> Dance Under Star Kismet > by MLP Moth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue + Chapter 1 - Rain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prologue 11 Years After War Nexus Dawn, the daughter of Starflare and Shadow is a kind, loving, and caring soul. Her smooth orange coat was always well-groomed by herself and her long shaded yellow mane and tail was soft. Her eyes lost their light, the light that brought happiness to her few friends that rarely saw her. Bags under her eyes made Dawn appear much older than she actually was. The RAK, Royal Airborne Knights, was disbanded shortly after War Nexus ended. Ex-Knight Black Soul did not want to continue to fight so instead she resigned and went off to live the rest of her life as peacefully as she could and forget the short years that felt like the longest. Seng and the other former Knights also resigned and most of them left Lalifong to live, like Black Soul. Lacoden, the mass-murderer, the Hooded-One. Her shaded yellow coat was rough compared to Dawn's. She cared little for grooming, that's why she cut her violet mane that almost reached her knees to a short cut that barely passed the bottom of her ears. She would now be considered one of the most deadly unicorns in all of Equestria, but harmless in the eyes of Dawn. Having saved Lacoden from the grasp of her despair and anger, Rex, Dawn knew Lacoden couldn't hurt another soul. Dawn tried everything she could to convince the Princesses, the Peacekeepers, and the Thorned Cloak that Lacoden was safe. Nothing convinced them. Lacoden was exiled to an island far off the east coast of Equestria, this island was special. The ocean close to the island were violent, the island was not inhabited by other ponies, and most importantly magic did not work on the island. There would be no safe way for Lacoden to escape the island. Dawn argued that Lacoden was supposed to be punished not killed. The others still insisted. Lacoden knew what she had done, or rather what Rex had done, and owned up to it. She accepted her fate and was more relaxed about it than Dawn was. She spent as much time as she could before Lacoden was exiled. Her sentence was 25 years in exile. Lord Excaelum, the great Gravity Dragon was never seen ever since Dawn had last seen him 11 years ago shortly after having returned to Equestria from Fallen Star. Only rumors kept Dawn informed about Excaelum, in fact the dragons in all. Dragons were now rarely seen, not like before where one would see a dragon about once every moon. Now it seemed that dragons never existed. Dawn tried to communicate with Excaelum often with her power, Love. Every attempt was useless. Dawn felt alone. She felt alone. Her friends were far away and the ponies she once called her friends were now strangers. Chapter 1 - Rain Dawn was in the royal courtyard, she spent most of her day there when she wasn't busy, which was most of the time. The sky was filled with gray clouds and she smiled at them. She had set up a green blanket near the edge of the garden, the edge overlooked Lalifong. She lied on her side and rested her always tired body. This was her pass time. She hated how often she got to lie there in peace. It didn't feel as special as it once did when she first started doing this. A good hour passed before she heard hoofsteps approaching. "Good morning, Dawn" The pony said. "Good morning, Cloudfire." She replied with a yawn. "Dali wants to interview you. Says its for the paper she's starting." Cloudfire said. Cloudfire, once considered a coward by a few of his friends, was now in command of Thorned Cloak, personal guard of the princesses. Thorned Cloak was formed on the journey back to Equestria from Fallen Star and is meant to be only for the most loyal fighters. Dawn brought her head up and stretched her legs, "Sorry, I wasn't listening. Can you repeat it please?" Cloudfire sighed, "Dali wants to interview you. Listen that time?" Dawn laughed quietly, "I heard you the first time. I was just joking." Dawn turned to Cloudfire and stood up. Cloudfire coat was covered by the tan colored cloak he wore. It was worn out with a few small, but noticeable holes in it. And his mane was buzzed short, he says it makes him look more professional. "I'll have her sent here right away." He bowed, "Ah." He exclaimed. "Yes?" "The ball is tomorrow night. Just thought I'd remind you." "Oh, damn. I forgot about it. Thank you, Cloudfire." "Well, good thing I'm here." He smiled, "You don't catch a cold either, Dawn. It's gonna rain soon." As Cloudfire pivoted to trot back inside Dawn folded the green blanket into a near square. Cloudfire stopped and saw that Dawn was coming with him. "I don't want my blanket getting wet." She held it by her magic, "Shall we?" They trotted back together inside the castle, "I see it more proper to be interrogated inside. Don't you agree?" Cloudfire rolled his eyes, "Yes, Dawn. And after I need to talk to you about a few things. Our citizens aren't so happy with their leaders. Alright?" He said in a firm voice. "It's very serious." They entered the glass door and Dawn placed the blanket on a guard standing watch by it, "Thank you." She said to the guard, he nodded, "I know." "We all understand that it's difficult to run a nation. That's why we are here to help. Accept it." Dali came trotting to them from a painting halfway down the hall, "It'll relax you to talk to some pony who isn't in uniform for once. Guard, let's give these two some privacy." Cloudfire and the guard both bowed and disappeared. Dali, a former mail mare, was now an amateur reporter. She's intelligent, but for some reason hasn't found her place yet. A lean gray Pegasus with her white mane parted to the left side of her head. She carried a small satchel and wore a simple metal chain necklace with a leafy flower pendant. She greeted Dawn,"Hello, your-" "No no no, I'm not much of a fan of formalities." Dawn exclaimed, "We are familiar with each anyways. Friends." "Ah ok. Well, I thought that since we haven't seen each for a couple of months I start us off on the right hoof." Dali smiled. "You don't have to." They started to snail their way down the great hallway, "How have you been lately, Dali?" "Caught a few colds here and there. Met a cute stallion too." Dali blushed. "And you?" "He's lucky to have a nice mare." They passed a blue banned that had the old RAK insignia stitched on yellow. "The usual. I'm sorry, you must've expected our talk to be more eventful." "It's fine." Dali chuckled. "Dali, you're one of the few non-military connections I have. How is everything in Lalifong, if you don't mind me asking?" "Everything is fine....no, it's not actually." Dawn looked at her with a sad expression, "A bad fever has been spreading, trades with Saddle Arabia, our main trading partner, have pretty much ceased. Prices go up on items that are scarce. Ponies quitting their jobs left and right because managers have to cut their salary to save their business." It started to sprinkle, the droplets gave the hall a bubbly texture, "Our trades?" The great hall ended, but they continued to trot through the castle. "It amazes me how the Peacekeepers don't tell you anything. You're their leader, you should be informed. Well, the shipments of food, clothes, etc, have simmered down during the last five years. No pony knows why and when we send ponies to negotiate trade matters they return with bad news or no news at all. Some want war, some want aggressive negotiation." Dawn scoffed, "What's the difference?" "None. Now you know what they want." "I had my share of fighting." "I know. Want to continue?" "Best that we do." "I agree. You're not liked, you do know that?" Dawn didn't reply and look ashamed of herself, "So you do. Well, this is a warning from one friend to another. You have to make them happy. I heard rumors about trying to force you out of power if things don't improve or you step down." "I'm hated that much, huh?" "Afraid so." "I will not step down. I will have to get work. Being cooped up in this castle has made me blind." "Good to hear it. Princess, I believe my work here is finished for today." "I'll walk you out." They started to trot down the widest hall, they usually led to the exit. "Dali, I am inviting to the ball. Would you like to attend?" "I don't know, I have a lot of work to do, and so do you." "High officials from Saddle Arabia will be attending. You and I can both have a word with them personally. They are spending the night in our guest rooms tonight. Along with officials from the Crystal Empire, Griffons, Bullvaria, Feland, and Reiner." They arrived at the main gate, "Alright. Sounds like a plan. Until tomorrow then." Dali turned around and bowed to Dawn, Dawn bowed back. It started to pour, "Dawn, we need to talk." Cloudfire said coming from behind her. She replied angrily, "Yes, we do. Why wasn't I told about our trades with Saddle Arabia?" "Dali told you?" "Doesn't matter if she did or not, Cloudfire. You should've told me yourself." "I can't argue with that. There's more to it than plummeting trade numbers. We believe Saddle Arabia is actually a victim." "Is that so?" "Yes, and remember the serial killer, The Painter? The one I told you about maybe three weeks ago." "What does that have to do with this?" "Let's talk somewhere more private." Cloudfire went to the empty great hall and Dawn followed, once Dawn was next to Cloudfire he resumed, "Everything, because The Painter's first victim was Saddle Arabia's trade leader. The next four victims were his replacements. And it seems like The Painter has came to Lalifong. We found two more victims." "Why haven't you've intercepted him or her?" "We have reason to believe The Painter is a Peacekeeper. We found a Peacekeeper patch at the scene and it was intentionally sewed onto the victims throat. And of course, the Peacekeepers will be guarding high officials tomorrow. That's not why we are very anxious for tomorrow though." "What is?" "The Painter likes to paint symbols of blood from their victims in the ancient Equine language. We've had translators and historians figure out what they've meant ever since the third case. The most recent case had the ancient word "fluravay", which translates to dawn." "So I'm the bait. Sounds fun." "That's the idea." "I'll play along." "It's not a game, Dawn. Your life is at stake." The rain started to come down hard. "I must go." Cloudfire and Dawn both exchanged bows, then Dawn was left alone in the empty hall. "What happened to me?" She sighed, and walked out the glass door into the pouring rain. Her coat and mane were getting soaked. Her wet mane felt heavy. She walked over to the spot where she had been laying down before she went inside. She pointed her muzzle to the sky with her eyes closed. She loved how the rain hit against her. She put her head down and stared at the wet grass below her. A slight frown on her face. "I wish you were here, father." > Chapter 2 - Puppets > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 - Puppets The rain ceased in the evening, leaving a fresh scent in the air. Dawn flapped her wings in a snap to rid of most water weighing down her feathers. The hall was warm compared to the outside, but it was kind of too stuffy for Dawn. She unlatched some of the windows to let some air in. It took a few minutes for Dawn to feel the breeze flow through the windows. On the way to her room, in the north tower, she saw no pony. No maids, no guards, no scholars. She wondered where they all went. Her gut felt strange, she felt some pony or something was watching her. Exiting the main palace to the rear courtyard, pass two twin guard towers, she took a right. A fountain on her lift and hedges on her right. At the end of the hedges she made a left and straight ahead was her tower. It overlooked the vast northern land with no visible villages or cities. Dawn slipped climbing up the stairs, scraping her right knee. She winced at the sharp pain, then it faded away. She cursed the scrape and continued up. At the top of the staircase was a Hybrid Changeling, Hex, an old friend...well, more of an acquaintance to Dawn. Hex had the body and abilities of a normal Changeling, but no loyalty to the Changeling Queen. The only thing that could be used to tell Hex from his other two identical siblings, at first glance, were his eyes. They were yellow. Small scars on his chest and sides were what made his stand out. He was not ashamed of them. He wore his scars as a badge of honor. "Good evening, Princess." Hex said in a monotone low voice. He was staring off into space. "Good evening, Hex. How long has it been since we've last spoken?" "One year." He replied still monotone. "You've been well?" "Yes, seems like you have been too." "Fog and Polar?" Hex sighed, "Gone. Dead." His tone changed, "Killed by a group of Greybacks." Dawn saw Hex's sadness on his face, "I'm sorry to hear that." "I killed every last one of them. Damn beasts." Greybacks are a vicious species of lizards. Not only did their size strike fear in most who came across their paths, their claws, and teeth also did. Their coordination with each other made them even more deadly. Dawn walked to his left side, "I trust you made them suffer." "Dearly, Princess." "Mm, now I must ask, will you be willing to be one of my personal guards, Hex?" "As one who has sworn to protect you and your kin, but abandoned that duty, I will." "You were let go of that promise, you don't have to." "Yes, I still feel I have a debt to pay though." "Feel free to stay as long as it takes for you to pay that bill." "Thank you, Princess." "It's been good to see you again, Hex. Now if you'll excuse me I have to get some rest." She tilted her head to him as she walked away. "I will make myself useful." Hex bowed in return and leaped off the edge of the stairs and flew off. The next day It was morning, just a couple hours before noon and the first guests have already arrived at the castle's main gates. The first to arrive were friends from Reiner, formerly known as Fort Reiner, Holt and Mirage. They came early to spend as much time with Dawn as possible before others arrived. Mirage bowed to Dawn, approaching with a light smile, "Princess, what a lovely day it is." Holt didn't bow as he didn't see a need for him to, he felt like he was Dawn's uncle. "Why yes it is. The rain just passed over yesterday." They wrapped each other's forelegs around one another. Dawn turned her attention to Holt, "Holt, long time no see." "Too long it feels like. Show us in will you." "Of course, right this-" as Dawn spun around she saw Cloudfire and another stallion eyeing her, silently calling for her attention. "Excuse me, guard please show our guests what there is too see." The castle guard complied and led Holt and Mirage into the castle. Dawn trotted to Cloudfire, "What is it?" "Everything is in place, Princess. We have Daggers inspecting the Peacekeepers and we doubled the security on Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as a precaution." "Alright, and what's your role in this, Gardok?" Dawn asked. He replied, "Fortunately for you, your personal guard." "You know I don't need one." "It's for appearances. Without security The Painter could just walk right up to you, with they'd have to coordinate, possibly with others." Cloudfire exclaimed. A castle guard came trotting to them at a hurried pace. "A pack of four Iron Wolves, sir." The young stallion was panting. "Just in time. Bring them to me." Cloudfire ordered. The stallion turned around and ran down the road away from the castle. Dawn was curious, "Why the Wolves?" "I have a few friends that are willing to help us flush out The Painter." The Wolves appeared on the horizons, their large silhouettes were very distinct. The average Iron Wolf stood a head taller than an adult stallion and their paws were the size of dinner plates. "This group is particularly special. Looked down upon by their own race, but the Iron Wolves have never been so lucky to have them." "They sound like quite the group. I can't wait." Dawn took her place at the top of the stairs in the castle. Cloudfire at the castle's front gates with the Iron Wolves and trusted Thorned Cloak warriors, like Gardok. The Peacekeepers were arriving. They didn't know for sure if the Painter was one of the Peacekeepers or one of the guests, but they had to be sure. As the columns of Peacekeepers started to pour into the front gates, the Iron Wolves were discreetly sniffing them for the scent of blood. The first squad of Peacekeepers smelled free of blood, but there was an individual that was a bit nervous. Routine security should've been nothing to worry about, right? They pulled him away along with three other Peacekeepers to avoid singling him out. His name was Julien. One of the most senior members of the Peacekeepers. He had a family and had been loyal to Dawn and the other princesses. He was also a skilled unicorn warrior, he was a dangerous suspect. Cloudfire reminded them of their job today and noticed that Julien's pupils were darting back and forth in his eyes. Cloudfire dismissed the group but signaled Gardok, who was at the castle steps, to keep an eye on him with a flick of his wing. Another group of Peacekeepers walked in and Harmony, one of the Iron Wolves, made a low growl. Her muzzle was pointed at mare. Her ears pointed straight up as she was about to pounce. Then she got her attention diverted to another Peacekeeper in the column. "Alpha, that mare reeks of blood." "I know. She appears harmless, her greatest weapon." Alpha responded. The two suspected mares and the column trotted passed them. All the Peacekeepers have been accounted for. Alpha and Harmony stayed by the gates. "And the other one. She smells of blood too." "Don't do anything reckless, Harmony. Or else they may never find out who their Painter is." "Their way is too damn slow." Harmony said angrily. Alpha growled, "This is the opportunity for you to learn how to be patient. You're impatience will not serve you well, Harmony." Harmony scoffed and walked to the side of the the castle, disappearing into the shrubs. Alpha sighed, "Still a pup." Dawn saw the waves of Peacekeepers and her heart began to race. "Where are you, Painter?" She was so fixed on trying to eye a potential suspect that she didn't notice her invited guest, Dali. She actually made Dawn jump. Dawn panted, "Geez you could've at least called for me." Dali chuckled, "I did. You didn't hear I guess. How's your morning, Princess?" "You look beautiful and quite well. Yours?" "Likewise and so do you. I notice your mane has been well done. So when are we gonna talk to some of the leaders?" "Unfortunately not today." "Huh, why not?" "I don't wanna lie to you so let me be clear." Dawn pulled Dali away from the guards standing by their side and whispered, "It is not safe here. It's best you stay next by Cloudfire." "All do respect, Princess, no." "Alright, not my fault if you get hurt now." They returned to their position. "Haha, I'll still blame you for not stopping me." Cloudfire was walking up the stairs, "Princess, I'm pleased to inform you that your guests have arrived. They wish to see you." Cloudfire walked back down the stairs and waited. Dawn and Dali slowly trotted down the stairs, "Guests?" Dali asked. "You'll see." They met up with Cloudfire who was crowded by Griffons, they were very anxious to speak with Dawn. "Good morning." "Anything but good, Princess." Snarled a Griffon. "Of course not." Dawn replied, she looked to her right and saw an old griffon. "Commander Talon, I didn't expect you here." "You failed to have your trades delivered to us." She said. "I believe you've been misinformed, Commander. I had them-" "Ha, this isn't the first time either. I am not here to socialize. Return our weapons or send us double of what you failed to deliver." Talon stepped up to Dawn, she was a head taller than her, "This is the last time I will tolerate your incompetence." "Don't try anything you'll regret." "I regret nothing." "Except flying blind." Talon growled loudly and looked Dawn dead in the eye, "Watch your tongue!" The guests around them stepped back. Talon straightened up and tried to appear calm, "This is the last time." She stormed out the castle. Peacekeepers closed in on Dawn, Dali felt a chill in her spine and backed away from Dawn without saying a word. In the group of 7 Peacekeepers was Julien and one of the other suspects. Dawn saw Julien slowly reach for his sword and as soon as he had it attached to his foreleg Dawn shot a spell at him. Julien deflected it and charged for Dawn, but was held back by the others. Four Peacekeepers escorted Dawn away from Julien who was still fighting back. He casted a spell that pushed others away from him violently and appeared in front of Dawn. "Stop! You don't have to do this." Dawn cried out to him. With tears in his eyes, he replied, "I have to." The corners of him mouth started to rise into a smile, it seemed like he was fighting it. He lunged, Dawn slipped to the side and he missed. One of her escorts tackled him and held him down, he smashed part of Julien's horn. Her escorts continued to find her a place for safety. Before she knew it Dawn was in a broom closet. She walked to the back of the room and looked into the wall panting. She closed her eyes to relax. She felt a presence in the room. She opened her eyes and looked up, "Which one of you is The Painter?" She said. She turned around and saw two stallion unicorns and one mare earth equine. The two stallions looked at each and looked confused, the mare was calm. "Her!" One of them shouted, in lightning speed the mare went from one side of the room to the other. The horns of the stallions fell off and they screamed in agony. She was gonna finish them off, but Dawn said, "Enough." The mare put her hoof on the floor and looked at Dawn, "Shut them up." She said, the two stallion had their tongues torn out and throats crushed, it was silent, "Hello, Princess." And turned to her. "Painter." Dawn wasn't nervous at all. She felt something familiar about the Painter, her eerie resemblance to Lacoden. She chuckled, "I'm flattered by that title. My name is Ersatel." "Nice to finally meet you, Ersatel." "Oh, I am not so sure it's nice for you. More...unpleasant? I'm assuming." "No, nice. Though I am upset that Julien turned on me." "Julien, a fine stallion he is. He was forced too so don't be so hard in him. His family was my guillotine." "You exposed his weakness. Smart." "Personally, I'd call it a strength. They're the reason why he's so good at fighting." "Ersatel, correct?" Ersatel nodded. "Why're you here?" "You have something that doesn't belong to you." "And that is?" "It makes you special. Let me just say that. Should be obvious enough." Dawn stared at her with a straight face, "Why don't you use your wings? I've noticed you don't use them for flight. It's a gift to be given the ability of magic and flight. Earth Equines have no such thing. If I were you I wouldn't set a hoof on the ground again." "I haven't had a need for them." "Everything you need is right here so I guess I can buy that. Do you have any family?" Dawn felt uneasy about the question, but stayed at ease, "All dead." She chuckled, "Explains a lot. Farewell, Princess. We'll meet again soon enough." The Painter have a deep bow and trotted out the door and disappeared. Then the door opened again, a Peacekeeper looked through. The Peacekeeper looked surprised, then in shock. He called to the others and had the bodies carried away. Later that same day, the castle was again dead silent. The guests have left and security was more heavy. Julien was taken in for interrogation by Cloudfire and Gardok, Dawn observed. The stone room one lamp in the corner and one iron door. This room was created to hold unicorn prisoners. Within it the only magic that could be performed was from Dawn and whoever she allowed. "Who else was there?" Cloudfire asked. "I don't know. There was just only one of them I swear!" Julien was beaten and restrained with magic. "Earth Equines can't perform magic, Julien!" "Please! Go to my family! They're in danger!" "Cloudfire, enough. Take a break." Dawn ordered, she removed Julien's restraints and Cloudfire left the room, "You aren't going anywhere understand me?" Dawn scolded to Julien. "I will personally check on them, but if I return to see you are not here or causing trouble you will be killed. Gardok, come along. I could use some company." Gardok closed the door behind them and walked down the hall to Cloudfire, "Feed him, make sure he's well. I will have have him released in the morning." Cloudfire tried to speak, "But-" "Stop. Just do as I say." "As you wish." "Gardok is coming with me to check on his family. Have a good night, Cloudfire." Cloudfire nodded. He called some guards over, Dawn and Gardok took their leave. On their way out Gardok said, "You don't seem all too shaken up." "About Julien?" "No, about your encounter with the Painter." "Oh, well I knew she wasn't gonna hurt me, she's saving me for her mentor or somepony of that relation." "Still not nervous. I don't get you sometimes." "If you ever tango with enemies as strong as Lord Excaelum, which I hope you don't, you'll understand. Nothing seems to scare you after that." They exited the castles front gates and boarded Dawn's personal carriage. "Take us to the town's fountain please. " The stallions began their trot toward Lalifong. Gardok closed the enchanted curtains of the carriage, making their conversation mute to the outside, but still allowing them to hear it. "I don't plan on fighting dragons anytime soon, especially not him." "Oh?" Dawn looked him in the eye, she knew he was hiding something. "Um, well, rumor has it that the reason dragon are so rarely sighted now is because of him. He's killing them." Dawn scoffed, "No, he's a dear friend of mine, my family. He won't do such a thing unless he had to." "With all do respect, Princess, but you haven't seen him in almost a decade. A lot can happen in that time." "That's very true. But I doubt those rumors are true." It was silent for a few moments, "What of Julien's family, Princess? Should they be questioned?" Dawn took a moment to answer, "If you were the Painter and you got what you needed by using Julien's family would you keep them alive after you've got what you wanted?" "Um, I suppose not. You don't think they're alive?" "Now why is that?" Gardok felt a little uncomfortable, "They'd be loose ends." "Exactly. No, I don't think they're alive. I believe the Painter killed them as soon as she got the chance." "Princess, what will you do if you've met an enemy as strong as yourself?" Dawn was stricken by that question, "What're you getting at?" "You said the Painter is saving you for her mentor. What if that mentor is as strong as you are? They must be bold enough to make that kind of move on you." "Hmm, I failed to mention how the other two guards were killed have I?" One of the stallions pulling the carriage said that they were almost to the fountain. "The Painter did it, didn't she? Tongues ripped out, throats crushed." "Yes, but she told somepony to do that. A unicorn we have yet to come across did it. I believe she saw what the Painter saw through her eyes. Pair magic. That's the only way the broom closet could've appeared empty to you when you checked. In order to do that you have to have a visual of what the room looks like to have it work." "You sound like a filly at the candy shop talking about magic, you know." "Well, I think the Painter has a skilled friend, or friends, that may pose as a challenge. Magic is very interesting." It was about ten minutes before they felt the carriage stop. "We're here." Gardok opened the door and stepped out first and held it open for Dawn. Dawn thanked the stallions for pulling her carriage. The town was sleepy. Not many equines out or lamps lit. Probably because it was almost midnight. "Which way, Gardok?" "Follow me." Gardok led Dawn four buildings away from the carriage, "If memory serves me well, this should be it." He noticed light coming from inside, "His wife is awake at least." He knocked on the door. It opened with a skinny mare standing in the doorway. "Hello there." The mare said. Her voice didn't sound normal to Gardok. And Dawn felt magic around her. Gardok said, "Free, good-" "Step back!" Dawn yelled. The mare's body fell over and a long red cut running along her neck started to appear. Gardok jumped out of his skin and the carriage stallions ran over. "I'll check inside." The carriage stallion arrived, "Don't come in. That's an order." Dawn entered the house and noticed an awful stench almost instantly. She used her wing to cover her muzzle, took a glance at the stairs right at the entrance of the door and continued to scrutinize the room. She looked to the walls and noticed blood. It made a character in ancient equine. Dawn didn't understand it. Then she heard the stairs creak. She looked up and saw a young filly covered in blood. It said, "Princess..." It fell down the stairs and Dawn took a few steps back. Again the body had a long red mark begin to appear on its throat. She was so disgusted by the body, it had a skin of another filly on top of it. She stepped out the door and felt sick to her stomach. "The kids?" Gardok asked, Dawn pointed to the stairs and he peered inside and saw them. "What the?!" He almost threw up, "I don't suppose you know what kind of magic that is?" "None that I know of." > Chapter 3 - Your Fault > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Your Fault It was early morning. Cloudfire had arrived to Julien's house and saw the bodies. He couldn't bare to even glance at them, he hadn't seen a scene like this ever since he was captured in the Saddle Arabian desert by Lacoden. Only a selected few of the Peacekeepers were allowed to be on site, keeping onlookers far. The bodies had been covered with white sheets and loaded onto a cart for a proper cremation. Dawn, Cloudifre, and Gardok began to investigate the house's interior further. With a translator to figure out what the character on the wall meant. Dawn was upstairs with Cloudfire, "She killed them here." Cloudfire opened a curtain, "Scared them up here and trapped them." He said with disgust. "Knowing her type. I'm sure she killed their mother in front of them, then moved on to the fillies. There's nothing here, Cloudfire." "What magic was used here?" "Magic is so vast as the oceans. Dark magic is certainly in the deepest trenches of them." "I fear this ally of hers is stronger than you may think." "I as well. To perform this kind of magic you need to have the strongest of minds." Dawn casted a spell to cleanse the room of blood and make the air fragrant. On the way down the stairs Gardok appeared and said, "Princess, it seems that Philis may need more time to translate the characters." "I thought there was just one." She replied. Dawn asked the translator, "So two?" "Yes, two. One. Two. There's a character within it. Usually to make a single sentence. Not as easy as a single character like the other ones. These stipples around the outer circle indicate a sentence." "Take as much time as you need, Philis, but we need to clear this house now. Copy down the characters so we can leave." Philis copied the characters in an old notebook. "Cloudfire, I'll tell Julien about this alone." Dawn scolded. She cleaned up the blood stains and proceeded outside. "Very well. We have some business to attend to. Gardok, meet me in front of the castle at noon." Cloudfire said. As they walked out they just noticed how many of the townsfolk were surrounding the house. "Gardok, protect Dawn." Gardok quickly stepped in front of Dawn. "There's nothing to see here. Please clear a path for the princess." One from the crowd shouted, "You've failed to give us security!" Another hollered, "The Tartarans are coming closer to our borders!" "We are dying out here and you don't care!" "Philis, get behind me." Dawn whispered. The old earth equine was trembling. Cloudfire shouted, "Enough! We hear your pleas. We can only do so much to keep you all safe. You have to help us protect yourselves as well. We can't be everywhere at once. Now please clear a path." The crowd was hesitant, but saw no reason to block them in. They got their word out directly to the princess. They parted and Dawn and her party cautiously walked through them. Once they were far away enough from the crown a Pegasus appeared from a corner of an alley, she called them over. Dawn nodded and they followed her instruction. The Pegasus led them further down the alley so no pony could see them together, "Dali." Cloudfire said. "Things are only gonna get worse, Cloudfire. Trust me." "What makes you think that?" He asked. "The Tartarans are always a threat, even though they have been rather dormant." "What do they have to do with this?" Dawn asked, "They haven't attacked for two years." "I know, but I fear they are the least of our worries." Cloudfire scoffed, "I hear the Painter has killed a whole family. Now to the regular townsfolk it appears as a normal murder, we all know it isn't." "You're right, it isn't. It's just the start of something new entirely." Dawn said, "Stay with us at the castle, Dali. You'll be much safer." She said with a soft voice. "I appreciate the offer, but I have to stay. I have a few friends that need my help. Now you must go before somepony sees." Dali flew out of the alley. "Come on, we haven't got all day. And I don't think I wanna walk into another mob." Philis whispered. "Let's go." Gardok said in a relaxed tone. "We won't wanna miss our train either." They returned to the castle and Philis went off to the library to continue her work. Cloudfire and Gardok went their separate ways until they had to meet up at the front gate. The lonesome Princess trotted to her chambers thinking about what was going through the minds of her citizens and why. She also feared that the arrival of Tartarans would destroy Lalifong; and the trust between her and her citizens. Cloudfire and Gardok were deep in the Eastern Forbidden Forest. The tree line was thick and the only sounds were the chirps of birds and the squeaks of rodents. There weren't any towns for miles and the trainees were not allowed to use their magic or wings, so the only way they could get a sense of where they were was to climb a tree. Being equines this task is difficult, but it was a skill the trainees had to learn. This was the last week out of the dangerous three in the forest. "Good job, keeping them alive." Cloudfire said to Lancer. Lancer had grown tough, but he still had his gentle center. "It's my job. How are the princesses?" Lancer asked, his voice almost lost. "They're all right. We need to finish this up. Let's begin Phase III." The trainees started to gather in front of Cloudfire and Lancer. "Damn it, Gamma." "That kid is trouble." Lancer said, "He has been quite the leader though." "He's not punctual. That's no good." "Once he's completed his training he's Dawn's again." Lancer said happily. Cloudfire replied sarcastically, "That makes me more comfortable." Gardok appeared from the tree line with a gray earth equine trailing behind him. "Gamma, get up here." Lancer ordered. Gardok stayed behind as the cocky Gamma walked to his commanding officer, "What held you back now, son?" "Nothing as always, Captain." Gamma said. "Nothing will excuse you from this next phase. Get in order." Gamma walked to the back of the group and faced forward. "Commander Cloudfire will now brief you on the next and final phase." "You all have gone through rigorous and painful tests to get this far, but this test will push you to your limit. Since this test is so dangerous, you will have the whole day to decide if you want to go through with it. You may die during this phase. Two live Tartarans will be released in the perimeter and it is your job to make sure it does not leave it. Using your skills may complete this task. But your communication with each other and teamwork will complete it. We want these Tartarans contained." Cloudfire continued, "Again, you can leave now. No one would blame you or call you a coward. You will be escorted out the forest." A few seconds after Cloudfire finished three trainees stepped forward and quit. "You three have come a long way. Are you sure?" Lancer asked. They all nodded, "Gardok, guide these three home." Gardok, led them through the trees. No trails or markers to lead the trainees home if they decided to dessert. "The rest of you can relax for the rest of the day. If you haven't decided to leave by the end of the day...I wish you luck for tomorrow." > Chapter 4 - Luster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 - Luster Cloudfire returned from the Forbidden Forest after Phase III was completed within 4 days of his arrival. Only two of the three that decided to stay made it out alive. One of the trainees was died due to an infected wound caused by the Tartaran. It would've been very likely that none of them would've made it if Cloudfire didn't take one of the Tartarans out from the Phase. Gamma viewed Cloudfire and the other officers in a dim light. Gamma and Pen, the other trainee, were to meet Dawn for a ceremony. The official end of training. There they stood right next by each other in a plain room that had only a symbol painted on the wall before them. A diamond with two wings. A small table with a box on it at the top of a couple steps in front of them. Only a chandelier lit up the room. Double wooden doors shut behind and they heard steps. On their left appeared Cloudfire and Gardok, on their right Lancer. Not a word was spoken for a few moments, then they heard the double doors open once more. Dawn went up to the table and looked at Gamma and Pen. "I'm so glad you two made it. We can use the extra help now that things have gotten a little wild." She said with a smile. She levitated the small box to her and opened it up. Inside were two short black tassels. She showed them. "These shall be tied on the blades you will construct yourselves." She closed the box. "Your job is very important and also very simple. Protect the princesses, at all costs. Even if it means turning your steel on your friends or family. Let's hope it never comes to that. All because you are standing here today does not mean you are Cloaked Dagger. Somewhere down the line you will prove yourself loyal to your family in armor and the family under the crowns. Somewhere down the line you will unknowingly prove yourself to others that you are truly a Cloaked Dagger. Isn't that right, Gardok?" "Yes, Princess." Gardok responded calmly. "Always loyal. Always strong. Always honorable." Dawn added, "Tomorrow, you both will begin construction of your unique blades. Today, just have some time for yourselves." The Princess bowed to them and they to her. "Dismissed." Gamma and Pen turned around walked out the doors. Lancer and Gardok followed. "Why're you still here, Cloudfire?" "Expanding your trust circle? That's new." He answered. "It's about time I started making new friends again." Later that night Gamma was with another equine. A mare. Lying down in the middle of a field close by to their house they had in Lalifong. Staring into the clear night sky. Stars stippled the black sky. "I missed you." She yawned. "I know, Dwell. I missed you too." Gamma responded. A few minutes passed and he noticed that Dwell has fallen asleep. He got up and lifted her onto his back and carried her inside. He payed her on the bed and went to blow out the candles, on the way he noticed somepony outside. He blew them out and stepped outside to the stranger. As he drew closer to the shadowy figure he noticed it was Dawn. "What're you doing here, Princess?" Dawn was staring at the stars and Gamma stepped next to her. "Gamma, before all this. Before I became a... damn Princess, I used to stare at the sky all night long with Excaelum whenever my father wasn't around. When I got these wings Excaelum vanished. I'll give up these wings if it meant he'd come back. Even for day." "Dragons are dangerous. I wouldn't want one such as him nearby. If the stories about him were true." "It is true they are. When they are raised by greed and selfishness." "It's in the dragons nature to be selfish." "You're still too young to know these things." Dawn chuckled. Gamma became fed up with her, "Why are you here? If you won't answer me I'll have to ask you to leave." "Alright alright. A little advice." "I'm listening." "You weren't told this on purpose, but before Phase III ended I was attacked by a Peacekeeper. A loyal one too, but the one behind the attack exposed his weakness. His family, loved ones. Keep your loved ones secret, Gamma." There were steps behind them, it was Dwell. "Princess!" She quickly bowed her head. "Gamma, didn't tell me you were coming." Gamma brought her head up. "It's alright he didn't expect me either. I was just about to leave." Dawn said with a soft voice. "I will see you both soon." Dawn walked into the dark woods, Gamma and Dwell disappeared behind the thick leaves. "I hope he knows the consequences by having her in his life." Dawn walked about five minutes without realizing how deep in the woods she was in. It was dark and cold. The smell of rotting flesh was nearby. She covered her nose with a wing and continued forward. The stench grew stronger. She saw a large pile of leaves before her. Swarms of flies hovered over the leaves. Dawn blew away the leaves with a spell and saw a body of a dragon. She felt her heart skip a beat, at first glance she immediately thought of Excaelum, but calmed down after coming to her senses. This dragon was too small to be Kishi as well. "Ahh, the princess." A voice said from the dark. It sounded malicious. "Who's there?" She asked. "The bark of the trees. The howl through the leaves." It replied. Dawn said under her breath, "Timberwolves." "You wandered into my territory without permission. Since you are Alicorn, I can let this pass." "I apologize for my idiocy." "Mm, but you wouldn't have seen this corpse if you haven't. So-called destiny." "Timberwolves don't believe in that type of thing." Dawn began to look around. "No. A question is burning inside you. Ask away, your highness." Dawn turned back to the dead dragon, "What happened to it?" "She crawled here. Bleeding from her chest." "I recognize this dragon. She name was Luster, an Air solitary." The Timberwolf scoffed, "The ranks of those dragons do not matter anymore." The Timberwolf stepped out of the shadows, into the moonlight. Large pale green eyes glowed in the night. Dark wood structured his body. Dawn's heart pumped faster, "I have never seen an Alpha Timberwolf." She bowed to the towering wolf. "What are you doing so far east of your territory?" "The dragon. Word came to me and it's been so long since the last one was seen. Unfortunately it's dead." The Alpha walked to the corpse, the ground shook with every step. "Much respect is given to the dragons. Only an Alpha may give one a proper burial if it were to die in Timberwolf territory." The Alpha used the roots of the trees to cocoon the corpse. Luster was then consumed by dirt and roots. "A word of advice for you, Princess Dawn. You need to gain strong allies. A long time ago dragons disappeared and were only found dead or dying. I fear history will repeat itself. Magic, more fearsome and powerful than yours, was responsible for that time." The Alpha stepped back into the trees and disappeared. Dawn's heart settled again. Dead silent the night was. Not even the wind was howling anymore, maybe this was the moment of silence for poor Luster. She walked over to the grave where she was taken by the earth. All that was left was a tiny plant. It's glimmered in the moonlight giving Dawn a good feeling, she couldn't help but smile. A bright speck, like a firefly, hovered a foot above the plant and exploded into smaller specks of light. Slowly flying to the ground the specks seemed to dance. > Chapter 5 - Not Alone > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 - Not Alone ONE MONTH FOLLOWING THE END OF WAR NEXUS The Share was sailing in the smooth water east of Equestria, toward a mysterious island that no one has explored. No magic could be used on it and the waters surrounding the island were infested with carnivorous sea creatures. It took a total of 13 days to reach the island. Lacoden, The Hooded One, was to be exiled on this island for 25 years alone. If she were able to survive this time she would be allowed to return to Equestria. It was not far now. Dawn and Lacoden were at Share's stern, "Lacoden, I'm sorry this has to happen to you." Lacoden replied with a slight smile, "It's not your fault. There's nothing you can or would do. I deserve this anyway." Lacoden sighed, "Black Soul and the others are right. I'm too dangerous to be around." "Not anymore." Dawn whimpered. Lacoden chuckled, "You're making this harder than it has to be." She turned Dawn's face to hers, "I've accepted my punishment. One that I well deserve too." "If you wanted to I'll help you escape right now. They wouldn't be able to stop." "Dawn! Don't say that. I....we both have to go through this." Dawn started to choke up, "You're the only one I have left in this damn world." "I only have you too....", Lacoden pressed her head against Dawn's. Seng trotted up to them with no expression on his face, wearing his RAK cloak, "We've arrived. We will have to weigh anchor a quarter mile away from the island. Captain Longbeard says there's a reef tall enough to prevent us from getting any closer. The long boats are ready." "Thank you. Give us a few moments please." Dawn said, Seng nodded and walked away, "Sooner than expected." "We haven't got all day, come on." Lacoden said. They walked by each other's side to the long boat that was hanging off the port side of Share. In the boat was a bag full of items that Lacoden could use to survive for a little while. Seng stepped in first, then Lacoden followed. Dawn, Aero, Black Soul, and Flake also got into the long boat. The minutes it took to get to the island were silent. Not one said a word, the steady rhythm of the oars slapping the water was the only sound. Dawn peered over the edge of the boat to look into the water. Water so clear it almost looked like an illusion. Groups of small fish danced over the seafloor, zigzagging back and forth. Dawn felt tears building up under her eyelids, she couldn't let Lacoden go through this harsh punishment. She took a breath and calmed down knowing that Lacoden was accepting her fate. Once ashore they hopped off the boat and looked around. "This is it." Seng said. He carried Lacoden's bag and dropped it on the coarse sand. "Odd." Dawn whispered, "No magical presence at all here. Never felt like this before." Aero added, "Isn't that a relief." He spread his wings and forced them down, he had no lift, "What the? Flying doesn't seem to cut it either." Soul snapped, "Doesn't matter, we won't be here for long anyways. Let's go. Seng, Aero, get the boat back in the water. Dawn, hurry it up." "No need to rush, Black Soul." Dawn scoffed, she walked to Lacoden who wandered off to the trees. "Lacoden, what're you doing?" She sighed, "I was okay with this until...we actually got here." She started to sniffle, "Don't come back here. I might not be alive long enough anyways to live out my sentence. Go on...get out of here." Lacoden refused to look at Dawn, she stared at her hooves. Without a word Dawn trotted back to the boat and hopped in. Lacoden was still looking at the ground when she turned to look at her and with every stroke they got further and further away; before she knew it, they were gone. She laid down and rested her head on her hooves p, staring into the direction from whence she came. Hoping it was all a dream. Hours turned into days and still Lacoden hasn't woken up from this nightmare. Denial has gotten the best of her. Lacoden has lost a lot of weight and her body was weak. She stumbled getting up, she finally began to search for food, shelter. The island was fairly large. With the vegetation it was a surprise that there weren't any animals around. Not even a rat. Lacoden found a big tree, wider than all the others around. Wide leaves hung down providing shade and cover from the sun. She sat against it and looked through the bag that Dawn had packed for her. Inside was a knife, a canteen, a blanket, and a few seeds. Lacoden smiled at the fact that Dawn wanted her to live. She took the knife and scratched a tally on it. She began to keep track of the moons. A couple of months later Lacoden, adapted to her conditions. She planted the seeds that was left with her and lived off of the harvests of berries, apples, and oranges. Of course after the first few weeks of eating the same meals she got tired of it, but what could she do? To satisfy her need for a different meal she created a net out of the fibers of leaves and fished. She used fruit as bait, hoping the fish would take it. Nothing for a day. Worms must've been crawling underground. Lacoden dug through the dirt and found a tiny worm, her attitude was beginning to change. She continued to dig for worms and had enough for her plans. She sank the net down and dropped the worms above the net and waited. She had no where to go so waiting wasn't a big deal. She dozed off for a few minutes and woke up. Two fishes were circling around the worms, taking little pieces of them. Loops in the net were used so Lacoden could pull the pull onto shore. She watched the two fish closely waiting for the perfect moment to strike. As the fish were going in for a bite of the worms she yanked as hard as she could. Her work did not pay off. She reset her trap and got nothing for over 20 attempts. She started to lose hope. The sun was setting and all the fish had their fill. She turned in for the night. Her home was good. She fashioned a little tree house. Using fallen trees as a staircase leading up to the thicker lower branches of the big tree. Even though had never seen an animal in all the time she's been there, she didn't want to risk her. The branches supported a platform made out of big leaves, tied together by their own fibers. The rain would not bother her much, they rolled off the leaves above her and into her little farm. The nights were always quiet, she was alone, free to find herself. Tonight, was the night she'd feel fear again. Crackle!! She jumped up awake, her heart racing and her temperature rising rapidly. She slowly peered over her bed of leaves. A shadowy figure floated through her crops. A twig fell on her head and she winced quietly. The figure stopped, and shot it's head up to Lacoden. She laid there motionless hoping the pair of yellow eyes wouldn't notice. A low growl came from it, it speeded away into the trees. Lacoden couldn't sleep the rest of the night. She didn't dare come down from her treehouse for a couple of days. Her fear took over her need to eat and drink. Once her nerves calmed down she felt hungry. The sun was rising so she felt safer. Slowly going down the leaves, her head ache from rapidly turning to noises and snaps. When she got to the bottom she noticed four paw prints, facing up the walkway. The placement of the prints indicate that it was sitting. A shiver ran through her body when she realized that these prints were fresh. She stepped over the prints and look through her crops, seeing multiple prints, most likely from the same animal. Her crops had been squished and unattended they weren't in good condition. Her priority was to fix them. She replanted them and made sure the soil under them was more stable. It took her about a couple of hours to fix them. Something inside her awakened. After looking over her crops she decided to make a spear and track down the animal that tormented her. She got the bag that was left with her and swung it over her back. And chose tracks that were more clear, recent. She followed the tracks and marked trees along the way so she could find her way home. OMorning turned to noon, her legs grew tired, she stopped to rest. She looked around the trees then sleep washed her away. Her eyes snapped open at the snap of twigs. In front of her a pair of eyes stared at her. She jumped open and reached for her spear. The animal turned around and ran. “Come back!” she yelled. She chased the animal through bushes and between trees. Up ahead she saw a light. She slid under a fallen tree and slipped. She fell down a steep hill that seemed to appear out of nowhere. She tumbled down and a pain struck her head. Her vision was blurry and all she saw was a faint light. The animal came closer and closer. She blinked her eyes and another figure was standing next by it. They came closer. The last thing Lacoden heard before shutting her eyes was, “Let's get this mare inside.” > Chapter 6 - With the Winds > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 - With the Winds Gamma and Pen were to report to the castle garden in three weeks with their blades. Not only will they have created a weapon they will carry for the entirety of their Cloaked Dagger service, but they will have shown what kind of Equine they really are. In the garden Dawn stood on the edge looking over the village, by her side was Cloudfire. It was time Gamma and Pen returned. Dawn felt their presence as they walked through the doors and looked at them, “Ah yes, the new Daggers.” As they approached and bowed Dawn grinned, “Present arms.” She ordered. The two laid their swords in their sheaves on the grass and Dawn levitated Pen’s first. She revealed his sleek, smooth, streamline sword. “Elegant. Reminds me of the blade I used in War Nexus.” Returning it to its sheathe and owner, she turned her attention to Gamma. She examined his sword, it gave her chills, “A barb.” The sword had a serrated barb on the end, “The weapon of a killer, not a protector.” She gave his sword back, “As long as you kill our enemies it doesn't matter to me.” They both bowed. Dawn turned around and looked at the village once again for a while, this was a test of patience. They were not allowed to leave without an official dismissal from Dawn. Gamma grew looking around and getting irritated. Pen was relaxed. Dawn spoke, “Cloudfire, brief them on their mission.” ”Yes, Princess. Gardok has been investigating a series of murders and disappearances throughout Equestria undercover as a Peacekeeper. You will join him in the south, where there have been reports of Tartarans. They are not your concern. Leave them to the real Peacekeepers. Follow his orders and you will not have any problems. Understood?” “Yes, Commander.” They said. Dawn nodded to Cloudfire, “Dismissed.” He said. The two walked away and headed to the train station. A few days after they returned to the garden with Gardok, “Princess.” Gardok said, “We must warn the remaining members of the RAK.” “Why is that, Gardok? The RAK was decommissioned after the war.” She replied with a slight chuckle. Pen spoke up, “It appears that even though they are decommissioned the RAK still have impact on you. There was signs of torture. Probably to extract information.” ”Information? On what?” Dawn asked. “At the scenes a names was carved into the ceiling above where the victim was found staring at it. Lacoden. Does that ring a bell, Princess?” Gamma asked. “Cloudfire, warn them. Quickly.” Dawn ordered she turned to the three, “Of all the stories you have heard of Fallen Star this one was kept most secret. I can't even tell you, not now. Gardok go with Cloudfire.” The two walked away at a hurried pace. Even though this was urgent Dawn still kept her cool. “Anything else?” “A dragon sighting. First in years, Princess.” Pen answered. She responded in a louder tone, “Did you get a description?” “Dark gray, almost black, some say it was too hard to tell since it was so high in the sky. A large dragon as well. Locals said it was headed north.” Pen said. “Rumored to be Lord Excaelum.” ”Follow me.” Dawn quickly shuffled out of the garden into the castle, headed to the library. They walked into the library and Dawn walked up the stairs to the back, where there was another room. Her study that she went to to escape from everything. On a chair was an old RAK cloak, it belonged to her father, she swung it onto her body. She opened a drawer, where there was a yellow tassel! She tied to on tightly onto the cloak. She went back downstairs where Pen and Gamma were waiting. “What is going on?” Gamma asked, “Are you going to chase this?” “If you know what I know about the disappearance of the dragons you would too.” She answered. “And what do you know?” “I know that it isn't some coincidence. That dragons have disappeared like this before. He, or whoever this dragon is, may know why.” She sighed and paused, “….More importantly, if it was Excaelum I need him. He's…like….no, he is a brother to me. The last few of my family I will ever have. I need the princesses under the best protection. Commander Cloudfire will assume my position in the Cloaked Daggers until I return. Understood?” “Yes, Princess.” They both said. “Don't be gone for too long. It'd be a disaster if too many Equines found out you're gone.” Dawn smiled, “Few ever wanted me here in the first place, Gamma. I don't know when, but I'll be back.” She nodded to the two and shut her eyes. She teleported to the garden and stretched her wings. Air filled her chest and she ascended into the clouds. Her wings began to ache. Rarely using her gift of flight has made her tired easily. A gale pushed her north allowing her to glide with little to no effort, she dozed off. When she awoke the air was getting colder, she flew down with the snowflakes into a village. Where the Equines seemed to be more cheerful than at Lalifong. She kept her hood on and walked around the town trying to look for someone who might've seen the dragon. She walked into a local shop and went to the clerk, “Hello.” The old stallion said, “You aren't from here are ya?” Dawn laughed, “No.” She took her hood off and shook a few snowflakes off her muzzle, “Do you have any hot tea? I have some money.” She pulled a silver coin from her pocket. “I just made a pot earlier.” He went in the back room and came out with a cup of tea and put it on the counter, “Where are you from, stranger?” He looked at her cloak. “Thank you.” She took the cup and sipped on it, “Far from here, south.” “That's not very vague at all,” he laughed, “How about your cloak? Seems familiar?” “This old thing? It's nothing.” She avoided eye contact with him. He smiled, “Someone who wears a RAK cloak is important. I had a son who was one.” Dawn looked at him, “This cloak belonged to my father. Who was your son?” “His name was Canon. Once he left to become an important knight I never heard from him again.” The old stallion frowned and stared at the floorboards, “A Knight Black Soul came knocking at my door with a cloak folded up after the war and told me he had passed.” Dawn recalled the day on the water. On board Share seeing Canon getting hung from the main mast of Garren’s ship by Lacoden, she nods. “What role did your father play in the war?” “He was part of the aerial attackers.” Dawn wanted to get off the topic and attempted to change it, “I was told he fought alongside the dragon that helped win the war. He must've been a great warrior.” Dawn saw the clerk’s eyes widen a little. “A dragon? I and a group of others saw one not long ago. Why, we almost didn't believe our eyes.” “Do you have any idea what it looked like?” She asked trying not to sound too interested. “Black. All I remember.” “Where was it going?” “It kinda just hovered above us and went further north.” The clerk stared at her, “You aren't here by coincidence are ya?” Dawn knew she had been found out and shook her head, “I'm tracking down the dragon. It's urgent I find it.” “It wouldn't hurt to say why, hon.” “I must find out why for the princesses. They asked me to.” Dawn answered. “Well, if it's important to the princesses, it is to me. It only get colder when you continue north. Please, let me offer you some supplies for your journey.” Dawn was cold, hungry, and tired. And nodded being thankful, “That would be greatly appreciated, thank you.” The clerk went into the back room and brought out a bag and started packing things in it. Food, a black coat, and water. “If you want I know a mare who owns an inn down the road by the town square. She's a friend of mine. You can tell her Felix sent you.” “Thank you, I can really use a break. Thank you for everything.” As Dawn turned around Felix said, “I met Princess Dawn once…” She stopped at the door, “It was the first time I met her. I gave her tea and a few things. She seemed to be lost, but I let her know that she could have a friend to come back to here if she needed anything.” Dawn looked at Felix, they gave each other small smiles before she walked out into the cold. She headed to the town square and looked around for an inn. She found it and walked in. Inside it was warm and cozy. A few other Equines were there checking into their rooms or checking out. She saw a familiar face behind the desk, it was Fyn Cour. The medic for the RAK. Dawn stayed at the back of the lobby letting her deal with customers and waited until she was finished. A pair of youngsters left and went upstairs to the rooms and she was staring down at a booklet, Dawn walked up to her, she said, “Sorry we are full for tonight. You have to come back tomorrow.” Dawn had the feeling Fyn was agitated and annoyed. “Can you check again?” Dawn played along. Fyn thought she recognized her voice but brushed it off. She scrolled through her booklet and said, “No vacancies. Sorry.” “Are you sure?” Dawn smirked. Fyn groaned, “I said, no-” she paused when she saw it was Dawn, “..vacancies..” Fyn screeched in joy and threw herself onto Dawn for a hug. “I missed you” she cried. “You should've let me know you were coming.” “You and Iril kinda went away without a word. I had no idea where to find you.” Some Wquines were looking at them, “Hey, uhh try to keep it down, yeah?” “Right right. The night worker should be arriving soon, after he arrives we can go to my house.” The front door opens, “Speak of the devil. Hon, come on get to work. I have to leave.” The young stallion takes her place behind the desk, “We leave out back.” Fyn led her to the back of the lobby where a door leads them to an alley. “How is everything, hon?” “Alright….listen-” ”Iril missed you a lot. She wanted to go back down there and visit you, but-” ”Fyn Cour” Dawn stopped her, “I damn missed you too, but….I'm not here to talk.” Fyn looked away, “Oh…the dragon is what you're looking for then. Flew north. That's all I know.” She turned back to face Dawn with a forced smile. ”Felix told me where to find an inn. Led me straight to you. Maybe if you'll have me-” “Of course you can stay!” Fyn exclaimed with joy. She hugged Dawn, “No need to rush is there?” Dawn smiled, “No, I'll explain everything when we get home.” They trudged through the rising snowfall to a cozy house in the middle of the village where Fyn and Iril housed orphans at no cost. Some of the older childrens look after the house and the others while Fyn and Iril are gone. When Dawn walked in she heard laughter and felt the warmth coming from a nearby fireplace heat up her coat. She took off her cloak and laid it on a chair by the fire. “?Stay here. I'll fetch Iril.” Dawn nodded and Fyn went off. A few fillies peeked around the corner to have a look at Dawn. They noticed her wings and horn. They had a princess in their house! Dawn laughed. She heard an older child whisper to go get washed or she will have us thrown in a dungeon. Their little steps rushed upstairs. Heavier hooves approached behind her, “Dawn?” A voice said. She turned to face them, “Hey-” Dawn gasped and saw Iril, one of the closest friends she has, with a large scar running from the center off her chest to her right side. “Oh my gosh! What happened?” Dawn ran over to check on her. Iril chuckled, “It's nothing. I'm still alive.” She hugged the worried Princess, “Tartarans attacked me when I first moved here. That's all. They're dead now.” “I'm so sorry.” Dawn said with a sadness. “Geez, still a little filly aren’t you? Now come on, how have you been?” Dawn picked herself up to show that she wasn't really affected by her injury, “I'll explain over some tea.” They sat in the dining room and sent all the children upstairs for the private conversation. A light blizzard rolled through the village and iced the windows making it freezing forcing them to move to the living room where the fire was. Dawn explained to them The Painter and all other events that have happened. Some of the fillies eavesdropped from the staircase hearing every other word that was said. Fyn said with a light yawn, “If finding that dragon is that important I'll help in whatever way I can.” “Me too. And if by the slim chance this is Excaelum he could help you restore a little order in Equestria. With the Tartarans running amuck and the gangs of rogue griffons, dragons would shy them away.” Iril added. “I need you both at the castle. It's for your protection. The fillies can come too, but they can't be in the castle. It's too dangerous.” Dawn said. “Separating us? No. That won't do. We are the only parents they have. Either we all go or none of us do.” Fyn said. “I can not guarantee their safety.” “You do what you have to and we will do our part. Don't worry about them. We can handle them.” “Alright, ask for Cloudfire once you get there. He will remember you two. Leave for Lalifong once I leave to find the dragon tomorrow.” The hummed in agreement, “Get some rest. You'll need it.” They both stood up and headed upstairs. Dawn stayed downstairs and looked into the burning wood. The flying ambers reminded Dawn of the Timberwolf’s burial of Luster. She fell asleep quickly when the fire went out and the blizzard subsided. Boom! Dawn jolted up and woke up to screams coming from outside. She rushed to her coat and ran outside to see a dragon standing right in front of her. She froze in the presence of this large silhouette. It towered over the houses, it's wings folded at its sides. She slowly looked up to face it and saw a familiar face. The dark color, the dragons crown, it was the spitting image Lord Dragaitas, “Excaelum?” Dawn said. She noticed a small red line by its eye, “Excaelum.” She did not feel joy nor fear finding her brother, but she felt a stranger. He was not the same dragon that had left her all those years ago. She noticed small balls of snow slowly lifting of the ground. Carts and boxes also started to levitate. “Stop!” Dawn shouted. She flew up to his face and said, “Excaelum it's me! Dawn!” Everything dropped back to the ground. He stared her right in the eyes. Dawn thought she had reached him, then everything, even Equines, started floating off the ground. Dawn attempted to communicate to him telepathically, her attempts were futile. He was not there. Screams were filling the air as the Equines cried for help as the ground shrank below them. Dawn placed a hoof on his snout and begged to release them from his power, tears running down her face. Everything stopped levitating, then the Equines were slowly placed back on the ground. Some Equines ran inside nearby houses and looked out the windows, others took cover between alleys. All the other objects were thrown to the ground at a high velocity. The wooden carts exploded into splinters that shot in all directions. Dawn’s instinct made her cast a shield around herself and Fyn’s house. After all the carts have been destroyed the dragon simply spread its wings, and Dawn dispelled the shields. “What happened to you, Excaelum?” Dawn said, an immense sadness grew inside her. It almost felt like her heart was going to shut down. Seeing her best friend after all these years torn up inside. Excaelum jumped off the ground and spiraled high in the air and headed west. Dawn landed to the village surrounding her. Their faces said hate and anger to her. They bowed anyways. “Leave.” One said. “This wouldn't have happened if you weren't here.” Another stated. Dawn faced the truth and said to them, “I will not return.” She looked around to see the wreckage, “I “I truly am sorry.” She also disappeared into the sky following Excaelum’s trail to wherever he might have gone. Like migratory birds she had fallen asleep after a couple of hours of gliding with the wind. When she woke up she found herself over open ocean and with the moon on her back. She had no clue where she was going but she stayed with the winds that have guided her this far. She slept through the night until the morning. It was noon before she woke up. Thirst and hunger were beginning to settle in, her wings were sore. A little speck of land was far off in the distance. More details were defined as she got closer. A mountain in the center of the island, jagged cliffs, big waves. Dawn was back at her native land. Where War Nexus began and ended. Where Lord Dragaitas and Shadow both sacrificed themselves for the world. She promised never to go back here. Fallen Star.