Sweet Dreams

by Hordaks Pupil

First published

Princess Luna helps the Cutie Mark Crusaders celebrate their marks.

For awhile now, Princess Luna has guided and kept safe the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Now at long last they have achieved their goal. She throws a party to celebrate the occasion and opens up the doors of friendship to another

Sweet Dreams

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Sweet Dreams
By: Hordak’s Pupil

Apple Bloom

“You must be plum tuckered after your big day,” AJ said she tucked me into bed. “I bet you thought this day would never come,” I must admit that did it seem like it would take forever. “We’re so proud of you,” she kisses me on the forehead and turn out the lights. “Good night Apple Bloom” with that I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I am not sure what happened next but when I opened my eyes I found myself in a castle. “Welcome Apple Bloom,” the familiar voice of Luna said as she walked into the room. I ask her what is going on. “I have brought you to my castle.”

“You mean the one in Canterlot or the old one in the forest,” she laughs and says neither. This is the castle of dreams. “Castle of dreams,” this is where she goes to be alone and recharge. “Why did you bring me here?”

“You will know soon enough but we must wait for the others.” Others are coming. She nods and tells me that everything will be okay.

Filthy Rich

“I can’t believe you actually agreed to her idea,” Spoiled berated me. “You did not become the richest pony in Ponyville by giving away your money. I looked up; the money helps the community and that is the right thing to do.

“What good is money if it rots in a vault,” her eyes grow in rage. “Speaking of which, I’ve decided that we were not going to Manehattan. I have found a better use for the money.” I am going to start a scholarship for ponies who can’t afford education. It will make sure they everything to succeed and grow.”

“But that money was going to…,” yes that was going to getting Di into the boarding school. After hearing about what she did today I think staying in Ponyville is the right thing to do. “What has got into you Filthy?”

Let’s just say that our daughter has opened my eyes.

Princess Luna

“This place is amazing,” the young apple says as I show around my castle. “Did you build this?” I nod. I had constructed it ages ago when my cutie mark first appeared. “Did it take you long to figure out what you were meant to do?” she asked curiously.

When I was filly I thought I would never get my cutie mark. I would see Tia and her friends all with their marks but it seemed mine never would come. I asked her when I would get mine but always got the same answer, “when the time is right Luna,” but the time never came.

When I was about 12 I discovered I had the ability to enter ponies’ dreams. It was a neat trick at first and would show off to my friends at school. That changed one night when I heard a scream from Tia’s room.
I raced inside and saw her in the grips of a night terror. I just had to save her. I used my powers and helped her face her fear. When I woke up

I discovered a cutie mark on my flank. “Luna! You did it,” my sister said as I jumped for joy at finally knowing my talent- to help others face what scares them in their dreams.

The sound of the door opening snapped me back to the present. “The others are here.” I teleport to the door where the other crusaders are waiting; “welcome Crusaders this is a momentous occasion,” Sweetie and Scootaloo smiled happily showing off their cutie marks. “Come let us celebrate!”

“Princess Luna, we were wondering if we could invite some else here,” I ask them who they want to invite. “You’ll see,” the smile innocently.

Diamond Tiara

“Diamond Dazzle Tiara! Sit up straight!” mom said as I looked down at my plate. It was the usual cooked oats and parsnips. Mom prides herself in only eating the best food in Equestria.

She was talking about something but I couldn’t hear exactly what she saying. I look up at the night sky. The moon seemed brighter and larger than normal. “A good evening to you Diamond Tiara,” a voice said as I rubbed my eyes but the face was gone. “I hope this night finds you happy.”

I am no longer in the dining room but my bedroom. Something tells me to go to the mirror. Everything seems normal but my reflection begins to quiver. I can no longer see myself but, “Princess Luna!” I gasp as the princess walks out of my mirror. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ve come to invite you to a party,” no one ever invites me to their parties. I ask who is it for, “you will have to come with me to see.” She walks over to the mirror and goes through it like a door. I tell her to wait up and follow her.

I am no longer in my room but what looks a ballroom decorated for a party. “Diamond Tiara! You made it” the Cutie Mark Crusaders say racing over and hugging me. I ask what’s going on, “Princess Luna is throwing a party in honor of us getting our cutie marks. We asked that all of our friends could be here,”
Sweetie Belle explains. There was something about that word ‘friend’ that gave me a warm feeling inside.

All around were the ponies from school, “Di! You made it!” Silver Spoon calls out as I race over to her. “Have you ever seen anything so incredible!” no I haven’t everything was amazing. I had the time of my life.

“The sun is rising, it is time to go children,” Luna said looking out the window. I sighed for me that meant for me to go back to an overbearing mother telling me what to do. Back to be miss prim and proper hooves.

“Diamond what’s wrong,” Scootaloo asks noticing my face. I tell her I didn’t want to go back to the real world and everything that meant. “I know what you mean. Once I had a dream I could fly and I was so sad that I had to wake up. Luna came to me said dreams gives the hope needed to endure whatever happens.”

“Do not fear Diamond Tiara; you will not forget this night,” the princess said as I smiled. I thanked everyone for inviting me and told the crusaders that I will see them tomorrow.