized spell, the gem finder, just to spend more time with you. After the Discord incident, when you used the memory spell, I felt everything in you wash through me. I was so proud to have you as a friend. But what really won my heart was the royal wedding a few months ago. I was upset with you for trying to ruin my chance at helping in a royal wedding. Then when I saw you after you were imprisoned, I could never do justice to how I felt. You were dirty, banged up, but still carried that fire in your heart. I was blown away. I realized I loved you more than I had any pony ever before right then. Hearing you sing for your brother, it was the best thing ever. I vowed that night I would tell you at the very least, but I secretly hoped for the best. We were at a wedding after all, I had it on the mind. That's why I was so forceful about the bouquet, to be honest..." Rarity said to a chuckle from Twilight.

"Wow, I never knew. I was still too busy to notice," Twilight said as she nuzzled Rarity to a soft purr of joy from the fashion icon.

"So my turn, I wanna know about the young you. Little Twilight, student to the sun goddess," Rarity said, laughing and laying on Twilight now.

"Well, when I started school, I was the youngest pony there. I was so alone, being away from Cadence and Shining. But I had my books. My parents kind of went crazy when I was taken in by the Princess, They blabbed on and on about their daughter, royal protege to the Princess, member of her majesties court, yadda yadda. They began to hang out with the upper crust, leaving me alone most of the time," Twilight said.

"Just like mine and Sweetie's. They are always off at some soiree, heck, I can't even remember the last time I saw them," Rarity said a little cold. She felt no love lost for those two, " So your parents, do they?" Rarity asked, a little hesitant.

"Do they ever ask to visit? Spend holidays? Wonder about my life? No. I think I was so aloof back then because I wanted nothing to do with some pony that would use me and leave me when they got to where they wanted," Twilight said stroking Rarity's mane.

"Then why are you with me? I told you a while back all I wanted to do was marry into Royalty. Back with the Gala tickets," Rarity said, her voice inflected by self loathing.

"I know you too well Rarity. You want the best, but you would give it all up to help your friends, or even a stranger. Like the sea serpent, or my dress for the Gala, which I still love. I actually keep all the dresses you give me, and now have quite the collection," Twilight laughed.

"Mmm, I wanted you to feel as beautiful as you look to me...Darling..." Rarity said lazily. moving her head into a more comfortable place on Twilight's chest. She let out a sign of content.

"Rarity, I want to make your dream come true. I want to make you as happy as you make me," Twilight said, looking down to the slumbering mare. "Hmm. Rarity, I love you."

Even in her sleep, Rarity heard her, and responded with a sigh and saying "I love you too Twili...zzz"


Apple Bloom was tired, but she stayed up and talked with Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Spike. They decided it would be fun to play a game, so they settled on truth or dare.

"Okay, Apple bloom, my turn, truth or dare?" Spike asked the little filly.

"Truth, ya always go truth for yer first," Apple Bloom said.

"Okay, do you have a crush on any pony at your school?" Spike said. the room was too dark to see Sweetie Belle next to him blush and panic What if he likes Apple Bloom?

"Nah, Ah just don't have any interest in any pony, dragon, griffon, zebra, what ever," Apple Bloom said.

"Really?" Spike said.

"My sister is honesty, Ah would not tarnish her reputation by lyin," Apple Bloom said. "My turn. Scoot?"

"Truth," Said the flier, too comfortable to get up right now.

"We've known each other for years, but Ah ain't never met yer parents. Whats up?" Apple Bloom asked.

With a sigh, Scootaloo accepted her fate, that was what she got for choosing truth. "My parents are locked up for foal abuse and neglect," She said rather devoid of emotion. " That's why I can't fly. I live with a foster home now, but they don't care much more than my folks did. I want a new family..."

"Oh, dang Scoot. Ah'm sorry. Ah didn't know," Apple Bloom said.

"Yeah, I liked it that way, no pony pitied me," Scootaloo said.

"Hey, I'll check, but I think Twilight is a registered guardian, you could come live with me. Then I could see you guys all the time," Spike said. Sweetie was scared again, What if he loves Scoot?

"That's not what I wanted..." Scootaloo said, but looking at Spike then Sweetie, she sighed, "But thanks. So Sweetie, what'll it be?"

"Huh, oh, dare?" Sweetie said after not paying much attention.

"Dare huh?" Scoot said leaning up, this was good enough to make her sit up, even Apple Bloom perked up at the news. "I dare you, the dare of all dares. A Cutie Mark Crusader dare." Scoot said, making Apple Bloom gasp.

"I... I accept," Sweetie said.

"Wait you don't even know what it is," Spike said.

"That's the point of a CMC dare, you don't know, but you must do it, no matter. It goes for all present too..." Sweetie explained.

"I'm in then," Spike said.

"Double, now spill," Apple Bloom said.

"I, Scootaloo, dare you Sweetie Belle and Spike, to... Kiss."

"What?" Both said, looking at each other. Sweetie is really nice... Spike thought. Sweetie rallied her thoughts, summoning up all of her courage. She leaned in, lips puckered, and a second later felt Spike's scaled lips on her's. She had no idea what to expect, but found his lips to be soft, like velvet almost. It was just a peck really, but it was nice. A perfect first kiss for a little filly. She sighed, all of her fear and stress gone. She looked at Spike, who just smiled back.

"So Spike..." She said. Her friends had not said one word, not moved an inch til they knew how it played out.

"Dare..." Spike said as he just leaned in and kissed her again. Both Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were giddy as school fillies, but didn't make any noise, they wanted to keep the moment special. This kiss was longer this time, but just a little. When it was over, Sweetie was ecstatic.

"Spike, I..." She started.

"Yeah?" Spike asked, hopping he hadn't gone to far. Sweetie just replied by jumping on him, wrapping her forelegs around the little dragon. Spike was happy, and kept the feeling as they all decided they had enough for one night and laid down to bed. Spike was sleeping outside the bed, on a couch in the room. But he would wake up in the morning with Sweetie cuddled up to him, his tail wrapped around her as he slept curled up.

New families and S and M.

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"Ahem..." Said a somewhat stern voice to four sleeping mares. Four mares sleeping on the voice's shop floor. Applejack was the first to piece this together.

"Wha... Whoa nelly! Ah overslept!" Applejack yelled looking at the chuckling Mr Cake, "Ah need to run back to the farm! Thanks fer waking me Mr Cake," Applejack yelled as she bolted out into the cold morning, galloping to Sweet Apple Acres.

"No problem," Mr Cake called behind her, "Now as for the rest of you, would you mind helping to clean up, since your party made a bit of a mess?"

"Wha...? Why is my head doing the loopdy loop?" Pinkie Pie said getting shakily to all fours.

"That deary, would be called a hang over," Mr Cake said, stern but kind. He knew Pinkie was old enough to make that call, but still had to be her boss. "Next time, have your cider parties when you don't have to open the shop."

"Yeah, *blec* No problem... I don't think I will be doing it again, any time soon..." Pinkie said, walking to the tap in the kitchen and getting a glass of water.

"Hehehe, I remember when I was young..." Mr Cake mused to himself. "Wake up girls," He said looking down to the two pegasi trying to go back to sleep on his floor.

"Five more minutes, mommy..." Rainbow Dash said as she tried to roll over.

"Please Angel, I don't feel too well..." Fluttershy said. Mr Cake placed some fresh coffee before the two mares, and in no time, both were looking better, the caffeine working wonders. Pinkie Pie came back out, all cleaned up but none the better.

"Oh, where are Twilight and Rarity? Did they go home?" Pinkie asked.

"Nope, they're asleep on my pull out in back," Mr Cake said giving Pinkie a cup of the hang over magic java.

"I'll get 'em Pink, you get to work..." Rainbow Dash said walking past the pink mare that was perking up fast.

"Okay Dashie, what do you all want for Breakfast?" Pinkie asked as the bounce returned to her.

"Muffins to go please," Fluttershy said, still nursing her mocha latte, her favorite.

While Pinkie was cooking up some food, Rainbow went to the small room with the two sleeping mares. She opened the door and found them asleep, but with Rarity sleeping on Twilight's chest, and Twilight hugging her in their sleep.

"Bwahahaha," Rainbow laughed, making Twilight wake up, "You two were cuddling in your sleep! Oh man, Twilight, I thought you would be some super drunk now too, but I guess not."

"Rainbow," Twilight said, pinned under the sleeping Rarity, "Stop laughing, she's out cold." Twilight could not help but laugh, Rarity was mumbling in her sleep, and every time Twilight moved, would hug tighter.

"Where's a camera? Pinkie!" Rainbow called. Twilight wanted to protest, but let her mare friend sleep. "Twilight, you are such a push over. I'd have shoved her off by now," Rainbow said while Pinkie popped around the door frame.

"Psh, hahaha, look at you two. She always did strike me as a cuddle-er," Pinkie said watching the two mares on the pull out.

"Yeah yeah," Twilight said, stroking Rarity's mane, "She's a furnace too. I was wondering why I was burning up all night."

"Bwahahaha, this is too funny. Twilight, this is fair game. You two passed out drunk first," Rainbow Dash said walking away with Pinkie.

"No fair," Twilight jokingly said. In all truth, she loved waking up with Rarity, even if she had to endure the Rainbow Dash treatment every time from now on, it was worth it. Twilight leaned in and kissed Rarity on the lips, just in time to hear a little meep. "What was that?" Twilight said, raising her eyes to search the room, but there was no pony at the door, so she figured it was her imagination. Outside in the hall though, a certain yellow mare was pressed against the wall, heart racing as she tried to make sense of what she had seen. Twilight just stole a kiss on Rarity! With Rarity out cold! How could she? Taking advantage of her friend like that! No, come on Fluttershy, don't jump to any conclusions, She thought. But she walked away, figuring it was best to avoid the whole situation for now.

Fluttershy went upstairs to check on the little ones instead, figuring kids would be much easier. When she opened the door however, she was thrown for a loop, but in a good way. Spike and Sweetie were cuddling on the couch, his tail around the little unicorn.

"Awwww," Fluttershy said softly, closing the door quietly behind her, figuring the kids could sleep in til they finished the cleaning. So Fluttershy went down and started the cleaning, humming Sweetie Belle's song from last night. She danced a bit, and began to sing, losing herself to the words. "Higher and higher you soar/ your sonic rainboom your mighty roar/ Oh Wonderbolts look out, it's a rainbow finish today," She sang, bobbing her head, eyes closed. Fluttershy had once heard Pinkie call this rocking out, and it was so much fun.

"Bwahahahaha, rock on Shy!" Rainbow said from behind.

"EEEP! Rainbow! How long were you standing there?" Fluttershy asked, eyes bulging in fear of being caught red hoofed.

"The whole time. What's got you in such a good mood?" Rainbow said, moving forward to help pick up trash and bag it.

"The kids. Spike was cuddled up with Sweetie Belle on the couch, they looked so cute, his little tail wrapped around her. I thought it was just the cutest," Fluttershy said a little giddy.

"Hahaha, man, those sisters are so alike, both like sleep cuddles. Did you see Twilight and Rarity?" Rainbow asked. Fluttershy had been trying to forget that she had. She flushed, trying to decide weather to tell Rainbow everything, or keep it to her self. In the end, she chose to keep it.

"Yes, I did," Fluttershy said, looking down.

"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked, knowing Fluttershy too well.

"Well, you see, after last night..." Fluttershy started.

"Oh...OH, oh yeah... You and Pinkie. And Pinkie and Applejack. I forgot about that. Buck we drank a lot last night. Are you okay?" Rainbow asked putting a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder, which the yellow mare nuzzled kindly.

"Yeah, thank you Dashie," Fluttershy said.

"Hmm, I like hearing you call me that Shy. Bout time you gave me a nickname," Rainbow said smiling. The two airborne prone ponies finished the cleaning, just in time for a groggy Rarity to walk past followed by Twilight, heading upstairs.

"The kids are still asleep girls," Fluttershy said. It took all of her courage to talk in front of Twilight. How could she ever look the lavender mare in the eyes again? She would have to talk to Rarity, let her know.

"Oh, okay. Rare, let's leave them for a bit, get some coffee," Twilight said.

"That sounds fantastic. Lead the way," Rarity said, happy to not have to climb the stairs hung over. They went to the back and drank their coffee, a cappuccino for Rarity, and a iced milk and coffee for Twilight. Rarity was getting more talkative as she woke up. "Darling, I never knew you liked Iced coffee"

"Mmhmm, it was just an odd thing I started doing back at school. I really prefer tea though," Twilight said, felling a chill as the iced beverage settled in her.

"It's just a cold drink, in winter?" Rarity said with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, don't knock it," Twilight said jokingly. Both shared a laugh as Pinkie gave them some cupcakes she had just made, and while they ate, the cutie mark crusaders and Spike came down.

"Mornin' everypony. Sorry but Ah gotta run," Apple Bloom said, taking one of the pastries and running home to help her sister.

"Morning all," Scootaloo said, her purple mane a mess.

"Oh dear, no no no. Come here, let me fix that mane for you," Rarity said.

"Nah, I got it," Scootaloo said, rubbing her hooves through it til it looked like normal. Rarity almost feinted watching such a rude display, the complete disregard for grace and poise.

"Morning Sis, Miss Twilight," Sweetie said, followed close by Spike.

"Morning you two. And please Sweetie, just call me Twilight," Twilight said kindly to the little filly.

"Okay. Bye Spike, I'll see you later, I gotta run home before school starts," Sweetie said.

"Yeah, bye... Sweetie..." Spike said, almost in a daze. Sweetie laughed, and hugged the purple dragon. All the mares present made matching 'awwww' sounds. "Hey, cupcakes!" Spike said, grabbing a few and heading to the library as Sweetie and Scootaloo left for Rarity's.

"Those kids have better work ethic than us," Twilight joked. Soon enough though, she and Rarity were out in the street, saying their goodbyes. The street was empty, so they stole a quick kiss. Which stretched, and stretched, til the sound of crunching snow under hoof broke them apart. They each went home, the same question filling their minds, How long til I can tell my friends? Back at the library, Twilight found Spike sitting with his head in his claws.

"What's wrong Spike?" Twilight asked, concerned for the little guy.

"It's nothing, no it's everything, it's - It- I don't know where to start!" Spike said, angrily throwing his fists down onto the step where he sat.

"Whoa, easy there Spike. Tell me what I can do to help," Twilight said, hugging the small dragon and holding him tight.

"Oh Twilight, I just don't know anymore..." Spike said.

"Know about what Spike?"

"Scoot needs help. I need help, and I don't know where to turn," Spike said getting angry again.

"Calm down Spike, let's start with Scootaloo, what's wrong?" Twilight said, trying to keep a lid on her friend.

"Twilight, Scoot is in Foster care. Her foster family is not treating her right. I told her you were a registered guardian, and that I would talk to you, but now I don't know if that was right..." Spike said looking down at his claws.

"Spike, you did the right thing, Scootaloo needs your help, and you came through. I will go talk to the Foster placement agency, get Scootaloo put under my care. Thank you Spike, you just made a big difference in your friends life. You're a hero Spike," Twilight said rising again and heading out the door. This was more important than her studies. But she came back in a moment later. "Opps, you had more to say?"

"Yeah... no, no I just need time to think. Do you really think I'm a hero Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Yes Spike, I really do," Twilight said as she put on her boots and scarf and when out to talk to somepony about Scootaloo.

Spike sat in silence for a bit though. His mind was reeling. Do I love Sweetie Belle or Rarity? I've loved Rarity ever since I laid eyes on her. But I'm closer to Sweetie... I think Sweetie likes me sometimes, but at others... Rarity is the same way... I wish I knew what to do. I wish I had some pony to talk to...

"Wait I do!" Spike said, letting his gaze rest on Twilight's letter station. He ran over and plopped down, taking up the quill as he began to write. "Dear Princess Celestia," He said aloud as he wrote.


Rarity walked into her Boutique, cold but over joyed, having just left Twilight, to find Sweetie bouncing up and down with Scootaloo, both fillies happy and giddy.

"Well, it looks like something good happened girls," Rarity said with a smile as she took off her boots, saddle, scarf and the like.

"WewereplayingtruthordarelastnightandIwasdaredtokissSpikeandthenhekissedmebackandthenIsleptwithhimonthecouchand It Was Amazing!" Sweetie Belle said in one breath. Rarity was just stunned.

"Repeat that please Sweetie, and not so fast," Rarity said.

"We were playing truth or dare last night, and I was dared to kiss Spike, and then he kissed me back! And then I slept with him on the couch and It Was Amazing!" Sweetie said, and still in one breath, even with the pauses.

"Yes yes yes, go Sweetie! Yes, haha, oh my gosh I so happy for you," Rarity said taking her sister up in a hug. "Wait, what do you mean you slept with him?" Rarity asked as she processed the sentence.

"Well he slept on the couch, and I went over and laid against him, and he wrapped his tail around me, it was so sweet," Sweetie Belle said. "Why?"

"Nothing," Rarity said rather fast, blushing a bit. Of course her ten year old sister knew nothing of that yet, and with any luck, she would not til she was 30. "Oh, I have to tell Twilight. I let her in on the plan too," Rarity said.

"Why would you do that?" Sweetie asked, a bit confused.

"Well she has know Spike since she was a filly, who better to help," Rarity said, not the whole truth but all that mattered in the long run. Rarity had done this to help Sweetie out, even if it helped her out too.

"Oh...," Sweetie said.

"Wait, then how old is Spike?" Scootaloo asked.

"Well, Spike is 15 deary," Rarity said calmly.

"15! I love a dragon that's 5 years older than me?" Sweetie yelled. She had not been expecting that.

"Well darling, don't worry about it, Spike is a dragon. Dragons age much slower than Ponies, but give their heart completely to some one they love," Rarity said, taking a seat on her favorite fainting couch with Sweetie in her fore legs. Sweetie was a little upset to say the least.

"I thought I was a couple of years older than he was," Sweetie said at last.

"I know Sweetie, I know. I was shocked to find this out too. Spike seems so young, but he will outlive us all, by centuries. I just hope we can teach him about love and friendship before he becomes a great big old dragon," Rarity said.

"So Spike will need love in his life? That's all I need to hear. Sis, I love him. But I'm not sure he loves me yet, not like I love him..." Sweetie said. Scootaloo was looking a might impatient, looking to Rarity's clock and back, fluttering her wings more and more.

"He will. You're a catch. After all, you are my little sister," Rarity said with a smile.

"I hate to break up the sisterly love, but we need to get going to school, Sweets," Scootaloo said.

"Shoot, alright. Bye Sis, thank you sooooo much," Sweetie said with a big hug to Rarity.

"Any time, now go," Rarity said.

As the fillies left, a visitor came to the door, shying away.

"Oh, hello Miss Fluttershy. Rarity, Miss Fluttershy is here to see you!" Scootaloo called to Rarity on her way out the door.

"Oh hello darling, what can I help you with?" Rarity asked as she brought the yellow mare to her studio and sat them down on a sofa. She knew Fluttershy too well to miss the signs that Fluttershy was in distress.

"Oh, um, it's nothing Rarity, I'm sorry. But if there is anything you would like to talk about I am more than willing to listen," Fluttershy said, shrinking back a bit.

"Now Fluttershy, I can tell something is weighing you down, now please. What kind of friend would I be if I saw you in such a manor and did nothing?" Rarity asked.

"The same as me," Fluttershy said, breaking out into sobs.

"Fluttershy, dear, what are you talking about?" Rarity asked, concern for her friend making her stomach a tangled mess.

"I-I-i s-s-saw, Oh Rarity, I'm so sorry. I watched her do it, but did nothing to stop it, I hid. Please don't hate me!" Fluttershy balled as Rarity took her friend into a big hug, stroking her mane and whispering encouragement to her.

"Please, take a deep breath Fluttershy. Now, please tell me exactly what happened," Rarity said, getting Fluttershy's tears to ease.

"While you slept on Twilight's chest this morning, she- she. Oh I'm sorry Rarity. But I watched her kiss you. On the lips!" Fluttershy said, trying to cry again.

"Oh, she did? That silly lavender mare. But I guess you all had to find out some time darling," Rarity said, looking off to no where particular. Rarity just hugged tight on Fluttershy, ready to ride out the storm, knowing there was no other way forward from here.

"What? What are you talking about?" Fluttershy said, pulling back from the white unicorn she thought she knew.

"Twilight and I are, oh how should I say this, together," Rarity said with a cheesy smile. She knew she was treading on eggshells, so she tried to control the damage. Fluttershy just gawked, mouth open as Rarity's words set into her mind.

"No," Fluttershy said eventually. "You can't be serious. You are both mares, that's- that's wrong. So completely, utterly wrong. She is your best friend, you should not love her, because you are both mares. It's not right," Fluttershy said, looking down at her own hooves now, crying again. Rarity's eye for detail started to put this puzzle together.

"You don't mean Twilight and I, do you..." Rarity said, placing a concerned hoof on the yellow flyer.

"Oh Rarity. I thought I was wrong. I tried to suppress it for years. But last night, Pinkie kissed me and-" Fluttershy started but was cut off.

"Pinkie did what?" Rarity asked, leaning back as if the words struck her physically.

"Yeah... we were pretty drunk... and she was curious, so she kissed Applejack and th-" Fluttershy said, again to be cut off.

"What?!?" Rarity yelled.

"Please stop interrupting me..."

"Sorry, go on..." Rarity said with a sheepish look.

"And then she kissed me. I wanted to fight it, but it was so nice. I pulled her in, I truly enjoyed it. It was just so..." Fluttershy said, shaking with confusion, rage, and fear.

"Breathtakingly wonderful, like you had finally found out what life was meant to be? Oh Fluttershy I-" Rarity started to be cut off instead.

"Nice, but not the one I wanted a kiss from," Fluttershy said.

"Oh... I'm sorry Fluttershy, I thought with how much you appeared to enjoy it, that, well..." Rarity said, rolling her eyes as she tried to find the words.

"What, that I loved Pinkie? She's nice, and a great friend, but nothing more. No, I have felling for some pony else..." Fluttershy said. Rarity left it at that, knowing that if Fluttershy wanted to talk about it further, she would, when she was ready. But as for now, they needed to talk to Twilight.


Twilight was returning from the Foster agency with a spring in her step. She had done it. She was able to request Scootaloo and get the paper work put through. Soon enough, Twilight would take in the little filly, and give her a good home for the first time in her life. She was so happy. Upon entering her library home, she found Fluttershy and Rarity seated at the dinning table. Twilight walked over, expecting happy faces, but found two mares on a mission instead.

"Well now darling, I am afraid we have a situation," Rarity said, looking down.

"Oh, what is it Rarity? And where is Spike?" Twilight asked, a little concerned for what she was about to hear.

"The latter is easy, Spike is at Sugar cube corner, helping Pinkie for a bit. The former though," Rarity said taking a deep breath to calm herself, "Is that Fluttershy knows," She said.

"Oh my, so you figured us out, huh?" Twilight said looking to the shy pony. Fluttershy spoke but so low no pony could hear her. After being coerced though, she spoke up.

"I saw you kiss Rarity this morning, but don't worry, I didn't tell any pony. I have a confession actually, um that is if I may.. oh dear..." Fluttershy said. Twilight loved her dearly, but getting anywhere in a conversation with her was like pulling teeth.

"Rarity, could you get my tea box, the chamomile and rose one? I think a nice cup of tea is what's needed here," Twilight asked her mare friend.

"Of course love. Is that your favorite as well?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, it is. I love finding out these small things about you," Twilight said.

"You mean you're dating, and you still don't know everything about one another?" Fluttershy said, looking at them with new light dawning on her.

"Oh yes Darling. There are some details one only shares with a lover," Rarity said, making the tea and giving Fluttershy a cup. Fluttershy drank deeply, enjoying the tea, then spoke much more calmly.

"I love a mare as well, but I can't tell her. I want to, more than anything else, but I can't. She has a special some pony," Fluttershy said, looking down at the table.

"Well, that is a predicament. So what are you going to do Fluttershy?" Twilight said.

"I will just keep loving them, as a friend if I must. I love them as they are, and I know it is wrong of me to try to change that," Fluttershy said, shrinking a bit on the last sentence.

"Trust me dear, I held my love for Twilight in for months, but one day, I was teasing, and it just..." Rarity started, letting Twilight take over.

"Clicked. I thought I was wrong, that she could not love me back, but look at us now. And I have never been so happy to be wrong," Twilight said kissing Rarity. " Sorry Fluttershy, I just couldn't help myself."

"Don't worry, I don't mind. It's odd, but it's what I want too, I'm just not used to seeing it," Fluttershy said looking at her empty cup, playing around with it.

"What we are trying to say is if the spark is there, it will grow. They just need to see it too is all," Rarity said, a contented smile gracing her lips.

The three mares talked a bit more, about mare/mare relations, and Spike and Sweetie Belle kissing, to raising a growing Pegasus, as Twilight told the tale of taking in Scootaloo here soon.

"Oh Twilight, you will make a great big sister for Scootaloo, she will really benefit from living here," Fluttershy said.

"Thanks, I-" Twilight started but was cut off by a rainbow blur coming from the door to the table.

"Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said, scaring everypony as she stopped just short of the table, "My try out was bumped up, I need to be in Cloudsdale tonight. I need you. I know it's short notice but-" She was saying before something happened no pony there ever expected.

"Yes! I'll grab my bags, ready in 20?" Fluttershy said, at first overexcited it seemed, then shying away almost. Rainbow grabbed her and bolted from the library, leaving the door open and two mares really confused.

"What just happened?" Twilight asked as she nudged the door closed with her magic as Rarity shrugged. " So..." Twilight said looking at Rarity.

"What is it, Darling?" Rarity asked in a sultry voice.

"You already know," Twilight said as she took Rarity into her embrace, kissing her deeply. The two spilled onto the floor, Twilight's loving tongue slipping effortlessly into Rarity's awaiting mouth, their tongues playing a game for dominance. Rarity could barely keep her hooves to one spot for more than a second, first puling in Twilight's head, then her shoulders. Now they were rubbing her cutie mark, making Twilight moan as she felt her lovers touch. Rarity arched her left hoof back, and brought it swiftly to Twilight's rump.

"Ungggg, yes, more!" Twilight said, kissing Rarity hard again, pulling her in as Rarity hit her flank yet again. "Mmmm, yes, oh Celestia yes," Twilight cried in pleasure. Rarity slapped Twilight's flank hard, and giggled seeing Twilight's eyes roll back, the lavender mare biting her lip. "Don't stop!" Twilight yelled, her breathing erratic.

"The safe word is starlight," Rarity said, as she hit Twilight hard, Twilight muffling her scream by biting Rarity's shoulder. Rarity delighted in the exchange. She loved the way Twilight played with her sweet spot on her neck, then kissed up slowly, only stopping to groan with each spank, til Twilight was nibbling Rarity's ear. Rarity was dripping now, and wanted Twilight as she had so far not be able to have.

"Rarity," Twilight said, reading her lover all too well, " I want to please you. Now..." She said out of breath, fueled by ecstasy.

"Of course love. And call me Mistress," Rarity said.

"Of course, Mistress," Twilight said, all to eager. She kissed down Rarity, finding every sensitive spot on the way down. Her past life had taught her how to please, but only now was she enjoying giving the pleasure more than anything else. She stopped, inches above the sweet smelling prize she sought, and started on Rarity's inner thighs instead.

"MMM,Oh my Goddess, yes! Please your Mistress!" Rarity cried, panting and screaming, moaning and gasping as Twilight went about, enjoying the game, the sensation. She could not beg, but she could order. Twilight needed no further word, she set her tongue to the soft outer folds, giving one slow, long lick from the base to the top, Rarity raising her hips to Twilight all the while. Twilight wrapped her hooves around Rarity's legs as she licked again, and again, faster and faster, driving Rarity wild. Twilight settled in to licking Rarity's button now, brushing with her teeth, licking in small circles, flicking it, playing with it, and loving every second of it. she started to move a hoof down herself, but was stopped by Rarity.

"No, I did not say you could do that. Do," Rarity said, levitating a spoon off the table, "Not," She rubbed the bowl of the wooden tool against Twilight's flank, "Disobey." With that, she hit Twilight hard on the cutie mark, almost bringing the mare to climax. Twilight replied by sucking in on Rarity's marehood, making her gasp, as she pulled her head back a fraction of an inch, and spun her head clock wise. "Oh My Goddess YES!" Rarity yelled out as every single muscle tightened, a wave of pressure releasing, in wave after wave, as she grabbed Twilight by the mane. She found she didn't need to hold to Twilight there, the lavender mare would not be moved by any force in the universe. She took in mouthfuls of Rarity's nectar, lapping it up as if it were water in the desert. She swallowed most of the sweet, sweet fluid, but let some just sit on her tongue, letting the taste of her lover linger. Rarity collapsed, breathing hard and shallow. Twilight just moved up her, and kissed her, letting the fluid and taste be carried over to her love. Twilight was pleased to feel Rarity's tongue dancing inside of her mouth, trying for dear life to taste everything.

"Did I please you Mistress?" Twilight asked, breaking the kiss.

"Uh huh." Rarity said, breathless, unable to move.

"Then I am pleased, my Mistress," Twilight said, kissing Rarity again. But Rarity soon broke the embrace.

"No, not yet. You are only please when Your Mistress is finished," Rarity said as she summoned all of her strength to roll Twilight over on her back.

"Oh, Rarity!" Twilight said as the white unicorn snaked her way down. Rarity stopped, and bit Twilight hard on the cutie mark.

"What Did I say? You are a slow learner Miss Sparkle. You need extra lessons I am afraid," Rarity said looking deep into Twilight's eyes.

"Yes, Mistress," Twilight said. I thought I was teaching her? Twilight thought to her self. But she was not about to complain about this lesson either.

"Good," Rarity said, going back to work. She was soon at Twilight's dripping mound, the smell of her was more intoxicating than any amount of hard cider could ever be. Rarity slowly touched the tip of her tongue to Twilight's soft lips, letting it just pull at the soft flesh as she stroked along the glistening lips. She was slow, careful, making sure Twilight felt everything. She started on Twilight's button, and was shocked by how fast Twilight responded to it.

My my, Rarity thought, Still so sensitive. This will be fun. Rarity blew on the button, doing the things her past lovers had done to please her, knowing exactly what worked well for her. She was soon rewarded with Twilight's hooves on the back of her head, pulling her deeper in. Rarity mimicked Twilight's move, sucking and biting, pulling and twisting, and found this combo made Twilight scream in pleasure. She was shaking so badly now, she was soooo close. Rarity just flicked Twilight's button with the tip of her tongue, and was rewarded with a spray. Rarity was caught off guard, but dove into her, ready to not waste this gift from the one she loved so. Twilight bucked hard, her eyes rolling back as she was unable to speak, just broken fragments of words. Rarity hung on, never wanting this ride to end.

When Twilight finished, Rarity came up and put her nose to Twilight's, but pulled back when Twilight tried for a kiss. She purred as Twilight got the hint.

"Please Mistress, may I?" Twilight asked. Rarity responded by kissing Twilight, letting her experience the same joy she herself had received from the lavender mare. Twilight let her tongue linger, lazily picking up the last of her sweet juices. When She broke the kiss, Rarity groaned, and from the look in her eye, it was clear the mare had never been so happy, so fulfilled as right now. There was nothing in the world more important than this.

"Rarity, you... were... amazing," Twilight said, her breath still not her own.

"You inspired me love," Rarity said, her warm breath on Twilight's nose was like a gift from Celestia, her hooves rubbing Twilight's shoulder as wonderful as a new book, first edition.

"What was that exactly?" Twilight asked, making Rarity blush and chuckle.

"Well, some time ago, I made a vinyl dominatrix suit for a customer, and while working on it I got curious. I read all of the books, and found it was something I wanted to try. I have spent years learning just how to mix pain and pleasure, in a glorious art," Rarity said, blushing as she asked "Did you like?"

"Very much. I dabbled a bit into trying s and m, but I never had a good partner, til now..." Twilight said, nuzzling the white fashionista.

Both mares rose up from the floor, nuzzling each other while their strength returned. They retreated upstairs for a wash, both mares having too much to do to just stop and enjoy the bliss. But soon enough they would, they promised.


About two hours later, Twilight was just about finished getting things ready for Scootaloo to move in, and was walking into Sugar Cube Corner.

"Twilight, hi," Said her small dragon friend, "Pinkie has been teaching me about baking. I need a new hobby, it gets lonely around the library with you gone so much..."

"Well, good thing we will be having a new family member to keep us company soon," Twilight said with a smile.

"Oh my gosh," Pinkie said jumping up, "Are you pregnant?"

"What? No, I am now Scootaloo's foster guardian. She will move in tonight. Pinkie, I was looking to get a cake for her," Twilight said smiling.

"Oooohhhh, okie doki loki!" Pinkie said diving under the counter as Spike ran up and hugged Twilight.

"Thank you Twilight. I... Thank you," Spike said, holding the purple mare tight.

"Thank you Spike. Oh yeah, Rarity came by," Twilight said.

"I know, she asked me to come here and help, said she and Fluttershy needed to talk to you," Spike said.

"Hmm, Yes we did. But we also talked about a certain little dragon kissing a little unicorn last night," Twiligth saiad with a sly smile. Spike blushing was just a benefit.

"Really! Oh Spike, that is soooo cute!" Pinkie said, coming over with a boxed cake made just for Twilight.

"Yeah, I'm still confused, but-" Spike said as his eyes and belly bulged, Twilight knew enough to stand back, there was an incoming letter. As the scroll appeared, Twilight took hold of it magically and read it out for Spike and Pinkie.

"Dear Spike, you sound like you are starting to grow up, and as such enter the next stage of your life. It would be wise for us to speak in person, along with Twilight Sparkle and Sweetie Belle. My sister is holding the Winter Moon Coronation in three days here in Canterlot, and we would be honored to have you all attend.

My dear student, Twilight Sparkle, as your teacher, I was informed of your move to have Scootaloo placed in your foster care, and I could not be more proud of you, and the mare you have become. Please bring the kids along with you, Your mentor and friend, Princess Celestia." Twilight read, then slumped into the table.

"Yay!" Pinkie said, "Royal party! In Canterlot... Like the Gala... Oh shoot," Pinkie said, also slumping down.

"Great, Canterlot for a royal shindig.." Twilight said sarcastically.

"That means..." Spike said, rolling his eyes. He knew what was coming, and liked it less than Twilight did.

"Yep. I have to see my parents," Twilight said, a mix of angst and apathy swelling inside of her. This was going to be a long weekend.


Applejack was sitting outside the library as Twilight approached, looking a touch nervous.

"Hey Applejack, what's up?" Twilight said as they entered the library to get out of the cold.

"Twilight, Ah need your advise on sumthin..." Applejack said.

"Sure thing. Spike, take the cake to the kitchen please, Scootaloo will be here in an hour," Twilight said as she lead Applejack upstairs to talk. Once in her study, Applejack sighed, not knowing how to continue.

"Twilight, what do ya know about filly foolers?" Applejack said at last.

"Well first, we don't like that term... Oops," Twilight said full of fire at first, then sheepish as she caught what she said.

"We? What do ya mean?" Applejack said looking at her friend like she had just insulted her. "Are ya calling me one? Cause Ah was drunk, and Pinkie kissed me!" That's right, Twilight thought, Pinkie was a little adventurous last night.

"No, AJ," Twilight said breathing deep. She had to say something. And with Applejack, it was best to start at the beginning. "I was talking about me. I was with several mares back in Canterlot when I started out, and although I was impartial, I have to admit I enjoyed it. I was more familiar with a mare than a colt, so it was of easier to adjust to for me. It was just better sex back then, but now-" Twilight said as Applejack cut her off.

"I'm up to speed Twi," Applejack said blushing.

"Really?" Twilight said, taken aback. She had expected more from Applejack.

"Yep, ya told us all just a few days ago. Ah'm shocked Twi, but Ah know how hard that was for ya, and with our help, we'll get ya a good colt soon," Applejack said smiling at Twilight. Twilight tried to talk, but she was outraged, furious, and scared. She just settled on slumping again.

"Thanks Applejack," Twilight said from the floor as Applejack laid down to talk more.

"Ah'm a might confused though, Twi. Ah kissed a filly, and, and Ah liked it," Applejack said hanging her head.

"Oh Applejack, you just experienced something new, but it's not evil or bad. You can tell me everything," Twilight said, and Applejack obliged. Ten minutes later, everything about last night was known, and Twilight knew what to say.

"AJ, you just had a kiss. You liked the kiss because it was a good kiss. But filly or colt does not matter. What matters is how you feel about them. You love Pinkie dearly, and you feel comfortable with her. But what happened was nothing, just a kiss if that is all you want it to be," Twilight said, placing a hoof on Applejack's shoulder.

"Ah thank ya Twi. But Ah was raised different, not to say Ah'm ungreatful, but Ah can't let myself fall into this moral trap, nor let y'all. Ah will do my bit now to help protect the sanctity of marriage here in Ponyville, just as Granny Smith has taught me," Applejack said, brightening up again.

"No problem," Twilight said, smiling happily at the work horse. Applejack, Twilight thought to her self, If you continue down this path, I will not help you. Not just for me and Rarity, but all ponies. The freedom of love will be ours. I will open your eyes to my world Applejack, and you will learn tolerance if nothing else. They went down and welcomed in Scootaloo, who was acting indifferent, but was also a bit nervous.

"I don't want to cause you any trouble Twilight..." Scootaloo said, shuffling a bit.

"You don't need to worry Scootaloo, I'm more than happy to have you here," Twilight said smiling at the little filly. They all relaxed as they talked, having dinner and wishing Applejack a good night. Twilight told her about the trip, and made sure that they would all meet up tomorrow at noon at the train station. Twilight then talked with Scootaloo, helping with homework and the like, til Scootaloo was ready for bed. With her asleep, Twilight wrote her latest friendship letter about a friends courage being a gift that will keep on giving. She also wrote to the princess explaining her current situation with Rarity and the others privately, and sent it rolled inside the other letter, just to smooth things out before she got there. Spike had not seen the letter, and with any luck that was it. As Spike was sleeping and Twilight studied, a burp was heard, and a second later the sound of paper hitting the floor. Twilight mused over how Spike could sleep through that, but decided against pursuing it. She opened the letter and silently read:

My dear student Twilight Sparkle,

I have always enjoyed our more private talks, and ask you to trust me completely in this matter. So please, do go on. And don't skimp on the details.

Your eagerly awaiting Princess, Celestia.

Heroes and wings

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Deep in the castle of Canterlot, a goddess princess whom had recently been a... guest, lets say guest yeah, of the moon, Luna, was listening to her new found favorite music. She bobbed her head, and tapped on her desk as she made the plans for her Winter Moon Coronation. Her sister, the solar goddess Celestia watched, and could not help but chuckle. She walked up to her sister, lost in the beats, and pulled her head back by the head phones.

"Ah, sister dearest, how art thou?" Luna asked seeing her sister. She was not mad at the treatment, she knew Celestia too well to expect her not to at this point.

"Well, I was just walking down the hall, and I was wondering," Celestia said, rolling her eyes til she meet her sisters and broke down, "Ok, spill, what are you planning Luna?!" She said trying to steal a glance around her sister.

Luna resisted the trap, and laughingly toyed with Celestia for the plans, til she had to speak. "No, dost thou wish to ruin thy surprise?"

"But Lulu," Celestia said referring to Luna's foalhood nickname, "I hate surprises. Just tell me, I'll act surprised," Celestia said with a pout.

"No, you will find out soon dear sister," Luna said laughing at the pouting and pleading solar deity. So Celestia would have to give on this one for once, she was having more fun trying to get the info anyways....

"Give me give me give me," Celestia said rolling with Luna on the floor, the two mares laughing and fighting for the scroll of plans. Finally Celestia won, and redeemed her prize.

"A rave?!" She said, eye's bright, "Oh Lulu, you go girl."

"That was meant to be a surprise dearest sister, thou hast soiled it now. Just like always," Luna said, sticking her tongue out at Celestia for added effect.

"Octavia and Vinyl Scratch?" Celestia read on, feigning innocence, "Oh I see, Vinyl will mix and cut Octavia on an electric cello while playing piano for the main ceremony. Then Vinyl hosts all night. We need Pinkie Pie to help out though... Good thing she is on the way, correct Sister?" Celestia said, looking to her little sister with a smile, happy to receive one as well.

"That is a good idea, yes. Thy hoof was never as skilled at planning parties, just enjoying them," Luna mused, rolling on her back and waving her hooves about. It was a bad habit of hers to talk very animated. But it was just her quirky nature, like her insistence on the olden tongue as well.

"Then I will tell them right away, so they can come prepared, but only them. Let's see how Canterlot likes a surprise rave," Celestia told to Luna, as she left her sister to her work then, and returned to her own. Her boring, boring work. Buck, I wish something would happen around here, She thought.


"Twilight!" Pinkie said as they all gathered on the platform, "Thank you soooooooooo much," The party mare said hugging Twilight so hard that Twilight could swear she heard a pop.

"Hello everypony," Twilight said, placing down her bags as they waited. They had come 15 minutes early, but found every pony else, excluding Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who were in Cloudsdale, was already present.

"So what are we doing in Canterlot this time Darling?" Rarity asked. She had not heard anything really, but when told Twilight was going, had insisted on coming. Applejack found that odd, but shrugged it off, betting Rarity was thinking of herself again probably.

"The Winter Moon Coronation," Twilight said happily, the opposite of how she felt. "It's Princess Luna's royal raising of the moon, like Princess Celestia and the sun."

"Ah, so I'm guessing that would be a royal party engagement, at the castle, no?" Rarity asked.

"Yep, sure is," Twilight smiled. She loved the chance to see the raising, sure, and the astronomy she could teach Rarity and Scootaloo would be loads of fun, but still, she would have to see them at some point.

"Well I am glad I packed accordingly. I have formal wear, evening wear, garden party dresses, sun dresses, a beautiful snow white and blue cloak I have been dying to wear, some club wear for a little bar hopping, and materials to make some new dresses. Did you all pack a gown for the event? Oh, can I make you all new gowns when we get there?" Rarity asked, much to Twilight's amusement at seeing how happy she got at the idea of getting to make some gowns for her friends and family.

"Um, Rarity, Princess Luna told me to help plan a rave for the after party to the royal event..." Pinkie said, bubbling over with excitement while also sad at telling her friend she didn't need to make any dresses. Only Pinkie could pull off such a combo.

"And I was asked to meet with the Princess about Spike before hoof. Oh Rare, he's growing up so fast, isn't he?" Twilight said with a big smile, hugging Rarity.

"Um darling..." Rarity said trying to get Twilight's attention, "We're in public..." She whispered to the lavender mare.

"Oh, hehe, right..." Twilight said sheepishly placing Rarity down.

"So then why are the kids along for the ride Twi? Don't sound like a kids party what with a rave," Applejack asked as she fought off the cold, the temperature dropping a degree it seemed.

"The princess wanted them present. She wants Sweetie Belle there when I talk to her about Spike, and I want to show Scootaloo Canterlot," Twilight answered with a smile, looking down at her charge. "But you're right about the rave. I don't know about that. Wait, how do you know about raves? I thought that was a Canterlot deal?" Twilight asked the gang, surprised they all knew about such a party.

"Well, we have had a few over the years Darling," Rarity said a little sheepishly.

"And we always hold 'em at Sweet Apple Acres," Applejack said proudly.

"They're my favorite type of party, next to birthday parties. Or welcoming parties, welcome back parties..." Pinkie stated, listing off her favorite kinds of shindigs.

"Oh boy, Canterlot!" Sweetie Belle said, playing with the the others, "We can definitely find our cutie marks there."

"Yeah! I can already see us at the celebration, with our new cutie marks," Scootaloo chimed in.

"Yeah girls, this will be the best vacation ever!" Apple Bloom added.

"And I can show you all around Canterlot for my special insiders tour!" Spike said, the girls loving the idea. Spike was acting happy, but something was just a touch off, he seemed, some how older than normal... ("Coltmitzvahs, Tupperware parties, pirate parties, office parties," Pinkie continued to list)

"Well kiddos, y'all will have plenty of time once we get there. Oh, here's the train," Applejack said, making sure the three fillies and the dragon were ready to board. Once aboard, the gang all settled in for the three hour ride, talking shop and gossip, the normal really, til Spike burped out a magic scroll, or so every pony thought.

"What's up Spike?" Twilight asked looking at the little guy, unfurling a newspaper of all things. "Where did you get that?" ("Sexy parties, whipped cream parties, foam parties, d&d parties," Pinkie listed. This was a rather long list, alright)

"I figured out how to get the Canterlot Daily," Spike said skimming the paper. Every pony shrugged, they had never thought of Spike using the messaging system for anything else really.

"Hey, look'it the front page girls," Applejack said pointing to the picture that had escaped Spike's attention. They all looked and saw the familiar costume they had all worn, except Rarity.

"Mare Do Well!" Every pony but Pinkie said looking at the photo. They could not believe it. There lesson for Rainbow had now become a symbol for Canterlot, a symbol of hope and justice. ("Costume parties, frontier parties, search parties... Wait scratch that one... Now where was I?" Pinkie said before she realized what the topic was and joined in.)

"Well ain't that somethin' girls," Applejack said laughing, "We inspired a caped crusader!"

"That costume..." Rarity said looking at the picture, "It's not mine, but is still very well done. Oh I always loved how you looked as the Mysterious Mare Do Well..." Rarity said, drifting off a bit.

"Rarity?" Pinkie asked, not sure what she had just meant, "Whom exactly? Four of us wore the costume."

"Oh, um... " Rarity said, not realizing she had slipped. Twilight was smiling at her, but not a warm friendly smile, her mischievous lovers smile. What does that mare have planned now? Rarity thought. Before she could speak to redeem herself, Spike interrupted with a yell.

"No!" Spike yelled, looking at the paper like it had bit him.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight asked.

"Rainbow Dash is hurt!" Spike said giving Twilight the paper to read aloud for every pony. Twilight was scared to read, but knew her friends needed to hear this.

"Today in Cloudsdale, Famed Flyer Rainbow Dash was- was, oh Celestia no..." Twilight said reading the page.

"What, What is it?" Every pony pressed, fear rising in them.

Summoning all of her strength, Twilight finished the article, "Was injured fighting a migrating Dragon during her tryouts for the Wonderbolt flight team. Rainbow Dash was rushed to the Canterlot Royal hospital along with one of the Wonderbolt's, name withheld, where they are now in stable condition. A witness and personal friend to Rainbow Dash, Miss Fluttershy, was not available for comment, nor has been removed from Dash's side since admittance, since no pony can seem to disobey her," Twilight said, putting down the paper. Tears rimmed her eyes, and for once she at a loss for words. Rarity walked over and sat with her, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Then Darling, it looks like our first stop is the Royal hospital," Rarity said to her marefriend, trying hard not to cry herself.


Early in the morning, before Celestia had even risen the sun, Rainbow Dash was stretching out on the Cloudisium grounds, her tryouts were starting in 20 minutes. Spitfire and Soarin had come out to grade her, with Fleet Foot and Rapid Fire there to be her wing ponies during the trial. Fluttershy was there for moral support, happy as ever to be helping her friend, who was as always before performance, a complete wreck.

"I can't do this!" Rainbow Dash squeaked, stroking her tail while curled up now. Fluttershy rolled her eyes, this being the tenth time in the last hour.

"Rainbow," Fluttershy said, leaning in and Staring at her friend, "You will stop worrying and go out there, and be the best flyer they have ever seen, got it?"

The Stare worked it's magic, cause Rainbow just nodded, then bolted out to talk with the Wonderbolts. She was now full of fire, both of confidence and anger. Who does that timid little filly think she is? Rainbow asked herself, Using the Stare, on me! I'm Rainbow Danger Dash. I got this in the bag... Thanks Shy. She thought, admitting the truth. The Stare had been just what she needed.

"Hey there Dash, good seein' ya agian. You ready?" Spitfire asked as Rainbow drew in.

"Sure am. The real question is, are you ready?" Rainbow boasted, bragging a little, but it was well received.

"Alright babe," Soarin said, taking over the briefing, "You will be joined by Fleet Foot and Rapid Fire here. You will start slow, taking it out about 2 miles, then I want you to bank in, which side I leave up to you, and buzz the stadium, after that, I want you to counter roll with both wing ponies. Trackin' so far?" Soarin said.

"Roger, at 2 miles bank hard, going left today every pony, then buzz the stadium. Followed by a counter roll with both wing ponies, ending back in formation lead," Rainbow back briefed to the pleasure of all there. Her professional conduct with the flight patterns was a breath of fresh air compared to some ponies recklessness and one horse show tendencies.

"Good," Spitfire said taking over again, "Then after that, I want you to split off from the group Dash, and pull a loop upwards to a safe distance, because when over the team, I want you to do a sonic rainboom, then rejoin with the team. You are free to fly in formation after that, but the timing of your rainboom is critical, as well as your team up afterwords. Fleet, Rapid, I want you two to drop speed 30% for this, and watch out, no pony has flown close to Rainbow during a sonic rainboom, so we have no idea how this will affect your flight. Every pony tracking?" Spitfire asked the flight team.

"Trackin' boss. You ready to rock Rainbow?" Fleet Foot asked.

"Oh yeah, although I have a request. If you guys are ready for the rainboom, center fly, if not, fly normal. I don't want to risk your safety here," Rainbow said.

"Yeah, we can do that Dash. Now suit up, we fly in 10," Rapid Fire said. Rainbow was giddy putting on the suit, a real Wonderbolts flight suit. It was warm, like flying low and slow on a warm summer day. Her goggles though were her dad's, a good luck charm he had passed down to his girl. She would swing over and see him afterwords. She really missed him now, and had not been by his grave in almost two years. Fluttershy came over, and noticed her friend staring at the goggles.

"Hey Dashie, thinking about him again huh?" Fluttershy said taking a seat next to new long time friend.

"Yeah. I miss him Shy," Rainbow said, even in voice but sad none the less. It had been 5 years since the day when Cosmic Dash, an older pony already when he became Rainbow's dad, had passed on peacefully. Rainbow was heartbroken, but carried on, vowing to him in the hospital that she would make it one day, and be a Wonderbolt. He used to listen for hours to her talking about them, and enjoyed every minute of it. He had always told her to chase her dreams, and she wanted to be just like him. He had been close friends with the old Wonderbolt's, and was even asked to join, but knew his place was with his family, so he helped train the team. The Wonderbolt's honored this, and thus awarded him their highest award they could give, the Loyal Feather.

"He would be so proud Dashie, of everything," Fluttershy said nuzzling her friend.

"Thanks," Rainbow said standing and pulling the goggles on, "Now let's go show them how to fly."

"Yay," Fluttershy said as they walked to the team.

The team all hunched down, wings spread wide, ready for the word from Dash. "Rapid, I'll counter roll with you first, then Fleet. All wings, red con one!" She yelled.

"Fleet Foot, red con one!" Fleet Foot said, ready to feel the wind.

"Rapid Fire, red con one!" Rapid Fire said, proud to be flying with the legendary rainboom maker herself.

"All wings, lift off!" Rainbow called. they leapt over the could barrier, diving and pulling up to soar out. They held formation well, Dash calling out all shifts needed as the approached the turn around point. They all banked hard left, and came around to face the stadium again, pulling low and getting ready for the buzz. Rainbow called out to Foot to dress it up, she was off target, forward by a nose. Fire was starting to lag, as expected. The team adjusted, and pulled low for a fast and perfect fly by.

"Text book perfection," Spit fire said writing a note.

"What'd I tell ya, she's got it," Soarin said.

"Way to go Dashie! Cosmic is with you in spirit!" Fluttershy cried to her friend. Or as loud as she could, which was just enough for the two graders next to her to hear, but not even be bothered.

"Wait, Cosmic, as in Cosmic Dash? She's related the Cosmic Dash?" Spitfire said.

"Oh, my, I didn't know she never told you..." Fluttershy said.

"She told me, but wanted me to keep it down. She wants to succeed on her power, not his. And she will if she keeps this up," Soarin said.

"Yeah. She will," Spitfire said looking to the sky again as Rainbow finished her counter rolls.

Rainbow Dash was now climbing hard, her wings ached as they neared the stall, and after a second, she looked down and saw the wing ponies shift to center flight. Rainbow smiled, and poured everything into a sonic rainboom, pulling it off with perfect timing, just over the team. The long rainbow trail she had now was following her as she completed the loop, and perfectly rejoined the team. She had done it. And to absolute Perfection. She cried a bit as she imagined her dad smiling at her. Then the glory faded to horror as she heard the roar. The angry roar of an adult Dragon. It was closing on their tails now. The rainboom had startled it and made it attack. The team split formation, hoping to distract the dragon with multiple targets, but it stayed on course for Dash, her multicolored stream from the rainbow was still streaking across the sky.

"Rainbow!" Every pony in the stadium yelled. Fluttershy was about to have a heart attack as her friend was in mortal danger.

Rainbow bucked hard at her trail, getting it to splinter and diffuse for a second, making a large blot of rainbow in the dragons path. The beast hit the flare of rainbow, dazed for a second. Rainbow took the chance to drop now, pulling a hard dive. Her trail would give her away, so she needed to out maneuver the dragon to live. The dragon was out a second longer than Rainbow had anticipated, giving her a better chance, but it was now in a dive too, and with it's strength was closing fast. Rainbow had no agility at this speed, all of her hope lay only with the maneuvers the dragon would have to strain to keep up with.

"Come to me pony," The dragon yelled, "Let me feast!"

"Fat chance!" Rainbow yelled, as she neared the ground and pulled out hard. She was flying parallel to the floor now, submitting her body to upwards of 80 G's. She could barely see as everything went dark, the blood in her not pumping as well as it should. There was a hot blast as the dragon fired past her. The Bastard, Rainbow thought, He made the turn. Rainbow was in deep, so she cut speed, and dropped her wings to gliding position. The dragon rocketed past, with no chance to match the small ponies aerial moves. Rainbow let her heart give the blood she needed as she closed in on the dragon's tail. The dragon arched high, giving Rainbow her opening. She rocketed out, and struck the dragon right below the left wing, in what would be a pony soft spot, a nerve cluster that would fold the wing if hit. But the dragon was not a pony. The hit only told it where Rainbow was. Rainbow checked her status: pro: Rainbow trail was gone. Con: Dragon was not.

"Rainbow!" Fleet Foot yelled as she and Rapid Fire closed in to help. The dragon turned to the noise and let loose a hot blast, but missed both ponies.

"Thanks," Rainbow called out as she rejoined the team. "Foot, Fire, with me. We're losing the damn thing in the clouds!"

"Roger," Both wings replied. They started the climb now, darting back and forth as the dragon fired at them. But it could not land a upwards shot on such agile targets. The Dragon was now exhausted, having never flown this hard, but it was not over yet. It followed the ponies into a cumulus cloud. The cloud provided much needed concealment, but they could not leave, the dragon would be able to track them. No, they had to wear it out in the ice cloud. It was hard to fly here, even in the suits, the air was so cold it would barely move for them. The ponies had difficulty breathing, but the dragon was not hindered as such, it was a fire breather after all. But it was not great at the hovering part. It lashed out at the ponies, but was losing ground, or rather cloud, fast. It stuck once now with it's claws and felt them strike a pony. That would have to do for the dragon, because now a fast bolt, like a speeding rainbow, struck the dragon on the head. The dragon reeled, and dropped.

Rainbow had flown high during the dragons attack, and looped back to hit him at speed. Right before she entered the cloud again, she saw a figure drop out of the cloud. She doubled speed, and connected with the dragons head. The dragon dropped, but Rainbow was still in her dive. She had to catch them. But she was exhausted, having pushed to much for the power drop. She was closing on the unconscious pony, just a few more feet. Blood drops were slashing Rainbow, seeping from a deep gash in the pony's side. This was not good.

Rainbow was too close to the ground, bottoming out was inevitable, but she had to try. She wrapped her legs around the figure and pulled them in tight, tucking and rolling with impact. Rainbow felt several bones break, and heard a rather unsettling pop that was her left shoulder. She lay on the ground, the cold snow stinging every inch of her as she started to go numb. She barely saw the three others drop down, and the little yellow one rush her into a hug. She was out now, but breathing.


"Rainbow!" Every pony said as they entered the hospital ICU and saw Rainbow laying in bed, out cold with Fluttershy and Soarin right beside her. Soarin was asleep, his head on Rainbow's bed as he waited.

"Hey girls..." Fluttershy said looking up at them.

"We came as soon as we heard, The paper had a complete break down. How is she now?" Twilight asked.

"She's going to be fine," Fluttershy said, making every pony there exhale. "But the same can't be said of Rapid Fire. The dragon tore his wing tendon. He will never fly again."

"Poor Rapid Fire..." Applejack said, holding back a tear. Twilight didn't know why, but every pony else did, and left it at that.

The ponies all sat with Rainbow and Fluttershy, talking about this and that, and even getting Soarin up to chat, til Princess Celestia turned up herself.

"Greeting my little ponies. How is our hero?" Celestia asked.

"She'll make it, she's a strong pony," Soarin replied, looking down to his slumbering marefriend.

"Good. I would hate for my friend and the newest Wonderbolt to be out of commission," Celestia said with a smile.

"She will be excited to hear that Princess, thank you," Soarin said with a small smile as he stroked her mane.

"Soarin, it ain't yer fault, there was no way to join 'em in flight with out endangerin' em all," Applejack said to the guilty looking stallion.

"I know, but still..." Soarin said, his usual flare and chipper long gone as he just sat and waited.

"Twilight, if you, Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Spike would please join me for a minute, I'm afraid our talk can not wait," Celestia said to the group, the chosen ones following her out into a private waiting area. "Twilight, I called you here because Spike will now begin his growth to his true form, allowing his destiny to take shape."

"What do you mean Princess?" Twilight asked as the others all looked at Spike, wondering the same.

"Spike was given to us as an egg as part of the pony/ dragon treaty. They wanted a dragon in the royal court. I was able to convince them to let us hatch the dragon we would include, and thus made that the entrance exam for my protege, and the advanced magic academy. Twilight, you were the first student to ever actually hatch the egg. Most ponies could do nothing with it, or just warp it a bit. Some were closer to making the egg hatch, but only you could do it, and so much more. So you were selected as my protege, and Spike's guardian," Celestia reveled, answering the question of Spike's mysterious past.

"Last year you all learned about greed growth," Celestia said beginning the delicate part of the talk. "But what Spike is getting ready to enter now is called heart's growth. Most dragons grow through greed, and as such are the beast we know today. But a select few chose love over greed, they grow into the rulers of dragons, Imperial Dragons. We always hoped Spike could become one, and last year we almost lost that opportunity, but now we believe that he is well on his way. Spike, your magic has even gotten stronger lately, a good sign," Celestia said looking to Spike, who was a bit stunned into disbelief.

"Magic? I have my own magic?" He asked in wonder.

"Of course Spike, how else did you think you sent me the letters?" Celestia replied with a warm smile.

"Oh, hehe, yeah... " Spike said.

"Princess," Twilight opened in the lull, "Did you say Imperial dragon? Like Draconian royalty?"

"Yes. Spike is a dragon Prince. Or he can be when he turns 150 years old. Dragons only allow the strong to lead, and he is not eligible to compete for power before then," Celestia said with a sorrowed glance at Spike. "I hate to think of a friend of mine doing anything so barbaric, but it must be done."

"Spike, I'm not afraid," Sweetie said stepping up next to the purple dragon, "I want to help you. Rarity once said you need love in your life, so I'm here for you, no matter what."

"I... Thank you Sweetie Belle. I...I-" Spike started but could not finish. He just looked down at his feet, felling ashamed.

"What's the matter Spike?" Rarity asked the little guy.

"I'm torn. I've loved you for a long time Rarity, but I love Sweetie Belle too... How do I go on like this?" Spike said. Celestia smiled at the dragon, and walked over to him.

"Spike, you are growing up. You have made this choice already. You just need to dig deep," Celestia said, palcing a kind hoof on the dragons back.

"Sweetie. I love Sweetie..." Spike said as he realized it. "I said that, but it never sank in how much I did til-" Spike was cut off by the little unicorn throwing herself on the dragon, kissing him once again, long and deep.

"Spike," She finally said, "I love you too. I love you," She said as she cried tears of joy into the dragons shoulder. Spike wrapped his arms around her now, content, with no more confusion clouding his soul.

"Rarity," Spike finally said, "I hope things are still cool between us..."

"Yes Spike, we are 'still cool' my little Spikey Wikey," Rarity said placing her hooves on Spikes checks and rubbing them around.

"Now Spike, I need to speak with Twilight and Rarity in private," Celestia said as the two kids walked out, leaning into each other. Rarity and Twilight stood flank to flank as they looked to their ruler for her next point to talk about. "First, congratulations. You two are such a cute couple," The ruler remarked with a sly grin, making both ponies blush a bit. "Second, the more Spike loves Sweetie, the bigger and stronger he will get. He should remain small as long as he feels she is safe though. Dragons heart growth only happens when they need to be big enough to protect their love, so it will be awhile. But to be on the safe side, don't let her hang out with any pony that Spike might feel is a treat to his spot as her love."

"Of course. We will do what we can Princess. Spike will be a very good prince I believe," Twilight said with a nod from Rarity.

"Yes, he will because of the love and friendship you have given him. Now the Third point, the most crucial, I want details. Rarity," Celestia said with a stern look to the fashion mare, "What is Twilight like in bed?" Celestia asked plopping down on the floor, her head supported by her hooves and a wide grin, eyes eager as Rarity and Twilight rolled their eyes and begrudgingly told the Princess every last detail. Twice.


Twilight and Rarity came back into the ICU now, some what exhausted after their talk with the Princess. But they perked up seeing Rainbow was finally awake. Soarin was not there, he had gone to check on Rapid Fire now.

"Hey gals, have fun?" Rainbow asked as they entered. Applejack shot them a dirty look, and Pinkie was just looking on in awe. Spike and Sweetie were looking down, guilty.

"What hap-" Twilight started before Applejack cut her off.

"Y'all are a piece of work, ya know that!" She yelled, storming out.

"Okay, really, what did we do?" Rarity asked.

"Um Twilight, I'm sorry," Spike said, "I thought they would take my news well, but it seems dragons are not that popular right now, what with one hurting Rainbow and Rapid Fire," Spike said.

"Oh no. Scootaloo, Spike, stay with Rarity. Apple Bloom, let's go find your sister," Twilight said.

"I'm coming too," Pinkie said, "I have a bad feeling about AJ alone out there. Pinkie sense calls for a dozy."

"Thanks. I appreciate the help," Twilight said as they all left.

Rarity turned to Rainbow Dash who was smiling. The kids all went out to the waiting room with Fluttershy so that Rainbow could talk to Rarity in private real fast. Rarity thought it was about Rapid Fire and Applejack back in high school.

"So guess what Fluttershy told me in Cloudsdale yesterday, something about a new couple, Rarelight," Rainbow said, grinning mischievously.

"Wait, you know!?" Rarity stammered. She did not know what was more shocking, the fact that Rainbow was so open or that Fluttershy blabbed. Rarity shot Fluttershy a glare, but gave up on holding the grudge, Fluttershy would have told Rainbow, they were like sisters. "So what does this mean?" Rarity asked, trying to plan how to go forward from here.

"What does what mean? For you and Twi, I wish you the best. Oh!" Rainbow exclaimed as the thought hit her, "You girls already have a kid even. Scoots!"

"Wait you support us? And Twilight is only the foster parent for now. But she does seem happy to be raising Scootaloo," Rarity said, looking out to the waiting room where the kids were talking to a nurse to see if they could get first aid cutie marks, Scootaloo resembled a mummy, so Rarity thought no. But she smiled, thinking of her and Twilight raising the filly, together.

"Buck yeah. Every pony thought I was gay for the longest time, so I know how it feels. You're still the same Rarity we know and love. And now you're a happy Rarity, so it's all good. And I hope you girls adopt Scoot, I feel bad that I never even asked her about her family situation," Rainbow said looking up at the ceiling.

"Spike told us actually. The little guy is going to be a great leader one day," Rarity said, smiling at the little dragon that was helping to tear the gauze off of Scootaloo.


"Twilight," Pinkie asked as they wondered the streets looking for Applejack. She could not have had that much of a head start, "I was wondering, what's it like?"

"What's what like?" Twilight asked, not focusing much on the conversation.

"Having all that magic inside of you. You hatched a dragon, a feat no other pony has ever accomplished," Pinkie said.

"Oh, Pinkie, it's... well it's... Just who I am, really," Twilight said as they continued on.

"Are y'all done, cause we need to find my sister," Apple Bloom said.

"Oh, hehe, yes of course," Pinkie said.

Two streets over, wondering down a dark ally, was Applejack. She walked along, head hung low, not caring where she went as she tried to work the mental puzzle. Rapid Fire, my old high school sweet heart. Hurt by a dragon. And now they want me to be happy for Spike, as he is about to grow into a big princely dragon, and hurt the girls. Ah ain't gonna stand for that. Ah'm lost. In both terms. Ah should head back, Ah left Apple Bloom there. Applejack was turning around to leave when she bumped into some pony.

"Oops, sorry bout that," Applejack said with a kind smile.

"Now why did you have to go and bump my friend like that Missy?" Some pony standing next to the bumped said.

"Da, was most impolite. But maybe you can make nice, hmm?" The other said in a thick Moscow accent. They were bigger that Applejack by a head each. But she could take them both. Then they changed the game, one was a unicorn, his horn hidden til now in shadows. The magic pinned Applejack to the wall, and try as she might, she was no use against magic.

"Ung, no. Take my money. Ah don't want any trouble now," Applejack said, fear rising.

"Well cutie, I am the thief, so I will help myself to your bits. But my friend here," Cooed the unicorn motioning to the other, an earth pony, "Is only interested in your... private bits. Do be kind and oblige him as well."

"No, No, Help! Mmph! RRRRR!" Applejack yelled as she was gagged magically, thrashing about as she tried to break free. But it was no use. The earth pony crept up and placed both hooves against the wall, ready to have his way with Applejack, when out of nowhere, there was a noise. Just a sound of glass rolling across the stones, but it was enough.

"What was noise?" The earth pony said, sacred. Applejack was still fighting for freedom, not caring what it was, as long as it helped

"She's just a myth Ivan, now hurry up and get your rocks off, I don't like this..." The unicorn said. Ivan was still scanning the street when suddenly he was off Applejack. She had not been looking, but now watched as he was drug into the darkness by a enchanted rope around his neck and left foreleg. Nice ropin! Applejack thought. The partner was scarred, and turning this way and that to try and see the attacker. He started to yell at the darkness. "Come out here and face me like a stallion!"

"Eh hem," Applejack cleared her throat behind him. He had let the spell drop. He turned and caught a signature Apple family buck to the chest, and went flying. He crumpled against the back wall, but was quickly on his hooves, making his retreat. He had even been nice enough to leave Applejack her coin purse. A figure stepped out of the shadows, and Applejack felt a flood of relief.

"Are you alright?" The Mysterious Mare Do Well asked.

"Yes, Ah am, thanks to you," Applejack said. Her heart was still racing, but she was fine.

"I know you, you're one of the elements of harmony," The masked mare said.

"Eeyup. Names Applejack. Ah thank ye," Applejack replied with a smile

"Just doing my duty," The masked mare said as she started to back away into the darkness. Applejack spoke up though, She didn't know why, but Applejack didn't want to say good bye just yet.

"Ya know, my friends and Ah started Mare Do Well back in Ponyville, I wore the uniform a year ago myself," Applejack said blushing a bit. Why am ah blushing, Ah ain't embarrassed, this pony's a hero with the idea we started.The mare stepped close, and lifted her mask just over her snout, revealing a lavender pink snout. She moved right to Applejack, their lips just inches apart. Applejack's heart was going a million miles an hour, but not for fear, but desire. She liked the warm breath on her lips in this cold ally, this unknown mare and her, in the snow and cold. It was somehow just what she wanted.

"Then let me thank you properly," the mare said putting her lips to Applejack's. This was heaven, Applejack thought. The kiss was the best she had ever had, the unknown mare sliding her tongue in gently to Applejack's waiting mouth. But this time, Applejack would not be just taking a kiss, she drove on herself, pulling the mare deeper into the kiss. The mare responded by pulling in as well, knocking their hats to the ground. Applejack, for the first time ever, did not care. She was loving the feeling of the mare's lips on hers, their breath forming small clouds as they gasped and drove on, with more and more passion. Applejack felt the hooves sliding down her and spoke out.

"Please," She begged of the mysterious masked mare. The mare pushed Applejack into the wall and kissed her, long, sweet kisses, while her hooves worked Applejack's chest and flank. Applejack let the mare slide her kisses down her neck, enjoying the feeling of teeth against her now and then. Applejack wanted this, more than she had ever wanted anything. Then in an instant, it was over. The mare had pulled away.

"Not like this. If it is meant to be," She said as she quickly kissed Applejack again, "Then we will meet again. For now though, your friends are here," She said as she picked up a hat and vanished into the darkness. A second later, appearing at the mouth of the ally was Twilight, Pinkie, and Apple Bloom.

"Applejack!" They all cried rushing to her. Apple Bloom hugged her sister tight, burying her face in the blond mane.

"Thank goodness you're alright," Twilight said before looking a touch guilty. "AJ-" She said but was motioned to stop.

"Ya don't need to Twilight. Ah just didn't think. Ah even left Apple Bloom back there," Applejack said with a small chuckle.

"Are you okay AJ?" Pinkie asked tilting her head.

"Yeah, Ah'm fine Pinkie," Applejack said putting the hat back on her head.

"Cause that's not your hat," Pinkie said making Applejack look. She was wearing the hat of Mare Do Well! Well, Ah guess we will meet again, Applejack mused.

"Yeah, it ain't. It's a friends. One Ah hope to see again very soon," Applejack said to no pony in particular, just staring at the darkness.

"AJ, about Spike..." Twilight said, to be cut off again.

"Ah know, Ah just need time Twilight. Spike will be a dragon prince some day, but Ah can't let 'em hurt any pony. Ah want ya to promise me this Twi, that Spike will never hurt any pony," Applejack said looking at her friend. "Rapid Fire was my old high school sweet heart Twi. Ah just don't want to have another dragon hurting some pony Ah care about," Applejack sniffled out as she began to cry for the first time for her old love.Twilight just walked over and pulled Applejack into a hug, whispering encouragement. Pinkie joined the hug to, happy that nothing bad had happened, guessing her Pinkie sense had been wrong for once.


Back in the hospital, Rarity and Fluttershy were talking now. Dash had gone back to sleep, as had the kids, they had had a long day. Soarin was getting some drinks for every pony after hearing about the 'dragon apple storm.' The two mares discussed things, so much having changed so soon.

"I'm sorry darling, that must have been absolutely terrifying for you," Rarity said placing a concerned hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder.

"I was more scarred for Dashie to tell the truth..." Fluttershy said looking to her friend in the bed.

"As are we. Does she know?" Rarity asked.

"Know what?" Fluttershy said with a confused tone.

"You know, that you have these feelings for her," Rarity said, waving her hoof about.

"Oh, I don't have feeling for Dashie. She is my best-est friend, since I was a foal, I couldn't love her," Fluttershy said looking a little deflated. She really wished Rarity would stop trying to guess and just let it be.

"Oh come now Darling, it's obvious," Rarity said with a small chuckle, afraid she was wrong again.

"I love her as a friend, but not in that way. I love-" Fluttershy started but was cut off by the others coming back in. Both mares decided the talk would happen later. Fluttershy hopped much, much later.

"Applejack, what is with your hat?" Rarity asked as Twilight magically lifted the sleeping Apple Bloom off of Applejack's back.

"It's a friends," Applejack said, and left it at that.

"You girls suck, Shy was just getting to the good part," Rainbow Dash said, having been faking sleep.

Family obligations and planning parties

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Around midnight, all the ponies left the hospital, heading to the castle where the princesses had made accommodations for them. They had been allowed to stay as long as they had because of Fluttershy, but now the Stare was not working, so they were heading out. Every pony was exhausted, and thought a nice quite day to follow would be perfect.

"Say Twilight," Spike said walking with Sweetie, "Would we be able to see Shining Armor and Cadence today?" The purple dragon asked. Twilight was proud for him, although part of her pride was she was not having to let him ride right now.

"Yeah, I don't see why not," Twilight answered with a yawn, bumping Rarity a bit as they strolled the three blocks to the castle. Rarity could not help but chuckle a bit at this, it was cute.

"What's so funny Rarity?" Applejack wondered.

"We might have to carry Twilight here in a second," Rarity said bumping Twilight back. Twilight made a dramatic show of throwing herself on Rarity, begging her to 'please carry her, she was far to weak to go it alone!'

"Hey now, I'm the drama queen!" Rarity laughed with every pony. They made it to the castle, and were greeted by a pair of servants.

"Hello, Dusty Trails," Twilight said, bowing to the elder, "Good to see you again."

"Like wise my Lady. We regret to inform you, but there were not enough rooms for every pony to sleep separate, what with the Coronation approaching," The one named Dusty told them with a passive expression. "I am to escort you and Miss Rarity to your chambers. The Kids will be across the hall from you. Now please follow me," Dusty said leading Twilight, Rarity, and the four young ones up the stairs. Once in their rooms, no pony was up to much more than crawling under the covers, where with Twilight and Rarity, it was a race to dreamland that they both won.

"I'm Miss Clear Waters," The other said stepping forward, "And I will show Miss Pinkie Pie and Miss Applejack to their room. Miss Fluttershy, the Princess has cleared you to stay with Miss Rainbow Dash in the hospital til she is released."

"Oh thank you so much Miss Waters. Girls, I will see you all tomorrow then," Fluttershy said taking flight back to the hospital. So Pinkie and Applejack settled into their room for the night, and before long were both in bed. Pinkie sound asleep, dreaming of what ever went on in her head, while Applejack sat and looked at the hat she now had. The large brimmed purple hat of Mare Do Well. Applejack struggled with her feeling. This was the second time she had kissed a mare, and it was even better than the first. But Granny Smith's words rang inside her head.

Filly loving is Discord's work! She had said. If'n I ever catch ya foolin' with a filly Applejack, then by jove yer out. There is no place in this family for that. We are true to the Princess's word. I want ya to swear to me Applejack, that you and yer friends will be the beacon of right in town. Cause if ya ain't, ya ain't in this town much longer. Her harsh words rang. Granny Smith would do it, she would rally all of Ponyville, and Applejack had a sense that was coming soon. This was going to be a long winter.

"Ah miss the good ol' days when I was too young for this crap," Applejack muttered under her breath as she blew out her lantern and lay down. She thought she would struggle to get to sleep, but she was out as soon as her head meet the pillow.


Twilight awoke late into the morning, happiest she had ever been, snuggled up with Rarity. They were sleeping nose to nose, Rarity looking so cute while she slept, the gentle rise and fall of her breathing a metronome Twilight could be forever lost in. She kissed Rarity, and waited for Rarity to wake up also. After ten minutes though, Twilight's playfulness had won out, as she was drawing small circles on the sleeping mare's chest with her hoof.

"Wake up my love," Twilight whispered into Rarity's ear, then put her teeth on the ear and nibbled ever so lightly, just enough to be felt.

"Mmmm, go on, pleazzzz," Rarity said in her sleep, shifting slightly to the affection. Twilight began to play with Rarity's mane, stroking it and twirling it with her hoof, playing with it and nuzzling it. Rarity again responded with a shift towards Twilight, but refused to wake up. Twilight began kissing her neck, getting sleepy purrs from her love, when there was a knock at the door.

"Uhgg, this had better be good," Twilight groaned, getting out of bed to see who it was. She magically pulled a robe around her and opened the door.

"Twilight, um, I, um..." Scootaloo said, her voice dropping to a low mumble as she spoke.

"What's up Scoot?" Twilight asked, feeling a bit guilty that she had been irate before opening the door.

"I can't find the bathroom..." Scootaloo said, looking down.

"Oh, of course. Please, use mine and Rarity's, it's just right through there," Twilight pointed for the small filly that walked past, almost crouching as to not wake Rarity. Scootaloo washed up and brushed while Twilight woke Rarity up in earnest, promising a breakfast made by the royal chefs.

"Sounds good, let's go," Rarity mumbled into her pillow. Twilight rolled her eyes and kissed Rarity on the forehead, just as Scootaloo was walking out. She stopped upon seeing the kiss though.

"Um, doesn't that hurt?" Scootaloo asked, tilting her head.

"What do you mean Scoot? I just kissed her forehead," Twilight said with a small laugh, Scootaloo was curious, and would be treated as an inquiring mind should be.

"Isn't that like, really sensitive for a unicorn though? The horn I mean," Scootaloo asked pointing with a hoof.

"Not at all. The nerves in the horn are pretty deep, and strongest at the base," Twilight explained, taking a seat with Scootaloo at the mirror to fix their manes.

"Then why does it hurt a unicorn to have their horn touched during casting?" Scootaloo asked with a frown as Twilight fought with the brush through the filly's mane.

"Well, magic is very delicate. If the spell is interrupted, the magic will fail, and fall back into the unicorn caster. It can hurt a lot, or worse. I created Spike when my magic collapsed, and manifested as uncontrolled magic," Twilight said to the mirror more than Scootaloo, it had been a painful day that day.

"Oh. Why?" Scootaloo asked. Twilight was regretting her promise, but would not falter, she would answer truthfully.

"I have more magic than any pony else. I might even have more than the Princesses when I am older. Magic matures around 35, so til then I will keep getting stronger and stronger," Twiligth said as Rarity started to snore again. Lazy mare, Twilight thought.

"Oh," Scootaloo awed at her foster mom, though calling Twilight that was a bit odd, seeing as that there was only a 12 year difference in age. "Cool. This is fun."

"That's the spirit, but I hope it's not always about my ability to lose control," Twilight said knocking Scootaloo side to side playfully, making her laugh. There was another knock as Spike, Sweetie and Apple Bloom all came in, looking chipper.

"Hey gang," Scootaloo said hopping down and joining the group to run out and explore.

"Ah, foals..." Twilight mused, then looked over to the still slumbering Rarity, which made her sigh again. Life was pretty good right about-

"Twilight, my daughter. Come give your mother a hug," A grayish unicorn mare said. Rarity woke up at the less than polite voice, which had practically shouted. " Again, Twilight? Who is it this time?" The new mare asked stepping in and getting a quick, unfeeling hug from Twilight.

"Mother," Twilight said cursing herself for thinking nice things and jinxing it, "This is Rarity, my-" Twilight was cut off before she could say further.

"Charmed. I am Twilight Velvet," Velvet said, offering her hoof to Rarity. Rarity curtsied politely, and took the hoof for a very brief kiss. "I am sure my daughter has told you all about us at great expense."

"You could say that," Rarity said looking away, trying not to make eye contact.

"Really? You must be quite the bad lay if she found time to talk with you then," Velvet said to Rarity and Twilight's rage. No pony said anything bad about Rarity! "Anyways Twilight, your father wishes he could make it, but was held up, social obligations. I'm sure you understand," Velvet said with a wave of her hoof to Twilight. "So my darling, I have some pony I want you to meet, right away. You will make the cutest couple."

"What?" Rarity inquired, sure she had heard wrong. Twilight was still trying to keep her magic from sparking, knowing where that would lead.

"Yes, your father and I have found you the perfect stallion darling. You will just love him, he's a Duke!" Twilight's mother sang practically as she dragged Twilight out. Rarity tried to follow, but Velvet slammed the door behind her, locking it magically.

"Why the nerve! It is on now, Mommy!" Rarity yelled at the door, taking a second to put on something warm, then straighten her mane. Then... No, Twilight needs me! Rarity told herself, heading out. She was in such a rush she almost didn't notice Applejack and Pinkie.

"Whoa there, what's got yer bloomers in a bunch sugar cube?" Applejack laughed, thinking it was some 'fashion emergency.'

"Twilight's mother just came in and snatched her up! She has a Duke she is going to try and pair Twilight up with!" Rarity cried, anger boiling over into rage.

"What? Twilight's mom is even trying to pair her up! That's awesome. What a good mom," Pinkie said, looking down the hall and smiling.

"No, she is not. She doesn't care about Twilight's feelings. Now come on," Rarity snarled, leading the two now scared ponies after the escaping mother/ daughter. Applejack nor Pinkie asked about why Rarity was so heated, just respecting that she was. They left the castle, standing in the street, Rarity angrily looking up and down for any sign of her love. Why did I have to take so long getting ready?! I should have bolted after them and told that bitch what's what.

"Rarity, maybe we should ask-" Applejack started but was cut off.

"Who? Who can we ask? Please Applejack," Rarity begged.

"What's got into you? This ain't you at all Rare," Applejack said putting her hoof down.

"I'm sorry girls, but trust me when I say this is important. We haven't the time to lose," Rarity said, looking a touch guilty but still full of fire.

"Then let's just go ask her brother where her folks live," Applejack calmly replied.

"Oh, hehe, yes. I guess we don't have to rush so much..." Rarity said blushing a thousand time over.


"Now Twilight, I know you just love Duke Thorough Bred," Velvet said, magically pulling Twilight along the street.

"But, mother," Twilight said, growling when she was ignored.

"Now stop being such a child Twilight," Sparkle ordered, turning to Twilight, "I am only trying to show you a nice colt. That you can wed and have lots of foals with. Your friends will be fine with out you for a day."

"But, I'm already raising a filly, Scootaloo." Twilight said trying to plant herself with her magic. She didn't want to fight with her mom, or be rude, she just didn't want to be with her either.

"So I heard, as a foster parent. Twilight dear, you don't need to stoop to such common place tasks, you're a lady of Princess Celestia's court. You are royalty. Your Brother is a prince," Velvet retorted, doubling her magic. A parents magic was always strong against their child's. When they reached the manor, a dark blue unicorn and a gray earth pony with a silver goblet cutie mark greeted them.

"Ah, this must be the lovely Lady Sparkle. You have your mother's beauty, Miss," The Gray stallion said, to which Velvet chuckled and blushed a bit.

"Thorough my boy, you are spot on as always," Night Light, Twilight Sparkle's father chimed.

"Yes, hello Thorough," Twilight said devoid of emotion. They made the niceties of introductions til they heard a sound of hooves on cobbles, and turned to see Rarity galloping towards them.

"Hello Darling, sorry I am late," Rarity gasped and heaved as she caught her breath. She looked ragged, she had not even finished styling this morning. She really does love me, Twilight thought.

"Where is everypony?" Twilight asked.

"And whom do you think you are, crashing a private family event?" Night Light asked.

"They went to see Rainbow Dash, I told them I had this," Rarity gasped as she returned to normal for the polite introduction. "As for who I am, I am Rarity, fashion icon and," She said stepping next to Twilight and intertwining their tails, "Twilight's marefriend."


The three ponies raced to the guard captains office, happy to find Shining Armor stepping out. They slowed as they saw who he was leading, three fillies and a purple dragon. The mares felt rightly embarrassed.

"Ah, Shining dear, good to see you again," Rarity said a bit out of breath as she closed in on Twilight's brother and Prince of Canterlot. He kept his job as Guard Captain because it was what he did, excel at being a guard.

"Rarity," He replied, a little gruff "Would you like to guess where I found these four?" He asked, looking down his snout at them.

"Ah, haha, um..." Rarity stammered.

"Oh I love guessing games. The bathroom! No, the roof! The library? No, not there. Oh I know the kitchen!" Pinkie rattled off guess after guess.

"Try Princess Luna's chambers. Thankfully, the princess is a fair sport, and enjoyed the company, but still," Shining said with a sigh.

"Of course Shining, thanks," Applejack said.

"No problem really. It was nice to meet my foster niece at any rate," Shining said smiling a bit as his anger subsided.

"Yeah, I totally want to be a Royal guard when I grow up!" Scootaloo said, dancing around her uncle of sorts, "Hey, maybe that's my cutie mark!"

"After ya locked yerself in those hoof cuffs of Twilight's? Doubt it," Apple Bloom laughed.

"Hey, maybe I'm good at the other bit, like helping kids. Right Shining?" Scootaloo beamed at the guard, his heart melting under the kid's wide eyed stare and bright smile. These girls are the cutest destructive force ever, Shining thought.

"Well anyways, I was about to go to the hospital and see Rainbow Dash, would you all like to join me?" Shining posed to the group. The kids were all on board, wanting to tell Rainbow of their adventures with the guard.

"I would love to normally, but we have a bit of a problem, Your mother ran off with Twilight this morning, something about a Duke," Rarity said, hoping Shining would get the message.

"Yeah, Thorough Bred. He's a real good guy. Why?" Shining asked, looking puzzled.

"Ya never did say why Rare," Applejack added behind her.

"Trust me, it's important. Twilight needs my help, I-I just can't leave her at a time like this," Rarity said, choking back tears. Every pony there thought it was just more melodramatic none sense, but these tears were the real deal.

"Fine, head to 42 Adams lane. That's my families manor," Shining said caving in to the fashion deva.

"Thank you Shining, I will explain to you and Cadence tonight with Twilight, I swear," Rarity said, taking off.

"Well, that was odd. So anyways, let's get going," Shining said. They walked along, and eventually got the conversation going.

"So Shining, why are ya going to see Dash?" Applejack asked her friend.

"What, I can't go see my friend in the hospital?" Shining asked.

"Well, of course you can," Pinkie Pie added, to a laugh.

"Cadence is already there. She went over right after breakfast. I had to do some work before I could find the time," Shining said. Soon they were in the hospital, and again at Rainbow's side, finding Fluttershy, Soarin, and Cadence already there, along with a small group of foals. They walked in and caught Rainbow in the middle of her story.

"So there I am, diving hard, trying to shake this Dragon. It yells at me, 'Come to me little pony, Let me feast!" Rainbow said doing a deep voice for the dragon to the joy of the kids, "But I was like 'Fat chance,' and took off, pulling out of my dive feet from the ground, and- Oh hi guys!" Rainbow beamed seeing her friends. Her forelegs where pretty free of injury, her wings and back took the brunt of the fall. But Rainbow's left shoulder was smashed, and would take weeks to heal. "Where are Twilight and Rarity?" She asked looking about the new comers.

"My mother got to Twi, and Rarity had to be with her, moral support," Shining said smiling, moving over to kiss his wife on the cheek.

"With your mom, that's needed," Cadence joked. Shining laughed and nodded.

"Ah, well, you all are just in time. So where was I... Oh yeah, I was flying even with the ground..." Rainbow continued to tell her story, not playing up a single detail, but instead, leaving a little bit out. For the foals, and Applejack. Every pony thought that Applejack had never gotten over Rapid Fire, and now...


"Twilight's marefriend," Rarity stated, standing tall against what ever hell came down upon her now. So she was a little disheartened when instead of shocked or angry or even happy, Twilight's parents just started to laugh.

"Ah, Twilight," They mused, laughing their polite little laugh. Duke Thorough Bred looked a bit confused as well, but Twilight was angry. Almost flaming unicorn angry again, so Rarity spoke up for her.

"Pray tell, what is so damn funny?" She asked, a little hotly, after all they had just laughed at their own daughter's coming out.

"Oh, Miss Rarity, was it?" Night asked, a wide grin on his smug face, "Our little Twilight was always picking up some pony, a new one every couple of nights. She does not date. You're just the flavor of the hour," He scoffed at Rarity. "She'll be over you soon, poor thing."

"Well father," Twilight growled, "I do now. Rarity is my marefriend, and I have never been happier. She is not just a lay to me. She could never be," Twilight hushed, and looked at Rarity with pleading eyes, eyes that begged Rarity to not let their words take root.

"Well of course she is Darling," Velvet chimed, dismissing Twilight with a wave of the hoof, "Ponyville is much smaller than Canterlot, you would need a commitment to keep getting any. But you can stop playing with this seamstress now and come home, to us. We have picked the perfect Stallion for you, Duke Bred." Rarity was now the one being held back by Twilight. No pony insulted her passion, or her work!

"Well," The Duke said, nodding his head, "I for one am not so convinced." His words rang harshly in the parents ears. Surely he had not just said that? "I would like to be the judge of this relationship if I may. Miss Rarity, would you please join us," He smiled at the mare. Twilight and Rarity were speechless, just moving their mouths, but to no sound. Finally Rarity collected herself.

"Yes. Yes of course I would your grace. You're reputation as a Stallion of high standings was spot on," Rarity finally said, with a bow to the good colt.

"Yes, and please, just Thorough," He laughed. So they all retreated into the manor to escape the cold, and dismissed Rarity and Twilight to clean up some before lunch. Rarity was delighted to find a wardrobe full of lovely dress, that she soon mixed and matched to perfection for her and Twilight. They emerged from the guest room looking as eloquent as ever, to the pleasure of Twilight's parents.

"Ah, there is my beautiful daughter," Night said stepping in and giving Twilight the briefest resemblance of a hug. "Now we can begin. Lunch will be in an hour, please mingle til then," He cooed, his words some how poisonous.

"Mingle? But father, there is only 5 of us," Twilight asked, sensing that this information was no longer true.

"My dear, when word that we were hosting royalty got about, several friends stopped by, so we decided to make this an impromptu garden party. I do hope you don't mind," Night replied, his words were hissed, not said.

"Of course we don't mind," Rarity said, stepping up and nuzzling Twilight. Twilight would weather this storm, with her.

"Oh Miss Rarity, so very good to see you again," Jet Set called, walking into the room with his wife, Upper Crust. They swooped in and pulled Rarity aside, making their way out into the main dining hall. Twilight tried to follow, but her father was a bit obnoxious, stopping her to meet so and so. She knew better than to cause a scene though, she did at least respect her parents. Eventually, Twilight was able to glance around and spot Rarity here or there, but always very far away.

"So I told him that he could keep his water, I would not drink it," A posh pony, who's name escaped Twilight, said to a round of polite laughter. "So Lady Twilight, I understand that you are the protege to the Princess herself, no?" The pony asked, apparently just realizing who she was.

"Yes Chancellor, I am. I study advanced magic under her direct guidance. Lately I have been assigned to study the magic of friendship in Ponyville, among other things," Twilight said.

"Advanced magic you say? Very bright girl here Duke, a fine choice," The Chancellor said with a nod from the group. "By any chance, could you demonstrate for us your magical prowess?" He asked to another nod. Twilight had a brilliant idea now.

"Yes, of course," She replied, her horn starting to glow as she pictured the spot she wanted to materialize at. She poured in power and started to feel the magic coursing through her. She lifted her head and-

"Oh Twilight, this is Lord Ironsmith of Trottingham," Velvet said. Twilight made a loud meep as the magic she was building collapsed into her, safely this time, no uncontrolled White eyes, like with Spike...

"Mother, do be careful, I was showcasing my magic for the Chancellor. One mistake and I could wind up anywhere, or everywhere," Twilight yelled. It was a bit uncouth for the engagement, but it was rather correct.

"Oh dear, your magic is that strong?" Lord Ironsmith asked, intrigued. "We could make great militaristic use of a power so strong."

"Thank you, your Lordship," Twilight said breathing easy again, "But I would disagree. If we were to use such means, then the enemy would escalate as well. It would never end if we employed my magic," Twilight explained to the general murmur of the group.

"Yes, quite," One fairly older mare, a rich pony named Mrs Gold, commented, "Like the problem facing Canterlot now, with this Mare Do Well out there."

"I apologize, I'm not familiar with the situation in Canterlot these days. Is the Masked Mare really that big of a problem?" Twilight asked, a touch guilty. After all, she had been the Mare at one point in time.

"Oh heavens yes," Ms Gold said, waving her hoof about for emphasis, her southern accent was not a thick as Applejack's, but was still present, as were her mannerisms. "She does not take the needed step. She beats these deviants to a bloody pulp, then hangs 'em up outside the guard stations. She needs to bring down the law. She needs to kill or the scum will kill her."

"I had no idea..." Twilight reflected.

"She has made the work for your brother double. She is just stirring the waters, but to no change."

"Oh my, I can't believe this. Thank you every pony, but I for one stand by her actions. She should not kill I think, that would just bring a gang war. No, she needs help, not blood. Now if you will excuse me, I see some pony I need to talk with. Good day," Twilight said politely making her retreat. No one tried to stop her this time, just let her walk about. So she took charge and headed straight for-

"Ah my dearest Twilight," Duke Thorough chimed as she almost bumped into him. Damn it all! Twilight thought. "So good to see you. But I must say, it looks like you need a hoof. Allow me," He said as he splashed her dress with some of his red wine. Twilight scoffed at the gesture, Rarity had put a lot of work into dressing her, and now her work was ruined, Twilight would have.... to... change... Oh, he's good, Twilight thought.

"Darling," Rarity cried, walking over, "I'm sorry every pony, fashion emergency," Rarity lied as she and Thorough lead Twilight to the back to clean up. When the entered the kitchen, Thorough looked about and whispered to them.

"Take your time, I'll handle the party," He urged.

"Why are you helping us?" Rarity asked as she peeled the wet clothes from Twilight before heading upstairs.

"Because, I had planned on blowing this whole thing anyways. You see, I love some pony already. She is mine, and I love her dearly. She is the best chef in the world.She works at the Rose Dew Cafe in town square. Oh, just thinking of her alfredo alfalfa, her lavender a la mode, her wine and basil, her rosemary flat bread sandwiches, her-," He rambled, thinking of his love.

"Thorough, Thank you. I'll pay you and her a visit here soon. But for now, I want some time with my love," Twilight said with a smile to Rarity. They bowed out, and headed upstairs, taking them three at a time. They stopped at the top, and engaged in a kiss. Twilight had never been this aroused before.

"Rarity," Twilight gasped between kisses, "I can't wait, I want you. I want you and I never want to let go."

"As do I," Rarity panted as Twilight kissed her neck, "More than you can imagine. Where?" Rarity asked, looking down the hall of at least 7 doors. From her anger to just seeing Rarity create art from nothingness, it was too much for the studious mare, and having this small window, maximum danger of being caught, it was just icing on the cake. Twilight pulled Rarity into a random room, not even caring which one. Twilight just wanted to feel Rarity, and pulled the sweet mare back into a proper kiss. Their tongues explored each others mouths, hungry for the taste of the one they loved. Twilight was sliding her hooves down Rarity's back when the door started to open. Twilight panicked, and jumped on the large guest bed, the kind with curtains around it. Thick black curtains, Twilight mused as she hatched a plan for revenge. Rarity hoped up also, but Twilight spun her to face the door as the curtains were dropped by Twilight, hiding her and the back half of Rarity.

"What are you doing?" Rarity hissed as she smiled at the entering pony, the Chancellor from before. Rarity had meet him come to think of it.

"Remember when you played hoof-sees with me at the Corner?" Twilight said quietly, just loud enough for Rarity to hear.

"Oh, you wouldn't," Rarirty hissed.

"What was that?" The Chancellor asked.

"Nothing, Chancellor Drummer, so good to see you," Rarity said, her head propped up on a hoof as she laid half on the foot locker at the foot of the bed. That's his name, Twilight thought. She started to kiss and nibble around Rarity's cutie mark, making Rarity fidget.

"Miss Rarity, no? What are you doing here, in the smoking room?" Drummer asked as he pulled an odd cloth bag from his coat and started to stuff a pipe.

"Smoking room? Oh I love a good smoke," Rarity lied, her voice breaking on the 'I' as Twilight bit her.

"So refreshing to see a young lady such as yourself having a multitude of interest," Drummer said, offering the lit pipe to Rarity. She took it and sucked gingerly, only to start coughing like mad. "Ha ha, yes, this blend is rather potent. Makes you see things, some mighty fine weed this is."

"I'm Sorry, did you say weed? As in?" Rarity asked as the truth sank in, along with Twilight's teeth. Twilight, this means war! Rarity thought, enjoying the payback but also hating it she she kept up her falsetto smile.

"Poison Joke weed, best there is. The joke is a trip when smoked," Drummer said with laugh as he took up the arm chair in the corner. "Pray tell, why are you on the bed, and sweating?" He asked, taking note of Rarity's struggle. If he could see Twilight right now as she started to lick and bite Rarity's inner thighs though, he wouldn't need to ask.

"Oh, I-I-III, ah, haha, mmm," Rarity stuttered, slapping the footlocker her top half was on. "It's a looooonnnng Story, Chance-Ellor! Mmmm, please, why is there a bed in the smoking room?" Rarity breathlessly asked as Twilight started to lick her tender folds, rubbing Rarity's button with her nose.

"Well, really this room is not a smoke room, I just wanted to enjoy my pipe," Drummer smiled, the sly old colt. "Would you care for some more?"

"Nnnng, Oh Goddess Yes!" Rarity cried as Twilight worked her mercilessly, bringing her to the edge, then easing off, and back and off.

"Ha ha, a mare after my own heart, starting to kick in eh?" Drummer said putting the pipe in Rarity's mouth. She had no choice, and puffed a bit, coughing more but playing the part like a champion. Maybe I'll let her finish, Twilight thought. "Well I must be getting back. Ta ta Miss Rarity," Drummer said leaving, making Rarity relax a little, "Lady Twilight." That coupled with the attention she was getting drove poor Rarity over the edge, and she came hard and fast for Twilight. Twilight threw open the curtains after Drummer had closed the door. They lay on the bed a minute as Rarity collected herself.

"Ready to head down my love?" Twilight inquired of the spent mare.

"Ha ha ha ha ha. That ceiling looks funny. Oh I want cake, do they have cake!" Rarity said as the drug worked her over in a different way. Oh no, Twilight thought, the panic starting to set in.


In the middle of the afternoon, Princess Luna was huddled over a table with Pinkie, side by side, each making a suggestion, then crossing it out, back and forth, for the past hour. They had been at this ever since Pinkie got back from the hospital, Applejack agreeing to watch the kids for a bit.

"No no, Princess," Pinkie said taking a bite of her apple lunch, "You can't just walk out there. You need a show. You are the star after all."

"Yes, but I don't care for the drama of royalty Pinkie. I just want to enjoy my night with my friends," Luna pouted. She floated an apple to her lips, taking a bite as hunger set in. "What do you suggest though?"

"Hmm," Pinkie rallied as she took another bite, "How about the mist thing?"

"Too Night Mare Moon," Luna said taking another bite, "Now I was thinking, music start, light down, glow sticks to light me as I walk out and the stage lights come up."

"Ouh, very nice Luna, I love It!" Pinkie said, going to hug the princess, but she missed it, by that much. Luna had been absently eating her apple and failed to notice the incoming Pinkie. This lead to a rather awkward moment as Pinkie lost balance, and ran face first into the Princess, one lip on the royal lips, the other on top of Luna's nose.

"Oops," Pinkie said with a blush, she had really been a little to over zealous with her hug.

Luna just shrugged, and relpied "Tis of no offence, Miss Pinkie. But next time, just ask if you want a kiss."

"Wait I wasn't MMMm-" Pinkie tried to correct as the night goddess Princess Luna put her lips to Pinkie's. The princess slipped her tongue in and played with Pinkie's, tickling the roof of the pink mare's mouth. Pinkie was shocked stoic, but melted when the hoof on her head pulled her in deeper. Pinkie gingerly reached up and put a hoof to the princess's head, expecting to be yelled at, but found the exchange to be encouraged. Pinkie was just starting to get into the kiss, when again, all too soon, it was over.

"Very nice Pinkie, the best kiss I have had in recent memory. Do I taste cotton candy?" Luna inquired, looking distant. Pinkie just moved her mouth, but her brain was not sending words. The unthinkable had happened, Pinkie was speechless. "I expect more," Luna said still looking down at the plans, "How about they start with a classical song as Tia and I walk out, then 'drop the bass' as it were to kick the Coronation off?" Luna asked as if nothing in the world had changed.


"Well howdy Sugar Cube," Applejack cried to Pinkie as she walked back into the room. Pinkie just nodded and mumbled. "Um sug, are y'all alright?"

"I-i-i-i. I Just Kissed Princess Luna!" Pinkie stammered then shouted, her first sentence since the kiss.

"What in? Damn it Pinkie, what is with you and kissin' every pony?" Applejack yelled.

"I want a kiss," Scootaloo said. But no pony paid her any mind, she was just being a kid, right? Her friends just laughed and made kissing noises at her. "Every pony but me and Bloom is getting kissed," Scootaloo muttered.

"She kissed me! Totally not my move! I was not doing the kissing. I was the kissie, kissed, kissered?" Pinkie said as she tried to figure out what had just happened. She just slumped down against the door and started to mutter.

"Um, what's wrong with Pinkie?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She don't know what to do," Applejack said as she went to Pinkie and hugged her. "It's alright, Ah'm here for ya."

"She was just so, so-" Pinkie said shaking a bit.

"Ah know Pink," Applejack whispered, trying to console her troubled friend.

"Amazingly Kisserific Excellent! I can't wait!" Pinkie shouted, making Applejack's ears ring.

"Damn It Pinkie!" Applejack shouted, holding her ears as Pinkie began to pour forth with how great it was.


In a noisy downtown sound studio, a mare donned with rocking sunglasses was hard at work trying to perfect the song for the Winter Moon Coronation.

"Veve" Octavia said, entering the composers suite, "You look ragged dear. Is everything alright?"

"Hey Tav, yeah. I just can't seem to get this beat right," Vinyl said taking off her glasses and rubbing her red eyes, red not just in color, but from lack of sleep as well. She stayed up night and day now writing her music, among other reasons. "This is our shot. This will be huge Tav, and soon I will be able to get you that Concerto original cello you have had your eye on. He only made 8, you know," Vinyl said as Octavia came over and sat with her long time friend. They had meet back in college, Octavia on a Music scholarship, Vinyl on a computer mathematics. Vinyl had been composing on computers for years, it was her special talent actually, to write music, not just play. That was why she and Octavia worked so well. They both loved to write new music. Vinyl had a reputation for her over the top antics, while Octavia was a stick in the mud, but they enjoyed the others company, so buck anyone that said otherwise.

"Well Veve," Octavia offered with a pout, "Maybe a trip back home is what you need, see your parents before the show."

"Not now, I can't fool around at a time like this," Vinyl said, slumping to her desk.

"Of course, why do something you want to for once? You are a slave to your work Veve," Octavia said rubbing her hoof around on Vinyl's back. Octavia was the best friend a mare could ask for.

"I know, but..." Vinyl said, hugging Octavia tight, sighing. "You have to go to practice. And I can't sleep here by myself, I get the nightmares when I'm alone..." Vinyl lied, patting Octavia's back. Then Octavia noticed it was not a pat, but a beat. A very personal beat.

Octavia sighed as she spoke "Vinyl, are you timing my heartbeat again? I am not a biological metronome!"

"But it's perfect. Just what I need!" Vinyl cried as she typed in the new figures and hit play. The synthetic music purred to the notes, the beat perfect as one cello was spliced together with other random sounds to create music. It was perfection, Vinyl's gift to the world. Her gift to Octavia. And maybe, just maybe, this time, she could tell Octavia the truth.


Rainbow Dash awoke this first night, covered in sweat. In her mind, she was diving, faster and faster, but Rapid Fire just dropped faster, nearing the ground. So Rainbow was looking for a distraction. She noticed Fluttershy was in her room again, sleeping on the couch she had. Fluttershy was muttering in her sleep. It sounded like a name. It was- No, that can't be. Rainbow listened and again Fluttershy said that name.

"Oh my goddess..." Rainbow said under her breath. She just stared at the sleeping pegasus, curled up nice and cute. She wanted to cry hearing her best friend say that name, because she knew full well it would not end well. How could Rainbow ever look her in the eyes again? Why her, of all the ponies in Equestria? Why now?

Truth and fear

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(Authors note: Thanks to Cytotoxin for the Russian translation and help. I always return a favor FYI. Peace, Sam Cole)

"Oh my gosh, this is bad Twilight. Very very bad. Monumentally bad! What am I going to do? Think Twilight!" The lavender mare beat her self up subconsciously, berating herself for the turn of events. Rarity thought it was a hoot, along with the curtains on the bed.

"Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed, nuzzling the black fabric, "We should so make something out of this! Like, like a blanket!"

"Hehe, yeah, sure Rarity," Twilight nervously laughed. What am I going to do? I can't take her out of here, just look at her! I need a place to let her get right. Maybe I can magically help her out! A purifying spell! Twilight reasoned, rallying her mind. She tried her best to gather Rarity, which could be compared to Rainbow Dash trying to heard cats, and made her way out and up to her old room. There Twilight was able to sit Rarity down with an old doll to dress while Twilight searched.

"Purify water, purify the magic, ah ha! Purify the body! Types of aliments... alcohol, poison, germs... Better remember that one... Self doubt? Really? How would that even..." Twilight began reading as Rarity lost interest. She was having a ball, and all Twilight wanted to do was read! Maybe it was a cook book. Rarity walked over and started cuddling with Twilight, nuzzling the mare and playing with her hair. Twilight responded well to the attention, it meant Rarity was still in the room. After 20 minutes of playing with a rather hoofs on Rarity, Twilight had found the section she needed. "Drug purification from the body! Erm..." Twilight hummed as she read. "There is no spell, but it does have a potion! Come on Rarity, this is easy, we need to go to the kitchen." Twilight and Rarity gathered themselves up, and opened the door to find trouble.

"There you two are, come along now!" Velvet said taking Twilight by the hoof and leading her down stairs. Twilight had to do an odd jumping canter as she was on three legs, and Rarity found this to be absolutely hilarious. Velvet set Twilight down, next to Thorough of course, and set Rarity half way down the table, with a distinct lack of care.

"Fancy meeting you here," Rarity laughed as she was set down. Twilight was sweating bullets, trying to figure out a way to help the poor mare out. She could try teleporting, but her mind was a mess, there's no way she could control her magic like this.

"Twilight," The universe spoke through her mother, hearing that she had all she could handle right now, "Is there something wrong with that Hussy you brought?"

"That does it,Mother," Twilight growled as her magic swelled, making her horn glow white along with her eyes, "No Pony Insults Rarity." What happened afterwords, or before for that matter, no pony was ever really sure. But whatever it was, the guard showed up.


Shining Armor and Cadence where enjoying their nice warm home, most of all their nice warm bed, when a day of hooky caught up with them.

"Shine, you remembered to disable your message forwarding spell, didn't you?" Cadence asked the captain as she floated over a fresh scroll.

"Maybe, I dunno. Why?" He sleepily asked his wife. "Come here, it's nap time."

"Shine, this just came for you," Cadence said brandishing the scroll at him, to his groans of protest. She read it, and very quickly changed her tone, "It's about a break in at 42 Adams St." With those words, Shining's eyes shot open and he took to his hooves.

"Is everypony alright?" He asked throwing on his coat of armor and helmet.

"Yes, they just found a random mare in their house, and an uninvited guest that a few ponies know. Says it's Rarity?" Cadence questioned, as if the scroll would reply.

"Rarity? Something is off hun, I need to go," Shining said moving in for a kiss from his wife. She kissed him and followed him to the door, magically pulling on her own scarf and boots. "Um, Cadence?" Shining asked to be waved off by his wife.

"I'm coming with, this is my family we're talking about too you know," Cadence said to be a matter of fact, to which Shining smiled and lead the way. Upon arriving, they found about ten royal guards arguing with Shining's dad out front, and it was not going well.

"Listen to me, I know my rights. Take her away, and that stupid seamstress whore also!" Night yelled at one such guard, who was wearing a rather taxed expression.

"I got this," Shining said to the relief of the guard, "What's up Dad?"

"There is my boy. My only boy, and his beautiful wife! The closest I have to a daughter!" Night screamed at the guards, all looking around like they wished to Celestia they were any where else.

"Dad, what's going on? Where's Twiliy?" Shining asked, the fear in him rising that some terrible fight had finally happened between them all.

"Son, when did I raise you to address you mother by name!" Night yelled turning on the captain.

"Dad, Twilight Sparkle. My sister, your daughter," Shining pleaded as Cadence saw what was happening. She ran inside to find her sister-in-law and figure this mess out.

"What daughter? Son, you are an only child, always have been," Night said placing a concerned hoof on his son.


"Twilight!" Cadence yelled as she ran up to her and Rarity sitting at a small table in the kitchen, Twilight was passed out, and Rarity was nibbling her ear?

"Cadence, darling, please, you know I prefer Velvet," Velvet said standing in the corner, watching the two like a hawk.

"Oh, hi mum," Cadence sheepishly said, she had forgotten that they shared a first name, but why did Velvet forget that? "What happened?"

"I don't know, we were all settled in for lunch, then suddenly there was this little intruder, right next to the Duke! She magically placed herself in several of our photos as well," Velvet cried, it was quite a shock. But now Cadence knew what was going on.

"Cadence," Shining called to her, "There you are, we have a problem. I think-" Shining started but Cadence finished.

"Twilight magically made every pony here forget her," Cadence said in a hushed tone. She looked around to the sleeping mare, and felt her heart break.

"I didn't forget, I couldn't!" Rarity supplied happily, taking her mouth off of Twilight's ear.

"You didn't? But how?" Shining asked, confussed.

"Cause," Rarity said rocking back and forth with a smart ass grin.

"Because..." Shining pried as Twilight shifted and answered him unintentionally.

"Rarity, please. Please don't forget me..." Twilight muttered as she slipped off the table and into Rarity's lap. "I love you. I love Rarity."

"Mmm, I love you too smarty glowing eyes," Rarity said laying backwards and stroking Twilight's mane. Shining and Cadence both felt the light dawn on them, but for different conclusions.

"Twilight and Rarity are in love!" Cadence piped, doing a rather nice 'yes dance' around the kitchen. But Shining's face was full of fear.

"She lost control. She lost it and made them forget. All of them. Her own parents. She just made them forget ever loving her..." Shining muttered, turning to his parents. "Mom, Dad, I think you should come with me, we need to see Princess Celestia."

"The Princess, why?" Night asked, shaken.

"How are we going to see her on such short notice?" Velvet asked trailing in the conversation.

"Oh, we got this. She has some great connections," Shining said motioning to Twilight.


"She did What!?" Celestia barked at Shining as he gave the ruler of Equestria the run down.

"Yeah, I know. She lost control and erased herself from every ponies memories, except Rarity's," Shining said from his seat. He reclined a little, tired of being in here. She yelled at him a lot these days. She needs to get laid, Shining thought.

"Well, I'll see what I can do, but I doubt I can fix this. Twilight's magic is rather stubborn. How is she?" Celestia asked with true concern in her voice. She sat forward as she awaited the answer, wringing her hooves all the while.

With a sigh Shining started, "She's still out. We checked her eyes, they're still white. She is responsive to Rarity leaving the room though."

"And Rarity?" Celestia asked, afraid for the answer.

"High as a kite, but otherwise fine," Shining said to a sigh of relief from the princess.

"So what caused her to lose control like that?" Celestia asked sitting back.

"No pony can remember. My parents can't even tell me why there are pictures of her in the house," Shining said looking down at his hooves, shifting awkwardly in his seat.

"So Rarity is the only pony who saw what happened, and is tripping bales right now... damn," Celestia mused. "Call Luna, I will need her help with this. And inform me imediatly of a change in either Twilight or Rarity's condition."

"Of course your Highness," Shining said as he stood and left to fetch Princess Luna. He felt sick, worried that not even the two alicorn rules could help him regain his family.


Luna walked in briskly to the small chamber that housed the confused Night Light and Twilight Velvet, taking a seat next to her sister, Celestia. They exchanged a glance, enough for Celestia to gather that Luna had not found a spell to help.

"Greeting dearest sister, shall we begin?" Luna asked looking to the parents.

"Let's. Mr and Mrs Light, do you know why you are here?" Celestia asked the two ponies.

"You said that girl in our house, she was our daughter?" Velvet said, almost in tears.

"You seem about to cry my lady. Tell me, does the loss of her make you saddened?" Luna asked. Velvet nodded, but her face was blank to the right emotions. "No, tis something else, my mistake." Luna mumbled, but loud enough every pony heard her.

"I thought you were going to..." Night started, but trailed off, unsure himself of what was supposed to happen.

"Do what exactly? I haven't a clue," Celestia confessed. "This has never happened before. No pony has ever been this strong, and I doubt you could handle Luna and I picking about your minds trying to restore the lost knowledge if we could. So we will try it this way. Do any of the pictures look, I don't know, familiar? Happy?"

"Yes," Velvet said looking at a few, tears rolling down her checks she did not even know she was spilling, "This one. Shining's graduation from the royal guards academy. She is with Shining, both of them look so happy. But we're not in it..." Velvet said holding back the waterworks as best she could.

"Here's one, it's her being accepted here, as your student. I sure look proud. And you're crying hun, look," Night said passing the photo to his wife. She burst into tears seeing the photo, proof of their daughter lost.

"Oh Night, I want to remember, I do!" She sobbed into her husbands shoulder, hitting him with her hoof as her pain gave way to anger. "Why are we not together in any pictures after this?"

"We are, look, here," Night said levitating a small picture to his wife. She looked at it and cried again.

"No," Velvet cried, "We're not happy. We're just there. She made us forget being her parents Night! How? How did we do so wrong that she would do- do this!?" She pleaded with him as tears started to roll down his check. He just hugged his wife, looking at the picture of Twilight's acceptance, her happiest moment, the last they had ever been a family. This continued for an hour, each time they saw their daughter and son, it stung worse, the knowledge that they had once been a close knit family, and now...

"I think that is enough. I can't restore your memories, but it sounds like now, you can meet your daughter, and love her as you should," Celestia said, looking to Luna for thoughts.

"Yes, we are happy to see that thy heart is in the right place, is that not true dearest sister?" Luna said. Celestia blinked as she worked out the old language word puzzle. Then chuckled.

"Yes Luna, I do believe so. We will let you know as soon as she awakens, so that you may meet your daughter," Celestia said standing to leave. It was not what they wanted, but it was for the best. Twilight would get her parents back after years of pushing them away. Maybe this time, she could keep them in her life.

"I love when they visit..." Celestia mused, more for herself than anything else.

"As do I sister. That Pinkie Pie is a great kisser," Luna said walking next to her sister through the royal halls.

"What? You sly devil you," Celestia teased, but inwardly she was furious. She had been untouched in over 300 years. It was her turn damn it.


Else where in Canterlot, the Mysterious Mare Do Well was entertaining a guest. Of course to mean she was dangling him over a pitch black chasm.

"I'm Moscow born, dis is nothing," The stallion named Ivan said, forelegs bound together. "I will break you little pony... What is noise?" He asked as he heard a rapid clicking sound.

The Mare Do Well said nothing, just jabbed the rapist with the electric rod. He yelled and wriggled, and after a moment the mare with drew the rod to his relief. "You will pay you filthy Aaaahhhhhh!" He yelled as the Mare touched him again with the rod.

"I Vill Keel You!" He screamed at the masked mare, his accent getting thick with rage. "Ну ничего, блядь, щас ты мне отсасывать будешь! (translated: Just you wait, whore, I`ll make you suck me off!)" He screamed in his native tongue. The masked mare just stuck him again, his cries of anguish filling the air.

"What do you Vant you stupid whore!?" He yelled, but was just shocked, again and again. For over an hour, til he pleaded and cried, his sanity gone. She shocked him again, making the thug weep, begging for his life. Then the masked mare leaned in close and spoke to him.

"You are their warning, their chance to change. For after today, none shall know the mercy I have shown you, Ivan," She said, her teeth clenched under the purple hood.

"Who are you?" The big stallion cried.

"Salvation," The Mare Do Well said as she cut the rope suspending the thug. He screamed as he fell, all four feet she had had him hanging. He looked up to the top of the shallow pit, but found no pony was there. He curled up and cried now, not caring anymore, he just let the fear take him.


Applejack and Pinkie, along with Fluttershy lead the girls and Spike along to see Twilight and Rarity now, talking all the while.

"I hope they're okay..." Fluttershy said as the climbed.

Applejack sighed, "Shy, we told ya, they're fine."

"Yeah," Pinkie said bouncing up the stairs with the girls, "Rarity is the worse off, she's been all loopy-ed."

"Loopy-ed?" Fluttershy asked in a rather odd tone, one that begged if Pinkie was serious.

"Yepperunie, Loopy-ed," Pinkie said before leaning in to Fluttershy to whisper, "Some colt got her stoned. She's a riot!"

"Pinkie," Applejack warned, "Ya know weed mellows ya out right?"

"Yes, why?" Pinkie said as she bounced again.

"We think you need some," Applejack said to Pinkie's laughter. They entered the room and found Twilight and Rarity on the bed, Twilight asleep in Rarity's lap of all places, with Rarity talking to her lovingly? Fluttershy blushed seeing this, and the kids just rolled their eyes. Spike looked a bit confused though and Applejack had her ideas. Pinkie... was Pinkie, no change.

"Well, look'it this, Rarity caring for the sleepy mind eraser," Applejack laughed. No pony joined in, making Applejack blushed and muttered that it was not a bad joke, but no pony answered. "So Rarity, how is she?" Applejack asked hoping Rarity was a bit better. But the answer she received said otherwise.

"She is soooooo cute when she sleeps. Girls, we should totally make her a cake! Lots of cake!" Rarity giggled, but never once shaking Twilight, just gently stroking her mane.

"Awe, you two are the cutest couple!" Pinkie cooed from the side of their bed as all the kids climbed up to see them.

"Sis," Sweetie hesitantly asked, "are you okay?"

"Sweetie! I'm fine.... No, I need cake. Cake with like, marble frosting. Can you do that? Vanilla and Chocolate frosting? What about Strawberries? Oh I want a strawberry shortcake! With chocolate chips!" Rarity said clapping her hooves before returning to petting Twilight. "How does that sound my love?" Pinkie had been writing down the cake order and stopped when she heard.

"What?" Applejack and Spike said, mouths hanging open. Spike rallied first from this.

"What did you say Rarity?" He asked, his voice cold and sharp, but Rarity could not tell.

"My love. I love Twilight, yes I do. Twilight loves books, she's so cute, but she loves me more, yes it's true!" Rarity sang, badly, bobbing her head. Spike started to shake with anger.

"So Twilight, who knew I had feeling for you just a few days ago, just started loving you!" Spike said angrily, but calmed as Sweetie took his claw in her hooves, and looked at him like he had yelled at her. "I'm sorry Sweetie," Spike said hugging his marefriend, "I'm just so hurt. Why would Twilight do that, and not tell me, did she think I would just roll over for this now? She never trusted me with her feelings."

"Actually, my little dragon," Rarity cooed leaning in and putting her nose to Spike's, "I came on to her. It was all me. I stole Twilight for myself. I just loved her soooo damn much."

"Pinkie, tell me Ah'm dreamin," Applejack said shocked to the pink mare that was still all smiles.

"Nope, they are finally out! Congratulations!" Pinkie shouted.

"You knew!" Fluttershy said at her loudest, which was not very.

"Y'all knew?!?" Applejack said turning to them, not sure which surprised her more.

"Yes, I um, oh my..." Fluttershy said shrinking back.

"Yep. I knew for a while. It was pretty obvious actually," Pinkie said. Despite everything, every pony knew she was extremely perceptive, so that made sense. But Fluttershy did not.

"Fluttershy," Applejack said, turning and stopping the shy mare from escaping out the door, "How did you know?"

"Oh, well, you see um..." She started.

"She saw us kiss at the corner, when we shared the bed drunk. Shy here was scared," Rarity said making a big show of waving her forelegs to illustrate the story, "So I told her everything. Twilight never gets to tell anypony..." Rarity said, looking at her marefriend sadly. "Girls, when she tells you, act surprised!"

"Should we be talkin bout this in front of the kiddos?" Applejack asked, rather calmly, a sign she was pissed.

"We know already. We caught them kissing once," Scootaloo said from the side of the bed, reading a book of Twilight's with Apple Bloom.

"See, they know. These girls are really smart," Rarity said in a loud whisper to no pony in particular. She just started giggling again.

"Still, what in Tarnation where y'all thinkin? Ya know better than to hide this crap! Ah get the fillies not talkin, but come on everypony!" Applejack tried to throw her hat off, only to remember she didn't have it. She figured now was the best time for the truth as well. "Ah have a confession too actually. Last night, Ah meet the Mare Do Well."

"Oh, what's she like! Was she all whapa, bam, klunk, swoop!" Pinkie said, dancing around making the fight noises.

"Well, she's a great..." Applejack started strong, but finished in a mumble.

"A what, Applejack? Please tell us, we're your friends," Fluttershy coaxed. Courage talks from 'Shy? Guess she's heard enough in her lifetime. Applejack thought.

"A great kisser," Applejack said looking down at the floor shuffling her hooves. Every pony but Rarity was speechless, but Rarity was talking about cakes again, so it didn't count.

"Applejack! You kissed a mare? Willingly? And the M-M-Mare Do Well at that!" Fluttershy squeaked.

"Yeah. She saved me from being- being hurt. So Ah told her who Ah was, that Ah was the Masked Mare once, and she just kissed me, and stole my hat," Applejack said, the lie eating away at her. But she could not tell Apple Bloom, not now, not like this.

"Applejack... " Everypony said, knowing how heavy this weighed on her.

"Did you kiss back?" Pinkie asked finally. Applejack sighed, she knew her friend would say that.

"Yes, yes ah did. Ah liked it, alright!" Applejack said puffing up her chest in defense, but found herself to be hugged by Fluttershy instead.

"You're just a mare, and nothing more. A good kiss is a good kiss," Fluttershy said finally breaking the hug. "You are still the same AJ you always were. Granny Smith is not right about liking mares."

"Ah-Ah put so much faith in what Granny always said. And now, everything is just, just a damn mess," Applejack said slumping to the floor. Scootaloo was sitting there with a look of righteous indignation on her face.

"The Buck!?" She yelled, getting everyponies attention, "Why are me and Apple Bloom the only two not getting any!? I want a love life too!" Scoot yelled, only to be pulled in by Rarity.

"Well I love you, my little foster girl!" Rarity said trying to plant a kiss on Scootaloo's cheek.

"Wrong love! Wrong love! Abort!" She cried as she struggled against her captor, laughing with everypony. It had been a long day, they needed this.


Princess Celestia was sorting through some papers, patently awaiting any news on her favorite student. It had been 3 hours since her meeting with Twilight's parents, and still no change. So when there was a knock at the door, she bolted over, eager to hear something good.

"Yes, is it Twilight? What's happened?" She asked throwing open the doors to find a rather exhausted guard.

"She's up, and still has the white eyes," He gasped as he tried to catch his breath, looking down and he leaned against the door frame. When he looked up, the princess was already gone. She raced down the halls, flying over the stairs, scared about the implications of her student still being so magically empowered. She bolted through the doors of Twilight and Rarity's chambers, to find the rest of Twilight's friends and loved ones laying on the floor, asleep. Twilight looked to the princess, regarding her like one would an odd musical instrument, with those blank white eyes.

"You must be their ruler," Twilight said. It was her voice, but not her words, as if something else was speaking through her. "An alicorn, hmm, very interesting. Past my time though."

"Who exactly are you, and what have you done to my student?" Celestia said watching the mare stroke Rarity's mane gently. Twilight is still in there, Celestia recognized.

"I am Magic," She said not looking up from the sleeping mare in her lap.

"Magic? Like the magic, that is gifted to all unicorns?" Celestia asked stepping around to the foot of the bed. She sat and pulled her legs under her, looking at the mare with a smile awash with concern.

"Yes," The Magic said simply, "Tell me, why do I care about this one?" The Magic asked as it continued to stroke Rarity, lovingly almost. It looked so lost, so confused.

"The mare you are speaking through, she loves that one. Her name is-" Celestia answered but was cut off.

"Rarity. I know all unicorns, for I am their magic, as well as yours, Celestia," The Magic said, continuing her petting. "If one uses magic, then I am a part of them. I am Magic, in name and in form. I do not speak through this pony, I am this pony. She is Magic incarnate, as I shall do once per generation. When this one dies, I shall pass on to a new born foal," The Magic said smiling. It rather liked that part. "Ah, rebirth. New life, new hope. Rather poetic, no?"

"Who else have you been?" Celestia asked, raising her eyebrow in suspension. She had heard stories of powerful casters before, could the Magic have been them?

"Mostly noponies. Most often, I manifest, but am never discovered. The pony just carries me through life, then passes me at death. Some find me, hidden in their hearts. Like Starswirled the Bearded. Or the pioneer of hearts and hooves day, a great potions master. And the pony that made the arc reactor," The Magic told, never stopping it's loving actions.

"The what now? Who?" Celestia asked, not keeping up with the conversation very well.

"He has not yet been born. I see time as an outsider. All the twists and turns it shall take," The Magic said with a slight chuckle.

"Yet you did not see me?"Celestia asked, thinking she had won this bout.

"I saw, but did not care. Rulers tend to come and go. Brilliant minds like this one's are the things worth knowing," The Magic said.

"Very well, then please give Twilight back her mind now, we are all truly concerned for her," Celestia said, hoping the Magic was a cooperative being.

"Of course. But she will pay my toll. She stole many ponies memories, so I shall take one of hers," The Magic said as Twilight's eyes dimmed and she fell back. Twilight blinked, and sat up, looking around to her waking friends.

"Princess! I'm so happy to see you!" Twilight said throwing her hooves around the ruler as Rarity sat up, looking like a complete mess.

"Hello Twilight Sparkle. I just had an interesting conversation. Sit down everypony, I need to tell you all this," Celestia said as everypony took a seat and listened intently, Twilight looking grim by the end.

"So my power, is just this- this thing? The Magic?" She asked, looking at the mirror, rubbing her horn.

"Yes Twilight. You are the same as your favorite historical mage, Starswirled the Bearded. He too housed the magic," Celestia said placing a concerned hoof on her shoulder. Rarity gave a look, and the Princess made way for her to hug Twilight from behind.

"Well Darling, I see a very beautiful mare, that just happens to be the seat of all magic," Rarity said as she kissed Twilight on the cheek.

Twilight smiled and then realized where she was again. "Rarity!" She cried, "What about-"

"We know already sug," Applejack said from her spot on the floor, "Rarity told us all while she was higher than Rainbow Dash on a cloud. We... understand, Ah guess..."

"Oh please darling. You kissed the Mare Do Well," Rarity said hanging off of Twilight's shoulder. Applejack blushed and murmurer agreement. The mares laughed and shared stories about what had happened that morning, from finding out about Pinkie and Luna's kiss to, innocently for the kids now, how Rarity and Twilight were 'hiding' and Rarity was caught, so she smoked to uphold the ruse, and got high by accident.

"Chancellor Drummer?" Celestia asked hearing the story.

"How did you know?" Rarity asked as she lay on her belly with Twilight on the bed.

"You should have been there for when he got Luna," Celestia laughed at the memory, it had been a good party.

"Scoot, let that show you, never trust chancellors," Twilight said to a round of laughter. There was a knock as five ponies came in, Shining and Cadence, Twilight's parents, and a pony that Twilight didn't know at all.

"Twiliy, we have a situation," Shining said as they all took a seat.

"I know, Celestia told me. I'm sorry Mom, Dad, I hope that one day you can forgive me," Twilight said looking down.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it I guess, but first I want a chance to know you," Night said.

"We saw pictures, and after your acceptance here, we were never really a family again. so we gathered all of our family here in the city to help us all learn together," Velvet said. She had the smile she used to have, from Twilight's foalhood.

"That sounds wonderful. But then who's the new pony?" Twilight asked pointing with a hoof at the new comer, a white mare with a two tune blue mane and rocking shades.

"Ummm," Everypony said, looking away awkwardly.

"Wow, thanks cuz, that feels great," Vinyl Scratch said looking down, rather hurt.

"Cuz? As in cousin? I think I would remember... my... own..." Twilight started but stopped realizing the pain she almost caused. Celestia put her hoof to her lips, a sorrowed expression on her face.

"Twilight," Celestia started, "The Magic said it would take from you a memory, because you stole theirs. The Magic stole her Twilight. A piece of your family."

"What?" Twilight whispered. "Why did you not tell me sooner... I... No, I get it," Twilight said looking up, her eyes filled with tears.

"Get what Twiliy?" Shining asked.

"The Magic punished me for me theft, so it took from me what I took from them," Twilight said looking at her parents, tears rolling down her face. She wanted to ask Vinyl so many questions, but was afraid to. She didn't want to hear they had been close. Nor did she want to she was nothing, so the Magic took her thinking it was a worthless memory. She knew the pain her parents felt now, knowing that this pony, sitting mere feet from you was a part of you, your past, and was now lost to you forever. Had Twilight been alone before coming to Ponyville? Now her very existence was subject.

"Wow... That sucks," Vinyl said at last. "Well, lets get learning then," She said magically opening up her photo album and pulling out random pics from Twilight's early foalhood at family reunions, and every pony was soon filling in the story, but for three of them, they wore false smiles, as this only furthered the pain in their hearts. Twilight's even more, as she thought where would the magic stop? Would it leave her Rarity if she was to slip again?


After a long evening of teaching her folks about her, as well as learning about her cousin, Twilight, along with Applejack and Pinkie were going out to dinner. Rarity stayed back with the girls, still felling a bit ill from the drugs, and Fluttershy was with Rainbow Dash again. Twilight was not very hungry, but she did want to stretch her legs some.

"This place is great," Twilight said leading them into a small southwestern style restaurant. "They make this mango salsa here, mmm!"

"Sounds great sugar cube, Ah'm famished," Applejack said looking over the menu. "Hey wait Ah know this place."

"Really? How so?" Twilight asked reading her menu, unsure what to get.

"They get their apples from my farm," Applejack said flipping through the drink menu. "Ah think I hear a warm apple cider ah callin me girls," She laughed, and both her friends agreed. Soon the waitress was upon them, with a great smile and pleasant attitude.

"Evening ladies, I'm Amethyst, and I will be your server tonight," Said the server, a pink-lavender unicorn about Applejack's age, with two tone purple hair and silly sombrero, which Pinkie wanted.

"Hey, it's Amethyst Rose, right? You used to live in Ponyville," Twilight asked her.

"Yeah, I moved out here this summer for my mom, she was not doing too well," Amethyst said looking down.

"Well Ah hope she's better soon," Applejack said, trying to tip her hat. "Ah keep forgetting Ah don't have that hat right now.."

"Ha ha ha. Yeah I remember you all now. Applejack," Amethyst said pointing, glad to get a nod, "Pinkie, nopony can forget you," She said correct again, "And Twilight, right?"

"Oh, you're good," Twilight said, genuinely impressed. Right now it felt good to be remembered.

"What can I say, I have a gift," The mare said, then jotted down their orders. The mares talked and laughed, and shared food for hours, stealing away Amethyst, who insisted on being called Amy, and also kept flirting with Applejack, til they needed to go, and Amy needed to close. They mares walked out, leaving a more than generous tip for their friend. After Amy closed down shop though, she left the cantina for her true work. She slipped on the purple suit that her little sister loved so much, tucking away the ropes she would use tonight to save some pony. She slipped the mask on and magically placed the new hat on her head. She took to the shadows, stealing away as the darkness welcomed her into it's sweet embrace. Soon she had a hoof to a thugs throat, growling in his ear.

"Did you think you could pull this crap, in my city?" She asked. The thug was fighting for air, not paying attention to the Mare's words.She eased off the criminals throat so that he may say a few words.

"The Buck are you lady?" He rasped, his hoofs trying to peel away the one at his neck.

"I'm the Mare Do Well," She said, hitting him with her foreleg, knocking out a tooth, along with his lights. She grabbed the bag of loot he had, making sure to drop it right at the hooves of the owners, and the thug at the nearest guardhouse. It was a dark night, just what she needed.


Celestia was making her rounds, visiting several ponies in the royal hospital, when she came in upon Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. She smiled at the two mares, deep in conversation.

"Hello my little ponies," Celestia beamed, striding in and taking a seat next to Rainbow and Fluttershy. "You're looking well today Miss Dash."

"Yeah, thanks..." Rainbow said looking down at her hooves. They all talked for a while, but Dash was increasingly distracted, almost avoiding Fluttershy.

"Whats the matter?" Fluttershy asked eventually.

"Shy, I can't do it. I have to spill. I know," Rainbow said looking out the window to the sky she used to own.

"Know what?" Fluttershy asked, a little worried. Her fear was spot on as Rainbow Dash spoke those four words.

"That you love Rarity," Rainbow said, looking back to Fluttershy with a tear in her eye. Fluttershy just ran from the room, not wanting to be seen. Celestia sighed, shaking her head.

"The heart is a fickle mistress, is it not..." Celestia said to herself more than anything.

"I'm sorry, I thought with you, she might want to talk about it, and I just..." Rainbow started but was waved off.

"I'll talk to her Rainbow. She needs to face this," Celestia said rising and following Fluttershy's path. Soon the Princess found the shy mare in the private room from last night, and sat next to her.

"My child," Celestia said lifting Fluttershy's chin with her hoof, "You are in good hooves. Please, talk with me."

"I-I waited. I waited and lost my chance. Now I-I-I w-w-w-will never know love!" Fluttershy cried, hyperventilating as the tears rolled out for the first time. She had bottled this up for so long now.

"My dear, Rarity love's you like a sister, but fate was cruel to you. You fell in love with her, but she did not feel that way towards you," Celestia said hugging the shy mare, holding her tight against her as the tears rolled. Fluttershy eased her sobs as the gentle beat of the Princess's heart reached her ears, the warm legs around her become all there was. Neither mare remembers leaving the hospital that night, all Fluttershy remembered was walking up the next morning, wrapped up in the caring rules embrace, her lips pressed gently to the Princess's. If it was all going to end after this, Fluttershy would just let this serenity last as long as possible. Plus Celestia's lips were beautifly soft when Fluttershy stopped to think about it. Maybe she could even enjoy this... But the hoof sliding down her back and slapping her flank told her otherwise, but Celestia would enjoy it.

The dance and the picture

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The day before passed rather uneventfully, everypony so busy in their preparations, no one really noticed that Fluttershy was missing most of the day, or that Twilight never cast a single spell. Rarity happily made some new rave clothes, while Spike and the girls happily bugged Shining, much to the Captains dismay, but he did enjoy it, though he would never tell them that or they would never leave. That evening though was special, as a certain cyan mare was wheeled out the front door of the hospital, being taken to her temporary home by her best friends.

"Thanks for coming everypony!" Rainbow beamed as Soarin loaded her into a carriage the Princesses had sent, "It means a lot to have you all here."

"Ah wouldn't have missed it for anything," Applejack smiled warmly at her rival and friend.

"Same here. How's the leg?" Twilight asked motioning to the slung left foreleg.

"It hurts. I ain't gonna lie, but Rap's alive, so it was worth it," Rainbow said hugging the limb tight. Nopony really wanted to bring that up, not with the kids here. The gang arrived and dispersed at the castle, each group heading to it's own bed for a night of needed rest. But Twilight though, sweet as she is, refused to take her eyes off of Rarity, for fear that in the morning, it would be a stranger in her bed. But eventually nature won, the metronome or Rarity's heart lulling Twilight into a restfull sleep finally with her beloved marefriend clutched tightly.


The next morning, Rarity awoke to a rather sweaty lavender mare holding her tight, nuzzling the poor mare.

"Twilight darling, please," Rarity laughed as she tried to wake up the snoozing mare, "You're all sweaty. Gah, why are you so hot?"

"Because you're a bucking furnace Rare," Twilight said with her eyes screwed shut.

"Well that is hardly my fault," Rarity scoffed playfully.

"No, it's your parent's. They made you too damn cute and then too damn warm. They're evil," Twilight said as Rarity playfully pawed at her.

"They are not," Rarity scoffed again.

"Evil!" Twilight insisted as Rarity finally dragged the lavender mare out of bed, letting the two finally take a shower. Twilight tended to hog the water more, while Rarity hogged the mirror. But in the end it worked out well for the two, as far as Twilight was concerned, because they still knew each other. Although, there were a few uninvited guests in the room as they stepped out.

"Damn," Scootaloo said under her breath watching Twilight and Rarity strut out, thinking they were alone.

"Scoot, y'all need help," Apple Bloom chided.

"Girls!" Rarity shrieked covering herself with the blankets.

"Rare, we're always naked anyways," Twilight reminded the poor mare.

Rarity slumped, exhaling heavily as she said, "Well excuse me, some of us like to be polite."

"What? I'm decent I think," Twilight said lustily at the white mare.

"More than decent Darling," Rarity said moving in for a kiss.

"No. Stop. Bad," Sweetie Belle said from the side lines. Rarity and Twilight blushed. They kept doing this in front of these poor girls.

"So.... What brings you all by?" Twilight asked hoping to save some face at least.

"Uncle Shine locked his door today," Scootaloo said, but Twilight noticed a slight frown on the filly as she called him uncle.

"Everything alright Scootaloo?" Twilight asked.

"Well, it's just... I don't know... yeah, yeah I guess," Scootaloo said. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and spoke up.

"She's just afraid cause every good foster parent ends up havin' ta give 'er up sooner or later," The bow bestowed filly said.

Twilight looked about ready to cry as she rushed the filly and hugged her, cooing gently, "Don't worry, I'll never give you up Scootaloo."

"Great, now she's all emotional. Thanks Bloom," Scootaloo managed from the hug. Twilight and Rarity enjoyed a good laugh, and began getting ready for the show tonight, finally getting the Cutie Mark Crusaders out to get ready.

Being the winter solstice, the day would only be about 9 hours long, and they slept through about three of those, leaving six hours til the Coronation. It felt like an eternity had passed, but they where finally here. Twilight took pleasure in finally breaking out the socks she had snuck along, although for a different purpose, but still going greatly with her dark violet hoodie with pink stars along the hoods brim. Rarity sported a tank top, skirt and stockings, and Twilight loved it. The studious mare admired the elegance of the fashionista, swearing to make tonight super special just for her. A knock interrupted her train of thought tough, as a disgruntled Applejack came in carrying her custom outfit.

"Just what in the hay are you trying to pull here Rarity?" Applejack demanded.

"What? You love functional clothes, and I thought this would-" Rarity began but was cut short by the offending garment being trust at her.

"All that darn thing does is show off my plot!" Applejack retorted.

"What? You have a great plot. Don't you think so Twilight?" Rarity asked to Applejack's embarrassment.

"Very nice. So firm, yet supple," Twilight mused from the bed. Applejack turned as red as one of her apples and stammered.

"Very funny girls. Glad to know that y'all been checking me out behind my back," Applejack snorted at last.

"Well of course we have. We can't see that magnificent plot with out being behind you," Rarity teased.

Applejack turned to Rarity to keep the eyes off her rump, and ended up pointing it right at Twilight, who took the chance to playfully spank the work pony. Lightly, but enough to relay the message. Applejack spun on Twilight, eyes bulging, but was quickly snapped on the rump by Rarity's tail. Applejack was spinning around, trying to hide her back half from her tormenting friends, to little avail.

"Just stop it!" Applejack pleaded, shaking with rage and fear. Twilight and Rarity both moved over and hugged their friend, sorry they had riled her up so much. "Ah ain't comfortable with fillyfoolers yet and-" Applejack began but a hoof to her lips stopped her.

"I'm sorry AJ," Twilight said sternly, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, and neither did Rarity. But please, never use that term, it's derogatory."

"Derog-a-what now?" Applejack confessed.

"She means insulting dear," Rarity said taking part.

"So what do you call yerselves then?" Applejack asked, very prominent on the fact that she did not count herself as one, although the words 'mare' and 'do' in the same sentence made the orange and blonde mare moan and shuffle herself.

"A couple," Twilight said flatly.

"Lesbians," Rarity supplied.

"Kinky," Twilight continued, playfully hugging the closeted mare.

"Okay that's enough huggin for one day," Applejack said trying to rise but found Twilight and Rarity playing some more.

"Please join us AJ," Rarity said with her big puppy dog eyes.

"Three's a party, and there is soooo much I have been wanting to try lately. I wonder, Rare, does she really taste like apples everywhere? We might just be in for a fact finding mission mi amour," Twilight cooed from the other side, making Applejack bolt out of their grip and shoot out the door, to the laughter of the two mares.

"Where you serious Twilight?" Rarity finally asked, a bit hesitantly.

"What do you mean Rare?" Twilight asked, afraid she had said something to insult Rarity.

"I thought you were kidding at first, but now..." Rarity said looking down. "Do- do I not make you happy?"

"Rarity... Of course you make me happy. I was just playing," Twilight said hugging the white mare close.

"It's just you seam to have fallen into this whole marefriend thing rather quickly, and-" Rarity tried to say but found she couldn't finish.

"And?" Twilight prompted. It was out there, might as well Rarity thought.

"Have you just been following the books on how to act in a relationship?" Rarity asked looking to the powerful mare. Twilight flushed and looked down, an answer in itself. "I see," Rarity said letting her arms loose.

"Rare I-" Twilight began.

"No no, it's alright. I should have known. It was just sex wasn't it? I should have known that was-" Rarity started but was quickly silenced by Twilight's kiss. One full of fire and passion, a kiss that could inspire a hundred poems, but was just for these two right now.

"Shut up silly," Twilight panted after the passionate kiss, "Let me explain. I only used the books for the social aspect for dating and courtship. But my feelings, those are very, very real love."

"Oh... How could I ever doubt you Twilight," Rarity cried, burying her face in the lavender mane.

"How indeed. I think you need a lesson young lady," Twilight played.

"I'm older than you," Rarity chided, and Twilight just rolled her eyes.

"Details," The student laughed as the two sets of lips meet for a kiss. They would be late if they did anything more though, no matter how badly they wanted to.


Celestia paced around her chambers, muttering to herself as she tried to regain normalcy. Yesterday, in a spur of hormones and lonesomeness unparalleled in history, the Princess's darker side had began to slip. Celestia feared now that her grip on her lustful ways would not hold out long. She had wanted a partner for sometime, and relished in listening to Twilight's own exploits for a while, but was finding vicarious living was not adequate any more. Celestia felt bad sometimes, that she had single hoofidly push Twilight down the lecherous path as she had, but it kept her from forcing herself on the naive mare.

"Fluttershy is off limits," Celestia told herself, trying to will her lust away. "That poor girl is innocent. As pure as fallen snow. A force of kindness and cuteness. So soft, yet adventurous enough to steal a kiss on me when she thought I was sleeping. Oh damn," Celestia grunted, rubbing herself vigorously, leaning into her four poster bed "Bucking hell I want her!" Her vigilance shot, she rubbed harder and harder, trying to just finish now. But her old self was returning, and fast. Celestia knew she didn't have much time before her hormones would take somepony, and the ruler only hoped she could steer this wreck into a clear field. But every time she tried to think, Celestia found her thoughts entertaining the plan of plowing Fluttershy's untouched fields.

Would Fluttershy like to... No, damn it Tia, No! She is not to be touched. Not at all! Celestia thought. Does licking count as touching? Surely not, that would just be loony. So I can't touch her, but licking is okay, yeah, Celestia reasoned, drooling a bit and stomping as she neared her edge.


Fluttershy was entertaining thoughts of Celestia also, but the shy pegasus' thoughts were more along the lines of never having to face the ruler again. She had made it 24 hours so far, just the rest of her life to go. But the cute mare was a wreck. She spoke softly to herself as she lay in the cool wardrobe, playing over the traumatic events, over and over.

"Oh, I just can't bear it," She sobbed gently, rocking slightly to her heavy breathing. "I can't believe that happened. I'm a horrible pony!" Fluttershy cried, the tears flowing uncontrollably. She slammed her hoof against the walls of her chosen cell, crying about her mistake.

"She hates me!" The shy mare wailed, "She slapped me when I kissed her! I don't know what came over me! I can't bare to see her ever again now! Never!"

"Hello? Fluttershy is that you?" A familiar voice, belonging to a very friendly pink party mare asked, from just outside the wardrobe. There was a bang inside as Fluttershy instinctively tried to run away, but found herself trapped. So flushed with embarrassment, Fluttershy opened the door and motioned for Pinkie to join her inside.

"Hey Pinkie, how much did you hear?" Fluttershy asked as her friend took a seat.

"All of it. I heard you sobbing from the hallway, and when I came in you started crying so hard. I didn't mean to eavesdrop," Pinkie said with a shy smile of her own.

"It's okay," Fluttershy sighed, knowing she needed to tell somepony about it sooner or later now. "So I guess you want to know what happened, huh?"

"If you want to," Pinkie said taking a yellow hoof into her own.

"I wound up in bed last night with- with... somepony," Fluttershy tried but failed.

"I heard you say you kissed her, so it was a mare. But who was it?" Pinkie asked very gently.

Fluttershy whispered the answer, too low to be heard, but after a few prompts she came clean. "Princess Celestia..." Pinkie took to the air giddy and happy as ever, bouncing around a bit as she cheered, rocking the poor wardrobe.

"Yes!" The pink mare shouted, scaring poor Fluttershy, "That means that tonight, everypony has somepony special! Well, if Mare Do Well shows that is, but still!"

"Pinkie! She hates me!" Fluttershy cried, making Pinkie drop back down and hug the self conscious mare.

"No. Trust me, I have a Pinkie sense for these things, and all I'm feeling now is a twitchy tail, itchy hoof, and wobbly ears. That means a good friend is in for a great time later tonight!" Pinkie smiled. Fluttershy looked at her questioningly, before caving and hugging the silly mare. Pinkie sense was always right after all. Wasn't it?


With a pop and a bang, the early evening sky alight with the flash of fireworks, the Winter Moon Coronation was well under way. Ponies lined the streets to the castle, awaiting their second of greeting with the Princesses Luna and Celestia. The two regal mares bowed greatly and smiled warmly, for this was a wonderful thing tonight, the world looking to them for the first annual lunar celebration since the defeat of Nightmare Moon. And right now, two ponies stood out like sore hooves.

"Oh when I get my hooves on the Princess," Rarity growled under her breath. They were among the only ponies there in Rave attire, or anything other than the fanciest of fancy really.

"Relax Rare, I bet this is just one of her jokes... It must be..." Twilight rallied, but her lover's panic was seeping into her as well, making the student extraordinarily self conscious. Her hoodie and socks were garnishing quite a lot of stares, as was Rarity's skirt, which the mare now began to believe was a touch too short. Applejack, along with the others had declined to wear the outfits, just going Au natural, like always. Except Pinkie, she was being rather extra-Pinkie tonight.

"Maybe if we had some others in Rave Wear by Rare..." Rarity scoffed to a laugh from a brown colored stallion next to her. The stallion's marefriend however, did not find that funny. Neither did Rarity, who Twilight was having to hold back now.

"Clock!" The wall eyed pegasus scoffed at him.

"What? That's brilliant!" The one named Clock said. Ditzy continued to glare at him. Well him and the rose bush 12 feet over his left shoulder, but that was beyond her control.

"Hello Ditzy, good to see you. Who's your date here?" Twilight asked stepping in before Rarity could blow up at him for laughing at her.

"Hey Twilight. This is my clotfriend, A. Clockwork Orange, but just call him Clock," Ditzy said with a giggle.

"Charmed," Clock said with a bow. "And I love that name, Wear by Rare, its fantastic!"

"Oh," Rarity stammered, thrown off kilter by this, "Why thank you. And it's so very nice to see some pony else wearing something outside the black tie attire. That scarf is very nice, monsieur. If a tad long..."

"Thank you, and it's meant to be long. Also, your pink friend there is wearing... something," Clock said but didn't really know how to finish that. Pinkie was wearing something, although the best way to describe it was an adult Nightmare Night costume, along the lines of sexy baker.

"There's a mare out there with a stetson on also," Ditzy supplied, making Clock and Applejack spin to see.

"Where?" They both asked, craning to see over every pony.

"AJ, at your Two. Clock, why do you care?" Twilight asked after helping Applejack find the pony in question, the orange mare dashing off to whomever it was.

"I like stetsons. Stetsons are cool," Clock said in his charming Trottingham accent.

Ditzy sighed and looked at Rarity pleadingly, "I can't take him anywhere, I swear. Its always like that, the scarf, stetsons, a fez once..."


Applejack pushed and fought her way through the slew of ponies, her hat bobbing in and out of view. She could almost feel it sitting snugly back atop her head, and even better, feel those soft lips pressing into hers just so again. She was close now, so close. Applejack reached out a hoof and touched the shoulder. The pony turned, revealing it to be a mustached colt, who smiled coyly at the orange mare.

"My bad, though ya was somepony else," Applejack apologetically offered, her heart sinking.

"Well now, I had hoped I had left a better impression than that," A mare scoffed behind Applejack, making her turn to the voice, and finding her new friend, who just happened to be wearing a brown stetson as well.

"Amy? Y'all are-" Applejack gasped but was fortunate enough to catch herself at the last second, before yelling out Amethyst Rose's secret identity as Mare Do Well.

"Got it in one," Amy toyed, enjoying her playful banter.

"Ah... Ah don't know what to say," Applejack said as the garden lights were dimmed.

"Then don't say anything. Just do," Amy said closing in for a kiss. Their lips met as the rulers of Equestria, Celestia of the Sun and Luna of the Moon, came on stage. The two regal mares were wearing dangling lights and glow stick jewelry to the shock of everypony, and the joy of one fashion mare that was hyperventilating into a bag as she feared the end of her reputation.

"Yes!" Rarity cried spotting their rave attire. "In your face fancy dress!"

"Rarity," Everypony around her hissed. She cowered close to Twilight after that, wearing a very sheepish grin.

"GREETINGS EVERYPONY!" Luna addressed, using the full extent of the Royal Canterlot Voice. "WELCOME TO... What?" She asked a little more quietly as Celestia tapped her on the shoulder.

"Spare their ears dear sister, we have a sound system," Celestia offered.

"Tis not the same. Sound systems, bah. Nopony respects tradition," Luna mumbled. "Greetings. Welcome to our first Winter Moon Coronation. In moments, We shall raise the Moon High over Equestria, ushering in a new year of sweet dreams, and carnal desires. The Moon has long symbolized love and faith. She is ever mysterious and playful, just as a young lover should be. I believe that all ponies can find that spark in their love lives tonight. But before the ceremonial raising, Could we have Rainbow Dash and Friends come up here please," Luna asked, watching as the six mares, Spike and Soarin gathered on stage. Celestia smiled at them all, stopping for a second at Fluttershy before pressing on to Rainbow, standing center stage.

"She looks really calm..." Twilight whispered to no pony in particular, but received a reply anyways.

"She's on a ton of meds," Soarin whispered next to her, making Twilight blush. The normally observant student forgot the fact that Rainbow was on some heavy painkillers.

"Dearest Rainbow Dash," Celestia began, "My sister and I take great pride in our flight team, the Wonderbolts. Each and everyday, these fine ponies continue to impress me with their skill and courage."

"Recently," Luna began, stepping close to the center stage mare, "You have shown the world what those two words mean. You bested a dragon in aerial combat, a feat never done before in pony history, or even attempted to be honest."

"So we would like to formally recognize you tonight, as we award you with the Red Feather of Courage," Celestia said as she and Luna produced a red feathered laurel, and slipped it onto Rainbows head. Tears rolled down the loyal mare's cheeks as she looked up to the stars just beginning to poke out. Rarity was over come with joy, and nuzzled Twilight, who turned to her and kissed her. The world seemed to light up as their lips met, time and again upon the stage.

"Thank you, your majesties," Rainbow said bowing as best she could. Soarin helped her as needed, but the independent mare was to proud to look hurt right now.

"Give a speech," Celestia whispered to the multicolored mare.

"I want to thank my Dad, Cosmic Dash, for always believing in me. Dad, you were my hero, and I miss you every second of everyday, and I want you to know that your little Rainboomer has finally made it. I'm a Wonderbolt Dad. I have a friend, a little filly, that's had it pretty rough. To her, getting to hang with me, it's... it's special. I want to be the kind of hero and role model for her, and others, that my dad was for me," Rainbow said. There was not a dry eye in the garden as she made her speech, everypony remembering the hero they had to see them through the good times and bad. "I also want to thank my friends here, and the best Coltfriend ever, for giving me the chance to live my dream. Thanks Babe," Rainbow said kissing Soarin to a big cheer from the crowd. Rarity and Twilight stole another kiss, feeling that all eyes where on the main attraction. "And I would love to see the moon rise now," Rainbow said quietly to Princess Luna, who smiled and nodded, taking center stage.

The crowd hushed as the lights fell, and the music began. Vinyl's hooves glided along the ebony and ivory keys, while Octavia tapped gently against her beloved cello. With a click of a pedal, Octavia was moving but the sound of her taps continued, and soon she was making a new small sound, clicking again and adding it to the old, making something new. She layered sound upon sound, each on completely random, but together, a beautiful orchestra, with just these two ponies. It was love, in music, out of such randomness, they only found the beauty in harmony and being together. Twilight kissed Rarity behind the ear, and placed her head over the white unicorn's neck.

"It's beautiful," Rarity whispered, trying to watch the Goddess of the moon and the music at the same time.

"Yes. You are," Twilight sighed.

"Darling, I love you, but that was so cheesy I think I gained a pound," Rarity played.

"Yeah. It was Havarti, hope you don't mind," Twilight joined in the good natured fun.

"Hey, knock it off," Spike chided. "Some of us are tryin to watch." The song reached its peak as the moon's light shown through into the garden, just like Celestia and the sun's light each summer. It was awe inspiring, and very lovely. Applejack slipped back down to a waiting pink lavender mare, to the laughter of everypony on stage. Then, without warning, Vinyl was gone.

"Awe Yeah! You ready to rock Tav!?" DJ PON-3 cried from behind her turntables.

"Am I? Dear, just try and keep up," Octavia teased, pulling her bow across the strings.

And the bass dropped.


No pony had ever questioned before if 'Wubs' were anything more than the sound of electronic music, the movement of the cone in the amp. It was just bass, right? Tonight, that thought was not only made, but challenged. For tonight, the wubs were the heart beat of everypony, the rhythm seeping into their bones. The bass was alive, and it had one command of its puppet ponies, dancing in the garden under the light of the moon. It ordered them to Be.

Twilight and Rarity where dancing together, very openly, very sexy, and not giving a damn who watched. Applejack was dancing to, finding herself to be increasingly frisky in this cold place, and wanting to warm her hooves against Amy's coat, to which the crime fighter did not shy away from. And speaking of shy, Fluttershy was face to face with Celestia, who smiled warmly at her. The thought that Pinkie was right, it would all be okay overpowered the yellow filly, making her hug the long time teacher of her friend. Rainbow and Soarin where enjoying a dance with the Wonderbolts now, and they had even insisted on Scootaloo hanging with them, making her day, month, year, decade, century, and life. Sweetie Belle and Spike, along with Apple Bloom and a few other foals, wandered off to explore the hedge maze, reviling in the wonders of youth.

Two mares broke from a hug, their eyes saying all they had to say. Sorry was thrown out, and confusion. They laughed as the air chilled around the garden, and decided they could continue inside. A couple was meeting out by the statues, the wife looking fondly at Victory, as the husband approached. Another couple was lost in their new found freedom, a place away from home where they could just be. One was coming to terms, and one was getting over herself. The moon was magic tonight, and to all the ponies, it spoke it's soft wordless voice, the voice that drove these dancing in it's silvery beams to live, to love, to exist. For tonight was theirs, and the moons as well.

The ponies in the garden danced and swayed, and let the magical mist envelop them. If it was planned intervention to give them their own slice of paradise right now, or just the fog machine finally being turned on, no pony cared. This night was theirs. Clothes were scattered around the field, the fancy dress of many becoming just a nuisance as the lust rose higher in every pony. Several couples where already leaving, so deeply entranced with one another that they would have failed to notice an Ursa Major attack. They had each other right now, and they loved it, each and every one of them.


Twilight and Rarity were leaving the smoke and snow, the white mare pulling Twilight along by the draw strings of her hood. Twilight did not mind the view though, she would follow that plot to Tartarus and back, and follow the mare leading it even farther. The fashion mare walked with her head held high, swaying greatly with each step, slightly brushing Twilight's nose with the crest of her tail on each sway. And Twilight loved it. They rounded a corner and found another pair that had retreated into the warmth of the castle, and more importantly each other. But this pairing was rather odd, it was a larger mare and what looked like a pile of cotton candy... Oh holy makers, that was where Pinkie ran off too! They were just kissing, but Pinkie's costume had suffered the loss of the hat and most of her top. Twilight found it hard to leave them be, but was pulled along. Rarity had to show off her prize some more after all.

So Pinkie and Luna continued without interruption, not even caring who found them. The star spangled mare pushed the party machine against the wall, using her magic to tear away at the costume some more. Luna had taken to nipping Pinkie on the neck, earning small yips of joy from Pinkie. Luna could not help but laugh at the mare's over zealous desire, and how quirky her chosen partner was, but that would just make this a great buck in the end. The regal mare moved south and was finally given instructions.

"Lulu, "Pinkie gasped, digging her hooves into the mane that flowed like night, "Speed up, I want to buck you sometime tonight!"

Luna stopped, and sat up looking Pinkie in the eyes. "Pinkie," She said cold, calm, collected, "In all my years, I have never been told to speed up. I have established a pattern to my wild nights. And you ask us to break this pattern now?"

"Yepperunnie," Pinkie smiled.

"Finally!" Luna cried, tearing off the last bit of fabric between her and her prize. Pinkie arched her back for the regal mare as the Lunar goddess dived down, barely able to contain herself. She wasted no time in formalities, and just licked the pink mare's dripping mound from tip to clit, making the enthralled mare whinny.

"Ohmygosh, moar!" Pinkie cried, thrusting her hips to the dark mare. Luna smirked, and pressed her lips to the swollen love button, and hummed a tune. Pinkie almost crawled up the walls, grunting and screaming a bit, but Luna didn't care one bit, she actually rather enjoyed it. Luna dabbed her tongue deep into the pink flesh, and was instantly rewarded with a wash of warm juices, so sweet, like pineapple almost.

"Already? I thou-mmmphmmmm," Luna began, but Pinkie thrust the Princess' head back down, conveying wordlessly that Pinkie still had more to give, and she was not stopping til then. Pinkie bucked hard against the snout to her folds, gritting her teeth as the mare between her thighs licked and sucked, rubbed and hummed her way to another Pinkiegasum. Pinkie pulled the Princess up really fast, and kissed her making sure to get a good taste of herself.

"I want to taste you Lulu," Pinkie said sliding to the floor. Luna turned and shook her rump at the mare, and Pinkie laughed. "Let me at that bad kitty, it needs a bath."

"Pinkie, your dirty talk is horrid. Please, keep it up," Luna said as she straddled the pink mare and lowered herself to the waiting mouth, while taking the warm pussy she knew very well by now into her lips again. Pinkie glided around effortlessly, licking just right here, rubbing this spot just right, it was perfect... too perfect for a mare's first Fillyfooler experience. "Pinkie, h-how are you this- mmmph- this good? Oh right there yes," Luna purred as the pink mare worked her over. Luna tensed as she felt the first wave of her orgasm hit, and pressed hard against the snout buried deeply within her. Luna rocked back and forth as she came, gasping for air as her diaphragm quit, all energy going straight to her well worked pussy.

Luna finally rolled off, and Pinkie shakily worked around til they were nose to nose, breathing heavily. Pinkie's own breath fell into rhythm with Luna's as they just laid on the cold tiles, not speaking for a long time. Luna din't care anymore about the how, she just hoped it would not spoil her to get that treatment tonight.

"That was..." Pinkie said, just letting her thoughts drift off into space, and herself nearly to sleep.

"Wonderful," Luna completed, earning a small smile from Pinkie. "T'was the best we can remember in many years. You raised the bar, my friend."

"F-friend..." Pinkie said, fighting to stay awake now.

"T'was excellent my friend. Tia was wrong, many ponies still embrace the idea of Buck-Buddies I see," Luna said kissing Pinkie again and rising shakily to her hooves. "I need to wash up. If thou wishes, you may wash up in my chambers. But I need to return to the Coronation, Miss Pie. Maybe we can do this again some time," Luna winked at Pinkie, who was now wide awake. As Luna strolled off, her hoofsteps ringing loudly against the tiles, a tear rolled down a pink cheek.

"Friend? But I thought... Oh what have I done?" Pinkie cried, letting the heavy drops roll freely. Pinkie had often come to terms with losing a short term coltfriend, but just being used a sex toy? That was new, and it hurt. More than the pink mare would have ever guessed it would. Pinkie never wanted to feel this again. Mares no more for the pink party machine.


High in a the towers of Canterlot, in the chambers of the sun, two mares were deep in conversation, laying nose to nose almost, just talking, enjoying the chance to open up. Fluttershy relaxed a lot, letting her worries and pent up emotions spill out.

"I just, I loved her for years Tia," Fluttershy said, so informal, but right now, that didn't matter one damn bit. "I was that odd kid that grew up liking fillies instead of colts. And when I meet her about ten years ago in Ponyville, I just fell head over hooves for her. But I was too shy to say anything. It just ate away at me, watching her date a few colts for a while, then finally finding out she was a lesbian now too, but with somepony, and one of my best friends too. It was just too much," Fluttershy sighed, casting her eyes toward the bed.

Celestia frowned, "You don't hate Twilight for that, do you?"

Fluttershy inhaled before answering, still looking down, and now tracing a figure 8 on the sheets, "I don't know. I love her like a sister, but that was..."

"Before she stole Rarity?" Celestia asked, rubbing Fluttershy's chest slowly, carefully, with all the time in the universe.

"No," Fluttershy chuckled, slowly and methodologically thumping her hoof down on the bedspread. "She never stole Rarity. Rarity wanted her. No, I guess I hate the fact that Rarity choose her. I hate that they are both too self concerned to even notice how I feel. They keep at their little lover's game in front of me, and it kills me each and every time," Fluttershy said pounding her fist harder, her true colors peeking out. Her heart had shed it's pain, and was now just a hollow vessel for pumping blood, nothing more she thought.

"You set so much suffering upon yourself, Fluttershy. Why?" Celestia asked, placing her hoof behind Fluttershy's head, right behind the ear.

"Because, I had my chance, but I blew it. I could have told Rarity when I was assertive Fluttershy, sure. But my head was just full of Will's crap, and I just acted like an plot when they tried to talk me down from it. I blew my chance way back when. What bullocks, right?"

"I don't know," Celestia said sliding her hoof to Fluttershy's shoulder, a warm smile gracing her lips, "I think you made a mistake, sure, but your friends forgave you. But what I see is some pony that saved themselves for one that will never return their love. You missed out on so much of what life has to offer my dear. What else have you denied yourself for this love?" Celestia asked, lifting Futtershy's chin a bit with her other hoof to look her in the eyes.

"I had my first kiss a about a week ago, and it was Pinkie, in a drunken rush," Fluttershy chuckled, remembering her last kiss had ended with a slap on her flank she still had no explanation for.

"Your first kiss was a drunk one? No no no no, that will not do. How about you remember this one," Celestia said, gently kissing the mare, soft yet commanding, letting her tongue dart into the light yellow mare's for a second, just enough to leave her taste in Fluttershy's mouth, and her hungering for more, "As your first true kiss?"

"I like that Tia. But I don't love you," Fluttershy said looking back to the bed.

"Dear, I love so very few. Being immortal has the draw back of all my loves dying, usually while I just sit and watch. No, I don't love, my dear, I have just learned to enjoy the company for what it is. I will admit, I have wanted to do things to you for a very long two days now, but only if you are willing," Celestia offered.

"I... I don't know Tia. What kind of things?" The yellow mare asked hesitantly.

"You already know," Celestia said moving her hoof to behind Futtershy's ear again.

"I-I want to try, please. But Tia?" Fluttershy asked as the twinkle formed in Celestia's eyes, "Please..." Fluttershy began.

"I'll be gentle my dear, don't worry," Celestia said pulling Fluttershy into a kiss, longer, heavier, and better than the last. Fluttershy pulled into the kiss, a little more zeal than talent, but driven none the less. When they broke, both panting heavily as they caught their lost breath, Fluttershy continued.

"Help me. Show me what I have denied myself for so long. Make me a mare," She begged, putting both hooves to Celestia's chest, tracing the fur pattern of where her regalia sat for so very long, every day, for so many years.

Without word, Celetia closed in, and kissed Fluttershy again. Celestia's own demons howled to tear into the girl, to satisfy this unfathomable lust, deep with in the ruler. To sate the palate of sexual side, the one nicknamed Molestia over three hundred years ago. But Celestia took her time, this was delicate, she had to be gentle. Celestia rolled Fluttershy onto her back as they kissed, and soon felt something rubbing the inside of her thigh. Cheeky girl, Celestia mused, I guess she wants more. No more Miss Nice Pony. With that, Celestia broke the kiss, and began trailing them down Fluttershy's neck, and a sound like a purr of bliss from the mare was encouragement alone. Until...

"I can't do this," Fluttershy said, her hooves falling lamely to the bed. "I just feel so wrong. I can't stop thinking about her." Celestia frowned and nodded, then lit up as the idea formed deep within her inner darkness, an idea spurred on by the ruler's three century celibacy. From the part of her mind that had earned the nickname Molestia.

"Well, my dear," She said looking around, despite being alone, "If That is your wish. Close your eyes." Celestia focused on the memory, letting her magic pour out and alter her physical form. A complex sounding spell, but it was easy really, like chewing gum. Just a touch here, a lift there, tweak this, and she was ready.

"Open your eyes now Darling," Celestia said, though not with her voice. Fluttershy opened her eyes in confussion, that had sounded just like...

"Oh my. R-R-Rarity?" Fluttershy stammered, her heart beating so fast the poor mare thought she would die.

"Not really, but I thought you would enjoy this, no?" Celestia asked, perfectly mimicking Rarity's tones, expressions, mannerisms. Fluttershy lit up as the realization dawned. She would get to live her fantasy, to have a night with Rarity. The yellow mare dove into the kiss, pulling The Rare-formed mare to her, exploring every inch of her mouth as if it were the real thing. Celestia knew this fervor was not for her, but that didn't really matter, it was still her receiving, and damn it felt good. Fluttershy broke the kiss, and nibbled a bit on one of Celestia's shifted ears, making the ruler go weak at the knees.

"Oh mama," Celestia purred, lossing the voice just a touch as the hormones rose within her.

"Stay with it, Rare," Fluttershy whispered, making the urge deep within the regal mare rise unexpectedly. She had never posed as another before, but did enjoy a touch of role play. This was just the next level. Celestia flipped the poor mare onto her stomach, unable to stop herself, throwing caution to the wind.

"Yes of course darling, I will. And I do love," Celestia said spanking Fluttershy, "Being the one to give orders, My little Sluttershy." Fluttershy yelped, and purred, falling face first into the pillow. She turned her head and smirked at the ruler, driving the ruler to new levels of desire.

"Make me Raritramp," Fluttershy spat practically. Celestia smiled inwardly. It was always the shy, quite ones.

"Oh it is on!" Celestia said, slapping Fluttershy on the ass hard, with a fore strike and the backhoof. Fluttershy started to rub her mound, whimpering in pleasure. "No no no! You are only allowed to cum when I say so," Clestia commanded, digging her hoof into the tenderized flank.

"Yes... M-mistress, Mmph, yes," Fluttershy managed, her rump slick with her over flowing juices. Celestia could not stop herself looking at such a prize, just begging for it. Oh, that's an idea, Celstia mused.

"Beg," The sun goddess commanded.

"Please. Please. I want it so bad," Fluttershy cried, her wings starting to flap a bit.

"You want what, Darling?" Celestia asked, pressing her hoof against the slick marehood, stroking up and down. "This?"

"YES OH BUCKING GODDESSES YES!" Fluttershy screamed, bucking wildly as her tender box was touched for the first time ever by another's hoof. Celestia laughed, and pulled away the hoof to a groan of displeasure.

"Or this?" Celestia said softly, moving in and licking the mare's swollen clit. Fluttershy tensed and shot her ass back as she came. Celestia laughed, knowing it would be easy for her, but still, a bit fast, no?

Fluttershy panted and moaned til it subsided, and as soon as she was done, Celestia licked her again, holding the poor girl in place as she came again, and again. Fluttershy screamed so loud, Celestia began to worry that the soundproofing spells she had enacted would not hold much longer. Oh buck it, she decided, why stop? Finally, Fluttershy was released, while Celestia began to rub herself, unable to remember the last time she had this much fun.

"Here, I want to do that, to you now," Fluttershy said weakly, dragging herself around to face the Princess's practically steaming sex, the smell of her sweet fluids filling the animal lover's nose like the flowers of spring after a winter of just cold snow. Fluttershy tentatively licked around the patch of wet fur, making sure her lover for the night had a long orgasm, the one she so desperately needed. Fluttershy then slowly, carefully, licked the mare's folds, stopping at the end and slowly returning, driving the regal mare wild. Celestia threw her head around as her lonely pussy received such love and care, she actually began to whinny a bit. Then Fluttershy wrapped her forelegs around Celestia's and held her still while she dove in, licking her like wild. Celestia grunted and rocked forward, unable to speak as she came for the first time tonight, just pulling and pushing at Fluttershy. When it was over, Celestia well and truly spent, The yellow mare came back to her, nose to nose, and kissed her deeply, like it was a necessity for life.

"Tell me," Fluttershy panted, shaking a bit, "Tell me I'm better than that other whore."

"Other whore?" Celestia asked before remembering the role play. All games had their price it seemed. "Her, yes. Yes, You are better my darling," Celestia said taking the poor mare into a hug. Should she tell her student about this revelation? How could she? This was something private, said in confidence. But it's existence alone could, no would, cause a rift in their friendship, and soon she feared.


Cadence stood looking at the statue, smiling fondly as she tried to think. Shining was walking up, whistling a tune and bobbing his head. He had really enjoyed the party it seemed. He stopped beside her, looking up at the statue Victory, and snorted a chuckle.

"If my sister and friends keep it up, we may need to replace ol' Vicky here with them, huh?" He asked, leaning his head into his wife, who sighed when he touched her. "Something wrong honey?"

"No, nothing at all. Shiny, I have some news," Cadence said shakily. It was happy news, right? Right?

"What is it?" Shining asked, looking into his wife's eyes, a touch worried. Cadence was not her usual happy self.

"Shiny, I'm- I-" Cadence tried.

"Babe, what ever it is, I'm here for you, you know that. Please, tell me what it is," Shining said, his years in the guard giving him great interpersonal skills.

"Well, how should I put this? Um, Oh! How does Victory sound for a little foal's name?" Cadence asked, sweating despite the cold.

"I don't think her name was actually Victory, Babe, come on," Shining chuckled, then deadpanned. "Oh. OH! Honey, you're?" Shining asked, unable to form complete sentences any longer.

"One month," Candence sang seeing how happy Shining Armor was. He wrapped her into a hug, bouncing around and shouting for joy.

"I'm gonna be a Daddy!" Shining cried. "I love you so much Babe, I- I can't- A Daddy. Oh I love you," Shining stammered, his wife laughing in his arms.

"I'm going to be a Mommy!" She laughed to the skies, tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.

"Congrats, kids are amazing," Some pony with a ridiculously long scarf said walking by. His wall eyed date laughed, and hugged him tight. It was a good night, no, a perfect night right now.


Applejack sipped on her cider, watching the moon's silvery light filter down into the garden, full of a few sleepy ponies that were well and truly into the moment. No pony even noticed that Vinyl had played the same song three times now, and it was a slow song, by that one Seal fellow. No pony cared, least of all Applejack and Amy, who had taken to laying together at the edge of the stage, cuddling and just enjoying the night. Applejack wanted more, but she decided against it, feeling it was a better use of her time to just enjoy the night right now, not rush into a mistake as she sometimes felt her friends did. Lately, two of them. She shook her head and laughed.

"Whats up AJ?" Amy sleepily asked. She so rarely got a chance to sleep at night, this was rather, nice. Like before the night needed her, the Mare Do Well.

"Ah'm just being a bad friend, talking bout them behind their backs," Applejack laughed.

"You're not talking about your friends..." Amy observed, and a very reliant observation too.

"Not yet," Applejack giggled with Amy before getting her thoughts off her chest. "Ah'm worried bout them. Ah think they just happened into this whole thing, and it's gonna bite them back hard. They can be free here, but back home, my granny will shut them down. Heck, knowin Granny, she'll run em out of town."

"Why?" Amy asked, shifting a bit, "I remember Granny, she was nice. Why does she hate Fillyfoolers?" Amy asked lazily.

"Humph, Twilight would scold ya fer saying that, she hates that word. As fer Granny, can't say. She just believes in guys and gals Ah guess. Just her ways. But she has a lotta clout with Ponyvile, makes a lot of rules, heck she was among the first settlers..." Applejack rattled along, knowing that this was not the conversation for the place and time, but it had happened. She finished her cider and put down the empty cup, next to Amy's, and cuddled closer to the mare.

"I always got the feeling she was really nice. Why does she hate us?" Amy asked, making Applejack blush. Amy rolled her eyes and settled into a nuzzle. "Hun, out of curiosity, what am I going to get for hearths warming day?"

"What's that mean?" Applejack replied, a truly brilliant line.

"Nothing... except that you're so deep in the closet that you had to trip over my gifts at some point," Amy said to a snort from the work pony.

"Har har. Ah don't peak," Applejack teased, earning a roll with Amy that ended with the crime fighter on top.

"AJ, if your happy, I'm happy. But I don't want to interfere with family. That's why I'm here after all. But I want to be with you," Amy said, her snout barely touching the tip of Applejack's.

"Me too. Will ye ever move back Amy?" Applejack asked hesitantly, not looking the mare in the eyes.

"One day. When Canterlot no longer has need of the Mare," Amy said, looking up and out over the town, but her tone said it was all a joke.

"Oh get real, you enjoy kickin flank," Applejack laughed.

"Never said I didn't. But also, I make that suit look good," Amy said looking back to the mare pinned with out a struggle.

"Yeah, ya do," Applejack said pulling Amy into a kiss, letting it linger and last for what felt like days. They were plenty warm, and had no where else they would rather be.


Vinyl lazily let the record spin, not even aware herself that she was playing Touched by a rose. Again. And Again.

"Veve, please. I love this song too, but play something different or I will shove one of my bows where the wubs don't play," Octavia threatened, rather effectively.

"Sorry Tav, just got lost in thought..." Vinyl confessed, casting her look upwards, rallying all thought on how to continue.

"Yes, I could tell. So what has my brilliant composer all worked up?" Octavia chided, packing away one of the cellos she had used tonight. Vinyl sighed, and decided to bite the bullet.

"Tav, I- I have feelings for you..." Vinyl said, clenching a bit as she braced for the worst.

"Yes, I know. You basically telegraph how you feel all the bloody time," Octavia said nonchalant. Vinyl was speechless, but not for long.

"Wait you knew?" Vinyl yelled, her shades slipping down her nose. Octavia laughed, and smiled her beautiful smile.

"Yes, And I rather enjoyed the attention," Octavia said breezily. The lack of emotion in it was almost infuriating, if that was not one of the reasons Vinyl loved her.

"And you don't mind? Do you..." Vinyl asked, but faltered, afraid to tread this thin ice.

"Love you back? Maybe, but it was so much more fun to tease you relentlessly," Octavia said to the disk jockey. It was not much of a surprise really, Vinyl always planed for the worst. "But seriously, I would not say love. But I might, given time," Octavia said blushing, a rare sight indeed. Vinyl sat there slack jawed for a second, trying to work it out.

"You're just like Twilight, aren't you?" Vinyl asked, the only pony she could think apt to describe that mindset. "Hey that's good, cause she has a marefriend now, so maybe we could make it work too..."

"Mmm, she was a good time. But yes, that is a rather fitting comparison," Octavia said with her sly smile.

"Wait wuh?" Vinyl said, sure she had missed something. "You? And Twi? My cuz Twi? And you? Did that?"

"Yes. It was much needed, I assure you, but it was just harmless fooling, nothing more," Octavia said packing away her last piece of equipment.

"When?" Vinyl asked hotly. Whether Octavia noticed or not was indeterminable.

"About three years ago," Octavia said walking over to Vinyl, sitting before the DJ and looking her in the eyes.

"Tav," Vinyl said, drained, hurt, betrayed. Octavia just sighed and kissed the DJ, a kiss full of passion and energy for the normally reserved mare. It was... eyeopening. Vinyl's lips were finally robbed of their sweet dance partners, and the poor girl just swayed as she tried to think.

"Mmm, that felt, rather wonderful. You never told me you were a good kisser. I will see you back at the apartment, no?" Octavia asked, turning to leave. Vinyl just mumbled as the reality sank in slowly. "And stop staring at my flank!"

Vinyl shook of the fog in her mind as she realized what had just happened. 6 years she had wanted to do just that, and it was over already. But that kiss, it had been better than anything Vinyl could have dreamt of in all those years. "Buck yes you will," Vinyl said under her breath.

"Okay darling. By the way you still have your head set mic on," Octavia yelled from the end of the stage, next to the speaker.

"What? Buck Me Running!" Vinyl cried as she looked to her rapt audience, who as if on cue began clapping for her.


Twilight was finally lead into her chambers, and told to get comfy as Rarity slipped into something really fast. Twilight laughed, enjoying the chance to have planned fun times instead of catching them on the fly, again. So the lavender mare took of the hoodie, and climbed into bed, placing both socked hooves under her chin, and smiled at the bathroom door, waiting for Rarity to emerge.

"Twilight Darling," Rarity called, "Do you remember the party a few days ago?"

"Poor choice of words, Rare," Twilight called back. Memory was a touchy subject now, with Twilight erasing so much history so effortlessly.

"My bad love. But the smoke room, you recall?" Rarity asked, trying to get to a point, slowly.

"Yes Rare, it was, mmm, delightful," Twilight mused remembering her little prank. Rarity would probably go a little Dom tonight to get back then Twilight figured.

"And you know how much I love you in those socks, so you subject me too seeing you all dressed up, all night," Rarity continued.

"Yyeesssss," Twilight said, unsure how things where about to go. The door opened slowly, and Rarity sauntered out, wearing a tight indigo corset, along with black fishnet stockings and a... riding crop? Oh, that was the plan. Rarity smiled a devious smile, and continued to the bed, and came nose to nose with Twilight, giving her a longing kiss, biting Twilight's lower lip as she ended. The combo revved Twilight up to tell the truth.

"Well, tonight, I get my fun. The safe word is une autre mon amour," Rarity smiled to Twilight.

"Wait, that means another my love," Twilight translated.

"Oh, so it does," Rarity smiled as she slapped the lavender ass with the crop. Twilight grunted, and knew her role.

"Mmm, yes Mistress," Twilight purred. She flexed her back to give Rarity the best point to hit, but Rarity instead placed a hoof the lavender rump, and pushed it down, making Twilight lay flat on her belly. Rarity straddled the mare, facing her tail, and took the crop in mouth, pinning Twilight down for the coming beating. Twilight flexed a little, wary of anything she could not see, and with good reason. Rarity smacked the star cluster mark, the tender nerves there screaming in pain. Pain the mare loved too much. "Oh Goddess! Yes!" Twilight cried out.

"You like?" Rarity purred, sounding innocent almost. Twilight was already panting, the mix of unknown and pleasure pain was very effective for her.

"Yes Mistress. I like. Please," Twilight moaned. And Rarity frowned.

"Mmm, am I a caring Mistress?" Rarity asked as she connected flesh and crop again.

"OH Buck yes, yes, yes," Twilight gasped, shuddering already. Rarity flipped Twilight's tail away, and looked down upon the glorious treat before her. Rarity rubbed the crop in a small circle on Twilight's dripping lips, patting them ever so lightly. Rarity stood and went to sit in front of her captive.

"Slave, lick my hoof," Rarity ordered offering a hoof to the lavender mare. Twilight smiled, and rolled her tongue out, licking the tip of the hoof very gently. Rarity giggled, and sighed.

"I never knew you had a hoof fetish Mistress," Twilight said, before a resounding slapping sounded out, a crop held in a light blue magical aura making her gasp.

"No talking, Slave. Now, lick," Rarity commanded, offering the hoof again. Twilight took it between two of hers and licked it again, tracing the edge very carefully, slowly, as if the thing was made of spun sugar. Rarity sighed again, and started to play with Twilight's mane. Then spanked the mare again.

"Ah, ah, ah," Twilight breathed, her breaths short and rapid, her body tensing and shuddering already. Rarity smiled as she took Twilight's chin with her hoof, leaning in and looking her lover deep in the eyes.

"I love you Darling," Rarity said, very out of character. Rarity kissed Twilight, letting the mare return to normal almost, an infuriating feeling. Then she sat back up and smiled. "Back from the edge Slave?"

"Oh, you're evil," Twilight said, feeling the need to just cum, and wanting Rarity to make her.

"Now, Slave, another hoof," Rarity commanded, giving Twilight yet another hoof. This cycle repeated, each time, as she was just about to cum, Rarity would ease her off, just to begin again with another hoof, til all four were done. Then Rarity let Twilight go farther.

"Tell me Slave, do you wish to play with my pussy?" Rarity asked in her mock innocence.

"Yes Mistress," Twilight whispered, the need to high to be quelled any longer.

"Then let us. I will be merciful and let you cum now as well," Rarity said, rolling Twilight over and moving down, slowly, agonizingly slow. But she was soon at the hot box of Twilight Sparkle, And Twilight had a nose and mouthful of Rarity as well. Rarity was literally dripping, but had hid her own pleasure well. But as soon as their tongues touched the other, at the same time no less, the both erupted in wave after wave of sweet release. Twilight bucked and spasmed, unable to keep her hooves down as she slapped the bed and pulled Rarity's tail. Rarity was no better, screaming into Twilight, kicking her legs a bit, which was not the best part for Twilight, granted, but she didn't really care. Finally they stopped, Rarity was drenched from Twilight's fluids, as was Twilight. Rarity flopped over and mumbled, trying to catch her breath.

"Ugh, buck- that- buck- I- Goddess- love you- love, very much," Rarity panted, shaking still. Twilight did not want to move more than her hooves, so she reached out and touched Rarity's for a sign she was there.

"Made- made you- squirt," Twilight tried to laugh, but her diaphragm would have none of that business now.

"Heh, yeah. First- first time," Rarity chuckled, flushed head to tail. She wished she was not wearing the damn corset now, the damn thing was full of sweat and positively smelled of sex. It had been her favorite dress one too. Oh well, C'est la vie.


In the morning, the Canterlot Daily hit the stands and routes, bearing it's own 7 page coverage of the Winter Moon Coronation, to include the award ceremony for Rainbow Dash. Most loved the picture, and the observant noticed a couple on stage caught mid kiss. For those that missed that, there was a nice article about Vinyl Scratch's coming out, where she admitted her cousin, Lady Twilight Sparkle was and is a Fillyfooler, who had at one point had a sordid love affair with Octavia Baritone. No pony liked the tabloid feel, most resented it actually, citing it as a rare low blow for the esteemed paper, but after the whole Gabby Gums ordeal, the paper had felt loses it still had not recovered from. So a story about a Lady of the Princesses court having a sexual relationship with a world famous Cellist, and now in a relationship with one of Equestria's fashion moguls, it was too good. And it sold very well, everywhere.

The Coward's Confession and the Town Meets

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"So Babe?" Soarin asked, setting down his drink on their table. He looked over to see her and Scootaloo snoozing soundly, making the decorated stallion laughed. "Well, I guess it was a lot to ask of ya to stay up after just getting out."

"Mmmph, no more sweets Pinkie, my teeth hurt..." Rainbow moaned in her sleep, getting a bigger laugh out of Soarin.

"Babe, it's midnight. Why don't we take Scootaloo back to her room and then we go to ours?" Soarin asked, getting the cyan mare to wake slightly.

"Sounds great Speedy," Rainbow said sleepily. "Let me just get 5 more minutes..."

Soarin laughed and got Rainbow up, then the two carried Scootaloo to her bedroom, setting her down in bed and looking fondly at the little filly.

"Soarin," Rainbow said still attempting sleep, "Where do you stand? With foals?"

"Are you saying you want kids RD?" Soarin asked his marefriend, genuinely shocked.

"Mmph, not really," Rainbow said halfhearted. "I was just wondering."

"Well if I may Babe, I always liked adoption myself," Soarin said as they walked out of the room and headed to their chambers.

"Really?" Rainbow said, nuzzling the colt at heart.

"Really. I think there are enough foals already, so why not give a kid who has never had a good home a great one," Soarin said looking distant. He had put a lot of though into this, and felt the time was right to tell Rainbow.

"Awe, Speedy. You're going soft on me. No more late night pies," Rainbow joked.

"Har har... You're not serious about the pies, are you?" Soarin asked worriedly. "Babe? Don't mess with this colt's pie."

"Okay, okay," Rainbow giggled. The two made it to their chambers, and promptly made it all the way to the bed before passing out on top of the covers.


The early morning sun was not as warm today, the streets filled with a cold, stinging wind. The first day of winter. The snow flurried around Twilight and Rarity's hooves as they made their way to Shining Armor's and Cadence's home. They had declined living in a castle, wanting to have a more relaxed lifestyle, not being shut out from the world. But right now, one lavender mare with a raw flank was wishing her brother and sister had come to them for breakfast.

"Hurry up my love," Rarity chided next to Twilight, "We don't have all day. The train leaves a noon."

"I would hurry up if my ass would stop hurting," Twilight growled.

Rarity flipped her nose in the air, and jokingly replied, "Not my fault in the slightest, my love. I gave you a safe word."

"'Please, another' doesn't count!" Twilight cried as they reached her brother's doorway.

Rarity smiled her coy, mischievous smile as she rang the bell, and whispered "Not with that attitude, my love."

The door flew open, and two white appendages flew out and grabbed Twilight and Rarity, pulling them into a very strong hug with a very enthusiastic stallion. "Twily, Rare! Great to see ya! Have a seat! Need anything? Coffee? Tea?"

Rarity, her head spinning, recognized one of her favorite words and latched on, "Coffee, yes. Two creams and three sugars, please and thank you."

"Of course! Cadence, they're here!" Shining called rushing into the kitchen.

"Hey girls," Cadence called, poking her head out and smiling at the pair warmly. "Sorry about Shining, he's just a bit worked up."

"You don't say..." Twilight said sarcastically, but it went unnoticed. No long after arriving, the four sat around the table, Shining continuing his uncharacteristic hyperactivity.

"So Twilight, how was the dance? I noticed you're walking kinda weird today, you slip on some ice or something?" Shining blurted out, bouncing around as he did. What on Equis had him so worked up? He hadn't looked like this since he made Captain.

"Something like that darling," Rarity answered with her grin settling back into place, memories of her night welling up again. "And Cadence, you're positively glowing this morning! What product do you use darling?"

"Oh, I hadn't really used anything beyond my shampoo and conditioner this morning. Do I really look that different?" Cadence mumbled. She was being quite, reserved. The opposite of her normal actually. She was usually the life of any gathering, but right now, she was almost like Fluttershy, pleasantly there but not trying to contribute.

"Okay, what's up you two?" Twilight sighed, shaking her head. She knew it was good news, she was not that out of sorts in social settings.

"Honey, may I?" Shining asked, settling down a touch. With a nod from his loving wife, Shining set out to the good news. "Girls, Cadence is pregnant. About one month now."

"OhmygoshyesCadenceIamsohappyforyou!" Rarity squealed, rushing the princess into a hug and pleasant nuzzle.

"Oh my gosh, congratulation you two!" Twilight sang, limping over to hug her brother and Cadence in turn.

"Thanks Twily... Um... Why are there whip marks on your cutie mark?" Shining asked, noting his sister's more than painful trip around the table.

"Oh, that, ha ha, it's nothing, really," Twilight said, her cheesy smile returning. She was a horrible liar when Shining Armor was concerned.

"Twilight," He said sternly, making all three mares shrink away a tad. "Don't make me use it."

"Use what?" Rarity asked as Twilight gasped.

"You wouldn't."

"Watch me. Twilight," Shining said standing and looking down his snout at her, "As your big Brother, tell me the truth." Cadence chuckled and rolled her eyes, Bad idea lover boy.

Twilight cracked hard, the big brother play was too much for her. "Rarity did it! We were screwing last night and she spanked me with a riding crop. I loved it, it was amazing!"

Shining blinked, and for the first time ever wished his sister could lie to him, just this once. "Um..."

Cadence came to his rescue with a laugh, "Well, that was a bit much too much information."

Rarity shrugged, "Well, she started it, being all sexy last night. There is only so much a mare like me can endure."

"Please stop," Shining and Twilight said.

"Didn't you have a safe word at least?" Cadence asked, enjoying making her family squeamish.

"Oh yes darling, of course," Rarity smiled.

"Along the lines of 'Another!'" Twilight shot back.

"Wha..." Shining said, his mind reeling from a heavy overdoes of too much about little sisters personal life. "Twilight," Shining rallied, "Why didn't you just heal yourself then? Is Rarity not letting you?"

"I would never!" Rarity cried. "Or at least as long as I'm still enjoying it. But he does have a valid point my love," Rarity said, looking to her love with concern.

"I can't," Twilight whispered, looking to the floor.

"What do mean you can't? Is your magic still weak after-" Shining started, but a quick jab in the ribs from Cadence stopped him before he said something really uncouth.

"No, I feel fine..." Twilight muttered, playing with a spot of carpet.

"Then what's wrong?" Shining asked. "I know you know the spell."

"I'm afraid."

"Of what?" Cadence asked, unsure of what Twilight meant.


"Twilight, you're the element of magic, you-" Shining began.

"Not magic. Magic, the force itself, that I embody. What if-" Twilight began but stopped, feeling the heavy tears already rolling down her cheeks.

"What is it my love? Please?" Rarity asked.

"What if Magic hurts somepony? Or worse, steals you from me?" Twilight sobbed, falling into Rarity's embrace.

"Darling..." Rarity muttered as she held onto the lavender mare, tears welling up in her sapphire eyes as well.


The gang all settled into their seats, the steam billowing around the train as it edged forward, building up speed as it began it's long journey back to Ponyville. Six mares, three fillies, a dragon and one really out of place coltfriend sat in the cabin, relaxing and enjoying the smooth ride. But the mood was differing around the cabin, as each had a story of last night, some good, some not so much. One, the coltfriend Soarin, was busying reading the Canterlot Daily, namely the cartoons.

"Pinkie, you got your hair to straighten!" Rarity chimed, smiling broadly.

Without looking back from out the window, Pinkie scoffed. They're sitting together, I know it. Mares. They just play with you, Pinkie thought. "I guess I did. Look at that."

"Pinkie?" Twilight asked, but Rarity shook her head.

"We've dealt with this before. Break up Pinkie. She's going to hate all couples for a bit," Rarity whispered. "I really should have seen it sooner."

"Well, you would have if you weren't playing tonsil hockey with Twilight!" Pinkie snapped.

"Pinkie, not called fer," Applejack snarled. "Don't get upitty with us now. Ah'm sorry it didn't work out with the Princess, but y'all are an adult, so buckin act like it."

"Easy for you to say, you weren't just used and then left lying on the cold marble floor!" Pinkie shouted, full of fire and venom. No pony had a rebuttal to that, but the dragon did.

"Well, you picked the floor from what I heard. That was your choice," Spike said. Pinkie turned to him, her nostrils flared, but she quit, and finally let herself deflate.

"You have a point Spike. But she still used me, and I didn't like it."

"Pinkie..." Twilight whispered. She had never seen her friend this... defeated before. It was not pleasant, and all Twilight wanted to do was help, but she had no clue how, she had never had a breakup.

"I know how you feel Pinkie," Fluttershy said. Was it Twilight, or did Fluttershy glare at her, for the briefest of a second? No, surely not. "Loved once, then left for the day to day."

"What happened to you, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked. Okay, Fluttershy defiantly blushed, didn't anypony else see that? Twilight thought.

"Well, I had a kiss..." Fluttershy smiled.

"It was Celestia, wasn't it?" Pinkie asked hotly.

"Wait, you kissed Princess Celestia!?" Everyone else but one pony asked. That one being Rainbow Dash.

"Awe yeah! Go Shy, it's your birthday! Uh huh. Oh yeah," Rainbow sang, dancing a bit. Soarin rolled his eyes and began to read the paper again. He kept showing Rainbow certain parts, dealing mostly with her award and Wonderbolt status.

"Thanks Dashie. And it was nothing much, but still very, special," Fluttershy said, looking to... Rarity? Okay, that has to be a double entendre, Twilight thought. Why do I doubt her? I love Fluttershy like a sister. Something's wrong...

"Well I'm glad Darling," Rarity smiled. Fluttershy smiled back, blushing like mad. If she looks at my Rarity again, I'll blind her, Twilight thought, to her own horror. She didn't want to be distrustful of Fluttershy, but she was. And Twilight hated it. It was like another mind was in hers. Magically almost.

"Girls, um... Have any of you read today's paper?" Soarin asked, not taking his eyes away from the paper in question. Rainbow looked absolutely pissed, beyond words.

"No, why?" Applejack asked, who was sitting second closest.

"Twilight! I think you need to see this!" Soarin called, a mix of anger and what sounded like fear running through his voice. Rarity floated the paper over, and set it before Twilight.

"Last night's Winter Moon Coronation was heralded as the must see even this year in Equestria, as Princess Luna rose-" Twilight read.

"Next page Twilight," Rainbow said.

"Okay, okay... Later that night, Miss Vinyl Scratch, in a bout of forgetfulness, admitted to romantic as well as sexual feelings for her colleague and flatmate Octavia Baritone. Oh my gosh, Vinyl!" Twilight cried out. This was slanderous, and more than that, down right disgraceful.

"Keep reading," Soarin prompted.

With a angry snort, Twilight pushed on, "And it was also reviled that at a as of yet unknown time, Vinyl's cousin, Lady Twilight Sparkle had Sexual Relations With Miss Octavia! What in Tartarus is This Crap!" Twilight cried out.

"How dare they!" Rarity cried, "Lying about you like that!" Twilight deadpanned, and Rarity took the hint. "It's not a lie, is it?"

"Sorry Rare. It was three years ago-" Twilight began, but Rarity kissed her, and stunned the poor lavender mare. "What? Okay."

"I don't care who you were with. In the end, I got you, that's all that matters to me," Rarity said. Twilight had a feeling this conversation was not over, just quelled for now.

"Very nice, but..." Soarin interjected.

"There's more?!" Twilight groaned. This was the hardest reading Twilight had ever done. Soldiering on, she read, "And it has been confirmed from multiple sources that Lady Twilight continues to prefer the mares, currently in a highly sexual relationship with Miss Rarity, one of the top five fashion moguls for Equestria!"

"Top Five!" Rarity beamed, trying to read the article.

"Rarity!" Twilight snapped. "It outed us!"

"What the hay!?" Rarity shouted as that thought dawned on her. "How could they do this? To you, to us!?"

"Do they get the Canterlot Daily in Ponyville?" Scootaloo asked looking out the window to the rapidly approaching town.

"Spike, take a letter!" Twilight shouted, but the small dragon was looking out the window as well, as the train made the last corner to Ponyville, and the station came in sight.

"Um, Twi, I don't think that'll help..." Spike said, sizing up the crowd.


"Welcome home girls," Granny Smith smiled at Apple Bloom and Applejack, the first to step off. Twilight and Rarity shared a spot near the back, neither one finding the courage to face the five hundred ponies just yet. Not when they would be seen as liars and deviants rather than the couple they were. But a sudden cheer changed their minds.

"Congrats Rainbow!" "Way to go Fly-girl!" "You Rock RD!" The whole crowd was electric for the mare. It only began to dawn on the two lovebirds that the crowd was for her, and not them after all. They might just be in the clear. They stood, and made their way out. To the last pleasant greeting they would ever receive in town.

"Hello Twilight, Rarity," Granny Smith smiled at them. "I always liked y'all, and I don't believe the lies that fancy pants Canterlot paper is puttin out there. So we'll help y'all clear yer names." Her smile made it clear, she knew what the paper said was true, but here it was, this was their chance at redemption. This was their chance to slip by. The only one, and neither mare would ever take it.

"They're not lies, Granny Smith," Twilight said, puffing out her chest defiantly.

"Indeed, my darling Twilight and I are a couple. Is that a problem, deary?" Rarity asked, looking to the old earth pony.

"None at all, as long as you two don't mind doin what's right by it now. Ah bought y'all two tickets back to Canterlot, you leave tomorrow, so you can pack," Granny said, still smiling. A kind smile that somehow invited trouble, and made it turn tail. Granny was an unmovable object. Fortunately, Twilight and Rarity were an unstoppable force.

"Really? Says you and what army?" Rarity asked.

"We are not pushovers Granny Smith. We won't be bullied," Twilight said, her horn starting to glow.

"And we refuse to let any filthy fillyfoolers stay in town. Y'all had yer chance. Now we take this ta the city magistrate, Missy," Granny spat back, her face inches from Twilight's. Twilight jerked toward the old mare, but Granny didn't even blink. "Ah'm givin y'all til tomorrow. Be gone, or else."

"Or else what, you heartless witch?" Rarity hissed under her breath. "You'll stop selling us apples?"

"Ah'll stop holding back," Granny said. The look in her eyes would have turned Discord to stone all over again, and made Nightmare Moon apologize. Twilight and Rarity though, in defiance, pushed past with their friends, heads held high, even as tomatoes and lettuce were thrown at them. The others ran interference as much as possible, but they made no friends on the walk home.


"Granny, yer outta line!" Applejack shouted when the Apple family had all reached their farm home.

"The hays gotten into you! Ah raised you better then that," Granny snarled, and to her credit, Applejack did calm down.

"Ah'm sorry. But Granny, they ain't hurtin nopony," Applejack begged.

"Applejack, yer too young to get it. This runs deeper then y'all realize," Granny said as she walked into the kitchen. "Now wash up, suppers in twenty."

Applejack wanted to yell and scream, but she couldn't. She wanted to let Granny know she was wrong, but the words never formed. She wanted to tell her about Amy, but she just walked away. Applejack went to her room, slumping against the door, and cried, for what seemed hours. But the fact that she was on time for dinner told her otherwise. Some element of Honesty Ah turned out ta be, Applejack thought as she sat down. Ah can't even be honest with myself.


Twilight and Rarity stayed together that night, and made the fact very well known. They expected some retaliation for this, but when it came, it still hurt. Looking at the Carousel Boutique the next morning, the words Fillyfooler spray painted across the front, was hard. But they would shoulder this burden as they had all others. Spike and Scootaloo took it harder though, and Sweetie Belle was extremely distraught.

"My home," Sweetie cried. "What's wrong with them?! Who? Who are they hurting by just being themselves!? Cowards! All of you! Cowards!" Sweetie screamed at the onlookers, til Spike put his arm around her. There was not many friendly faces there this morning. Twilight began to wonder if there were any in town actually.

"Just leave, please," One pony, a friend named Daisy pleaded.

"Daisy, I would sooner let Applejack design my next seasons starting line that willingly leave," Rarity spoke to the gathering ponies more than the one pony. "I don't care how much I have to endure. I will not back down. Right, my love?"

"I stand by you now as you did with me," Twilight said stepping next to Rarity. She nuzzled the white unicorn, and took a small amount of pleasure in watching a couple ponies smile a bit. They each felt differently, but as a crowd, they were still morons. "I don't have anything to hide anymore!"

"Girls," Granny Smith said, her kind old mare voice parting the crowd, "It sounds like y'all are turnin down my generous offer. So be it. Ah'll see y'all in town hall tomorrow. Ladies," Granny Smith said taking her leave. The crowd thinned some, but many stayed, either to ask the mares to leave quietly, or to break a window, as somepony did that night after they had left.

Rarity gathered several supplies and personal effects, and she and Twilight, along with Sweetie Belle, Spike, and Scootaloo, levitated or carried everything back. Twilight carried the most of it.

"Darling, thank you," Rarity whispered.

"For what?" Twilight asked, enjoying the feeling of Rarity's warm breath in her cold ears.

"For everything. Your support, and your courage. I love you," Rarity said.

"I'm only as brave as you, my very special somepony," Twilight smiled.

"No no, my love. You're using magic again. Just for me," Rarity commented. She soon wished she hadn't, because as Twilight realized what she was doing, she accidentally dropped everything. But a fast minute later, everything was back up, and even repaired if needed, as they hurried to the library. Twilight turned to the crowd following on their tails, and snorted. She summoned a thick force field, the glowing pink orb a warning to all ponies, 'Do not disturb.' Magic was no longer an issue as Twilight's rage needed an outlet. But she let the field open as three ponies knocked gently, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Big Mac.

"Hey," Twilight called as she let them in, "Come to enjoy good book?"

"Oh yeah," Applejack said hugging her friend, "It's called Ponyville Law. We here will be yer legal counsel, Twilight."

"Eeyup." Big Mac smiled.

"Big Mac, are you..." Twilight ventured.

"Nope." Why does everypony keep sayin that? Big Mac thought

"I was going to say speak for us," Twilight joked. She let in the small gang, and happily set about learning the local laws. Twenty minutes later though, she was ready to quit.

"The Apple Family has tie breaker rights! Not to mention Granny Smith is a key member of the town counsel," Twilight groaned. "How?"

"The Apple family founded this here town Twi," Applejack said kindly, "My great granny, Sew 'n Sow, wrote these here laws. See, this one's bout family first."

Twilight looked at the law, and then back to another she was reading. "It can't be..."

"What is it Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm not sure, but I think I just found out the Apple family secret," Twilight said looking up to her friends. It was quite a leap, but it might just pan out. It all came down to how Twilight could spin it tomorrow. So the gang all settled in for the night, Big Mac heading home, while Fluttershy and Applejack stayed. They all wanted to go to court together in the morning.


Around 3 am, Rarity awoke, feeling rather warm. She still had Twilight tucked gently into her, the poor girl. If Rarity was warm, how hot was Twilight? Rarity sighed, and kissed her love's forehead, thinking she was just nervous. But an almost inaudible moan enlightened Rarity to the real reason. She turned her head as much as she could to see she was right, Fluttershy had crawled into their bed and cuddled up to her. Poor mare must be worried sick about the trial in just a few hours. Rarity still had no clue who the yellow pegasus loved so much, but it didn't matter right now. Rarity chuckled as she came to a realization.

"Rarity, it's three am. What is so dang funny?" Twilight asked, roused slightly by the heat and movement.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Rarity said setting her head back down.

"It's okay hun. What's up?" Twilight asked.

"Fluttershy is cuddling with me in her sleep," Rarity explained.

"No way."

"She's big spoon."

"No. Fluttershy?"

"I know."

Fluttershy groaned, and dragged her hooves up to Rarity's chest and started massaging it gently in her sleep. Twilight stifled a giggle.

"Stop laughing or I get the cuffs," Rarity threatened.

"Kick Fluttershy out and do it anyways," Twilight prompted. Rarity was extremely tempted to, but lost steam looking at the gently snoozing mare. She was rather cute like this, even more so than normal. So the mares settled back to sleep, ready to face the music.


"Oh look, the paint sticks to my shield spell," Twilight groaned as she opened the door, the word 'Fillyfooler!' greeting her backwards. She and the rest gathered outside, and readied themselves for the long walk to town hall. Twilight lowered the spell, just as a snappy dressed mare trotted up to them, pulling a paper out of her saddlebags.

"Greetings, I'm Caring Hooves, Scootaloo's foster family attorney. I'm here today because-" This new mare said, but an angry Twilight cut her off.

"If you think I'm giving up Scootaloo, you're in for a shock," Twilight growled.

"No Miss Sparkle, you are. The city has declined your request to act as Scootaloo's foster parent. Miss Scootaloo, Hi, I'm-" Ms Hooves said happily now, but was again cut off.

"Go buck a pineapple lady," Scootaloo said.

"Scootaloo!" Twilight and Rarity scoffed. Though secretly, they felt the same, and the look on Ms Hooves face was priceless.

"Missy, I'm being nice. Let's keep it like that, okay?" Ms Hooves said, her voice icy for that smile.

"And I'm being difficult. Your move bitch," Scootaloo retorted. Twilight groaned and held her head, though she did admire the little filly right now more than she probably should.

Ms Hooves lunged for Scootaloo, hoping to grab her and drag her off, but Scootaloo is really quite nimble, and very skilled physically. "Miss Spark-" Ms Hooves began.

"Lady," Twilight interrupted calmly.

"What?" Ms Hooves said, exasperated.

"Lady. My title is Lady Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic and student of Princess Celestia. What were you saying Ms Hood?" Twilight asked.

"It's Hooves."

"Whatever, it doesn't even matter Ms Hoops. Scootaloo does not wish to go with you, and I won't make her," Twilight said, looking at her hoof much like Rarity tended to.

"I will get the Ponyville police involved if I must," Ms Hooves said.

"And I will get the Princesses. The fact of the matter is that I am higher up this little chain of command than you, or your boss, or their boss, all the way to the bucking top. So back off Ms Hooves, or I will make sure the only job you can find involves a shovel and the outhouse. Do I make myself clear?" Twilight said, looking down her snout. For the first time ever, Rarity could see the family resemblance between Twilight and her brother, the way he had done this to her but not two days ago.

So without another word, they all set off to town hall, passing the silent mare on the way. Most of town had turned out. Most threw things today, but they mostly missed, so there was that. Three friendly faces greeted them though, rounding out the gang.

"You ready to rock, Twi?" Rainbow asked. Soarin looked rather sharp in his uniform, and Pinkie was... well, more Pinkie like than last time.

"Yay! Lets win, then we can have a good-job-defending-your-rights party!" Pinkie cried.

"That sounds lovely right now Pinkie," Rarity said with a polite curtsy.

"Tehehe, my pleasure girls," Pinkie sang, hugging them all.

They all marched proudly to town hall, heads held high as they reached the steps, and walked up them, steeled in their resolve. Nothing would stop them now! Nothing.

Except a nearly empty court room. There was only seven ponies in here, actually make that six and a donkey, Cranky D. Donkey, counsel member. Twilight let her mouth hang open as she rallied for sanity.

"Granny, I thought we were here for a trial! What the-" Twilight began, but Granny hushed her with a time tested motherly glare.

"Deary, Ah asked ya here to plead yer case to the town counsel if ya will remember. Ah never said this was a court thingy now did Ah," Granny smiled. Then that kind smile faded, "Now shut yer trap. There's two matters a head of y'all this mornin. Next time try and be early!"

So Twilight and the gang sat down, their group more than doubling the original number present. They sat patently as one pony, Mr Greenhooves, complained about the early freeze damaging his new field irrigation system. Then they sat quietly as Mr Jim Beam and Mr Jack Hammer, two construction ponies gave a quick briefing about the repairs to the town hall, along with the maintenance schedule for the roads and street lamps. Then it was their turn, and not a moment to soon.

"Miss Twilight, correct?" William Wright asked, the last of today's chair members, along with Mayor Mare.

"It's Lady Twilight actually," Twilight chuckled. She was feeling much better about this suddenly.

"So why should we allow fillyfoolers to live in our town? You yourself have seen the public reaction to your relationship, and I dare say, it's not good," William said. And there went the nice feeling.

"Well, first, please don't use that term, it's rather insulting. And second, we pose no danger to any institutions, marriage or otherwise. Why shouldn't we be allowed?" Twilight asked.

"Cause this town is an earth pony town," Granny replied. "This town has always believed in family values, which y'all so blatantly don't, from where Ah sit at least."

"How?" Rarity scoffed.

"For one, commitment. Twilight Sparkle has been open lately about her promiscuous past," Cranky read with a frown. "She had several partners for only one such engagement. Is this true?"

"Twilight had never dated before, yes, but that was before. We are committed now," Rarity pleaded.

"And how many other partners did Twilight have before?" The mayor asked politely.

"Hehe, um... Two..." Twilight began.

"That's not so bad," William said.

"...Hundred eighty seven," Twilight finished blushing enough for everypony there.

"How?" Everypony present asked. Including the construction crew and Mr Greenhooves.

"Well, a few where at the same time..." Twilight said shrinking into her seat.

Finally Cranky managed to regain thought, as he asked, "And where they all other mares?"

Twilight did the impossible and blushed even more, saying meekly, "They were not even all ponies..."

"Oh Celestia," Rarity muttered under her breath.

"So I think we should move on to the second item, abuse," Granny said, paler than anypony had ever seen her. There is only so much any pony's mind can take, and they figured it was best to change subject before they tested the limit much more.

"Abuse?!" Twilight exclaimed, and now Rarity blushed.

"Two days ago, when you arrived, you had fresh whip marks on your flank, which Miss Rarity was responsible for, correct?" William asked.

"How did you know?" Twilight asked, confused. They hadn't breathed a word to anypony.

"Rarity has a history, to say. She hospitalized two stallions before during... intercourse," The mayor read.

Twilight looked to Rarity, questioningly. "I said it took me years to get right," Rarity smiled awkwardly. Twilight blushed.

"Well, I think you're excellent," Twilight smiled. She might have took a bit of pleasure from making the counsel feel a bit out of place, but only because they were.

"Third, foal bearing and respect for public officials. This morning Miss Scootaloo-" The mayor began, but was cut off.

"That bitch wanted to steal me from Twilight! She had it coming!" Scootaloo yelled.

"And the fact that we have no such outburst from heterosexual couples before leads us to believe that two mares cannot effectively raise a foal," Cranky sighed as he explained.

"That's not true! You don't have nearly enough data to make that accusation!" Twilight yelled, standing now.

"Sit down young'un. The fact that ya threatened the mare as well does not help yer case," Granny retorted. Twilight snorted as she shook with rage. It had been a set up. Granny had planted that bitch to secure their case, she must have. It was time for the big guns then.

"Granny, I studied Ponyville law last night, and uncovered the Apple family secret!" Twilight rallied. This was foolproof.

"What secret?" Granny asked, looking mighty perplexed.

"That your mother, Sew 'n Sow Smith, hated our fair Princess Celestia, and crafted rules to undermine her!" Twilight said, sitting down triumphantly.

"Well, yeah. We all know that," Granny said, stealing the wind out of Twilight's sails. "But that don't change nothin. Them rules are fer growin families, not pleasin ponies. Mah ma' hated her for her sluty ways Missy, true, but that changes nuthin bout the no fillyfoolers ruling for ten years ago. So tell me, why should you stay?"

Twilight breathed, "We are just two ponies in love. You don't hate us or what we want, you hate the change it represents. But these things change, as everything does. We are just the latest wave."

"Ten years ago, Cranky wouldn't even be on the counsel, much less a cornerstone like he is now," Applejack added. "Everything changes. This one is hard only because it makes y'all question yer loyalties, yer long held concept of right an wrong."

"Exactly," Pinkie added, "I tried things with a mare, but I'm still the same Pinkie. It's not my thing, but I can see that for Twilight and Rarity, it is. Call it Pinkie sense."

"Yep. I love a mare too, it's just who I am," Fluttershy said, then realized what she said. "I'm sorry, I just got caught up in the action of it all."

"That's alright darling," Rarity smiled. "I for one grew up in Ponyville, but I came to love Twilight of my one free will. I believe that makes a strong case for this being nature, not nurture."

"May I?" Scootaloo asked, waving a hoof in the air as if in school. "I'm Bisexual, always have been. I like it all!" She smiled, a bit too enthusiastically. That girl is a wonder, I'll give her that, Twilight chuckled to herself.

"Thank you ladies, for your stirring accounts. We called this meeting to review the subject of citizenship rights for same sex couples. But in the end, I find that Fillyfoolers such as you still pose a danger to our firmly held family belief system, our local doctrine, and local welfare based on potential hate crimes against you. I vote for the ban. All in favor?" William asked. This was it. Granny predictably voted for the ban. The mayor shot it down, she was willing to try. That just left one.

"I think we should try, I myself like change," Cranky said with a smile to his friend Pinkie. A tie, better than a defeat, it gave them time. Except for one small detail.

"That's a tie then, and Ah will have y'all know Ah hold the tie breaker position," Granny said.

"Nope," Said a big red stallion nopony had even noticed had walked in with his youngest sister. Big Mac walked up the table, and placed down a law book in front of his granny. "Ya don't have the vote Granny. Y'all voted in this matter, makin ya partial. It goes to the next oldest present Apple Family Member, which is me."

"Big Mac..." Applejack whispered.

"Before Ah vote, Ah wanna know somethin. Tell me the truth sis," Big Mac said looking to her.

Applejack swallowed, and looked right past Big Mac. This wasn't for him, and his honest, humble ways. It was to Granny, the hard worker that had raised Applejack basically, but now tried to dictate how somepony else was supposed to live their life. "Ah- Ah'm A fillyfooler Granny! A fillyfooler and Ah am damn proud!" Applejack cried.

"What? These filthy whores corrupted my granddaughter!" Granny Smith yelled, no longer the nice little old mare.

"No, she came bout this for herself Granny. Yer wrong bout them, their still the same girls they always were, now just in love. Ah vote against," Big Mac smiled.

Ten ponies cried in joy, hugging each other as they danced around, and two mares shared their first, maybe only kiss ever inside that hallowed building. One stallion though, smart as he was, got his friends and family's attention.

"Um, ladies? Ah don't think everypony else is as happy as you are..." Big Mac said as he listened to the angry yells gathering, the windows starting to shake.

"Let them hate. I can deal with the glares and mean words," Twilight said, her lips just inches from Rarity's. They walked, tail and tail, to the door, ready to face the boos and slander. As the old saying goes, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. But those sticks and stones should not be dismissed.

The stone, no larger than a bit, hit Rarity right above the eye, as she walked down the steps. Twilight watched as the world, her world, slowed. She watched her love, one of the most important ponies in her life, fell to the ground, blood running down her face from the gash above her eye. The colt, no more than sixteen, yelled something, but Twilight never heard it. It might have been an apology, but based on the second rock he was grabbing for, it was not. A few ponies started to throw things, but Twilight never took note. They deserve it, they hurt her, and she is yours. Avenge her, Magic whispered. She turned her eyes onto the citizens, their stones and trash frozen in thin air. Then She spoke.

"No Pony Hurts My Rarity." No pony was left standing afterwords. Twilight was sure of that. She punished them all, using a simple spell to induce agony in all those that expressed hate right now. But there were so many, so so many, so full of hate. Twilight would repair the damage done to her love, all of it, the home she had lost, the cut, all of it. Twilight gave Rarity everything but the one thing she truly wanted. Her.


"Rarity!" Applejack cried as she rushed to her friend. Fluttershy sped past, and picked up Rarity.

"There there my love," Fluttershy whispered, but Rarity didn't notice. She was fighting to be free, trying to get to the only spot of grass, the force of Magic having melted the snow atop it moments ago.

"Twi-Light!" Rarity managed. "Where- is- She? Twilight!?"

"Rarity, She's-" Rainbow said, limping over. Rainbow tried to piece it together, but, but she had to be wrong. Surely, Twilight was -

"Where's Twilight?" Scootaloo cried. Spike slumped into the snow, shaking as he stared helplessly. It had been so fast, and now...

Pinkie cried, turning away from the barren spot and hugging whatever was closest. That thing, Big Mac, didn't fight it, but hugged her back, his breathing labored. He had never seen some pony- No, no she couldn't have. She would never.

"Twilight!" Rarity screamed as she pawed at the ground, tears rolling down her face freely. She couldn't breath. She couldn't move. She simply lay in the wet grass, her blood still smeared across her face. "Twilight! Please, Don't leave me! I Need You! Come back, please! Please! I Love You! Twilight!" Rarity cried, and cried, and cried. That day, the world ended for two mares.

In Memory of the Twilight and the World Carries On

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"How is she?" The ruler asked.

"She's heartbroken," The dragon replied gravely. She could hear them both, but didn't care. She just laid in bed, the bed she had so recently shared with her. It still smelled like her if Rarity focused. Why? Why can't I even hold onto this small piece of her? Is that too much to ask?

"Rarity," Celestia said poking her head into the bedroom, "It's time. Please, we all want you to be there."

Rarity just laid there. Her mane had not been brushed in days, her coat was yellowing from her natural oils, But she didn't care. Rarity was broken. Celestia came and settled next to her on the bed, careful to avoid Twilight's spot.

"Rarity, I know this is hard, but we must go. We want to pay her our respects, and it would not be the same with out the mare she loved so much there," Celestia kindly offered.

"I can't."

"Why not"

"It's my fault."


"She let Magic burn her up, for me."

Celestia exhaled. This was harder than she had thought. She thought Rarity would want to see Twilight off, but in the end, she would not even move. Celestia looked around at the trash piled around the bed, sighing inwardly. Rarity had only left the bed to use the bathroom, but nothing else. Spike and Sweetie brought her food, and her friends checked on her every day. Celestia's eyes danced around the scar on Rarity's fetlock, where she had tried it, once. She just wanted to see Twilight again so badly, so so badly. But her friends stopped her, telling her Twilight would never let her do that. What had this world come to?

"She did it to save you, protect you. She loved you so much," Celestia wavered, holding back a tear of her own. She placed her head on Rarity's back, and sighed.

Rarity just laid there. She had said more in these past 5 minutes than she had ever since- just ever since. She looked out the window, into the gloomy gray abyss that hung in the sky perpetually now. It was fitting, a world without Twilight didn't deserve color. It deserved to be as cold as Rarity's heart right now.

"We want you too come. Please? For Twilight?" Celestia asked, rising. Right now was not the time for her to be wary, but to show resolve, strength.

Rarity sighed, and looked to the ruler that smiled softly as she asked for the impossible. Damn her, she would get her bloody wish. But Rarity would take no joy in it, no closure, because that meant Twilight was gone for good.

"You don't have to speak if-" Celestia began.

"No, I do. For Twilight, no pony else can do her justice. I want to tell the world how much she means to me. I just miss her so much," Rarity said. She had no more tears, they had passed as her sorrow stole them away. Her make up from that day was still on her face. She looked a mess, not the way Twilight's memory deserved. "Can I wash up first?"

"Of course. We'll wait for you if you want to come," Celestia smiled her false smile. It was hollow, meaningless, just like a world devoid of that mare Rarity loved more than life itself.


At the funeral, Rarity had tried to speak, but broke down. She was so brave, but in the end, it was too much for her to suffer alone. No pony blamed her, no pony envied her, no pony could comfort her. It was a small gathering, unfitting a hero of Equestria, but Twilight would have liked it. Twilight's brother and sister came, along with her cousin and all of her friends. The Princesses too. Her parents showed, though they had just met the girl. So had Clockwork and Ditzy, being the kind souls they are, they wanted to honor Twilight as well. It was just them, her friends and family, standing around the frozen cemetery.

That night, in the library where Rarity and Sweetie Belle had moved in afterwords, everypony sat around, with the gall to laugh. They were telling stories about her, and Rarity hated them for it, but yet, she couldn't help but laugh at a few. She loved hearing about Twilight, but the words were bitter sweet. Each one reminding her that no new stories would ever be writ. That silly lavender mare had touched so many, to now be left out in the cold, all alone. She refused the drink offered her. She wanted to remember right now, as painful as it was, it was all she had left.


A day passed slowly, then a week. A month, then a year. One night, after getting Sweetie Belle and Spike off to bed, as Rarity slumbered, she had a familiar dream, that there was a lavender mare in bed with her. It was the best part of sleeping these days to be honest. But tonight...

"Sleep tight my love. I'm sorry I don't have much time here, but I will always love you. Goodbye, sweetest Rarity," The voice in her dream said. Rarity bolted awake, putting a hoof to her cheek. She could swear she had felt lips upon it just moments ago. Rarity sighed, it had been a dream. Just a stupid wonderful dream. The white mare looked to the calender. It was the anniversary of the day she and Twilight discovered their love. Naturally. Oh how she had always wanted to spend the rest of the night crying.


Outside of Ponyville, the year passed in turmoil. Without the threat of the Elements anymore, crime rose across Equestria. In a last ditch effort to contain it, Luna instituted the Evil League of Evil, under the belief that if they must have crime, why not organize it. Everypony initially laughed at the idea, but the world found itself in love with the concept, and the League soon flourished, under the leadership of one stallion, named Bad Horse. This league meant new villains for sure, but it also stemmed the tide of low level thugs, none of them able to compete with the ELE's raw horsepower. The enrollment criteria for the League actually acted to ensure domestic peace, oddly enough. Though Bad Horse still wanted a murder every now and then.

One such hopeful to the League was the villainous Dr. Adorable. She quickly gained the attention of Canterlot's own Mare Do Well, the two fast becoming sworn enemies. Though the bad doctor only struck about once a month, it was always... rather cute. Her crimes where never evil per-say, but her magic countering technology and devices made her a serious threat if left unchecked.

Celestia sought to create a league of heroes to fight back, but that idea only had 7 applicants. The remaining Elements, the Mare Do Well, and one stallion that called himself the Doctor. Worst heroic name ever, he didn't even wear a costume, other than that long scarf. And his side kick was just herself, no name, no gimmick. It was just the Doctor and Ditzy. So Celestia upped her guard contingent, provided for better training, and rallied public support for law enforcement. Much easier, much safer, and lots of toned ponies running around town now, though surely that last one was just a side effect, Celestia would never do that on purpose.


Rarity carried her love of Twilight still, but she was getting more social. She spent more time with friends at first, then family. Shining and Cadence had their daughter, a little alicorn named Skyla. Rarity was made her godmother, and informally welcomed into the Star family. Scootaloo was adopted finally, but it was not by Rarity. Rainbow Dash and Soarin had adopted her, much to the filly's perpetual joy now. There was even talk coming down about Rainbow and Soarin tying the knot soon. That thought made Rarity happy, though she still felt so alone. So lonely, that even her adopted family pushed for her to date.

"Rarity, you need to consider dating again," Cadence said while Rarity made Skyla a bottle.

"So I'm told. I just cant do that, not to Twilight."

"Rarity, you're just torturing yourself. Please, just give it a try?" Cadence asked. Rarity rolled her eyes, and looked to her sister over her shoulder. "You don't have to do anything big or fast, just lunch with somepony, that's all I ask."

"Alright, alright. If I promise to give it a shot, and go on one date, will you be happy?" Rarity asked

"The question is, will you be happy. It tears me up to see you so alone all the time. Please, Shining and I worry about you," Cadence said taking the bottle and giving it to Skyla.

With a sigh, Rarity conceded. "I hate to worry you two. So I will at least give it a try." Rarity smiled. It was a thin promise, but a lady never backs out. Rarity would step into the world with this promise of trying, and she swore it would be some pony that Twilight would approve of. So Rarity went to her favorite thinking spot, her only place to talk with Twilight these days. But upon arriving there, she found the grounds to already be inhabited, by a little blond pegasus with the soft pink mane.

"Oh, hello Fluttershy. How are you today?" Rarity asked her savior. It had been Fluttershy that pulled her out of the tub that day, the day she tried.

"I'm doing okay, I guess. I miss her," Fluttershy said. In truth, Fluttershy felt her competition was gone, but she had still cared for Twilight, as a friend. Who couldn't.

"Me too. I still dream of her."


"Yes darling?"

"I know this is probably not the time or place, but do you want to get lunch? I love spending time with you, and want to see you happy again," Fluttershy asked. "I just don't want to see you in pain. I want to help, please."

Rarity chuckled, was she really so bad off? "Yes darling, that sounds lovely. Are you free right now?"

"Yes! I mean, yes, yes I am," Fluttershy blushed, her ears falling back in embarrassment.

"Lovely. Just give me a minute with Twilight?"

"Of course." Fluttershy said stepping away. Rarity smiled, she had not intended to actually follow through so fast, but everypony was so worried. Her family wanted her to date, so she would, the only mare she knew that would not take advantage of her broken state. Her closest friend, the only one that stood by her now from before.

"Twilight, I love you. I always will, and some day, I will see you again. But til then, I think it's time I acted a little more social, don't you think? Don't worry my love, you will always come first. Fluttershy knows that."


It was mid summer now, a random day off the calender it seemed. If only Rarity knew how much fate loved days like those. Rarity was babysitting today, taking a close liking to the little princess. Even at just 6 months old, Skyla knew she was entitled to a higher standard of life. The two were heading to meet Fluttershy for lunch at a new cafe in town, with a lovely view of the forest.

"Fluttershy! Darling, thank you for suggesting this place, shall we?" Rarity called to her sort-of-marefriend. Out of the ordeal, Fluttershy had remained as close as ever, a point that Fluttershy jokingly never let Rarity live down. Though Fluttershy dreamed of more sometimes, she was patent, letting Rarity ease into things at her pace.

"It's my pleasure Rarity. Hello Skyla, how's my little princess?" Fluttershy cooed. This was the happiest Rarity felt these days, spending time with Fluttershy and Skyla, Shining and Cadence. Rarity wished Sweetie Belle had more free time, but since discovering her talent for singing, she had become a bit of a star, and Spike was the new librarian, but only because he already knew where all the books where. They sat down at the cafe, Rarity happy to finally be off her hooves. It was a glorious day, one Twilight would have loved. Oh who am I kidding, she would have spent the whole day reading and laying with her head in my lap, Rarity admited to herself. She floated over a menu, and opened it just in time to hear a scream. Not Skyla, for once, but somepony down the street.

"G-G-G-Ghost!" Somepony cried. Probably Rainbow Dash just having a good prank.

"That's preposterous. I am not a ghost!" A familiar voice cried out. No, it couldn't be. Fluttershy heard it too, but for some reason she looked scared. Like that voice could ever pose a threat to her.

"You're not? Everypony, she's not a ghost!" The pony yelled, "She's a Changeling! Get her!" Everypony charged, and pilled onto the pony in question before Rarity could see.

"Get Off Me!" A lavender unicorn shouted as she repelled her attackers. "I'm not a Changeling either! I'm-"

"Twilight!?" Rarity questioned, getting her first clear look at the pony.


"Ditzy, never again! Never again are you to just wonder off when I say stay here, understood," The Doctor, or as he was called on Equis, A. Clockwork Orange, chided. Ditzy just smiled at him.

"What, I made a new friend!" Ditzy rallied picking up the small robot she had befriended.

The Doctor sighed, "Ditzy, its called a Roomba. It's a vacuum cleaner."

"Well it's my friend," Ditzy smiled. Everything was normal aboard the TARDIS, a good sign things were about to go-

FLASH!- wrong. It never fails. The center consul burned white hot, a light so blue it was white poured forth, making Ditzy and the Doctor cower near the back of the control room. A loud thump and a groan later, and the light was gone, as mysteriously as it came. The Doctor and Ditzy both loomed over the mare now inhabiting their floor, and sighed. Ditzy knew her, she was... Um, Shoot, Ditzy thought, I really need to get an address book.

"Well that was unexpected?" Ditzy said.

"Not really. The TARDIS feeds on the magic from your world, a strong enough magical pulse would defiantly be picked up, anywhere in the universe," The Doctor offered.

"You're making that up..." Ditzy sighed.

"Oh yeah, I just like to sound smart," The Doctor smiled.

"So what should we do?" Ditzy asked.

The Doctor looked at a screen, written in his odd alien code, and chuckled. "Brace for impact," He said too happy for the sentence.


Twilight had no memory of getting in the odd building, or why it was tumbling, but she was awake now, and it was doing just that, rather impolitely, as buildings did not regularly tumble as such. But it was, and there was no stopping it. Twilight was in for a hard time. Soon the building stopped, and her problems only began. First, somepony was on top of her.

"My back," Twilight moaned, "Does not feel better with your plot on it!"

"Oops, my bad Twilight!" Ditzy chimed, standing up. Then she realized something, that she had remember their guest. "Twilight! Did you see that fun crash?!"

"Ditzy, crashes are not fun! Are you okay, Sexy?" Clockwork asked to no pony. Ditzy huffed.

"A girl might get jealous of you always calling the TARDIS sexy, Doctor."

"What does that mean? The TARDIS and I have been together for 1100 years, I think I can call the ol' girl sexy every now and again!"

"Where am I? How did I get here? What the hay are you two doing here?" Twilight demanded. Ditzy smiled and hugged Twilight.

"Your first time on board and you got a crash! You're so lucky!" The wall eyed mare rejoiced.

"Lucky? I could have died!?" Twilight shot back.

"Oh, there's no need for that. I'm sorry Twilight, the TARDIS crashed because of a powerful magical force that is persisting on the ship, crippling the ol' girl. I should really fix her," Clockwork said.

"None of that made any sense!" Twilight cried.

"Don't worry, I've been dating him for three years now, And I still don't know what he's talking about," Ditzy confessed.

"But you two just met right before the Winter-" Twilight began.

"Not actually, Miss Twilight!" Clockwork called.

"Lady Twilight."

"What ever horn head, Ditzy and I started dating on hearts and hooves day this year for you. But we are time travelers. It's complicated. Get over it," Clock chided leaning against the rails, giving a condescending look.

"Really? That's great! I'm a time traveler too!" Twilight cried.

"This doesn't count, you're a stowaway. Stowaways never count, unless they happen to be me."

"No, I used a time spell to travel back in time once for a brief minute," Twilight finished.

"Really? Time travel with out a machine! That's really powerful magic," The 'Doctor' smiled. Then the smile turned into a stare of daggers and fire, "Like the kind hurting my ship!" Clock cried out angrily. "Off you go," He said hopping down and pushing Twilight to the doors.

"Wait! No! Ditzy!" Twilight cried.

"Bye Twilight! It was good seeing you again! You had a lovely funeral by the way!" Ditzy called out smiling.

"What!?!?" Twilight cried as she was kicked out the doors into the cool night air of where ever she was. As soon as she left the building, it's doors slammed shut, and a odd whirring sound heralded the exit of whatever had brought Twilight here. Twilight shakily got to her hooves as she faced down a rather large, rather angry giant roach monster.

"I don't think I'm on Equis anymore," Twilight gulped, then readied for battle. "Well then, I don't get to see my Rarity again if I die here! I'll prove those time travelers wrong! I won't die here today! FOR RARITY!" Twilight cried, charging the creature. Little did Twilight know how over the next five years, 'For Rarity' would become the most harrowing sound any force could hear charging against them. Many found this out the hard way, til one day, the lavender mare went with the only plan she shouldn't.

"I live in my own hell these days, just wasting time till I die. There's no power in the universe great enough to get me home, Magic." Twilight spoke to the only thing that understood her now.

Not true, Magic replied within her mind, There is one way. You know it already. Use the gate of Tartarus. It loops trough time and space, dear Twilight.

"I can't use the gate twice. I had to barter with Hades for my last trip, and that was just sending an image over to say goodbye. What would I do if he wanted more than a pardon for somepony this time?"

Is it not better to try, to at least see her again? If you loved her, you would take the chance. Do you fear the darkness?

"No. Magic, you know better than all how far I have gone for any hope of seeing Rarity again. But I can't bring that curse on her. I love her, and if me staying away will protect her, then so be it."

Please Twilight, we don't have time anymore. I'm dying. I need to be back on Equis. If I don't get there soon-

"I know, every unicorn will die...Bucking hell. Alright Magic, I hate to say this, but we'll use the gate. Please grant me strength. I swore I would never use this spell, but I have no choice now."

I will protect her as best I can Twilight, I owe you that.

"Thank you Magic," Twilight said taking a deep breath, as she channeled her magic to one spot. "I, Lady Twilight Sparkle, the Horn of Magic, ask you, Charon, Ferryman of Hades, to grant me passage through Tartarus!"


"Twilight?... Is- Is that- Oh my Celestia!" Rarity cried throwing her forelegs around the mare, crying harder than she knew she could. She pulled back and kissed the mare, several time, fast and hard. Rairty then stopped her affection and slapped the mare, a then continued her loving actions. "I missed you! So Much! I love you Twilight! I Love You!"

"Rarity!" Twilight cried. She had been through Tartarus and back, literally, to get here, and it was so worth it, for this alone. "I missed you so much! I love you more than you could imagine!" Twilight cried.

"I love you! Don't you ever leave me again!" Rarity cried. She fell to her flank, crying harder and harder as she continued to hang onto the lavender mare. "Please, tell me I'm not dreaming! I can't stand that heart break again. Please!"

Twilight kissed the mare, so fiercely they fell to the ground, much like the first time they ever kissed in Rarity's shop. "No, it's real! I'm here now, I'm sorry it took me so long!"

"Twilight I love you, I would have waited forever," Rarity sighed as she became sure this was real.

"I know, I would have as well. But 5 years is still way too long," Twilight said kissing the mare again.

After the kiss, Rarity looked puzzled, "5 years? Darling, it's only been one and a half."

"What? I- Time travel, of course..." Twilight groaned, burying her face in Rarity's mane. Rarity didn't even care that she was laying in the dirt, she had her love back.

"Darling, I think you and I need to have a little talk..." Rarity sighed. It was long overdue, but she had her love back, finally. A cry pierced the air, a baby's cry. "Oh shoot, that's Skyla!" Rarity said rising to tend to her little surprise.

Twilight blinked. "Skyla... Rarity, you..."

"Yes darling, this is Skyla, your niece. Say hi Skyla!" Rarity cooed to the foal. "What did you think was going on?"

"Nothing. I just-" Twilight began. Rarity shot her a glare.

"I would never cheat on you darling. I love you too much. Though I should tell you. I started to date again, sort of."

"Oh? Who is it?" Twilight asked, fear rising within her.

"Well, I have been sort of dating Flutters-hy...? Where did she go?" Rarity asked just noticing her friends absence.

"Fluttershy? Rarity, We don't know how to feel about this," Twilight said taking a seat. Everypony in town seemed to be staring at them now.

"We?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah. Magic and I. We, um... learned to get along, sort of."

"I see. No more loose cannon?"

"No more." Twilight promised. "But we do slip in and out of the plural form every now and then."

"Good enough. And I will tell Fluttershy later, that you and I are still together, though I think she already knows. But for right now, I have my Twinkle back!" Rarity laughed taking her seat, almost in Twilight's lap. Buck the crowd, buck them all, they were back together, and nothing else mattered.


Back at her tree cottage, surrounded by her animal friends, Fluttershy cried and cried, throwing books and things, very lightly of course, but still enough to get Angel Bunny's attention.

"Oh Angel, she came back! I lost my only chance! How, how could Celestia let this happen to me again!?!" Fluttershy cried. Angle rolled his eyes, and grabbed Fluttershy's head, shifting her gaze to her 'Special' wardrobe.

"Oh Angel! Of course! I can't do anything about it, but Dr Adorable can! Muahahaha," Fluttershy laughed, mirroring the one she had in the garden of the Gala. "Yes, dear Twilight. Its a brand new day, the sun will shine. All the birdies sing, cause you're gonna pay!"


"My friends and family alike, let me reintroduce to you all, Twilight Sparkle!" Rarity cried that night to the assembled ponies in the Library. Word had spread fast, but still, Rarity wanted to make a show.

"Welcome back home!" "Great to see you again Twilight!" "Been too long!" were among the cries for the lavender mare.

"Twilight!" Spike cried, throwing his arms around Twilight. The little guy hadn't grown at all. Not surprising, considering how long his life span was.

"Twily! I came out as soon as I heard. It's great to have you back!" Shining Armor cried hugging his sister tight.

"I missed you guys sooo much!" Twilight said hugging her brother and Spike back. "Not as much as Rarity, but a very close second."

"Oh, I see," Shining laughed. Spike just enjoyed the feeling of having his mom back, though he would never call her that out loud.

"So what happened Sis? We thought you had..." Cadence said and faltered, she could not talk about Twilight's near death, not now.

"Well, I was casting, and then I was gone, right?" Twilight asked, recieving a round of nods. "Well, what happened was that I was transported to some strange place, a new world actually. I lived there for five years, fighting new and horrible monsters everyday. Then about a week ago for me, I learned how to create a portal into Tartarus, and devised a plan to cross through there to the Equis gate. It took me three days longer than anticipated once in, but I finally made it here, then beet hooves to get home. I was on my way into town, when I was jumped by everypony. They actually thought I was a Changeling, can you believe that? Anyways, seconds after I stopped them, Rarity comes running up to me."

"Wow. 5 years!?" Rainbow asked, wide eyed. "Didn't think you had it in ya egghead!"

"Thanks?" Twilight guessed. The gang was enjoying a professional Pinkie Party, though the mare had seemed to calm down a tad, and was she looking a little too plump? No, surely she's not, Pinkie's metabolism is way to high to let her gain weight, otherwise she would be spherical by now. "So what did I miss? And I swear I just saw Fluttershy. Fluttershy!" Twilight called peaking through the crowd, "Come over here."

Fluttershy walked over and hugged the lavender mare, though it was the hug of one who was really being forced. There was no love in it, no kindness. Just the action. Twilight could only guess, figuring that she had just cost Fluttershy her first relationship ever. The poor mare.

"I'm sorry," Twilight whispered, hugging her friend. "I never meant to hurt you."

"I'm sorry too," Fluttershy whispered back.

"For what?" Fluttershy didn't answer, instead she smiled nervously. Twilight guessed she was sorry about her and Rarity, and left it at that.

"Well Darling," Rarity began, with a large smile and a laugh, "The first thing you missed was the birth of the most perfect niece ever."

"Yeah, Sometimes I think Rarity is going to kidnap her," Shining joked.

"I would never! Okay, I so would," Rarity smiled, hugging the foal in question, getting a happy laugh from the girl.

"You also missed Applejack almost being kicked out of Sweet Apple Acres," Rainbow said, bringing the joyous laughter to a settling point.

"Granny really took it that hard?" Twilight asked.

"Big time. Celestia had to mandate after your town meeting that no pony was allowed to deny any other pony rights based on any choice, or event of birth. Equal rights laws, she called them," Shining said thoughtfully. "Bout time if you ask me."

"Yeah, those are pretty cool. Oh, I adopted Scoots," Rainbow said to undo the damage of her last bout of forgetfulness. "She's a natural flyer Twi. Took home the Ace title in flight camp this year."

"That's wonderful. Did she earn her cutie mark?" Twilight asked, and Rainbow's awkward smile made it clear that no, Scootaloo still had not found her talent. Twilight figured Scootaloo would have been adopted, but it still felt odd. Twilight had grown quite attached to the curious little filly over their short time together.

"Yeah, she's on a week long tour with Sweetie and Apple Bloom right now. Those girls are doing great things, I swear," Soarin added.

"And AJ is in Canterlot..." Twilight sighed. "Damn, I miss them all."

"Oh Twilight," Rarity fussed, kissing Twilight again.

"So how does the town treat us lesbians now?" Twilight asked.

"Well, we're safe because everypony remembers what happened to them last time. But others meet more hostility. Like Applejack and Amy when she visits. Or Lyra and Bon-Bon, they both came out shortly after our ordeal, took up the public face," Rarity smiled.

"Dr. Adorable," Fluttershy said, looking out the window. For the shy mare, speaking out of turn was common, she tended to fall out of sync as she built up courage.

"What?" Twilight said, confused. Everypony else was a little scared, and Shining was a touch upset.

"She's here?!" He cried, rising.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry. I just blurted that out. But Twilight had asked what she had missed. Equestria's newest super villain, Dr Adorable," Fluttershy squeaked. Everypony settled, and began to talk about how times had changed indeed.

"So..." Twilight finally ventured, "We have a super villain?"

"Yeah, the Mare Do Well keeps fighting her. They seem to be perfectly matched," Pinkie said sitting down.

"Wow. That's- scary..." Twilight lied. She knew Amy was no push over in hoof to hoof, but Twilight had just spent far to long fighting everyday for survival, and now not much scared her. Nothing except losing Rarity and snakes. Somethings, a pony never gets over.

"Oh yes, Dr Adorable claims to fight for love and equality by bringing down the system. She won't stop til she's in the Evil League of Evil," Fluttershy smiled, then chucked awkwardly, "I um, kind of like reading about the battles. They're exciting."

"Tell me about it. That Doc has a thingy that freezes time!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Now that I could use," Twilight laughed. Everypony joined in, just enjoying the night.

"So I've heard a lot of stories, but not what's up with Pinkie," Twilight finally caved. "What's up party machine?"

"Oh, hehe, that's right, I guess you did miss it. I'm pregnant now. About 6 months," Pinkie smiled.

"That's great. Who's the daddy?" Twilight said.

"A great stallion named Dolos. Let me explain, I had just broken up with Big Mac, I was angry, and went to the bar. There I meet Doly as I call him. He said he had to leave the next day, he was just looking for a friend, nothing special. But one thing lead to another, and we hooked up that night. He still writes me, telling me he will be with me again as soon as he comes back from the Bad Lands," Pinkie mused.

"Sounds like love," Twilight said.

"It is," Pinkie sighed in contempt.

"That's life. You left for a bit, but nothing really stopped. Right, Rarity," Cadence said, glaring at the white unicorn.

"I should tell her, shouldn't I?" Rarity asked. The general reaction was mixed, but Fluttershy broke the tie.

"Yes. She needs to know what she put you through. She'll see it eventually," Fluttershy said rather coldly. Twilight found that odd, but said nothing, all eyes were on Rarity now for some reason.

"After your- your disappearance, I- I tried to- join you," Rarity whispered. It took Twilight a second to piece that together, as she looked to the out stretched hoof, with a scar along the fetlock.


"I missed you so much. For the first three days I didn't even leave the bed. I was broken, hell til this afternoon I still was. I tried to, to kill myself, once, on the day you left, but Fluttershy here stopped me. She rushed me to the hospital. I just wanted you back. I thought you were-" Rarity said as tears rimmed her eyes. Through all of her joy right now, all of her euphoria, she was still heartbroken, to frail to handle another loss. Two mares knew this, though neither said it to the other. They didn't really think the other had any clue how Rarity felt, to be honest.


Twilight and Rarity laid in bed, happily talking for the first time truly alone. One wonders what words would pass between two star crossed lovers such as these, but that wonder is ill placed. Twilight still has no idea what being a marefriend is all about.

"So I think I want to visit my grave," Twilight contemplated sleepily as Rarity laid on her chest. Rarity laughed heartily, and snuggled into the lavender fur again, for the first time ever it felt like. Twilight had not been the most fit pony before, but now? She was exactly the same. Only Twilight could manage 5 years hard combat and not gain or lose a pound. "What?" Twilight asked.

"Darling, only you would want to see your own tombstone," Rarity fussed. Then she cleared her throat and mumbled, "By the way, Celestia want to see us tomorrow in Canterlot. Something about the elements and giving it back to you and yeah I love you baby!" Rarity smiled as she speed up, hoping to finish before Twilight could piece it together. But Rarity need not worry, as Twilight began to snore lightly. "Oh, I see. Sleep tight my love, you earned it."

"No more... Slender go away..." Twilight moaned, tossing a bit. "Can't die... Save Rarity... Love her..."

Rarity sighed, as she placed her head on her lover's shoulder, and whispered to her, "You are not alone my love, never again." Rarity kissed Twilight's check, then slowly drifted off to slumber herself, for once not dreaming of the mare sharing it with her.

"Can't sleep... can't stop... or else... Rarity..."


"Mmm, good morning," Rarity cooed to a sleepy Twilight as she finally roused from slumber.

"Gah, sleep feels so alien..." Twilight groaned, hugging the white mare tight.


"Didn't sleep for five years," Twilight said, rubbing Rarity's shoulder. "among other things..."

"Like what, my love?" Rarity asked, though really, she knew where this was leading.

"I didn't eat for five years either, appearently," Twilight laughed to a growling stomach.

"Twilight, tell your belly to hush, we were just getting to the good part," Rarity chided, rubbing Twilight's chest. She was feeling mighty horny right now, and was not going to waste it. "There are certain things that I have not done in over a year. Things I will only do with you."

"Oh, Rarity, of course you can be sub this time," Twilight laughed.

"What? No no darling, I lead."

"You want to rule this bed? Make me bow down," Twilight teased.

"Bitch, I have ruled this bed for the past 18 months. You are just an errant intruder, that needs to be put in her place." Rarity said pulling Twilight's head back by her mane. "Goddess how I missed this."

"Me too. I love you," Twilight sighed, smiling like she had just found a rare book for 70% off.

"No talking interloper," Rarity said as she kissed the lavender mare. Twilight let her hooves glide down the white fur, tracing their all too glorious path. Rarity squeezed her legs around the hoof though, as it came near her center.

"Twilight, before we go on, I don't want to lose you again. Promise me this. Promise you and I will never be separated again," Rarity rasped, her breaths short and rapid.

"Nothing in time or space can tear me away from you," Twilight replied, "Never again. I will make a thousand deals with Hades if I must."

"What deals?" Rarity asked, pulling back an inch.

"Rarity, I-"

"Was it stupid?"




"For me?"

"For you. And I would do it all over again, just to see you happy," Twilight moaned.

"Mmm, I love when you get the answer right," Rarity laughed, kissing Twilight again. Twilight gently pressed her hoof into Rarity, and began rocking it back and forth, making Rarity wriggle in ecstasy.

"I love when you squirm like that," Twilight whispered.

"Be quite, Spike will wake up," Rarity moaned.

"You're the one being lo-UD!" Twilight began, but Rarity's expert touch elicited more than a moan from the lavender unicorn. "Oh Buck! That feels good!"

"Shut up," Rarity panted, then leaned forward and bit Twilight's shoulder. Her muffled screams of joy were still loud, at least to the self-conscious mares.

"Come on lover, come on," Twilight whispered, working her hoof harder and faster. Rarity bit harder, and doubled her speed into Twilight reflexively.

"Buck buck buck buck! I'm so close!" Twilight began to scream, bucking her hips to her lover.

Down in his room, one dragon sat wide eyed, not moving a muscle since he was first woken up by the pair. "I need therapy, bud," Spike said to Owluisious. The owl's reply of a hoot and a nod made it clear that it would be group therapy. "This is so messed up."


Author's note: What exactly happened in Tartarus, or between the Mare Do Well and Dr Adorable? Both questions will be answered in the next chapter. I just wanted to avoid the whole slew of 'What the Fuck Sam?' that was sure to follow. So next time, Fluttershy Unleashed and Twilight's Deal with the Devil. Peace out.

Thoughts of past and futures.

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Twilight and Rarity sat upon the train, the hiss of the steam muffled by the glass. Rarity was talking about all Twilight had missed. About this, and that. But Twilight was not really paying attention. Her mind slipped back, back to her escape from the land she had known for the past 5 years. Back to her stupidest decision ever, but one she would never regret.


"Welcome back, Lady Twilight," The hooded creature said, with words yet nothing.

"Charon," Twilight bowed as she slipped into the raft. "I pay the toll." Twilight said with a glow of her horn, summoning a golden drachma for the figure. Why it only accepted this as payment, Twilight could only guess.

The creature accepted, without word, and pushed off from the pier. They slipped deeper into the land, rolling down the black water, the River Styx. Twilight hated this part, seeing all of her worst fears climb out of the water and swarm her. First, a B- on a test. How droll. Next was losing a library book. Then Applejack siding with Granny Smith at the hearing. That was personal. Then came her worst fear yet, hurting Rarity.

"No," Cried the mare, trying to back away. "Stay back."

"Rarity, I love you. I could never hurt you." Twilight stammered.

"All you've done is hurt me," Rarity groaned, crying. "You made me lie to my friends, made me believe I was in love, and stole my most sacred possession, my innocence."

"No, I only tried to love you. To be with you-"

"No you didn't," Rarity interrupted, "You were never in love."

"It's all lies. It's just a fear," Twilight said to keep her cool.

"Did you seduce me because you knew I would be an easy target?"

"You're not real!" Twilight screamed.

"Buck off, you whore! It was in the end of a dry spell. You were getting desperate. I had a slight crush, and you wanted to have some sex. It's no wonder that you took to a relationship, that's the only way you would ever get to have sex again."

"Just stop it!" Twilight begged.

"Because how could a slut like you ever feel love?" Rarity demanded.

"You're wrong! I love you! I do! You're all I think of! I only want to make you happy! To make you safe! I love you, and would give my own life to save yours a million times over without a thought!" Twilight screamed, crying harder than ever.

"Then why do you fight to go back? I'm safer without you."

"To save you. I don't care about the rest of the unicorns, I don't care about anything. I just want to save you! See you! Please!"

"Hello, Lady Sparkle," Hades smiled as the raft reached the pier leading to his domain, the Judges of Fate.

"Twilight, darling?" Rarity asked, waking Twilight from her memory, "You fell asleep. Are you alright? You were talking in your sleep"

"I'm sorry. I was- just remembering stuff."

"Twilight?" Rarity asked, sensing her lover's fear.

"It's nothing. Honestly. Now, why don't we-" Twilight began, but a loud bang, like a book case falling in the library, rang out, and stopped all talk on the train. The door slid open, and there stood trouble. Dr. Adorable was on their train, and she looked none to happy.

Five minutes ago, Fluttershy had sat crouched in the cargo car, her goggles pressing into the bridge of her nose. But it was needed, less everypony figure out who she was. Six months had passed since she became the evil doctor, and she hated herself for it all the while. Rarity will never love me, unless I take a stand! Unless I bend the world to my will!

So the shy mare set out to do just that.


Six months ago-

"Oh, how about The Stare Master!" Called the only pony to know about Fluttershy's evil desires: Miss Pinkie Pie. She would figure it out anyways, so why wait.

"No, that sounds like a work out," Fluttershy sighed. "How about The Hoof?"

"The Hoof of what?" Pinkie asked, tossing a ball into the air.

"I don't know," Fluttershy chuckled. Right now, it was all still just talk, just fantasy.

"How about an evil doctor? Like Doctor Evil!" Pinkie cried.

"Too cheesy," Fluttershy cringed. In reality, she was scared of that name. It sounded much to fierce.

"Hmm, Doctor Horrible?" Pinkie offered, but Fluttershy misheard the party machine that ignored physics.

"Dr. Adorable? Yeah, I like that," She smiled.

"I love that name! I wish I thought of it," Pinkie said, completely honestly.

"But you... never mind. Thank you Pinkie." Fluttershy had first brought this idea forward after the creation of the ELE, that maybe she should give it a try. She was tired of being a door mat, of being ignored. So that night, Fluttershy found the perfect costume. It was all mixed and matched, but it worked. She put on that long black wig, and readied the goggles on her forehead. She buttoned the long white coat over her wings, and let the boots slip on. This was it. She was going to commit the perfect crime.

That night, under cover of relative darkness, as Fluttershy was too scared to go it in the complete darkness, the shy mare quietly infiltrated the compound, and silently cut the locks. She opened the cages in stealth, as liberated her prize. She was on the last cage, when the lights came on.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" A guard yelled.

"Eeep! I'm sorry! I was just liberating the poor bunnies! Please don't be angry with me!" Fluttershy yelled, throwing up her hooves around her head.

"Liberating bunnies? From a bucking pet store? What kind of silly... Wait," The guard stopped as he studied the mare, "Are you- a villain?"

"Yes," Fluttershy said, just above a whisper.

"Oh goddess, the ELE is here now! Bad Horse starts his reign of evil! Don't kill me!" The guard screamed as he bolted from the room.

"I- I s-scared him. I scared him!" Fluttershy cheered. "I did it! I'm a real villain now!"


"Dear Doctor Adorable," Fluttershy proudly read her letter from the ELE to Angel Bunny in her cottage. "We regret to inform..."

The bunny came over and placed a paw gently on her shoulder, patting her gently as she began to cry.

"I worked so hard!" Fluttershy wailed, burying her face in her hooves. "What else do they want? I struck fear into a pony! I disrupted local business! I-" Angel slapped Fluttershy on the back, making her stall, and admit the truth. "Okay, maybe freeing a bunch of cute bunnies isn't that evil, but I'm doing my best!" Angel rolled his eyes, and grabbed the copy of the Canterlot Times sitting nearby, thrusting it at the poor mare.

"What's this? A sale on duck feed? Oh I need that," Fluttershy smiled, and Angel smacked her with the rolled up news source. He thrust it at her again, slapping the name in print. "The Mare Do Well? Oh I couldn't do anything to Amy, Applejack would be heartbroken."

Angel tapped his foot, and snorted at the timid mare. "Well, I do want into the evil league of evil... But I don't know if I can go through with this. What if she hates me for it! What if she hurts me?"

Angel never wished before that he could talk, but right now it was all he wanted. He rubbed his temples, and pointed to the anti magic device Fluttershy had recently recieved. It's origin was shrouded in mystery, though the butter colored mare chalked it up to Ditzy delivering the wrong post. Again. "I couldn't use that!" Fluttershy squeaked. "It could kill her... But, maybe it doesn't have to..."

Fluttershy walked over and started checking over the machine. It was an easy design, distending a unicorn's magic, often to lethal limits. But it was a simple matter to adjust it, make warp their magical supply just enough to weaken a caster, but not cripple them. So finally, after hours of tweaks and mods, it was ready, and the evil Doctor was feeling the need to make a house call.


"Everypony, stay calm and no one will be hurt, besides her," Dr Adorable said, pointing to Twilight. Rarity reflexively threw her forelegs around the lavender mare. Everypony on board was in a state of pandemonium.

"The hell you say!" Rarity yelled at the... timid villain?

"Oh lords," Twilight groaned. "Everypony besides her and Rarity here, get out."

"What?" One mare recoiled.

"You heard me, get out. And when we get to Canterlot, don't say a thing! That's what these villains want," Twilight ordered.

"Who are you?" One colt asked, dumbstruck with fear.

"Lady Twilight Sparkle. I'm being foalnapped, don't panic. The ELE has strict rules governing this sort of event, a political coup."

"Twilight-" Rarity piped up.

"In a minute," Twilight reassured her lover.

"The hay are lords?" Rarity whispered. It was rather cute how in all of this, that was the most important detail, but that's Rarity, and why Twilight loved her.

"Oh, I'll tell you later. Now everypony, run. That's Doctor Adorable!" Twilight screamed, clearing the train. No pony wanted to face the mare of adorable.

"Mmhmm, thank you Twilight. I guess I was wrong," The mare chided as she locked the door between the cars. "I guess you can care about others."

"Oh shut up Fluttershy," Twilight growled. "You're not fooling anypony."

"What?" The two other mares recoiled.

"Why do you think she's Fluttershy?!" Rarity stammered.

"How did you know?" Fluttershy asked, lifting her goggles.

"Oh my goddess, you are Fluttershy!" Rarity screamed.

"I'm sorry Rarity. I never meant for you to find out this way," Fluttershy cried. "Twilight, how did you know?"

"Oh please," Twilight scoffed. "You did nothing about your tail."

"Oh shoot," Fluttershy pouted.

"Seriously Rarity? You even kissed her. You honestly couldn't tell?" Twilight chided, rounding on the white unicorn.

"Well I'm sorry!" Rarity hissed. "I was grieving the loss of the love of my life!"

"Do you have to say that," Fluttershy mumbled. "I love you too..."

"Darling, is that what this was all about?" Rarity asked, defeated in spirit.

"Yes..." Fluttershy managed, barely above a whisper.

"Ugh. Is there a magical spell to just fix everything?" Twilight groaned.

"Oh that's your answer for everything," Fluttershy said. "Little Miss Magic. 'I'm, Twilight. I'll just use magic.'"

"Fluttershy?" Twilight asked, taken aback.

"You know, I hate that. You just magic everything, Magic, magic, magic."

"Fluttershy," Rarity gasped. "Magic is Twilight's special talent. You shouldn't hate on somepony for being who they are."

"I don't hate her for being who she is. I just hate that she thinks she can fix everything with Her magic." Fluttershy yelled back, finding courage from behind the device. She leveled the object on Twilight, as the lavender mare pushed Rarity away. "Thanks, didn't want to risk hitting her," Fluttershy yelled as she pulled the trigger with her wing. The wave of anti-magic shot out, bobbing through the air as it hit Twilight square in the chest. Fluttershy jumped, unable to believe what she just did.

Sinking to her haunches, she and Rarity began to cry, looking at the frozen Twilight. Rarity was speechless, while Fluttershy could not manage with her newest sin. "I- I- Oh Celestia what have I done? I shot my friend..."

"Really?" Twilight finally asked. "You really just shot me."

"Twilight!" Rarity and Fluttershy cried in joy. "You're alright!"

"Well of course I am," Twilight scoffed. "I am Magic after all. You're weapons not going to work, Shy."

"Good! I can't handle this anymore! But may I ask why not?" Fluttershy asked, trowing the useless object to the ground, swearing to never let it's evil corrupt her again. It had lead to her trying to kill her friend, and she would never forgive or forget that.

"Because, the batteries are almost dead..." Twilight giggled. Fluttershy facehooved, knowing she had forgotten something this morning when she got ready.

"How did you know that?" Rarity whispered, not wanting to rain on Twilight's victory.

"I didn't," Twilight confessed. "I honestly just guessed."

"Good guess. If you ever risk your life again though, I'll kill you if you survive," Rarity said as she nipped Twilight's lip before kissing her.

"Twilight, I'm-" Fluttershy began.

"Don't. You were corrupted by that, that thing... Hey, I recognize that!" Twilight shouted, looking to the devise. "The Doctor had that in his place."

"Mr Orange?" Fluttershy asked, looking to the device again and remembering that Clock had called himself the Doctor once. This must have been part of his crime fighter gimmick. "Why?"

"Beats me?" Twilight shrugged. "But I think you had better lose the costume Shy, we're about five minutes out."


The Mare Do Well sat perched in the rafters of the train station, rocking a bit as she flexed her muscles. She was ready. She had stealth, surprise, and vantage point on her side. This time, she knew were the bad doctor was, and that would be the villains downfall. Too many times had this- this hack, made a fool of her. But this time, she was ready. She had never been so ready. She slid out a length of rope, tying a lasso and readying her trap. It was foalproof.

The train slid into the station, and before it even stopped, ponies were throwing themselves to the platform, desperate to get away. She was ready. There were no reports from the car taken over, but by all accounts, the doctor was still aboard. She would pay for her interference, the innocent she had harmed, the- is that Rarity? And Fluttershy too? And- And...

"Oh my gosh..." The mare drawled as she slumped in shock. "Ah can't believe it... Twilight's back," Applejack laughed as she pulled off her mask. "So much fer the plan Amy..."

"What? We had her! She was on the train!" Amy cried, slinking out of the shadows next to Applejack. The plan had been the old switcheroo. Get Dr Adorable to attack AJ with the beam, and when it failed, take her down in her shock. It had no effect on non-unicorns, and Applejack was more than skilled and ready. It was perfect, and now...

"Guess she fled..." Applejack offered.

"Bucking hell. Well, let's get changed, I think I saw Twilight down there," Amy snorted, then chuckled. "She's been gone a long time."

"True enough. Come on, she'll be headin to the Castle."


The gang of three made their way through the streets of Canterlot, heading over to the castle. Fluttershy was quieter than usual, probably because not ten minutes ago, she had tried to kill one of her friends. And bless them, bless them for all they could be blessed for, they forgave her, and apologized as soon as they could. But now at random, Twilight waived to a rooftop, or winked at a bush. It was grating the butter colored mare, and she had to know why.

"Because," Twilight smiled, "Applejack is hiding in that bush."

"Gosh Darnit! How'd ya know Twilight?" Applejack asked as she poked her head out of the bush in question.

"Years of Practice AJ. It's so good to see you," Twilight smiled as she walked over and hugged the mare. "By the way, saw you in the rafters at the station."

"What?" Applejack asked, then laughed it off. "Guess y'all got a whole new bag of tricks, huh Twi?"

"Something like that. Tell Amy to get down here, we need to see the Princess," Twilight laughed as she pulled Applejack over to the others, and towards the castle.


"I'm sorry Lady Sparkle, the princess is dealing with a terrorist attack on the train. Some pony tried to foalnap a royal court member." Dusty Trails said, bowing his head.

"Oh dear, I hope everypony is alright," Twilight feigned innocence, a lie not lost on Dusty. "Is it alright then if we wait inside?"

"Of course my Lady," Dusty bowed, opening the door for the gang of mares. They all walked in, and settled into the cushions, happy to be together again.

"So Amy, what have you and Applejack been up to?" Twilight asked as she took her seat.

"Oh mare, hope you're comfortable, cause this is a story," Amy laughed, sitting forward. "It all started six months ago..."


"Commissioner," The Mare said from the shadows, same as she always did.

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm the Captain," Shining Armor groaned. "And it took you long enough. We have a new wanna be villain out there."

"So? This is your work," The mare asked calmly.

"This new mare, Dr Adorable she's called, has some sort of new technology. She's not much of a threat, but that tech is, if it fell into the wrong hooves." Shining said as he passed a folder into the darkness. "Take her out. I need public support on this, and I believe if the citizens see another citizen rise up against the ELE publicly, they will start to fight back."

"You got it Captain," The Mare said, sliding back into the darkness.

"And try to not make out with any victims this time," Shining chided, making the Mare falter. "Say hi to Applejack for me."

"Seriously?" Amy cried, stepping forward and pulling off her mask. "Can't we keep this professional?"

"The reporters left when they thought you slipped into the shadows," Shining smiled.

"You jerk," Amy joked, sticking out her tongue.

"See you Thursday for dinner?"

"Yeah. See ya then," Amy sighed as she slipped past and down the stairs. The fact that the media believed her to be more than mare helped her more than her magical skills ever did.

But soon, she laid in wait, ready to spring a trap on the so called doctor. But she had to admit, looking at that girl from this distance, she was rather adorable...

"Please, I only wanna see the Mare Do Well," She begged, turning this way and that. Oh goddess she was seriously that bad. This should be quick.

"Here I am," The Mare Do Well growled, slipping out of the shadows behind the shy villain. "What do you want?"

"Please, I really want into the ELE," The villain pleaded, "I just need to defeat you to get in. I'll only hurt you a tiny bit, I swear."

"Foal, go home. I have no time for games," The Mare snorted.

"Please Amy-" The villain begged. The Mare's blood ran cold. "Oh buck..."

"I have no clue who you think I am, foal, but I've had enough," The Mare snarled as she drew out her rope. The timid villain fumbled with a devise on her side, slowly pointing it at the Mare, shaking like a leaf.

"Please, be kind enough to stay down," Dr Adorable asked, readying the weapon. Before she could ask politely again, her wing slipped, and squeezed off a burst. It was fast, and their distance short. The wave hit the Mare square in the chest, and sent her to the ground screaming in agony. "Oh no! I didn't mean to do that!" The evil mare cried, rushing to aid her victim. "I'm so sorry."

"What the buck kind of villain are you?" The Mare screamed, managing to get to her hooves alone. "I won't forget this. Mark my words Dr Adorable! I'll bring you to justice, and make sure that- that thing never hurts anypony again!"


"Wow," Twilight gasped, hugging Rarity tight as the story reached it's climax. Fluttershy was hiding under the table, though Amy and Applejack had no idea why exactly. "What happened next?"

"We played cat and mouse for months, every time I was just seconds from victory, she would use that thing against me."

"I'm sorry," Fluttershy said, peaking her head out. "To hear that, I mean."

"Thanks Shy. I wish this scum ball villain was as good as you," Amy smiled, nearly killing Fluttershy with guilt.

"Well, I wouldn't worry about her anymore," Twilight smiled.

"Not a chance. She knows my real name. I'll never rest til I know she's out of commission." Amy snorted.

"Oh," Twilight whispered, and looked to her lover. "Should I tell her the truth then, my love?"

"The truth?" Rarity asked, not following. But she caught on quick enough. "Oh darling, I couldn't bare to." Rarity was quite skilled at being dramatic, and thank the heavens, for once it was helpful, selling the story as she pretended to cry.

"There there my love, she's gone now, I promise," Twilight cooed, rubbing the white mare's back.

"Umm, what?" Applejack and Amy both asked.

"She attacked us on the train. I got everypony off the car, then I- I," Twilight choked up, and though her acting skills paled in comparison to Rarity's, they were good enough for the task at hoof. "I used my magic to banish her to the moon."

"The moon?" Amy asked, and for a second Twilight worried she would not buy it. "How? She has anti-magic stuff?"

"I've not had an easy 5 years lately." Twilight explained.

"5 years?" Applejack asked.

"It's a long story," Twilight sighed.

"Well Ah'll be. Twilight, yer magic always impresses me rightly, Ah tell ya what." Applejack smiled.

"If you say she's gone, I believe it," Amy smiled.

"Oh yes, Dr Adorable is gone. I don't think anypony will ever hear from her again," Fluttershy said, rising up just above the table now.

"Well, it's not justice, but at least nopony else will ever be hurt by that mare. Did you destroy her weapon?" Amy asked.

"Yeah. Fluttershy smashed it for us," Twilight said, looking to the shy mare.

"Thanks Shy. You have no idea how many lives you saved by doing that," Amy smiled.

The door opened now as light flooded the room, and a very chipper deity walked in. "Hello my little ponies," Celestia smiled, and bee lined to her student for a long over due hug. "Tell me all about your travels Twilight."


"And that sums it up your highness," Twilight lied. She was neglecting to tell her and Rarity the full truth, but she would, in time. She left out a detail about a debt paid to send a message, or to bring her home for that matter.

"My word," Celestia gasped, "You've had quite the year."

"Thanks," Twilight smiled. Rarity cleared her throat though, telling Twilight she had not made such a clean get away.

"Darling, last night, in your sleep, you mentioned something called Slender... What was that?"

"Oh, I left him out, huh," Twilight groaned. "Slendermane. He's an odd pony thingy, always came by asking me for... tree fiddy, if I have that right." Twilight lied. Rarity could tell it was a lie, but left it at that. Twilight was protecting her this way, and she would have to accept that.

"Mmhmm. Darling, may I speak with you in private. I'm worried about you," Rarity said, taking her lovers hoof into her own.

"Of course," Twilight nodded. letting the fashion icon lead her away. Once outside, Twilight tried to explain. "Rare, listen, I-"

She was sealed off by a kiss, one that caught her off guard, but was more than welcome. "Darling, I get why you would lie to me. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to. I understand that you have had troubled times of late. A lot of bad has happened to you now. I want to be the good that happens from here on out."

"Rarity," Twilight gasped as she cried. "I- I love you..."

"I love you too," Rarity cried as she hugged her love tight.

"There is something then, that I need to tell you," Twilight managed. She had never wanted to tell Rarity like this, but it was now or never.

"What is it my love?"

"The price I paid to Hades to come back," Twilight managed. "When I finally die, of old age or whatever, I am to serve him as his new right hoof mare."

"Twilight," Rarity gasped. "I- I don't know what to say about this..."

"I never wanted to worry you. But that is my fate after life," Twilight said, looking down at her hooves.

"You sold your soul to see me, to save me..." Rarity gasped, "Then you shall not be alone my love!"

"What?" Twilight asked, taken aback by the outburst.

"I shall talk to Hades myself if needed, and stand beside you in the next world. I never want to be separated from you again my love."

"Rarity," Twilight gasped, her turn to cry now. "I don't know what I did to deserve a marefriend as wonderful as you," Twilight sobbed, happily.

"You were simply you. That's all you ever needed to do, and all you ever have to do my love."

"I love you Rarity," Twilight whispered, hugging her lover tight.

"And I you. But Twilight," Rarity said sitting up. "If you ever sell your immortal soul again without my consent, I'll whip your sweet flank til you can no longer walk."

"Mmm, maybe we can do that anyways," Twilight smiled. "I love it when you talk dirty to me."

"You call that dirty?" Rarity asked. "I'll make you eat those words, my little slut." The white mare purred.

"Oh buck yes," a voice from behind said, making both mares freeze. "Umm... ignore the voice in the false pillar..."

"Princess," Twilight rolled her eyes. "You need to get laid."

"I know."

"Well, there goes my mood," Twilight laughed, and Rarity joined in. It was good to be together right now, and no force in this universe would ever separate them again.


"Fluttershy," Twilight said as she lead the shy mare outside, sitting her down overlooking the garden. "We need to talk."

"Twilight, I'm so sorry. I-" Fluttershy began.

"You don't need to say anything Fluttershy, I get it. You have feelings for Rarity too. Heck, how can anypony not have feelings for Rarity? But please understand, she made her decision," Twilight begged of her friend.

"I do understand, now. It was just.... So hard for me so many months ago...." Fluttershy managed. "You were gone, Rarity was in so much pain, and I just couldn't stop myself. I wanted to reshape the world.... No, that's a lie..." Fluttershy corrected. "I wanted the feeling of power, because I thought maybe Rarity would love me then..."

"Come on," Twilight said standing up, "We better get heading back now. Don't want to miss our favorite superstar in Ponyville tonight."

"Def Leopard is going to be in town?" Fluttershy asked.

"Sweetie Belle." Twilight corrected.

"Oh, yeah... Her too," Fluttershy smiled guiltily.


Back in Ponyville, the four mares were happy as could be reuniting with their three compatriots. Or four, considering Pinkie's one on the way. For the first time in years it seemed, the gang was back together. And just in time, as the train pulled out to make way for the next, specifically, the one Sweetie Belle and the others were on. With a hiss of steam, the train stopped, and ponies began to spill out. But a large amount stayed on board, trying to get a hoof print from their favorite teen rock star, Sweetie Belle. She, along with Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, pushed their way forward off of the train, as the swarm followed them.

"Heya sis," Apple Bloom greeted, the first to be free of the crowd.

"Howdy Bloom. Have fun?" Applejack asked, hugging her sister.

"Loads. Now, I think I have a real bed somewhere," Apple Bloom joked, but her baggy eyes and drooping tail told of how tired she was.

"Oh, hey there. Hi. Nice to see you. Here, have a print," Sweetie said coming up to the group, to tired to realize she had just handed Twilight a autograph, or that Twilight was here. But one filly did notice her. She was too tired, and too busy kissing Spike to care about much else.

"You," Scootaloo managed, laying eyes on the lavender mare. "Glad to see you're not dead after all." Her voice lacked any favor, as if she was hurt to see Twilight again.

"Scootaloo," Twilight smiled, one that was full of pain.

"Thanks for leaving me like that, it was really nice going to school after that. I'm tired, see ya later," Scootaloo said, adjusting the saddlebags she wore.

"You're more than welcome at the library," Twilight offered.

"See ya at home RD," Scootaloo said, taking off and flying towards the cloud house.

"Is she.... going to be alight?" Twilight asked, her heart breaking like never before.

"More than likely. She loved you as a foster parent," Rarity expalined. "Then you just up and vanish on her, after saying you never would. It hurt her, darling. It hurt all of us."

"I didn't mean to..." Twilight cried as Rarity hugged her tight.

"Just give her time," Rainbow Dash supplied. "She's a good kid. I'll talk with her tomorrow."

"Thanks," Twilight sobbed as she looked over to a stallion on the platform, wrinkling his nose at the display of Twilight and Rarity hugging.

"Damn foolers. Get a bucking room," He spat at the pair.

"Did he just call me a fooler?" Twilight asked, letting go of Rarity.

"Darling, please," Rarity asked, trying to stop the coming storm.

"Hey there jerk," Twilight yelled at the pony, "You have a problem with lesbians?"

"Yeah," He said puffing up in defiance. "Get a room you you delinquents."

"Oh, oh that does it. I was nice before. I was so nice."

"Twilight, stop," Rarity begged, "There's no need to-" She was cut of as Twilight spun around and swept her up into a kiss. A tad sloppy and showy for Rarity's tastes, but a damn good kiss none the less.

"Do I need to make my point again?" Twilight asked of the disgruntled stallion.

"Yes please," Rarity asked, nodding vigorously.

"We're here to stay, so go buck yourself if you have a problem with that," Twilight said for a matter of fact.

"Taint right," The stallion mumbled. "You're a disgrace to the princess."

"Which one? Cause I slept with Luna," Pinkie supplied.

"And I had a one night stand with Princess Celestia," Fluttershy meekly offered, though her confession caught every ponies attention.

"You what? When?" Twilight asked, deadpanned.

"The Winter Moon Coronation..." Fluttershy supplied.

"Huh," Twilight finally managed. "Celestia can get some ass after all... I owe her an apology..."

"Should I write a letter about that?" Spike asked, searching for his quill and paper.

"No, not tonight, Spike. But thank you," Twilight dismissed. "Come on, let's go home."

"Oh, oh!" Pinkie exclaimed, "It's kicking! It's kicking!"

"Times sure have changed," Twilight laughed as she and the others took turns feeling the party machine's foal kick. The stallion huffed off in anger, and would have to stay that way, because times were changing, weather he liked it or not.


Inside a box, a big blue box hurdling through time and space, a colt was scratching his head in confusion.

"Ditzy? What ever happened to my new sonic hairdryer? All I have is this regular one..."

"Huh, lemme see that," Ditzy said as she walked over, and poked around the device. "Oh, my bad. I think I mixxed up yours and Fluttershy's order last week."

"Oh drat. That hairdryer got just the right bounce to my mane," The Doctor whined.

"You are such a mare sometimes," Ditzy sighed, walking off.