> Making Amends > by JusSonic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making Amends It was the day after the day of the greatest day in the history of Ponyville. The Cutie Mark Crusaders has finally got their cutie marks! The day has come at last, and their friends and families couldn't be prouder. They realize helping others discover their true talents is more important than realizing their own, but they still got their own skills regardless of what other ponies may think (some think that they abandoned their skills like building, singing, dare-deviling, etc. for that). The Mane Six, Ben and the Dragons are in the park, having a picnic while the CMC played with their new friends. Amazingly enough, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are now their friends, since Diamond has reformed thanks to the CMC helping her, especially when the filly stood up to Spoiled Rich, her snobby mother. "Can you believe that it has been years and now, the CMC finally got their cutie marks?" Twilight ask her friends with a gentle smile. "Shoot, Ah know! Granted, Ah done think Apple Bloom an' her friends would be up to some mischief or another...but at least they discover that helping others discover their true talents helps." Applejack said in approval. "But wouldn't it mean giving up their other skills?" Fluttershy ask in worry. She knows Apple Bloom is skilled at potion making and building, Sweetie is good at singing, and Scootaloo is good at dare deviling and dancing. "Relax. They still got them. Just because they found their marks, doesn't mean they could forget their other skills 'dat they're good at." Just then, Rainbow Dash flew up with an excited smile on his face. She spoke up, "Hey Guys! Guess who just happen to be in the neighborhood!" "Oh-oh! Is it....Spitfire," Pinkie exclaims, bouncing up and down excitedly at her guess. "No!" "Soarin?" Fluttershy guess next, making Rainbow blush a bit before shaking this off. "Nah-ah!" Rainbow exclaims quickly, causing her friends to cover. One may guess that she secretly likes the Wonderbolt but would rather not say it. "Well out wit' it, who is it?" Applejack ask Rainbow impatiently. Who could it be important that just arrived in Ponyville that her friend is so excited about? An unknown Scottish speaker spoke up from out of nowhere, "Aye lass, be better if I be de one ta introduce myself!" The group looks surprised as a familiar pony appears. His eyes are dark brown along with his tail and mane. His coat is light blue and white. He is a pinto Alicorn with a flag of Scotland as his cutie mark. "My word! Brave Heart?" Rarity gasps in surprise. The Mane Six and their friends know of Brave Heart, he is Rainbow's cousin from Trotland. The pony came by three times so far, the recent one is during the events of the second season of Total Drama Equestria. During the first time, Brave Heart has trouble with the folks, especially when it comes to what he believes to be his own sense of justice. The second time, he helped out during Winter Wrap-Up. "That's right, Brave Heart, son of Strong Wind and Morning Light." Brave Heart announces as he proudly reintroduces himself to his cousin's friends. "What are you doing here, Brave Heart?" Twilight ask, surprised to see the Alicorn back in Ponyville so soon. "Oh no! What if he's here to challenge you six to be Unity again to reclaim his lost honor in losing to a mare that kicked his flank from here to Sunday?" Phobos ask frantically as the Dragon rushes to hide behind the bushes. Brave Heart was beaten by the Mane Six during the first time he was here...and by six mares combined into one for one! Nyx sighs in irritation as she pulls her Dragon friend out by the tail, mumbling "Phobos, that can't be why he's here." "Um, is it?" Spike ask Brave Heart nervously. He definitely doesn't want to go through all that trouble again. Brave Heart holds up a hoof, chuckles as he explains, "Calm ye selves, little tikes! I be not here ta settle a losin' score, I just thought I drop by ta see how things be." "Really....this doesn't have anything to do about Fafnir?" Ben ask Brave Heart, arching an eyebrow. The heroes know that their Alicorn has been looking for that monster for a long time now. "Well okay, truth be told...I was chasin' me foe across me home fer three days after a mighty & MANLY battle!" "And...." Everyone spoke skeptically, urging Brave Heart to finish the explanation up a bit. "And....I lost him." Brave Heart said embarrassed as he sat down onto the grass. It's true, the Alicorn has lost the trail of Fafnir who he hasn't track down yet. "His trail gone cold, & since I was in yer hood, why not visit?" "Then cousin, settle in, have we got some stories to tell you about what epic & may I say...Awesome, adventures we had!" Rainbow exclaims with a smirk, knowing that Brave Heart would want to heart about the adventures that the group has gone through. "Wha sort of tales?" "Oh, how about us fighting off evil opposite Mirror-Versions of ourselves! Or where we found another Fluttershy from another world who's a Vampire Pony, & meeting Neovamde, or-or..." Pinkie exclaims, counting off Hearing that made Brave Heart gasps as if the name is too familiar with him. "Sweet Haggis on Minted Butter!" "Wait, didn't you say Haggis was another name for..." Phobos begins to yelp as he realize what the Alicorn just said. "Gulp...Sheep's Stomach?" Spike ask, getting grossed out by this. "Ugh, I think I'm going to be sick!" Rarity groans a bit. She feels like going to the hospital right now and lie in a hospital bed for days upon hearing that! "Fer-get that! Ye met with de Lord of All Vampires?!" Brave Heart spoke up in amazement. His cousin and her friends actually met with Neovamde, the Lord of All Vampires and live to tell about it? "You know about Neovamde?" Fluttershy ask curiously. She suspects that Brave Heart knows Nemovamde somehow. "Let’s just say, when I said Fafnir was a monster lass, he's an evil monster! But there are some good monsters & one time....de fiend tried ta hid in the Underworld belong a safe haven fer such things." "Let me guess, Neovamde wasn't too kind in having some bad apple in his orchards & force him out?" Applejack guess correctly. Since Neovamde doesn't like evil monsters in his realm, most likely Fafnir was forced out by the vampire himself. "How ye knew dat?" Brave Heart ask Applejack, surprised that the cowpony knew that. "He told us himself that he wants to protect all monsters that are hunted & keep them safe, but if anyone were to cause trouble to bring harm to them, he would not stand for it." Ben explains, recalling what Brave Heart once told the group not too long ago: that any monsters cause trouble in his realm are exiled forever. "So knowing if Fafnir's like Myotis, Neovamde would banished them from the Underworld." "By me kilt, ye all have become friends with a powerful fella? Even I know ta not challenge a fellow who's known ta be Lord of all Vampires." "Yeah, well, we have gone through a lot." Spike said with a smile to Brave Heart. "My brother Lorcan's back...oh, but in case you try anything, he isn't the bad Dragon anymore." "No?" Brave Heart ask, arching an eyebrow at this. "Yes, the scarred Dragon has turned for the better and Twilight even gotten over her grudge over to him...well, most of it anyway." Rarity said, recalling that Twilight still hold some ill feelings from Lorcan, but at least it isn't to the point of madness. "Yeah...but Lorcan has fell into a coma by an unknown attacker." Twilight said grimly to Brave Heart. "We're still trying to figure out who is responsible..." "And bring him to justice!" Ben exclaims in determination as he pounds a hoof into his other one. "Well, not like yours anyway." "Aye, it’s one thing to get your own way, lass, it's another to avenge an attack on a loved one." Brave Heart said with a nod. The Alicorn knows that the group's determination for justice is different than his. "So did Chris McClean and his pals went home after Total Drama was over?" "After it was over." Spike remarks, crossing his arms. "And let me tell you: that is a long story best left for another day!" Then Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon are playing tag with the CMC, but they end up bumping into Brave Heart, which causes memory flashes of what the guy did to them. The two fillies yelps in horror as they recall the same Trottish ponies from the first day. Brave Heart turns around and recognizes the two bullies who bullied the CMC members and for insulting him. He ask with a frown on his face, "Wha do we have here? Ye two causing' trouble fer them fillies?" "Aaaaahhhhh! RUN SILVER SPOON!" Diamond Tiara screams in terror as she and Silver Spoon make a run for it. They fear as to what Brave Heart would do to them for that! "RUNNING!" Silver Spoon yells out once more. Everyone in the area watches on in either alarm or shock by the former bullies' reaction to bumping into Brave Heart. "Hugh, well dat was just rude. They might need a lesson about saying sorry when ye bump someone," Brave Heart said with a deep frown. The group looks worried, fearing that he may go too far in his punishment making again! Nyx quickly blocks Brave Heart off before he could head off after the two fillies. She quickly spoke up in concern, "Wait Brave Heart, don't! I think they're frighten of you!" "Me? Why's that?" "Don't you remember what you did to those two fillies when you first visited Ponyville?" Twilight scolds Brave Heart. The male Alicorn pauses, thinking back to his first visit that time ago... -------------- "How dare ye two!" Brave Heart roars angrily to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, causing them to stop laughing. They and the CMC were startled to see an Alicorn heading their way. "So ye brats think it’s fun to be cruel and heartless to ponies without cutie mark, eh?!" "Hey, bug off, ugly!" Diamond Tiara snaps to Brave Heart with a scoff. "This is our affair, not yours." "Watch it, he's Rainbow's cousin Brave Heart." Scootaloo warns Diamond Tiara in concern. "Oh, well, that makes him ten times uglier! And where did he get that accent; From Planet Dork?" Bad move, very bad move. Brave Heart growls as he suddenly uses his magic to lift the bullies into the air hard. The others gasp as the Alicorn then uses his magic to break a branch off a tree nearby, floating it over. What happens next? Well, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon found themselves floating with their behinds shown and... "Whoa!" Pinkie exclaims in shock as Brave Heart uses the branch to spank the bullies' behind hard. The CMC's eyes widen in shock as they watch a punishment in action. "Oh my," Fluttershy said in alarm. Spanking ponies seems a bit harsh, even for her. Even Rainbow is cringing. When Brave Heart is done, he put the two bullying fillies down, they felt their flanks hurting big time. That branch really hurts! Brave glares as he asks sternly, "That hurts doesn't it? Well, maybe that'll teach ye wee fillies not to bully those without cutie marks, make fun of other ponies' accents or disrespect yer elders. If I ever catch you doing that stuff again, I'll make ye wish yer were never born!" "Ow....Ow...it's so hard to trot when you've got welts like these on your flank." Diamond Tiara groans in pain from the spanking that she endured. Silver Spoon groans in agreement, "I probably won't be able to sit for a week because of it." Diamond Tiara turns to Brave Heart with a vengeful look on her face, snarling, "You won't get away with this, Brave Heart! If it's the last thing Silver Spoon and I do...we'll get you for this!" --------------------------- "Oh, right....heh....fer-got about my old ways durin' dat visit." Brave Heart said sheepishly. Those two fillies got terrified because of what he did, and feared he may do it again....would he? "Ye know, they say scars are hard things ta fer-get," Applejack said with a sigh, knowing those two former bullies would have those scars on their fillies for who knows how long. "And recalling what Brave Heart did, those two felt like he hurt them again." Rarity said sadly. Brave Heart looks puzzled. Are these ponies...feeling sorry for those two bullies? "Especially since now, they changed." Fluttershy said, much to Brave Heart's surprise. "Changed? Wha do ye mean, lass?" Brave Heart ask in surprise. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon actually changed? Is Fluttershy pulling his hoof here? "Cousin, you’re gonna flip when you hear this, but...Diamond Tiara has become a nicer filly now." Rainbow explains, making Brave Heart more surprised. How much has changed since his last visit anyway? "Get out of town!" "Why would you tell her to leave Ponyville?" Phobos ask in shock by Brave Heart saying that. He is actually telling his own cousin to get out of town! "It's an expression, Phobos." Spike points out, rolling his eyes by Phobos misunderstanding that. "But it's true, even after Lorcan showed her a scary future of what she could be, turns out the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped Diamond Tiara be something other than a bully, & that helped them get their cutie marks!" Pinkie explains happily to Brave Heart. Brave Heart turns to the fillies and looks amazed as he saw them: the cutie marks on the CMC's flanks! The Alicorn must've missed out on that since the last time! After all this time, the little ones now got cutie marks of their own! "Well I'll be darn. Last time I saw ye three, yer flanks were as clear as day & now..." Brave Heart begins to say, feeling amazed and proud by the CMC finally getting their cutie marks at last. "Now they have special cutie marks for helping a bully realize something else she was meant to be, I just wish Boris could have learn that back in the day." Ben said, sighing while shaking his head. If Boris had learned that lesson when he was a colt, would the bully be different than he was now? Brave Heart remarks in guilty and regret, "Well this is just perfect. Now I get a feelin' dat what I did may end up makin' some former rotten kin be scared stiff if she or her friend saw me? Hugh, guess my harsh treatment was a bit....overkill." "A bit?!" Most of everyone snaps at Brave Heart, making him yelp a bit. They are obviously skeptic by that last part. "Okay, a lot, lads and lasses. I believe it's time I make amends before it's too late. Where does Miss Tiara live?" -------------------------- Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon kept on running, terrified as they do their best to get away from Brave Heart as fast as he could. The Alicorn is going to punish them again...and the two just reformed from their bully days! After a while, the two fillies stop to catch their breaths. Diamond Tiara was the first to speak up, "Why is Brave Heart back in town?" "I don't know! I didn't hear about this!" Silver Spoon exclaims frantically. If Brave Heart is in town for some reason, chances are, he may still dislike them for what the former Snob Duo has done to the CMC in the past! "What if he thinks we did something bad again?" "I hope not, my flank was hurting almost all week what he did!" "Let's hid where he can't find us until he goes away!" Diamond Tiara exclaims frantically. Maybe if the two were to hide, Brave Heart, hopefully, would never find them and he will leave town again! "But what if he comes looking for us, or more around, you?" Silver Spoon ask in fear. She is right. Diamond Tiara is the leader of the duo, Silver Spoon is more of a follower! Chances are? Not good. "Why would he come for me?" "Um...." "Never mind, I get it. I was being a bully." Diamond Tiara interrupts Silver Spoon with a groan. She knew that Brave Heart would most likely go after her than Silver Spoon! Oh, why the hay didn't she stood up to her mother before that time?! "So, what now?" Silver Spoon ask her friend frantically. The two need to escape Brave Heart and fast! "Just you go & hide in your home & I'll hid in mine until he's gone, deal!" "Okay....if that'll spare us another punishment!" The two fillies split off to each head towards their homes to hide until the heat with Brave Heart cools down. Diamond Tiara ruin all the way home, turning back a few times in case the Alicorn is following her. "Maxin Talos!" Diamond Tiara exclaims frantically as her bodyguard shows up. Ever since her reformation, the filly gave new orders to him: only go after those who wish to harm her or her friends, not punishing whenever she gets angry! "Brave Heart...Alicorn...remember that name, description, and don't let him in!" "Yes, Miss Tiara." Maxin Talos said with a nod as she rushes into the house. The bodyguard stood up front, preparing to defy anyone who wishes his mistress harm. -------------------- Filthy Rich and Spoiled Rich were having tea, the father is concerned for Diamond Tiara who rushes upstairs. It's as if she's in trouble again. But last time he remembered, his daughter has stopped being a bully! So why is she so scared? Outside, Maxin Talos was still on guard, keeping an eye and growling at anypony who get too close. He smirks in triumph. So far, so good. Diamond Tiara will not be harmed. "Hey, lad! Is Miss Tiara be home by any chance?" A familiar voice spoke up in a Trottish like voice. "Yeah, she isn't seeing anyone! I'm supposed to..." Maxin Talos stops...and looks up, trembling and shivering as he saw a big Alicorn overlooking. "Big...big...big..." "Hello! Wish to tussle?" Brave Heart ask with a mischievous smirk making Maxin gulps. The parents overheard fighting outside, making them yelp and opens the door. To their shock, there's Brave Heart coming in, using his magic to keep Maxin Talos detained. "Brave Heart! What are you doing here?" Filthy Rich ask in surprise and concern, remembering that his daughter once had a bad confrontation with him. "Forgive me for coming in uninvited, Mr. Rich, but me wish to speak with yer daughter." Brave Heart said to Filthy Rich calmly. "Oh, I remember what you do...and I am not pleased!" Spoiled Rich snaps furiously to Brave Heart. She remembers that her daughter was spanked by him on the first time he visited. "You actually think I would let you anywhere near my daughter, you got another thing..." Brave Heart sighs as he uses his magic to stop Spoiled Rich from talking, making her float a bit. Filthy Rich looks startled by this. The male Alicorn must be serious if he wishes to speak to Diamond Tiara. "Well, uh...I will call her down here." Filthy Rich said worried as he turns to the stairs. "Diamond Tiara! Come downstairs, right now!" The Earth Pony turns to the Alicorn in worry, recalling the last time as well. "Sir, if my daughter anger you again, please understand that..." "Let me speak to her...please." Brave Heart said sternly making Filthy Rich yelps a bit. Just then, Diamond Tiara came downstairs, she is pondering what her father want. The filly stops at the bottom of the stairs, gasping upon seeing Brave Heart...in her own home...and is holding Maxin and Spoiled Rich via his magic! Oh no! "Diamond Tiara." Brave Heart said, giving a stern look to Diamond Tiara making her gulp a bit. "Huh? Oh...it's you. What do you want now, Brave Jerk?" Diamond Tiara spoke, trying to sound like the tough filly she used to be...but is failing. But the former bully cannot allow Brave Heart to scare her again when Diamond Tiara didn't do anything wrong anymore! "To humiliate me some more? Haven't you done enough to me?!" "I heard about what happened recently concerning ye and the Cutie Mark Crusaders and...I...I'm sorry." Everyone else is surprised to hear that...but mostly Diamond Tiara! The Alicorn she once made fun of and angered...is apologizing to her? "What? What did you just say? Do you really mean it?" Diamond Tiara ask stunned yet amazed at the same time. Brave Heart with regretful tears in his eyes continues, "I'm truly and sincerely sorry for everything that I did tae ye and Silver Spoon in the past and acting like an animal--." Diamond gave the Trottish warrior a look of confusion. Brave Heart explains clearly to her. "Ye know what I mean, ye ken?" "I suppose so." "I can now see that ye were just an innocent victim this whole time and I wouldn't let maeself admit it." Brave Heart said with a regretful sigh. The CMC has told him as to how Spoiled Rich's influence made Diamond Tiara what I now regret everything that I did tae ye unjustly. I will understand if ye can never forgive mae transgressions against ye and--." Then surprisingly, Brave Heart felt Diamond Tiara hug him, also with tears in her eyes. The filly sniffs as she did the one thing that her parents never thought she would do...apologize to Brave Heart! "I'm sorry, too, Brave Heart...for making fun of your accent, calling you a jerk and...everything I said about you." Diamond Tiara said, shedding tears in her eyes. Brave Heart smiled warmly as the male Alicorn hugged the former bratty filly with both his forearms and his huge wings, happy that they finally made peace with each other and became friends. "You mean you forgive that brute of a warrior after what he did to you, Diamond Tiara?!" Spoiled Rich yells out, shocked and disbelief about this. After what he did to her before, Diamond Tiara is going to forgive him?! "Brute?!" Brave Heart asks darkly as he glares at Spoiled Rich. Perhaps the Alicorn should give her the punishment... Well, until Diamond Tiara got in front of Brave Heart, snapping to her mother, "Brave Heart's no brute, Mother...he's just...misguided at most times. I goaded him a long time ago and...I regret that." "Diamond...ye don't need to defend me." "We're friends now, Brave Heart. Why shouldn't I defend you?" "We...we are?" Brave Heart ask as Diamond Tiara nodded reassuringly. Brave Heart smiles. The filly has truly become his friend. Diamond turns to Spoiled Rich, exclaiming in defiance, "And he's ten times more of a stallion than you are as a mare!" "I....Well....I....I...." Spoiled Rich said, speechless, making Filthy Rich amused. His daughter has made her speechless like the first time she stood up to her! "What's the matter, old crone? Chimera got your tongue?" Brave Heart taunts Spoiled Rich, making her groan a bit. For once, she didn't have anything to come back with. Still, Spoiled Rich frowned at that comment and stuck her tongue out to prove the Trottish warrior wrong. "Hmph. Like I need to hear the words of an uneducated lying savage." Brave Heart begin speaking in Latin, "Ego numquam pronunciari mendacium! Sed ego sum equo indomitus." "I don't know what you just said." Spoiled Rich said, bewildered and confused by what the Alicorn just said as if he was insulting her. Brave Heart spoke clearly while giving out a mischievous smile to the snobby mother, "That, Spoiled Rich, was Latin...and I said that I never lie...however I am a savage, but not an uneducated one. Ou en français, si vous préférez?" "I guess that was French. 'Or in French if you prefer'?" Diamond Tiara giggles a bit as she knows French and knew what the Alicorn just said. "Aye. Aye it was." "You see, Mother? Brave Heart knows Latin and French, so...he's not uneducated." "Hmph. I have no time for this nonsense." Spoiled Rich scoffs as she turns her head away. Brave Heart growls as if wanting to punish her right now, much to the mother's fear. "Mo, Brave Heart...let her go...and let Maxin Talos go, too." Diamond Tiara said gently to Brave Heart, making him stop. The Alicorn has seemingly tormented the two for one day. "As my lady commands." Brave Heart chuckles as he releases Spoiled Rich and Maxin Talos, making them hit the floor. "Perhaps it's time I be going to find Silver Spoon and apologize to her as well." "Good idea, I will come with you so to assure my friend that she is forgiven. Maxin! You got the rest of the day off!" "Yes, Miss Tiara." Maxin Talos grumbles as he got back up onto his hooves. At least the bodyguard knows not to get onto Brave Heart's bad side ever again...and that Diamond Tiara has indeed changed that she considers the Alicorn a friend. Filthy Rich chuckles, shaking his head as Brave Heart and Diamond Tiara head on out. His daughter has indeed truly changed since his wife influenced. It makes Filthy Rich ponders why he married Spoiled Rich in the first place. Oh well. "Honey, get off the floor. You will ruin your mane." Filthy Rich teases his wife by her position on the floor. Spoiled Rich just groans as she roll her eyes. What a day. The End