> Trio On Water > by Brony Parasite > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1. Guadians And Trainers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Chapter 1) “Alex! Wait up!” Una Siler, a blond girl wearing a grey bodysuit. She was yelling at a blue haired girl up ahead who was also wearing a grey bodysuit. The blue haired girl's name was Alex Hurren. The two were meeting their friend, Mal Clover, at a stall she said she found something. “C’mon! You’re running slower than usual!” Alex yelled back to Una. They arrived at the stall which had two guys manning it and a girl dressed as Harley Quinn who was playing with some of the merchandise. They found Mal looking through them while the girl played. One of the men, an albino wearing a white trench coat laughed. “Enid, stop! You’ll break something!” “But dad! You make the best toys!” ‘Enid’ replied. “How about me and your father make some more for you later then Enid?” A man in a blue cloak that covered his entire body in shadow said to the child before turning to the customers. “Welcome, would you like to buy something?” He asked the three girls dressed as pokemon. “Yeah, how much are these?” Mal asked, pointing to three Pokemon eggs. “Oh? The eggs? How much were the eggs again Tim?” The man in the blue cloak said. “I think they’re twenty each. Maybe twenty three, I’ll check to see if there’s any tax stuff.” Tim said before checking some notes. “Sorry, I forgot this wo- I mean licence isn’t that strict. Twenty.” “Wow! That’s cheap!” Alex said, picking up one of the eggs. “These things are like, what, a hundred at least.” “Well, It wasn't that hard to create a couple of eggs. But they do come with complimentary travel tickets.” The man in the blue cloak laughed. “Uh… Okay.” Mal said, looking towards her friends. “You two up for it?” “Yeah, I’ve got some cash my bro lent me. Twenty’s nothing!” Alex replied. “Yeah, I have enough. Plus, I’ve always wanted a Pokemon egg…” Una added. “Well, you won't be disappointed.” The blue cloaked man said to Una. “Truer words were never spoken… At here of course.” Tim said. Him and Mal did the exchange as Alex and Una took their eggs. Once the money was given, Mal picked up her own egg. “Thanks!” Mal said. “But, uh… Where’s those ticket things?” “Mr. Fate?” Tim asked, turning his head towards the cloaked man. “Yes? Oh! Here you go kids.” ‘Mr. Fate’ said before pulling three golden tickets out of nowhere and handing them to the girls. “Good luck and may your fate’s be kind…” He told them. The three took the tickets and tried to read them.            Hello there, If you are reading this you have been chosen to be sent to another land where your actions will either help or destroy those you find there.                                                                                   Good luck! “What the-!?” Alex said before she placed a hand over her head. “Hell…?” “What’s happening…?” Una asked as she felt it too. “Gah!” Mal yelped in pain as a flash of light blinded all three. In an instant, everything faded, and they were gone. [A Millions Of Years Later/Equestria] Bland. That was the only way to explain Mesprit's mood. She was alone in a cave, her home. No living thing dare to enter the creator of Emotions lair. Her only company was out doing… Whatever, while she was laying in water. “Mesprit?” Called a young Male voice from outside the cave. The Legendary lifted her head from the rugged ground, looking to the entrance of the cave. “Mommy? Are you there?” The male voice called again. Mesprit smiled as she flew towards the outside of the cave. She breached into the sunlight to see another Pokemon. Bagon. She waved to him, smiling brighter… But unable to answer... The Bagon smiled as he saw his adoptive mother and waved back from the shore of the lake. “I brought you something that I found while checking to make sure none of those people had wandered near the barrier!” He said before pulling out a strange crystal that looked like a red heart. Mesprit looked at the jewel closely, curious as to what it was. She pointed to it, raising an eyebrow that indicated she didn’t know what it was. “It's a ruby that grew in the shape of a heart I think, and I decided to get it for you because I thought you would like it…” Bagon said sheepishly. Mesprit smiled and kissed Bagon’s head. She took it gently and flew in, mounting it on the cavern's wall. She flew back and gave him a hug, nuzzling her head on his. Bagon hugged Mesprit back, he loved his adoptive mother but he couldn't do much for her besides patrolling the border of their territory… and it didn't help that he couldn't swim. Luckily he didn’t have to stay on her tiny island, as she had made a small cave into his home. Mesprit started tapping her chin, thinking about something. Chin tapping turned into head scratching, and she threw her tiny arm into the air, showing that she had an idea. “What is it?” Bagon asked, usually whenever Mesprit had an idea it ended in something happening to him so he was a bit nervous, but he put up with it because he wanted her to be happy even if it meant being chased by a manticore every other week. Mesprit flew back into her cave and a moment later reappeared with a map of Equestria. She unrolled it and pointed her nubs at Lake Acuity and Lake Valor, the homes of Uxie and Azelf. “We’re going to see Uxie and Azelf?” Bagon asked, a glint of excitement in his eyes. Mesprit clasped her arms together and nodded. “I’ll go get some snacks!” He then said before running into the cave that served as his home before returning with a sack of fruit over his shoulder. Mesprit seemed to be pondering something. She stared at the map, looking from one lake to the other. ‘Which one first?’ She thought. After a few seconds, she decided Azelf was the closer one, and Uxie was in the far north.         “Hey Rarity, why are you freaking out?” Asked Applejack. “Yeah Rares, did you forget to go to the spa or something?” Rainbow Dash teased. “No… It’s just the… Worst… Possible... Thing!!!” Rarity said frantically searching throughout her house. “I’ve lost the Fire Ruby Spikey Wikey gave me! I feel awful!” “Calm down Rarity, I’m sure you’ll find it.” Twilight said trying to console her friend. “Maybe we can help you after our… Thing… If that’s okay with you girls.” Fluttershy said quietly. “Yeah, what Flutters said. I'm sure the little dude wont mind, I mean it's not like you gave it away…” Rainbow said waving a hoof. “Now come on! We’re going to miss the train if we hang around here any longer!” She then added before proceeding to push Rarity out the door. “Oh… I suppose he won’t ask about it on our adventure…” Rarity said. “Okay, but let me get my things! Applejack, darling, would you help me?” “Dang nabbit…” Applejack muttered. “I’ll see you girls at the station, I still need to get Pinkie.” Twilight said before teleporting away while snickering at AJ’s comment. “Can we go to the train station?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow. “Might as well.” Rainbow shrugged before flying out the door alongside Fluttershy.         Mesprit and Bagon arrived at Valor Lake. There was no sign of Azelf though... The Legendary scratched her head, confused. She turned to Bagon, a question mark hovering over her head. “I’ll see if I can call them…” Bagon said before he took in a deep breath. Before he could continue, there was a tap on his shoulder and Azelf shoved her face into Bagon’s, grinning. “ACK!” Bagon shouted in surprise falling over backwards and having the wind knocked out of him. “Don't do that!” He complained as Azelf snickered at his expense. Mesprit wizzed around Azelf, squealing silently at seeing the Legendary Pokemon of Willpower. Azelf followed best she could, but got dizzy after the seventh spin. Ralts snickered at Azelf’s antics from the sidelines before walking over. ‘Hello Bagon, long time no see?’ He said before doing twelve spins in front of Azelf to tease her. “Its nice to see you again too Ralts.” Bagon said before giving the psychic Pokemon a hug when he finished spinning. Azelf hovered over Bagon and rubbed his head, smiling. “And it's nice to see you again also Azelf.” Bagon said before tackling her in a hug as revenge for scaring him. The elf based Pokemon was helpless, and so fell to the ground with a yelp. Mesprit gushed at the image and clapped at the display. She then looked towards Ralts and waved. Ralts smiled at Mesprit and did a small bow before he used his psychic powers to pull everyone into a group hug. ‘so what brings you here?’ he asked Mesprit as soon as the group hug ended. “I’m getting a family reunion together! Azelf, you mind coming with us to see Uxie and Dratini!?” Mesprit asked through the telepathic link. “Sure! Right Ralts?” Azelf questioned. “Let's go! It gets lonely when it's just the two of us all the time.” Ralts replied as he relayed the conversation to Bagon. “Ok then! To Lake Acuity!” Bagon said as he began to head off to their next stop, only to freeze when he heard a train whistle. “What was that?” He asked. “I think it’s one of those human thingies called a train.” Azelf suggested. “Whats a ‘train’ doing all the way out here?” Ralts asked. “I’ll go check.” Bagon said before he went to check the border of Azelf’s territory. He swatted a branch out of his viewpoint to see the ‘train’. A few of the Humans were boarding it, but a duo of two caught his eye. “Hurry it up Applejack! I’d hate to miss the train when we’re this close!” A posh girl wearing a white sweater and black jeans that went down just below her knees said. She had purple hair and blue eyes, as well as makeup. “Ah’m tryin Rarity! It mighta helped if ya didn’ have so much junk!” Another girl wearing an orange and white checkered dressshirt, blue ripped jeans and a brown stetson barked back. She had tanned skin with freckles, blond hair done like a ponytail, and green eyes. “Those humans are too close for my liking…” Bagon muttered to himself before he started to return to Lake Valor. Mesprit and Azelf were flying around the lake, playing and dinking around. At one point, Mesprit pulled out a Magikarp from the water and slapped Azelf with it. Mesprit laughed at Azelf as the blue Lake Spirit hit a tree. “Whats going on here?” Bagon asked in confusion as he walked into the clearing around the lake. “They got bored waiting on you and started a play fight…” Ralts said holding his head in frustration. “Sometimes I think we’re the adults here and they are the kids…” Bagon pated Ralts on the back as they sat and watched the two legendaries that were their adoptive parents act like children. The play fight turned into a real fight as they started to use their attacks on each other. After a little bit, they both fell onto the ground in front of their kids, huffing and puffing. “I won!” Azelf proclaimed. “Nuh uh! I won! You’re too brutal!” Mesprit shot back. “It was a tie.” Bagon and Ralts deadpanned in perfect unison. “Not again! That’s the millionth time!” Azelf cried out. “Come on, we should probably get moving. The humans bassed right by the edge of the border earlier, and I don't want to be here should they accidentally stumble upon this place.” Bagon said rolling his eyes. “Wait… They’re near my lake?” Asked Azelf, surprised. “Yes, they were headed to a train station that wasn't that far from here.” Bagon replied, giving Azelf an incredulous glare for not monitoring her borders. “Well… They can’t really hurt the lake… Let’s go!” Azelf announced as she picked up Ralts and placed him onto her back. Mesprit’s arms sagged. “Wish I could do that with Bagon…” “At least you can ride on me.” Bagon teased his mother, indicating for her to hop on top of him. She sighed as she laid on his head and curled up. “There! It’s all in!” Applejack said as she sighed in relief. “So where are we going before the Empire?” Rarity asked, curiously. “Canterlot! Professor Celestia wanted to give us our starters before we visited Twi’s brother!” Pinkie said. “Aw yeah! I'm going to have the coolest starter out of everyone!” Rainbow Dash bragged. “It is not guaranteed what you'll get.” Twilight said, rolling her eyes at Rainbow. “I just hope mines cute!” Pinkie squealed. “Knowing you you're most likely to get whatever you can think of…” Twilight sighed. “Knowing her, she’ll find anything she gets cute.” Applejack said, smirking. “I agree with AJ… She would think even a Garbodor was cute…” Rainbow Dash said shuddering. “All aboard! The train is now departing for Canterlot!” The conductor said. The six girls yelp as they enter the train with lightning speed. They take their seat, with three on one side and three on the other. “Anyway, I hope I get a fabulous Pokemon. Maybe a Beautifly!” Rarity said, eyes sparkling. “Um… Rarity? That’s a third stage, we’re getting a first stage…” Fluttershy quietly mumbled. “Oh, right…” Rarity said, sighing. “What do you hope fer Twi?” AJ asked. “Something that can help me with my studies.” Twilight replied simply. “Egghead…” Rainbow Dash said rolling her eyes. “What ‘bout you Shy?” Applejack questioned. “Uh… Anything will do as long as it isn’t scary…” The pinkette replied. The conversation continued like this for the rest of the train ride until they approached canterlot... Applejack was the first to walk off the train as she placed her stetson on her noggin. “Where’s the Professor again?” The country girl asked. “She’s at her Lab silly.” Pinkie said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Ah know that, but where is it?” “I’ll show you where it is, Celestia used to take me there all the time when I was younger!” Twilight said as she started to walk in the direction of the castle. “So, what’re you gals doin after y’all get yer own Pokemon?” Applejack asked curiously. “Well, I’m going to defeat the elite four!” Rainbow said puffing out her chest with her arms crossed. “I’ll become a Pokemon Coordinator and go to the top! From there we’ll see.” Rarity fawned. “I am going to start researching the various pokemon in the world, there are still many yet to be discovered!” Twilight gushed. “Oh… Um… Maybe a Pokemon Breeder? I just want to see as much as possible.” Fluttershy said, her mind wandering. “I don’t care as long as I’m with my friends!” Pinkie Pie shouted as she hugged Fluttershy who was right next to her. “What about you AJ?” “Ah’m wantin’ ta… Uh… Ah actually don't know…” The country girl said, getting into deep thought. “Is there anythin’ else I can be?” “Well, you could become Ponette’s gym leader!” Rainbow suggested. “Or a Pokemon Ranger!” Pinkie added. “Really, just do what your heart tells you!” “They have a point Applejack.” Twilight said as she and the girls entered the front gates of the castle before following a cobblestone path that lead around back. “Yeah, guess yer right… But Ah just don’t know… Guess I’ll figure it out later.” “Don't worry, you'll figure it out eventually.” Teased a voice from behind them. Applejack jumped in surprise and spun around to see none other than... “BBBFF!” Twilight said as she tackle hugged Shining Armor. “Heh, it's good to see you to Twily.” Shining Armor said as he caught his sister and hugged her back. “Now, professor Celestia is expecting you in her lab. I came to escort you, but it seems that I won't need to.” He said as he gave Twilight a noogie. “What just happened? And who is that?” Rainbow asked in confusion. “And what does BBBFF stand for?” Pinkie Pie asked, intrigued. “Oh, Heh… Sorry. Everyone, this is Shining Armor, my Big Brother Best Friend Forever!” Twilight exclaimed as she introduced her older brother. “That’s sweet…” Fluttershy said, then sputtered. “D-did I just say that out loud?” “I believe you did Flutters.” Rainbow teased. Twilight rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s antics. “Come on everyone, we don't want to be late.” She then said as they continued walking until they arrived at what looked like an observatory. “Welcome to professor Celestia’s lab!” Twilight said once they entered the observatory. The five girls looked around. Some in wonder, some in excitement, and then... there was Rainbow. “Huh… I expected it to look… Different.” Rainbow commented at the normal-ish looking interior. “What would that be? Sun themes and gold?” Professor Celestia said from her seat, which nobody had noticed. “Professor!” Twilight squeaked, curtsying alongside her friends in front of the professor. “Please, you don’t have to be so formal. Call me Celestia.” The Professor said kindly. “Sorry Prof... Celestia…” Twilight stuttered, a nervous blush forming on her face. Celestia giggled slightly and stood up. “I believe you’re all early… I suppose I’ll just give you your starters, how does that sound?” “Alright!” Rainbow cheered. “Yay?” Fluttershy squeaked unsure of herself. “I’ve taken the liberty of picking out six for you all to chose. They’re not traditional, but I think you’ll enjoy them.” Celestia gestured to a table with six Pokeballs. “I placed a mark on each which is who I thought the Pokemon would most likely fit, based off Twilight’s letters. Who wants to go first? And if you don’t like it, you can trade amongst each other.” “Me! Me! Me!” Pinkie squealed, “Which one!?” “The one with three party balloons.” Celestia said with a chuckle. Pinkie Pie picked said ball up and examined it. After every inch was thoroughly seen, she activated it and out came a little green/blue lizard Pokemon with derped eyes. It just sat still. Twilight and the others quietly stared at it in confusion. “What in tarnation is that thing?” Applejack asked, baffled. “It’s a Totodile, most commonly used in the Johto region. It’s a shiny, but a normal one looks more blue.” Celestia answered. “And he’s not an it.” “Sorry…” “It’s so cute!” Pinkie squealed, almost spasming. She picked up the shiny and squeezed him. “I’ll name him Gummy and I’ll love him and cuddle him and read him bedtime stories and I’ll-” “Yes darling… We understand…” Rarity deadpanned. “I wasn’t talking to you Miss Belle!” Pinkie said in a slightly rude tone. Rarity was stunned into silence. “Who wants to go next?” Celestia asked, holding back her snickering. “I-I’ll go next.” Twilight stuttered, trying her best to hold in her excitement. Twilight walked up to the table and picked up the pokeball with a pink star on it and activated it. when the pokeball was activated out came a small brown owl Pokemon. When it came out of the Pokeball it hooted a few times before hopping over to twilight and nuzzling her leg. “He’s perfect!” Twilight squealed. “I'll name him Owlicious! And he can help me with my late night studying!” She was practically floating as she picked up the owl pokemon and hugged it. Celestia smiled at that. “I’m glad you like him. I think Miss Belle should go next, don’t you agree?” “Oh, uh, uh, uh… Why of course! Thank you for letting me go next.” Rarity said anxiously. She walked towards the one with diamonds and picked it up. She activated it, and the white light went straight to her feet, and out came a grey cat Pokemon with a swirly tail. It brushed up against the purplette legs and purred. “Why… It’s a Glameow! My mother used to gave one of these!” She said as she tried to pick her up, only to get a hiss. “Oh… Well, I guess I’ll have to work for a stronger bond… Thank you Professor Celestia.” “Ah’ll go next.” Applejack said as she went over to the table, picked up the ball with her symbol on it, tossed it once, before throwing it and summoning the creature within. A small orange dog with black stripes across its back appeared. It jumped onto Applejack, sending her to the floor with a surprised yelp. “This is Growlithe. I found her after her previous trainer abandoned her.” Celestia said sadly. “I thought you could give her a home.” Applejack, while being licked, laughed. “Okay, okay! Winona sounds good! That was my momma’s name! You and her share a lot!” She laughed as the dog continued to lick her face. Fluttershy hesitated before snatching her own symboled Pokeball and summoned a small little bunny Pokemon. She gasped and tackle hugged him. The bunny, though slightly mad looking, let her have her way with him. “You’re such an angel! That’s what I’ll call you!” “Should I be worried about that Bunnery?” Celestia asked, pointing towards the duo. “I would be more worried for Flutters honestly. That buneary does not look happy…” Rainbow commented, slowly walking over to the table as to not gain the attention of the evil looking bunny. Rainbow Dash then proceeded to grab the last pokeball which had her emblem, a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, on it and opened it. when the pokemon emerged Rainbow Dash was speechless, the pokemon was a green turtle with a leaf in it’s head. “A TURTWIG!?” Rainbow Dash shouted. “WHY DO I GET A TURTWIG!?” she wailed, thoroughly confused and distressed over what her starter was. “Turtwig is a loyal Pokemon. That and I was under the impression that you wanted a battler. Turtwig is from Sinnoh and is one of the starters.” Celestia said. “How is this thing supposed to fight!? Its too slow to get any hits on an opponent!” Rainbow said, thinking Celestia was joking when she said it was a battler pokemon. “He’s not that slow. He’s more of a… Heavy hitter anyway.” Celestia said. “Turtwigs evolution line is also known as one of the most durable of Pokemon out there.” Twilight added while sending Rainbow Dash a smirk. Rainbow tried to protest but came up with nothing after seeing the logic of where they were going with this. “I don't crash that often…” She mumbled to herself. Celestia was surprised by that comments random nature to her, but soon brushed it off. “I’m sorry to say I don’t have any more Pokemon. I should have prepared more.” “It’s okay Celestia! These pokemon are perfect!” Twilight said with a wide smile. “I’m glad you think so. Now, I think it’d be a good idea for you and your brother to head up to the Crystal Empire before the snow melts.” Celestia giggled slightly. Five of the six girls returned their Pokemon to their Pokeballs. “Everyone follow me.” Shining Armor said before leading the group back to the train station. Pinkie didn’t notice anything though, because she was squeezing her new Pokemon. Applejack had to return and grab the pinkette by her collar and drag her out. It took a while but they eventually boarded the train and arrived at the crystal empire. “Welcome to the recently renovated Crystal Empire!” Shining armor beamed as he and the elements stepped off the train. “To shiny fer mah tastes… No offence.” Applejack said, looking across the buildings. “None taken, now if you don't mind I have to get to the gym… see you girls later!” Shining Armor said before running off. “He’s a Gym Leader? Since when?” Rarity asked, looking to Twilight. Twilight just shrugged before she and her friends started to walk towards the castle. > 2. Meet The Family > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Chapter 2) “Are we there yet?” Azelf asked as she dragged herself across the ground. “No Zelf, we aren’t… If we were, you’d see-.” Mesprit said but was cut off by a groan from Azelf. “You’d see water, there~!” “You just had to finish… I know that! I’m not a baby!” Azelf complained. “Could’ve fooled me…” Mesprit thought before her eyes widened. “Did I think that out loud?” “Bagon is lucky that he doesn't have to put up with hearing this…” Ralts thought to himself. “Are you calling us annoying!?” Mesprit and Azelf thought in unison. “Yes.” Ralts deadpanned. “What are you guys talking about?” Bagon asked slightly curious what the telepaths were doing. “It’s not important.” Ralts told Bagon causing the dragon to shrug before he continued walking. They then find streaming water leading to a lake. The reason they didn’t see it before was that they were in a tree line that blocked the view of it. “Finally!” Azelf mentally cheered as she cannonballed into the water, getting Mesprit soaked with freezing water and Bagon to be slightly dribbled on. “Fu-!” Ralts was able to cut the link long enough so he didn’t have to hear Mesprit swear. “-Hy’d you do that!?” “Why not, that’s why you lazy cow!” Azelf mentally laughed as she swam through the water. Bagon could feel Mesprit growl. “Is something wrong?” Bagon asked Mesprit. “Bagon, use Dragon Pulse!” Mesprit cried out, pointing her nub at Azelf, who was back paddling in the water. Bagon didn't know what his mother told him to do but he felt energy build in his mouth before he reflexively opened it as a purple pulse of fire burst from his mouth in Azelfs direction. “What was THAT!?” He asked as the purple fireball hit the water where Azelf was moments before. The three on shore Pokemon stared at where Azelf was, Mesprit being a bit startled. Azelf came back out of the water, a bruise/burn mark on her shoulder. She hovered towards the others, clearly injured, though the extent of that was unknown. “Oh my gosh I am so sorry!” Mesprit apologised, rushing towards the blue elf based Pokemon. “I didn’t think I could actually communicate to him to do that to you!” “Can someone please explain what just happened!?” Bagon and Ralts shouted. “Uh… Bagon just used an attack called Dragon Pulse.” Mesprit said. “I know the attack but it’s been too long since I last saw it in action…” “Been awhile since I felt it… Good shot kid…” Azelf thought. Ralts relayed the conversation to Bagon. “Wait… so I basicly just now reacted like one of those pokemon that the humans keep!?” Bagon shouted in confusion. “Technically we’re all Pokemon that Humans could use… Me and Azelf used to fight all the time before the peace treaty between the Grifone and Pone kingdoms. I may have accidentally… Told you to do it…” Mesprit explained. “Ralts, you and Dratini are also… Well… Capable of attacking like the Humans Pokemon. I just kept you away from them to protect you from Trainers.” Azelf said as she sat down. Ralts just stared at Azelf for a minute, his eye twitching, before he shook his head and sighed. “I should have known…” he thought while facepalming himself. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean!? “Nothing… just that your clingy and overprotective…” Ralts deadpanned. “I’m not clingy! You’re too young and I’d rather not lose you to some ten year old who thinks only of putting Pokemon in fights! I was almost caught a dozen times gathering berries!” Azelf vented. “If anyone’s clingy it’s Mesprit!” “Hey!” Mesprit whined. “Has anyone seen Uxie and Dratini?” Bagon asked, completely unaware of the telepathic argument going on next to him. “She should be in the water. Should be here any minute because of that attack you did.” Azelf said. Just then Dratini poked her head out of the water at the edge of the lake. “What in the world is going on!?” Dratini cried as she looked around to try and figure out what happened. “Bagon’s fault!” Azelf mentally cried out. Mesprit rolled her eyes and moved towards Dratini. She waved, smiling. “Mesprit? Azelf? What are you doing here!?” Dratini asked in surprise. She then looked at Bagon and blushed. “H-hi b-bagon… It's n-nice to see you…” she stuttered. “We’re doing a family reunion Drat! How ya been? Is Uxie home?” Azelf shot off rapidly. “Y-yes she's home… but she’s asleep again, as usual…” Dratini said trying to get her blush under control. “Kay, me and Spit’ll go get her. You kids hang ‘round here.” Azelf said. “Don’t call me Spit! Is Mesprit that hard!?” Mesprit whined as the two flew away to surprise Uxie. “Urgh, why do they never stop!?” Ralts complained. “Because their idiots?” Dratini quipped, causing the three young pokemon to burst into laughter. Mesprit and Azelf arrived inside the cave, letting the connection sever. Mesprit had heard them and placed a nub over her chest. Azelf glared at her. They didn’t like the fact that their kids thought so little of them, but it’s not like they could really stop an opinion. They didn’t want to tell their kids what they’d been through. They found Uxie sleeping on the hard ground. Her eyes were always closed, so it was nearly impossible to tell if she was actually sleeping or just resting. The two flew up to Uxie and tackled the Lake Guardian of Knowledge. Uxie yelped as she was held down by the duo. When Uxie saw them, she gave them a look. A look that told them she wasn’t amused. Mesprit silently giggled nervously. Azelf just quickly backed away. She may not have been the physically strongest, but she knew them so well she wouldn’t have to be. Mesprit waved at Uxie as she helped the pixie based Pokemon up. Even though Uxie’s eyes were shut… All the time… Mesprit could see the glare Uxie was giving her. The spirit based Pokemon poked her nubs together, looking down. What Mesprit considered Uxie’s right eyebrow rose. Azelf was sat at the entrance of the cave, smirking. She stopped though when she saw Uxie’s face turn red. Outside, the three children saw Uxie using Flail on Mesprit and Azelf, who were floating away as fast as possible. “Let me guess… they decided to use ‘tackle’ on her?” Bagon joked, causing the two other child pokemon to giggle before they all sat down to watch the show. After many Flail attempts which were stopped by Mesprit using Protect, Uxie calmed down enough. “You three finished messing around?” Ralts asked with a smirk. “I don’t mess around when someone messes with my sleep.” Uxie said grumpily. “I’m sorry! It’s hard to tell with… You know… Eyes…” Mesprit mentally apologised. “You two have known her for years and yet you're telling me that I am the only one that can tell?” Dratini asked, surprised. “Whenever we figured it out she opened her eyes…” Azelf thought. “If you look into her eyes you forget stuff.” “It was you guys faults for forcing them open!” Uxie shot back. The other two shrugged, not arguing. “Realy? We have seen her eyes before and weren't affected.” Bagon said, getting nods of agreement from the two pokemon sitting with him. “I wonder if were immune or something?” Ralts questioned. “I wouldn't be surprised seeing as we were raised by them.” Dratini commented. “No, you guys just don’t remember it.” Azelf thought smirking. “I keep a calendar, if I forgot something I would know.” Dratini retorted. “I haven’t opened my eyes since your birth. You’re not immune.” Uxie said. “Now what are you morons doing here?” “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.” Azelf thought, arms folded. “We came to surprise you. Mesprit thought a ‘family get together’ was a good idea. What’s got your panties in a twist?” “I don’t wear underwear. And it’s this stupid Crystal Empire that showed up a couple months back. They’ve been getting bold. Already I had to use Amnesia on an expedition. I wouldn’t be surprised if they set up some kind of resort on our lake.” Uxie explained. “You weren’t listening, were you Azelf?” The elf shook herself out of her daydreaming and looked at Uxie. “What?” Mesprit face nubbed. “I would like to be the one to say that was unexpected but it wasn't…” Ralts deadpanned as he face nubbed himself. “I’d be offended if I didn’t know you for this long…” Uxie sighed. “I can’t be mad though. Humans are getting close to my lake.” “Really? Bummer. Same here.” Azelf said. “Some town named Ponette expanded and are cutting the Everfree Forest down a bit to expand.” “Nothing here. But I am between two towns that are opening trade soon.” Mesprit thought. “Basicly we need a plan in case our lakes are found?” Dratini asked. “We haven’t moved from our lakes since… Ever really… Um… We are the Lake Guardians.” Uxie said. “I got it! We’ll kill the Humans in the Empire and town, then kill any traders!” Azelf suggested before getting slapped in the back of her head by the other Lake Guardians. “I’m about to kill you, elf.” Uxie thought bitterly. “I can see Ralts has an amazing mother who teaches him well.” Uxie sarcastically remarked. “More Like I keep her out of trouble…” Ralts grumbled. “Okay… any plans that DON'T involve alerting the humans to our existence?” Bagon deadpanned as Dratini looked like she was going to be sick. “Why don’t we move the lakes?” Mesprit suggested. “Mes, who do you think we are, Palkia? Ho-oh? Heck, even Mewtwo would be better suited at this than us.” Azelf mocked. “Actually… That’s not a bad idea…” Uxie said, deep in thought. “Um, why exactly are we guarding the lakes again?” Bagon asked, slightly curious. “Yeah, why are we guarding the lakes?” Ralts said. “We’ll tell you when you’re older, but right now, the only thing you should know is that it’s our homes.” Uxie thought. “Fine…” Bagon, Dratini, and Ralts groaned in unison. “So what are we going to do now?” Dratini asked. “I guess it’s getting late. We should head off to bed.” Uxie suggested. “Ok, but where will me and Ralts sleep?” Bagon asked, noticing that there weren't any above water caves nearby. “Hmm… I think there’s a city that’s warm in this weather. You, Ralts, Azelf and I will go there and find something.” Mesprit suggested. “Are you sure that's a good idea? A city means humans! What if your attacked!?” Dratini asked as she unconsciously wrapped the tip of her tail around bagons nub. “Then we can dash back here. We’re more clever than humans are smart.” Azelf said. “You sure about that?” Ralts asked as he looked between Azelf and Mesprit. “We know when to be serious and when to be goofy. Day-to-day lives are goofy and Humans/other Pokemon are serious. If anything happens, it’s not like the entire Empire’s gonna chase us. There’d most likely be a few whimpy trainers that’ll try to capture us…” Mesprit thoght, rolling her eyes. “They may be idiotic at times, but they are pretty clever when it comes down to it.” Said Uxie. “And then there’s Azelf.” “Hey!” “And you did just invoke Murphy’s law.” Dratini said as she glared at Mesprit. “What's murphy's law?” Bagon and Ralts asked. “It’s a joke. Murphy’s law is where one says nothing bad could happen and then something ends up happening.” Azelf thought with a roll of her eyes. “But we should be fine… We can’t watch our mouths forever...” “Uhuh… You keep thinking that.” Dratini deadpanned at Azelf. “Anyway, good luck.” She said before kissing Bagon on the cheek and jumping into the lake. “What was that about?” Ralts asked. Bagon just stared into space, slowly raising a nub to touch where Dratini kissed him. Mesprit was frozen, mouth agape and right eye twitching. Uxie smiled knowingly, silently cheering Dratini. And Azelf was bursting out into silent laughter. “Dratini has a cru-” Before Azelf could finish, she was smacked upside the head by Uxie. “Shut up, Elf.” Uxie thought before splashing into the water. Mesprit still didn’t move. “Is Mesprit ok?” Ralts asked as he poked the stunned pokemon. Bagon was now holding his nub against his cheek as a goofy grin spread across his face. “She’s okay, just coming to grips with the fact that Bagon got kissed.” Azelf explained. “And what's so significant about a kiss?” Ralts asked as he stepped over to Bagon and waved his nubs in the dragon’s face in an attempt to snap him out of his daydreaming. “Uh… It shows how much you care about someone. Just don’t do it to the same gender, males aren’t into that kinda thing with other guys.” Azelf tried to explain. “Hmm…” Azelf thought for a moment before flying over to Ralts and kissing his cheek. Ralts gave Azelf a questioning look before shrugging the subject off. He then bopped Bagon on the nose with one of his nubs and finally snapped the Dragon out of his daydream. “Enjoy your daydream?” Ralts asked with a slight snikker, causing Bagon to blush. “W-whatever!” Bagon stammered as he turned away. “So, when do we leave?” Ralts asked. Azelf smacked Mesprit who yelped. “Right now! Let's go!” Mesprit said. “Azelf, go find the food, me and the kids’ll go find the Empire.” Azelf sighed. “Why am I always the one who goes to find food~!? “Because you have the most experience?” Bagon guessed. “Nah, because she’s blue.” Mesprit smirked. “Blue’s harder to see in the snow. Also, I don’t like Snovers.” “Good Arceus I hate you so much…” Azelf snarled as she turned and hovered away. “Later Ralts, later Ba!” “-5 friendship points between me and Azelf. Only a million more until she actually hates me.” Mesprit giggled before turning to the boys. “So, who wants to see their first big city?” “Me!” Bagon and Ralts said at once, raising their nubs in the air. Curious to know more about humans so that they could possibly learn a way to fight them should they have to. “Okay! Let’s go!” Mesprit squealed as she lead the children to the Empire… “It’s the other way you moron…” Uxie’s voice reverberated through their heads.         Mesprit placed her nub at the back of her head embarrassed. “S-sorry… I’ll fix that.” Mesprit switched her direction and lead them on the hopefully right path. (And as our little heroes head out to find shelter, a menacing shadow watches from the darkness, lurking. What does the future have in store for the three Lake Guardians and their adoptive children? Find out next chapter.) > 3. Coooooool > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Chapter 3) “Run!” Bagon shouted as he ran past Mesprit and Ralts, the group having just encountered a group of Snover. “You don’t have to tell me twice!” Ralts replied as he hovered after Bagon while dodging snowballs. “I hate Snovers!!!” Mesprit mentally screamed as she flew right behind the two. The snovers roared as they chased after the group, trying to freeze them alive for having disturbed their sleep. “How far are we from the city!?” Bagon asked as he jumped over an ice patch and continued to run. “Half a mile!” Mesprit replied, and just as soon as she did, ice froze her whole left arm. “Then we need to run FASTER!” Ralts thought as he frantically tried to dodge the attacks from the group of Snover on their tail. Mesprit started to wobble in mid air, the ice over her arm causing her to lose balance. A train whistle blew as a train started to come into view and would soon pass them. “It's one of those train things humans use! Jump on it!” Bagon shouted in a split moment decision in an attempt to escape their pursuers. Mesprit fell on top of Bagon and mentally shouted, “Good idea, do it!” Bagon complied to his mother's orders and with Ralts’s help all three of them were able to jump onto the last car before it passed them. “That… Was… To close…” The dragon wheezed. “My arm!!!” Mesprit yelled in pain. “Are you going to be okay?” Ralts asked, slightly worried about Mesprit. “My arm is frozen… But I think I’ll be fine.” Mesprit thought. “I hope we don't get noticed, it would be bad if the humans on this train saw us while on its way to the city…” Bagon said as he slowly opened the door to the car they jumped onto. “At least were heading on the right direction.” Ralts chuckled. Mesprit groaned. “Azelf should have been here instead…” “And then boom! The Charizard beat the Infernape with a seismic toss! Doesn’t that sound awesome!?” Pinkie said with wild gestures. “It was actually a Charmander, vs. an Apalm, and it was a tackle.” Applejack added. “She’s been having this recurring dream for the past week.” “Well, while that was interesting… Why don't we get started on training?” Twilight asked, getting a nod of agreement from Rainbow Dash as the group exited the train and left the station. “How’re we gonna do that?” Applejack asked. “Ah mean, are we gonna fight each other or somethin else?” “Well, there is a beginner level path nearby.” Twilight offered. “Well, I will see you girls at the Gym this afternoon, I need to go pick up some papers I requested from the crystal empire lab.” She said before walking off. “So who wants to go with me to the fields and train?” Rainbow asked as she pulled out a map. “Ah’ll go, might as well.” Applejack nodded. “Oh, um… I think I’ll just go to the Pokemon Center…” Fluttershy murmured. “I absolutely must see the sights! I heard there was a waterfall that looks like it goes up.” Rarity sighed dreamily. “I’m… Hungry…” Pinkie said, seeming to be zoned out. “Uh… Yeah, I’m hungry… That’s it…” “Train from Hoofington now arriving!” The station intercom blared behind them. “The ice isn't going away!” Bagon said in a panic as the train they were on pulled into the crystal empire station a few minutes after they got on. “Ah~! Why won’t it melt!?” “We need help! But from where!? We don't know where any aspear berries are!” Ralts thought as he helped Bagon get Mesprit off the train before they are found. “And there aren't any friendly pokemon around that we know either… What do we do?” Bagon said as he shifted Mesprit onto his head once they were out of the train. “Uh… Look for a Pokemon Center. They have red tops, they’re for healing injured Pokemon. They should have something.” Mesprit thought, gritting her teeth. “Find a place to p-put me…” “I am not leaving you! What if something happened?” Bagon scolded, finding it ironic how he was in the parent position. “And getting separated so close to the humans would probably just make it easier for them to catch us…” Ralts added as the group came around the front of the station. They then started to head towards the city to find a ‘pokemon center’, until they were spotted by a pink haired girl in a yellow sundress halfway there. “Oh… My…” She said. “Buck my life…” Mesprit thought. The girl gasped at seeing Mesprit and ran towards them and fell to her knees to hug the Legendary. “Oh you poor dear…” Bagon growled at the girl before knocking Mesprit out of her arms and taking a defensive position. Ralts quickly grabbed Mesprit and dragged her away from the human so that Bagon was between them. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know you didn’t like Humans. Let me help though, please?” She pleaded. “Give me one reason why I could trust you.” Bagon replied with a glare. “Uh…” The girl stuttered. “Y-you can talk?” “Um… Rar?” Bagon said smartly as he realized his slip up. “Sometimes I wonder how you have managed to stay hidden.” Ralts thought as he face nubbed. “Well… Um… I’m Fluttershy, all I want to do is help.” She said. “Let's give her a chance, she seems like she’s telling the truth.” Ralts told Bagon. “Fine, but I have my eye on you…” Bagon said as he nervously stepped aside. Fluttershy waddled her way to look at Mesprit, who was moaning in pain. “Oh… I wish I had something for this with me…” Fluttershy sighed. She looked the frozen arm over a few times, then looked to Bagon. “Would it be okay if I get a Pokemon doctor out here?” “Only if mom says it's ok.” Bagon replies as he walks over to Mesprit. Ralts just hovered there, watching to make sure Fluttershy didn't try anything. “N-no m-more humans…” Mesprit shivered. “And she said no.” Bagon translated for the mute pokemon. Fluttershy tapped her chin. “Hmm. What if I go to the Center and get the stuff…” “That would be ok… I think.” Bagon replied as he started to rub Mesprit's back in an attempt to sooth her. “Okay, I’ll be back as soon as possible.” Fluttershy said as she stood up and dashed away. Mesprit gasped in pain. “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!! It’s like a thousand knives!” “Hang in there.” Bagon whimpered as he tried to make Mesprit feel better. “That human better hurry… If something happens, she is now responsible.” Ralts thought as he watched to make sure there were no other humans nearby.         Fluttershy was in a panic. Why wouldn’t she be? Nurse Joy was following her... And Chansey was eyeing her suspiciously. But she needed to find something to help that hurt Pokemon, whatever it was. “Um… Nurse Joy, what here can treat ice damage? Preferably a block of ice?” Fluttershy asked. “Well, we have a few Ice heal’s in the back because of the large wild snover population. Why do you ask?” Nurse Joy asked the frantic girl. “Umm… My friends Pokemon got frozen… Sh-she can’t bring him here because the ice beam caught its leg.” Fluttershy lied. “Oh, that is problematic. But why didn't she return it to its pokeball and bring it here?” Nurse joy asked. Chancy was now glaring at Fluttershy, convinced that something was up. “Sh-she… Uh… Her Pokemon hates being in a Pokeball!” Fluttershy almost cheered. “Oh? Well, I have never heard of something like this before but ok?” Nurse joy said before walking in back, Chancy continuing to glare at Fluttershy. When she came back she had a blue spray bottle in her hand, “Do you mind showing me where her pokemon is? I can't let you walk out with this without proof of what you're going to use it for.” “Oh, uh… My friend would be embarrassed, and y-you’re needed here.” Fluttershy started to breath more heavily. “Sorry miss, rules are rules.” Nurse Joy said, causing Chancy to smirk. “C-could I… Pay for it…?” Fluttershy asked, looking down. “It would cost 200 bits. And if you're going to buy one you should go to a store.” Nurse Joy said, slightly suspicious of what the girl in front of her was up to. “O-okay. I was hoping to get some here, but I’ll go find a store I guess…” Fluttershy said disappointedly as she turned around. “I thought it was an emergency though?” Nurse Joy asked. “It is, but… Um… I can’t say…” Fluttershy felt bad for lying, but didn’t want to misplace Bagon’s trust. “I gotta go.” She then ran off to find the Pokemart. Nurse Joy and Chansey just watched as Fluttershy run off, confused by the girls antics. “Sorry kid, you don’t have enough bits.” The cashier said. “B-but…” Fluttershy tried, but failed to speak. “O-okay…” The shy trainer left the blue building, frustrated. Why was it this hard to get something for ice damage!? Unknown to Fluttershy though Nurse Joy and Chansey had decided to follow her and were hiding around the corner as she left the store.”It seems she couldn't afford one from the store, I wonder what she is going to do now?” She said to herself as they followed the shy trainer from a distance. Fluttershy returned to the three Pokemon with her bad news. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t get anything… I hope you can forgive me…” Fluttershy apologised. “You tried… that's what counts I guess.” Bagon sighed as he looked over at Mesprit who had fainted from the pain. “Someone seems to have decided to follow her.” Ralts told Bagon causing the dragon to tense visibly. “What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked nervously at seeing Bagon’s expression. Bagon slowly inched closer to Mesprit until he was standing over her, Ralts hovering by his side. “So this is your freinds pokemon?” Nurse Joy said as she walked over with Chancy, having not heard the conversation. “Uh, yeah! She…” Fluttershy looked to Bagon to see is she got the gender right, which he simply nodded. “She’s a rare Pokemon from another region! My friend was hoping to… Surprise the Gym Leader with her!” “Then where is your friend? and what is with the other two Pokemon?” Nurse Joy asked with a raised eyebrow, not believing Fluttershy’s claim anymore. “Oh, she… went to take care of the Snover that did this! Cloud Chaser was always-” “Snover don't come this close. What's really going on?” Nurse joy asked. “No no no! Uh, I-... ThesearewildPokemonIfoundwhoneededhelpbuttheydon’tlikeHumanssoIwenttoyourPokemonCenterhopingIcouldgetsomehelpbutyouwouldn’tbuymystorysoIwenttobuysomeandIonlyhadtwentybitssoIhadnothing!!!” Fluttershy, after her rant, gasped. “What?” Nurse joy said blinking owlishly, having not caught a bit of what Fluttershy said. Chancy was just as confused but when she saw who the pokemon were she froze, eyes growing the size of dinner plates. Immediately, the pink medic ran towards the fallen Legendary. She used ‘heal pulse’, and some of Mesprit’s color returned. “Chansey, Chansey!” The Pokemon cried, pointing to Mesprit in panic. “Oh my… What has gotten into Chansey.” Nurse Joy asked as she looked between her pokemon and the three wild ones. Bagon allowed Chancy to use her healing technique on Mesprit but was still standing protectively over the Legendary. Ralts however decided to hover between him and the nurse just to be safe. “Okay, I understand.” Nurse Joy said. She pulled out the Ice Heal and held it out to Fluttershy. “You could have just told me the truth though.” “I… S-sorry…” Fluttershy murmured, hiding behind her hair and taking it. She then rushed over to Mesprit and applied it, causing the ice to melt off. As soon as the ice melted Bagon pulled Mesprit into a hug as Ralts hovered over and put his nub on the dragon's shoulder. Bagon sent a wary glance over towards Joy but noded towards Fluttershy in thanks before putting Mesprit on his head and running off into the tall grass where they wouldn't be seen, Ralts following shortly behind. “That was too close…” Ralts thought as he and Bagon watched to see what the humans would do next from their hiding spot in the grass, which was taller than them. “Well it seems everything’s fine. I better go back to the Center. Here’s a Potion, it’ll help.” Nurse Joy said, giving a purple bottle to Fluttershy, who thanked her. The Nurse and Chansey left soon after to return to their work. Fluttershy placed the Potion down, giving the two hiding Pokemon a small smile. “This should heal her more when she wakes.” Ralts use his psychic powers to float the potion into the grass where he was for him to hold onto for  later. He then waited with Bagon for the human to start to leave. “S-see you later… If you want to…” Fluttershy said as she backed up away from them. When she was gone, Mesprit started coughing. “Are you ok?” Bagon asked as he lifted Mesprit off of his head and gently set her down. “Y-yeah… It just really hurts…” Mesprit replied. “Here, use this…” Ralts thought while handing Mesprit the potion. She took it and gulped it down, and some of her wounds healed. “Ah! Wh-where are we gonna sleep?” Mesprit asked the million dollar question. “Uh… We’ll figure that out after you feel better.” Bagon said as he glanced away from Mesprit with a sheepish expression. “Why don't we follow that nice human from earlier and see if she could help us with finding shelter?” Ralts asked simply. “We can’t rely on humans to baby us, no matter how tempting.” Mesprit replied. “Besides, it can’t be that hard to find shelter.” “There aren't any trees or caves…” Bagon pointed out. Mesprit sighed silently. “Fine, but didn’t she leave?” “Yes, But I know which direction she went.” Ralts replied. “Then lead the way.” Mesprit shakily rose into her hovering position. As Ralts started to float in the direction that Fluttershy went Bagon went over to Mesprit. “Ride on my head, you haven't fully recovered yet.” He said as he nudged his head underneath the legendary. She nodded lazily and rested on her son’s tough head. “Love ya Bay…” “Your welcome.” Bagon said as he started to follow Ralts, once Mesprit was comfortable. They finally saw Fluttershy in the market place. Luckily for them it was getting late, which meant there weren’t many people out and about. “You think she might be with anyone?” Ralts wondered as the trio hid behind a crate. “She’s alone, I don’t see anyone around her. Pull on her dress.” Mesprit said. “If you say so.” Ralts replied as he hovered over to Fluttershy from their hiding spot. “Yo! Flutters!” Rainbow shouted as she walked into the market center with AJ. “Where’d you get that Ralts?” Applejack asked when she saw the psychic Pokemon. Fluttershy was confused, and turned to see what her farmer friend was talking about and was surprised to see him behind her. “Yeah, and how did you catch it? They’re supposedly realy rare, and I have never heard of one being this far north before.” Rainbow added as she jogged over. “Not good…” Ralts thought, causing the two pokemon still hiding to go on alert. “Oh, I… Um… Found him wandering… He’s not mine, and before you say anything, he’s not for capturing.” Fluttershy said as she picked him up. “Why not? They’re rare Flutters, RARE!” Rainbow whined while emphasizing her point. “He dislikes humans already. No need to capture a poor Pokemon who already distrusts us. Besides, he’d be disobedient.” Applejack whistled while smirking. “Color me impressed…” Mesprit sighed in relief. “Fine, but if Twi tries anything it's your job to protect him.” Rainbow relented. Fluttershy gulped, but Applejack laughed. “Ah doubt Twi’d do somethin’ to upset one’a her friends.” “Did you forget about the want it need it incident?” Rainbow asked as she arched an eyebrow. Applejack’s smile faded, replaced with fear. Fluttershy’s pupils turned to pinpricks. “Ah see yer point, best not tell ‘er.” Applejack said, shivering. “S-so… Where are we sleeping again?” Fluttershy asked, holding Ralts close to her chest protectively. “I take it this ‘Twi’ is dangerous?” Ralts asked Fluttershy nervously. The shy winged human jumped in surprise, looking around unsure if she heard anything. “You okay Flutters? You look like you just heard a ghost?” Rainbow asked. “I thought I heard someone… Guess it was nothing.” Fluttershy replied. “Hey! I'm not noone! that's awfully rude of you!” Ralts thought as he started lightly hitting Fluttershy with one of his nubs on her chest. “Gah!” Fluttershy yelped/screamed in surprise and fear. Mesprit was giggling uncontrollably. “You okay Shy?” AJ asked, placing the back of her wrist on Fluttershy’s forehead. “You comin’ down with somethin’?” “Or did that pokemon do something to you?” Rainbow asked as she started to eye the pokemon, having noticed its movements during her freakout. “N-no, I’m fine…” Fluttershy breathed in deeply. “Are you mentally talking to me?” “Yes, how else am I supposed to communicate?” Ralts deadpanned. “I didn’t know you could at all… I’m sorry… Do you need something?” Fluttershy replied. “Me, Bagon, and his mom need shelter…” Ralts told Fluttershy sheepishly. “Flutters? Anyone home?” Rainbow said as she waved her hand in front of Fluttershy’s face. Fluttershy shook her head to snap out of her trance. “S-sorry… Just thinking… C-can you girls answer my question?” Applejack shrugged. “Ah don’t know, thought Twi was supposed to handle that.” “W-we could always sleep at the Pokemon Center…” Fluttershy suggested. “According to Twilight we were staying at the castle though.” Rainbow said, putting a hand to her chin. “Uh… Okay, guess we’ll go there.” Applejack said, “Uh, does anyone know the way?” “Humans…” Ralts thought as he face nubbed. “We’re not from here, and it’s a big city. Would you know the way?” Fluttershy replied. “Obviously it would be the largest building around and possibly in the center of the city?” Ralts suggested, trying to remember what Azelf had told him about castles. “I think it should be somewhere at the center of the city…” Fluttershy relayed what Ralts told her to the others. “And where are we?” Applejack asked. “I thought you’d recognise a market place Applejack…” Fluttershy replied, making the farmers face burn with annoyance. “I’ll see if I can spot the castle.” Rainbow chuckled as she zipped off into the sky. as she looked around she spotted what looked like a crystal tower in the center of the city, and marked out a path in her mind to get to it before descending. “Ah’ll see if ah can find Rarity.” Applejack exclaimed as she walked away. “Bagon, Mesprit, follow us and I will alert you if anyone notices you.” Ralts told the two hiding pokemon. Fluttershy and Rainbow started walking towards the castle. Fluttershy started up some small talk with: “So, how was your training? If you don’t mind me asking, that is…” “It was going alright… Tank is actually better than I thought…” Rainbow admitted sheepishly. “See? Almost every Pokemon can surprise you… Except Delibird…” “I'm not even going to ask…” Rainbow said. “So how did you befriend a wild pokemon?” “Oh, I befriend a lot a wild Pokemon… Remember my cottage?” Fluttershy said, “One of Ralts’ Pokemon friends was hurt by an ice attack and I got her an Ice Heal…” “Heh, that's so you Fluttershy.” Rainbow said while smirking, making the breeder in training blush. “These humans sure are different than the others.” Bagon said as he trailed after Ralts and the two humans, a scrap of cloth he found covering him and Mesprit. His mother nodded to that. The two arrived at the castle finally, and looked on in awe. “It’s so big…” Fluttershy breathed out. “Good thing Azelf isn't here…” Ralts thought. “I’m still having a hard time holding back.” Mesprit almost snickered. “So, um… What now?” Fluttershy asked. “Hey girls!” Twilight said as she walked out of the castle. “I was just about to come get you all!” “Why do I have a feeling something bad is about to happen?” Bagon asked as a shiver went down his back. “Oh god, is that one of Uxie’s followers?” Mesprit asked, before face nubbing. “She is… She’s a nerd.” “Since when does Uxie have followers?” Bagon asked. “Haven’t I told you? Ever since Uxie, Azelf and I appeared, we gave all being knowledge, willpower, and emotion… So any smartass or nerd is an Uxie-ite to me and Elf.” “But wouldn't that make… Nevermind, that's a scary thought that I do not want to touch.” Bagon said to himself. “So should we continue hiding or introduce ourselves?” He asked Mesprit. “If you haven’t guessed, I’m not a common Pokemon.” “Yeah, but still… I feel like something bad might happen if we don't…” Bagon said as another chill went down his back. “Well I know something bad will happen if I’m revealed. Do you know what they’d do to me if they caught me, especially the nerd!? She might cut me open!” Mesprit started hyperventilating. “I know… We’ll just ride this out then…” Bagon sighed as he continued to follow the group as they entered the castle. Fluttershy was somehow able to keep Ralts away from Twilight’s sight, but when it seemed like she might be able to see, the girl freaked out and did something neither Rainbow nor the hiding Pokemon expected… She hid him under her skirt… “Holy-” The link was severed. Moments later it looked like blood was trickling from under Fluttershy’s skirt, most likely from the unconscious pokemons nose... “Um… Fluttershy?” Twilight said nervously. “Y-yes...?” Fluttershy asked. “Why is blood dripping from under your skirt?” Twilight asked. “Um… P-period…?” Fluttershy blushed, shaking a bit. “That’s no period…” Rainbow stammered. Fluttershy gave Dash the ‘stare’, making her reasoning known. She looked back to Twilight. “Um… She’s probably right, I b-bought s-some r-r-red… Um-m… P-panties… I-I-I th-think th-the c-color is dripping…” “Panties don't drip color Fluttershy, what's really going on?” Twilight asked as she pulled out a pair of glasses and placed them on her nose. “P-please d-don’t make this any more e-embarrasing th-than it is-s…” Fluttershy whimpered. Mesprit looked to Bagon with utter shock at what was happening. “C-can I g-go t-to my r-r-room…?” Fluttershy whimpered. “About that… We're all sharing a room.” Twilight said, deciding to leave the matter of what Fluttershy was hiding for later. She then turned around and lead them to their room. “This is going to be awkward…” Rainbow muttered as they walked down the halls. (Oh no! Can Fluttershy keep Ralts and his friends a secret? And will Ralts be ok!? Find out next time! … Wait, where’s Azelf?) Meanwhile... Azelf was screaming as she sped away from an Abomasnow, berries held tightly in her little nubs but some still found a way to slip out. > 4. The Sleepover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mesprit, Bagon and Ralts were hidden under blankets under one of the beds. Fluttershy unfortunately wasn’t able to clean herself up from the blood on her legs with a shower, but luckily her nightwear was simple butter yellow PJ’s that covered her entire body besides her head. Mesprit hadn’t stopped teasing Ralts about the incident after they got to the room. “What did it feel like between that humans legs? Had to be good because your nose exploded.” Mesprit teased as she tended to Ralts’ nose. “Bet your mom’d love to hear this.” “I don’t think that's a good idea.” Ralts thought as his nose started to bleed again from being reminded. “Darn it!” “You can stop teasing him now…” Bagon chuckled nervously. “Are you serious? He’s just like his mom when it comes to teasing when she was your guys’s age!” Mesprit giggled silently. “You were no better.” Ralts countered with a mischievous grin. “What's that supposed to mean?” Bagon asked. “Well. According to Azelf, Mesprit here wa-” Ralts started to tell Bagon before Mesprit hit him over the head. “Don’t say another word. I don’t need Bay thinking of me any lesser than he already does.” Mesprit glared. “Besides, I could tell you a few embarrassing stories about Elf girl.” “Oh? Do tell.” Ralts chuckled mischievously. “What makes you think that I think less of you?” Bagon asked Mesprit innocently. “I heard you outside the cave and so did Azelf. What? You don’t think we snoop a bit every now and then?” Mesprit shrugged. “Well, that and you three are loud.” “Hehehe… Whoops…” Bagon muttered. “We were just messing around.” Ralts told Mesprit with a playful grin. Bagon and Ralts then double teamed Mesprit with the most innocent faces they could muster. Mesprit rolled her eyes. “Yeah, whatever. And since you seem to really want to know about Elf’s embarrassing stories I’ll keep them to myself since I don’t want you telling stories about me.” “Aww… But I wanted some dirt on Azelf!” Ralts whined. “Anyway… shouldn't we be keeping an eye on the human's?” Bagon said before turning to look at what was going on outside their hiding spot. He was surprised when he saw there were five of them including Fluttershy. There was the rainbow haired girl Fluttershy called ‘Dash’ who wore a blue sports bra and boxers, the girl Dash called ‘Twi’ who wore a purple onesie, a pink curly haired girl who wore a frilly cyan nightgown, and a purple haired girl who also wore a nightgown, but more… Sparkly. ‘AJ’ wasn’t there yet. The girls were all talking about… Various stuff. “Where’s AJ again?” Pinkie asked, head tilted. “She’s embarrassed. She said she never… Well, you’ll see…” Rarity said, smirking. “Now I’m curious…” Rainbow groaned. “You're not the only one.” Twilight said pulling out a notebook and pencil. “What’re you doin Twi?” Pinkie asked, hovering over the mage’s shoulder. “I'm going to take notes… How are you overing in the air?” Twilight said as she turned to face Pinkie. Pinkie suddenly was sitting next to Rarity, smiling like nothing happened. “What did I just see?” Bagon asked Mesprit. “That my son… That was something called cartoon logic… I’ve met a few humans who have a strange ability to not make sense… Just don’t question it.” The Legendary replied. “Ok… But what's a ‘cartoon’?” Bagon said. Mesprit face nubbed. “Ask Uxie, she’s the nerd.” Uxie suddenly sneezed. “Are you okay? Did you catch a cold again?” Dratini asked Uxie. Uxie wrote on the wall: “I’m okay, just sneezed.” “If you say so.” Dratini said before returning to thawing Azelf out of a block of ice dropped off by a Snover. “Okay. Wait… where did the one in pink go?” bagon asked as he started to look around the room for the the human with the curly pink hair. “I think she blurred away to do something…” Mesprit replied. The door to the bathroom opened a crack, showing AJ’s face. “Hey, uh… Promise y’all won’t laugh?” She asked bashfully. “I can try?” Rainbow offered. “Why would we laugh?” Twilight asked, even more curious than before. “Just come out darling, we’re all girls here.” Rarity said, smiling sweetly. Applejack sighed as she opened the door all the way, revealing her attire. She was wearing socks, her shirt from that morning, badge panties… And nothing else. “Okay? That's actually what I expected.” Rainbow said shrugging. Twilight put her notepad away and didn't say anything. “Applejack’s shy about this. It’s clear none of us care.” Rarity said. “Darling, you don’t have to cover yourself...” Applejack’s freckles were hidden by her huge blush. “Ah can’t get to bed unless ah don’t wear pants… It’s silly…” Mesprit was hiding the boys eyes. “Hey there!” Pinkie said as she appeared under the bed next to Mesprit. “We've been seen!” Ralts mentally shouted. Bagon immediately getting between the human and Mesprit, posing defensively. “Pinkie, what in Equestria are you doing?” Rarity asked, bewildered. Applejack was just glad the others weren’t looking at her anymore and got into a sleeping bag. “There are Pokemon under the bed!” Pinkie giggled. Rarity stared at Pinkie for a moment. “What...?” “Oh… My…” Fluttershy whispered. “There are three wild pokemon under this bed!” Pinkie elaborated as she pulled herself out from underneath, still giggling. “Ah! Are they Rattata!? Weedle!? Snover!? What!?” Rarity screamed, jumping into AJ’s arms. “A Bagon, a Ralts, and a pokemon I have never heard of before!” Pinkie said as she lifted the bed over her head with one arm. “P-Pinkie! Don’t scare them!” Fluttershy cried out. Meanwhile, Applejack tossed Rarity onto the floor and covered herself more. “Two rare pokemon and an undiscovered one...” Twilight mumbled, a dangerous glint in her eye. “Please… They distrust humans.” “If they don’t like humans then why are they here?” Rainbow asked, slowly backing away from the pokemon. “They had no choice. They don’t have any shelter so I decided to… Help them… That’s why there was blood dripping down my leg, I was hiding Ralts…” Fluttershy said. “Wait… You hid a pokemon under your skirt… and blood started coming out of it?” Twilight asked, her mind coming to a screeching halt. “Twi, Ah think that little fella’s a boy… Nosebleed…” Applejack said as Rarity fainted from the idea of a Pokemon up her own skirt. “Ya know what ah mean, right?” “A pokemon getting a nosebleed? And because of a human?” Twilight said, her eye starting to twitch and her hair beginning to friz. “It’s not that uncommon! Some people fall for Pokemon, and some Pokemon fall for humans!” Pinkie said. “My aunt fell for this Geodude once and-” “Ah think we get the picture!” Applejack shouted. “I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!” Ralts mentally cried, his face bright red. There was silence in the room for a moment, before Applejack spoke. “Uh… Did y’all hear that?” “You mean the voice screaming in my head? Yes.” Rainbow deadpanned, rubbing her temples to try and alleviate the pain from the telepathic outburst. “That Ralts knows how to talk!” Twilight beamed, slowly pulling out a pokeball. “Run!” Bagon yelled, grabbing Mesprit before sprinting out the bedroom door. Moments later Ralts started to float after his fellow pokemon and music began to play. “No, wait, Twilight!” Fluttershy tried, but to no success as the bookworm summoned Owluicious to help chace the Pokemon. Applejack got up out of the sleeping bag and tried to tackle the mad woman, but was taken down herself by Rarity for some odd reason. “Applejack! Your underwear ripped!” Rarity screamed in horror. As Rainbow was about to help Fluttershy stop Twi, she herself was tackled by Pinkie. “Yay! This is fun!” The pink haired trainer yelled in happiness. Twilight chased the Pokemon with Owluicious, but was also chased by Fluttershy who called out Angel Bunny and the group went down the hallway. As Bagon ran with Mesprit clinging to his head and ralts floating right behind him they passed through many hallways and made many turns until they reached a dead end with a set of doors. “We need to push these doors open!” Bagon ordered before he and Ralts started to open it. Mesprit looked through, and shook her head. “There are more humans in there. Guards with spears… So pointy…” “Would you prefer to be inside a pokeball?” Ralts thought as he and Bagon dragged Mesprit into the room and past the guards faster than they could react. They could react though when they saw two girls, a Hoothoot and a Buneary ran past them. “We don’t get paid enough for this…” Said one guard. “All we do is stand around, we get paid too much for this.” Replied another one. “Lets just pretend we never saw it.” A third guard said, to which the other two nodded. As the pokemon continued to run they noticed the hall started to change from crystal to stone, with several pokemon statues lining each side and unknown symbols on the walls. “Not here! Get out!” Mesprit tried, but realized that there was no other way. “Whats wrong?” Ralts asked as he swerved around a statue in an attempt to keep up with bagon. “Unknown…” Mesprit replied simply, fear written over her face. “They’re a kind of Pokemon I’d like to avoid… More so than Snovers…” “I dont get it, whats wrong with unkown?” Bagon asked as he made a sharp turn and went up a set of stairs. “After an… Incident, they started hunting me and the girls. This is one of their temples.” “Then let's hope we don't run into them.” Bagon said as they reached the top of the stairs and continued running. Mesprit was freaking out. She didn’t want to be captured and experimented on. “I’m too young to die! I’m not even five million years old yet!” “Quickly! this way!” Ralts said as he lead the group into one of the corridors and found themselves over the edge of a cliff. Below the cliff was the entrance where they had entered the ruins through. And deciding to escape while they could, Ralts and Bagon jumped. Mesprit grumbled, but ended up following them. “Boys, what’s the plan after this? We have no place to stay… And that room was so…” Mesprit drooled at the thought of how warm it was. “Mom? You’re drooling.” Bagon said as they ducked into a broom closet from the humans. “Sorry honey… It’s just, well, I used to live in a very warm place, and being in the heat makes me feel safe and… Well, it makes me feel soothed.” Mesprit apologised as she looked for a hiding spot. “Does it have anything to do with Azelf’s crazy story about how you three came from another world?” Ralts asked with and expression that said he didn't believe one bit of it. “Oh, you don’t believe your mother? Well, let me put that distrust to rest.” Mesprit found an opened crate and hid inside. “I was hoping I could’ve told you when you were older, but… I guess now’s about a good of time as any… Years ago, before Equestria was made, before the world existed, there was Arceus.” “Oh boy…” Ralts sighed as he levitated into the box and got comfortable for the long tale. “I was wondering if we would end up hearing you three’s backstory eventually.” Bagon joked as he got into the box as well. Mesprit smirked. “Yes… Anyways, Arceus was exhausted after he repaired what was left of this world. He needed three beings to create the elements of Knowledge, Willpower, and Emotion. So, he made a deal with two interdimensional beings… This is where we come in.” The deal was, the two beings would take three souls to embody the elements, give them new bodies, and give them to Arceus to care for until it was time for humans and Pokemon to be reborn in this world. Mal couldn’t move. She felt crammed, wet, and couldn’t breath. She didn’t need to, and could barely think. She tried opening her eyes, but realized just in time that her eyes… Were to small… She could feel two other… Things... With her that moved bit by bit. One was shaking, while the other was thrashing. Mal heard a voice saying something, but could barely understand what was going on. There was a ‘shink’ sound, and a sudden warmth filled her. It made her smile, and almost beam with happiness. She tried to keep her emotions in check, like she normally tried, but just couldn’t. It was almost like she was made of emotion. A loud, yet kind voice rang out through her head. “Hello little ones… My, you are a all perfect. I can’t wait to finally meet you all in the flesh.” Mal was oddly calmed by the voice, and wanted to hear it more, but it went quite for a long, long time. It felt like an eternity, and who knows, maybe it was. Then suddenly, there was a cracking sound. She could feel one of the things shoot up, and the space was doubled. Mal searched with her… Whatever, and tried to pull herself out. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Azelf. “Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!” Mal screamed. “Wah!” Azelf yelped herself. Then the third thing hit the surfaced two, pushing them out of what Mal could now say was an egg. Mal and Azelf face planted onto the dirt, and turned to see Uxie, who screamed at seeing Mal and Azelf. Mal and Azelf screamed at seeing Uxie, and the three continued this until they saw themselves. Mal saw silver body with little nubs for feet and hands. Two tails dangled off her butt, with what looked like gems. Mal was pretty smart, and caught on quickly. “Why am I Mesprit!?” She screamed. How did she come up with this, one might ask. Of course, her body, the fact that there were only two other Lake Spirit Pokemon, and Mesprit wasn’t there kinda helped. Just then, the other two pretty much said the same thing. “Why am I a Pokemon!?” Azelf yelped. “Why did I come out of an egg!?” Uxie shrieked. Pretty much the same… Yeah… “Wh-what’s going on…?” Uxie asked. Although Uxie had a point, Mesprit had a better question. “What now?” Silence. “Uh… Is that you Mal? Una?” Azelf asked. Mal and Uxie nodded, and everything came into place. “You’re Alex… Right?” Mal asked. Azelf nodded. Silence again. “Who’s hungry?” Mal asked. “And so, we set out on a quest to find food… But you don’t want to hear about that. It was pretty confusing, Especially since we were alone besides the few Legendaries around at the time.” Mesprit said. “Although, after we got food, we focused on what happened.” “Wait… the first thing you think of once you wake up in a strange world... in bodies you never had before... is food?” Bagon asked. “My body was a baby at the time, I could barely think straight.” Mesprit defended, to no avail as Bagon and Ralts burst into laughter. “Okay, what was the first thing you thought of after popping out of your eggs.” “Protect you.” Bagon said with a shrug. “Figuring out who the creature hovering over my egg was.” Ralts stated. “Huh… Guess that was Azelf.” Mesprit said. “Yup.” Ralts confirmed with a sagely nod. “What, you don’t like your mom?” Mesprit teased. “You act like she’s the worst thing in the world sometimes.” “No… I’m just the one that has to take the role of the grownup all the time even though I’m the child because she’s so... You know… And I actually think it's gotten worse these past few years.” Ralts groaned as he rubbed his temples with his nubs. “Well, Azelf and I found that life is no fun if you act all grown up. I mean, look how happy Azelf usually is.” “Do you deliberately annoy a dragon just to play tag? or put a Beedrill’s nest on your head to see how I react?” Ralts deadpanned. “Ralts… I’ll see if I can talk some sense into her when we meet up with her again. Just don’t be annoyed with her, she probably just wants to see how much you love her. You’re kinda…” Mesprit trailed off. “I’m what? You can be honest.” Ralts said as he began to smirk. “Kind of emotionless around her…” Mesprit finished. “Yup, that’s exactly what I thought you would say… Don't tell her this but I do that to mess with her as payment for all her life endangering shenanigans, and it's cute seeing her frustrated at being unable to get what she wants.” Ralts explained as his smirk spread into a full blown smile that took up a whole fourth of his face. “Huh, didn't think you were the puppet master type.” Bagon admitted with a chuckle. “Heh, yeah, I never would have thought of you like that.” Mesprit said. “Where did they go!?” Twilight screamed in the hallway. “Stay quiet everyone!” Mesprit mentally squeaked. “I… Think You… Scared them… away!” Fluttershy berated as she tried to catch her breath now that she had caught up with Twilight. “What!? B-but… I wanted to study them!” Twilight whined. “Did you take into account for how they might feel about you ‘studying’ them?” Fluttershy said. “I… Uh… No?” Twilight responded in confusion. “Then maybe you should! They might not even trust me ever again now because of you!” Fluttershy scolded. Shortly after, footsteps could be heard slowly moving away alongside the sounds of someone whimpering. “I think there gone…” Bagon sighed. “At least we know we can trust the one named Fluttershy for certain.” Ralts said as he returned to his usual neutral look. “Guess not all humans are bad.” Mesprit thought. “Coming from a self proclaimed former human… that's quite ironic.” Ralts thought. “Hey, I never said I was human. Cause I’m not.” Mesprit grumbled. “Meh, Azelf’s story is too similar to yours to mark it off as fiction now. but she said that you three used to be human before the start of the story.” Ralts pointed out. “I never said we were human… Plus, Azelf exaggerates.” “Uh huh… Sure.” Ralts replied as he rolled his eyes while giving Mesprit a knowing smirk. “I was never one of those of those super strong, winged or magical monsters that tried to capture Azelf, Uxie, and I! I was NEVER ONE OF THEM!!!” “Mom? You’re on fire… Again…” Bagon said nervously. Mesprit realized this, and calmed down as quickly as she could. She started breathing deeply, rubbing her face with her nubs. “Sorry baby… Bad memories… Go to sleep you two, I’ll take first watch. Okay? Let’s not talk about this.” “Whatever.” Ralts replied as he rolled over to go to sleep. “Good night.” Bagon sighed before curling up to sleep. “Sleep tight…” Mesprit said as her mind went back to that day… She lied when she said that she asked for food. Silence again fell upon the three Pokemon. “Is anyone else feeling like their brain was tampered with?” Mal asked, fear in her voice. “Y-yeah… M-my head h-hurts…” Alex whimpered. “Wh-why are we the Lake Trio!?” Una screamed. “I see you're awake.” Came an almost ancient sounding voice. “Wh-who’s there!?” Mal yelled, looking around rapidly for the voice. “You can call me Crux.” Replied the voice as the man wearing a blue cloak appeared from the shadows. “Why are you here...?” Una asked uneasily. “To chat?” Crux offered. “Wait… You’re the bastard that did this to us!” Alex shouted. She started to hover. “Your hovering.” Crux said simply. Azelf yelped, before falling on her face. “Now, before you go attacking people why don't we introduce ourselves like proper intelligent beings?” Crux said as he made a recliner appear for himself to sit in. “Aren’t you that guy that gave us the eggs?” Una asked. “Why yes! I’m glad you remembered.” Crux chuckled. Mal glared. “I’m Malory Clover. These are my friends Une Siler, and Alexis Hurren…” Mal pointed to each of her friends respectively. “Nice to meet you formally. Now do you have any questions before we get down to business?” Crux asked. “What did you do to us?!” Alex asked. “We turned you into Mesprit, Uxie, and Azelf.” Crux said. “Why?” Una questioned. “Because we needed worthy humans.” Crux told una. “For what?” Una sounded more curious than scared. Alex was more angry, and Mal felt a pain in her chest. “Well, for a deal we made with this dimensions ruler.” Crux said as the three eggs that he had given them appeared, hovering above the opening to his cloaks right sleeve. “Wait, why are you giving us those?” Alex asked, “They’re just props.” “Oh? You thought these were props? My dear child, these are quite real.” Crux chuckled as he made an egg float to each the three pokemon. Mal, Alex and Uxie stared at the eggs, surprise. “What!?” “Hope you like being mothers!” Crux said as he burst into full blown laughter. Alex’s glare returned. “What’s that supposed to mean!?” Una and Mal was just stunned. “Well, you're now pokemon… and those are pokemon eggs… so wouldn't that make you their adoptive mothers since you are now the owners of those eggs?” Crux asked as he stopped laughing. “Please! I don’t want a kid, I just got turned into a freaking Pokemon!” Alex yelled. “Their your responsibility now kid. You accepted them, you raise them.” Crux said as he looked at the pokemon, giving them the feeling he was glaring at them which caused chills to run down their backs. Mal herself was thrilled about the idea, but terrified by the state. She could feel his emotions, and somehow could tell he was a father. Una was thinking of all the problems that could happen, worrying about how Ash Ketchum took care of his eggs. Alex, though, was appalled. She didn’t like responsibility, she didn’t like having to care for someone other than herself, and she disliked babies. “We never accepted anything! You sold us what we thought were props! We never wanted to be mothers!” Alex shouted but was slapped pathetically by Mal. “Ignore Alex, Mr. Crux. We’d be happy to take care of the eggs and the little Pokemon they’ll become. Alex will just have to ease into the mother roll…” Mal said, smiling nervously. She was genuine when she said she was happy to take care of her egg. “I’m not so sure about her but I know the rest of you will.” Crux said as he leaned back and relaxed a bit, an invisible grip visibly easing away from the chair's arms as they left deep claw like gashes. “Now you have three questions left until we meet again, make them count.” Crux added, his tone devoid of emotion. “Uh… What are we going to do?” Una asked, a bit nervous about if she asked a good question. “Until we meet again, you will be helping Arceus with anything he may ask of you.” Crux replied. “When will we see you again?” Alex questioned. “When the time is right.” Crux stated cryptically. Mal started scratching her head, unsure of herself. “Why us? Ther had to be better candidates than us.” “Your fate gave me two options, I preferred this one.” Crux said, “That's all your questions for now, but do you have anything to say before I leave?” The three didn’t have anything to say, so they kept staring. “Then this is goodbye for now, see you in few million years!” Crux said as he, and his chair, disappeared in a puff of smoke. Mesprit sighed to herself. This was going to be a long reunion... What next? Find out next time! > 5. Dreams Of A Past Forgotten > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Mommy! Save me!” Bagon cried as he was dragged away by a human. Mesprit’s eyes opened, and she shot out of where she was sleeping and looked around. “Bagon!” “Save me!” Cried Bagons voice from behind Mesprit. “Im coming Bagon!” Mesprit cried as she turned around to go after his voice but froze. In her way was a pair of scientists with nets, seconds later the scientists managed to catch her no matter how hard she tried to escape. “No! let me go!” mesprit cried as she was dragged off and strapped to a metal table. “A species of unknown pokemon that can talk, this is quite the find!” A third scientist said. “Please! Leave me alone!” Mesprit cried as she tried to escape. “It's time to dissect it!” A fourth scientist said as all the scientists pulled out various tools and sciency things. Slowly the scientists drew closer and closer to Mesprit with the full intent to dissect her until everything turned grey and froze. “This is quite the nightmare Mesprit.” Laughed a familiar voice. “What? Who’s there!?” Mesprit yelled, before realizing she was speaking. “Wait…” “Long time no see Mesprit. What’s wrong? None of your previous nightmares were anything like this one.” Darkrai said as he appeared from the shadows. “Darkrai!? What are you doing here?” Mesprit asked, before realization hit her. “Now I get it… This is just a dream…” “And quite a traumatic one at that… Where did you ever get the idea that the humans would dissect you?” Darkrai asked. Mesprit hovered up, dusting herself off. “You know where I come from...” “I have seen your nightmares about things from your old world but I know nothing more about it.” Darkrai said as he hovered over to Mesprit, “And a being as lovely as you could hardly come from a place full of the horrors in your nightmares.” “Trust me, it’s pretty bad… Wait, you watch my dreams?” Mesprit tilted her head. “Erm… Yes?” Darkrai confessed as he started to scratch at the back of his head nervously. “Why?” Mesprit asked, but face nubbed. “Nevermind... Why are you here is a bigger question.” “I was worried about you. Do I need any more reason than that?” Darkrai asked. Mesprit grumbled to herself. “Nightmares are just a part of life, there’s nothing you need to worry about. Now, can I please wake up?” “Soon as you tell me what that form is.” Darkrai said as he pointed at Mesprit. Mesprit looked down at herself, seeing herself in her human form. She was surprised, but didn’t show it. “Someone I used to know… Her name was Mallory… She doesn’t matter.” “Nice try Mesprit, but you can't fool me. Good morning Mal.” Darkrai chuckled as Mesprit began to wake up. Mesprit silently gasped awake, seeing the light shine on her face. “You ok mom?” Bagon asked as he noticed Mesprit wake up. Mesprit tried to talk with her mouth, but realized she couldn’t again. “Seems someone forgot they were mute.” Ralts said as he rummaged through some of the boxes in their hiding spot in for food. Mesprit glared at Ralts. “I had a nightmare, but I’m fine now. We should find Azelf before anything.” The legendary used her telekinesis to pick up the two. “She went to find food, but we never met back up.” “She probably got ambushed by a group of snover and is being thawed out by Uxie and Dratini.” Ralts said as he removed himself from Mesprit's telekinetic grip. “I’d have more faith in your mother if I was you… But you’re probably right. Let’s find some food, then meet up with your aunt and cousin.” Mesprit said, hugging Bagon like a teddy bear. “I can smell something cooking.” Bagon offered as he sniffed the air. “Lead the way fido.” Ralts joked, causing Bagon to laugh a bit before starting to follow the sent. Mesprit hovered low to the ground, following the two from a distance. “Why you so far behind us?” Ralts asked Mesprit as he noticed her actions. “S-sorry, I’m just feeling uneasy… It’s just the Nightmare, keep going.” Mesprit replied. When Bagon heard Mesprit mention the word nightmare he immediately stopped and turned around to face her. “What nightmare? What happened?” He asked with a slightly concerned tone. “Bagon…” Mesprit said, shaking her head. “It was just a nightmare, nothing that’ll kill me.” “Fine, I’ll ask Darkrai about it then.” Bagon said before he grabbed Mesprit and held her on his head as he resumed walking down the hall after the sent. “Who’s Darkrai? Is he Mesprit's boyfriend?” Ralts asked with a smirk. “Well… He’s… I don’t know, I think he’s a legendary like Uxie, Azelf and I. He’s the… Whatever of nightmares. I met him a long time ago along with a few other Pokemon.” Mesprit explained to her best ability. “He stalks me, hangs out with Bagon, and just generally bothers me with his presence.” “So you're playing hard to get?” Ralts asked Mesprit. “I don’t play ‘hard to get’. If he liked me like that, I’d tell him my answer to his face.” Mesprit said simpley. “I think he’s a nice guy, I don't see why mom doesn't go out with him.” Bagon said as they went around a corner. “Well, he seems to have gotten Bagons approval. That has to count for something, right?” Ralts chuckled. “Are you two seriously talking about my love life? Look, I don’t want someone like a boyfriend. I’m perfectly happy with my life.” Mesprit groaned. “Talk about Azelf or Uxie’s love life, just don’t talk about mine.” “But we don't know much about what's going on in Uxie’s life, and Azelf’s life is full of minefields.” Bagon pointed out. “Wait, what minefields?” Ralts asked. “Nothing~” Bagon said as they snuck into the palace kitchen. “Now you’ve made me interested… Where did you learn the word minefield? And what’s this about Azelf?” Mesprit questioned. “Darkrai may have snuck me into one of your dreams-” Bagon started but didn't get to finish. “That’s it! When I see him again I’ll slap him with my tails before burning him alive!” Mesprit’s head caught on fire. “Hey look, Pancakes!” bagon said, trying to diffuse the situation my pointing at a giant stack of pancakes left in a secluded corner of the room. “Keep going, I want to know what you saw…” Mesprit telekinetically pulled the pancakes over to herself and the other two. “Before we get to that touchy subject… what's this?” Ralts asked as he pulled a piece of paper out from under the pancakes and held it out for Mesprit. The pink headed Pokemon narrowed her eyes as she took the parchment. She read it over in her mind, which lead to the other two hearing it. “Sorry about last night, hope these pancakes can help smooth things over! ~Pinkie” “Wait… What?” Bagon asked as he nearly choked on a pancake. Mesprit rubbed her head with her nub in confusion. “Who the heck is Pinkie?” “She was the human with the pink curly hair from last night that gave our position away. But  how did she know that we would be here? Let alone find the pancakes she left for us?” Ralts asked as he began to munch on one of the pancakes. “More important than that…” Mesprit said, hearts in her eyes. “How did she know my favorite syrup!?” The hovering legendary swiped a bottle of Blueberry Syrup and hugged it. “Whats syrup? And how does Bagon know what these things are called?” Ralts asked. “Well, sometimes I sneak into our humans village to get these. They’re a breakfast meal that is very fluffy and oh so good~” Mesprit cooed, caressing the bottle. “Interesting… I will be looking into this at a later date where I can be certain that Azelf won't be causing any trouble then.” Ralts said as he started to nibble at a second pancake. “I still don't know how Mom gets past the humans to get these. But it sure beats eating berries all the time!” Bagon chuckled as he started eating another pancake. “It’s all in the speed.” Mesprit said smugly as she ate. “By the way, what did you see in Mesprit's dream?” Ralts asked Bagon, causing the dragon to almost choke again. “Why don’t you tell me? I want to know what that…” Mesprit growled a bit. “Nightmare Pokemon showed you.” “Erm… I dont think its my place to say anything about what I saw…” Bagon said as he started to slowly back away from Mesprit, having decided he had enough pancakes for now. “Tell me Bagon…” Mesprit said, before sighing. “We’ll talk about it in private.” “I’ll give you two some private time then. I need to use the bathroom anyway.” Ralts said before he walked off. “Don't leave me!” Bagon begged Ralts to no avail, “This is not going to end well…” When Mesprit was sure she couldn’t use the telepathic communication, she gave Bagon a stern stare, expectant of an explanation. “Um, maybe we can talk about this?” Bagon chuckled nervously, before face numbing at his mistake. Mesprit used her nub, gesturing she wanted him to go on. “Hey look! Blueberry Cheese Cake!” Bagon said pointing behind Mesprit. She didn’t look away. Instead, she glared daggers at her son. “Welp, I tried.” Bagon said before turning to try and run away. Mesprit’s eyes glowed, and he was lifted in her telekinetic grip. She turned him towards her, and sharply pointed her nub at him, before pointing to herself. “Fine, I give! It all happened a few summers ago...” Bagon said as he began to recount what had happened. Mesprit was tossing and turning in her sleep as Bagon watched over her in his cave. “This cold is really getting to her…” Bagon said to himself. “Would you like to help her sleep better?” A voice asked. “Who’s there?” bagon asked as he spun around and took a defensive stance. “The names Darkrai, and I came to help.” Said the voice as a figure emerged from the shadows. “And how do I know I can trust you?” Bagon questioned, glad for the offer for help but still not willing to trust a complete stranger. “Because I know Mesprit from a long time ago.” Darkrai replied. “Then why hasn't she mentioned you before?” Bagon said, now feeling slightly confused on how this pokemon knew his mother. “It's a long story, but basically she and the rest of the legendaries had a falling out a while back.” Darkrai sighed. “What?” Bagon asked, he was confused on what he meant by legendary and that they had a falling out but decided not to question it. “Nevermind… you want me to help or not?” Darkrai groaned. “Um… I guess?” Bagon replied before a black vortex appeared next to Darkrai, he was then carried into it by the legendary before it closed. When Bagon was finally able to see again he was inside a strange wooden structure that vaguely resembled a cave. “Where are-” He began to say before Darkrai covered his mouth. “Shh! You don't want to get caught do you?” Darkrai whispered in a slightly urgent tone. “I’m not a Princess!” Mesprit screamed. “This is going to be interesting.” Darkrai chuckled causing Bagon to become curious. After a while of searching, Bagon and Darkrai had managed to find out where Mesprit was in the mindscape… And boy was it hilarious! In the center of a room was an antro version of Mesprit wearing a frilly pink dress and a smug looking Arceus standing in front of her. “He’s mine!” Mesprit yelled, flailing her arms. “Young girl, your attitude makes me realize he’s not good for you, so I’m taking him away.” Arceus said with an almost nonexistent voice. He held an upside down Bagon plushie with a twisted head. “Is that really mom? And why is there a funny looking version of me?” Bagon questioned out of confusion. “Just watch, if you get involved something bad might happen.” Darkrai warned, “But I can get involved if you want.” “Then please help my mom, I don't want her to be worried.” Bagon told the legendary. “No!” Mesprit cried, before the scene changed to an underground cavern. Voices whispered “Traitor…” Over and over again. Mesprit was hanging upside down with black cracks forming over her skin. “Crap! Not good!” Darkrai shouted before he grabbed Bagon and darted towards Mesprit. Mesprit spasmed out a bit, as numerous shadowy monsters appeared and closed in on her frozen form. “Stay away from mom!” Bagon yelled at the shadows as Darkrai got between them and their target just in the nick of time. “You are not welcome here, now leave.” Darkrai told the shadowy creatures. There were a couple of growls, and the shadows backed away slowly. They finally retreated into the dark, and Mesprit fell onto her face. “Mom!” Bagon yelled before wiggling free of Darkrai’s grip and falling right in front of Mesprit. Mesprit’s hand moved towards Bagon shakily. Bagon noticed her movements and instinctively ran over and hugged her hand to try and comfort her. “Are you ok!?” Bagon asked as he looked her straight in the eyes. “I-I’m fine… Wh-what are you doing here?” Mesprit asked. “I was worried about you… And why do you look like that?” Bagon said as he clung to Mesprit's hand. “I… I don’t know…” Mesprit said still lucid. “You look funny like this, but it suits you.” Bagon chuckled as he took in how she looked right now. Mesprit stood up, legs shaking. “Th-thanks I guess…” Bagon then jumped onto Mesprit’s chest and tried hugging her around her neck for support. “By the way, why were you wearing that strange pink thing?” He asked. Mesprit raised her eyebrow at that, and then looked down at herself only to realize she was naked and exposed. A red tint appeared on her face, but she shrugged it off, knowing he wouldn’t care. “It was… Armor. Protection.” “That was some really weird looking protection. No wonder you were complaining about wearing it.” Bagon said before he snuggled into Mesprit's chest, “Why don't you look more like this back in the real world? You're more cuddly this way.” “Thanks… But I can’t look like this…” Mesprit then rubbed her eyes. “I’m sleeping…” “By the way, what is this place?” Bagon asked as he looked around them, he also noticed the lack of a certain legendary that had brought him here. Mesprit sighed. “I can’t believe I’m about to tell a dream about my past, but whatever…” The Legendary of Emotion sat on a rock, and hugged bagon. “A long time ago, when mommy was young, she made a small mistake in these caves. She was blamed for more bad stuff, and Pokemon she thought were friends turned on her. There was a nasty fight, and in the end, the Pokemon Ho-Oh needed to revive the planet. Legendaries don’t talk much nowadays because of that. Only a few kept in contact with me, but for the most part only Azelf and Uxie stay around…” Mesprit sighed. “Friendships fell apart, and I was labelled an outcast.” “So what if you made a little mistake? It sounds like those pokemon don't deserve your friendship for turning on you!” Bagon pouted. He didn't understand what Mesprit meant but from what he could see it didn't make sense that they would turn on her because of what could have been small mistake. “It wasn’t a…” Mesprit yawned. “Small mistake…” Then everything went white, and Mesprit vanished. “Next thing I know I’m in my bed in the real world as you walk around perfectly fine.” Bagon said, finishing up his tale. Mesprit stared at Bagon emotionlessly. She was unable to speak, so she just rubbed her head, slightly embarrassed. “Are you ok? Your face is turning red again.” Bagon said as he walked over to Mesprit, having been set back down half way through the tale. Mesprit nodded, and finished her pancakes. “So you two finished?” Ralts asked as he sat next to Mesprit while munching on some popcorn. “Yeah, we’re done. Once we all finish up, we’ll head to Uxie’s place.” Mesprit said, still flustered. “By the way, when did you get back Ralts?” Bagon asked. “Oh, I got back at the part where you said you woke up in some kind of wooden cave.” Ralts chuckled. “If either of you two speak of this to Ralts’ mom or your guys’ aunt, I swear I’ll rip your happy emotions out of you for three weeks!” Mesprit shouted. “...” Bagon and Ralts just stared at Mesprit in shock as she said that. “Well that's not very nice now is it?” Darkrai chuckled as he appeared from Mesprit's shadow. “Darkrai!?!? What in Equestria are you doing here!? Stalking my dreams are one thing, but visiting me in the real world is another!” Mesprit snapped. “I wish it was that simple… But I'm actually here on business this time.” Darkrai said as he pulled out a scroll and handed it to Mesprit. The tiny Pokemon took ahold of it and began reading. Her eyes then widened. “Who gave you this Darkrai?” “Arceus himself.” Darkrai responded. Mesprit groaned. “Great…” “Guess this means I won't be seeing you much anymore...” Darkrai sighed. “Mom? What's Darkrai talking about?” Bagon asked as Ralts just sat there confused. “I’ll tell you later, we need to get to the others.” Mesprit stated. “If you ever need me, you know what to do.” Darkrai said before he melted back into the shadows. “I have a bad feeling about this…” Ralts said to Bagon, getting a nod of agreement in response. "And that bad feeling is something I'm getting to! Stay with us people!" "Pinkie? What are you doing?" "N-nothing, Twi! Just talking to myself!"