Angel Ships Fluttershy

by plskilmeTails

First published

Angel wants Fluttershy to leave the cottage more, because he feels like Fluttershy watches him too much and doesn't leave him alone... so, naturally, he goes and tries to get the first pony he sees to date her.

Angel Bunny is tired of all the attention Fluttershy gives him. Angel likes attention, sure, but when it's so much attention that he gets no time to himself, he doesn't seem to want any more of Fluttershy's love.

He does what any sane person would do, and tries to get her in a relationship with the first pony he sees so as to get Fluttershy to leave him alone more often and to hopefully get Fluttershy somepony ELSE to love. He picks the first pony he sees, and that pony is Rainbow Dash.

This is an extremely old story that I never released. Dalek Saxon helped a lot in the creation of it. Hope you enjoy. I don't think I'll be writing too much more Flutterdash-esque stories from now on, since I've got other things I'd like to write.


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Angel gave a high pitched and annoyed groan as Fluttershy nuzzled his small, fluffy white head. He truly was sick of all the attention Fluttershy -- his caretaker -- was giving him. He'd considered running away for a night or two, but he knew that that would just make Fluttershy worried. Angel also knew it would just make Fluttershy express her love even more than she already was...

Angel was lying down on a green wooden and plush couch in the corner of the main room of Fluttershy's surprisingly clean cottage after spending a few hours playing outside. Fluttershy was also sitting on the same green couch as him. Fluttershy occasionally went to clean up something, or help one of her animals, but basically all of the day was spent with her doting over the fact that he basically existed.

"Well Angel, I'm going to go to bed. Please try and sleep, I don't want you being tired tomorrow. A good nights rest should make you feel all better. You looked really grumpy today, and I don't want you being grumpy tomorrow. I love you, Angel." Fluttershy said before kissing Angel on the head and getting up from the couch.

Angel flipped over to face down into the couch before sighing tiredly and trying to fall asleep. When he heard Fluttershy take steps towards a set of stairs, he turned his head slightly to peek at Fluttershy, and the view of his mamma leaving caused him to relax slightly. Fluttershy then flicked the light off as she began to step upstairs to her bedroom.

Angel sighed, glad that he wouldn't be bothered by his canary caretaker for the rest of the night. He slowly closed his dreary, beady eyes to try to go to sleep, and after a while he had finally succumbed to the effects of fatigue and fell into a deep slumber...

Angel slowly buzzed to life, as he awoke from his deep sleep. He heard the chirping of birds outside, and the sound of clattering porcelain dishes in the small door-less kitchen, as well as water which was audibly being used in the kitchen, most likely to wash dirty dishes from the previous night. Angel knew it was Fluttershy who had been making the racket, and yawned with his paw in front of his small mouth.

Angel stood up onto his sore legs and hopped from the green plush couch and landed on the wooden floor with a quiet 'thud'. He then hopped over to the door to the outside and then went into the middle of the room and into the spot of sunlight on the floor, which entered from the top half of the front door which was wide open, letting in fresh air and warm sunlight.

Angel relaxed in the sunlight that touched his form, and he let out a deep sigh as he closed his eyes while basking in the suns warmth. After a few moments, he hopped up and over the half-door that blocked him from the wide, vast outdoors, all ready to be ventured into for his own enjoyment. A moment of freedom from Fluttershy.

Once Angel touched down on the outside ground, he hopped off to run around to eliminate the boredom he felt slowly dragging on. It was at this moment that he remembered what he wanted to do and so he stopped and slid on the ground as he looked around the sky, the pathway to Ponyville, and sooner or later gazed upon a brightly coloured rainbow trail quickly flying behind a set of trees and other forms of foliage.

Angel raised an eyebrow, and moved closer to the suspected pony who had begun to talk to herself nervously and quietly. Once he got closer to the plants, Angel hopped through a few tall and dark green bushes, finding the source of the talking. Ahead of him stood Rainbow Dash, who stared through a small gap between the various types of foliage, looking towards Fluttershy's cottage. Angel was quite confused at the pony who was usually careless yet suddenly very anxious and unsure of herself, and so he began to listen to the blue mare ramble on to herself.

"Ugh... c'mooon... Rarity can stop being such a prissy pony 'n tell Applejack about HER feelings, so I can mare up and tell Fluttershy. Seriously, I'm worried about telling Fluttershy of all ponies!" Rainbow Dash groaned and shook her head in annoyance, before sighing and looking dead ahead while slowly walking towards Fluttershy's cottage. Angel quickly turned tail and ran back through the bushes, before bumping into a yellow foreleg of a pony who picked him up in both of her wings and nuzzled him almost the moment he ended up in her grasp.

Rainbow Dash then finally walked out from the treeline and then blushed when Fluttershy looked at her in shock, and gasped before speaking. "R-Rainbow Dash?"

"H-hey Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said, smiling nervously at Fluttershy.

"Well, um... hello Rainbow, is there something you needed? I don't mean to rush you or assume that you DO need something, but... well..." Fluttershy asked, but stopped trying to talk when she saw Rainbow Dash's mouth open to formulate speech.

"Well, I uh... Fluttershy, you see... I um... h-how do I say it..."

Fluttershy tilted her head in interest, but remained quiet and listened.

"I... uh..." Rainbow trailed off again.

"Ask her out to eat!" Angel yelled to Fluttershy, pointing at Rainbow Dash from Fluttershy's forelegs.

Fluttershy looked at Angel in confusion. She wasn't sure she heard Angel right and so she ignored him, causing Angel to sigh and roll his eyes. He squeezed out of her grasp, and then landed on the grassy ground, pulling a small pencil as well as a notebook, which shocked Fluttershy who then stared at him in confusion. Angel then wrote into the notebook, before ripping out the piece of paper, causing the two mares to look right at each other and then back at him.

Angel shoved the paper up into Rainbow Dash's face, causing her to reel back slightly. Once she squinted her eyes and looked at the paper, she began to read it out loud, expecting it to be something for the two of them.

"Would... you... go... to dinner... with me?" Rainbow Dash mumbled, before her eyes shot open wide and she realized what she had just said.

"Oh, well, um... I mean... I think that I would... well..." Fluttershy started before mumbling a high-pitched "...I'd like to, but... only if you really want to, I wouldn't want to be a burden on you."

Angel threw his arms up and sighed. Of course Fluttershy would only agree when asked, not told to tell...

Rainbow Dash's face filled with shock and excitement as she blushed and opened her mouth and then closed it, before opening it once more to speak. "...want to go into town right now, too?" Rainbow Dash asked hopefully. Fluttershy accepting to go out to dinner with her -- even though she wasn't really the one to initiate the question -- made her feel so much more happy and relaxed about asking Fluttershy out to just the town.

"I... I suppose I'd be alright with that, yes." Fluttershy nodded before crouching down and looking at Angel, "Angel, please watch over the cottage and the rest of the animals while I'm gone, okay? I'll give you an extra juicy carrot if you do that for me today.

Angel gave a quick salute, and then once the two mares began to walk away, he turned around and rubbed his paws together and joyfully formed a toothy grin. Of course he'd do all of what he was asked to do... he was finally, and truly, alone for once. He also had 'other' plans...

"So, 'Shy. What do y'wanna do? Go for a flight maybe?" Rainbow Dash asked, flying closely next to Fluttershy who remained on the ground to walk along the dirt pathway leading towards Ponyville.

"Well, um... I sort of figured we could, maybe, if you want to, go to the park." Fluttershy replied nervously, feeling a little worried that she'd disappoint Rainbow Dash.

"Oh... ehhhh, sure, I guess." Rainbow Dash said while slightly disappointed, "Will we at least fly a bit at the park?"

"If you want to. Well, yes I'd love to... so long as we're alone?" Fluttershy said, yet also sort of asked anxiously.

"I'd be alright with being alone with you..." Rainbow Dash mumbled out seductively, though her voice didn't catch Fluttershy's ears.

"Pardon me? I'm sorry... I wasn't really listening..." Fluttershy flattened her ears to her head in disapproval towards her own actions.

"Nothing! I saaaaid... that I woould... uhh... be alright with that." Rainbow Dash forced out, forming a lie on the go, but at the speed she spoke, she didn't cause Fluttershy to be any less suspicious.

The two approached the town, causing Rainbow Dash to look around at the ponies who walked among the ever busy streets. Most of the ponies who were out at this time of day, had somewhere specific to go. Whether it be shopping, work, or various other reasons, none of which mattered to Rainbow Dash.

It was when they walked into Twilight Sparkle who happily greeted the two that Rainbow popped back into reality to care about what was going on. "Heyo Rainbow Dash, hey Fluttershy. Pretty nice day out, isn't it?"

"I guess so... I'm not the one doing the weather today, so it can't be that awesome out." Rainbow Dash commented, smirking in Twilight's direction.

Twilight rolled her eyes and began to speak. "I said it was 'nice', not awesome, but... okay, I guess. What are you two up to today?"

"Well, Rainbow Dash and I are going to the park." Fluttershy explained, happily looking up at Rainbow Dash who nodded in agreement.

"We're totally gonna do some awesome tricks together there. Under guidance from me, of course." Rainbow Dash inserted, nudging Fluttershy with an elbow.

"B-but I never agreed t--" Fluttershy started to mumble in confusion and shock.

"Anyways, Twilight, what have you been up to lately?" Rainbow Dash asked, speaking over Fluttershy.

"I've read some books on magically-produced fireworks and colour manipulation in lights lately, and I've also found out that Pinkie Pie is into some... interesting stuff. Celestia knows she's probably told everypony in town about our uh... sex-life by now..." Twilight sighed and then said, "Not that I can do much beyond ask her not to say anything."

"How is your relationship with Pinkie Pie anyways, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, "Not that I mean to pry into your life, just that I'm interested. I'm sorry if I'm prying, just tell me if I am, please." Fluttershy quickly added politely.

"I don't mind you asking, Fluttershy. Thanks for asking, actually. Pinkie's a bit... excitable, I admit--"

"A bit is an understatement..." Rainbow Dash mumbled.

"...but she's really considerate and is very fun to be dating." Twilight finished.

Fluttershy nodded and then spoke, "I'm sure she is. She always tries to do her best to make ponies happy." Fluttershy then went over to give Twilight a friendly nuzzle, but was cut short when she heard hooves slamming into the ground behind her.

"No tooouch-yyy!" yelled a voice nearby as the speakers hooves were audibly propelling her forward.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy turned around to see Pinkie Pie flying through the air before grabbing a frightened Twilight in both her forelegs, sending them both to the ground with dirt and dust flying up around them.

Fluttershy gasped while Rainbow Dash burst into laughter at the sight.

"Are you two okay?!" Fluttershy said, rushing to their side, while Rainbow Dash gasp for air as she fell to the ground in tears of laughter.

"Oh relax, Fluttershy, they're alright!" Rainbow Dash said after she stopped laughing. A grin remained plastered on her face, but she relaxed a few moments after and stood up onto her legs.

The dust settled, and Twilight groaned while Pinkie Pie laid on top of her tired form. Pinkie Pie then slid off of her and helped her girlfriend -- Twilight Sparkle -- back up into a standing position.

"Heya Twilight! Don't let them touch you, because only I get to do that! After all, you've got this ring, which means you're mine!" Pinkie said. Pinkie Pie then forced Twilight into an extremely physical yet short-lived make-out session, before hopping up and running off further into town, leaving the area before any of the others could even say a single word.

Twilight gasped for air while blushing furiously and then she sighed and closed her eyes. Twilight opened them up again after a couple more seconds of trying to think about what exactly just happened.

Rainbow Dash suddenly wanted to do the same to Fluttershy, but restrained herself. She didn't want to scare her, or make a scene, but the making out that the two lovers ahead of them had just displayed didn't help her desires any.

"Wait... ring?" Rainbow Dash asked outloud, giving Twilight a strange look. Fluttershy tilted her head once she also realized what was said, but she only did when Rainbow Dash pointed it out.

"Ohh, I never told you... right, well, Pinkie proposed to me not too long ago." Twilight explained.

"You never told us?!" Rainbow yelled, a little angry that Twilight never said anything about it.

"I planned on it, but it just never came up in conversations or anything. I'm really sorry, honest!" Twilight responded, taking a step back at Rainbow's outburst.

"Not the first time you've done something like this..." Rainbow groaned and then shook her head and then looked at Fluttershy, before looking back at Twilight who stared at the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"So... I guess we'll be on our... way now, Twilight." Fluttershy mumbled out after a few moments of silence. Twilight looked back up at Fluttershy and then looked at Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, sorry. Right. You two have fun on your date, I'll catch you later." Twilight said, trotting off towards the direction that Pinkie Pie went.

"Date?" thought Fluttershy. "Oh, she must mean like... a date as in just a friend-thing. Like a... like a picnic date."

"DATE?! Does Twilight KNOW?!" Rainbow Dash gulped, hoping that Fluttershy wasn't going to catch on. Though she considered the pro's that could come from her catching on, yet the con's were also prominent in her mind as she thought it all over.

The two moved in silence along the pathway, approaching the park that was not that far away from where they previously were during their talk with Twilight. Rainbow looked at Fluttershy in the corner of her eye, before looking forward when Fluttershy looked at Rainbow Dash.

"So, um... how have you been lately?" Fluttershy asked Rainbow Dash quietly.

"I've been practicing some moves, but I'm alright." Rainbow Dash said, before quickly adding, "Cool, I mean. How about you?"

"I've been okay. Tired. I've had to work extra-hard in taking care of my little animal friends, but... it's not so bad. Seeing them so happy afterwards... it's so rewarding." Fluttershy replied, looking around the forested park as the two chatted during their walk.

"You know, if you need help, you can just ask me." Rainbow Dash pointed out.

"Well, yes but... I wouldn't want to bother you. You've got more important things to worry about."

"You're important to me, Fluttershy. Flying may be important too, yeah, but if you need anything, then you're my priority."

"... T-thank you, Rainbow." Fluttershy blushed and awkwardly carried on along the path, nearing the bridge that connected the town to the park.

"Just... just don't tell any pony I said any of that sappy stuff..." Rainbow Dash said, looking around to make sure no one had heard what she said. Once she realized that the coast was clear, she sighed and continued flying alongside Fluttershy. Fluttershy giggled and nodded in response, which made Rainbow Dash grin slightly.

After a couple of minutes, the two were hiding inside a small circular clearing surrounded by trees and bushes. Rainbow Dash sighed when Fluttershy had asked if they could go into the little hidden spot, but she really didn't mind. Rainbow wanted to be alone with Fluttershy anyways, so it wasn't that bad. Rainbow just wouldn't get to show off to other ponies... but all she needed was Fluttershy.

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash spent the next few hours relaxing at the park. Rainbow Dash occasionally got Fluttershy to fly with her, but Fluttershy never did any tricks with Rainbow Dash out of fear of embarrassing herself. Once the two got bored, they relaxed for the next two hours just talking to each other, until they finally decided that they should go eat dinner together.

"How's this place?" Rainbow Dash asked Fluttershy, looking at a restaurant titled 'The Royal Flavour'. The restaurant had a modern, smooth sandstone wall, with rectangular wooden beams supporting the structure and leading up to red clay shingles that curved into fancy patterns. The door was made of black metal with wooden covers and coloured glass that held symbols of a crown and a spoon beneath it.

"Oh goodness, I... I don't know... it just looks so expensive. I don't want to have us pay for this." Fluttershy responded, shaking her head.

"Uh... 'us'? I'm paying. C'mon." Rainbow Dash said, flapping her wings to lift up into the air to then fly over to the large buildings door. She turned around to see Fluttershy sigh and begin to trot in the direction of which Rainbow Dash was flying.

Once the two entered the building, the smell of baking bread and many spices caught the two mares attention. It made the two even more hungry than they were before they entered. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy looked at each other, and then redirected their gaze back towards the counter in the room. Rainbow Dash then touched down onto the floor, to rest her wings for a while.

A white-coated pony behind a counter saw them, and then began to speak. "Hello, and welcome to the Royal Flavour. We'd... usually expect ponies in outfits like suits, but... okay, I guess. Go find an empty table, and we'll have some pony with you in a moment."

"Alright..." Rainbow Dash said, walking into an open door on the right side of the room. The two pegasi stepped down two stairs and onto a soft carpet floor, which surprised them both. Carpet just wasn't what any of the mares expected.

The two found a clean and empty wooden table, and took their spots in chairs next to each other. Fluttershy moved her chair closer to Rainbow Dash, feeling a bit shy about ponies looking in their direction. The two didn't get any thing like dresses, which attracted attention, but it didn't bother Rainbow Dash at all.

A grey mare walked by and placed down two menus for the mares to pick food out of. The pony left as soon as she came, which surprised Rainbow Dash. She expected the pony to stop and talk, so Rainbow just mumbled out a, "Huh...", before opening the menu.

Fluttershy looked into the other menu, looking over the selections. There were mostly pasta dishes and salads, with the occasional non-pony cuisine. She looked the other dishes over, but found that the ones made for griffons all had meat in them. She was surprised that the restaurant offered it, but wasn't surprised about the meat in the dishes.

Rainbow saw Fluttershy looking through all of the meat-containing food, and jokingly said "You're not planning on eating any of that, are you?"

Fluttershy rapidly shook her head and hid behind her mane to avoid the gaze given from Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow changed the topic when she looked back at her own menu of food.

"I'm thinking that I'll have this salad. It looks so good, and it doesn't even cost that much!" Rainbow Dash said, putting her hoof onto a picture in the menu, and then she closed the menu and placed it onto the wooden table.

"How about you?" Rainbow asked, wanting to get the food as soon as possible and then get out of there even more soon. Rainbow never liked fancy places because they're just way too posh most of the time. 'All of the time', Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

"I... I suppose I'll have the same." Fluttershy quietly said after a couple of moments, placing down her own menu.

"Alright." Rainbow Dash said, before shifting her chair closer to Fluttershy.

"So um... how are your weather duties?" Fluttershy asked, looking off to the side with a light red blush.

"Oh, they're fine. Derpy is being as clumsy as usual..." Rainbow mumbled out in annoyance.

"You know she really does try..." Fluttershy responded, giving Rainbow Dash sort of a strict yet soft expression that surprised Rainbow -- yet at the same time did not...

"I'm sorry... that was rude of me." Fluttershy mumbled out almost immediately after, looking down in disapproval of her own actions.

"No, no, it's... it's alright. You were just... saying the truth, I guess." Rainbow sighed, "I know she tries, but dear Celestia... she causes more problems than she helps solve."

Fluttershy remained quiet, and then looked further down at her own hind-legs when the waiter arrived to take their order. Rainbow Dash ordered her food, and when Fluttershy remained quiet, she rolled her eyes and then ordered Fluttershy's meal as well, with water for them both. After she asked about cider, of course.

"Like old times..." Rainbow Dash mumbled out, wrapping a wing around Fluttershy. She felt Fluttershy jolt up when the wing wrapped around her, and then she explained what she meant when Fluttershy calmed down and gave her a confused expression.

"When I had to talk for you at the cafeteria in flight school, cafe's... y'know."

Fluttershy looked down with a sigh and her ears flattened against her own head. "I'm sorry again."

"You always say that when I have to, but it's not like it's bad. I'd prefer you spoke for yourself, but... tonight's a night for 'us', not uh... assertiveness." Rainbow Dash put on a questioning expression, and then shook her head slightly to dismiss what she was thinking about.

"Being assertive is so hard though... and scary." Fluttershy said with a pout.

"But it's not--... look, let's just eat now, and stuff." Rainbow Dash said once their meals were placed on the table by a pony in a fancy suit. Fluttershy mumbled out a 'thank you', but Rainbow Dash said nothing and instead dug into her meal without a second thought. The pony who served their food walked away, clearly in disgust.

Fluttershy then joined Rainbow Dash in the eating, but at a slower, cleaner pace that didn't cause her muzzle to get coated in the food like face paint...

After the two finished their food, a pony came by to give them the cost. The cost wasn't very crippling, and the food was actually worth it to Rainbow Dash for once. Usually posh, fancy food just wasn't appealing to her, but the food was hardly posh -- yet remained fitting for the establishment.

The two mares left the building feeling full, and so Rainbow Dash said "That was really good. Not as good as some pony else's cooking, but hey, still a nice treat."

"Who?" Fluttershy asked, tilting her head, "Applejack?" she asked.

"No..." Rainbow Dash said plainly, "I mean. I guess so, but... they're always apple products. Who'd want to live off of just apples?"

"Well, I mean... I guess Appl--" Fluttershy started to slowly mumble out, before Rainbow Dash sighed, causing her to squeak out an apology and become quiet again.

"Rhetorical question. Hey, can I sleep over with you tonight?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I- I mean... well..." Fluttershy stuttered out.

"Please?" Rainbow Dash said, giving a semi-manipulative pout.

Fluttershy sighed, suddenly feeling guilty, and said "Okay..."

"Awesome! Don't worry, I won't move around in bed much, I promise."

"Um... but I only have one--... oh, well, I mean... if it makes you comfortable..." Fluttershy blushed and formed a small smile while looking off to the side to conceal her expression.

Rainbow Dash grinned when Fluttershy was clearly happy with the proposition that Rainbow sort of forced onto her.

It wasn't long before the two had arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, and entered the comfortable house.

The two climbed into bed together, and Rainbow Dash pulled Fluttershy into a hug and then mumbled without a thought, "I love you Fluttershy."

"W-what?" Fluttershy stuttered out, shaking slightly and then falling quiet and shoving her face into her bed's mattress.

Rainbow gasped when she realized what the effects of fatigue caused her to say. "I mean... I uh... look, Fluttershy... I don't... really know how to explain it... I know you... you don't feel that way about me, but... just... I'll go..."

When Rainbow Dash sighed and tried to move, she heard a quiet "no" accompanied by a "please", and so she stopped moving and looked at Fluttershy in confusion.

"I... um... well... do you really... really, really, l-love me?" Fluttershy asked, tilting her head to look up at Rainbow Dash who was half-way to sitting up on the bed.

"Uh... yeah, I do. I guess I do, it feels sort of weird 'n I've never wanted to uh... sleep 'n stuff with any pony else, so I mean... I- I think so, yeah." Rainbow explained, "Ugh, I hate this sappy stuff so much... it feels so awkward!"

"I'd... be willing to try being in a relation- relationship with y-you, Rainbow... I just... I don't know how I really feel, but... I know you'd never hurt me on purpose." Fluttershy replied.

"Really? You're serious. I... wow. I just... I promise I won't do anything wrong, 'Shy. But... if I do... hurt you, or something... can... we go back to just being close friends? I just... I don't think I'd want to lose you over something l-like this."

"Of course, I don't want to lose you either." Fluttershy replied, giving a smile that showed appreciation and trust.


"C-can we kiss to see if... I'm really okay w-with all this?" Fluttershy asked. Fluttershy never knew what way she really 'leaned', though she often felt feelings for both genders, all based upon personality rather than physical features.

"Sure, and... if you want to stop, then... just say, I guess." Rainbow Dash said, trying to be as careful as possible with Fluttershy.

Angel hopped to a small stream, approaching a bunny that was on the other side. When he saw that the female bunny had turned to see him. Angel picked a flower from beside him, and held it out to the doe that hopped on a few rocks to be closer to him.

...the bunny then looked at Angel, before shaking her head and crossing her forelegs.

Angel tilted his head and raised his arms into the air, and squeaked out "What? Am I not good enough for you?"

The bunny responded in an extremely rude and derogatory way, and then grabbed the flower before hopping off in the complete opposite direction, over the stream, and then into the tall grass of a field. Angel's jaw dropped in disbelief, and his arms dropped down in shock. Angel then gave a less than friendly paw-sign. Angel then gave a groan and slowly began to walk back towards Fluttershy's cottage.

Once he arrived the cottage, he entered and went towards Fluttershy's room, expecting to be welcomed in by his 'mom' and then snuggled with, but he instead heard kissing and a moan from Fluttershy, and he found that when he entered the room, his mom was snuggling closely to Rainbow Dash...

When he hopped up onto the bed, he found that he couldn't squeeze into the hug that Fluttershy was giving Rainbow Dash...

He sighed and just curled up on the pillow, disappointed that his attempt to ask out the bunny he had his eye on for a long time had gone the complete opposite way of what he expected.

"Love is so stupid..." Angel mumbled to himself quietly with a pout, though he felt that the mares snuggling on the bed would think otherwise...