> Twilight's Empire > by Redbook > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Empress Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of a lone pony filled the massive hallways of Canterlot castle. The pony passed many guards, and they all bowed to her. The mare smiled as her darkly colored magic opened the door. On the throne sat Princess Celestia and Luna; neither notice the mare right away as they talked between each other. The mare cleared her throat to call their attention to her. “I hope I have not come at a bad time, Celestia.” her words flowed past her lips with a sickly tone. She moved closer to the princesses, each clop of her hooves echoed in the room. Both Celestia and Luna looked at her with a warm smile. “Of course not, Twilight. What can we do for you?” Celestia placed the scroll between her and Luna. Twilight smiled and flashed the scroll to herself. Her eyes skimmed over and sighed. “Another land dispute? I see that you have put an order to form a committee, but I have a different idea.” She grinned as the scroll bursted into flames. Luna blinked and moved toward Twilight. “What art thou meaning, Twilight? Twas a peaceful means to a potential violence.” Luna took a step back as Twilight started to chuckle. Celestia just looked stunned. “A little violence might not be such a bad thing; it would weed out the weak and help get things in order.”  Her horn glowed a darkly green and black as the grand doors slammed shut and sealed. The windows followed till the room was locked tight. “Twilight, what is the meaning of this?” Celestia moved from her seat to tower over Twilight;t didn’t have any effect over the smaller mare. Her eyes followed Twilight as she moved toward them. “Just something that I have been waiting to do for a long time. Do you remember King Sombra?” Twilight waited for either princess to say something, but neither said a word. “He was smart, but still foolish in his attempt at taking over.” Celestia started to charge her horn, but before she could cast the spell. Twilight casted one and a now dark ring wrapped around the white alicorn’s horn. “Twilight, what has gotten into you?! Release your spell this once!” Celestia’s voice lowered to a growl. Luna looked between the two before her mind kicked into gear; she charged at Twilight, but didn’t make it halfway before Twilight casted another spell that froze Luna midair. “I have been waiting to this for a long time, unlike Sombra’ I have saved my power up for this very moment! Equestria needs to change, it needs to open it’s eyes to the truth of the world as a whole!” Twilight turned to look up at one of the many stained glass windows that lined the room. She stopped at the one of her coronation. She closed her eyes as purple flames flowed out of the corners of her eyes; she slowly open them to reveal red pupils in a sea of green. Twilight turned to Celestia as tears rolled down her face. “Twilight, please. It’s not too late! We can put this behind us, and move on!” Celestia screamed as Twilight looked down. “I am afraid it is too late. You don’t know how long I have been waiting for this day. It’s pained me to hold back and wear the mask of a ‘faithful’ student and caring friend!” Twilight’s horn glowed the sickly dark green as Celestia was forced to the ground in a bowing position. “Twilight, please stop!” Celestia cried as Twilight toward over her. Twilight sighed as she watched her former teacher cry like a little filly. “Please don’t cry, it will be over soon.” Twilight held up a hoof as black shadows moved to bottom of her hoof before it elongated into a spike. She jabbed her hoof down on Celestia’s head. The blood spattered and Twilight smiled as the sound of pitter patter of blood landed around her; it felt so warm on Twilight’s face. Luna looked on in horror as Celestia’s blood landed on Twilight’s face. “Twilight Sparkle, we are friends, or I thought we were, but I see now that that was a lie.” Luna’s eyes started to glow white as blast of magic freed her. Twilight smiled and turned as the shadow faded and the blood dripped on the floor. “It was not all a lie, Luna. I had hopes that we could be, but you turned out like her.” Twilight moved toward Luna. Luna put herself in a fighting position. Both of them charged up their horns, but Twilight casted her’s first. Luna howled in pain as both of her wings were twisted in odd angles. “Thou art not a pony, thou art demon! Kill me if thou wants, but know that it will not mean thou art victorious.” Luna looked at Twilight. Twilight looked down at her with a proud smile. “I hope that if your spirit is to return to this world, it would remember this life,” a dark green glow covered Luna. Twilight turned away from her as Luna started to gasp for air; more tears rolled down her face. “These pesky tears... I guess I still cared about them.” Twilight moved toward the thorn and gently tapped her hoof, and a wave of magic spared over the room. The white stones changed to light black and the flags of the two sister changed to an image of her cutie mark. It was darker and was in field black with a dark green border. Soon the guards took down the door and charged into room. A few guards vomited at the sight of Celestia and Luna’s dead bodies. But the rest pointed their spears and charged their horns. Twilight just yawned as her horned flash. The spears bursted into flames and black rings formed around the horns. “Bow to me. Your princesses are dead and your new empress needs to ready to speech for the public.” Her eyes flared and the unicorns bowed before her before they left the room. The other guards glared for a few seconds longer, their eyes drifted to the dead bodies of the princesses, then they turned and walked with their heads hung low. Once the doors shut behind the guards, green flames popped next to Twilight and she smiled as the little dragon bowed his head. “Waiting ‘till it was safe?” Spike lowered his head more. “I did not wish to take away from my mistress’s victory. So how may I serve you now?” He looked up as Twilight summoned a scroll and quill. “Take a note, Spike.” Twilight moved from her seat to walk around the room. Her eyes darted at each of the stained glass windows. “The rein of old is now gone. Your new empress is willing to guide this nation into a new age, but there will be those who wish to stop her; you know them as the bearers of harmony.” She stopped at the window of her and her five friends defeating Nightmare Moon. “Is that all, mistress?” Spike followed Twilight. His eyes looked at the white mare shown in the window. He felt a tear run down his face. She shook her head. “One more, and this one is for Ponyville,” She placed hoof on the glass as tears rolled down her face. “For those who bring the five bearers of harmony to Canterlot shall receive a large sum of bits.” a magic plus spared from her hoof and the stained glass window shattered. “I shall send these off right away,” he puffed out green flames and the scrolls flew out the window in smoke and green flickers. “What will you do when they arrive?” Twilight looked out the shattered window at the lands beyond Canterlot. “I’m going to start interviewing for positions in my court.”