> Blackace's Back story > by BlackAce > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Birth of Blackace > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/29/1996 Dodge Junction Dodge Junction General Hospitable 11:58 p.m. At first I see nothing but darkness, and I hear nothing just silence. Then I see a bright light that forces me to close my eye's as soon as I see it. Soon I feel a strong need to go toward the light, and as I get closer to the light I see something heading toward me, I don't want it to reach me so I try to move back, but it's all in vain as I feel the thing grab me and begin pulling me toward the light. I struggle as I want to get away from it but alas it's no use, the thing has me in a tight grip and I can not move. Soon I am blinded by the light, and deaf from the noise, I scream as I want it all to just stop and let me be. Next thing I know I feel something soft wrapped around me and something strong holding me close, I look up to see someone I don't know but, just the way they hold me and the way they look at me I feel safe with them, soon I start to hear things again. "Have you two come up with a name for your little colt." Says one figure whom is wearing something white. "Yes we have." Says the figure holding me. "Blackace, will be his name." Blackace, is this my name if only I knew whom they are talking about, but at this moment I just don't care anymore and I start to fall asleep next to this thing I trust so much. 8/30/1996 Dodge Junction Blackace's parents home 3:13 a.m. I awake from a loving sleep only to feel something cold in between my legs, I do not know what it is but I want it gone NOW, I began to yell at what ever this feeling is to just leave me alone, but alas nothing happens. Then a light shines brightly in my eyes, after I reopen them I see the figure whom I trust with my whole being. They pick me up and after moving me somewhere else I soon feel the cold in between my legs disappear, I look up at the figure and hold out my hooves to hold it and thank it for make that horrible felling go away. Soon this figure picks me up again and holds me close I feel happy with this figure whom I trust so very much. Then I feel this weird feeling in my gut, I don't know what it is but I don't like it, however before I can complain the figure says. "Awww is my little colt hungry, oh yes he is." Is that whats this feeling is called, but before I can ask this figure moves me close to these round objects. What are these things, in my quest to find out I start sucking on one of them, soon I am rewarded with the greatest thing i have ever tasted I don't even know what this stuff is called. Soon I am finished and the feeling is gone, the figure moves me back to this object that is not as soft as this figure. I cry out wanting this figure to never let go of me. It picks me up and holds me close to it, as I snuggle into the softness I hear the figure say to me. "Don't you worry my colt, mommy will be here for you always." Is that what this figure is called, mommy I like that name, but alas I am to tired to care at this point soon I start to see less and less of my mommy and I fall into a deep sleep. 8/30/1996 Dodge Junction Blackace's parents home 3:00 p.m. I awake yet again I feel that feeling back in between my legs, stopping to think for a second I realize that my mommy can make this feeling go away. I call out for my mother and soon this other figure shows up, who is this, this is not my mommy. I start to cry out harder for my mommy but this figure picks me up and moves me somewhere else, I start to yell at this thing but then it makes the feeling go away just like my mommy would. I look up at it and hold out my hooves to thank it like I would my mommy, it picks me up and says. "My my you sure are loud, but mommy and daddy love you all the same." I know what my mommy looks like but who is this daddy of whom he speaks, could it be this figure, could this be my daddy. I don't know why but the thought of having two people looking after me just fills me with joy and happiness, I hold on tight to my daddy hoping he would never leave but soon I start to feel the same feeling as before in my gut. I yell out wanting my daddy or mommy to make it stop, soon my mommy shows up and pulls me back to those orbs, knowing whats inside them I immediately start sucking away at them and I am rewarded with that same sweet taste. As I continue to drink up this substance I start to feel tired and the more I drink the more tired I get, before I fall into the darkness like I always do I stop drinking and look up to my mommy and daddy. Then I see a new thing that my daddy is holding, just as I'm wondering what this thing does it shines a bright light in my eyes for only a second but it hurt. I cry out from the sudden flash of light, as I am crying I hear my mommy and daddy say to me. "Don't cry my little boy, mommy and daddy are here with you." Mommy says. "And we will always be here for our little child, as your parents." Says my daddy. Parents, that seems easier to say then mommy and daddy all the time. After I am done crying I start feeling sleepy, I start seeing the darkness invading my sight and soon once again I hear and see nothing. > Losses and moving > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/15/2002 Dodge Junction Blackace's Parents home 3:19 p.m. "But mommy do you and daddy have to leave now?" I ask my mommy, she had told me that her and daddy were going out for some anniversary. I don't know what a anniversary is for, but if it meant my mommy and daddy wouldn't be next to me I didn't want them to leave. "Sorry Acey but we told you, we'll only be gone for just a few hours. And you'll have a foal sitter here to watch you." "But daddy I don't want a foal sitter, I just want you two here." As much as I was excited to meet this foal sitter I didn't want them to leave, just even sleeping alone scared me. Sure daddy worked with the guard and had to leave the house to do that, but mommy would still be here to hold me close with her wings. That was another thing why did I have daddy's horn but not mommy's wings, I had asked them this question before only for them to tell me that I couldn't have both those where only for the princess's. "How about this son if you be good for the foal sitter, we'll take you out to the Summer Sun Celebration." "Really, I get to see Princess Celestia raise the sun!" I was surprised the SSC was a very pricey event and it costed a lot even just for the 3 of us. But my daddy wouldn't lie ever, well maybe once in a while but this, he wouldn't would he? "But only if your good, now where is..." Ding Ding "Ah there she is, now Acey be good for me and mommy ok, and try to have fun." I nodded as I hugged my mommy and daddy, I guess I could be without them for one night it wouldn't hurt, would it. Nah my mommy would always be here and so would my daddy. After they both left I was sitting on my bed drawing some pictures, I always enjoyed drawing even if I didn't get my cutie mark out of it I still enjoined it very much. Speaking of my cutie mark when would it come I always asked my parents when I would get it but they would only say that I would get it when I found my special talent which at first I thought was drawing but after hours of drawing still nothing but i guess I'll have to wait and see. "Come on little Acey its time for bed, little colts like you need their sleep." "But (yawn) I'm not tired." "Oh yes you are now come on and lets get you tucked in for bed." Oh well I might as go to bed I can feel my body telling me to sleep but I wanted to keep drawing and then go to sleep but my body was betraying me, oh well I guess my body knows best so I make my way under my covers and slowly drift off to sleep. 9/16/2002 Dodge Junction Blackace's parents house 7:45 a.m. I awake after falling asleep the night before, I expect to smell something being cooked whether it be eggs or pancakes but I smell nothing. I get up to investigate why I smell nothing, only to find the foal sitter sleeping on the couch "Why is she still here? Shouldn't mommy and daddy be back by now?" I think So in attempt to find out I start pushing her lightly and asking her to wake up. After a few minutes she slowly opens her eyes and looks around the room. "Um shouldn't your parents be back by now?" "I don't know, I'm scared." "Shh there there, how about I make us some breakfast, maybe they're just running late." I nod lightly, I don't want to think that they're gone but that thought keeps cropping up in my head. I mean sure they've ran late before, but I was with them so I knew that even if we were days later getting home they would be by my side. After the foal sitter finished making breakfast, and we started eating a loud knock came at the door. "Stay here Ace I'll get it." Says the foal sitter. I nod even if it was mommy and daddy why would they knock, I mean they live here right. After a few minutes I hear the foal sitter call out for me. "Acey can you come here please." "Why would she need me?" I wonder as I start heading for the door of my house. Once I get to the door I see two Police ponies standing there looking a little down once they saw me. "Are you Blackace?" Ask the first one. I nod slowly. Now I really really scared, why are they here, where is mommy and daddy, I want my mommy and daddy. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your parents have been murdered, I'm sorry but your going to have to come with us." I just stand there, just staring, I knew what murder is my parents have told me before when my uncle died 2 years ago, I didn't like him that much to start with, but mommy and daddy dead, no I refuse to believe it, no no no no. Soon I'm crying my eye's out sitting on the ground. Why, what did they do to deserve to die. Soon I feel my body being wrapped in magic, being picked up by one of the police ponies. "Where are you taking him?" asked the foal sitter. "That's personal information that can't be disclosed at this time." After what feels like hours of crying I soon start feeling sleepy, despite my best efforts I slowly fall in to a deep sleep hoping that all this is nothing but a bad dream that I'll wake up from soon with my mommy and daddy to hold me close. > Cutie mark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9/12/2010 Canterlot Canterlot School's 11:45 a.m. 8 long years after my parents death, and yet I still feel nothing, even during the funeral, as I looked upon their bodies I could feel my emotions draining away. Alas, even being in this orphanage I still feel nothing and I don't think I ever will again. "Well well well, if it isn't little acey all by his lonesome." Forget that last statement for here come the source of my nightly anger and crying, Nick. As soon as I was put in here he's been harassing me day in and out. And as many have said the teachers just refuse to look or care at all. "Come on acey aren't you going to fight, or are you just going to cry again like every night." I stop breathing for a second, how did he know that I cry at night I'm not that loud am I? "What do you want Nick?" I say with a hint of anger. "To laugh at you what else could I be doing." Nick was a Pegasus, and being one makes him think that he's all this and that because of this "Pegasus pride" I keep hearing about from him and others. To me this "pride" is a waste of time, but nonetheless it's because of this I get to deal with him all damn day. "Just let me be today Nick I'm not in the mood for your crap today." If it were any other day I wouldn't care. But today, really, sure the loss of my parent's doesn't hurt as much. But really today of all days, he would never bother me in the past on this day. "Oh is little acey sad about the loss of his parents." I swear if he says anything involving them again today I will kick his ass. "Oh so sad that you lost that pathetic mother and father of yours." "That's it you want to fight, you got one lets take this outside!" 9/12/2010 Canterlot Canterlot School's Playground 11:50 a.m. Well time to show this guy what I'm made of, sure its just a snowball fight but I will win. "Ready to lose to the king of snowball fighting blank flank." "Only if you are." That should set him off a little I mean after all his cutie mark is a snowflake. Soon I hear the first snow ball fly by my fort, based off where it came from I can guess where he is, so I take a random shot. Plop Ugh off by a little I'm guessing. I'm not moving my head unless I need to, I don't want to get hit. Then 5 more snowballs fly by. "Come on and just stand up already, you know you can't beat me, your weak just like pathetic parent's were." Ok that is it, I get up and start throwing snow balls at his head as hard as I can. Of course him being a Pegasus he just start flying around making him a hard target to him. I get back down and think. Ok if I just fire in front of him I can hit him. I grab what feels like a snow ball without looking and jump up and aim for his head, putting all my power into the throw I aim just a little above his head and some to the left, and add a little push with my magic. Splat I look up and see something I thought I never would see in all my years alive, a pony with a rock embedded into their skull. I just stand there in shock. D-Did I just do that to him? Soon he falls to the ground and starts twitching. I just keep standing there unsure what to do, I'm sure I grabbed a snowball not a rock, but yet here he lay twitching from the rock in his head. Unsure of what to do at this point, and not wanting to get caught I just start running off somewhere into the city. After running for a few minutes I saw the castle in sight and started to panic for if the royal guard found out what I did I'd be put in jail in no time at all. Soon I see a empty ally way and head down it, after finding a box to hide in I start to collect my thoughts. Wh..what just happened. After what feels like hours of crying there i fall asleep. "Mam, have you seen this colt anywhere?" My head shoots up at these words, looking out of the box down the alleyway I see a mare with two cops who are holding a piece of paper. I already know what the paper is, no question is a picture of me. "Um yeah I think I saw him run down this alleyway a few hours ago." says the mare. My eyes widen at these words, seeing the cops starting to walk my way and out of options I re hide in my box hoping they don't check in the box. I hear their hoof steps coming closer and closer I hold my breath not wanting them to hear me breathing, then they stop right in front of the box. Silence, complete and utter silence. It scares me more and more with every passing second. Soon the cops start walking away, I breath a sigh of relief and look down the alley way as the cops leave, I knew the royal guard was bad but the cops too. After a two hours I leave the alleyway and head for Canterlot gate knowing when I get there I can leave the city, but what then. Stopping to ponder what I will do once I leave Canterlot I failed to notice the shadows behind me, soon I'm blinded and knocked out. I awake to pain and Still blinded, then I hear voices in another room and I start to panic soon realizing I'm tied to a chair somewhere. Then a metal door opens with a loud groan and I hear hoof steps coming my way, next they pick me up and start taking me somewhere. I'm placed down on the ground and the blindfold is remove causing me to go blind from the light for a few seconds, after my eyesight comes back I see I'm in some warehouse. Then I see a stallion on a chair in front of me, he gets up and walks up to me. "What is your name young one?" I refused to answer his question which I soon regret for one of his friends slugs me in the gut. "I will only ask one more time, what is your name." After getting my breath back I choose to tell him. "Bl..Blackace sir." I say with fear in my voice, next he starts walking around me. "Hm interesting cutie mark i haven't seen to many like it." My head has never turned faster then that, I look at my flank and see what looks like a cross hair from a scope off a gun. Yeah a gun, not to long ago some griffins had made a device called a gun. Well after we pony's heard we wanted to use it as well, we worked with the griffins to make multiple styles of guns. Such as automatics, long range, and close range, on these long range ones we added a item called a scope, which had some cross hairs to see where the bullet would go. "You might still be useful after all." Then I'm knocked out again, just before I black out I head a deep loud laughter, then silence. > Betrayal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06/05/2016 Canterlot Roof of Canterlot apartments 1:30 a.m. Breath in ,and out, and hold BANG I gasp, and start to rub my shoulder. Dang even with the pillow there that still hurts like hell. After a minute I start to pack up and move back to base. Its been 6 years after I was foal napped and forced to work for this stallion, but before I could work for him I was put through "training" or as I like to call it hell. Day after day, week after week I was starved, beaten, and tested so this stallion could see if I was worthy for his gang known as the "Canterlot Shadows." And shadows was right even when they captured me I never saw them coming until it was to late. But nonetheless here I am back at base. Knock Knock Knock "Password" a voice ask "Shadows are seen not heard" I reply "Welcome back Acey" Said the voice, then they wall opened up. Like I said shadows was right. As I walk into the secret base I take note of a new pony tied to a chair, and smile thinking poor sucker has no idea the hell he's about to endoor, if he survives. When the boss tested you, he "Tested" you, and I mean everything strength, weapon skill, stealth, if you failed so much as 1 of his major test you were executed without question or care. I never dealt with that area, I was the gangs 2nd best sniper, only becuase I missed my first hit I was off by half a inch. "Acey your back I see." Said the boss "Target executed sir." I reply. Yes I was on another job for the gang, apparently some dumb shit lets some information go to the wrong pony, and because the top shot sniper was out with the flu I was called in to "Take care of things." "Yes I heard, as a matter of fact I'm sure half of Canterlot heard that shot." He said. "Hey not my fault that all the silenced rifles are out for repairs." I said back. In the armory we kept are rifles and other guns in separate areas, and all yes all the silenced rifles were out for repairs, I don't know why nor did anyone else. "Well we have to keep the guns in top shape, but I digress a jobs a job, here's your pay." He said as he pushed a bag of bits to me. I smile and thank him, more money means more time to do what I want, I mean sure if they need me and I'm not busy I'll do a job but otherwise I just chill in my bunk doing nothing or I'm at the range staying in top shot, well 2nd in top shot. 06/05/2016 Canterlot Canterlot Shadows Base 9:15 a.m. "Dude are you sure talking this close to someone is a good idea?" a voice says. I awoke just a few seconds ago now here I am laying in bed listening to voices talk about something, but I hope I look asleep enough that they just keep talking. "Who acey, please he could sleep through a bomb going off." Says the other voice who I recognize as the top sniper, but I thought he had the flu. And yah he was right I probably could sleep through a bomb. "If you say so, here take the info about the plan and hide it good." said the first voice. Plan what plan? "Yah yah don't get your panties in a knot, these dumb shits are so stupid that they don't even know why I've been going off late at night with the "flu." Said the top sniper "Still you know what happens to traitors." "Yah but don't worry I'll have this shipped off to the royal guard in a few hours or less." The royal guard, oh shit not good. I mean sure the guard sucks but after what happened to Celestia favorite maid, she said if she found out she would bring down the power of 1000 suns on whoever caused this. Which I know was our gang. A few minutes after they left I checked out the top snipers bunk and looked around, he never was good at hiding things other than himself. Come on it has to be here somewhere. I was trying to find the "plans" they were talking about. Yes I say to myself as I find a folder with notes about the death of Celestia's favorite maid. "Hey, what do you think your doing acey!" I hear the bosses voice yelling. Oh shit I'm so screwed I should just die now. I turn around to see the top sniper grinning like he just pulled off the perfect prank, and next to him is the boss who right now looks like Luna who just lost a game to her sister. "I can explain..." I say hoping that my boss will listen to me, even though I'm not his favorite. "That what, you were going to give information to the royal guard, and then plant the evidence on your better here." Oh smart mother fucker, if I get out of this alive he is so dead. I think as I look for a way out but only think of one. "So I guess I only have one way out." I say, then I teleport over to the weapon storage and grab my sniper rifle and all the ammo I can carry for it. "I WANT BLACKACE FOUND AND KILLED ON SITE NOW!!!!" I hear my boss yelling from across the warehouse. After grabbing what I can, I teleport out of the warehouse and into a alleyway, then I just start running as fast as I can away from Canterlot and towards what ever town is to the south. As to what I'll do when I get to a town I don't know but I'll have to lay low maybe change my tail color or something like that but I'll figure that out when i get there. > New Town, New Beginnings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06/07/2016 Ponyville Ponyville Outskirts 5:28 a.m. Just keep running! That's all I could think as I ran as far away from Canterlot as my legs could carry me, but after running for what felt like two or more days, I just couldn't go any farther. After stopping I see a tree nearby and decide to hide my weapons in it until I can find a place to settle, speaking of a place to settle, I soon see a town just off in the distance, then my body gives out and I collapsed off to the side of the road and soon passed out. "Hey dude are you ok?" I hear a voice asking me. I slowly start to open my eyes only to be blinded by the sun. Curse Celestia for raising the sun today. I think as I start to reopen my eyes. My eye site is greeted by a pony who just the thought of seeing after the whole deal with Celestia's maid fills me with dread, for in front of me stands a rainbow haired Pegasus, best known as Rainbow Dash. Who is the owner of the Element of Loyalty, and a good friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle, who is the Element of Magic and Personal friend and student of Princess Celestia. "Dude are you ok? Can you hear me?" Rainbow Dash ask again. I don't respond for good reason, or what I think is good reason. So I just lay there not moving looking at Rainbow Dash hoping she will just leave me so I can just keep running away from Canterlot, then I remember seeing a town before I passed out. But if Rainbow Dash is here that means the town must be.... "Oh shit." I say before I can stop myself. Rainbow Dash looks at me surprised "Well I've never had somepony say that upon meeting me before." She says. I lay there thankful that she has no idea who I am or why I said that in the first place. Now that she knows I'm awake and still breathing I realize there is no point in trying to play dead anymore, so I attempt to get up only to be greeted by a huge shock wave of pain from my hooves to my horn. I take in a huge gasp as I feel the pain, and then pass out again from it. 06/09/2016 Ponyville Ponyville hospital 3:45 p.m. Pain, nothing else but pain, after running for as long and as far as I did, this should be expected. Beep Beep Beep A sound most likely to be a heart monitor and no doubt attached to me. Just based on the pain and me passing out earlier, who else could it be hooked up to. "How long has be been out doc?" I hear a voice ask Can't be more than a few hours I'd guess. I think to myself. "So far about 2 1/2 days your majesty." I hear the doctor say. Your majesty, oh shit. I think as I lay there trying not to freak out about a princess being here in my room. "Any idea when he might wake up?" "No idea I've only heard of a few cases of someone going into a coma from running, but where and what was he running from?" "I guess we'll find out when he gets up." Why would I get up to talk to you, you'll just throw me in jail for what I did. I think as I lay there. Wait, if they don't know who I am right now I might be in the clear. After this thought I try to sit up only for a massive amount of pain to force me to lay back down. "Whoa boy don't be trying to move just yet." Says the doctor. "I'm in a hospital?" I ask stupidly knowing the answer. "Yes you are, its a good thing Miss Dash brought you here when she did." I just lay there letting the doctor talk as I think about my situation. "...So from what I've heard you were running into ponyville only to pass out, might I ask what you were running from and where you come from?" Ask the doctor. Oh crap just the question I was hoping to avoid, how do I answer this without giving it away I worked for the Canterlot shadows?... I've got it. "I was on my way to Canterlot to meet up with a old friend when a pack of timber wolfs came after me from the nearby woods, so I ran, I'm guessing south bound and just kept running, I think I ran for over a day or 2." I hope they buy the crap I just made up. "Timber wolfs hmmm never heard of them that close to canterlot, I'll have to ask the princess about this." Said the same mare I heard earlier. As I look I see non other than the newly crowed Princess Twilight Sparkle. Shit shit shit!!!! Is all I can think. Is she finds out I'm lying I'm so dead. "Well now that you're awake I wanted to ask you a few questions, so if you don't mind princess." Said the doctor. "Oh, of course doctor, I'll be going have a good day sir, and when you can I would like to know more about you, when you're better that is." Says twilight as she leaves. "Now then." Starts the doctor. Celestia kill me now.