Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon's Adventure

by Oldtakufanboy

First published

Two Mares come across a book that predicts the future

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are in luck when they find a book called 'Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon's Adventure'. Once they had the book within their hooves, they were surprised to what the book could do and thus begins their adventure… sorta :twilightsheepish:

Influenced From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

Finding of The Book

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"Ugh, what to do, Silver?" asked Diamond Tiara, as she lied down onto the grass to look up at the clouds, "I'm so bored."

"I dunno," said Silver Spoon, as she did the same by lying beside her, "too bored to think."

"Wanna go get some candy down at sugarcube corner?" asked Diamond Tiara, as she turned her head towards Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon gave her a happy expression and immediately jumped up.

"Sure! What are we waiting for?!" said Silver Spoon, as Diamond Tiara stood up.

"Then let us go get some candy."

"Lead the way," said Silver Spoon, as she follows behind Diamond Tiara.

As the two were getting close to their stop, Silver Spoon notices at the corner of her eye a book; a purple book that had two fillies on it. She stopped and cocked an eyebrow at the strange book.

"Silver? What's the hold up?" said Diamond Tiara, as she turned around.

"Hold on a sec," said Silver Spoon, as she walks up to the book.

As she stood above the book, she was rather surprised to who was on the cover. It was both she and Diamond Tiara drawn in a weird fashion. The title of the book made her gasp, as it said, 'Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon's Adventure.'

"What the buck?" said Silver Spoon, as she picks up the book in her teeth and runs over to her friend.

"Silver? What kind of book- has US ON THE COVER?!" said Diamond Tiara with shock.

Silver Spoon sets the book between them.

"What kind of book is this?" asked Diamond Tiara, as she stared at the cover.

"I don't know, but I want to," said Silver Spoon, as she opens the book.

As the first page showed up, it was all in graphic novel format. What really surprised the both of them was seeing themselves drawn in a weird fashion and by the fact that they are seeing them at the same place where they were lying on the grass five minutes ago.

"That's impossible," said Diamond Tiara, "there's no way a book in a nick of time and show us where we were five minutes ago."

The two fillies sat together and red the first page together.

This is the story about two fillies named Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Today, they were in a grassy field lying down out of boredom when suddenly Diamond Tiara had an idea.

"Wanna go get some candy down at sugarcube corner?"

"Sure! What are we waiting for?!"

"Then let us go get some candy."

"Lead the way."

The two fillies were on their way to Sugarcube corner when suddenly, Silver Spoon finds a book lying on the ground a few feet away from her.

"This… this is unbelievable," said Diamond Tiara with disbelief, "how can this book know that?"

"It's as if… this book could… predict things," said Silver Spoon, "let's keep reading this."

Diamond Tiara turns the page and continued:

After finding the book, the two fillies continued their way toward Sugarcube corner. As they made it, the pink mare known as Pinkie Pie appears.

"Hey there you two, need anything?"

"We would like some twizzlers and a pack of bubble gum."

"Okie dokie loki."

Suddenly, a mysterious pony shows up and begins to steal the pudding. Pinkie gets furious and chases after him, leaving the two fillies in the establishment alone with only Pinkie's pet gator, Gummy.

"Silver, let's go fill the sack, as much as we can."

The fillies grab ahold as much as they could and scurried home.

"Is this really gonna happen?" asked Silver Spoon with curiosity.

"I don't care," said Diamond Tiara, "it's just a stupid book made by somepony that is trying to make us look bad."

"You sure?"

"I know so. Come on, let's get going," said Diamond Tiara, as she and Silver Spoon head towards Sugarcube corner, along with the strange book in Silver Spoon's teeth.

As the two fillies arrived at Sugarcube corner, they were greeted by Pinkie as the book said.

"Hey there you two," said Pinkie with a big smile, "need anything?"

"We would like some twizzlers and a pack of bubble gum," said Diamond Tiara.

"Okie dokie loki," said Pinkie, as she picked up a small sack and hopped over to grab their things.

"Everything is going towards to what the book said," thought Diamond Tiara, "but where's the mysteri-"

Diamond Tiara's thought was cutoff, as a mysterious cloaked pony rushes into the store. There weren't that much details to see, either than the fact that the pony had a stallion-like muzzle peeping out, including his blue hooves. He quickly looked around and rushed over to the candy jars and began to pull out some jawbreakers and a pack of cinnamon gummies, placing them in his sack that he took out from his cloak.

"HEY!" shouted Pinkie, making the thief jump, "PUT THOSE BACK!"

The pony didn't say anything; instead he grabbed the sack full of candy and sped off out of the establishment.

"You two fillies take off, while I go catch this thief," said Pinkie, as she places the sack of their candy on the counter, "Gummy's in charge."

And just like that, Pinkie escaped, leaving two of the fillies alone in the establishment.

"Silver, let's go fill the sack, as much as we can," said Diamond Tiara, as she grabs the sack within her muzzle and goes over to the candy and began filling the sack up as much as she could.

After filling the sack, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sped out of there and back home.

"I can't believe we go so much candy," said Silver Spoon, as she chewed on bubblegum, while sitting on Diamond Tiara's bed.

"This book can do us wonders, Silver," said Diamond Tiara, as she stared onto the cover of the future telling book.

"What does it say next?"

Diamond Tiara opens the book and moves to the third page.

After stealing some candy from Pinkie's store, the two fillies relaxed and enjoyed their candy while wondering what will happen next in this very book.

"This book really does see into the future."

"I wonder who created it?"

The two fillies observed more of the book, but couldn't find a name.

"There's no name anywhere."

"Well whoever it was, made it especially for us."

"What do you intend we do with this book?"

Diamond Tiara gave out a chilling grin.

"With this book, possibly all of Equestria will be ours."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

After cackling, the two fillies ate more candy until they fall asleep.

"I'm very surprised that this book really could see into the future," said Silver Spoon.

"I wonder who created the thing?" said Diamond Tiara, as she closed the book and looked all over the book for the name of the author.

"I can't find a name anywhere."

"Whoever it was, made it especially for us."


"What do you intend we do with the book?"

Silver Spoon was rather surprised to see Diamond Tiara grinning like as the book said. The grin looked menacing, as she could somehow see the words 'menacing' floating around her.

"With this book, we could maybe take over all of Equestria," said Diamond Tiara, "we can see into the future. With this book, we could be famous for our tellings."


"I bet you we can be rich beyond our wildest dreams," said Diamond Tiara, as her grin went from creepy to normal.

"Count me in," said Silver Spoon.

The girls gave each other hugs and went back to eating candy.

That night, the girls had a sleepover, as Spoiled Rich tucks them in together.

Diamond Tiara began to thrash around, as her dream went from normal to bizarre.
