> The marked warrior > by Dark lord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- " young boy " a woman's voice called out to Dante in the darkness " I put all my faith in you that you will protect them " she said placing her hand on his cheek. The warmth from her the palm of her hand began to fill the boy with comfort. "please protect them " she prayed as her voice began to softly vanish. * * * * * * As Dante opened his eyes he began to realize an incredible pain overcoming his body "God..." he cried sitting up putting his hand on the back of his head. As he began to stand from the hard cold ground and dust his jacket off, he couldn't help but look at the forest around him. "Where the hell am i?" he growled stretching his arms in the air. Before Dante could look around the dark forest a disturbing smell began to fill the air surrounding the boy. Turning around to investigate the smell, several growls could be heard larking in the shadows and soon bright green eyes began appearing and slowly walking towards him. "Easy there little doggies" said Dante putting his hands in front of him and slowly walking backwards trying to make no sudden movement. As he began stepping backwards several large wooden paws appeared from the shadows as well as the whole body of what appeared to be actual wooden wolves. "Nice...little wooden doggies" he said with concern "I don't suppose you guys know how to heel, or anything like that-WHOA!" he shouted as one of the wolves swung at him with its sharp wooden claws nearly missing his black jacket. Without hesitation Dante quickly turned around and began sprinting as fast as he could though the forest not caring where his direction would take him, the only thing in his mind was "what the hell are those thing?" he asked himself leaping over a large dead tree. Sweat began to pore down his face as he kept running and soon tried to make a sharp right turn just so he could confuse the pack of "wolves" behind him. As he looked behind to see some of the creatures stumbling into one another he felt collapses on the ground and began to roll down a steep onto his back "sh...Shit" his panted forcing himself to his feet and continued running towards a small light through some trees. Once Dante made his was towards the light he came across a beautiful landscape with what seemed be a small house that resembled a tiny hill with small bird houses on it and a small red chicken coop outside of it. Once Dante began to walk towards the house a loud howl could be heard behind him. Quickly turning around a large wolf pounced on him immediately biting his shoulder, tearing through his flesh and causing blood to quickly pour out. As the boy cried in pain a second creature began sinking its teeth on Dante's right leg while two others clawed his body covering him body with his own blood. With fear and desperation Dante grabbed a rock lying next to him and without hesitation began smashing the wolf's head making it yelp in pain letting his shoulder free from its jaws. Bring his left foot up Dante furiously kicked the mutt's as hard as he could not care about the pain it caused him "Get the fuck off!" he shouted cracking the snout like log making the creature cry in pain. Panting in pain and covering barley any of his wounds at all, Dante began crawling backwards with fear filling his eyes but let about a small chuckle "so" he said "I guess I’ll die by the claws of a bitch!" letting out a smile full of blood, the alpha wolf quickly leap forward with its large fangs but before he could land on the boy a large light-violet blast throw the mutt towards at tree causing it shatter with incredible force. With widen eyes Dante quickly turned to find a beautiful girl with a violet colored skirt matching her light purple long sleeve shirt and her beautiful dark purple hair with a bright hot pink strap. With his jaw hanging Dante stared at what appeared to be a pair of purple wings on the girls back spreading behind her, intimidating the wolves. "Leave" the girl growled with a dark tone in her voice and her eyes began to glow, the wolves began to take a step back in fear. "NOW!" she shouted shooting another violet black towards them forcing the wolves retreating back into the woods. Dante's vision began to blacken as his body fell to the ground. "We need to take him inside" the girl cried running towards him "he's losing too much blood..." she placed her hands over some of his wounds "Look at me! It’s going to be okay!" she shouted "everything is going to be okay!... " she said before her voice faded leaving Dante into complete darkness. Slowly opening his eyes, Dante began to look around the small room he was in, admiring how cute the place was decorated. A small concrete fireplace with a few stones popping out and a painting of flowers in a pot was the only thing that he focused on before noticing the bandages around his torso and leg with a bit of blood stains. "Where the hell am I?" he asked realizing that was the second time. He quickly looked all over the room hoping the wooden wolf like things weren't around. As he let out a soft sigh, the small wooden door opened and the beautiful girl that save his life slowly walked in. "Oh thank Celestia you're alive. how are you feeling? " thank who? he thought to himself staring at the girl. "Look I don't want to sound rude but who are you?" he asked placing his hand over the bandages on his abdomen trying to hold in the pain. "My name is Twilight Sparkle" the girl answered closing the door behind her. She took a seat not far from the bed brushing her hair over her ear. "You've just been asleep for almost two whole days...when we first found you, I honestly thought you were already..." she stopped and quickly looked away. "I'm guessing you were the one who saved my ass back there huh?" asked Dante with a smile. Twilight softly nodded in agreement. "Thanks...My name's Dante Sumner by the way" he said carefully sitting up from the bed. He paused staring at the girls wings. "Are you some sort of angel?" Twilight gave him a confused look. "I'm sorry?" She asked tilting her head a little. "It's not every day you see a girl with wings" Dante pointed "not to mention the power you used on that thing almost killing me" "That was a magic blast" Twilight replied calmly "and I'm not an angel" she said spreading her wings "...I'm an alicorn". Dante stared at the girl giving her a confused look. "Ali-what now?" he's mouth hang from his jaw. "Alicorn..." Twilight corrected "...you know rulers of equestria...most powerful beings in the world" "Equestria?" Dante Question rising an eyebrow "what the hell are you talking about?" his voice becoming more and more annoyed. The two stared at each other until twilight broke the silence. "What were you doing in the forest?" she asked changing the subject and her tone. Dante gave her a puzzled look "Um...honestly I don't even know how the hell I got there in the first place..." he said scratching his head "...all I remember is one minute I’m walking on the street at night, all of a sudden everything goes pitch black and before I know it I wake up in the middle of the woods, being chased by those wolf things nearly to death and well you know the rest..." he said resting his head back on the soft pillows. "A dimensional portal..." the girl whispered under her breath. "Come again?" "A dimensional portal has to be the only possible explanation...but not never Princess Celestia would be capable to do it on her own..." "A dimensional portal?" Dante confusedly asked raising an eyebrow "Yes, but we didn't notice any sort of strange activity with the weather" Twilight replied softly, staring back at the boy who was giving her a confused look. She sighed "usually whenever portal is active the weather becomes more and more uncontrollable. Sometimes causing blizzards in the middle of summer, thunder storms, even hurricanes if the portal is big enough." "So I'm going to assume that it's forbidden?" "Yes" she said nodding her head "not even Celestia herself can perform it without the agreement of the royal council-" Twilight stopped herself and turned back at Dante realizing his calmness. "Wh...Why are you so calm about this?" she asked. "What do you mean?" Dante replied tilting his head a little. "Well you just found out you're not in your own world and you are taking it in like if it was nothing to worry about" Twilight answered standing from her chair her eyes focused at him. Dante let out a soft sigh "this might sound crazy but . . . I feel like I have some kind of purpose for being here right now" he said exhaling "I don't what it is yet but it's just a feeling" his turned to Twilight with a smile "Plus i owe you my life for saving me". "What?!" Twilight cried quickly trying to cover the blush on her face "y..you don't owe me anything" she cried "I just did what anyone would have done-" a sudden knock on the small wooden door startled the girl, causing her jump. "Y...yes?" she asked trying to calm down. "Hey Twilight?" said a male's voice, muffled behind the door "Princess Celestia sent a letter. She said it can’t wait she wants us at canterlot as soon as possible" "O...okay" the girl answered in a calm voice "we'll be down in a minute Spike". Dante stared in confusion "who the hell calls himself Spike? " he asked himself "or Celestia for that matter " soon realizing what the boy said wait PRINCESS?! "Listen" said Twilight in a whisper tone "I have to go to something important" she handed him his dark shirt and jacket "it would be best if you come along that way i can tell you everything about Equestria and you can tell me everything about your world" she said with a smile "I'll tell the others down stares that you woke up". "others? " Dante thought "Yeah sure" he nodded. As Twilight closed the door behind her, she let out a long soft sigh. Behind the door, her thoughts began fill her mind. Why? She thought placing her hand over her heart. Why was my heart racing like that? > chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dante Zipped his black jacket, he noticed the stitch marks on the upper left shoulder, "Damn" he whispered placing his hand on the fabric "good as new" he let out a smile and began walking down stairs where Twilight was waiting for him at the end. "It looks like everyone already left to the train station" she said reading a note in her hands. "It seems that Princess Celestia wants me at the castle as soon as possible" "Then I guess we better hurry to the train station" "Actually I'm going to teleport us there" Twilight quickly replied stopping Dante before he could reach the door knob. He slowly turned to her with a puzzled look. Before he could object, a light violet aura began consuming his body and within a few seconds Dante, losing his balances, landed flat on the hard ground letting out a loud "Oof". Twilight quickly turned around to find Dante picking himself from the floor and gasped apologizing as she tried to help him. Worrying about his wounds. "Warn me the next time you do that" He said dusting his jacket. "I'm so so sorry" Twilight cried out, her face redder than ever before. Dante, noticing her embarrassment, let out a soft laugh. "It's alright" he said cheerfully "just let me know the next time you do that, Okay?" Twilight nodded nervously fearing that he might still be mad. "Where are we anyways? This looks more like a fancy town then a Castle." "This is Canterlot" Twilight replied looking back and pointed her finger towards a castle in the distance. "The castle is on the other side of town" "Well I’ll be damned" Dante murmured under his breath. "I figured I would show you around Canterlot and later I can show you around Ponyville" she said with a gentle smile. Ponyville? Dante thought to himself you've got to be kidding me.... "Sounds like a plan" he said with a forced smile. As they walked around Canterlot Dante began looking around as Twilight explained important information to him. For what seemed to be about an hour of walking Twilight and Dante came across the front golden gate of an enormous Castle that appeared to be close to the edge of a mountain with a gorgeous waterfall next to it. "Here we are" Twilight spoke snapping Dante out of this daydream. "Talk about outgoing" he murmured t himself quietly. Dante quickly followed Twilight in to the large gates, admiring the castles height. “And you're saying there are only "two" Princesses living in that huge place?" "That's right" Twilight answered cheerfully "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna" Dante looked around and noticed a large amount of guards with bright golden armor in front of the main entrants and quickly bowed before Twilight, making her feels a little unease. "Princess Twilight" one of the guards called "Princess Celestia awaits in the throne room" he said making his way up the stairs. Within a few minutes Twilight and Dante entered into the throne room and were welcomed by a beautiful woman in a white long dress, her hair floated to her side as if there was a slight imagery breeze. "Twilight" Celestia called handing a piece of paper to one of the guards standing beside her and began walking toward Twilight and Dante. "I'm glad you came" her voice was kind and seductive. Dante fought the urge to stare at her huge upper body and quickly forced himself to look way. "Who might this be?" Celestia asked looking at Dante. Dante looked at her trying to keep eye contact and cleared his throat hopping his voice wouldn't crack "Dante Sumner" he said in a mannered tone and extended his hand to her like a gentlemen "It’s a pleasure to meet you". Celestia let out a bright, gorgeous smile and extended her hand to connect with his and shook, as if the two just made a deal. In an instant Celestia noticed the bandages underneath the sleeves of Dante's jacket and soon noticed the ones on his chest. "Do you mind telling me how you got injured?" she asked in a polite manner Dante looked at the bandage on his chest which were now had a small stain of fresh blood. "Oh that" he said with a chuckle "a pack of wolfs attacked me and if it wasn't for Twilight, I wouldn't be here." He looked towards Twilight and gave her a smile. Twilight, trying her best to not blush, looked in the other direction. Celestia let out a smile "does it hurt?" she asked "Only a little but I’ll get used to it-" before Dante could finish Celestia placed her hand on his chest, casting a bright golden aura that began to flow through his clothes and into his body closing the wounds. Dante began placing his hands over the bandages not feeling any pain whatsoever. Suddenly a guard rushed towards the Princess call her name with a shout. "Your majesty!" he cried trying to catch his breath. "N...news from...the Dragon kingdom." upon reading the scroll that was handed to her, Celestias smile was replaced with a serious expression. "Is something wrong Princess?" Twilight asked. Celestia slowly turned to them and let out a low sigh. "Come with me I'll explain everything." she looked towards Dante “Dante it was nice meeting you." and with that Celestia began walking off. Twilight looked at Dante with a confused expression. "Go" Dante replied with a smile "It seems important. Don't worry about me" Twilight gave him a sigh not sure if that would be the best idea. "Okay, I’ll tell her about you once I get the chance" she said as she speed walked behind the princess. Dante watched at the two teleport with Celestia's golden aura and began looking walking around the massive castle. As he admired the way the castle was decorated, he noticed a girl dressed as a maid running towards him with fear in her eyes. "Please!" she cried tightly gripping Dante's jacket. "You have to help me!" her voice became weak with every word she spoke. "Hey slow down what's wrong-" "There she is!" A guard called and soon four others began sprinting towards her direction. The girl quickly hid behind Dante, her hands began quivering as the guards stopped a few feet away from Dante's position. "You there!" the same guard called out loudly, he had blue hair and seemed to be the same age are Dante. "Hand her over at once" he demanded taking a step toward them. "Listen...let’s all just calm down. Okay?" Dante replied trying not to make any sudden movement. "That witch had the nerve to disrespect a noble!" an angry voice called from the distance. Behind the group of men stood a male with long blonde hair that seemed to be more for a girl then a man. He wore a white tuxedo with a light blue bow tie on his neck that matched his "sparkling" eyes. "Um....look miss...I'm not really good with girl problems but I'm sure if we all just relax we can solve this without having to resort to violence-" Dante suddenly stopped as he noticed a few of the guard begin to hold the urge to laugh. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" the man shouted at the top of his lungs "how dare you!" his eyes began to fill with rage as he stared at Dante. "My name is Prince Blue Blood, next in line to the throne, I will not allow a no good present like you talk to me that!" with a snap of his fingers five more guards appeared out of nowhere and stood behind the first five. "Teach this nobody a lesson he won't forget, and bring the bitch to me, I'll teach her never to disrespect me again." One of the guards charged at Dante and swung at him. Dante quickly ducked under the man’s fist and was suddenly standing behind him, the man in tried to quickly look back but Dante's fist was immediately connected to his right cheek and within seconds the man’s heavily fell to the ground with blood pouring out of his mouth. All the guards looked at Dante who stood motionless in front of the girl. "Listen..." he said in a low cold tone. “I don't know exactly what she did to piss you off...but there is one thing that really pisses me off..." Dante looked at the Blue Blood with cold threatening eyes that sent a shiver down his spine "and that's people who use their tittle to take advantage of other." Dante quickly looked back at the girl "find Princess Twilight. Tell her Dante sent you and explain everything to her okay? Go now!" he ordered and turned back to take his stance towards the group of men and gave them a sinister grin. "Alright..." he said with a chuckle "who's first?” Three men ran pulled their swords out and began running towards him. Dante instantly grabbed the fallen guard’s sword and blocked the first sword that was swung at him. Dante knelt down and with the sword gave the man a deep cut that caused him to scream as blood began pouring out. Dante uppercutted him and grabbed the sword from his hand and blocked the second attack with both swords in hand. Dante quickly unarmed the guard and elbowed his face making the man’s body go limp and fall to the floor. Dante dodge to the left as the third man tried attacking from behind, only revised a right hook to the jaw, which threw him straight to the wall with a loud crash. Dante charged at the group of men and began beating each and every one of them only giving them minor cuts but severer body wounds from broken arms, legs to broken ribs and jaws. The youngest guard stood in confusion as he stared at his fallen comrades. "How..." he thought to himself feeling his knees quiver "how in hell was he able to defeat them without breaking a sweat.... ". "Flash what you think you're doing!" Blue Blood yelled getting the guard's attention "Don't just stand there do something". Flash looked at the prince not sure what was there to do, seeing the not even nine men were not able to stop him there was no way he alone could do anything about it. Finally, overcoming fear, Flash sprinted to Dante with sword in hand and letting out a loud battle cry. Just as the swords were about to collide a loud voiced caused the two men to stop and look over towards its location. A woman, with navy-blue eyes and a dress the perfectly matched them, stood behind Blue Blood with her arms crossed on her chest "WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" she called out. "Auntie Luna!" Blue Blood cried trying to make his voice as weak as possible "That man tried to attack me. If it weren’t for my guards he would have killed me" Luna looked over to Dante and gave him a menacing glared "I will not tolerate such action" she said summing a black sword in her right hand and pointed it at him and shot a magic blast towards Dante. "Oh Sh~" Dante gasped as he blocked the blast with the two swords but was sent flying backwards, crashing in to a wall at the end of the hallway which caused a large dust cloud of rubble. Luna put her sword to her side, stood at ease, and let out a low sigh, until the sound of rocks being to move. "B...but how?" she thought rising her sword once again. "A blast like that should have at least left him unconscious". As the dust cloud started to clear, Dante, covered in dust, stood tall with a fine sword in his left hand and a shattered one in the other. "So...I'm guessing talking this out is out of the question?" he grunted at Luna discarding the shattered sword. She gave him nothing but an angry glare and sprinted towards him. "So be it”, letting out a slight chuckle, Dante charged at the princess. Soon the two released an intense shock wave, which caused the glass windows to shatter, as the swords collided with each other with unbelievable force. > chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "But…this doesn't make any sense!" Twilight cried placing the scroll on table with frustration. Around the table, sat six of the royal council that nodded in agreement, two other just quietly talked to each other, and the last one whispered to Celestia, on the far end of the table. "We are as confused as you are Princess Twilight” A man replied back to her with his wise and old voice. "We never imagined something like this could ever happen" Twilight looked at the old man with a serious expression. "For how long has this been happening?" "Four days now..." another man answered. " Four days.... " she thought to herself "no wonder she's couldn't respond to my letter about him..." she stopped and suddenly the sound of Dante's voice began to fill her mind "I feel like I have some kind of purpose for being here right now...I don't know what it is yet but it's just a feeling...Plus I owe you my life for saving me..." "Is everything okay Twilight?" Celestia called towards her making Twilight's face become more red then what they already were. "Oh!...y...yes everything is fine it...it's nothing" she stuttered trying to hide the blush on her face. "In any case none of this must be spoken to anyone beyond these walls” an elderly woman said looking at everyone around the table. A younger looking man rose his hand in question "What about Princess Luna" he asked. "You don't have to worry" Celestia began "I'll tell my sister everything that has been said in this room...Still I am rather curious why she didn't show up, it isn't like her to just skip a meeting-" Suddenly a walked into the room and knelt in apology. "Please forgive my intrusion my lady" he begged with a bit of sweat dripping down is face from fear. "I know you said not to disturb the council meeting but..." he cleared his throat and continued. "There's a maid who says she has talk to Princess Twilight urgently..." as he looked at Celestia with a worried face his knees began to quiver as she gave him a serious look. "What would be so important that she would make you disobey my orders" Celestias voice turned cold and fearful. "She said something about a man named...Dante?" Celestias looked at Twilight and returned her glare back at the guard. "We'll talk about this later right...let her in" as the guard left the room the young maid quickly rushed into the room. "You highness..." she quickly bowed and looked back towards the two princesses "My name is Amber Lightheart...Dante told me to find you, your majesty" she looked at Twilight with an innocent tone. * * * * * * Dante quickly turned around and blocked a bolt of dark blue magic that was shot towards him from behind with his sword, but didn't notice Luna coming right behind the blast. Take an opportunity, Luna instantly punched Dante in the abdomen and sent him rolling across the large hallways. Using all his might, Dante picked himself from the ground and ran with the rest if his strength not noticing the sword started to crack. "Dammit..." he thought to himself breathing heavily and looking back at Luna, who was quickly catching up to him, "How the hell is she able to run in heels!?... " Dante quickly took a sharp turn to the right and came across four guards who were running in his direction. Not stopping, Dante ran a bit towards the wall on his right and, as he got a good distances from it, instantly leaped in the air placing only his right foot on the wall, Dante pushed his whole body from the wall, throwing himself over the group of guards, landing right behind them, and continued trying to make his way towards some stairs in the distance. "HE'S MINE!" Luna's shouted landing in front of them, stopping them as opened her wings, took flight and dashed towards Dante with incredible speed. The boy looked back and noticed Luna coming straight for him. "SHE HAS WINGS TOO!" he shouted in his head as he looked at her color matching wings. Dante realized the dark blue ball of magic that the young women was casting in her left palm and released it towards him. "NOT AGAIN!" He shouted blocking the blast with his weakened sword. A loud "boom" could be heard throughout castle as Dante was thrown from the second floor to a wall on the first floor and soon feel on his hands and knees coughing up blood. Soon an army of guards began surrounding Dante, who was fighting the pain as he tried to stand on his two feet. Before the guards could even take a step towards the boy, Luna shouted behind them men, and flouted slowly down to the first floor. "No one touch him..." she ordered landing gently and making her way passed the golden armored men, soon standing only feet away from the tired boy, struggling to keep his balance. "Are you ready to die?" Luna asked in a sarcastic tone. Dante simply looked up to her and grinned. Luna gripped the sword harder, nearly cracking the handle. "This ends here...AND NOW!" she shouted, dashing towards the boy with the sword pointed at his chest. For a few seconds, silence filled the air and the sound of blood dripping to the floor could be heard echoing around the first floor. The guards watched in shock as the tip of the blade was only a few centimeters away from the boy's chest while, Dante grabbed the sword with his right hand, paying no attention to the deep slices that opened in his flesh and blood leaking out. "...No..." said Dante, growling through his teeth, while blood dripped from his bottom lip "...I'm not going to die..." Dante began to move the blade with his hand ignoring the pain that it caused him. Using all of her strength, Luna tried to keep the blade in place only to have the sword quickly snatched out of her hands and Dante's left hand being placed in front of her abdomen. "...NOT JUST YET!" he shouted creating a blood red ball of aura and ,with all his force, pushed his hand toward the princess sending her flying several feet away from his direction All the guards stared in shock as their princess landed with a hard "thud" right before their very eyes. "He attacked princess Luna!" A guard shouted gaining everyone’s attention "cease him!” "THAT’S ENOUGH!" Celestia shouted in anger, causing the ground to shake and stopping the men from reaching the boy. Suddenly Dante quickly clenched the lower part of his neck with his bloody hand and let out a painful scream that forced him to fall hard to his knees while letting out an agonizing scream. "Dante!" Twilight cried from behind celestia and quickly made her way the guards and the Dante's side. Twilight knelt down to him and noticed a bright red light pulsating on his chest and branded onto the boy's skin letting out a violent "hiss" as it began forming in what appeared to be a red rain drop with a black flame inside and in the middle of two smaller rain drops. Once the bright light disappeared from Dante's collar bone, a lifeless expression filled his eyes and, seconds after, collapsed into Twilights' arms. "Dante!...Dante!" She repeated with tears in her eyes. "Take him to the royal infirmary!" Celestia ordered staring at the confused guards "NOW!” In an instant two guards immediately rushed towards Dante and carefully carried him away with Twilight slowly following. "Tia...?" Luna called to her sister, who was still watching the men and Twilight disappear in the distance. “You felt it as well...didn't you?". "Yes..." Celestia replied not turning to face her sister. "Without a doubt...it’s the same mark..." "What should we do?" "We will talk about this mess later...right now all we can do is wait and hope for the best" Celestia said starring into long hallway only to fill her mind with questions that would probably never be answered in time... > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letting out a loud growl under his breath, Dante tried to place his hand on his forehead trying to stop the headache but was surprised by the sound of chains clanking on the metal handle of the infirmary bed. Looking down he noticed the heavy metal handcuffs around his wrists, but before he could continue struggle with them anymore, a familiar voice coming from the right side of infirmary bed. "Hey take it easy..." called out Spike quickly jumping from his chair and stood next to Dante's bed. “It’s best if you don't force yourself to much..." "Wait you’re that boy that was with Twilight in that house..." Dante replied his vision still burly but clear enough to notice the boy's spiky light green hair. "Spike...right?" He asked squinting his eyes at the boy. "Didn't think you would know my name" chuckled Spike "how do you feel?" Dante let out a sigh "besides being confused and a massive headache, I feel fine..." Dante stopped and noticed Spikes confused expression. "What?" he asked. "What is the last thing you remember?" Dante placing his hand on his head growling at his headache that began to worsen with every memory flashing through his mind. He explain everything that had happened after protecting the girl from the guards and encountering Princess Luna in a fight to the point of near death. "And that's all I remember..." he said letting out a soft sigh, while looking blankly in to the white ceiling with a squared pattern. "Wait...are you sure that's all you remember?" Spike asked with a confused look. "Yeah...to be honest everything else is somewhat of a blur...everything goes black and I wake up chained to this infirmary bed" "So you don't even remember getting that mark?" "What?" said Dante quickly turning his head towards Spike, giving him concern look, Spike handed him a small round white mirror and showed him the reflection of the blood red mark on his upper chest. "What the hell is that?" he asked in a loud worried tone still starring at the reflection in the mirror with wide eyes. "We don't know what it is, or why you have it for that matter, all Twilight told me was that it suddenly began branding its self into your skin." Spike explained. "Where is she?" Dante quickly asked "is she okay?" Spike nodded "yeah, right now she is in a meeting with Princess Celestia, Luna, and the magic consul." As the two continued talking, a loud, heavy knock came from the other side of the door and in an instant the small infirmary room was filled with guards that were ready for any sudden movement. Between the few seconds of confusion, one of the guards stepped forward and with his low intimidating voice he spoke. “The Princesses have ordered your presents." his eyes locked with Dante's as two guards placed a heavy steel collar around his neck and secured the loose chains on the collar to the boy's wrist and forcefully stood him up and cuffed his ankles, make impossible for any chance to run for it. "Any sudden movements and I'll make sure you aren't capable to walk again..." The guard growled still locking eye contact with Dante "...Do I make myself clear?" "Crystal..." Dante growled loudly under his breath as he was being pushed out of the infirmary room and escorted down the long hallway with the sound of chins clanking with every step he took. Suddenly. "IN COMING!!" One of the guards shouted, causing everyone to put their attention towards the giant boulder that was thrown in their direction. * * * * * * "My, my..." A tall hooded man spoke, watching the destruction from a distance. "What a mess she's making...if she keeps this up she'll end up killing the child." he looked back at a hooded woman slightly taller than him and gave her a maniacal smile as he looked at her tight clothes. "Wouldn't you agree Ivy?" "Our orders where to retrieve the child harmless and to kill anyone who dares to stand in the way" she said watching as more boulders crashed into the castle with massive force. "Even if the child dies her power can still be removed..." "But the procedure is quite a hassle is it not?" the man asked with a smile. "Correct...in any case if she fails to capture the child alive...kill her" she said walking away, leaving the man to the destruction show that he seemed to enjoy. * * * * * * "General Iron sword!" Celestia called out "What is going on?" "W...we don't know my lady" he said in a confused tone "boulders began to fall from the sky-" the man was stopped by Celestia destroying a boulder coming towards them, into pieces. "Well...well if it isn't the Princess of the sun herself..." a woman's voice could be heard in the distances as her calm steps began to getting closer. As the dust began to clear a woman stood a few feet away, holding a fairly large sword in her right hand, dripping blood from the tip and onto the floor. "Gaia..." Celestia growled under her breath clenching her fist. "What is it that you want?!" she asked in anger. Gaia chuckled and instantly dashed in front of Celestia. "That..." she began and landed a blow on the Princesses' abdomen with an incredible force that sent her crashing through a wall several feet away leaving the general in a state of shock. “...Is none of your business" said Gaia, sighing in disappointment then glared at the speechless guard with a wicked grin. S...so this is it Iron Sword thought, paralyzed as he watched Gaia raising her sword over her head this is how it ends . Before Gaia could bring down her sword on the man, Celestia quickly appeared behind the man and instantly teleported several feet from Gaia as her blade hit the floor. "Princess..." the man stuttered looking at her with wide eyes. "Find Princess Cadence, Princess Twilight and the others and make sure they are safe." she ordered keeping her eyes focused on Gaia. "B...but your highness I can't just leave you-" "I'll be fine, go protect the others, that's an order!" Celestia commanded interrupting the Guard before he could hesitate. Iron Sword quickly stood up and quickly followed Celestias orders. "So..." said Gaia with a smile on her face "I assume you finally realized why I am here for...right?" she questioned pointing her sword at Celestia. "It was only a matter of time...but I didn't expect it to be so early." Celestia answered holding her hand and summoning a gold bladed long sword with a symbol of the sun a few inches above the handle, quickly gripping the sword Celestia charged towards Gaia and swung at her without hesitation. This is going to be very interesting thought Gaia as she lifted her sword, blocking Celestias attack. * * * * * * * The stench of blood filled the air within the castle as goblins and guards massacred each other, the sounds of swords clashing and muffled screams echoed from behind the double doors of the throne room, where many of the servants feared the worst to come. "Please, everyone remain calm..." Princess Cadance announced, trying to calm them the best she could. "We are all going to die!" a man shouted out from the crowd, "HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT US TO REMAIN CALM!" "No one is going to die!" shouted Shining Armor removing his helmet, reveling his blue hair. "Right now my men are risking their lives to protect all of you and I promise no harm will come to you" he announced looking at his wife with worried eyes, that told her it maybe all a lie. Calmly Shining hugged his wife and daughter tightly and quietly whispered " Listen to me as soon as I tell you to run I want you to take Flurry and everyone and make a run for it okay? No matter what happens just keep running " "No...No I'm not leaving you!" cried Cadance staring into her husband's eyes. Before she could object any further, the ceiling shattered sending large fragments of the roof to fall towards them, together Cadance and Shining Armor quickly created a magic barrier over the servants in order to prevent any casualties. As the cloud of dust began to fade Celestia could be seen forcing herself to stand on her own two feet only to have her knees give up on her a cause her to collapse on the ground. "Aunt Celestia!" Cried Cadance instantly running towards Celestia with Shining following her. "I have to say you put up a good fight..." Gaia called out as she began walking closer to the three dragging her massive sword behind her. "...but I'm not impressed on what I've seen so far" she stopped as Shining Armor stepped in front of Cadance and Celestia, aiming his sword towards Gaia. "Aw how cute the knight protecting the princesses..." she chuckled softly "Do you honestly believe out stand a slight chance against me!" Shouted Gaia swinging her blade with great speed. Shining immediately blocked the incoming attack but suddenly, shining was forcefully pushed back as soon as the two blades collided with one another "l...I'll take any chance I have in order to protect my family" growled using all his strength to hold his ground and push back the woman's blade back the two heard the double doors slowly creek open and the scent of death began to fill the inter room causing Shining to have a cold chill go down his spine. "I guess you know what happens now..." Gaia laughed kicking Shining in the stomach sending him to the floor in front of Cadance and Celestia, who was starting to regain conciseness, with a hard "thud". "If you don't want to die painfully I suggest you hand the child over" she said walking towards Cadance only to be stopped by shining armor casting a violet red dome around them. "Over my dead body" he growled noticing his sword was out of his reach. "Cadance..." he thought pulling out a dagger from the back of his belt and braced himself for Gaia's attack "I'm sorry...please...stay strong...Protect Flurry...". "SHINING!" his wife shouted with tears pouring from her eyes. "DADA!" shouted the child as Gaia's sword reached her father. But before the blade could come in contact with Shining Armor, Gaia noticed what appeared to be a fist from her right peripheral vision, but was to slow to dodge the attack that once the first came in contact, she was sent rolling on the floor with an unbelievable amount of force that left everyone astonish and the only sound that could be heard was the sound of chains rattling in the utter silence. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Ful...fin Kendov Orin ronaaz ahst laat?" (So...the warrior finally awakens at last?) a large dark figure announced in a chuckling tone. "Ivy..." the figure turned to the woman who knelt after hearing her name "Ronit Gaia ahrk Siegfried ahst ont, fin Kendov fen kos aan deyto rul rok dukaan un pindaar enook " ("Retrieve Gaia and Siegfried at once, the warrior will only be a problem if he discovers our plans early") it ordered, and watched as Ivy stood and bowed. "Ol hi hind dii thur" (as you wish my lord") she replied and quickly faded as she walked into the darkness. * * * * * * Gaia quickly stood up and stared at Dante's broken cuffs on his wrists, and soon realized the mark on his upper chest under the stains of blood. "Who…who are you?" she asked glancing at her sword next to the boy. "My name's Dante Sumner" he replied in a cold tone lifting the massive blade without any effort "Not really my style, but it will have to do" he said pointing it at Gaia, who was clenching her teeth in anger and was ready charge him. "There's no point in fighting Gaia..." a man’s voice echoed around the room and soon a tall man in a black cloak appeared behind the woman "unless you want to throw your life away". He chuckled under his breath. "I thought I told you and Ivy not interfere, Siegfried" Gaia snapped at the man. "Well it just so happens that the master ordered our return immediately...besides there's no point in fighting a battle you'll lose" he snarked "I'm sure you're aware of the mark he holds on his chest” Gaia stared at Dante for a few seconds before growling under her breath with anger. "Fine!" she pouted walking past the man "That a girl" he laughed opening a shadow portal with a snap of his fingers and looked back at Dante "please forgive for the intrusion...but I’m sure by far this will be the last time we see each other" he said before disappearing with the portal behind him. Dante let out a low sigh of relief "so do that mean I get to keep this then?" he asked no one in particular raising the blade for inspection and stabbing it on the floor. Briefly Dante turned toward Shining who was still in his stance of combat "Oh come on..." Dante sighed in grief "I just stopped your wife from becoming a widow the least you could do is thank me or at least put your butter knife away." Before Shining could reply Celestias weaken voice put the man at ease "It's alright..." she spoke trying to stand ignoring the cuts on her body that caused her pain.”I...I trust him" she assured Shining making him dismantle the dome "I'm...glad you're alright" she said nearly collapsing from exhaustion but was quickly caught by Dante's arms. "You should really worry about yourself" he chuckled "come on, I'll take you to the infirmary" he said placing his arm beneath her legs and picked her up, like a princess would be lifted in a fairy tale, causing Celestia to blush. "crap....their touching me...!" Dante thought to himself as his face began to become red and he forced his eyes not to look at her woman hood and ordered his legs to walk out the open doors leaving behind a confused crowed. As Dante’s chains echoed around the bloody hallways he noticed Celestia’s expression of sadness on her face as they walked in silence. "They fought bravely.." he commented trying to lighten up the mood "...I don't know many men who would stick around and fight a battle where they were outnumbered..." he began to walk fast hoping she wouldn't break down in his arms "...where I come from...it's every man for himself...not really caring about others just yourself..." he looked back at Celestia, who was staring at him with sadden eyes, "Um…well...what I mean is-" "Thank you..." she whispered placing her head on his bare chest. As they walked into one of the rooms Dante gently laid Celestia on the bed and began looking around until he found a drawer full of bandages. "Let me see your hand..." he said unwrapping a bandage roll. Taking Celestia's right hand, he began to place the bandage around her wrist and up to her elbow where most of the cuts were deeper and began doing the same to the left. "You really don't have to..." "You healed me remember...Even though I can't do that magic stuff the least I could do is patch you up until your wounds heal" he interrupted, finishing her left arm. "How does that feel?" Celestia carefully began to move her arm she realized that most of the pain was relieved "much better thank you" she answered with a smile. "Are you a doctor where you come from?" she asked. Dante looked at her with a smile "me a doctor?" he chuckled "Na...I just learned by experience, it was learning or dying," "Twilight explained to me about the denominational portal" she explained "she told me everything right after a maid interrupted a meeting with the magic counsel telling us that you were defending her from my nephews guards..." with a nervous chuckle Dante expected her to assign some sort of punishment but instead her noticed the grin on her face. "...I have to say I'm quite impressed actually, not only did you take out ten well trained guards signal handedly, but you managed to survive taking on my sister with her celestial weapon equipped...there aren't many men that have fought with her and lived to tell the tale..." soon her smile slowly faded. “Then again...there aren't many men that poses the power that you hold..." Dante looked back at her in confusion "What do you mean?" he asked "does it have to do with this mark?” Before Celestia could answer a soft knock can from the wooden door and in walked Luna followed by Twilight wearing his black jacket, Spike, and six other girls that he didn't recognize. "Tia!" Luna cried rushing to her sister's side "Are you alright?" she hugged Celestia with all her might. "Yes Luna I'm alright, if it wasn't for Dante defeating Gaia, I wouldn't be here right now" she replied brushing Luna's navy blue hair. "How about you are you okay?" Twilight asked causing Dante to turn her direction. Dante let out a slight chuckle as he noticed her wearing his jacket "I've been through worse...thanks for keeping my jacket safe" he laughed causing Twilight to turn bright red. "I...I'm sorry I just-" "No, it’s okay it is a bit cold here, wouldn't want you getting a cold or something." He cut her off with a smile. Before Twilight could answer soft "ahem " came from the blond girl with a brown cowboy hat behind Twilight. "Oh right, sorry..." Twilight apologize "Dante these are my friends" "Howdy partner name's AppleJack" the bond girl said tipping her at in greeting. "My name's Rainbow dash!" A short slender girl with blue wings and short Rainbow colored hair tide up making a small pony tail "The fastest flier in all of Equestria" she announced showing off her wings "HI!" shouted one girl with a hyperactive tone "My name is Pinkie Pie!" she jumped up and down with joy causing her hot pink hair to do the same, quickly she pulled the girl next to her, "And this is Fluttershy" she said forcing the girl to stand in front of Dante and began to mumble under her breath. "...Um....h....h...hello..." she squeaked quickly hiding behind Pinkie. "This is Rarity" called out Spike presenting a girl with long beautiful dark blue hair that matched her eyes. "A pleasure to meet you" she said in a polite tone. "And this is Starlight Glimmer" said Twilight introducing a girl with long dark violet hair with a light blue highlight. "She's my apprentice" "Nice to meet you" greeted Starlight shacking Dante's hand politely. "Same here" said Dante with a smile. It wasn't long after that Celestia stood up from the infirmary bed. "Well now that we are all gathered here." she spoke in a serious tone "There are a few things...Dante needs to know, and I’m sure the rest of you are curious as well." everyone nodded in silence. "The mark must be one of the eight Deities, warriors that once protected Equestria. These warriors fought alongside our parents many centuries age for you see they were Deities as well" she explained "Our father was the king of the night and our mother was the Queen of the sun. It was not until the union war where all nations became one in order to defeat Shinra, a demonic beast that's only desire is to kill and enslave, once our parents defeated the beast, they mysteriously disappeared without a trace." her voice struggled to stay firm "long story short, the mark can represent one of the eight, it's only a matter of time before we find out what mark you inherited." "That will not be necessary, your highness..." called out an elder man in a red robe holding an old ruined book in his hands.” Please, your highness, there's something I must speak to you and your sister alone..." > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Remember, focus...clear out your mind and focus on the magic inside of you..." said Twilight, as Dante exhaled he began to feel a warm sensation begin to flow out and create a dark red aura around his hands.”That's it!" she called out with joy "now focus on those books on the grass and try to lift them up without dropping a single one." Dante stared at the stack of books and imagined his hands lifting them, which caused the same red aura to appear around the books, with slow movement of his hands, Dante managed to levitate the books several feet into the air and soon placed them back down with a tired sigh. "Man..." he said collapsing to the grass underneath the shade of a large tree, "why was that so exhausting?" "Well, that's because you're barely learning to control your magic..." replied Twilight, sitting next to him "Magic can be very exhausting if the user hasn't has much practice with it...but lifting fifteen books with almost two thousand pages really isn't something most magic users can do when they first learn the levitating spell." "Well I guess I should feel special then." joked Dante looking up at the light blue sky "hey that old man called your friends the Elements of harmony, what does that mean?" he asked looking at Twilight. "Oh! Yeah I forgot to tell you about that..." she said with a nervous laugh "It's kind of a long story" "I have time" Dante smiled. With a small laugh Twilight began explaining to him the origin of the elements and how she met her friends. As the two talked, Spike and Rarity watched from the third floor of the castle “It’s nice to see Twilight happy again" said Rarity with a smile. "So, you noticed it to?" asked Spike as he hugged her close. "Of course I noticed darling, we all did, we are her best friends." she said placing her head on his chest " after all, Twilight was never really good with hiding her feelings towards others" she giggled . "You have a point" laughed Spike pressing his lips against hers. "DO you really have to go?" he asked looking into her eyes. "As much as don't want to, I have a design that has to be finish for a wedding in Manehattan" she replied, kissing him once more " not to mention keeping an eye on Sweetie Bell, hopefully she hasn't caused to much trouble, please do tell Twilight I'll see her in Ponyville " she said, hugging Spike tightly and whispering into his ear.” And I hope you can come see me when you get there" she said making Spikes face turn bright red as he watched her walk in the distance. * * * * * * "And well that how we got to know each other, and to this day we are best friends" said Twilight looking at sun as it slowly began to set, then back at Dante, who was staring at her with a smile that caused Twilight's face to turn bright red. "Hey are you feeling okay?" asked Dante sitting up to look at her better "You look a bit red..." "I'm fine!" cried Twilight quickly standing from the ground "I'm gonna find more spell books! You should rest and find me after you recovered!" she said speed walking back into the castle leaving the boy in confusion. "What was that about?" he asked himself " must been something I said..." he replied laying back down and closed his eyes, enjoying the cool breeze that raddled the leaves above him. "Mister Dante?" a familiar female voice called out. Opening his eyes Dante noticed the same maid with long, brunette colored hair, that begged for help as she ran from the guards. "Oh hey!" said Dante sitting back up "You're that maid from before...um..." "My name's Amber Lightheart..." she quickly replied "I wanted to thank you for defending me from Blue Blood...if you weren't there I don't know what would have happened..." "Hey, there's no reason to thank me..." he said calmly.”I'm sure Celestia would have helped you if you asked her...by the way what made you "disrespect" the guy in the first place?” "H...he..." Amber stuttered, looking away from Dante. "He began to put his hands on me and said if I didn't lay with him in bed...he would me fired for disobeying orders from royalty..." her expression was fill with disgust and frustration as she spoke. "At that point all I could think about was my daughter...this job is the only one I have and I already owe three months of rent and if I don't pay it soon I'll end up losing the house and..." she stopped as her voice began to crack. Holding in his anger, Dante watched as Amber tried to hold in the tears. "Where is your husband?" He asked in a low tone. Amber chuckled softly "he left me after I told him I was pregnant..." she looked at Dante. ”I've been taking care of her alone from the day she was born and I don't regret having her...she is the light of my life, the only reason I have to put up with the Prince's harassment...but...this time it was different...my body just acted on its own and before I know it I ended up slapping him...but then I panicked when her called for his guards...so I ran and soon I saw you walking, and well...the rest is history." she said with in a low tone. "And I'm going to guess you’re worried that the Princess will fire you for that?" he asked, getting a nod as a response. Before Dante could reply another familiar female voice called out to them. "On the contrary..." Said Luna causing Amber to jump in fright as she walked towards them. "It appears This is not the first time my nephew has harassed a maid and lied to Celestia and I...he will be punished for his actions..." she said in a calm tone "...in the meantime, Miss Lightheart, why don't you take a week off and expect all of my nephews' allowance as an apology on our behalf, right now I must have a word with sir Dante." Amber looked back at Dante who gave her an assuring nod and with a quick bow she walked back into the castle. "I can assure you I'm unarmed" Dante joked holding his hands out for inspection as he noticed her sword on her side. "Don't worry...Tia has already explained everything to me..." she laughed "the reason I'm here is actually to apologize for my actions..." she said in a low tone. Dante stared at her and let out a brief chuckle. "It's alright..." he replied with a smile "...I can't blame you for defending your family, even if he is a selfish prick..." he said hiding the last part under his breath. ”But I have to ask, you call him your nephew...does that mean he's Celestias'..." "Her son?" she interrupted him "no Tia and I are is adoptive aunts...Blue Blood and Cadance are our nephew and niece after their parents passed away..." "I see..." Dante whispered softly. Soon Luna looked up at the sky and whisper. "I guess it's time for the moon to rise..." And soon she casted her dark blue aura around her hands and , with a quick movement, a bright round orb began replacing the sun as if it was taking its place on the sky followed by countless amount of bright little stars. Dante stared at the sky speechless. "It's... Beautiful..." He finally spoke. "Dose your world not have moon?" Asked Luna. “I mean we do, but it's not as bright and beautiful as this one...” “Well I'm glad you like it...I just wish everyone else would think the same..." Luna sighed holding her legs up to her chest. "Everyone sleeps through my night, some are even afraid of the dark..." Her heart began to pound as she remembered trying to kill her own sister over jealousy and greed. "Well people are scared of what they don't understand..." Said Dante "but if people sleep through your night...That's because they know they are safe and protected as they sleep. I mean I know I would feel save if I knew someone as strong and beautiful as you is guarding the night..." Hearing those words caused Luna's face bright red but to her luck the night was covering it so it could not be noticeable. "Oh shoot!" Shouted Dante shooting up from the ground " it’s late and Twilight said to find her...She's going to be ticked off if I don't show up...Later princess!" He shouted making his way towards the castle doors. "Sir Dante wait!" Said Luna stopping him. He turned back to her with a confused look. With a soft tone she said "Luna...Just call me Luna...” Dante looked at her and smiled "Well then...Luna... just call me Dante" he said waving goodbye to her as he ran back inside of the castle. "It seems you grew quite fond of him, Luna..." Said Celestia, appearing behind her sister. "TIA!" Luna shouted as she flinched in surprise. "How...How long have you been there?" "Long enough to see you're still blushing by his words..." Celestia teased with a smile as Luna attempted to hide her face with embarrassment. "I can't blame you...to be honest I may have fallen for his charm" Celestia laughed walking away from her sister. "What do you mean by that!?" Luna called out chasing after Celestia, who laughed through the gardens under the white light of the moon. * * * * * * "It appears the Princess would like to hold a meeting about this my lord" said a servant as he bowed handing a letter to the king. "Have the other nations been requested the same?" he asked rereading the letter. "No my lord...she only sent it to the Dragon kingdom" "Very well then, ready some horses, I shall part in the brake of dawn hopefully we will be there in less the three days" he said dismissing the young man. So a divine warrior...what are you planning Celestia... he thought to himself looking back at the letter in his hand.. > chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight let out a soft yawn and began to stretch her arms as she rose from her bed to feel the bright warm sun kissing her face. As she changed her clothes, a soft knock came from her door. "Come in" she called out before noticing a familiar black jacket hanging from the door handle that caused her heart to skip a beat, as it opened. "I'm sorry from disturbing you so early Twili..." Said Shining Armor walking in "...But apparently Dante wasn't in his room when Princess Celestia went to wake him up, and no one has seen him anywhere...I'm starting to think he ran away" he said with a sigh. "M...Maybe he went to...um...The...err…market!" She stuttered trying to convince her brother " he must have gone there to...Um...Get some stuff-" she stopped as the bathroom door creaked open letting out steam as Dante walked out holding a white towel on his lower body. "There's nothing better than a steaming shower in the morning-" said Dante cutting himself off as he noticed the two of them looking at him. Twilight quickly looked away as her heart began to race and her face became bright red. " You Bastard!" Shouted Shining pulling out his sword with anger in his eyes "What the hell are you doing in my sister's room!?" "Wait, what do you mean your sister ?" Dante asked hold his hands up only to catch the towel as it began to fall. "I don't want to hear your stupid excuses!" Shouted Shining swinging his sword at Dante, only to have him dodge his attack and running out the door. "Get back here you cowered!" Said Shining chasing after Dante leaving Twilight in a state of confusion. " It's not what it looks like !" Cried Dante holding the towel prying it wouldn't fall off. "If you let me explain-" he ducked and dodged every attack that came to him only to disarm him as he cough one of his attacks " this is ridiculous...Look I know what you are thinking, but you have it all wrong..." He said a few feet away from Shining and throwing the sword away. "Your towel fell off..." Shining replied fooling the boy and landing a heavy left hook right as Dante was distracted. "Hey that was a cheap shot !" shouted Dante blocking the second punch and dodged the left knee that was heading for his ribs. "Oh shit!" He said but before Dante could do anything Shining charged at him with all his might and speared him and himself through a window causing both of them to revise small cuts with the shards of glass. "Don't you think this is a bit over doing it !?" cried Dante before landing heavily towards the grass of the garden. "...I think I broke something..." he growled, coughing. "Alright...I...I'll give you a chance to explain yourself..." gasped Shining laying on his back next to Dante. "But this better be good" he growled. * * * * * * "Damn it..." growled Dante looking around the halls of the castle "I can't believe I lost track of time...i hope she isn't too mad...she'll probably make me do some kind of hard training as punishment..." he said letting out a soft sigh "I'll apologize in the morning, sleep seems like a good idea right about now..." he said continuing to look around but not finding and signs of servants. "They probably got vacations after what has happened...still can't believe it's only been one day..." soon he came across two doors that appeared to be for a bedroom. Carefully opening the doors and peeking his head Dante noticed at large bed next to a window but for some odd reason after analyzing the bedroom, his body began to walk towards the bed on its own and soon enough he found himself removing his upper cloths and wondered into a deep sleep. * * * * * * "But after waking up I found Twilight sleeping on the other side of the bed sound asleep...I didn't want to wake her up so I slowly slipped out, took a shower, and before I knew it you arrived in the room at the wrong time..." explained Dante drying his body with a towel once again. "But you did not do anything to her?" Asked Shining in a uninsured tone as he put on a blue V neck T-shirt "I give you my word...If I would have known that she was there I would have slept on the floor" Dante joked trying to lessen the awkwardness in the air as he put on his black jacket over a black V-neck shirt "I still can't believe she's your sister..." Shining silently stared at the dark red mark, scars on Dante's front and back. "If you don't mind me asking...where did you get those scars?" he asked. Dante looked at the scars on his chest and abdomen "I was attacked by a couple of weird looking wolves in a forest and-" "Not those..." Shining interrupted and pointed towards the boys' back "Those..." "...oh...you meant those..." whispered Dante changing his tone. ”I don't know if you know this but...i'm from a different world and in my world our weapons are far more advanced and deadly then you typical sword and shield..." he said putting on his black shoes. "What kind of weapons?" asked Shining more curious now than ever. Dante let out a short sigh, he hoped he wouldn't have to talk about it. "While this world manages cannons and catapults...my world manages a weapon known as a gun. To put it simply they are like portable hand cannons that hold a small type of ammunition that are called "bullets" that revolutionized warfare..." his voiced changed as mind began flashing images in his head. "You were a leader in your world, weren't you?" Shining said sapping Dante back to reality. He looked at Shining and laughed. "As cool as that sounds I wasn't-" he stopped after hearing a soft knock on the wooden door. "I'm sorry for interrupting" said a maid in a soft tone “but Princess Celestia ordered to call for Prince Shining Armor, she says it's important." "Thank you, let her majesty know I will be there shortly." replied Shining placing his white chest plate over his shirt. "Well I guess I should head get going then." said Shining as the two walked out of the shower room “I’ll see you later." "Okay, see ya." waved Dante watching the boy leave in the distance. "So how was your morning Dante?" Luna's voice called out behind the boy. "...You heard about that?" he asked letting out a light chuckle. "Word travels fast..." "It travels even faster when two men are fighting and go flying out a window..." she replied sarcastically, crossing her arms. "In my defense it was a complete misunderstanding...that escalated fairly quickly." Luna let out a soft sigh, "Well deal with that matter later in the meantime, I would like to see more on of your skills in combat." she said with a smile as she lead him towards the armory chamber. "General Iron Sword..." Luna called out as Dante walked close behind looking around the room admiring the sight of hundreds of swords, shields, spears, and a bunch of other weapons that guards were using to spar not far from where they stood. "Ah, Princess Luna..." a middle aged man with a small white beard bowed as he approached Luna. “What do I honor for your visit, my lady?" "I would like to introduce you to Dante Sumner" she said pulling Dante from behind her "Dante this is General Iron Sword, one the Canterlots most trusted solider. He is also the head coach of Canterlots elite." "Elite?" asked Dante "are they like very strong or something?" he asked again causing a couple of guards looking towards his direction. "Well it is on the tittle..." one guard called out with a sword and black shield. "We're the soul protectors of the Princesses" he said walking up to them and staring directly at Dante “your Highness" he said bowing before Luna "Dante let me introduce you to Leon Soul. Leader of the Elite." she said "Leon this is Dante" "So this is the infamous man everyone talks about." he said examining Dante with is dark gray eyes. Soon Dante began doing the same, first noticing the guy was the same height as he was, then his short brown hair. I don't think that was a compliment... Thought Dante with a forced smile. "In any case I have some important matters to attend to, so if you excuse me Princess..." Leon bow to her again “I’ll take my leave." he said walking away in the distance. "He seemed like a nice guy..." laughed Dante Luna laughed as well. "Give him some time, he is easy going once you get to know him." She said quickly remembering her reason for coming here in the first place. "In any case General..." she spoke looked back at Iron Sword.”Is it possible to test Dante on his combat skills?" "Why yes, of course I don't see why not..." the man replied with a laugh placing his on Dante's shoulder "a fair warning, most of these men have trained their whole lives to protect their kingdom with their lives. Why don't you first try out the armor and see which ones you feel comfortable with" he said slapping the boy's back pretty hard. "Demetre!" the man called out and ,not long after, a young boy with black hair and a strong body rushed to their direction. "Yes sir?" the boy asked standing firm. "Take mister Sumner to the armor room to try out a few armors to see which ones fit him, then escort him to the sparing room once you are done." he ordered. "Yes sir!" the boy shouted and said "Right this way" as he walked, Dante following shortly behind, leaving Luna and Iron Sword to their privet chat. "So your highness..." said the man with a "hum". "Who would you like to be his opponent?" "How about five of your best trained men." she answered firmly, as if she already knew what to say. Iron Sword looked at her with hesitation. "Are you sure your Highness?" he asked "I wouldn't want for him to be badly hurt..." "Well I was thinking to have him face the Elite on his own..." she replied "But I wouldn't want to waste their time with this "infamous man everyone talks about." so I suppose five of the men that are close to the Elite should be alright." "But Princess those men could be the next generation of the Elite if not they could surpass the first team." the man answered “I don't think that is such a good idea..." "How about we make a little bet?" asked Luna with a grin "I bet a thousand bits that Dante beats them without a single scratch on him." she said extending her right hand to him. Iron Sword looked at her not knowing if she was serious, or bluffing but not long after the thought of him winning a thousand bit consumed his mind and he quickly shook the Princess's hand. "Deal." "Alright then why don't we drink as we wait for them in the sparing room?" she asked laughing and ordered several barrels of rum to be placed in the sparing room while ordering all the guards to joy as an audience. > chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Nii Alkir Naus Laan Faal Dovah Junaar Wah Grind Voth Nihi, Dii Drog" (It appears they requested the Dragon kingdom to meet with them, my lord) said a guard with black armor as he bowed to the dark figure in the shadows. "Lun Naus Kos...Mu Kolv Mort Kotin Taar Wah Hirt Wah " (Leave them be...We have more important things to attend to) he said dismissing the guard with a wave of his hand. "Los Hi Ni Zein Se Daar, Dii Drog?" (Are you not worried of this, my lord?) Asked Siegfreid in the distance "Nau Faal Naaky..." (On the contrary...) chuckled the figure. "Enook Lo Gogli avh Pindaar..." (Everything is going as planed...) * * * * * "How does it feel?" asked Demetre locking the belts of the armor. "It feels a bit light...but I guess it will do” answered Dante moving his arms around and doing a few squats. Light!? That’s almost seventy pounds! Thought the boy, letting out a forced laughed "Well...its best if we start heading to the sparing room. Apparently there's a big crowed waiting for us to arrive." Dante let out a light sigh. "Yeah I guess your right" he said following Demetre out and into the hallway. "So how long have you been a guard for?" Dante asked breaking the silence. Demetre looked at him. “Well...I'm not really a royal guard yet..." he said with a sigh "I haven't been able to pass the test exams that are required to become a guard..." " That's because the people who grade the exams are a bunch of frauds..." a female voice called out behind them, causing Demetre to flinch. Her long red hair touched a few inches below her shoulders and her light blue eyes sparkled with the sun light. "Vel don't say that so loud..." said Demetre trying to shush her and soon let out a soft sigh.”Vel this is Dante Sumner" he said "Dante this is first lieutenant Velvet". Dante stared at her and noticed her silver steel chest plate with a golden sun in the center. "Why do you say that?" he asked curiously. "It doesn't matter." Demetre answered in a heavy tone "I just need to become stronger that's all that matters, so lets’ not worry about it and hurry to the sparing room..." he said storming off down the hallways. As the trio walked through the large doors a loud crowed could be heard cheering once they stepped in. Dante looked around and noticed the walls created a large circle, and a crowed of happy going spectators as he watch them drink from an iron mug. "This looks more like a coliseum than a sparing room..." He murmured under his breath, as he walked past several guards cheered and waited for the entertainment to start. As he walked towards the circular space, he noticed five guards across from where he stood. Four of them stood tall, each having a different weapon clutched in their hands, and wearing bright golden chest plates while one stood behind wearing dark red robe and holding what seemed to be a staff. "The rules are simple..." said Iron Sword flying in the center, silencing the crowed of men and women.”...Once the dome is set up the match ends when ether side surrenders or is unable to battle any further, these weapons are not lethal but they with do severe damage if you are not careful...each team has one minute before we begin..." Dante looked at the five men and narrowed his eyes, focusing on the man who covered his face with the shadow of his hood. . "That one is magic casters" said Velvet getting the boy's attention. "It's going to be pretty hard to be focus on those guys with that one watching their backs." she said. "Have anything in mind?" Dante turned and smiled. "I have a few things in mind" he said turning to examine the four men in full armor. They appeared to be protecting the hooded man in what seemed like a diamond formation around the man. A young man with short light red hair stood behind him holding a sword and shield, a tall man, who appeared to be in his mid-thirties, with brown hair stood to his left holding a long sword. To his right was a short, yet buff looking man with long blond hair and light blue eyes holding a mace with a heavy looking chained, spiked ball at the end. The last man was standing in front of him, his dark brown eyes were focused on Dante and did not have any intent to look away. He was wearing a golden helmet with a white plume, similar to what a roman guard would wear, he carried a shield and spear while having a sword in its sheath on the left side of his hip. "Is everyone ready?" Shouted Iron Sword receiving a nod form the guard’s side. Turning to Dante's side he noticed him rejecting the sword that was being offered and let out a small smirk as he raised his right hand and quickly dropping it back down after shouting "Begin!” Instantly the two men on the sides dashed towards the boy with all their might closing in on him and with full intent to finish it quickly. As the blond man slammed his mace hard only to have Dante dogged it without any effort and quickly moved further to his right as the second guard jabbed at him with his double edged sword. The man kept trying to jab with the sharp blade while keeping his steady composure. Dante ducked left and right staying just out of reach of the guard’s blade. He noticed a sharp object flying towards him with the corner of his eye. Without hesitation he kicked the guard to the floor as his foot made contact with the man’s chest and dogged the spear with a slight spinning motion. He noticed the first with the mace come charging once again and quickly moved his head out the way as the spiked ball on a chain slammed into the ground with incredible force. The ball made a large dent on the floor before it was yanked out by its owner. Dante eyed the four guards, now standing in front of the hooded man, who stood ready for him not trying to show the shock they felt inside as they regrouped with their team. “Okay,” Dante took in a deep breath and exhaled as clenched his fist “my turn.” With a sudden burst of speed, he charged at the four guards. The long sword guard went in first and tried to knock him off balance with his blade. The boy dodged the blow easily and got in close to the guard. With one perfect step, Dante backed away as the guard lifted the large sword swung at him. Dante spun out of the way and slammed his fist into the guard’s jaw, stunning him but did enough to drop the sword. Quickly the boy grabbed the sword and went for the jab, but the blade was launched from his hand as the flying spiked ball caught the blade’s edge. To save his hand, Dante let the blade fall and took a few steps back. "I knew it..." he murmured under his breath right before dogging the spiked ball and landing a heavy kick to the man's knee sending out a loud crack as it broke inwards. Before the man could cry in pain, the boy's knee made contact with his chin which caused him to fall on his back unconscious. Not saying another word Dante instantly sprinted towards the man with the large sword ,analyzing his path, grabbed the mans' wrist, and before the man knew it he received a stomp to his left ankle, followed by a blow to the face that caused him to fall hard to the floor. Quickly, the boy turned to the sound of boots rushing towards him. "Don't get so cocky!" shouted the man with the helmet, swinging his short sword with anger. Dante side stepped out of the way, disarmed him and slammed the butt of the handle to his jaw, the guard cursed as he fought the pain and felt a hand grip his hair and yank his head forward into side of the shield. Once, twice, and on the third time he started to see stars. He felt a firm fist find its home in his cheek and the man toppled over blood flowing from his nose and mouth. Dante turned to look at the hooded man and young man, who now seemed younger up close. "Had enough..." he asked noticing the young one's sword and shield shaking in his hands. "We forfeit this battle..." A calm yet firm female voice called out from underneath the hood. Everyone in the room seemed shocked to hear her voice instead of a man's, except for Dante. Soon the two turned a calmly walked passed the magic barrier leaving a crowed of shocked silenced spectators. "B...but how?" stuttered Iron Sword not sure what he had witnessed was real. He quickly turned to the princess, who stood up from her chair, letting out a disappointed sigh. "I was expecting it to be a bit longer than this..." she said before stretching her arms in the air "...it's impressive that he was able to move so freely while being restrained with such heavy armor..." she turned, took a small bag of coins that was on the table and began heading towards the doors. "Still..." she said in a cold fearful tone "...I would like to have an explanation on why real weapons were used instead of the training ones...but in the meantime make sure they are taken to the infirmary room, they were lucky enough to just have some broken bones." she said murmuring the last part as she left the room. Dante let out a soft sigh and looked at his hands and clenched them into a fist. As he walked along the hallways, he heard his name being called out to from behind and saw Demetre and Velvet trying to catch up to him. "How did you do that?" asked Velvet trying to catch her breath. "What do you mean?" questioned Dante pretending not to understand. "I mean how were you able to beat them?" asked the girl again "They’re top ranked guards who could become the Elite. And yet you took them out like it was nothing!" "Indeed..." said Luna walking from behind them "...I am also curious on why you didn't finish them off when you knew your life was in danger..." Dante looked at her and raised an eye brow. "So you also knew the weapons were also real?" he asked with smirk. "Only after you took out the man with the mace and began to immobilize them..." she answered. Dante looked at her and let out a sigh, feeling their eyes on him. "To put it simply...my father began training me when I five, he was more like a mentor than a father figure. While his training was strict, he was a good man. After he pasted, my mother had me attending school but even still I began train myself and was able to pick up a few things along my way... plus their formation was a dead giveaway...." he paused as a guard quickly made his way towards them. "Forgive my interruption your grace..." he said bowing to the Princess and whispered something into her ear. Luna stared at the man for a few seconds then gave him a slight nod of understanding and turned back to the trio. "It seems my sister has called for my presence for court meeting so I'll be taking my leave...oh and Dante..." she said before turning around and tossing him a small dark blue bag. As the boy caught it he began shaking it only to hear the sound of coins rattling against each other then gave her a confused look. “It’s the two-thousand bits that Iron Sword and I betted on" she smiled and walked off with the guard. "I had a feeling she would do that..." sighed Dante placing the small bag in his back pocket, soon realizing it felt very uncomfortable. "Well I better get going..." said Velvet stretching her arms in the air. “I need to pick up a few things from the store in Canterlot..." "Do you need any help?" Asked Demetre trying not to stutter. Velvet nodded. "Thanks but I'll be fine. It's only going to be a few things." Dante looked at her and then to Demetre only to have a hidden smirk in his lips. "You know I am in need for a pouch, so I don't have to carry around much in my pockets." He said, getting both of their attention "...And sense I'm not from around here I was thinking maybe we could look around. You know kill two birds with one stone... or maybe three birds." He explained murmuring the last part under his breath just enough for Demetre to understand. "Well when you put it that way..." said Velvet looking down to think "I guess you have a point. Alright then let’s go." she said walking in front to lead the way towards the main gates. * * * * * * "This is unacceptable!" shouted a man wearing a red robe. "This cannot be allowed !" everyone argued with one another. "How can you be so certain he can be trusted?" another man shouted. " Are you implying that I am in the wrong ?" said Celestia causing heavy silence to fall into the room as she stood up, passed Cadence and began to walk around the oval shaped table. “It is true we have no idea who he really is but his intention is not to hurt us-" "It's true..." Luna interrupted as she walked past the golden doors. "If that was his reason we would have all been dead the first day he came here..." she said taking a set in an empty chair next to her niece.”...most likely he must have done some intensive training" Celestia looked at her sister and gave her a smile. "We'll speak of this matter further, once our guest arrives..." she said looking out the large window that showed a perfect view of her city. * * * * * * Dante and Demetre began to look around the shop as they waited for Velvet to finish negotiating with the shopkeeper. "Okay look..." whispered Dante not turning to Demetre while looking at a couple of swords.”...Once we leave I'll split from you guys and you take her out to eat..." he reached in back pocket, pulled out the small bag and handed him a few of the coins. "It's on me." Demetre looked at him trying to hide his red cheeks "Velvet and I are just friends. We've been friend’s sense we were kids-" he stopped mid-sentence after fixating this eyes on the amount Dante was giving him. "Do you even know how much you're giving me?" Dante gave him an innocent smile causing Demetre to let out a long sigh " Look..." he said showing the boy several coins from this own hand "This one's thirty bits, this one's twenty-five and this golden one is a hundred..." he stopped and began to count in his head. "You were about to literally give me four-hundred and seventy-eight bits in total." Dante poured the coins the boy's hand while nodding his head "it doesn't matter, just take her some to eat and -" "But she's the first lieutenant, a high officer of the royal guard...what if she doesn't-" he shut himself up, after noticing Velvet walking in their direction he quickly placed the bits in his left pocket. "Sorry about that guys" she said tying a pendent behind her neck. It was the shaped of a small star with a bright red stone in the center of it. "You still have that?" asked Demetre staring at the pendent. Velvet gave him a slight nod. "You gave it to me when everyone forgot my birthday...of course I would still have it." she said showing a part of the pendent. "I accidentally broke the chain a while ago, but I was told this man was the best jewel smith in Canterlot. I told him it was important to me, and so he said he would fix it for free. I guess it’s my lucky charm " her smile caused Demetre to blush just enough for Dante to notice it. The two stood silent for a few seconds until Demetre finally cleared his throat. "Um...Vel..." he said trying to calm his nervous tone. "Would you...I...I mean if you want...would you like to get something-" "WATCH WHERE YOU"RE GOING YOU STUPID BITCH!" a loud voice ordered followed by a cry of pain. Quickly the trio rushed out to see what was going on and upon what he saw made Dante's blood start to boil. A large man with short green hair and full armor stood over Amber as she cried placing her hand on a red spot on her cheek and being helped by a strong man with a black apron. "What the hell are they doing here?" Velvet questioned not sure what to do. Soon a little girl with long bright blond hair stepped forward, throwing a small pebble at the man's armor, not even leaving a single scratch on it. "Leave my mommy alone!" she shouted with fear and anger in her voice. The man slowly turned to her with a threatening look. "Just who the hell do you think you are you brat!" he said raising his voice and lifting his hand, causing the girl to flinch. "Crap, we have to stop this-" said Demetre before being cut off by Dante sprinting towards the man with all his might. "NO DON"T!" he shouted only to have him jump into the air and come down directly over the man. With a quick movement the man leaped out of the way of the boy's fist and watched as it hit the ground, making a small crater. Without hesitation Dante grabbed the little girl, put her over his shoulders and jumped back to Velvet and Demetre. "I didn't even sense his presence..." thought the man pulling out his sword form it sheath. "That's enough Draco. We are not here to suture any problems “a firm voice called from the large golden chariot. There, stood a tall strong man with golden armor and small golden crown on his head. With a low growl Draco did as he was told and stood at attention "I apologize on behalf of my solider...he isn't known for his, manners. I can assure you I was going to stop him." he said with an innocent smile. Dante placed the girl down, not taking his eyes off of the man. "If you excuse us...We have business at castle" with a quick nod the man's chariot continued to move towards the castle. Draco followed behind, glaring towards the boy. Dante looked at the girl, her bright hazel eyes stared straight at him with a few tears building up. "That was very brave what you did kid..." he said kneeling down and patting the girls head "...but I don't think your mommy would be happy if you got hurt." he said looking up to find Amber rushing to the little girl with all her might. "Lilly!" she said with tears in her eyes "Thank Celestia you're okay!” "What the hell were you thinking?!" shouted Velvet as soon they the chariot was far enough. Dante stood up "That was Lord Alduin. King of the dragons!" Dante looked back at her with an eyebrow raised "Our kingdom and the Dragons have always had tension. What if a war were to begin because of this?!" The boy clenched his fist. "And what kind of lieutenant are you if you would have allowed that prick to hit her?!" he asked in an angry tone. Velvet stood in shock her face was more like an open book, it was easy to read, and she had no answer. Dante turned back to Amber and Lilly. "Are you okay?” Amber sniffed and wiped the tears away. "Yes...I'm fine" she said not acknowledging the red spot on her cheek. "Thank you for your help..." said a the man with the black leather apron "...she was just leaving my shop when out of nowhere their horses nearly hit Amber and Lilly" his voice was deep but welcoming when he spoke ”Name's Fearon Morris." he said stretching his hand towards Dante. Without hesitation Dante clapped his hand and shook it firmly. “Dante..." he said with a friendly smile "...Sumner" "So you're the famous Dante Amber was talking about..." said Fearon putting his hands on his hips ”Wait here there's something I want to give you." he turned and rushed back to his store. Before Dante could question, he felt a light tug. He looked down to find Lilly pulling his black jacket. "Thank you for helping my mommy..." she said quietly as Dante crouched once again to her level and let out a smile. "There's no need to thank me Goldie." he said patting her bright blond hair ” I just did what anyone else would do." she smiled to the nickname that he gave her. Not long after, Fearon rushed back to Dante with a something large, wrapped in a black cloth. "Here..." said Fearon handing it to Dante "I made it out of the toughest ore in all of Equestria." he explained as Dante unwrapped it reviling a black sword with a matching handle, with an extremely sharp looking edge. After examining it, the man handed Dante a black leather sheath with a black strap. "It may not look like much but I wanted to show you my gratitude for taking care of Amber." "I...I don't know what to say..." replied Dante placing the blade on the sheath and putting it on his back ”Thanks...but you don't have to give this to me." he said with a smile. As the three walked back to the castle a long awkward silence surrounded them. Velvet looked back at Demetre, who gave her a confident look. "I'm sorry..." she said "I should have stepped in...But I...I just froze up" Dante stopped not long after but didn't turn to face the girl. "I don't desierve to be a high ranked officer if I can't protect-" " It's okay...I shouldn't have yelled at you..." he interrupted "...it's just seeing that man about to hit that little girl for defending her mother...reminded me of how unfair my life was..." he looked to her and smiled. "You were thinking about your country's safety but I know your heart was telling you to protect her...I think you and Demetre would make an excellent pair" he blurted out, and with a smile from Velvet, Demetre's face began to glow bright red that matched the evening sky. As the trio walked into the castle, they were greeted with Luna, Iron sword, Shining, Cadance, Spike, carring the young child, Twilight, Celestia, and Alduin looking at them in front of the newly fixed stairs. "Ah Dante..." said Celestia with a smile " we were just talking about you..." she said walking to him "the magic council and I have come to a decision but it's up to you if think you're up for the task." Dante looked at her and gave her a confused expression "From this point on you have the task of protecting Princess Flurry Heart and Princess Twilight Sparkle with your life." she explained. "HUH?!" cried Twilight, Spike, Velvet, Demetre, and Shining, in chorus, followed by an innocent laugh from the infant in Spike's arms.