The Dragon Lord's Consort

by Little_Draco

First published

Lord Ember comes to Equestria with news that my surpirse Twilight and especially Spike, something that might change everything.

Once a Princess, now a Lord, Ember sends a letter to Princess Twilight to a situation that involves Spike. The letter seems serious and the dragons are already on their way. What could it entail about Ember's journey to Equestria? What does it mean for Spike?

Update: A NSFW version... has appeared! Those whom wish to explore the... freaky side, follow the link! Dragon Tails
Featured 4/17/2016!

The Follow up sequel called The Dragon Lord's Legacy can be found here! here

A letter from a Lord (Re-Edited)

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Cover art belongs to respected owners!

The Dragon Lord's Consort

The day had started out like any other. Ponyville was in its rare, calm, and peaceful manner. The foals were at school, the shops ran high and low down the street, and everypony was bustling around their daily routine lives.

The same could be said at the Castle of Friendship as Twilight Sparkle and company- minus Pinkie Pie, who was visiting her family for the day- were sitting around the Map of Equestria as Twilight was writing down new information on dragons and their anatomy.

“That sounds so awesome!” cried out Rainbow Dash, hovering in the air in excitement. “Dragons have competitions too!”

Twilight nodded in agreement.

“Yes, they do. According to Prin- Lord Ember, they hold one for strength, hoarding, speed, and lava diving.”

“Oh my,” spoke Fluttershy. “That sounds… dangerous.”

“No more than a' pony divin' inta' a swimming pool,” commented Applejack. “Dragons can handle tha' sorta stuff.” she waved her hoof.

“True enough,” continued Twilight. “Spike himself fell into a pool and he was fine. Dragons have amazingly tough skin and fire is just as natural and safe to them as water is to us. Just like us, however, too much can be a problem for anypony or drake in this matter.”

“So… what else have you learned from Lord Ember?” asked Starlight as she was looking over the notes and scrolls sent by Princess Ember.

“Well, I know it's only been two weeks since the 'Call', but Princess Ember only sends me a few bits of information every other day. So far, we learned about their competitions, their life cycles, the type of food they eat...”

“Meep!” Fluttershy quickly closed her ears with her hooves and shook her head, hoping not to hear it.

“… which we can always talk about later!” she laughed sheepishly, quickly trying to soothe Fluttershy.

“Or about never.” quipped Rarity. She went over to comfort Fluttershy. “Poor dear, even now that we have dragons as our allies, she'll never get over her fears.”

“I don' think that any of us would get over ah' fears of dragons, sugarcube.” commented Applejack. “I mean, heck we have them as friends or more or less, allies, but I think that we may still look at em' with some fear. They are dragons after all.”

“Pfft! I ain't afraid of no dragons!” spoke out Rainbow Dash. “Especially if they ever challenge me to a game of speed. They'll be weeping when I leave them in the dust!” She hovered in the air, as the room felt drained knowing all the air was going to her head… and ego.

The others either gave her glares or unamused looks before focusing back at Twilight.

“Anyways...” Starlight spoke, trying to clear the air. “With Lord Ember as an ally and you being the first Princess to interact with a Dragon Lord, does that mean we- being Equestria and the dragons- are on good terms?”

Twilight unfortunately gave a shake of her head.

“No, being a Dragon Lord means that Ember rules the dragons but she doesn’t control them all. They in all likelihood could just fly to Equestria and...” she paused, seeing the fear return to Fluttershy. “… well for now, we know that Ember is trying to maintain peace between Equestria and the dragons. Lets just hope they stick that way… all of them… which I am pretty sure they will!” She was desperately trying to keep her friend from having a total freakout.

The others decided not to add on and tried to move away from the conversation.

“So… Rarity,” asked Starlight. “How did your business do with your… new… I'm sorry, what were they called again?”

Rarity finally managed to calm Fluttershy before looking towards Starlight. “Hmmm? Oh! Why they are going fabulous! Everypony from here to Canterlot loves my new line of---.”

A poof of blue fire appeared in front of Twilight. The scroll had a blue dragon footprint on it. When she realized who it was from, she squealed in delight and quickly snatched it out of the air.

“Oh! Another letter from Pr… Lord Ember! Ohh! I wonder what it is this time!? Schools? Literature? Science?”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack gave her a deadpan stare while Starlight gave her a confused look.

“Um… Twi, I don't think that dragons have literature… or science… or schools for that matter.”

Twilight gave her a look.

“Hey! You might never know! For all we know that what we saw there in the Dragon Lands isn't even the whole amount of dragons in Equestria let alone on Equus! They are intelligent creatures. How else would they learn to speak, write, or even learn basic math?”

Starlight was about to comment but couldn't.

“Huh… never thought of it that way.”

Twilight nodded with a knowing smile.

“It's okay Starlight. We learn something new everyday… like today! Spike! We got another letter from Lord Ember!” Despite the huge castle and the many rooms that remained unoccupied, Spike had quickly heard, nearly throwing the doors open with glee and practically ran to the table, sitting in his chair next to Twilight.

“I'm here! Open it! Open it!”

“Okay, okay.” she laughed. “We'll see what new info Ember has sent. Though the scroll is smaller this time.”

“Maybe she didn't have time.” he quipped. “She is after all Dragon Lord and probably has too many duties to attend to.”

“Pfft.” Rainbow Dash chuckled Rainbow Dash. “She said duties, as if dragons have duties or any responsibility to take care of. All they do is just lounge around and lay like the lizards they are.”

Everyone around her gave her another group glare, especially Spike who huffed, crossing his arms.

“Racist much, Dash?”

Rainbow Dash quickly realized her statement and looked at all of her friends who were glaring at her. She gave a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of her head.

“Hehe… sorry.”

Twilight cleared her throat and focused on the letter.

“Alright, let's see here.” She paused. Putting the letter down, she looked at Fluttershy. “Uh… you don't have to listen to this Fluttershy.”

She gave a small nod.

“Okay… thank you.”

“Relax darling, I can speak to you while they read the letter. Come along now, we might even go to the spa later. Tata everypony, let us know what new info Lord Ember has for us!” With that the two walked out of the room, closing the door after them.

Now that that was settled, Twilight cleared her throat again and brought the scroll before her. Spike leaned in from his chair to read.

“Dear Princess Twilight of Equestria.

'I know that I was supposed to send you some information about dragon anatomy as well as what a dragon is, however, I will be speaking of some of that but, on a different type of it.'

“Huh? What does she mean of a different type?” asked Spike.

Twilight gave a shake of her head.

“I don't know, let's keep reading.”

'With what you and Spike have done to help me get the Bloodstone Scepter, I could not thank you enough for it and with it, we can keep the peace between our races.

However, my father has told me something recently about the Bloodstone and what I inherit from it.'

“Inherit?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“It means that the Bloodstone must have passed something along with it. Probably more than just a title or being the Dragon Lord of all dragons.” commented Twilight. She read on.

'What I have to say could only be spoken one on one, though more specifically, to Spike. This matter might concern him too. I know it is on short notice but I ask that you allow us safe passage to you in Equestria. We are right outside of the borders and don't wish to cause a panic to your kin. We could be there in less than an hour if you give us permission.

'I implore that we speak of this right away.'

'Your new friend, Lord Ember.'

The room was silent. The news was indeed sudden and the fact that it was just about to happen, Twilight and friends were left speechless except for Spike who seemed excited.

“Cool! Ember is gonna come visit us! Here! In Equestria!”

Nopony shared his enthusiasm or joy as he bounded in place. Twilight shook her head before looking at Spike.

“Spike, I know that you and Lord Ember are friends now, but she did say this is urgent. Maybe this is something serious.”

“But how could she be serious? I mean… she did say we are all on good terms.”

“Yes, but I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet. We need to prepare for their arrival. I’m going to send a reply back and, hopefully, we can allow them to come through without causing too much of a panic.” She turned to Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, you think you can warn the mayor and locals about it? Tell them that the dragons flying here are friends.”

Rainbow quickly gave a salute.

“You got it Twi!” With that, she flew out of the room in the blink of an eye, leaving the rest.

“Applejack, I need you to warn Rarity and Fluttershy. I know that Fluttershy won't want to see the dragons so make sure she’s at home and with her animal friends. Bring Rarity back to us.”

“Sure thing, Sugarcube!” With that she took off the same way as Rainbow Dash. That left Starlight.

“Starlight, I’m gonna send a letter to the Princess informing her of the situation. Hopefully she can let us borrow some guards to keep everypony from becoming paranoid and causing a panic. Can you go and wait for their arrival to inform them of the situation?”

“Of course, Twilight.” With a flash of purple, she was gone, leaving Spike and Twilight. The dragon had lost his earlier enthusiasm and glanced at Twilight, who was gathering a new scroll to write on.

“Uh, Twi?” he hesitantly began.

“Yeah?” she asked, though she kept her eyes on her writing.

“She says this has to do with me. Should I be worried?”

Twilight turned to him.

“She did say it involved you, but I think that maybe it's something to do with some new dragon anatomy. Maybe something for your ears only.”

She didn't sound assuring but nonetheless, he nodded. They both quickly began to prepare for the arrival of new dragons. Twilight sent the letters and Spike went to go get some gems for their guest.

Within the hour, the little town of Ponyville was almost deserted with guards patrolling around and a few select ponies to observe, at their own risks. The main six (not including Fluttershy but Starlight as her temporary fill in) had all met just a bit outside of Twilight's castle on near empty fields.

Guards were positioned, mostly scattered around to keep ponies from wandering into the meeting and keep the peace in general. They were told not to carry any weapons or respond to anything that goes on between the princess and the dragons.

Twilight and co waited in anxiousness as their guests were expected shortly. Spike was incredibly excited to see his dragon friend again. He had brought out the best rubies, ones he had been saving for a special occasion like this one, and hoped to share them with his dragon companions.

Everypony was watching the skies, anticipating their guests’s arrival. Dash was the first to spot them.

“Yo! Three dragons coming from the east!”

All eyes turned to the eastern sky and saw three draconic shapes flying right towards them. Twilight and Spike seemed happy, however, there was one among the dragons that instantly turned their mood sour.

“Is that… Garble flying with her?” Twilight asked, panicking a little bit. The others quickly stood closer together and Starlight began mumbling through a number of spells in her head to defend them if necessary.

The dragons neared and Spike seemed more nervous now as he saw their looks. Garble seemed like his same old self, angered and humiliated knowing that he was flying towards Spike. Ember however seemed more concentrated on him and her eyes, even at this distance, seem to carry worry… and sadness?

When the dragons touched down, Spike could see that the third dragon was the pink dragon he’d seen earlier that day. Noticing the armor they were all wearing, Garble and the pink one were wearing almost the exact same armor while Ember wore her armor she used at the event, though without the helmet. All the ponies bowed to their guests, even Spike. Though he wanted to run to Ember and give her a hug, her face was serious, even if she tried to hide it well.

“Greetings Princess Twilight, Spike, friends of Equestria. I humbly thank you for allowing us into your country.”

Twilight walked forward to meet her.

“I am glad to have you here with us, Prin… sorry, Lord Ember.”

Ember didn't acknowledge the mistake; rather, she turned from her to Spike.

“I am also glad to see you Spike.”

“Hey Ember.” he said in a bit of a happier tone, though it quickly dropped when he turned to Garble who kept giving him a glare.


“Spike.” Spike was surprised by his hard but even tone. Despite the hate for him, Garble spoke as if he was forced to be nice or at least, not in a mainline way.

“Garble,” warned Ember. Garble muttered something incoherent before lowering his head. She then turned to Spike. “He is now my bodyguard. As punishment for his earlier actions to both of us, he has to do what I say, when I say. If not… well he knows what will happen.”

The threat was almost deafening to the dragon’s ears, but he didn't say anything, though he began to shake, in anger or fear, Spike couldn't tell. Ignoring him, Spike turned back to Ember.

“So… what was so important that you had to come to Equestria, Ember?”

Ember paused, knowing that Spike was one of the few who could get away without calling her 'Lord' or 'Mistress'. She then spoke in a leveled voice, “I believe that this is better suited inside… though maybe not in front of your friends.”

The other looked confused and Spike seemed upset.

“But… they're my friends, Ember. Whatever you tell me, surely they can hear and if not, then you know I have to tell them later.”

Ember gave a glance to them before sighing.

“Of course. Still, I’d rather do this inside so your… guards aren’t constantly watching us… if that is fine with you, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight nodded.

“Of course. Come in.”

The interior of the castle seemed to have stunned the dragons, even Garble, though judging by his eyes, he looked at the crystal wall with hunger and greed instead of wonder.

They entered the Cutie Mark Map room where the mares all sat in their chairs. Spike had quickly brought out the snacks for his guest, a plate loaded with rich gems and jewels. Giving his biggest ruby to Ember, she accepted it, though something about him giving it to her made her cheeks go red and even mumble a 'Thank you.'

He gave another set to the pink dragoness, which she almost took without hesitation. When he approached Garble, Ember spoke out, “I don't believe Garble should receive a treat, Spike.”

Garble wanted to retort but a single look from Ember forced him to stay quiet. However, Spike looked at the dejected Garble and still handed him a decent sized ruby. Glancing at it, the older drake eyed Spike, waiting for a snide comment or something, but Spike just etched it closer to him, hoping he would take it. Reaching out slowly, he took the ruby in his claws. With a gulp and a hard shaky breath, he managed to mumble, “T-thank… you.”

It looked almost painful for him to say it. Almost.

With a smirk, Ember then took a single bite of the large ruby, giving a few chomps before swallowing it. She looked at it, feeling almost belittled by how a large ruby was given easily by a dragon.

“Was there something wrong with the ruby?” Spike quickly asked, looking worried.

Ember turned to him and shook her head, assuring him, “Nothing. There was nothing. That’s the thing. I’m… still accustomed to dragon rules, Spike. Dragons don't share their hoard unless with blood family, and even then never one so gracious and delicious as that.”

Spike grinned widely, proudly stating, “That’s what friends do though, Ember. We share. We might not be blood family but we are still friends and family.”

Ember kept her gaze on him, her expression almost neutral, however, when no one was looking, she gave him a small smile. “Your friends have made you wise, even beyond most dragons, Spike. Not many can have a heart as big or as generous as yours.”

Spike smiled sheepishly at the comment. Garble meanwhile withheld another remark.

“But, hopefully that generosity of yours will be an example to the rest of our kin.”

“What do you mean?”

With a cleared throat she spoke loudly so the others could hear.

“It has come to my attention that when I got the Bloodstone Scepter, I was crowned Lord of all dragons in Equestria. That also came with a list of other things that included rules, blessing, more hoards and so on in my name as I took the throne from my father. Being a lord, I can ask for just about anything and I shall receive it.”

“Sounds awesome if you ask me.” commented Rainbow Dash. “Though the whole rules and all sound like a total bore.”

Twilight was about to angrily retort at Dash when Ember spoke first.

“Indeed it is and that is something even I have little control over. Some rules I still have to listen to.”

“Like what?” asked Starlight.

“When the Scepter was first created,” began Ember. “It was meant to be a tool used to control dragons, but it became a symbol and an emblem of leadership. With that said leadership, the dragon lord in charge had to control the dragons. They had to make sure that dragons could be free enough to live their lives but controlled enough that they are terrorizing other species, ponies included. Now, other rules include that, in order to stay in charge as Dragon Lord, I must commit myself to dragon needs or blessings. I also must… take courtship among one of my fellow kin in order to continue my rule.”

Silence rang out through the room. Twilight quickly broke it. “Okay, but what does this have to do with Equestria or us?”

Ember gave her a sad gaze.

“Not you, not Equestria. Him.” She pointed a claw to Spike.

“What? Me?”

“Him?!” The others cried out in surprise.

Ember nodded and the earlier twinge in her cheeks returned.

“Y-yes. In accordance with the rules, I have to choose a life-mate in order to keep my rule as Dragon Lord. The rule also states that if I cannot choose a mate among my own kin, it will be chosen by the first dragon that I have come in contact with that was next to me at the time of my claim of the throne. In this case, I chose no other dragon in the area and Spike was the first dragon to actually touch the scepter and handed it to me. The magical flash that followed wasn't just a message saying that I was Dragon Lord, but also that I would find my chosen life-mate.” she paused. Spike was staring at her in awe and shock. Moving closer to him, she held out her claw. With uncertainty, she told him, “Spike, I have chosen you to be my life-mate and my consort. Will you accept?”

Nopony moved. Nopony said anything. Everypony was too stunned to say anything. Spike wasn't even breathing at this point as he was too shocked by Ember’s question.

Rainbow was the first one to snap out of her shock, leaning in to Spike and softly saying, “Hey Spike, I think this is like a wedding proposal and she asked if you wanna get hitched. What’re you gonna say?”

Spike didn't say anything. Finally, the lack of air went straight to his head and he fell back, blacking out.

A proposal from a Lord

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The Dragon Lord's Consort Chapter 2
A proposal from a Lord

Spike was slowly becoming aware of his surroundings as his vision slowly started to return. He heard voices, more or less, angry or concerned voices. Twilight? Ember?

“...can't take him he's only a ba...”

“...ish there was another way but… if I don't...”

“… if he says no...?”

“…. he is awakening.”

Slowly Spike sat up from the ground, rubbing his head.

“Ugh… wha? What happened?”

Twilight quickly came to his side.

“Easy… you just passed out.”

He shook his head before looking at Twilight then to Ember, whom looked worried and conflicted at the same time.


She sighed.

“I am sorry for bringing this on short notice to you Spike. But my choices were limited. Garble would have to have been the following choice if you do not accept.” she shuddered at the thought.

Spike looked around for him, seeing no sign of said dragon or the other one as well. Slowly standing up, he also saw that the others had left as well, leaving him, Ember and Twilight.

With a somewhat shaky tone, he spoke to Ember.

“Why me though?”

“I told you, you were the first to grab the Bloodstone before...”

“No I mean, why me? Why not another dragon? Surely the are hundreds if not thousands of other dragons to choose from. I am just… me.” he stated like if he was nothing special. “I am a pony loving dragon. You said it yourself, I am different from other dragons, I am not strong, I can't fly, dragons aren't suppose to share and… well yeah.”

Ember, grew up with all those lessons burned into her mind since she first hatched from the egg. She knew that dragons are greedy, power hungry and above all… mean. However, the first time since she met Spike, a dragon born outside of Dragonlands, she has found herself drawn to him. He was a dragon born and raised by ponies. Ponies whom loved one another, cared, shared and even sacrificed themselves for each other.

With a rare smile she has been rarely seen given, she spoke with utmost confidence.

“It is those qualities the reason I choose you Spike. Your right, you are different and maybe that is what our kind needs. Change. You changed me in a day to be caring, thoughtful and even merciful. Had I not thought about what you did for me, I probably would never even consider Garble to serve me as punishment, let alone live. To other dragons, ponies might be considered, weak, helpless and not strong enough to handle anything.”

She motioned to Twilight. “I believe they are your greatest strengths, your greatest power and your generous heart. It knows no bounds and that is why I still choose you. No qualities could be found in any other dragon.” She paused and looked him straight into his eyes, baring into his soul.

“Spike I chose you because I… have found a liking to your prestigious upbringing. I’d rather have you then any other dragon, because there are no other dragons that I have become more fond of than you.” She paused again, her cheeks twinging red as she realized what she said.

Spike also grew red and looked away sheepishly.

“I-I like you too… Ember. I know we just met but… I actually liked you. I thought you were stunning and beautiful and...” he paused, realizing he also said to much but when he peeked back at Ember, she was red faced and beyond embarrassed. “...and cute.”

She tried to make a pouty face, but it came out more cuter than before.

“Not cute.” she mumbled.

Twilight was watching the whole display with glee, while at the same time- was writing more notes about dragon culture. Currently she was taking close observation on dragon courtship rituals.

Despite the ferociousness of dragons that many have come to believe, dragons in their rare moments show affection for one another, if emotions are shared simultaneously from both partners…

Partners? Was that the right word? Speaking of…

“Hey guys, I know that we have a moment here, but you think we can get back to topic at hoof… err claw?”

Both dragons snapped out of their embarrassment before focusing on Twilight.

“Yes of course. Now then… I am aware that it is sudden but I will give you time, though I require an answer as soon as possible.”

“Uh… how soon?”

Ember scratched her arms and looked away.

“By high noon tomorrow, I must return to the Dragonlands, with or without you, sealing my fate.”

“What?!” Twilight cried out. “Tomorrow afternoon?! Ember- that is not enough time! Besides, why do you need to have a dragon by your side if you already rule all of the dragons? It’s not like you need an heir, or to be betrothed. The Bloodstone is only handed down after you ruled for years and need to allow other dragons a chance to rule.”

Ember nodded.

“I am aware of that Twilight.... However, part of the rules for the Bloodstone state that I must be seen as the most powerful dragon in the lands. By my side, I need to have a dragon that is worthy enough to be my mate. They must be seen as just as great as me. Hence, should I choose to have a mate, they must be able to participate in the challenge to acquire the Bloodstone. If I didn't choose, then it would be a dragon who comes second close because of the difficulty of the trials. Just as you saw, not all the dragons made it through the first few, and even fewer got to the end.”

“It still doesn’t make sense to me either. But I also believe that is why my father didn't want me to go. All the other dragons were of age to start courting or mating. Seeing as Spike and I are the youngest ones that did the challenge, we can't be courted until we reach age. Yet, the rules are firm about it, though father has been known to bend some of the rules.”

“So… because I survived the Gauntlet, got the scepter- but then gave it to you in the end... I have to be your mate?” asked Spike, both fearful and somewhat curious about it. “... And- Since we are both ‘too young,’ we technically wouldn’t be... uhhh.... Well, ‘Mates’ until we were both of age?” He asked, not too sure about the Draconic Terms full meanings,

Ember gave a small nod.

“In part though Spike, it's because of your intelligence that got me the Scepter- and your bravery that I also decided to choose you.”

Twilight was writing more notes before a thought came up.

“Uh Ember, quick question? What if you had won by yourself; but neither Garble nor Spike were second and you choose no other dragon again, what if the second dragon to come in was a female dragon?

Spike suddenly became very, very interested as well. Even his eyes and tail went up, hoping to hear a good answer.

“If that were the case,” Ember answered a bit hesitantly. “Then she and I would be consorts instead. She would be my life mate.”

If dragons could have nose bleeds, Spike would be bleeding out a river by now.

“Awesome.” he said softly.

Twilight was busy writing more notes, not noticing Spike's reaction.

“Should I choose to bare hatchlings, I would need to find a male worth trying to mate with, but would still be bounded to my mate. We might both even try to become egg-barren but ultimately it would be my choice to participate in such an event.”

Despite Spike's young age, he knew enough about pony related things to understand what she had just said, and what could be described as every colt/dragon's dream.

Two females going at each other... or the Glory of Glories… a full on ‘threesome.’ .... Less not forget- Spike may be young… but he was not innocent.

At this point, Spike's Indignity began to show as he stared at Ember nonstop, his imagination running wild. Ember saw his gaze and looked somewhat flustered.

“Uh Spike? ... Are you okay?”

Spike quickly shook his head before nodding.

“Yeah, sorry just dozed off there for a bit....”

“I see...” Her gaze went to the writing Twilight. “Twilight?”

Twilight stopped her writing and looked to her.


“Is it agreeable then? Until mid-day tomorrow, I shall have my answer?”

“Uh…” she paused before clearing her throat. “I know that this is difficult for you Ember, but Spike... can't go. He is way too young- a baby at that.... I am sorry.”

Ember looked dejected but Spike quickly spoke out.

“Wait, why can't I go? Why don't I get a say in it?” he asked, sounding a bit angered.

Twilight looked at him, almost in surprise.

“Spike, it’s one thing that went with you last time- at least any of us can protect you and watch you.... But you, going to the Dragon Lands? ... We won't be able to guide you, or take care of you if you stay permanently.”

“Under my rule, he will be protected.” Ember assured. “Despite what you may think you have recently seen of dragons during the Gauntlet, there is a lot more that you do not know.... Besides, no dragon shall dare harm Spike, or come close to me without my say. He will also be raise to act like a true dragon.”

“But he is a baby dragon! You can't court with him! He is not even of pony age!”

Something stirred inside of Spike, an inner anger not akin to greed, at the mention of being called 'baby', seemed to aggravate him.

“And again Twilight, I am aware. However, the rules state I have to be seen with a mate of worth and while he is adolescence, when he becomes of age we can be courted. For now, it would be considered a per-engagement or arranged courtship if you will. Even my father knows that I too am young to be courted but I must wait and if Spike chooses...”

“What if I said yes?” he finally spoke out, his voice sounding a bit mature. “What if I choose to be your… mate? Like you said, we are both young and we can't really… do much but if it means protecting you and maybe Equestria from another dragon's rule or even you from another nasty dragon, then I am willing to do it.”

“Spike!” Twilight spoke in shock. “What… How… you can't go!”

“Why?” he asked, almost in anger, his arms crossed. “So I will continue to be a baby dragon? Like I’m some fragile little foal- That nopony else takes me seriously? That even after I have tried so hard to impress the one I care for and she treats me like a kid?!”

Twilight stared at him, wide eyed and shocked at his response.

Ember didn't need to spend a whole lot of time with ponies to understand the tension in the room. She knew that this was a difficult situation, for both of them so she turned to door, before informing them. “I'll just... leave you two to discuss this...” She said, before she quickly excused herself, and exited the room and closed it behind her- feeling guilty for having divided them so.

Spike was beyond angry now, years of him being called a 'kid' or 'baby'. Yes, there were times when he would allow it but now, now that he had just completed a challenge that would frighten most dragons or even accomplish what many other dragons couldn't do, he felt like he had really matured.

Still, he was coming off too strong and sighed as he looked over to see Ember walking out of the room just before the door shut behind her. Closing his eyes slowly, Spike took in a deep breath like Cadence had taught him to once, before looking back to Twilight.

“I’m... Sorry Twilight... for acting that way- but after that… I just didn't want to be treated like a baby anymore. I mean… I completed a challenge that would get a normal pony hurt- or worse! I know it was because of you, Rarity, and Ember, that we managed to make it to the end but… it was still huge thing for me! And I felt like after that... I shouldn't be treated like a foal or a baby anymore...”

Twilight's gaze quickly softened as he spoke. More and more, she realized what he was saying was true... and the more she thought about it, the more she knew he was right.

Spike was at times childish, but he was really more intelligent than anything else. He was smarter than most any foal around- perhaps even more so than a lot of adult ponies she knew personally. She had raised him to be on par with her own intellect, and he had proven time and time again that he could take care of himself. Whether it was trying to save the Crystal Empire from a Dark Tyrant, or going through a dangerous challenge like the Gauntlet of Fire for a magic scepter.

Not only has he proven himself brave but he has proven that he does have a big heart. He had given Rarity his most prized position of the Fire-Ruby. He has worked non-stop for Applejack due to his Dragon-code (even though he made up the ‘Dragon-code’.) He endured adventures with Twilight that would leave her and her friends exhausted or wounded, yet he would continue on- her Number One Assistant.

How many times had she relied on him on the most prestigious task? How many times has he braved the unknown with her, despite knowing the dangers that comes? The amount of near and unspeakable deaths that they have come close to?

With a reluctant sigh, she nodded.

“You’re right, you’re right. I have been treating you like a baby, but I guess that’s because I still see you as one Spike.... I helped raise you since you hatched. I mean, you are young, but you have grown smarter than anyone else your and age, and have grown to be more mature than most adults. If you leave us, and go to the Dragonlands to take on a challenge that would leave other dragons wounded, or worse then....” She shook her head before looking down a her own hooves. “I guess I just never saw past it, everytime you did something foalish.... But, I know I should be looking at you as more than a foal... less like- ... a baby... and more like a friend...”

Spike smiled though as he looked up at her.
“That is all I want from you.... From everypony....”

She smiled back at him slowly, and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“I know. I can't tell the others how they should treat you, that is for you to tell them, especially Rarity.... I know you keep trying with her… but now that Ember is here, will you stop trying with Rarity and try with her?”

Spike thought about it for a bit.

“I guess… Rarity will always see me as a baby dragon. Nothing more. I’ve been so infatuated with her that I never thought of thinking what would happen when she decided to have a stallion over me in the future. Now that I know that there is another dragon out there that can be kind or as sensitive.… Well, maybe not as sensitive, but that they can be just a bit sensitive or just as caring as me, then...” He paused, smiling at the thought. “I'd never imagine I would meet someone like Ember. Even if this is something I want to do… I don't know, but I guess I should just stop trying to fawn over Rarity because I know she will never choose me....”

Twilight half expected him to break down and cry as he said that outloud, but to her relief he didn't. Rather he took in a deep breath, resting his claw on his chest, before releasing it slowly.

“... Wow Spike.” She said softly, a bit astonished. “That... was a pretty mature thing you just did.”

He gave an almost ‘sad’ smile back at her, putting on a brave mask for her.

“Thanks Twilight.”

She brought him close for a hug before releasing him.

“For what it's worth Spike? I know that you doing this might change things for all of us, but whatever your decision is, I will support it.” He was about to tell her what his decision was, but she quickly stopped him. “I don't want to know just yet, though I think I know what it already is. I’d rather wait until all of us are here, together, when you tell us.... All of us.”

He gave a nod before quickly giving her another hug.

“Now come on, let's go check on our guests.”

In one of the nearby rooms….

Garble was sitting in the corner, trying to make sense of the literature that was in these picture books. Though, his ‘book’ was actually a magazine and showed various pony models.

Meanwhile, the other dragon, Amethyst was casually chewing on the gems left for her. She was watching Garble irritate himself as he tried to read… or study it.

“Are you really trying to read pony books?” she asked, chomping on another gem.

“Shut up.” he said to her, though he answered. “Just trying to see what makes them so interesting. I mean, look at this pony! She is practically a twig! I could use her to pick my teeth!” he pointed at a very tall, and thin cream coated mare with light pink hair, and a tail that covered over her flanks. She was in a strange pose- while holding up some kind of ‘make-up’ in the picture. He then growled. “This is why I hate ponies!”

“Oh?~ Jealous much? Angry because you haven't be able to score a mate yet?” She teased. Garble growled but stopped when the doors opened and revealed Ember walking in, who looked very dejected.

“How did it go, Lord Ember?” asked Amethyst.

She gave a hard sigh.

“Spike seems to want to go but Twilight is holding him back.”

Garble snorted. “Typical weak pony, holding a dragon back. Then again he is a weak dragon.”

Ember growled.

“Weak he may be, but he has a lot more heart, and courage than you Garble!”

He gave another snort before returning to his magazine.

“So… Twilight is holding Spike back.... But will he still choose you?”

She gave a small nod.

“He and I… uh both agree that it is in the best interest of Equestria, and the dragon lands... If I keep him as a consort, then maybe when he is grows up, he can help teach us and all of the dragons across the Kingdom on how to be better to each other.”

“Are you kidding me?!” Half roared Garble. “You want to try and change the Dragonlands to be like the namby-pamby ponies and go soft and weak!?”

Ember growled.

“No. I want to change the Dragonlands to be more civilized and caring for one another. I want there to be peace between each other, not constant bickering or fighting for stupid reasons- like who has the bigger hoard!” At this point, Amethyst stopped chewing and watched the heated debate.

“But that’s what makes dragons strong!” Garble countered. “We are born to be ferocious, strong and deadly! Trying to change that means that you can't handle being a dragon yourself! And that you aren't worthy of wielding that scepter! You are weak at heart, and you’re still that little princess just sitting there by daddy's side.”

The room got a lot hotter in that instant and it took all of Ember's strength not to lunge at Garble and attack him directly. Garble wasn't fazed by it. With a steamy snort and a spit of flame, she growled and walked towards him.

“You will learn to keep you mouth shut Garble!” she spat with hideous venom in her voice. He wasn't intimidated a bit by her, being a smaller stature, however, that didn't stop her from being threatening, even as she pushed her snout close to his. “When we get back, expect to be punished… severely. And trust me, I don't need Spike to think of humiliating ways to punish you as well! Now.... Back down!” she half roared to his face.

They both stared at each other, trying to out glare each other but… because she was Lord, he had to obey. Without another word, he took a few steps back and lowered his head. He then turned away and sat back down away from the two.

Ember gave a snort. She then turned towards the door, just as it opened. She saw that both Spike and Twilight seemed to have made up and slowly approached. She sighed, before clearing her throat as she calmed herself down- feeling a need to explain herself.

“I’m sorry I left earlier, but I didn't want to cause any more tension...”

“No need, Ember.” Twilight said. “I think Spike and I both knew that that conversation was... a long time coming...”

Ember gave a nod.

“I’m glad you worked it out then.... So... have you given an answer?” she asked a bit hopefully, it showing just ever so slightly.

“We have.” answered Spike. “But… I think I will give you the answer tomorrow. At least until all my friends are here so that they can hear it.”

Unsure why it was, she just gave a nod.

'If he is going to answer me tomorrow, then I know what it is. He just needs to inform his friends and family.' She thought to herself.

He gave a smile before turning to the other two. Garble was angrily muttering to himself while the other dragon (he still hadn't caught the name earlier) seemed to be content with munching on her gems like popcorn.

“I know it's only noon, but you all might want to stay over night. I have a few bedrooms to spare...”

Spike snorted with a grin. “A few? More like few hundred.”

Twilight giggled and gave a knowing smile at her #1 assistant.

“But I’m not entirely sure how dragons uh… well- ‘sleep’ compared to ponies.... Maybe a little bit more info?” she sheepishly asked, suddenly the Book of Dragons appearing before her.

Ember gave her a look, somewhat enjoying the look of eagerness on Twilight before nodding.

“Of course, now that I am here, I can gladly speak of more of our kin.”

“Yes!” Twilight squealed, as she bounced in place, while Ember and Amethyst gave her odd looks before turning to Spike.

He gave a shrug, completely use to the site by this point in his life.

“She loves to learn new things. Whether it's magic, history, or learning about another species.... Hell, I think she would get giddy if Queen Chrysalis herself walked in here and asked for an interview with her.”

Somewhere in the Badlands, Queen Chrysalis herself felt her nose twitched and she sneezed.

Ember then turned to her guards.

“Amethyst, Garble, I want you to stay here while Twilight and I exchange pleasantries.” she then turned and spoke to the back of Garble's head. “I want no problems, is that understood?”

Amethyst nodded while Garbled grumbled.

Spike saw that they both (mostly Amethyst) had finished the small pile of gems for snacks.

“Well, while you guys do that, maybe I can whip us all something to eat for lunch.”

Ember gave him a bemused look.

“You can cook?”

“Oh, Spike is almost the best cook in town! ... Well- except for Pinkie Pie, one of our other friends- but he still makes the best meals around! He cooked for Princess Celestia herself when we still lived in Canterlot- and he can make just about anything.” Spike took the compliment with stride as he took a small bow, while Ember looked a bit impressed.

“Not only are you intelligent, courageous, and kind- but you also know how to make a good meal for those you care for? Hmm.... Now that is a dragon worth his weight in gold. A true drake~” She said, complimenting him where it was due.

Garble snorted.

“If you wanted a true drake, all you have to do is look in this direction. I am all that is dragon if not more. I can easily hunt food better than he can prepare.” he spoke, trying to make himself sound and look tough by standing up and flexing his wings.

Everyone gave him a look, even Ember and Amethyst. Tired of his attitude, Ember decide to play it off then.

“Yeah, some drake you are. If Spike says no tomorrow and I still had to choose between you, since you were the second dragon to come in and another dragon to be my mate, I would do so.” she then gave a grin and walked over to Amethyst. “In fact, I would honestly choose Amethyst to be my consort than you. At least she knows how to treat a dragoness- if I were to lay her, which way more likely than me choosing you. I have no doubt she would do the same.” Amethyst gave her a look before seeming to weigh the options and agreed.

The room fell silent as a stunned Garble looked to the dragoness then to Amethyst while Spike was on the verge of having a serious meltdown at what he had just heard. There was no way things could get any hotter...

“I would do so too…” answered Amethyst. However, just to annoy Garble more, she leaned and gave Ember brush of her snout and what looked like to be a draconic kiss as she gave a small lick to the side.

Several things happened at once. Ember didn't react to it, rather her grin grew, Garble's mouth dropped to the floor, Twilight was staring wide-eyed at the display and Spike passed out on the floor again.

A Lunch with a Lord

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Big shout out to my co-writers/editors Nexus Dragon and The fallout Pony!!!

The Dragon Lord's Consort

A Lunch with a Lord

After having to wake up for the second time that day, Spike quickly though a bit shakily began to work on lunch meanwhile Twilight had created a letter to sent out to multiple pony to meet for tomorrow.
A simple salad would be prepared for Twilight, while for himself and the other dragons… a more difficult lunch.

Two things that made dragons difficult to feed was two of the most ideal and unique ways to acquire them; Gems and meat which are versatile and complicated to get especially in a town like this.

Spike was not touching meat, though Fluttershy had given him a fish or two when she heard the dragons coming, hoping to keep them at bay while she had gone to quickly board up her house. The fish wasn't much but if it kept the dragons satisfied until they left for tomorrow it would have to do. He would also blend in pony food to give it flavor.

Ember most likely would try it to see how pony food would taste like, Amethyst would most likely eat anything at this point and Garble… he might eat the gems and just spit or eat around the pony food. It would be a waste but still, as Twilight had always taught him, be gracious with your hosts. Even if they are snotty, or mean, or like that arrogant Blue-

“Spike, you sure you know what to make for us?” asked Ember, interrupting his train of thought. She watched as Spike moved around the kitchen, boiling this or mixing that. Spike, while chopping lettuce and other ingredients, gave her a smile and responded.

“Well, I never cooked or made anything for dragons, not including myself but it can't be that hard. I mean, I'll just make what I make for myself just for three dragons, right?”

Ember didn't respond to that, not sure how or what he eats, rather, she walked around the kitchen and began to observe, studying and looking at all the odd things that occupied the area.

The kitchen was large, easily for her to walk around, even if her wings were spread. All the little items that adored it made her curious and touch everything. From the simple pots to the big shiny metallic fridge that occupied the wall. The stove was on, a metal pot was placed over it with water boiling in.

“I know that dragons… not me,” began Spike. “Eat meat. Unfortunately, ponies don't eat meat and if you find any place that does serve it… well it won't be here in Ponyville. I just managed to get fish, I hope that is fine?”

“I am aware of pony customs of not eating meat, Spike, though the fish is fine. I am curious as to what else they do eat other than grass, seeing that some are grazing every now and then but what else?”

“Oh there is plenty to eat!” He put all the cut vegetables in a bowl and walked over to the pot, dumping them in. “You have fruits, vegetables, hay, flowers...”

“So basically anything grown from the ground?” she asked, touching and observing a cutting knife. “That inquires that they can eat mostly anything raised from the ground.”

“Well… not 'anything'...” he tried to answer.

“Mushrooms, leaves, plants, grass...” she continued. She ran the knife across her scales, a screeching sound was heard before she saw that her scales were left unharmed but the knife became somewhat jagged as pieces of metal were scraped off. Putting the knife down, she looked towards Spike. “That is what they eat. My question to is that, you a dragon in a pony society, eat what?”

The question left Spike a bit confused.

“I uh… kinda eat what they eat. Not the whole plants and all that but yea, hayburgers, fries, and candy. Though I mostly eat gems too.”

She gave him a look before shaking her head.

“No wonder you haven't grown.” she said softly. She gave him a small pity look. This caused him to furrow his brows.

“What do you mean I haven't grown? Of course I have grown! I mean, I am no longer a baby that came out of the egg. I am older than most of the fillies I know!”

“Spike… the differences between you and me are very little. From what I have gathered, we are close in age proximity and that you were raised by ponies while I was by dragons, you grew up on the wrong end of the claw.”

Spike twinged a bit at hearing that. Ember was still unfamiliar with emotions so she gave no indication to Spike's reaction. However Spike quickly shook his head and continued with the meal preparations. Ember continued her speech.

“I am still unaware of the emotions one's share so forgive me for what I am saying, nonetheless, you should heed my words.”

He gave her a small glance before returning to the other food. Having already finished Twilight's salad, he began to work on the foods for the others.

“I am listening Ember, but at this point, it doesn’t matter. I am already grown enough to be my own dragon. I mean, I am smarter than most ponies… even some dragons.” He said offhandedly.

“While that is true,” commented Ember. “The fact is that when we return to the Dragonlands...”

“Yeah… uh Ember I have been meaning to bring that up as well. I know well… I know I already said I might join you in the Dragonlands as your… consort, but I just wish to know, how long would I be staying there?”

Ember gave him a look. Was he serious? Oh gods he was serious.

“Spike...” she tried to speak carefully so he could understand. “Once you return with me to the Dragonlands, you can not leave.”

“What!” he all but yelled. “But… I thought… I mean you… and Twilight and I...”

She quickly silenced him by quickly lowering herself to his level and eyed him.

“You cannot leave, at least, not right away. First, we have to bring you to my father to see if he approves of this consort. Despite the fact dragons can be with whomever they wish, Dragon Lords must have a worthy mate.”

“But that makes no sense!” he said loudly causing Ember to flinch. “First you tell me you choose me, then you say that the only reason you choose me is because I was the first dragon to grab the Bloodstone, if not you have to choose the mate or get forced into one and now I have to be worthy for your father? Your father who is like the biggest dragon in all of dragon history?!”

“Second biggest.” she murmured to herself before quickly getting back to the topic. “And yes… the rules are somewhat difficult to follow and makes little sense...”

Spike snorted, a small plume of smoke escaping him.

“Well no duh. I mean, the rules are dumb and out of place and… whoever made it must have been dumber than Garble or was as drunk as Rainbow Dash on Hard Apple Cider.”

“I apologize Spike but as is, you must go and meet my father's approval. Despite me being a lord, I still have an obligation to show to the dragons that I am indeed worth the Scepter and that my mate is worthy ruling next to me.”

“And… if I fail to meet your father's approval?” he asked her in a somewhat bitter tone.

She hesitated. She looked away from him, thinking to herself for a bit before focusing back on him.

“I… my father would create a trial for you to pass...”

“Great.” He paused. “Does your father even know you were thinking of choosing me?” She didn't answer right away.


Spike all but threw his hands in the air. “Fantastic! Another trial I have to pass!” Fumes of smoke left his nostrils and just for a second, Ember saw greed and anger flash in his eyes. Something that instantly triggers rapid growth… She didn't want that from him, nor did she want him to lose who he was.

Placing her claw on his shoulder, Ember spoke softly.

“Spike… what I ask for you is high. If… if you do not wish to do this, I won't blame you for no longer wanting to be my consort. I know that this is difficult on you especially since this is your home. I won't tear it away from you nor will I ask you to endure another trial for my sake. I will… seek another dragon to be my consort.”

Spike looked up and from what he saw, his anger and greed quickly subsided. The look of sadness and sincerity was all over her face. She looked torn, knowing what laid ahead for Spike if he went with her, at the same time, the fact that she will go home and have to find another dragon or be forced into one, that being Garble, her days would end in misery no less.

With a heavy sigh, he shook his head.

“I'll… still go with you Ember...”

“What? No Spike I don't wish for you to endure this for my--”

“I am going because that is what friends do, Ember.” he looked up at her with confident and meaningful look. “I know it will be tough for me… maybe even you but I don't want you to be stuck with a dragon against your will, that aint right. I care too much about you to let you live the rest of your life with a dragon you have no relations with. At least with me, you know I will treat you right.”

Ember was left agape as Spike spoke those words. Never has she heard such passion or care from a dragon, let alone one she has only met once. He was willing to give up his life here, where he has family and friends to be with her, so she didn't have to deal with a random dragon who only wanted her for the throne or as a 'Brood mate'. She felt her heart flurrying about and it was difficult to find the right words to him.

“Spike… I don't know what to say. Are you sure about this?”

He gave a hesitated nod.

“I know I'll miss my friends and I know I might be gone for awhile but… I think they will understand why I am doing this. Besides, at least this way I may be able to learn more about what it means to be a dragon and how to be a better one. I want to learn more about what I am, maybe try to start a path of showing dragons that not all things begin with greed. Maybe I can teach others how to be like. Make more friendlier dragons in the world.”

His confidence spoke higher volume than her father's voice could ever and despite Spike being as small as an ant compared to her father, his heart was anything but small. Leaning in and getting to his level, she brought out her claws to his and held them.

“I promise you, Spike, that no matter what happens, I will do everything in my power as a Dragon Lord or not, to get you home as early as possible. Should you pass my father's approval, and his trial, right after I will bring you back to visit them.”

Spike gave her a satisfied smile.

“That is all I ask of you.” Leaning in, he wrapped her arms around her, managing to hug her around her chest. This time, she wasn't unprepared or shy about, she allowed him to do so and she returned the hug back.

The hug ended and when the two separated, Twilight came in with scrolls, papers and lots of quills and ink. Her hips were almost Pinkie Pie like and her glee was that of a foal in a candy store.

“Okay Ember!” she all but skipped in and had a huge grin on her face.
“I am ready for our lesson!”

Ember gave her an amused look before turning to Spike whom gave a shrug.

“Good luck. She'll ask a lot of questions so just be patient with her.” He then gathered Twilight's salad bowl, giving it to her.

“Thanks Spike!” Giving her a thumbs up, he turned to Ember.

“I'll stop by in a little bit to drop off yours before giving it to the others.”

“Thank you Spike.” She gave a genuine smile to him, then turning to Twilight. “Lead the way, Princess Twilight.”

“Oh… please just call me Twilight. No need for formalities here.”

“Ah… well then I ask you do the same with me.”

Twilight quickly nodded and lead her away to another room as Spike continued on to work on lunch.

In The other room….

Garble couldn't be any more annoyed than he already was now. The fact that he was still in a crystally house by a namby pony princess, the fact that he was waiting for punishment back at the dragon lands, or that this was the second time a Dragon Lord has humiliated him.

His gaze kept turning to Amethyst who would in turn catch him, give him a smirk before returning to whatever boggled or interested her in the castle. Whether it being a book, a nick nack or some oddity that she couldn't comprehend that made her want to learn more. Though she stopped picking up cylinder objects that had pictures of roses.(She accidentally sprayed herself with an aerosol can directly into her nose.) Garble crackled for nearly 10 minutes straight as she sneezed non-stop, also with the can containing some flammable agent in it, had her sneezing fire every time she let loose. That was still the only highlight of the day. But it didn't stop his earlier irritation from returning.

“So… you really would be with Ember if she asked?” He questioned for the umpteenth time in a row.

Amethyst sighed again, smoke leaving her nostrils as she did.

“For that last time, we were trying to get you to shut up! You make it sound like I will actually be with her instead of the little runt.”

Garble snorted.

“You still haven't answered my question.”

She gave him look over.

“What? You wouldn't think any dragon would? She is the freckin Dragon Lord! Any Drake, and I mean Any Drake, would give up their hoard, dragon or dragoness to be with her. If it meant that you could have a bigger hoard or get to rule other dragons then, yeah, I would but as of now, she has eyes set on the little pipsqueak of a dragon.”

“And what do you think of that?”

“What the pipsqueak?”

A quick incline of his head.

She shrugged.

“Don't much care for him. But then again, he outsmarted most of the dragons for the Bloodstone. Yeah, he worked with Ember but for a little drake, he is smart.”

Garble gave another snort.

“Smart my tail. If he was truly smart then he would have chosen to follow his greed and be our height by now.”

She cocked her head to side, giving a moment before responding.

“Maybe that is why is smart. He clearly didn't follow his greed but that allowed him to outthink most of us.”

“Including you?” he snarked.

“Including all of us!” she snarked back. “Don't forget that he maybe smaller but he uses that as his advantage. Think about it, he could have left the trials and no Drake would have cared. He could have passed most of the obstacles and come out unscathed and for the part, he did save your life.” She grew a grin. “I at least admit my weaknesses, how bout you?”

Garble wanted to growl or retort but… in the blue moons that come and go, he kept his mouth shut as she was right. Still, he hated knowing that the excuse of a dragon did manage to get through the challenge and did outsmart him on a few occasions, very few that he will admit.

“All in all,” continued Amethyst. “Can't say that the little drake is worth a consort for Ember but, I can see the appeal. Other than having some smarts, the appeal of a new hatchling and a decent stench that is not fully pony, Ember choose him because he would have probably treated her better for it.”

“Treated better?” he asked.

“What, you think all dragonesses like it rough and unruly?”

“You don't?”

She snorted.

“I don't mind rough, I don't mind dirty, I don't mind setting things on fire!” A small burst of flame leaving her maw as she spoke. “But… every now and then, a little smooth and soft doesn’t help. Calms down the boiling fire and the Heart. Sometimes, it's nice to be treated nice, especially when it comes to other dragons.”

“Pfft, weak.” he commented.

Amethyst gave a shrug.

“Like I said, not all dragonesses like it that way. Maybe that is why you have trouble finding a mate. You treat them all like garbage.”

“What do you know? I'd have plenty of 'Necess' looking and begging me to be with me!” He said loudly. “I choose not to have any right now because they would either get in my way or ask me to find them food every 20 seconds. They always whine about something I can't stand...”

“Hence the real reason you are single!” she spoke a harshly. “I have been around the lands as long as you have and not once have you been mated to a female. Yeah, some do come but when it comes down to it, they won't stick around for long! Even Frizzle's got more game then you and he is the most feminine looking dragon out there!”

“Frizzle isn't even into dragonesses!” he tried to counter.

“Goes to show you even notice. That drake actually hangs out with you to try and stay with the males but when you and the others aren’t around, he actually treats the rest of with respect. Something you know nothing of.”

Garble gave a hard snort.

“Respect is earned when you show every drake who is boss!” He growled to her. She was unfazed.

“But you aren't the boss! You are not even a boss. You are not even close to a leader. You truly want to earn respect, maybe you show others that by showing your not just some hard headed hatchling thinking they can take whatever they want and get away with it! Maybe prove unto others that you can lead, not by…. What?”

Garble was giving her a stare. A questionable one at that and it quickly became odd as he was no longer angry but confused and somewhat impressed.

“What?” she half growled.

“… You sound like you honestly care and sorta like my mother...”

She gazed back at him, a small blush appearing before her. She quickly shook it off and glared him, though the blush remained.

“I don't care! Just… trying to get you to understand that...” she sighed, tiredly. “Whatever, I don't care. Do what you want. It’s not like you'll listen.” With that she turned and started to head towards the door that lead out to the room.

“Where you going?”

“To look around.” she said unevenly. “Just being around you is making it difficult to be with.” She turned to him. “Just stay here and don't break anything, or even leave here for that matter. Not unless you wanna piss of Ember even more.” With that she left, almost slamming the door on the way out.

Once again left somewhat mute because another female has decided to do something unpredictable, Garble was left alone to ponder his thoughts, though it quickly didn't last as Spike had come in and brought lunch.

“Hey guys lunch is ready and...” he paused. He had carried a tray with two bowls of mixed gems, soup of some kind that smelled oddly of fish and vegetables. “Uh… where did Amethyst go?”

Knowing that he had to acknowledge the drake in the room, despite his high hatred for him, Garble went back to staring at the wall in boredom.

“Went to go walk around, probably blow off some steam. What do you care?”

Trying his best not to get easily discouraged by his attitude, Spike spoke with an even voice.

“Well, I brought you lunch so you guys can eat.”

“Not touching any of that pony food, pipsqueak.”

Spike withheld a groan.

“It is not all pony food, Garble.” he said with small venom towards his name. “It is just fish soap, with crushed gems and vegetables.”

“… What you expect a 'Thank you' from me?” Garble snarked.

“Coming from you is like asking if Dragon Lord… Former Dragon Lord Torch to keep his voice down for five minutes and we know that ain't gonna happen in this century.”

At this Garble couldn't help but smirk.

“Yeah, that would be the day, though I think that by the time the century hits, you and I are still gonna be enemies.”

Spike sighed as he walked over to a counter where he placed the plates down.

“I never wanted to be your enemy Garble. I know you and I were raised differently but I never wanted you to by my enemy or to hate me. Whether or not it was before or after the Phoenix incident or even the trial for the Bloodstone, I still don't want it.” Not waiting for a remark or comment, he quickly left the food on the counter and walked out. Before closing the door, he quickly spoke.

“The other bowl is for Amethyst. Not sure if you care or not but at least consider that before you decide to eat it for yourself.” He then closed the door.

For the third time today, he was stumped, more so that it was a trend and it was starting to get annoying!

The library…

“… in which case, causes a dragon the ability to breathe fire.”

“Fascinating!” Twilight spoke as she scribbled down more notes. It has only been 20 minutes but from that short amount of time, Twilight has quickly learned more about dragons and ponies have in centuries!

Ember held the hot soup, which Spike had delivered a few minutes ago, in her palm. She drank from it directly, inhaling the aroma of cooked fished, along with the gems and vegetables mixed in before slowly drinking it in, along with a few chunks of fish.

She exhaled at the satisfying tasted.

“This is wonderful!” she commented.

Twilight looked up from her notes, seeing a grand smile on Ember as she drank from the bowl. Despite the smell of cooked meat, Twilight was happy that Ember was enjoying a home cooked meal.

“Spike is a master chef!” she commented. “He can make anything taste wonderful.”

Ember gave a nod and drank once more before exhaling, a little bit of steam leaving her nostrils.

“And to think, we dragons eat fish straight from the rivers and the sea. Who knew cooking it would make it taste so much better?”

“Oh… so is your fish your secondary source of diet or primary?” asked Twilight.

“It is our secondary along with gems but meat is our primary source of diet which we get from...” she paused and looked at Twilight who was looking at her. Her quill held in the air over the book. Her face held some worry and a bit of fear, though the curiousness remained.

“Uh… sorry, I don't wish to make you uncomfortable about it.”

Twilight gave a sad smile.

“I uh… I kinda knew already just wanted to… well not hear about it but you know, hear the truth from the source.”

“...” Ember tried to speak but couldn't think of a way to start, rather she turned away, tried to think about it before slowly responding.

“I won't say what we eat but I will say that… it is true, though they are mostly not intellectual or ponies in case you are wondering.”

Twilight scribbled a few notes down and stopped.

“Have you ever...”

“ first hunt… near the plains...” she paused and lowered her head. “I am sorry.”

“Don't be!” quickly spoke Twilight. “I know what you must do. It's in your nature and all that. We ponies aren't just… used to it. It's an almost alien and sometimes taboo topic.”

Ember shook her head.

“I know Twilight but I had wished for you to learn about us and not the dark… part of us at least.”

“We ponies aren't perfect, either Ember. We have our history, our pasts that would make us look evil too. Don't forget, one of our princesses had once wanted to cause Eternal Night! Imagine that Eternal Night would most likely would be the end of everything! Compared to what you do naturally, we, I mean as ponies, are no strangers to monsters, we just like to believe a lot times that we are better than them.

“The scariest monster you see isn't the one that always lurks in the dark,” quoted Ember. “It's the one that…

“...Stares back in the reflection...” finished Twilight. “Our demons can be our scariest monsters, more so than the ones in nature.”

Ember gave a nod.

“Still, I don’t wish to speak of it. If the dark history comes through, you’ll wish not to hear of it. For now, just stick to the naturalism of dragons.”

Twilight nodded in understanding.

“Okay so, what about a dragon’s flame? Does is always correspond or match the colors of their scales?”

“Most of the time it is, sometimes it’s the dietary we eat, if we are young, old, our greed, our strengths and so on.” Demonstrating, she gave a small blow from her muzzle, generating a gentle blue and light purple flame. She then caught the small fire onto her hand. “Like mine,” she spoke. “It has a bit purple, though that is from my mom side. Though it also be because I love purple gems compared to others. There are many factors to consider.”

“Wow!” Excited, Twilight leaned in as the fire danced upon Ember palm. “Do all dragons have pyro-manipulation?”

The flame died out. “Very few know hold to hold it and even fewer can master it. It took me my entire hatchling hood to hold that much. My father taught it to me early on so, it is difficult to master, let alone hold it.”

Twilight scribbled down more notes.

“And a dragon that could master total Pyrokinetics? How long would it take them?”

“LIke i said, it took me all my life to control that flame for a few seconds. Total control would take centuries.” She paused. “Your unicorns can control fire correct?”

Twilight gave a small shake of her head.

“Just like your kind, we also spend years trying to control it, though we often don't because its dangerous. I only know of one other who had control of fire but even then she could only do so much. We have just as much of a chance to burn ourselves as we do at everything else.”

Ember nodded in understanding.

“So,” continued Twilight. “When do dragon’s begin blowing fire?”

“As soon as they are born.”

“Should have figured that.” Twilight said off-hoofed. “Spike blew fire in my face a few months after i hatched him.”

“Hatched him?” asked Ember. “How?” She sounded a bit disbelief at the comment.

“To make a long story short, i was in an entrance exam to get into a school. I had to take a test which was to try and hatch a dragon egg. It was supposed to be impossible however, the goal was to use a variety ways to get it to open. A magical explosion happened and i was overwhelmed with magic, i managed to get the egg open but at the same time, i also made Spike into a hundred foot tall dragon before Celestia calmed me down enough to control myself. Thus, i was the one who hatched spike’s egg.”

“And how was the egg acquired?” asked Ember. There was a certain tone in her voice, which made Twilight a bit hesitant to answer.

“I am not sure, Ember. It was given as a test and when I tried to ask where it came from, I was told it was found. After this, it was that the reason Spike went to the Dragon Lands the first time around.”

Ember had gone silent and there was some deep concentration written all over her face.

“Are you sure it was discovered, not stolen?” asked Ember a bit of anger in her voice.

Twilight recoiled at the sudden change of mood.

“Uh… like I said, I was told it was found. Though i don't understand why a pony would steal a dragon egg for. First stealing is wrong, second stealing from a dragon would be wrong…”

“And unwise.” Hissed Ember. Her arms had crossed and she looked a bit more angered now. “To steal an egg from a mother, is beyond worse than stealing their gems or hoard. It's like stealing their hearts, a part of them.”

A bit cautious of her next words, Twilight spoke.

“Like i said Ember, i don’t think a pony would steal a dragon egg…”

They have before!” Nearly boomed Ember. Twilight recoiled, a bit more frightened now at Ember’s anger. Ember vented a bit, heavily before taking a deep, heavy breath and releasing it. “Forgive me Twilight, I… shouldn’t have gone off that way.”

Gaining back some of her lost composure, Twilight gave a sympathetic nod.

“I understand Ember, losing ones egg, especially if stolen by another is terrible.”

Ember shook her head.

“Not just that. Imagine that your egg is missing or taken, something that is so precious to you that it breaks your heart. Now imagine that the thing that is missing is sold around, because something as precious as an egg is worth Lords know how much in a pony market.”

“Did you…”

“My Grand Dam,” she said softly. “My mother’s lost sibling. She would tell me how much her mother grieved, how she cried, how my Grand Sire would roar for days on end in anger, shaking the ground, destroying any and anything pony related. He spent the better part of half a century looking for his egg. He threatened to even destroy multiple pony villages if the egg was not found. It was almost never found and the last traces of it had been around the Badlands with broken eggshells. After that, my Grand Sire and Grand Dam settled with my mother, their only child.” she paused. She didn’t cry but the deep inhale showed that she held it in well.
“I don’t blame you or all of your kind for stealing the egg. Yeah we know ponies have weird fascinations or are as greedy as any dragon but its still…”
“Horrible. Unforgivable.” she answered softly. “I am sorry Ember. I really am.” She paused. “Though there is no way that Spike’s egg was taken. If it was worth something, it wouldn’t be put as an entrance exam test.”
“Maybe your princess had found and decide to see if a pony could hatch it. Or maybe she took it from those who stole it.”
Twilight gave a shrug.
“I am not sure. Though… how long do dragon eggs last?”
“A dragon egg is as tough as a rock, but certain things can make it hatch. Surrounded by food, like gems, near volcano heat or their mother’s heat, or magic. Just like you did. Otherwise, they will last for centuries, in which case the egg does become a rock permanently with the hatchling inside forever trapped.”
“So Spike’s egg was not around for that long then.”
“Meaning that when the egg was… found, the mother had either died or it was removed from the nest. No Dragoness abandons her eggs unless the shell is rotten and the hatchling has no way of surviving after being laid or she no longer wishes to care for them. In which case, there is a rule that if any dragoness wants to give up their eggs, they may to another dragoness and be their foster family.”
“Wait…” interrupted Twilight. “So, if the mother doesn't want to care for them, she can have another watch over them or give them to another to take care of them?”
Ember nodded. Twilight then continued.
“So, what the dragoness, the mother of Spike, didn’t want his egg and left him?”
Ember gave a small huff of flame.
“A Dragoness abandoning her egg without another dragon taking care of them or knowing of it dosen’t deserve to be a mother again, let alone be around our kind. To leave your egg is just leave your heart behind. To be cold blooded if not be a monster.”
Twilight knew Ember was getting angry again, though she knew that it might take her mind off ease if she could guess how Spike’s egg came to be.
“What if… what if Spike’s mother tried to find some other dragon to take care of the egg and couldn’t? What if she went to leave for a bit, only to never come back for them? Something could have happen to her.”
At this, Ember relaxed a bit more though she slumped a bit at thinking of something so sad.
“That is… a possibility. A saddening one at that. Poor Spike, never knowing who his mother was.”
Twilight quickly leaned in.
“Yes it is sad. But think of it this way, if his egg was never found, I never would have hatched it and he wouldn’t have made you the way you are now. If not for me, the Princess and all of us, Spike would have never changed you, you might not even have been dragon lord.”
Ember took some comfort in knowing that, while he might not know of his origin, he was still raised in a foster family and that he had a good life.
Feeling a bit more cheerful, Ember knew that maybe, it was for the best, though she put it in the back of her mind to do anything and everything in her power to find Spike’s family. She owed him everything if not more. For giving her the Bloodstone, to becoming her consort, to being her friend. He was her guidance, her savior and her hope and now, she will be his.

The afternoon would carry on as the two would continue on their conversations of dragons and the ever approaching day where Spike would be leaving home soon.

A Night with a Lord

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(Sorry for delay! Explained at the bottom! Also no edit ><)

The Dragon Lord's Consort

Nights with a Lord

Lunch was over and soon the evening was fast approaching. The two Royalty had talked through the hours, going from talking about dragons to talking about Pony life, to other nonsense.

Amethyst had been mindlessly wondering around the castle, finding some new room with something intriguing or something utterly confusing that didn't stop her curiosity. She did however end up lost in the castle(not sure how since the castle looked a lot smaller on the outside) and ended up walking to an empty room or had weird pony stuff land on her head. Wooden poles, a silver bucket and a pole with some kind of wool at the end. Still, everything was intriguing in some odd way or another and it helped ease her mind off a certain dragon.

Speaking of said dragon, she knew that he was off causing more trouble or something. He couldn't last long in that room by himself, especially the way he is.

Garble was in fact still in the room, though he had gotten so bored that he had dozed off in the couch, which was comfortable enough for him to lie on. The dragon was snoring loudly and he had already finished his meal that was prepared for him, leaving Amethyst's for her. Spike in the mean time was clearing up we could in the kitchen, humming a gentle tune as he worked around to organizing everything.

With the night approaching so fast, every minute tugged and pulled at Ember's heart as her father's words echoed. The dreading of having to bring Spike back home to save her live and his.

'Lie to him if you have to, make a story up or telling him something about why he must return to be your consort or mate but, you must do it soon. For both of your sakes.'

Oh, why did she have to be so stupid! Why couldn't she have told Spike the truth? Would he have said no? Would his family and friends tried to have stop her from doing so? Even if his life was on the line or knowing that his life was on the line, would they allow it? No, they wouldn't and she knew it too because if they would come help him on the dragon quest then they surely would accompany him here too. Yet, she knew that no ponies have stepped past the borderlines for almost a millennium. The princesses themselves, from what her father had told her, was that as long as they honored their agreement; The dragons can fly past Equestria to their home during the Migration and the Princesses would not allow any dragon hunting or ponies interrupting the flight, then they could be at peace.

Now, she wasn't sure what they will do.

Twilight had left to go take care of some 'Princess duties' outside the castle, leaving her guards and Spike with the castle. She hoped that whatever they were doing, it didn't involve trouble.

It didn't take long however to find both guards. One was dead asleep(Thank Draco!) and the other…. Was somewhat disturbed that she was found so quickly when she couldn't find her way around.

“… and so I found this odd weirdly shaped white bowl, near the floor. Odd little thing for a place to drink water out of. So small I could barely fit my muzzle. I mean, how do ponies even drink from that? Let alone… why would they need something like that low to the ground?”

Ember just gave a shrug.

“I am new to this pony culture as you are. But from the sounds of it, they may have customs that are foreign to us. Either way, we won't be here long enough to study them… though you may ask if you can take some stuff home.”

The thought of it got Amethyst excited. Ember took note that despite being raised by Dragons and their ways, Amethyst was the only dragon she knew of, besides herself, that had some interests in Pony Culture. Maybe Spike was right. Some decent exposure to them had better impacts on her Kin. Maybe it might have a better impact for the future.

Twilight had assigned the three of them their own rooms where they could lie down and sleep for the night. The beds were all small for her guards, albeit that they some how fell asleep as soon as they landed on them. Garble couldn't help but be annoyed that these beds were a lot softer than any rock he has slept on or any pillow or pile he owns. Amethyst was ecstatic about the fully bed. She lied her head down for a few moments… before falling asleep seconds later because of the comfortably cushions.

Ember had waited for them to go to sleep before she headed off to her space. Indeed, Twilight had many rooms, but some where better than others. Ember' room was the same as the others but features a small balcony in which she can stand out of. What made it more wonderful was the fact that she had the overview of Ponyville at night. There was a lot less activity at night, so from the view, she only made out the few Night Lights that occupied the ways and a stray of pony here and there. From here, she also see the castle in the distance, high in the mountains where despite the distance, had a gentle glow of lights.

A knock on her door quickly brought her out of the view.

“Yes?” she called out.

The door opened to reveal the small form of Spike.

“Uh… Hi Ember.”

“Oh, Good Evening Spike. What brings you here?”

He twiddled with his claws.

“Uh, I just wanted to see if everything is alright here?” he paused. “Can I come in?”

Ember cocked her head to the side.

“I see why not? This is your home.”

“Yeah but uh… a door usually means privacy and you always knock to enter someones room.”

The concept was sound yet, she she still wouldn't have cared.

She shrugged.

“As I said this is your home however, I understand your kindness, Spike. Yes, you may come in.”

He eagerly walked in, gently closing the door before approaching her at the balcony. She then turned her head back to the outside, seeing the moon high set over the lands.

“Its a nice night, isn't?” Spike asked, coming to her side and enjoying the view with her.

“It is.” she said softly. “The Dragon Lands have no wonders like this for near miles on end. Just a wasteland and mountains.”

Spike nodded.

“Yeah, you don't get a view much like this anywhere really. Can't say that the Dragon Lands have a view like this anywhere...” Ember turned her head to him. He quickly responded with a nervous smile. “T-That is to say that the Dragon Lands aren't all bad! Hehe!” If he could sweat, he would be sweating bullets by now.

Ember looked at her fellow dragon before agreeing with him.

“Indeed Spike, its not all bad… but it could be better. I wish it was.” She refocused back towards the land. “The food we hunt for is far, in places like this but the closer to the Dragon Lands we are, the less we see of this. That is why fish and small mammals are only available but gems are plentiful.”

“And you already have experiences with our kin.”

Spike nodded but didn't speak. He looked up at her and for the first time since he has met her, she was a different pon… err dragon. He could even say she looks different. Something in his mind tugged to say that she was 'beautiful', 'stunning' even. His crush over Rarity has faded and albeit he may never get another chance for it to come across it, the moon and night did cast a wonderful light over her. Her scales seemed to shine in the pale moonlight, the light seeming to bring out her eyes, the colors of living flame and more.

She caught his gaze in the corner of her eyes and realized the affection that was radiating off him. It begged the question, was this his true intent or was this part of the Bloodstone? It could give command over Dragons, it could wield great power if used correctly or destroy if not properly handled. Her father's words echoing over and over in her mind.

'We are bonded, the moment we held the scepter. We must remain together or the power will consume us.' She repeated it over and over again, yet it still made no sense. Because they were bonded, did he care for her on his own or was it the power within? No… it couldn't be, he cared for her before she and he held the Scepter. But was its power suddenly giving him more an affection towards her?

“Spike?” she spoke, turning towards him. He blinked, almost breaking away from his trance.

“Uh yeah?”

She paused, inhaling softly before looking her eyes to his.

“Why did you choose me over your family? When I asked of you to come, you did seem hesitant yet, right after you easily wanted to come after. Surely you wouldn't have difficulty leaving your family, your most cherished items here, your life! Here, for me?”

Spike didn't know where she was getting at. Sure, he would be leaving all that but, he would come back… someday?

“Well… I know you said I won't come back soon, but I know I'll come back... right?”

'When the power lets us, yes. When I have successfully established my rule with you by my side, yes. When…. When you stop hating me… for the pain that may come… I hope so.'

“I don't wish to keep you from your family forever,” she spoke truthfully. “I just want to… make sure that you know what your in for when you come with me. I honestly want to know… if I am worth all this to you?” She paused then quickly responded before he did. “Before the mid day of tomorrow, I ask that you truly think what you are doing. I am a stranger to you, a friend perhaps, but still a stranger. I asked you to do this because I knew you not very long nor did I knew how much of a life you had here. When Twilight spoke of your upbringing, I had a revelation that you had been raised by ponies, not just as a pony or a friend but as a family member. Twilight sees you as a brother while others see it as a great friend.

I cannot say I fully understand pony culture but I can see that your life here has meaning. What you may not realize or fully understand is that despite what you saw in the dragon lands, family means everything. My father, the odd and sometimes idiotic brute that he is, is one of the most caring dragons around. Hence why he didn't want me to participate in the challenge.” she paused, as a flash of memory came. “My mother was just a bit more kinder than my father, if not, one of the most kind dragoness in the lands. Most mothers are but my mother… she tended to be softer than others. She in fact would give some gems from our large piles to new born hatchlings. It irked my father to no end but in the end, he would always tell me that is why he loved her. Her heart was always bigger than any dragon could hold.”

“Was?” he asked.

She paused.

“My mother is in the the 'Great Sleep'. She has been for the near decade. My father has her resting in another mountain where she could be at rest. I haven't see her since a little after I hatched from my egg.”

“Oh.” He didn't know if a deep sleep was great but from what he could gather from his past, was the dragons tended to have long sleeps. Anywhere between a year to a thousand years! Ember's mother probably won't wake anytime soon. “Do all dragons go through that?”

Ember shook her head.

“My father has not taken a 'Great Sleep' for he is… was Dragon Lord for a millennium. Others do not because they have found something in their life to keep them from sleeping or they are afraid to sleep forever.”

“Will he?”

Ember shrugged.

“Most likely. Though he might do so and lie with mother next to her since I am Dragon Lord now.”

“And is it because of your mother, that you are not as cruel or… you know, like Garble?”

A rare smile touched her muzzle and she looked towards the landscape.

“I would like to think that if my mother where awake now, I would very much be like her. Still as brash as my father but… maybe a bit more loving.” she turned her attention back towards him. “I think she would have liked you. Your kind nature might have warmed up her heart. I know it did mine.”

She hadn't realized what she said until it was to late yet, nonetheless, it was already spoken. Spike was blushing because she had something so praising on what he meant to her and she was blushing because she admitted how much Spike had really changed her.

An awkward silence had passed before Spike broke it with a sheepish response.

“I uh… your welcome Ember. I never knew I uh… warmed up your heart so much.”

Oh gods… that was too much, even for her! She couldn't blush any harder if she tried but Spike was bringing a true warmth to her heart this second. Any more from him and…

“I just hope I am a good enough consort for you so that you stay this way. I uh, really… really like you like this Ember.”

The fire in her chest was hot, her heart of hearts was beating miles a minute and the fact that it was coming from a single drake, let alone one whom was raised as a pony! She was giving her a genuine feeling of affection that is so rare amongst their kind that it she wasn't sure how to properly respond. So, she responded improperly…

She quickly leaned down, gently grabbing Spikes head with her claws and blew a quick blue flame at him that almost cascaded quickly over his snout.

Spike jumped back at the sudden action, both in surprise and shock. The action was quick and lasted less than a second yet it wasn't threatening. In fact, when Ember pulled back she looked more embarrassed and scarred then menacing.

“What was that?” he asked, a bit astounded. He rubbed his snout where the flame had passed.

“Sorry! Sorry!” She quickly apologized turning away from him. “I didn't know that I would do that! I was just… unprepared by your words and you just made me so...”

“Ember!” he called out to her, quickly placing his claws on her arms. “I'm not mad or anything. I just… do not understand. Why did you blow fire in my face?”

Calming her self a bit, she inhaled and exhaled to slow her breathing.

“Forgive me Spike. I quickly forget that you still don't understand all the Dragon customs yet. For what I did though, it was something personal and only dragons that have affections for one another do.” She paused. “Surely ponies have something like that?”

“Well uh yeah… they do. It's called a 'kiss'.” he paused. “Though I guess since dragons don't really have lips, blowing fire onto ones face is close to a kiss then.”

“I am not sure I understand this 'kiss' of which you speak of but, as I said, those whom show affection for one another, they blow a gentle flame across another's muzzle. 'Kindle Touch' is what we call it or just 'Kindling'.”

Unlike a normal flame to the face, Spike actually felt the warmth on it. Not like the actual flame warmth but like a warmth that you would give someone a hug to or a gentle touch of their hoof or claw on your face. It sent a nice gentle shiver or feeling down your body, knowing you were receiving it. He remembered when he was younger, Twilight or Celestia or even Rarity would kiss him on the head 'Good Night' and that was always something he deeply enjoyed. Despite not being to fully feel the 'kiss' because of scales, he did like the feeling that warmth which came with it.

The flame on his face was was he felt right now with Ember. He felt that wonderful gentle warmth that one gets from someone they care for and that 'Kindle Touch' from Ember truly meant something.

“I kinda like it.” he said, still a bit shyly though he kept his gaze on her. “I am glad you uh… like me that much, Ember.”

She gave a sheepish smile.

“I didn't know I was going to do that Spike. It was spontaneous… but I don't regret it fully.”

Both still a bit embarrassed by the situation, Spike stuttered out. “Can...can I have another one?”

Ember looked a him, clearly not used to the idea of 'Kindle Touch' but he did seem to like it. And she liked him a lot. She nodded and gently leaned back down. Her eyes met his and parting her snout a bit, she gently blew a gentle stream of blue flame towards his face. Unlike regular fire, the fire moved almost like a gentle breeze blowing away at a dandelion. It flew at his snout before flowing over and around it, passing the warmth around his head. He closed his eyes embracing the warmth, letting that wonderful feeling pass over him. A tingling feeling ran down his spines, bristling as she continued her gentle 'Kindling' before she stopped at the flames disappeared.

He reopened his eyes and gazed back at her. Never have her features looked more defining then up close.

“Wow…' Was all that left his mouth.

Ember grew a smile and stood upright once more.

“Did you enjoy that?”

He nodded but didn't say anything. He was too… into it that he didn't know what to say.

“Well as did I Spike. Maybe one day, we both may...” she paused.

He broke out of his trance when she stopped speaking.

“Both may what?”

She shook her head.

“I don't wish to rush you Spike, I truly do not wish to. Whether you agree to be my 'Consort' remains to be seen but I don't wish for you to feel obligated to return the feelings. I know I care for you and you clearly care for me, but I am not sure how far we are willing to go for one another. We may be together but I am not sure we would share a lover's affection for one another. After all this brought upon you, I didn't know you would retain something for me.”

Spike could hear the doubt and worry in her voice but most of all, he could 'feel' the sadness coming from her. He reached over his claw with hers, gently grasping it.

“Ember, I know we don't know each other for very long but you are my friend and I want to be able to help you with whatever it is I need to do. Maybe I won't be able to return your feelings but I know that I will try to be there for you as much as I can. I mean, I am still considered a baby dragon but I can do things for myself like any adult can do. We can still give it a try later and see how it might work out after this. But for right now, I do want to be with you. Maybe not in the sense you want me to be but I do care for you Ember.”

His words filled her heart with joy but her mind ravished with the lingering thought that maybe the Scepter was at play here. Maybe his feelings were true, maybe not but so far, her heart flourished with the thought that she might finally meet some drake worth her heart. That he maybe worth her heart of hearts and her soul, that she was going to be a happy dragoness in the end. She dared to hope that this would be the case… but she felt that might never be true. For when they return to the Dragon Lands, the truth would be revealed and she would not only loose him but die a lonely death.

Doing her best not to show her true emotions, she couldn't find anything to say, so she grabbed him for a hug instead. Something he showed her as being affectionate. Maybe she didn't want to 'Kindle' him again for it was to much of an affection but this was just as good for her. Spike returned the hug, noting that the warmth returned to his face.

Time seemed endless for them at the moment and in truth, neither wanted to separate, but a soft yawn left Spike's mouth. He pulled away, rubbing his eyes as he did.

“Sorry Ember, I guess it has been a long day.”

She nodded in understanding.

“That it has. Tomorrow… maybe even more so. I wish you to rest well, to sleep tight and to be ready for it.”

He nodded sleepily.

“Thank you Ember.”

She shook her head.

“Thank you Spike. For inviting me in your home, for listening to my quest… to doing this for our… my sake.” She nearly let it slip. Spike was to tired to catch it on and nodded his head.

“Of course Ember, your my friend. Maybe next time we come back to Ponyville we can return as something else.” He waddled out of the room, closing the door behind him, leaving a shaky Ember. She inhaled, hearing his foot steps moving away from her door before she let out a hash exhale. She dropped to her knees, claws balled into fists and tears threatening to come from her eyes.

“Please Gods!” she whispered to herself. “Don't hate me! Please don't hate me!” she begged. Looking up at the stars, she begged to the skies, to any gods watching over her. To her mother, if she was watching over her. “Please! Don't let him hate me! Mother! I beg if you watch over me that he will stay! He has to!” Tears did come from her eyes and she sobbed softly. Exhaustion finally hit her as she made her way to bed, with her final words echoing out into the night.

“I don't want to die alone. I don't want to die afraid.”

A Future for a Lord

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Short chapter, no edit, sorry !!! :derpytongue2:

The Dragon Lord's Consort

A Future for the Lord

The day came. It was a beautiful day. The sun was out, the sky was cloudless, the ponies moved about as their day to day business was uninterrupted by outside forces. Bakeries lit up with the smells of fresh goods, shop doors opened and closed with jingles of arrivals, and the voices of the many filled the streets of Ponyville.

A group of ponies and dragons stood outside the Crystal Castle outside of the town where everything was not so bright and pretty. Spike stood in front of Ember and her guards while Twilight, Starlight and the rest stood before them. None of them looked to pleased by the situation nor were any of them objecting.

Twilight seemed the most distraught but she hadn't begged or cried for Spike to stay. She hadn't turned to her friends either to ask for their help. If anything, it seemed as though she had anticipated this day to come for years. When Spike would leave, when he would be amongst his kind once more and how he may or may not return to Equestria. Despite the reassurances from himself and Ember, she felt as though apart of her was being taken from her.

As for the others, they were in a mix of emotions that ran from sadness from one of their own leaving, to confusion as to why no pony was stopping him, to worry for when and if he might ever return. Pinkie was mostly distraught because she didn't even get to give him a 'Good Bye' party. The only explanation was 'Time was of the essence,' from Ember.

Twilight had received a scroll from Celestia, Luna along with Cadance and Shining Armor wishing to say their 'Good Byes but having important businesses to take care of.' Spike was no surprised by this… It was just enough to be intimidated by one royal from each side, to have four on one side seeing one of their own leaving, would leave a lasting impression. Still, the lack of his friends questioning his motives and choices left a sour taste in his mouth.

Had they all anticipated this? Was it something that they knew might happen or was it something that they could not control? The first time he went on his own was to find out what it meant to be a dragon. They made sure he was safe but that only met with the end results of him hating what his kind was. When the Call for the Gauntlet of Fire was sent, he had no choice but to obey if he wished to stop whatever it was that made him glow and itch. All his friends made sure that his choices were sound and just, just like he did on so many occasions that either helped them in the end or saved the lives of many, they stood by him.

But the question still remained as to why they are letting him easily go without a fight? Perhaps when he was a decade or two that they knew he would leave to become what he was meant to. Perhaps he would have returned regardless. Here however, the assurances seemed vague. Ember and himself said that he would return but… how long would it be until he returned? Weeks? Months? … Years?

Ember hadn't responded when he asked but that was between them. Still, he wanted to stick by her and made sure that as her future consort, he would help her in any way possible. A potential future between the two could end up as either Platonic or Romantic but none of them knew for sure. He wasn't even sure what he was going to do to prove her father or any other dragon. He may not be sure of how to prove it to them, but it didn't matter because all that really mattered was how he could show to her what kind of Dragon he could be for her. Her greatest ally and friend for life or a lover with a potential mate to secure her future.

Either way, he would stick by her.

“So… is this what you really want Spike?” asked Twilight in a somber tone. Her eyes looked saddened beyond believe and her words tugged at Spike's heart. The more he saw her and his friends, the more it pained him. Yet, he knew in his heart. His hearts of heart, from what Ember called it, that he would… no should stick by her. He had almost two decades with Twilight and maybe a few years with his new found friends, but to him it felt like a lifetime if not more since he was with them all.

“I-I do, Twi. I really do. I know that I won't be around but I know I will visit the second I can get a chance.” He paused, looking back at Ember and gave her a small smile. “I feel like something inside of me… wants to help her, make sure she is… safe.”

Garble mentally snorted at the cheesy pun. Amethyst mentally sighed with adoration at his words. Ember's scales bristled at his praise but felt an inner turmoil stir.

He turned back towards them.

“I know it is not easy… I feel myself fighting it but at the same time, I want to go and really learn to be a dragon. Not just a greedy, selfish, mean dragon. If anything that Ember has spoken to me, is that not all dragons are bad. Some are good and others can be amazing. Maybe if… if I bring that Magic of Friendship to the Dragon Lands, I can teach what you and the girls taught so many other ponies and races throughout the lands.”

He turned his attention to the others. He walked up to each of them, standing before each one and acknowledging them.

“I can teach that kindness can come from the most humble of hearts or the simplest of gestures. That anyone can change for the better if you are just kind to them.”

Fluttershy sniffled but gave a strong smile towards him.

He moved towards Rainbow Dash. “I can show them what its like to be loyal towards the end. That if you can trust one another, you can always have their backs and be there when you need them.” Rainbow grinned and stuck out her hoof, he bumped his clawed fist to her.

Moving to Applejack, “Maybe when I get there, I can show them how honest a dragon can be by showing him that they can be around another dragon and not have their hoard stolen. Honesty can also be where they learn that you don't have to lie to be a better dragon or pony, just be yourself.” Applejack removed her hat, placing it on her chest, nodding towards him.

He moved to the bouncing Pinkie Pie. He laughed at her antics.

“You told me that laughter is the best medicine and maybe that is what the dragons need to be better. I can tell every crazy joke Pinkie has ever told me and maybe get a few dragons to laugh and spread around. Who knows? Maybe they may start their own comedy clubs.”

He then moved to Rarity, whom also had tears in her eyes but held her own smile. “And just like I am doing with Ember, I will teach them the value of Generosity. I will share my adventures to them, show them how much a simple act of giving can change a dragon's view on life and how giving a small piece of your heart can make any dragon your greatest friend.”

Rarity sniffled a bit more before reaching out and bringing him in for a hug. Ember watched the exchange, familiar with the concept but also seeing how it held more meaning to the pony than herself. It was a simple act the first time he did it to her but now as she got held by him before and seeing it done again to another, her hearts of heart flourished with his sense of a gesture most don’t think of. From the corner of her eyes, she could see that Garble wanted to gag and gave a quick harsh glare not to say anything.

He saw it and didn't say a single word. But he did turn away from the immature acts before him. He did however notice that Amethyst seemed to be enjoying all this lovey dovey pony business though. Damn dragoness was actually affectionate towards the displays before them. Her curious nature for the ponies always made him question her sanity. Turning towards Spike whom was speaking to purple one… without wings, he talked to her about what she taught him.

Ember saw Spike's emotions getting the better of him. He was saying 'Goodbye' to his family, his friends… all of them… for her. It pained her heart to no end and the fact that it was her heart and his on the line that made it worse. For when the day comes when the truth is revealed, it might kill her one way or another.

The heartbreak that she will endure and/or if he left when he finds out. Being near him for a little while might extend their lives but not by much.

A flashback of Spike willingly giving her the Scepter… she wondered if it would have been easier if he kept it instead of her. Her father would have told him the responsibilities but what it still somehow impact her?

Twilight had enough. She broke down and grabbed Spike with her magic. Spike didn't have time to react before he was brought into an unbreakable hug. The others also broke down and tighten the hug by including themselves in it. The tears and cries from the ponies continued to tug at Ember's heart. Amethyst cooed and adored the affection towards the ponies. It took all of Garble's will not to be physically ill.

What will be remembered this day for those around? Spike saying 'Good Bye' to his family for now? Twilight feeling a piece of her will be missing for awhile? The loss of a friend to a group of friends? The feeling of a heart breaking as Ember tore a family apart? A stubborn male suddenly feeling a small pity as he had never been embraced by anyone in his life? The sun was bright, the ponies moved on without a care in the world, and the warm breeze that came as the group separated.

“Its not 'Good Bye' forever,” he said, whipping away his tears with a giant smile. “It's just 'Good Bye' for now.” Pinkie began bawling loudly, literal fountains of tears came from her eyes. Fluttershy comforted her as best as possible. Each of his friend gave an accepting nod towards him, knowing fully well what it meant.

Twilight turned to him, her eyes still streaming with tears but she held a steady smile towards him. A final hug was given.

“I love you Spike. I love you, so much...”

Sniffing, he hugged her back tightly. “I love you too, sis. But I promise you, I’ll be be back. Who knows, maybe as her consort, I can send you any new knowledge I learn and if they have any, books.”

She laughed at the that, hugging tighter before letting go and staring at him.

“That would be so great Spike. Just… keep in touch every chance you get.” She paused and then quickly turned to Starlight whom quickly came over. With a flash of her horn, she conjured a pack which looked to be filled with various items.

“I know that I want you to send me as much as you can on info but these are different types of letters.”

“What do you mean?”

She pulled out a scroll and conjured a second one.

“Starlight and I created this overnight and hoped that it would come in hoofy. We took a 'literal page' out of Sunset Shimmer's book and modified it so that if you want to keep in touch on anything you can do it a lot faster than sending a letter to me.”

She wrote a quick few words on the first page. She then handed it to Spike.

'See you soon,' it said. He then turned to her.

“Go ahead and send a small flame on the letters.”

He looked at the scroll before giving a small burst of flame on the paper. The words disappeared and the second scroll instantly filled with the same words.

“Instant messaging.” quoted Twilight.

“Cool!” Spike said enthusiastically. “So now, we can keep touch on a day to day bases!”

Twilight gave a nod and Starlight pulled in closer.

“It does however have limited space so you wont be able to write for very long. Also we did enchant the scrolls to last for awhile but each breath of your fire will eventually weaken the scroll over time. We gave you a book's worth so those will last up to a few years if need be.”

Twilight flinched at the word 'years' and Spike saw her ears wilt a little.

He gave a strong smile to her and brought her in for one last hug.

“Thanks again Twi, for everything. I'll make sure to check in with you when I can.”

With a sniffle she hugged her baby brother once more, bringing him in close before kissing his forehead.

“I love you so much Spike. When you come back we will all be waiting for you.”

A single tear fell from Ember's eyes and she never in life regretted a decision more than now. Tearing a family from one another, despite the volunteering of one said family. What would he say or do when the truth came forth?

Spike slowly pulled away, bringing the bag over his back before making his way to Ember. He missed the tear she wiped away. He didn't see the quick change in her face from solemn and pain to a small sad smile. He did not know the fear that hides within her heart.

“You'll see them again.” She spoke. It was half true… but she knew not when. “And when you do, you'll still be you but… maybe better.” That was a lie.

Spike didn't see through it. He gave a hopeful nod before turning back to his friends. They all had their faces but he gave them the best smile he could muster.

“Are you ready?” she asked. She brought out her arm.

With a hard nod and a large smile on his face, he spoke, “I am.”

A single flap sent all three dragons into the air with Spike riding on Ember's back. The ponies below him waved their 'Good Byes' each crying their hearts out. Spike waved a tearful 'Good Bye' as well as the town below him grew smaller and smaller.

“Good Bye, Spike.” Twilight said softly. “Please come back the same way you left. I'll be here, we'll be here.” The tears that ran down her face never stopped but she knew that they will.

A short pomf was heard as Discord appeared.

“Oh Spikey! I am here for your going away party and I...” He stopped as he had appeared right behind the ponies that are viewing the the dragons departure. Their backs were towards him and he saw the three outlines of the dragons disappearing over the distance.

“Did I miss it? Darn, here I was hoping to get my few lines in here instead of a cameo in this story. Now I am just this story's Stan Lee rip off. Oh well, I guess I'll wait till the story focuses back on the ponies at some point.”

Home away, Not Far Away

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The Dragon Lord's Consort

Home Away, Not Far Away

Flash Back: One Week Prior

"As Dragon Lord, you must adhere to your responsibilities, you must seek a mate or a consort. You must bring him here by week's end, in which case if he dosen't, the process would already begin with the power of the scepter, coursing through your body which will begin to corrode and consume you from within. You and your mate must share that power, to continue your rule. Should you not, the powers will kill you both before your century is out. This is a heavy burden, that I had not wish upon you, my dear Ember. However, fate had other plans and you both have touched its power, now your destiny is entwined with his."

"But father, how can I get him here? He lives with ponies and they are his family to him. I cannot! I could never force him away from them!"

"Yes," he grumbled. "Family is important but know that there is sacrifice with it. There is more to a Dragon Lord then ruling. Rules were created for a reason and those involve finding a mate to bind with and share your power. The power that has consumed our ancestors is what had killed many of the great Elders off. The Power of the Bloodstone Scepter is to great for a single dragon alone.

"Is that why you have decided to set the Gauntlet of Fire?"

"My time was coming soon, my daughter. With your mother in the Great Sleep, the power is slowly consuming me. If I held onto it any longer, my death would be much more sooner. Giving it up is what has saved me from that early grave. With you now as Dragon Lord, you must share its power. Find that dragon whom you have shared it with, bring him here and claim him as your mate or as a consort but he must be by your side."

"I just earned his friendship father! I just earned my only friend's trust. How can I tell him he must be with me forever?"

Lie to him if you must, my dear daughter. Make a story up, tell him why he needs to be here but you must do it soon.”

"I-I'll try-y father!

"Please do, Ember, for both of your sakes!"


That was the reason he was coming with her. That was the real reason he would be bringing Spike to the Dragon lands. Yes, she wanted him as a consort or even a mate. Yes, she needed to be bonded with him so she could rule. And yes, she wanted him for his care and support but that was all half truths, not the whole reason.

The bond between the Scepter and the Dragon was too strong for a single dragon to handle. Because, not only is the Scepter responsible for calling to all dragons across the lands. Its to call dragons across the world, dragons whom are as intelligent as ponies or whom were as dumb as the rocks they sleep on. Its to hold the power of past Dragon Lords of millenniums before her time. The Scepter was more than just a staff, it was link into the past, a power in which contains the blood of Draco.

Draco, the first dragon. The First Dragon Lord, The first Dragon who created all Dragons. His blood lied within the Bloodstone Scepter and it was his blood that controlled dragons from all around. Not only for dragons but it is said that its the Bloodstone that holds the key to powers beyond dragons. To turn dormant volcanoes into violent eruptions with a simple tap to the mountain. It could raise waves of fire from a single spark of a dragon's flame. It is all that power and more.

And it must be shared with another. Lifemates, consorts or even among others with relationships that involve 3 or more. What her father once called a Dragon's Living Hoard. There were other terms such as 'Packs' 'Cluster' 'Clutch'(if they were young aged dragons) and such but the word 'Hoard' had carried meaning. Whether it meant a dragon's collection of jewels, gems, inanimate objects and such or, a group of dragon living with one another as mates or consorts but they belonged to or where under the 'belt' of their Lord or Mistress.

Few of those remain in the valley. The dragons that do live like that often leave normal dragon society to take care of their own in distant lands so other dragons can't claim dragon's Hoard, both living and inanimate.

Yet, Ember has no need for multiple mates, nor giant hoards or living hoard, she just wants someone to care for her. As a friend, as a consort or maybe as even a mate. For the worth and trials she has endured no drake has ever tried to court her, nor had she developed a single… somewhat coherent string with another dragon. Either to afraid to approach the daughter of the current Dragon Lord, or that she was to high proper from other dragons or just that she was just another dragon among dragons. Either way, she had hoped that the dragon that was flying on her back was her hope for it all.

The dragons of four flew towards destination and near high speeds. Spike was enjoying himself, much to Garble's chagrin, Amethysts new love for the little guy and Ember's humor. Spike had no knowledge of free based flight. He was young but what picked Ember's interests on him was the lack of wings. Despite his young nature, he should have already sprouted wings. She could already assume he was younger than her but not by much. Give or take, a decade or less spanned between them.

'Probably the lack of greed in his life being surrounded by the ponies, he hadn't even hit his first growth spurt,' thought Ember. Her thoughts then mused to other issues Spike was currently facing. Not of to his knowledge however. Lack of wings, growth spurts and from what Twilight has told her about Spike's earlier uprising to now, lack of proper nutrients. Part of growing was eating properly and gems and jewels can only go so far. He needed something more, he needed something hardy, he needed...

"GAME!!!" came a loud roar from Garble. Ember was startled, nearly knocking Spike over. Crying out, he quickly grabbed onto Ember's waste under her wings. With a grunt, she steadied herself and gave a somewhat catious look to Spike but quickly focused a glare on Garble as he had dropped down below at high speeds.

She watched as he dived towards the ground, going an deer. The deer heard the dragon and made a dash to get away.

"What is he doing?" asked Spike, trying to regain some composure on Ember's back. His claws were on her waist and a small tingling feeling came to her. A bit flushed towards his mistake she quickly reassured him.

"He is going for a hunt, I supposed, though he shouldn't have yelled it out and said something!" she yelled out to the dragon, whom probably never heard her.

Spike watched as Garble began to chase a deer through the forest. It still unnerved him that dragons ate meat, never once trying it. Ember caught his worry and quickly flew down to a clearing. Jumping from her back, he twiddled his claws and began walking away from her. Ember turned to Amethyst, signaling for her to watch Garble. A quick nod and she took off after the troubling drake.

Ember meanwhile turned to Spike whom seemed worried about Garble or rather the hunt.

Does it disturb you that much?" she asked.

Spike knew that Ember's and his own viewpoints varied by the way they were raised. She was raised to be greedy, strong, almost ruthless to a point and now, must established that she is fit to be Dragon Lord.

Ember understood that as an Egg, Spike was given to Twilight for an exam to pass. She magically forced Spike's egg to hatch and for him to be born. It was then the their Princess entrusted her with taking care of the young baby dragon. From then until now, she raised Spike to be almost pony kin, with their habits, their food, their society and so on. He endured and never once, up until the time of his journey to the dragon lands twice, had he really explored his dragon heritage.

He sighed, giving a shrug in which he shook his head before turning to her.

"In my haste to do this for you," he began. "I forgot how much I have to adapt to become a dragon. More so."

A tight feeling wrangled in Ember's chest. She approached the young drake, getting close to him.

"Do you regret your decision?"

The quietness that followed was unnerving for both parties but Spike quickly shook his head.

"No, I don't Ember. But, I regret not knowing whom I am, where I come from and how much of a difference between you and I and every other dragon out there. If I am going to be your consort, I can't imagine what the trials I have to do or prove to other dragons gonna be like but I just hope that I won't embarrass you or make you regret your decision on me."

"Regardless of the circumstances of how these trials work or the outcome, my choice of you being my consort will never waver. Your heart is bigger than most dragons out here and because of how you were raised by your pony family, you are generally smarter as well"

"Not much else?" he asked a bit gloomily.

"Not much else is needed from you Spike. Your bravery has saved an Empire, your courage allowed you to push through the Gauntlet of Fire, your heart has allowed you to push the boundaries between ponies and dragon alike. Physically wise, you still have yet to reach your potential and maybe it may be soon where it kicks in."

She placed a clawed hand on him and she leaned down a bit.

"You're still young, just as I told you. You are younger than me and I am the youngest of most of the dragons in the valley. Short of what me and you are, we have done more than any dragon in history. We are the youngest dragons to go for the Scepter and accomplish it. My father didn't want me to go because of my age, however he still didn't want his only daughter to enter a challenge that could potentially kill her. You entered because when you realized that there was potential for the possible destruction for Pony society, you selflessly risked your life to do so."

She then gave a gentle ˜kindle kiss' across his cheek. That instantly did the trick as it lifted Spike from his mood and he stared at amazement at her. The wonderful smile that he saw on her, brought a smile to him and a elegant warm feeling up his spines. Just like the first time.

Oh, how he wanted to badly lean in and...
"Awwww! You both are so cute!" squeaked the voice to a familiar dragoness.

Both snapped out of their stupor and turned their heads towards Amethyst whom had the face of total adoration for the two dragons.

Ember stood back, seemed a bit angry at being bothered, though her cheeks still carried a hint of red while Spike was full on blushing but was still pleased that he had received the 'kindle' from Ember.

Ember turned to Amethyst.

"Is Garble still preoccupied or is he satisfied by our sudden divergence?" she half growled.
Out of the bushes, Garble came in with a piece of a deer still in his mouth while holding the leg of it, still being chewed on. Spike wretched a bit at seeing the gore.

"Imf heer!" he growled, still gnawing on the food in his mouth. He then swallowed. "Don't get your tail in a knot."

Ember growled at him and wanted to teach the dragon idiot a lesson, but it was Amethyst whom quickly chimed.

"I know you want to rip him apart for his sudden appetite here, Lord Ember but I think we kinda pressed for time."

As much as she hated to admit it, they are really pressed on time and it pained her not to smack Garble for it. She snorted and turned to Spike, motioning him to return to her. "The second we get back, we can deal with your... divergent course on suppressed time later!"

Garble took a final chunk of his meat from the leg, swallowing it whole before tossing the bone away. "Whatever". With a snort he took off with a single flap of his wings. Amethyst soon followed. Ember motioned for Spike to climb on her back however, she saw that his gaze was towards the area where Garble had discarded the bone and where as he had killed the deer.

His face carried fear but with that fear came a reeking sadness that echoed in his features and his voice. He then cast his gaze to Ember.

"If I turn like that would I ever be able to return home?"

Ember knew they were worlds apart, but she knew that he was so full of heart, so full passion and caring that it truly overwhelmed her emotions for him. She knew that his love for all life was grand, his love for his friends and family was pure and that he would never turn dark unless otherwise manipulated into it. Even then, she believed his heart was too big to corrupt.
Unexpectedly, she reached in and around him for a hug, something neither of them prepped for but it was welcomed.

"You will never turn like that. I won't let you."

With a sniff, he hugged her tightly.

"How can you be sure?"

A deep rumble came from her breast and he felt even more warmed than usual come from them both. It was almost magical, a transfer of energy.

"Because if you can teach me the value of friendship and even companionship, then I can teach you how to be a dragon. A dragon whom can remain strong, a dragon who can hold power and more, but can still care for the ones he cared for.” She then leaned out and gave him a warm smile. That is also a promise."

The warmth was overwhelming once more but neither of them complained.

Overhead, they heard the dragons circling around.

"Come on, we have to get going." With a nod, a stronger vigor than before and a joy he could not express he climbed onto her his consorts back. A few beats of her wings and both were airborne. The three dragons gained altitude near mountain peaks before heading east, where Spike's destiny and Ember';s future lied ahead.

The Struggle of the Consort

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The Dragon Lord's Consort

The Struggle of the Consort

The dry heat from outlands hit him before he saw it but it was still a nice feeling. Not like the nice feeling of Ember's Kindle but the feeling of heat that was in the air that automatically made it feel like he felt warmth from everywhere.

Though the smell was something else. He knew it smelled like sulfur, dried earth, hot air and musk of dragon. He didn't pay attention to it before or rather he left it in the back of his mind but the feeling was so odd but not bad. Was it instinctual or something that came to him now that he was used to being around dragons?

What did come next, was something he always found terrifying and despite being here a lot of times now, he still wasn't fully sure how to proceed and that was the huge, gigantic dragons that surrounded the area. Yes, the teen dragons all scattered here and there but the majority of them where in their own areas and what not. The adults however roamed the skies, being larger than most clouds. Those that didn't fly where taking huge chunks of land with their giant bodies.

Being home, the three dragons seemed almost at eased here with their arrival and Spike felt that Ember loosen a bit. It showed too for when her guards broke off formation to fly off to do their own things, Ember didn't bother to comment or yell for Garble to stick around for his punishment.

Instead, she made her way to a large part of the mountain where he assumed she was living in. It was a large mountain, probably for some drake that was very huge. (He mentally slapped himself as he realized that Ember's father was former Dragon Lord so it would make sense that he would live inside of a large mountain.) However, it would make much more sense that eventually, she might grow into a large dragon herself and need the space for the next millennium or so. How long did Dragon Lords reign? He would have to ask that when given the chance.

Ember flew eagerly towards her home, making her way to an opening on the side. Large enough for most dragons to fit through, leaving a large gap to fly in with plenty of room space. There was some turns here and there, having Ember bank left and right. Spike held onto her with her might, but he knew he was safe with her, he felt like he was completely save with her.

The tunnel ended with Spike and Ember entering a giant chamber in the center of the mountain. In awe, he saw that it was almost hallow. They landed right after the entrance where Spike slowly got off Ember's back and took in his surroundings. The chamber however was decorated to suite the needs of your daily dragon however. Off to the side of the chamber was a large mountain of pony made pillows. How they were acquired by dragon claws, he would have to ask that later. In the near center, was a large lava pool where a few dragon could safely lay in or bathe in. What made it interesting was that it seemed to pull in lava but a small river lead any excess off to the mountain. Not far from it was a small water fountain,(Again, how it got there was just added to the pile of questions in which to ask.) Lastly, there was a separate room where Spike saw a hoard, assumingly it belonged to Ember. It was a large hoard too, so maybe it came with being a Dragon Lord?

His gaze turned to Ember whom seemed eager to hear his response of her home, or in this case, their home. What was not this morning that he was sleeping at home where he had luxuries that most ponies took for granted, what most ponies didn't realize where grand luxuries and what was something not really required on a daily bases.

He wanted to actually say that what he had here didn't really lack much other than his usual stuff. His books in which to read, including his comics, and his necessities for a daily routine in life. Toothbrushes, claw-filers, a warm hot shower facilities, regular facilities, and more. Yet, he knew that his choice would lead to a different life, a different future, but he knew that as of now, he would carry on this choice with the person he cared for.

"It looks amazing here, Ember." His response was genuine, and Ember let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She gave a pleased smile and felt satisfied with his response. "Its not home but maybe, you can help me make it home."

With a satisfied nod, Ember embraced him, hugging the little drake tightly.

"I will try my best for you, I truly will and I hope that maybe in the future, you can accept it as a home." She thought of his family and quickly issued in, "Maybe this could be a second home."

Spike hugged back and once more felt a warmth wash over him unlike any other hug before. It was as if her heart, her care, her very soul was being poured into him. So wonderful, so full of care that it was magical.

The power is transferring, he is accepting it. Maybe it will be enough for me, she thought. I just hope that he will accept me after the truth is revealed.

When they separated, something sparked inside of Spike, making him growl a bit. It wasn't a particularly loud growl but it was more of an internal one, something both parties pulled back from one another. To Spike, it felt like a burp he withheld in himself, but to Ember, it was a sign of a change within Spike, something that she may have caused.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I don't know what that was." He seemed confused and a bit embarrassed but nothing that spoke alarm. Ember however saw a difference, a change in him and she wasn't sure how much of it really showed but it was so subtle that if no drake had really paid much attention to him before, they would pass him off just as before. Ember however, kept every detail about him to mind and heart. She would need to keep everything about him in mind in order for him to be more comfortable here.

The change was minor, small to a point but she witness it happen in front of her. His slits had shrunken a bit thinner than before, making him more draconic. His voice carried a bit of maturity, slowly altering it a bit but not so much that he may have not have noticed. The scales that have encompass his body had taken on a slightly sharper tone. The last change that Ember had noticed was that a small musk had begin to aura around him. Before, his musk was near unnoticeable mostly because he was still an infant and had been mostly surrounded by ponies so their marks were all over him.

Yet, it was here that he immitted his own brand of musk that was so gentle compared to the other males that she was surrounded with. Males immitted a musk that told other potential mates or dragons of their maturity; if they were mated or have mated, their ages and so on. Babies have their own but it is too small or they still carried their parents musk since they were covered from the hatchings.

Do to Spike's upbringing, his scent was more or less covered by the ponies he was surrounded by and it wasn't a terrible smell but it wasn't something that she really understood. It was so foreign, queer to a point that it made him that much more interesting but now it made him that much more...

"Uh Ember?" his voice broke through her spaced out look. She blinked and shook her head.

"Sorry, just let my mind wander a bit. Where you asking something?"

"Where am I suppose to stay at?" He looked around, trying to find a room of some sort. "I am not sure if there is another room or something you want me to stay in."

Ember cocked her head, confused by his question before it dawned on her that again, at the castle, he had his own sleeping area, probably never really sleeping with other's in the same spot let alone bed. Twilight did mention how he used to sleep with her when he was younger but grew out of it and that made sense. The same went with most hatchlings at a growing age.

She tried to word this at best as possible without coming off strong.

"You uh... you sleep where I sleep Spike. It is customary for consorts or mates to sleep in the same area."

Spike's face went a bit red at that and he felt flushed.

Y-you m-mean I sleep with y-you?" he asked somewhat flustered.
Ember wilted a bit at his tone and it showed. Spike immediately felt bad for what he had said and quickly assured her. "Sorry Ember, I was not sure! I mean... how we were supposed to be... you know..."

Again, she realized how the situation to him was alien to him but she quickly lifted her spirits a bit and nodded.

"I know Spike, it will be some time before you are used to it. Being my consort has many roles to play and the importance's of them later on."

"Does that include the trials I am supposed to do?" he asked

Ember hesitated in her response. In some way, he didn't have to prove much to her father or other dragons but he did have to show to others why he may have the privilege of being with Ember. A Consort, a mate or in way latter cases, a concubine but she dare not even think of Spike like that. He was so much more than that and it was something she wouldn't even consider for other dragons for. In the end, it was her decision whether to take on more mates or not.

"What you will do in the trials will more or less be decided on how others treat or see you. Regardless of the outcome, my decision will be the final outcome and it will remain the same. You are my consort and you will be with me by myside."

Spike felt a bit relieved at that and more eased knowing that Ember was the deciding factor of these trials. The light that had always surrounded her seemed to grow a bit brighter everytime he heard how much he meant to her.

"But what exactly do I have to prove here? Strength? Speed? Some oddly dragon thing that I don't know about?"
Ember gave a shrug which he wilted a bit at that.
"The trials are different in each way. Yes, maybe speed or strength will come into factor but if they see what kind of dragon you are, it will most likely be intellectual or worthiness of being my consort."

He felt a bit better on that. Being raised by one of the smartest ponies alive in all of Equestria, he had years of knowledge behind him with Twilight helping him become incredibly smart for his age. He surpassed most of the students at the schools, intellectual wise and with all the help with his friends throughout the years, he had gained more knowledge from so many different sources that he felt more confident than ever about these trials at least, the ones where he felt like he had a chance at.

Then a thought came to him. "Hey Ember, if I somehow end up passing these trials, even though you say that I don't need to prove nothing to nopon... err no-drake, would that make me a prince or something? Or prince Lord? Uh... not sure how the monarchy here works..."

Ember shook her head.
"No, well not in the sense that your ponies friends do it." She then motioned for him to follow. "Come, I know where we can obtain some more knowledge and it might help you with your future here."

His future here, was that a comforting thought or a fearful one?

His friends were not here for him to help him in case he got in trouble.
But he had Ember.
He had saved the Crystal Empire and helped out in saving Equestria but he had help with his friends, which were no here.
But he had Ember...
He is been given a chance to prove that a dragon raised by ponies can be smart and strong as any dragon and do so without his friends.
With Ember by his side.
Yeah, he believed that with Ember by his side, he would be fine here.

Approaching the small cave where the hoard was piled, he saw that not only did it contain jewels and gems but, it had a large shelf on the wall where hundreds of scrolls lay. Some of them looked new while others looked like they have been here since ancient times.
"Huh," was all he said.
Ember whom had lead him in, gave him a raised eyebrow.
"What?" she inquired.

Spike looked at her and then, he felt ashamed on what he was thinking. All dragons were dumb and they didn't like books or knowledge and yet, here was a room where ancient text of dragon lore and history lied before him. He knew that they learned how to read, speak or just in general learn proper pronunciation. Here was proof of that.

Shaking his head, responded. "Sorry, I didn't think that dragons would have scrolls or have any knowledge based in scrolls. I thought that dragons where... you know... not into books and stuff like that." he spoke a bit sheepishly.

Ember nodded in understanding.

"Yes, I am aware of the lack of intelligence between most of the species but when you considered that in order for a dragon or a Dragon Lord to learn any general understanding of a language you must read." She approached the wall, slowly running her claws over a few scrolls. "Many dragons are not aware that there are scrolls in here that have taught countless generations how to read, write and more. Some of these predate pony history by thousands of years. Many care not for them or most don't know that they exist."

Spike stared a bit at awe that there are scrolls in here that are older than possibly Celestia. Possibly before even Discord or even to the time of great Faust. Approaching the wall of scrolls, casting a gaze over them before humor ran through him. A giggle escaped him and Ember turned to him.

"Something amusing?" she inquired.

He nodded.
"I am pretty sure that if Twilight where here, she would be squealing with delight at knowing that there are scrolls that even predate any pony culture. She would probably be in here until ever last scroll was read a dozen times over. She would flip though at knowing that I am the one that gets to read them and not her."

Many miles away, through the vast lands that expanded between, a purple alicorn's ears twitched and an upsetting thought entered her.

"I don't know why but... I am mad that someone I know is learning something that I would love to learn..."

As Spike's eyes scanned and studied the scrolls before him, he noticed that some of the scrolls, at least the ones covered in a layer of dust or ashes, where either in reddish colors that seemed to resemble fire in its bright forms or in sapphire colors that blended in different shades, however its those ones that seemed new or used more often but with care. Curious, he turned to Ember.

"Hey Ember, is there a reason why some of these scrolls are colored coated? I noticed the ones that are used are sapphire colors while the red ones are old and don't looked touched."

Ember nodded to his question.

"The sapphire ones that are newly created or recently added information and added to the collection from discoveries from either recent Dragon Lord or Elders."

"Elders?" he asked.

Ember paused, thinking a bit on how to word her response before slowly explaining to him.

"You can consider Elders as Dragons whom have lived many millenniums. Kind of like your Princesses's advisors, however it is through them that we learn our history. They have no control like the Dragon Lords do but they are the wisest dragon alive."

"Millenniums?" he asked, a bit astounded. "How old are these elders?"

Ember gave a sheepish shrug.

"Some are a thousand years while others are thousands of years. Some pre-date Equestria by long periods.” She then began to pull out a few of the old ones that were layered in dust. Five old scrolls while one sapphire scroll left their shelves and where held in Ember's arms. "These ones are the ones that might help you understand our history a bit better than most. I hope you don't mind reading these to help you?"

Spike snorted, waving it off. "Please, I live with a mare whom is a living library whom owns a library, I helped practically read the books she reads." He gently pulled a scroll from her arms and smiled at her. "Scrolls are a no biggy."

He then opened it and... his face dropped as he realized that this one and possibly a few other were written in a language he could barely understand and in hieroglyphs that looked like Ancient Amarezonian. "Unless I can't read them."
Ember giggled at that, grabbing the scroll from him.

"Don't worry, I will teach you how to read them. Some will come to you quickly, while others might take time."

Spirits lifted, he walked with her back out the little cave.

"I sure am thankful to have someone like you Ember. Maybe the more I know about my kind, the better I will be at these trials. Who knows, maybe it won't be such a struggle to get other dragons to accept me."

A small smile formed on muzzle.

"As I said, regardless of what other's think, my choice on you remains forever the same."

"I know and I am grateful. I want to know all I can about dragons. So when I return home soon to Equestria, we won't have any problems or struggles between dragons and ponies. I can't wait!"

His excitement was infections but her smile only remained because she didn't want her true feelings to show. Once the trials are over within the week and the truth is revealed, he might hate her for knowing that he may never leave here. The bonding process is already starting to take place and it must hold within the weeks time. If not, it could spell disaster for them both, especially if he leaves before the weeks end.

Her struggles have manifested beyond her control and it will only get harder from here.

The Betrayal of the Consort

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The Dragon Lord's Consort

The Betrayal of the Consort

It was so unusual to see a dragon as young as Spike bury his snout into the scroll before him. The scrolls that he could translate which he said was proper 'Equish', Ember said it was simply known as the 'Ancient Common', something he was attested to with his first encounter with the night princess. Still it made an interesting read for him as he translated most of the scrolls in seconds.

Vast histories of dragons and dragon civilization expanded thousands of years before ponydom started. The first council of dragons, the first Lords, the first written words that predate any known sources in pony kind. It wasn't the full history of dragons, for those were the scrolls he could not translate but gave him something to look forward to sharing with Twilight in his return.

Ember meanwhile was more impressed at the young drake, seeing him absorb knowledge or read in such a way most dragons take years to learn. Young dragons don't like to read nor learn about boring stuff that had nothing to do with them until they are at a certain age. The dragons that read these scrolls are dragons that are preparing to be Dragon Lords, Elders, Historians or just dragons seeking to become smarter than your average drake. That was a rare thing to see around here since most dragons are somewhat distained against any dragon that tries to be smarter then the regular dragons. Most dragons think that knowledge is a waste of one's time to do rather then pillaging villages, gaining hoards, seeking a mate or mates or even just finding a new home outside of the dragon lands. Those that do seek knowledge often leave the lands to seek more knowledge where they wont be shunned or neglected. She often wondered where those intellectual dragons wind up.

One thing he asked, was how were the scrolls still intact after millenniums of use with very little wear and tear from the ages.

"Some dragons have bendable hide or scales that once are shed off, that could be smoothed out or enhanced with dragon flame to be used as scroll," He was immediately disturbed by the fact that he was holding dead dragon scales but Ember quickly assured him. "Yes, it is that but its because of our scales that they can be used to hold information. Some of these scrolls are literally just scales and skins that hold each dragon's unique chemistry. Despite them being dead scales, they could still last for centuries in which point have to be re-enhanced with dragon fire or through other magical means. Also how they can resist most if not magical means." He nodded in understanding before focusing back on his scrolls. He did send a few words and parts of dragon lore to Twilight via 'via instant messaging', he could practically hear the squeals through the 'Thank you!!!' notes she would reply with.

Spike sighed as he finished the last scroll before rolling it up and setting it aside. That was the last one and despite the deep and colorful meanings to Dragon History, it still was daunting to know that there was way more to it then just these few scrolls. Ember had shown him a whole wall full of these scroll and he only just touched the few that he could grab. Who knows how much ancient history of dragon lore waited to be told or read. He knew that if he were to show Twilight these, she would bouncing with glee at the thought of being the first non-dragon to read these since Pony Civilization began.

"Well, that is the last one and I feel like that really wasnt enough to satisfy me in all of dragon lore." He sounded a bit dejected at that and Ember couldn't blame him.

"I know that learning another language may take time but you have plenty of that since you are a dragon after all. Whether it takes you a hundred years or a thousand, you can learn as much are you want."

That did get a nod out of him, though the thought of living for thousands of years seem almost incomprehensible. To see many lives pass and go was a saddening thought and he knew it would take time to adjust to that but it somewhat intrigued him what the future would hold as he saw the time fly by him in a way where he could live through history and maybe get a chance to write it. One day, a hundred years from now, he could end up seeing dragons, ponies and all sorts of creatures live together in harmony, playing, laughing, existing together in a glorious future that seemed all to grand. Just like he promised his friends and family, that when he would return, he would try to help and unite ponies and dragons into a better future and world.

After the scrolls where set back into place or in their proper holdings, Ember showed him a bit more around the area. The hoard was just where he could have his lunch or snack whenever he needed. Ember allowed as much as he wanted from the hoard, so long as he did not over do it and allow his greed to consume him. He made sure he would only take one or two.

Next Ember showed him the fountain where at the center, a small nozzle turned and expelled fresh river water. As much as he was comforted by the life of ponies, he was no stranger to doing a few things here and there old school. It would pull into a large tub where either he could drink from, or in this case, he could bathe in. However, that is where Ember showed him the true bathing area and that was the pool of lava that was near the center of the room. It wasn't massive but he felt like he could swim around in it and gain some joy out of it.

Just being near it filled his nose with sulfur and brimstone, though a hint of chard rocks also lingered. He noticed however that the stones or the tub holding the lava was onyx black but not of a stone he was familiar with. Lastly came the highlight of the room and that was Ember's giant mountain of pillows.

It came to no surprise that they were either pony or gryphon made pillows and that automatically begged the question, "Where did the pillows come from? he asked outload.

Ember was a bit flushed but she decided to remain truthful to her consort at least for now. 'Those came from 'ponies or gryphons." He gave her a skeptical look and he was open to speak more but she quickly cut him off.

"They were my pillows before I was born so father had taken them long before you and I came to our mutual understanding." She finished off.

He didn't remark after that. He did however catch a unique scent coming from the area. It was so odd that as he approached the pillows, it became stronger. His head began to swim a bit, almost a nice comforting lightheadedness and he was filled with wonder to what it held. Much to Ember's horror, she quickly realized that Spike was approaching her pillows and she instantly knew that in Spike's hazy and staring state, that he was catching a whiff of her 'early sessions' this week with her pre-heat lingering scent of her fluids that were drenched into her pillows. She never cleaned them and have blended in with the pillows and stained with her essences. She quickly grabbed the drake, startling him out of his haze.

"Whaaa!" he cried out as he quickly was pulled away.

"Uh! We must start preparing you! she quickly said, pulling him away from the possible scents of her lingering fluids. "I'm pretty sure that with my arrival, their will soon be a call for my name..."

"Ember!!!: The mountain shook as the voice of Torch came through. Spike felt the whole mountain shake as the sound of possibly the largest dragon in all of Equestria began making his way to the mountain. Ember all but groaned inwardly and she knew that soon, the worst is to come with her fathers arrival.

From the largest entrance of the cave, in came the giant cave of Torch. His giant gaze quickly settled on Ember's before his red eyes followed to Spike.

His snort alone sent Spike into hiding behind Ember whom seemed already used to her father's giant size and usual demeanor. His voice came, still high in volume but a lot softer than his usual booming voice.

"So," He started, his giant head nodding back and forth. "this is the whelp you have chosen?"

Ember gave a nod, using her tail to gently comfort Spike.

"It is father." She then slowly pushed him forward and he came out, slowly and sheepishly giving a small wave to the former Dragon Lord. In truth Spike has never wanted so hard to soil himself with being up this close to Torch. He thought he was intimidating before but the fact that he was just a fraction of a fraction of an inch compared to him, it was honestly a wonder that he was ever the size of Ember, let alone have her the size she was now. Torch seemed way unimpressed and even though he listens to his daughter, he would regularly speak his disinterest in his daughters choices.

"And you are telling me that he helped you acquire the Bloodstone Scepter despite his size?" It wasn't a question much less, a statement that seemed disbelieving or condescending her father's inquire towards the little dragon before her. He was barely the dirt in his claw and yet, he was the one not only to save her from the trials but also managed to gain the Scepter with her help.

"Yes, father and it was his size that he used to his advantage to get through the environments and managed to retrieve it. Not only that but his stature and quick thinking allowed us, to get to the Scepter before other dragons."

"That include that bumbling dragon, Garble?"

Both tiny dragons gave each other a look before nodding though it was Spike whom spoke, albeit a bit meekly.
"Yes sir, though Garble kept trying to sabotage and even try to get rid of us, me and Ember fought him off, so he didn't get hold of the Scepter."

"You did?" He asked, more liked growled. Spike guessed that he didn't like Garble either. "That excuse of a dragon would have been the for front for an ideal Dragon Lord, if not his lack of proper intellectual understanding of ruling. Personally, I prayed that he was to never reach the stone."

"Then why did you allow him to participate in the Gauntlet of Fire?" Spike spoke before he realized that he just questioned the giant dragon. A 'meep' left his mouth, one that would have made Fluttershy approve, as the giant eyes focused on him.

"When a Dragon Lord's time has come to pass on the Scepter, he must allow any and all dragons to participate, regardless of personal feelings." He paused and looked at both and a satisfying grin appeared on his large head. "Still, I am pleased to know that at least that he didn't win." He paused, then seemed to brighten his mood a bit. "More so, that you," he said, using his large snout to point at Spike. "-went out of your way to make sure he didn't win and you saved my daughter more than one time. Something that other dragons would have not cared for nor slow down to help their fellow dragon."

He then bowed his giant head(most of it was touching the floor so he only decline a bit), closing his eyes.
"For that whelp, you have my ever gratitude for my daughter's continued existence."

Pride swelled in Spikes chest and he felt a bit better towards Torch, now that he knew he had a softer side. Ember looked just as pleased at her father's appraise towards her consort.

"Its Spike, father," She gave a hardy grin. "Spike is his name."

The former Dragon Lord opened both eyes and landed them on his daughter. He then got a large rumbling to shake part of the cave, which Spike saw that he was giggling.

"indeed, my dear daughter. Though a queer name he has."

"Hey!" He gave a small shout towards Torch. "It might not be something as great as Torch but its still my name. A name I carry with pride."

The large dragon gave him a look, but this time, Spike did not wilt nor shy towards the larger dragon. This seemed to bring a large smile towards him. "And he has spunk! Ha!" he bellowed, once more shaking the cave. This time, Spike did not get fearful of the large dragon and felt like he could deal with the larger dragon's 'humongous personality.' Ember seemed to be used to it. With the somewhat odd beginning they had started off, Spike felt more relaxed at Torch's attitude towards him. It still didnt ease him knowing that he would be judged by him and other dragons during the trials.

Speaking of...

"Uh, Mr. Torch, sir?"
The large dragon cocked his head.

"It's just Torch, Whel... Spike. No need for that pony formalities you been raised with. Speaking of, how did it take with your family? Friends? WIth your absence from them?" Sadness took over him and Ember gave a small glare to her father. However, it seemed that the larger dragon was more understanding with it than before.

"Never let it be told that friends and family make you weak, young Spike." The young dragon picked his head up, seeing the former Dragon Lord in a new light. The large dragon was speaking from experience and it was never before revealed to other dragons minus his own daughter. "You leaving them for my daughter, shows how committed you are to this. I wish the Scepter allowed Ember an extended time to leave in her absence but it must remain in the Burning Grounds and it must be within her grasp for a certain period of time."

Spike gave a small nod, though not fully understanding the reasoning.
"Of course. I wanted to help out Ember in this because she told me there was little choice. If not for me than it would have to be another dragon and I didn't want her to be miserable with some excuse of a drake not to treat her right."

He missed the quick glance from father to daughter. Mostly because his large eyes had a big view of them but the unease was passed between the two. Torch saw that Ember went with a lie to bring him here and Ember gave a look of uneasiness. Thankfully the large dragon went with it and actually seemed to like it.

"The fact that you went away from just to ensure my daughter's happiness means more to me than you know." Torch seemed more than pleased at this and it showed. Spike felt the appreciation that rolled off the tongue of the larger dragon. "Not many, if any dragons nowadays, take that initiate with their mates."

Spike blushed at that name and he twiddled with his claw digits.

"Uh, sorry Mr.--- I mean Torch, we are not mates... uh yet. For now Ember and I are just uh... consorts." This time, he saw the large eyes move towards Ember whom held a blush of her own but it was both embarrassment and somewhat shameful at not fully explaining it to her father.
However, Torch seemed still content with the answer. "Regardless of how you wish to proceed, the fact that you still want to help my daughter is more Generosity and Kindness than most dragons are known for."

Spike nodded and gave a warmth of a smile to Ember whom returned it.

"That is what I learned from my pony friends and family. Spread the Magic of Friendship through Generosity, Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty and Laughter. You bring it all together and makes it all complete, kinda like Magic."

The silence that followed echoed loudly and Spike didn't know if it was confusion in which was something he said that the larger dragon didnt understand or that he was contemplating on what he just shared with. He however did not expect this response.

"BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!” He laughed out loud, causing the whole mountain to vibrate with his body. It shook so wildly that both smaller dragons feared a cave in as pieces of rocks fell from the ceiling. The lava and water pools shook, the hoards and scrolls from the rooms fell and outside, other dragons watched as the former Dragon Lord flail his body to and fro, his body shaking with laughter.

Ember quickly picked up Spike and shoved him under her father's giant head to get away from the falling rocks that threaten to land them.

"Father!" Ember yelled out, "You're going to bring down the mountain on top of us!" The larger dragon managed to turn his boisterous laughter into somewhat controlled giggles; if giggles where still semi-quakes that rumbled and still threatened the foundations of the mountains. Once he managed to settle himself, both dragons came from underneath the dragon's larger jaw.

He took in a large inhale before releasing it, filling the gave a strong gust of wind and large smell of sulfur and ash.
Spike didn't know what was funny, but now his poor face carried the look of embarrassment and awkwardness. He was rubbing his tail, feeling that he just made himself look like a fool or an idiot and that Torch most likely feel disgraced towards his daughter's decisions. Ember was glaring at him, clearly peeved at her father's outburst of laughter and clearly making Spike feel stupid. However, before she could yell at her larger father he spoke in volume.

"Those ponies do have the funniest and most amusing lessons that I have ever heard" His voice was high but it carried a merrier attitude that seemed to confuse both dragons. Clearly, Torch's attitude towards Spike seemed to be spontaneous at each new information brought on before him. "They have taught you lessons that other dragons wouldn't care for nor bother to discover on their own. Yet, in your short lifetime, you have learned those lessons from them, in which case made you save my daughter, work along side her, stick with her until the end, even giving her unlimited power to dragon kind." His giant eyes that burned of a wild fire, cast their orbs back towards Spike. "I can truly not think of a kind hearted dragon to meet my expectations for a mate or consort for Ember in that matter, then a whelping raised by ponies. I have not met a dragon with a heart such as yours in a long while."

Ember was filled with emotional joy at her father's words and Spike seemed all the more pleased with the larger dragon's words.

"Well thank you Lord.. uh Torch." Spike said a bit proudly, his mood returning back to pleased. "I don't suppose though, now that you know what kind of dragon I am, that you might cancel the trials I have to pass?"

Torch gave a toothy grin and laughed.

"Aha if it were only that simple, whel... Spike. I believe that this only shows that you are willing to endure the trials even more!" Spike's mood dropped and he wilted a bit. Torch held his grin while Ember patted him. "Fear not, your heart is actually part of the test. I for one believe that you can successfully past this trial, if the Gauntlet was anything to show for it"

Looking up, he drew the question.

"What if I fail the trials?"

The larger dragon gave it a thought before his eyes settled into a gentle ease towards the small dragon.

"I believe that you won't, however if you do fail, I know my Ember will still keep you as her mat... consort, regardless of the circumstances. The true trials that are against you are more or less what makes you a dragon and how you fill the role next to Ember in the future as a Worthy Co-ruler, a Trustworthy Advisor, an Elder or just a general consort with no influence for Ember in the future."
Spike's head tilted at that, giving a questioning look to Ember. She gave a small shrug.
"Your are going to be seen as somedrake serious, trustworthy, leader wise or just somedrake whom just to be with me." Came her simple response. Though he nodded in understanding her words, he paused and turned to Torch.

"Future?" he asked. "What about the future?"

This got him to finally find the uneased glance between Father and Daughter, seeing the fear rush to Ember.

"What future?"he re-asked the question. "Are you talking about how long I will be Ember's consort or my role here?" Ember tried to speak but it was Torch or got out the words before her.

"Your future here, young Spike is of your own. You have a family that you love but you must also understand that as Embers consort, you may be here for awhile. A while in which, you must secure how the other dragons will see you."

"B-But Ember said that I-I would only be here for... he trailed off and looked towards Ember whom was looking away shamefully. "E-Ember?" his voice was full of worry and fear, not sure what was happening. "Is he right?"

"Tell him now, before its to late or risk losing it all"  Was the response from Torch. Spike didn't look at him, rather his focused on Ember whom was physically struggling with herself and holding herself from breaking down.

She managed to inhale a shaky breath before she responded.

"I-I lied to you, Spike." she paused, inhaling deeply, trying to steady herself before placing herself directly in front. Her eyes betrayed sadness and fear but worst of all, betrayal and self-hatred. "I-I lied to you about all of this! I told you what I needed to you to hear as to ease you into the truth later on."

A slow and breaking virtue began making its way into his emotions but fear and small bits of anger were a more visual aspect on his features.
"A-And what is the truth?" he dared asked, feeling slowly showing as his heart was beating at an accelerated rate.
She closed her eyes, feeling tears breaking through her lids before she opened them and stared at the dragon before her.

"You cannot go back later on... to your friends and family. You must remain at my side, until the Bloodstone Scepter has successfully bonded with you and me. Once that is done, we must stay together for the rest of our lives."

The Fear of the Consort(Updated Chapter)

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Updated authors notes at bottom. (Edited only through chapter space and notes)

The Fear of the Consort

Betrayal... Anger... Sadness... Fool...Pain

All these emotions Spike was feeling right now and he didn't know why he couldn't properly express himself. The moment was only expanded upon the uneasy feeling of being in the room with the dragon whom lied to him and her father whom was watching for any sign of unintended emotional consequences.
Any normal dragon would have allowed the total use of their emotions to run amok and unleash Tartarus upon those whom have caused them ill, emotionally or physically. The truth felt like both and it was only through years of being raised by ponies whom loved him dearly with all their heart, that he wasn't on the verge of a total break down. He had already dealt with so much that he had grown mature enough to handle a few heavy blows in life.
His feelings never returned by his long lost crush on Rarity. It was her that gently eased him out of it, going on about how despite that the problem wouldn't be about their two species but mostly that his crush would fade and he would truly find someone to call his own. She loved him as a friend to the point where she would do anything for him, but be the love of his life.
He dealt with knowing that his friends often overlook that he has the intelligence of a full grown adult pony, being raised by two of the smartest ponies in all of Equestria. Yes, he was a child in their standards, but he also gained so much knowledge through his life from his adopted family.

He faced fear of total destruction and possible death from dangerous foes. Ranging from Chaos Gods and Mad Tyrants, from Powerful Entities to universal collapse of time and space. All the mean while taking it just like any other day for him and his friends. There were times that his friends and family often forget to include him in their activities or often take advantage of him and reconcile for it later.
So... what was the difference now? Here he had a friend that had told a story on how she wanted him as his consort in order to keep her rule over the dragons or she be forced into a courtship with other dragons, in which case after they are accepted, must pass the former 'Dragon Lord' and his view, all the while having to pass a set of trials set by other dragons that may establish how they will be seen as other Dragons as a Co-Ruler, an Wise Figure or just a Consort for the Dragon Lord with no meaning.

At least... that was the story that was told. He had no real way of knowing what was true and what was false yet, but he knew that when he first asked Ember if he were to be with her for a long period, that she had stated that he would return home eventually. The word was 'soon' and 'eventually' used in two very different sentences. So, 'as soon' meant that he could return home and let his family know what his future held? Or 'eventually', meaning sometime in the future, not a specific date which could be either next month or next millennium?

So now came the question the all powerful question.

"Why?" he simply asked. It was a simple word for many but it held a certain universal understanding. Direct, meaningful, and held a lot of power to it. All three dragons were affected by the word and it was that word that triggered so many questions that he wished to be informed on.
Ember wanted to speak but her voice was shaking from the fact her emotions were running in every direction. Fear, frustration, sadness, guilt and so on didn't allow her to fully create a proper response. Fortunately, Torch was less emotionally affected by this situation, though seeing his daughter struggle was too much, even for a large dragon himself.

"The lie was created for a reason Spike." He began, his voice firm but no intimidation nor any emotion carried in his words. "To bring you here and making a life for yourself and Ember's." Struggling a bit, the larger dragon brought his larger head in, forcing the two smaller dragons to move back so he could bring his forearms in and lay his large head on them. "The Bloodstone Scepter had only a limited window of time to establish its tie between the two of you. You, being the first one to grab it, had only the power of the for yourself and no one else. However, since you gave it to Ember right away, it established a bond between the two you and automatically had you two share its power. The Bloodstone itself is a powerful tool, young Spike. It not only calls upon other dragons to either obey their Dragon Lord, but it also holds grand power to many other abilities."

"Like what?" asked Spike. He was looking at Torch now, trying to focus his attention away from Ember, whom seemed more heartbroken at his avoidance.

Quickly trying to defend his daughter's earlier actions, Torch dove into the history.
"The Bloodstone holds the power to grant the Dragon Lord control over volcanoes, fire and even the ability take away a dragon's flame. It is power of Dragons and master over of dragons bestowed upon it. It holds our history, of Dragon Lord's Past and more, all from Draco himself."

"Draco?" Spike questioned. "Isn't he a deity of some sort that I read in your scrolls?"

Torch gave a nod, trying to make sure his story carried the truth now.
"Draco is our creator, the same way you may think that your ponies had Faust, the Dogs had Anubis, the griffins their creators and so on. Draco, though his name is debated on, however, was the first dragon to step on the lands and created the Bloodstone Scepter from a drop of his blood and the first flame of the earth and molded into stone. The stone that rests on the Scepter. When he created the Scepter he then gave his power to his mate, All Mother Wistala, also name debated, whom gave life to all dragons. She created our bodies from the earth, she made it so we could walk across the lands and search for homes. The All Mother then had Draco use the Scepter on her first borns to be powerful."

"When we needed heat and warmth to survive the nights, Draco and Wistala gave us fire in our blood and in our breaths to keep us alive. When we wanted to explore other lands and search for new homes, they gave us wings to fly and sore the skies. When our food became scarce, they gave us teeth that could eat through solid rocks and allowed our bodies to gain power and strength through gems.
When he saw us as feral though, they felt as though we would never survive the world in our aggressive and savage ways, so he gave us intelligence. From that intelligence, they gave the first dragon the stone to hold. The holder of the stone would gain power and strength from Draco and Wistala and thus, became Dragon Lords, rulers and advisors for All Dragons.
"However, it was not soon realized that the power of Draco was too strong for a single Dragon Lord. It was too much power and dragon whom held the Scepter would die very soon. The power of Draco was to great that it enveloped their bodies and began to kill them off. That is why that after the Dragon Lords died off, a set of dragon Elders had written and established commands or rules, that they must have a mate or a consort or whichever, to share that power. Once they have chosen their partners, the power would transfer over to them both and it would extend their life."
Spike remained silent but he was in awe at the history of dragons. He already knew a few tidbits from the scrolls he had read earlier, but hearing it and feeling that the stone carried a lot more than he realized, brought everything into perspective. He almost felt ashamed for allowing his emotions to get the best of him and targeting them at Ember. She had a reason to do so, but it was still a lie.

"So," Spike began, trying to swallow and take in the information explained to him. "The Scepter has immense power and no single dragon could hold it, in which case they need to take in a mate or consort to transfer the power so it doesn't kill them both."
The larger dragon nodded his giant head.
"Yes, but more so, the bond between the two must be strong enough that the dragons can share equally without repercussions."
"Such as?"

"They must share a bond; a bond of love and devotion to one another in order for the power to transfer properly." Spoke Ember. Her mood was somber and her eyes would try to catch Spike's. He finally met her's but they still held the look of betrayal and sadness, where as he quickly turned away with a glare, causing a blow to her heart.

His eyes did however widen as something struck him odd.
"Hey wait, if the power is to be transferred through devotion, why didn't it start when I gave the Scepter to Ember?"
"It did!" Ember nearly exclaimed, trying to bare through the struggle of her ache. "However, what I hadn't realized at the time was that because you held it first, then gave it to me, our bonds quickly merged. Yet, when you left back home, the bond started weakening."
"Which is why I told my daughter," stated Torch. "To make a lie up or find a way to bring you back here, before it was to late. I wasn't aware that you had reached the Scepter first and handed it to her. Had she held it first, she wouldn't have a need for you here."
"Well why can't Ember then let me return home?" he asked, a bit of desperation hitting his voice. "I mean, she has visited Equestria before? As a 'Dragon Lord, can't she undo this tie between us?"
"She may leave her home land without the Scepter for a certain period of time, a week and a half at most; however it cannot leave the Dragon Lands for it is where Draco had created it with the fire of the earth itself. There is a reason for dragons to live out here other than just the lava and gems. We are tied to the grounds where we were created from and so is the Bloodstone. With the Bloodstone Scepter leaving its grounds, it would cause certain destruction across the lands. Yes, for a time it can leave but it must immediately return in order for other lands not to be affected by its power."
That made sense and to a certain degree, it was more of an explanation that he had been prepared to hear. Ember's reasoning for lying, their supposed demise if left to far apart and him not leaving for a period of...
He turned his head to her, his eyes scanning her features.

"Was the part of you liking me a lie too?" he asked suddenly.
The question caught her off guard but she immediately shook her head. "No!" she almost screamed at him. "I really lov... I really care for you Spike, I truly do but I wasn't sure if you would ever return it once you found out the truth." Her voice carried desperation, a certain need for him to forgive her actions. "I meant everything I had ever told you and I wished that their would have been another way for this to happen."
He didnt reply and his silence made the guilt that much more painful. He sighed and shook his head.
"What about the trials? Are those real?"
This time Torch responded.
"The trials are very much true, however it wasn't something that needed to be done to any other dragon. However, both you and my daughter are young and have not reached a proper age of maturity to fully be in charge of being Dragon Lord. A few simple commands here and there are just simple control functions of the Scepter, but to hold and command the dragons of the world, must be dealt with delicate care."
"But if we were to young why allow..." began Spike

"The rules state that 'Any dragon' can join the Gauntlet of Fire," he interrupted. "But the previous Dragon Lord must help any young dragon that wins the challenge to properly established their role as Dragon Lord. In which case, I would have to instruct any dragon to properly rule."
"And did that mean keeping peace between nations?" Spike asked.

The larger dragon tried his best to cock his giant head but only managed a simple turn before giving a simple raised eyebrow.
"What makes you ask that? As a Dragon Lord, we must maintain peace between nations and make sure that we do not cause disorder in other lands. It is one of the rules that the Elders and the First Dragon Lords established."
Spike snorted. "Had Garble won, he would have charged a brigade of dragons to go and burn Equestria down. Would he be able to do that?"
Torch growled at that and more or less wished he wasn't dealing with these two to go deal with him.
"By Draco himself, if he had won, I would not hold restraint to make sure that he would deal with my wrath had he done anything reckless as that." He grunted, shifting his form once more before raising his head. "For now, I must go and relax for my head is getting cramped in here. I hope young Spike, that you may forgive my daughter's actions and lies. She was merely trying to save you and herself from a horrible fate."

He turned to Ember, giving a small smile back at her before sighing and nodding. "Yes, I can." Ember released a silent sigh of relieve. "Though if you hadn't told Ember what it meant to be a Dragon Lord and I held the Scepter first, would I have died early too?"
Torch seemed to think on it, trying to figure it out. He seemed almost lost on the question as well before responding.
"Never has a dragon willingly give the Bloodstone Scepter after acquiring it. For you to do it almost right away to Ember, it almost sealed the two of you together. However, whether the power would have remained and killed you off, well the chances would have been lower. However, because you held it within a certain amount of time and had not returned to Ember in time to establish a bond, it may have manifested in different ways."
"Manifested?" Spike asked, a small twinge of fear creeping in.

"Mhmm... your greed could have taken over and make you jump to a rapid growth. Or you could have gone mad with the power in you, what little was left, and that could have left a less... desirable outcome for your friends and family."Â

Spike felt a chill go up his spine at that. If he hadn't come back... what true fear and pain would have that brought to him? The unknown knowledge and surge of greed that could put his friends and family in danger? More then the first time? It was worse to think about it, even more heart wrenching knowing that Ember took the off chance that he might hate her in the end, but would have saved him from a future worse than he could imagine.

He finally gave a look of acceptance and understanding towards Torch before turning to Ember whom was patiently waiting his. The whole time she had tried to remain to herself, almost silently begging for Draco, The All Mother and her own mother to let Spike see her reasoning for the lie. She was to herself the whole time, her heart on the verge of total collapse had Spike not forgiven her or worse he would have left, dooming them both.

Seeing his eyes, she saw that he finally understood the meaning of it all. He turned to her and finally gave in.
"Ember, I'm sorry that I... uhmph!" she had immediately grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug. Soft whimpers could be heard from her trying to hold back any sobbing as she begged for his forgiveness. Spike wanted to reassure her but he didn't want to ruin this for her, so he hugged her back.
Torch felt at the display. 'Ah young love', much to his pleasure that Ember had found someone not only within her area of age, but found one of pure heart and more. His intelligence, his charisma, his heart; all of it because he was raised by the ponies. Ponies he had so many times often undermined them and yet, here was proof that they had created something truly magical.
Yes, he felt that the notion of the Magic of Friendship was something to laugh at, but he found that without it, his daughter might have perished in the Gauntlet, Garble would have won and he might have had to deal with two devastating actions in his lifetime. Draco and Wistala forgive him, his mate as well. Speaking of...
"I must leave now," he said, causing both to break their hug and turn to him. "The evening approaches and I can assure you both that tomorrow, we will be setting you up for the trials. For now, rest and reconcile with one another, learn to regain your loyalty and banish any harsh feelings. I know you two only see each other's as friends or consorts but for the sake of your hearts, try to see further than that."
With that, his giant head shook in and out of the cave before disappearing, leaving the two by themselves. Once he was completely out, Spike let out a small sigh of relief and Ember fell to her hunches, the emotional playback affecting her mentally and physically. Her eyes where red and still staining with tears but a smile had formed on her mouth. Spike gave her an apologetic look.

"Ember, look I'm sorry I lashed out at you."
"Don't be," she assured him, pulling him to her, he stayed up right while she laid her head on his, brushing it against his chest. "I should be begging you for forgiveness, especially that I lied not only to you but your family as well. I can only imagine that if they are to learn the truth, that they would hate me for it."
Spike brushed his claws over her head, trying to ease her worry.
"I think they would be angry but once they find out why, they will forgive you, especially when they know that it could have ended badly me." He looked down as she held her head tightly to his chest, occasionally brushing it. It was odd knowing he was at this end, him being always the one brushing his head against the chest of his friends, Twilight, his mother and Ember. Now, the one he cares for is trying to doing to him because she was seeking comfort and acceptance back into his heart. He often wondered, if he were to ever grow huge and tall, if the girls would do that to him? If one day he would surpass his own mother, would she do it to him?

It was an odd thought but something he could see himself doing. Not to mention that if he and Ember should ever have kids and... Wait what? Where did that thought come from?
Ember must have felt his distress as she pulled away.
"Something wrong?" she asked.

He shook his head, trying clear his thoughts before responding.
"Just had an odd thought came to mind."

She cocked her head.
"Something odd? Was it a bad one?"
He thought again on it and for some reason, this time, it felt pleasant and he pushed back any fear that one day, he and Ember maybe something more. With this thing going between them right now, it was hard to say, but he knew that he was to be with her in some way or some form. He cared for her and her him, which begged the question, would they truly be happy together forever?
"I think I can safely say that it was good one. One that maybe I can... we can enjoy in the future."

The Path of the Consort (New WIth Link to Dragon Tales)

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The Path of the Consort

What does it mean to go through growth? The physical change between adolescents to adult when growing up? Does one do the quick change of allowing their greed to control them and jumpstarting them to adulthood? Does the nature vs nurture come to play and only allow sampling of greed? Or does one allow other fruitions of emotions to come into play?

The proper play to begin is at the beginning of all history. Where the first dragons were born of the elements of the world, being earth, wind, fire or water. Many modern dragons don’t consider the sea serpents apart of their kin but they are dragons none the less. Still it is unprecedented that all dragons come from one common ancestor. Draco, The Dragon of the Stars and His mate, The Great All Mother, Wistala the Wise, the Mother of Dragons.

Many still get confused by their titles and true names however, the simple understanding is that Draco had modeled the dragons in his own image and it was his mate, Wistala that gave birth to that image. Not just the modern dragons but dragons of all kinds. From the Wyverns of the North and east with wings larger than their bodies, to the dragons bound to the very earth, bulky and unmoving with scales that stem from the strongest of earthly metals and rock. The fire breathers that many are familiar with that are considered the superb of the dragon species that are seen vastly around the world to finally the sea serpents of the rivers and oceans that control the very waters of the planet.

It was Draco whom gave these dragons life but it was they whom adapted to their elements. But with the adaptation of their elements, their came needs for them. Greed, power, strength and they were all willing to kill one another for it all. However, none more so needed then the Dragons of the land and fires that sought more. The serpents had their own place, The Heart of the Ocean while the Wyverns more or less stayed to somewhat feral and low intellect that never really caused much outcry amongst their kind.

The Bloodstone Scepter was created with the drop of Draco’s Blood and fire from the earth itself, one of the first fires. With it, Draco used it to give Dragons intelligence and power, though it was nothing compared to the actual power that the Bloodstone held. The stone was just half the power of what Almighty Draco could do but it still held power with great consequences if misdirected.

“Misdirected.” Spike muttered. He held the red scroll in his claws, reading that sentence over again before turning towards Ember. The light blue dragoness was currently reading her own scroll, though that one was she had was about her courtships, on how they will tie in as her rule as being Dragon Lord. As far as she was aware, Ember was part of history as one of the youngest dragons in history to hold the Bloodstone Scepter and use it as way to hold harmony endeavors. She was the one to establish a peace between species and created a boundary for dragons to safely pass through pony lands during the Great Migration along with negotiations to the more… civilized dragons.

Refocusing, Spike adjusted one of the pillows he sat on. Ember had brought them over, though not before she had insisted that she retrieved the pillows herself though it took her almost 10 minutes of searching her pile for the ‘perfect pillow’.

‘The birth of Greed, an unknown variable in Draconic history, comes when a hatchling is born and is instantly entranced by the hoard of their parents, regardless of size or quality. However, a hatchling born into a view of hoards of any kind, it being jewels, shinny objects or even food or trinkets, will develop greed but outside of it, the hatchling will not develop a ' great greed', rather find an outlet to focus on and stick with it until a form of need or want is developed or not. This outlet can be many things but none more so when a dragon establishes a bond for a living thing. One case had shown that when a dragon whelp is left in the care of another creature, a pony for instance, had developed a strong intellectual understanding and never enacted greed.

“Huh.” Ember looked up from her own scroll and turned to Spike.

“Find something?” she asked.

He nodded and pointed to the scroll.

“Yeah, it says here that dragons prior had left hatchlings with ponies before. I thought I was the only one.”

Ember paused, looking up a bit before giving a small nod.

“A vague memory comes to mind on it, with my father telling me of how ponies use to have dragons in their midst. Though I don’t know full details, I am pretty sure we can get clarity. These scrolls after all are not the full set, rather simplistic readings that future Dragon Lords must read in order to understand ruling. Perhaps if we ask the Dragon Archivist. He might something about it.”

“Is he around the dragon lands?”

She shook her head.

“Despite a lot… no, more like a sizable portion of dragons not wanting to meddle in the affairs of ponies, few actually stick near their areas and work along side them. The archivist is but a few of them that is in pony lands that keeps historical records.”


She nodded.

“He is the one who currently handles dragon history, documents and all that. I’m pretty sure he’ll know any history between pony and dragons, though I sometimes forget his name. Though judging by the lack of your knowledge of dragon and pony history together, I can say that maybe it wasn’t something grand or important.”

A little deflated but not entirely dishearten, he took it with some opportunity to say that maybe he could add it to dragon history with ponies and dragons coexisting with one another, stronger than before.

“Well, maybe in the future, we can make a better future for both kinds as more than just ‘boundaries’ and such.”

Ember gave a smile and nod.

“I wish for that too, Spike. If dragons in this or the next generation can grow up as kind hearted and loving as you, maybe then we achieve peace beyond just borders.” She paused then motioned towards the scrolls. “Again, the archive as well as a few others have established proper or decent understandings with ponies or other kinds.”

“Huh… why is it that I am only hearing this from you now?”

Ember shrugged. “It’s you and your friends that have traveled farther than I, Spike. I figured you would know if other dragons work along side ponies or other creatures?” She stated, pointing her scroll at him.

He shook his head, looking over the scroll in his claws.

“You, Garble, the Migration and the Gauntlet of Fire are the only times when I have interacted with dragons. Well, short of the two whom had a settlement near Ponyville a few years back, though I believe they are long since gone by now.”

“Probably one of the few that decided to no longer be bound by dragon rule or just out looking for a den away from other dragons, just so they can keep their own hoard in check. Either way, as I said, we maybe the first ones to establish a proper understanding between dragons and ponies. It may take time, but I am sure that we could succeed where other’s have failed.” She made a small scoff and grinned. “Then again, time is meaningless to a dragon.”

Spike looked up from his scroll, cocking his head to the side.

“What do you mean, ‘meaningless’? How could time be ‘meaningless’ to us? Just because we age slower?”

Ember gave a nod before gazing up a bit in thought. “We are ageless Spike. Yes, we do grow but we truly never just die off… unless we die of disease, are killed off or just don’t take care of ourselves but we never die off like normal creatures. The only reason are population hasn’t ravaged the world is because most dragons go into the ‘Eternal Sleep’ and never wake up. In a sense, we sleep, then die without lack of proper self care. However, if a dragon avoids the ‘Eternal Sleep’, then we can continue on and on.” Her eyes met Spike’s as if he was fully not aware of his long immortality. She sighed as she realized once more… ‘raised by ponies’… came to mind.

Shaking her head, something else popped into mind.

“With all that you have been surrounded by, I figured that some dragons would have established a small settlement with ponies. Maybe a community town of some sort, or even an event where creatures of all intellect come to celebrate peace amongst others.”

Spike shrugged.

“If it does exist, I have not been apart of it.” He scoffed. “Maybe in some other universe there’s a convention like that?” Ember cocked her head in question but he waved it off. “Anyways, with the trials going on tomorrow, your dad didn’t really leave me much to go on with how to approach them. And who is going to be judging me?”

Ember felt a bit guilty about not knowing as much as him, so she only indulged what she knew. Sitting by him, she made herself comfortable with her ‘consort’.

“Well, from what my mother told me, I begin the trials with stating that you are my choice in the bonding and if I want to bring others in, I can… which I won’t.” Thoughts of her and Amethyst came up, but they were shot down… with a parachute to allow save landing. “You however, can choose to be much more than just my consort. Other’s have appealed and tried to be Co-rulers with authority, elder, advisors, or even try to succeed their mate’s as Dragon Lord.”

Spike pondered at that, wondering what his role would be. Feeling the question come, he blurted out. “What do you want me to be then to you?”

Ember gazed at him with her amber eyes and she felt like this was something that needed to be dealt with now, then during the trials tomorrow. Inhaling softly, she brought her wing over and laid it upon him, something a dragon does to another dragon to comfort one another.

“That… I am not even sure myself,” she answered truthfully. “I only, at the time, was thinking how to get you to stay with me until this we could deal with the problem of the Bloodstone Scepter. After which, if I figured you would only stay with me just to keep us alive, so more a less… a part of my ‘hoard’.” Instantly, she heard what she said and quickly tried to resolve. “Not that I don’t want you as anything less Spike but… I was truly scarred at this might have turned out if you refused.” She swallowed a bit of dryness in her mouth before speaking again. “Though now that you know the truth of it all, I had no plans to establish what you are to be later on. The trials more or less determine how other dragons would see you, not just here but throughout the world and our history.”

“Wait.” He asked, a bit of panic began to form in his voice. “I am going to be put in the trials, with a bunch of dragons there to see? As in the whole Dragon Lands!?”

Giving a sorrow nod, she brought him closer to the point where she could feel his trembling small body, against hers. She could feel his heart beating faster and his breathes in quick short bursts. Wrapping her arms around him, she held the younger dragon and began to coo at him. Something that her mother would do in her cold nights or when she was scared of her own father.

The reaction was almost instant and she could feel Spike easing up well and his body began to relax. Still, the worry was there and she knew that in the end, it would be difficult and the fear was too high to ignore. When it came down to how the mate of the consort would be, it generally was that the mate of the Dragon Lord would choose to either stay as a mate, a hoard member or concubine really. But… those were all the times the Dragon Lord was ‘male’. If there was a female Dragon Lord, the mate of them might want more of the share. This had only happened once… with the first female dragon lord two thousand years prior.

She had won and already had selected her mate. She wanted him just as a mate, nothing more. He however, wanted a title to go with it, something more than just being her ‘mate’. Male ego tended to rise fast and, so it was he whom took the trials to be ‘co-ruler’ or ‘successor’, should she fall.

The true purpose of the trials, regardless of the Dragon Lord’s choice, was to see where they would fit in as the Dragon Lord’s future. The choices were Advisor, Elder, Co-ruler/Successor, Mate or hoard which fell into the same category as Consort. That was the choice they had in it and she knew that her mate was only a mate and not much else. Despite her choice being the key factor, she allowed her mate to endure in the trials as something else, knowing he wouldn’t succeed in them and her hoping it would calm his ego.

Sadly, that didn’t happen, and he had failed the trials like she anticipated, causing him to be regarded as nothing more than just her mate. In a fit of rage and humiliated teasing from others, he had disconnected himself from his mate, triggering a feedback upon her. With no mate to properly establish a lasting bond, the Scepter began to fill her with unstable energy and caused her to have pain spikes and feedback from the stone for days.

Fearing early death and unmistakable power indifference, she had taken on a small hoard of dragons. They had quickly chosen to just be her ‘hoard’ nothing more, preventing her premature death and difficult rule. The ‘hoard’ balanced the Scepter’s power when she took on a single male and female as her hoard. They were kept close to her and the energy came and flowed in a gentle cycle between them.

In retaliation for her ‘ex-mate’s’ sudden abandonment and near cause of death, she had him exiled from the lands, to forever be branded as a coward and used the Scepter to never give him a chance to find a proper mate again. Never again was there to be an incident such as that so, the trials were put automatically as soon as a mate or mates were chosen and immediately deal with the aftermath should they not like their ideal placement.

Ember’s fear was that Spike would not like his choice when she told the truth and he would leave her. Now a new choice was being made and she feared their might be a second leave of absence.

Pushing him back a bit, she gazed into his emerald eyes and spoke clearly to him.

“What I want from you, is to be happy… by myside. I never want to treat you as more than just another piece of my hoard. I never want you to think you are just here to satisfy my needs or quarrels. I never want you to think that… you cannot be less than you are just now. I have already lied and nearly turned you against me, I don’t want to be the burden that weighs on you for your future. Most dragons settled for the simple life as being the Dragon Lord’s mate, consort, hoard or so on and that is the story from then on. You are too smart to stay by myside and be nothing more. Truthfully, you wanted to bring our race close to the others, like ponies, gryphons and so on, so maybe you can be and Advisor and share some common or interested grounds. As an Elder, you will be able to record the history and share what you learn to younger generations or older dragons, but unlike an Advisor, your words carry more weight and even in a thousand years after being with a Dragon Lord, you will still carry Law on your own. But if you think you can stand by me, help me, guide me, support me and maybe speak words that will get others to hear you and your stories when you are by myside, then you can be my Co-ruler or should I not be able to rule for a time period, be my Successor. I give you that choice.”

Spike stared at her amber eyes and felt truth pouring from her words. He had been lied to before and it nearly shattered him, but with the lie, a truth was revealed, and it saved him. Now that Ember knew what it might do to him if she lied once more or had planned him his nothing more, this would certainly send him back home, regardless of the consequences might be. Maybe he could ask Twilight or the Princesses for a spell to stop it but he would never be sure.

Now here she bore onto him what his future may hold here. The fact that he was given options with a much better understanding on each one, he felt happy that he could choose. However, he wasn’t sure what each action might bring and how the dragons would see him.

Thinking out loud, he said, “Well, if I were Twilight, I’d probably read on each one and see what the end product would bring.” Feeling his words leave his mouth he nodded to the scrolls and Ember felt a smile across her snout.

“A true Advisor, Elder, Co-Ruler or Dragon Lord studies their roles before choosing. I think that is a great start.”

Ember went back to the walls, muttering to herself as she selected a few scrolls from the walls. Three small, blood red ones, each one old and covered with some dust where they are showing a bit ware on the sides showed use. Handing them over, Spike held each one close, seeing they bared some old runes or symbols on the sides.

“Each one was created, written, and signed by the first Elder, Advisor, and Co-Ruler after the first few dragon lords had passed. With each scroll, holds a small history of the first and each time one dragon becomes one, they add a bit of their own scales to write their time as one.” She pointed to the first one. “Dracis Amon, The first Elder.” She pointed to the second. “Zennth, the first Advisor.” She pointed to the last. “Talonyia, the First Co-Ruler and Successor.”

“Astridra, the first female Dragon Lord in recorded history, got her status for being the first female to gain the Bloodstone Scepter through the Gauntlet of Fire. Talonyia was the first one to succeed her mate after he had gotten ill.” Pulling that scroll back from him, she unrolled it to show a depiction of a brown dragon, made with triangles and other shapes to form a dragon, and her holding the Bloodstone Scepter. “After he had gotten ill, she was the first to succeed her mate and rule for a time. She was also widely regarded as the best co-ruler, for many went to her for advice and more.”

Pointing the wall with the scroll, he joked, “I don’t suppose there are scrolls about being a great consort or mate?” Ember blinked before turning away and went to the wall. Spike’s face went slack before he commented, “It was just a joke!” Whether she heard him or not, she returned with two blue scrolls in palm and a small smile on her face.

“I know of the joke Spike,” she teased, “But I am sure you wish to also know if the consorts played any importance in the past.” He gave a single nod before looking at them. They seemed relatively new and untouched. “Though they might not be as important as the higher titles of Advisor, Elder or Co-Ruler, mates of previous Dragon Lords tended to have insight on how to be great to their Lords, whether they were supportive, how they dealt with their own set of challenges and what you could expect when being a mate to a Lord. Now, as I said, I don’t want you to be nothing less to me because you are too smart to just being a figure in my shadow, but I want you to have a comfortable future. Despite the lie had I eased you in, I rather make sure that our future is as clear as daylight.”

Feeling a bit of grace in her words and honesty that would make Applejack proud, he nodded and opened the first scroll, reading… what he could. He still had trouble with ‘Ancient Common’. It’s a good thing Ember was the smartest dragon around.

What was two hours that had passed, that Spike finished the last scroll, agonizing over each word to properly understand it when Ember explained it to him. He felt exhausted just reading everything but he had managed to push through. Even though what he was reading was considered ‘The basics’ it felt more like a learning a single history of each scroll. How is it that these scrolls hold so much information, yet each one is roughly the size of the ones he would have sent to Twilight before? Then again, one of the things that were briefly mentioned was ‘Dragon Magic’ and how ‘size alteration’ ‘fire manipulation’ and all that was involved.

“Hey Ember?” He asked. The Dragoness was currently in her final scroll, one with the final preparations in Dragon Lord tasks as well as maintaining a proper ruling.

“Yes?” Her claws rested the scroll she was reading onto her lap.

“How did you gain so much insight and knowledge. I mean, not to say your dumb or anything but you’re a lot tamer and more easier to be with then other dragons.”

“You calling me soft?” she growled with a teasing smile. Before they met, he would have hesitated and backtracked on his words. Prior to this day, he would have said it as just a question through some caution; now he actually understood that when it comes to the Dragon Lord and him being her consort, he knew she meant it as a joke.

Giving her a smirk, he shrugged playfully. “Yeah, I think you’re a little soft. I mean after all, you choose me as your consort, probably one of the softest, cuddliest dragon around to hug. Not to mention that when it comes down to it, I can make you blush and your turn into a cute ‘ness’ yourself.”

Her teasing smile turned to a devious grin and she at once took on a feral stance. His reaction switched almost instantly, and he went wide eyed with a bit fear. “Wow, okay I was just kidding about the ‘cute ness’, thing!”

Her teeth flashed. “Now he doesn’t think his own ‘Consort’ is ‘cute’,” she landed on all fours and stalked her way towards her ‘prey’. Spike began walking backwards, slowly dreading his stalking… ‘consort’ with a fear that was all to legit. Yet… somewhere in his heart, he knew that this was just a tease or game to her, to him… she was in control. She was going to dominate him, make sure he understood that she was ontop. Knowing that it was inevitable, he jumped to a running start. Oh… bad move! With a small growl and a grin to match her father, she took off after him.

The little Drake yelled as he was chased around the giant, mostly spacious cave, with Spike weaving and dodging as Ember tried to pounce him or snatch. Each one slipping pass her claws. At one point, she did a single great leap at him, shot out her wings and grabbed him by the arms, pulling him in the air.

“Whaa!” His form was lifted and a maniacal laughter (almost too real of one) left her as she flew around in the cave carrying him high above.

“You are a slippery one! But I am the Dragon Lord! I am your Lord! For I control your life from here on out.”

She circled around the cave for a few laps, continuing to tease her younger mate. She roared, with a laugh that might have sound pure evil, she circled around until they were over her mountain of pillows. With a final laugh, she dropped him.

“Ahhhh!” He fell almost a story down… only to softly land in the giant mountains of pillows where a soft ‘pomp’ was heard with a muffled scream. Then it stopped.

Ember hovered over with a glee most evil and she laughed at how she had just managed to get Spike to realize he was so wrong for calling her ‘soft and cute’. It was a tease, but she knew only he could call her that. However, realizing that she had just dropped her mate in her mountain pillows where not a week prior… she had her ‘sessions’ there and not fully cleaned them out. Her face dropped to horror in seconds as there was no audible noise coming from the pillow mountain.

Immediately, she dove into the mountains in a steep descent, disappearing into the pillows. She dove deep enough to where Spike had been burrowed deep and saw the tiny dragon, staring up at her with a dazed look but heavy breathing.

“S-Spike!” She called out, reaching out towards her ‘Consort’. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” A bit of an emotional wave came showed through her face. “I-I-I’m sorry if I did and I really was just p-playing around!”

Spike finally snapped out of his dazed look and his heavy breathing almost ceased when he stared up at his mate. Quickly shaking his head, he gave a small nod with a smile.

“Yeah, I’m okay Ember.” He paused seeing that she really looked worried but he was fine. Why did she continued to look worried. As if to answer his own thoughts, a strong scent of something filled his nostrils. The heavy breathing as he had been dropped had only allowed the scent lingering in the pillows to enter his system faster. Being surrounded by pillows that only allowed so much clean air, left all the wondering scent to being inhaled directly into his lungs.

She saw his nostrils flared that had Ember feeling fluttering in her stomach, watching as Spike inhaled deeply, his eyes once more becoming dazed and half lidded. Oh ‘Great Draco’, he was inhaling it. Despite not all the pillows having her ‘left over fluids’; any that did, had trapped the air with the ones in and creating a ‘hot box’.

Before she could even think of anything remotely to say, Spike suddenly reached out and pulled her over him. It was her turn to yelp as he his face was pressed against her breast; it allowing him to deeply inhale her. He knew that scent was her’s but the one he was smelling was much more… ‘sweeter’, more ‘alluring’.

“Ember?” his voice was filled with a hazed, confusion. He was a bit dizzy but it was gentle disorient as he continued to hold and inhale Ember. “I… I feel funny.”

‘Oh Great Draco!’ It was his first time smelling a Dragoness in heat. It was her pre-heat but it still carried the same luring effects of a real heat. Ponies might have gone to heat but either it smelled different or it was not appealing to him but Ember was the first Dragoness he actually had encountered according to him. She was being smothered by a ‘pre-teen drake’, whom was never taught the basics of Dragon maturity, let alone Dragon Mating. Fearing this might quickly get out of claw, she quickly began to dislodge herself from him.

“Spike, what your smelling is… from me.”

“I know that,” he responded, still trying to smell her, only now he was rubbing his head against her breast back and forth, trying to rub that alluring scent onto his own. “But… its so nice to smell and I feel funny. Not ha-ha funny but… its nice, and wonderful, and sweet…”

He was beginning to ramble. Oh he was really deep into her scent! She could even feel herself becoming intoxicated, not just by her own smell but by his. He was young still, yet already the traces of a ‘teenaged drake’ was starting to develop. The scents only brought memories as she visualized not too long ago about him and her, stirring up her own body. She twisted her legs, trying to keep them tight and closed.

Struggling more, she managed to overpower the drake and pulled herself off before shuffling a punch of pillows out of the way, trying to bring in some fresh air. She cleared an opening, bringing in fresh air to herself, she was about to pull out of it, just as Spike grabbed her legs.

“…!” She wanted to yelp, she wanted to cry out in surprise but what really left was a gasp… followed by a shriek of what Spike had just done. It was too late, the young Drake had succumbed to his inner instincts and he lost himself.

A true yelp left her as she was pulled back into the mountain of pillows and her consort’s true simulation came into fruition. Instincts had won him over.

The Trial of the Consort Pt. 1

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The Dragon Lord’s Consort

The Trial of the Consort

It’s so unfair when fate calls us at the time we least suspect it. It rarely comes at the moment we want or seek it. The strings are tugged and pulled, but yielding to different, unknown directions that make us change everything around us or changing ourselves. What we can only do is embrace the change, mold what we can to our will and pray for the best outcome.

When we, as a species, come to terms that we can evolve into something more. Something grand than what we had always been lead to believe, I think that it will start soon. This generation, my… generation will be the last. I can foresee it. You may not know this now, nor may you remember the details vividly, but I know that deep in my heart, my hearts of heart, that you will experience change unlike anything we have endured in our history.

You will find the one… the one to hold your heart when you least suspect it. They will lift you up when you fall. When you believe they are weak, they will show you how strong they really are. When they see much greatness in you, they will give up so much, just for you. And when the time comes and you see their hearts, their care, their love for you and all that you are, you will see they are… your…

Well, I think that when it happens, you will know the name yourself. Oh… my little ‘Ember’, my teardrop of joy and love. Made by the hearts of your sire and dam, forged in the fires of our souls and blessed by Wistala. When I see you, I hope it is not to late when your hatchlings take their first breath. When you’re the size of myself and at the strength of your father. Maybe you will be something grand, I hope you are. Your mate… mates if you choose, I hope they are as kind and loving as your father, maybe more. They may even change you to something different, something you do not expect but it might be for the better.

When I awaken next, I pray that eternity has not passed nor your lifetime. When the sunrises next, I will be there to watch, as you take your step out into the world and make it small, make it so that you are as powerful as you need to be. Be more than just a little ember. Be a raging fire or a volcano, with the strength and power as one. Leave an impact and make sure that it will set a brighter future.

I love you so much, but I must sleep. But know that if you wish to speak to me, I may not respond, but I will always listen. I will always be there and if you need a body to be next to, I will be there, as well as your father. Take to kind, my little Ember, for your future is bright!

The words echoed loudly in her head and with it, her eyes opened. As sharp as they were, haze filled her vision and so did her mind. The brief and sharp inhale of air, filled her mind with the oxygen it needed and after an exhale, she inhaled deeply and managed to rouse herself.

Was it morning? Was it still night? She was not entirely sure but… if the cool, mucky air that flowed from the top and entrance of the cave was to indicate anything, it was that it was the early morning hours.

All of the nights previous exploits came rushing in and suddenly, she has never felt so full of mixed emotions and thoughts in her life then now. Feeling a bit of weight on her chest, she cocked her head down to see Spike, her consort, her mate… her something that meant more to her than anything else now. The little drake had surely changed her life, all within a few days. And… he changed too now that she noticed it.

He was… heavier. His head alone was a bit thinner, less hatchling fat on it but deeper features. She saw that his spines had grown a bit, his body more toned and defined. He had grown in height, not too much but she could see that he was a good few inches taller now. His head, judging by his sprawled out form, was closer to her breast area with his feet almost the length of hers.

It was… alarming to see it now and she didn’t know if it was greed growth or not. Dragons grow naturally even with greed but at much controlled action through their sires and dams. Spike had ponies and family but had no real lessons on anything else. The fact that their… pleasantries… no actual mating or courting had taken place, with Spike only growing a few inches to near her height. One thing is for sure… their bond was truly thight now. She could almost feel their connected energy. His gentle heartbeat; both that she felt against her body and the thumbing beat that seemed to hover around his aura. She could somewhat see a physical flame within him, green with purple that burned through his heart, and his hearts of hearts.

How much more would she see before they become eternally bonded like other dragons? Would that even work for them both? She didn’t keep her hopes up too much. The trials were among them and soon Spike would have to prove himself. Not just to her and her father, but amongst elders, advisors, and… in front of all of dragon kind.

Would he be made a fool? Would they disapprove him? Even with her as commanding and current Dragon Lord, she could not prevent from others treating him horribly or even the elders or advisors from branding their own mistrust. He was still young, still had a future ahead of him, but if he was ostracized from his own kin, how would that affect him in the future?

She dared not imagine it, nor would she condemn him to a false sense of hope. Ember knew that if the trials were to happen, he would have her support one way or another. The trials didn’t allow her to interfere unless… she condemn him to being teased or treated harmfully by his peers for the rest of his days. At that point, he would have no reason to stay with her, nor would he want to be anywhere near other dragons if they see him.

‘Oh mother, please let me keep the one I love,’ she silently prayed. ‘You once told me I would find the one that would change me and now… here he is. Not strong, not powerful, not even my size yet, but he is amazing. He is smart and he is…’

Spike snorted in his sleep, disturbing her train of thought. He began to rouse himself awake and Ember couldn’t help but feel a bit bashful at watching him rise awake. It was… adorable… so to speak.

Blinking heavily, his vision was still a blur, but he could make out the details of sky blue and he felt the warmth and beating heart of…

“Ember?” he asked. He rubbed his eyes, trying to rouse himself awake. “Good morning.”

Ember gave him a smile before leaning in and licking his face, causing him to pause as her tongue brushed over him. That seemed to instantly wake him up.

“And good morning to you, Spike.”

Vision clearing, he saw… happiness staring at him. No, not just happiness. He saw beauty, care, friend, consort… and more. He wanted to find the word for it, but he couldn’t right now.

“What happened…. What happened to my voice?” It was not as different as one might expect but to him, it felt like it had changed a lot. It was not… high pitched but neither did it say he was older. Instead, it kicked out that little bit of ‘hatchling’ that was left and pushed him to… ‘drake out on his own’, hood. Was that even a right saying?

Spike pushed himself from her, looking down at her before looking down at himself. “Wow. Am I taller?”

Ember gave a nod. “Just a tad bit. A little sharper too.”

His eyes became wide.

“Oh no! Am I going into a ‘Greed Growth?’ How!” His voice instantly filled with panic, but Ember placed a palm on him.

“It is… but not what you expect. As for how; well maybe last night’s activities have something to do with it.”

A cocked eyebrow with a sided grin and a look of total smug, Ember was the very definition of someone who had done something bad.

Staring at her, his mind flashed back to all of last night’s activities. Instantly, he turned a bright shade of red and he never looked more bashful then before. He wanted to find some words, anything to say but his mind was still recovering as flashes and vivid images of last night played in his mind like a movie. Only it really happened, and he enjoyed himself. It was a new and so unique experience.

Staring at her, he saw that she was now looking at him, trying to see any fault or negativity towards their sessions. His expressions were varied but she saw that there was nothing to show discomfort. Spike seemed to settle on… astonishment but with a small blissful overcast on his features.

“So… last night we…”

She shook her head.

“We didn’t properly mate, but we did learn to understand one another just a bit better. We are still young on learning what to do and that is fine but maybe when we mature or grow, we can learn how to properly express ourselves. For now, I think that this is as far as we can and should go. I would rather not ruin something so…

“Wonderful?” he asked.

A smile touched her muzzle and she leaned in, brushing snout against his.

“I was going to say, precious,” she almost hissed the word to him, triggering a tingle sensor on his spine. “But I like that too.” A small wisp of violet flame left her, brushing against his snout. This time, he was not startled, nor was he concerned. Instead, his heart beat harder, his eyes became distant and the warmth of the kindle he had just received made him feel more at ease than ever. Despite the brief draconic kiss, he never had felt more intoned and more heart-filled than with Ember.

Rarity never touched his face like her, despite her generosity. Twilight never caressed him outside of being a sister and friend. Even Celestia, despite her being his mother, all the kisses and hugs were different than what he felt with Ember. It was more than just a friend, it was more than just a mutual other. It was something stronger, stronger than he had ever had with anypony or anyone before.

It was lov-


It was lovely… for a moment.

Both parties separated and crawled out of the pillows, unto the cave floor. Just in time to see the former Dragon Lord’s giant head pop into the side entrance of the cave.

“Yes father?” Ember responded in an even tone.

Torch eyed the both of them.

“Today is the day! Are you and…” His giant eyes focused on Spike, whom despite his small growth, still felt small to the giant dragon. Seeing Spike had grown, he huffed, letting out a small steam escape from his nose. “What happened to you, whelp? Allowed yourself to grow greedy?” He paused, his giant nose taking in big whiffs of the cave air and instantly smelling the lingering orders, not just from the pillows but from the two smaller dragons below him.

His normal stoic expression went to a full grin. Ember saw it and instantly groaned at seeing her father’s expression.

“Father, don’t!”

Torch didn’t hear or didn’t care, but he did… He gave a grin and gave a sharp laugh. “HA!” The cave echoed and shook with his expressive action. “So the two of you had went and mated with one another!” Spike instantly blushed and Ember too, but she was trying to yell at her father.

“Father we did not mate at all!” Her father didn’t let her have it.

“Oh, you cannot deceive me, my little Ember! This cave reeks of your and his essences alone! Any dragon worth half their hoard can smell that you two had a good rutting last night!” His jest had filled the cave with his laughter, but the two younger dragons were left in embarrassment. “What's more,” he roused with a giant chuckle. “is that you not only rutted but Spiked there-

“Its uh… Spike, sir.” Spike said out loud but was over shouted by the larger dragon.

“-gained a bit of growth thanks to your rutting!”

“Father!” Boomed Ember, taking a hovering stance, ticked by her father’s embarrassing antics. “For the final time! WE! DID! NOT! MATE! We barely did anything more than just mark each other and play but we did not mate!”

Torch stopped his humorous rant but kept his grin.

“Oh, having trouble in trying to rouse the female, Spikes?”

Once more, Spike looked to correct him but hesitated to do so as Ember continued to berate her father.

“Father!” She finally snapped. “What did you come here for! Are you here for the trials?”

That snapped her father out of his merriment and returned to a somewhat normal tone.

“Ah, yes the trials. I have come for that. However, I ask that you two bathe yourselves and clean each other,” a small grin formed on his giant muzzle. “Unless you don’t mind allowing the rest of the dragons of the lands to smell of your… pleasantries!”

Ember groaned with a slap of her hand to her face. Spike couldn’t help but imagine in horror, at the thought of walking outside of the confines of the cave, only to have every dragon laugh, or treat him or Ember with disrespect. He couldn’t have that… nor would he allow it. His thoughts lead to him giving a small growl. The thought of others trying to tease or even hurt his mate, oh they would find fury on their heads if he got near them. The two dragons noticed his growl and saw his greed kicking in.

Fearing an incident or even trouble prior to the trials Ember immediately placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned near him.

“Spike… its okay. Whatever it is your thinking of, just relax. I am right here with you.”

It worked almost instantly, and Spike’s mood seized with him releasing a deep exhale. Torch saw the display and for once, he was stumped. The former Dragon Lord has seen a lot in a millennium of ruling and even more in an almost two thousand-years of living.

He has seen time passed him in a breeze, quick but something to be a behold. Not just from the dragon lands but throughout the world. He, being one of the smartest of his kind, had actually left the lands to find meaning to the world and himself. From a teenager, filled with a sense of exploration, rather than greed, he looked to find something more.

He saw civilizations being built in a blink. He saw dangerous areas become tame and inhabited by the strong. Empires and legacies of evil and unjust being toppled by masses of hope and love. Tyrant kings, evil spirits, mad centaurs, oddity mindless forms and chaos gods… all meeting their ends in some way or some form. From its chaotic beginnings, the world has changed vastly in a short of a matter of time and it will continue to change, with or without him there to see it. The last years alone, Eternal Night was just but a season ago where life would have ended slowly into a dark, freezing death. The chaos chimera that was re-released destroyed a great nation, was defeated in less than a day, yet not too long after, magically reformed into an ally of the ponies.

Changelings, disgusting insect crawling out of their little anthills to cause mayhem, only to be squashed like the bugs they are. The magic draining centaur escaping his eternal prison and nearly destroyed the world and rid it of magic, only to be stopped by a single pony. More and more news reached him of their exploits and accomplishments; their unbound and limitless roles in saving not just their homes but the world itself continues to come in hoard fills.

So when he saw Spike, not a full twelve hours be a mere hatchling that could fit in crack of his teeth filler, grow rapidly but not be consumed by greed, he was astonished. Even now as his daughter coaxed him, he saw the greed leave him quickly and with no trace of its presence. Triggered greed was difficult to control. Even more, it was only amplified when the thoughts alone would consume the dragon in a small level. If the dragon feels threat towards their mate or hoard, they would instantly go through greed growth to compensate against said threat.

It was almost an instinctual thing that would be inherited by any dragon. Yet, Spike before him held onto control like no other, even his own. Very little have grown smart enough to control their greed. The current Advisor, Elder and former Lords are but the few that could do so. But those were years of training and under great strain, did they not use their title or roles to gain more power than needed. Here, he was but a hatchling, raised by ponies that, if given much training and much more knowledge about his inner heart of hearts, he could change his size and his power at will, without the need of greed. Pure, raw emotion didn’t always feature strength but great control, could allow for power and flow to a dragon’s soul.

Maybe… that is what would have set him apart. As his giant eyes saw that Spike remained calm and spoke to Ember, even apologizing, Torch saw something in the drake he never saw in other dragons. Love, care, hope, restraint and even power that rivals that of his own. The ponies have given him power… something unheard of and because that, that the grin on his giant head remained.

Spike will surely pass the trials. He knew it. He wanted him to succeed. Not just for his daughter’s sake but for the sake of all others.

Clearing his throat, he got the attention of the two dragons.

“While you too… clean up,” He shot his daughter a knowing grin, which she responded with a snort. “I’ll go and start preparing the trials. The ‘Advisor, Elder, and others should be here soon.”

Just as he was about to leave, Spike called out to him.

“Um… Torch, sir?” he asked.

The larger dragon gave a huff of amusement.

“I told you, Spud… err Spike,” he quickly corrected himself. “You do not have to call me ‘sir’, I am not one of your ponies.”

Spike gave a cocked eyebrow.

“I was raised to respect others whom are either male or female, not species, to be called that. I’m sorry if I offended you in anyway but it’s an old habit.”

The larger dragon hummed to himself in thought.

He will pass the trials, he thought to himself. I will bet half my hoard of he does.

“What is it?”

Twiddling with his claws, he spoke out.

“When I do these trials, is there anything I have to worry about? Anything I should learn or pay attention too? I know you said that each trial varies per dragon, but… I just want to make sure that if I do them, would I be exiled or cast out or something if I fail?”

His questions were solid, and Torch knew what he was asking. However, it was up to the others and himself to decide how each trial was supposed to go. For certain dragons, the trials could be three to ten in total. Various tasks could be based on speed, strength, agility, intelligence, will and so on. He already had a few in mind, but the others would throw in their own input. Torch had already keyed them in on Spike’s situation… and upbringing but they also knew that he shouldn’t be spared the difficulty of the challenges because of them. Other dragons would view him as weak and unreliable should he win a title.

Still, he had to make sure that Spike would be confident enough to do it all.

“I know what trial I have for you,” he said in steady tone, careful to hide any knowledge of the trials he has in mind. “But as for the others, they are decided upon by the current Elder, Advisor, and the successor prior to me. You will meet them first, before you begin your trials.”

Spike gave a small nod before looking down at his somewhat grown form. He might have gained a few inches but he still was the smallest dragon to date. He then looked back up at Torch.

“I’m… not much to look at.” He responded, unsure himself. “I don’t even have wings.”

Torch gave a nod, as best he could with the cave holding his head in.

“That you aren’t,” he said, causing Spike to give a dejected sigh, but Torch quickly responded. “But looks aren’t everything, young drake. What happens out there is not on looks, its how the other dragons will see you. To answer your questions, what you have worry about, is not about passing or failing, nor trying to prove to us, or what you are capable of. The trials are to prove… what will your worth give to not only your mate as your Dragon Lord, but to us as a species, as a race on this great world of ours and how we will see you in the future. You have a distinct advantage that no other consort of a lord has had before and that is knowledge.

“Knowledge from a race, once regarded as weak and pathetic before, now seen as a powerful species, with powerful lessons. From what my daughter has told me and what you have shown me in the little time you have been here, is that the ponies have taught you more in your so few years in your life, than the Elders, Advisor, or former Dragon Lords in history. Your lessons in Friendship, kindness, devotion and loyalty have been proven enough just by you being here alone.” Something close to appraisal came from Torch and both Spike and Ember saw that he had a difficult time trying to phrase it.

“The fact that you came to my daughter’s rescue… shows how much you can care for something much more than just yourself. Not only that, but leaving behind your friends, your family so that my daughter can live, despite the lie we have given to you, your heart is bigger than even mine.” He paused and gave a grin. “Figuratively.”

This caused Spike a large smile, as well as Ember. Pulling close to him, Spike felt the warmth truly come from the two, more than ever.

“Understand, that even if you fail the trials, but you put your all of your best, all of your brain, pouring in your soul and hearts into the trials, I as well as the others, will still see of you as a great dragon. You will not be exiled, nor would other dragons dare call you weak. I already have great faith that you will not fail these trials… in fact, I know you will succeed in them.” That sparked a huge boost in confidence in Spike, hearing that the great Torch, would know he would pass. “However, know that they will be difficult. I do not want you to get cocky and think they are easy. Far from it, these trials are created for the purpose of dragons of all kinds, perhaps even other species, to understand that we are a strong and powerful race. But you however, may do something far surpass even that.”

Spike looked up at him, in question.

“In what way?”

The larger dragon gave a small shake of his.

“That is not here nor now. You will know of it soon.” He paused and gave a small grunt. “The time is near, my young. I ask that you quickly bathe yourselves and be ready. Come high noon, the trials will start.” Without another word, the giant dragon left, leaving a silence to follow.

Sparing no more time, the two dragons made their way towards the center where the lava pits and fountain were at. Spike at once went for the water while Ember made her way towards the lava.

She curiously saw as her consort began to make his way inside.

“Is that how you would bathe before?” she asked.

He hadn’t made a move over the fountain wall before stopping and turning to her.

“Uh yea… Ponies… me included, we would take showers.”

Ember cocked her head.

“Isn’t that a waste of water?”

He gave a small shrug.

“In some ways yes, but Ponies really have no other ways of cleaning themselves.”

“But you’re not a pony, you’re a dragon. You no longer have to do it their way anymore.”

Something struck Spike and he wondered, that after everything he had learned in the time here, would he try to adapt to the new dragon living as quickly as possible, or struggle with the change that once was his life? In truth, he never realized that, if he were to live over here now, with his consort, then he may have to introduce her to his own style of life, and his own way of how he lived. Perhaps after the trials, he could prove to her that having both could be better.

A smile formed on his muzzle. “I think that, I will have to get used to things not being done the pony way anymore, but I also think that maybe, I could teach you the pony way could be beneficial too!”

The left her a questionable gaze but relented with a nod.

The two quickly cleaned themselves, though after Spike bathed himself in clean water, he made his way towards the lava pit where he allowed the water that lingered on body to quickly turned to steam and for the lava to clean anything that the water could cleanse through.

What Spike liked knowing is that the lava pit was a lot better than the steamy hot showers he took back at home. He didn’t have to worry about using up all the hot water or, if he took a bath, wouldn’t worry about it cooling down in little time. Another thing was that the lava was thicker, so he had to struggle a bit to move in and out but that was nothing compared to the fact that being in a lava bath, meant not having to worry about being surrounded by your filth or that he had to clean up after. Truly, heated liquid fire was the best way to bathe.

Not long after, the two set on eating gems, though from Ember’s view, Spike needed to eat a lot. Who knew how long the trials would be and if he would even be allowed to rest or eat for that matter. The silence was actually welcoming between them, for they held each other close, only allowing a few words to pass between the two. Their relationship was now at a different level but where it was going, it was a mystery.

Each hour that did pass, Spike continued to worry more and more, despite Ember’s reassurances. He has never had to deal with something like this before. Sure he may have saved the Crystal Empire twice before and maybe even go on near-life-ending journeys and scenarios, but to go up in front of an entire race to prove not just to them but to others whom will see or hear of this, what kind of dragon is worth being the consort of the Dragon Lord, has him in nerves. More so, he was going to be judged, tested and examined by dragons, whom from what he has read and been told, be thousands of years old.

Then came the trials. Torch had a few in mind for him, however the others might be different. Physical attributes could be in play which Spike surely lacked. Intellectual wits could prove a challenge if he was asked about dragon history or just in general. The only ones he truly felt confident about is if any of the trials worked around pony or pony history, which he severely doubts that would be true. The last would be anything that may have to do with why he chooses to be with Ember. That one was easy enough… right?

But what comes next… he wasn’t sure.

Checking himself over in the pool, he gazed upon his reflection. What he saw still astounded him, the features of his body slowly washing over him as he saw the last of his chubby hatchling fat almost gone. Taller spikes roamed across his head to his tail. His mouth was a bit larger, almost pointed where even his teeth looked like mini white daggers. Claws grew sharper, almost to the point where just brushing them lightly across any surface will leave scratches. Lastly, his eyes were more slit than oval-ish prior. The fact that he is maybe another inch or two taller was a small enhancement he enjoyed.

Still, he wasn’t sure if he truly looked any different to himself, or if he were to return back home to his family. He rubbed his claws across his face, once more seeing the features had smoothed a bit, trimming his fat and giving a firm jaw line.

“Who are you going to be?” he asked himself out loud. Though he was not sure if Ember heard. “Are you going to be the Advisor? The one other’s seek to when they need help? When they ask for guidance or assistance in their daily life? Would helping a dragon figure themselves out be a good role I am fit for?”

Ember slowly made her way towards him, listening to his monologue.

“Are you going to be the Elder? A dragon where people seek knowledge of the world, past or future? Thousands of years from now, will I be telling stories to… hatchlings… ponies… other species whom want to know history?”

She steadied her breath, making sure she didn’t disturb him.

“Will I be… a co-ruler, filling in for my…” She held her breath, waiting for the name. “…my consort if she fell ill and I must succeed in her name? Would they remember me because I succeeded where she didn’t or would I be remembered because I am a good co-ruler’ and am worth listening to?”

There was a pause and he sighed, sounding somber and mellow.

“Or would I just be… just your mate? Nothing worth to prove, nothing worth to any dragon else or anyone else?” Looking past his reflection, he saw Ember standing behind him. “If I were to lose the trials,”

“You won’t.” Ember affirmed. Pressing herself against his back, she wrapped her arms against his shoulders to his chest and leaned her head down near to his. “I and my father have much faith that you will pass.”

“I know you do… but I am not sure of myself.”

“That is something I cannot help you with. Only you can assure yourself of a victory. I will only be there to support you, every step, every challenge along the way. My heart will be there by your side, my father’s knowledge will lead you straight, and your friends, your friends, they too will be there… if you keep in mind whom has your back.”

Silence followed and he felt so small, so tiny.

Looking up from the fountain, he casted his gaze towards the cave where he could feel the rising sun and the warmth coming in, feeling the cave with its heat. He didn’t feel warm, nor did it felt like a morning. To him, it was just another time when he was called into question, what his role is to be today and what it will be, tomorrow.

He released a monotone voice

“I am not ready…”

The Trial of the Consort Pt. 2

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The Dragon Lord’s Consort
Trial of the Consort
Pt. 2

Spike held to the back of Ember’s shoulders as she flew through the skies. Despite his somewhat increased weight gain, she still flew with ease as he held onto her. Though it was a rough start, she managed to get off the ground and head towards where the trials were to be held.

High above the sky, Spike saw hundreds of dragons of various sizes all flying towards the same destination. Looking at them, he still felt so small compared to them. The sun was nearing its center point in the sky and Spike could feel the ticking clock of his fate coming.

Fear was his greatest emotion. Doubt was his negative view on the world. Anxiety was drowned by hopelessness…
But he knew that he had to stay strong. Not just for Ember, but for himself, to the future of how his kind will treat him and see… what a dragon raised by ponies could lead up to.

As they approached the center, which was an extremely large canyon range or valley shaped into a bowl, which looked like it could seat or hold hundreds of dragons of various sizes. A multitude of dragons flew towards the giant arena and while he thought he would just be out in the open to do the trials, he had no idea it would be viewed all around. This looks way worse than the Equestian Games some time ago, though in truth, he hoped one of the trials didn’t involve singing.

Then, he spotted them. The biggest dragons to grace the lands that made the larger ones that he had encountered prior to Torch look meek. They could be considered mountains in the distance, if not for their colors. Between Torch and Spike’s visual of other dragons, Spike had to asses that they were not only the biggest dragons but they were the dragons that were given titles.

Standing almost equally in height was a dark forest green dragon with ash grey underbelly scales and spines. His maw was more squared then Torch’s while his horns came in two, pointed back and away from his head. He had no wings, meaning that he was the largest dragon he has seen without them and if Spike were honest, he wondered if he was the type of dragon to grow extremely huge but without a pair of wings.

Next to him was a scarlet hide dragon with a deep maroon under belly. Several large scars were seen over its body, some bigger than dragon’s length. Flying closer, Spike managed to hear the voice of the dragon interacting with the others, clarifying that it was female. He inwardly winced as they drew closer and saw that she had deep tissue scars. They were all healed by years, not by treatment. If it weren’t for the fact that she actually grew to her current size, Spike would have thought she fought some huge beasts and this was the final result of her battle.

Next to her was another female, judging by her voice, who was a pure shiny black with a silver underbelly. Unlike the others, she was much smaller yet, she continued on as if she was the same size as the other dragons. What made her most interesting is that she was not only smaller but had a lean body and her horn tips bent down instead of up. She also wore what seemed to be a brace around her tail made out of metallic alloy.

He would store that question later when he got the chance. Now however, they were making their way towards the larger dragons, near the center of the arena and in view of hundreds of dragons.

Almost front and center, Amethyst and Garble were there, along with Garble’s crew and a few other smaller dragons. The teens all stood behind them, various sizes, shapes and colors.

Ember hovered in a circle near the center, just as the taller dragons had finished their conversations. She took three heavy beats of her wings before landing. Spike hopped off of her and stood by her. Looking up at the larger dragons, she felt her heart begin to beat heavily. Spike’s did as well, which is why he hoped that as he stood by Ember, she wouldn’t mind if he placed her tails on top of hers. She didn’t, actually wrapping her larger tail around his. The four large dragons turned to the arrivals and with that, the sun had hit the sky center.

All four dragons lifted their giant paws and slammed them down onto the floor, causing a boom to echo loudly and a blast of dirt into the air. Both Ember and Spike shielded their eyes while other dragons merely flinched. Any and all chatter that surrounded the arena had came to a sudden silence and it was that moment, that Spike realized how serious this was going to be.

Torch, being the tallest, spoke but nothing that portrayed anger nor fear including. Instead, his voice carried something of leader and a dragon with a purpose.

“The day has come, for the Dragon Lord to have chosen a consort worthy of sharing the throne of power. What has been the second week of her rule since she acquired the Bloodstone Scepter, she has yet to create a fault or error in her choices that lead us astray.”

Looking down at his daughter, the large dragon gave a small snort and turned towards the others.

The male next to Torch spoke after.

“As the current Elder, I bestow the new Dragon Lord and her current consort with a quick blessing of faith and prosperity. May their odds be on their sides.”

Ember bowed her head, towards the Elder. Spike saw her do this and quickly bowed his head. The first Elder gave a small snort of acknowledgment before motioning for the maroon dragoness next to him.

“With the trials here before us now, I too, bless these two and pray for their best in their trials. Being the last Successor, I hope that your futures are written in the stars.” Once more, the two bowed at their blessing, Spike surprisingly felt Ember tightening her tail on his but in a comforting manner.

The last dragoness however didn’t speak. Instead, she lowered her large head towards the two. Spike almost jumped back as her head came into view while Ember did her best to hold him steady with her tail.

Spike stared up at her, somewhat fearful as her purple eyes gazed upon him. The odd gray eyeshadow somewhat enhanced her purple eyes, almost giving them a small shimmer. It reminded him of Twilight for some reason.

“Before I give my blessing,” she began with a voice so gentle, so delicate, Spike never thought it possible for a dragon to speak so angelic and soft. “I must know a bit of you before I do. The others bless whoever comes to them as per tradition but I as the Advisor, must be given something in exchange. I must know your history, where you hale from and why you think that by doing this, your future is worth being by her side. Now, if you wish only to be as part of her hoard or mate, nothing else, I will only ask your past and that would be it. But if you wish to be something more, I must know what I am looking at.”

Spike didn’t know how to answer, nor was he able to respond. He turned to Ember, seeing if she could help but she shook her head and realized this was on him. Once more, the events of the Equestrian Games came to mind and he wondered if he would chock up because of this situation he was it.

Thousands of thoughts came to mind, with his overactive imagination running amok and threatening to ruin what he and Ember had going. If he failed, if he were to publicly humiliate or ruin what Ember has, all of it, would be his fault.

What came next was a gentle ease of the larger dragoness’s eyes and when he stared into them, it was almost as if his heart slowed, with the fear easing out of him. A sort of gentle humming and glow came from her and he wondered if there was some magic involved. Feeling the ease, he found some words building and whether it was through confidence or self-realization, he spoke out loud to her.

“M-My name is Spike. I… uh, I come from Equestria where I was raised.”

“Truly?” she asked. “How queer for a dragon to come from the land of the ponies, is it not?” Somehow, this got a few dragons, Garble’s crew(whom happen to be in the front of the crowd) to chuckle at that. Ember bristled at the Advisor’s outspoken words, yet she remained quiet on that matter.

Spike shook his head, not heeding towards the heckle from the other dragons.

“No, it is not. I lived with them my whole life and I love it there.”

“And did they keep you as a pet? At a zoo?” She question.

A bit of anger surged up in Spike but it was quickly calmed by her gaze. Instead, he spoke evenly, still loud enough for those close to here.

“No. They never treated me like that. I was treated as a friend, as a brother and more. I never got mistreated badly nor was I ever treated as something less.”

The advisor blinked her heavy eyes, still focused entirely on him.

“And whom was your sire or dam?”

At this he paused and he wasn’t sure how to answer.

“I-I don’t know. I was born without parents.”

An eerie silence fell upon the area; nothing but the heated winds that passed through and seemed to carry his words throughout the valley. Spike suddenly felt thousands of eyes upon him, but more so than before. Yes, the dragons were looking at him before, but he felt that now, now they were really invested at him.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw Ember filled with sadness while he swore he saw the dragons behind him look so suddenly diverted in emotions. Meanwhile, the advisor before him blinked her eyes and he saw moisture forming upon them.

“Truly?” she asked, as if she couldn’t believe it. “You have no recollection of your parents? Nor hide nor scales? Memories left by your egg?” The sadness that left her voice was so powerful Spike swore he was going to cry for his own sake too.

Shaking his head, he answered. “No, I was… from what I was told, ponies found my egg and it was to be given to a pony whom was worthy of hatching it.” When he meant worthy, he left out that it was part of a test that might make seem ponies more evil than dragons knew of. Still he kept going. “When I was hatched, the ponies raised me as their own and then I grew up alongside them. Princess Celestia was like a surrogate mother to me while the pony whom hatched me was my sister.”

The dragoness remained silent and the single tear she shed, it made him want to run and hug her. Why was she so emotional for him? What did she care for a little dragon like him?

As if reading his thoughts, she spoke once more.

“To hear that one, such as young as yourself to be without a sire or dam is… truly saddening. A dragoness is to protect her eggs with her life or the sire to guard it until they are old enough to do so on their own. You say that the ponies found your egg, yet have they ever questioned it or tried to find your origins?”

Spike felt the question was odd but it should have been straight forward.

“They were scared of dragons. Why would they try to find them to return an egg?”

He saw a mixture of emotions run over her face. From confusion to his words, to sadness to disbelieve and pain of his history before finally settling on anger.

“Regardless of their fears, to take a dragon egg away or to not try and return it to a dragon is a crime on itself! They should have left it in front of a dragon and any dragon, should have brought it here, so that they could have found a clutch to be adopted to.” She raised her heads and looked at the hundreds of dragons around her. “By law, any and all dragon eggs that have no clutch to any sire’s or dam’s should be brought here! It is our duty to protect our young!” The voice echoed loudly and harshly that a lot of dragons lowered their heads in fear or discomfort at her anger.

The other three dragons quickly seized the situation before further escalation.

“Eliyinsa! Control yourself!” The maroon dragon half yelled, using her wings to calm the situation.

Torch and the Elder too used surrounded the smaller dragoness into an eased state. Meanwhile, Spike was hiding behind Ember as she took a defensive stance and was using her own body to protect him. Other dragons were visibly shook by her sudden outcry and stood on guard should she become hostile.

It didn’t come to that and just as quickly as she was to anger, it dissipated. She blinked, her breathing heavy and strong with the eyes of many upon her. Shame filled her mind and she lowered her head.

“F-Forgive me, all of you. I didn’t mean for this to rile us up.” Her eyes then focused on the two younger dragons before her, especially Spike whom was just as fearful of her as before. A twist in her heart made her saddened to know she caused fear to the little drake. She wished to apologize to him, however with the current dragon lord protecting him, she dared not approach him. “I have overstepped my boundaries…”

“For now,” stated Torch. “If you wish, Zynthia and Dereain could continue the trials without you.”

She quickly shook her head.

“I will remain… steady, just let me clear myself until the end of their trials.” She paused, then she remembered her final verse. Keeping her distance, she spoke to Spike. “Whatever you choose, how you choose to spend your life with the dragon lord… you have my blessing.”

Spike blinked at her blessing but despite his fear, he gave a polite bow, as did Ember. Turning to the other dragons, she lowered her head and moved behind. Their focus then went to the two young dragons. Spike had stepped to Ember’s side now but kept a wary eye at Eliyinsa. She kept her head down, though she would steal glances at him when it wasn’t on the other dragons.

Torch once more took on the speaking role.

“It is now time to begin the trials!”

Roars of approval echoed loudly throughout the valley, causing the very ground to shake. Spike felt the ripples in his body, wondering if this truly meant the beginning or the end?

The Trial of the Consort Pt. 3

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The Dragon Lord’s Consort
Trial of the Consort
Pt. 3

Torch, the giant dragon, a mountain of a dragon, the last Dragon prior to his daughter, was the first to start the trials. The other three larger dragons cleared the way as the former dragon lord cleared his way towards the center where all the dragons were able to see the center.

It was here that Spike and Ember stood, Ember holding her staff while Spike was shaking as hundreds of dragons cheered or roared at them.

“Wow, I have a lot of dragons to disappoint.” He said out loud without meaning to. Ember gave a small snort of disapproval.

“You have no one to disappoint, but you have every drake to impress. No matter the outcome, you will never disappoint me.”

“Only because I’m your consort?”

“Because I am your friend,” she answered. “Because I care for you and what your future holds is up to you.”

He regarded her with a small smile, not reassuring but enough to know that he wasn’t alone. Torch gave a roar, loud enough to shake the ground and cause all the dragons around to quiet.

With the silence followed, he cleared his throat.

“As the former Dragon Lord, I will be the first one to give young Spike here the first trial. After which he has completed it, the others will follow with theirs. I am aware of how previous trials were held through strength, speed, stamina and so on, however with the current age and size of our young dragons here, we will just minimal inducing tasks.”

Spike’s eyes went wide.

“Wait, dragons?” He turned to Ember. “You're going to participate in this too? I thought it was just me!?” he half yelled.

Ember shook her head.

“The trials are yours, but I will only be in part that whatever situation must require you to prove your devotion not just to dragons but to me as well. I am to be a reason for you other than just something as simple as a title or riches.”

Spike wanted to say more, but Torch spoke before them all.

“For the first trial, Spike must endure how strong his will is.” Torch’s giant eyes looked towards him before lowering his head down near towards his level. “You will go through the Isle of Fury, where the contest for the Bloodstone Scepter was held, and you must retrieve the Golden Diamond, upon the center of the island.”

Spike blinked at that and a small shaky laugh left him.

“That doesn’t sound so bad.” Fate jinx the fool who tempted it.

“It will be no simple task. Inside, you will be set towards the path where you must seek it. However, there you will be surrounded by hoards and other treasures that will be in your way. The trial, simple as you may think, will have you try to go through it all, and retrieve the Golden Diamond, without falling to temptation or greed to hoard it all for yourself. That is just for the piles itself, but the true trial lies at the end.”

Spike gulped. Surrounded? By other hoards and treasures? And not become greed-filled? He barely managed to deal with his greed-growth awhile back, how could he hope to do this?

“The path will be marked towards the Golden Diamond. Bring any treasure out or hoard that is not the Golden Diamond and you will fail this. Scouts will be watching you but will not interfere with your trial. It is your Will and Heart that you will try to push past it through and earn your goal. Are you ready?”

Spike twiddled with his claws before turning to Ember who gave him her best confident smile. That was all he needed with a small amount of hope being built into his chest. He then looked up at Torch and gave a nod.

“I’m ready.”

A nod was all he got before Torch lowered his giant lowered to the ground and lay before him.

“Climb and I will take you.”

He hesitated, with the giant claw hand before him. The nerves ran up and down his body and he couldn’t help but shake. Pushing past his anxiety, Spike moved over to the giant claw and jumped right on top. He shuffled towards the middle and sat down.

Torch gave a snort, before addressing the crowd.

“While I watch the young drake tackle the trial, the rest of the dragons will have their own will here until I return within the second hour.”

Gently closing his claw over Spike, Torch opened his giant wings and began flapping. His wings created a heavy gust of winds and dirt to spread wildly. He soon took a hovering stance where three other dragons of diverse sizes and colors quickly opened their wings, taking an easier time to meet up to Torch’s head. Once airborne, Torch took off with the scouts following.

Ember watched with lingering eyes of worry. She believed that Spike would succeed, and she knew that this was the easiest test to do. However, Spike has never dealt with this much tension. Despite the amazing deeds he has done with his pony family and friends, by saving Equestria and the Crystal Empire, those still wouldn’t come close to what might be the greatest choices in his life.

The Isle of Fury wasn’t far off from the main arena where the valley was at but then again, Torch was a giant dragon, so distance was no trouble. The fact he was so big and could still fly surprised Spike.

From the safety of the claws, Spike managed to peak through and see the island fast approaching. Memories of the Gauntlet of Fire resurfaced on how it was him and Ember that tackled this together. How every challenge that came at them, including Garble, was overcome by them working together. Here and now, he was alone. He was alone, and he had to do this by himself.

The former dragon lord approached the island and landed near a large ridge towards an opening into the island. Bringing his claw down, he opened it, allowing Spike to hop down and look towards the cave entrance. Unlike before, it was not full of activity and dragon struggling to get to the center where the Bloodstone Scepter lied. No, it was empty, quiet and only lit by torches placed along the wall.

“So,” he began, still a bit shaky at the cave. “Just go in, past all the hoards and treasures and retrieve the Golden Diamond?”

“You must retrieve and return it back to me. A trial of will and strength. My scouts will be watching you and see how you fair. They will alert me once you are close by.”

Torch waved a claw where the three scouts, all teenaged dragons, quickly flew into the cave in front of him and disappeared inside.

“They will not interfere nor aid you in any way during the trials. Outside of a life or death situation, they will stay out of your sight and watch until you complete the trial.” Spike had noticed that Torch never said, ‘if he failed or succeeded,’ which made him think that Torch knew the outcome.

“Any advice or hints you could give me before I go?”

Torch regarded him for a moment before lowering his giant head to Spike where he met the young drake up close. There, Spike and Torch made eye to eye contact, something he thought he would always be afraid of. Yet, Torch was not menacing nor angry nor scary. Torch was looking at Spike with admiration and hope.

In a voice soft enough to not be loud, he spoke to him.

“I too cannot assist you in any way for the trials.” Spike wilted at that. “However,” Spike looked up. “should you feel yourself falling for the temptation, remember everything else but the greed. Remember your friends, your family.” He paused and gave him a grin. “Remember Ember, for you are doing this for her. But most importantly, remember yourself and who you are. You are a born dragon, but you were raised to be better! You will overcome this, regardless of the difficulty and once you do, I guarantee that this will only strengthen your resolve to achieve your trials. Be strong in mind, be brave in spirit, and conquer any fear with the love of your heart.”

Spike felt awed by Torch’s words, never hearing such strong and powerful words directed at him before. A renewal and burst of emotion filled his spirit, as he felt and understood every word that Torch said. He took it all with vigor, giving him the boost, he needed to himself.

“Go now, quickly. You must complete the trial in two hours. The path is lit for you, so all you must do is walk the trail there.”

Spike nodded.

“Thank you… Torch. Thanks for believing in me.”

Torch gave a snort.

“You have the heart worth more than a lot of dragons. Now got prove it!”

With a final nod, Spike quickly took off into the giant gave where the first path was set with lit torches and quickly followed them inside.

Torch watched him go, watching him disappear inside before sighing out loud.

“May Draco guide you, Spike.”

Spike ran as fast as his little legs could. Despite the inch and a half of growth he gained since yesterday, he still waddled through his run but had a bit more length to his steps, so this might help him distance wise.

He sped ran through the first length, seeing red markers painted across the path and the side of the rocks. He followed every one that send him deeper into the cave system. The markers were red painted claw marks pointed towards the center, where lit torches followed.

It was after a few minutes of running did he finally stop to catch his breath. He had gotten a fair distance from the cave entrance and with his growth, he found himself with a better stamina and breathing control.

His eyes followed the markers along the floor until he found the first hoard not too far off. It was a small pile of gold coins and trinkets. His first instinct was to inspect it, but he quickly shook his head and ignored it.

‘For Ember, for me.’ He thought to himself.

He pushed past it and continued the path.

The path zigzagged through the cave, each one leading off to a different section where it was not lit or out of the set pathway. For each new turn, there was a hoard set. He noticed the further he traveled, the bigger the pile became. It was easy to ignore them, being single style items like gold or copper. Some even pony things like statues, bits, armor plates and so on that he dealt with daily that made him easily overlook the rest. He would have to ask where they got that later.

He pushed through the half hour mark where the first variety in the hoards has changed. They were now as large as a carriage and some spilled over with sapphires and rubies. He licked his maw as some of them glistened in the dark background with the torches giving them a flickering shine. He slowly approached a pile, practically hearing the ruby at the top of one calling his name.

A single step into the pile caused him to stop. Looking down, he saw his foot on top of loose bits. He looked down and saw the image of Celestia on one.

Celestia, his mother, the one who raised him to be a good little drake and to think of others. She raised him, alongside Twilight, that greed was never okay to allow to one's heart. He dealt with that the first time he went through his greed growth. It nearly cost him his family and friends. He couldn’t do that here, he couldn’t afford to them down again.

‘For my family, for my friends.’ He said to himself. He stepped off the pile and moved past it without another thought.

He heard wings flapping. Looking up, he saw high up in the cave system the silhouettes of the dragon scouts gliding overhead. They had been watching, waiting for his mistake to alert Torch. With no mistake, he would move on and so would they to watch him.

Moving on, he decided to really run now, passing each new and larger hoard that caught his gaze. He ran extra hard for each one that crossed his pass. He would run until a path held no hoard and would catch his breath there, as if not to tempt himself.

He had to do this, he had to push past them all.

‘For my friends, for my family… for Ember, for me.’
He repeated this to himself, over and over, every time a certain ruby or shiny jewel flashed in his eyes. Each pass, however, made him sick with hunger and frustration, knowing that they would never be touched by his claws. A sapphire the size of his head, a ruby that would fill his bed, or a hill of coins would buy out Ponyville, all were within his reach, but he pressed on.

For them, for Ember, for himself, I will go on. The shadow voices and smells of various hoards would echo in the back of his mind, tickling his instincts but his heart pushed on. With total absolution, he made his way past every hoard, seeking his true goal and for the trial to be over.

After a solid hour of sprinting to the center, Spike found himself where the first time he had found the Bloodstone Scepter. Ironically and too coincidental, it was right at the centerpiece where he had reached the Scepter. However, no one was there to try and take it from there. Instead, a diamond, the size of his head was held, where a radiant and bright golden glow gleamed loudly. It was brighter than most of the torches, yet he could see no energy or light pointing towards it to cast a light.

‘Come closer,’ whispered a voice.

“Huh?” He looked around, seeing no one around. “Hello?”

‘Come closer,’ the voice whispered once more. Spike realized the voice came from the Golden Diamond. The voice tickled his ears and he wondered if it was really a voice. Cautiously, he made his way towards the giant jewel.

The diamond seemed to grow brighter but what confused Spike was that he held no hunger for it. At least, initially.

‘A little closer, if you will,’
As Spike was staring right at it, a small silhouette appeared inside the diamond.

‘You did it! You passed the test!’ Said the voice. It sounded exciting and eerily like his own voice.

Spike felt relief and exhaustion set in as he heard that.

“I-I passed the trial?”

‘You did! You passed the trial. Now all you need to do is eat the Golden Diamond and your trial will be complete!’
Spike gave a quizzical look at the diamond.

“Eat it? Torch said that I had to retrieve and then bring it back to him if I found it.”

‘Of course, he wants you to bring it back! He is too lazy to get it himself!’ The silhouette began to take shape to match Spike. His eyes went wide as he stared at a carbon or in this case, golden copy of himself. ‘Torch is too large to get in and retrieve it himself. That is why he gave you the easiest trial!’

Spike stared at himself through the Golden Diamond and he wondered if it was true. He did ask him to bring it to him as soon as he found it. A sudden surge of anger grew in him. The large dragon couldn’t get a stupid jewel himself? Was this part of the trials? To see if he would listen around, like some mindless puppet?

‘Yeah,’ His reflection taunted. ‘Torch just sent you on an errand run. Kinda like how all our friends back home used to treat us. Like we were a slave! Like we were just a body back to throw around! You know, if we eat the diamond, we could become strong and tall like Torch! Imagine that! You wouldn’t need to do the trials anymore if you were his size. Any trial they throw at you, easily passed by your size!’
At this point, his golden reflection took on a darker tone, which Spike only found alarming. He felt his mind turn dark and flashes of his past greed filled his mind. He screamed out in pain, as his visions filled his mind and eyes, the past where he became a rogue dragon.

Big he was yes, strong and powerful that truly was grand but the fear in his friend's eyes was there. All of them looking at him like a giant monster, foals running away, ponies scattering out of his path. Others trying their best to fight or slow him down, but nothing worked. Torch and the other Lords were gone and the alicorns could do nothing to stop him. He was strong, he was big, and he needed nothing else! But then, his eyes had focused on Rarity. The outcome wasn’t like before no, it was worse, it was way worse as he held her screaming in his claws. His giant palms slowly crushing her, screams of agony left her as he brought her body towards his mouth waiting for him to…

“NO!!!” He roared out, which echoed loudly in the cave. He dropped to his knees, tears threatening to drip down his face, eyes closed tightly and shaking his head in defiance.

“No, no, no, I will not be like that! I will not be like that again!” He screamed out loud. His eyes opened, and he looked back toward the Golden Diamond, where he didn’t see his darker half. Instead, he saw himself, a teen drake crying like a newborn. It was then, that he realized this was the true test, the true face of the trial. A test of Will over Greed.

The hoards he passed where just the small temptations that he had to pass. The easy part of the trial, but the true test came at the end, where the center of the trial was. It was not just put there to coincide with the Bloodstone Scepter. It was in the exact center of the Isle, just like the center of one’s self. He was to retrieve this but not be tempted by the diamond’s influence. To have the ‘Will’ to overcome it and leave here without its corruption.

Sighing, Spike reached out and grabbed the giant diamond. He saw his reflection once more, a small sliver of his darker self had passed, but he ignored it. Holding it with one arm, he made his way out of the cave. He didn’t notice the cave get darker behind him and the diamond lost its shine.

Torch saw his three scouts fly out of the cave first. Watching them, he spoke.

“Well? What happened?”

They didn’t say a word for Spike came out of the cave, holding the giant Golden Diamond in one arm. No other jewel or piece of hoard companied him.

A large grin presented over Torch as Spike made his towards him. He brought the diamond from under his arm and presented it over his head with the Golden Diamond to Torch. The giant dragon leaned down, seeing that Spike had indeed held the diamond, but noticed its lack of shine. A small snort left him as he plucked the diamond from Spike.

“Not as easy as you thought?”

Spike shook his head.

“I didn’t realize what it truly meant until I…”

Torch nodded.

“The Golden Diamond is an oddity in that it falsely leads us into something we are not. The name itself should literally give it away.”

“How so?” Spike asked, exhausted from his trial.

“First off, there is no such thing as a diamond made of gold. Simple as that. It implies that something that sounds real but isn’t can’t be interpreted as real. Second, the diamond was a false jewel used to lead hoard stealers and wonders who get near it, to get mesmerized by its bright color. However, as they experience the wonderful color and light of it, its true nature is to trap you in it and compel you to take it for yourself. A non-dragon, they would fall into a greedy state, but their minds trapped in an eternal fear. For a dragon, if they hoarded it, they would be compelled to eat it and feel like they would become powerful or filled with a sense of strength, in truth leading to a dragon’s doom. When it says to give you power, it will instead make you so greed-filled that you become sick or lame to do anything but guard, even if another dragon stole your treasure around you.”

Spike realized that what he saw in his mind might have come true should he had taken the hoards in the cave. Torch saw his face and gently pushed the diamond at him.

“What you saw in it, was as false as the diamond itself. Its true colors will only be revealed, if you can keep your will strong and your heart filled with those you care for. Ignore what the outer layer of the shell holds and look towards the center.” As if hearing his words, the diamond began to lose its golden color, slowly becoming its shiny, almost glistening normal glass like color wherein the center a small silver light shined. Spike before the change saw his reflection of a darker him. After, he just saw himself in the reflection. The change that he saw before him now, was shifting and giving a clearer vision of himself.

His scales looked brighter, more color toned, and his scales ridged with overlapped pointed edges. The slit in his eyes was diamond tipped but he could clearly see the emerald pupil within, sharper with color. Looking at his face, his baby or hatchling fat has all but left, leaving him with a thinner jaw structure. His muzzle had spread out in front of his face, something lost to him apparently since he always looked forward. Brushing a claw against his face, he noticed his claws had grown too.

“Th-This is from the trial?” he asked, not sure of himself feeling any changes from the few hours there.

“In short,” answered Torch. “That is from the night you spent time with my daughter.” This caused a small snicker from the scouts. Torch silenced them with a cautionary glance and refocused back on Spike. “The trial itself just enhanced your details.”

“What do you mean?” Spike asked.

“Unfortunately, we no longer have time to discuss this, young Spike. We must get back to finish your trials.” Not arguing but still full of questions, Spike hopped onto the giant dragons palm where they all flew off, heading back towards the valley.

The dragons of the valley watched as Torch, his scouts and Spike all had arrived with Ember impatiently waiting for her consort to return. As her father took a heavy landing, causing massive gust winds that blew dust, she shielded herself and allowed for them to properly land. As her father landed, he immediately raised his palm into the air, where he opened his claws to reveal Spike, holding a large diamond.

“Behold!” He roared out to the valley, getting the attention of every dragon around. “Spike has finished the first trial! The trial of Will over Greed!” The dragons of the valley roared as Spike looked high from his vantage point, hearing the sounds of thousands of dragons roaring in at his trumpet victory. He wasn’t sure if the roars were positive, negative or just the sake of roaring. But he knew that with that roar, came expectations.

Once the roars seized, he was lowered to the ground where he was immediately approached by Ember. In a heart filled moment, she grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. He was caught off by the sudden interaction but he held her back with one arm. Though it was also in that second that he realize that he had grown a bit indeed. Now, he was close to Ember’s breast area and his arms could actually reach around he lithe frame.

Pulling away, she smiled at his victory.

“You made it!”

He gave a soft nod with a soft smile.

“I did, though it was thanks to your dad for giving a helping claw.”

“What's that?”

“To remember what and who I was doing it for.”

Her heartbeat raised and her cheeks bristled with warmth at his words.

“It is now time for the next part of the trials to commence!” Her father roared out. Spike looked back towards her.

“What comes next?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Whatever it is, you can do it. And just like before, do it with whatever made helped you in the first time.”

He knew that already, but it was good to be reassured of it. With a small smile, he turned next to her and were approached by the next lord, Elder Dereian. The dark green drake as giant as Torch, addressed the crowd.

“In a remarkable display of will over greed, the consort of Dragon Lord Ember, clearly states she has chosen a worthy consort. As of now, young Spike carries with him a grand ‘will’ that shows promise. A ‘will’ can help any dragon succeed in any task, so long as they understand their task and how much they must push into their will.”

“What the next trial he will face next, is how a dragon becomes an Elder. A dragon worthy of recording history and sharing it to his kin.” He became mobile and began to circle the area around Spike. “Elder’s must learn history, not just by living it, but by understanding the pasts of those before him. Elders must remember details and information that may one day help dragon kind.” As he was talking, Spike watched his foots leave deep imprints on the ground, along with his tail leaving a deep gash that created a large circle around him.

“Any and all knowledge, will be asked if need be. From the most mundane and unassuming dragon,” The gash that was created by his tail was deep with his footprints being large bits of dried earth crushed by his size. “To dragons seeking to be better and intellectual.” He was almost close to finishing the circle, though Spike was feeling a bit dreaded at being surrounded by this circle. “With hatchlings and young ones, wondering the values of life, hoards, scales and the world in general, we as Elders’ must burden and carry life’s work into our heads.”

He stopped just as his tail caught up to the circle point where he started and his footsteps began.

“But, in the time it takes for information to happen, it could be taken away.” He leaned down and with a gagging sound leaving his large throat, he allowed thick fluids of saliva drop from his mouth onto the floor. Spike almost gagged at the reflex and shuddered as the Elder allowed the fluid to fall from his mouth… into the deep trench circle he created.

Spike saw the trench fill with the Elder’s saliva. Once it was almost filled, the Dereian leaned up slightly, with his eyes focused on Spike.

“Life happens in an instant.” He scratched his lower jaw to his upper jaw, which caused a spark to fly out and directly into the liquid pit. The reaction was almost instant with the whole circle instantly up in flames. Spike gasped in surprise as he was surrounded with green and yellow fire. “And it is your job to record everything in your mind. From a single leaf that falls from a tree that may hold the secrets to the universe or from the air around you that warns you that change is coming.”

Seeing the flames surrounding him, he wondered what was the point of them. He was a dragon, which meant he was fireproof, so why surround him in flames?

“My flames differ from those of yours or others.” Dereian spoke, seemingly reading Spike. “While your flames are that of gas from your chamber and heat from your throat, mine acts differently. Mine is made of liquid tar that is flammable but lingers onto a dragon. While you maybe fireproof on your scales, the tar is mixing with the floor below you.” Indeed the fire surrounding Spike was slowly, almost gradually eating the floor around him at a snail's pace. “The floor is a rock-based flammable material, ponies call ‘Magnesium’. It easily ignites with simple fire and can be quick to burn, however my saliva is creating a slow burn.” Spike saw that the circle around him was slowly but surely shrinking.

“If it catches on your scales, it won’t burn right away but you will become irritated and your scales will begin to crack or break under the pressure. At which point, pain will slowly commence.” Spike’s eyes went wide and he wanted to explain his fear but was interrupted. “Your trial, young Spike is to use your knowledge, your history and your mind to give me answers I seek. Your short lifespan has been given more stories and adventures than most dragons have seen in their long life spans.” The heat was slowly starting to warm his scales and unlike lava or regular fire, Spike was fearing this. “At any point I have found that your answers are efficient, or that you have found a way to escape this, you will pass. If however you do not provide what I need, you may concede the test and fail the trials. If you take too long to answer, the fire will reach you.”

Spike felt a wave of nauseating fear fill his body. Never did he expect to deal with something as daunting as surviving fire, even if he was supposed to be fireproof. Yet, the trial demanded knowledge and history, something Spike might be able to give, but what if he asks for something he doesn't? “What if I don’t know the history or answer?”

“Which is why I am only to ask question only you are aware of. The history you’ve experienced is what I have learned from sources. How a pony hatched your egg, how you have been lead through harsh trials in life, saving or condemning those around you.”

The fire drew close and Spike started to feel the heat. With a gulp, he looked up in fear and confusion.

“C-Condem? Who have I…”

“Saving the Crystal Heart was a feat itself, but you in turn killed off a pony to do so. Do you deny the death of King Sombra?”

A voiceless ‘no’ left him and realized that in help restoring the Crystal Heart, Sombra was killed.

“Did you seek another solution?”

“I couldn’t!” He yelled, his legs shook with fear and anxiety, feeling this was a court trial than a dragon trial. “He was coming after us and wanted to enslave the Crystal Ponies! Twilight sent me to retrieve the heart before he could! There was no other way.”

“Then if that is the case, should a moment come once more where you must save the lives of the many, by sacrificing the few, would you do so?”

Spike’s mind flew a million miles a minute, overthinking the question. Save many, if it meant the death of few? Why did death have to be involved? Never in his life had he ever had to deal with a question as harsh as this nor experience what would the situation bring. The fire began to draw even closer, with less than four pony lengths away.

“Your short on time Spike. Just like with the Crystal Empire, you need to make your choice. There is no way around it.”

Spike continue to try and think of a way to compromise and… Wait. Compromise. No way around it... What was it Twilight had once told him an old riddle? An unstoppable force meets an immovable object? They compromise. The same could be here. Harmony may not always be the first answer, but living with the Elements of Harmony, he knew that in the end, it would prevail.

Looking up, he spoke out loud. “Compromise.” He paused, not sure if that was the right answer before speaking on. “You compromise with the few and many. Peace is not always the first solution but its always the one sought after in the end.”

Dereian remained quite, which unnerved Spike as the fires consumed the ground before him. Already the magnesium was itching close and wondered how long the next questions would be before he got to burning up.

“That is an acceptable response. What is sought in the end, should be peace not destruction, for any and all species.” He paused then motioned his head towards Ember, whom was hovering just a bit away towards the pit. “What gave you the idea that Ember was better at holding the Bloodstone Scepter than yourself? Why not keep it and rule here?”

Now that question was easier though it still required him to think radically. He looked up to Ember, who gave an encouraging smile and feeling his heart rise.

“Ember was just like any other dragon that I have met. I thought all dragons were going to be rude, cocky, mean and…” He stopped and shrunk a bit. “Uh… no offense.”

Either every dragon around him took offense and were silently debating on killing him, or they knew what he was saying was true but couldn’t comment on it. Either way, a few looks from dragons around were defentinetly sent towards him.

“Continue,” Daerian simply .

“And I don’t know, something in me said that she was different. Not because she was just another dragon. Not because she was the Dragon Lord’s daughter. I saw in her eyes… something that made me see that there could be a better way of dragons not being so… mean. When we went our separate ways during the trial, I thought it was all for not but she came back to help me.” He paused and decided whether or not to mention who caused problems. He made a mental note that as is, Garble was probably punished and he shouldn’t have to suffer any more. “When I held the Scepter, it felt… wrong It felt like it didn't belong to me.”

A whisper of shock or confusion raced through the area surrounding him as he let the words leave his mouth.

Even the four dragons who have trials set for him trials seemed taken aback by this. Dareian seemed to be conflicted by this response. The fire surrounding him inched closer. He felt that he would not be able to get the answer he sought in time from Spike. He brought his large paw up and slammed hard in front of him, causing a thunderous boom and a shockwave that Spike had no time to brace for.

The fires surrounding him instantly were blown away, leaving nothing but burnt earth. Spike surprisingly remained on foot, though his ears rang slightly from the shockwave. Shaking his head to clear the ringing, Spike saw that the flames had been dissipated and Dareian looking down upon him, looked at the young drake with intrigued virtue.

“Say that once more, Spike. Clearly, I must’ve misheard you.”

Spike hesitated and looked around to see every drake giving him looks, including Ember with a small smirk was on her mouth. He then looked back up toward the Elder.

“When I held it, I felt… it felt wrong. Like I shouldn’t have taken it. In my claws, I felt power, energy and more with it,” His face formed a smile as he spoke but then it dropped. “But I also felt feral, greedy and I could already visualize what I was willing to do with all that power. I knew that it wasn’t something I wouldn’t be able to control or use. I was raised by ponies, not dragons. My next instinct was to… share it with someone. But I didn’t want to share it, I wanted to give it to someone who wouldn’t abuse that power.” He then looked back towards Ember. The smile had returned. “I gave it to a friend.”

Ember’s heartbeat raced and warmth spread across her body as she heard his words. It had a profound effect that she hoped that this was the end of the trial to go and hold him. Regardless of who would see them.

“And tell me Spike, by you giving the Bloodstone Scepter to Ember, you believed that she would be better at ruling then yourself?”

“I already had a life back home with my friends and family. I didn’t want to leave all that just to be a Dragon Lord. Besides,” he gave a small smirk. “Could you imagine a baby dragon no bigger than your eye, ruling hundreds and thousands of dragons with the amount of love and affection given by ponies? I would make every dragon cuddle with one another.”

A ruffling of uncomfortableness visibly vibrated through the valley as some dragon looked almost appalled and at the same time blessed at Spike’s decision over handing the Scepter to Ember instead.

This seemed to please Darian and with a large nod to Spike, he spoke over to every drake.

“Clearly your history with the ponies has a lot to say about you.” With a loud voice, he spoke to the valley. “Spike has successfully passed the trial!”

A majority of the dragons had roared in approval, some even stopping their large paws on the ground to approve the succession. Spike felt complete relief at that and turned to Ember whom also shared in his relief but smiled brightly at him. As the roars continued, he did not see Zynthia move in while Darian moved away.

When he shadow casted over him, he looked up at towards the Scarlett dragoness. He saw something in her immediately that he did not like. “Uh… are we starting the next trial soon?” he asked out loud.

With a growl of approval, she inhaled deeply, taking in a large amounts of breath.

“We start the trial now!” With that, she release a gigantic blast of fire, engulfing Spike in flame.

The Trial of the Consort Pt. 4

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(Quick Authors note, this is only chapter where humor and joy will not be found. Read at risk)

The Dragon Lord’s Consort
Trial of the Consort
Pt. 4

Spike screamed out as a blend of red and pink fire engulfed him. He was sent flying just by the force of the blast itself. Ember turned to horror as Spike was engulfed. She immediately tried to intervene, but Torch was the one that immediately caught her with his large palm. She screamed out to her father to let her out. Sadly, he did not at watched as Zynthia continued her attack.

The attack itself was a surprise but that seemed to be what the dragons in the valley were waiting for, as they all roared in cheer at seeing some action for the first time. The teenagers especially saw the little drake get blown away.

Zynthia stopped her flames, leaving a scorched earth all around the field. About a hundred feet away, laid the baby dragon, whom was covered in red hot scales and pain expression. The former Successor approached the small drake, like a predator stalking his prey.

Spike managed to finally become aware of his surroundings and saw the approaching dragoness. With fear, he scrambled back to his feet. Not taking a chance for him to hide, she took a mighty leap, and landed right in front of him. He cried out in fear seeing her approach and jumped out of the way, just as she landed and caused a quake that sent him tumbling.

Once more, the masses roared in joy as the young drake narrowly avoided getting crushed and cried out as she reached to try and swipe at him, missing him by the scale off his head.

“The trial here, young Spike!” she spoke in rough voice, taking on a pounce like stance. “Is to know your enemy! Whether they are a bigger, smaller or the same species, you must know how they function, how they work, and whether or not you can deal with them!” Another jump at him caused him to immediately cry out before he managed to fall and roll just as her foot landed… well a foot away from him. The ground cracked around her landing and his ears echoed with the shockwave.

Ember managed to peek through her father’s large fingers and tried to escape.

“Father let me go!” she roared. “He is being attacked!”

“No Ember. He is in a trial right now.” He said calmly.

“What trial has my consort being attacked!?” she yelled, trying her best to break free from her father’s grip.

“The trial of Survival.” This caused her to stop struggling.


Her father nodded and brought his palm closer to his gigantic face.

“Darian and I had provided Will and Intellectual challenges but now he must endure the Survival.”

“She’ll kill him!” She roared at him, watching as Spike wayne and dodged the ever pressing attacks of the taller dragon.

“Not if he knows his instincts well. She is trying to show him that even the largest of enemies could be brought down by one even as small as him.

Spike was starting to tire out. His breath was falling short and his legs were starting to cramp up. His scales were already getting scorch marks and bruising. Meanwhile Zynthia was just getting started.

“Come on whelp! Retaliate or retreat! Know your areas quickly! Find cover and make sure your enemies cannot find you! Rawr!” she once more lashed at him with her paw. Spike jumped out of the way, however Zynthia reacted faster and using her whole body, spun with the momentum and used her tail. Spike never saw it coming and she sent the hatchling flying.

Spike felt like a mountain had hit his small body. He was sent flying across hundreds of feets away until he crashed some distance away from the area. He skidded to a halt where the land around him was earth raised in ridges and jagged with time.

Ember was in histeria as she roared or yelled at her father to let her go. Torch however remained unrelented, though he was starting to think this was going overboard.

Spike groaned, sitting up from his recent launch. He felt and heard the distant sound of the large dragoness approaching. Each stomp from her giant feet had him bouncing on the floor. Regaining some of this senses, he saw her approaching and quickly looked around him, trying to find some cover. He quickly threw himself off the near edge of the small jagged landscape and disappeared from Zynthia’s view.

A growl of approval left her.

“Well done whelp, but now, you must be aware that your enemies have heightened senses!” She appeared over the edge where he had fallen, seeing nothing there. She then scanned around, trying to find any traces he left. She saw rubble and small scratches from his claws left an impression on the floor where he had moved towards the lower end of openings in a small mesa. Small, jagged openings were seen, to big for a normal or even a teenage dragon could fit in, but he on the other claw could. A grin appeared on her muzzle. “Excellent!” she yelled out, using her neck to look into each hole she could see. “Using your size to take advantage of your enemy! If you are smart, you wait out your enemy until they leave or…” She paused over a particular hole. “Until they snuff you out!” She inhaled and quickly released a powerful flame into the hole in the cliff.

Fire spewed from multiple exits, creating almost a no escape scenario. However as one didn’t expect, the hatchling did not come out flying with flames on him.

The crowd of dragons had moved from their original post and took on hovering over the area or moved closer. The cheering continued as Zynthia moved to each hole, trying to sniff out the little dragon.

Meanwhile, Spike had successfully hid from her in a large crack off to the side of the cliff. His heart beat heavily against his chest. His bones groaned at the numbing feeling that began to take hold. Tears formed at his eyes and he half wondered where all this was leading too.

“Fight or flight!” She echoed all around the rocks. “I want you to understand that! If you do not have wings, then you must stand your ground. I have experience! I have strength! Do not let those intimate you.” Her footsteps rumbled all around him, shaking the crack he was in. “Your size gives you advantages to hide. Your experiences with your family and friends have taught you to handle catastrophic events! Your intelligence for one young as you gives you strength! Use them!”

Spike paused at that. How many times had he and the others been in life threatening situations that put Equestria in danger? How many times did he have to deal with threats bigger than himself. Discord? Rogue Dragons? Sombra? When will there be a day when Twilight and the others are not there to help or stop them?

He had always wanted to be a superhero just like the Power Ponies in the comics he would read. To be the one where everypony and everycreature would look up to him in awe and joy. Yet here, it was something different. He had no friends to help him out. Ember was held back and he had nothing to use against her. But her words echoed around him, over and over in speedy images. Size to hide, experiences prior to coming here and intelligence that matched most pony adults and even surpassed dragon adults.
Physically, he couldn’t wear her out. She was big, she was strong and she could move faster in open spaces than he could. However, he was small, could fit in spaces she couldn’t and evade her. Experience wise, she had years in fighting dragons, which might explain the scars that ran across her body, however she never thought she would have to try and fight a baby dragon, so she wouldn’t be putting all of her strength into this. Lastly, his intelligence. He already proved he was smart, good with memory and will, but he also had books installed in his mind. He might not have the photographic memory like Twilight but he knew enough that he could use it to his advantages.
Memories like the weakness of creatures. ‘How to avoid and Survive Dangerous creatures in the Wild’. One of the chapters explained how every creature has a weakness, even ones as big as hydras, manticores and dragons. Though it wasn’t full of complete information, the book explained how dragon hunters of old targeted weak points of a dragon. The belly, the arm pits, the eyes and if chance happens, inside the beast itself. But how could he use anything on her?

He didn’t have time to answer, for the next second, claws dug into the ground and crushed the earth around him. He yelled as it held him in place before it all being scooped around him and was sent flying into the air.
Zynthia roared as she threw the whelp out, where dragons cheered at her find.
“Beware!” she taunted, making her way over him in a feral walk. “Your enemies will have senses that could detect you! I smelled your fear and your body. They will too and you will sooner or later face them!”
Spike quickly moved back to his feet, seeing her approach. He turned to the entry ways of the ridged small openings under the mesa. He quickly ran into the holes, disappearing from her view once more.

“Don’t use the same tactic before!” She snorted, stomping her way to the holes. She knew that these were all dug out by ancient giant bugs and in part, erosion. They all criss-crossed one another in some way or another. Inhaling deeply, she fired once more deep into the holes.
Spike wasn’t fully prepared by the blast crying out as the blast nealy carried him out. However, before he could fully come out the cave, he was crashed into a small stalagmite inside and held on while the fire blew past him. He held on until it stopped and fell to the floor.

“Impressive!” she stated into the caves. “I still smell your in there but I will reach you!” Her claw then shot into the cave, trying to reach near him. He moved out, quickly jumping out of her claw reaches. The stalagmite began to jiggle with her wrecking and disturbing the cave’s structure. He moved more out of the way until her claws reached for the hanging rock. “Got you!” However, when she felt it, she growled and ripped if off and then dropping it off there and then.
He panted, trying to recover his breath. “Eventually I will crush the caves around you, leaving you no choice but to come out eventually!” What she said was true and he had no hope. Already she began breaking certain parts of structures around him, he could feel the network of caves and tunnels begin to fall around him. He had to find some way to slow her down at least.
He looked around to find anything to use. His eyes then looked at the broken piece of rock. It was sharp, a little bigger than his body but thin enough to where he could break it in two. He heard her growling, trying to look in the caves for him. That would be his advantage. She kept taunting him to get him to deal with his enemy. Looks like she gave him an opening. Grabbing the stalagmite, he pushed his foot hard into the middle to break it in half. With a grunt, he pushed, pulling back with both of his arms. Hearing the cracking rock, finally growled and jammed his foot hard in the middle. The crack was instant and he shuffled back onto his feet, holding to pointed piece of rock.
He held onto the bigger piece but readied the small piece into his claw. Holding it tightly, he cautiously made his way towards the entrance.
The caves were becoming unstable and he had to hurry. Something finally snapped in him and he felt anger and rise within him.
“Hey big red!” She stopped and looked towards the sound. Moving her head towards the entrance, she growled.
“Fatal move, hatchling! Revealing your location to your… AAH!!!! Spike threw the pointed end of the stalagmite at her head like a lance. The piece of large rock flew in the air and hit her straight into her right eye. She roared in pain and quickly moved away from the entrance, trying to coax her eye.
This got a unique reaction from the outside crowd, with every dragon finding disbelief at the attack towards the Successor. She staggered and twisted her head in pain, roaring loudly and moaning as she tried to rub her eye out. Ember, Torch and the other two Elders were also into shock at the surprised retaliation on Zynthia. Eliyinsa was the one whom actually seemed worried on Zynthia, yet she remained in place.

Spike smiled in triumphant as the dragoness retreated and began to try and clear her eye out. The stalagmite might not have seriously hurt her, a poke in the eye at best, but that was enough to really throw her off of him for a bit. She continued to moan out in pain, hissing and trying to rub out her eye. However, it was temporary at best, but now he needed a new plan. He knew that it wouldn’t hold her down for long.
A different thought did come to mind. Something that was dangerous and stupid, but mostly… well yeah stupid. But he wasn’t sure if it would kill him or it would hurt him badly and might make Ember mad at him, but if it would get him to stop the trials, then he really had no choice.
Much to his chagrin, Zynthia already recovered. A smile of admiration passed over her while her right eye remained shut entirely.
“Very, very impressive Spike!” She hissed a little as the pain distracted her. “Never has one, such as young as you, physically hurt me, nor tricked me for that matter. Truly your wit matches your intelligence. I for one am truly impressed.”
He knew it was a long shot but from the deep echoes of the cave, he called out to her.
“Uh, impressive enough to finish this trial?” he hoped.

A snort of amusement and a chuckle left her.
“Enough to know that I mustn't hold back!” With that she roared and began to destroy the cave systems, with much more ferocity. Spike gasped as the ground around him rumbled and cracked, creating large openings for the sky to be visible. Spike tried to retreat deeper into the cave, while Zynthia’s taunts became more personal.
“Truly impressive, Spike! It makes me wonder if your pony friends are the ones that have taught you how to survive? Or were they the ones to hold you back!” She continued to destroy the cave systems, though she then stopped and moved away from this system. She huffed, letting smoke leave her nose. She then began to pace the front of the destroyed mesa.
“What will be your plan Spike?” she taunted. “What will you do next? You have clearly caught me off guard but only temporarily. I know to stay away from the entrances and keep my guard up. But now, I will find a new way to draw you out and you must find a new way to stop me.”

With that, she swung her body and using her tail, struck the mesa once more. Spike cried out as the floors before him collapsed and she sent tons of flying rocks out. He felt the caves around him falling on top of him, creating a giant pile over him. He squirmed to move out.
“You surviving this is my hope, but I also want you to be aware that the danger can and will be real. Find a solution quickly! Your goal is to take me down!”
Spike managed to use his claws to begin digging his way out, finding a passage to go through. He saw light but in it, the red scales of the dragoness came into view. He shrunk back in and tried to think of a new way. His previous plan was the only plan he had. However, from the crack view he had, part of her leg had been scraped and a small cut formed. A small amount of trickle of blood leaked from it. Not enough to weaken her but enough to cause her to hesitate on her front left leg. He saw an advantage. He reached down, trying to feel for the large stalagmite he still had.
Grasping it, he shuffled the loose earth around him and began pushing away towards the clearing. As the large dragoness continued to destroy the mesa, he noticed how she used her tail to do the thrashing, not keen on getting too close for another attack. Nor would she fall for the same tactic. Instead, he had to get close to her without her noticing.
Everytime she spun to swing her tail, her head was momentarily turned and her vision was away. That gave her a blind spot and an opening. Mental calculations and half guesses, Spike decided it was do… or die. The worst part of that, he wasn’t sure if ‘die’ was literal in this sense. Embracing himself for the next impact, the remaining part of the cave system collapsed, himself with it.

It was a short fall but the crumbled ground below him cussioned him and with a small struggle, managed to loosen himself. Her tail was towards him and with that, he made a mad dash towards her. With his strength, he made it underneath her, just as she turned to look at her work.

The mesa was all but smashed and any remaining cave systems were gone. Worriness slowly covered her features.
“Spike?” she called out, trying to see if she saw the whelpling in the collapsed land. Spike stayed silent, slowly making his way towards her front, cut palm. Ember, her father and the others watch in awe, as the Spike was underneath her without her notice. A few dragons watching tried to call out to her to watch that hatchling. Then, she felt a small weight on her right palm. Looking down, she had no time to react as Spike, who held a piece of pointed stalagmite in claws, brought the sharp pointed tip, directly onto her open wound.
The reaction was instant and the howl of pain echoed loudly enough to cause some ears to hurt. She fell to her side, Spike almost launching in the process but jumped off as her body collapsed to the side. She howled loudly with pain, though again, with her size and prior wounds, it was a meer sharp prick than anything. But it was a prick that hit an open wound and that's where it mattered.
Spike was exhausted and he felt like he would collapse at any second, but he knew that this wouldn’t hold for long. With his remaining energy, he charged with the rock in claws to her neck, while she was down and trying to nurse her wound. Once more, her reaction was slow and she moved just enough, only to stop where she felt the rock tip pushed into her neck and was held at bay.
It was no ordinary part of the neck. It was a small, patch of scales where it exposed flesh underneath and where the jugular would be at. In this case, Spike knew where it was at on the anatomy of the dragon and exposed it. If she didn’t yield or if she moved, it would be able to stop her… permanently.
A eerie silence followed and dragons of all were jaw slacked or in shock, including the Elders and Ember, as Spike literally took down a dragon, many times his size… and had her life in his claws. So quiet that when he spoke, it almost echoed to the whole valley and every ear heard it.
Yield.” was his simple command. A dark look came upon him and his heart was racing. He was exhausted, downright tired and he never felt so horrible for doing this, but something in him snapped and it was there to stay. She was trying to take him away from Ember. She was trying to take him away from his family. He didn’t want to lose them, he didn’t want to die for a stupid trial. He only wanted to rest and be with Ember, yet here was a dragoness trying to stop that.
A angry growl left him and he pushed harder with the point pressing between the folds of the partted scales. Zynthia gasped and swallowed at feeling the rock nearly pushing her breaking point.
Yield!” He yelled. This time, everyone heard it and it was frightening that the young dragon could be loud enough to be heard throughout the valley.
“She yields!” Cried out Eliyinsa, worriedly for the other dragon. Ember was shocked to see Spike this way, never expecting a dragon like him doing something so… dark.
“I-I-I y-yield!” she stammered, careful not to move so much at that the rock would break through. He slowly retreated it but still had it close. Feeling it still there, she spoke louder so everydragon could hear. “I yield!”
For a moment silence rang, as Spike retreated away from her... than the roaring began. Dragons all around roared in cheer and amazement as the little whelp had won his third trial. The valley echoed with cheerful roars and stomps upon the floors as the whelp from a pony raised background, beat one of the toughest dragons all around.
Spike threw the pointed rock down and Zynthia slowly, but painfully rose to her paws. She limped a bit with her front right palm still in pain. She then looked down at the whelpling before her and slowly lowered her head to meet his.
Spike looked up at her, taking a cautionary stance.
With a small breath, she spoke to him.
“Truly impressive.” she spoke, her tone that of a proud parent. “I have never been beaten by one young as you, nor as intelligent.” His posture relax and his mood lightened. “I will never forget this challenge.” She looked at her wounded palm and gave a small smile. “Another scar to heal, another story to tell.” She then met his eyes and bristled with merith. “You truly are one of a kind.” She bowed her head in respect before raising it up high and speaking loudly to all the dragons. “The trial is over! Spike had successfully passed!”
The draconic cheering doubled in roars and applause.

Spike collapsed onto his hind legs with a soft grunt and an irritated sigh.

“I just wish to rest now.” The comment had Zynthia looking down at the whelp with some pity. He went through three trials and was reaching his physical and probably mental end. Knowing that he was exhausted, she used her injured palm and allowed Spike to be lifted. He looked up at the offered paw and with no complaints, climbed on, albeit hesitating on her injury.

She walked on three legs towards the other Elders. Ember was hovering, her father letting her go once Spike had won. As soon as they got close, she immediately dived towards Spike, where she scooped him up from Zynthia’s palm

“You won!” she happily exclaimed, hugging him tightly. He felt a nice sense of warmth spread across his body as she hugged. Something that felt so welcoming and relaxing. It was if her very physical and close essence rejuvenated his energy. His heart beat strongly in his chest and the meer heat radiating from his body would make him continue 1000 more trials if it meant that she would be there for him.

But something else came from this. A deep, urge from his subconscious mind. It was something that went ignored and something so primal, he wondered if that is where he got the strength to finally beat Zynthia. It was feral… and he heard it speaking.

However, it was pushed aside as Ember had been speaking to him. His focus came into view as she held him, looking deep into his emerald eyes with her bright orange eyes.

“...the way you thought of something so insane!” she exclaimed. Her giddy attitude and bright smile, something that touched him more than anything else. “I would have thought she wouldn’t have gone so far.”

Spike gave a small, casual shrug, as if no big deal. “Eh, when you face world-ending villains and scenarios every time, this is cake walk.”

“Then the final trial should be just as easy than.” Stated the final Elder. Ember and Spike turned to the smaller of the four, whom looked a bit strict and had a gleam in her eyes.

Ember looked up at the larger dragoness, her features morphing into a scowl. “He needs to rest! He has been at this nonstop!” She then pointed a claw at Zynthia. “She almost killed him!”

Zynthia wanted to speak but Eliyinsa cut her off before she could speak. “Spike was well within her safety, merely enduring the strength of the trial.” she said evenly.
Ember was about to retort but Spike brushed her chest to ease her down and look up to the charcoal Elder. “Why must I continue right away?” A bit of a whine left him. “I have completed three of four trials. Is it necessary to really continue on after another?”
Eliyinsa gave a small pity look at the whelp, feeling her heart strings plucked at seeming him battered and exhausted from his last trial. Yet, she knew that the dragons around the valley would not wait and it was already harsh enough that they come in inspecting to see the whelp fall. Dusk was about to approach in a few hours and the trials had to be completed.

“For this trial,” she began, “it will not be physical.”

“Regardless of what it is,” yelled Ember. “Spike needs to rest and recover!”

“Lord Ember! Seize your prattling over your consort!” Eliyinsa said sharply. “The sooner we begin, the sooner the trails can end! If you truly want them to end for him, he will complete this final one. There will be no more after this!” she paused then lowered her voice. “You end this here, he maybe a Successor or Elder, but his future can be far more grand if he were to finish them all. Don’t let your emotions ruin his legacy here.”
Ember all but growled at this but once more, Spike just rubbed her head against his, easing her. She then saw that he held a determined look. “It’s okay, Ember. If it’s one more trial, than I can handle it.”
Ember wasn’t so sure and she gave him a worried look. “You need to rest Spike! You been at this most of the day.”
Spike untangled himself from her but stayed close. “And like I’ve said before, I’ve done some pretty intense stuff for Equestria. I’m sure I can handle what’s next.”

His eyes held determination and hope that she would support him. She knew that this was it, that this would be the final trial, but something was nagging at her to stop it. She wanted to stop this before he got hurt. She already saw him go through Will over Greed, to Intelligence and Memory, to Surviving and Enduring direct conflict. Who knew what the next trial held. But… she didn’t want to interfere with his chance to make a name of his own.
“Let the whelp continue!” Roared out a dragon from the crowd. Instantly, all the other dragons began cheering on to let Spike continue the final trial. Ember tried to pinpoint who shouted that outloud. The voice was familiar and she already eyes on them.
However, Spike gave a small kindle across her face, instantly claiming her nerves and she felt warmth flood her features. Spike gave her a smile and moved away. “Gotta please the crowds!” He said confidently. His bravado still made her feel uneased. The cheering was background noise to her and her mind was solely focused on Spike. Her heart was racing and she wasn’t sure what it was but she needed to be prepared. She quickly took wing, as she saw Spike walking towards Eliyinsa and prepare the next trial. She then took off towards her cave where the Bloodstone Scepter was currently at. Torch notice his daughter’s take off but didn’t comment out loud.

His focus than turned to Spike, where he was looking up at the black dragoness. The Advisor looked down at the whelpling before her and leaned her large head down.
“Are you ready Spike? Are you ready for the final trial?”
He was exhausted, felt some bruising in areas over his body. His mind was a bit of a mess, his heart was beating miles a minute and he looked like might just collapse. But… he felt his will could go on. His mind was trying to stay sharp and he was keeping his head cool to stop him from doing anything rash or quickly. What he needed now was something that would beat the next challenge. He had his consort to back him up and he had a family to make proud of. With a tired and short nod, he looked up at the dragoness. “Ready.”
With a nod on her own, she then addressed the crowd of dragons. “The final trial begins!” The crowd roared with approval and cheers of all kinds deafened the area. Raising her claw, the cheering died and Eliyinsa regard him with a single sentence. “The next trial is Heart and Soul Lock.”
Most, if not every dragon seemed to flinch, which almost killed the entirety of the cheerfulness a moment ago. Spike felt a shiver run up and down his spine as the words tickled his ear drums. Something about the way she said it, made this feel like the final trial, would be his hardest.

“Is that wise?” asked a concerned Torch. “It might be too much for him,”
“And dangerous.” bristled Dereain with uncertainty.

She briefly regarded her fellow dragons before looking back down at Spike.
“One thing that truly puzzles me on you, my little whelp, is of your past.”
Spike blinked in confusion. “I-I told you that I was raised by…”
“Ponies, yes, yes!” she finished dismissively. “But, even if your egg was discovered by them, you have their influence implanted in your mind and heart. The next trial here, is to unlock what lies beneath you. What lies deep within your mind, heart and soul.”
He seemed to understand that, thinking it like a spiritual awakening and such. “How does the trial work? Do you ask questions and I just… tell you?”

“No,” she chided. “But this trial is not like the others. Here and now, you will understand nothing but memories, your will expose your soul to us! What lies within your psyche, what your mind is capable of and what happens when your future is put at risk!” Her eyes then locked onto his and they began to glow a bright violet. The metallic brace around her leg also glowed with ruins or symbols casted into it, brightly glowing. Spike’s world suddenly faded and the last thing he heard were the screams from Ember, with darkness surrounding him.

Perpetual darkness, with a light hovering high over him with no source. His eyes couldn’t pierce the darkness, nor could he move. His heart began to race and his blood began to freeze as he looked around his surroundings.
Then, from deep within the shadows, Eliyinsa slowly made her way. Her black coated scales and bright glowing eyes pierced the darkness and her voice echoed with a chilled, but soft demeanor.
“This is where the trial will begin.” she spoke, her voice vibrating the area around him, echoing lightly and sending ripples across the air.
Spike tried to move, but his eyes only moved in his head.
“Where are we?” He questioned, still unsure of his situation.
“This is the link between you and me. A nexus point between two beings of power.” He blinked, unsure of what she meant. “Huh?”
A steady growl left her, not of anger or intimidation but of deep breathing. “My trial is to understand what your past may hold for your future. What your heart, may bring for you and the dragons. Where your mind, can help or guide our kin.” She slowly approached him and to a point, lowered her head to meet his. He was no longer intimidated by her approach. Her eyes, now carried something within them, a look of puzzlement, yet curiosity. “Here, our link is only between me and you. In this nexus point, time is much faster here than the outside world. As it is, you and I will explore your history and where we can find where your future may exist.”
The darkness was than blinded with flashes and windows of Spike’s life. He blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden light. He then saw a displays of his life being played through. Almost like the movies, he saw through his own eyes the events of everything he had been through.
His adventures with his new friends in Ponyville. His life growing under the tutelage of Twilight and his adopted mother, Celestia. The first time he encountered his own kind here and what he learned from it. Then, his images of a certain white coat mare that he had developed feelings for.
“Interesting,” muttered Eliyinsa. She continued to watch his life play before her.
Something tickled the back of his mind with a sudden prick in his spine. He shrugged it off but he did voice himself to her.
“What are you looking for? This is kind of getting personal.”
She made no reply, instead hummed to herself as she continued to study his memories. The prick on his spine returned, though this time is was more physically strong. He grunted and tried to scratch his back. Movement came to his arm and he reached towards his spine, rubbing the area but feeling nothing. He hadn’t noticed that his spines had grown an inch.
“Your feelings for your pony friends and family, are truly queer. Peculiar in that they treat you in certain areas as family, while in others…” she turned her head towards him. “... as a background character.”
The sharp prick came back with a vengeance and this time, he really voiced his discomfort. “Ow,” he rubbed his back again, once more not feeling his spines growing, nor the sharpness in claws. “What are you talking about? My friends and family never treated me like that.” His voice got rougher with a scratchy tone.

Eliyinsa made note of this, but remained stoic in her speech.
“You do not see it?” she asked in a genuine tone. She flickered one of his memories. “Your friends left you behind when your… ‘sister’ held her celebration somewhere else.” she paused and looked down at him, seeing something dark pass over his features but ignoring it. “You believe they still thought of you?” Not allowing him to answer, she continued on. “The other times, I see that they ignored your feelings or injuries to carry on their own deeds.”
A few memories showed where Spike had been injured and left ignored by Twilight and the others. When Twilight got her wings and came crashing into the library, she teleported without him and he ended up crashing straight into the library.
When Rarity asks him to help with luggage, even though she had magic, refused to help. He volunteered for sure, but yet she ignored to help him in anyway. Even his own adopted mother had dropped him once or twice to deal with a nobel, ignoring his short plumet and thinking nothing more of it, when he was a hatchling.
Feelings of anger began to swell within him. More memories of negativity began to play in front of her as he began to regress his life. His form began to grow at a rapid pace.
“Tell me… what is the benefit of bringing you in dangerous scenarios that nearly cost your ‘family’ their lives.”
“T-They cared!”
Her head cocked to the side. “Did they?”
“Yes!” His claws grew and his voice changed, yet he remained strong. “They might at times have forgotten me, but they have never truly abandoned me. I w-will not abandon them!”

Meanwhile in the outside, Ember had returned with the Bloodstone Scepter in paw, just as she and the others began to see the changes in Spike. Ember watched in horror as his body began to spasm, growth in spines and claws showed.
“Spike!” she yelled out. Eliyinsa’s eyes stopped glowing, as did Spike’s. However, that didn’t stop the reactions.

Her vision slowly returning, she looked down at the whelping before her and the approaching Ember. “Steer clear of him, Lord Ember.”
“What did you do to him?!” she half asked, half roared, seeing pain etched across Spike. His body began to shake as muscles tore and began to form mass. Bones cracked and broke, only to be mended together back bigger and stronger.
“He is experiencing his memories of how he was treated with his family.” She then gave a soft look towards her. “Not all of it has been as we were told, nor expected.” Ember looked up at the Advisor, not sure if she heard her right.
Eliyinsa clarified. “There have been many, many instances where he was regarded nothing more as something of a nuisance. Other times, his pain or injuries meant little to the ones that took care of him.”

Ember knew all ponies weren’t sunshine and rainbows, but she also knew that their kindness was what made him who he is. “But they have raised him to be who he is now! To only show the negative is to blame the ponies for only the bad. Are we any different?”
The large dragoness nodded in understanding. “I’m aware of our own in how we are raising them, but I would never believe parents would purposely harm their hatchlings, let alone put them in danger!”

Her focus returned to Spike, who finally stopped growing but remained standing while panting and groaning in pain. He had grown a bit, matching Ember’s height now. His snout had sprouted out, his arms had grown in length and his spines sharper.
Leaning down, she caught his emerald eyes and he hers.
“That part of the past is now done,” she stated. “Now we move onto what lies within your heart.”
“Stop this!” yelled out Ember, she gripped her scepter tightly in her claws, ready to use if needed. “He can’t take this anymore!”
“He will endure what is needed!” harshly stated Eliyinsa. “If he is to become something more, he must go through the whole trial. Leave it here and it do nothing good for him.” With that she continued.

“Your love for your family is touching. You say that they are your everything. Friends, family, romantic interests and more.” A slow growl vibrated in her throat. “What happens to them when they are in danger?”
Once more, her eyes glowed brightly, with Spike’s own eyes glowing. The world faded away once again, however instead of blackness, he was in the middle of Ponyville. However, the current Ponyville was in chaos.
Buildings were being destroyed or on fire. Horror and fear etched into the faces of ponies as they ran in the streets. Spike watched wide eyed as foes of the past were tormenting the ponies. Changelings filled the skies in the thousands, with some chasing or tormenting fellow friends he knew of.
Chrysalis herself was high in the sky, laughing evilly as her swarm invaded the once peaceful town. But it wasn’t just her tormenting the town. A hydra was exiting the forest, along with other horrors like bugbears, timberwolves and demons of Tarturas began to attack the ponies.
From his vantage, he saw Canterlot castle also under attack. Yellow and Blue beams of magic could be seen as Celestia and Luna were fighting off Discord.
All of this was happening right in front of him and he was unsure of what to do. He began to shed tears as he heard screams from ponies being tormented. Apple Acres was being trampled by the hydra while his friends… he saw the girls, all of then, trying to fight back the changelings. But they were not winning. Swarm after swarm began to go after them, until the disappeared beneath the black bodies of the bugs. He dropped to his knees, closing his eyes and shaking his while he screamed. ‘No! No! NO!

A voice struck through the chaos.
“What are you going to do?”
He opened his eyes. All around him, time slowed to a snail’s pace. The chaos was there but he could see it all in details.
“What are you going to do?” the voice repeated.
Sniffing, he rubbed his eyes.
“W-What can I d-do?”
“You are a dragon! You are the beast that other beast fear!”
“I’m just a small dragon! W-What can i do?”

“I-I can’t attack! What if I hurt somepony I know!”
“If your love is to them, if you care for them, despite all they have done to you, you will attack… Attack them by protecting them.”
Spike didn’t move and he continued to sob, but the voice continued.
“Attack them.” It whispered. Then the voice grew stronger. “Attack them.” The voice grew louder. “Attack them! Attack them! ATTACK THEM! ATTACK THEM!!!!”

Anger flashed through his eyes and in an almost impossible feet coming from his own voice, he roared loudly.

Time resumed its normal pace, but the creatures that were causing havoc, stopped and turned to the roar. Spike, standing in the center of the village, growled with the ferocity of a full grown dragon.
“Do you care for them?” the voice asked.

“Yes!” he responded, as his body began to grow.

“Do you wish to defend them?” the voice asked.

“Yes!” He yelled, his body already reaching heights of that of two story buildings.
“Despite how they treated you, are you going to protect them?”
“Yes!!” he roared as his body towered over buildings. The creatures that once were attacking the ponies, began to run away. Even the largest hydra, began to slowly retreat as the dragon before them grew.
“With your life?” the voice repeated.
“YES!!!” With that, he let out a mighty roar and released a gigantic burst of flames.

Ember took cautionary steps as Spike had overgrown her height and was now half the size of Eliyinsa. Spike was growing rapidly and forcefully. The other elders began to take cautionary and defensive stances, especially Zynthia. Eliyinsa eyes stopped glowing as did Spike’s.

She saw the young whelp had grown quite a bit. His love for his family was its own greed. A greed that was good to have for any dragon. However, she was not aware that he would grow this rapidly. His shift into greed growth was almost unheard of. He met her breast and was slowing his growth. Dragons from around the area also began to take cautionary steps away.
“Interesting,” she muttered. Spike didn’t respond as his breathing was laboured. She began to circle him, watching the changes that inhabited his anatomy. His spines were strong and pointed, pertuting from his back like typical dragons. His snout had elongated to the point where it matched her own, upper jaw fangs just peeking over his lower jaw. His claws matched pure emeralds, yet sharper than anything. Lastly, while his eyes were unfocused, he held no greed in them. But they did hold a curious shine.
She allowed him to recover, his breathing easing out and finally settling a normal breath. His eyes finally focused on the ground below him. Eliyinsa watched as he began to roam over his features. She cleared her throat and instantly, his eyes were focused on her.
Something happened between the both of them and neither were sure what it was. Eliyinsa suddenly saw a bond form between them. It was brief, it was quick but something inside her finally saw him as what he was. A Dragon. Not a whelp. Not a hatchling. Not even a teenager. He was a dragon. Held back by his upbringing from his pony family. But there was something else, something more. A connection that she had never felt before, something old and lost.

A twinkle came to her eyes. “Do you know who you are?” she asked.
Spike blinked, not sure how to answer.

“I-I’m Spik-”

“No… do you know who you are?” She leaned down towards him, their heads merely a few feet from each other. Ember was silently fuming at the closeness to her consort… and the fact that in this form, she was enjoying what he looked like. “Do you know where you come from? You must have some memory, some… inkling to your past. Let me see it.” Her eyes glowed gently but didn’t fully immerse him. Spike fell silent, his eyes looked vacant as he searched his memories. She began to speak to him, a gentle, almost motherly voice he felt. Her eyes were soft, the way she looked down at him like a mother to their child. He felt his heart fill with warmth as something in his memories began to resurface.

Open spaces. The warmth of his egg surrounding him along with the warmth of a body. Hazy but bright colors filled his surroundings and mind. The shadows of something always around him. Nothing evil or dark, but safety and care. It was her… it was his mother. He was but an egg but he could feel her, see her… hear her. Her voice breaching his protective egg walls. Soothing, like heated silk that tickled the ears, slowed the heartbeat and filled the soul with beautiful warmth.
“...My special emerald…”

Then… cold and darkness surrounded him. Muffled voices, disorienting roars and yells. His egg fell, not too hard but hard enough to jolt him. Panic filled his undeveloped mind. Coldness, stronger than before…

“Mother?” he suddenly said out loud. Eliyinsa jerked her head back as if struck, her eyes stopped their glow.

“What?” The reaction got a laugh from the teenagers as Spike’s hysteria had him call an ‘elder’ his mother. Ember saw something in Spike and it wasn’t good.

“Moth… Mo…” he tried to speak but then, a large roar of pain burned into his memories, caused him to scream. “No!” He shook his head side to side, as the roar echoed in his mind, repeating. Eliyinsa took a few steps back with the others coming to quickly help her.
“I think that is enough, Eliyinsa.” stated Torch. “Release him from whatever you have him under.”
“I-I don’t have him under anything,” she assured them. “This is his own memories!”
The four elders watched, in pity and in caution as Spike began to trash and whine in fear.

“What did you show him?” questioned Zynthia, trying to remain protective of the smaller dragoness. “He’s deranged!”
“Do something!” yelled Ember, taking a hovering stance. Other dragons began to retreat away, as Spike’s tantrums grew, along with his size. His height was reaching that of the elders, with his claws sharpening and his mouth growing. Whines of sadness or pain left him, he began to rant out loudly.
“No! Gone! Cold! Return!” At this point he began to scratch his own head with his grown claws. They cut through his scales with trails of broken scales and red starting to seep through.
Though fearing danger, Ember quickly flew directly to Spike’s face, trying to calm him down.
“Spike!” she cried out. “Spike! Listen to me! It’s me, Ember! Tell me what is wrong!”
His eyes, which were held tightly shut, opened sharply and his vision was filled with the blue dragoness. His mind was in disarray and he was having a breakdown. His nose was filled with something familiar to her, but it wasn’t what he wanted. Roaring out, he began to trash more.
“Not you! Not her!”
Ember felt her heart break. She wasn’t sure what he meant by that. Whatever Eliyinsa did to him, made him relieve a bad memory. “Whatever it is,” she tried to reason with him, “we can fix is together! You told me that! You told me that whatever comes up, we can deal with it together!”
That seemed to do the trick as he stopped shaking, his head spinning but trying to remain focus on that voice. His eyes slowly focused on Ember, hovering in front of him with the scepter in claw. Her face betrayed the sadness and fear for her consort. Her amber eyes held moisture as she tried to quell his pain.
“P-Please Spike,” she sniffed. “Let me help you!” She stretched out her palm to his snout. “I can help you, but you have to calm down.”
Spike listened to her voice. It was soft, it was caring and it sought to ease his pain…

But it was not Her voice. It was not Her warmth! It was not Her pain he was hearing! She wasn’t Her!! Without warning, Spike struck Ember with his large palm and sent her to the ground.

The reaction was instant. As soon as he caused her pain, his own body shot pain back. The feedback from separating himself from Ember. But that was just the beginning.
His blood felt like it was being poisoned. His mind burned with unimaginable pain and what was left was agony no one could see. It was as if something inside was being ripped out and burning him from within. But the physical pain came when Torch, the largest of the dragons roared in anger at his daughter’s assault and charged at the equal sized Spike.
Spike was in his own turmoil and had no quick reaction as Torch along with Derain and Zynthia tackled him. Spike easily was brought hard to the ground, causing the ground to crack below him and create a crater. This was the signal for most if not all the dragons to take flight.
A frenzy of dragons took the skies and away as the commotion between the elders and Spike began. Eliyinsa had quickly scooped up Ember and brought her away from the others.

Spike finally gained some sense through his pain, heard the angry roars and growls at him.
“You dare strike my daughter!” roared Torch. He held Spike’s head with his massive arms, while Derain pinned his chest and Zynthia with her lower body. “She trusted you! She cared for you!” Spike only roared in pain and anger, trying to trash himself away from them. Torch held on tightly to his head, all but squeezing it.

Meanwhile, Ember had recovered from the hit. She found herself on the palm of Eliyinsa, who looked over worriedly.
“Lord Ember are you alright?” Ember shook her head, dazed but left intact. “I’m-...” she paused then she hissed before a scream tore through her core and heart, as her blood boiled and mind pulled and twisted. Eliyinsa saw this and horror showed across her face. “Oh Wistala… no!” Ember screamed and the Bloodstone Scepter glowed brightly before dying and leaving it almost hollow. Ember collapsed on the elder’s palm, her vision all but hazed and her energy all but gone.
Spike in the meantime, heard the roar, and just like his memories before, that got a reaction out of him. Fusing internal pain, mental anguish and fear of losing the voice again, he roared with all his might, pushed his body beyond the physical limitations and shoved against the elders.

The three large dragons roared in disapproval but tried their best to hold him down. He didn’t grow anymore, but the pain and anger pushed past his body’s limits and with a roar to match the three dragons, he threw them off.
The repulse was enough to have them sent tumbling down. It wasn’t hard falls or far, but the sheer fact that a single dragon like him managed to knock them off was a shock value. The few dragons that lingered or hovered around, saw this as a fearful attack and all but flew off. If he could do that to three elders, what could he do to smaller, weaker dragons.
Spike angrily growled, slowly rising to his feet, despite the large protest of agony his body was producing. His eyes searched hazily around him. He saw the three dragons were slow but rising back to their feet. Then he saw the black dragoness, holding the blue small dragon in her palm.

Eliyinsa and Spike’s met. His emerald eyes met her violet eyes. For a moment, their was another bond, something that was there briefly but strong. However, it broke an instant as he saw the blue dragoness, slowly and weakly rise.
As he saw her rise, something in him was breaking, like his heart. Yet, his mind was feral and gone. Something deep lingered inside but it was covered by pain, sadness and loss. Just like Eliyinsa, Ember’s eyes met his. Tears were on her face and pain just like his, was burned into her features. Despite all the physical pain, the heart truly hurt the most.
The elders got back onto their feet and with it, the connection broke. Spike took on a defensive stance, roaring out in defiance. They got back onto their legs and began to circle him. Seeing this, he released a powerful flame in front of them. Torch and Zynthia shielded themselves with their wings while Derain slowly push through the flame. His flames having no effect, Spike stopped, roared once more at them, than ran the opposite direction.
His body propelled him as fast he could, creating craters and quakes as he ran north. The others were about to give chase, but Ember’s scream halted them.
“Father!” Torch stopped as did the others. Eliyinsa made her way to them, where Torch eagerly moved to his daughter.
“Ember, my teardrop!” he exclaimed with worry. “Are you alright?”
The normal response would be ‘yes’ but she couldn’t lie, nor did she have the energy to do so.
“The feedback from the Separation hit them both.” stated Eliyinsa. A small whine of pity came for the dragoness. “She is losing her will.”
A growl left Torch. “That whelpling caused it.”
“No he didn’t,” clarified Eliyinsa, she shook her head. “I did.” Each elder looked at her. Zynthia looked at the younger dragoness with hurt eyes.
“Eliyinsa…” began Zynthia.
“No, you were all right. The Trial was to dangerous and painful for him. I triggered a memory about his past that made him lose control. For that, its my fault.”

Ember wanted to agree but her eyes focused on the direction of where Spike ran off too. Tears streamed down her face, the Bloodstone Scepter lied dormant and useless by her side.
“W-What will h-happen t-to Spike?” she asked weakly.
Torch wasn’t sure how to answer that though Zynthia did.
“His body is burning up the energy quickly. He will shrink back to his normal size in hours. After that, his mind will… regress to madness.”

A choking sob left her and Ember cried to herself, while the other elders held pity. Moving away from Ember, the three moved in unison and away from Ember’s ears.
“We must send a search party for him.” stated Derain.
“No dragon would wish to be around him,” retorted Zynthia. “You saw what he did to us. Imagine if others try to get near him.”
“Find, not approach or subdue.” affirmed Torch. “Find, report and then we will go after him. His size is shrinking. By tonight he will be that much easier to catch.”
“But he will be that much harder to catch.” Zynthia sighed with sadness and the other males looked dejected. Meanwhile the current Dragon Lord all but weeped in sadness and pain. The loss of Spike was much worse than the feedback from the Scepter.
The sun was starting to set and the trials had come to an end.
There was no cheers for victory, only silence for loss.

Epilogue: Survival

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Introducing a member to the hoard...

Epilogue: Survival

No dragon has seen nor heard from their Dragon Lord. After her consort had to endure the final trial, it turned to a backlash for both of them. The trial caused repressed memories to emerge and caused Spike to go into hysteria, he also struck Ember and caused them to separate from each other. Driven mad, he ran off and not been seen since.

Not long after, she retreated to her own cave, having yet to show her face. However, it was noted that only her father was the one visiting her and it was he that had been trying to coax his daughter out of the cave. Due to her sudden and prolonged exposure, not to mention power drain from the Bloodstone and from Spike, the feedback from the Scepter had begun to tear at her.

Only with her help from the only other dragon she would consider withstanding the feedback alongside her, was Amethyst. Though it was at first because it seemed like the two had already gotten along, Ember had already liked her long before the Gauntlet of Fire. So, when the joke came up with them hooking up would be better than Garble’s choice came up, it was almost hysterical.

No one dared laugh though. But a sudden flux in the Scepter caused a negative surge on them both and Torch noted that two bodies was not enough, for it was adhered that Scepter had needed a third body. Spike’s and Ember’s bodies were oddities themselves to withstand a huge amount of power. With Spike being the first one to hold the Bloodstone during the Gauntlet trials and him handing it over to Ember, they had formed a bond there and then. Yet the unique circumstances between the two, the week or so apart from one another, along with the last few days together, had them inherit a huge chunk of the Bloodstone’s power. The only possibility that came in why they could handle it was because both were young; however, while Ember knew how to control her emotions and even level of her energy, Spike was already born with a different kind of magic. More specifically, pony magic. His body infused with pony magic, being surrounded by it in his life, had a profound effect on him that caused him to absorb more of the Scepter’s power, without the need of an additional body to channel that extra energy. This was only established once with the first female dragon lord prior.

However, with him gone and Ember having bonded with Spike, she had taken a lot more of the Bloodstone’s power and had no venting or stable point. As it was now, Amethyst had been her hope in preserving her life, but she too was succumbing to the power, if less so than Ember. Torch realized this as well, which is why he had made Ember take on a second mate until Spike returned…

…if he ever did.

After securing herself with Amethyst, she had yet to leave the cave, still stuck in a rut of emotional turmoil. Between rage at feeling the backlash that lingered for hours, the heart-tearing sobbing and crying that Spike had left her, or the unbearable agony knowing that he too, was in extreme pain with the backlash.

Dragons were sent to search and be vigilant for the dragon. His shape and size would slowly reside back to that of the whelpling he was, so it would be that much more difficult to find a small dragon. The sudden surge of the greed and the Bloodstone’s added power, wasn’t a positive feedback on him. Whatever memory he had witness, it broke his mind and the separation itself was all but mind-shattering for him. In the end, his fate was left unknown.

He was out there alone, half out of his mind with the other half in torment. The pain would be almost unending until he either vented it out or… burn up from the inside out without that pent up energy. How long that would take, no one knew.

Torch, for the number of times today in which he had lost count, tried to coax Ember out of her wallow. Today would hopefully be better now that he had Amethyst to help and their fellow hoard member to help.

“Ember, please… you have to stop doing this!” Begged Amethyst. “This stopped being funny the first three times!” She grunted and pulled at Ember’s tail before getting tired and letting go. “This is seriously an odd way to start out this little… hoard of yours.” She was referring to the fact that she kept having to drag out Ember out of her pillow fort, by the thick of her tail. Only for Ember to either smack, loosen, or slip out of Amethyst’s claws and sink right back in.

“And I told you, this is not humorous at all!” she yelled through the muffle of the pillows. “Just leave me be, Amethyst!” The pinkish dragoness sighed and shook her head.

“And how the blazing hells am I supposed to be the hoard of a Dragon Lord who doesn’t want to deal with her hoard?” She asked out loud. Though Torch had been watching, he shook his giant head as best he could.

“Ember did have her mother’s mood swings, though she was never like this.” He let out a huff of black smoke from his nostrils before looking at the pillows in which his daughter currently receded in. “Ember, listen to your hoard and your father. This wallowing in self-pity and sadness will not bring your mate back.” His voice softened by a large margin. “No drake around blames you for what Spike went through, nor do we Elders blame him for what had happened to him. He was in an odd state when it happened to him. We all knew the risks of what might happen. Whether it would have been a victory, a lose, an exploited weakness or anything, it was really up to you to be there for him in the end. You stuck by but that wasn't enough, so the blame is not on you.”

Silence reigned in the large cave and Amethyst and Torch looked towards the pillows, waiting for a response. After a moment, the pillows shuffled and Ember slowly emerged from the pillows with a solemn look. Looking at both her father and Amethyst, she sighed sadly and spoke in a somber tone.

“I-I… I just don’t know what to do?” she asked. “Spike was… is one of a kind and I… I thought that if he won the trials, it would make everything easy…”

“Nothing in life comes easy, dear Ember,” Her father responded. “Take it from a dragon whom has lived to see lifetimes of many and few, that life is an unbearable pleasure in which sometimes we take for granted. If you mother was awake to be here, I know she would say the same.”

Ember looked up at her father.

“And what would mother do if she were in my situation?” A small sniffled left her. “What would she do if you were gone and it was just her?”

Torch didn’t respond right away, for it was a question he never had a thought on. His life, from hatchling to now, had always been to be straight forward and worry not about the future, but of the present. To live in the moment and see where life would go. It was his exploration of the world, did he encounter Ember’s mother. She was… and still is, the most beautiful dragoness he had ever laid eyes on. Next to her, was Ember of course. But the dragoness that stole his heart and made him as weak as a hatchling, he was struck that he could be so easily swooned by her. Her wonderful sapphire scales that glistened like crystal blue ocean water in the sun, her stunning violet eyes practically glowed when any light was seen through them, and lastly was her personality.

She was the odd ‘-ness’ out, being raised outside of the dragon lands. However, it was her love for everything that made him love her. Her interests in ponies, her love for nature, her careless wonder about the world, made her one of the freest spirits in the world. She was not after a hoard when they met. She was not looking for a title after he became Dragon Lord. She did not lay and asked to be ‘bred’ like a common concubine. They took time to love one another and it would be almost a thousand years after they loved and became bonded through eternal flame, had they decided to bring a hatchling into the world.

She had only had one egg, but it was all they needed. Then, when the egg hatched and brought forth their ‘teardrop’ of joy into the world. Torch realized more than ever, that love was a lot stronger than greed or hate. He never allowed incidents affect the ponies because he didn’t hate them. He could never be stubborn to share his hoard of gems to the weak or the hungry dragons in his rule. All of this and more because of the one whom made him feel like the biggest and strongest dragon ever, long before he even became Dragon Lord.

Recovering from a nostalgic and a small trip to memory lane, Torch looked towards his daughter. A genuine smile touched his giant muzzle, something Ember hadn’t seen in a long time.

“If your mother were here, my little Ember, she would be strong and make sure to hold on to the one she loves. She would never give up, she would hold her head up high, and make sure that no matter what happens, she would always leave her heart open for her loved ones, She is here now, watching us through her dreams and I know for sure, that we should not give up hope on Spike. He might be little, but he is the strongest dragon I have ever met. He had passed the trials, no easy feat of themselves, he endured much pain and mental feedback and still walked.”

“There are few dragons that could managed that and not fall ill or lost themselves completely to the feedback he endured. I know for sure, he will return, not only stronger, but his love will be brought forth.”

Ember stared at her father, trying to find any false hope or lies through his teeth, but her father was never one for open lies. He just spoke carefully about certain words. But she knew her father was never one to misguide his daughter, nor dare fill her with mind and heart with deception.

She didn’t respond, for another set of footsteps began making her way into the cave and all the dragons turned to find a smaller dragoness coming in. All eyes turned to the smaller dragoness, whom somewhat meekly made her way into the cave with the giant dragon and her ‘future hoard members’ with an uneased form.

“I’m… here, Em- Uh… I’m here, Lord Ember.”

Ember sighed and made her way towards the smaller lithe dragoness. She came up to her breast and was about the size of Spike, though she had wings. Her light violet spines and tail fin countered sky-blue eyes that also countered her bright orange scales with her horns to her head.

Laying a paw on her, Ember gave a small smile towards her.

“Thank you for doing this Smolder. I know it was short notice… but I am glad you came.”

The smaller dragoness, known as Smolder, did her best to look up at her Hoard Mate or Hoar Maker. Though she had yet to fully call her that, Smolder knew it would be a matter of instinct and time before she warmed up to Ember’s various role titles. To her, she was still Ember, Current Dragon Lord, Iconic Dragoness across the Lands, The Fearful and Glorious Leader… and friend.

“Yeah… it’s no problem,” she said a bit hesitantly. “Though I am not sure why me? I mean there are plenty of other dragons whom would be better or trusting than me.”

“Better? No. Trustworthy? No. Since Spike left, there are thousands around whom would love to get a chance to be part of my hoard, but all of them would only be in it for my personal hoard or a title. You however, I know would not betray my trust. You got raised a lot better than most dragons, so your friendliness has been seen as weakness to others but not to me. You slowly gain the trust of others and make it seem as though it is to remain within a circle of associates but I know that deep down, you want to true friends.”

Smolder brushed her arms.

“I… I just want to be around others who aren’t always hard headed all the time… or…”

“Mean?” finished Ember.

Not meeting her eyes, she nodded.

Giving a small smile, she leaned down towards her hoard.

“I know what you mean. Spike changed my view in that way.” Looking up, Smolder met the kind of eyes of her Hoard Master, not seeing any anger nor regret towards Smolder’s weakness. Instead, understanding and compassion filled her ears and she was met with warmth unlike any other before.

“Spike showed me more care and more love than any other dragon…” She paused as she felt her heart began to burn with warmth then, it felt like it was taken away, immediately filled with ice cold. The surge was beginning to take more. She turned to Amethyst. The violet dragoness quickly went over to where the Bloodstone Scepter was held in the hoard room. Ember than turned back to Smolder.

“This is your last chance Smolder. You can still back out. I won’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do, especially if your parents had no knowledge of this.”

Smolder seemed hesitant but her eyes saw the Ember kept wincing in discomfort and pain. She needed a third body, a third part of her a broken piece and until the piece was fixed, she had to act like temporary binder until she was fixed.

Amethyst came back with the scepter in claw, handing it to Ember. Ember held onto it and presented it in front of Smolder. The small dragoness could practically feel the power radiating from it. Something she herself wished could have done the first the Gauntlet of Fire had been announced, but her parents hadn’t allowed her to leave the cave yet. But here and now, was an opportunity to present itself and it was practically being handed to her. Not in the ideal way she thought but to even understand a small fraction of its power, was practically every ‘ness’s' dream.

But this wasn’t power, this was survival for Ember and she needed a dragon she could trust. She chose a close friend and a dragon who wouldn’t abuse her power.

With not much else to go on, Smolder slowly reached out and wrapped her claw around the Scepter. Instantly, she gasped a power surge ran from the Scepter into her body. She felt… warmth and a wave energy fill her body from top to bottom, almost like the first time she breathe her first, big flame. Tingles ran up and down her body, running from her head to her spines, almost making her feel light headed before the power surge stopped and she let go.

She blinked, her mind slowly coming back from the transfer, her eyes looking at Ember. A smile was on her muzzle and seemed more at eased then before. A sigh left her as, if she had been released from a great burden. Her features seemed to brighten and the pain from the physical aspect was gone. Only the broken heart remained.

“Thank you.” She responded before she grabbed and pulled in Smolder for a hug. Smolder let out a small grunt before sighing softly and gently hugging back.

“My parents are gonna kill me once they hear of this.”

“Aww so cute!” squealed Amethyst before she half leaped and scooped them up both in a tight hug. Both females groaned in at the pink dragoness’s high and lovable enthusiasm but nonetheless, allowed her to enjoy their newly formed hoard.

The moment was enjoyable before Torch, whom had been watching the whole exchange with a small amount of satisfaction cleared his throat and caused them all to separate.

“As much as I enjoy this moment and happy to see you have successfully found your hoard, preventing your demise, I think that it’s time to announce this to the rest of the dragons.”

Ember, as much as she wanted to find Spike, knew that the rest of the Elders and the dragons must be coaxed into knowing she would be alive and was secured in her survival.

Torch then blinked and pulled his head out, causing all the girls to look up. The larger dragon had pulled out his head from the top, before returning and looking down at them with alarming eyes.

“It seems as if Spike has been found.”

Epilogue: The Final Trial

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The chapter with a gut punch no one asked for... not even the author.

The Final Trial

Eliyinsa settled down into the giant molten magma pit where all of the yesterday’s effort had slowly begin to melt away. The black scaled dragoness felt relief as the magma burned away any dust or muck had settled into her scales, quickly sizzle and burn away. With half of her charcoal colored body submerged in lava, the dragoness took on a resting pose, letting her tail and her neck sink in with just her head lying on the outer rim of the bathing ridge.

“Did it bother you that much?” asked the voice of her lover. The Advisor turned to see the scarlet dragoness approach her. Zynthia walked up close to her mate and lied down just next to their magma pool.
“You know it did,” she answered uneasily. “You saw the pain, you saw his anger. What we did… what I did to him…”
“You did what you thought was an appropriate challenge. While Torch, Dereain and your’s were mental challenges, mine was the physical one. I think that is where it might have stemmed from.” She shook her head. “I should have stopped when Ember cried for it.”
“I don’t blame you, none of us do. The trial by Survival was the only physical one of us and if not one of us did it, the masses would have believed we had gone easy on the whelp.”

Zynthia snorted in disdain. “To hell with what other dragons would have thought. He already completed three trials. He could have stopped and stayed with what he had. 1 in every 50,000 dragons whom have taken the test succeed all the trials. From those who tried to be consorts or those who wanted to be Elders, Advisors and even Guardians.”

Eliyinsa looked at her lover before lowering her head to the floor.

“He was strong,” she half mumbled with the earth beneath her jaw. “I could see it in his eyes, he was strong. I allowed myself to push him mentally because of it. I believed he could endure it.” She snorted a soft gust of smoke from her nostrils. “And I made him suffer for it.”

The larger dragoness leaned her head to her smaller mate and brushed her head against her. A low growl rippled through her throat, feeling her mate’s comforting embrace. Zynthia continued to brush against her, making sure her mate understood her love and care for her.

Feeling her mood brighten, she pulled away and looked into her eyes.

“What we did, both of us, all of us, was to see if he was worthy of being the New Dragon’s Lord consort. He has passed the trials and now, he faces his final one. One that we must all help in now.”

The black dragoness nodded and leaned in, giving a small flicker of flame to brush over her loving mate. Zynthia hummed before returning to her smaller mate.

“My love for you is eternal.” She whispered lovingly to her.

“As is mine.” Eliyinsa said before once more brushing her head against hers.

The two continued to enjoy their moment, brushing against one another. The loved practically poured from them and it was at a point where Eliyinsa slowly rose from her pool, that she gave her mate another brush.

“I am quite eased now,” she purred, her eyes were half lidded and her growl was low but hungry. “But, I still wish to be… taken care of, properly, if you wouldn’t mind?” She exited the magma pit, shaking off the excess that lingered before turning to her mate gave a small shake of her tail.

The scarlet dragoness growled loudly and her own eyes instantly flashed with lust. “I wouldn’t mind, my beloved.” Just as she was about to follow her to their resting chambers, a low growl was heard outside of their cave.

Both stopped, looked at each other before looking towards their cave entrance. The growling continued with the sound of footsteps entering their cave.

“Who dares enter our cave without permission?” half growled, half roared, Zynthia. There was no response other than more growling, though the growl wasn’t threatening, but more… feral.

The growling grew louder as the intruder approached but then… whimpering was heard next, causing the two to look at one another in confusion. Cautiously, Zynthia made her way to their cave entrance, followed by her smaller mate. Turning around the corner, they saw that the intruder was a dragon, but not one they expected.

Eliyinsa gasped, along with her mate, seeing the young purple dragon, Spike, entering their cave. Though, he was growling, he was whimpering as if in pain or confusion.

“Spike?” she called out.

The young drake, had reverted back to his normal small size, was swirling his head, twisting and turning, his body half limped and dragging. He seemed unfocused, uncoordinated with his body. He kept stumbling around and his whimpering was starting to sound like a hatchling asking for its mother.

“Spike?” she tried again. This time, there was a reaction and his head snapped towards the sound.

Incoherent responses were given and he made his way towards them, lamely and with a difficult direction. Zynthia remained in front of her mate, still playing caution towards the young drake. She knew he was no threat, but she also knew that her mate still felt an emotional attachment to him after the trials. His rapid growth didn’t help ease her fears on him.

“Where have you been, young one? Your consort has been looking for you? We all have.” Then another question came up. “How did you find us?”

Spike didn’t respond properly, more mumbling or half coherent words formed as he approached. He kept tripping or stumbling over himself, as if difficult to control his own ligaments. Though it was until that he approached that both dragonesses saw that Spike has been causing self inflicted wounds. His body carried damaged scales all around him. Part of his muzzle carried signs of dried blood and some of his claws looked cracked or broken off. Large bruising was seen over his head where he continued to bang his head against his balled fists or the wall. The sight of the broken dragon made Eliyinsa’s heart break.

She made her way passed her mate and quickly towards the drake. Bringing her large claw, she scooped up the dragon into her paws, bringing him up towards eye level.

“S-Spike, w-what happened to you? What can I do to help?”

She was on the brink of tears. Zynthia could see her mate was in turmoil, their passion long gone and her face carried worry. Her eyes already seeing that she was starting to go back to blaming herself for his current condition.

The young drake’s eyes slowly began to focus and he stared and the beautiful, violet eyes that were before him.

M-M-M… th-th…rrrr.” He tried to croak out.

Eliyinsa blinked, unsure if she heard him.


Mo-mo… ther? Mo…ther? Are-are… you… mo-mo…ther?

She blinked once, feeling tears run down her face. From her vantage, she looked towards her mate whom seemed just as stunned by his words.

“Is… is he asking if you’re his mother?” she asked.

Eliyinsa wasn’t sure either, for the drake still seemed out of it. He said that to her… during the trial. Why? Without waiting, she turned to her mate. “Go and quickly retrieve Ember. Tell her that we found him. Go! Quickly!”

The scarlet dragonesses hesitated, not sure if she felt right leaving her mate, but she heard the urgency in her words. With a quick nod, she took off in the cave exit where she quickly went to find Ember,

As she left, Eliyinsa cooed to the drake, trying to ease him down.

“Easy, there Spike. You are confused and hurt. Please tell me, where were you? We’ve all been looking for…” She swallowed a bit of saliva before asking. “Why do you keep saying mother? Is that… who you saw in your memories? Your birth mother?

Too much,” he said quickly. “Too much!” His eyes were filled with absent irises and it looked like he might pass out soon. It was then she realized, fearfully and in distraught, that because he had separated from Ember and the Scepter, the backlash caused him to take most of the energy. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, but from what Torch had told her and the others, was that he touched the Scepter first then gave it to Ember. He had his own energy within him but with Ember it balanced it out. Without her, he was succumbing to it.

Too much, pain…mother… gone… left… m-m-m...” He groaned, finally falling upon her palm. Her eyes went wide.

“No! Please no! Please Spike, you need to stay awake! Just a bit longer until Ember gets here!”

He still twisted and turned in her claws but didn’t say anything.

That was when she heard the arrival of several dragons at once. First came her beloved, then Lord Ember followed by two dragonesses, both she assumed where her new hoard, and lastly was Torch.

“Spike!” Yelled Ember. Immediately, Eliyinsa lowered him to the floor where Ember flew and practically half crashed towards him. She had the Scepter in claw, ready. Quickly approaching her consort, she dropped to her knees and held him. “Spike! Spike! I’m here! I’m here!”

Spike heard her voice, managing to focus long enough to look at her. “E-Em-Ember?”

She held him close to her against her breast, holding his head. A small river of tears ran down her face holding her mate.

“H-Hold the Scepter!” She begged. “We c-can still save you!”

Spike’s body began shutting down and his eyes began to close on him.

“No! No! NO!” She began screaming, trying to shake him. She brought him close and placed the scepter on his body, hopping the transfer would work. Nothing happened. She shook the scepter, trying to make anything happen. “Please!” She reached for his hand to wrap around it but nothing happened. Spike fell limb and his eyes began to close, his tired remaining breath let loose his final words. A tear ran down his face.

S-She l-left m-m-me… W-W-why d-did s-she leave….” Then he was quiet. A soft exhale left him then an inhale, followed by another exhale. She saw his chest slowly rising and falling, eerily gently before continuing on.

She blinked tears away for more came; she was unsure what was happening before looking up at the dragons that surrounded her. Eliyinsa was also in tears, as her mate tried to comfort her. Amethyst, despite not knowing Spike long enough, still shed tears of her own. Meanwhile the youngest seemed almost guilty not sure how to comfort anyone. It was Torch that seemed to be less affected but still felt for the drake.

“It seems,” he began with a solemn voice. “That the energy was too much for him and he fell into a deep sleep. A coma, if you will.” He paused, licking his giant maw before approaching his daughter and her mate and lowering his giant head to near them. “We should consider… that him sleeping, was the… better alternative to the energy he has in his body.”

Ember blinked away some tears, looking up at her father. Her heart was in turmoil but she wasn’t sure if this was the best outcome.

“I-I-I don’t understand father?” Torch looked upon his daughter, as if she was a hatchling once more, standing in the face of the world and wondering why it was the way it was. Her mind was shattering and her heart was in pain but she was still trying to understand why.

Eliyinsa, was the one to respond, having finally been comforted by her mate, whom remained by her side.

“Young Ember,” Ember turned to her. “What your father is saying is that Spike lives but only if by sleep. All the excess energy from the backlash of the trials and the Scepter has overwhelmed his body. It was too much for him. The fact he is only asleep because of it is… a miracle, unto itself. No dragon, in history has survived something like this.”

“Spike’s not just any dragon,” she said softly, gently stroking his snout with her claw. His breathing was so soft and so quiet, it truly continued to haunt her to still think he was not dead. “He was a dragon, raised by ponies, loved by them, cared by them and he was the greatest friend anyone could ever have.”

Amethyst and Smolder were by her side now, standing next to their hoard mate. Amethyst had gotten on her knees and held Ember in an embrace while Smolder offered a comforting paw on her shoulder.

“How long will he stay like this?” she asked out loud and to no one in particular.

“It could be until tomorrow,” answered Torch. “or it could be a millennium from now. As we said, this has never happened before and we know nothing of it.” She held back a sob and continued to gently stroke his face.

“I-I have to tell Twilight about this.” She looked up at her father and the others. “I have to let the Princesses of Equestria know about this.”

The older dragons looked at one another, not sure if was the best course of action. The blame could be placed on them and it could cause international turmoil and maybe even war. Despite the dragons being numerous and large, the Equestrians have faced strong foes, including ones that have nearly brought apocalyptic events nation or worldwide. In truth, it was something none of them wanted to test.

“If you do tell them, Lord Ember,” began Zynthia. “I suggest you do so with the intent of not causing an international incident. We need the Equestrians to remain absent or without most of the knowledge of dragon ways. Some secrets may need to be withheld.”

“I agree.” Entered Torch. “While we can tell them that the events of trials have left him in this sleep, we cannot fully tell the Princesses of how all of our customs are done. To us dragons, it seems normal and a day to day life, however they may see it as a great opportunity to deal with us in other ways.”

Ember looked up to them, still confused.

“What do we not tell them? How could we not tell them? They need to know what happened to Spike. I… I made a promise to Princess Twilight that I would protect him and care for him.” She then dropped her head. “And I failed.”

“You did not fail, Ember.” Torch said, with much emphasis. “You put him on the trials and this is the result of it. What happened here could be explained that the tasks performed here are something that every dragon whom becomes a Dragon Lord’s consort must take. What kind they are, what the performances are, must be withheld. The threat is not the trials themselves to Equestrians, its how it could expose weaknesses to dragon kind. It will expose where we are more susceptible to harm or mental manipulation. How they could resist our fire breaths or use our bodies for armor and weapons. We cannot and will not allow our secrets be exposed to them.”

Ember saw the logic of her father’s word, nor did she deny what harm would be caused if she told the Princesses the type of trials were done. With a reluctant nod, she answered.

“I won’t speak of the trials. But, I think the sooner they know of his current condition, the better.”

There was no way the Elder dragons were going to talk her out of it, so they all agreed.

She then looked down at him and embraced his head.

“What am I going to do with you?”

Eliyinsa watched the young dragoness hold her mate and something clicked inside of her.’

‘Are you mother?’ he asked. Despite his mind deranged or unfocused, he saw her and asked, if she was ‘mother’? Did he ask if she was his or if she was a mother? She wasn’t sure but she knew that maybe for that moment, he needed one. Her trial made him regress to a memory of his mother and that had caused turmoil. Perhaps, when he was egg, something happened to his mother. Dragons could retain some memories in their eggs. Soft imprints, voices and vague connections can be remembered.

Still, he was without a true mother. His memories were to go by, is that their ‘Goddesses in Flesh Form’, had raised him. But raised him as a pony, not a dragon. He needed to be nurtured and raised… by dragons. She just hoped he would allow it… and her.

“Lord Ember?” she spoke softly.

Ember looked up at her.


She hesitated with her words but spoke carefully and with tread. It was after all that she gave Spike the final push that may have caused him to go over the edge.

“I wished that your con… that Spike be placed under my care.” She paused. “Until he awakens.”

Every dragon in the room, including her mate looked upon in her in a range of emotions from confusion, to apprehensive and bewilderment. Ember was the apprehensive one as she held Spike closer to her.

“Why do wish to take care of Spike?” she asked, a bit of harshness in her tone. Eliyinsa wilted slightly at her tone but pushed on.

“Your role as a Dragon Lord will have you in and about the lands, possibly including the relationships with the Equestrians. Your… hoard must travel with you so that you may remain constant with your flow of energy. That would leave him… unintended. I… wish to take care of him until he awakes.”

Ember looked up to the advisor’s eyes and saw that she had a need in her eyes, that warranted Ember’s caution. It was then that she realized her words were true and just. With her being Dragon Lord, she would have to be around the lands trying to keep an eye out on her kind. And if she was to tell the Princesses about the condition of Spike, she had to be on guard with their intentions. Whether they would act hostile or even warrant the return of Spike, it was something that she couldn’t afford to do. Somehow, she had to keep Spike safe and she couldn’t do this if she would be away all the time. But if she were to do this, she would be putting his life in the safety of a dragon whom may have caused this… incident in the first place. Ember wasn’t sure what to say.

“What do you gain out of this? Why do this with Spike?”

Eliyinsa looked towards her mate and a small, wordless conversation had played between them before she looked down at her.

“Me and Zynthia have been looking for a way to have hatchlings together.” This caused Ember to blink and cocked her head as if confused with the news. She hadn’t heard of them seeking aid with this, nor have they mentioned before of wanting to raise young. “I think that, if we could care for Spike, it would be a sort of practice run for us both. We know he won’t be active but, we can be there for him when he wakes. We can keep him clean and alert you in any changes in his progress. You could visit him when need be, and our duties remain unchanged.”

Compared to a Dragon Lord, an Advisor was sought only by the young or the intellectuals with minds wanting to seek knowledge. Advisors gave guidance or directions to those whom want it. However, most dragons stick to the traditional senses that were given to them when born and only gained knowledge through their parents. Ember had visited Eliyinsa before to gain more knowledge than your average dragon, right before her father declared he was stepping down from Dragon Lord.

Her mate, Zynthia was a former Successor and shares knowledge with her beloved so they have a much to spare. Few dragons come to them both, so their time is mostly to themselves. And that is why they wanted to have hatchlings. Very few dragons go to them for advise or history so what more to do then to try and start a family? These were two females seeking to start something but they first wanted to try by taking care of a drake whom was asleep for Wistala knows how long. More so, Eliyinsa felt guilty over the final trial, so perhaps she felt this might be a personal redemption for herself. Ember felt that it could be.

Thinking it over, she looked to her two hoard members, both giving her encouraging smiles and even hope that this would help settle Ember’s loss.

A small sigh and a nod, she looked towards the Advisor.

“Alright, you can take care of him.” Eliyinsa felt relief wash over her and her mate gave her an excited grin, giving her a loving rub against her. Ember witness the love between them and somehow knew that they would take care of him. “I just ask that if anything changes, even if a scale of him falls off, you let me know. I feel as though the Princesses would also be like to be up to date.”

Both dragonesses nodded.

“As I said, we will keep him safe. If we are required in any way, one can stay and watch him. He will never be without a pair of eyes, nor will any harm come to him, this I swear.”

Zynthia nodded. “As do I.”

It was enough, more than enough. It was difficult to find trusting dragons now a days. As far as she knew, it was her, her hoard, her father, the two elders. Spike’s fate was in their claws now. Feeling a bit of sickness and dread come to her heart, she swallowed and looked at them.

“Please, take care of him. I need him when he gets back.” Both larger females nodded. She then leaned down, gave Spike a gentle kindle across his face. “Please, please come back to me.” She whispered. She then gently laid his sleeping head across from the Elders. She then stood up and turned away. “I must go now, I have a letter to write.” A pit of fear and anxiety hit her like never before.

Nightfall had come as did the fall onto Ember’s knees. She felt powerless and almost weak as she had received a bombardment of rants from Twilight and the other princesses of Equestria from Spike’s ‘instant messaging’ book. Pages upon pages filled with anger, grief, rage and so on, Ember had yet to reply.

As of now, they knew what befell Spike during the trials. His over flow of magic and his eventual perpetual sleep for who knows how long. How and what caused it, was left only as ‘dragon customs’. However the one thing that kept popping up on the letters was the clearance to arrive unto Dragon territory. It was clear that they wanted to see him, check on him to figure out the situation or if they could help.

Yet Ember knew that there was no help. Equestrian magic was almost useless against dragon scales. It’s why they didn’t fight Garble when they had been revealed during the Gauntlet of Fire. She was not afraid of them harming her in anyway, she was afraid their magic might affect the already overwhelmed and overfilled with dragon magic, Spike. Even if their magic was dissimilar, it could cause fatal implications.

Allowing the pages to finally settle until they allowed her to respond, she used a charcoal tip of her claw from a small hollow rock bowl and began to write.

‘His body is full of unstable Scepter magic from the backlash. Any magic he comes in contact with him could prove to be… fatal. Taking him outside or moving him around could prove to be the same. Remeber most magic does not work on us. I’m sorry.’

She paused, waiting for a response. After a minute she continued on.

‘His condition is stable for now. He breathes, he is alive, but he is asleep.’

She paused. Once the charcoal faded from the pages, a response was almost immediate.

‘How long will he sleep?’

A breath left her and she was left slumped in the middle of her home. Tears ran down her face and it landed upon the paper, instantly dissolving. A second later, more words appeared.

‘Ember? How long will he be asleep for?’

Shakily, she dipped her claw in charcoal once more and wrote,

‘I don’t know…’

The last words went way off of line as they disappeared.

She slumped, landing on her hind legs with her tail laid out before her. Her mind was a mess, her heart beat against her with a throbbing pain and her emotions were in disarray. She began to silently weep.

Her father had to sub-rule for her, her hoard was out eating and as of right now, she has never felt more alone.

“Mother, I wish you were here! I wish you were here! I need you! I need you more than ever! I am so lost. Everything hurts, my heart hurts and… I just don’t know what to do...” She whimpered out lamely out into the cave. “I miss you.”

In a distant, hollowed out mountain, far at the edge of dragon territory, a single eyelid opened, revealing a Sapphire eye.