Pony Response Team

by Jimtans12

First published

I Wild Spark, was living in Ponyville when something happened where it rendered the Mane 6 and princesses useless. It is up to me some other pony friends to save Equestria from a devastating disaster.

My name is Wild Spark. Living in Ponyville has its flaws, but when a threat that renders all of the Mane 6 and princesses useless, it is up to me and a team called the Pony Response Team (P.R.T.) to save not only Ponyville, but Equestria from total destruction.

This story is now on the incomplete status. One chapter is already done, and more are planned to be done and better then before. Of course, It will remain like this until each chapter is revised and redone. I am exited to get this story back on its feet, now that if gotten a bit better at writing. I am working on a story of mine called The Cloudsdale Weather Corporation if you want to check that out while this story is in the making. See you all around. -Jimtans12

The Beginning

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It was a nice day, the birds were singing and the sun was shining on my skin, I had been waiting for a ride that was going to leave Los Pegasus to escape from what was going on at home. I was never treated nicely during my time with my parents. Being in a home where things can go wrong any minute can really damage a pony's brain, luckily that hasn't happened to me yet. Waiting at the train station was a nightmare as all of my friends were saying goodbye. I never wanted to leave, though, sometime you have to leave thing to receive things. In this case, a new start on life.

"We really wish you could stay longer.", "Hope you have fun in Ponyville.", "We'll miss you." were some of the things they said, but really the one thing they all said at once, which made me flinch, was: "We hope you find that special somepony!"

"Yea," I started to say while trying to pry one of my friends off me, "Me too."

The train rode up in front of me as my friends all said there final goodbyes, then I hoped on the train as the conductor yelled "All aboard!". As I sat down with my stuff beside me, I had looked out the window and waved back to my friends as the train started to move. I hope this will only get better from here. I thought to myself as my friends had started to disappear. I hope I can meet new pony's so I don't have to remember what happened. Cause after what happened, I didn't ever want to go back.

When I woke up I had noticed that I had been on the train for a long time. I had noticed that I missed my stop to Ponyville three times. The conductor came into my car and started towards me.

"How long have you been on this train?" he asked.

"Um, I'm not sure. How long until the next stop at Ponyville?" I had asked with a blank expression on my face.

"You're lucky because the next stop is Ponyville, is that where you are getting off?" he asked again.

"Yes, and is there any ideas for a good hotel or something there that you might suggest?" I asked, for some reason, I tend to ask a lot of questions when I wake up.

"Um, there might be a place that you could stay at, but other then that, I'm not really sure." he replied.

"Oh, ok. Thank's." I said after my series of questions ended. Time had passed and nothing was really interesting out the window. I started to see a big building, mostly cylinder-like. That's when I realized that Ponyville was right up the track. Just as I expected, the conductor looked over at me and said, "This is your stop, see you sometime soon."

"Yea, you too. Thank for everything." I said while grabbing my stuff, then I hopped off the train. The afternoon breeze brushed through my hair as I walked to my new home town. "Ponyville." I said to myself as I started my journey into time square. Some pony's greeted me on the street, saying things like- "Welcome to Ponyville!" and, "Hello!" I returned the gestures as I made my way to what appeared to be the Town Hall, the building I saw on the train earlier. I then felt somepony bump into me followed by a loud plop that sounded like newspapers falling to the ground.

"Oh no!" Yelled the mare that had bumped into me. Judging by what she was wearing, she was a Mailmare. Newspaper, were in fact, scattered on the ground.

"Crap! I'm so sorry. Here, let me pick everything up for you!" I said in a rapid reply as I ducked to the ground and started to pick up paper after paper. Mostly about Ponyville drama.

"Oh! You don't need to, I can-"

"I will not take no for an answer. It is simply my fault that this happened in the first place." I interrupted her while picking up a Ponyville Time's newspaper. Something about Pinkie Pie or something like that.

"Ok. You really don't have to. By the way, why are you being so nice? Aren't you only supposed to be nice to newcomers?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Oh, its just that, ponies are not so nice here anymore since the Mane 6 had left. Some sort of stress call from some kind of city, I think it was called Los Pegasus or something. I'm not really sure though." She explained. When she mentioned Los Pegasus my eyes widened in shock.

"Did you say Los Pegasus? I use to live there until I decided to move here. Do you know what was happening that got the Mane 6 included?" I asked.

"Like I said, some kind of stress call or something. By the way, my name is Derpy, Derpy Hooves. What's yours?" Derpy asked.

"It's Wild Spark, but you can call me Sparky if you want" I replied. She giggled a bit at the nickname I supplied her with.

"Huh, that's a cute name. By the way, what bring's you here? I don't recall seeing you here before." Derpy asked.

"I'm moving away from my parents, stuff happened that made it unbearable to live with them. Though, I was adopted not to long ago, until my parents took me back. After that, I came here. Now i'm just looking for a hotel to stay in. Got any suggestions?" I asked. Placing the picked up newspaper's into Derpy's hands.

"A hotel!" Derpy yelled in a surprised voice, "If you need somewhere to stay, you can live with me until you get stuff on track if you want".

"Is that fine with you?" I managed to ask.

"Of coarse it is, follow me." she said and turned around and grabbed me by my hand. We then started towards a home mostly away from others. A great place for a hideout, only it was more then one. Mostly because it looked like a house.

"Thanks for letting me stay for a while." I said as we continued towards the house, as it came into view. We then came up to a doorstep, her doorstep. She then unlocked the door and pulled me inside.

"Its no problem, after you had shown that you were a nice guy, how could I say no." Derpy replied and lead me to a room with a bed and TV, "I hope you don't mind sleeping with me on the same bed, I don't really have a big house, and I would not even let you sleep on the couch. Go ahead and set your stuff down on the right side of the bed and make your self at home."

"Thanks again Derpy." I said while setting my stuff down.

"No problem Sparky." she said to me as she locked herself inside the bathroom.

Not only did I make it to Ponyville safe and sound, but I had met my first pony friend and now have a house that I can live in with that pony friend. But that discussion about the stress call from my home town still swirled in my mind. What was going on that got the Mane 6 involved, and why was Ponyville having problem with friendship? I mean, everypony seemed so nice when I had walked into town. Maybe that was just something that had just happened because I was new, like what Derpy had said, but it still made me question everything. After a while, mostly when Derpy came out of the bathroom, I started to feel tired. Then again, the moon was already rising in the sky.

"Well, i'm going to bed." Derpy said while climbing into the covers.

"I guess I will join you then." I said before I yawned. I also climbed into bed when she said,

"You don't mind actually moving in with me, do you? I know its a fast time to ask, but I could sure use the help around here, and that way you don't have to leave or plan on leaving anytime soon."

"Yea, that's fine. To be honest, I would be honored. I was planning on moving in anyways." I said.

"Awesome!" She yelled before giving me a hug. "Well, goodnight Sparky." Derpy said.

"Goodnight Derpy, and please, call me Wild." I said with a smile.

"Ok, Wild. Goodnight." she said with a emphasis on my name, after of course giggling.

"Goodnight." I said, and greeted the darkness as I felt myself slip into my own reality.

I actually felt happy.

The Bond

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The sun had started to glare into Derpy's window as the new day was approaching. After a few minutes, or what at least felt like minutes, Derpy started get up and end her sleep for the morning. Though, I did stay in bed for a little bit longer than Derpy had. Even though I had fell asleep on the train for hours, I still didn't want to get up. I bet i'm not the only one that feels that way. Ever since I had left Los Pegasus and heard about that stress call, it made me want to go back. Not for my parents, but my friends. I still felt bad about leaving them behind. Though deep inside, I felt some kind of feeling for this gray mare. Something I had only felt once towards another mare.

After a few more minutes, I got myself out of bed and went towards the bathroom after grabbing my comb from one of my bags. My mane was hard to keep under control. Though, most ponies that have green hair like me tend to get the wildest of hair. Derpy was still nowhere to be seen, so I took the time to get ready for the day, putting on a dress suit that I had originally had made by a pony back in my home town. It was my favorite green flannel.

Not hearing Derpy enter, she came up behind me and asked, "Are you willing to get a tour of the town today?"

"I was thinking about it." I said with a smile.

"Well, somepony is looking sharp today. What's the occasion?" she said.

"Oh, its just a flannel that I wear a lot. It's been mine for a while now. Nothing special." I replied.

"Well then, you about ready?"

"Whenever you are." I said, and with a snag of my hand, I was on my way out of the house and through the front door.

This must have been Ponyville's best morning, or something along the line of that because the air was nice and fresh. Way better then the smoke back home. Derpy started to show me around, she had first shown me where she worked, which surprisingly was at the Ponyville Post-office. She told me that she worked as their mailmare, as I had seen when I bumped into her. She also told me about all of the top hit restaurants in town, and which one's to stay away from, she specifically said, "Sometimes the restaurants here make me gassy." Which was more then enough information. I was, weirdly, more interested in her then anything she was showing me. Its just that she looked so amazing in that lovely dress she was wearing, which was what she must have put on while I was combing my hair. I didn't even notice it. Until now of course.

"So, Ponyville is sure looking nice, kind of like you, you know?" I said with a stupid, but hidden grin.

Why did I even say that? I asked myself.

"It's a really nice town, I really like living here. I sure you would too Wild, and thanks, but you don't have to say that, you know." Derpy said with a emphasis on you know.

"I know, but its true, especially since I have a house to live in." I said with a wink. She smiled turned around to show me a place with a sign the spelled: Ponyville Boutique.

"Rarity runs this store. She made this pretty dress for me for half price. Let me tell you, she can do amassing work on anything." she said while pointing down at her dress.

"She sure does know what your into i'm guessing." I said with a smirk.

"She knows what everyone is into, and if she doesn't, she'll make sure she does. I just hope she's doing alright, Los Pegasus is a dangerous place for most ponyfolk." Derpy said with a sigh.

"Yea, me to." I said with a added sigh.

After our talk, we walked a little bit more around town, then stopped at the store to get dinner for the next three days. But questions kept making my mind wonder.

What is happening? Why did they leave on such short notice? What was posing a threat against not only Los Pegasus, but Equestria itself? Were some of the questions that circled my mind while walking with Derpy back to our house. I really wanted to know what was going on, and why did the town start losing its "Magic of Friendship". It really made my head hurt to a extent. It got to the point that lying down was my only option of suppressing the headache that I cooked up.

"Are you doing alright?" I heard Derpy say as she quietly entered the room.

"Yea, I just have so many questions about whats going on currently. Thinking to hard kind of gives me a headache sometimes." I replied back.

"You must really be worried about your ponyfolk back there." she said.

I shook my head, "Not really my parents, but my friends are who i'm worried about mostly."

"Why not your parents?" she asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"My parents abused me, not just when I was little, but ever single day they would find something about me that was bad, which was a very hard thing to do, and they would beat me for it." I said, I mostly didn't talk about my parents. I only talked about them to one friend, who later became a step-sister.

Comet Star. I whispered internally.

"Oh dear, why did they do that to such a nice stallion like you?" she asked as she brought her hand up to my cheek. She wanted to know by the look in her eyes.

"They were always mean to me, no matter what situation. I don't recall them ever smiling around me." I said as I grabbed Derpy's hand while she continued to stroke my cheek. "I just hope at least my friends are alright."

"They most likely are fine Wild, there's nothing to be worried about. The Mane 6 have it under control." Derpy said as she brought me in for a hug. "Ever since I first met you, which was only yesterday, I felt like karma had brought me more bad luck as a new pony was in town, and that meant that I was going to be made fun of cause of my eye," she then pointed to her eye. I never noticed that one of her eyes wasn't exactly lazy, but more of the opposite.

"I had never noticed that your eye was like that, in fact..." I started to say with a chuckle. Give it to her, tell her you think she's cute! Your mind yells as she raises an eyebrow. "...It looks kind of cute." I said, I could feel my cheeks start to blush.

"You really think so?" she asked.

"Yea, I think it really brings out your fun and friendly side of you." I said with a smirk.

"You really know how to cheer me up." Derpy said.

"I could say the same for you." I said, and brought her in for another hug.

After that moment, I realized the feeling I felt towards her, I felt love towards her. I had gone into the kitchen after a half hour, and started to cook dinner, but I was interrupted by a knock at our door.

"I'll get it!" I yelled as I rushed to the door. I opened it up to see a Royal Guard standing on the front doorstep.

"Are you Wild Spark?" he asked in a deep tone. My whole body started to shake.

"Yes, is there a problem?" I asked the guard.

"I have a note for you from Celestia herself, she would have given it to you personally but had to fly off with the other princesses to Los Pegasus. It looks like the threat is becoming to much for the others." he said while fetching a note from his saddle bag. "Take good care of it, it might be important." he said after handing me the note.

"It must be, since she had to leave for Los Pegasus, do you know if the residents are ok?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, I have been back in Canterlot on my patrol, but if I here anything, I will let you know as soon as I can. Good day to you Mr. Spark." he said as he turned to walk away.

"Good day to you too." I said and closed the door. Los Pegasus was in danger