> Playing there games > by Sacrific3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started dying inside each day in this dreaded cell. The beatings didn't help and the loneliness always lingered in the back of my head. The depression set in not long after my hope died. After that I became an empty shell with no will to continue on. I was merely waiting for death to end it all. Creature...creature! I looked up tilting my head to the side to see who was trying to catch my attention. When my long shaggy hair moved to the side of my eye I got a good look of two guards from the royal sisters standing right before me. At first I wondering why there were two guards at my door and what there reason for being here? The guards felt a chill go down there spines when the creature looked in there direction. What they saw when they seen its eye was emptiness and devoid of life. It's skin was pale as a ghost and It's bones could be seen through the rips in it's shirt. They had Know idea what could have caused for this creature to be the way it was, but they had no time to question it. All they were told to do was escort a creature in the lowest part of the dungeon to the princesses throne room for questioning. They seem to have stood there for a minute or two processing what I probably was and then they snapped out of it. Then they spoke "The royal sisters wanted to speak to you creature and requested you asap." I hummed a bit going over this new information. I decided to accept the request since they probably would have used force if i didn't cooperate. So I slowly got onto my feet towering over the two guards and did a gesture for them to lead the way. At first they seemed confused by my strange gesture, but soon got the jest of it. We passed a couple of guards on our way to the throne room. Some of them gave me a disgusted look while others seized me up. Not long after that we were standing in front of the double doors letting to the throne room. The pulled out there spears from behind me and started forcing me closer to the double doors. The double doors slowly got pushed open while I got closer and closer to them then when I was inside the doors shut close with locks being heard from the other side. I looked away from the door and divided my attention to royal sisters sitting upon there throne wearing an emotionless mask. I creeped toward them slowly as my legs could carrier me forward. Upon reaching them I stood there waiting for one of them to make a move or speak out to me, but quietness only greeted me. I seemed to have stood there for a good while until the dark blue alicorn spoke. "kneel before us creature or be punished severely" said Luna. I did not make a move after I heard what she said, but instead cracked a smile. Did she really think I would kneel before the two pest that made my life a living hell in this world or did they forget about that. I begin to laugh a bit at that. Luna could not believe that this creature does not kneel before them, but to add salt to the wound it has the courage to laugh before them. She could not let this stand, so she got up from her throne and slowly walked down the steps toward the creature and when she was face to face with it. She lifted her hoof and smacked it across its face to where the sound echoed through out the room. The creature feel down to the floor cringing its face and yet still could hear its laughter through out the room. After that hit to the face that sent me flying 5 feet across the floor took my breath away. It hurt like hell, but the pain subsided quickly for a minute there I thought she was going to break my jaw with that punch, but something told me I got off easy. So I got onto my feet and wiped some blood from my mouth then walked back toward the dark blue alicorn. I was not going to let that bitch up beat me no matter what. Even though if it met dieing in the process. Luna was surprised to say the least that this creature got back up from her swing that could have knocked out a pony. She quickly shook her head from the shock of it getting back up. It seemed that it had come back for more because he was standing right in front of her again with a smirk on its face just asking for more. So Luna decided to continue on until this creature learned its place. I was spitting out blood at this point after an hour of her taking punches after punches at me. It seemed that I was pissing her off because I could see a vein poping out of her head and her grinding her teeth. Until finally after the last punch I fell down to the floor again laying still not moving. My memories of my old life flashed before my eyes. I gave a smile at all the memories until someone splashed ice cold water on me. Then I was back in front of the throne room laying on the floor. When my vision cleared up I seen the white alicorn hoof lift up a bit and waved it. At first I was confused until I heard hoofs behind me slowly getting quieter until the doors closed behind them. Celestia stomped her hoof on the floor to get kaiden's attention. When he looked at her and her sister. She began to speak "Hello kaiden long time no see, So how is it like being back in the land of the living?