> The Spark > by rikkuidol > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- Mirrodin(?) "???" Tezzeret.......Tezzeret.........how fare you in the planes of Mirrodin? Bolas?.....again you invade my mind?! will you not leave me be? if you continue to invade and play with my mind i may not be sane enough to be of use to you anymore... hmhmhmhmhm....foolish tezzeret....you are already insane, now, what has happened to mirrodin? mirrodin?.....mirrodin is nolonger present i see, so it is safe to assume that it is now "New Phyrexia" I presume, yes, but there are still some mirrans loitering about, our Blighted agents have confirmed that most of them reside near the "Great Furnace", but the Preator of the Furnace take's no interest and is willingly letting them stay there. i see, well, it's just a matter of time before they battle against each other for dominance of the plane, and after said battle that is where we come in... I assumed that much... now leave me be dragon! hmhmhm...i will come back to you another time, i must take hold of another plane....till next time tezzeret the seeker I truly must be insane....just being here with these Phyrexians, being sane is insane. ----------------------------------- Zendikar "Eye of Ugin" Sarkhan....sarkhan vol.... Master?.... it has been a long time! how fare you sarkhan vol? what news have you for me? what of the eye of ugin? I am fine master...i bear good news master, the Eldrazi's have been coming out of the Eye more and more often now, it will just be a matter of time before we take hold of this plane master. hmhmhmhm.....it is indeed good news sarkhan, i will come back to you, for when i am not sure, but continue your obeservation. till next time Sarkhan Vol.. ----------------------------------- ???? hmhmhmhm.....It seems, everything is going according to plan in one way or another...now, it is time to visit this plane again after a very long time. I pray that things have been the same as before... A plane that is resided by two Planeswalkers and is treated as Deities hmhmhmhm... -------------------------------------- ??? "!?!" "is everything alright sister?" said a Black coated Alicorn with mane that resembles the night sky that flows like a void. "Im fine,but I believe that we will be having a visitor." said a White coated Alicorn with mane that resemble a lighter rainbow that flows like a void. "a visitor? who? your student and his friends?" "not quite..someone from long ago i believe, i pray that his intentions are different this time" "don't tell me...is it him?" "i believe so sister...let us be prepaired for his arrival" "indeed" ----------------------------- Celestia....Luna....You best be Prepaired for what i will be bringing to your Plane of...... Equestria...... hmhmhmhmhm........... ----------------------------- End of Prolouge > Chapter 1: The Beggining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Equestria "Ponyville Library" "Spike? Spiiiiike?! where's my book of old equestrian history? i left it over here last night? spiiiiiiiiiiiiiike!" said a purple coated unicorn "It's over here twilight! you left it by the couch last night...." said a purple baby dragon "oh...anyways, thanks my number one assistant" said twilight "why do you suddenly want to read old equestrian history?" said spike "well, did you remember last night when we got a very late message from princess celestia?" said twilight while flipping through some pages of old equestrian history. "yeah, and boy i almost burnt my blanky over that, good thing i felt it a little earlier, what does it say anyways?" said spike "well the letter said, to read the unknown war of '67 and to expect the unexpected." said twilight "like Discord wasn't enough, and now this?" said a spike with a worried look on his face "i know right? now lets see...................here it is! the unknown war of '67, it says here that before discord was emprisoned in stone, there was a war that broke out in equestria with the side of chaos and disharmony led by discord against order and harmony led by the two sisters princess luna and princess celestia and that's about it.... well that doesnt seem right.." said a confused twilight "hmmm, maybe the princess knows something that we don't?" said spike "you might be right spike, maybe that's why she wanted us to read this part of history, in the end the two princesses won, but there maybe more to it than we thought..." said twilight "Buuuuurp" spike belched forth a message and twilight quickly read through the message Dear Twilight sparkle, It has come to my attention that you might have already finished reading the history of the unkown war of '67, please come to canterlot as soon as possible and bring the other elements of harmony with you, it is a matter of importance. Sincerly, Princess Celestia "Spike...." "yeah twi?" "gather everyone, where going to canterlot to see the princess" said twilight ------------------------------------- Innistrad "???" "Lilianna that lothesome witch! i must find her and reverse this curse that has befallen me!" growled garruk it has been months since his encounter with liliana and he has been tracking her ever since finally arriving at the planes of innistrad. "you sure are a persistent beast..." said an alluring voice "Liliana!! Remove this curse that you have given me!! and pay for your sins!" screamed garruk, liliana appeared infront of him sitting atop a huge boulder holding the veil in her hands, playing with it, spinning it in one finger. "well, it was not my fault that your "pet" is dead, i was merely defending myself much like what i did when you attacked me, you and your pet deserve of what has befallen on the both of you." said liliana "Witch! it was your fault! those ruins where offlimits to the like of you!" growled garruk "even if you speak that, i've got what i wanted in the end.. and you are in no shape nor power to battle against me... tell you what, i will lift your curse...IF you can follow me.....hmhmhmhmhm" said liliana with a playfull yet seductive voice. And with that liliana disappeared, most likely planeswalked. "Witch! enough with your games!" and with that scream he disappeard and followed liliana. -------------------------------- New Phyrexia "The Great Furnace" "we need to find a way to win against the phyrexians, though the preator of this layer is quite strange, letting us stay in his territory, he is either kind or has his own principle of things" said a female knight "indeed but wether they be good or bad intentions, they still invaded mirrodin, and i cannot tolerate that they have infected my homeland and slayed if not all of my kind." said a brutishly huge man with granite ingraved in his arms and legs. "still it gives as a fighting chance to regroup, i will visit Gideon and ask for assistance, we cannot win this war alone anymore koth" said the female knight "yes..you are right elspeth help is what we need right now to win back mirrodin, how soon will you be leaving" said koth "i will now, the sooner we get help the better" said elspeth "i see, be well elspeth, i pray for your safe journey" said koth "i thank you koth, you be well too, do not do anything hastely and wait for my return, we WILL get mirrodin back" said elspeth and with that she planeswalked. ---------------------------------- Zendikar "damn this things! they're getting harder and harder to defeat with each passing day!" said a female pyromancer "i apologive chandra for draging you in this war..." said a knight "you don't need to apologize to me gideon, zendikar is a home to me, and the way i hate being ordered around and playing by the rules, i like a little "spice" in my everyday life" said chandra "hmhmhm, your enthusiasm never seizes to amaze me chandra," said gideon "heh! better this things than jace!... where is jace anyway?" said chandra "he is at his vault, trying to figure out how to close the eye." said gideon "that bookworm, heh! more for us huh gedeon?" said chandra "hmhmhm, as much that i hate to admit it, yes, more for us" said gideon with a grin on his face ------------------------------------- Zendikar "Vaults Archive" "hmmmm, i may have found a way....if we ask for the help from this planeswalker...hmmm" said a blue cloaked man "archevist! take note of this scroll over her and also that book.." he ordered "understood master beleren...is this the book sire?" said the archevist "yes that book...i must see gideon and that woman...bring that book to the strategy room, we will meet you there" said jace and with an enchantment he was gone. ".....the book of the plane of Equestria....best not to pry on the master's books..." said the archevist --------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 2: The Gathering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- Canterlot Castle Labyrinth "Center" Fzzzzt hmhmhm.....It's Been A while....old friend..... ".........." "indeed" said a voice coming from a Marble Statue ---------------------------- New Phyrexia "The Core" "That loathsome dragon! what more does he want from me?" said tezzeret "i must unchain myself from him, but what to do and where to go?" master tezzeret....i have a message from lord bolas said an unknown voice "Show yourself! If are one of his messengers..." screamed tezzeret ahhh but i cannot, i have been watching you master tezzeret, as per orders of the lord... said the unknown voice "that Blasted Dragon!....grrr...what does he want now?" growled tezzeret here.....all the information you need is in this here scroll.. and with that said, a scroll came flying to tezzeret, and as soon as he grabbed hold of the scroll he stabbed in the direction of where the scroll was thrown and it connected with something....something soft. gwaaah....*coagh* *coagh*...as expected...master....tezzeret...... "foolish stalker....this might be a chance for me to be free..." said tezzeret, he then unfolded the scroll and read through it, but all the letter said was: ....The Plane of Equestria...Everfree Forest ------------------------------------ Zendikar "Eye of Ugin" "............." there sat Sarkhan Vol, ever watching as one by one different types of Eldrazis came out of the Eye, when a Greenflame suddenly came out of nowhere and a scroll appeared out of the flame. "hmmm...what is this?...." said sarkhan he then unfolded the scroll and read through it, but all the letter said was: ....The Plane of Equestria...Everfree Forest "by your will...my master...." said sarkhan, and with that, a rush of information rushed through sarkahn. -------------------------------------- "???" "Blasted Witch! where are you now?" screamed Garruk, after following liliana for days maybe even weeks he found her scent in this perculiar plane, where it was like the swamps of innistrad, but there was something wrong with the location itself, it was alive, the swamp was alive more like a decaying forest than a swamp, ever watching, he felt creatures watching him, even the trees are watching him, but a certain feeling of freedom was enveloped around him. "hmmm, even if you looked cursed it seems that you are free..." said garruk directing it to the forest in which he is located and let out a small grin and chuckle. "..........unlike me, chained to this wreched witch! Vengance shall be mine!" screamed garruk -------------------------------------- "???" Fzzzzt "Blast it jace!! where are we now? are you sure you got it correct this time?" screamed Chandra "Hold your tounge woman! t'was my first time Planeswalking in a group!" said jace And with that, the two started to quarrel with each other. "where do you think we are Gideon?" said elspeth "I am not sure Elspeth, but it seems that we are in front of royalty...." said gideon while looking at an unusual Horse, it had Wings and a horn with mane flowing like the void with multicolors and a symbol on its flank that closely represents the White mana. Silence Befell the room, both Gideon and Elspeth Stared at the Mythical beast from down a huge set of stairs with red carpet, while chandra and jace where still quarelling. "......Welcome to Canterlot Travelers, or better yet, Welcome to the Plane of Equestria" ---------------------------- To Be Continued _______________________________ Writers Notes: Sorry it took a while to make the next chapters, i will be uploading chapter 3 and 4 a bit later, thanks for Reading! =D > Chapter 3: Greetings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ??? "blast it all, where is that witch? i can't seem to find her scent!" growled garruk After arriving at an unknown plane garruk has spent days on walking deeper and deeper inside of the forest, while taming creatures that get in his way, from a manticore to a hydra all was tamed by garruk, most of this creatures he already saw from previous planes and is not new to him but one thing he didn't see were humans or anything closely related to humans, after an hour more of walk he saw a small hut with the lights on. "hmmmm, i might find a person i can ask as to where i am and directions too...." said garruk as he went closer to the hut after reaching the hut he opened the door and saw a many potions, masks, herbs and flowers. but one in particular is a zebra, the zebra was shocked when it saw garruk and to garruks shock, it spoke! "oh my! a pony you are not, but if it is help you want?" said the zebra all garruk could do was grin, he can communicate with creatures but to be able to talk aloud? that was a first. leonins are different there somewhat humans but a pure zebra like her, but in a plane he just arrived and is new to him, help is just what he needs. "Greetings, my name is Garruk, and i apologize for intruding but i need assistance in searching for a person like me only female and is covered in dark aura, can you help me?" said garruk "a new visitor you are and a pony you are not, but if it is help you want help i can give, my name is zecora, Garruk." said the zebra "but i know little of a creature as same as you, we might find the person you are looking for garruk in the village of ponyville, but a dark aura that envelopes around her brings uneasyness on both of us." added zecora "i see, then please lead the way zecora, i need to find that witch and reverse this curse that i have" said garruk "ah! a curse you say, come here i might have a potion that will help you, it's called the heartsdesire, it will give you what your heart desires." said zecora "will it now?, all my heart desires is for vengance!" said garruk "vengeance is never the answer, it only shackles you to more despair, i advice your heart to let go and i can remove the curse that has befallen you if that is what your heart desires?" said zecora with that said, garruk thought long and hard, his heart is full of hate since childhood, but he was able to adapt to his situation everytime, if it meant to remove this blasted curse then that is what he will do, vengance can come later, she will pay, thought garruk. --------------------------------------------- Canterlot Castle "Strategy Room" In a huge table sat the two sister Alicorn princess Luna and Celestia, Across the table sat their visitors 4 Planeswalkers. It was a closed door meeting and the first one to speak was the knight. "Greetings! my name is Gideon Jura, a Knight from the Plane of Zendikar, these are my assosiates" said Gideon "Good day, my name is Elspeth Tirel, i too am a knight from the planes of Mirrodin or of what's left of it." said elspeth "Greetings...my name is Jace Beleren" said jace "Hello! the name is Chandra Nalaar" said chandra "We have come here for help your highness, if you are the one in charge of this castle" said gideon "Yes indeed, we are the one who rules over this plane of equestria, my name is Celestia, the princess of the day and sun and this is my sister" said the white alicorn "Luna....Princess Luna, i rule the night and moon of equestria" said the black alicorn "A pleasure to be of presence to the both you" said Gideon "the pleasure is ours gideon, now, about your problem, we will do whatever we can in one condition..." said celestia "ohhhh? and what is that?" said jace "we have particularly a unwanted guest who wishes to wreck havock here in our plain of equestria, and we only wish your assitance to fend off this intruder." said celestia "i see, so we just need to fend this guy off? simple enough eh?" said chandra "so the great ruler of both night and day cannot fend them off themselves? to think you both are also elder Planeswalkers" said jace "what? how could you tell jace?" said Elspeth "well, i merely delved into the mind of princess luna just a while ago, but it seems that something is sealed deep within her spark, a dark and powerful black mana, the purest of black mana, much like....her" said jace while slowy thinking deep "like lili" said elspeth "yes, her.... she is a lost cause now, now onto more details princess" said jace with a blank face. "while you are right about that sir jace, i warn you not to delve into our sparks so easily, you might get lost and never come back, but let's leave it at that, the reason we cannot defeat this intruder is because he has some aid with another elder dragon Planeswalker, his name...." said celestia but before she can finish her sentence she was cut short by a familiar laugh. hmhmhmhm.....it has been millenias Celestia "that voice! i know it from anywhere!" said elspeth while rising from her chair and quickly summoning her sword. "Bolas!! show yourself dragon!! what sense is it that you have come here and for what cause?" screamed elspeth hmhmhmhm, make sense? where is the fun in making sense?? said another voice and this time celestia stood from where she is sitting "Discord! you are free again?!" screamed Celestia Oh Celestia! thanks to our dear friend here that i am once again free! isn't that right bolas said discord indeed friend, now celestia, we will finish on what we had left long ago, now that urza is no longer alive, there is none who stand in our path! even if you have the elements of harmony with you...hmhmhm laughed Bolas hmhmhmhm hahahahaha --------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 4: The Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- Ponyville "Sugarcube Corner" "ughhhhhhhhhh, c'mon pinkie! we need to get moving!" said twilight "yeah sugarcube, we need to get goin', the princess is waitin' for us" said applejack "just a little more guys, i just need to put gummy in his cage" said pinkie Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! "What in the hay was that?!" said applejack "it came from outside! let's check it out!" said rainbow dash twilight and the others went out to see what was the comossion was all about when they too was shocked to see zecora and something else, it was not a pony nor any creature they have encountered in the past, it was something else, something that stands and walks upright and is as huge as a bear with a huge axe on its back and is wearing clothes, rugged clothes, everypony was running away from it, but seems to not care and only grin. twilight closed in and talked to zecora. "ummm zecora?, who or what is this?" said twilight "ah! twilight my dear, why is every pony in fear? this is a friend of mine and garruk is his name" said zecora "a Pleasure to meet you, twilight was it?" said garruk Twilight was in shock with mouth agape, IT can speak? thought twilight. "Well? is something the matter? was it something i said?" said garruk "no no, i apologize for the rudeness mister garruk?, umm if i maybe blunt?" said twilight "not at all little one, ask what is bothering with you" said garruk "umm, what are you and where are you from?" said twilight "AND what do you want?" added rainbow dash twilight, zecora and garruk looked at the direction of rainbow dash's voice and saw twilight's friends hiding in sugarcube corner. garruk only chuckled and said. "I am a human and garruk is my name, i came from the Plane of Zendikar and the reason for me being here is because i am looking for someone," "somepony else? who? we may be able to help" said twilight "no no, she is not a pony, but the same as me, a human if she "still" is a human, she has an aura of the demon surrounding her and.........." after garruk could finish his sentence he was cut short by a familiar laugh. a manly laugh at that! "hahahaha! Garruk my friend! how fare you!?" said the manly voice "that voice? Gideon! what in the world are you doing here?!" said garruk approaching his friend "ummmmm? more of them?" said twilight sparkle "Twilight Sparkle i pressume?" said gideon "ummm Yes! that is me, by the looks of your armor, sir gideon?" said twilight "no need to call me sir little one, i have come here to bring a message from the princesses" said gideon "the Princess! what the HAY is going on?" said twilight "it is a matter of importance, come gather the other elements and come closer" said gideon "i don't know what's going on but, i have a feeling something bad is going to happen." said a worried twilight sparkle looking at her friends. After calling out her friends and gathering near gideon, gideon introduced himself and garruk to the other elements of harmony. "Greeting everypony, my name is Gideon Jura, Knight from the Plane of Zendikar. I have come here for help from your rulers and princesses but it seems that they too have problems themselves and somehow connected to our problems" said gideon "Twilight Sparkle, Fatefull Student of the Princess and bearer of the Element of Magic, these are my friends" said twilight "Rariity, the Element of Generosity, the best Dressmaker in ponyville" said rarity while flipping her hair. "charmed" said Gideon and rarity let out a small blush with another swing of her hair with the casual eyelash flicker. "The name's Applejack, sugarcube, the element of Honesty, simple farmer down at apple farm acres, a pleassure to meet yah." said applejack while tilting her cowboy hat. "Rainbow dash!, Fastest Flier in all of Equestria! the element of Loyalty" said rainbow dash "you can call me Pinkie Pie! the element of Laughter! the best party planner in all of ponyville! we should totally have a welcoming party for all of you!" said the bouncing pink pony. gideon could only let out a chuckle. "A party? what is that?" said gideon while chuckling at the pink party pony. "it's.....ummm....like....a little......" said a soft almost unheardable voice. gideon did not hear the voice but garruk sure did, garruk being close to any and all kinds of wildlife. came close and crouched down and let out a hand and said. "what was that little one? speak up" said garruk with a warm voice. "ummmm...it's...like..a-a...eeeep..." "dont be shy now...." said garruk, his voice like soothing a baby wolf with warmth coming from every word. fluttershy feeling warm from garruk for some reason,slowly but surely came out from hiding. "ummm like a celebration." said fluttershy "A Celebration!" said gideon with a loud voice making fluttershy hide in the back of garruk. gideon could only musterup a chuckle and apologized. "now now, what is your name little one" said garruk "....fluttershy, the element of kindness...." said fluttershy while smilling at garruk "I see, now that we have gathered together, JACE!" screamed Gideon and with a blue mist and flash another human was present, he was coated with a blue cloak and wore a blank face, he did not say anything and within a few moments everypony close to gideon and garruk disappeared with a blue mist leaving zecora on a shock. ------------------------------------------- Canterlot "Garden" fzzzzzzzt everybody was shocked and was mouth agape when they appeared at the castle gardens. there they saw 2 other humans sitting in the grass. one looked like a female knight and one is dressed in fiery red clothes and has hair color like fire. "Wha...Where?" was the only thing twilight could say "Mass Transshift" said the blue cloaked human "i could only teleport by myself and within a few meters, that was amazing!" said twilight "simple enough..." said the blue cloaked human "What took you guys so long?!" said a Red Cloathed Human "ask them" said the blue cloaked human "we just made introductions, where is the princess?" said gideon "she took something from the vaults" said the red cloathed human "i see, then while we are at it, introduce yourselves." said gideon with that said, the female knight stood and greeted them with a smile and introduced herself. "Good Day! my name is Elspeth Tirel, Knight of The Plane of Mirrodin or rather what's left of my Plane" said Elspeth "A pleassure to meet you miss Tirel" said twilight "Please, Just Elspeth Will suffice" said elspeth "Greeting Ladies! my name is Chandra Nalaar! Greatest Pyromancer of Zendikar!" said Chandra "from the looks of thing you look like you live in the edge!" said an eager look on Rainbow dash's face while grinning "well you might say that! and who might you be?" said chandra "the name's rainbow dash! fastest flier in Equestria! and i like living on the edge too!" said RD "oh really now?" said chandra while grinning "so Chandra, How fast are you?" said RD "not so fast i believe, but i can whip up a fire faster than you!" said chandra "oh really now?" said RD "wanna wager on that pony?" said chandra "oh! You.Are.ON!!" said RD and with that Rainbow dash and Chandra became pretty close and started to a conversation on whose best, while a certain party pony bounced near the blue cloaked human and said. "how bout you? who are you? introduce yourself oh and my name is pinkie pie, so that i can make the banner and your name on it for the upcoming welcoming party, but you guys called it a celebration and we call it a party but i dont know where you guys came from so i dont know what party you like but if its parties im the best one at it and anything about parties, do you like candies and balloons and streamers and cupcakes and cakes and apples and pies..." Pinkie went on and on and anyone can see that jace was getting annoyed at the little party pony seeing jace twitching an eye brow, pinkie was moments away from an "ice cage" spell from jace when twilight spoke up. "im sorry about my friend sir, my name is twilight sparkle" said twilight "A pleasure twilight sparkle, my name is Jace Beleren.Pinkie pie here, i tried diving into her mind and only saw fear hidden deep within her." said jace "fear? what kind?" said twilight "it's best not to say miss sparkle" said jace "ooooook, wait? you dive in her mind? you can do that?, not only can you mass teleport but you can also do mind delving?" said twilight with shock and awe in her face, clearly showing interest in jace. "yes, it's quite simple really, i can also summon elementals, cancel opposing spells, unsummon creatures and even reshuffle your mind! and pick out each memory i want and toss it away..." said jace with a grin in his face "whoaaaa..." twilight could only be at awe to what jace can say and with the sparkle in her eyes, she wanted to know more. Almost everyone had someone who is comfortable with, chandra and rainbow dash, Garruk and Fluttershy, Twilight and Jace with the ongoing speech of Pinkie pie, Gideon and Rarity talking about knighthood and pleasantries. applejack then saw elspeth thinking afar and knew that something was troubling her, AJ came closer and said. "beg your pardon elspeth, but you said what's left of your plane? did i hear that right?" said applejack Elspeth Closing her eyes like she was thinking back, and said "yes, the reason we came to this plane was for help, jace overthere said that with the power of an elder Planeswalker we can help repel the invasion of our home plane, if it still can be saved, that is why we are here, i do not want to lose my home again." said elspeth "again? you meant you've lost your previous home?" said applejack "well not exactly lost, i... abandoned my previous home it's name was "alara", t'was the fault of one certain evil dragon! that the plane was shifted, tossed and turned!" said elspeth gritting and making a fist. Applejack can see that elspeth had a tough past and did not want to continue anymore, she just said. "it's gonna be alright sugarcube, we're gonna help yah as much as we can to git your home back, believe me on that." said AJ "i thank you, dear applejack, i can see the truth in your words..." said elspeth with a weak smile. within a few moments the huge double doors opened and came out princess celestia with box floating beside her. "Princess Celestia?" said Twilight tilting her head "Ah! Twilight Sparkle, it's good to have you here" said princess celestia. "Where's princess luna?" said twilight The princess only frowned and before she can speak, gideon spoke. "she was taken captive by discord" said Gideon Everypony was shocked, and the princess frown turned into determination. "How?! wasn't he imprisoned?" said twilight "yes but he was freed by a wretched dragon" said elspeth "the same one that messed up your old home elspeth?" said applejack "yes the very one.." said elspeth "what does he want? and why?" said twilight "To continue the war of '67, to finish what they have started" said princess celestia --------------------------------------- Everfree Forest "Ruined Castle" "Ahhhhhhh!" nice to be back in my old castle" said discord "hmhmhm...yes my friend it has been a while" said bolas "now what kind of chaos are we gonna bring old pal?" said discord "there are a lot of time for that, for now... we wait" said bolas "yes.. let them think thoroughly first,, hmhmhm,hahaha" said discord "indeed, and i am still waiting for my acquantances" said bolas "Ohhh! more players!" said discord ---------------------------------- "Ghastly Gourge" I have arrived....master..... ---------------------------------- Ponyville "Lake" ............That Blasted Dragon........where am i now? ---------------------------------- Everfree Forest "Entrance" "so doctor.....where are those dragons now?" "...........my best bet? the old castle....." "hmhmhm...this is going to be fun!" "indeed, now where is my daughter?" "in TIME doctor...in TIME, hmhmhmhm" -------------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 5: Urza > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Canterlot "Castle Garden" "What the hay is going on?!! princess luna is gone, discord is loose, again and this guy named bolas is here to continue the war?" said twilight with a confused look and clearly distraught and in a panic. "settle your horses miss twilight...no offence every pony" said Chandra "none taken sugarcube, just fill us up with what you've got, cuz we nid some explanation" said applejack "Everypony, please take a seat, i will tell you all about what happened in the war of '67" said princess celestia and with that everypony and everybody sat down and all eyes was on princess celestia. -------------------------------------------- The Year was 666 a year before the war, everypony was led by the awfull draqounicus Discord, we where about to start a revolution and overthrow discord, but you would think that me and luna had originally have the elements, no history book or archive told about how we acquired the elements..... It was the help of the Planeswalker Urza that we acquired the elements of harmony, it was a battle in winter. Me, luna and discord was atop a mountain that is now a gourge named the "ghastly gourge", before the gourge was there, there was a mountain in place of it and at the top of that mountain was where the battle took place. being Alicorns we had the power of both unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies, but discord was a draqounicus, which is part of a many creatures, even if we are alicorns we were no match for him, we also found out that he was a Planeswalker, having the power of spells and magic plus his race, we were at a disadvantage. We were at the brink of death when we discovered that we had the spark of the Planeswalker, with the sudden realization of power and discord was about to finish us with a spell he called "Damnation" we accidentally Planeswalked out of harms way and thus the mountain became ghastly gourge with the sheer power of that spell. After Accidentaly Planeswalking to a different Plane all in itself, we met Urza, he is a planeswalker from Terisiare on the plane of Dominaria the plane that we accidentaly planeswalked to, he was in battle with Yawgmoth and the plane of Phyrexia. The reason behind this was Urza realized that, after he had destroyed his brother, Mishra had been completely corrupted by the black mana from Phyrexia. This realization filled Urza with grief, and pushed him to begin his lifelong hunt for retribution against Phyrexia, and its demonic ruler, Yawgmoth. Yawgmoth tried to invade Dominaria using the land-based portal in the Caves of Koilos. Urza, determined to never allow him re-entrance, resolved to stop him. All of the forces of Dominaria banded against Yawgmoth and tried to push him back. That included Me and Luna, The elves of Llanowar, Metathran (artificial humanoids created by Urza to emulate Phyrexian physiology; much stronger, faster, and smarter than humans with certain other biological modifications), and Gerrard Capashen (commander of the Weatherlight & inheritor of Urza's Legacy) banded together. At the head of the Phyrexian troops was Tsabo Tavoc, one of Yawgmoth's generals. She has a mechanical torso with 8 spider legs, segmented insect eyes, and a detached mouth (could open larger than humans) and poison injectors attached to her torso. Even with these numbers Urza wanted to win so he made the 9 titans. The nine Titan Engines were huge artifact creations that were built by Urza to assist in the attack on Phyrexia. Each titan was controlled and powered by a Planeswalker and as such, they grew to emulate that planeswalkers' characteristics. There was one titan engine for each of these nine planeswalkers but excluded me and Luna due to us being begginers and Urza was just teaching us about how to use our powers/Spark of the Planeswalker. The Titan engines were huge constructs with a vast arsenal of weaponry. They contained aeries of falcon engines (artifacts created by Urza to detect glistening-oil, dive towards it, and then once inside the Phyrexian, burst apart and destroy it), rocket launchers located on the wrists, mana cannons, as well as colossal hands and feet that could crush hundreds of Phyrexians at a time. These weapons, combined with the formidable power of the planeswalkers themselves, made each and every titan engine a force to be reckoned with. Entering Phyrexia, using the powers of the Titan Suits, the Nine Titans began to destroy the artificial plane in a final gambit to protect Dominaria. However, over time, Tevash Szat began to betray and kill his fellow planeswalkers, turning to the side of the Phyrexians. At one point, Urza was able to defeat him, and used the power from his life force to charge together the soul bombs that he planned to use to destroy Phyrexia for good. While Barrin had argued with Urza that the power source for them, the life force of a living being, was a punishment not worthy of even the worst crime, Tevash's betrayal was so devastating to the fate of Dominaria that Urza declared his use for the soul bombs a form of "justice." Unfortunately for the remaining Titans, as well as Dominaria itself, Urza found himself unable to complete his lifetime goal of destroying the artificial plane, when he found himself becoming fascinated with the fact that it was something that had been created completely artificially. Unwilling to destroy a place full of such potential knowledge, he dismantled the master soul bomb, which would have been able to set off all of the others, creating a ripple effect that would have decimated Phyrexia to the point of no return. After destroying it, he surrendered himself to Yawgmoth and we never saw Urza again. Unbeknownst to us, Bolas who we were told was in his Meditation chamber was watching over us, as we returned to our own plane after a very long time, discord was winning, feeling grief we mustered all of our power and knowledge that we gained through urza's mentorship and made a titan ourselves, this "titan" we made was not close or even in par with the titan urza made, but when we battled discord at the everfree forest he was accompanied with bolas or rather his avatar, clearly they have known about our visit with the plane of phyrexia and dominaria, we where told that he and discord was the one that implanted urza's brother with the purest of black mana, without urza's knowldge and with the power of both of them they dismantled our titan. But we had a trick up our sleeve that won us the war, a part of the soul bomb was embedded in our titan, it was given to us by urza, he called it the "Elements of Harmony". and with that power we had imprisoned Discord and Exiled Bolas's Avatar, but it affected our battlefield and it is now the everfree forest that you know now. ------------------------------------------ "you mean to tell me that in addition to being an Alicorn, you're a Planeswalke r too? much like these guys?" said twilight "yes twilight much like sir Gideon and the others, but not as powerfull as our dear friend Urza or Bolas" said celestia "so how in the HAY are we gonna defeat this Bolas guy?" said rainbow dash "with the Elements of Harmony" said twilight "were'nt you listening dear? they used the elements to drive off bolas and defeat discord, much like what we did before" said rarity "but surely they have some sort of assistance, i can sense them" said jace "jace,use clairvoyance and give us there position" said Gideon "i've done it already, one is at ghastly gourge, the other at ponyville lake and....." said jace "....and what jace?" said elspeth "it's her....." "her? who is it jace? cmon spit er' out!" said Chandra "........" "...is it Lili? jace?" said Elspeth "........" "Liliana! Liliana Vess?!...that WITCH!!" growled Garruk, fluttershy was surpriced by the sudden outburst of garruk "ummmmm, garruk.....is-is something....wrong?" said the frightened fluttershy "that witch?! where is she? where is she jace?!" "i don't know, she disappeard without a trace, he was with somepony else" said jace "LIES! tell me where they are?!" screamed garruk "Easy Garruk! we are not enemies here....." said Gideon "That blasted witch slayed my friend and gave me this curse!" said garruk while suddenly he fainted. "Garruk!?!" everyone was surpriced ------------------------------------------------------------ Everfree Forest "Ruined Castle" "hmhmhmhm, seems like the chaos is welling up inside them" "your chaos never seizes to amaze me old friend,hmhmhm" ------------------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 6: Chaos > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writers Notes: I would just like to thank my great editor: "Erro Rogan" for doing a great job (i now have an Editor! yay~) but expect that every new chapter will be delayed for abit, i still do my writing at work and give it to my editor to spice it up for your reading pleasures, still i will try to make a new chapter everyday (except Sat. and Sun. =D). For all of you who are tracking this story, YOU ROCK! "fus----RO! DAH!" ----------------------------- Everfree Forest "Castle Entrance" "So doctor, they are in here?" said a seductive voice. "Indeed, they seem to not know our presence just yet..." said the brown coated pony with an hour glass for a cutie mark. "I see now the ti---...." "However, it seems that Belren has been tracing us." added the brown one. "Jace, you mean?" "Yes, madam Vess, the Mind-Sculptor." "What in the world is he doing here? 'Tis not safe here, or rather what I will be doing isn't." she thought aloud. She contemplated her next move, gazing upon the castle. ----------------------------- Everfree Forest "Entrance" "I've found you Lili. Now, what are you planning..." ----------------------------- Canterlot Castle "Infirmary" "....mmmmmhg...ughhh...blast it all..." He said, waking from his stupor. "How fare you friend?" Elspeth said worriedly, looking down with concern upon the bedridden Planeswalker. "Are you feeling alright now, Garruk?" Fluttershy asked, still finding the name rather odd. "Elspeth? FLuttershy? Where am I? What happened?" the hunter responded, confused and groggy. "Rest more, if you need it. It seems that while Discord is loose his Chaos seeps into every living creature here in this plane." Elspeth explained. "That's why you suddenly burst with rage earlier,are-are you ok now?" asked Fluttershy with a worried look on her face. "I see...can you please leave me to rest for a few more moments, it seems that my body is still aching from something unknown." said Garruk, still lying in bed. "Nurse Redheart told us 'twas the effect of the Hearts Desire. She said that you had such an amount of it that, when coupled with the chaos, it gave you the strength that your heart desired, but at a price." said Elspeth "I see..." was all garruk could say after closing his eyes and falling back to sleep. "Sleep well friend." Elspeth said with a grin on her face. She sat back in her chair next to Garruk's bed and looked out the window. Fluttershy lay next to Garruk just below his legs. "My the Light guide us all in the upcoming battle." she prayed. ----------------------------------- Canterlot Castle "Strategy Room" "I fear everything has gone from bad to worse." Celestia spoke to the others. Almost all of them were gathered around the table in the royal meeting room. "Agreed." replied Gideon. "Even if it is just 2 Planeswalkers they are a force to be reckoned with." "Not to mention that both of them are Elder races, being a Draconequis and a Dragon. We are clearly at a disadvantage even with these kinds of numbers." Twilight added, gesturing to her friends, both old and new. Gideon stepped forward. "Our best option would be-" "Where's Jace, by the way?" Chandra Interrupted. "Now that you mention it, where is the lad?" Turning to the group of ponies, Gideon asked, "Did any of you see where he went? "Well, I saw him..huh?" "...I can't..I can't remember..." "That's weird." they responded, confusion aplenty. "He must have removed those memories, that fool!" Chandra spat. "He did? Wow I never thought he could ACTUALLY do that." Twilight said, caught somewhere between fear and wonder. "Indeed, it seems that he did not leave anything for us to trace." said Celestia "Blast it all! first Garruk, now Jace? Does no one realize the danger we are in?" Gideon shouted. The double doors of the meeting room suddenly burst opened with a loud sound. "Garruk is gone!" said Fluttershy on the edge of tears. "What?! Where's Elspeth?" said Gideon. "She followed Garruk. I-I'm sorry everyone." Fluttershy said, trying not to cry. "It's not your fault dear. Now, now. Don't cry, don't cry." Rarity cooed softly, comforting her best friend. "But!but!I'm so sorry..." said Fluttershy, tears bursting forth. "Worry not, my little pony. I'm sure Elspeth can bring our friend back." said Celestia. "I've got a really bad feeling 'bout all this." added AJ "You and me both sister." Pinkie Pie agreed, hair beginning to flatten. --------------------------------------- Everfree Forest "Hydra's Den" "Now where are you?" Jace had been following the trails of Mana left by Liliana and her companion. The trail ended abruptly in a cave, irritating the mind-sculptor. Before he could leave, a familiar voice interjected upon his thoughts. "It's been so long, my old friend. How fare you?" "You are no friend of mine. Show yourself." said Jace, turning towards her voice. Liliana appeared in front of Jace, just behind the cave entrance, together with her pony companion. "Hello Jace." she said, her voice beaconing to some base part of his nature. "Vess. It has been a while. Who is your companion?" said Jace, gesturing towards the brown coated pony. "His name is not of importance...and as you've surely learned by now you cannot dive into his mind, not with my wards in place." she goaded, a smile upon her face like that of a viper. "Indeed." If he was frustrated, it didn't show. "In any case, What are you doing here? What is it that you want?" "Nothing of your concern, Mind-Sculptor." "More power i presume? And I see that you have the Veil in your possession now?" "I just want to try my powers, Jace. Against those two especially." She chuckled, a chilling sound. "I see...pony, you do realize that you are just being used by her, and that..." before He could finish, the pony interjected, "-and that i would be discarded after? Yes, I know that pretty well, Sir Jace. But I cannot risk the life of another, especially the life of my daughter." "Daughter?" Turning to Lilliana, Jace said "You would stoop to such levels as hostages?" "Yes, Jace. Are you so surprised?" she answered, with a grin. "You are really a lost cause now..." His gaze full of disappointment "Hmhmhm. It seems!Farewell, Jace. 'Till we meet again." "Wait!" before Jace could react, Liliana and the brown coated pony planes-walked and left Jace with a 'gift.' Specifically, a hydra. "You never change.....hmph, just a hydra?" Before the beast could so much as roar, Jace pulled mana from his surroundings and spoke a single word. Unsummon! With that the hydra dissipated into a blue mist. "Best to ask permission first, creature, before you speak." ---------------------------------------- Everfree Forest "Entrance" A great and terrible roar split the silence of the forest. "LILIANA!!" ---------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 7: Chandra vs. Sarkhan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writers Notes: Edited Version Guys =D enjoy! ------------------------- Ghastly Gorge "Near Everfree Forest" Sarkhan Vol stood on the edge of the gorge, feeling the pulses of madness and chaos emanating from the forest. "Master, I draw near to you." "You! What are you doing here?" said a very familiar voice. "I'd remember that annoying voice from anywhere." growled Sarkhan, turning to face his old foe, Chandra. Her rage was evident, due to her signature flaming hair. "You know this bum, Chandra?" asked Rainbow Dash, hovering just above her. "Oh I know this guy alright! He tried to kill me before. It seems like tracing mana is difficult with all the chaos seeping out of that forest." she answered, never taking her eyes off Vol. "Wha-? He tried to kill you? Oh it is ON!" Dash stood balanced somewhere between anger and excitement. "Be warned, Rainbow Dash, this person is dangerous, but together we can stop this madman." said Chandra, feeling the same. "As much as I want to kill the both of you now, my master beckons me." Sarkhan said, turning his back on the duo and walking away. "Hey old timer! Where do you think your going?" said RD. "I'm sorry, but your master will have to wait. You're coming with us for interrogation, even if we have to drag your half-dead body with us back to Canterlot." screamed Chandra. Without turning around, Sarkhan said, "Let us not quarrel here. There'll be time for that soon enough." "Not listening, eh? Maybe this will catch your attention. RD step back." Gathering mana from the gorge, Chandra chanted: "The best raw materials are in the fury of the dead: Geistflame!" A ghostly wail filled the air as her fire manifested into a skull, striking Vol to the ground. "Whoa! Is he, you know, dead?" asked the stunned pegasus. "Far from it. 'Twas only a small spell, it'll take MUCH more then that to take him down." said Chandra, assuming a fighting stance."You really should flee now Rainb---". Before Chandra could finish her sentence, Sarkhan retaliated with a burst of black and red lightning. "Blightning!" It hit Chandra square in the stomach, sending her flying. While in mid-air she casted another spell. "lightning bolt!" A burst of red came from the clouds and hit Sarkhan in the back, keeping him prone. It was really turning into a battle, that much Rainbow knew. She flew to where Chandra landed and asked, "You alright there?" said RD with a worried look on her face. "I'm fine, this is going to get ugly RD. You told me that you can move clouds?" said Chandra, trying to stand but still wearing a grin. "Yeah, I can. Why?" said RD with a worried look on her face. "I have plan. Gather as many clouds as you can near this gorge. Can you cover it quickly?" asked Chandra. "No problem there. What-" Before RD could finish her sentence, Chandra quickly jumped between her and Sarkhan. "Wall of Fire!" Not a second too spare, flame filled the space between them and the Steel Hellkite. The wall bulged under the impact, but held. It screamed, the sound akin to scraping metal, but was denied by the wall. "What in EQUESTRIA is that!" said RD with a mix of shock and fright on her face. "A Hellkite. Now go! This wall can only hold one dragon!" screamed Chandra. Dash saluted shakily and, without a second's delay, she was gone, leaving her signature rainbow trail. "Heh! Now that I've got your attention, Sarkhan, it's time for some fun!" said Chandra with a grin on her face. On the other side of the wall Sarkhan was with another person. "Make more, Outcast! Till you have served your purpose!" demanded Sarkhan. "As you wi--gwahhh!" Before the outcast could finish his reply he was pierced in the chest with a Flame Javelin. "Nice shot, old man!" said Chandra, the glow fading from her hands. "I never miss my target, child." said the Cunning Sparkmage. "Now that Dragon Master is gone, it'll take a few more moments for Sarkhan to summon another dragon." said Chandra. "Indeed..what about the one he already has?" said the Sparkmage. "I will use your mana sparkmage." said Chandra with a blank look on her face. "Do as you please child.." Chandra sadly said, "Infernal Plunge!" The old sparkmage suddenly burst into flames, not showing any pain. Chandra collected power from the sparkmage in her left hand and from the gorge in her right. Melding them together, she shouted, "Eat this, Dragon! Fireball!" A huge fireball fell from the sky and hit the Hellkite, who let out a sharp scream but still stood. Seeing this Chandra cast another spell. "Arc Trail!" The metallic monstrosity burst in a shower of lightning, the excess spreading to Sarkhan, almost knocking him over once more. "Gotcha!! Haha!" shouted Chandra with smile on her face, but the smile quickly faded together with the burning dragon. As pieces fell away, a dark shadow with bright red eyes filled their place. Chandra swallowed nervously. "Hehe, you show your true self, Sarkhan. Now we play." she said, a mix of excitement and fear in every word. "Make haste, Rainbow Dash, for our sake..." The Dragon-like shadow towered over the wall of flames and let out a roar that shook the very foundation of the gorge, starting avalanches along it's length. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRR!! ----------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 8: Scorched Earth > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writers Notes: Again this is the Unedited Version(for all you eager readers out there! =D), Edited Version will be out either late today or early tommorow. ----------------------------- "Ghastly Gourge" *RAAAAAWWWR!!* A huge Red Dragon Towers over the wall of flame that chandra made earlier, just behind the flame chandra was getting ready for her 2nd encounter with the dragon form of sarkhan vol, but this time she does not have the aid of jace. I am the bone of my sword... The huge dragon slowly walking past the wall of flame but chandra only stood there with eyes closed reciting an incantation. ...Steel is my body and fire is my blood.. The Huge dragon with eye color of a ruby red, crept closer with mouth agape and small flames coming out. ...I have Burned over a thousand places... It's Mouth opening taking up a huge load of air. ...Unknown to Death, Nor Known to Life... With a second more the huge dragon blew a huge stream of Red fire directly at female planeswalker. Without wavering chandra still stood there, eyes closed and still chanting. ..Have withstood pain to create many arts of flame... The Huge stream of fire engulfing the Planeswalker and melting the very spot where she was standing, her image dissapearing in the stream of flame that the dragon blew. for many seconds the fire still streamed out of the mouth of the dragon and after a few more seconds the stream of flame grew short until it ended. the only thing that was left of the spot was a huge burnt hole with bits of fire surrounded the hole. ...Yet, These Hands Will Never Hold Anything... ..So As I Pray, Devastating Summons!! And with a Huge Tremor 2 Huge red Elemental Creatures Burst forth from the hole on the ground rising and leveling with the dragon form of sarkhan, just behind the 2 elementals sat chandra clearly exhausted her hair turning back to its silky red hair and looking up in the sky. For the most part it seems like the gourge was covered with black clouds clearly the doing of rainbow dash due to the ongoing trails of rainbow going back and forth aligning every thunder cloud to cover the exact location of the 2 elementals and sarkhan. "Good work rainbow dash..it is time" whispered chandra to herself "Good job rainbow dash! get over here." she screamed at the sky, and without a second further rainbow dash was infront of her. "*huff* *huff* you...ok there..chandra?" said rainbow dash clearly exhausted "im...fine... we need to wrap this up RD, can you still do your sonic rainboom?" asked chandra "yeah...why?" "great, this is what we do..." while the 2 where conversing their plan and the 3 creatures where battling wildy, clearly a 2 vs 1, but it clearly is just an even match. ------------------------------- Ghastly Gourge Atop the gourge stood a blue cloaked man looking down at the battlefield just beside him lay an unconscious garruk. "*sigh* foolish woman, getting introuble again..." after that being said, a rainbow trail came out of the gourge and headed upwards heading higher than the gathered thunder clouds. "now what are they intending to do?" -------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 9: Blood is Thicker than Water > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writer's Notes: Unedited Version, as i stated before the edited version comes out later. enjoy! =D ----------------------- "Ghastly Gorge" *THUD* The head of one of the Elementals fell from the ground, while the other fire elemental was struggling to get up on its feet, several crumbs from its body were falling out of place, it's hind leg is gone and it's head completely torn off. *RAWWWWWR!* The Dragon form of Sarkhan vol stood victorious atop of the lifeless body of one of the elementals. After it's victorious roar that trembled the gorge once more, it's eyes scanned the area where chandra stood, but to no avail, it then sniffed the air to catch the scent of the planeswalker, after smelling for a short period of time it caught the scent of the female pyromancer, it then turned it's attention over the far side of where the wall of flame stood before, the pyromancer was clearly climbing the gorge trying to reach a small opening in the gorge. By the looks of it that side of the gorge looked like it was full of huge holes, not having any more thought the huge dragon flew to the planeswalker. "ughhhhh....blast it all! beating this blasted madman is harder than i thought! just....a little...more..." grumbled Chandra Upon reaching her destination chandra new she was being followed by the dragon she wanted to defeat, she only took a quick inhale and then turned around, infront of her was the face of her enemy, a huge dragon with sharp bright red eyes and mouth agape dripping with saliva and small bit of fire was escaping it's mouth. "Vol! you like seafood?" asked chandra with a grin on her face, the dragon did not say much as a roar but only opened it's mouth clearly going for the killing bite when suddenly a slight tremor came out of the hole. "have some EEL!" shouted chandra and with that chandra jumped from the hole and without a second a huge Eel came bursting out with its mouth open heading directly at the huge dragon but without a second thought the dragon stepped aside and burned the Eel. While free falling, chandra Shifted her fall, looking up in the sky covered with thunder clouds and gathered mana from her suroundings and the mana enchanted eel. The Eel bought her the time she needed and the positioning that she needed, all that climbing will not be put to waste, a sound coming from above closely resembling a fast moving object due to the high pitching sound learly the sound barrier being broken, and without a second more rainbow dash along with her signiture "Sonic Rainboom" pierced through the thunder clouds. Creating a rainbow trail and is being followed by thunder heading for the dragon. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!" Screamed rainbow dash heading directly at Sarkhan's dragon form "Your Finished Dragon!" "Incinerate!" shouted Chandra ------------------------------------ "Atop Ghastly Gorge" Boooooooooooooooom!! With a loud Blast that shook the gorge itself a huge rainbow smoke with thunder bursting from its sides resembling a mushroom came out from the gorge. Jace was stunned with the sound that emitted from the battlefield, it was clearly the doing of that woman and her pegasus friend, but to the degree of shaking the whole gorge as well as the ground above it, was unnerving. *hmmpf* "She always liked big explosions" Whispered jace with a grin on his face. *sigh* "more bodies to carry" added jace while magicaly lifting an uncounsious garruk and dissapearing in a blue mist. ------------------------------------- "Ghastly Gorge" After the huge explosion lay an unconsious sarkhan vol, reverting back to his human form, just to his far left also lay an exhausted Rainbow dash and Chandra but both of them wearing a huge smile on their face and eyes closed. "That.Was.Awesome....using..the clouds...to...cover me...Genius!" huffed the exhausted rainbow dash. "heh, The thunder clouds was not just for covering RD, the Thunder they emitted was so that sarkhan won't be able to dodge anymore, having animal instincts and all" added chandra "heh, you really know your stuff chandra...hehehe...but maaaan i'm beat! gathering that many clouds plus the rainboom took a toll on me..." said an exhausted rainbow dash "you think you had trouble! i fought the blasted thing face on! hahaha" laughed chandra "hehehe, your right, now the problem is...how are we gonna take him back to canterlot?" asked rainbow dash *sigh* "...leave that to me you fools..." said a familiar voice. "...ughh...jace...as much as i want to.....argue with you......for being late and all......i don't have the energy.....to do so.." said an exhausted chandra drifting to sleep. "indeed" was all jace could say before appearing just next to them. "rest well the both of you, you did a great job at stopping this madman..." said jace with a soft tone to the now sleeping rainbow dash and chandra. "now we will know what your Master is really up to.." said jace directing his attention to the unconsious sarkhan. And with that the people in the gorge dissapeared in a Blue mist. ---------------------------------------- Everfree Castle "Dungeon" "Let us out of here!!" screamed a small boy's voice from the shadows strugling to open the cage he is in together with a pitch black alicorn. "it is no use boy, the bars are enchanted with a spell that can only be undone by the one who casted it." said the Black alicorn "Darn it...." said the small voice, clearly giving up and the sound of him sitting and beggining to cry. "what do they want with me?" he added "Indeed, i know that they have use for me, but you? what do they want with you?...say, little one...who are you?" said the black alicorn. "me? well im not surpriced that you don't know me princess luna, but i'm the number one assistant of one the elements of harmony, twilight sparkle.." said the little boy's voice. "twilight sparkle's assistant?" questioned princess luna Coming out of the shadow with one small claw reaching out for a handshake "yeah, my name is...." ----------------------------------------- "Canterlot Gardens" "Spike's Missing!!" shouted Pinkie pie "What?" Screamed twilight with a worried look on her face. ----------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 10: Fleeting Emotions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writers Notes: Unedited Version! =D ---------------------------- Canterlot Castle "Strategy Room" Every one in the room was silent, at one corner sat twilight sparkle with a distant look on her face, next to her was her friends and the princess, trying to console her on the sad news that she had just recieved. "now now dear, Elspeth is looking for spike right now together with some of the royal guards..." cooed rarity. "And don't forget the Wonderbolts! Team Spitfire is on the case! heck if i was just fit to fly i'd go and help out too!" added RD "We all know that RD but you and chandra had a tough fight with that sarkahn ball fellar' and you both are in no condition to be goin out just yet." said Applejack with a worried look on her face. "....Thanks Girls, it's just..." "Now now my faithfull student, there is no need for worry, i am sure that whatever we are facing today will surely pass.." said Celestia with the soothing voice she always had. The room fell silent again but after a few moments the doors opened with jace coming in and said. "Princess....i need to have a word with you in private if possible, it is of great importance." directing his blank expression at princess celestia. "...very well" was all celestia said looking at her student one more time before standing up and trotting to jace. "well sir jace? what news have you for me?" "...it seems that we will not get anything from that madman...and i apologize for talking with my mind, i do not want to add more bad news to our current position right now..." thought jace and sending it to celestia. "...i see, thank you for your thoughtfulness sir jace, so everything that rainbow dash and miss chandra nalaar has been for waste?.." celestia thought back. "...well, no, actually it gives us a bait, even if i cannot take a plenty information from that madman, i certainly got quite a few." thought jace with a grin. "oh? like what?" thought celestia and with a blank look on her face. "Well we are correct that his master is Bolas, that much was obvious, but it seems that they are planning for a full scale war and they do not intend to use ponies this time around." thought jace. "i see, the war of '67 was a war between the mind controlled ponies against ponies that we freed, but would he abandon this type of plan again? he could use emotions of closed ones, the posibbilities are endless, families fighting one another, why not use it again if it almost won them the war before?" thought celestia with a confused look on her face. "there is one answer my princess...the elements....you do remember what they said to us before? that the elements of harmony will be useless against them, harmony is composed of laughter, generosity, loyalty, honesty, kindness and ofcourse magic...even if they are being mind controlled their heart will always have this and no matter what kind of power you have you can never take hold of one's own heart." thought jace. "...true, so that is the reason for their abnoxiousness, but what kind of army do they have in mind?" retorted celestia. "that...i do not know...yet...fear not princess, all will come to us in one way or another." "yes, we just need to expect the unexpected." said celestia with a look of determination. "true...i will take my leave now princess i need to talk to Gideon, where is that knight anyway?" said jace "Sir gideon? pardon my intrusion but i believe that he is with miss chandra at the medical room." said rarity trotting next to them. "I...See, I thank you for that miss rarity, and with that i bid you both farewell..." said jace with an eyebrow raising. And With that jace turned around and walked away, heading for the Medical room in the far end of the castle. -------------------------------------- Canterlot "Medical Room" The room of the medical room was occupied with 2 people, Chandra and an unconsious Garruk, while garruk layed in his own bed, chandra was sitting on hers while looking out the window, she was all patched up dressed in white clothing made Specially by Rarity. Next to her was Gideon sitting in a wooden chair, fiddling with a white rope attached to his left glove. "GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! i can't take it anymore! you know that i hate staying in one place?!" shouted Chandra. "Quite now chandra, you might wake Garruk, and please just rest some more, that battle with sarkhan was no joke! even with the help of miss rainbow dash, the both of you got hurt pretty bad." said gideon with a worried look on his face. "i know i know! but you know me gideon! we put that madman in his place!" said chandra with a smile across her face. Gideon could only smile at his love interests face, and a big smile at that. "You dont know how happy i am right now, finally being together with you again for so long" whispered gideon "just the two of us.." "huh?, what was that gideon?" said chandra raising an eyebrow "nothing my dear, t'was nothing..." said gideon with eyes closed and a grin on his face. "come now! that is what i hate about you gideon, always with the secrets like last time..." said chandra with her look turning gloomy. "forgive me, i have not yet apologized properly since that time at the Purifying Fire.." said gideon with closed eyes. "like i said before, anyone who exemplified the Order's ideals is my enemy, even you gideon, i will never forgive them for what they have done.." said chandra clinching her fist and quickly laying down and covering herself with her blanket "i will rest now..." "I'm sorry....." whispered Gideon and the room fell silent yet again. ------------------------------------------ Canterlot "Hallway" Jace was walking towards the end of the building with thoughts in his mind. "Why the baby dragon? hostage? no, something so insignificant as a baby dragon is useless against us, besides they have sarkhan vol, when i arrived at the library, their mana trace was much earlier than the battle at Ghastly Gorge. Did they foresee the outcome of the battle? maybe, but they already have the moon princess with them. What in the world are they planning? Blast is All!" thought jace, Clearly irritated at his lack of information. After his train of thought he caught a sense of omnious black and blue mana and directed his attention at the castle gardens, there he saw a familiar human with half its body embedded with artifict. Jace's Eyes widend and said "Tezzerret?!" "That's right jace, come..." said a mysterious voice with a grin. ------------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 11: The Unexpected > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Writer's Notes: Hello everypony! sorry for the Loooooooooooooooooong wait, i was very busy with work and stuff, anywho, i'll try to update more frequently and for those who tracked this story i thank you!!. On a more less serious note, i need a helping hoof on this story, i need pre-readers and spell checkers due to the fact that i write this stuff at work, cuz i cant at home, cuz i dont have time for it! (Even though my kids love MLP and my wife loves Magic that's the whole reason for this story anyway! =D; anyway...you know family stuff first! =D) so PM me if your interested! i dont need any SUPER experts or anything just a helping hand to make this story i bit more "Good" for viewers! thanks again everypony and enjoy reading! =D ------------------------------------- Canterlot "Garden" "Tezzerret! you blasted artificer! how dare you show your face here in equestria?" shouted jace as he came down from the hallway. In front of him standing next to the statue of celestia was the planeswalker tezzerret. A tall man with body half artifact half flesh, his face wore a a evil grin and eyes swimming with evil intent, and as he opened his mouth a seemingly blue mist came out. "Ice cage" And within a second jace's body began freezing from the bottom up. As jace's feet started to freeze he simply chanted: "Turn Aside" And the ice on his feet began to crack but to his shock tezzerret yet again spoke. "Negate" The cracking of the ice on jace's feet suddenly stopped and once again started to climb up his body. Jace only got irretated and screamed. "Dissipate!!" And as the ice from his body dissapeared completly jace uttered the words with hatred. "Enough with the games tezzerret, it ends now!" Tezzerret only grinned and uttered a maniacal laugh. He bagan to raise his artifact hand and pointed it towards jace and spoke. "It is not like you jace to loose your temper, what happened to your cool poise?" As his laugh echoed through the walls of the castle. jace suddenly realized that he was not here to for jace but he must be a distraction. "You sneaky rat!!" screamed jace as he turned around, but he was already surrounded with Nims and Memnites. "When did you?" "When did i what jace? summon these?" said tezzerret with an evil grin on his face. "Right when you countering my counter spell". Tezzerret uttered another manaical laugh and spoke once again. "What happened to you jace? you've grown...soft, is it because of these ponies?" As Tezzerret watched jace he was suddenly supriced when a purple unicorn pony suddenly popped out of nowhere. "Sir jace! are you alright?" said twilight sparkle "Miss sparkle? how did you----" "Flame Javelin!!" Jace was cut off when he heard the sound of chandra screaming. "It's not too late yet sir jace! we still have time to help!" said twilight Tezzeret could only snicker at the little pony wearing a crown on her head and said. "There is no way you can escape me jace, both you and your little pony." "Wanna bet?" said twilight with a grin on her face while stomping her hoof on the ground. "You are jesting little pony you do not have-----" Tezzerret was cut off when a purple realitly bubble appeared infront of him and holding both twilight and jace inside and within a second they teleported out. Tezzerret was speachless, but instead of being annoyed he simply grinned and said. "So that is the power of the elements of harmony....Interesting" --------------------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 12: It's About TIME > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Everfree Forest "Castle Entrance" *Sigh* "Doctor, are you sure you know what you're doing?" asked liliana as she sat at a nearby boulder, clearly feeling bored by the tone of her voice and a few sighs here and there. "Yes, no....maybe?" said the doctor as he scanned the castle yet again with his sonic screwdriver. "Nothing, I can't believe my screwdriver can't or rather won't analyze the castle, I mean it's there! a big stone marble! but why can't we get in?". Liliana vess and the doctor had already spent a couple of hours just outside the castle in everfree forest, but due to some strange magic they cannot enter. In fact, it's not that they can't enter, it's that their body won't let them. Sure you can walk straight in the front gate, but their body will suddenly stop and turn around, as if they were automaticaly turned around by a remote control. "We are getting nowhere fast doctor, is there anything else we can do?" asked liliana as she walked next to the doctor. "I say we travel through time again, that would be fun! better than planeswalking". "Yes well, I suppose that is possible, but, eversince we stepped within this radius of the everfree forest, the Tardis was affected with the chaos that was seeping from this castle. Look over there" said the doctor as he pointed his hoof at the once was blue box called the tardis. It was now triangle and is polkadoted with different types of colors. "Great, what do we do now doctor?" asked liliana as she massaged her forehead and sat at the doctor. "Excuse me, miss vess?! I am no chair!" growled the doctor. "Yes well, you are a pony, doctor, so i suggest you shut up and stay still, I may have a plan." retorted liliana. "How about you use that veil of yours" asked the doctor. "This thing? well it's useless, the chaos affected the veil also, see? it's a handkerchief now." said liliana as she showed the polkadoted handkerchief to the doctor. "So much for being an overlord, doctor." "I know I know, never expected chaos to be this, well, Chaosy waosy!" said the doctor as he waved his free hoof in the air. "Well, no use in sitting around here much longer, let us just carry your triangle contraption out of this forest. We have no power here. Let us hope that the effect of this chaos will be removed if we leave." said liliana as she got off the back of the doctor. Liliana scanned the area of the everfree forest and so did the doctor, and after a few seconds they both spoke and said. "IF" we can get out As the sound of party and confetti fill the air of the everfree forest, flying pigs here and there, the ground colored pink, trees the shape of lanterns, clouds are like cotton candy. Indeed, the everfree forest is now the realm of discord. ------------------ Canterlot Castle "Castle Infirmary" "What are this things?!" Screamed Chandra as she burned yet another mutated and somewhat metalic leonin. "Do have any idea what these things are Gideon?" "I have no clue chandra, but don't let them wound you! God knows what will happen if we get scrapped by this Things?" replied Gideon as he pushed back a group of those things with the sheer force of his arms. Slowly but surely they we're being outnumberd. It was as if they keep reappearing from outside the infirmary room, they back off to the end of the room where Garruk still laid in bed unconsious. Gideon can still destroy the whole place but, he was worried about the condition of both Chandra and Garruk, whilst Chandra looks ok, she is still recovering from her previous fight, and on the other hand Garruk is still unconcious from Jace's spell. "Looks like I have no other choice, Chandra get behind me and cover Garruk. I'll end this." said Gideon as he gathered mana from both his hands. "What are you planning Gideon? I can still fight! don't you dare destroy this whole place!" screamed Chandra as she hurtfully incinirated yet another batch of those things. "You are in no more condition to fight Chandra and so does Garruk! so stand-------" POP! Before Gideon could finish his sentence a loud popping noise followed by the bursting of a purple bubble appeared infront of Gideon. "What?!" said Gideon Shockingly with widened eyes. "Miss Sparkle? Jace? how?" "No time for words Gideon, we leave.....now!" said Jace as his eyes glowed bright blue and within a few seconds, Gideon, Chandra and Garruk where covered with blue mist and entered the purple bubble of Twilight and disappeared. ------------------ Canterlot Castle "Strategy Room" POP! "Wha---,Where are we?" asked Chandra confusingly as she scanned the room still in her battle stance. "At ease, Miss Nalaar" said Princess Celestia as she stood at the end of the strategy table. Next to was what remained of the guards who were frightened, hurt and mentally unstable, but ready to defend the princess nonetheless as seen through their tired yet strong as steel eyes. Thoses eyes that have witnessed the death of friends and comrades at arms. "This is truly a war now" said Pinkie Pie as she sat in the corner of a window, as she gazed upon the battlefield happening just outside. Indeed, all hell has broken loose, The royal canterlot guards and soldiers summoned by Elspeth and Elspeth herself are out there fighting both phyrexians and lesser eldrazi's alike, even the Wonderbolts was needed for defending equestria. "What's the plan now? there's gotta be somethin we can do?" asked Applejack as she worriedly looked at the princess. "Simple. We fight them back!!" growled Garruk, as he stood from the floor on which he lay. "We fight back and destroy the source! That is all there is to it!" "For once, I agree with the brute. Especially if Tezzeret is involved. I have a score to settle." said Jace as he too approached Princess Celestia. "We want to help too!" said the other mane 6, as they trotted next to Celestia. "Princess, It's time to fight back. for your people, for us, For Equestria!!" said Twilight Sparkle with confidence with every word. There was a long pause, but everybody and everypony voiced out to Celestia, the only elder planeswalker present at the moment. As she stood from her seat, raised her wings and said: "Gather everyone who can help. We will fight for our home! We will defend Equestria!" And with that simple statement everyone went there ways. Garruk Jumped from the window and so did the other walkers except for Jace, as he stood next to the strategy table and asked the mane 6 to tell him all about the inside and out of equestria. As everybody was doing there own part, Princess Celestia sat, in her regal form with closed eyes and spoke yet again. "Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, Rainbow dash and Fluttershy, gather to me" said Celestia as she slowly opens her eyes. "I will be giving you your elements of harmony and tell you the secrets lied within. And Twilight" "Yes princess?" "Head over to the starswirl the bearded section of the vault, someone is waiting for you there". "Someone is expecting me? who is it princess?" asked Twilight. "Just go my dear, you will know when you get there". -------------- "???" "Mommy, is The Doctor -- I mean, is Daddy coming to save us?" "Now muffin, what did Daddy say to you when he left with the lady?" "To trust him...and he promised." "See, no worries my muffin." "But he always breaks his promise!" "Now now, remember what mommy told you about daddy?" "Yes mommy, but mommy! is she gonna help too? the dark lady I mean." "Yes muffin, she will too." -------------- "Everfree Forest" Hachoo! "Getting the sniffles Doctor?" asked Liliana. "No, no, I am quite fine. Just a sudden sneeze" answered The Doctor. "Dinky must be worrying about you again, that's the 5th time." giggled Liliana. "For that, I am sorry doctor. I just need my contracts to be done. And besides, we too have the same enemy". "Indeed, but i felt sorry for sir Jace the more, with you lying like that". "I had no other choice Doctor. I need to trick even jace, you know from the very start that Discord and Bolas was watching us the moment we stepped into this plane". "I know, I know. But what bothers me is that bolas did not even mention him kidnapping my wife and daughter, he must have a different agenda than this whole war". "Indeed he might, why would he keep this kind of lie, Capturing the time overlord's family like that. Must be a horrid feeling." said Liliana as she pointed her gaze towards the Doctor. The Doctor only continued to walk with a blank look on his face but with eyes burning with rage and frustration. And for the first time in her life, Lilianna felt a cold chill on her spine and spoke: "Demon's Run. When a good man goes to war." ---------------------------------- To Be Continued > Chapter 13: War > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Canterlot "Strategey room" *Sigh* "War....It was inevitable, wasn't it sir Jace?" said Princess Celestia as she stood infront of a window in the strategy room. "To think that get to witness this kind of violence, again" As Celestia's mood went down under, sighing every now and then, Jace Beleren approuched her and gave an assuring hand and said "War is apart of life my dear Princess, you off all should know that. Peace is but the calm before the storm of life. It is cruel, that is true, but, as long as there is good, there will always be evil, wherever in the Multiverse you may be" *Sigh* "I know it to be true, I knew this will happen again, and I was prepaired. But, it just that-----" "Speak no more princess, Is this how a Princess should act? A war is at hand, many die fighting for peace, true I have said that It was Inevitable, But! that is why "we" are here, that is why "we" are helping you, because life is but a cycle, and with that, let us end this bad part of our cycle so that we could continue with our moment of Peace" And with that, Celestia's mood began to turn for the good. It is true that in life, there will always be conflict, but that is why "she" is Princess, that is why "she" was prepaired, that is why SHE must win this war. --------- Canterlot "Battleground" The Dead Littered the streets. Molten, ruptured, Dismemberd and plain old lifeless. Both parties suffered alot, Phyrexians, Eldrazi and Ponies alike, lay lifeless in the battlefield that is now Canterlot. In a large part of the area near the castle of the Princesses lay a huge barracks/haven where all of the troops and civilians reside, it was heavily protected and is the main center for the side of good. In the much general end of the entrace to canterlot was the main area of the enemy, there a huge portal was open, an eye-like portal where both phyrexians and eldrazi alike keep on coming to this side of equestria from both Mirrondin and Zendikar. As the Group of Elspeth in the main barracks gathering forces, training and giving prayers for the insuing battle just outside of the walls of the said barracks. A group of ponies, most notable for wearing necklaces that shone ever so brightly gave the civilian ponies in check and care. Giving laughter, kindness and positive vibes, these 5 ponies are: Pinkiepie who is the one responisble for sweet treats and giving everyone a happy smile that could light up any downed spirit, Rarity who was the one responisble for all of the warm clothes and covers for both young and old, Applejack who for one is the main cook for the soldiers and giving them wonderful inspirations as to not lose hope, Rainbow Dash is the one incharge of scouting the inner walls as to no unseen threat be a problem and is the one coralling up unstable and panicked once high and uptight ponies of canterlot, And finally, Fluttershy who's job is to take good care of the fillies and colts who where either orphaned, lost and left by their parents to join the battle. these 5 ponies, never losing hope and keeping the light alive and well, for they are the Elements of Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, Honesty and Kindness. And as for the Element of Magic... --------- Canterlot Castle "Section IV, Starswirl The Bearded Wing" *Bzzzzzzzzzt* "Oh dear me, and you call yourself the student of a great Planeswalker and Princess of Equestria" Said a bearded stallion sipping a glass of tea. "Don't tell me an aging spell is to hard for you?" "I'm......sorry....just....one...more try....please" Said Twilight as she tries to catches her breath, from Mass teleportation to Gravity Manipulation, Twilight was training with this bearded stallion while wearing her Element of Magic. The element indeed gave her amounts of magical energy, but to control it properly will need a great amount of knowledge for kind of spell to use. "Listen to me deary, you have a great learning capability, but how you execute your spells are a bit off, I mean, my dear Clover the clever can do aging spells whiles eating dinner." said the stallion as he trotted next to Twilight and pointer his horn at her. "It's quite simple really, just do the basics willpower, imagination and focus" And with that, Twilight aged to a more younger filly and in a split second became normal again. "Listen my dear, I could clearly see it in your mind that you are not focusing, tell me, what is in your mind?" said the stallion. "It's just that, all of my friends are out there trying to protect equestria and ------" Before she could finish her sentence she was cut off by the hoof of the stallion and said. "My dear Twilight Sparkle, do you think what you are doing now is a waste of time? or are you mad at yourself for not being able to finish faster and help them immediately? For what ever reason it is, Do you think that the current you would ever help the Planeswalkers and the other ponies more? you would die instanly the moment a Phyreaxian as much as scratched you! much less the pressence of an Eldrazi with in fact instills fear the moment they lay eyes on you...now tell me dear will that help equestria? Twilight Sparkle did not speak and only turned away out of her own dissapointment, the stallion only gave out a smile and said. "I think it is time to get serious is it not, my dear?" And with those words, Twilight stood up and you can clearly see the motivation in her eyes, giving the stallion an even bigger smile. "I think it is time" *BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT* In an instant, A blinding flash covered the room and faded, in the ground lay Twilight, Unconsious, not breathing and the Element of Magic shattered. The stallion only stood with horn and eyes glowing and began trotting to the door. "A Being generally only becomes a planeswalker through a traumatic experience. Some sort of incredible stress, like the loss of a loved one, a near-death experience, or an astonishing revelation, shocks their planeswalker spark to life, and kindles in them the potential to walk the myriad planes of the multiverse" Said the stallion as he opens the door and leaves the lifeless body of the Element of Magic. This the only way....forgive me miss Sparkle. --------------------------------------- To Be Continued