> Warmth > by link4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Warmth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia’s sun was setting as two pegasi watched in awe of its beauty. Fluttershy, a beautiful small pegasus like a flower late to bloom, had decided today was the day. She would ask her marefreind over...for once. It had been four months since she finally confessed to Rainbow Dash about her feelings. Sadly though her timid nature had kept the relationship going at a slow place. “Umm...uh…Dashie?” she squeaked. Rainbow Dash held the delicate mare’s hoof. “What’s up, Fluttershy?” she replied. Rainbow looked at the nervous mare who was stumbling with what she wanted to say. Come on Fluttershy, you’ve made her wait long enough. Rainbow had already been more than patient with her. Fluttershy could see the longing in Dash’s eyes – always holding off knowing how easily startled and frightened she was. “Uh…well, I um…was wondering if you would...” Her voice turned very high. “If you would spend the night?” Fluttershy immediately hid behind her mane; her cheeks turning rose red from the evident embarrassment. “If…um…you don’t…you know…mind?” Rainbow smiled upon hearing the question, finally seeing her delicate flower opening up to her more, if only a little. “Of course, I would love to! It’ll be more comfortable anyways,” Rainbow replied with a wink making Fluttershy blush even harder – her eyes wide in surprise. Enjoying the sunset with her marefriend Fluttershy, Rainbow thought back to when her beautiful flower confessed and asked her out. She had wanted to spend the night from day one but knowing how shy the yellow pegasus was, Rainbow thought it best to allow her marefriend to set the pace. But Rainbow couldn’t help but tease her from time to time and quite enjoyed the reaction she received from Fluttershy at her suggestive hints. “Come on Shy, let’s get inside before it gets too dark.” Fluttershy grimaced at the thought of darkness. “Um…yeah let’s go, I um…I want to wash up.” Fluttershy’s voice was barely audible to most ponies but years of being her Cloudsdale friend had made Rainbow well practiced in listening to her. She smirked, causing another cower of embarrassment from Fluttershy who knew she couldn’t mutter anything without the rainbow pegasus hearing her. Fluttershy ran into the cottage to avoid further embarrassment. The yellow pegasus went straight to the bathroom to bathe before bed, feeling a little guilty for leaving Rainbow like that so suddenly. Hoping to soothe her worries in a bubble bath, the yellow mare tried to calm down. Don’t take no for an answer, Fluttershy! Don’t give in until she agrees to keep you company in bed! Not wanting to keep the energetic mare waiting, she washed up quickly so that she could be with the one that made her feel safe and loved. She trotted upstairs to her bedroom. “Sorry…uh…for making you…” Fluttershy paused; nervous of what to say next. She muttered inaudibly the last word “wait” as her eyes caught her beautiful marefriend standing near the bed. She made her way over to her. Do it, Fluttershy! “Err…Dashie? “Hmm?” was Rainbow’s response. “I…uh…would prefer if you sat on the uh…bed.” Her cheeks turned rose red again as she edged closer to the awaiting pegasus. To Fluttershy’s surprise, Rainbow walked away and headed outside, reappearing moments later with a brush. Sitting on the bed, Fluttershy queried Rainbow. “Um…what’s the uh…brush for Dashie?” she asked, knowing full well the answer but surprised that Dashie would do so. “Your hair of course, silly filly!” Rainbow sat down on the bed next to the blushing Fluttershy. Fluttershy watched as Rainbow brushed her mane with tender love and care. She was nervous; this being the first time anypony had ever groomed her like this but also excited that it was Dashie doing it. Rainbow smiled as she revelled in the feel of Fluttershy’s soft silky hair in her hooves. Seeing the yellow pegasus at ease was reassuring to her as she continued to work through the mare’s pink mane. Rainbow didn’t take long to finish Fluttershy’s mane and began on her tail. Fluttershy, who had relaxed, eeped slightly at the brush going through her tail suddenly. “Uh…I can do my tail…Dashie?” Her words met deaf ears however as Rainbow pressed on with brushing the rest of her tail; the rainbow pegasus enjoying the experience a lot that she couldn’t catch what her marefriend had said. Putting down the brush after finishing her brushing, Rainbow Dash decided to press her advantage into Fluttershy’s relaxed state and began to preen her wings. She took it nice and slow; a first for her it had to be said – but Fluttershy was worth it. Just be gentle, Rainbow. Be gentle and she won’t mind. Fluttershy blushed furiously, uttering a questioning “wha-“ which was quickly silenced by Rainbow Dash. She decided to remain tranquil as Rainbow kept up the preening of the yellow pegasus’s wings; still a little moist from the bath she had had. She had to admit she was a little taken back by her marefriend’s forwardness. Preening another pegasus’s wings was one of the top three most intimate of gestures for pegasi done in private. Yet she wondered how she was able to sit so calm and still under Rainbow’s touches. She was beginning to like this so much that Fluttershy could no longer keep her eyes. Rainbow blushed slightly as she watched Fluttershy’s eyes close half way, her smooth head resting on the pillow. Her confidence grew as she noticed this. “I’ll need the other wing now, beautiful…” Fluttershy wasted no time in opening her other wing to full glory. As she did this, she caught the eyes of her wild marefriend and was mesmerised at the longing she again saw in them. A twinge of guilt struck her, knowing Rainbow was far more ambitious than just this. Once or twice, Fluttershy imagined she could see Rainbow holding her hunger back in those clear magenta eyes of hers. She really wanted to reward Dashie for being patient with her. The yellow mare wanted more than anything to shuffle closer to her Dashie, and enjoy the comfort of her closeness as they slept. “Uh…Dashie I um…was wondering if…maybe…we could-“ Rainbow Dash couldn’t take it any longer. Almost oblivious of her marefriend’s question, Rainbow pulled her in close and gently placed a warm kiss on her lips. She watched as the stun of the kiss took control of her yellow blossom. Fluttershy just sat there frozen in surprise as Rainbow Dash gave her a kiss on the lips so gently a snowflake wouldn’t break. In the few seconds that the contact lasted, Fluttershy was overjoyed yet left craving more. When it ended, she opened her eyes wondering why her moment of bliss had come to an abrupt halt. Retreating from her marefriend, Rainbow needed to be closer to her yellow blossom and so couldn’t help but envelop the shy one with her wings – clearly the most intimate stage of pegasi relations. Fluttershy blushed fiercely yet again as she felt Rainbow’s wings encase her delicately. Fluttershy felt a warmth at her core, a sense of security that nopony else gave her. She nuzzled tightly into the protective wings holding her, relishing the strong scent of the rainbow mare holding her. Tears of joy gently and slowly fell from Fluttershy’s eyes and onto the Rainbow’s mane. She didn’t want to leave Rainbow’s embrace; she wanted to be like this forever. She smiled and sighed in contentment. As peace began to claim Fluttershy, the yellow mare couldn’t ignore it as the warmth of the embrace only strengthened her will to shut her eyes. Listening to the now calmer breathing of her companion, Rainbow felt the rhythm make her eyes droop. It wasn’t long before both pegasi were sound asleep; clinging lovingly to the lover of their life in a warm embrace. > Growth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Soft, gentle light of Luna's moon enveloped Fluttershy as she lay in bed, events mere hours past coming back to her. She blushed remembering the comfortable blanket holding her so affectionately. She sighed contentedly as her thoughts wandered back to Rainbow preening her wings and she smiled softly, thinking how comforting and secure it was. Fluttershy's eyes drooped, and as she fell back asleep until morning. Something in her mind clicked, changing her ever so slightly towards Rainbow Dash. Next morning ~Rainbow Dash P.O.V~ She didn't mind not being able to move. Not only was Fluttershy not awake yet, but she enjoyed holding her in her wings. she could hear the birds singing their beautiful melody outside, the strong caress of Celestia's sun flowing in from the window. She dared not open her eyes as she feared losing the blissful peace she felt. The minutes felt like seconds in her happy state, until 2 hours later she could hear her angel stir in her hold. As much as she didn’t want to, she opened her eyes. As she did, she saw a pair of the most beautiful eyes filled with adoration staring at her. She blushed slightly as Fluttershy nuzzled her neck, but what surprised Rainbow was the lack of hesitation in Fluttershy's movements as she actively cuddled with Rainbow. "Morning my pretty filly" Rainbow said after catching herself from enjoying the warmth and smell of the mare in her grasp. "You sleep well? I know I did" she sighed lightly being happy as ever. "Mhmm..." was the only response as Fluttershy gave accompanied by a nuzzle of muzzle against muzzle. Rainbow blushed at this, not used to her usually delicate flower being so forward with her affection. Not to say it was unwanted, she would ask later as to enjoy it for now. She went to fold her wings, as she did Fluttershy surprised her and wrapped her hooves around her. resting her head on Rainbow's chest, moving her head around a little before settling in. Rainbow was a little uncomfortable at this, at the risk of doing something she tried to get Fluttershy out of the room so she could cool off a bit. "I think your little critters need some uh...breakfast" she was rewarded with Fluttershy jumping at her words. "Oh my gosh! My poor little friends..." Rainbow didn't hear anything else as Fluttershy disappeared downstairs. "That was awesome" she thought sounding squeaky even in her own mind. "but that was a little different than usual" taking note of Fluttershy's behavior, she decided it was time to freshen up for the day and headed to the bathroom. ~Fluttershy P.O.V~ She awoke to birds singing beautifully outside and the warm sun shining through window but to Fluttershy was the greatest warmth she felt was Rainbow, having kept her beautiful and strong wings around her all night. Wanting to see Rainbow sleeping. She turned to look and as she did Rainbow Dash's eyes opened making her blush hard, despite being surprised Fluttershy kept her gaze as she saw the prismatic mare’s eyes in full glory for the first time. She was stunned by what she considered absolute beauty. "They're like sparkling jewels..." she thought to herself hypnotized by Rainbow's ogling. "Oh my...she is ogling me...what do I do...should I look away?" she thought before an idea came to mind. "Mhmm..." she said when Rainbow broke the silence asking if she had slept well. It was all she could manage. Still a rather quiet response she didn't care, she was happy and the beauty she saw in Rainbow's eyes were too much for her. before she had noticed Fluttershy had nuzzled Rainbow muzzle to muzzle, wrapping her hooves around her in an attempt at a closer cuddling. "I think your little critters need some uh...breakfast" she heard Rainbow say, yanking her out of her little world. "Oh my gosh! My poor little friends..." she managed to say as she darted downstairs to care for her dear little animals. As she filled all the bowls with food and water, she thought about her behavior moments ago. "I hope I didn't worry her. behaving a little out of character" Fluttershy thought to herself, knowing full well she wasn't usually as forward with physical contact. Almost an hour and a half passed by the time she finished caring for both indoor and outdoor animals. She made her way to the kitchen in hopes of making breakfast for the two of them. She decided on fruit salad with an addition Fluttershy thought Rainbow would like pitted cherries with the seeds magically removed. Of course, she had apple cider stocked up. Fluttershy knew how hard it was to get any in-season let alone off season. She looked forward to the picnic later that day, before she could plan her thoughts. She stopped as soon as Rainbow Dash walked in. Fluttershy was mesmerized by Rainbow's mane, wilder than when she left the blushing mare to feed her animals. She loved Rainbow's wild nature, it was what made her so beautiful to Fluttershy. "Breakfast is...um...ready" Fluttershy said noticing how long she had been staring at Rainbow. ~Rainbow Dash P.O.V~ Rainbow had finished washing up fifteen minutes ago, not being fond of fancy smelly stuff she went for a short fly. She reveled in the air caressing her wings and blowing her mane around. She felt at home in the air, although she was only allotted 30 minutes of flying before having to go back in the second floor window. She felt bad going out without telling her host, so she headed downstairs to see what Fluttershy was up to. Rainbow's jaw nearly dropped as she saw the extravagant spread before her. fruit salad, apple cider, hay bacon, Rainbows mouth watered at the sight. "Breakfast is...um...ready" said Fluttershy snapping her out of it. "Wow this looks good! You didn't have to make all this you know..." Rainbow said trying not to focus on the food. "It's ok Dashie. I was hungry anyways" Fluttershy said but Rainbow knew this was just her way of being nice, which was fine with her, it all looked great. She took a seat at the table and waited, eager to partake in the meal. "Um...go ahead and dig in Dashie...you must be hungry after your short morning flight" Fluttershy said making Rainbow Dash nearly jump out of her chair. "Wha-huh? But how did you know?" asked Rainbow Dash confused. Fluttershy giggled when asked this "Silly Dashie, I know you can't resist flying" Fluttershy had nuzzled against Rainbow Dash's neck at this point "Besides, your mane is a bit wilder than usual and you smell great" they both blushed at this, Rainbow slightly more so. "Sorry for sneaking out Shy" Rainbow said her ears drooped. "It's ok...I thought you would've anyways" and with that Fluttershy gave Rainbow a quick peck on the cheek and went to her seat, while leaving a very sheepish mare ready to eat. As usual, Rainbow dived right into her meal. especially relishing the cider, she finally finished her breakfast. After an hour later, Rainbow was painfully aware however, that Fluttershy had half as much as her, and also felt a little awkward eating a while as she sat there. Thinking of cleaning the dishes to make up for her hospitality, Rainbow started cleaning the table despite the meek protests of Fluttershy. ~Fluttershy P.O.V~ Knowing it was futile to try and argue the point, she caved in allowing Rainbow to clean up. Instead she occupied her time preparing the picnic Rainbow asked her out on for today. All she was told was that she set it up couple weeks ago, and that it would be on a cloud. Fluttershy was skeptical of being on a cloud, but pushed it out of her mind. Rainbow Dash would be there, "I have no need to worry" she beamed at the thought as she finished her preparations. As she sat her basket down, Rainbow trotted in stretching as she firmly planted her flank on the sofa. With a few hours until they needed to head out, she decided to take it easy for once, and joined Rainbow on the sofa. "Um...thanks for uh...cleaning up" she said. "You're...welcome" Rainbow replied, yawning. Fluttershy giggled at this, apparently Rainbow doesn’t do this much for herself. She cuddled up to Rainbow and they lay there relaxing in each other's company, until eventually Rainbow had dozed off tired from her morning flight mixed with dishes duty. Enjoying the moment, Fluttershy decided to join Rainbow Dash until the picnic, and she too took a nap. > Yearning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash awoke looking about lazily, her eyes shooting wide as she saw the clock. "Oh buck! We're going to be late!" she thought as she shook herself free of her drowsy state. "Fluttershy, wake up! We need to get going or we will be late" she said gently shaking the sleeping beauty next to her. As Fluttershy began opening her eyes, she saw a prismatic streak zoom about the room, stretching a bit as she got up. "Come on!! Let's go, let's go!" demanded Rainbow slightly more firm than she had intended. Fluttershy chuckled to herself, smiling at the energetic and eager mare in front of her. "Ok ok...I'm coming...uh...Dashie" she blushed slightly at her pet name for Rainbow Dash, and headed outside where she started hovering as she waited for the surprised pegasus. Rainbow Dash blushed at the new pet name, and after shaking herself back to Equestria closed the door, joining Fluttershy in the air as they flew off together. They headed up toward a cloud Rainbow personally selected and shaped for today. They reached the spot merely half an hour later, and Fluttershy's eyes widened at the size of it. The cloud was big enough for all their friends. She didn't question it the size. She landed next to Rainbow as she opened the picnic basket and Withdrew a blanket that Fluttershy asked Twilight for. She set it down and began getting a few things from the basket. "Are you still not um...going to tell me what you have...planned?" Fluttershy asked as she finished setting up. "No way! I told its a surprise Flutters" replied Rainbow, hoping she had judged the change in Fluttershy's demeanor right. She was rewarded as Fluttershy simply blushed a bit without looking away. "A-alright..." Fluttershy said kind of enjoying the nickname, even though unsure why she was enjoying it to begin with. Time flew by for the two, happy just to spend time with one another. Topics such as Fluttershy's animals or Rainbowdash's weatherpony job were discussed, along with their friends' antics. Apparently Rainbow let slip she postponed a storm for today. "I didn't know...um you could do that" Fluttershy said surprised and flattered that Rainbow would do such a thing for her. By the time they finished eating, the sun was setting. Fluttershy wondered why Rainbow had them out so late. She usually decided to enjoy her alone time at her cottage with her animal friends, so this was a first for her being all alone with that majestic mare she could call her own. Rainbow noticed Fluttershy become a little nervous as the sun's light faded. She nuzzled up to the shaking mare and held her in a wing hug, reassuring Fluttershy with her presence. "Don't freak out on me yet. The best is still to come" she said trying to draw Fluttershy's attention to something else. Rainbow's tactic clearly worked, as Fluttershy looked at her confused. Before Fluttershy could ask what she meant, she saw the blue moon rising in the horizon surrounded by only a few stars in the night canvas. "But...wha-how did you know?" was all Fluttershy could manage, confused on how Rainbow could possibly have known the moon would be so beautiful tonight. Rainbow Dash smiled as she giggled a little. "Well...we do have connections being friends with Twilight, not to mention Elements of Harmony" Fluttershy's eyes widened as it clicked what Rainbow was hinting at. "You...asked Princess Luna?" Fluttershy asked, shocked at the prospect of using her connection for such a reason. "Mhm...I asked Twilight to send a letter, requesting a meeting". Luna was easy going about it" she replied hoping Princess Luna being slack about it would ease her a bit. Rainbow got her answer as Fluttershy sighed and leaned into her side, nuzzling the cyan mare's neck lovingly. Rainbow Dash nuzzled back as they lay on the cloud, basking in the blue moon's light. A few minutes had passed and Fluttershy was having an unusual urge, well unusual for her at least. She wasn't sure at first, since normally being near her Dashie was enough but lately however, since last night, her urge for contact had grown. She thought this over, bathed in the night sky and held by the one pony she could be free with. "Be free with...?" she thought to herself then a thought came to mind, and she decided to take a chance. Fluttershy looked up to see Rainbow's eyes closed, giving her more confidence. She reached up and gave Rainbow a kiss barely touching as her lips brushed Rainbows before she blushed hard and hid slightly behind her mane keeping her gaze upon the beautiful pegasus. Rainbow Dash was enjoying the moment holding her Fluttershy under a blue moon, when she was taken by a pleasant surprise. She opened her eyes to a bashful and unsure Fluttershy. "She DID just...kiss me right?" she thou herself. "Maybe I could just..." with that she went and gave Fluttershy a gentle kiss lasting but just a few seconds. "She didn't pull back...!" Rainbow thought in relief, knowing she really had tried to kiss her. Fluttershy almost eeped as Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and studied her for a moment "Did I not stay in contact long enough?" she thought as she saw Rainbow's wondering expression. She barely had a second thought when she felt the soft lips against hers. Her eyes closed as she was immersed in the sweetness of it. Her first kiss with Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy reached forward trying to make it last longer when Rainbow ended it. She blushed at her awkwardness, and decided it was time to head home. Fluttershy packed up the remaining food as Rainbow Dash folded the blanket and stashed it in the basket. Ready to go, Fluttershy held the basket as she ogled Rainbow while she bucked the cloud getting rid of it. After Rainbow refused to let her head home on her own, they flew to the peaceful cottage, close enough to feel the draft of each other's wings flapping. Upon reaching Fluttershy's cottage, Rainbow opted to give Fluttershy another kiss goodbye, letting it last longer this time then she hugged Fluttershy and headed home. ~Fluttershy~ She hugged Rainbow Dash bye and went inside. Laying the basket on the kitchen table to sort through in the morning, she went upstairs to the bathroom. After freshening up and brushing her teeth, she went to bed under the covers. It was a rough night for her, as Fluttershy just couldn't get comfortable. Her comforter just didn't keep her warm like Rainbow did. She shuffled around some more. "I miss Dashie's warmth" she thought to herself, still smelling faint remnants of the cyan mare on her bed. > Spa day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a couple days since her date with Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy felt off as she slept alone that night. Rest came in fits for the frustrated mare as she constantly tossed and turned, seeking that familiar, secure warmth from before. She would never find it however. Celestia's Sun soon peeked at her from the window telling her it was time to care for her animal friends before her spa day with Rarity. Fluttershy sat in front of her homey cottage entry, finally ready to head out and meet with Rarity for their annual spa day. Fluttershy took off toward the designer's home all the while lost in her thoughts. She thought that maybe, perhaps her friend could clear some of her confusion for her. A light knock came barely drifting through her boutique as she finished one of her latest designs. Knowing too well nopony else had a knock as quiet as this, she called to her guest as she readied herself for the trip "Come on in dear, I'll be but a moment". Fluttershy sat at the table waiting patiently on her friend. "Um...i-its ok, t-take your uh...time" she said, trying not to rush Rarity, happy for a little more time to think. Fluttershy needn't wait long though as Rarity had prepared ahead of time. After closing up shop, the two of them were off to be pampered. Rarity couldn't help but notice how distracted and in her own little world Fluttershy was. It wasn't too hard to notice though, as Fluttershy nearly bumped into quite a few ponies along the way. Noting the last time she was like this before, she decided to see if she could be an ear for her dear friend, after she had relaxed a bit from the treatment at the spa of course. Upon arrival, Rarity signed them in and were immediately whisked off to their first destination. She knew Fluttershy to be quite reluctant to bother her friends with these things "Fluttershy darling, whatever is the matter? You're quite distracted today" she said making Fluttershy jump slightly at being jerked from her little world. "Huh? oh....uh...I-I'm sorry Rarity, I really am having fun just...thinking I-I guess" she said in her trademark quietness. "Um...it's...nothing...just sorting through things is all" Fluttershy replied hoping it was enough for her curious friend. "Fluttershy dear, you two have been together a few months now and this is a first she has distracted you so much or at least visibly" she said showing she was not satisfied with the explanation in the least. Steam billowed throughout the sauna as Rarity added water to the coals, which made seeing in front of one's own hoof nearly impossible. "H-how did you know it was um... about D-Dashie?" stumbled a surprised Fluttershy, cheeks burning in embarrassment that her friend could read her so well. "Darling, you haven't been this out of it in months!" Rarity said "I'm sure you remember the reason for it last time?" questioned rarity knowingly. Fluttershy did remember actually, that was when her and Rainbow hit it off, so to speak. A squeak was all she could manage in response as she thought of that day. Seeing the state her friend was in, Rarity decided to wait a little bit before pressing on, but not too long though as she was eager to hear more. A few minutes had passed, and they moved to the hot tub instead. Thinking Fluttershy was more relaxed by now, Rarity decided to press on, she cleared her throat to say she was still waiting for more. "Um... I-I uh... know I love Dashie but... I-I had n-new urges toward Dashie l-lately... eeep" Fluttershy whispered. She whimpered at the end, hiding behind her mane and making herself a little smaller. She clearly felt awkward about it. Rarity's eyes shined as she heard this, excited to hear her usually shy and timid friend was getting more assertive with somepony. "Calm down, a lady doesn't go wild" she thought to herself. "So... tell me more darling, why does this bother you?" she asked only slightly showing excitement. Fluttershy hid herself behind her mane more as she mumbled her reply "I-it's um... just that I... uh- wonder why I '...' barely audible to anypony not intently listening. Confused, Rarity pressed on "Why Fluttershy dear, if you don't speak up I won't understand". Fluttershy peeked out from behind her mane a little. "I-I was...wondering if maybe...this is how Dashie feels all the t-time" she said curiously. "Hmm and how might that be dear?" she asked, more curious as to why it bothered her friend so much. "I-I... um... couldn't get much sleep last night... and '...' " confused still as to her friends concern "I..." Fluttershy began quietly. Over the rest of the spa day, Fluttershy spoke of the look in Rainbow Dash's eyes she now always saw and didn't understand until now, though her own hunger wasn't as big. She voiced how bad she felt having realized how long that look had existed. As the day went on, Rarity did her best to listen, finally getting the timid mare to open up. By the end of the spa treatments she had given Fluttershy some tips keeping in mind how timid she normally was. The two refreshed mares went separate ways to ready themselves for the afternoon picnic with everypony in a couple hours for a late lunch. Fluttershy headed toward the park excited to see everypony after a few days, all of them had been quite busy and she couldn't see them. As she neared the picnic blanket, she saw that all her friends were already present and took a seat next to Rainbow Dash, nuzzling her neck a bit and debating in her mind on how open to be. She let it be however as she slightly blushed, considering she was already practically sitting on her. She sat there listening as her friends talked. The contact of being this close to Rainbow made her heart soar, even though just hours ago it confused her. Now though, she wished she could stay like this longer. She was content though, just being around her friends after a while. Few minutes in and one cupcake later, she started to feel her eyes get heavy. "Could ya'll host the CMC sleepover tomorrow Rarity, my hooves are-ght full?" she heard Applejack say, as she dozed off leaning limply on Rainbow Dash's side. "...she must be exhausted poor dear...I did give her a few ideas today. Maybe she ran around getting things ready, not to mention little sleep last night" Rarity said as she watched Fluttershy sleep. "Ready for what?" Pinkie Pie asked cheerily smiling wide. "Nothing darling" Rarity replied glancing over at Rainbow Dash who had wrapped a wing over Fluttershy to keep her warm in the cool fall weather. Applejack and Twilight exchanged curious looks but left well enough alone as they smiled at Fluttershy taking initiative and went back to talking about Twilight's latest visit to Canterlot. Fluttershy awoke an hour later with a squeak of a yawn as she nuzzled into Rainbow Dash more, finally having a peaceful rest. She jumped up slightly as she realized she had dozed off on her friends. "I-I'm so sorry girls... I don't know what happened, I just d-dozed off out of nowhere" she said apologetically. "Don't sweat it Shy" "Yes, it's quite alright Fluttershy, if you had asked, you could have stayed home and rested" Twilight said smiling a little at Fluttershy. "Y-you sure? I'd hate to be a-a bother" Rainbow nuzzled her cheek "You're never a burden Fluttershy, ok?" she exclaimed as Fluttershy blushed, but not backing away from the contact and instead nuzzled back and she relished the warmth of the contact that spread throughout her body. Fluttershy had that feeling again and before she knew what she was doing, had given Rainbow Dash a small lick on her cheek making Rainbow blush as her eyes widened. No sooner did she finish the action did the realization hit her. She blushed furiously making herself smaller when she noticed the others looking at her in surprise. "Ahem. You were saying how you had studies to finish dear...?" asked Rarity attempting to draw attention away from the beet red Fluttershy whose eyes were like pin needles. "Oh... yes! Thank you for reminding me Rarity, I'm supposed to give a report on how snowflakes came to be. Far as I know it was a mare named Snowdrop. I'll see you girls later. The report was oddly enough made by Princess Luna and I have only until tonight to do it" she waved bye to everypony and left. One by one they each eventually left. After a couple had left, Fluttershy was finally relaxing again where nopony remarked about her behavior. "I'll be on my way girls, Sweetie belle is coming over for the weekend and you know how she is" Rarity gave Fluttershy a small smile and waved bye to Rainbow Dash as she trotted off to "Sweetie-proof" the boutique. Silence filled the air as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sat for a few minutes, until Fluttershy broke it. "Um... Dashie?" Fluttershy asked "What's up Flutters?" asked Rainbow still curious about what was with the odd behavior earlier. "Would you... um... mind if... maybe I came over for the weekend um... instead...?" Fluttershy asked hoping to get home before she lost control again "Sure, just let me get somepony to cover my shift Saturday" Rainbow said. "A-alright... and... sorry about earlier... I don't know what happened... I didn't even realize what I was doing" Fluttershy replied blushing again lightly. "It's alright my silly filly, besides I kind of liked it" she replied blushing a little as she nuzzled Fluttershy one last time before flying off. "I'll have somepony watch your critters for you." Fluttershy jumped a little at this thought "I-I don't know..." Fluttershy stated concerned. "You'll be fine, you are a pegasus after all. Besides, I know how much you love those critters. I won't get anypony not suited for the job!" Rainbow assured her. "Well... okay then" Fluttershy replied with a smile that melted Rainbow Dash's heart more before trotting off to her cottage. Rainbow flew off excited to spend another weekend with her angelic Fluttershy. "Angelic? When did I become such a softie..." thought Rainbow Dash as she disappeared into the sky. Once home, Fluttershy did her chores and fed the animals one last time for the day, then told them she would be gone for the weekend. She gave Angel some ground rules to go by, she knew he could be quite rambunctious around strangers. She made a mental note that maybe Tank should stay at the cottage for the weekend. She headed to bed and the last thought was how she wished she was cuddling with her special somepony right now. > The date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She tried remembering when it began. The only answer Rainbow Dash could come up with, was the first time fluttershy asked her to stay over. She didn't mind the change taking place in her marefriend, it was nice and refreshing. Since then, Fluttershy got more and more bold and assertive when it was the two of them. Just the other day Fluttershy nuzzled against her affectionately, relishing the smallest of contact despite being in the market at the time. It was good to see her like this, it gave Rainbow hope for the future between the two of them. She only hoped it didn't change Fluttershy into a different pony altogether. These six months of being Fluttershy's had been great and she didn't mind such a non-physical relationship, anything for her angel. She had plans for today after cloud duty. like usual she wanted to make fluttershy feel special and not just a 'quick fix' so to speak. To do this, she made every night together special with little more than a bit of cuddling...not that she didn't wish for more. It was nearing the end of her shift and Rainbow was anxious to pick up fluttershy at sugarcube corner. She clocked out after bucking the last of the stray punk clouds and headed to her place to freshen up before getting ready at raritys. once freshened up from her hard work day, she headed to rarity's for the next get together with her orchis 'knock knock knock' came the sound of somepony at the door. Rarity set her work down and went to check it out in hopes it wouldn't take long. "ah-rainbow dear, come on in. I wasn't expecting you so soon" She said as Rainbow allowed herself in and sat at the table. "Sorry I'm early, but I want to get this done as soon as possible. You know I don't like being 'dolled up' " Rainbow stated as she made a look of utter distaste. "I think it's great you're doing this of your own accord darling. and if you ask me, you should do so more often" Rarity replied as she made her way to her workstation and pulled out a dress for Rainbowdash. practically shoving her in the dressing room anxious to dress her up, even if only a little on her own accord. Moments later Rainbow Dash came out wearing a sundress that was a little loose, and complimented the body toned from years of training. "How does it look?" she asked still unsure about the whole dolling up idea. Rarity looked at her handiwork in satisfaction. Rainbow Dash stood wearing a simple white dress with a few cloud patterns printed at the hem. She felt weird wearing a dress, but didn't complain knowing why she was bothering to do this. "It looks great Rainbow" "Now let's get your mane and tail done dear, you and I both know you can't do it yourself" Rarity exclaimed as she went to work on Rainbows tail, putting it into a plait with a few white Camellia entwined in the weaves of the plait. Rainbow raised an eyebrow at the flowers. "Really? flowers...." "Darlin...do you want to look your best or not?" Rarity asked knowing the answer already. "Besides Rainbow, it is simple like you asked for." Rainbow was a little annoyed at such a girly thing but gave in "fine...but i'm still not sure I like it" Rainbow was glad they were nearly done, she wanted to stretch her wings even if only a little. She couldn't afford to mess up Rarity's hard work by flying her usual speeds... Rarity started on Rainbow's mane by simply brushing it for once. "Rainbow dear...um...when is the last time you brushed your mane dear?" Rarity asked as she struggled with a particularly tough patch of tangles. "Um...does my mom brushing it count?" Rainbow replied a little sheepishly. rarity sighed...'silly me, this is RainbowDash after all-why did i expect anything more from this wild mare' after several long minutes she finished brushing the windswept mane into a soft, straight looking mane. Now it was time for the last touches-a single whitehair clip with faded sky blue to keep her bangs out of her face. "You sure we need the clip? I don't mind the bangs you know," Rainbow said, hoping to escape having to deal with it...to no avail apparently as rarity ignored her and admired her work. "Ok Rainbow, we are done and I think you look great" she said excitedly as Rainbow Dash looked in the mirror. "Thanks rarity I owe you" exclaimed Rainbow as she was getting ready to head out the door. "Just help me with a few outfits some time and we're even darling...good luck" Rarity barely said as Rainbow slowly hovered toward sugarcube corner where Fluttershy waited. Rainbow was excited to meet up with her, lately Fluttershy has been dressing up more often just for her and Rainbow Dash liked it. Rainbow arrived at sugarcube corner an excruciating 30 minutes later, not used to going so slow for anything so mundane as going somewhere, She was at least 15 minutes early, so she asked for a table to wait at. Mrs. cake showed her to a table saying "We aren't too busy today, I'm sure this will do fine dear" with that she went back to the kitchen where her cupcakes were ready to be taken out of the oven. Time went by slowly for Rainbow Dash as she waited for Fluttershy to show up. She was rewarded for her patients however as she saw her walk in. what she saw made her speechless, there was Fluttershy, in a simple dress of faded cherry blossom pink. Her tail fluffed with japanese anemone flowers entwined and held secure by vine-colored ribbons, her mane in a ponytail decorated by a single light purple Larkspur. The sight made Rainbow Dash's cheeks redden as she realized how long she had been staring at the beautiful sight. "Hey Flutters, you look great!" Rainbow said as she gave Fluttershy a small lick on her cheek and rubbed noses with her. "T-thanks dashie you too. So what's the plan today?" Fluttershy asked nuzzling Dash's neck affectionately as they walked out of sugarcube corner, making their way to Rainbow’s cloud home. They enjoyed one another's company on the flight there and, with a little encouraging from Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy went up to the door. Rainbow noticed Fluttershy was still a little nervous being up high, so she brought Tank from his little corner to say hi. It worked instantly as Fluttershy brightened at seeing him, not even caring about the height issues anymore. Rainbow Dash chuckled slightly to herself as she admired how beautiful Fluttershy was when she was in her element. "I hope you're hungry shy, I cooked a nice dinner for us today-and no, I didn't burn the kitchen down for once" Rainbow thanked pinkie pie for the help in teaching her to cook. "Y-You made dinner dashie? Oh my...t-thank you sweety. I would love to try your cooking" she exclaimed eagerly, happy that dashie learned to cook for her. "What did you make?" Fluttershy asked curious what dish her dashie was capable of making that didn't burn the house down. "Still got a couple things to finish up, hadn't had the chance since I got off work" Rainbow said offering her marefriend a seat on the couch before heading to the kitchen for last minute touches. It was a short thirty minutes passed before Rainbow Dash called for fluttershy letting her know it was ready. Fluttershy cantered to the kitchen excitedly, still quite curious as to what was for dinner. She was in awe however as Rainbow helped her to her seat before taking her own. She saw Penne with Braised Squash and Greens, Shallot Vinaigrette, and Kalamata Olive and Garlic Bread. "O-Oh my...you made all of t-this-for me?" Fluttershy managed as she enjoyed the smell of all the delicious looking food. "I've always wanted to try Vinaigrette" "You bet I did shy, I even have Pink Grapefruit Blueberry Sorbet for dessert" Rainbow exclaimed proudly, leaving out the part where she had help with the dessert. avoiding the lit candle in the middle of the table, RainbowDash opened the bottle of Pinot Grigio and poured each of them a glass. The meal itself was uneventful for the most part, though Rainbow got a kick out of Fluttershys enjoyment of the meal. She had to admit, it was pretty good. "T-Thank you for the meal Dashie...it was great!" Fluttershy exclaimed, stifling a giggle at how neatly Rainbow ate her meal for once. "Um...is the dessert ready?" She asked tilting her head slightly, curious what this would taste like. "Yea, I just have it in the ice box-let me go get it" Rainbow replied as she cleaned up the table. She came back a few minutes later with a bowl of the Sorbet for the two of them to share. "Here you go Flutters" Rainbow set the bowl down, nibbled a little at Fluttershys ear and then took her seat again. Fluttershy loved when Dash messed with her that way, and it only brightened her mood further when she did. They enjoyed the sorbet and each other's company for a while. Rainbow Dash still on her first glass of wine, Fluttershy her second-her face a light pink tint by now. Rainbow decided she had enough and put the wine away, cleaning up the dishes while she was at it. "You alright shy?" she asked trying to see where her mind was. "I’m fine Dashie, why?" was all she got in response. Rainbow figured it was ok, so she led her to the couch. She saw it was eight forty-five, and figured it time to get ready for bed. "I’m going to take a quick shower, you can rest here till I get back?" Rainbow said, hoping the wine would wear off by then. "Ok dashie, don't take too long" Fluttershy replied, her eyes slightly dazed. Rainbow made her way upstairs to the bathroom and proceeded to undo her mane and tail, setting the dress neatly in the closet. She left the bathroom door at a crack, and got in for a hot and relaxing shower. It was only a few minutes into her shower when she heard the door opening. curious, she opened the curtain to see fluttershy dazed and trying to join her. > final step and future plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow awoke early the next day for weather duty, despite wanting to sleep in as she basked in the warmth of Fluttershy next to her. Careful not to disturb her fillyfriend, she made her way to the kitchen for a quick bite. Deciding Fluttershy would have a rough morning after last night; she got some medicine and left it on the dresser for Fluttershy when she awoke before heading out. ~~~ Fluttershy stirred in her sleep, her personal heated blanket no longer keeping her warm. That’s when she shot up, remembering she had too much to drink out of nervousness. She instantly slowed down when her head started throbbing. 'Oh...I-I hope I didn’t d-do anything embarrassing' she thought to herself knowing how some ponies got. She noticed a glass of water and some headache medicine on the bedside dresser, gladly she took it. Fluttershy looked at the clock and saw it was noon already and panicked in worry for her animal friends. Fluttershy combed her mane and tail, hoping to at least look decent before heading home, when Rainbow came up from behind and gave her a hug. "Eep" she involuntarily said before realizing who it was and returned the hug. Rainbow smelled nice to her, and she relished it before the hug ended. “Sorry Flutters, didn’t mean to spook ya" Rainbow said smiling and giggled slightly before giving Fluttershy a peck on the lips. "I-it's alright, I should have known, it's your house after all" Fluttershy responded as she placed the brush in its drawer. “Um...Dashie?" Fluttershy asked "What's up flutters?" Rainbow responded having an idea what she wanted to ask. "Um...well...I-I was wondering, d-did I do anything-" she was cut short when Rainbow starting running a hoof through her mane. Rainbow leaned in and gave Fluttershy a small kiss before saying "Don’t worry about it Fluttershy, I wouldn’t let you do anything you would regret." she smiled warmly "I wouldn’t let you do what you wanted, but I at least let you preen my wings before you fell asleep. You hadn’t done that in a while after all, and it’s relaxing.“Rainbow explained "Oh thank goodness...but-I wish I could have enjoyed it to its fullest" Fluttershy looked disappointed as she shuffled her hooves. "Well...if you want you can again tonight. Weather duty wasn’t easy today and I could use a relaxation time." Rainbow got the reaction she hoped for as Fluttershy perked up instantly, her face bright in joy at the idea. Rainbow couldn’t help but laugh "glad you perked up, now-how about lunch? Or...brunch I guess" Rainbow said as Fluttershy blushed lightly when her Belly grumbled in hunger. "Oh yes...I would love something to eat dash, any ideas?" Rainbow responded confidently " of course, but we have to be there in half an hour" Fluttershy looked a little puzzled “where?" she asked thinking it was a cafe or something. “Don’t worry, it’s just sugarcube corner. But they said they needed to close in 2 hours, the foals had doctor appointments I think" Rainbow said slightly confused. 'The squirts were perfectly healthy, why go to the doctors' she thought to herself Fluttershy was too excited to bother, as she nuzzled against Rainbows neck affectionately "thanks for the medicine Dashie, it helped" "no problem-I may have ended up with those a time or two myself" she said nervously scratching the back of her head. "Come on, i'm hungry" Fluttershy said dragging rainbow to the door. ~~ The two went around town just walking, hanging out and enjoying the carnival scheduled for today. Rainbow Dash was a little disappointed she couldn't go to any of the spooky attractions, but it was ok. She was with her Flutters and that was all she cared about. Rainbow had convinced Fluttershy to go on the ferris wheel though, if hesitantly at first. It was late when they got back to Fluttershy cottage, having spent the day together as rainbow secretly planned yesterday. Rainbow had said the dinner was a prelude to help Fluttershy ease up, whatever that meant. Fluttershy didn’t really think about it. "I’ll be just a few minutes Dashie, need to check on my animal friends" she said before running off. 'guess I should wait inside then' rainbow thought to herself as she sat on the couch. 'Don’t know why she is so worried, I told her I checked this morning' she thought, though thinking it cute she cared so much. Fluttershy returned a half hour later to Rainbow Dash asleep on the couch. 'Oh my...I must have taken too long' she thought as she nuzzled rainbows neck to wake her. "Huh...done already?" she said nuzzling Fluttershy back. "Yes, sorry I took so long Dashie" “It’s alright, I don’t mind." Rainbow said as she sat up. "Come on rainbow...I-I think you should go to bed if you're tired" she said knowing Rainbow was really tired after today. "Only if you join me, besides-I never said today was over" Rainbow said with a smirk. Fluttershy mind wandered on its own as she blushed thinking about the remark "um...o-ok" she said following rainbow to the bedroom. "Sorry Fluttershy, but you won’t get to preen my wings just yet" Rainbow said sitting on the bed. "W-why not? Dashie you p-promised" Rainbow just chuckled "I said not yet my silly filly, I get to go first" Rainbow patted a spot on the bed and Fluttershy hopped up assuming Rainbow was just gonna preen her wings. "Relaxed?" rainbow asked as she ran a hoof through the soft pink mane. "Of course rainbow" Fluttershy closed her eyes and got comfortable nuzzling up to her personal blanket. She knew full well she was safe. "Great" Rainbow said as she began to work slowly on Fluttershy right wing. A while later, Fluttershy started wondering why Rainbow wasn’t done. As relaxing as it was, She wanted her turn to make Rainbow feel good "hey rainbow...what's-" she was interrupted as she felt rainbow going for the more sensitive part on the underside her wings. "Rainbow?" she managed before she was struck again with a pleasant feeling that rushed through her body. "What was that flutters? Couldn’t hear you" rainbow said seemingly amused at Fluttershy struggle to speak "I-I said WH-" Fluttershy managed before she felt a jolt of pleasure run wild through her body like wildfire. Fluttershy finally got the idea to give up as Rainbow slowly licked the underside of her left wing for the next couple minutes, being sure to straighten and clean each feather. Fluttershy's sighs in contentment lasted only seconds as rainbow continued, her sighs turning to soft moans. Her face a deep pink as she finally realized what rainbow had planned. It felt different, but nice. Fluttershy wasn’t gonna argue with Dash about it, not that she could find a reason to. The stiffness in her wings were a clear sign she was enjoying herself after all. Fluttershy was torn from her little world though as Rainbow had turned her over on her back surprising her. Rainbow gave Fluttershy a gentle kiss to calm her down again, continuing with running her hooves across Fluttershy's chest. She got her answer as she saw Fluttershy relax instantly at it and rainbow took it as a sign to continue. Rainbow nipped at Fluttershy neck lightly a few times, repeatedly nipping at it gently making her way down. Rainbow wasn’t exactly the type to enjoy taking it slow, but she knew better with Fluttershy and didn’t mind. But boy was it hard to maintain control as she ran her hooves along the soft fur of Fluttershy chest slowly making its way downward, her other hoof caressing the wing on her right. She would occasionally run her muzzle along the body enjoying the scent, and giving it a kiss here and there every few seconds. Fluttershy didn’t know what to expect or think, but she was enjoying it and could tell rainbow was trying to keep her at ease. It was working, all she could feel right now was the pleasant sensations the contact gave her. And the tingling sensation that flowed through her like electricity felt amazing. Fluttershy caressed Rainbows head as long as she could, but she could only reach so far and wished for more. Then her mind went blank for a moment as rainbow went lower, running a hoof over her cutie mark while running her lips over her nipples. Rainbow had lightly pinned Fluttershy between her forehooves, and started to lick the defenseless mare’s inner thighs. She clearly got the reaction she wanted, as Fluttershy "eeped" at the contact to such a sensitive part. Fluttershy instinctively tried pulling away but was held in place by Rainbow's hooves. Fluttershy wasn’t sure how to react to the way she felt. A fire in her belly raged as she continued to feel the sensation running through her body multiply in intensity. A couple minutes later her eyes widened as rainbow went for her nether regions. She gasped inwardly at the mass surge of pleasure that raged through her. outwardly she moaned loud, bucking her hips slightly. Having finally made it to Fluttershy's nethers, she was pleased to see how eager she had become for her touch. Rainbow began to lap up the nectar around the area before going directly to work pleasing her partner. That was all she cared about, making her partner happy. She worked on the defenseless mare's nethers avidly, using her tongue in place of the 'parts' she lacked. Occasionally licking the outer folds slowly before going back in. when Fluttershy finally peaked, rainbow kept at it being sure to keep the bed clean and prolonging her partner's pleasure as long as she could. Fluttershy lay on the bed, exhausted from rainbows surprise 'session' gasping for air. She didn’t have long before rainbow came in for a kiss. Tired, Fluttershy pulled rainbow in close and prolonged the tender passionate kiss. She didn’t want to let go of her Dashie, she was too happy and comfortable. "Meanie...how can I preen your wings now?" she said with a small smile. Rainbow chuckled slightly “Well excuse me princess, I just did you a favor" Rainbow replied sarcastically. Fluttershy blushed at being called princess, sarcastic or not. “W-Well...maybe I will get my revenge someday." she said in what she hoped sounded threatening. Rainbow nuzzled against Fluttershy under the chin and draped a wing over her. “Maybe...but I won’t go down without a fight...maybe" She said giving Fluttershy a wink "Hehe...how did you know I wouldn’t refuse?" Fluttershy asked when she had finally had enough rest. “Easy...I knew you trusted me, I had used the day to relax you anyways" she replied triumphantly. "I love you Dashie..." Fluttershy said, nuzzling against rainbow just before drifting to sleep. “and I love you Flutters" Rainbow said, looking at Fluttershy with warmth in her heart. She never saw herself as a softy before. Her thoughts drifted to the hoof ring she had in the closet at her cloud home..."soon flutters...soon" she thought aloud before resting her head and falling asleep, her wing still draped over Fluttershy.