> Friendship (A true story) > by Shadowflash > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friendship Friendship is a great deal of things. It can mean a lot to a person, or pony, in many different ways. The meaning we know is: 'a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard, friendly relation or intimacy'. That's our definition, in a sense of Friends and Friendship. But, the way I look at friendship is this: It's a feeling of true attachment to someone that has moved close on you. Someone who made you happy, and started to be there for you. This person was always close to your heart, and grew up with you through your life. Of course, there are those 'new friends' we meet that can't be those life-long friends. These friends are 'acquaintances', not in the bad way, no. They eventually start to grow on you, as well, and become those 'good buddies' you can rely on for a car pool, or something. Anyways, Friendship is a great deal of appreciation, and occurs within different spans of time. Not everyone, or everypony, can be friends with each other. No, in fact, there's going to be some hatred in our worlds. Maybe we'll all be friends, not hating each other, attacking each other, and bring peace to one another. But, that's preaching the Gospel, my friends. Now, about the start of School in September/October, I lost a very dear friend to me. It was tragic, and it lead me into despair. No one wanted to be there for me, when I needed it. No one bothered to treat me like most friends would. They never asked me how I felt, gave me hugs, or even talked to me about the concern. Let's step back, a little, though. His death was because of a bike accident. When truck meets bike, it isn't quite that great. He would've been a vegetable if he were still alive. He wouldn't be the same, and was going to have to pass on to wherever people go after death. Now, back forward, I felt horrid. I cried vastly for a great deal of time. Dealing with the stress. I've moved away from friends, dealt with the aspects of illegal objects that one shouldn't touch, and tried harming myself. Eventually, before exams in January, I broke down. All my held in emotions just burst. I exploded onto Facebook -- Yeah, I know, right? -- and basically explained what I wanted to do to myself. I guess I was proven wrong when a friend called the police! Heh. I was glad, that he or she did. I was sent to a place called a 'Rotary Home'. It was a facility where Children, kids and teens, go for Mental Health. I spent a week there and missed some exams. Of course, the school was nice enough to exempt me! Haha! Anyways, I now take Cirpalex. A new type a drug, probably two or three years, that helps calm my Depression. If I forget it, I bounce back into submission to my Depression. So, throughout those few years, it was a lot. Now, it's March. The break hits and I'm introduced to a great land of... PONIES! Yes, beautiful and wonderful Ponies. So many colours, bright, bright colours! The cliche endings, the great references to other shows or stories I read as a kid. It was fascinating. After March break, I went all out and told everyone I was a Brony. At school. I was so happy to become a part of this new community. The upside to it was that I found out that a lot of people are Bronies in my school. Terrific, isn't it? The entire thing just seemed so unreal. Downside? Well... None, really. Just waiting for season three! So-forth, I've delve into story writing after listening to MicTheMic's reading of Rainbow Factory by AuroraDawn. Some Bronies told me that it sucks and everything, but I found it quite good. So, I've been a member, and Brony, for about 6, almost 7 weeks. It's terrific. Thanks to the Brony community, it seems so livid to think that I have Depression. I don't need to worry anymore. I can always be happy. The entire community, even those silly cloppers, are always happy. I've yet to find a bad Brony. Maybe I haven't found the downsides to cloppers yet, or maybe I'm just Pinkie crazy. It seems so livid to think of anything bad about us! Anyways, that's all I have to say. If you have problems with your friends, cherish them. You never know what words might be your last to them. Mine, to my good friend, was 'See you tomorrow'. See you tomorrow. I never did see him the next day, but, it wasn't 'goodbye'. It wasn't 'I hate you!'. Nope. It was: 'See you tomorrow'. I say 'see ya' instead of 'goodbye' in the sense that I'll see them again. Same thing goes in some other, whacky, parts of the world. I forget where. Anyways, Love and Tolerate! -Shadowflash "Hey, Shadowflash, you ready?", I heard a raspy voice behind me. I turned to see the beautiful mare, I now call my friend, standing there with her rainbow mane blowing in the light wind of the outside. "Of course! Why wouldn't I? Can't miss a Pinkie Party!", I say, standing up from my recent letter and turning around, to face the mare. "Hehe. C'mon!", She flapped her wings and shot out to the sky. I quickly followed suit, us both leaving a trail of rainbows, her, and lightning, me. Yeah, I always had that interesting ability with my hooves. All well. After a couple strong minutes of flying, we landed just outside the gingerbread-like house that was labelled 'Sugar Cube Corner'. I walk up to the door and feel hooves grab me and pull me inside, along with the mare I was following. As I was pulled inside, I could see a the pink and brown walls on the shop. stairs lead up the left of the doorway, and doors into the back to the sweet-scented kitchen. "Surprise!", A pink mare jumped, throwing confetti all around me. "Well, it can't be too much of a surprise, can it?", I smile, looking at the many ponies around the room. I knew them all, and should probably make sure I did. Hard to remember all their names. Pinkie Pie, the screaming, wild, pony in front of me. Rainbow Dash, the rainbow-maned pegasus next to me. Rarity, a purple-mane and white coat fashion unicorn just behind Pinkie. Next to her was Twilight Sparkle, a lavender unicorn, with a red and purple mane, Applejack, a orange earth pony wearing a Stetson hat and smiling, and Fluttershy, with her wonderful pink mane drooping over her light-yellow face and cyan eyes. "Glad you came, Shadowflash. We know how busy you are with your writings and everything.", Twilight said softly. "Don't mention it! I wouldn't miss a party like this. You know that!", I only laugh, and our group walks into the store, that seemed to be clear and void of any counters or shelves that use to clutter the shop floor, and started our little 'party'. I quickly pull away for a second, pulling a piece of parchment from my mane, and a pencil, quickly writing on the paper. "C'mon, Shadow!", I heard Twilight call for me. "Sec!", I finish writing, and turn, running back to the group, to enjoy my time...