> Rainbow Dash - Attempt Delivering Mail > by pet249 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "HEY," Rainbow Dash cried. "Derpy, be more careful next time." Rainbow Dash was annoyed, as Derpy had bumped into her, and caused Rainbow Dash to lose momentum and nearly fall on the ground. Derpy was too busy flying and delivering mail to notice. Derpy was trying to go quickly, but she couldn't. She needed to take time and care to deliver mail, not rush through delivering it. She wanted to deliver mail, but she also wanted to have that baking session with Pinkie Pie. Suddenly, Derpy had a brilliant idea, right out of the blue. This way, she could have the mail delivered and have the baking session with Pinkie Pie. Derpy flew as quickly as she could towards Rainbow Dash, almost bumping into her when she got there. "Rainbow Dash, can you deliver the mail?" Derpy asked, a big, happy, clueless smile on her face. Rainbow Dash didn't know how to deliver the mail, she didn't know how to carefully deliver mail, and the worst part was that Rainbow Dash didn't know where everypony lived. However, despite all of those problems, Rainbow Dash would still deliver the mail, to her best ability. Derpy was one of Rainbow Dash's friends, and Rainbow Dash was very loyal to her friends, no matter how silly they could be. "Let me just get you suited up okay," Derpy took off her mail bag and gave it to Rainbow Dash. "Deliver all of this mail to where these ponies live." Rainbow Dash stood there, not knowing what to do. Derpy smiled and flew off into the distance. "Wait! Derpy," Rainbow Dash had forgotten to ask Derpy for something. "I need a map of where everypony lives!" Rainbow Dash didn't know where everypony lived. She needed that or else she didn't know where to deliver the mail. I guess I'll play a guessing game and guess where most of these ponies live, thought Rainbow Dash. She really didn't know where they lived, so she would have to guess or ask locals about where these ponies lived. She was going to go for the latter first, because it was easier. > Rainbow Dash Delivers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Lyra Heartstrings the envelope read. "Lyra Heartstrings," said Rainbow Dash to nobody in particular. "If I don't know who or where this pony lives, then how do I deliver mail to her?" Well time to ask random ponies where this one lives. thought Rainbow Dash. She was going to ask who this pony was to deliver the mail. She gave her word to Derpy, and she was going keep it. "Hello," Rainbow Dash greeted a mint green coloured pony with harps as her cutie mark. "Do you know who Lyra Heartstrings is?" The pony nodded her head. "Yes, I do. In fact, I'm Lyra Heartstrings! I'm going home to see if Derpy has arrived with the mail yet. " Rainbow Dash took out the envelope that said "To Lyra Heartstrings" out of the mail bag. "Here," Rainbow Dash gave Lyra the envelope. Before Lyra could ask why, Rainbow Dash explained why she was delivering mail instead of Derpy. "Derpy is...busy, so I'm supplying for her." Rainbow Dash shuffled through the envelopes in the mail bag. She picked a random one out and held it up. To Doctor Whooves, it read. "Wait, Lyra," Rainbow Dash stopped Lyra in her tracks. "Can you tell me where Doctor Whooves lives please?" "Of course," Lyra smiled before telling directions on how to get to Doctor Whooves house. Rainbow Dash thanked her, and raced off towards Doctor Whooves house. Rainbow Dash knocked on the plain door knob. The door opened, and a plain, brown pony came out. "Oh! Hello, I was expecting Derpy with my usual mail," the stallion said, surprised that Derpy hadn't come yet. "Sorry, Derpy's not available, I am delivering mail for her as a substitute." Rainbow Dash took out the letter. "Here is your mail by the way." Next was one to Twilight. Rainbow Dash sighed a sigh of relief, she didn't need to guess where Twilight lived. Rainbow Dash flew to Twilight library as fast as she could. "Twilight, here's your mail," Rainbow Dash handed a letter to Twilight. "Derpy is busy, so I'm delivering for her." Rainbow Dash paused a bit before speaking again. "Twilight, can you help me Deliver some mail please? There are only seven letters left. I can take two, while you take the other five." Rainbow Dash wanted some help delivering the mail. "But, why do you only get to deliv-" Twilight protested. "Because I delivered three already. Now come on Twilight!" Okay, these last ones are for Fluttershy and Applejack. thought Rainbow Dash. She raced of to Fluttershy's cottage and knocked at the door. "Hello," Rainbow Dash called. "Fluttershy? I have the mail." Fluttershy stepped out and asked where Derpy was with the mail. "Oh, that. Derpy is busy, so I'm delivering mail for now. Bye Fluttershy!" Who's next? thought Rainbow Dash who was jetting through clouds. Applejack...time to go to her barn! Rainbow Dash busted through the farm door and gave Applejack her mail. "Hey, Rainbow Dash," called Applejack. "Where the hay is Derpy?" "She's busy right now" Rainbow Dash called back. "Bye, Applejack!" Back at Twilight's Library, Twilight was just coming home after delivering her five letters. "Twilight? How did you get here so fast?!" Rainbow Dash yelled. "I am the fastest flier in Equestria, and you came before me? How is that even possible?!" "I knew where they lived, and all of them lived in the same row, consecutively. So, I walked from house to house delivering mail." Twilight explained. She was lucky they all lived so closely together. Rainbow Dash went to Derpy's house, and put the mail bag in front of Derpy's front door. Then Rainbow Dash did her fun tricks and stunts the rest of the day. > Derpy Hooves Bakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile at Sugarcube Corner... "Okay Derpy, let's make some muffins now," said Pinkie Pie, with all of the ingredients on the table. "Remember to measure the size, or else the muffin won't turn out well." Pinkie Pie went over and got a blue mixing bowl. "Derpy, pour in the ingredients!" said Pinkie Pie in her usual cheery voice. Derpy didn't measure any amounts of how much she put in the mixing bowl. She just blindly poured in random amounts, which were all surprisingly correct. "Derpy, great job!" Now to put it in the oven. Derpy, set the timer for twenty minutes on low setting now, ok?" Pinkie instructed Derpy on what to do. Derpy was lucky in the amount of ingredients put in, but she wasn't lucky this time. She put the oven on high for fifteen minutes. "15 minutes later..." "Derpy, the muffins are now all burnt to a crisp," Pinkie Pie frowned. Then she suddenly smiled again. "This is your first muffin, so let's be happy that you at least tried making it." Pinkie took a big bite out of one of the burnt muffins. "Yum," pinkie exclaimed. "The outside is really crunchy and yucky, but the inside is tastes nice and feels softer." "Derpy, look at the time, I think you need to pick up your daughter from school right now." Pinkie smiled again. "Bye Derpy!" Derpy ran to pick up Dinky, her little muffin at Kindergarten. Dinky climbed on her mom's back and they went home. When Derpy saw the empty mail bag on the floor, she smiled. Rainbow Dash did deliver all of the mail then. she thought, happy as could be. > Twilight Sparkle Recaps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight crashed on the bed. She wasn't tired from only delivering mail, she was tired from delivering mail and studying. As Twilight closed her droopy eyes, she dreamed of the day she had. "The previous night, she went to bed very late because she stayed up late studying. Due to this, she was very tired the next day. In the morning, Spike woke Twilight up. 'Twilight, what's wrong? You're usually awake before me,' Spike shook Twilight. 'Okay, I'm up,' whined an annoyed Twilight Sparkle. Twilight yawned and began stretching. 'Twilight, is something wrong? I mean, you don't usually stretch," wondered Spike out loud. Twilight refused to answer, and refused to move. 'C'mon Twilight, you have a busy day today.' When Twilight refused to move a second time, Spike decided to take matters into his own hands. Spike grabbed Twilight by her right hind leg, and began to pull there. He wasn't very strong, but he managed to get Twilight near the stairs before nearly collapsing. Annoyed that Twilight wouldn't wake up, Spike went into the bathroom. He picked up a random bucket and filled it with cold water, then he ran to Twilight. 'Sorry Twilight, but I need to do this,' said Spike as he poured the bucket of water on her head. 'I'm up, I'm up,' cried Twilight obviously mad at Spike who forced her to wake up. 'When is breakfast by the way?' 'Twilight, it is eleven o' clock in the morning, you should be eating lunch by now. 'Fine, then I'll have brunch today,' cried Twilight who was beginning to become tired again. Spike quickly reheated Twilight's pancakes, and then added some maple syrup to the pancake before pouring a side of apple cider. Twilight ate the pancakes, but before she could go to sleep, Spike stopped her telling her to study first. Twilight managed to make her way to one of her books, and barely lift it up. Before she could read the first word, Rainbow Dash burst in through the door. Twilight walked up to her. 'Twilight can you deliver the mail for me,' asked Rainbow Dash, holding the letter out to Twilight. 'I'll deliver two, and you deliver five. Twilight tried speaking, but she was interrupted. 'I already delivered three,' explained Rainbow Dash. Twilight walked back into her library and asked Spike to deliver the mail. He delivered them all to the correct address with his fire. Twilight walked outside, and Rainbow Dash appeared right beside her. 'How did you finish before me,' asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight couldn't remember how she delivered the mail, so she just said the houses were a short distance from each other. Twilight walked back inside and went to sleep." After her dream, Twilight fell into a dreamless sleep until the next day. > Epilogue: Dinky Doo Asks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Mommy, why didn't you deliver mail today," asked Dinky, confused on why her mom left the mailbag on the doorstep. "Little Muffin, get ready for bed and I'll tell you," replied Derpy to fulfill her daughter's request. Dinky jumped up and got ready for bed as quickly as she could. "Please tell me now," cried Dinky. "I want you to tell me the story!" Derpy smiled and tucked her daughter into bed. "Okay, I'll tell you," Derpy smiled again. "I was busy today so I couldn't deliver the mail." "But you never not deliver the mail mommy," cried Dinky. "I got Rainbow Dash to deliver the mail for me," explained Derpy. "She delivered all of it!" "Mommy, what were you doing?" asked Dinky wondering what her mom was doing that could be so important. "I had a baking session, and made muffins," she held out one. "Want one?" "OK!" yelled Dinky before biting into it. She spit out the burned part. "Eeew! It tastes yucky," before biting again to give it another chance. "Yummy! The outside tastes bad, but the inside tastes yummy," Dinky smiled before going to bed. Derpy smiled and crawled into her own bed.