A Quill to Quell

by PlanetKiller

First published

Discord has moved near Ponyville a few months ago. He decides to write a touching story. But with Discord, nothing is as it seems.

Discord has moved near Ponyville a few months ago. He decides to write a touching story. But with Discord, nothing is as it seems. Fluttershy "interrupts" him and they go for a walk.

I felt like conducting the feels train today.
All aboard!

My Tale to Tell

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My Tale to Tell

Discord had lived longer than any other creature in Equestria. The draconequus had seen the rise and fall of nations, and had seen things that made his miss-matched body seem normal. That is why he decided now was the best time to write a story. It was just a few months ago that he had started living in a cottage near town. Writing was something ‘normal ponies’ did, right?

The old stool creaked under his weight as he sat upon it. As his red-on-yellow eyes focused upon the parchment before him, he produced a yellow quill. It was a gift from his dear friend, Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus with a pink mane had always embodied kindness, and Discord was grateful for having known her.

The draconequus dipped the feather in the ink pot, carefully squeezing the quill so it would suck up the ink. After dabbing it on the blotter cloth to remove excess, he placed it against the parchment and began to write.

It was a rather sunny day that day, with nary a cloud in the sky. The melody of birds carried far, and insects annoyed ponies. As he heard a knock upon the door, Discord paused what he was doing and answered the door. Fluttershy graced his doorstep, the sunlight making her yellow coat radiate.

“Would you like to help me in the Everfree forest, that is, if you’re not too busy?” The timid mare trailed off into a whisper.

“Anything for my friend.” Discord found her shyness adorable.

“Oh, but I see you are busy, I’ll just come back another time.” Fluttershy began to apologize.

“Nonsense, I can do this any old time” Discord soothed the mare’s concerns “It seems like we never spend any time together anymore, and you know that forest is dangerous.”

“Oh, thank you.” Fluttershy cheered.

“What are we doing this fine day anyway?” Discord queried.

“Well, um, I need to find a rare flower to heal some sick animals.” Fluttershy explained “They have the sniffles and it is just awful.”

Discord didn’t want to scold Fluttershy, but he wondered why the animals couldn’t just get over the sniffles. He also wondered why Fluttershy didn’t just ask him to conjure the needed flower, or make the animals better himself. But as annoying as Fluttershy’s need to do everything herself, he was glad she asked him to accompany her. He wouldn’t have changed her for anything.

He stopped at a stone pillar at the entrance of the forest. It was made of marble and had gems set into it. Those gems took the shape of three pink-and-blue butterflies, Fluttershy’s cutie mark. Discord fondly remembered when he erected this stone for Fluttershy. She couldn’t help because she had been resting at the time.

“I’ll always remember you when I look at this stone.” Discord told Fluttershy.

“I’m glad, and I’ll always remember you.” Fluttershy responded “But, ah, we should get going; the animals need me.”

“You’re right,” Discord agreed “let’s go.”

They walked through the cool forest for a couple hours; silence between them. Fluttershy was normally silent, and Discord had nothing to talk about. While that was strange for the draconequus, it did make focusing on the task much easier.

Several times Fluttershy thought she had seen the flower, only to be disappointed. Discord had thought about just conjuring the flower, but Fluttershy would be mad at him and he did not want that. Try as he might, he could never keep anything from her.

It didn’t help that she never told him any details about the flower. This was probably to keep him from conjuring it in the first place. He knew from her near-finds that the flower was mostly red, with some yellow. Without knowing the effects of the plant, Discord wouldn’t be able to create a good simulacra.

The forest became darker and cooler as they went deeper. After what seemed lat several hours, but was probably just two, Discord decided to start a conversation.

“How have you been lately?” Discord broke the silence.

“Um, fine, how about you?” Fluttershy returned.

“Good, even if I don’t get to do as much chaos as I’d like.”

“But I bet you enjoy helping others, and isn’t that it’s own reward?”

“I’d still rather do chaos.” Discord groused “Just let me rearrange Twilight’s books one more time?”

“Now now, you know that it took her almost a month to recover from that, and it didn’t help that they kept moving.”

“But it was so hilarious!” Discord slapped is knee in glee

“Discord!” Fluttershy glared at him, then her gaze softened “Well, it was a little funny, but I don’t want you to do it again. Twilight’s my friend.”

“Okay,” he relented “is that the flower we are after?” Discord was pointing at a yellowish flower with a misshapend red center. It was growing near a thick brown vine.

“Oh, yes it is. Thank you for helping me find it.” Fluttershy quickly picked it with her mouth and turned toward Discord.

A roar made both of them freeze in fear. Discord for fear of Fluttershy’s safety, and Fluttershy just for fear. The vine rose and was joined by three others. Each had the angular toothy head of a hydra. As the beast attacked Fluttershy Discord froze up. He broke free of his stupor and rushed to defend his friend. After several minutes of intense fighting the hydra retreated.

Both Fluttershy and Discord limped home to tend their wounds. Upon entering Fluttershy’s house she grabbed her first-aid kit and bandaged them up. She went to the couch to rest while Discord sat at a writing desk. Discord knew that the reader would not realize that he had been writing this entire time. He looked upon the dusty, empty couch. Regardless of the story he wrote, he could not change the past.

Unfortunately, by the time Discord had wrested his friend from the Hydra’s grip, it was too late. Monsters of the Everfree tend to be magically resistant, so he couldn’t just snap his troubles away. When he found her, Fluttershy was curled around the flower protecting it. The wound told him it was too late, and she forbade the use of his magic, so he just cradled her like a puppy.

“I picked it just for you, it’s the same color as your eyes.” She used her wing to place the flower in his hair, then breathed her last.

Most of her friends forgave him, and Rarity had even helped pick out the gemstones for Fluttershy’s grave. It was erected between her cottage and the Everfree forest, a memorial and a warning. Discord had moved into the cottage a few days after the funeral to put her affairs in order. Angel Bunny had passed of a broken heart a few weeks later and now rests beside his owner.

Discord finished his story and arose from the chair. Going over to a dresser, he opens a drawer reveling a single yellow flower with a red center. The flower is dried and wilted, but still beautiful. He puts it in his hair, using his magic to restore it. He somberly goes outside and walks to her grave. After saying a few words he lays before the stone. Within a few moments, he too is stone.

If you ever go by that cottage, now falling in disrepair, you just might find three stones. The tallest is featureless, save for three gemstone butterflies. The smallest is just a granite brick with ‘Angel Bunny’ engraved upon it. And the last is a miss-matched statue with a flower eternally growing from his hair, the only hint of what his eyes looked like.

Upon entering the cottage there is a table with parchment against the far wall. It seems to be magically preserved even as the house decays. The quill is yellow, the ink is black, and a butterfly is carved into the wood. Upon the parchment you will find this story, his actions planned by the ending and at the end is this poem:

A quill to quell
My tale to tell
Of a heart broken in two

I lament in shame
I could not ease your pain
But soon I shall be with you~