Doctor Whooves And Lyra

by Actor The Unicorn

First published

Lyra meets a werid pony and be friends him. However didn't know what a mess she would get in

Lyra was just in the park when she's here's a noise coming some where in the park and finds out a weird brown stallion and travels around with him. What has she gotten herself into.

The Meeting

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It was just a normal day in Ponyville. Lyra was just playing her lyra in the park when she herd this faint sound about 500 feet from where she was playing. She finished the song she was playing, so she parked up her instrument and walked over or better yet trotted over to the blue box that made such a noise. She knocked on the door however no one answered. She knocked again, but nothing happened.

"Hello" Lyra said nerves However there was no answer.

She opened the door and walked in to see it was bigger on the inside.

"Wow" she was shocked to see it was bigger.

She walked around inside the mysteries box to find a stallion with a brown coat and a slightly darker mane color. He was going around a box trying to find something.

"Now where did I put that damn thing" The stallion said annoyed

Lyra just tilted her head and finally had some thing come out her mouth.

"Hello. What are you doing" She said with confused

The stallion ears perked up. He didn't remembered he was traveling with someone at the time. He turned around to just see a mint colored unicorn with a blue and whit mane in his face"

"Ahhhh" The stallion yield. Then he realized there was no one there that could have said anything unless the unicorn talked.

"What are you" He asked like it could respond.

"Ummmmmm. I'm Lyra and I'm a unicorn" She said confused. I think he may have hit his head on something. She thought to her self.

"You can talk" He said shocked. "But...but your a pony" He was even more shocked before

"Well... I'm a unicorn. And you Sir are the Earth Pony around here" She said uneasily.

"No that's impossible I'm not a pony" The stallion looked down and saw his hooves. "Ahhhh" He screamed. That lasted about a few seconds till he came back to his regular nature (What every that was) "I guess I really am a pony" He looked up to meet the face of the unicorn.

"Oh sorry I'm the Doctor"

Doctor Who??

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Lyra stood there for moment confused, but finally said

"Doctor. Doctor Who"

"Doctor. Just the Doctor and what was your name again" he asked walking around her

"Ummmmm...It's Lyra. And what are you..." she was starting to say, but got interrupted.

"What is this thing on your butt. It looks like a lyra" The Doctor said with interested

"My cutie mark? Sir I think you might have hit your head" she said turning to see him

"Not sir. Doctor and no I didn't hit my head" staring into her eyes.

Lyra was starting to fill watched when the brow stallion was staring at her.

If he doesn't step back in 5 seconds I'm going to give him a nice juice slap to his face and he's going to wake up from a coma. Lyra thought to her self and surly a few seconds later she just slapped him. Then he fell on the floor cause he wasn't ready for that. Lyra watched as this happen she tried to hold In her laugh. However she couldn't for long.

"Hey" There was a pause "That hurt. And not very nice. And why does everyone I meet must slap me" The doctor said while holding his cheek. "Hey" he looked down at Lyra and saw her laughing "You know that really hurt" He said turning away from the unicorn. Lyra then got up still laughing a little bit.

"Well you needed it. You keep going into my bubble. And care to explain why this is bigger AND why your cutie mark is an hour glass" She said spinning him around and pointing her hoof at him

"Oh" he thought for a moment (not that he really needed to) "This is the T.A.R.D.I.S, and the mark my butt is an hourglass because I travel though time" He said with some atheistic.

"Why pick T.A.R.D.I.S for the name, and there is no such things as time travel. Well. if your a unicorn you go back for a few minutes and when you're discord you can go back any time you want, sooo it's possible but not for earth ponies" she said talking to her self out loud.

"What" for the first time he was confused

"Never mind" she said like it didn't matter

"Oi. Everything matters" he said "Can you show me around. I'm not from here and I kinda need a guide. So care to show me around Miss, Lyra" He said putting his hoof out for a hand. HOOF shake

"Oh why the hay not" she knew she was going to regret this.

Hello Ponyville

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They walked around the Ponyville park a bit. However the silence was real. The Doctor kept looking at Lyra while she was holding a book to her face with magic.

"How do you do that" The Doctor ask

"Magic" Lyra was done with all his questions so she just told him straight answers instead of explaining

The Doctor just stated at her. He can tell she was being annoyed with all his questions. So he just huffed and continued to walk be her side. After the park they headed to The Golden Oaks Library. Lyra can tell the Doctor was about to ask a question.

"It's a Library" Lyra said putting down her book while pulling another out and about to open the door to the library.

"Oh. You just pu..." he was interrupted buy Lyra kicking him in the leg when she was talking to Twilight

"Hey Twilight. I brought your book back. I'm still reading the other one" she said to the purple unicorn

"Thanks Lyra" then she sees the brown stallion behind Lyra "And who might you be" she said to the stallion

The Doctor was about to say something, but Lyra quickly said

"Tick tock. His name is Tick tock" Lyra said with a huge, but fake smile

There was slience. They just exchanged looks until Lyra just walked out waving a hoof and closing a door. The Doctor and Lyra just exchanged small talk for a bit while Lyra was showing him around Ponyville. It was quit day in Ponyville and the sun was about to go down.

"So. How does your sun work here. It's seems different were I come from" The doctor said looking at the sunset

"Our princess raises the Sun and her little sister raises the moon" Lyra said Walking along

"Amazing. I should start going back to the T.A.R.D.I.S" he said turning the way to the park

"I'll take you. My house is right next to the park anyways" She said walking to the park

"Hey wait up" The Doctor said trying to keep up with her

They walked to the park and stopped in front of the T.A.R.D.I.S.

"Sooo... do you want to travel with me" The Doctor said to Lyra

"Ummmm. Sorry I don't understand" Lyra said tilting her head

"This machine travels in time and space. Will you be my company" He said with a light in his old eyes

"I..I" she was shocked. No words Could escape her mouth even though she was smiling, so she just nodded

"Well then. Lets go" he said grabbing her hoof and pulling her into the T.A.R.D.I.S

Weeping Angles Part 1

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When Lyra decided to come with the Doctor thy went right on with an adventure. All though Lyra could have done with out almost dying if she was to late.

"So Miss. Lyra where do you want to go" he said running to his counsel

"Umm" Lyra though for a moment " How bout 1,000 years ago Night Mare Moon was banished to the moon" she said grabbing her note book to write notes and draw the counsel.

"Ok then. Let go" he sees Lyra writing in her note book "Umm what are you doing?" he walked over to her.

"What" she realized she was writing in her note book and the Doctor was looking at her "oh. It's nothing just jotting down notes on the design" she smiled putting it away.

He just nodded and continued to press buttons on the counsel. She just studied the way he was driving the T.A.R.D.I.S. She found herself doing the same thing he was doing. She quickly snapped out of it. The T.A.R.D.I.S finally stopped

"Here we are 1,000 years in the past" he said with a hint of excitement in his voice

"Really" she ran to the door pushing them open "wow" she ran out side to see it was dark. And she new that meant that Luna already tuned. However that wasn't the thing to bother her. She say something in the corner of her eye. It was a stone Pegasus covering its eyes. She didn't recognize it.

"Um Doctor. There's a stone statue here and I don't recognize it" she said tuning around. She looked back it was right in front of her. "ahhh" she screamed

"Lyra" The Doctor ran out and saw the weeping angle "Lyra keep looking at it and don't blink what ever you do don't blink"

She did what the Doctor told her to do however her eyes started to water "Doctor I can't keep my eyes open forever"

"I know. Listen to me. I want you to walk back into the T.A.R.D.I.S slowly. You understand" he said with a tone she new if she failed she would die just by the tone of that voice.

She nodded. "Doctor I...I'm scared" she said walking back into the T.A.R.D.I.S

"I know" he was trying to keep her calm however he didn't want to look away from the angle. Lyra walked back into the T.A.R.D.I.S and shut her eyes. She was crying from how scared she was and keeping them open for about a minute. The Doctor followed Lyra into the T.A.R.D.I.S after putting a mirror down in front of it.

"Lyra are you ok" he rushed to her. He's brand new company and she almost got lost in somewhere in time. Great

"Y..yes I'm fine" she said rubbing her eyes

"Let me see your eyes" he grabbed her face and looked into her eyes because he didn't want a repeat of Amy pond. "Ok good. No sigh of weeping angles" he finished and began to walk to the console.

Before he can go far Lyra hugged him which caught him off guard "Thank you..for saving me" she whispered to him

He smiled and hugged back "So you don't want to go back?" he asked pulling out of the hug.

"Of course I don't want to go back. This was actually the most "fun" thing that happened in years" there was a small smile on her face.

"Well then. Lets go find out why lose weeping angles are here" he said running to the counsel.

Weeping Angels Part 2

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"Soooo Doctor. What were though things, because I would like to know the thing that was going to kill me" Lyra said scooting next to the Doctor.

"That was a weeping angel" he turned his head to her "they send you back in time to some random place and feed off your time energy if you lived here" The Doctor said looking back at the consul

"Ohhhhhhh. I don't get it" Lyra said walking away

"I know" The Doctor noted

when Lyra was walking around she went inside the kitchen and notice there was a lot of butter.

"Well that's not weird at all" She said to herself. She grabbed some chips from the pantry and walked back to were the Doctor was in complete concentration.What is he doing??? Lyra thought to herself.

"If you push this button here and switch this lever here" The Doctor mumbled to himselfWere are those weeping angles. I need to find them before they hurt anybody else He thought to himself.

Lyra found this the perfect time to write in her note book and draw the designs. She walked around coping the design, but then she walked right into a poll.
"mmmmmm" she said while rubbing her forehead with her hoof. Well that just happen she thought.

"FOUND THEM!!!!"the Doctor screaming

She put her note book away and trotted over "Well were are they" she said looking at the data.

It said Ponyville 2035