> Pet the Lesser Dog! > by Lyrafan38 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In Which No Dog Has Gone Before > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This new world was unfamiliar to the monster. It had solid white fur, a pair of solid black beady eyes, a piece of armor on its chest, and carried a sword and a shield, which was typical of its type. Its homeworld was filled with snow, something the creature had gotten use to over the years. But here, here was a land that showed no type of snow whatsoever in the nearest vicinity. To be honest, it felt like it was slightly burning up in this climate and hot temperatures. It decided to venture off into the nearest town, which was just visible over the horizon in hopes that some monster there would be able to send it back to where it came from. ---------------------- Throughout the streets of Ponyville, life was actually pretty calm for once. No obvious monster sight was around and the town could finally relax after what felt like a daily monster-smash-Ponyville cycle. Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn Princess of Friendship, had her nose buried into another one of her books. By now, this didn't really surprise the citizens of Ponyville that much, mainly since everypony knew she was a major egghead. However, this book was nothing about fancy mathematics or sciences. Instead, Twilight had apparently found a book describing "the perfect way to earn a dog's trust through petting." (or so it claimed). She was reading this mainly because Winona had woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning and nearly clawed Twilight's hoof before Applejack managed to push the dog away. All Twilight had done was merely start stroking the top of Winona's head down the spinal cord. Her hoof was barely down around the neck before Winona decided to attack her. She wanted to create the perfect pet so that Winona would not attack her anymore. The gears in Twilight's brain were whirring at full speed as she calculated the perfect pet strategy that no dog would be able to resist. In order to gain some more insight into that formula, she leaned into the book a little too much that her snout began to cover up the pages. 'All right.' Twilight thought to herself. 'I should now have the perfect formula for this.' ----------------- The creature now stood on the edge of the town. Its eyes examined the full surrounding. This town wasn't filled with monsters that it was used to during its life underground, but rather filled with odd animals (not like itself) who were a whole slew of colors and had some kind of tattoo pasted on their butts. Some even had horns on their heads or had wings that looked like they were naturally attached to their bodies. It was definitely lost. But, it knew that it needed to find a way back to its underground home. It was worried that its appearance might scare the pedestrians, so it decided to follow a route that would keep it in the shadows. ------------------- 'Now I just need to test it out.' Twilight thought to herself. 'But is there any other dogs here in Ponyville?' Her thoughts were interrupted when she bumped into a furry mass. She automatically thought it was another pony and went to say "Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going.", but stopped short when she noticed that she had bumped into a white furry mass with two legs. Apprehensively, Twilight brought her head up. To say that she was slightly afraid what she was going to see would be an understatement. When she finally was able to see the creature's face, she backed up a little bit. It was a dog of some kind, the perfect test subject for her experiment. The problem was was that this dog was holding a sword. True, the sword was pointed upwards towards the sun, but Twilight felt like that this 'dog' could swing and attack her at any minute. The creature gave a soft, whimpering noise that sounded like it needed a hug and needed one badly. Twilight gulped nervously. "U-um, are y-you lost, d-doggy?" The 'dog' gave off a series of happy barks. It sounded exactly like a dog. 'Maybe I should try petting it?' Twilight thought. She answered it a moment later with a very apprehensive raise of her hoof and began to stroke the dog. The creature let out another series of barks and its neck started to jump upwards. 'What the hay? That 's not normal.' Twilight brushed her hoof over the dog's fur and earned the same result. She continued and continued and continued for a few minutes before she could hear the dog's bark change. It moved from a bark to what sounded like a happy motor revving in delight. 'O......K......' Twiight petted the dog some more watching its neck extend ever so high upwards and hear its motor-revving impersonation get louder and louder. An instant thought struck her. 'I wonder how long I can keep this up for.' She kept testing out this theory. It still produced the same results, although the dog's impersonation of a motor evolved into a kettle's whistle and a plane taking off, although at a much lower volume. The creature was obviously enjoying it. Twilight could see its tail start to wag very fast back and forth in a pendulum swing. After about a dozen or so more pets, Twilight had to jump and use her wings just to pet it. It was very obvious to her that the creature showed no signs of stopping as its neck started stretching higher and higher and its happy noises increased in frequency. Twilight's hoof was getting tired of petting the dog. Besides, she could no longer see the dog's head. It had entered the realm of the clouds (and possibly scaring the ever loving daylights out of a few of Cloudsdale's residents.). She examined the poor creature she had unintentionally extended to tall proportions. 'I think I broke it.' The dog gave off a series of faraway barks, as if it was trying to find its petter. Another thought struck Twilight. 'Maybe I can bring it back down if I pet it some more? It shouldn't hurt to try. I just hope the poor dog will be all right on the return trip.' She raised a hoof and began petting the dog with much more confidence, now knowing that it was a rather friendly species and that it wasn't going to attack her. That was just her best guess, mainly because Twilight never spoke dog. Sure enough, the dog started coming back down; just not in the way she expected. Its neck seemed to bend in an impossible upside down U-shaped formation and lowered itself. Twilight continued this cycle, trying to be very careful as in to not break the poor dog. When the dog's face was able to see Twilight again, it increased its bark volume a little bit; happy that it was able to see its petter again. Its tail was wagging so fast that any one could stand behind it and be treated to a very cool breeze. Pet. Pet. Pet. The dog continued lowering. Twilight consulted her book really quickly, hoping to find some kind of answer that would explain why the dog was doing this, while simultaneously petting the dog at the same time. The dog began to emit a small whimper, mainly because its petter was hiding from it again. The dog continued lowering and now fancied itself trying to read Twilght's book to no visible degree of success. Pet. Pet. Pet. The dog kept coming downwards. After about the next ten or so pets, Twilight was finally able to reach the end of the page she was currently reading. She read that the dog should be able to, and then she saw the dog staring right at her from the bottom of the book. It had a big, dopey grin on its face as if it was saying "Hello there." 'Perhaps ponykind was not meant to pet this much.' Twilight wanted to try to bring the dog back to the way she found it, although it seemed the dog wanted to keep stretching. It kept descending lower and lower to the point where its head started to bury itself in the ground. She kept petting and was unsuccessful on every attempt, but it was very obvious that the dog kept enjoying it. 'Oh dear Celestia. What have I done?' The dog had know gone where no dog had ever gone before. 'I think it's time to reevaluate my life choices here.' Twilight thought to herself as she kept petting the dog. She couldn't help it though. It's fur was literally as soft as a cloud and kept inviting pets. She finally decided to stop petting and ran back towards the Golden Oaks Library as fast as her hooves could carry her, the dog excitedly following and leaving a small line of upturned dirt with every step it took. The dog kept barking as if to say, "Come back! I want you to pet me some more!" 'Perhaps I should never pet dogs again.' Twilight thought to herself. All throughout Ponyville, everypony saw Twilight running away from an extended white furry thing. They just shrugged and went back to their daily lives, thinking that Twilight had accidentally brought in another thing from some far-away place.