> What's With Fluttershy > by OceanRider > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fluttershy! Fluttershy!" Discord yelled out as he was banging on Fluttershy's cottage door. There was no response which was odd because she was normally home due to her timid nature."Fluttershy I known you are in there I can see the lights on. Fine have it your way." As he appeared on the other side of Fluttershy's front door. Then right when Discord took one step into the living room the lights all of the lights in the whole cottage went out. " So is this some kind of game or are you just being absolutely crazy. You know Celestial asked me out today, I could have accepted her invitation to go out on a date . So if you are not going to come out I will go back to Celestia and say yes." Discord knew that, that would work, Fluttershy would never let Discord just leave without the two of them talking, and he was right Fluttershy did respond. " Ok, bye have fun!" That was not what Discord had been expecting to hear from Fluttershy, especially that today was also there Tuesday Tea. Angel Bunny came bouncing up behind him and started trying to push Discord out the door no matter what there size difference was. Discord turned around and saw Angel struggling tremendously to get Discord to move. Angel Bunny looked up and saw Discord looking down on him so Angel pointed his paw to the door with a stern look on his face. "There's something fishy going on here, what is wrong with the two of them" 'well not Angel, Angel always tries to get me to leave when I am here but Fluttershy.' Then Discord got an idea. An awful idea. Discord got a wonderful, *awful* idea. "Ohh this is going to be fun." > chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord started to walk around the cottage to look for clues to find out what is going on with Angel Bunny hopping after him and still pointing to the door repetitively . " Oh I got it!" Discord appeared in a Sherlock Holmes costume with a magnifying glass in his lion paw and bubble pipe in his bird claw. "Now what's with Fluttershy." "Hmmm...." discord growled curiously. "Maybe she got brain washed by aliens and now she's going crazy!" He thought about it for a minute then laughed to himself, or maybe I'm getting crazier for thinking that was the case. He was looking for clues again but was interrupted when a giant bunny head was in front of his magnifying glass, it was pointing to the door, what ever it was I bet Angel was behind it. For now on I shall call Angel Bunny "Devil" Bunny . Yes, 'DEVIL' Bunny was definitely behind what ever it was. Discord picked up the magnifying glass to indeed see 'Devil' Bunny still pointing at the door with a stern look on his face . "No! I am not leaving until I solve this mystery! " Discord said sternly. "So stop trying to get me to leave because I won't." ' Devil' Bunny was very mad now and just tried to relax by going over to the kitchen and getting a carrot to eat. "Ah Ha! I found something, there are two chairs at this table that are pulled out." 'Devil' Bunny just rolled his eyes. "Oh my what is this?" There was something on one of the chairs, it was... "CHANGLING GOO!" "What could have happened to Flutershy? Maybe she was kidnaped, or replaced by a changling or maybe got turned into one somehow and she totally is freaking out." 'Devil' Bunny just giggled in response. "Hey you don't know if that's true or not." 'Or does he'. Discord thought to himself. Fluttershy's Bed Room Upstairs "Oh I hope Discord does not find out no matter how much I hate to keep secrets from him." Fluttershy said softly. "Now when is Vinyl coming to come to pick you up?" Fluttershy asked nicely The creature before her just shrugged in response before the two of them continued playing cards together. > chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Devil' Bunny was know sitting on the couch with his half eaten carrot watching Discord search franticly for more clues, but Discord did not know that 'Devil' Bunny already knew what Fluttershy was hiding. "Are you going to help me or just sit around doing nothing like a dead fish?" 'Devil' Bunny just shrugged in response. 'Devil' Bunny then hopped up stairs. "Oh never mind." Discord said as he went back to his detective work. He was looking everywhere but stopped and flopped onto Fluttershy's couch. "Detective work is tiring and boring." He muttered. Suddenly 'Devil' Bunny came hopping down the steps, so Discord jumped off the couch before 'Devil' could see him and teleported outside. "Uhg what am I going to do I can't look for clues if the interrupter is in there, he'll do nothing but get in my way." Discord then made a giant dry erase board and a red marker ampere and devised a long complicated plan on how to keep 'Devil' away from the cottage. (now you may have heard "so crazy it just might work" but this plan is so insane it might give someone a heart attack!) > chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " Now I just need a way to get three thousand pounds of carrots, a female white rabbit, a plane that will fly them all the way to the crystal empire." Discord said out loud to himself as he wrote it on the white board. "Now how am I going to get all that stuff? Oh right." With a snap of his claw all the things he needed were right outside. " Oh Angel Bunny someone his here to see you!" Discord yelled out. Then Angel Bunny came hopping out of Fluttershy's cottage to see a gigantic pile of carrots with a small white female rabbit sitting on the top eating one of the carrots. Angel Bunny could not believe his eyes. But he ran up to join the other rabbit anyway. "My plan is working perfectly so far now to get them into the plane." > chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord snapped his fingers and the pile of carrots with the two rabbits on top all got teleported into the plane in the same position. "Good- bye Angel" Discord called out with a devilish grin on his face as the plane took off, but Angel was to preoccupied to notice. "Now to continue the search." Discord declared with his "finger-talon-claw thing-a-ma-jig (oh you now what I mean!) in the air. When he went back into the cottage Fluttershy was there, and as soon as he entered, in a quick swoosh of black a creature zipped behind Fluttershy completely so Discord could not see it at all. "Umm excuse me if I sound rued and/or disrespectful and mean but (deep long inhale). WHAT IS GOING ON! FIRST YOU IGNORE ME, THAN WHEN I COME IN ALL THE LIGHTS GO OFF, AND NOW THAT BLACK SWOOSH! WHAT IS GOING ON! Discord said calmly (except that last part which he screamed.) As a response Fluttershy quickly said: "umm well you see its well you know......... mmm, err umm s-t-u-f-f". "Well s-t-u-f-f doesn't answer my question. Discord snapped back. and Fluttershy began to panic. Then Discord started piecing his few clues together. ' all the lights being off, two chairs pulled out from the table and one of those chairs had changling goo, and a black "swoosh" that zipped behind Fluttershy.' Then it hit him he knew what Fluttershy was hiding. Discord was about to spit it out when... "DING DONG!" "Hold that thought Discord." Fluttershy said nicely. " Um WHO IS IT!" Fluttershy said loud but softly so whoever was on the other side of the door could hear her. "IT'S VIYNL!" "OH COME IN!" Viynl opened the door to a dark cottage with Discord and Fluttershy inside. "Um, hi Fluttershy I am here to pick up Wubzy." Wubzy stuck his head out to see Viynl, and he dashed out to her. "AH HA A CHANGLING I KNEW IT!" Discord screamed out pointing at Wubzy, causing the innocent changling to jerk back a bit. Come on Fluttershy spit it out, what did this bug do to you." By that statement Wubzy was not amused one bit and he stuck out his toughen to Discord. "Discord listen, I was watching him. Viynl was out helping Pinkie and Octavia is in Canterlot playing for a royal get together, Wubzy didn't want to be home alone so Vinyl brought him to me I was uneasy at first but we started to get alone and we are friends now." "she told me about it when I went to visit applejack at sweet apple acres." "Oh sorry Wubzy." Discord said sadly hanging his head. Wubzy walked up to him and gave him a smile and a nod. "Well it is time we should be heading home it is starting to get late. Thanks again Fluttershy." "No problem, glad I could help." When Viynl shut the door Fluttershy looked at Discord with a stern look. "Oh Discord." "Sorry. "Oh it's alright I guess, know lets have that Tuesday tea before it gets dark. "OK." Discord said with a grin as they went to enjoy themselves. "Oh yah, where's Angel Bunny? Fluttershy asked as she took a sip of her tea. "Oh, um, he's out on a date with another rabbit I picked up for him." "Oh really. Well it is fine I guess, as long as he I home before dark." Fluttershy said as Discords eyes widened and he gulped. In the Crystal Empire Angel Bunny and his new girlfriend were being pulled in a large wagon around the city enjoying a large pile of carrots. The End > Authors Note > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for reading my story and I truly hope you liked it. Also I can not take all the credit I had some help from me younger sister who helped me out when I came to a writers block for some parts. Thank you all once again. Don't forget to "like". P.S. from chapter 1 with the Cesestia asking Discord out on a date I do not like Fluttercord and I am all for Celesticord.