> Memories of Fire: Second Chances > by creativenamehuh > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I Prologue: A Day of Disaster > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -Prologue- A Day of Disaster -Protagonist- Another day of school, another day of the latest world war, and another day knowing my time in this world is coming to an end. My name is Argen Ayster, I am aged 13, and all my life I had known war. The year on Earth is 2019, and all of the world is at war, well, what's left of the world. I was born in the Spring of April 17th, 2006, to a loving mother, and a serious but caring father. At my birth, my parents had migrated from the war torn United States of America, to the semi-safe Republic of Italy, but what they didn't count on was Italy entering the war so soon, and my father being called to the front, if my mother and I were to be allowed to stay, and so he went. He never came back. In Italy, there were quite a mix race of people from the Western Badlands, as they are now being called, which included North and South America. At school, I did my work, I made some really close friends, not many, but good ones. My Mother was proud I hadn't let the war weight in on me, and continued raising me to the best of her abilities. Life was normal, until today, the very date I will never forget, the day I found out my friends had been taken by the war, and that the 'enemy' was much closer than we thought. 'Heh, yeah right, they knew, and to keep us from running away so they had time to make an escape, they kept us ignorant as the birds in the sky.' I thought. If I was going to spend the last of my days doing anything, it would be with my Mother, so that she wouldn't die alone, like my father. If only I knew... -???- I watched as a boy ran from his school, to his home where he would soon find out the worst of his fears. I dreaded wondering what he would do if he found out what had happened to his mother, but to wonder is naught, for he found it. He slowed to a walk, then a crawl as he started sobbing. Tears flowing freely down his cheeks, watching the scene. His house was battered, destroyed so that wreck and ruin remained. That was the least of his worries, for he saw his mother outside on the ground, presumingly dead, shot in the heart, but surprisingly still alive. He was at his mother's side like a bolt of lightning to a tree. "Mom, no mom, please don't leave me!" This boy screamed, shaking his mother harshly, I winced, not being able to know what it felt like to have someone you care so deeply about ripped from your life in that cruel of a way. The woman shakily breathed, and opened hear eyes. "My son, is that you?" She asked him, as she reached her hand up to wipe the tears from his cheek. He only nodded as he hugged her. She pleaded to him, "Please, don't grieve for me, move on and live your life. Try to, for me." "How?! How am I supposed to live my life, when war has reached Italy, mom! Dad is already dead, and there is no saving you!" He screamed at her, and he ran. The boy ran from his pain, he will try to. Though, what could I do? -Protagonist- I ran fast, hard, and I ran until the forest edge. It seems fate was with me, for once I had reached the forest edge, our local soldiers and moved to the house, to fight back the invaders... Suddenly, realization hit me harder than a brick wall. My mother was dead, my family was dead, my friends were dead, my home is gone, my country is gone, and I had nothing. At my age, I had watched everything burned, and I hated it. So I screamed, and I ran. I found a steep cliff which lead into one of our local mines, and without hesitation... I jumped. Tears streamed past me as I feel quickly down, once I neared the ground I closed my eyes... but the impact never came. Instead I opened my eyes and I found myself in... a library! I wiped the tears from my face and looked around my room, I saw a horse sitting at a desk, holding a pencil, and writing things. Wait... I saw a HORSE, SITTING at a DESK, HOLDING a PENCIL, and WRITING THINGS?! "H-hey! W-what are you, and where am I?" I questioned, trying to get my voice together. It turned around, and looked like it had it's hair/mane, whatever, covering its face... "Shh, calm down, there is no need to worry, you are safe here." It told me, it's voice seemed to soothe my fear, but I was instantly shocked again. As I opened my mouth to shout in questioning, she raised herself and put one of her legs against my mouth. It quietly said, "Ah ah ah, no shouting here. By the way, my name is Faust, I am female, and as for what I am, I am an Alicorn, a mix of Earth Pony, Unicorns, and Pegasus." I had no idea what this, Faust, meant by that, but I nodded slowly anyways. "If I let go of your mouth, will you scream, shout, run away, or do anything that will disturb the peace and calm?" She asked me. I shook my head, and she slowly pulled back her leg. "Hoof, it's a hoof." She said aloud. "You can read my thoughts?" I quickly questioned. She nodded, and pointed to a comfy looking sofa right behind me, I sat down, and she sat down across from me. "Where am I?" I interrogated. "I saw what happened to you, I watched, but I am not allowed to interfere." She told me. I instantly hated her, she reminded me of my life being ruined on a single day, I hope she felt my hate. "Calm down, I am not here to remind you of that anymore." She paused. "I am here to offer you a chance, at a second life. There is a world that I watch over, in a separate universe, this world is known as Equus, and it's inhabitants are ponies. There are Earth Ponies, who are like me, without the wing and horn. Pegasi, which I'm sure you know of. Unicorns, which are familiar to you too. Together they are ruled by two princesses, don't ask why, in the Kingdom of Equestria, but they are caring leaders, and I'm sure they could help figure out something for you. Equestria is a kind place, filled with ponies of all kind, all very accepting. It would take a while to get used to, but there will be people to support you the whole way." She explained. As she storied to me this land, I was entranced, it sounded like a paradise. Though then enraged, I thought 'This sounds like utter crap, there is no way this person is god.' "LIES! THOSE ARE ALL LIES! PEOPLE ARE EVIL, HATEFUL! WAR IS ALL THEY KNOW!" I screeched, and lashed out, my right arm reached out towards he face and I suddenly blacked out. -Faust- Ow, that hit had really hurt. I rubbed my cheek idly, as I thought of what to do with the now sleeping boy in my house. On one hand, it could be a serious detriment to send him to Equestria, on the other, his Earth is gone... A thought popped into my mind, 'How about I lock away his memories, it would be cruel, but it would be for his own survival. Yes, I must do this, for his own good.' I decided. I sealed away his memories quickly, so I can pop him into the Everfree Forest when Lulu was flying over, hopefully she could find him. Hm, maybe I could reverse his age just a teensy bit. Yeah, 5 years old sounds nice. As I looked towards him, I saw my transformation magic in work. When it was done, I laid eyes upon an adorable young alicorn colt, with a fur colour of night blue, and a mane of pure silver. I knew that one day he would grow up to become a handsome stallion... 'No, bad Faust, leave the poor boy alone!' I thought to myself. I made us both appear in the Everfree Forest, where Luna would be flying over soon. I summoned a sticky note and wrote, "Silver Strike Silver Hoof Silver Sapphire." "There, done." I said aloud. Well, good night little colt, I hope you will find what you have been missing all these years. -3rd Person- Luna was flying over the Everfree Forest, mulling about her return to Equestria after 1,000 years of banishment to the moon. It had been 34 years since Nightmare Moon's second defeat, 5 years since the Mane 6 were granted longevity in order to be the proper Element Bearers, and 4 years since the rulers of the Crystal Empire had their daughter, Skyla. Still, she was alone. People would rarely visit her night court to ask for her guidance. Although they had warmed up to Lunar Princess a bit. The only more personal friends she had are my night guard, and she created them! She sighed, and lowered my head, but when she opened her eyes she saw a small alicorn colt sleeping alone on the forest ground. Luna flew down towards him, and approached him slowly, cautious if this were to turn out a trap. When Luna approached him she could see he had no cutie mark, and he looked to be about 5. A fur of beautiful blue, and a mane of a beautiful silver, he snored quietly, as Luna wondered who he belonged to. Seeing as that there are no chances of him being related to her sister and her, and alicorns were usually born from adult ponies, Luna knew that he was not natural. Luna's maternal instincts kicked in when she heard him whimper, and she immediately laid down beside him, and pulled him closer towards her. She blushed, realising her actions, got up and put the colt on her back. Luna made sure he stayed on as she took off, and she immediately flew back towards Canterlot Castle. -END OF PROLOGUE- > II Welcome to Canterlot Castle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Beginning... -3rd Person- It took a while, but Luna eventually reached civilization, specifically the town of Ponyville. News would often reach her ears of how Ponyville was in peril, of how there was a dispute, and how it was quickly solved with friendship. She had no time to say hello to its residents, and beat her wings harder to reach her castle. Though it was nighttime, Luna had spent some extra effort into this specific night, after feeling a little sad. Millions if not billions of stars dotted the skies, each unique to her, and she made sure the moon shone brightly, and had presence. She noticed, when she flew over Ponyville, how a few awake ponies were admiring her night sky, which brought a small smile to her face. Eventualy though, Canterlot city came into sight, and what a sight it was. A myriad of lights, which could be seen from quite a distance, showing the multiple houses of the people who populated the walled city. Canterlot was one of those cities that never slept, people bustling through the streets, going to parties, events, or just enjoying a late night stroll. She made her way to a balcony, specifically the balcony connecting to her personal bedchambers. She lay the colt on her bed, and left her room to go find her sister. She found Celestia in her room, enjoying a cup of tea and a reading book. "Lulu? What is wrong? The night guards had said you left for a quick flight... I know something is going through your mind." Celestia worriedly asked. "No, sister, I am fine. I-I was just thinking about my return, despite people no longer fearing me, they do not admire me either." Luna hesitantly replied, Celestia quickly pulled her sister into a hug, Luna interjected "No, sister this is not why I came to see you, while I was flying over the Everfree in though, I came across a colt just laying there in the forest grass. I was concered and I flew down to him to see if there was any symbol to show where he was from." "Just a colt? Luna, you could have dropped him off at an orphanage-" Celestia exasperatedly replied, before being cut off. "Not just any colt, an alicorn colt. You know that they can only be ascended from adults, or are the creators. H-He did have a note on him that I noticed, it was a name, Silver Sapphire." Luna quipped, and she beckoned her sister to follow her. She told Celestia, "Silver is waking up soon, let us be there in case he is fearful and tries to run away." Her sister followed her in silent agreement When they reached the bedroom, they saw they were just in time to catch the sleeping alicorn colt awake. He gave a confused and pained look, as if he couldn't remember what had happened. "Hello there young colt, do you know where you are?" Luna asked, in a soft, caring tone. The colt just shook his head. Luna smiled, and told him, "Well then, let me be the one to say welcome to Canterlot Castle..." > III Who and what am I? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -3rd Person- Silver was confused by what the blue alicorn had said, actually he was just confused. "Who are you? Who am I? What am I? What are you?" Silver asked tiredly, still drowsy from just waking up. Celestia, after doing a quick magic scan of Silver, had seen that his memories were sealed away. "Luna, his memories are gone." Celestia chided, Luna gave an alarmed look, which then became a questioning one, Celestia answered, " No, he is not suffering from amnesia, however his memories are locked away by a powerful enchantment. One that I cannot hope to break." "What's a Luna?" , Silver asked, which made the two alicorn sisters chuckle. Luna approached the young colt and sat down next to him. "We weren't properly introduced were we? Well, I am Luna, Alicorn of the Night, and my sister behind me is Celestia, Alicorn of the day?" She explained. "Corn? Like the food?" Silver asked, which made Celestia giggle and Luna laugh aloud. The two sisters came to the conclusion that he had somewhat no idea of anything to do with this world, and explained to him the world of Equus. She told him of ponies, and all their different vibrant colours. The hardworking earthponies, the fast flying pegasi, and the magic unicorns. All the while he listened with rapt attention, at the wondrous tales of this new world. After a while, they had agreed on getting breakfast, Silver riding on Luna's back. On their way there, Celestia had taken over the duty of explaining things to the colt. "My sister and I are Alicorns, we are a mix of all three pony races, but despite this we are not goddesses." "B-but you're so pretty!" Silver cried out, which caused both sisters to laugh, as they reached the royal dining room. When the doors opened however, they were in for a shock. Inside the dining room, were the bearers of the elements of harmony, and the rulers of the Crystal Empire. Noticing the many strangers, Silver gave a squeak, jumped off Luna, and hid behind Celestia obviously afraid. "Woona, who are these ponies." Silver shakily asked, mispronouncing the night princesses' name. A collective "aww" was the reaction from everyone in the room. "Oh my, sorry Luna, I had forgotten that I'd invited them over for the weekend." Celestia explained, making Luna grumble, "Well now, introductions! Everypony, this here is an alicorn colt Luna found all alone in the woods. She brought him back, and we found that he had no idea of this world, so we taught him and decided on breakfast. Come on now, go on and say 'Hello!'" Celestia urged the tiny colt forward, gingerly pushing her head against his him to bring him to the front. "H-hi, my name is Silver Sapphire, n-nice to meet you all." Silver stammered. Pinkie decided to be the first one to introduce herself, but her introduction caused quite a bit of trouble. "AHHHHHHHHH!" Silver screamed, as Pinkie suddenly exploded 2 party cannons, and appeared right in front of him, squeezing his cheeks in. "HI! My name is Pinkie Pie! You must be new to Equestria! Which means you need a welcome-to-equestria-alicorn-sized party! We'll have cakes, ponies, games, drinks, fun, DID I MENTION CAKES!!?" , went Pinkie. However, his reaction was quite reasonable to being jumped right in the face. He shouted, and ran straight out of the dining room. "Oh no, now he's completely scared of us Pinkie!" Twilight exasperatedly said, Pinkie stood there with a shocked face, and then said, "I'm sorry!" and she suddenly appeared on her dining chair. Celestia shook her head, but understood that Pinkie had not meant to scare the poor child. "Pinkie Pie, it is alright, I will go soothe him and bring him back. Why don't you take a seat Luna, I will be back soon." Celestia announced. Luna took her seat as Celestia left the room. She found Silver under the bedsheets, however this time he made his way into her room. Celestia called out from the door, "Silver, it is alright, Pinkie Pie is a very friendly pony. She is only eccentric, very hyper, and difficult to understand. Now come, they are waiting for you at breakfast, and I'm sure you're hungry." His stomach grumble was the only answer she needed, her magic made it's way onto Silver, and put him on her back. They made their way back to the dining room. They made their way back, and Silver took his seat between Luna's and Celestia's. The food was brought in as the other ponies introduced themselves. "Sorry for what happened Silver, Pinkie is a nice pony, and she's really sorry about it." Twilight said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle, I carry the element of magic, I'm also the Princess of Friendship. By the way, Pinkie has with her the element of laughter." "I'm sorry, Silver, I can host a super-duper-bigger party for you to make up for it...?" Pinkie tentatively asked "It's okay, you just really shocked me Pinkie." Silver replied. "Since everyone's getting introduced, I think I should make myself known. The name's Rainbow Dash, and I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria. I'm also captain of the wonderbolts. A group of really cool and fast pegasi, we perform across Equestria doing shows for other ponies. I fly with the element of loyalty, maybe if you want to, I could teach you to fly as fast as me!" Rainbow Dash stated. "Really? That would be so cool, RD!" Silver cried out, excited at the prospect of learning to fly. "Ever the ruffian Dash, hello there darling, my name is Rarity. I run the carousel boutique in ponyville, I fashion the element of generosity. If you ever want some formal clothing, you could come to my shop and I'll see what I can do for you. I had not known that you would be here, otherwise I would have a gift." Rarity said with a smile. "You and yer words rares. Mah name's Applejack, and I run the apple family farm down in ponyville, here's one fer ya. By tha way, I speak with tha element of honesty." Applejack told him, after fishing out a stray apple from her pack. Then Silver saw one of the bearers cowering just a bit, it wasn't too obvious, but it made Silver tilt his head with curiosity. "Oh hi there, m-my name is Fluttershy. We're, uhm, very sorry for Pinkie scaring you." Fluttershy quietly spoke, Silver could barely here, but he nodded at what he heard from that. Fluttershy continued, "I-it's very nice to meet you Silver. I carry the element of kindness.: Next were the two rulers of the Crystal Empire, Cadance had decided to go first, but instead got up and rushed to hug him. "Hi there Silver, it's very nice to meet another alicorn, especially such a cute one. My name is Cadance, and I am the Princess of Love." Cadance said as she hugged the small alicorn. "One day, you could come visit the Crystal Empire, it's a really nice place just a bit on top of Equestria." Cadance's kindness and care made Silver feel much better, and forget completely about the situation earlier, he nodded vigorously at the offer of visiting the Crystal Empire Cadance went back to her seat, as her husband started his introduction. "Hello there Silver, my name is Shining Armor. I'm not really that special, I used to be captain of the Royal Solar Guard." Shining Armor explained. "Maybe one day, you could also join one of the Royal Guards." Silver thought this idea was really cool, and was imagining being a soldier and fighting bad guys. However as all the introductions were getting through, no one realized the gathering of royal servants with the various foods for their breakfast. "Well, come on in!" Celestia called out, as she waved to the workers. They filled the room quickly putting plate after plate on the dining table. Now that introductions were out of the way, Celestia invited everyone to eat. "Come now, everypony. Let's dig in." > IV I love you... Mommy Woona! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sleep well, my child... -3rd Person- The two diarchs of night and day decided to keep Silver at the castle, as most if not all orphanages in Canterlot had been full, and ponyville was quite a distance away for the tiny alicorn's comfort. He had stayed for a week so far, along with Twilight and Rainbow Dash, both to tutor him in magic and flying respectively. In that time, Silver had made slow progress in magic, but was excellent in flying drills for his age. Today was a flight day, where he and Rainbow Dash would do drills until he could confidently fly and land. Rainbow Dash had decided today was a day for him to try flying. Luna had decide to stay awake a little while longer, to catch Silver if anything went awry. "Kid, trust me, all you need is confidence in yourself. One day, once you work hard enough and do all your training, you could probably fly as fast as me!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I'm ready for this! I will make you proud woona!" Silver cried out, still misprounouncing Luna's name, which always brought a smile to her face. Working with Rainbow had made him quite confident, and less shy around other ponies he didn't recognize, and working with Twilight had made him a listener, patient and always focusing on the task at hoof. Rainbow went over what he needed to keep in mind again, "You need to remember to breathe, keep your eyes open. Extend your wings, and flap. The rest of it will come naturally, if anything!" she said, he nodded and got himself ready. Standing on the edge of the balcony, he could get a clear view of most of Equestria, and thanks to his alicorn sight his view range was pretty far. It took Luna to call out of him to bring him out of his reverie, and he got ready. 'I can do this! For Celly, for Woona!' he thought to himself. He took a deep breath of confidence, got on the railing, and jumped! Immediately out of instinct he spread his wings out, and started to glide, he remembered to flap and finally put all his lessons with RD together, to now finally fly. "Alright! This is so cool! It feels so free! I can see everything!" Silver shouted out, Rainbow Dash took of to go join her student in flying, and Luna decided to tag along too. Soon they were flying in a triangle formation led by Silver, Luna caught up with Silver and asked him to avoid flying over the city. He didn't get why, but listened to her anyways. Rainbow Dash pointed a hoof at Silver, and them pointed the hoof at herself. Silver tilted his head, which caused Luna to "aww" at his confused look. "Let's race! We go from here, up to those mountains, around the gardens twice, then run through the castle from the main entrance and back to Luna's room!" Rainbow explained, Silver excitedly nodded, and decided to be sneaky and get a head start. The duo raced around happily, enjoying the time together, while Luna went back to her room to see who would be the one to win. Rainbow Dash gave it her 'all' to make sure the race was kept fun and not competitive. Silver however looked to be pushing himself quite hard, and would always try and be the first to reach a checkpoint. They entered the great main halls of the castle together, and ran through different corridors, Rainbow Dash decided to take the longer, but with less corners main hallway. Silver went through the side corridors which twisted and turned quite often, and were full of maids and workers moving through, but he didn't let that stop him. They both were at the opposite ends of the hallway which Luna's room was situated in, the cards were holding a ribbon which the winner would run through to celebrate their victory. It was a standoff, they were both staring at each other, smiling, Silver had one thought in his mind, FUN, while Rainbow Dash was happy seeing the little colt enjoy himself. However Silver was the first to make a break for it, running with all the strength left in him, while Rainbow Dash actually put the same effort, because she had decided to make a stop at the dessert hall of the castle, and was feeling the two cakes she ate. However Silver would be winner this day, while Luna waited for him on the other side. He immediately rushed to hug her, and shouted out "I WIN!" While panting hard. Rainbow Dash was doing no better, slowing down to a crawl just to make it inside the room. "Good job kid, I think you can fly now!" She exclaimed, while letting her head down, and closing her eyes for the moment. However the race took a lot more out of Silver, and he yawned while slowly descending into slumber, Luna holding him all the while. "I love you mommy woona." Silver mumbled while falling asleep. He continued with, "Please don't ever leave me alone." "I never will, my sweet colt." Luna whispered in reply, which made the sleeping alicorn smile. > V Equestria... Your new prince! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Heir of Equestria -3rd Person- Luna had fallen asleep holding Silver, and had not woken up to raise the moon. Celestia had originally been planning to talk with her sister about Silver's situation, but saw them sleeping, and took the duty of raising the moon for that night. However Luna did wake up a short while later, during Celestia's daily midnight teatime, one of her favorite things to do. Luna searched for her sister, and found her in the royal gardens, sitting at the table beside the petrified statues of their mother and father, King Nyx, and Queen Hemera. "Sister, we should talk..." Luna called out, which got the attention of Celestia. "Yes, indeed we should. I am sure we both know what the topic is, Silver Sapphire, the unnatural alicorn." Celestia mused, "No, do not call him that." Luna said a bit forcefully, but tried to apologize immediately after realizing her actions. "I-I am sorry sister, hearing such like that brings back memories of Her." Celestia solemnly nodded, for even she were still not comfortable with thoughts of Nightmare Moon. At any rate, this conversation was taking a turn for the worse, when the topic was supposed to be happy. "If anything, we must find him caring parents, parents that would care for him, and make sure he does not ever have to be alone again." Celestia reminded, and continued with, "He is such a happy, and energetic colt. How goes his lessons?" "He is doing so wondrously well with flying, I think we need not worry about it anymore. However his magic is subpar, as if it is a limb he has just grown, and was never told how to use." Luna exclaimed, putting past what they had spoken of earlier. Though, she then mumbled, "He also called me his mommy today..." Celestia's pupils shrunk, and she could only utter a simple "What?" "I wish to adopt him as my foal. He loves me, and I love him, I feel a bond towards him and wish to raise him so he is happy and knows he is loved. D-don't worry about my duties, I can do them as well as care for him. He is easy to care for. We have had many wives, husbands, and children before Tia. This colt is no different." Luna declared, hoping to show an air of confidence. Celestia thought, and thought again. She noticed how Silver would respond more to Luna, and would spend much more time with her, instead. "I think I understand, sister." Celestia agreed, "As even if we find willing and able parents, this is an alicorn colt. Who better to raise an alicorn, than one who has lived for millennia and some? The two sisters discussed how this would go on, such like the paperwork, his documents. They decided he would not need a birth certificate, as neither of them has one too. On the matter of the populace acknowledging him, they had decided that once the paperwork had fallen through, he shall be announced to crowd and media alike. They would tell the story they know of Silver's appearance. As for schooling and education, they would send him to a Canterlot school and see how he mixes, if any problems arise, they would send him to Ponyville's local school. If any problems go on further, he will be personally tutored by Twilight Sparkle. Though Luna had argued that the first thing she wanted to do with Silver once he was her foal, was to bring him to the Crystal Empire, just so Luna could get used to being a mother. They had agreed that Luna would break the news during breakfast, after Silver has bathed and once he can think a little clearer. Though that time wouldn't be until much longer, around when Celestia raised her sun. "Mmmmmh!" Silver yawned, seeing Luna missing, though, he got curious. He got up, and stumble towards a smaller door connecting to a room he had fallen in love with. When he pushed open those door open, he entered Luna's personal bath-house. It was a warm, humid room. With 4 large shallow pools of water, some small decorative fountains, and an area with steam coming out of it's smaller pool. "Oh, so you already found your way to the baths. You really enjoy spending your time inside this room don't you." Luna said, as she made her way to stand beside Silver, while ruffling his mane. "I have something important to tell you during breakfast, so if you hurry you could get your favorite pancakes, and find out what's happening." That statement really motivated Silver, and he rushed to quickly get into one of the baths, then immediately halted and relaxed himself. Luna got in slowly after him, bringing a bucket of soap with her. She quietly got in, and pulled Silver closer to her, so that she could start washing his mane and coat for him. "Mh, thank you woona!" Silver cried, as the feeling of being washed, and knowing that he was in the hooves of someone who cared and loved him, was absolutely amazing. "This feels really nice, and then I'll be all squeaky clean!" he continued. Whiched made Luna laugh, and continue to wash him. The pair finished up and made their way to breakfast with Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Celestia. Noticing they were a bit late, as the three had already started eating. "Oh we are sorry, but you two had spent an extra hour getting ready, that Twilight had gotten too hungry and just ate her hayburger!" Celestia giggled, causing said mare to blush, and her cyan friend to laugh aloud. Even Silver shared a giggle. "I am sorry sister, but Silver here wanted '5 more minutes' which turned out to be the whole hour." Luna 'mockingly' angrily said, which made Silver blush this time, and instead say, "Uh, lets eat! Who's hungry for pancakes!" Silver cried out, "Only you..." Luna replied again. The group ate breakfast and continued on making jokes, until Luna had decided it was time, and she would let Silver know. She coughed to get the group's attention, "I, have something to tell Silver, but I am sure everypony must hear this." Luna explained, which made Silver tilt his head in confusion. "Silver, my sister and I had discussed your situation. We have come to the conclusion that you cannot be raised by any normal family." Silver gained a frightened look in his eyes, "Do not worry, as my sister and I have agreed, that I- that I will be allowed to adopt you and raise you as Heir of Equestria." Luna finished with a small smile. "S-so does that mean... I-I can call you my mommy?" Silver quietly asked, and when Luna nodded, he started crying. "*sniffle* Thank you woona, thanks for not leaving me alone." Then he ran into Luna and hugged her as tight as he could with all the strength in his tiny hooves. -Silver Sapphire- Today was the day, after half a year of getting things sorted out, my birthday being the day I was found. Making me 6 years old! I spent some more time working on magic with Twilight, but I am still having trouble with more difficult things. I had gotten used to calling Woona - Luna, mommy quickly, and she hugged me every night to sleep. Today, all of Equestria would find out I exist, and that I am a new Prince in Equestria. Luna had Miss Rarity come over and help design formal clothes for me. I was wearing a cyan blue and white suit, and had a silver crown on top of my head, with a blue sapphire in the center. The crown formed the shape of leaves and swords, which I thought was really cool! When we were finished we were to go wait below the stage that Aunty Celestia was going to make a speech on. Citizens of Equestria! I come to you today not with ill news, or tales of woe and tragedy. I come today bringing news of happiness, and union. As we all know, my sister and I have been reunited since the Summer Sun Celebration. Though today, it will be my sister, Princess Luna of the Night, who will be united with a very new and important figure in Equestria. He is an alicorn, the age of 6, and Luna has taken to him as a mother would to her foal. He had appeared into this world in ways that we cannot explain, and we believe it was the actions of the creator Faust, though we can never know for sure. We had agreed to name him Heir of Equestria, and son of Luna. So Equestria, here is your new prince! When she was finished, I suddenly froze, and a kiss from my mom onto my cheek calmed me down straight away. She held my hoof, and together we walked onto the stage. When the crowd saw me, they were silent for a while, until one person started stomping their hooves in applause, which caused the rest to follow. Everyone was applauding us, and I just didn't know what to do. I stretched out my wings, and stood tall, trying to look confident. For Twilight, and RD, and Aunt Tia, and woona. The crowd started cheering louder, and applauding harder than before. Eventually it died out, and Aunt Celly closed the event. That night I happily lied down in bed with mommy. "One day, you will become a great king of a great nation. One day you will find love in a beautiful mare, and will have your own children. I just hope you won't have to go through conflict as I did." Mommy whispered to me, which caused me to snuggle in closer to her. "It's okay mommy, I will always love you, promise you will never leave me behind." I asked, and she nodded. That night I dreamt of nothing, other than me standing on a grassy hill and staring up to the moon. -End of Arc 1- > VI The first days... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The worst days of them all... -Luna- It had been several months since Equestria had found out about Silver, and after that day had been ecstatic. The next day he immediately begged to be allowed to roam the city, I agreed under the condition that I would be with him. Though that week had not been one entirely of enjoyment. I made sure Silver focused on his studies of magic, and promised him a trip to the Crystal Empire. Today was another of his final tests, but today I was certain he would pass. He has come a long way and has progressed quite far. He has proven to be a fun yet studious and focused pony. We figured out Silver's problem was that he didn't have any idea what magic was, despite seeing its use. I tried my best to explain to him, telling him to imagine an ocean around him, and that the ocean was connected to everypony and the connection was different for everypony. To be honest, even I did not understand what I had said, but it seemed to help Silver. The task at hoof was for him to create a heat and frost rune, which was something used by colts and fillies, if ever caught in rain or snow. Twilight and I watched him focus in on his job, and he uttered the rune words with force and power, but so quiet that I could barely understand him if not for my alicorn hearing. I felt a strong burst of magic, one of raw energy, and I felt it from Silver's direction. I looked towards Silver, as I was asked to be present for this test, and I saw his magic come from him, it was a gray color which flowed from the tip of his horn out into the floor in front of him. He spoke the words of power, but it seemed he put too much power into the rune, as it turned into an Ancient rune of magma, instead of a simple rune for heat. "Silver, calm down-" I quipped before I was cut off by a loud strike of thunder in the sky, and the feeling of extreme heat. My years of experience caused my instincts to immediately blast a shield spell onto the three of us, and once the magma started flowing and forming, I slowly dissolved the rune and summoned water over the magma. Once I cleared the danger, I slowly lifted the shield spell and turned my head to look at silver, and what I saw worried me. He lay sprawled on the floor, passed out, and was whimpering as if in pain like when I found him. "Noo, what happened? Was it my fault, were the preparation and ambient resistance spells I put into the room too much?" Twilight panicked, "Princess Luna! Are you okay, I am so sorry for this, is he injured?" I shook my head, and flashed Silver to his room beside mine. I lay him on the bad, and stroke his mane. Celestia entered the room, with concern in her eyes. "Sister? What has happened, I sensed the burst of raw magic, and I sensed danger near you." Celestia asked, but then, "Oh no, it must have been something to do with Silver was it. That's right, today is his 3rd attempt at twilight's part 1 basic spells and runes tests isn't it..." I nodded, and continued to lay by Silver. "I haven't scanned him yet to check what is wrong, I-I fear I might make a mistake." I hesitantly replied. Celestia nodded and lit up her horn, and she controlled her magic until it covered Silver. It took Celestia no time to recall her magic, and to announce something was wrong. "Well thank you for stating the obvious, sister." I told her annoyedly, and we both giggled, but then Celestia's face went mournful. "No, Lulu, this is different. Umh, how would I say this? It is both good and bad news." Celestia mumbled, "His magic reserves are vast, double what mine were at his age. That means when he reaches full maturity and stops 'growing' per se, he will be double times as capable as us." My eyes widened, that was indeed good news, but then I nodded my head to signal her to continue. "However, he is limited with his experience and that limits his connection, in simple terms he can use around 0.2% of his total capabilities because of him most likely not being in touch with magic until he appeared before you, Luna. It is a disability, but one he may overcome." "Sister, what you are suggesting must be impossible. Everypony from birth is connected to magic, are they not? Is it dangerous for him to be like this, can there be side effects?" I worriedly asked, "Will this affect his growth in any way, and is he in a coma right now-" "SISTER! CALM DOWN." Celestia shouted, letting her royal canterlot voice slip through. "You panicking over him will not help at all. Sister, do not worry, if anything were to happen to him, we would be able to bring the top researchers and doctors from all of Equus. All we need to do is care for him, and encourage him to work hard in small practices with his magic." Her words calmed me down, but I will never not worry for my child, my sweet baby colt Silver. I reluctantly nodded. "Alright sister, I am calm now." I calmly replied, "However, what do you propose I do for him now?" "Guide him, show him the right way. I'll get him into a school, and we can get a letter to excuse him from magic activities unless he wishes to try it. Luna do not worry, work with him when he is practicing magic. Have him use magic for basic things like brushing his teeth, brushing his mane, eating foods, and small other simple tasks. He may not have been born with the instinct of magic, but we can teach him that instinct, can we not?" , encouraged Celestia. I nodded and we sat there for the moment, eventually my sister said her goodbyes and left to go lower the sun and raise the moon. I lay properly down beside Silver, and went to sleep. > VII A trip to the Crystal Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |A trip to the Crystal Empire, Part 1| ~Silver Sapphire~ I sat in the bright pink train that was chugging along in the general direction of the Crystal Empire, humming a merry tune with a smile on my face. I stick my head out the window and take in the passing sights, seeing the mountain valley with a bit of empty grassland surrounded by a huge forest, bordering the large lake. "Wow" was all I could get out, followed by, "I want a kingdom there one day..." "One day, you maybe can, especially with how Equestria is growing!" Luna said, giggling at my shocked face, "Come now child, we are approaching the station now." I followed mommy up the train towards the cart where Aunt Celly, Twilight, RD, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Twilight's assistant, Spike, were waiting to arrive at the station. I waved and sat in the seat beside Aunt Celly, and mommy took the seat beside me. "What's the Crystal Empire like? Is it big? Is it really made of Crystals? Is there really a heart made of crystals there that can be used to enslave the entire kingdom?" I excitedly asked "Woah, woah, woah. Where did you find out about the Crystal Heart and it's powers?" Luna asked, then I sheepishly looked towards Aunt Celly then back to my mom, and hoped she understood. "So you got my sister to tell you the backstory of the Crystal Empire... I'm hurt, you didn't ask it of me during our bedtime storytime, did she tell you of, all the stories surrounding the Crystal Empire?" "Yes mommy, but it kinda just happened. One day I was sitting with Aunt Tia in her day court and I got really bored so she started telling me of this big bad pony called King Sombra and I wanted to know more" I explained, blushing from embarrassment. Mommy moon only shook her head and smiled. I yelp and jump in shock as I hear a loud whistle and feel the train suddenly slow down. Then everyone started laughing and I grumbled as Luna pet my mane to calm me down. "That's not funny!" I say forcefully, but that just made everyone laugh more. I just continued to grumble as the train slowly came to a halt. Looking outside I saw around 20 shiny pony guards, and Mrs Cadence and Mr Shining Armor. I waited, and waited excitedly for the doors of the cabin to be opened. "Calm down there Silver, dear. One day if you are stressed out to much you will grow silver locks in your mane, and look like an old pony." Rarity told me in her fancy way of speaking, "Oh wait, your mane is already Silver, pardon my mistake." I didn't care as the doors opened and I ran around to get rid of some energy while I saw the rest of our group go say hi to the King and Queen of the Crystal Empire. ~3rd Peron~ "Hey there Cady!" Twilight shouted in greeting, rushing to do the little dance they did whenever they would meet. She then hugged her brother and moved back to the group that was watching in amusement. This time it was Cadence who moved in order to greet the group of visitors. She went forward and hugged Celestia and Luna, then shook hands with each of the bearers, skipping over twilight. "Now that you're here, we can get you situated into your rooms at the castle." Shining armor stated, "Then we can have lunch and from there, we can see where silver wants to go and what he wishes to do." "I wanna see the epic crystal heart that can control peoples minds! I will become an evil ruler, mwahahaha!" Silver jokingly cackled, "Lunch first young stallion. Then we can go on your misadventures." Luna reminded him. Shining signaled the guards, and the group started to make their way towards the large crystalline castle in the distance. When Silver noticed that the city was actually made of crystals, his eyes became wide as plates, and his mouth lay agape. His legs even became tired and wiggly and he fell down. It got so bad that Luna had to carry him on her back personally. The group made their way through the gate, "Is everypony really made of CRYSTALS!?" Silver shouted in excitement and awe, "That's so cool! Oh wow, is that the crystal heart?" , pointing to the large tri-arc structure in the heart of the city, with a powerful beam shooting up into the sky, and a small heart shaped object within. Silver pointed towards it, and started running down the road towards it. "*sigh* We have to go through that road to get to the castle anyways, I would've hoped we could avoid the busy central street." Cadence sighed. They eventually caught up with the ecstatic young alicorn, who was attracting much attention, despite the announcement of his existence mere weeks ago. "So Silver, can you see it?" Cadence asked, "Is it to your expectations, or would you like to see it in action?" Silver vigorously nodded, and Cadence trotted forward and gave her order to the guards. She motioned for Silver and anyone from the group that wished to, to follow. Rainbow Dash and Twilight went with them. They made their way towards the platform where the Crystal Heart Guard stood watch, they were a special division within the Crystal Empire's local guard that were tasked with defending the Crystal Heart to the death. When they noticed their princess, they got out their weapons and gave their special salute. "Princess Cadence, what brings you here today your highness, and with guests no less." said Crystal Glaze, the CHG Captain, respectfully. "I am here to show them a little demonstration with the Crystal Heart, Glaze. There is no need to worry, these three are friends, and the young one here is my nephew, he is Silver Sapphire, the alicorn colt Princess Luna adopted." Cadence explained. Glaze nodded, and led the group towards the heart room. "This place looks so plain, I could totally make it 20% cooler with some blue, red, and green... Maybe some yellow!" Rainbow groaned. "Dash, you should know that these crystals actually absorb and reflect every color. So you adding solid colours would not do much." Twilight explained. Rainbow Dash threw her head up and muttered something about 'unicorn eggheads' which made Silver giggle. Though they had reached past the winding maze of corridors which only a select few know the correct path to. The sight of the Crystal Heart brought awe to Silver's face again, Rainbow Dash and Twilight both had similar looks on their faces. "So, would you like to see some fireworks?" Cadence asked, "Maybe see a sight you never had, a time, or a moment in history. We could probably catch glimpse your future, but it is rare that the heart does that anymore..." Though Cadence said that last part with a touch of sadness. "Oooh! Can I see my future, that would be so cool!" Silver jumped around excited, "I'd be like a wizard! Spying on the enemy and then defeating their wizards in epic wizardry" Even Twilight jumped in on the excitement, "I wanna be like Starswirl the Bearded! Ooh, that reminds me, you don't know about him!" Twilight exclaimed, "Starswirl the Bearder was a unicorn who lived long ago and was a genius in magic. He wrote and designed many magic runes, spells, and scriptures-" "Twilight, as much as I'd like to hear all about Starswirl again, I think we should get on with seeing the crystal in action." Rainbow quipped. Silver walked to where Cadence was standing beside the heart, and nodded his head towards it. She nodded her head, and started her magic, she said the necessary spell words and activated the runes on the heart. "Come now you two. Silver, when the runes on the heart change from gold to green, touch it and activate just a bit of your magic. It actually doesn't matter how much magic you put into your flare, so long as it detects you." Cadence told him, he nodded and waited until the heart's runes turned green. However he was nervous, and it took a concerned hoof from Twilight on his shoulder for him to steel his nerves. He put his hoof on the heart's surface, and flared his magic. His vision immediately blacked out, and the last thing he saw and heard was the ceiling, and the shouts of the ponies he was with. > ~Voices of the Past, Present, and Future~ > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |Fire, he could feel the heat of the fires around him.| |Sound, he could hear the sounds of battle, the sounds of death, and of suffering.| |Pain, he could feel the pain coursing through him.| |Sight.| Silver Sapphire the Unnatural tilted his head to look at the sight in front of him, while he opened his eyes. He came face to face with a monster, he saw eyes of pure malice, and bug-like features. He came face to face with, an alicorn? No, it wasn't for it had a coat of black, and hair of swamp blue, her horn was twisted, shaped wrong. This was no pony, this was a creature far worse. One that he would learn of soon. "So the sleeping beauty awakens..." uttered the strange creature, "Not a moment to early, and not a moment too late. You're just in time my prince, to see your world BURN." Silver's eyes became wide as plates, and he tried to speak words, but his muzzle was closed shut by some power. He flailed around wildly, but none of his actions seemed to phase the creature. "Oh, you thought I meant Equus? No, I meant your world." ,the creature then cackled loudly, and magic from her horn started shooting everywhere. Though when Silver turned his head to look, all he could see was darkness, from the corner of his eyes he could see fire, but it was like the same power keeping him from talking was keeping him from seeing all this. He was forced to listen to it, which let his imagination do the worst of it for him. "Begone foul being. We have declared our protection over this one, and as such we are within our right to destroy you for tampering with his dreams." boomed a loud feminine voice. "How foolish of you F@#$7. You think you can challenge me?" spoke the creature, however this time with a different presence. It was all for naught however, when red magic wrapped around him, and washed away his vision of the foul creature and the sounds of the world around him. 'Chrysalis is gone now. However I must deal with the other.' Was a random, unfamiliar thought that popped into his mind. Then, this time, another sound filled his ears, talking and the sound of hooves. He noticed he was now in Canterlot, as he finally gained vision of his world. Though everyone didn't notice him, no matter how hard he tried. He knew it wasn't on purpose, for when he pushed somepony down, they would act honestly confused. Silver grew panicked, and worried. Silver's fears coming to him, abandonment, but in his mind he couldn't think straight. It was driving him insane how nopony would look a him, much less speak to him. -However Silver was spared from his temporary insanity when his vision was washed away again, replaced with an unnatural darkness, a type of blindness he really hated.- This time, he was put in a small, walled town. Buildings were burning, and were destroyed. However nopony was to be seen for miles. It was cloudy, no, it was storming. He had no vision of anything other than this small town. Silver was then teleported outside of the town, and saw what in front of him, was nothing short of a battlefield. There were two groups, one of of ponies, and one of smaller versions of the creature Silver saw before. However the- 'Changelings, child' another random, unnatural tought that he knew was not his passing through his mind. However Silver decided to just roll with it. Silver saw that the changelings outnumbered the armored ponies, by a lot. It was around five times a larger group. However looking to the ponies, he saw them all unafraid, and he saw somepony at the front of their formation facing them. He was moving, as if talking, and Silver then realized he was giving a speech. Suddenly he was teleported behind that pony leader. Silver thought he was going to be captured or noticed, but then realized no one was even looking his way. He looked at the pony army while listening to the speech. Stallions. Today, we fight to defend our lands, defend our people against The Swarm. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. However what I need from you today is loyalty, dedication, and discipline. Carry nothing of you from your normal lives, as this battle is anything but normal. You may question the thought process of your princesses for their lack of thought in this. However, remember who the enemy is. They are The Swarm, a hive of changelings led by Chrysalis who go around the eastern lands, raiding, and destroying other changeling hives. They raid Gryphon towns, along with some of the pony kingdoms to the east. Now that they have made their way here, we have accepted some refugees who ran from her destruction. If we let Chrysalis get to them and then run away, one day. One day she would come back with a vengeance, coming to destroy us... So today, fasten your shields and ready your pikes. Many of you will die, but know that you died fighting to defend your families, your people, your right to being alive. For Equestria! For Equus! For Celestia! For Luna! For Cadence! For Twilight! For death and honor itself! If you live today, you will know me by this name. |Silver Sapphire.| > VIII A Ruined? Trip to the Crystal Empire > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |A trip to the Crystal Empire, Part 2| ~Celestia~ When Twilight and Rainbow Dash rushed out from the crystal arc, Luna was the first to ask what happened. "Twilight, Rainbow Dash, are you okay? Where is Silver, did something go wrong?" Luna asked worriedly, then something signaled within her, and her head suddenly perked up, "SILVER!" , she screamed. Luna then ran straight into the building to check on her son, followed by the rest of us. We finally made it to the heart room, where we saw Luna lightly sobbing, and Cadence with her magic on Silver to check what was wrong. I also decided to check for myself, so I lit my horn and whispered a few scan spells over Silver. However I was shocked to find that some other power was inside of him, and retracted my magic. "Cadence? Did you come over that... presence in him?" I questioned her, she looked confused and shook her head, "There is another power inside of him. I'm guessing he touched the heart to catch a glimpse of his future?" "Yes Aunt Tia, I thought it would be safe, since whenever Shining or I tried it failed, I thought nothing would really happen for Silver." Cadence told me. I nodded and thought on it. 'So my guess of Silver's origin was right. The powers that be had brought him to our part of the multiverse, so him trying to see a nonexistant future brought the power of fate into him instead. Silver will now be leading his own destiny, and ours, since he is the anomaly that our universe never planned for.' I telepathically relayed to Luna, when I saw her curtly nod, I left the building to inform the group of what had happened. "Silver is fine, nothing too bad had happened, he is just receiving a power vision of the future. I only hope that he will forget what he sees as soon as he wakes up." I told them, "However, he is in a short coma until it ends. We will make our way to the castle immediately." They all complied and as soon as Cadence, and Luna carrying Silver, we made our way towards the castle, this time without the happy and cheery mood. ~3rd Person~ They entered the Crystal Castle, and were saluted by the guards. Shining Armor dismissed them to their posts and went to do his duties, and Cadence led the rest of them towards their rooms. The Mane 6 got situated in their rooms, and Celestia too, her room being situated beside Luna's, which she shared with Silver, obviously. Cadence then told Luna if she needed anything to tell the Guards outside their room, then left after Luna absentmindedly nodded. "Oh Silver. What can I do to help you." she said, stroking his mane lovingly, "I cannot rid the presence within you, and I can sense the fear within you." However she then remembered something important, she was the ruler of dreams. She lay by Silver on their shared bed, and started saying the spells which would transport her into Silver's visions, however she had no idea if this would work, as visions and dreams are not one and the same. ~Luna~ I appeared in some grass field, outside of a small town. As I looked I noticed the two armies I was between, exactly between too. A changeling army, and a small pony army, a tiny one, no more than 5000 stallions. Then I saw silver, standing behind the pony general, and I ran towards him. "Silver! Come here to me Silver so I can wake you up!" I shouted, as I ran towards him. When I got to his side, I shook him hard and turned him so he could look at me. His eyes seemed to be glazed so I flared some magic, and it cleared him of its influence. "Mommy? Oh mommy, I'm so scared, where are we. What happened to the crystal heart, did I do something wrong?" He cried out. To which I shook my head. "No my son, it was not your fault. Now, let me see if I can get us out of here before this battle begins, I don't want you seeing violence, especially at your age." I worriedly told him. I was a bit late however, as I saw the pony army spread to thin lines to create a wall, with their long pikes down, and ready to face their deaths. The changelings had started buzzing, and seemed like they were getting ready to charge. Thunder cracked, and the changelings moved forward, I sparked my magic hastily and said my spell, however it was a long spell with lots of incantations. Before I let you both go, know that what you see here can be changed, however war is inevitable. I was almost too late however, as the changelings were but a meter away, and the ponies had started shouting war cries once more, and as soon as the first changeling was but an inch away, it all vanished. ~3rd Person~ Luna and Silver had their eyes closed, so they opened their eyes in shock when they heard the door slam open. They looked around the room and saw that they were safe again, and the visions had disappeared. "Sister, are you alright? I think the whole castle may have heard the blast of energy." Celestia told us, and she was right, as some guards, the mange 6, Cadence, and Shining Armor appeared running down the hallway. The guards were eventually dismissed, leaving the original group in the room. However something unexpected happened, a loud grumble was heard in everypony's ears, and caused them all to laugh once they realized it was from Silver. "Okay everypony, lunch first." Cadence told them, while still giggling. They had gotten ready in the crystal dining room, and Rainbow Dash made a comment about everything being so cold which caused Twilight to tell her to zip it. The food was brought in and everyone was instantly salivating at feast before their eyes. They all dug in, and ate hungrily, having not eaten since first arriving here. "So Silver, tell us what happened to you." Rainbow asked, which made her friends glare at her, "What? I just wanna know!" "W-well, I think I was shown my past, my life now, and what is going to happen later. I-I saw a lot of things I really didn't like, a-and at the end I was in the middle of a battle..." Silver hesitantly began, "At the start, I saw this... thing, apparently called Chrysalis, but it wasn't actually Chrysalis, it was something else. This Chrysalis said I was going to be forced to watch my world b-burn, and the rest of it is blurry." All of them sat there, listening attentively to the story Silver told. Luna thought back on what she saw, and realized that she only was there to bring him from the end of his visions. "T-then I was in some city, I think it was Canterlot, and I was right there in the middle of a huge crowd of ponies doing whatever they d-did..." continued Silver, "However I was trying to get their attention, and I saw that no one was looking at me, even though they stayed clear of me. When I tried knocking somepony down, it worked, but he looked really confused even though I was standing right in front of him." "That must have been horrifying for you, darling!" Rarity said. "Oh no, you poor thing." commented Fluttershy. "What!" shouted Pinkie, Rainbow Dash nodded and growled. "I have never heard of anything like that happening before! This could be a new, world anomaly!" exclaimed Twilight. "B-but at the end... I-I was suddenly in a broken and burned down town... There was nopony there but it looked like it was just attacked. I wandered a bit, but then I was teleported onto a field, I looked back and saw the town. When I turned back around, though, I saw this group of ponies, and a BIG group of these things called changelings." continued Silver, however when changelings were mentioned, Cadence took a sharp gasp. "I think I shall take over the story from here. I think it was at this moment that I appeared into this vision. However neither army reacted, and I saw both preparing for their battle. I spotted Silver right behind the pony general, and I ran towards him. Apparently he was becoming a part of the vision too, as when I got to him and turned his muzzle to face me, his eyes had a hazy green hue on them which took a flare of magic to recede. I immediately put him on my back and ran back towards the middle of the field, to start a spell to wake both of us up from the vision." Luna said as the food servers started piling in, setting up their lunch/dinner, "However the pony army started to set their formation, as the changelings started to buzz forwards, so I rushed my spell. Right as I was about to finish though, all time halted, and a voice spoke in my head. 'Before I let you go, know that what you see here can be changed, but war is inevitable.' B-but what I noticed was... I-it sounded like... Faust..." The revelation that in those visions, her sister Luna had heard the voice of the being they once called mother, caused Celestia to move to hug her sister beside her. Everyone else at the table was sat thinking on the information just given to them, Shining Armor especially worried about the security situation on Equestria and the Crystal Empire. However at that moment, another pony decided to join their lunch/dinner. "M-mommy, who are these ponies?" this new stranger asked while rubbing her eyelids, " Gasp Aunty Twily! Yay!" Then this new stranger who was related to Twilight Sparkle, ran up to her and hugged her. "Flurry Heart? Honey what are you doing up?" Cadence asked her daughter, "Shouldn't you be in bed resting, the doctor did say you have a slight fever..." As Cadence's worry dissipated, seeing her daughter happy and not so sick anymore, Flurry Heart went around saying hi to everyone there. "Come now everypony, eat up. It would be a waste if we just started at it, no?" Cadence announced, finally letting the situation go. Though when Flurry Heart finished everyone, she came to see an alicorn she never saw before, sat beside Luna, one just her age. "Hey? Who are you, I don't think I've seen you visit before?" Flurry asked, tilting her had to one side, causing Luna to giggle, "You're also an alicorn, like me and mom. Who're your parents, and where are you from? Ooh, tell me, tell me, tell me!" "U-uh hi... M-my mommy is Luna, a-and I'm from Equestria!" Silver said, mustering the courage to meet somepony his age, finally, "I'm a bit n-new to Equestria. Luna found me in the forest a little while back, and then she adopted me." "Hey, that's really cool! Maybe we could be friends." Flurry cried out, to which Silver nodded vigorously. That night, dinner went on swimmingly, and everyone was tired out by its finish. The following week they decided to take it slow in their time of seeing the Crystal Empire, and actually split into groups according to where people wanted to go. On the first day, Rainbow Dash, Silver, Luna, Cadence and shockingly, Flurry Heart, had raced around the walled city while the rest of the group spent a day relaxing in the Castle, Shining doing his duties. The second day however, got a bit hectic. Flurry Heart invited him to go see something way early in the morning, but wouldn't tell him what. She ran off, and he chased her worried that they would get in trouble. However the wild goose-chase would lead him to the top of one of the mountains, overlooking the valley which he saw on his way to the Crystal Empire. Apparently though, Luna had woken up just as they had left the castle, and had alerted all the guards which caused a city-wide chase. Flurry Heart and Silver Sapphire were chatting on the mountain, Flurry telling him a little bit more of Equus after he explained he has no idea of his origin and that he apparently just appeared in their world. Suddenly, once the sun started falling, Luna appeared in front of them, and boomed her canterlot voice yelling 'Silver Sapphire, you are in soo much trouble young stallion. to which she then hugged him, and told him not to do it again when they got back to the castle by nightfall. The rest of the week the group had decided to keep it slow, visiting popular restaurants, catching small concerts, or just watching the clouds pass. Then came the day they needed to leave. Silver was a little reluctant to leave, having enjoyed the Crystal Empire so much for being such a calmer yet still large walled city compared to the ever busy Canterlot. They were all gathered at the train station, again with a group of guards in case any situation happens that calls for them. Everyone was giving their goodbyes, while Silver and Flurry thought of a cool hoofbump. "So will I ever see you again?" Flurry asked, "Maybe some day! But don't forget our cool hoofbump!" Silver replied, then they went through their hoofbump, and Silver waved bye as he rushed into the train so as not to miss it. 'Maybe this trip wasn't so bad after all...' he thought, as he sat looking out the window.