> Treasure Hunt > by Enigmatic Otaku > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Dangers Of Failing To Do Proper Research > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You won't win this time! I have the lead!" Ahuizota shouted, cackling loudly as she turned the temple's corner. A good distance behind her was the young adventuring pegasus stallion, Daring Do, narrowly avoiding the hallway's many swinging pendulum blades. Many wouldn't run head-first into an ancient, trap-filled temple, trying to get to the ancient relic at the other end of the ruin before their wrong-doing arch-nemesis does, as they would consider this too dangerous. But to Daring, it was a regular Tuesday afternoon. After dodging the last of the blades and turning the corner ahead, Daring found that Ahuizota hadn't gone that far ahead, as she was carefully navigating a floor filled with timed spikes jutting from the floor tiles. Standing at the very edge of the trap, Daring observed the spikes, trying to memorize a pattern he could take advantage of. Failing to find one that would that would get him to the final chamber before his enemy, he was just about to wing it, but stopped when a sudden realization came to him. "Oh wait, wings! Duh!" Unfolding them, Daring took to the air, flying just above the length of the spikes and right over a more than surprised jungle creature. "See ya later, Ahuizota," Daring taunted as he flew backwards, giving her a passing salute. "Daring!" she shouted, raising and shaking her fist at him. Still flying backwards, Daring chuckled, "Yeah yeah, 'get you next time and all that'. Eh, what can I say? Better luck next ti--" Suddenly everything became dark, as he had unknowingly flown into one of the hanging tapestries, ripping it off its frame and covering him like a sheet. Blind, and inertia carrying his struggling body down the rest of the hallway, Daring's head eventually hit the wall at the upcoming turn, effectively knocking the pegasus out. Once Ahuizota traversed the spike trap, she leaned down and removed the cover, revealing his knocked out form to her. Huh... Traps, minions, jungle cats, all used by Ahuizota and failed, yet he was done in by a simple sheet. Looking at him in this completely helpless state, a part of her was tempted to toss him into the spike trap and be done with him. But she didn't, as another part of her thought it would be better to have a witness her victory. And what better witness was there than him? Smirking, Ahuizota hoisted him onto her back, then carried him down the rest of the ruin. "Ugh...my head," Daring complained, slowly opening his eyes. When he finally came to, Daring discovered that he appeared to be in a chamber of sorts, the only source of light being sunlight coming down from the center of the roof. Below the shaft of light that his eyes had yet to adjust to was...something...and right next to it was... "Ahuizota!" he shouted as he lunged forward, only to fall onto his face. Laying on the floor, he discovered that his forelegs and wings were tightly bound by rope. "My, good morning," the villain greeted with a chuckle. "Have a nice sleep did you? You awoke just in time to bare witness to my glory." Squinting his eyes, Daring finally noticed what she was standing next to. "Get away from that!" he shouted, causing Ahuizota to laugh. Once her laughter died down, she gestured a finger at him, as if asking for a moment to get into character. After appearing as if she were indulging herself in the moment, she spoke. "Ah, such a beautiful artifact!" Ahuizota proclaimed triumphantly as she circled the long-abandoned ruin's stone altar, her eyes set on the ancient relic hovering just above it by magical means. "For the last time, Ahuizota, don't touch that thing! You don't even know what it was used for!" Daring Do warned from behind her, trying to free himself, his efforts all for naught no matter how much he struggled. Maybe if he had paid more attention earlier, Daring wouldn't have gotten sloppy and would have gotten to the artifact before her, but perhaps worst of all, the young adventurer had lost his beloved pith helmet, forever lost in one of the ruin's many, danger-filled hallways. A shame really, as he was starting to feel naked without it... "Oh hush!" the jungle predator yelled to her defeated foe. For once, Ahuizota was the one who came out on top, so if she wanted to gloat, then gloat she would. "I know exactly what it was used for! This temple was dedicated to the Warrior King who used this! So it must be a tool of power, a tool of war! With it, I will become a powerful warlord, just like he was before me!" Turning back to the artifact with a growing grin, Ahuizota began to slowly reach for it, preparing herself to receive absolute power. Daring sighed, it was just as he thought: she truly had no idea what its true purpose was. "You're making a mistake..." he warned once more. Continuing to slowly reach for it, as if savoring the moment, Ahuizota shook her head with a smile. "You can't stop me this time, Daring. Finally, after all those times you've thwarted me in the past... This time, this time it is I who wins!" Ignoring her megalomaniac monologue that was probably standard procedure in the villain guidebook, Daring merely watched. Fine, let her take it for now, he could always steal it back from her later. It wasn't like she knew how to activate it. Once she touched it, the relic began to slowly spin, clearly activated... "Y...You activated it!?" Daring yelled, eyes widening in shock. Seeing the item in question slowly but surely spin even faster, Daring redoubled his efforts to free himself from his tight binds. He couldn't be here! Unlike Ahuizota, he read the ancient scripts that had information on the artifact, so he knew he had to get out before it fully activated! "Gahhh!" he yelled, much to Ahuizota's amusement, straining himself as he writhed on the floor in an effort to free himself. It was no use, he felt as if he was wearing a straight-jacket! "Don't go anywhere, Daring!" Ahuizota taunted before standing on her two legs and laughing maniacally. "Wait and observe as I finally win!" Once the artifact picked up a certain amount of speed, wave after wave of energy began to pulse from it, affecting the creatures surrounding it. After raising her hand up to her sights, Ahuizota closed it into a fist, as she could feel the energy being absorbed into her body, almost heating it. "Hahaha!" she laughed as she turned back to her fallen foe. "Power! I can feel it! The heat of absolute power!" Sprawled out on the floor, and having a good idea of what was going to happen soon, Daring accepted his fate as he rolled his eyes and released a loud, displeasured and annoyed sigh. "Really? And do you feel that heat between your legs?" "Hmm?" Ahuizota sounded, looking quizzically at the pegasus. Now that he mentioned it, the heat does feels a lot warmer right in between her-- "Ah! W...What's happening!?" she yelled, covering her incredibly warm privates that had suddenly become soaked in her own fluids. "Well," Daring drawled to the temple's roof, "that thing you just touched is an artifact meant to induce mating. It kind of forces you into estrus in order to prepare your body for pregnancy..." "What!?" Ahuizota yelled in disbelief, her voice echoing down the rest of the ruin, as she could not believe what she was hearing. "Why would the king of war want his sorcerers to make him something perverted like this!?" Daring shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe he wanted to make the perfect warrior, a hybrid I guess." He grinned at her, having to explain something she should have known before coming here. "You see, that artifact is special. It can be used to make inter-species pregnancy possible. Now that's something the king of war would be interested in, wouldn't you agree?" "Y...You're joking, right?" Ahuizota asked. This wouldn't be the first time he's fooled her, so she was hoping for this to be another of his lies. Ignoring a part of him that was affected by the artifact and currently coming out from its shelter, Daring smiled. "Yeah, I lied..." Oh, that was such a relief for Ahuizota; she was starting to get a bit worried there. "Ha! I knew i--" "About the king's hybrid warrior, now that part was the big fib!" Daring interrupted before breaking into a chuckling fit. Seeing his enemy's expression falter at that information, Daring tried to explain the rest through his laughter. "But...but that part about inter-species pregnancy--that part's true!" Once his laughter began to die down, and he stopped kicking up his rear-legs, he turned to her with a look that was one part amusement, another part pity. "Maybe you should spend more time studying the artifacts before you, oh I don't know, take them." Trying to suppress her body's ever-growing heat, as well as the one situated in her nether regions, Ahuizota yelled, "If you're going to tell me its real purpose, then stop looking at me like that and tell me already!" Daring smirked, as he was more than happy to oblige. "Well I'm glad you asked! You see, that item was created after the king stopped a war because he fell in love with the enemy's princess who happened to be from another race. The scripts I found say that she captured his heart and made him turn over a new leaf. Anyway, after the two were wed, they wanted an heir, but couldn't conceive because of nature, so the king ordered his sorcerers to look into a solution. The item you just activated, yeah, that was their solution." Sneering, Ahuizota crossed her arms and looked way. "Such a sloppy story! Such a weak king! Stopping a war just because of one female!" Sitting up and propping his back against the stone wall, Daring rolled his head dismissively. "Yeah, well, now you've gone and turned it on; it's got you in heat and me horny." Finding humor in their situation, Daring smiled as Ahuizota slowly turned back to him, her eyes soon locking on to his hardened, fully erect member. "You uh, like what you see?" Realizing that she was staring, Ahuizota blushed heavily as she tore her gaze away from it. "What, no! Tha--That artifact will never get the better of me! You can forget it, Daring Do! I will never lay with you!" Ensuring that she wouldn't see what was standing proudly between his legs, Ahuizota turned away and laid on her belly. Moments later, Daring gasped. "If...if you're so sure that the artifact hasn't corrupted you, then...then please tell your tail to stop molesting me!" Confused by what that meant, Ahuizota turned back to the stallion, only to find that her tail-hand was grasping and stroking his length without her knowledge. "Gah!" she yelled as she pulled her tail-hand back, blushing even harder than before. "Why don't you...why don't you just leave?" Daring asked between pants. He didn't want to admit this, but the sensations her tail-hand delivered to his member felt really nice and a part of him didn't want her to stop. "Just go away until you're out of the artifact's range!" "What, and let you take it!?" Ahuizota shouted as she gestured at the still spinning relic, the energy still being released from it clearly having an affect on the two. "No, I'll just be patient and wait for it to stop spinning when it runs out of power. I might not be able to use it for my warlord ambitions, but I'm willing to bet that it can still sell for a high price!" Daring was appalled by what he was hearing, and pretty soon, feeling. "That thing should go to a museum! And for Celestia's sake, your tail-hand thing's starting to play with my balls!" Eyes widening, Ahuizota turned back and saw that her tail was indeed fondling him down there. "Ah! Comeback here!" she yelled as she retook control of her tail, sitting atop it to prevent it from moving on its own again. "S--Stupid tail..." After that, the atmosphere of the chamber had changed as the two looked away from one another in silence, the only sound being heard was the occasional crackle of energy from the artifact. One was tied up and had to endure the throbbing of their almost painful erection, while the other sat upright atop their tail-hand. Eventually, Daring was the first to break the silence. "Hey...Ahuizota..." "W-What?" she answered with a flinch, scared that she was caught. She would be embarrassed to no end if he knew that she was using her tail-hand beneath her to masturbate, trying to relieve herself of her troublesome heat. Daring had to say his next words carefully if he was to avoid making this situation any more awkward than it already was. "Have you...ever had sex before?" "What, do I look like one of those females who has a habit of one-night stands to you?" she yelled, insulted. Was he trying to mock her again? "I'll let you know that I never have time for that, as I'm too busy spending what time I do have trying to find ruins and get to their lost treasures before you!" "Huh, me too," Daring quietly muttered to himself, however, the jungle creature's perfectly attuned ears had caught that. "What!? Don't lie to me, playcolt! A popular pony like you never having sex before!? That's a riot! Don't you have hoards of fan mares or partners who want you to relieve their pent up stress!? You're too handsome to never have laid with somepony before!" Seconds later, Ahuizota realized what she had just said and palmed her face as a result, trying to hide her blushing face. Her blush gone unnoticed by him, Daring began to yell back. "Well, I'm a fictional character to them! They don't even know that I'm real! They only know me as A.K. Yearling the writer, and just like you, I spend most of my time adventuring and researching--I never have time for sex too!" "So what!?" she shot back. "This is a land full of ponies like yourself, you've got plenty of chances to get with any mare you happen to come across on your adventures! I'm sure there's a lot of ponies around here for you to get in bed with!" Suddenly, her ears flattened as her voice took on a more somber tone. "Unlike...unlike me, however... It's impossible for me to find any of my own kind around here... They just have no interest in leaving their forest or communicating with any creatures outside..." Daring's ears perked in interest, as this was the first he heard her speak of her home. Actually, now that he thought about it, he really didn't know anything about her; they just sort of crossed paths one day in a ruin and they've been enemies since. "Why'd you leave the forest?" he asked curiously. "Why'd you become an adventurer?" she retorted with the same amount of curiosity as him. Daring scoffed. "Ugh, I asked you first!" Ahuizota smirked. "Well I'm not telling you my story until you've told me yours." So that's how it was going to be, huh? "Alright, fine," Daring relented with a sigh. "Adventuring has been my dream since I was small. I always wanted to adventure, find lost treasure, survive traps," flashing the other occupant in the room a quick, sideways glance, he finished with, "heh, fight bad guys. It wasn't until I started learning all about ancient history to prepare myself that I had gotten my cutie mark in it, which was even better! Alright, now your turn!" "Same as me, I guess," she answered with a small shrug. "Was small, dreamed about the world outside of my forest, wondered what it looked like and wanted to explore it to find exciting adventures. I didn't want to be stuck, growing old and dying there without knowing what freedom felt like, so I left." "And here you are now," Daring added, "a thief..." Taking offence at that, she turned back to him with a glare. "If you're going to be calling me a thief, then you better call yourself one as well! After all, we do the same thing: plundering from lost ruins!" "Yeah, but unlike you who sells them to other bad guys, I take them to museums!" Daring countered before gesturing his head towards the still spinning, energy releasing relic they both came for. "That needs to go to a museum! That way, everypony can see it, learn about history and other wonderful things in the world!" "Well to you, that might be something to flaunt in a museum, but to me, it's something to sell!" Ahuizota proclaimed. "Every time I find a new ruin with a new artifact, you show up to swipe it from my very hands! I'm not the real thief here, you are!" "That's because I want those artifacts to be in good hands!" Daring retorted. Grabbing him by the collar, Ahuizota pulled his face close to hers as she yelled angrily. "So am I bad hands!? Is that what you're saying!?" That wasn't was Daring was trying to insinuate at all! He wanted to tell her otherwise, but all that escaped from his mouth was a nervous sounding 'Ah'. "Do you even know why I sell artifacts after my adventures!?" Ahuizota continued. "I sell them for money to live off of! Have you never once wondered where I get my funds for my journeys from!? I get them from selling artifacts from ruins, that way, I have more funds for even more exploration into ruins!" "But--" "But you! Ever since you've shown up, you've been stealing them from me, making me come out empty-handed!" Shaking in rage, she began to hold back a tear. "You have no idea how much debt I'm in now..." Noticing how upset she was, Daring started to feel a little guilty. "Well, why don't you just do something else to pay for your debt? Something more honest, something that isn't dirty work!" "Like what?" she asked. "Write adventure books like you? Who'd want to read about me? And even if somepony did, I've never had your pony education before! Just knowing and speaking your language is about all I can do!" Ok, that wasn't as easy of a solution Daring thought it would be. "Uh, h-how about selling something else? Something that doesn't have much history tied to it? Maybe some rare thing you found out in the forest? Oh, like a rare flower or herb!" Ahuizota shook her head. "I don't have time for that! Just looking for a ruin, searching for the artifact, then getting to it before you do takes about almost all of my time! And my journeys cost way more money than you'd think! Traps, minions, researchers, food! Do you honestly believe I can pay for all that by selling a measly little plant!? How many thousands of herbs would I have to sell!?" Daring's brows furrowed in worry. "Ahuizota...I'm...I'm sorry... I didn't know..." Mistaking his look for pity, she pushed the stallion away. "Don't you look at me like that! Don't you dare pity me!" Once his back hit the wall behind him, and his hard penis made itself known again by throbbing, Daring came to a understanding. "So...you and I...we're not that different after all... We just love adventure..." "Y-Yeah," Ahuizota slowly responded, trying to focus on his face. Now that there was some distance between them again, it was difficult to keep her eyes from going southward, towards his pole. Once again, silence had returned; Daring had no idea what else to say and Ahuizota soon found herself getting an eyeful of his stallionhood throbbing before her. Biting her now drooling lip, Ahuizota could no longer look away from her arch-enemy's rigid anatomy, as her mind began to imagine what it would feel like to have it penetrate her burning hot sex. "Auuugh! Bothersome meat!" she soon yelled angrily after seeing it throb once more, shaking her head in an effort to clear her mind of these lewd thoughts. "Can't you do something to make it go away!?" "And do what, exactly!?" Daring shouted back. "In case you haven't noticed, my hooves are kind of tied up here, so it's not like I can masturbate like you are!" Feeling his face warm up, he grimaced, trying to hide the fact that he was now blushing. Ahuizota pulled her head back at that accusation. "What, no! I would never do something that lewd in front of someone like you!" Using one of his rear legs, he then pointed beneath her as he yelled, "Then tell that to your tail!" "Hmm?" Ahuizota sounded, looking down to where he was pointing, discovering that her tail had apparently freed itself and was now rubbing at her aching slit. "Gah!" she yelled in surprise as she pulled it away from herself. "S-Stupid tail! Stupid handsome stallion! Stupid awesome cock!" Hearing such a compliment, despite how it was worded, Daring blushed as his eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, did you just--" He quickly became silent and reeled back in shock when his nemesis suddenly drew a knife from somewhere on her back. "Maybe if I just cut off your cock and balls, I might be able to finally free myself from this annoying heat," she said as she eyed his privates, tightening her grip on the blade's handle. "Who knows, maybe the artifact will stop working if there's no longer a fuckable stallion around..." Daring's back was against the wall, but he still tried to back up. "What, no! Please don't cut if off! I need it!" he yelled in fear, turning around to shield his precious bits from this crazy she-creature he was stuck with. He then said in a near whimper, "I...I don't want to die a virgin..." "Then do something to make it go away!" she growled, brandishing the blade. "Suck your cock with your mouth!" Actually, now that that image was in her head, she couldn't help but drool at the thought of it. His face an intense shade of red, Daring shook his head almost desperately as he yelled, "I--I don't think I'm that flexible!" Seconds later, Daring's body jolted when he heard the sudden clitter clank a knife made when dropped onto stone. "Ah! W-What are you doing!?" he questioned around his moans as he was guided to turn back around, wondering why her tail-hand had grasped his engorged member and began stroking it. Sat down and turned away from him, Ahuizota spoke uneasily as she allowed her tail do as it pleased. "D-Don't misunderstand my intentions! I'm...I'm not falling for you or anything, I just want this annoying heat gone so it won't bother me anymore! And since you don't want me to cut if off, I guess I'll just gave to get rid of it another way!" Her tail increased the pace of its strokes, spreading his pre over the rest of his generous length. "Just...just cum already." Closing his eyes, Daring gave in to what his body craved so badly the moment the artifact was activated. "O-Oh...your...your tail-hand," he muttered through his pants and low moans. "It...it feels incredible...much better than...than hooves!" He wasn't lying, her tail's digits wrapped around his warm and throbbing rod provided a much better experience than his hooves ever could alone; the closest thing his elation-filled brain could use to describe these sensations was...exotic... Still looking away from him, Ahuizota gritted her teeth in an effort to suppress her intensifying blush. "Q-Quiet! Stop your dirty talk and just cum already!" "M--Mmhmm," he moaned with a weak nod. Continuing to stroke him, and hearing more of his moans, Ahuizota covered her ears, as the sound of his approval seemed to agitate her nethers, causing it to burn almost unbearably now, almost as if demanding that it be dealt with. "Stop moaning!" she yelled back at him. "It's really bothering my pussy!" "I...I can't help it!" Daring responded, moaning even harder once her tail-hand brushed his medial ring. "It...it just feels too good!" Ahuizota bared her teeth. "If it feels that good, then why aren't you cumming yet!?" Shuddering at the spine-tingling sensations she was providing him with, Daring spoke. "I...I just can't! N-No matter how good it feels! My body just won't reach its orgasm! Mm, you...you should know...you've been masturbating for a while and can't seem to cum either!" "How...how would you know!?" Ahuizota yelled, barely turning back to him, fingers pistoning into her drenched lower-lips to relieve some of her heat. Her back was turned to him the entire time! How could he have known!? She stopped caring moments later, as she realized that he was right. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't reach her climax! "Tell me! Why can't I cum!?" Getting a short break from her rhythmic stokes on his erection, Daring took that moment to explain. "Well...I'm guessing the sorcerers who made that artifact wanted to make sure that the king and queen finally got their heir. Probably didn't want them to get tired before the main event because of an early release. Most likely, and from what I could gather from the scripts, it won't let males and females reach their climax unless their genitals are in contact with one another." "That's the stupidest and most perverted thing I've ever heard!" Ahuizota shouted, trying to keep any part of herself from touching him again. "Stupid sorcerers! Stupid artifact! Stupid you!" She shook her head. "No, nu-uh! I'm not letting your ugly rod there touch my beautiful flower!" Rolling his eyes along with his head, Daring then said, "Well I'm sorry, but I'm not lying to you; that's what it said in the scripts. These conditions were probably made because they didn't want the male partner to waste their semen outside of female genitalia. It'd make the chance for impregnation low otherwise..." Clutching her shoulders and shaking, Ahuizota shook her head. "But I don't want to get pregnant! I just want release! I hate being on edge like this!" Curiously moving to sit behind her, Daring looked over Ahuizota's shoulder and saw that she was now fingering herself. "Oh," he whistled, "Ahuizota, you've got a beautiful slit down there..." "H-Hey!" she yelled, still fingering herself as she turned to him. "Don't--don't look there, pervert!" Her body heat rising, her tail snaked around her, grasping his hardened length and stroking it again. Seeing and feeling her tail pick up where it left off, Daring smirked at her. "Hm, coming from someone who's tail is currently stoking their enemy's cock. You know, Ahui, by the looks of it, it seems that you're more perverted than me--EEE!" Her tail had squeezed his penis painfully. "Stop talking like that!" she demanded. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" "Ow! Ow! Ah! Owe! Too rough! Too rough!" Daring cried, failing to wiggle free from her tail's vice-like grip, her strokes becoming faster and rougher. Groaning, and finding that her hand just wasn't giving her the relief she so desired, Ahuizota relented, as she could no longer endure her heat. "F-Fine! Fine! Just come here and give your cock to me!" "Hey! Hey!" he complained as she pulled him forward by his member. "My cock isn't just something you can tug off! If you want it, you're gonna have to take me with it as well!" Annoyed my his voice, Ahuizota took great pleasure when she pushed him, causing the adventurer to lose his balance and fall unceremoniously onto his back with a loud thud. "Ow..." "Now...be...be still..." the she-villain commanded huskily as she positioned herself over him, soon rubbing her moist sex over the underside of his length. "A-Ah... This...this idea will work quite well..." Ignoring his aching back and wings, Daring closed his eyes and enjoyed what he was feeling, slowly desiring more. "Oh...Ahuizota...you feel so...so nice... So warm and...and wet... Will...will you let me in? I want to feel my-- "No!" she interrupted, hands on the stallion's chest as she picked up her pace. "I will never let you inside me! You should be lucky that you have this privilege at all! Letting your ugly rod even touch my beautiful flower there!" "You're...such a tease, Ahuizota," Daring said with a pleading face, the scent of a female's estrus slowly driving him mad. "Please, let my cock into your soaking pussy. I...I want to feel it so badly, and...and I know you want it too!" Resisting the betrayal of her body's urges, Ahuizota shook her head. "J-Just shut up and let me use you as I please!" "Yes, my mistress. I will do anything you wish," Daring said in a monotone voice. Still rubbing herself atop him, Ahuizota cocked her head in confusion. "Why do you call me mistress? What's the meaning of that?" "Oh nothing, nothing," Daring said as he rotated his shoulders, preparing himself. "Ha!" he called out as he stood up moments later, freed from his ropes. Taking her by surprise, he pinned her to the floor beneath himself, his hooves atop her arms to keep her from doing anything. "What!?" Ahuizota shouted in surprise. She tried to break free, but her heat seemed to have weakened her while her opponent's excitement seemed to have strengthen him. "How...how did you get free from my rope!?" "Heh, I just used someone's knife that happened to be laying around," Daring said with a laugh, gesturing to the side. Turning to where he was directing, Ahuizota's eyes widened when she spotted the very same knife she threatened to castrate him with. "Get off of me!" she yelled, lacking the strength to force him off. "No!" Daring shouted down to her, the feeling of his heavy member resting atop her lower abdomen further clouded his lust-filled mind. "I've let you use my body for too long now! Now...now it's my turn to use you!" Moving his hips back and forth, rubbing his length over her clit and teasing her, he then said, "Now I'll get what I want, what our bodies want! I'm putting my ugly rod into your beautiful flower!" Stifling her gasps, Ahuizota struggled even harder to no avail. "Don't you dare!" Seething out his nostrils, Daring took advantage of their flipped positions, placing his stallionhood's tip against her warm, soaking wet entrance. "I'm Daring do! I'm always daring to," without warning, he brought his hips forward and forced his tip through her tight entrance, "do!" "Ah!" Ahuizota cried with her eyes shut tightly, as she had never taken anything bigger than a finger before. "It hurts! It huuurts! Get it out! Get it out!" Hearing her cries of pain, Daring halted his member's advance, allowing her time to get used to his size. "Huh, so it's true that the first time for females always hurts." Managing to slip a hand free from underneath the stallion's hoof, Ahuizota used it to weakly pound at his chest. "You're...you're too big! Probably bigger than any member of my race! You're going to tear me apart!" Looking down at her with a smile, Daring had a little payback for her threat to cut off his privates by remaining within her, forcing her to endure and slowly get used to it. "And you're too tight," he responded. "Maybe even tighter than any female in my race as well. But don't worry, I'll be gentle. Just relax and--" She shook her head. "I don't want you to be gentle, I want--" "Oh, I get'cha," Daring interrupted in mock understanding, smirking as he pulled his hips back a bit. "You want it rough? Ok. Hard and fast for your virgin pussy then." Eyes widening in shock, Ahuizota tried to push him away. "N-No! Don't, please!" "Then relax and brace yourself," he said as he held her hindlegs further apart, making more room for his hardened rod to slip further in and discovering that she had already lost her hymen, possibly from one of the many adventures she had in the past. He wasn't kidding earlier; she really was tight! "A...ah... Is...is it all the way in yet?" she asked, a mixture of pain and pleasure keeping her from speaking any louder. "N-No...not yet," Daring groaned, slowly feeding more of himself into her, "You haven't even touched my ring yet." Once his aforementioned medial ring slipped through her quivering folds, causing Ahuizota to whimper as it did, Daring released a satisfied 'Ah' sound. "Th-There, it's done," he said before looking down to his handiwork, smiling to see that he was fully inside her burning hot crevasse. "Huh, for being so small, I'm amazed your flower could take the whole thing." Slowly adjusting to his size, the pleasure felt of her insides wrapping around his pulsing stallionhood began to overwhelm Ahuizota, her mind finally succumbing to her lust. "H-Ha, sure! I can take anything you throw at me! That's why I'm your arch-enemy!" Drooling out the side of her desire-fueled smirk, she began to gyrate her hips, adding to her pleasure and prompting Daring to start bucking. Grabbing his shoulders as the stallion then moved freely in and out of her, Ahuizota moaned, her voice echoing down the rest of the ruin. "Mmm! Oh yes! Yes! Why have we never done this sooner!?" Grunting as he continued his set pace, Daring spoke. "Because we were too busy fighting each other!" "More! More! Give me more!" she shouted perversely, meeting his thrusts halfway. Snorting, Daring then asked, "You want it faster?" "Yes!" she answered, the sound of wet slaps accompanying their lovemaking. "Please, make it quick! But don't cum! At least not before me~!" "As you wish, my dear enemy~" Daring replied before increasing his force and speed, his tip soon hitting her G-spot by accident. "Oh, gods above!" Ahuizota wailed towards the ceiling, her eyes watering as her body reached new heights she never thought were possible. "Please, do it again! Ah...ah...mrrrewrrr~" Still thrusting, Daring chuckled at the new sound she made. "Heh, I didn't know that your race is part feline. Hm, your moans are pretty cute too." Her voice fluctuating in volume by the assault on her nether regions, she then said, "Why...why thank you, my most...most handsome enemy! Oh...oh I can feel it! The edge of heaven's cliff!" Daring then spoke as he slammed his hips against hers more rhythmically. "Ok...lady...hmm--please cum already. That way I can cum after. Phew, don't know how much longer I can hold back." Hearing him say that, Ahuizota began to struggle again. "N-No! Please, not inside! Don't cum inside!" "Ok, well, tell ya what," Daring said as he slowed his thrusts. "How about I let you take the reins? That way, you can get yourself off before I can." Once Ahuizota nodded, albeit with her tongue lolling about, the two switched positions; Daring once again lying on his back and his nemesis riding atop him. "Why thank you, gentlestallion," Ahuizota purred, hands on his chest as she began to grind her hips against his. "Mmm, feels nice. Touches me in all the right places~" With her setting a rhythm of rising and falling, Daring grunted at the pleasure, soon feeling his partner's tail curl around one of his rear-legs before grasping the hoof. "Hnng, it seems you enjoy doing this now. Didn't you just say earlier that you'd never lay with me? You know, something about never letting my ugly rod penetrate your beautiful flower?" "Screw my past self!" she yelled, grinding even harder, a string of her saliva from her flopping tongue landing onto his chest, soon absorbed into his adventuring vest. "Pony cock is the best ever!" Bucking upwards, Daring chuckled. "Heh, well what do you know? Looks like you're a dirty talker too." Panting wildly, Ahuizota's hip movements suddenly became sporadic, her body losing itself to the flames of desire. "Oh gods! I--I don't care what you think! I'm...I'm about to cum!" Still thrusting, Daring spoke up, as he could feel his own release approaching. "Well hurry up then, Ahuizota! Cum already! Cum before I do!" He was hoping she did soon, because it was getting increasingly difficult to hold himself back. Moments later. "Ahuizota! G-Get off!" he cried, his climax arriving much sooner than he anticipated. With her own limit right around the corner, it swiftly became a race to see who would finish first. "Hold on!" she pleaded. "Please! I'm so close!" Stopping his thrusts, and Ahuizota continuing otherwise, Daring looked up at her with what looked like a pained face. "Ngh, I'm serious! Get off! I can't hold it anymore!" "No!" Ahuizota shouted, shaking her head with her body's rise and falls. "Just...just hold on a little longer! I'm...I'm..." Slamming down once more onto his standing spire, the relief she was looking for finally washing over her. Seeing her tearful, bliss-filled expression directed to the ceiling, and feeling her warm nectar run down his length, Daring became alarmed to notice that she had yet to removed herself from atop him, as the sensations of her release felt around his now twitching penis was spurring him to his own. "Ahui! Ahui! Get off before--" It was too late. One last convulsion of her inner-muscles was all it took to send him over the edge, ropes of his seed soon jutting into her in short bursts. Laying his head down in both defeat and pleasure as his member continued to unload what remained into her, he then whispered, "I cum..." The recent experience making her lightheaded and momentarily unsynchronized from reality, Ahizota placed a hand over her stomach, basking in the growing warmth radiating from within her belly. "Oh...oh this feels incredible... This warm...fullness..." "Too...too late," Daring muttered to himself, panting. After glancing at the altar, he turned back to her. "Ahuizota... The artifact...it's not moving anymore..." Confirming that for herself, her face became dejected as her ears flattened before she removed herself from him, remnants of his still warm seed dripping out from her and onto the stone bellow served as a reminder of what just happened. Getting up, and feeling sorry for the sight before him, Daring moved for the altar. "I'm...I'm going to grab it now." Slowly reaching for the artifact, his hoof stopped mere inches away from it. "Aren't you going to try and stop me before I take it?" he asked his nemesis, who was now weeping against the altar's base. "What's the point?" she asked, tears streaming down her covered face. "My adventuring life is over now..." Tilting his head, Daring cast her a gentle, reassuring face. "What? Come on, it can't be that bad." "In what way is this not bad!" she shouted, uncovering her face to reveal both sadness and anger plastered onto it. "Not only am I heavily in debt, but I'm going to be a single mother as well!" "I'm...I'm sorry," Daring said, readying to place his hoof over her shoulder. "I--" Ahuizota swiped it away. "Don't! Don't you dare say you're sorry! I don't need your pity! Not from you or anyone!" She got up and rolled her tear-filled eyes. "Ha, you should be laughing at me, Daring Do! You've ruined your arch-enemy! So...so there, I'm done! The major villain in your story has been defeated like a common mongrel, so congratulations! I won't be a bother in your life anymore!" Wanting to ease his crushing guilt, Daring approached and embraced Ahuizota from behind. "Ahuizota...I...I didn't mean to... This isn't what I wanted... I...I don't want it to end like this..." Hearing his sniffles in her ear, Ahuizota laughed hollowly as a new tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm going to have to run away from my debt after this. Return to the forest...raise the child...and live as an outcast among my own kind for having a half pony baby... Then...then grow old and die hated by my own child... Heh, yeah... Now that's a happy ending for this villain..." His own tears pooling up, Daring's embrace over her tightened. "Please... Please don't go... My adventures will never be the same without you... Don't give up on your own dream..." Ahuizota's vision lowered to his foreleg draped over her chest. "Daring...I can't... Please let me go... Please, just...just find another rival for your story... I can't fill that role for you anymore..." After a moment of the two silently weeping, Daring spoke up, his voice filled with renewed confidence. "Yes...I'll find another rival for my story, but now...now I want a companion!" "A companion?" Ahui questioned. "Mhmm, you. I'll pay off all of your debt, and in return, I only ask you become my companion from now on." An expression full of worry, Ahuizota rubbed a hand over her belly. "But...but the child?" "Let me help you!" Daring answered without skipping a beat. "Let's raise our child together!" "Our child?" Ahuizota repeated, taking great interest in that word. Daring nodded. "Please, come and live with me in my hut! All of us, including our child! Join me on my adventures and I'll make sure that you'll never have to worry about funds again!" "Don't get me wrong, Daring Do," she said as she separated from him, making for the exit with him following suit. "I still hate you for stealing treasures that rightfully belonged to me, being a thorn in my adventures and impregnating me." Daring couldn't help but blush and smile nervously at that last one. "Well...I guess I also hate you for trying to kill me so many times.." "So how will we do it?" Ahuizota asked. "How will we live together if we still hate each other?" "Hmm...it's not like we can't change for the better, right?" Daring asked, smiling with a shrug. "We've still got time to go on adventures together and get to know each other a little more, before our child is born." Ahuizota faced ahead. "Hmm, yes, that does sound like a good plan." Walking closer to her side, Daring nudged her with a wing. "Hey, Ahuizota... After we've paid your debt, would you like to go on a date with me? Or, you know, we could instead explore some ruins together? Up to you, really! I happen to know a few interesting places that I know you'd love!" "Hmm...well...alright, I'm in!" Stopping in her tracks, she turned back to the artifact still resting atop its pedestal. "But what about the treasure? Is it really such a good idea to leave it there? Don't you want to take it to a museum?" Daring cast Ahuizota an unsettled look. "Do you really want to see everyone in a museum or village get in heat, horny, then start banging each other senses like we did?" "Heh, point taken," Ahuizota said with a laugh before walking towards the exit alongside her former arch-nemesis. "Unless," Daring said seconds later, halting, causing her to halt as well, "you want to bring the treasure with us. I can think of a few benifits of bringing it into the bedroom, our bodies grinding against each other." He began to wiggle his brows at her in a suggestive manner. "Oh Daring Do," she said with a dismissive roll of her eyes, blushing madly. "You always know just what to say to make me all hot and bothered." "Only for you, my dear enemy, Ahuizota" Daring said as he offered her a hoof. "Now come on! Take my hoof and fly away with me, seƱorita! A brighter future awaits us both!" After she accepted his hoof, Daring pulled her an embrace, then flew them both out the exit and into the sunset, leaving the temple behind them.