Diamond's Redemption

by JusSonic

First published

Diamond Tiara is having trouble being a reformed bully, and it doesn't help when a new one comes to school!

Set shortly after "Crusaders of the Lost Mark". Though she finally stood up to her mother and expresses a genuine wish to be a better filly, Diamond Tiara really DOES have A LOT of nasty stuff to make up for. Half-fortunately, half-unfortunately, a new bully even nastier than SHE used to be just might give her the opportunity she needs to patch things up with the other students - especially Silver Spoon (as the bully in question is a nasty colt who has a VERY one-sided crush on her). However, with the help of her former enemies/new friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, she just might pull it off.

Chapter 1

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Diamond’s Redemption

The scene begins to open up in what was the home of Diamond Tiara, as we focus in, we spot the little filly looking out of her window to stare over the town. She sighs in looking kinda, miserable for some reason, as she was distracted, her family’s butler & maid were doing her room in cleaning the place up & setting some treats. But they could sense that something was troubling the little filly of the family the two work for….

“Something the matter, Miss?” The butler asked off in seeing the young filly just staring out her window with a gloomy face.

“No, I’m good.” Diamond Tiara shook her head to say she’s fine, but didn’t sound very fine.

“Beggin’ your pardon madam, but from the sounds of it…you sound….distress.” The maid spoke off in thinking the filly of a rich family on Ponyville was…not sounding fine to the servants.

“Hugh….fine…I’ll talk! Happy now?” Diamond Tiara sighs to exclaim this in annoyance that these two were making her be force to spill the beans.

The butler & maid stared off lost by the tone to which Diamond Tiara wide-eye in realizing what she did to sigh in depression before turning around again.

“It’s about what I did…” Diamond Tiara looks away to mope over something that she feels bad about.

“What did you do, Miss?” The butler asked off in liking to know the answer in details.

“I….finally stood up to my mother & expressed my genuine wish to be a better filly.” Diamond Tiara exclaimed off to say this about what she did in telling her mother, Spoiled Rich, of what she truly wants to be.

“Well there’s nothing wrong with that madam, after all….you were doing something…um…well…” The maid was trying to figure out what was the right thing to say about the filly’s active choice.

“Well what?” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow in not having all day, the maid should spit it out.

“Ooop, sorry….um, nice for a change!” The maid yelped before quickly just stating the fact of what the child did for change.

“She’s right, you actually stood up for those you constantly made fun of for so long; it was a real turn of events.” The butler pointed off in how the filly here did something that in truth, not many had expected.

Hearing those words made Diamond Tiara kinda think back, the first time in her life, she actually helped the CMC, those that had blank flanks she used to pick on; she helped them out by defending them because they were being the only kind bunch of fillies around.

“Even so….I feel weird about doing something so….out of me.” Diamond Tiara looked down in glooming over the matter of having done what seems so out of her character. “Hugh, worse off, I have a lot of nasty stuff to make up for.” She sighs again in knowing that she has a long list of things she’s done i the past that were all…nasty.

“Oh I’m sure it’s not too much, Miss.” The Maid waved of in thinking that it couldn’t be ALL bad, right?

“Really, what about when I tricked Nyx from making us skip recess for more studies to go to the Castle Ruin of The Royal Sisters? And that when she became Nightmare Moon, pin the blame on me & everyone in town gave me the upset look?” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow in rhetorically stating about what she did to Nyx the first time she came school & how one prank got their town into so much trouble, everyone blamed her for it.

“Well that was…unexpected Miss., you didn’t meant real harm.” The butler pointed off in feeling that time was terrible, but it was not meant to be anything harmful.

“Or what about the time I spread gossip about Ben Mare wanting folks to bother him & got in trouble for paying off a construction pony.” Diamond Tiara inform these two about what she did when Ben Mare came to live in Ponyville, everyone saw an Earth pony use magic & can fly to constantly bother him.

“Well you were just in a tense moment, Madam!” The maid exclaimed to think that was when the filly was having a tense emotion at the time.

“Or what about when I hired a delivery for a little Equestrian Devil to play horrible pranks on Apple Bloom’s cousin Tough Apple to get everyone to hate him.” Diamond Tiara pointed off another factor of what she did that caused a stiff problem with Apple Bloom’s cousin who had a loose temper.

“Ugh….” the butler was feeling a bit stump in how to respond to such things.

“Or the time that me & Scootaloo fired Pinkie Pie’s Party Cannon that was causing a huge fire during the Brotherhood’s first appearance?” Diamond tiara also pointed out something that caused a huge issue of almost causing problems from the Brotherhood’s first act with Lorcan.

“Well you see….” The maid was looking worried, as the questions were getting harder & harder to fix them gently for the filly to not be so upset over.

“Or the time I had Maxin Talos beat up one of those Total Drama characters that were staying in town? Brave Heart punishing me & Silver Spoon for trying some nasty tricks on the CMC? Or when I got four fillies almost attack by Timberwolves & Lorcan was going to drop me into a place I could have been lost forever in? Or who knows what else I’ve done, and….and…” Diamond Tiara was going off on a long list of things, looking so worried, nervous, scared & feeling like there was just too much bad things she did that are like karma biting back at her.

“Madam, please….enough! Degrading yourself will not undo what has happened!” The butler spoke out in holding the filly to shake her senses straight from giving herself too hard a time.

“He’s right my lady, um….maybe what you can do is…patch up a few stitches.” The maid approached to calmly suggest this in what Diamond tiara should do, patch things up from all her wrongs.

“Patch up my stitches….” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow in having heard this to think a second. “You mean like…fix the things I’ve done?” She turn to the two in pondering if that was the ideal means to fix everything, patch up with those she bullied before.

Both the butler & maid nod their heads in thinking that would be what would be best to help the filly out.

“Hugh….the list is long…patching things up with the other students, especially Silver Spoon won’t be easy.” Diamond Tiara sighs again in feeling that trying to patch things up will not be easy, especially to everyone…including…her best friend.

The camera zooms away from where the filly was as she just continues to sulk a bit in thought, will doing something like patch up all the wrong stitches help her out…maybe tomorrow out school, she might just find out.


The scene changes to what was Ponyville’s schoolhouse area as we see that it was another day where the students are outside playing on some playground equipment to enjoy having fun. Diamond Tiara looks around in seeing all of her classmates having fun, she takes a deep breath before walking up near Snips & Snails playing volleyball.

“Um, hi there, I…” Diamond Tiara was about to say something to the two, but when they saw her…they look to each other.

“Um, hey-hey Snails, I think I hear somebody calling us!” Snips stated off in pretending that they hear someone calling them.

“Really, I don’t hear nobody.” Snails replied off puzzled as he don’t hear nothing.

“Just come on!” Snips force his dense pal to get moving.

“Um, okay!” Snails replied off in simply following along while leaving the filly.

“Hugh….” Diamond Tiara sighs off in feeling like that could have gone better; so she approached another student. “Hey Rumble, do you think you can….” She was about to say something as Rumble was running by with a soccer-ball.

But Rumble just ran pass while not paying any attention on Diamond Tiara, leaving her alone again.

“Okay….” Diamond Tiara signs i feeling alone again, but then spots a colt delivering the school paper. “Featherweight, can you please help with…” She was trying to speak towards Featherweight to hear her out, but…

But Featherweight was too busy passing around newspapers to even hear what Diamond Tiara wanted to say, making her frown again.

“And….struck out again.” Diamond Tiara sighs in feeling that she was out, again. “Blade Runner, would you…” She noticed who was coming nearby to ask, but….

But Blade Runner was quickly trying to bring a supply of crayons over to miss the girl.

“Hugh….” Diamond Tiara sighs in seeing that she struck out once more.

Then the filly finally saw Truffle eating well a truffle by himself at the moment; maybe the girl has a shot here.

“Hey Truffle, maybe you like to…” Diamond Tiara was about to say something, except…

“Truffle, come quick, we need an extra player for our jump rope!” Twist cuts in to say this about needing someone to help play jump rope.

“Okay…” Truffle replied off to quickly join a game while the two left a stump Diamond Tiara behind.

“Hugh…..things can’t be THIS difficult to talk to everyone.” Diamond Tiara sighs to move off before noticing that their class president was looking through some papers he that had written stuff on them. “Oh, Pipsqueak, finally, someone I can talk to….listen, I need to ask for your…” She was about to say this in feeling lucky this time, but…

“Sorry Diamond Tiara, I have some work to do here, being class president is a busy job.” Pipsqueak stated to say in moving off to leave the filly behind….

“Hugh…..yah, your busy alright….just wish I was busy being around others.” Diamond Tiara sighs off to say this in feeling pretty down & blue about now since no one is chatting with her.

The girl walked alone on the playground before coming near the school. There, she saw Silver Spoon packing her bag of some things, Diamond Tiara felt somewhat happy to see her best friend to approach the filly.

“Silver Spoon…” Diamond Tiara called out in seeing her best friend.

“Oh, hey Diamond.” Silver Spoon lightly replied off while seemingly busy at the time.

“You have no idea how happy I am to see you, listen, I’m trying to do something for the others, but they aren’t giving me a chance!” Diamond Tiara issued off in stating this about a problem she’s dealing with in trying to discuss with their classmates, but can’t seem to get any to hear her out.

“Well, I suppose it’s not that simple, after all…you have a reputation.” Silver Spoon shrug off to say in knowing what reputation Diamond Tiara has.

“A reputation? For what, being a rich filly in our class?” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow in thinking that was the case, but…not so much.

“Not that, I’m talking about your behavior to everyone. In truth, you have stuck out as….a rich bully in school.” Silver Spoon shook her head in stating about the actions the girl did in using her wealth to motivate others into doing as she wishes.

“But….I’m changed now!” Diamond Tiara stated off in trying to be honest about having changed.

“Yeah, everyone recalls that when Lorcan gave you a fright, you were pretty much all shaken & everyone felt like you being scared nice was…weirding them out.” Silver Spoon lightly rolled her eyes in recalling an old event where Diamond Tiara was being nice, but it only lasted so long from her fright treatment.

“But I’m not even the LEAST bit that way! I’m not terrified to be nice, I’m actually trying to BE nice!” Diamond Tiara protest out in stating there is a difference between her then & now of being good.

“Well, I’m sorry, but…I wish I could help, but…” Silver Spoon looked away in feeling unable to help her friend out in a time of need…

“Well hey there little Miss Silver.” Spoke a voice of some male that was new to the two fillies’ ears entering the conversation.

Then appearing to walk up before Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon, was a new face of a colt that was making an appearance. He was a Brown earth pony with a short blue mane and tail, brown eyes and a skull cutie mark.

“Riff Tannen…” Silver Spoon remotely stated the name of the colt that has appeared.

“Well I see you’re hanging out with a pal of yours. Well, if you’re done, wanna hang out by the seesaw to play a little…titter-totter?” Riff Tannen spoke off casually in making a move on the filly in what they can do in a bit, much to Diamond Tiara’s shock; was this colt making moves on her friend?

“Ugh….sorry, but….I have to go!” Silver Spoon looked a bit awkward about what was being asked before quickly leaving the scene.

“Humph, she is so into me!” Riff Tannen exclaimed with a sly smile in seeing that Silver Spoon has a thing for him.

“Um, hello….how was that even remotely being into you?” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes in knowing her best friend is NOT into the colt.

“Well as it happens, Miss Second Richest in the school, that if I say so, I mean so!” Riff Tannen issued off in proclaiming this case of how things are to go.

“Second Richest?” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow in having been told she’s second richest, where did that come from.

“Oh, I’m sorry, you must have been out when I got to become a new student here, you see….my family’s a lot more richer than….your family.” Riff Tannen issued off to exclaim that his family is a lot more richer than the filly’s family is.

“Say what?” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow in not believing this, there is a new student here that was richer than she or her family.

“So, being richer means, I’m in a more elite league than you, do so enjoy pransing around!” Riff Tannen exclaimed forth in stating this about being much higher than the filly as he was seen walking off like he’s owning the playground.

“Uaaagh….I can’t believe that guy, who does he think he is making claims when this is a free school, and…and…” Diamond Tiara was letting off some steam in what has happened here, seeing how that guy behaves & act was so… But then the girl stopped to think for a second, that action seem oddly familiar like…she knows it all too well. “Just…like I was….hugh.” Diamond Tiara looks down in the dumps to sat on her flank, knowing that she pretty much behave like Riff Tannen, only he’s seemingly much more spoil & seemingly more boastful of his stature then she ever could be.

“Diamond Tiara?” Then the filly heard her name before looking to see the four members of the Cutie Mark Crusaders; Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo & Nyx with the latter having spoken out.

“Hello….you wanna leave me be too, right?” Diamond Tiara lightly exclaimed to say this while not looking to know what comes next.

“Why are earth would we do a thing like dat?” Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow in why they do something that sounded mean.

“Because as of this moment, I’ve gone from popular to zero….” Diamond Tiara pointed off in where she was standing at this point.

“Um, how’d that happen?” Sweetie Belle asked off in not knowing how the filly went to begin a zero now.

“You even have to ask knowing who you’re asking that from.” Scootaloo rolled her eyes in knowing that since this was Diamond Tiara, it’s clear how the filly went from the top to bottom zero.

“Diamond Tiara, if there’s something wrong, why not tell us?” Nyx spoke to the filly in wanting to help out.

“Because I…I…I just can’t…” Diamond Tiara exclaimed in feeling like she just couldn’t say anything that she felt would be helpful.

“Really, come on….you look like you need help.” Nyx stated in wanting Diamond Tiara to open up to them.

“I do, but…you won’t help me…” Diamond Tiara stated to say, but felt like no one will help her today.

“But wha about de time we helped ye out when ye lost de election ta help yah be a better pony?” Apple Bloom pointed off about a time they helped the filly out, cause that in turn caused Diamond Tiara to be a better pony.

“That was then, in case you former blank flanks forgot after finally getting your special cutie marks…I was a real bully.” Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes to rhetorically remind those here of who she use to be in the past; a bully.

“Well, we wouldn’t go that far.” Sweetie Belle was sweetly say at first; only to get a ‘oh really’ look from everyone around here. “Okay, so maybe you were hard to get along.” She sheepishly corrected herself in knowing what was happening here.

“I’m trying to make amends, but….nobody is wanting to give me a chance.” Diamond Tiara shrug off to say this in having zero chances of making things right with her classmates.

“Well, we helped Pipsqueak become president, so….maybe we can help the class see you in a different light.” Scootaloo stated off to say this in thinking of what they can do to help out like before.

“Right, come on, let’s go get things started.” Nyx nods off in thinking that was a great idea that they can try.

Diamond Tiara looked at her former enemies, thinking that when they were once enemies now new friends, maybe…there is a way that she can start fresh. But while the CMC moves ahead, Diamond Tara seems to roam a bit around the school until she notices something strange around the corner…or more like someone. It was Golden Heart & much of his group consisting of Jack Zen, Autumn Gem, Sombra, Omega, & Flutterbat seen wearing a cloak to keep herself safe from the sun. As the filly sees then, she turns around to yelp in seeing Pinkamena nearby, the one pony who terrified her and gives the filly shivers from suffering the ‘Brrs’ last time.

“Ahhhh, why are you here? Not the Brrrs, not again!” Diamond Tiara yelps in fear from shaking all frighten, as she shuts her eyes to not see what the pink pony will do.

But then suddenly, Pinkamena walks up close to the filly, then as a scared Diamond Tiara seems to prepare for the worse when…

“I’m sorry.” Pinkamena spoke off to say while giving the filly…a warm hug, which made Diamond Tiara open her eyes in being lost.

“For-for what?” Diamond Tiara asked off puzzled by what was going on.

“Remember when I scared you & Sliver Spoon?” Pinkamena asked off this question, which Diamond Tiara lightly nods silently to. “Well, it was not even your own fault for what you were doing at the time.” She stated off in saying this that from what they heard, the filly was at fault from what she was taught.

“You mean how it was from her mother’s influence that made Diamond Tiara act like her mother in how richly folk glare down on the common pony?” Jack Zen pointed this off that from Diamond tiara’s mother, it made the filly become something when in truth; it was not much her own will.

“None of us ever knew that she was only a victim of circumstance, we heard from the CMC after they got their cutie marks.” Autumn Gem shrug off to say this in how they found things out afterwards.

“And once we heard, my sister went through a horrible break down of fury & guilt that it took Omega & us to hold her down until she calm herself.” Goldie pointed this off in knowing what Pinkamena went through that was also a lot of work on their part.

“So what I’m saying is…I hope you can forgive me, if you can’t, I’ll understand.” Pinkamena stated off to say this in feeling kinda gloomy in what the filly will say to her as Diamond Tiara looks up to her.

“Maybe, you can just give my mother the Brrrrs just one time to make up for it.” Diamond Tiara stated off softly in thinking of what could be an ‘even’ deal kind of matter.

“Well maybe I could make that work out.” Pinkamena started to smile a bit in seeing the filly was forgiving her, maybe there’s hope yet for her. “After all, everyone makes funny faces when they get that way from getting scared.” As she shrug off to say that, it caused Diamond Tiara to giggle a bit under her breath, that did sound a little funny… “Well Diamond Tiara, at least we made our amends today.” She smile doff to happily say this in how things turn out.

“Well, at least now…I see you’re a nicer pony then I thought.” Diamond Tiara lightly nods off to say this in how things ended up going here.

“Well to my pals, they are my friends, & you can be too & I can tell after a bit of amending of your mistakes, you’ll have friends as well.” Pinkamena stated off to give this simple term of who she considers a friend.

“Well, I need to get going, so….see you.” Diamond Tiara responded off to say this before suddenly having to catch up to the CMC.

“Hugh. Wonder if that settles it here.” Sombra raised an eyebrow in being curious about everything.

“Maybe not…I been hiding in the shadows to learn something. There’s a new colt in school & from the strange feeling I’m getting from him, he might be a new bully in the school.” Flutterbat issued off to say this to the others i what maybe going on at this school with a new & even nastier bully on the playground.

“Will things be alright in Diamond Tiara patching things up if this obstacle in the path?” Omega asked off in pondering the question that could cause an upset.

“Well, let’s see how things go & if she needs help, we’ll spring into action…but let’s see how this turns out.” Pinkamena issued off to say this in feeling that if they need to interfere, they will, but for right now…they observe.

The rest of Goldie’s team lightly nods while just taking cover behind some bushes & stuff to be kept out of sight.


The scene changes to where Pipsqueak is seen on the slide’s bottom to speak out to all of the gathered fillies & colts on the playground.

“Attention fellow students….as acting president of the class, I like to make sure that your safety when being outside playing is top priority.” Pipsqueak issued off in wanting to do something good that makes everyone happy. “And as such, we’ll have to go over some quick checks so that everyone can know the rules & follow through so they can have fun.” He proudly was stating this in what he wants them to do so that everyone can be safe & have fun while doing it.

“Snore feast!” Spoke a voice from the crowd, as everyone moves to allow Riff Tannen to approach the spot. “Seriously, who voted for this guy to be president?” He turn to the crowd in pointing out how silly it was to have a short colt be an acting leader to the group.

“But, we all did…” Snips replied off confused in who they elected for class president.

“Yeah, didn’t we?” Snails nodded off to say while being mostly puzzled by the question.

“Look, public safety thing, is something grownups tell us, do you wanna know why?” Riff Tannen spoke off in stating this to get everyone’s attention. “It’s to keep us from having more fun, that’s why! Right fellas?” He pointed this off in making a claim here before turning to….his group.

Then appearing from around the corner made a lot of the students yelp to seeing that Riff Tannen called to his ‘fellas’ were actually, not a part of the regular students.

First up was a scrawny unicorn with a white coat and orange mane and tail. He has a blue book of lit matches as a cutie mark. The guy’s name is Matchstick, his special talent is fire magic, but that's literally the ONLY thing he is good at. With the aforementioned exception of fire magic, he is so dumb he makes Snips and Snails look like super-geniuses by comparison.

Second up was an earth pony colt even scrawnier than Matchstick, but he is the smartest member of Riff's gang (this includes Riff himself). He has a dark red coat with light blue mane and tail. His name was Googles, he is a gifted inventor & his special googles allow him to bring images on picture to life & control said images.

Last was a bald Pegasus colt who is taller and more muscular than Matchstick and Googles, but not quite as tall and muscular as Riff himself. He has a medium pink coat and a sky blue tail, but no mane. He has a silver pocket knife as a cutie mark. He’s known as Baldy, in addition to being the physically second-strongest of Riff's gang (Riff himself being the first strongest), Baldy is the fastest and most agile member of the group, plus is skilled with blade weapon.

These were Riff Tannen’s little members to cause some little mischief as they are nodding off in response to what their ‘leader’ said to be true.

“So like I said, we have a right to have fun whenever we want!” Riff Tannen exclaimed in stating this about what they do that is their own right.

“Riff Tannen, that’s not true, safety is to keep ourselves from getting hurt!” Pipsqueak was trying to state this off in how they need to have such important safety measures so no one gets hurt.

“Oh, really? Well…hello….hello…..is anybody home? Cause for being so small, you sure like to sound big!” Riff Tannen then approached Pipsqueak to start knocking his right hood on the colt’s noggin as if asking if someone was home; the colt was not liking this treatment or tease.

“Hey! Leave Pipsqueak alone!” Nyx appeared to come in with her group & Diamond Tiara in seeing the action of someone picking on Pipsqueak, the class president.

“Oh, well looky here, the smallest guy has a little filly-friend protecting his small hide. Well macho?” Riff Tannen asked off to smile off in stating this remark to let go of the colt to almost trip & fall right underneath Nyx’s spot.

“Well…” Pipsqeuak looked a bit uneasy to blush, being protected by a filly he’s kinda got a crush on is….well, for his stature of being the smallest in class, it’s not very helpful here.

“You expect a colt to need a filly to protect him from a noggy rub? I say we drop it & do things….the Riff Tannen way!” Riff Tannen spoke off in having the rest of the class hear him out in what he has to offer, is much better by his way.

Then without warning, Baldy came back in carrying something that look like the size of a merry-go-round, as he dropped in on the ground that made a shake. Then Googles press a button on it to make the strange open play arena active while Matchstick lit some fire torches to give the thing some dramatical flare.

“What is that?” Aquamarine asked off in looking at what was here before them.

“Just a little something to ah, razzle-dazzle things up, it’s called; Tannen-Bomb!” Riff Tannen issued off to slyly state this in what he’s got to which it’s named after himself.

Many of the colts & fillies found this thing to be…amazing to their little eyes; that DID look like a lot of fun.

“What does it do?” Rumble asked off in not knowing what this thing is supposed to do.

“What can’t it do, it’s a no-rules zone. You get to do anything you feel like.” Riff Tannen issued this off that got more attention the more he talked about it. “Magical zero gravity field, you get to soar around even without wings & get to carry some cool toys to aim, shoot & whack another….oh, & there is some protective gear, Mister Prez.” The guy explained in what was this thing was capable of & what else it comes with for even Pipsqueak to not argue about.

“Okay…that does sound pretty awesome.” Scootaloo slightly nods off in thinking that what they heard, did sounded kind cool to them.

“Scootaloo, we’re not here ta get bought off like dat!” Apple Bloom lectured her friend in being suckered in by such things.

“Apparently, the rest of the class have other thoughts.” Sweetie Belle pointed out in seeing what was happening with the rest of their classmates.

Soon as the CMC, Pipsqueak, Diamond Tiara looked ahead, all of the fillies & colts were floating around in the giant arena, wearing protective gear as they played bouncing balls, hockey games, & did whatever they felt like; it was fun. The others slowly came into hover up before seeing that some colts were about to play against Riff’s team which was the three stallions.

“Alright, time to see if you colts got what it takes to take on the Tannen Bomb here. And no, not just the field, I mean the original, namely….ME!” Riff Tannen issued off to boasting himself of having a nickname while naming this place after himself.

Now without warning, many colts yelped from when Riff Tannen & his boys ended up hitting their pucks so hard, that the colts were unable to block. As they were knocked around, Nyx’s group was watching this in shock, Riff’s team was playing too hard, especially of three stallions not holding back against a few colts.

“Riff Tannen, don’t you think this is too much, they may be wearing protective gear, but you appear to be taking this game too serious!” Pipsqueak protest to say this in finding that kind of game play, unsportsmanlike & was pushing others around.

“Hah, ain’t no way I can be school’d here! This place is a no rules zone, so anything goes…” Riff Tannen issued off to say this as he hovered over near Silver Spoon that was in the area. “And I do mean anything, ain’t that right…Silver?” He stated off in starting to hit on the filly rather straight forward.

“Ugh….just cause…you got me in here, doesn’t mean I’m in to you.” Silver Spoon rolled her eyes in seeing this guy was trying to get her to be his, as if.

“Hey buddy, that’s mine best friend your approaching!” Diamond Tiara was seen coming over to protest in seeing what Riff was doing.

“Oh, I’m sorry….who were you again, Roughful Diamond something?” Riff Tannen asked off in not recalling as his boys snickered in finding that funny.

“Grrr….” Diamond Tiara growls under her breath in really not liking this.

“So, what are you? A friend of this cutie?” Riff Tannen asked if Diamond Tiara was a close friend to Silver Spoon.

“I used to be, and honestly hope to be again. Still, I acknowledge it has to be HER choice. It's not just time, but PAST time that I accept & respect that she is her own filly with her own opinions. Still, I think I can safely guess that she does NOT like you.” Diamond Tiara issued off to remotely state these hurtful issues about her friend not liking the colt while knowing she may have some problems with the former snotty filly.

“You would be right about that.” Silver Spoon rolled her eyes to keep her distance frmo the Riff Tannen, but his grown boys kept her from leaving.

“Whatever. Why don't you & your friends make like a tree & get out of here?” Riff Tannen rolled his eyes in not caring while stating he wants those here to get lose.

“First of all, the expression is "Make like a tree and LEAVE", second, we do not abandon our friends or potential friends.” Sweetie Belle issued off to state this over what they do & such.

“You've got spunk, huh? I hate that.” Riff Tannen issued off to say this i seeing someone has a lot of spunk to state their business.

“Well, you'd better get used to it, because the odds are quite firmly in our favor & we've beaten MUCH tougher bozos than you before.” Nyx stated off to say this in having face bigger foe than a snobbish colt.

“But they never been rich before.” Riff Tannen issued off to mention this about all the tough bozos this bunch has come across, never had money they can wave off. “So unless you got good lawyers to stop everyone from having a blast, I don’t see us stopping.” He stated this off in making a cocky laugh in having up-one on the CMC, cause if brute force is all they got, then they will get sue by the guy’s richly paid for lawyers.

“Ugh, how can you all standby & let him push you around?” Diamond Tiara groans to turn to the class in asking why they are letting Riff Tannen boss them around.

“Really, unlike somebody I got word about, didn’t you promise them things?” Riff Tannen remarked off to counter the argument right back at Diamond Tiara. “Besides, anyone who can deliver something cool, gets to make all the rules. Unlike a broken diamond who has been thrown out by the riffing now star.” He was making all the cuts, which was making the former bully filly look ready to pop at any moment.

“Cut it out Riff, Diamond Tiara isn’t like that anymore…she’s better now!” Nyx issued off that their once former enemy has changed now.

“Really, well what has she done to show that she’s sincere?” Riff Tannen rolled his eyes to remark such a claim of someone changed their ways. “How’s about this, all in favor of putting little Miss Tiara through a test to see if she’s ‘better’ now raise a hoof.” He issued this off in liking to see who was wanting to see some actual results then of words.

While many of the students looked to the other in thinking this through, but slowly…they raised their hooves in agreement, much to Nyx & the CMC’s shock, they all want Diamond Tiara to go through a test to show she’s changed. Wasn’t long before everyone was line up around the sides; Diamond Tiara was wearing some protective gear as she was looking somewhat ready for what was to come.

“Okay Miss Tiara, in the Tannen Bomb, there’s one rule…there are no rules.” Riff Tannen issued off to say this about what the rules are to the filly; there are none. “So if you want to show everyone that you’re no longer better than the rest, you have to make it up to everyone by allowing them to dish out paybacks. And if you object to any of their request, well…then I guess you aren’t as sorry as you made it sound like you were.” He was radically Diamond Tiara to see if she could take the punishment she so righteously deserves for all the mean things she did to her classmates.

“Fine….I get it, let’s just….get this over with?” Diamond Tiara sighs to say in feeling that if this will settle things, she’s willing to take some old karma that has been dying to deliver out to her.

“First up…those with blank flanks…how’s about showing the filly that always badmouth you with a game of….hockey?” Riff Tannen spoke off in issuing this to some foals that had no cutie marks to play a game with Diamond Tiara who called them blank flanks.

“Hockey?” Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow in hearing that right.

Then in an instant, the colts & fillies that had no cutie marks but were badmouth by Diamond Tiara as blank flanks were hitting their hockey pucks that were sent flying & the filly tried to block as many as she could, but she has never experienced hockey play even with this kind of action.

“Ouch-ouch….ouch….isn’t this a little too much?” Diamond Tiara yelped off in having to take this kind of punishment.

“Yeah, just cause she’s wearin’ protective gear, dat’s a little much fer a pony who’s never been a field goalie.” Apple Bloom issued off that this was unfair, Diamond tiara’s never even played much hockey before.

“Very well, moving along. Next up, those from colt’s choir who got spitballs from the filly during practice. And a one & a two & a three, and…” Riff Tannen spoke off in signaling the next classmate bunch to join them, as he was signaling or them to start singing here.

“Ah! Lou Yah Bee Dee There…” The colts choir started singing their chorus lines for the whole group of students to hear.

"Sing it, foals! Sing it & then spit it!” Riff Tannen was pretending to get into the music while issuing this next part out.

Then the colts chorus did something un-expected in what the CMC saw, they got out straws, put them in their months and then fire them at Diamond Tiara.

"Ow! Ow! Cut that out, now! Ow! Whose idea was it for spit balls here, gross! Ow! Ow! And why are they so hard! Ow! Ow! Ow ow!” Diamond Tiara was asking this off from the firing spitballs, these things are too hard, what is with them; unknowing that Googles must have done something.

"Come on! Diamond Tiara, Move! Move!" Silver Spoon was trying to encourage her friend to move it, but…

"DING!!" Then we hear a wrestle ring bell from what took place with the Diamond Tiara in which she had been knock right on the ground.

"Ah, Gee's Wiz! That there just had to hurt!” Riff Tannen then looked away, as if he saw something that looked like it was really painful as he & his boys snickered at this sight.

The CMC cringe from seeing Diamond Tiara on the ground, looking a bit….in pain. The girl looked like she was struggling to get up, all these things to prove she’s making amends for her bully mistakes, if they are any more painful, she’ll keel over before everyone forgives her.

“Okay, that might not have been supposed to look bad, but….I guess spitball grudges carry a lot more weight.” Scootaloo stated off in what they have seen had happened here.

“And now….the best for last.” Riff Tannin issued forth in having one more thing to unleash.

“Oh really, what are you gonna have her do next?” Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow in what this new bully had in mind.

“Oh, it’s not I, it’s YOU!” Riff Tannen exclaimed this to say with a sly smile across his face.

“Us?” CMC yelped in having hard that; that did not sound good.

“You think I haven’t heard about what she’s done to you three & especially what she called Nyx here?” Riff Tannen issued off to mention this in knowing what Diamond Tiara did to the CMC & the black filly. “So….for the final test to see if she’s got what it takes, you’re going to have all of us call her…what she called you?” He pointed this off in what the CMC will have them all do, call Diamond Tiara what she called Nyx on certain times.

“But wait a second, are you saying….you want Nyx to call Diamond Tiara…gulp…Mary Sue?” Pipsqueak gulps in feeling worried in what was going to happen here.

That one really made many feel like that was….too much to do, it’s one thing that Nyx had to be called Mary Sue by those that were mean, but….calling Diamond tiara that was just…just over the line!

“It’s only fair, how many times has she called Nyx that? Or better yet, how many times has someone called your daddy, Ben Mare, a….” Riff Tannen was about to state this other factor about what Ben Mare, Nyx’s father was called until…

“I hear you, but….that just doesn’t seem nice to call her that!” Nyx protest to say this in not liking the idea very much.

“Well, if you can’t do that, then we’ll just start the chant without you! Ready everyone…” Riff Tannen issued off to say this, as Matchstick, Googles & Baldy looked ready to start until….

“Wait, can’t there be something else less hurtful?” Nyx issued off in trying to not have things end up being so hurtful.

“Hmmm….” Riff Tannen thought about this for a moment until…he came to a conclusion. “Alright then, I got the perfect idea…isn’t it true that you encountered someone who magically removed cutie marks?” He asked this off to suddenly catch Nyx off by surprise.

“Ugh….” Nyx was a little unwell about that question involving Starlight Glimmer.

“Then being an Alicorn, surely you must have enough magic to…remove her cutie mark for, oh….five minutes for us to call her a blank flank!” Riff Tannen issued this off to what can be done that will be a fitting final test to pass.

“But…that’s…” Nyx was about to object to that as that sounded way more mean then what was going on.

“It’s either that or we start calling her Mary Sue, come now…you should revel in this…think about all the means things….think about how good it will feel to unleash that inner rage you kept quiet.” Riff Tannen issued off to say this in wanting Nyx to quit being a goody-two-shoes & have some fun in bullying an old bully.

“Do it…do it…do it…” Soon Matchstick, Googles & Baldy were chanting this in what they want, for Nyx to do this. Nyx felt unsure if everyone felt that way, but….

“Hugh, do it Nyx…” Diamond Tiara sighs off to say this in getting up to let this be done.

“But…” Nyx was about to object to this, removing someone’s cutie mark to be teased felt so…

“Just…do it…I can take being called….A blank flank.” Diamond Tiara issued off in wanting Nyx to get it over with, so that she can make amends…somehow.

“Well you heard her, if she’s willing to go through, then why not become big to get the job done, hmm?” Riff Tannen issued off to pressure the motion of what should be done here.

Nyx felt unsure about this, but….if Diamond Tiara was really wanting to go through with this, she transformed into her adult form. Then Adult Nyx stood over the small Diamond Tiara as she lowered her head in awaiting the last test to endure, the black mare’s horn glowed around the cutie mark. This was the moment, the cutie mark looked like it was starting to rip off the flesh of Diamond Tiara’s flank as it was already looking 90 percent done, the rich filly just has to endure the tease & taunting of not having a cutie mark to be accepted, but….someone was wanting to pressurize things…

“Ready everyone, looky there…a new blank flank has entered the ring! Ha-hah-hah, blank flank…blank flank…blank-flank…” Riff Tannen pointed off to start teasing & taunting as his boys were starting to chant the same thing.

Hearing those words made Diamond Tiara almost feel like it was a crowd’s chant & just hearing them…what she’s done in the past was enough to make her…shed tears to sniff a bit, as if her little heart wasn’t strong enough to take this. But at that instant before her cutie mark was completely removed, it stop glowing & reattach itself, making the filly gasp to look down to see….it’s still there, then look to see Adult Nyx looking like…her head was down & she was shaking.

“No!” Adult Nyx protest out loud before turning to the bully in question. “I can’t do it!” She issued off thatch just can’t do this sort of thing.

This caused all of the others to look & mutter to themselves, Nyx was not willing to make Diamond Tiara understand what it felt like to not have a cutie mark; why, didn’t the filly & her friends get picked on because of the snobby girl.

“Don’t you all see wha Riff Tannen is doing, by bullying Diamond Tiara, we’re no different than she was!” Apple Bloom issued forth in stating this about what was happening to them & who they were becoming.

“And look at her, she took hits without complaining because she wanted to atone for being a bully to us.” Scootaloo pointed off that Diamond tiara was taking some hits from pucks & hard spitballs cause she was trying to make amends.

“But taking someone’s cutie mark & then taunting them as a blank flank, that’s just all kinds of wrong.” Sweetie Belle stated off in knowing that was a kind of action that was just too mean to even comprehend.

“Oh boo-hoo, cry me a river! Like anyone’s gonna care about her losing a cutie mark, heh, they’ll probably get a laugh out of it.” Riff Tannen remarked off to pretend to care while remarking the whole thing if anyone cares if Diamond Tiara doesn’t have a cutie mark; they may think she doesn’t deserve one.

“No…the only reason Diamond Tiara was acting as she did was because of what she was taught, but we saw someone in trouble & we helped her out. We each been there of thinking someone was right, but was wrong then to just doing what we know was wrong, right?” Adult Nyx issued off in making this reasonable statement for everyone to understand just what she was meaning.

The class of fillies & colts were having listen to this & felt like what they heard sounded…somewhat reasonable. But Riff Tannen was not amused, he wanted Diamond Tiara to suffer more for amusement & some caring filly that was picked on along with her friends is forgiving Diamond Tiara; unbelievable.

“Wha, for real, okay, look…if you’re not gonna remove her cutie mark, then call her Mary Sue! Come on now, the rest of you join in!” Riff Tannen issued off in wanting something to be done, as he turn to his group to begin calling the old former bully that name.

“No, I don’t wanna do that!” Silver Spoon floated near the guy in stating that she won’t do that.

“Excuse me?” Riff Tannen raised an eyebrow in seeing this filly he likes was standing up against him.

“Nyx may have been a target that me & Diamond picked on with the CMC, but she’s not wanting to stoop low to call someone that.” Silver Spoon stated this off in knowing that Nyx’s good nature would never allow her to do cruel things, even to someone who use to bully her.

“Oh, wha, now you wanna defend someone who was only using you for a means end? Well guess what?” Riff Tannen exclaimed off to narrow his eyes at Baldy who came from behind the filly standing against him.

“Ow!” Silver yelped when Baldy yanked her ponytail & kept her out of the way.

“When I say jump, those around me say how high. Cause if they don’t, then they can kiss themselves goodbye!” Riff Tannen issued off in a forceful tone in knowing that when he says something, its go or drop.

“Stop it, your thug’s pulling my ponytail too hard!” Silver Spoon complained in feeling that her mane was feeling like it’ll rip off.

“Now look Nyx, either do something to Diamond or little Silver will know what it means to suffer for a loosely friend.” Riff Tannen turn to glare at Adult Nyx in wanting her to do something embarrassing to Diamond Tiara or else Silver Spoon will just take the punishment instead.

The CMC & Adult Nyx were in shock, Riff Tannen was going too far in dragging others into this; not just Diamond Tiara.

“Hey buster….quit it! It’s one thing to have me endure everything for my mistakes, but leave Silver Spoon out of this!” Diamond Tiara spoke off to move pass Adult Nyx in making this angry demand for the buster to let her friend go.

“Or wha? Hugh, case you forgot, you ain’t the boss around here no more, nobody’s gonna wanna help you out or care two cents about it! And as for Silver here, I like her, but she’s gonna have to learn…love hurts, in more ways than one.” Riff Tannen issued off in stating this issue about no one caring to side with Diamond Tiara & that Silver Spoon will need to learn that….his love for her hurts unless she gets the picture to just follow up then go against him.

“Ow…ow….stop it!” Silver Spoon yelps from the pain that her mane was being pulled too hard that it was hurting her more, Baldy was not letting up & that made many more fillies & colts worry for the girl.

“Ggrrrrr……MAXIN TALOS!” Diamond Tiara growls in feeling like she has lost all patience & suddenly calls out for someone….

Then without warning, someone busted through the arena that knock out Matchstick & Googles as standing nearby from the smoke was….Maxin Talos with his ever ‘usual’ express face.

“You called, Miss Tiara?” Maxin Talos replied off in having been called upon.

“Apprehend that colt from Silver Spoon & the thug hurting her at once!” Diamond Tiara gave the order in wanting the bodyguard to deal with those hurting her friend. Then in an instant, Maxin Talos approached Baldy to punch his lights out which freed Silver Spoon before he picked up a yelling Riff Tannen.

“Wha the…hey! No fair! You can’t call in a bodyguard to settle things!” Riff Tannen yelped off to complain about this going against what’s fair…for him.

“In the Tannen Bomb zone, there are no rules, right? We can get away with whatever we like & guess what I’m going to do to you for what you did to me!” Diamond Tiara smiled off slyly in having something very special plan for this guy for what he’s made her go through. Everyone was thinking that Riff Tannen was gonna be beaten to a pulp after what he did, but…. “Maxin Talos, I want you to take this spoiled rich colt &…” The filly was about to give out the order as Adult Nyx & CMC were worried that this might cause everyone to see her bully side again until… “Turn him over to Miss Cheerilee for disturbing playtime & having us perform unfriendly games & for hurting Silver Spoon.” Diamond Tiara gave out the order in what to be done with the spoiled colt that was so nasty, that he should be reported then beat up.

“Wait, that’s it? Yo, you called in Moby here, & instead of pouncing, you giving me detention? That’s the most stupidest thing I ever heard!” Riff Tannen remarked off to point a hoof at Maxin Talos who glared at the colt for being called Moby as the colt couldn’t believe that was Diamond Tiara’s little score settler; that’s weak.

“Your right, beating you up would have been my first choice, but…I’m pass that.” Diamond Tiara issued off to say this with a sly smile on her face in knowing what she would have done, but choose’d differently. “Now let’s go Maxin Talos…” She issued off in wanting her bodyguard to come along.

“Right, Miss.” Soon Maxin Talos was carrying Riff Tannen while dragging by the tails of the colt’s rotten company as they left the arena of the Tannen Bomb.

“Diamond Tiara…just helped stop a bigger bully, without bullying back?” Silver Spoon raised an eyebrow in what she & everyone else was seeing.

“That’s because she has change…and what about you all, will you change to let bygones be bygones?” Adult Nyx asked off in thinking that it’s time everyone else started to let what they saw here, decide about Diamond Tiara & if she has indeed changed.

The classmates were all starting to think about this, feeling that what they saw may cause a change indeed. Hidden from view, Pinkamena’s group smiled in nodding in approving what Diamond Tiara did, looks like she handled that case very well without resorting to bullying another bully.


Soon we see Diamond Tiara exiting the school with Maxin Talos accompanying her. The girl sighed in relief that she was able to clear things up with Miss Cheerilee about Riff Tannen’s behavior & actions to give him some weeks of detention. At least that’s one problem that she resolved without much forceful hurting of others. But as she was about to go, she stopped in staring in surprise….her classmates line up across the left side as if looking like they had something to say. Maxin Talos was almost about to step in, but Diamond Tiara held her hoof up to stop the guy in not wanting to cause a scene.

“Diamond Tiara, as class president, I speak for everyone on the playground when we all wanna say….” Pipsqueak spoke up in having something to say to the filly here as he nods to the group & then…

“We’re sorry.” The class of fillies & colts responded off to say this in union, much to Diamond Tiara’s surprise.

“Wha, what’s all this about?” Diamond Tiara asked off in not following why everyone was saying sorry other.

“Well…it wasn’t right what we did to you, just cause Riff Tannen said so!” Featherweight exclaimed to rub his back neck about what they did from being told so.

“Yeah, we’re sorry about that.” Truffle nods off to apologize for having caused such a problem.

“And we’re also sorry for ignoring you too.” Rumble stated to say this about another factor.

“I guess when we didn’t wanna be mean to you, we ended up being mean anyway.” Twist looked pretty sad in how they behaved in being terrible to someone that use to bully them.

“Yeah, we’re a real couple of saps.” Snips nods off to honestly say this in how things look for them.

“Uh-hugh, we thought wrong about wha we did.” Snails nods off to dumbly say this about the case.

“I…I don’t know what to say.” Diamond Tiara stated off in being surprised by those that were reflecting about what they did to the former mean filly.

“Ye see Diamond Tiara, by doing something good, ye showed everyone dat yer a better filly.” Apple Bloom smiled off in commenting on how the filly was today.

“Heck, you even had everyone surprised when you called in your bouncer bodyguard to help save your best friend.” Scootaloo stated to say this in having seen what an ex-bully did without bullying back.

“Not only that, you didn’t go off to beat him up, but told a teacher about what he did, that showed you really aren’t being a mean bully now more.” Sweetie Belle smiled off in stating how the filly did things that was the right way.

“Well…I couldn’t just let Silver Spoon get hurt because well…because…” Diamond Tiara was having some trouble finding words here until…

“Because we’re friends, right?” Silver Spoon smiled off to say this in knowing wha the two are.

“You were my only friend, seeing you get hurt made me…feel like I lose the only one I had.” Diamond Tiara stated off this case in knowing that Silver Spoon was her only real friend that at least listen & did what she said, etc.

“Well, I don’t think you’re alone in having friends, look around you.” Nyx pointed off in looking around at their class gather here. “We’re all friends here, no matter what we are.” She stated this off for Diamond Tiara to follow this example.

“Sniff…thanks Nyx.” Diamond Tiara sniffs a bit before thanking the black filly. “Well….I know I still got a long way to make things right, but…I hope everyone gives me a chance?” She asked this off in hoping to be given a chance.

“They will…” The CMC nods off to say this in union.

“Here Diamond Tiara, I found this for you, it’s a diamond gemstone…hope you like it.” Aquamarine stated to show something for Diamond Tiara to have in feeling she deserves something nice after what happened.

‘Thanks, where did you find it?” Diamond Tiara asked off in being curious about where a gemstone diamond was found.

“Underneath that table where the place the manure at.” Aquamarine pointed off in where she found the thing.

Just then, a bench broke off that had some tall crate of manure at that tipped over & was seen tilting across the direction of where the students are at as they brace for impact.

“Maxin Talos! Kick that thing away from hitting us!” Diamond Tiara yelled out in ordering her bodyguard to defend them.

Then coming in on the scene, Maxin talks ran towards & then lifted his high heels up to deliver a kick at the crate of mature that sent it away from the students.

“Thank you for the assistance.” Diamond Tiara smiled off in thanking her bodyguard for that aid.

“Madam…” Maxin Talos nodded off in having been praised here.

“Wait, didn’t you just kick that crate of manure near the detention window?” Pipsqueak pointed off in seeing where Maxin Talos sent that crate of manure straight towards.

“Clapfrsuvhmm….” Then the crate busted through an open window as its contents spilt all over the area. “Gaaaugh! I HAAAAATE MANURE!” Then we here Riff Tannen yelling off this angry tone in getting unexpectively covered….in manure.

“Oops, I guess I should have told him to kick that thing further away. Was that still bad?” Diamond Tiara pretended to feel like she wasn’t paying close attention & must have done a bad thing that everyone saw; but it sure didn’t sound like she was sorry.

“Ah think we can let it slide ‘dis one time.” Apple Bloom nods off with a sly smile in knowing this one can be left aside.

“Considering it didn’t hit anyone here.” Scootaloo smiled off that the manure didn’t hit their classmates.

“But it did hit somebody who deserve it.” Sweetie Belle smiled off in thinking of who deserve to get hit with that stuff.

“So, I think it’s a sorta…accidental reaction that was not intended for any harm.” Nyx shrug off to simply say this in how things turn out in the end.

“Except for maybe Riff Tannen.” Silver Spoon remarked off to say this about who got the short end of the straw there.

“Huh-huh, so true!” Diamond Tiara giggled off to say this in feeling that was something funny they all can enjoy.

“Well to celebrate, how’s about we go enjoy treats at Sugarcube Corner, my treat!” Pipsqueak issued off to say this in treating everyone to honor this moment of Diamond Tiara’s change.

“I’ll happily take that offer, Pipsqueak!” Nyx giggled to smile happily while leaning close to Pipsqueak, much to him blushing a bit.

“Why so glum, Diamond? We're friends again AND most of the school has developed much more respect for you considering what you & the Crusaders were trying to go through to stop Riff & his gang from picking on them & you.” Silver Spoon spoke off in noticing her friend looked distracted about something.

“I know, Silver. And I AM happy about that. Still, I can't help being a little jealous of Nyx & Pipsqueak.” Diamond Tiara stated in noticing how close those two are to one another.

“Oh, that's the reason. Well, I have a feeling that, if you are patient, the right colt will come along.” Silver Spoon stated off in thinking that someone special will come around for her friend someday.

“Thanks, Silver. That means a lot. And, for what it's worth, I think YOU deserve to find the right colt too. Obviously somebody MUCH nicer than Riff.” Diamond Tiara issued off to state this while making a light joke of who her friend should find & get along with.

The two filly friends laugh it off as they are seen moving along to join their class while Riff Tannen is looking miserable in removing manure & the scene out of the class room by Miss. Cheerilee’s orders while Matchstick, Baldy & Googles are order to remove the Tannen Bomb away as she finds it too wild for young foals to be playing with at school. Things go dark as things begin not look their…hmm, brightest.


Meanwhile at this time, someone was seen sneezing in a strange cavern area while walking up to what were none other than…the Flim-Flam Brothers. This one looked like them except for being a unicorn colt, pale, light grayish olive fur coat, well comb mane & a long, but short fluff tail that was moderate red with white stripes, & had moderate pistachio color eyes. On his flank was what look like a mug glass of fizzy bubbly stuff of a drink overflowing, it almost look like…apple cider. Then at that sudden moment, the colt suddenly sneezes that catches the brothers to stop working.

“My goodness Scamward, are you alright?” Flim asked off towards the colt that sneezed just now.

“Sniff….yeah, I’m good.” The colt known as Scamward sniffs to rub his nose while sounding good.

“Well good, because catching a cold is a big no-no, little brother!” Flam stated off to state this as a problem to deal with a sick colt.

“Right, got it brothers! Maybe someone’s talking about me. You know….a sudden sneeze can mean someone is commenting someone.” Scamward stated off to say this in what might have been happening recently.

“Let’s just hope that it’s not about us that are related to you.” Flim rolled his eyes in having other thoughts of the case.

“Correct, being noted as enemies of Equestria, forced underground…” Flam stated of in knowing what they have gone & dug themselves in.

“And worse off, we had to get you in too!” The Flim-Flam spoke off in union over the issue.

“What’s so bad about that, I’ve always admire your work.” Scamward stated to say this in what he likes about his bros.

“Yes, scheming is one thing. But being members of the Brotherhood is another story.” Flim stated off in making this claim case about their two active duties & such things.

“Yes, knowing the authorities, they probably go after any relative we had to rat off where we are.” Flam also pointed off about having to take their little brother to be with them before the authorities looking for them used Scamward.

“So, now you’re living somewhere if not being on the road, but hiding out here.” Flim shrug off to simply say this in what the colt has to look forward to.

“Yes & we haven’t even told the others that we hid you here, they might find it…” Flam was starting off to say this in what will happen if others of the group know.

“Disturbing to watch a colt in a secret place of wanted crooks.” Flim-Flam spoke in union about having a colt with wanted crooks might cause trouble, especially with the Apocalypse Ponies & the Dark Mystics…what would they say about having a colt in their Brotherhood?

“Relax, I’m just happy to be with my brothers. Thick ‘n thin!” Scamward swing a hoof off in stating this to cheer his brothers up.

“I suppose so in a way, that’s true.” Flim stated off in thinking that much was very true.

“Yes, let’s do try, we’re family after all.” Flam stated off in thinking the same idea too.

“Well, I’ll be going, I’ll have some Apple Ciders ready when you’re done when you get back.” Scamward stated to turn around to wave goodbye as he heads back to their home to prepare a nice meal for his bros.

“Thank you, little brother!” Flim-Flam issued off to give their brother thanks.

With that, the scene begins to go dark as some strange things move about here. Like what will the events for Diamond Tiara be next? What about Riff Tannen & his gang, will they cause problems at school? And who is this colt that is related to Flim & Flam as their youngest brother or for what other things could this mean? Guess that’s something to expect what comes around…next time…

The End