Proud With Every Ounce

by GodOfBBQ

First published

Sweetie Belle panics when she has to go to school as the fatty of the bunch.

Over Summer break, Sweetie Belle was surprisingly left with nothing to do. Usually she was out with her two fellow crusaders getting into various dilemmas and situations, but not this Summer. This Summer was a very uneventful one, and Rarity can agree. Not even a single trip to Canterlot was planned since it wasn't even necessary.

So what else was Sweetie to do but laze about and eat, eat, and eat a little more. This continued for a little longer until Summer ended and it was the first day of the sophomore year for Sweetie Belle. But as she got dressed for school, she came across something hideous. Something she couldn't hide for the life of her.

She had gotten fat. She panics and overreacts, but luckily her big sister knows just the words to tell her.

Just Keep Both Chins Up!

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Just Keep Both Chins Up!

Rarity snuggled deeper into her blankets as the morning air found its way into her room. Making it a little more chilly than before. With a pleased breath of comfort, Rarity slowly sank back into slumber…

“Gah, Ahhhhh!” The whole building shook from the loud scream and Rarity had leaped nearly eight feet off her bed from being frightened by the sudden noise. But her protective sisterly side quickly overtook her mind and she rushed to Sweetie’s room to see what was wrong. Rarity swung Sweetie’s door open to find; at first glance, an empty room. But soon after scanning the entire living space, she found Sweetie hiding under her bed. Rarity rushed to Sweetie’s aid.

“Sweetie dear, what happened!? I heard you scream bloody murder!” Rarity worried as she knelt down to get a better view of Sweetie Belle. Her young sister sighed.

“No, no I’m fine Rarity…”

“Oh thank the stars you’re alright. But, what are you doing under there dear?” Rarity asked. Sweetie didn’t answer, mainly because she didn’t want to. “Sweetie? Can you tell me what’s the matter?” Rarity persisted. With yet, another sigh, Sweetie began to explain.

“I was getting out of the shower when it happened. I was drying myself off and I was getting ready to brush my teeth, but then I saw the mirror and I looked at my reflection. Then I saw myself…” Sweetie didn’t need to explain further. Rarity knew exactly what was wrong, but a thought occurred to her.

“Sweetie Belle, are you… Er, needing a towel under there?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah… I dropped my towel when I ran and hid…” Sweetie explained. Rarity couldn’t help but laugh at her sister’s explanation as to why she was naked under a bed. Rarity grabbed the towel and handed it to Sweetie who was still under the bed, yet some how managed to successfully wrap it around her body. Sweetie slithered out from beneath the bed and stood up. Rarity looked over her dear sister.

‘How did she not notice before today? Surely she must have looked in a mirror at some point yesterday!’ Rarity wondered to herself as Sweetie stood before her looking very awkward and uncomfortable.

“Rarity… Can I stay home today?” Sweetie asked.

“Oh dear, absolutely not! This is your first day of the sophomore year! You wouldn’t want to miss this for the world!” Rarity exclaimed.

“But I can’t go to school looking like this! Just look at me! I’m a beached whale for goodness sake!” Sweetie backed up so Rarity could get a better view of her. She has gained quite the amount of weight. So much so, she’s developed the pear shape body. Her hips were wide and her belly seemed to fight against the towel to be released. As embarrassing to even notice such a detail Rarity couldn’t help but notice Sweetie’s chest had grown as well.

“I’m sure there will be other students who are… Well, on the same boat as you, you’ll be fine dear!” Rarity tried to convince.

“Yeah, if that boat is a cargo sailing with 157 pounds worth of blubber!”

“157 pounds?” Rarity asked surprised.

“It’s a rough estimate! But I really hope it’s not that high! Should I check?” Sweetie asked. Rarity didn’t see a reason to not let her check, maybe it would calm her down if she weighed less than 157 pounds. Rarity excused Sweetie so she could check her weight. Soon after, another scream was heard.

“159!” Sweetie whined.

“Sweetie, how did you gain so much!? I mean, when Summer began you were only 112!” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know! My best guess is Mom and Dad fed me a lot, because I don’t think I ate here as much.” Sweetie said. Rarity wanted to hold back, truly she did, but she couldn’t help but confess to Sweetie.

“Well actually dear, I found you in the kitchen one night. You seemed to have stumbled upon my ice cream stash. You were sleep walking, er, eating I should say. I didn’t want to wake you since you’re not supposed to wake a sleepwalker.” Rarity explained. Sweetie Belle was shocked at this news.

“Why didn’t you tell me when I was awake then!?” Sweetie asked.

Rarity had an answer, but she didn’t think it would be the best. But, her sister was getting impatient.

“It would’ve worried you?”

Sweetie placed her hand on her face and groaned.

“But dear, you can’t miss today. Tomorrow if it’s that bad, but there is no question for today!” Rarity demanded.

“But, but what about… Diamond Tiara. She’ll make fun of me for sure!” Sweetie pouted.

“Don’t worry about her darling. If she dares say a word about you, just let me know…” Rarity said in an unsettling serious tone.

“Uh, what would you do?” Sweetie asked.

“Heavens forbid me getting to that point… But, no need to worry. You have fifteen minutes to get ready dear. Wouldn’t want you to be late now would we?” Rarity asked. As she began to walk out of the room, she heard faint whimpering. She turned around to see a weeping Sweetie Belle.

‘Oh, now I feel bad…’ Rarity thought to herself as she stared at her sister. She wasted no time in embracing Sweetie.

“Everyone will make fun of me and I’ll be the laughing stock of the school I just know it Rarity!” Sweetie cried as she burrowed her head into Rarity’s shoulder. Rarity stroked her sister’s head as she tried to calm her down.

“Now, now darling. It’ll all be fine. Do you want to know why?” Rarity asked.

“Why?” Sweetie asked as she lifted her head to face her sister’s.

“Because you’re beautiful, even with a soft body such as yours. There are many different kinds of beauty dear. Sure you have your models who are as thin as paper, but you have other models who are considered plus sized models. And they’re just as pretty! Are you familiar with the name Camera Friendly?” Rarity asked. Sweetie shook her head.

“No, who is she?” Sweetie asked.

“She’s a famous plus sized model. She’s paid hundreds of thousands of dollars just to model for any plus sized clothing line. She’s a very beautiful woman, and is very respected in the modeling business. Even Skinny Dip has done work with Camera.”

“Skinny Dip worked with a plus sized model? But isn’t she a model for the female Olympic swim team?” Sweetie asked “Shouldn’t she be some fitness freak?”

“Oh no darling, she respects all forms of modeling. That’s why she worked with Camera a few times in her career! I believe they’re even friends at this point.” Rarity said. Sweetie seemed to feel better.

“So, I can still be beautiful, even if I’m like this?” Sweetie asked.

“Of course darling! Here, give me one second.” Rarity let Sweetie go so she could hurry to her bedroom. In no time, Rarity returned with her phone. She turned it on and swiped it open. After some searching through some websites, Rarity finally found who she was looking for.

“See, that’s Camera.” Sweetie held the phone closer so she could see Camera. She on her side lying on a beautiful Victorian sofa, from what she was wearing, she was possibly modeling for sleepwear since she wore a beautiful lavender nightgown that was much like Rarity's. Her belly was much like Sweetie’s. Plump and a little saggy, her thighs were wide and soft looking, but her face was the pièce de résistance. She was beautiful, not a single blemish or anything on her face. She had long, bright blonde hair and her skin was an angelic ivory. Much like Sweetie’s skin, and her eyes were a shiny ruby red.

“Wow, she’s really pretty sis…” Sweetie commented.

“Indeed she is Sweetie dear. There are a lot of forms of beauty. There’s the more famous skinny style of beauty, but then there’s that specific beauty that catches everybody’s eye. Because it’s so new and unique, people will strive for more of it dear. Trust me, people will admire you much more by the end of today. You’ll see.”

“You really think so sis?” Sweetie asked, sounding like she was a little girl again.

“I know so dear. Now hurry along, or you’ll be late!” Rarity said as she left Sweetie’s room. Once she closed the door, she could hear Sweetie scrambling to get ready for school.

“Thank you once again Camera Friendly!” Rarity whispered as she raised a fist in victory.


Sweetie marched down the school hallway, her belly and breasts bouncing as she walked with a little extra pep in her step. She wanted to wear something that would present her new unique look. So she wore a white, sleeveless blouse, and a pale yellow skirt. While some didn’t seem to notice her, others did. She knew they were surprised to see a girl who was her size at one point had gotten so big. But, she knew she was a unique beauty that people were more curious about.

As she walked down the hallway searching for her friends, she heard hysteric laughing. She turned to see Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara pointing and laughing.

“Silver, get a load of the beached whale!” Diamond teased as she poked Sweetie’s thick arm. Silver laughed along.

“What happened Sweetie? You look like you lived off of fried chicken and cheeseburgers for the Summer!” Silver teased. Sweetie only smiled at their comments.

“Funny you should say that, because I do recall having my fair share of fast food over the Summer. But I don’t mind your teasing anymore girls, because I know that I still have my old looks, I’m just a little softer now.” Sweetie excused.

“Try too soft Sweetie. You look like the poster girl for childhood obesity!”

‘Okay, that one kinda hurt…’ Sweetie thought to herself. But, she found the perfect comeback that would surely silence the two bullies.

“Well, at least I got something extra from becoming this big… Something you girls couldn’t get naturally.” Sweetie said with a smirk.

“What? Type two?” Silver asked.

“No, these girls!” Sweetie then grasped her breasts and pushed them up slightly, giving them the look of extra plumpness. Diamond and Silver’s jaws dropped at the size of Sweetie’s breasts. Making them feel insecure about their own sizes.

“What? Got nothing else to say girls? You jelly about my jelly belly?” Sweetie asked with a giggle. With nothing to say, the two bullies walked away from Sweetie, deep red blushes on their faces as they left.

With a pleased smirk, Sweetie Belle went on her merry way until she was interrupted yet again.

“Hey Sweetie I… Oh, wow!” The voice said, this voice sounded very familiar to Sweetie.

“Button!” Sweetie quickly embraced Button Mash in a soft hug. “How are you? I haven’t seen you all Summer!”

“I’m great Sweetie! You seem like, uh, you had a nice Summer too I see!” Button said with a blush.

“Sure did! So, what’s up?” Sweetie asked.

“Well… I couldn’t help but notice you back there. The way you stood up to Diamond and Silver, it was pretty cool… And, I was wondering if you’d like to come with me to uh… You know, the diner that’s down the road, once school’s done for today.” Button said as she awkwardly scratched his neck. Sweetie smiled. She then planted a small kiss on the young man’s cheek.

“You’re a sweetie Button. Sure, I’ll go with you.” All Button could do was give a thumbs up, totally surprised by the sudden affection from Sweetie.

‘Wow, I could have never been able to do that before! A unique look and confidence? I could really get used to this!’

With that, Sweetie skipped her way down the halls. Her belly bouncing and jiggling to her skipping rhythm.