> If Freedom is a State of Mind > by Ripcord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Subject 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I awoke in my cell, It is a daft, meaningless thing but it's were I live. Everything in the place was bland and the same, white floor, white walls, white bed and white desk and toilet/sink. The most interesting parts of the room was the blue magic barrier, the blue pin striping on the walls, and my glass. I sat up in my bed and stretched my joints, my shoulder popped and I winced at the feeling. Soon I rose from my bed to continue my morning routine, I walked over to the sink and filled my glass. I inspected the water before drinking it, the doctors have a habit of spiking the water with a drug or two. After a good minute of inspection I figured the water was safe enough to drink, and I wet my lips and throat. I finished and set the glass back on the side of the sink, I looked at the sink for a little before something caught my eye. A bright flash appeared above my desk, a letter floated down and opened when it hit. I walked over to examine it, I don't normally get letters unless to reschedule testing, so I didn't get my hopes up. The letter was slightly burnt from the heat of the magic, the letters were bold so they would stand out. It was titled "Blood test S/7 schedule change" it was a schedule change like I thought. I decided to read the rest of the letter so I would know the times. **This message is to inform S/7 of a change with his blood testing. Dr. Marrow has scheduled you for testing today, at 6pm we will be there to sedate you and take you to testing. Enjoy your day and prepare for your testing** I set the letter back down on the table, it burst into flames as I did. I walked over and grabbed a rag, I took the rag to the sink and dampened it. Soon I returned to the table, the rag left little drops of water speckling the area of where I cleaned. When I finished I walked over to the barrier and sat down, I placed my hoof on the barrier and watched a wave ripple from it. I looked around and saw nothing but another cell down the hall, I couldn't see who was inside but there cell was labeled "S/6". I soon noticed that some workers came over the their cell, workers are large ponies and they always wear a type of gas mask. The masks always covered their faces and the suits they wear cover their body so you could never differentiate between them. I decided to keep watching this time instead of look away like I'm told. The doctors don't like us to see the other subjects, and if we did we would get punished. I didn't care, I wanted to see someone new, someone who isn't a doctor or a worker. I waited and the workers hauled out a small mare, she was a unicorn with blue hair and a violet stripe in the middle. Her mane was gray and her eyes were purple, after this quick observation I looked down before the workers noticed. I smiled because she wasn't a doctor, she was another normal pony. Unlike me though, I am told I'm "different" that the fact I exist is interesting. After a few seconds I looked back up and the workers were gone, I got up and walked over to my bed. I couldn't help myself but smile, maybe she was nice, maybe she was evil. My mind raced as I tried to figure out what kind of pony she might be, but soon an inevitable thought found it's way back. Testing, I don't understand why they do it, and I feel I get the worst of it from all the other ponies. "Testing, testing, testing, you know what would be nice. A movie, or a cake, hell maybe some clop," I said to myself. I laid down in my bed and waited for the workers to get me. It gets lonely having no pony to talk to for the past three years. Three years in this daft little cell, alone and pained by this fact. I eventually fell asleep while waiting for the workers, I dreamed of that pony, in my dreams she was nice and wanted to be, something. She wanted to be around me and do stuff together, I don't know the word for that kind of pony. I awoke to the startling sound of the barrier shutting down, my dream was cut short. I saw two worker come in and one had a syringe in his hoof, he looked at me and placed it back in his bag. They motioned me to get up and I did so, they walked out and I followed them to the testing area. I looked at cell "S/6" hoping I could see her again, but the barrier prevented me from seeing in there. I followed them down a large white corridor, the blue pin stripping on the side had a symbol of a cross and an arrow. The two looked back to see if I was still there, I smiled and they turned around quickly. "So much for a conversation." I whispered to myself. The lead me into a large room, this room was different from the rest. I had machines and cords running along the floor. The machines flashed a multitude of colors and there was a table specifically designed to hold ponies. I walked in and the workers went to the door behind me to prevent my escape, if I chose to. Still I walked in and Dr.Marrow came out from behind a tank of green liquids. "Ah Subject 7, glad to see your still holding up after the last test," He said sarcastically. "Kinda hurts when you start to weave different DNA together doc," I replied. "Yes, yes but all for sake of making you "better" then you already are," "Are you saying I'm flawed doc, that I've never been good or something," "We're all flawed Subject 7, but thats what us doctors are here to fix. With the help of you and the other subjects," Dr. Marrow said enthusiastically. I got worried when he said that the way he did, how could you be happy doing this to others. Still I walked forward and hopped into the machine, the clamps slammed tightly around my hoofs and neck. The doctor walked behind his desk and grabbed a scalpel and came back over. He placed it strategically on my right arm and sliced it open and without anesthetic it wasn't very pleasant. When he finished he walked over and brought a few tubes with syringes on the ends, He carefully place them into each individual vein. He put gauze and taped the rest of the area off, he went over to one of the machines with the tanks next to it. He turned on one machine and my blood was taken from my body, soon he flipped another and the green liquid was pumped into my body. The process was painful because the green liquid was adapting to my blood type, it was adapting inside my body and soon my heart raced. The liquid was a natural adrenal gland stimulant. I felt the world begin to slow, my mind racing and my heart began to beat faster and faster. The doctor shut the machine off and came back over, to me he was moving slowly. He pulled the tape off my arm and then removed the tubing, my wounds instantly began to heal, not very quick though. It should take about two days for it to fully close. "Ah, looks like the DNA skin weave worked perfectly, it also looks like your cell wall reproduction has increased to an extrodinary rate," Dr. Marrow said happily. "W-why are you, why are you moving so slow?" I asked in a dazed state. "That is the changeling blood in your system, your body will adapt in a few hours," Dr.Marrow said as he unstrapped me and I collapsed to the floor. My body was tingling as my muscles and mind began to adapt to the changeling blood, I looked around and saw the workers coming to grab me. They grabbed me by my arms and carried me off, I watched as everything was bright and blurry. When the new blood reached my kidneys my body ached and I began to grunt, My heart raced with the pain and soon I passed out. I awoke in my cell again, my chest aching from the experiment done yesterday. Again I greeted a daft little cell, nothing to do, no pony to talk to. I was surprised at the fact my mind hasn't escaped from the years of loneliness I've endured, but its all I know, to befriend myself. Eventually Dr.Marrow came by my cell, he unlocked the cell and the barrier dissipated. He walked in and pulled me up from my bed, he put my arm around him and hauled me out. He laid me on the outside of my cell and knelt down to speak to me. "Subject 7, I've been informed that the only way for the adrenaline to take effect was for you to get some fresh air," Dr.Marrow said. "What do you mean fresh air, isn't the building on a air rejuvenation cycle," I asked confused. "Ha no Subject 7, your going outside," "W-what, outside, you mean I get to..." I asked excitedly as he put his arm around me. He smiled and nodded as he pointed the way to the door, I walked carefully toward the door. My heart racing as I approached it, the handle had a cured arrow showing which direction to pull. I followed the instructions and the door flew open, the air was cool and nipped my face. My eyes gleamed in excitement as I walked out the door, the feel of the grass underneath my hoofs brought a sensation like no other. I continued out and the sun hit my mane, it was warm and it calmed my aching muscles. I took in a deep breath and the cool are calmed my body further and slowed my heart and my muscles relaxed. I continued further and walked to the barrier, It was small but signified that there was a drop. I climbed on top of it, resting on my arms letting the wind blow threw my hair. The sound of birds flying below me was sweet music to my ears as I looked down to try and see the bottom of the mountain. "I had no idea we were on a mountain, or how big the facility was," I gasped in my excitement. Five minutes into my experience the workers came out and motioned me back in. Although my bliss was short lived at was worth it, it brought a new feeling to me. Hope, hope that I will get out, that I will be free one day to live my life. I walked back to my cell with a skip in my trot, the workers thought about chasing me but noticed it was my cell I went to. I jumped high into the air and soared into my bed, the workers came to the outside of it and activated the barrier. The sound of the barriers hum made me feel relaxed as I imagined the birds were singing with it. I was happy for once, this feeling is so new that its impact was immense one my attitude. I started to snuggle up in my bed and waited for the rest of the day to pass, my imagination running wild. Soon workers came back to my cell, they were holding a clip board and examining it closely. These workers must be new because they didn't recognize me, after a few minutes they left and went down the stairs. I waited for them to come back but they never did, my excitement slowly faded away. The blood began to settle and I became dizzy, I wobbled around and hit my desk. I couldn't stand and collapsed on the floor, there was a green gas running from my vents. I realized the doctors knew that I was happy and they stripped the feeling away, I couldn't keep my eyes open and soon I fell asleep. When my eyes shut, a tear ran down my face. I was sad, they took away my happiness, the only bit I ever truly felt. *BANG* "WARNING-INTRUDER ALERT-INTRUDER ALERT" a pony frantically screamed over the speaker system. I jumped from the floor to see my lights were off and the barrier was down. I ran out and saw flames spreading my way, pegasus ponied blew through the roof and flew into the complex. They vengefully met the workers and a bloody battle started before my eyes. The pegasus's swords met the workers tough suit, the swords deflect and they countered the peguasus rebels. They fought brutally as the few workers in this area were killed and the rebels left to liberate the other areas. I heard a whistling, I looked up to see a magic bomb flying at me. I tried to get out of the way but it was to late, the ball blew up next to me and blew me into S/6's cell. The impact was harsh and brutal on my body, I fell the floor a little dazed. I looked around to see that the that mare from before, I crawled over to the body to see if she was unconscious. I got up and moved some rubble off the body and and grabbed her arm, it was covered in blood. I pulled her over and saw a broken off spear in her chest. "Fuck," I said under my breath. Soon a pony rebel came into the cell, he grabbed my shoulder and yanked me up. "You, Subject 7 take this and get the hell out son, were freeing you ponies. Well, sorry almost all of you," The rebel pony ran off as quickly as he came. I didn't move from my spot, instead I looked at the clip board. It was about me, and it said. **Bio Report-S/7 Date: December 14/2009 Name: Unknown Race : Earth Pony Sex : Male Birth Date : Unknown Age : Unknown Parents : Unknown Siblings : Unknown Mane : White Hair : Red w/orange tint. Eligibility : Approved, level 5 testing cleared for Subject 7 Tests : DNA and Blood testing Other notes : Subject 7 is an interesting subject, how he has remained unseen and the fact there are no records about him is remarkable. Because of all these unknowns we cannot confidently say how he even exists. He is educated, yet doesn't understand emotional ties or knows they exist. He has been alone all his life, never seeing other ponies or being outside except when we found him. He was an adult colt when we found him over seas, trapped in a old library. The walls were collapsed around him and only light and air could get through. We took him in and approved him immediately for testing, and will remain with us until his usefulness runs out.** "I-I have nothing, am nothing, I shouldn't exist or be alive," I said softly. I dropped the clip board, shocked at the news. My eyes began to water, the fact that I've always been alone crushed me. I looked down and dropped to the floor. Fire and parts were crashing around me and outside the cell, I didn't care, yet something inside me urged me to move, to live. I got up, a spark of hope twinkled in my eyes and I ran, ran as fast as I could to my freedom. > Limitless > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ran through the building, flames and burning rubble dotted the area. Bodies of workers and rebels alike were scattered and buried under flame and hate. I watched unmoved by the horrific sight in front of me. How this was consider a terrible act of freedom doesn't make sense. It was freedom to me and that’s all I cared about. Although I wanted to bring Subject 6 with me, the thought of her dead was different. Yet I continued to run, grabbing a sword off a dead rebel as I went by. It was covered in ash and blood but it was still sharp, I swung it a few times and it felt right. Soon I entered a corridor, it looked like all the smoke was coming from the entrance. This indicted to me that I was higher up since smoke rises but soon breathing became harder. I ran down the hall, the smoke was fogging the corridor impairing my sight. I pushed my way through the smoke and emerged in a wide open area, there were trees and grass in it. The roof was glass allowing the sun to shine through, a sign on the wall labeled the area as a "Commons Area". "This place would be beautiful if it wasn't for all this violence," I said to myself again. I looked down and saw that it was a story high drop. I hopped up to the ledge and dropped off, my landing was hard and shook the plants. Looking around I saw no one but soon the sounds of fighting filled the air. I ran over to the window, It overlooked a large pad. The rebels were fighting the workers again, I looked down and a thought pounded my head. "Should I help or run. *sigh* I don't want to kill anyone, the thought feels wrong for some reason. It must be a morality thing so I won't kill, it feels wrong to do so," I said coming to a conclusion. I threw the sword at the window, it shattered with the force from it. I walked back a few steps and bolted forward, leaping out the window. I fell two stories this time and hit the ground harder then last time. The metal pad warped under me. The rebels and workers looked at me, they looked confused at how I landed unharmed. The fall would injure a normal pony, but I'm not normal. I've never truly been normal, especially after those experiments. I looked at all of them and smiled before taking off between them. The workers and rebels saw this and the fighting started for a different reason. One side wanted me dead, and the other wanted me to live. I ran through the crowd, blood and weapons flew at me from every direction. I didn't stop anything and I dodge the workers as best I could but one finally got me. A spear was sent into my back, the world began to slow down as I fell. Everything became hazy and I hit the ground. The worker came over and pulled the spear out of my back, he was about to send it through again but a rebel stopped him. I laid on the ground watching the battle rage on, both sides weren't giving any ground up. I felt dizzy and I was about to through up but something kicked in. My pain went away and I wasn't dizzy anymore. The blood stopped rushing out and I began to rise and everything became clearer. The adrenaline in the changeling blood must have kicked in and I began to run again. The rebels began to cheer and the workers had the same expression like always. I rushed through the fighting again and pushed my way to the exit. I could see everything coming at me and dodged it all with ease and continued on. Soon I broke through but I didn't stop, I couldn't stop. I've never ran this fast before and I couldn't compensate properly enough to stop. The drop off came up quickly, I dropped my flank and slid over the edge. The fall was immense and I couldn't see the bottom of the mountain. My heart stopped and my mind raced in the fact of my immanent death. I closed my eyes and soon I hit a led, the impact was so hard I was knocked out cold. "*crack* oh Celestia my back," I said groaning. I slowly rose, every joint hurt and the adrenaline wore off. My wound ached and was reopened from the fall. I sat up and looked over the edge then looked back up. I was a far fall, I should be maimed or have some broken bones. Still I wasn't about to question a good thing and I got up. I looked around and saw the lift they used to get up and down. I limped over to it and inspected it for a while. "Looks like the panel is fried and a magnetic cuff link is busted on the back rails," I said to myself yet again. I hoped into it and it jolted , dropping a few feet. One of the cuff links must be working and keeping the elevator up. I limped over and ripped the panel off, I thought if I could remove the energy from the cuff link the elevator would drop. I inspected the wiring carefully and pulled out a few, the elevator moaned under the pressure and soon dropped. It sent my into the ceiling, it was plummeting to the ground a few thousand feet below. I didn't worry because I left enough power for the emergency systems to kick in. A few hundred feet the emergency system kicked in and sent me flying into the floor. The cuff links broke from the rapid stop and broke sending the elevator flying off. I was knocked around in the elevator as it fell, I couldn't get my bearings and inevitably it hit the ground. I was sent flying, breaking through the glass and flying into a field. I hit the ground and rolled a few times before stopping. This time I didn't get up, instead I laid on the wheat. The feeling of this golden plant tickled my mane. I rolled over and began to laugh as it made my under belly tingle. This sensation was remarkable, the coolness of the dirt and the gentle touch of wheat. I kissed the ground and lay there continuing to laugh. The wheat’s feel began to go from a tingle to a soft, welcoming feeling. I yawned and curled into a ball, drifting away in this magical place. Someone began to shake me awake, I opened my eyes slightly to see a blurred image. I quickly came to my senses and jumped back but the pony came closer. I couldn't make out what it looked like, I could only see a violet blur. "Hey are you ok?" The pony asked cautiously. "Um yeah, yeah I'm good. Just a long day," I smiled at my one statement. The pony came closer and rubbed her arm on my forehead. "Are you sure, most ponies don't bleed green blood," She stated. "Ah sorry about that, I'm not exactly like o-oth-other p-ponies," I stammered my words. The blood loss and injuries finally caught up. I collapsed and the other pony rushed over. "Oh Celestia, hang on I'll get help," She said hurriedly. "Y-yeah sou..." I passed out. I awoke in a place, it wasn't my cell so I didn't get to worried. I looked around and saw other ponies moaning in agony. It must be hospital because I wasn't dead or in a lab. I sat up and threw my legs off the bed. I pulled the IV out of my arm and walked off. "Sir, sir you can't leave your still hurt," a nurse said worriedly. "Ha, don't worry I'll be better in no time at all," I said enthusiastically. I continued on my way, doctors and nurses were carefully working on their patients. It was a hurried place but small and peaceful. I walked off down the stairs but lost my footing. I toppled over myself as I fell down them. I hit the bottom and the few nurses down here rushed to me along with that purple pony from before. I pushed them away and hopped up, my wound on my back ached at the motion. I winced and looked back to see it was bandaged along with my left leg and forehead. I quickly looked back and saw a worried face in front of me. "You seem to have a habit of falling," the purple pony happily. She was a unicorn, like Subject 6. This pony had violet hair with a pink stripe down the middle and a purple mane. She looked at me carefully and then backed up slowly. "Yeah it seems that way," I laughed back. "Well since your I think it's time we told each other our names. My name is Twilight Sparkle and your name is?" She asked. "Oh I'm Subject 7," I replied. "No, that not a name," "But it's the only one I have," "You can't tell me your parents never gave you a name," She said sarcastically. I looked down and let a tear fall, she didn't know. Twilight saw this and moved closer and hugged me. "You poor thing," She said sweetly. I hugged her back and let another tear escape. "I-I think we should leave," I said quietly. "Yes that sounds like a good idea. You can come to my place and relax until you get your bearings," She said happily. I nodded and followed her out the door. we walked out of a two story house with a big red cross protruding from the main entrance. I looked at Twilight and smiled, a nice pony, a kind pony. This is so new to me, I was in a place and no test were done on me. The ponies I've met don't sedate or beat me. I was enjoying my newfound freedom with Twilight sparkle. I followed her to her house with was only a block away. She opened the door and allowed me in first. I walked in and was dumbstruck, A house. No it was a library, I've never seen this before. I took off and inspected everything, Twilight walked in and laughed. She thought how I was acting was strange and she soon came up to me. "So 7 why don't you sit down and we can chat," Twilight said floating two chairs over. I happily obliged and planted myself down. She had a table in front of her with ink and a quill. "So tell me your life story," She said awkwardly. "Ha not much to tell, the only bit of my life I know is from a Bio report. I have no name, age, parents or siblings. I shouldn't be alive truthfully but here I am. Anyways I was found in a library, apparently I was full grown colt when the doctors found me. I never had contact with anyone or anything for my whole life. Soon I was taken into a testing facility on top of a mountain and for the past 3 years the did experiments on me," I said. "That would explain the green blood. Though I am sorry no friends or family must be tough," She said softly. "Friends?" I asked. "Yeah friends, you can't tell me you never heard of this?" "No what is a "friend" anyways," "You poor thing, a friend is someone who wants to be with you and do stuff with you. They help you and make you feel good about yourself," "A friend sounds lovely to have. Hey Twilight, are we friends," I asked her. She smiled and put her quill down. "Yes 7, were friends," She said. My heart raced at the sound of having a "Friend". I ran over to her and hugged her, she squeaked from how tight it was. I didn't let go, I was so happy I was crying. "Oh 7 your crying," Twilight said worriedly. "NO it's fine, I like this feeling, it's wonderful," I said still holding on. She slipped down a little and hugged me too. I was so happy, this feeling of bliss was so mystical. I felt wonderful, I felt limitless. > Curiosities > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sat there with Twilight and we enjoyed simple time, questioning each other and watching the sun as it set. I was enjoying a drink that spike made a short time ago. It's called "Tea" it's a very bitter drink but better than water. Twilight laughed at how my face looked every time I took a sip. "Haha, you know you can put sugar in that," She said holding back her smile. "You have sugar, that was a pleasantry in the labs," I replied taking another bitter drink. "Lab, oh you mentioned that earlier. What was it like?" She said rolling over to grab some sugar. I watched her as she did so, my heart raced as I watched her hair waved in the wind. I smelt something in the air, I thought it was wheat again but noticed it was emanating from Twilight. I leaned over to be sure but as I did she rolled back over with the sugar. Our faces were only an inch away and I was beginning to blush along with her. "Oh, um, hey Twilight you got the sugar," I asked trying to break the tension. "Y-yes it's right here," She said stammering her words a little. She handed me a cup with a spoon in it, I reached over and our hooves touched. I held on a little longer watching Twilight duck her head trying to hide her face. I grabbed the spoon and poured some sugar into my glass. "T-thank you Twilight," I said. "You're welcome 7," She said in return. I couldn't understand this feeling coming over me. What is it, I felt like throwing up, I felt like I was thrown into a furnace. It was wonderful, better then happiness. I sat there awkwardly looking at Twilight watching the setting sun glisten off her eyes. They were kind, knowledgeable eyes and they gazed back into mine. Twilight came out of the daze before me and stated a pretend cough. I soon snapped out to and she smiled and restarted the conversation. " So, the lab can you tell me about it?" She asked still blushing. "Yeah, what do you want to know?" I replied. "Well, I don't exactly know. How about we start from the beginning ," "Ha, alright sounds reasonable," I said looking at the sky. "It was about three years ago, Gen Co. started looking for test subjects. They needed prime candidates with no ties to family or friends. Basically ghosts in everyday life, anyways they found me in a collapsed library. Don't know how I got in there or why I was in there but I was. They took me to the lab and they ran a background test. They were surprised to see I've never seen another pony or been outside of the library. So they approved me for testing and for the past three years it was the same routine. Get up, stretch, eat and test," I said as Twilight began to tear up a little. She leaned closer and laid her head on my chest. I felt one of her tears hit my chest, I put my arm around her and my legs went numb. I didn't care for them though and watched the stars begin to dot the sky. "How come you can still smile and laugh like you do?" She asked sniffling. "Because I have hope Twilight. Hope that I will live to see the day of my freedom. Hope to finally have "friends" who will drink tea with me," I said happily. Twilight snuggled up more closely to me and I just rubbed her back. "That’s amazing but what about the testing?" "Oh testing *ugh* guess that’s the only reason I'm alive. Anyways I was passed for DNA and blood testing AKA level 5. About a month ago they finished a DNA skin weave making my skin tougher and stronger. It also heals ten times faster then normal skin. Another test done two days ago was blood testing. They infused my body with changeling blood which has a natural adrenal gland stimulant. It also is one hell of a pain killer too," I said laughing. "That’s terrible, how could they do that to you," Twilight said shocked. "I don't know but I doesn't matter now," I replied looking down at her. "Well what about your Cutie Mark?" "What's a Cutie Mark?" I asked as Twilight looked up at me. "Like what I have on my flank," Twilight said sowing me her flank. I swallowed loudly and began to sweat, I felt bubbly and hot. She put her flank back down and looked at me. "Oh that's what that is, nope never had one before," "You can only have one, it shows your special talent," "I have no idea what it is then, maybe surviving falls?" We laughed at the though of it. Twilight laid back down on my chest and got close again. "So Twilight, tell me about yourself," I said. "Oh me not much to tell, I was born in Canterlot. I showed a vast superiority in magic then other unicorns and was sent to the magic university. I was supposed to hatch and dragon egg. I struggled at first but then an explosion happened and I, I don't exactly remember but I passed. Then I spent a majority of my life in a library researching and doing reports for Celestia. Never really getting to know any pony or building friendships," She said that last word slowly, as if realizing her life wasn't so different from mine. "Eventually I was sent here to do reports on friendship. I made some good friends like Apple Jack, Rarity, Flutter shy, Rainbow Dash and Pinky Pie. Since then they've introduced me to the magic of friendship and other ponies," She finished yawning and getting closer to me. "Your life sounds like mine, but with friends and contact with the outside world and family. Never mind your life is way different," I said coming to a realization. Twilight smiled and went to sleep on my chest, I laid there and watched her for a while before letting the night take me. I awoke to the sound of a bell, I looked down to see my mane stuck together from drool. I laughed a little and got up, I walked in through the window. Spike was still asleep so I stepped over him and headed downstairs. Twilight was setting a table for two and placing plates filled with food on the table. I didn't know what it was but it smelt heavenly, I walked over and watched the smoke rise from It. I quickly sat down and devoured my meal before twilight came back. I leaned back in the pillow and let my mouth water. This food was amazing, it had flavor and texture and a variety of things I could go into detail with. Twilight walked over me dumping a little of the orange liquid into my mouth. It was tangy yet sweet at the same time, I shot up and placed my head on the table. Twilight smiled and poured the glass full of the orange delight. I grabbed it and downed it, slamming the glass down when I finished. "What is this magical stuff, it's so much better then that lab food," I said wide eyed as she placed more in front of me. "It's called fried hay sticks and orange juice," She said with a confused look. "Orange juice is fucking awesome," I said guzzling another glass. Twilight laughed a little as I collapsed finishing yet another glass. It was heaven to me but another daily thing in Twilights life. I got up and began to eat the rest of the food slowly, enjoying Twilights hospitality. I tried to eat slowly but my stomach took over and I finished the plate of food within a minute. I waited patiently for twilight to finish her food before heading out and experiencing a world of wonders. "So whets on the agenda," I said waiting at the door. "We're going to Sugar Cube Corner so you can see how much you've missed out in your life," She replied. We walked out the door and the sun blinded me. Still wasn't used to it yet but it was nice to see it instead of fluorescent bulbs. I walked out and stayed close to Twilight, everypony in the town waved and smiled at me. I did the same back but to a degree that almost scared them. This feeling, being accepted, was different. It was bittersweet because I didn't know all these ponies but wasn't able to actually get to know them. I was glued to Twilight asking questions about everything and everyone. She, of course, was more then happy to share. I was overcome with new experiences and feelings. This world has so much more to offer and I only had my foot in the door. We walked to Sugar Cube Corner and a pink pony shot out the door. "Twilight, Twilight, who is this, who is her, who is he!" The pony said energetically. "This is 7, he doesn't have a name so just call him that Pinky," Twilight replied. "OH, that is wonderful, hi 7 my name is Pinky Pie and I'm super duper exited to meet you!" Pinky said jumping around me. "Hey Pinky, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said laughing. She was a strange pony but I had a feeling she was a good one too. "So Pinky can you bring me and 7 out a smoothie?" Twilight asked as she pushed me to a table. "Oh yes coming right up!" Pinky yelled and disappeared. I sat down at a table, the umbrella hid the sun and made a relaxing shade to sit under. I looked at Twilight and she whipped her hair over, she looked amazing to me. Twilight looked at me and leaned on the table, we looked into each others eyes again. I leaned on the table too, my heart hit my chest pushing me forward. I didn't know what was about to happen but Pinky came out of nowhere and slammed a smoothie between us. I was shocked and jumped back, Twilight didn't move and placed two straws in it. I came back cautiously, almost like a shy dog, and sat back down. "How did she.." I was cut off. "Don't worry, she does that a lot," Twilight replied with some disappointed in her eyes. I placed my mouth on the straw and drank. The smoothie was cold yet sweet. My eyes fluttered as I drank and my flank rose, it was delicious. Twilight watched me carefully, still confused at how I never experienced any of this before. I finished half of it and stopped, I wanted Twilight to enjoy this icy splendor too. She got what I was hinting at and finished it slowly. About three quarters of the way down my head began to hurt. Twilight stopped and looked at me, my head felt cold and hurt so bad. I dropped to the ground holding my head, my teeth chattered and I bit my tongue to take my mind off the pain. "Haha, you got a brain freeze," Twilight laughed. "I-I don't like brain freezes," I said coldly. It released it's cool grasp on my brain and I relaxed. Twilight came back and helped me back up. Again our faces were close, I turned red again for some reason. I looked at her deeply, her eyes said follow me and I did. We walked back to her house. It was mid day but the Pegasus ponies were moving in storm clouds. I watched intently at this display, it was mystical, intriguing almost to see how weather was conducted. I continued to follow Twilight and we entered her house. Spike was cleaning, he was cute actually, so small but one day will be powerful. He waved at us and I followed twilight to her bed. The stairs creaked underneath our feet as we climbed. I saw her get on her bed and I followed suit. It was soft, comfortable and welcoming. I almost fell asleep as soon as I laid down but Twilight clapped he hoof on my head and I was wide awake again. "So you've been blushing a lot lately 7?" She said questioningly. "Yeah it's a weird feeling towards you actually," I replied. "Really, is it bad," "No, it's good. I can't explain it but when I'm with you or face to face with you. Which actually happens a lot, I get a warm feeling. My heart jumps and my legs go numb, am I sick?" "Haha no you're different," She giggled. "Is that good or bad?" "No, I like it," She said moving closer. I blushed again and my heart skipped, I opened my mouth. Yet before I could talk she put her hoof on my mouth. "It's ok 7," she whispered to me. I shut my mouth and she came closer, I closed my eyes, and we kissed. > Follow me > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been at least an hour since me and Twilight kissed. She felt confused and asked me to go downstairs so she could think. My mind was quickly fleeting from me and I could think of one thing. That kiss, her lips were soft and the instant it happened in felt like forever. I'm sitting downstairs right now, waiting patiently on a pillow. I couldn't shake this feeling that Twilight would like to be more then "friends" but what else is there. I don't understand I mean friendship, Ice cream, orange juice and Twilight's kindness is so new to me. So much is new to me, this day has opened my eyes to the possibilities of this world. They were endless and yet limited to each pony, it seems like there is a restriction to everything good. It doesn't matter because the kiss, all that happened to me, and all these ponies. I care for all of them but a few questions slipped their way back. Who am I, what kind of pony am I, and what am I meant to do. I have to figure out these simple yet enigmatic questions but I can't do it alone. The day drug on, I spent most of my time reading some of Twilight's books. I was reading a book on poetry so I decided to try and write one of my own. I grabbed a piece of paper, some ink, and went to work. I called the poem” Serenity in the Night", and I began to write. **The night was bliss, a gentle kiss. It's bittersweet touch of the heart made unseen scar. I sat and watched the stars dot the sky and imagine. Of what you may ask, just a little pony on my chest. I held her close and let her sleep silently upon me. The night's serene cover hid my bashful cheeks. I laid back and slipped away, letting the moment last. For the night has given me the finest gift** It felt right, but it wasn't perfect by any means. I walked away and went outside, it was raining out. The rain pounded my body and cooled it quickly, I ran out into the middle of the town. Everypony watched as I stood there and looked into the sky. A smile shot across my face and I jumped up and began to run and slide around. Soon all the fillies, colts, and mares came out to play. We all enjoyed a simple time in a muddy village square, laughing and playing care free in a waterfall of muck. My mane was coated in mud but my eyes and smile shown through. The fillies all gathered around me, I crouched down and leaped forward. They scattered quickly, laughing as they did so. There parents watched as I ran by and chased the kids. I was running almost full speed and everypony watched as I shot by, running faster then most Pegasus can fly. I tried to stop but it was to slippery. I dropped my flank again and slid fast down a hill heading straight towards an apple orchard. I large red pony looked up and saw me flying down the hill. He took a step to the left and I flew into a tree, apples fell from the tree into baskets around the tree. "Thanks partner," He said in a deep yet friendly voice. I couldn't reply, I was dazed from the smack and the tree cracked around my area of impact. The red pony tried to pull me off the tree but couldn't. He took some time to think and came back, he wrapped a rope around me and stuck the other end to his foot. He walked back to the end of the rope and kicked as hard as he could. I was sent soaring into another tree but I wasn't stuck to it this time. "That was fun," I said sarcastically. "Ha yeeup," The large red pony said. "Why don't you come inside and wash off, you'll feel better," He said politely. "Sounds like a plan," I replied following him through the orchard. It was speckled with trees filling each row to it's fullest. The trees were full of red spheres, If I remember correctly from Twilights books it's called an apple. The large red pony saw me gazing at the apples and passed me one. I was hesitant at first but his nod made me feel confident I won't have any side affects from eating it. I took a bite and my mouth filled with a potent flavor, it overcame my taste buds and hit home. "You look new in town, my name is Big Macintosh," Big Macintosh said looking at the trees. "Oh hi my name is 7," I replied happily. "7, no son what’s your real name?" "I don't have a name, the only name given to me is Subject 7," 'Oh sorry 7 I didn't know, still welcome to town," Big Macintosh said as we entered the house. A sweet smell filled the air and an old mare was pulling something covered in bread out of an oven. I walked in and Big Macintosh pointed to the hose on the other side of the house. "Applejack should be out there, she can help you," Big Macintosh said pulling the crates of apples in. I walked through the house, tracking mud the whole way. I was stopped before the door by a little red haired filly. She looked intently at me and then she spoke. "Hi stranger my name is Apple Bloom," Apple Bloom said cheerfully. "Hello sweetheart my name is 7, where is your sister," I asked. "Oh she's out right now, but I can help you!" Apple bloom cheered. She grabbed my hoof and pulled me through the door to the back porch. There was a tap with a hose on it, Apple Bloom ran over to it and turned it on. The force was to much for the little filly to handle and the hose went everywhere. I walked over and grabbed it smiling at her. We both enjoyed a good, wholesome laugh and I washed myself off. Apple Bloom walked around me with a confused look. "Where's your Cutie Mark mister?" She asked shyly. "*gargle, spit* Oh that thing, never had one," I replied. "But how? you're all grown up and you still don't have yours. Oh boy does mean I'll never get one," Apple Bloom said ducking her head. I walked over and hoisted her up, I sat her down and then proceeded to do the same. "I don't know what I'm meant to do in this world and I never had a chance till now. I've recently been experiencing the world and it's beautiful. So you, little one, shouldn't worry because you got your whole life ahead of you. The possibilities for both of us are endless," I said nudging her over. We again, enjoyed a good laugh before I got up to leave. Apple Bloom ran over and hugged me. "Thanks mister and good luck," She said. "With what?" I asked. "Oh I know that look mister, you going to try and find something," "Ha, your good Apple Bloom!" I said smiling. I hugged her one last time and walked off, I looked back and waved goodbye to the Apple Family. As I walked the rain stopped and the last bit of daylight started to show through. I wanted to go back to Twilight and talk to her but I dare not run after the past two experiences. I smiled as I remembered what Twilight said a few days back because maybe I do like to fall off things. I stopped and looked back at my flank, still blank but I hoped. I walked back into town watching the mud around me begin to dry. Smoke rose from it as the setting sun rapidly heated the cool muck. I felt it was safe enough to run now but as I looked up, I was a few feet from her door. I knocked and the door swung open, Twilight was there with a startled expression on her face. I smiled and hugged before walking in and sitting down on the pillow from before. I looked over and saw that my poem from before was still there, I tried to hide it but Twilight saw me doing so. "I already saw it 7," She said. My eyes widened and I turned red, I still tried to hide the poem behind me but it was noticed once more. Twilight used her magic and floated the piece of paper back over to her and she placed it in a bag. I got up and walked towards her, she looked over and then looked away. "I'm sorry Twilight I hoped you wouldn't see that," I said awkwardly, rubbing the back of my head. "Why are you sorry, it wasn't perfect by any means but it still means a lot to me," Twilight said softly. I hugged her and kissed her on the head, I don't know why I did but it felt right. I walked off and headed upstairs to get some sleep, Twilight came with me. "You can sleep with me tonight if you want 7," She said blushing. "Oh no that’s not a pro.....what the hell, sounds like a plan," I said happily sitting down on a chair. "Aren't you going to bed?" Twilight asked. "I have to tell you something first," "Yes, what is it?" "I'm leaving tomorrow, I need to find out who I am," "No you ca..," She stopped herself to think. "If your leaving then, then good luck," She finished with a tear falling from her face. "I want you to come with me," "W-what?" "Come with me Twilight, go on an "adventure" with me, like the heroes in your books," "You want me to come with you, why?" "Well I think your an awesome friend, well I want to be more then friends but I don't think something exists. Still you are the only person I can see myself doing this with, so what do you say?" I finished. I saw a twinkle in her eyes, something I've been getting a lot lately. She came over to me and hugged me. "Yes 7, *sniff* I will come," She said. She began to cry a little so I carried her over to the bed. I laid down with her and comforted her until the little spurt passed. I held her close even after she was done, her head rested next my chest. My heart raced and I knew she could feel it, still I remained with her. Soon we drifted to sleep in each others embrace, a perfect way to end a wonderful day. *BANG* "What the hell was that!" I yelled shooting up from bed. I ran over to the ledge and jumped over, I hit Twilights table breaking it in half and started running towards the sound. My mind told me something was wrong and my heart said save her. I ran to the basement and Twilight was picking up some machinery that fell. I let out a sigh of relief and walked down the stairs, Twilight looked up at me but quickly went back to work. She was packing supplies for the trip, quills, ink, paper, bits, est. She looked very exited to go and was sweating from the effort she put forth packing. I watched diligently making sure that she was ok, it must be a protective instinct. I walked back up stairs, I went to the kitchen to see if I could try and cook some breakfast. I turned on the stove and walked to the cupboard and got some orange juice. I grabbed a pan from under the sink and put it on the fire. I waited a little bit and poured the orange juice on the pan. I put the orange juice back in the cupboard and grabbed two bowls. after a few minutes I poured the now steaming hot orange juice in the bowls and placed them on the table in the kitchen. I grabbed a vase and some flowers to put in the vase. I returned to the counter top and grabbed some spoons and put them in the bowls. Twilight came up at this point and saw what I did, she smiled and sat down. "You can cook?" She asked. "Maybe lets see," I replied. Twilight looked down at her bowl and smelled it, she broke out laughing and looked at me. "Hahaha, did you fry orange juice," She said laughing. "Yup, now dig in," I said jubilantly. I dove in and Immediately spit it out. "W-what happened to m-my delicious orange delight," I cried. "How about you leave the cooking to spike," Twilight said holding back another onslaught of laughter. I continued on shiver on the floor wondering why it tasted so bad all of a sudden. Twilight came over and sat on me, I looked up and she smiled and we both broke out laughing. > Monsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the tragic breakfast incident we decided to head out and grab a bite to eat later today. We left the house and waved goodbye to spike, he looked happy to see us go for some reason. Soon everypony gathered around us and started giving us food and telling us goodbye. I tried to figure out how they knew but Apple Bloom jumping on my back gave it away. "Good luck mister, hope you find what you're looking for!" Apple Bloom said cheerfully hoping off my back. I smiled and just continued on. Twilight seemed to be enjoying all the commotion, skipping and yelling goodbye to everyone. It was cute but I was more focused on the pony in front of us. She was wearing a ragged straw hat and had a stern look on her face. "Now hold it right there partner, where you going with Twilight here?" She stated. "Oh Applejack it's ok, we'll be back soon," Twilight replied. "Oh sweaty I know but I've never met your friend here, how can I trust you?" She said glaring at me. The look in her eyes gave me an uneasy feeling and I backed up a little before talking. "I'll keep her safe," I finally replied. "Sounds reasonable, but how do I know your not a bad pony or something," "Ha not even I know that yet, but I'll figure it out soon," "Well alright then, go on you two have fun and you," Applejack looked at me again. "Keep your word and make sure she gets back here alright." "You have my word then," I said smiling. Applejack waved us off and we left the town, Twilight stuck close to me. We were on a decrepit dirt road leading to the EverFree forest. It was still a few miles away and it was early in the morning so we took our time. I walked off a little to go smell the flowers in the field or the road side. Twilight was writing something down in the journal she brought. I tried to get a peek at what she was writing now and then but all she did was laugh and hide it. It was a beautiful day, the birds were chirping and the pretty fly like bugs were floating around. I was gazing at them wide eyed as they flew around me. I tried to catch a few but the were to fast for me. I jumped up to grab one always fluttering above my head but when I went up so did it and I fell flat on my back. It fluttered off and twilight used her magic and brought me back up. This time I stayed close to her as she read a book. It was about a brave soldier who fought off all who threatened his village. I listened intently to the morals of honor, respect, and dignity hidden in the verses. I felt a feeling come over me and thought to myself "How could one man be willing to drop everything for one small village". She continued on and soon I realized why he would give it all. His wife lived in the village and he swore it would still be there when she returned. Last of his platoon, a simple PFC (Private First Class) standing headlong in a battle he could never win. He would die only to withhold a promise to the only mare he ever loved. I looked at Twilight and remember what I promised to both her and Applejack. " I promise you'll be safe" I whispered to myself. "What was that?" Twilight asked putting the book back. I just shrugged my shoulders and nudged her on the flank. She giggled and we were soon back on our way to the EverFree forest. It was a nice quiet walk after we finished the book. I had no idea that Twilight could read so fast and enunciate so well. It was nice to know because I figured out that I like stories so hopefully she does it some more. Were nearing the end of the trail and we saw the stone archway to the section of the forest we needed to go through. I also noticed that there was a village, it has been ransacked, burnt, and devastated. Twilight gasped when she saw it to, I took off full boar and reached the village quickly. It was recent, the fires and dead happened only and hour ago. I started to investigate what happened, pulling board from board off a bodies seeing if they were still alive. Twilight soon entered the village and was gasping for breath. "H-how can you *gasp* run so f-fast," She said trying to breath. I walked over and rubbed her head and continued my investigation of the area. I looked around and eventually heard a faint breathing. I ran through a building and getting singed on the way out. It was a small black pony, she had a spear through her stomach and a dead worker beside her. I tried to hold back all my emotions and thoughts. How could the workers be here, why would they do this, and who is the mare. I walked over to her and sat next to her. "A-am I going to b-be al*kack* alright," She said weakly. "No, I'm sorry, who are you," I asked quietly. I pulled her onto my lap and moved her hair out of the way. "I-I am Subject 24," "Hello 24, I'm Subject 7, I'm a friend and here to help," "Another S-Subject, how did you *cough* g-get out?" "I was freed 24 now tell me what happened here?" I said softly. Twilight turned the corner and saw me holding 24, she stayed back and watched. "T-the workers, they're hunting us down. The d-doctors a-are exterminating the S-su- *aaahhh*," 24 said with her last breath. I sat there, my soul was on fire. I wanted to kill all of the workers and doctors for doing this. They can't play around with life like they do, it's wrong. I sat there, Twilight walked up to me and put her hoof on my shoulder. I looked up at her, my eyes were blank, opaque and filled with anguish. I got up and hugged her tightly, knowing now the danger I'm putting her in. "She deserves a proper burial," I said in Twilights ear. She just nodded and walked off, I picked up 24's body and carried her out of the village. I found twilight using her magic to dig a whole under a weeping willow. A tree that signifies the grief that 24 has gone through her whole life. I laid her down in the grave, crossing her arms as Twilight floated a blooming flower onto 34's chest. I kicked the dirt back into the grave, I kept my emotions trapped within me. I had to be strong for Twilight in this moment, she was crying softly behind me as I padded the dirt down. I flattened the dirt then kissed the grave, " You’ll be remembered" I whispered into the ground before rising. I looked up and waved Twilight over, I put my arm around her and kissed her on the head. "You need to head back home now Twilight," I said softly. "W-why, I can't leave knowing what they're going to do to you," She pleaded. "And I can't live with myself knowing the danger I'm putting you in. Everywhere we go Gen Corp. will be hunting me. If you die you'll just be another mark on a workers suit," "I'm not leaving 7, you need me, and you promised to keep me safe," She said getting closer to me. I wanted to fight her, tell her to leave but she was right. I promised to keep her safe and I'll keep that promise just like the lone soldier did. I laid down next to 24's grave, I set my head into my hoofs. I started to whimper a little, the thought of what’s going to happen. I might have to kill someone, I might have to leave Twilight or worse, get her taken and tested on. The thoughts rambled around in my head and all Twilight did was lay with me. I pulled me head out of my arms and looked at her, my face was stained with tears but so was hers. "Twilight, no matter what, no matter the situation. I'll keep you safe *sniff* I'll make sure you get back home. I promise to do so without taking a life, without killing anyone," I whimpered to her. She kissed me on the cheek and snuggled close to me, I put my head next to hers and we laid there for a while. After an hour or so we left the grave side. I walked with Twilight as we entered the EverFree forest. It was a dark, desolate place with little but a slipping sanity to offer. It was getting dark and the sounds of the creatures started to hum in the air. Twilight shot behind me, shacking in fear as we walked. I chuckled, I didn't understand how scary creatures of the forest could actually be. If they were anything like the pretty flying bugs from before they should be harmless yet impossible to catch. We continued on, it soon became to dark to see so we stopped in a small opening. The grass had a blue hue to it and was soft enough to rest on. I walked out into the forest and let Twilight set up camp while I foraged for some herbs. I read a book on herbs back at the house so I had an idea of what to look for. As I ventured out I heard footsteps and then the sound of metal hitting a rock. I tensed up, my heart raced and everything started to become more vivid. I walked carefully to the area of the noise, I came closer to the area and rounded the bend. I saw a sword laying next to a rock, It was a simple broadsword with blue pin stripping on the hilt. I picked it up and realized I've seen this kind of sword before back at the lab. Shocked at the realization I grabbed the sword and ran back, it was the workers, they're here, they found me. I rushed to the camp and saw Twilight making stew, she stopped and looked at me. I didn't stop running but instead dropped the sword. I saw a reflection in the bushes behind her and soon a gas mask emerged. I leaped over Twilight, ramming the worker and sending him into a tree. its friend saw this and came over, it grabbed it's sword and mad a heavy arching motion sending the sword at me. I jumped to the right and mule kicked him in the jaw, shattering it. It stammered back, it's friend was getting his bearings again. It grabbed it's spear and charged me, I ducked down and it tripped over my body. I walked over to it and kicked it a few times in the face, denting its mask. It's friend was getting up so I jumped over to it and slammed it's head into the ground. Twilight came over and saw the two workers unconscious around me. She gasped and came towards me, I had a gash down my back. I didn't feel it because of the adrenaline but Twilight did. She came over and looked at my back, I soon noticed the green blood running off my mane. "7 are you ok," She gasped. "Yeah I'm fine, It should heal just fine," I replied. Twilight watched carefully as the bleeding stopped as quickly as it started. "The DNA skin weave makes my skin more resilient than most ponies," "But what are these "Things" around me?" "Workers, they must have followed us out of the village," "W-what are they?" "I don't know, lets have a peek shall we," I said happily as I walked over to one. Twilight was close behind me as I grabbed the mask. I pulled it off but now wish I never did, Twilight screamed as I shook my head. They weren't ponies anymore, they were monsters made by the doctors. It's face was mutilated, a V shaped glass dome showed it's brain. There was wires running along it's brain and machinery stitched into its face. It's eyes were replaced with an optical enhancement device allowing it to see in different ways. UV, X-ray, night vision you name it, it's skull was reconfigured too. The hair was stripped and replaced with metal and scar tissue. I was about to throw up at the sight of the things, the poor things. I turned around and nudged Twilight a little to let her know it's ok. "K-kill m-e, please 7, end this h-hell," One of them whispered. It knew my name, it retained it's soul and fought the control of the doctors for now. I walked back to the camp and grabbed the sword and returned to the spot. "I thought you said you wouldn't kill anyone," Twilight said quietly. "I-I know, but they're already dead Twilight. They've suffered long enough," I replied softly. "If I destroy the brain Gen Corp. can't use them anymore. They will be left undisturbed to rest in peace," "I...I understand but h-how can they do this?" "I don't know Twilight, I'm so sorry," I replied. I hopped up on my hind legs and drove the sword into it's skull. I walked over to the other one still awake, "I'm so sorry my friend," I whispered to it. "Thank you 7," It replied as I drove the sword into it's skull. I pulled the sword out and took a few steps back. Twilight was on the ground shacking, I knew she didn't understand and she wanted to forget. I sat next to her, I was bloodied, scornful and saddened but never showed it. Instead I sat there and rubbed her back, letting her know it's over. At least for now. > Subject 36-Flair > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't live with myself after what had conspired earlier. I promised never to take a life but what kind of life is worth living as...as a monster. The thoughts floated in my mind as Twilight rested, I remained awake to study the map. We were heading to a small, coastal village known as Mareatime, it sounds like a fun place actually. I looked at the map more intently, pondering the coarse safest for us to take. The hum of both birds and monsters alike made it hard to concentrate so I returned to bed. I opened the small yet plush sleeping bag and found my way inside, the warmth soothed me and my mind shut off. Allowing me, even for the shortest moment, to forget and relax. The sun broke the tree line, it speckled the ground and lit the area. The birds were buoyantly singing their morning songs and feeding their young. I rose in my bag, my back fought the movement, popping and cracking as I stood up. I wobbled a little, my legs were weak but strong enough still to maintain the weight. I lowered my front legs and kicked my flank into the air, my back cracked along with the motions. I winced and hissed at the pain but felt a cool sense of relief stroll over all my joints upon completion. Twilight looked at me with her face cockeyed, she was disgusted in the abstruse sight before her. She disregarded it and continued to write something down in her journal. I waltz over and took a peek but I couldn't read her writing, it's like the doctors writing. Unrefined scribbles that only they can understand. I continued to stretch, Twilight shuddered with every grunt or pop she heard. She turned around and looked at me for a little while before speaking. "Are you ok 7?" She asked setting her book down. I stopped myself, feeling embarrassed I smiled awkwardly and rubbed the back of my hair. Twilight smiled and looked away to continue her writings, I walked off into the forest. I went over to the area of where the dead workers bodies laid bereft of life. I stepped my way through the stained brush to get to them only to be shocked at the sight before me. The bodies had been taken, moved by the doctors. I became enraged, my body tensed and flared. I groaned loudly and searched for the bodies but they were nowhere in sight. The only lead I had found was blood speckling the trail of decumbent grass. I sat down, a tear swelled in my eyes as I fell out of my anger. I remained there and spoke softly to myself. "How could they take them, they were dead. Fuck, how could they not have even the slightest bit of respect for the dead!" I looked off to the direction they were headed, a commotion from the shrubbery behind me. I turned around swiftly, I grit my teeth waiting for another worker or doctor to emerge. I dug my rear hooves into the ground and was ready to charge when Twilight stumbled out. She was covered in foliage and twigs, it looked as if she fell in and out of the bush. I relaxed and let out a sigh of relief, my jaw unlocked and I was able to speak. "Hey, did you hear anything last night?" "No, why wha!.....Oh Celestia, where did they go?" She asked startled. Her pupils began to shrink as her mind raced with all the possibilities. she gasped when she saw the trail of blood, it wasn't a lot but enough to be noticeable. I saw her the fear hinted in her eyes, how she gawked showed she wasn't use to this. I, unfortunately, have seen this all to many times. Gen Corp. and there weekly "collections" were frightful at first but quickly fail to strike fear. I gaited over to her, I put my arms on her shoulders and looked her square in the eyes. "We need to find them," I said softly, she looked even more shocked and she couldn't talk. "They deserve better Twilight, you can come but if not I'll see you at the village." "I-I'll go with you, your right they deserve better," She finally managed to say. I smiled and nodded my head at her " Let's get a move on then!" I yelled as I trotted off in the direction the trail lead. Twilight was close behind with her bags bouncing on her back, they were heavy knocking her off balance as she ran. The scenery around us began to blur as we ran, the trail in front of us was beginning to run dry. I tried my best to keep sight of anything that would she us more of where they went when something caught my eye. I stopped this time, dirt pilling around my hooves as I slid to a stop. I looked down in surprise, a smile shot across my face."You got to be kidding me, Twilight I stopped!" I said joyfully as she arduously trotted up to me. She was gasping, her lags wobbled and sweat beaded her head. She put her head on my back as I laughed at this astounding feet. I let Twilight rest on my back, her breathing was heavy and callous but she soon regained her composure. She lifted her head and looked over to the object, it was a large, metallic brace. It was shaped to hold some pony, possibly dangerous or just another subject. I looked carefully around the area of the brace and saw hoof prints leading towards a large, admirable tree. I walked through the shrubs and vines that hung carelessly from the branches above. The surrounding became more peaceful, a vibrant purple hue encircled us as we walked in. The admirable tree was in another opening much like the one Twilight and I were in earlier. The tree was massive, it's leaves were a shade of violet and the tree was ensnared in barbed vines. I walked in, my body was overrun and my senses were shut off. The tree had a natural pheromone that bromidic even the most prudent of ponies. I looked around the haze and saw a colt laying under the tree. I trotted over and saw that her had a mask on, strapped adorned his arms and he was branded. It was a line with three dots under it. The mare was struggling to get free, I put my hoof on his shoulder and her looked over. He couldn't see through the steel mask, how he got over here itself is a miracle. I waited patiently for him to calm down and then proceed to remove the mask. The gaskets hissed as the pressure released from the and the mask soon fell off. I was shocked at the sight, he had a large scar allocated on his face over his left eye. His mane was a dark brown color which complimented his tan coat. He looked at me stiffly and smiled, I knew he was happy to see me. I proceed to untangle his arms, the straps peeped as the came loose. As the straps fell I again was shocked. His hooves were and foreleg were entwined with wiring. His legs weren't skin but instead a white metal boots with tubing jutting from them into the higher parts of his legs. His front right shoulder had a metal plating it, it was weaved on and couldn't be removed. I backed away, seeing this large, tan pony as a half colt have robot was intriguing. He got up and stretched, he grunted stressfully and proceed over my way. "Thank you, um, ha I don't know you my name is Flair. If you wan to be specific though I'm Subject 36!" He said blissfully. "Hey! my name is Subject 7!" I replied surprised. "You're a test subject too, lucky you then," "Why?" I asked as he walked around me inspecting me carefully. He made a full circle around me, grunting approvingly a few times as he did so. He finished and then sat in front of me and I did as well. "You, 7, look splendid I mean I'm a damned cyborg but you my friend look great. So what tests did they do to you?" He asked scratching his head. "Haha well Flair I was part of Blood and DNA testing. My skin is stronger then most ponies and heals at an extraordinary rate. The blood testing with infusing changeling blood with mine hoping the natural adrenal stimulant would react properly with my vascular system. Now I run almost as fast as a Pegasus can fly and withstand immense amounts of pain." I said boastfully. "But what about you flair, what did they do to you?" "Yeah you look awful!" Twilight burst in startling us both. I fell over and Flair jumped up on his hind legs and put his hoofs in the air. He looked like a cat ready to pounce and I looked like a dead fish. We soon regained ourselves and returned to the previous conversation. "Well, 7, I was part of the first test group to be approved for Bio-molecular welding and Biotic Reforming. My muscles have been enhanced with electricity coils inter weaved with the muscle system. It provides a subtle amount of energy which stimulates the muscles and my senses since they welded some of the weaving to my spine. My hooves are part of Biotic Reforming, they replaced the entire bottom parts of my legs with a force sensitive, hydraulic press system. It vastly improves my strength and allows me to bear heavy loads and move larger objects. The tubing jutting from them is just help blood flow through the system," He said as boastfully as me. "You guys are proud of this?" Twilight asked confused. We both looked at her cock eyed and fell over laughing, Flair and I had an immediate connection. I continued to laugh and Flair got up, he rubbed a tear from his eyes and tried to speak. "Y-you *haha* think w-we are proud of this, NO! Haha, we're just glad to be up and kicking, those tests are fuckin painful deary!" He said barely maintaining his composure. It wasn't as funny as it was but then again she didn't understand. I eventually got up and walked over to her, I hugged her and Flair joined in. I was happy to find another like me, I was happy to see that so far everything was going perfectly. I didn't let go and Flair backed off, Twilight caught on and hugged me. She knew I was happy, I wasn't the only one alive, I wasn't the last Subject. I let go of Twilight and looked at Flair. "Hey, Flair! you want to come with us, we could use someone as yourself." He turned around, a glimmer of hope twinkled in his eyes as he came back. He got close to me, his stature made me feel small but safe at the same time. He looked at me sternly but soon smiled and launched me into the air. "Oh you little dip, I would love to come with. In fact I know the route to Mareatime, it was my home once!" He said happily as he led the way. Me and Twilight followed closely behind the massive tan pony, his steps left deep impressions on the delicate grass. The beast of the Everfree remained silent as we walked by, fearing the massive colt as he walked on. The forest, when it was quiet was a beautiful place. It became more peaceful then frightening and Twilight peeled herself from my side. She pulled out her journal, writing down something again. I wanted to take a peek and see what she wrote but couldn't get the book from her. It was hard to take a book from that mare but it made the trip more worthwhile. We covered a lot of ground since Flair knew the forest fairly well. It was only mid morning before the thick foliage began to lessen. The sun broke through more and more before we cleared the forest entirely. We were on top of a massive cliff overseeing the small village of Mareatime. Flair had a look of sheer happiness, he took in a deep breath of salty sea air. "I'm home , I'm finally back home," he said as a tear welled in his eyes. > Booze and Boats > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me, Flair and Twilight were trotting through the slightly run down village. It's buildings were finished with molded, cherry wood. The smell of sea salt congested the air as we walked on, everypony stared at us attentively. their worn eyes gazed seamlessly at us as we continued on. I guess we were and odd group with a Cyborg, over packed unicorn, and me of coarse. It was getting dark out, the sun began to hid behind the cover of the trees. Flair looked around, trying to find a place of particular interest. I watched as his head shot from left to right, Flair and I wire wired but Twilight was beginning to tire. She yawned blatantly and let her head ride lower then her body. Saddles formed under eyes as I looked back, I stopped and held her head up so I could speak. "Hey, Twilight go find a hotel to stay at. Flair and I will continue to look around and find you later," I said softly as she yawned again. Twilight nodded her head in agreement and lugged off in another direction, I felt uneasy doing this but Flair reassured me. "Don't worry, the folk here look scary but they're fairly nice." he said confidently with a shimmering smile. We continued on and Flair began to look franticly this time. We stopped at every run down, decrepit hole within the district before we stopped. Flair began to laugh loudly, he looked at me and motioned me in. I opened the wooded carousel like doors, the atmosphere was aphotic and depressing. Everypony was blushing, laughing or picking fights. There were stains all over the floor and everypony here looked happy or sad. It set me in an uneasy position as I entered cautiously, everypony stared at us, watching and waiting for us to move. Flair stood fast, he held his head high and began to yell. "Three Rainbow Runners for me and the kid!" he said joyfully and everypony threw their drinks into the air. I was confused at this liquid, it made everyone basically bipolar but happy as they drank it. It had an atrocious aroma to it and made me want to vomit. I felt sick and wanted to leave but Flair got a hold of me and set me on the stool. I watched as the pony behind the counter poured the liquid into three, large tankards and slid two sets down. I looked at the burly drink, questioning it's properties and the affects it had on ponies. Flair noticed me as I awkwardly stared at the drink, he leaned over to me and put his hoof on my shoulder. "You every had a bit of beer before 7?" He asked questioningly. "No, this would be my first time actually," I replied primly as Flair shot up in his stool. He looked at me wide eyed, I could see opportunity in them. "You never, in all honesty never had beer?" "Nope, is it any good?" I asked as Flair picked up one of his tankards and chugged it. His throat bulged with every massive gulp, the glass quickly became crystal again with a few bubbles left over on the bottom. He slammed the drink back down, he grunted with pleasure and snorted in through his nose. His cheeks began to redden and his mood slowly became more bubbly. I was confused at this, I wanted to understand how this worked so I started to drink mine. I let a little bit slip onto my tongue, I was bewildered at first taste. It smelt horrid but had a death grip on my taste buds. I couldn't hold myself back and chugged the tasteful drink. I finished it and slammed the drink down as a look of approval adorned Flairs face. He looked at me and grabbed another tankard and put it on my chest. "Two more 7, only two more before the good stuff," He said softly. I was joyful at the sound of something better then this so I drank the next two tankards quickly. I set them down, my cheeks were rose red, my mind was blurry and my words were slurring. Flair looked a bit baffled himself as he continuously spun in his bar stool. We were both in a state of captivity as our inhibitions fled, the pony from before came over and took the glasses as Flair stumble closer. I grabbed my hoof, I spun around and fell to the floor but he continued to drag me. My face ached with my head and I was soon thrown into a boot, Flair sat on the other side and tapped his hoof. The pony again came over with two more drinks, he carefully placed them on the table and walked away. Flair put his hoof on his drink and looked at me. "S-so you and Twilight, tell me when if you guys thought about screwing?" he said confusingly. "W-what, Flair I d-don't fully under...stand," I finally said. "You k-know, cwop, clop. Yeah clop, h-have ya guys done it?" "No, coarse n....what’s screwing?" "It's when you stick, when you stick your a-apple tree in her orchard," "That’s gardening you funny * ha-ha* , funny p-pfft!" I broke out laughing, I hit my hoof on the table in joy, laughing buoyantly with Flair. "Haha yeah it is, so I-in a more Shyentifical way. It's when you stick that," Flair pointed at my crotch "and stick it in h-her flower.....Vag....place," He barely managed to finish. "Oh, OH, no I didn't know that was possible. It sounds...it sounds painful though," "M-my fucking, with Celestia as my w-witness I intox-icated a virgin!" He said proudly. "Intoxicated, is that w-what I am?" "Your drunk off your flank 7," "My flank is still on though," I slurred looking down at my flank. "You dip it's a finger of speech," "Haha, you said finger," "Sorry, f-figure of speak," He said looking over at a mare by the bar "Celestia, ya-yaknow what 7, I want a child of my own," "T-that’s beautiful fare, *sniff *so lovely," "My name is FL..." I cut him off, putting my hoof in his face. "Shut up, sh-shush up you don't know what you're talking about," "Ok, still I would love to be a f-father 7," "I think you'd make a wonderful mother Flail," "You think s-so, but what about my figure?" "No d-don't worry, you...you look awesome!" I said falling over, my arms flailing in the air. I fell off the stool and hit the ground, blacking out as I did so. I woke up in a bedroom, my head ached and the birds chirping was agonizing. The room was lightly furnished, it had a troth, two beds and a desk. The sun was bright and irritated my eyes as I licked my dry, cracked lips. I stumble over to a troth to wet my lips, Twilight watched my pained walk. She came over and helped me, placing my arm over her back and propping me up. I could barely think and everything annoyed my senses, I tried my best to hold myself up but it was arduous. We finally made it to the troth, I dove my head in and drank the small, tin troth dry. I immediately began to feel better, my sense calmed and my body relaxed. Flair walked in soon after and grabbed a towel and lobbed it at me. It hit my face and I used it dry off as he spoke. "You two need to hurry up, we need to figure out where to go from here," He stated. "I figure that we could use the local ferry to get to the Arentile Archipelago," Twilight replied. "Good thinking, you head over to the ferry. Here, take my bits, there's about 50 or so. Go buy some tickets while I sober 7 up," he said smiling. Twilight nodded and trotted of with her bags, Flair waltz over to me and placed his hoof on my body. He picked me up and set on his back and walked out the door. I felt queasy and off tilt, my composure was slowly returning but not fast enough. I bounced on Flair back as we left the hotel, he waved at the colt working the desk and walked off. As we exited the hotel the sun burnt my eyes, the boisterous sounds of work plagued me. I covered my ears and closed my eyes as Flair trudged on. Soon I fell off his back, I opened my eyes again but this time it didn't hurt. I slowly got up, my body tried to pull me back down but Flair assisted me. I propped myself against him as we walked, I could see the ferry in sight. It was a few blocks away so I used this time to talk to Flair. "What the hell happened to me?" I asked sternly. "It's more of a question of what is happening. You, 7, have a hangover and a bad one at that. It must be the changeling blood, it must not agree with alcohol very well," He replied. "Please, remind me never to drink beer again," I pleaded, Flair just laughed and we continued on. It took a few few callous minutes but we finally made it to the boat, Twilight stood beside the gate with three tickets in her mouth. She looked over and saw us, she became excited and rushed over to us. A weird feeling came over me as she ran, I became hot and bothered fro some reason. I couldn't remember why I felt this way but I felt like I have talked about this. Twilight was finally upon us, she breathed a little heavier then usual and handed us our tickets. She smilled as she handed me my ticket and backed away a little. "So are you guys ready to go," She said jumping slightly into the air. "You bet we are, to bad 7 is still a little hungover. A boat ride won't help that," Replied Flair. "Why what will happen?" I asked. Twilight and Flair looked at each other and simultaneously said "Sea sickness!" "Oh, that doesn't sound terrible, lets go!" I yelled and walked to the boat with my head held high. I got up to the gate, I could see through it and saw a wondrous sight. The boat was massive, sleek white paint adorned the side of the vessel. There was writing go on the side, it said "Saint "Mare" Ia" I chuckled at the pun. I followed the gate to an opening where a kiosk was set up, a pony in a white and blue suit stood on the other side. Twilight and Flair caught up to me and handed there tickets to the pony before entering the boat. I did the same and ran on board with them, I ran up the ramp onto a big open recreation area. Waves crashed along the side fo the boat swaying it gently, my stomach began to churn. I felt queasy and ran over to the side of the boat. Twilight followed me and held my hair back as I vomited off the side of the boat. Flair fell over laughing at this, Twilight wasn't impressed with him and went over to him. I remained on the side of the boat holding my stomach back as Twilight yelled at Flair. I rested on the side and watched the waves, I was happy to be on the ferry. It was a new experience again but this time with two wonderful friends.