An Avenger Returns

by Ultimate Mayhem

First published

While testing a spell from a book that once belonged to Starswirl Twilight disappears. Upon returning she's a bit strange and not even a pony. What the hay happened?

Twilight tests a spell in a journal that once belonged to Starswirl and disappears. Upon returning she changed in more ways than her friends can imagine. Now Twilight must protect everyone with the knowledge and power she gained while away.

A Spell Part 1: Prologus

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Twilight had become excited when she recieved a book with some old spells. As it turned out the book was more of a journal kept by Starswirl the Bearded himself about different concepts for spells he came up with but was uncertain of but the one that caught her attention the most was a spell meant to create temperary portals which would allow a pony to travel long distances instantaniously. She'd read the basics of the spell and it seemed simple enough but then she saw that the last entry was when he tested it but nothing no other entries after suggesting this was the spell that resulted in his disappearance. For a few days she went over the spell trying to break down every detail in order to figure out what needed to be done to the spell so ensure nothing bad happened. A few tests with nonbiological items resulted successful so she went on to run some tests with biological items such as fruits and vegetables. That proved to be a success as well so after a few more days going through her calculations she was ready to test it on with a living being. Namely, herself and that's where we stand today folks. Princess Twilight was standing with her friends ready to test the spell to go from her new castle to Canterlot.

"Alright it's finally time." said Twilight happily.

"Are ya sure you're ready to test it yourself sugarcube?" asked Applejack.

"There's no need to worry. I've checked my calculation extensively and I'm certain it'll work." replied Twilight.

"Besides she's already run like a bajillion tests on it." added Pinkie Pie.

"I'm just worried this might put the train out of business." said Fluttershy.

"There's no need to worry." replied Twilight. "As far as I can tell the spell requires too much magic for a unicorn to use. To be honest I don't think I could've done this before my ascension."

"So the only reason you can do it is because you're an alicorn?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well not exactly. Creating a portal isn't that difficult. The hard part is keeping the portal stable enough to cross over. I think that's why Starswirl disappeared." explained Twilight.

"Then if this trip is successful we'll be able to travel Canterlot or even the Crystal Empire without trouble." said Rarity. "Oh that would just be delightful."

"Hey Twilight, did you tell Princess Celestia about this?" asked Spike.

"No." replied Twilight. "I haven't told her because I wanted to surprise her. Once I'm in Canterlot I'll tell her everything. She'll be so surprised." she said nearly bouncing like Pinkie Pie.

"So that why you decided to do this at sundown?" asked Applejack.

"That's right. I figured it'd be the best when she no longer had court so we could talk for a bit before I come back." explained Twilight. "Now Spike I shouldn't be gone too long. At the latest I may spend the night over there so if I'm not back tonight I'll be back in the morning or possibly in the afternoon. In the meantime you'll be in charge of the castle library during that time."

"You can count on me." said Spike with a salute causing the mares to smile.

"Alright everypony, stand back." said Twilight. They all stepped back as Twilight began to charge her magic. Within seconds a sparks formed which then expanded created a lavender vortex. "I'll see you later." she said as she stepped put a hoof in causing her to be sucked in.

That was the last time they saw her.

A full day passed and no one in Ponyville had seen Twilight causing Spike to worry. He sent a letter to Celestia asking if Twilight was okay but was shocked when her reply was that she hadn't seen Twilight in quite some time. He then sent a letter explaining about the spell and how Twilight had been wanting to surprise her. This alarmed Celestia and she left for Ponyville to find out what had happened. Upon hearing Twilight never made it to Canterlot Twilight's friends became alarmed. At first they believed she may have just missed her mark and wound up in another country so Celestia immediately sent letters to all the diplomats asking for somepony fitting Twilight's description unexpectedly appeared but to no avail. Celestia then asked Luna for her help so that she could cast the spell and they could track where it would lead but something strange happened. Everytime either of them tried to create a portal it would start forming but then would just cause a small explosion. Not with enough force to hurt anyone but enough to push them back. Eventually things became so desperate they asked Cadance and Shining Armor for help.

Months went by with no results and eventually they all resigned themselves to hoping she'd someday find her way home. For the most part. On Pinkie' birthday they were still pretty sad and she wished for Twilight to return soon.

It had been seven months since Twilight disappeared and while the Friendship council continued everypony felt a bit emptier inside without Twilight. So much so that each of Twilight's friends would spend some of their time off in the castle with Spike so he wouldn't be lonely. Even Twilight's friends from Canterlot decided to do the same to help him get through the tough times. He'd always assure them he was fine even though they could all tell he was taking her disappearance the hardest.

Currently Moon Dancer was with Spike helping him run the Castle Library while the others had something of a memorial picnic in which they'd eat together and think back to the good times they had with Twilight. However it was then heard what sounded like an explosion in the sky. Upon looking up they saw what looked like two streaks in the sky but then saw as one headed down, straight for the Everfree Forest. They looked at each other before heading in.

In one of the deeper parts of the forest a girl got up rubbing her head.

"Damn it." she said as she saw a black sphere drop. "That bitch." she said before heading in the direction the sphere landed.

The five mares were running when the sphere crashed hard not too far from their location so they headed for it. When they arrived they saw as the sphere melted revealing a strange silver creature that looked to be made of stone but wore shorts with a 4 on the side.

"What is it?" whispered Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know but it might be a new friend!" said Pinkie Pie excited.

"Pinkie! Wait!" yelled out Rarity as Pinkie jumped out of the bush they'd been hiding.

"Excuse me!" yelled out Pinkie. The creature turned to her revealing its eyes were red causing Pinkie to screech to a halt. The then charged at her but just as it was gonna strike Pinkie vanished surprising the others and became startled when something appeared right in front of them holding Pinkie and placed her down. They looked up and saw it appeared to have it's mane tied in a pony tail but what was odd is that it looked to be on fire. It wore a dark red trench coat and when it turned they saw it wore a purple shirt under and pants with white shoes. They also noticed it had something hanging from its back and seemed to have a pair of horns on the top of its head.

"I need you to get out of here while I take care of this imposter." it said in a very familiar voice.

"Is that..." began Fluttershy.

"I said go NOW!" yelled the creature causing them to break out of their stupor as it charged.

"What do we do?" asked Fluttershy.

"You guys go. I'll stay on a cloud and make sure whatever this thing is doesn't try to run away." said Rainbow.

"Alright but do be careful darling." said Rarity. Rainbow smirked.

"Come on. This is me we're talking about." she said with confidence. The others smiled before leaving. Rainbow flew up to a cloud and watched as the smaller of the two creatures dodged attacks from the one that appeared to be made of stone. As she watched Rainbow noticed that the smaller creature seemed to move fast enough to leave an image of itself as it moved but only for a moment. After a few seconds the smaller creature stopped a fist with its claw before it began striking back delivering blow after blow. Rainbow then heard it mutter something to itself but was too far to tell what.

"It's time to end this." said the creature. Then it jumped while spinning as its elbow was engulfed in what appeared to be a dark red flame. "Ban Ban Chū." it called striking the rock creature's head with its elbow causing it to stagger. "Atsu Atsu Shō!" it called out striking part of the rock creature's chest causing what looked like a shock wave to pass through it before it was launched back a few feet away. Then the smaller creature drew a sword from its left side and held it in her right hand with the blade to her right. The blade began to glow as the smaller creature moved its hand in a circular motion before jumping in a spiral. "Zangeki Musōken!" it called slashing the rock creature several times before landing leaving the rock creature on its knees. Then the smaller creature approached the larger one before its right claw became engulfed in what looked like fire and it put it into the other creature's chest. Dash became shocked as the smaller creature seemingly pulled something out which resulted in the larger creature dissolving into particles of dark energy.

"Well that was disappointing." said the smaller creature. It turned looking right at the cloud Rainbow had been watching from and was now hiding in.

"Rainbow Dash I know you didn't leave with the others so you can stop hiding."

"I wasn't hiding!" declared Rainbow before realizing something. "Hey. How did you know my name?"

"Oh. I guess it's my fault for not paying attention I was still in this form." said the creature sheepishly as it was engulfed in flames which upon dissipating revealed a girl with navy blue hair which had a dark purple and pink streaks running through it. She now wore a pair of dark purple loose shorts, a lavender shirt, socks, shoes, a pair of black wrist bands, and necklace with a strange looking gem hanging within what looked like an egg. For a moment Rainbow could swear she knew this creature but was uncertain as to how she knew it. The creature smiled as it went and picked up its backpack. Rainbow flew down to examine it but was caught by surprise when it hugged her.

"I missed you a lot Dashie." it said causing Rainbow's eyes to widen and tears to form.

"I-Is that you....."

"Tadaima Rainbow." said the creature.

"It is you Twilight." said Rainbow as she looked at her friend in shock who smiled.

A Spell Part 2: The Return

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Rainbow watched as Twilight put her backpack on and began to walk away before turning back to her.

"Well? Are you coming or what?" asked Twilight causing Rainbow to snap out of her daze.

"Oh. Uh yeah." said Rainbow as she flew with Twilight. They walked for a short time before Rainbow turned to her with the intent to say something but just couldn't put any words together.

"Rainbow." said Twilight as they walked.


"How long have I been gone?" asked Twilight.

"About seven months." replied Rainbow.

"Then this means he was right." said Twilight.


"I'll explain everything back at the castle. Can you bring the others?"

"Sure." replied Rainbow before leaving. Twilight smiled.

"I know this place is dangerous but it beats rush hour in New York." she said to herself with a slight laugh. "I'm going to miss my friends from back there." she said looking at the sky. "I'll protect everything." she said looking at her hand before walking towards the castle but then stopped and looked around. "No one's around so I guess it'd be pointless to walk the whole way." she said with a smirk. A timberwolf had been walking around in noticed Twilight. It was about to pounce when she suddenly vanished leaving the lupine creature staring in shock.

It wasn't too long after that she arrived at the castle but was forced dodge because she nearly slammed into the side of the castle.

"Man. He wasn't kidding about the ambient magic being an issue." she said to herself before walking around to get to the entrance. "It's hard to believe I'm finally home." she said as she went inside. When she entered she heard voices coming from the library and followed.

"Spike, you don't have to be brave for everyone." said a voice Twilight recongnized as Moon Dancer's.

"I just don't want the others to worry about me." replied Spike.

Twilight entered the library and saw Spike on one of the ladders putting a book on one of the high shelves while Moon Dancer held the ladder. She whistled causing the two to turn to her.

"You've kept this place looking beautifully." said Twilight as Spike slid down the ladder.

"I'm sorry but who....what are you?" asked Spike.

"Spike it's me. Twilight." she said causing the two to look at her with widened eyes.

"T-Twilight?" asked Spike. Twilight put down her backpack and held her arms open with a smile. Spike immediately ran to her and jumped into her arms letting out all the tears he'd kept in during her absense. He tried to talk but all the sorrow he'd kept in poured out resulting in his words being difficult to understand. "I missed you too." she said before kissing the top of his head before pulling him back. "Spike." she said causing him to look at her. "I know I've never said this before but I want you to know that I love you. You're the best little brother anyone could ask for." she said before hugging him again. For a moment he was shocked but then hugged her.

"Twilight?" asked Moon Dancer.

"Yes. It's me." she said with a smile.

"What happened to you?" asked Moon Dancer.

"I'll explain once the others get here." replied Twilight. "I'm glad you've been able to keep the castle library running."

"Well I can't take all the credit. The others have been helping me when they're free." said Spike.

"I figured as much." said Twilight as the rest of her friends arrived, Lyra included. Upon arriving the mares couldn't help but stare at her. "I'm glad to see you all again." she said as she let go of Spike who was finally cried out.

"'re really Twilight?" asked Applejack cautiously.

"In the flesh....kinda." replied Twilight. It was then all of them tackled her in a large group hug.

"I've missed you all too but could you get off me so I can explain everything?" asked Twilight. The others nodded and stepped back. "Alright now where to begin."

"The beginning would be a nice starting point darling." said Rarity.

"Well it started with the spell." said Twilight. "You see the spell did work but another spell targeted it."

"Targeted it?" asked Pinkie. Twilight nodded.

"You see when I was casting the spell someone in another universe was casting a spell to find a way into Equestria so when I went through I wound up in that universe. Specifically in a planet called Earth and well....when I arrived I was like this but I shot out of the sky."

"Goodness. Were you okay?" asked Fluttershy concerned.

"I was fine. You see a boy caught me in the air." said Twilight.

"What did he do? Fly?" asked Rainbow jokingly. Twilight smirked. "You're kidding."

"Nope." replied Twilight. "You see the boy that caught was the reincarnation of one of the Earth's Elements of Nature. Specifically the Elemental of Fire."

"So this guy uses fire?" asked Rainbow.

"Not quite." replied Twilight. "You see they were created by the planet before there was life on the planet and when animals other beings began existing they took on the forms of animal spirits. But in time they decided they wanted to live as well so every century they began to be born and would usually retain the memories of their past lives."

"Wow. That's gotta give them a headache." said Pinkie.

"You'd think so but it seems that they don't have their old memories when they're born. They regain them once they get older." replied Twilight. "Anyway the guy who saved me. His name in this life is Shawn Garrett. After he saved me he asked me if I was okay and we got to talking. I told him what had happened and he decided to let me stay in his house which was actually really big and there were lots of other kids living there."

"Kids?" asked Applejack. Twilight nodded. "But where are their parents."

"Well that's where things take a pretty bad turn." said Twilight. The others looked at her a bit confused. "Shawn's an orphan." Their eyes widened. "You see when he was a baby he was kidnapped by a demon who was planning on making the ultimate army by experimenting on new born children."

"That's horrible." said Fluttershy.

"All the kids were rescued and returned to their parents but when he was five Shawn's mother decided he needed to learn to interact with others his age a bit better and had him attend a sleepover. Unfortunately the ones who experimented on them went looking for him but when he wasn't home they destroyed the placed with his family inside."

"Those no good...." said Applejack enraged.

"It's okay Applejack." said Twilight.

"How can you say that?" asked Applejack.

"Because I'm not done." replied Twilight. "You see he stayed with a man his father was friends with. This man trained him in combat and over time he was taught by various masters." she explained. "Anyway I'm getting off track. You see he lives in a big house with lot of other children."

"Other orphans?" asked Moon Dancer.

"Unfortunately no." replied Twilight causing the others to tilt their head in confusion which caused Twilight to almost giggle at how cute it looked. "In this world there's beings born with powers called mutants. You see most humans aren't born with powers but some are and because of what they can do are often shunned by society and even their own families so Shawn set up his house as a sanctuary for mutant children so they could live without being judged."

"Well that's mighty nice of him. How old is the feller?" asked Applejack.

"Well...." began Twilight. "If I'm remembering this right he was around nine when he started and right now he'd be fifteen."

"Wow. That's young." said Rainbow.

"Sure is." said Pinkie.

"Anyway he let me stay there and when we first arrived he ran some scans on me and discovered that there was a dimensional rift caused by my arrival. He concluded that the spell I was using was altered by a spell cast from his world and I was pulled there to create the rift to be used as a means to travel here."

"But then why you didn't come back sooner?" asked Rainbow.

"Well....that's where it gets a little complicated." explained Twilight. "You see there were some conditions that had to be met to use the rift to come here and it took some time for them to be met in the right way."

"So it took seven months?" asked Rainbow.

"Actually it took eighteen months." replied Twilight shocking the others.

"Eighteen months?!" they asked in shock causing Twilight to cover her ears.

"Yes and please don't yell all at once." replied Twlight.

"But how can that be?" asked Rarity.

"Well Shawn's theory is that upon entering the dimensional nexus the turmoil we caused on the way here resulted in a temperal displacement." explained Twilight.

"Um....what?" asked Rainbow.

"Basically she's saying that when she crossed over she was fighting someone and that caused them to move through both time and space which resulted in them ending up here eleven months in the past." explained Moon Dancer. "But why were you fighting with someone?"

"Well that's part of how I got back." said Twilight. "You see the one who cast the spell that caused me to end up on earth is a villainess that calls herself Death Rose. She's a former apprentice of an evil sorcerer named Baron Mordo."

"But why did she want to come here?" asked Applejack.

"That's one of the few things I don't know." replied Twilight looking at the wall.

"So she helped you come back?" asked Pinkie.

"Not exactly." replied Twilight. "You see we eventually found what was needed for me to come back." she said. "I needed to fly fast enough to break the sound barrier right on the point that I entered their world but I couldn't do it alone. I had to intercept her midflight and speed up with her."

"So then those two streaks we saw..." said Rainbow.

"One was me and the other was Rose." said Twilight.

"So what was with how you looked in the forest?" asked Pinkie bouncing.

"That's another part of the story." replied Twilight she said looking at her hand. "Truth is....I'm technically not a pony anymore." They looked at her in shock.

"Does this have to do with why you're still in human form?" asked Lyra.

"Technically it's humanoid not human." replied Twilight. "When I crossed over I was human but...."

"Something bad happened. Didn't it sugarcube?"

Twilight smiled sadly and nodded.

Two months after Twilights arrival.

Twilight had been reading in the house's interestingly large library when an alarm suddenly went off startling her. She stepped out and saw the other kids running. Uncertain she followed them to the living room where a large holographic screen appeared and a man in a red and yellow armor which had a masked helmet was on it.

"This is an emergency call to all auxilary Avengers including members of the Young Avengers. We need help. There's a massive scale invasion in New York and we need as much help as possible because if we fall here the world will follow." he said before the screen disappeared.

"What do we do Onii-chan?" a young girl asked Shawn.

"Everyone listen up!" he called out with authority causing them to look at him. "I know you all want the chance to prove you're heroes but we can not risk leaving Japan defenseless."

Back in the present.

"Whoa whoa whoa." said Rainbow. "What's Japan?"

"Japan is one of the countries on Earth. It's actually where I was staying." replied Twilight. "Now then...."

Back to the story

"In case any of them break off and come here you all will stay here and protect Japan. We will return as soon as possible but if they do attack here I want at least one of you to contact me. In the meantime Scootaloo will be in charge."

Back at the castle

"Scootaloo?!" they yelled in shock.

"Would you stop that?!" snapped Twilight.

"Sorry darling but how is it that Scootaloo was there?" asked Rarity.

"That's a different story. All I'll say right now is that the Scootaloo I'm talking about was adopted by Shawn as his little sister." said Twilight.

Back to the story

"I won't let you down Nii-san." said Scootaloo with a confident smile.

"I know you won't." said Shawn. "Now then the others must be on their way so Fury and I will head over. If I don't make it I want you all to know that it's been an honor and a pleasure to know all of you." he said with a smile causing everyone, even Twilight to smile softly before he raised his fist. "Avengers!"

"Assembled!" they all called out. It was then Shawn and a girl who looked a lot like Twilight left.

The kids all gather in front of the tv not far from Twilight and watched the television with much worry as she saw how the city of New York had become a massive battle field with various humans and some that only appeared human fought armored aliens. There was a girl who looked a bit younger than her and had whitish pink hair who sat with Twilight as she watched. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just worried." replied Twilight.

"I know but Onii-chan's been through this before and he's not fighting alone." said the girl.

"I understand but..."

"It's hard to just sit here and do nothing. I know." said the girl. "I'm Momoe Nagisa but you can call me Nagisa if you want."

"I'm Twilight Sparkle." she introduced herself. She tried to smile but upon seeing the television she saw the massive battle field the city had become once more and was overwhelmed with concern. After what felt like hours of watching Twilight decided she couldn't take anymore and headed off to the lab.


"What lab?" asked Moon Dancer.

"Oh. I guess I forgot to mention it." replied Twilight sheepishly. "You see Shawn's home has a number of levels underneath his main home and the first is a lab where he makes and studies various things. When we first met he took me there and he ran some scans on me. Anyway"

Twilight had taken a few weeks to get used to basic technology but she'd come to understand it well enough and she'd learned where he kept some of the basic defense weapons so she opened opened the hiding spaces on the floor which caused a number of displays to rise up.

"I may not be able to use my magic but that doesn't mean I'm okay while the others fight." she said to herself as she pulled a few small guns and clips.

The others stared at her blankly.

"Guns are weapons which fires small shards of metal at really high velocity. Clips are what one calls the containers that hold the shards which are called bullets and they are put in the guns. However the guns Shawn keep in his lab don't fire matter. They fire concentrated bolts of plasma." explained Twilight.

"Fascinating. How did he do it?" asked Moon Dancer.

"I'm not sure." replied Twilight. "But I do have one here." she said pulling a hand gun out of her backpack and placing it on the floor.

"It doesn't look that dangerous." said Spike as he picked it up.

"That's because it's not loaded." replied Twilight. "This is an M717 Plasma Pistol which comes complete with a charge setting which allows a shot to become stronger by holding the trigger." The others looked at her confused. "Basically the longer you hold the trigger the stronger the shot fired but if you hold it for too long it'll explode."

"So what do the shots do?" asked Spike.

"A low level shot can cause burns in whatever it hits but the longer it's charged the more dangerous the shot and at the max it'll vaporize part of what it hits." clarified Twilight.

"I can't believe something so destructive exists." said Rarity.

"Yeah but these were made by Shawn and another person named Izzy in case there was any kind of invasion."

"Just how many times have they been invaded?" asked Applejack. Twilight shrugged.

"They've dealt with aliens, demons, and a number of other threats." she said simply before realizing something. "Hey Spike how much do the Princesses know?"

"Are you kidding? They've been looking for a way to track where the spell took you." Twilight sighed.

"Who else?" she asked.

"Cadance and Shining." replied Spike.

"Oi. I really should've asked about that before starting this." said Twilight scratching the back of her head. "Spike could you send letters to them and ask them to come to the castle?"

"Right away." said Spike leaving.

"Hey Twilight." said Rainbow causing her to turn. "Was this gun thing the only weapon you brought?" Twilight looked thoughtful for a moment.

"I guess one could say that's debatable." she said.

"How would that be debatable." asked Applejack.

"Well I have weapons that I can't carry on me because technically they're part of me." explained Twilight.

"I don't understand." said Pinkie looking at her confused. Twilight sighed before holding out her hand causing a flame to form which expanded and the dissipated revealing a sword which surprised them.

"Where did that come from?" asked Moon Dancer.

"Like I said: From within me." replied Twilight. "When I was made what I am now I gained a number of abilities from the Elementals. One of them resulted in me gaining what they call a Soul Blade."

"Soul Blade?" they all asked. Twilight nodded.

"None of them remember when it was that they got them but they all have one."

"That doesn't look like the sword you used on that thing." said Rainbow.

"It's not." replied Twilight. "The sword I used against that imposter is one I only bring out during certain situations."

"So it's more dangerous?" asked Rainbow.

"Much more. To be honest it took me a full month of training with it to be able to use it without getting hit with a backlash of magical energy."

"Wait. That sword's magic?" asked Applejack.

"Well, the one I used to the imposter. It was made in a different world." explained Twilight as she walked and looked at one of the windows.

"So that thing you fought was an imposter?" asked Rainbow.

"Well...yes and no." replied Twilight causing the others to look at her confused. "By definition it was an imposter. The accurate term for those creatures is Herald." she clarified as Spike returned.

"Alright. I just sent the letters." he said. It was then Twilight realized something.

"Oh crap." she said.

"What's..." began Pinkie before there was a slight explosion in the center of the library resulting in most of them getting thrown back. At the center of where the explosion happened they saw the three princesses and Shining Armor.

"Where is she?!" asked Shining.

"Well...that's one way to make an entrance but personally I would've gone for the front of the castle instead." said Twilight with a giggle. The four turned and their eyes widened.

"Twily? Is that really you?" asked Shining.

"Well I'm not the Black Cat." she said with an uncomfortable laugh.

"Twilight. You look very different." said Cadance.

"Yeah. I've been through some stuff." said Twilight ask she went up to them and hugged each one of them. Celestia looks at her a bit confused.

"I may be wrong here but you also seem a bit....younger."

"Eh. Yeah." said Twilight uncomfortably. "I kinda got regressed to age fourteen when I crossed over. I'm technically fifteen now."

"Twilight, how...?" began Celestia.

"I really should've thought this out when I got here." she said to herself. "Spike could you please bring us some tea while I explain what I've already told the others."

"Alright." said Spike leaving.

"So here's what I've explained so far." said Twilight. It did take a few minutes and she stopped in the same point she'd stopped. Part ways through the explaination Spike returned with tea for everyone so by the time she got to the poing where she'd left off. "Now that everyone's caught up I will ask that everyone keep their questions to themselves until I finish this story." she said.

In her story

Twilight had been taught some of the basics of using weapons so she knew she'd also need some armor. Luckily she'd seen Fury storing some a few days ago. She walked towards a slightly discolored tile and feld around until a part of the floor lit up and then arose. Within the secret campartment were what looked like silver arm bands. She took one and put it on before grabbing some holsters from a table, thankful that Shawn didn't seem to keep his lab as clean as she kept hers. Afterwards she went to the main console of the computer and began typing having been taught the use of one very important device from Fury. She held her hand out causing a holographic keyboard to appear. She typed a bit causing a glowing doorway to appear in front of her. "As they say: Now or never."

Back at the castle.

"After I went through the doorway I found myself in New York City which is kind of like Manehattan." finished Twilight. "When I arrived there were these armored creatures and many heroes fighting around. Since there were many already fighting I figured the best thing I could do was get any civilians out of the street so I started looking around and took down a few of them. I also helped some civvies finding hiding places. I'm not sure how long it was but some time later I recall the fight was still going and I heard what sounded like crying. It was a little girl's voice. I fought my way through a lot of them and eventually I did.

In the past

Twilight ran through until she arrived near a car that had been turned over. She blasted the window and inside found a little girl who had her hands over her eyes as she cried.

"Common sweetie. I'll help you." said Twilight.

"I want my mommy." said the little girl. Twilight could tell the girl was definetely younger than the crusaders by a few years.

"Come with me and I promise we'll find your mommy." said Twilight. The little girl looked at her and into her eyes. Then she started crawling towards Twilight. Once Twilight had her she pulled the girl out of the car.

"Let's go." said Twilight as she started running with the child in her arms but was still forced to dodge and weave from time to time due to explosions. Eventually she found a clear way into an alley. Once there she sat down. "Alright. Now can you tell me what your mommy looks like or where she went?" The child shook a lot fightened by the noise. She looked out of the alley and noticed a woman not too much older than herself looking around.

"Millie!" At that the little girl perked up. Twilight noticed this and started heading toward the woman but before she reached the sidewalk three of the armored creatures surrounded her. Twilight drew the last of the weapons she still had and blasted the three but she hadn't actually been paying attention to the setting she had the weapon in resulting in the shots to cause minor damage to the armors before all three creatures were pulled together and seemingly crushed. She didn't understand what had happened but at this point she wasn't gonna question when something good happened. Twilight went up to the woman holding the child. "Excuse me ma'am but is this your daughter?" The woman looked up and saw the girl.

"Oh my goodness. Millie. I've told you not to let go of my hand when we're out."

"I'm sorry mommy." said Millie.

"Thank you for helping her. She's actually my niece but my sister wouldn't stay inside until I said I'd look for her."

"No problem but you better get going." said Twilight as she noticed a few more of the creature landing not far from them. The woman nodded and left. Twilight was about to fire at the creatures in front of her when she heard the sound of more landing behind her. She looked at the ones in front of her and behind her but was surprised when the ones in front of her exploded. The ones behind her had gotten close and she'd been trying to decide where to when all four of them just slumped over allowing her to see the arrows sticking out of them. Twilight sighed in relief.

Back at the castle.

"And that's the last thing I remember." sad Twilight.

"So what happened?" asked Rainbow.

"I awoke some time after and Shawn chewed me out for being reckless." replied Twilight. "I asked him what happened and he told me that I had been caught in an explosion and had actual been put in temperal stasis for a few days."

"In what?" asked Applejack confused.

"Basically I was sorta put to sleep in a pod that kinda froze me in time." replied Twilight. "Anyway Shawn explained to me that I'd lost my right arm and because the explosion disrupted the magic I had within me they had to replace my arm first."

"Your arm looks fine to me." said Rainbow.

"What you're looking at isn't my arm. It's just a cover meant to help it look normal." explained Twilight as she placed her hand on her arm resulting in some steam getting released forcing them to shield their eyes. After they heard something heavy hit the floor. Once the steam cleared up everyone looked at her in shock. Her right arm almost looked to be made of crystal.

"Whoa." said Rainbow unsure of what to say.

"So they gave you a fancy arm?" asked Applejack.

"Kinda. I was unconcious but he said that he had to ask to others to help him form this." said Twilight. "But that wasn't the only thing. According to Shawn he wasn't sure how long I had so he did something he wanted to avoid. He injected his blood into me. That helped my body recover a bit but it wasn't enough so he asked the other Elementals to help me and all nine of them focus their power into me."

"Wait. Nine Elements?" asked Shining Armor. Twilight nodded as her hair ignited surprising them. Then it suddenly froze before becoming wind, then stone, then lightning, then metal, then a dark mist, and then a radiant light before returning to normal.

"'re like a superhero?" asked Spike becoming excited.

"Actually over there I'm actually considered to be a hero and I'm a member of a group called the Young Avengers." replied Twilight.

"That's so awesome!" said Rainbow.

"Not as great as it sounds." said Twilight.

"What do you mean Twily?" asked Shining.

"Well due to the circumstances when I was granted this power it resulted in some side effects." replied Twilight.

"Like what?" asked Celestia concerned.

"Essentially whatever Element I use influences the way I act. For example as I am now I can kind of control myself but if something were to try to attack me I'd turn aggressive. In using water I tend to become....agreeable. That's just naming a few." explained Twilight.

"So was that how you moved fast when you fought that herald thing?" asked Rainbow.

"No. That was actually from my physical training." replied Twilight. Then she sighed. "It also has to do with why I'm not technically a pony anymore."

"What do you mean?" asked Cadance.

"Shawn was the one who's blood I recieved but he wasn't human. He's technically a chimera of a special category and because of that I'm essentially the same as him. In other words him injecting me with his blood wasn't like a transplant because his blood changed me down to the genetic level." explained Twilight.

"So then..."

"Basically my physical strength, my speed, endurance, and most other attributes are much higher than they were before and that's without magic." clarified Twilight.

"So you don't have your magic anymore?" asked Rarity concerned.

"No. I still do. But I couldn't access it for a while. After I became like this I was able to access it but it was strangely different and my specialty changed."

"What do you mean?" asked Shining.

"Well as you recall my Cutie Mark represented that my talent was magic." said Twilight. "My specialty seems to be using my magic to enhance my physical abilities during battle although I still have some trouble controlling it so sometimes it happens but it'll take some seconds for me to realize it. For example if someone attacks me and I pick up on it my magic will probably make me faster so I'll probably dodge faster than normal but at the same time I won't realize what happened until after." she explained. "Alright that's enough questions for now." she said before anyone else could ask anything. "Look. The girl I spoke of before. Death Rose. She's here and I don't know why. All I know is that on her own she's a lot stronger than me right now. In addition she has these black spheres that inside house Heralds." Twilight saw some of them wanted to ask. "Herald are basically copies of people made of cosmic energy which is why they look silver. It's impossible to say how many she has or whether or not she made them or recieved them.. This means she might have one or more of every hero and villain from the earth I was on. The plus side seems to be that they become weaker once released in Equestria."

"How can you tell?" asked Moon Dancer.

"I fought one not too long ago." replied Twilight. "The Herald Rainbow saw me fight was a copy of a Hero named Ben Grimm, AKA The Thing. A member of the hero team the Fantastic Four."

"Twilight, do you think it'd be possible to track her?" asked Celestia.

"Unfortunetely not with Equestria's level of tech. We'd need satelites to be able to track her since she gives off various energy signatures." replied Twilight. "That was actually how we found her when she was about to head here."

"What's a satelite?" asked Rainbow.

"It's a machine sent to orbit a planet in order to make transmitting information to other parts of a world easier." explained Twilight. "For example..." she said holding out her hand causing a holographic globe to appear but when she made it bigger none of the others recognized it.

"What is that?" asked Lyra.

"This is planet earth." replied Twilight as she turned to globe to a set of islands. "And this is Japan. Where I was living." she said before turning the globe and pointing to the edge of a continent. "And this is where New York is." she added. "Now Stark Industries has satelites basically all around the world allowing for different things such as Shawn's use of the Teleportal system from Japan to anywhere in the world." They looked at her. "How do you think I got half ways across the planet in one step?" They nodded as the hologram disappeared. "There isn't much to be done about searching. Shining how combat competent are the Royal Guards?"

"They're mostly trained more as guards than warriors." replied Shining.

"So they're basically useless in a fight." said Twilight with a sigh before she suddenly looked up.

"Is something wrong Twilight?" asked Celestia. Without responding Twilight took off running out of the castle soon followed by the others. When they got to the edge of Ponyville they saw as three more dark sphere landed.

"I'm guessing that's a yes." said Cadance.

"Whatwedowhatdowedo?!" panicked Pinkie.

"Keep the streets and sky clear." said Twilight as her eyes began releasing electric sparks. Before anyone could say she was gone. Dash snapped out of her shock first and followed. It took a few seconds before the others followed. When they arrived at Twilight's location they saw as the three spheres landed near one another with one in front and the other two behind it. Ponies began to gather around as they looked on. "Everyone get out of here, NOW!" ordered Twilight. The ponies turned to her as the spheres melted revealing three silver creatures resulting in all the ponies heading indoors. All two of the three seemed to be human in strange clothing but the last was different. The first seemed to wear some kind of armor with a cape and helmet. The second looked like a woman in strange tights who had what looked like bat wings coming out of her lower back and just above her ears. The third was much larger than the other and was far more monstrous in appearance with one of its arms being made of snakes.

"What are they?" asked Celestia.

"Heralds." replied Twilight. "The first one is a mutant named Magneto, often called the master of magnetism. He's very dangerous and powerful enough to destroy large buildings and even move entire bridges. The second is a succubus named Morrigan. She's from the head of the house of Aensland and is known to be playful, dangerous, and somewhat sadistic. The third is the most dangerous of them. Its name's Ogre and it's very destructive." replied Twilight.

"Are any of them friends of yours?" asked Pinkie.

"Debatable." replied Twilight as the three began to rise. "Rainbow is there anyone on duty today?"

"Just me." replied Rainbow.

"Good. Make sure everyone stays on the ground." ordered Twilight. Rainbow was about to say something when Twilight shot a stream of electricity at the Magneto herald causing the three to look at her. Then she signalled for them with her fingers before flying upwards shocking the others.

"H-How?!" asked Rainbow in shock. Immediately Magneto sent a magnetic blast at her forcing her to create a small electric barrier which pushed her back but was caught by surprise when Ogre punched her almost forcing her down. She was able to stop herself but was surprised by a blast from Morrigan which threw her. She stopped and surprised everyone again when a pair of lavender wings which had dark blue tips extended from her back.

'Okay so I jumped the gun a little.' she thought to herself. She scoffed. "Guess I've no choice." she said out loud making the others wonder what she was intending on doing. She took a deep breath. Then she held her hand up and snapped her fingers "Elementra!" she called out causing the others to look confused as a circle with strange symbols formed at her feet. From it something emerged something which caused Twilight to rise higher but they became shocked when they saw a massive dark blue dragon come out of it with her standing on its head. "You ready partner?" The dragon gave a slight growl as it began to glow. Then it shot up higher in the form of a light which collided with Twilight causing a bright flash forcing everyone watching to shield their eyes. Once they were able to open them again they saw as Twilight floated only now she was completely covered in scales and with a dragonoid appearance, even her wings which went from feather to leather in appearance. "Let's dance." she said with smirk. The three charged at her but were forced back when Twilight formed an electric sphere which expanded forcing the three back. It was then she held out her hands causing a sword to materialize in each one which she connected at the hilts causing them to become a large scythe with a blue electric blade. "Lily, it's time to get serious." she said softly before she began spinning it rapidly causing several balls lightning to form around her which then shot off forcing the three to dodge. However they didn't noticed when the balls stopped behind them and flew back striking and temperarily paralyzing all three of them. It was then her eyes became completely navy blue with electricity surging out of them. Then she held out her hand upwards towards Morrigan causing a lightning bolt to strike her higher into the air. Then Twilight appeared behind her with a sad smile before snapping her fingers causing several more balls to form around Morrigan who looked around as the balls all began spinning around her. Before she had a chance to react they converged on her resulting in her being trapped in a large sphere of electricity. Then Twilight held her weapon over her shoulders as the blade became bigger and she began to spin rapidly with electricity surrounding her. The electrified twister then flew to the sphere and went through it causing several lines to form on it before it exploded. After Twilight flew at Morrigan and put her hand through the herald's chest and pulled something out which caused Morrigan to dissolve into dark particles.

With a sigh Twilight's scales, hair, eyes, and clothes became white while her weapon's blade became pure light. The remaining two got ready to charge when Twilight suddenly came between the two and grabbed Magneto, releasing light into him before letting him be shot back allowing her to turn her attention to Ogre who attempted to punch her again. This time she caught its fist in her hand and spun around before throwing it back. She smiled and then disappeared resulting in everyone looking around wondering where she'd gone so they didn't see when she caught Ogre in another magic circle. Then she flew up and seperated from Elementra who expanded her wings. "Light the eternity." said Twilight as Elementra fire a blast of gold and white fire which left Ogre with smoke coming off its body. After Twilight and Elementra rejoined and Twilight did the same thing to Ogre she'd done to Morrigan with the same result.

"Now let's go to the dark place." said Twilight as what was white now became pitch black, her eyes and weapon included. "It's now time to end this charade." she said with a distorted voice. Magneto raised his hands causing several metal objects to rise and then fly straight for her. Twilight sighed released a wave of darkness which caused everything to suddenly dissolve. "Ponyville doesn't have as many metal objects as earth." she said with a dark smile. "Now why don't you be a good little herald and let me end this?" Magneto's response was to fire off another electromagnetic pulse but when it hit Twilight she disappeared in a black mist before another formed behind him from which she materialized and released a pulse of dark energy which blew Magneto back. Then she appeared in front of him as he was trapped in a sphere of pure darkness. "Let's take a look at your deepest nightmares." she said as the sphere suddenly expanded engulfing her as well.

Within the sphere Magneto found himself in a valley with rotting plants and skeletons everywhere. He looked around but didn't see when a hand grabbed his boots and pulled him down followed by several more from his surroundings and began pulling him.

Twilight then appeared above the sphere and slices in half causing it to explode. Then she caught him before he fell with his eyes pitch black like hers. "Good night." she said as she put her hand in his chest and pulled it out resulting in him dissolving as well. After she landed back with the others who looked at her in shock as she returned to her first dragonoid form. "Well that's that." she said.

"How come I can't fly?" asked Rainbow.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I figured one of you would try to intervene so I had to use a scramble glyph." said Twilight as she snapped her fingers causing a magic circle under their feet to glow and then shatter.

"Why did...?" began Celestia.

"Because know you all well enough to know you'd try to help me even if the fight was too dangerous." replied Twilight. "I've fought heralds before and I've fought most of the heroes and villains they're shaped like but I don't know what they could do to any of you. For all we know them attacking one of you could mess with your magic. I couldn't risk it. That's why I set the glyph under my feet when I got here." she explained as her weapon disappeared. "Oh dear."

"What is it?" asked Celestia concerned.

"Elementra needs to rest. I'm afraid I'm gonna need one of you to take me back to the castle because our mergence is what's keeping me...." she began before she returned to normal and collapsed.

"Twilight!" they yelled out. Upon getting a closer look Celestia sighed in relief.

"She's just exhausted."

"With that display I'm surprised she didn't lose conciousness soon." said Luna.

"That would've been the case if she'd been using magic but I don't believe she was." said Celestia as she lifted her former student onto her back and the realizing how much heavier Twilight felt now than when she was younger. "Goodness. I didn't think she'd gotten this much heavier."

"What do you mean?" asked Shining.

"Would you like to carry her?" asked Celestia. Shining shrugged and then nodded before taking hold of his sister with his magic. Unfortunately once he released his magic he struggled to stay standing before falling on his stomach.

"Okay. She's heavy." he said trying to breath.

"Here. Let me help you." said Applejack. Cadance lifted Twilight and lifted her onto Applejack's back.

"Strange. Why doesn't she feel heavy when lifted with magic?"

"I believe that is something Twilight Sparkle can answer once she has rested." said Luna. "Let us return to the castle so she may rest." Everyone nodded and they returned to the castle.

Settling In

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Twilight looked at the grassy field she was currently standing. She knelt to touch the grass and noticed that despite how green it looked like the grass was very dry.

"You've become reckless." said a voice.

"You gonna scold me Elementra?" asked Twilight as she got up.

"We both know that would be as pointless as trying to understand your friend Pinkie Pie." Twilight couldn't help but laugh.

"So how is Lily?" asked Twilight.

"Still sleeping." replied Elementra.

"Figures." said Twilight.

"You know you're becoming too much like him." said Elementra. Twilight laughed.

"That's to be expected since my control of the elements stems from the blood he injected in me." said Twilight looking at her hand.

"Have you thought about what you're going to tell the others about Fury?" asked Elementra.

"I've thought of it a lot but I'm still not sure." said Twilight as she fell on her back. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't sometimes remember what happened back then before I went to earth but..."

"You were afraid of bringing up painful memories. I know." said Elementra.

"I guess it's to be expected since you are a part of me." said Twilight with a sad sigh as a door appeared next to her. "Well it looks like it's time for me to awaken." she said as she got up. "Please watch over her."

"It's what I've been doing." replied Elementra as Twilight opened the door and disappeared.

Twilight awakened and looked around. It was dark so switched her vision to night.

'Shawn wasn't kidding. This is useful when you don't wanna wake others up.' Twilight thought to herself as she looked around and saw a number of other beds where she saw her friends as well as Spike, Cadance, Shining, and Celestia. 'It may be because the time I was away but I'm curious as to where they got those beds from.' she thought to herself realizing the beds weren't from the guestrooms.

After she shrugged and snuck out of the castle without making any noise. Once outside she took to the skies at high speeds, making sure to avoid making noise to make sure not to awaken anyone in Ponyville. After a few minutes Twilight simply landed on a cloud.

"That was quite the display." said Luna.

"Well, flying is easier when you don't have to use your wings." said Twilight as she sat up.

"You've changed quite a bit." said Luna.

"I've been through a lot." replied Twilight. "I made many friends. I lost some of them. I learned what makes a hero. I saw creatures so beautiful they might be worshipped and others so vile just their presence would be enough to kill anything they touch." she said looking up. "Luna. Would it be okay if I asked you for some advice?" Luna looked at her surprised but then nodded. "There's something I didn't mention before because....I was afraid of opening old wounds." At this Luna perked up. "Here goes..."

Twilight told Luna the story Shawn had told her of how he met Fury, of her own experience in that situation when it happened, and of her experience training with her. By the end of the tale Luna was left speechless.

"What is it that you need advice for?" asked Luna after a minute.

"I'm not sure if I should tell the others. It feels like I'd just opening up old wounds but at the same time Fury was one of my mentors. She was hard on me but at the same time she was always making sure to watch my back."

"Then you do wish to tell them of someone you admire but because of where she came from you're afraid of bringing up something you never truly got over." probed Luna. Twilight nodded.

"Twilight there are times when things of the past, while painful to speak of, are necessary to remember." said Luna. "In this case, however, the decision must be yours." Twilight sighed.

"I had a feeling you'd say something like that."

"It's about time for the sun to rise." said Luna. "I hope you find the answer you seek." she said before flying off.

"I guess it was too much to ask." Twilight said herself with a sigh. 'I hope the others like Shawn's cooking.' she thought to herself with a smile as she went back to the castle.

Once she got back Twlight went straight to the dining room and took a small box out of her pocket and placed it in the middle of the table. After she tapped the top and stood back as various containers, that started off small came out of it and grew bigger, landed on the table. The others having arrived just before all the containers landed on the table.

"How did you...?" began Rainbow.

"Shawn made these. He was curious as to whether you'd like it or not." said Twilight with a smile. "And I just remembered I forgot to bring the plates." she said getting up. "Elementra was right. I am becoming too much like Shawn." she said as she left returning shortly after with plates and silverware floating around her. She moved them in front of each of her guests who had taken a seat while she got the things. Then she lifted the tops off the containers. "We hope you enjoy them."

"What do you mean "we"?" asked Cadance.

"I helped Shawn make everything here. He figured it'd be best if we worked together to make more for everyone." explained Twilight as she used to remove the tops from all the containers with her magic. A few of the dishes had steam coming out of them while others were completely cold.

"So what do we have here?" asked Spike.

"Well..." began Twilight. "We've got white rice, egg rolls, tofu, sushi, vegetarian dumplings, won tons, shishkabobs, enchiladas, chilé relleno, and various dim sum. We hope you enjoy." she said with a smile as she lifted out various small containers from one slightly larger one which surprised them.

"How did you get all those containers in that one?" asked Cadance.

"Shawn enchanted this container using Pym Particles." explained Twilight leaving everyone confused. "Pym Particles basically can make things shrink or grow making it possible to fit a lot of something in a container." she explained as she took the tops off the smaller contrainers revealing different buns in each one. The others marveled at the food but Celestia, Shining, Cadance, and Spike were a little worried about whether or not the food was edible since Twilight was involved in the cooking. Twilight noticed the way they looked at the food and smiled. "Don't worry. Shawn taught me a lot on how to cook. He had to learn at an early age so he was a good teacher." They sighed and using her magic, Celestia served everyone began serving themselves. As everyone tried the food they were surprised at how good it tasted.

"Just what is in these buns?" asked Celestia eating one that looked like a peach.

"Those have sweet bean paste. The white smooth ones have pineapple paste and the white ones that look layered are plain." replied Twilight as she served herself some food and then pulled out what looked like a red paper container. Twilight then pulled out the two sticks which were attached at the top and placed her hands together. "Itadakimasu." she said before seperating the sticks and eating.

"What was that?" asked Applejack.

"What?" asked Twilight before inserting a chilé relleno whole into her mouth and eating it.

"You said something before you started eating." replied Applejack.

"Oh. That. It's tradition in Japan to say 'Itadakimasu' before you eat. It basically means thank you for the food." replied Twilight before continuing to eat.

They ate in silence for a few minutes before Twilight looked towards the window.

"Is something wrong Twilight?" asked Celestia. She sighed.

"Celestia I'm assuming because my disappearance wasn't ruled out as a death I've still got my title." said Twilight.

"That's right." said Celestia.

"Then I'd like to ask that you not send any members of the Royal Guard." said Twilight.

"What?!" yelled out Shining. "You're a princess so you need protection!"

"No I don't." replied Twilight. "In case you didn't realize it from the fight yesterday I've got way more combat experience than any member of the Royal Guard. I'm also the only one who has the power to beat them."

"How can you be so sure?" asked Shining.

"First because the only weapons they know how to use are swords and spears which quite frankly would be about as useful as throwing fruit at a full grown dragon." replied Twilight. "Second there's only Pegasi and Unicorns in the guard and becaues there's no Earth Ponies they're much more vulnerable to physical since it's rare for either of the two to have the kind of endurance Rainbow has. Third: you said yourself that they're trained more as guards than soldiers which means in this situation they're useless."

"It doesn't matter." said Shining. Twilight sighed.

"Man. What a drag." she said. "Fine. How's this. Every monday send....let's say fifteen members of the Royal Guard. If they can beat me in a fight then and only then can they stay."

"Are you kidding?" asked Shining.

"That's my only offer." said Twilight. Shining was about to say something when Cadance put a hoof on his back with a smile.

"Fine." said Shining.

"Good." said Twilight.

"Now that that's settled I'd like to ask ya something if you don't mind Twi." said Applejack.

"Ask away." said Twilight.

"I don't mean to sound mean or anything but....did you gain weight?" asked Applejack. Everyone, except Twilight stared at her.

"Yeah. I did." replied Twilight causing the others to look at her surprised. "When I was granted the power of the Elements I gained an innate ability from each one. I'm heavier because having the power of the Metal Elemental caused me to gain a metal skeleton."

"Metal....skeleton?" asked Celestia uncertain she'd heard right.

"That's right." replied Twilight.

"Wowwie. So I'm guessing you don't have to worry about getting hurt like that time you were following me." said Pinkie. Celestia, Cadance, and Shining stared at her causing Twilight to sigh. "What?"

" hurt?" asked Shining.

"What happened?" asked Cadance.

"Well let's see." said Twilight. "First I got stung by a swarm of bees. Then I fell into Applejack's apple cellar. And then I got a pot, an anvil, a hay cart, and a piano dropped on me, in that order."

"Wow." said Celestia.

"Yeah." replied Twilight. "I left it out of the Friendship Report because I didn't want you to worry."

"I'm surprised you remembered all that since those last four things hit you on the head." said Spike.

"Well an eidetic memory's a blessing as much as it is a curse." replied Twilight. They looked at her confused. "I'll explain that another time."

"So what else do you have?" asked Pinkie.

"Well, let's see." said Twilight. "From fire I have a flame aura which allows me to withstand any temperature. From water I gained the ability to basically breath and move freely under water. From wind I gained Aero Step which basically gives me absolute control of my movements in the air as though I was flying and increases how high I can jump. From Earth I got Nature's Blessing which give me limited control over the earth nearest to me. From Lightning...well you saw it yesterday. I can move really fast when I need to. I already said what I got from metal. From Light I gained the ability to heal. From Darkness I gained the ability to disappear in the shadows and from Love I gained an empathic radar."

"Love?" asked Cadance.

"Well that's what's refered to but in reality she represents emotion." clarified Twilight. "Honestly out of the nine that one's my least prefered one."

"Why's that?" asked Pinkie.

"Because I pick up on what everyone within a one mile radius of me is feeling simultaneously." replied Twilight.

"You seem to have it under control though." pointed out Celestia.

"I don't." replied Twilight as she stood up. She took a few steps away from the long table and then removed her shirt and skirt leaving her in her underwear. After she closed her eyes causing various colored runes to glow through her body. "The lines that are white are Asgardian Runes Shawn had them carve into me to block my empathy because it started affecting me."

"That's...." began Fluttershy.

"Not nearly as bad as it seems." interupted Twilight.

"So what about the other glowy lines?" asked Pinkie.

"They're Asgardian Spells Shawn asked them to carve into me. To be honest while we were on mission in Asgard I was having trouble controlling my magic so had them place a few offensive and defensive spells on me. They're really strong but also very taxing outside of Asgard." explained Twilight as all the runes stopped glowing and she put her clothes back on. "Is there anything else you'd like to know?" she asked as she sat down.

"You really worked out while you were gone, didn't you?" asked Rainbow having noticed how toned Twilight's body looked.

"Naturally." said Twilight with a smile. "To be honest when I first started training, despite the change in my physiology from human to chimera, it took time for me to be able to handle standard physical training so Shawn would train with me. He always said it was to help me catch up with everyone else but I know he didn't want me to train alone."

"Chimera?" asked Fluttershy surprised.

"What's that?" asked Pinkie.

"A chimera is a creature composed of two or more like Gryphons, Minotaurs, or even Manticores." explained Twilight.

"I don't get it." said Rainbow. "You don't look to be more than one thing."

"Appearances can be deceiving my dear Dashie." said Twilight as her eyes flickered red. Out of everyone the only one to notice this was Pinkie who became curious. "Now that I remember there was something I was gonna mention but I can't remember what it was." she said with a hand on her chin not noticing she had begun glowing causing the others to stare at her.

"Twilight, darling. Are you....supposed to glow like that?" asked Rarity.

"What?" asked Twilight before looking at her hand. "Oh. That's what I was forgetting."

"What is it sugarcube?" asked Applejack.

"Not long ago I....well...I'm not really sure how to describe it so I'll be blunt. Every once in a while I start glowing like this. When I do it means I'm gonna be sent somewhere to fight someone."

"WHAT?!" they yelled out.

"Yeah. I'm not sure why it's been happening but I do know is that I have to win fifteen fights and it'll stop."

"And what fight will this be?" asked Celestia.

"Fifth." replied Twilight.

"Twilight! Please don't go!" said Pinkie as she latched onto her.

"Don't worry Pinkie. I'll be back." said Twilight and then noticed the look in Pinkie's eyes causing her to sigh. "If you want you can come with me to this one fight. Just hold onto me." The other went up to her and touched her. 'I'll bet if this was written someone's gonna have the pervy mind to giggle about it.' she thought as she began glowing bright before they vanished.

The group appeared in a flash of light. They looked around and saw a partially destroyed city.

"What is this place?" asked Rarity.

"Looks like the arena for this fight is a destroyed Tokyo." replied Twilight. The others turned and became surprised to see Twilight wearing a sailor top which was white and lavender, a lavender skirt, her yellow bow on top of her head, and a black cape similar to the one Trixie wears only this one was black and had no pattern. Twilight blushed a bit as the others stared at her.

"Darling I love that outfit." said Rarity.

"Thanks, I guess." said Twilight as Rainbow started laughing. "You know, in this form turning someone into something like a beetle is a lot easier." she said glaring at Rainbow who stopped.

"So why the outfit?" asked Applejack.

"When Shawn started teaching me magic he explained I had to have a uniform in mind to create with magic and I came up with this because I watched a lot of Magical Girl anime." explained Twilight.

"Ah. More subjects for testing." said a distorted voice. The group turned and saw unicorn Twilight only the whites of her eyes were pitch black. As she walked she was engulfed in darkness and when it dissipated she was revealed in human form.

"Grimm Me." said Twilight with her eyes narrowed.

"What?" asked Rainbow.

"I'll explain later. For now do not interfere no matter what." said Twilight before approaching her Grimm self. "Hey there chuckles."

"You mock me?" asked Grimm Twilight.

"I guess you're insane but not stupid." said Twilight as the two looked at each other.

"Triumph or Die!" called out a voice surprising the others as a rune formed under the others creating a barrier. "FIGHT!" the voice called out causing both Twilights to charge at each other.

When they got close Grimm Twilight used her magic to pick up two cars and used them in an attempt to crush Twilight who teleported back. After Grimm Twilight picked up several more cars and began throwing them at Twilight who used her cape to cover herself and disappear. Grimm Twilight became surprised and looked around until Twilight's glowing hand appeared at Grimm Twilight's stomach.

"Hangyaku Jū." said Twilight as she blasted her Grimm counterpart who was shot into one of the broken buildings. Before Twilight could react a dark hand formed under her, grabbed her, and pulled her into said building. Several blasts were fired within the building causing it to collapse which forced the two to fly upwards surrounded by magic as they flew upwards and crashed into one another until Grimm Twilight decided to blast her counterpart causing her to crash near the others. Afterwards Grimm Twilight fired multiple blasts which hit Twilight who was shielding herself with her arms.

"Release Restraints! 100%!" yelled out Twilight causing shackles to form at her ankles, wrists, and neck which then opened and hit the floor.

"That won't be enough to defeat me!" declared Grimm Twilight as she picked up more cars and threw them at Twilight.

"Just try me." said Twilight as she impacted her fists together releasing a fiery aura as she charged. "Power Pummel!" she yelled out as she punched each car with an explosive strike that destroyed them one at a time. However when she got to the last one Grimm Twilight was no longer there.

"Let's have some fun." said Grimm Twilight as she stabbed Twilight from behind with an insane smile.

"Yes. Let's." said Twilight with a smirk before exploding throwing Grimm Twilight into the air where the real Twilight spotted her as she floated in air with her legs crossed.

"Astral Magic." she called as her soul exited her body and flew around Grimm Twilight three times trapping her in three violet rings as her soul returned to her body. After she removed the bow and twirled it as she got in front of her Grimm counterpart causing it to become a rifle that was much bigger than her which she aimed point blank. "Yippee Ki Yay bitch!" she yelled out as she focused her magic into the weapon causing it to glow. "Tiro Finalé Mk V! "she yelled out as she fired a massive blast of magic.

"KO!" called out the voice from before.

Once the blast died down a massive trench was left as the shackles reattached themselves to her. Twilight sighed as she massive rifle vanished, turning back into the bow which returned back to it's previous place. The barrier that the others had been in dissolved allowing them to run towards Twilight as she fell crashing with enough force to embed herself into the pavement.

"Twilight!" they called out as they went up to her.

"Are you okay?" asked Cadance.

"Fine. Just a little tired. I loaded more magic into the rifle than I intended." replied Twilight with a light laugh.

"So that bow turns into that big cannon?" asked Rainbow.

"It's a rifle not a cannon but yeah." replied Twilight. "It was a going away gift from Shawn and this girl name Tomoe Mami."

"Weird name." said Rainbow.

"They'd say the same thing about yours." replied Twilight.

"So was that a birthday present?" asked Pinkie.

"No. Some of the others gave me enchanted items to remember them by whenever I have to fight." replied Twilight. "Welp. Everyone huddle up." The other approached her and like before made contact with her causing them to disappear.

"They reappeared in the dining room with Twilight still laying on the ground.

"Alright. Now can everyone let go so I can stand up?" Everyone took a step back allowing Twilight to stand revealing, to their surprise, that she her clothes had changed back.

"So...does this mean you have more than outfit to fight in?" asked Rainbow.

"Yeah but no that many. My Elementrix uniform is Lavender in my default form but only changes color to match whatever Element I'm using. Outside that I think I only have like four other outfits." replied Twilight.

"Well. This certaintly has been... eventful." said Celestia. Twilight laughed.

"You think this is weird, just wait until things actually get interesting." she said with a smirk.

"I'm almost frightened by what'll happen." said Celestia.

"If I could still feel fear I probably would be too." said Twilight. This caught everyone's attention.

"What do you mean?" asked Rainbow.

"I guess I didn't mention it before." said Twilight. "It's a side effect of what Shawn had to do to save me. He had to make me like him using a spell. Because of it I have a computer that blocks off the part of my brain that allows me to feel fear."

"So you're not afraid of anything?" asked Applejack.

"Nope. Not even death scares me which is why I've become quite reckless." replied Twilight. The others looked at her. "It's strange but oddly liberating."

"Twilight." said Celestia causing her to turn. "I'd like you to send me reports about the enemies as you face them."

"Sure thing." said Twilight.

"Now I must be going. The court musn't be delayed if not for an emergency." said Celestia as she turned to leave.

"We should be going too." said Cadance. "I'm sure our guards might get too worried if we're gone for too much longer since we teleported right after we got the letter." Shining nodded.

"Alright. Maybe we can meet up for tea and cake in the weekend." said Twilight.

"We'll have to move some things around the schedule but sure." said Cadance before they left.

"Hey, where'd Pinkie go?" asked Applejack looking around.

"She left about half a minute after we returned." said Twilight. This surprised the others. After she started heading back to her room followed by her friends.

Once back in her room Twilight moved her left hand over the top of the her backpack causing it to flash. Then a hologram appeared above it from which various sheets of rolled up paper began flying out, expanding in size as they flew out. Twilight caught them with her magic and began placing them on the walls.

"Why'd you bring so many posters?" asked Rainbow.

"They were all gifts." replied Twilight.

"So what are they of?" asked Applejack.

"Anime, movies, a few bands." replied Twilight.

"What about this one?" asked Rarity looking at one that had a girl with long bluish hair that was tied in twin tails.

"Oh. That's my autographed Hatsune Miku poster." replied Twilight.

"Who's Hatsune Miku?" asked Fluttershy.

"She's an amazing pop star!" exclaimed Twilight. "She's beautiful, has a voice that's to envy, and she's insanely talented."

"Sounds like you might be a bit more than a fan." said Applejack. Twilight laughed scratching the back of her head.

"I kinda got this way because Shawn actually had me be part of a mission to protect her." replied Twilight. "I got into her music because Nagisa found me depressed one time and the next thing I knew I'd fallen in love with her music. Not long after Shawn asked me to be part of an operation to protect her and that's how I got this." she said looking at the poster.

"What does it say?" asked Rainbow trying to read the autograph but not recognizing the characters.

"It says to my greatest fan. Thanks for saving me Twilight." replied Twilight.

"What language is that darling?" asked Rarity.

"Japanese." replied Twilight.


"Yeah?" replied Twilight turning around.

"Is this supposed be flashing like this?" asked Fluttershy pointing to the left strap which was flashing red. Curiously Twilight placed her thumb on it. The light flashed red twice and then became green causing the projection to become green as it released a blue metal box.


"What is it?" asked Fluttershy.

"A gift from Shawn." replied Twilight as she ran her fingers around it until she felt a button. She felt as it heated slightly burning her finger. After she threw it towards a corner of the room right before it started expanding until it was the size of a wardrobe.

"That was....impressive." said Rarity surprised.

"So that's what he was working on." said Twilight.

"You know what it is?" asked Rainbow.

"Not a clue." replied Twilight. "Shawn has a habit of making things without thinking until about half ways." she said walking up to a part of it causing to extend and a part just above it to open revealing a screen. 'I hate these so much.' she thought to herself as she placed her hand on the part that had extended. It was four needles came out and went into her hand causing her to wince. Some of the others noticed so the moved to her sides becoming shocked as the needles came out of her hand.

"What was that?!" asked Rainbow.

"A DNA scanner. Shawn designs a security lock with a four needles that go into the person's hand and check the person's blood to make sure only they can unlock whatever they may have." explained Twilight.

"That sounds painful." said Applejack.

"I stings at worst but that doesn't make it any less unpleasant." replied Twilight.

"Could he just used a key like everypony else?" asked Rainbow.

"Keys can be stolen." replied Twilight.

"What about a password?" asked Applejack.

"Inflict the right kind of pain on anyone and they'll give any password or anything that needs to be memorized." replied Twilight as the screen showed what almost resembled some strange graph.

"What is that?" asked Fluttershy.

"My genetic code." replied Twilight as part of the box extended. Twilight and the others stepped in front of it just in time for a bright flash to blind them temperarily.

The others slowly recovered their vision but once they did they looked around and saw a very arge place with some shelves and various things they didn't recognize.

"Nice place." said Twilight.

"Just what is this place?" asked Fluttershy surprised.

"I think we're about to find out." said Twilight as a hologram of Shawn appeared.

"Twilight. If you're watching this then you've made it home. This place is a base Hank, Tony, Master Strange, and I made for you. As you may have figured out this place is a combination of magic and technology. To be honest part of the reason I made this place was to store all your gifts. I realized everyone would want to give you things before you left so I made this place. Well.... that was the original purpose at least. Some of the other convinced me you'd need a proper base of operations so I've equipped this place with different things." he explained as more shelves arose from the ground. While there were many books on them there were also items that looked like books only much thinner and made of plastic. "As you can see there's a number of books here as well as DVD's and various video games. We've also installed an entertainment system which includes and PS3 and an XBox 360. I've also included a some slightly modified Arcade Sticks for your friends since I figured they wouldn't able to use controller with their hooves and it wouldn't really be fair for those with magic to use them since part of the fun is the dexterity. I know you'll need some assistance so I made these." he said as parts of the wall opened revealing several small trophies. "These are Champion Trophies. I created them with a bit of help. They're sentient and they'll assist you in battle when necessary but due to the number of them they won't all go at once. As you can see most of them are familiar faces while others are not so familiar. Those are friends of mine from the tournament some of us entered back when we were kids. In addition to this I created a little something to help you in some of the tougher battles you'll have ahead." he explained as a part of the floor arose revealing an armor in it unlike anything the others had ever seen. It was enough to cover the entire body but also had wings. "The armor itself is run by an AI which will also be running this place. Her name is Silver. This place will also have a number of training devices for when you need them. Most of them are pretty simplistic but as you recall sometimes the some simpest devices can be the most effective. I've also included these." he said as parts of the floor near the wall arose revealing statues of different people. "I know you would sometimes spend time looking at the statues of our Hall of the Honor so I had a few of the more recent....enductees here for you and Lily to remember. Now that I've explained that there's something I want you to know. Twilight I know that the trials you face will be hard but always remember that everyone here loves you although everyone thinks of you differently. For me you're one of the greatest friends and sisters I could've asked for. No matter how far apart we are whether it's in a different universe or a different point in time we'll always be with you even if can't be there physically. Everyone recorded messages for you here but I figured it'd take too long to have them all play continuously so I have them all as seperate messages for you to listen to. To be honest I also had Dom and Sara make messages of their own before.... well, I'm sure I don't have to tell you. Good luck in you future endeavors. You'll need it. Avengers forever Elementra." he said as the hologram disappeared. The others looked at Twilight and saw she had tears running down her face even though she was smiling. "Baka." she said as she wiped her tears.

"Are you okay Twilight?" asked Fluttershy concerned.

"I'm fine. Just...a little emotional." replied Twilight. "Let's check out what we've got here. Silver?"

"Yes Miss Twilight?" asked a mechanical voice with a british accent.

"Did Shawn program a catalogue into you?"

"Yes he did." replied Silver. "I believe his exact words were 'She's got insane OCD so she'd freak if I didn't'."

"I do not have OCD. I just like being organized!" exclaimed Twilight.

"What's OCD?" asked Spike.

"Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It's basically something that some people have where they have to have things or do things in a very specific way like organizing decorations by size or color." The others looked at each other and then her before smiling. "I do NOT have OCD!"

"Whatever you say Sugarcube." said Applejack trying not to laugh.

"So these are Champion Trophies?" asked Rainbow Dash as she flew to some of them.

"That's what he called them." said Twilight.

"Why does this one look so familiar?" said Rainbow looking at one of a young girl with short purple hair.

"I should think so." replied Twilight. "I'm sure there's some that are familiar to Rarity and Applejack as well." The two looked at the statues and noticed something.

"Now that you mention it darling...." began Rarity as she took one with a somewhat familiar hair style. ".... this one does resemble Sweetie Belle."

"And this one looks kinda like Applebloom." said Applejack taking one with red hair who had a navy blue bow in her hair.

"Now that you mention it this one kinda does look a little like Scootaloo." said Rainbow.

"They don't just look like them. Those are them. In a manner of speaking." said Twilight.

"How is that possible?" asked Rarity.

"Same way it's possible with this one." said Twilight showing them a statue that looked like her.

"Is that....?" began Fluttershy.

"Her name's Twilight Fury." replied Twilight.

"Why Fury?" asked Rainbow. Twilight looked away from them. "Twilight?"

"I was hoping I could avoid speaking of this but I'm guessing Shawn was fully aware this would lead to this discussion." she said.

"What's going on Twilight?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"The multiverse is.... fascinating because every possible eventuality exists. So much so that there are some in which events we've lived through had different results." explained Twilight. "They came from different realities." she added holding out Fury's statue. "This version of me came from a reality where.... she refused to forgive her friends at the wedding." At the mention of the wedding they winced. "The way they told me the story Fury was angry because of what happened and decided that if her friends turned their back on her there was no reason she couldn't do the same and she went off on them. Because of this she displayed so much anger that when Shawn arrived in that Equestria one of the marks of rage in him reacted to her anger and he arrived after they got rid of Chrysalis so he made her an offer. She could take the mark and it would change her. Give her power like his but in doing so she'd have to go with him to train so she could control it. Once she learned to control her new powers she could do whatever she wanted and he wouldn't interfere with her decision so long as she didn't use her power to harm others." she explained. "Fury saw this as an opportunity. A chance to forget her past. To forget those who had betrayed her. The others believed Shawn was actually trying to brainwash her and the Rainbow Dash of that reality attacked him. Unfortunately for her even at the age of ten Shawn was extremely dangerous so she wound up with several fractures in her skull, ribs, and wings." Hearing this made Rainbow wince. "Shining tried to attack him but she basically just slapped his blast back at him."

"Yikes." said Rainbow.

"It gets worse." said Twilight. "The Elements of Harmony picked up what had happened through Fury's feelings and decided that their current bearers were no longer worthy. So they decided to leave with them."

"Wait what?" asked Applejack confused.

"The Elements decided to find new bearers in the place that they were heading to. The Element of Magic dematerialized and became one with Fury. The Element of Loyalty did the same but chose Shawn as it's bearer. Once Shawn made a Dimensional Veil to return home the other four crossed over and found new bearers of their own."

"That's.... quite the story." said Rarity.

"So then what's the deal with these?" asked Rainbow looking at the Scootaloo statue.

"Before I go into that there's something else I need to explain." replied Twilight as she walked up to another statue and grabbed it before turning and showed it to them.

"Who's that?" asked Rainbow not being able to place why she seemed so familiar.

"Is...Is that me?" asked Fluttershy causing the others to look in shock.

"Yes." replied Twilight. "You see a few months before he met Fury Shawn accidentally crossed over to another universe. An alternate version of the world behind the mirror from the Crystal Kingdom. He met her when they were kids and he was amnesiac. She helped him and he got his memories back but on that day Fluttershy recieved a letter that her parents had died at sea." This caused Fluttershy's eyes to widen. "Shawn made her an offer to stay with him since he already lived with some other kids. She was....sad so when he asked she accepted. Because of what happened she didn't really interact with anyone until Shawn convinced her to let him teach her martial arts."

"Whoa. Whoa. Whoa." said Rainbow. "There's no way Fluttershy would do that. She's too soft. No offense."

"None taken." replied Fluttershy.

"From what they told me at first she didn't really want to because she disliked the idea of hurting other but was convinced when Shawn explained that learning how to fight didn't she had to use what she knew to hurt others. If she wanted she could use it to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. Like other kids who were getting picked on by bigger kids or animals who were being mistreated. So he convinced her and they trained. She picked up on it so quickly that he felt she could enter a street fighting tournament that was being held at the end of that month. He convinced her to enter by explaining that there was no point in training if she didn't test her skill against others to see how good she was and where her weaknesses were. She eventually gave in and entered with him. If I'm remembering this right she made it to the quarter-finals where as he made it to the semi-finals. Shawn believed that her making it as far as she did was an accomplishment so he took her back to her world to an ice cream parlor. After they got the ice cream theywent outside and it started raining so they ducked into an alley." she explained as she walked to one of the statues that had a girl in strange robes who held a book in her left hand and had her right hand held out. "That was where they met her." she said.

"Who is she?" asked Applejack.

"Many remember her by Sorcerell." replied Twilight. "They knew her by her birth name. Sunset Shimmer." she said causing the others to look at herin shock.

"Hold on. What do you mean "knew" her?" asked Rainbow Dash. Twilight didn't move but the others noticed what looked like drops of water falling in front of her. The others remained silent as they looked at the expression on her face.

"What happened?" asked Applejack.

"About a month after they met the human Sunset creatures started appearing in different parts of Japan. Eventualy they found out who was sending them. Six who refered to themselves as the Elements of Insanity."

"Elements of Insanity?" asked Spike surprised. Twilight nodded.

"Shawn said that they were corrupted versions of us who all but destroyed their world."

"W-What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy shaking.

"The six of them were....monsters. They killed Celestia. Luna. Even Cadance. They took over doing things. Horrible things." she said with a sigh. "But I'm getting ahead of myself here. Silver can I get some chairs here?"

"Right away." At that the ground opened up and six chairs came up. Twilight and the others sat down. "They fought the Elements of Insanity but were only able to stop their attacks as they happened. This led to them deciding to attack them. So the six of them ambushed Fluttershy. She made it because Shawn and the others made it in time. Sunset Shimmer wasn't so lucky. She saw they were gonna attack her in a public place and knew they couldn't care less about civilian casualties so she led them to a secluded area and tried to fight them." Twilight chuckles humorlessly. "They toyed with her beating her for kicks until the others arrived. When they got there. They killed her in front of them."

"Th-That's horrible." said Fluttershy with tears in her eyes. Twilight sighed.

"I hate to break the moment but what exactly does this have to do with Fury and the others?" asked Applejack.

"After Shawn....took care of them, he came to realize that they'd had a Fluttershy just like he did. In different realities simple things can change. From something as simple as choosing to have fruit or cereal to choosing to let your anger take over in a bad situation. Shawn knew this and he realized the possibility that he only knew of two Fluttershies. The one who lived with him and the....other one. This led him to three possible conclusions. A. The Fluttershy he knew was an anomoly meaning that it could that any Fluttershy from another reality could be as dangerous as Butchershy. B. Butchershy was the anomoly meaning that had happened which maybe shouldn't have but did resulting in the Elements of Insanity. C. Fluttershy grew into that psychopath over time which meant that his Fluttershy had the possibility to grow up like that. Uncertain of what could happen he used a sample of Brutalight's magic he absorbed to get to Equestria but it was a sample that had nearly faded so while he did end up in An Equestria it wasn't the one he sought. He began traveling from Equestria to Equestria in search of the universe the Elements of Insanity came from and this eventually led him to meet Fury. Not long after he also met Scootaloo who was having a hard time."

"Hard time how? There should've been another me there to help her." said Rainbow Dash angrily.

"Are you sure you want to now? This is gonna be worse than the previous one."

"I wanna know." demanded Rainbow. Twilight stood up and walked around before turning to her friends.

"Scootaloo told me that in her reality there's a test all pegasi have to take when they reach a certain age." began Twilight. "I don't believe we have it here but as I was not born a pegasus I wouldn't know. Anyway there's a test which all pegasi have to take when they reach a certain age. Pass it and they're free to continue their lives. Fail and they were seen as worthless and taken to a specific part of the Weather Factory."

"What part?" asked Rainbow.

"The Rainbow Factory." replied Twilight. "It's a place where pegasi who are seen as worthless are taken and fed into a machine that rips them apart and extracts their color." The others looked in horror. "That... is the secret of of the rainbows in her world. Scootaloo was lucky because Rainbow was able to find a way so that Scootaloo wouldn't have to take the test. But in exchange she had to work there. Cleaning the machine. Having to remove pieces of fillies and colts from it. When Shawn arrived in that world he was somewhere between Ponyville and Canterlot. He spotted Rainbow flying and followed her. He followed Rainbow through the factory and found Scootaloo but in far worse condition than anything he'd seen in this life. He made contact with her and offered to get her out of their by offering to kidnap her. Everything she'd seen weighed on her so much she accepted. Since then she's had to go to a psychiatrists for her PTSD."

"I'm almost afraid to ask but what's that?" asked Applejack.

"Post Traumatic Stress Disorder." replied Twilight. "It's something one gets when they've been through serious things like surving a massacre or anything like that."


"She's messed up and Shawn's been doing what he can to help her since he adopted her. She's on medication that help her avoid panic attacks as well as another to help her sleep at night." explained Twilight. "Apple Bloom was who he met after. He met her in the reality that the Elements of Insanity came from. It seems that her Applejack, or Applejerk as she prefered to call herself, didn't just dislike lies. She tied up Bloom, Mac, and Granny over something. Mac helped her escape. She's unsure of what happened to them since for the years that followed she had to learn to survive in the Everfree Forest because it was the only place that was safe."

"The Everfree Forest?! Safe?" asked Applejack.

"Safer than what they had begun doing in Equestria." replied Twilight. "After the fall of the Princesses the only constant thing was fear. Fear of what their new rulers would do."

"What did they do?" asked Rainbow.

"They killed. Killed for pleasure. Killed for fun. One of them went as far as to kill ponies to make cupcakes out of them."

"That's....horrifying." said Rarity.

"Shawn went there with his cousin and when they found her Evelyn adopted her. After she changed her name to Bloom Garrett. She's been going to her own therapy but she was gone for most of the time that they terrorized Equestria so she didn't really need medication."

"What about Sweetie Belle?" asked Rarity.

"Shawn figured Equestria would have threats that they wouldn't be able to fight without the Elements of Harmony and he convinced her to go back to Equestria with him when certain threats appeared."

"Certain threats?" asked Rarity.

"Yeah." replied Twilight.

"How would they know if they were in another reality?" asked Rainbow.

"Shawn placed a spell in the form of a rune in the Canterlot Castle. After he was able to pick when there was a big enough threat." explained Twilight. "One of these threats was Sombra."

"So what happened?" asked Rainbow.

"It's not entirely important for this but I will say she kicked his ass." said Twilight. "Anyway Shawn convinced her to take a walk around Ponyville and Sweetie Belle ran up to them completely sick and tired of her parents dumping her on Rarity only for her to ignore her in favor of her work so she asked them to take her with them. Fury felt bad for her and decided to give her the chance to have a proper sister and they took her. As far as I know it was a few days later that Rarity finally found out that Sweetie Belle was gone."

"What happened then?" asked Rarity. "I'm certain my counterpart wouldn't exactly be happy about her leaving."

"Shawn picked on the State of Emergency Sweetie's disappearance caused." replied Twilight. "They started thinking that they were after Rarity because of her place as a former Element of Harmony so Shawn, Fury, and Sweetie showed up. Sweetie explained her reasons for leaving and as they were about to leave Rarity tried to stop her by pulling Sweetie with her magic and....well Sweetie took that as a hostile action. She used her magic to swing Rarity into a wall, transformed, and stood ready to fight but once it became obvious Rarity had no intention of fighting Sweetie turned her back. Fury said that she couldn't believe what she said to Rarity that day."

"What? What did she say?" asked Rarity fearing the answer.

"After Sweetie turned her back she said I hope it was worth it Rarity. 'You prefered your work and it cost you a sister. I hope you're happy.' After that they left." explained Twilight. Rarity's eyes widened. "I figured this is how it was gonna go." she said with a sigh. "Silver did Shawn add any drinks?"

"Yes. Various drinks ranging from soft drinks to a fully stocked bar." replied Silver. "Then give me a Scotch on the rocks." Part of the ground in front of Twilight arose with a small glass that had some ice and a brownish liquid. "Thanks." she said taking the drink.

"What's that?" asked Spike.

"Something you're not allowed to drink for a few years." replied Twilight as she sipped the drink.

"How is she?" asked Rarity.

"Considering she's the only one of the three who doesn't have to see a shrink I'd say pretty good." replied Twilight. Rarity sighed. "She does have some anger issues though." sipping her drink.

"Is she well?" asked Rarity.

"She's got enough combat training to take on a small army by hersef. She's got enough skill with her magic to do things that would make the high mage look like an amateur. She's got many more friends aside from Bloom and Scoots. She knows what it means to be a hero and be part of a team." repied Twilight as she looked at the glass before finishing the drink in one swig. Part of the ground in front of Twilight arose so she placed the glass on it.

"Would you like another?" asked Silver.

"No. Do we have smokes?"

"Yes. Do you have a brand preference?"

"Nah. Just get me a menthol." replied Twilight. Part of the ground next to her arose with a small cylindrical object that was part white and part yellow. Twilight took it and placed it the yellow part in her mouth and lit a flame on thumb which she used to light a small flame which she used to light it.

"And what is that?" asked Rarity.

"It's called a cigarette. Menthol to be precise." replied Twilight as she puffed it and blew the smoke. "These have a minty taste."

"Is there a reason for that?" asked Applejack.

"Helps me relax with these stories. When you experience these memories yourself and you experience everything they felt.... it's too much." explained Twilight.

"What do you mean?" asked Fluttershy.

"Remember how I mentioned earlier that some of the runes on me are meant to block my empathy?" The others nodded. "Before I got them. That was when they told me these stories. Because of my empathy I... I didn't just hear these stories. Everything they told me, I experienced it through their emotions."

"Judgin' by your what you've said these weren't the happiest of things to feel, were they?" asked Applejack. Twilight released another puff of smoke.

"Just the emotions I felt when they talked about Shimmer gave me nightmares in which I watched her die in Shawn's arms night after night. It was hard to deal with them and Shawn felt these might help me and they kinda do."

"I'm not sure those are all that good for you." said Applejack.

"If I was normal they wouldn't be but as I am any damage they do to my insides heals so there's no danger to me." replied Twilight as she flicked the cigarette causing a hole to open in spot it would've hit.

"Darling, now that I think about it we've been here for quite some time. Perhaps we should go to Sugarcube Corner for a snack." suggested Rarity. Twilight smiled.

"It's been a long time since I've had something from Sugar Cubecorner." said Twilight. "Silver. How do we exit?"

"You merely need to ask. I believe we have synchronized quite well Miss Sparkle so it should be a simple matter for you." explained Silver.

"Alright then. Everyone get near me." said Twilight. The others huddled near her before they were blinded by another light.

After they found themselves back at the castle. The others felt a bit dizzy while Twilight simply looked a bit bored.

"Let's get going." said Twilight. 'After all it'd be rude to be late to my own party.' she thought with a smirk. After a few seconds the others followed Twilight. As they walked the others were trying to figure what they'd say to her if she asked why there nopony was outside but to their surprise she stayed silent the entire time. Twilight internally smirked when she opened the door.

"SURPRISE!!!" yelled out most of Ponyville as the lights came on....only for everyone to become confused when they saw Twilight was gone.

"Where'd she go?" asked Rainbow confused. Everyone started wondering if something dangerous was going on when the lights began to flicker a bit but turned their attention when they heard the strumming of a guitar.

"Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again. Because a vision of softlty creeping. Left its seeds while I was sleeping. And the vision that was planted in my brain, still remains. Within the sound of silence." sang Twilight. Everyone was trying to find Twilight as she seemed to be difficult to track. "In restless dreams I walked alone. Narrow streets of cobblestone. 'Neath the halo of a streetlamp. I turned my collar to the cold and damp. When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of neon light. That split the night. And touched the sound of silence." It was then Twilight seemingly appeared sitting on the counter with a guitar. "And in the naked light I saw. Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking. People hearing without listening. People writing songs that voices never share. No one dare, disturb the sound of silence.' At this point the ponies couldn't help but watch as she played. "Fools said I, You do not know. Silence lie a cancer grows. Hear my words that I might teach you. Take my arms that I might reach you. But my words like silent raindrops fell. And echoed in the wells of silence. And the people bowed and prayed. To the neon god they made. And the sign flashed out its warning. In the words that it was forming. And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls. And tenement halls." And whispered in the sounds of silence." With a final strum Twilight ended the song. The ponies looked surprised as Twilight hopped onto her feet and the guitar disappeared. "I hope you all enjoyed it. That was Simons and Garfunkel's The Sound of Silence."

"I told you guys she was different." said Pinkie going next to Twilight.

"Is that really Princess Twilight?" asked Derpy.

"New and improved." said Twilight.

"Do you know anything about that dragon from yesterday?" asked Mayor Mare.

"That was Elementra." replied Twilight. "It's a little complicated to explain but the simplest way would be to say she's a part of me. In other words she's a living being but is as much a part of me as either of my hands." she explained. "Everyone. I'm glad to be back and I'll gladly answer your question but first let's get this party started!" As everyone cheered Twilight. smiled.

In the Badlands Rose landed and saw two changelings.

"Time to begin Phase 2." she said with a giggle.