> A Sweet and Shy Summer > by Treblebeat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Sun in My Rain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: The Sun In My Rain It was a hot summer’s day in Ponyville and I had decided to go shopping. Angel Bunny had been asking for another over the top salad and I was happy to oblige of course. After about an hour of writing my list, packing my saddle bag, and gathering up loose bits, I left my cottage on the edge of Ponyville to head to the market. I noticed that the weather ponies were setting up for a storm. I had known about this beforehoof, but I figured I would finish on time to get back home before the storm. I started by going to the necessary vendors: the vegetable store, the fruit store, and others. The prices were outrageous, however, I didn’t mind. If it was for Angel, then I was happy to do it. My last stop was at Sugar Cube Corner to get some whipped cream for the top of the salad. On the way there, I noticed the clouds were close to being ready for the storm. I went into Sugar Cube Corner and Pinkie was the only one in the store. I didn’t mind this, I loved being alone with Pinkie, even if it was only for a few moments. “Hi Fluttershy! What can I do you for?” Pinkie asked, smiling at me. “Oh, um, I would like a can of whipped cream Pinkie…” I replied, smiling back at her. “Coming right up!” Pinkie exclaimed as she started to look in the cupboards to find the whipped cream I asked for. “Here it is!” she said when she found it. Instead of waiting at the counter, she came in front of the counter to give it to me there. “How much do I owe?” I asked her after she put it in my hoof. “It’s on the house!” Pinkie said, happily. “Oh no, I couldn’t. It doesn’t seem right…” “It’s fine!” Pinkie said insistently. “But…” I said before Pinkie put her hoof to my mouth. “It’s fine. You don’t need to worry about it,” she said, smiling her big grin. Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a large and loud crack of thunder. It scared me so much that before I realized it, I was holding onto Pinkie as tight as possible, out of fear. I blushed deeply as I looked at her and quickly stumbled back embarrassed. “Oh… Sorry Pinkie… I was just startled…” I apologized. Pinkie just giggled, and smiled at me. “It’s fine Flutters, I understand.” As I looked outside I noticed it was storming pretty badly, and I knew I should have packed my umbrella. Now, I was stuck here with Pinkie, not that I was complaining of course. I sat down on one of the chairs for the people who stay to eat a pastry and chat. I ordered a nice little cupcake and sat there, waiting for the storm to end. I was there for who knows how long and after a while I began to dose off. Hours after I dosed off, I felt a hoof calmly tapping my shoulder. It was Pinkie’s. She smiled warmly at me. “Wake up sleepy head!” she said. It was still raining and upon looking at her, I saw that she had an umbrella on her back. She must have gotten off her shift. “Hey, Flutters, would you like me to escort you home?” she asked in a very friendly tone. I blinked as she asked me that question. “What do you mean?” “Well, I ask because I know that every time the thunder cracks you’ll duck and cover. I don’t think you’ll like being covered in mud…” I blushed softly. I found it very kind of her that she would be willing to do this. “Okay. I’d like that.” I got under her umbrella, getting fairly close to her. “Ready to go?” she asked. I looked at her and smiled, “Yes” I said. We then left to go home. Every time the thunder clapped I clung to her, holding us back, but she just smiled every time. After what seemed like an eternity of walking we finally made it to my cottage. “Want to come in?” I asked her. “Sure,” she said. I opened the door and let her in. Angel Bunny greeted us at the door and looked at me very angrily. He pointed to his belly feigning starvation. I giggled. “Sorry Angel, I got stuck in the rain…” I said apologetically. He still looked angry and pointed me to the kitchen where I quickly went to to make his salad. Pinkie waited in the living room, sitting on the couch when I last left her. I heard her mumble in the other room, talking to herself. I couldn’t tell what she was saying, even as much as I would have liked to know. After about half an hour, the salad was finished. I quietly went outside to let them know when I heard Pinkie talking to Angel. “Treat her better then you do Angel. No, she is not your maid, she is a strong independent mare. She does not deserve the treatment you give her,” she said disdainfully. I couldn’t believe it, she was defending me! No pony had ever talked back to Angel. I quickly turned the corner. “Angel, your dinner is ready…” I said sheepishly, trying to hide the fact that I overheard what Pinkie said. Angel quickly went into the kitchen and started to eat his big salad. I looked to Pinkie “Pinkie, would you like something to eat?” I asked her. “Oh, yes please. I’ll take whatever.” “Okay” I said. I went into the kitchen and made her a daisy and camellia sandwich, picked from my own garden. I brought it out to her and she smiled and thanked me for it. She ate it quickly. “That was good! Did you grow those flowers yourself?” she asked me. I promptly replied and said yes. I looked outside and noticed it was getting dark and the rain still wasn’t letting up. “Pinkie, I don’t think the rain will end any time soon, would you like to stay the night?” I asked. “Oh, sure Flutters! I’d love to stay the night.” “Alright, well then what do you want to do?” I asked her. “Wanna just chat? There’s lots we can talk about.” “Oh, alright…” I sat down next to her on my couch. We talked about many things, about life, my animals, my plants, just about me. “Alright, well then what about you?” I asked her, wanting to talk about something other than my life. “No, I’m perfectly happy talking about you and you alone,” she said, smiling warmly. I blushed at the thought of this wondering why she would want to talk about me, the most boring pony in Ponyville. An hour or two had passed and it was getting late. “Wow, look at the time, I think it’s about time for us to get to bed. I’ll show you to my room where you can sleep.” “Okey dokey lokey!” she exclaimed and bounced up the stairs behind me as I showed her to my room. I opened the door to my room and showed her in. “Well here is my room, feel free to use my bed.” I said. “There’s a problem here.” She said. “Oh, what’s that?” I asked her. “There’s only one bed here, I can’t let you sleep on something other than a bed, it wouldn’t be nice of me as your super-bestest-best friend.” “No, I insist... go ahead.” “No, you sleep on the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” I kept insisting her until she finally said, “Well, why don’t we both sleep on the bed?” I blushed a deep red at the thought of sharing a bed with somepony, even though it was my best friend. “No, I couldn’t,” I said sheepishly. “Come on, it’s fine, there will be nothing special, we can even face separate ways.” I knew that there was no fighting with her that either way, she would win. “Okay…” I said blushing. We both got in the bed, and we faced separate ways. “Good night Flutters,” Pinkie said. “Good night Pinkie…” I replied, still nervous about this. Pinkie turned the light off and I closed my eyes to sleep. I had a very pleasant sleep and, for whatever reason, knew that tomorrow would be good. ------------------------------------------------------ “Hi! Pinkie here! I hope you enjoyed chapter one of this fan fiction! The author had put a lot of thought into it before he finally put it on paper! It’s his first fan fiction so please be nice to him. Who knows how long this will go for! Now then, let’s give it up for the author!” “Hello, Treble Beat here, I just want to say, I hope you enjoyed it and that I am open for requests on a ship fic for you. I’ll think about it. I will tell you right off the bat that I will not to a Twiapple ship, or a Flutterdash ship fic. Sorry for those who ship those ships but other than that, I will be happy to write it! Anyway, the next chapter will be the same scenario in Pinkie’s point of view. I will do that for every chapter for a while. Up until the point where it is no longer needed. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and keep reading!” > The Super Awesomely Good Thing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in the morning and I knew this day would be special. My Pinkie sense just knew. Twitchy tail, head bobbing, spasming foot, and growling belly only meant something good was gonna happen. It was always random what the good thing was though. But... something tells me it would be extra good. I went downstairs and greeted the Cakes; I also played with the twins for a while. I’m still waiting for the opportunity to baby sit them again. I need to ask the Cakes when they were going out again. OH! Maybe that was the super awesomely good thing! “Mr. Cake, when are you planning on going out for a date with Mrs. Cake again?” I asked him. “Oh, not for a long while Pinkie. I appreciate the enthusiasm though. You must really love the twins,” he said happily. Well that was a bust. I guess that was not the super awesomely good thing. I wonder what it could be… The time had turned to noon and I had to start my shift at Sugar Cube Corner. Right off the bat, and I mean this was like if the pitch were going at 2,000 MPH and I had swung at just the right time for it to hit the ball, Twilight came in. Maybe SHE had something to do with the super awesomely good thing. “Hi Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed. “Hi Twilight! What brings you in today?” I asked hoping for something exciting. “I just need to buy a cupcake. Spike has been asking for one so I decided I might as well get him one.” “Oh… All right. What kind would he like?” I asked disappointed. “I think he’ll like a chocolate cupcake.” “Coming right up…” I said as I went down to get a Spike's cupcake. “Is something wrong Pinkie?” “No, it’s fine. It’s nothing,” I come back up with the cupcake and give it to her, “that’ll be four bits.” “Alright,” Twilight said as her magic glowed around her saddle bag to give me the 4 bits. I counted them and put them in the register. I waved to her good-bye. It’s always nice to see her even though it wasn't what I was hoping for. ------------------------------ An hour later after some really slow business, I finally see another familiar face. Rainbow Dash comes down to Sugar Cube Corner. I wonder what she needs. “Hey Pinkie, I’m in need for some party supplies!” Rainbow said, and I got excited; maybe this was the super awesomely good thing! “Coming right up!” I exclaimed bouncing around Sugar Cube Corner getting everything needed for a good party. I delivered them to her and asked, “What’s this all for?” “Oh, it’s for a small party in Cloudsdale, it’s nothing special,” Rainbow replied. My heart sank. If Dashie wouldn’t bring me the super awesomely good thing, then who could? I was beginning to lose hope, as the hours ticked away, slowly, and very boringly. I know I could just break the clock and speed up time by hoof, but the Cakes said that if I do that again, I’m in big trouble, so I won’t do it. The clock chimed 4 PM when suddenly the door opened and I saw her, the most beautiful mare in existence… Fluttershy. Maybe… just her was the super awesomely good thing. I had to keep my cool though… “Hi Fluttershy! What can I do you for?” I asked with a big stupid grin on my face. “Oh, um, I would like a can of whipped cream Pinkie…” she said in reply. Whipped cream huh? I wonder what it could be for. I won’t ask her though, I may make her nervous. “Coming right up!” I exclaimed. I bounced over to the cupboards and started to look. I knew where the whipped cream was, but I wanted to keep her here for as long as possible. I feigned looking around for the whipped cream, scratching my head, trying to look as realistic as possible. After a while, I realized that I was keeping her too long and I got the whipped cream and shouted loudly, “Here it is!” I had decided to go see her up close, so I went in front of the counter to give it to her by hoof. “How much do I owe?” she asked. I had already thought of my answer and I had already decided that I would give her something free. “It’s on the house!” I exclaimed, smiling at her with that same stupid grin. I felt like I was creeping her out. “Oh no, I couldn’t. It doesn’t seem right…” she said nervously. “It’s fine!” I insisted, and it really was, I had more bits then I knew what to do with. “B-But…” she tried to protest, however I put a hoof to her lips and I smiled at her. “It’s fine. You don’t need to worry about it,” I assured her. I hoped she believed me. I still had my stupid grin. I really should practice my something-that-is-not-a-grin in the mirror some time. Then, as if right on cue, there was a loud crack of thunder and Fluttershy flew herself into my forelegs. She held onto me tight... she is so cute when she is frightened, not that I liked to see her like that too often. She quickly stumbled back when she realized what she was doing. When her face was visible to me, I saw she was blushing. It made my… Oh how do you internet people say it? Oh right, It made me go HNNNNNNNG! “O-Oh… Sorry Pinkie… I was just startled…” she apologized. I couldn’t help but giggle as she apologized. “It’s fine Flutters, I understand,” did I really just call her “Flutters”? I always wanted to call her that but I always held it back because I was never sure how she would react. She didn’t say anything though; I guess she’s ok with it. I watched her slowly walk over to the window to see what the weather is like. I quickly pulled out a pastry and made her some tea, I had a feeling she would be here for a while. She sat in the chair, waiting for the storm to pass for an hour before she fell asleep in her chair. I couldn’t help but smile as I saw her, sleeping like an angel. How I just wanted to kiss her. However, I was still on the job and as much as I love fun, I know they are two completely different things. If I were caught kissing her, I may have lost my job. So I kept my cool and focused on the lack of customers coming in. Many more hours passed and soon it was 7 PM, and my shift was over, thank Celestia. I quickly punched out and went upstairs and grabbed my back umbrella, similar to the one that Rarity has only not as prissy. I put it on and softly bounced down the stairs. I saw Flutters, still sleeping on the chair and I softly tapped her shoulder. “Wake up sleepy head!” I said calmly. She slowly woke up and yawned, again, so cute! I waited for her to wake up a bit before asking her what I really wanted to ask, “Hey Flutters, would you like me to escort you home?” I made sure to ask in a very kind way as not to scare her off or baby her. “Wh-What do you mean?” she asked. “Well, I ask because I know that every time the thunder cracks you’ll duck and cover. I don’t think you’ll like to be covered in mud…” Dang it, why do I say these stupid things? I only mean to come off as nice then I end up babying her… I don’t want to seem that way… I see her blush after I ask, she only says “Okay. I’d like that.” I can’t believe it. After that stupid thing I said, she still is willing to let me escort her home. She slowly got under my umbrella, and we walked out, our hooves matching perfectly on the muddy ground. The thunder would sound often, almost as if it wanted us to be close. Every time it did she pulled me in for a tight hug. It made me happy every time, all I could do was smile throughout the entire walk. After what seemed like not long enough we arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage. “Want to come in?” she asked me after we arrived. I had promptly replied with “Sure,” trying not to sound too excited, maybe I should have sounded more excited. She opened the door and there was her pet Angel, speaking of pet, did I feed Gummy today? Anyway, Angel looked mad at Fluttershy and then forced her into the kitchen to make him his meal. I went to go sit down at her couch and watched her walk into the kitchen. I started to talk some of the animals, knowing I wouldn’t get a reply, but it helped me I think. “Well Pinkie, we’re here… In Fluttershy’s cottage… Now would be the best time to tell her… But no, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable… What should I do…? I really want to tell her but I want to know if she feels the same way… My head hurts…” Before too long, I had noticed that Angel was sitting next to me waiting impatiently for his meal. I looked at him sternly, “You know mister, you should be ashamed of yourself.” Angel looked at me then pointed at himself. “Yes you, how dare you treat her like dirt?” He looked at me like he was shocked, thinking about how unbelievable my claims were. “You need to treat her better then you do Angel,” I said. He started to motion things like dusting, cooking, and other household chores. “No, she is not your maid; she is a strong independent mare,” Angel then started to laugh. Celestia this bunny was a jerk. “She does not deserve the treatment you give her,” I said, I was very angry at this point. I saw Fluttershy round the corner and quickly sat down. “Angel, your dinner is ready…” she said. I really hope she didn’t hear me. It would have been very awkward otherwise. Angel quickly ran off. Yeah, you better run I thought to myself. “Pinkie, would you like something to eat?” I heard Flutters ask. “Oh, yes please. I’ll take whatever.” I really meant it; anything made by Flutters would be good. She went off back into the kitchen and I slowly sighed. I went back to talking to some of the animals trying to think about something else with no avail. After a while, she came back with a sandwich. It looked like a daisy and camellia sandwich. I bet that it would be great. She placed it down in front of me and I put the sandwich in my hooves. I quickly took a bite and I felt an explosion of flavor in my mouth. I knew that daisies and camellia tasted good alone, but I never knew that when combined it would be so good. I finished it all in a single moment. “That was good! Did you grow those flowers yourself?” I asked excitedly. She said "Yes" and I smiled again. I’m glad that she was not only good at raising animals, but gardening as well. She was a well-rounded mare. I saw her go to the window to check the weather conditions. It wasn’t looking good at all. “Pinkie, I don’t think the rain will end any time soon, would you like to stay the night?” she asked me. This is my chance! I can finally be able to talk to her, find out about her. I jumped on the opportunity. “Oh, sure Flutters! I’d love to stay the night.” “Alright, well then what do you want to do?” she asked me. I already knew the answer to this. “Wanna just chat? There’s a lot we can talk about.” I said without hesitation. “Oh, alright…” she said, she then sat next to me and we just started to talk about her. We talked about her, her life, her hobbies, everything. “Alright, well then what about you?” she asked me. “No, I’m perfectly happy talking about you and you alone,” I smiled. I saw her blush and I still thought of it as the cutest thing in the world. We just talked, and talked, and talked. I loved it. Before I knew it, it was getting late. She then looked at the clock. “Wow, look at the time, I think it’s about time for us to get to bed. I’ll show you to my room where you can sleep,” she said. “Okey dokey lokey!” I exclaimed. I watched her climb up the stairs and I followed her, bouncing up each stair. She opened the door to her room and said, “Well here is my room, feel free to use my bed,” I looked inside and thought it was the quaintest room ever. I looked around and saw only one bed, but that can’t be right. “There’s a problem here,” I said. “Oh, what’s that?” She asked. “There’s only one bed here, I can’t let you sleep on something other than a bed, it wouldn’t be nice of me as your super bestest best friend.” “No, I insist go ahead.” “No, you sleep on the bed; I’ll sleep on the couch.” She kept going on and on and I knew there was no point in arguing, we would be there all night. So although I felt this would be moving too fast I just decided. “Well, why don’t we both sleep on the bed?” She blushed a deep red again. STOP DOING THAT! “No, I couldn’t,” she said, the nervousness in her voice very obvious. “Come on, it’s fine, there will be nothing special, we can even face separate ways,” I said that even though I did want something special, even though I wanted to look at her. I wanted to hold her… I expected some protest but instead all I heard was, “Okay…” I had to process that for a moment. It took me a while. After a few moments, we both climbed in the bed and I waited for her to get in on the other side before I said, “Good night Flutters.” “Good night Pinkie…” she replied to me very sweetly. I turned off the light and began to doze off. As I reflected my day, I knew what the super awesomely good thing was… I got to spend my entire day with Flutters and I couldn’t be happier. > A Day With Pinkie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rain had stopped and I felt the sun shine on my face as I lied there with Pinkie. I slowly opened my eyes to see her, asleep in front of me… Her face barely two inches from my own. I quickly fell out of the bed in a panic, scared. Pinkie woke up with a start and started to look around to see what was wrong I assume. She looked over and saw me on the ground panting. “Whoa, what happened Flutters?” she said. I blushed at her asking. “Nothing… Uh... Just a nightmare…” I lied, not wanting to admit the real reason. I slowly stood back up and brushed myself off, stretching my limbs and wings. “That’s no good Flutters!” she said as she climbed out of bed. She went around the bed and hugged me tightly. “Nightmares are never fun,” I slowly hugged her back, unsure of what to say. After the hug, I made my bed and then quickly hovered down the stairs. Angel was there in his little bed, sleeping away. He always did like to sleep in; I never tried to bother him when he sleeps otherwise he gets… Mean again… Pinkie was already downstairs sitting on the couch talking to the animals about parties and other odd things. The animals seemed interested in what she had to say though. I never knew she had a way with animals. I trotted into the kitchen to make us some breakfast. Some pancakes sound nice. Pinkie kept talking to the animals, mumbling again. I got the batter and a bowl and started to make the pancakes. I started to sing softly to myself and I hoped that Pinkie was too busy to hear me. I slowly worked away the time, getting everything ready and after 20 minutes the pancakes were ready. I peeked my head out the door and asked Pinkie to give me a hoof. Pinkie followed me into the kitchen and put the two plates in her mouth and walked out into the dining room as I put the plate with the pancakes in my hoof and I slowly flew out into the dining room and I turned to the right a bit too sharply and the pancakes lost balance and started to fall. I panicked slightly and tried to keep them balanced and before I knew what was going on, I felt a strong tug on my tail and I stopped, the pancakes fell off the plate and I slowly descended until my hooves were on the ground. I turned around and saw Pinkie biting onto my tail. “What happened? Why did you grab my tail Pinkie?” I snapped. She dropped my tail and pointed forward, “I just didn’t think you wanted to hit that…” she said. I looked to where she was pointing and saw I was heading towards a wall with a few small cubbies in it for raising the new born animals. Each cubby had a newborn. I felt terrible for snapping at her. She was only looking out for me and the newborns and I was focused on some stupid pancakes. Stupid Fluttershy… “Oh… my… I’m so sorry for snapping at you and thanks for catching me…”I apologized and I turned around and hugged her tightly. No amount of hugs would amount for how badly I snapped at her though. She hugged me back and very kindly said “It’s fine Flutters! I understand! I’ve been in that position before; you don’t really pay attention to those around you,” when we broke from the hug, she was smiling again. I still felt terrible. “I’ll get started on those pancakes again…” I said and started to head back into the kitchen and I felt a hoof in front of me, stopping me. “I have a better idea!” Pinkie said, “Let’s just go out to breakfast! My treat!” “Oh… I have not gone out to eat in a long time… Where would we go…?” I asked. Pinkie just smiled “Oh, just to the local diner.” “Alright…” I said. “Great!” Pinkie said and bounced out the door. I followed her out the door and locked it behind me. We walked to town and I looked around at the buildings. Ponyville always did look beautiful after the rain; it just had a nice little shine to it, everything glowed, the soft dirt felt great on my hooves, and the grass just shined. It just screamed to me peace and calm. I was just busy looking around and before I knew it, we were at the diner. “Here we are! This is my favorite place ever to eat breakfast!” she bounced in and I just followed. We sat down in a booth across from each other. It was a nice place; there were ponies in every table of the restaurant. The sound of chatting filling the air. It was a very rustic feel and I enjoyed the smell of all different kinds of foods filling the air. I glanced over at Pinkie and she just sat there with the menu under her hooves. I looked through the menu and couldn’t decide what I wanted. 3 whole pages of all kinds of things to eat. I flipped through the menu a few times and I decided on waffles and toast. The waitress was a yellow unicorn with a light greenish mane. She came by and asked us what we wanted. I gave my order then Pinkie gave hers “I want pancakes and about 20 hay bacon strips!” We waited at the table and we just talked about random stuff. I occasionally took a sip of my coffee. After about 20 minutes our food was out and we spent the rest of the time eating. I can see why Pinkie said she loved this place, it was really good. She finished faster than me even though she ordered way more food than me. I was almost done though and she waited patiently for me to finish my breakfast. When I finished, I wiped my face off and smiled. “That was really good Pinkie! Thanks for letting me know about this place,” I said. “You’re welcome! I’m happy you liked it! Anyway, where is that check? I’ll be right back!” Pinkie said as she got up and started walking along the narrow hall that was the restaurant. She started to talk to the waitress and I sat there and thought about my life and Pinkie. Why was she being so very nice to me recently. I mean, she’s always been nice, but she’s being really nice as of late… And I’ve really been enjoying her company and she is just… I don’t know… I thought. I was lost in my own little world when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Pinkie. “Ready to go?” she asked. “Oh, yeah I’m ready,” I said as I got out of the booth. We left the restaurant and we stood at the entrance for a while. “What were you so deep in thought about?” she asked. I blushed again. “Oh, uh... Just thinking about if I have plans today…” I lied again for the second time today. I felt terrible about lying to her but at the same time I don’t want her to know I was thinking about her. “Oh? And do you have any?” She asked. “Not really.” “That is super duper fantastic! I’m glad cause I have nothing going on either!” Pinkie said, smiling, “Want to hang out?” “Oh… Sure, for a little while…” I said. I wanted to spend some time with Pinkie for some reason, being with her makes me feel happy. “Hooray! Where should we go? OH! I know! Let’s just walk around downtown!” “Oh, alright…” Pinkie started to walk towards the down town area and I walked alongside her. “You know, I wanted to thank you,” Pinkie said, stopping suddenly. “Thank me for what?” I asked, turning around to look in her soft light blue eyes. “I want to thank you for letting me stay at your house last night.” “Oh, that was nothing. I was just concerned for you and I didn’t want you to get wet.” “I also wanted to thank you for that. You are so kind and caring and just… You’re really great…” I began to blush again “It’s only because you’re my friend Pinkie, my best friend even.” “That’s another thing! Thanks for being my friend.” “I…” I didn’t know what to say. I don’t know why Pinkie was being so… nervous… She is never like this. I decided not to push the issue. I felt a pair of hooves wrap around my neck and I knew whose hooves those were and I wrapped my own around hers and we just hugged each other for a while. After we broke the hug, Pinkie seemed back to her old, bubbly self. “Ready to go?” She asked. I nodded and we went off to visit a bunch of stores all across down town Ponyville. We visited the local hat shop, the boutique, got some lunch, and we even played some games at the local arcade run by Tokens. I was always bad at playing games but Pinkie went easy on me and I won at least one match of the fighting game there. Before I knew it, it was 4 O’clock and it was time for me to go feed the animals. Pinkie once again escorted me home. “Do you really have to go?” she asked. “Yeah… Sorry Pinkie… But I had fun!” I assured her. She smiled at me and said “I’m glad” We finally made it back to my cottage. I turned to her and said “Thanks for the really good time; I hope to do it again.” “Thanks for spending the day with me! It was a lot of fun!” I walked inside the house and after I shut the door, I swear I could have heard crying… > The Extremely Short Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I jumped awake when I heard a large thump. I looked over and saw Fluttershy wasn't in her side of the bed. I went over to her side and saw her lying on the ground panting. I guess she accidentally fell out of the bed but it still wouldn't hurt to ask. "Whoa, what happened Flutters?" I asked. She blushed again, “Nothing… Uh... Just a nightmare…” she said. I could tell she was lying, she's such a bad liar. She slowly stood up and started to stretch. "That’s no good Flutters!” I said, jumping out of the bed. I walked around the bed and wrapped my forelegs around her and hugged her tight. “Nightmares are never fun,” I said as she hugged me back. She said nothing. After we broke the hug, Flutters went to make the bed as I went downstairs. I saw Angel sleeping in his little bed. I will admit, if you saw Angel like this and only this, you would think he was the cutest thing in the world. I went and sat down on the couch and saw the animals gather around me again. I couldn't talk about my feelings this time because I knew Flutters would be down any minute. I started talking about parties and other random things that they didn't seem interested in hearing. Flutters came downstairs as if right on cue and trotted off into the kitchen. Now that I knew she would be a while, I started to talk to the animals about things that really mattered, "Last night was amazing, we were so, so, so, so, so, close to each other, I just wanted to snuggle with her the whole time! I still knew my boundaries and kept to myself though. Still, I just feel that we are growing a relationship!" I said to the animals. While I was talking, I heard Flutters singing. She had such a beautiful voice, I wanted to get closer to hear her, however I still stayed and knew she would come out soon. After half an hour Flutters peeked her head out the door and asked me to help her out. I walked into the kitchen and saw some pancakes and two plates. She didn't have to do this for me! I thought, It was still sweet of her though... I grabbed the two plates that were for us and I walked out of the kitchen to the dining room and put the plates on the table, putting hers down first, then mine. Flutters followed shortly after, flying through the door. I saw her turn though and knew that it was gonna be bad... The pancakes started to wobble in their stack and Flutters was trying to keep them balanced. She clearly wasn't watching where she was going and was about to run into the wall with a bunch of newborns. I ran over and bit on her tail and tugged tightly. She stopped suddenly and the pancakes flew off the plate. She went back on her feet and turned around. She looked mad... “What happened? Why did you grab my tail Pinkie?” she asked, she didn't seem mad though. I let her tail out of my mouth and I pointed towards the wall, “I just didn’t think you wanted to hit that…” I said. She turned around and saw where she was going. “Oh… my… I’m so sorry for snapping at you and thanks for catching me…” She apologized, she turned around and looked like she was on the verge of tears. I didn't even realize she snapped at me. She hugged me tight and I hugged back. She really felt bad and I could tell. “It’s fine Flutters! I understand! I’ve been in that position before; you don’t really pay attention to those around you,” I said honestly. It's true, being in the service industry, you do sometimes drop food and you do forget there are others around you. I broke the hug and smiled. She still looked like she was going to cry. “I’ll get started on those pancakes again…” she said and started to walk back to the kitchen. I put my hoof in front of her and stopped her. “I have a better idea!” I said, “Let’s just go out to breakfast! My treat!” “Oh… I have not gone out to eat in a long time… Where would we go…?” she asked. I smiled and said, “Oh, just to the local diner.” "Alright..." she said. "Great!" I said and started to bounce out the door. Flutters followed me and I stopped when she went to lock the door behind her. We walked around town and I could see that she was obsessed with looking around the town. She really did love nature, however Ponyville after rain was kinda boring. No one really wanted to come out and there was normally no pony to talk to. We got to the diner and Flutters snapped back to reality. “Here we are! This is my favorite place ever to eat breakfast!” I said and bounced into the door. We sat down at the only open booth. This place was always packed. The food always smelled great and I was intoxicated every time. I didn't even open the menu when the waitress came by to give it to us, I knew what I wanted. I wondered what Flutters would want, she seemed to be cycling through that thing a lot. The waitress came by and asked us if we wanted something to drink, I got a water, meanwhile Flutters got a coffee. I never knew she was a coffee drinker. She finally decided what she wanted. When the waitress came by she placed her order, waffles and toast, a very simple order for a very complex pony. I meanwhile ordered my usual pancakes and hay bacon strips, with extra hay bacon strips. We waited at the table and we just started to chat. We talked about the weather, yesterday, and other random things. After some time, the food came out and we started to eat, there was a rapid decline of discussion. I ate my pancakes and my hay bacon strips in a good 10 minutes. Flutters was still munching away at her waffles and toast. She finished her meal in 5 minutes or so. She wiped her face off and said, “That was really good Pinkie! Thanks for letting me know about this place.” “You’re welcome! I’m happy you liked it! Anyway, where is that check? I’ll be right back!” I said. I got up and walked along the diner's hall and went to the cash register to talk to our waitress. "That'll be 20 bits," the waitress said. I handed her the money and went back to our table to see Flutters staring into space, deep in thought. I tapped her shoulder again, “Ready to go?” I asked. “Oh, yeah I’m ready,” she said and she got out of the booth. We left the diner and we stayed outside for a while. We decided to chat for a few moments. “What were you so deep in thought about?” I asked, genuinely curious as to what she was thinking about. She blushed again. Why was she so cute when she blushed? “Oh, uh... Just thinking about if I have plans today…” she lied. Seriously, what a bad liar. Still, I want her to like me, so I don't want to appear mean. “Oh? And do you have any?” I asked. “Not really.” “That is super duper fantastic! I’m glad cause I have nothing going on either!” I said with another big dumb grin on my face, regardless, I'll still do anything to spend time with Flutters. “Want to hang out?” I asked. "Oh… Sure, for a little while…” she said. “Hooray! Where should we go?" I asked. I thought about it for a minute when... "OH! I know! Let’s just walk around downtown!” “Oh, alright…” We started to walk downtown and I decided to say something so I stopped dead in my tracks. “You know, I wanted to thank you,” I said. “Thank me for what?” she asked as she turned around. “I want to thank you for letting me stay at your house last night.” “Oh, that was nothing. I was just concerned for you and I didn’t want you to get wet.” “I also wanted to thank you for that. You are so kind and caring and just… You’re really great…” She blushed again “It’s only because you’re my friend Pinkie, my best friend even.” “That’s another thing! Thanks for being my friend.” "I..." she said. I walked forward to her and quickly hugged her. I was holding back the tears I was feeling welling up inside me. I wanted to tell her how I felt, but I just felt like I couldn't. I felt Fluttershy hug me back and I had to fight harder to not cry. I just wanted to stay like this forever. Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end and I had to end the hug. I put on a big smile and ended the hug. “Ready to go?” I asked with a smile. We went all over downtown, we went to a few places for Flutters like the hat shop and the boutique. We even ate lunch at another one of my favorite restaurants. Then we went to my favorite place... Tokens the arcade pony's Arcade While we were there, we played so so so so many games. One of the last games we played was a fighting game. I'm not very good at them sadly. Although, I wasn't gonna tell Flutters that. We started to play the game and she beat me. I couldn't believe it although I was happy for her. The time went by fast and before I knew it, Flutters had to go. I was sad, but I understood. I escorted her home. “Do you really have to go?” I asked. “Yeah… Sorry Pinkie… But I had fun!” she said, smiling. I smiled as well, "I'm glad." We got to her home and she went up the stairs to her door and she turned around and looked into my eyes. "“Thanks for the really good time; I hope to do it again,” she said. “Thanks for spending the day with me! It was a lot of fun!” I said. Flutters went inside and shut the door. When I assumed she was out of earshot I finally burst into tears, getting on the ground and lying there sobbing. Why am I such a coward? Why can't I tell her how I truly feel? I thought to myself. Why does she spend time with me? Why does she call me her best friend?! I kept thinking these dark thoughts for a good 20 minutes and even longer still as I was running home still crying. I got to Sugar Cube Corner and plopped onto my bed and sobbed still. That's it... I can't be like this, I thought as I wiped away my tears, I need to get my act together. Tomorrow, I'm telling her. No matter what happens. I'm telling her I stood up and started shouting "Tomorrow! I tell her how I REALLY feel! Or my name isn't Pinkamena Diane Pie!" as I said this, the entire house began to vibrate due to the volume of my shouting. "I really have to stop that..." > Clara > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in the morning feeling fully rested and ready for the day, spending a lot of time can wear anypony out. I got out of the bed and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I made my breakfast in a rush so I could go outside to feed my animals. I first fed the snakes, they always get anxious if they don't eat. I fed the mammals and lastly the birds. I poured the bird seed and waited for the birds come out. As the chickens came out, I counted them all and I saw that Clara didn't come out. "Clara?" I called... No reply, the sweet little chicken didn't come out. I calledher again... Still nothing. After a few moments of waiting, I slowly walked in nervously. In the corner pen, Clara's pen, I saw her, sitting there. I walked towards her, "Clara...?" I asked, gently tapping her. She fell over, passed away. I began to tear up, I grew up with Clara, she was my first chicken, it was painful to see her go. I collapsed before her, a sobbing, tearful mess. I began to sing her favorite song. One last time for the dear. I sang for a while and sang some more. It was difficult from the sobs. Suddenly, there was a loud *THUMP* coming from behind me with the sound of 4 hooves coming with it, all landing at once. Only one pony would enter a room like that... "Hi there silly filly!" said pony exclaimed, "How are you?" she asked, overjoyed as usual. "Sad..." I mumbled quietly. "I'm sorry, what?" she asked, not hearing what I said through my mumbles and sobs, "You sound sad! Well let's turn that frown, upside down!" she yelled, putting her hooves between my lips and making me smile. I swatted her hooves away. "Please, just go..." I said, wanting to be left alone. "But I have something to say..." she said softly. "Can't it wait...?" I asked sniffling. "Well... I guess..." she said, "But I've been waiting to say this for a long time..." "Well, you'll have to wait longer..." I said, being abnormally blunt. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" she begged. "No!" I yelled, now very irritated, "I'm reallynot in the mood for the stupid thing you have to tell me!" I stared her in the eye so she can see how angry I am. Pinkie sniffled and I can see her begin to tear up and she ran out crying. She left without a word. I felt terrible and poked my head out calling her name, however, she was long gone. I would have ran after her, but I had a funeral to attend to. I should have kept my big mouth shut... By the time the funeral and everything was over, it was already incredibly late... I'll talk to Pinkie tomorrow. I trotted into my house, went upstairs and slowly shut my eyes, drifting off to sleep, all of my dreams about Pinkie. > Cheating? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up this morning and prepared myself. Today is the day that I would finally tell her how I feel about her. I'm very, very nervous about this, however, I have this feeling that it will turn out well. I got out of bed, went downstairs to make breakfast, and I waited a while. I knew today she was going to be a bit busy in the morning, but she will be so happy to see me! After an hour of waiting, I finally left, bouncing along the way because I was so giddy. I was also nervous as well. Still, I made a commitment and made myself a Pinkie Pie promise that I would tell her. After another half hour of bouncing, I made it to her house. I knocked on the door and called out to her, "Flutters~" I called. I knocked again and after a while I bounced away, thinking she may be behind her house. I bounced past the chicken coop and caught a glimpse of something yellow. I bounced in and landed behind her with a loud *THUMP*. I giggled softly, I was so ready to tell her, but... She seemed sad for some reason, I could hear her sobs. Still, I might as well ask. "Hi there silly filly!" I exclaimed. Oh what was I thinking calling her a silly filly!? Urgh, I'm so stupid. Oh well, I said it, "How are you?" I asked, finishing what I started. She mumbled something, I couldn't understand what she said. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked. I looked at her and saw how upset she really was. Oh this won't do! "You sound sad! Well let's turn that frown, upside down!" I said as I made her give me a fake smile. She pushed my hooves away. What have I done!? Oh stallion, what am I doing... "Please, just go..." she said, sobbing a bit. I couldn't leave though, I made a Pinkie Promise... "But I have something to say..." I said softly. "Can't it wait...?" "Well... I guess..." I said, "But I've been waiting to say this for a long time..." "Well, you'll have to wait longer..." she said bluntly. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?" I begged. She yelled at me. She responded with a loud "No!". "I'm really not in the mood for the stupid thing you have to tell me!" she shouted. I... I have no idea what to say, is that how she really felt...? Is that what she thought about me...? Was everything I said stupid...? I began to cry, sobbing loudly, as I turned around I saw a chicken, lying there past Flutters. That must be why she's sad, but I don't know for sure. My only concern was to leave. I ran out as quickly as I could, crying aloud. I ran home as quickly as possible and slammed my door shut, locking it. The sound of a balloon deflating could be heard as long strands of hair covered my eyes, I knew my mane had deflated. I just covered my eyes with my forelegs and cried. I cried for who knows how long. I stood up, sniffling, my eyes red and puffy. I didn't care. I slowly walked out the door, the Cakes wanting to talk to me but I pushed them away. I just wanted to go for a walk. When I left the door, ponies saw my deflated mane and walked away, they didn't make eye contact, they ducked away, they didn't want anything to do with me. Everypony hated me, I knew it! They all thought I was stupid, or silly. They didn't like me... No pony did... I bumped into a pony, I looked up, "Sorry..." I said, I then saw it was Rainbow Dash. "Hi Pinkie, is there something wrong...?" she asked. What was that...? Was she actually... Concerned about me? Did she want me to be happy? I couldn't think, I didn't think, all I did was lean in and kiss her, deeply, blushing brightly. After I broke the kiss, Dashie was blushing as well. "Wh-What was that all about...?" she asked, looking at me, wide-eyed. I didn't say anything. I just hugged her tightly. There was only one pony in the world who cared about me... That was Dashie... Forget Fluttershy, she thought I was stupid, she thought I was annoying, everyone did, but she actually liked me... I just held her. Dashie fidgeted a bit, she was nervous, I could tell, but this was alright... I kissed her unexpectedly. Still, we will be together forever. "I-I have to go!" she said, blazing off, a trail of rainbows behind her. I wanted to call out to her... But I couldn't. She left me too, like the others... Still, she will be mine, and I will do anything to have her. I watched where she was going and I followed her. I made it to wherever she was going before her and when she arrived, I planted a kiss on her nose. She went away again. I followed again, planting a kiss on her cheek this time. Finally, she gave up after 3 more instances of this. She sat down next to me. "Pinkie, what's wrong... You're not yourself..." she said, looking into my eyes. I looked back into hers, in love. "Oh, nothing's wrong, my love..." I said, smiling at her. She blushed deeper, again. "No, there is something wrong, your mane is still flat, you still look depressed... You need to go home. I know you don't love me... I don't love you, please, just leave me be..." she said, patting my back and kissing me on the cheek this time. I assume to make me happy. It didn't work and I threw her hoof off of me. I ran away, again. I cried, again... Is there anypony who will love me...? I got home, slammed my door, locked it, and climbed into bed, crying myself to sleep. There was no pony for me, no pony to love me... I'm going to die alone... In my dreams, I dreamt of Flutters, and me... Together, happy... I woke up with a start. It was almost like a nightmare. I put my eyes in my hooves and began to think... I thought about the previous day... What I did with Dashie... Was I... Cheating of Flutters...? I don't know what to think anymore. I just laid back down and attempted to sleep. I never did though and I laid there, staring at the ceiling until morning. > Smile, Smile, Smile > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up in the morning in a daze. I looked over at my clock on the nightstand. 5:00 AM... I'm up early today. I wonder if it is because my mind was racing about her... I hope she's ok... I sat there half asleep for ten minutes before I got up. I got out of bed, made my breakfast, fed my animals and I walked out. I gently shut the door, not wanting to wake the non-existant neighbors. I made my way to Sugar Cube Corner to see Pinkie. I didn't look at the scenary, I didn't say hello to anypony, nor did I shy away from anyone, just a bee-line to her. I made it to Sugar Cube Corner and the sign said they wouldn't open for another four hours! This just couldn't do! I needed to talk to her. I went around the back and the door was locked. Oh, what will I do? I sighed and collected myself, walking back around and sitting there. I will sit there until they open. After some time, Rainbow Dash flew down, smiling at me. "Hey, what's up?" she asked. I just stared forward. "What's wrong Fluttershy? Are you okay?" she asked again. "Fine," I said. "What are you doing here?" "Waiting for Pinkie." "Wait, what? No, bad idea! She's crazy! She was kissing me, feeling me, saying she loved me! It was so awkward!" she said, shivering and wretching. "Wait, what...?" I asked, "So Pinkie...?" I turned around and knocked on the door constantly. I felt a tap on my back and I turned around, looking at Dash who was pointing upwards. I looked up and saw an open window. I flew up and looked inside. Pinkie was sitting in the middle of the floor, her mane down and she was darker. I nervously flew inside, I just poked her shoulder. "Pinkie...?" I asked quietly. She sniffled and turned around, looking in my eyes. I looked into hers, and I can tell she had been crying for a while... She wiped her eyes. "What do you want...? What do you want with somepony as stupid and pointless as me? I know you're only here to make me feel better, but you couldn't care less... No pony likes me..." she said. I just stared at her. "That's not tr--" "Yes it is!" she exclaimed, "You said so yourself! You said I was stupid! You're not my friend! You only spent time with me because you felt sorry for me! Same with the others!" She was sobbing now, tears flowing down her cheek as she sobbed and cried. I almost wanted to slap her... I would never though. All I did was hug her tightly, stroking her mane, just wanting to calm her down. She continued to cry, sobbing as I stood there, my forelegs around her, stroking her mane still. After a while of this, her sobbing didn't cease. I softly began to hum her favorite song, granted she wrote it. Smile, Smile Smile. She couldn't hear me, her cries and sobs so loud... I began to actually sing the song, but adding something just for her. Come on Pinkie Pie, smile, smile, smile, Fill your heart up with sunshine, sunshine, All you really need is a smile, smile, smile, For your best friend 'Shy~ I suddenly felt something wrap around my neck, and my own mane petted I hadn't realized it while I was singing, but I was crying too... My only concern at that time was her... I held her for a while and she held me. When we finally broke the hug, we were smiling at each other, tears flowing down our cheeks, however, these weren't sad tears... At least, not for me... They were happy. I finally got my best friend back. Pinkie's mane was back to its normal curly mess. We just looked in eachother's eyes. Her own eyes red from the torrent of tears. Suddenly, she leaned in and kissed me. I blushed deeply, but I didn't stop her, instead, I kissed her back. We broke the kiss a while later, it seemed too short although I knew it wasn't. I looked at her, she at me. "Fluttershy... I... I lo--" I put my hoof to her mouth, "I know... I love you too..." I said, finally realizing my feelings for her... I loved her, she was more than my best friend... She's the one I love, and she loves me. This time, I kissed her, blushing softly. She kissed me back. We broke the kiss again when Pinkie started to giggle like a school filly. I turned around and saw Rainbow Dash, flying by the window. I blushed deeper and looked away. Pinkie went up to the window and patted her head. "Sorry Dashie, but I don't love you," she said with a giggle. Rainbow just smiled then flew away. Pinkie turned back to me, grinning wide. "What are you thinking?" I asked. "Oh nothing, I just went and made..." she said, holding the "A" as she walked to her closet and opened it, a giant cake popped out of it. On it, was "Pinkie + Flutters 4 ever" writen in yellow and pink frosting with butterflies and balloons all around the text. There were also little standees of Pinkie and I on the cake. "This!" All I could do is blush. It was beautiful and she put so much effort into it. It looked like she only made it a couple of days ago. "So it's your choice Flutters, do you want to eat it, or we can put it away and never eat it, put it on display?" she asked. I couldn't decide, I didn't want to eat it, as good as it looked. But at the same time, I didn't want to let it out for the world to see. "I... I don't know..." I said. After a while, I sighed, "Pinkie, how about instead of showing it off, we keep it in a place that only we know where it is." "Ooooooooh! That's a great idea!" she exclaimed, hugging me tight. She just held me and took me to her bed, snuggling me lightly. I hugged her back, nuzling her, my head in her neck, her arms around me. I knew that this is where I wanted to be, I loved her and she loved me... I just relaxed in her arms and looked at her. She at me. "I love you..." I said. She just smiled and pecked my cheek, "I love you too..." she said. We snuggled again then I slowly shut my eyes and fell asleep in her arms. > Hush Now, Quiet Now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I didn't wake up this morning. I didn't even sleep. I just laid there all night, wide awake, thinking of only her, my conflicting emotions about her. Do I love her or do I hate her? I couldn't decide! I really want to love her, but after what she said it was hard... I got up anyway, I might as well not get bed sores. I still did nothing, I just sat there in the middle of the floor. I sat there for an hour before my mind was overworked and I began to cry. I couldn't help it. I just sobbed and cried wanting all of this to end. I cried and cried and cried with nopony to comfort me. I might as well get used to it. I cried for hours until I felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. "Pinkie...?" I heard someone ask. I turned around, sniffling, seeing Fluttershy. I looked right into her eyes. I wiped my eyes, sniffling more, "What do you want...?" I asked, "What do you want with somepony as stupid and pointless as me? I know you're only here to make me feel better, but you couldn't care less... No pony likes me..." "That's not tr--" she began, I didn't want to hear it, I know what she said! "Yes it is!" I interupted, "You said so yourself! You said I was stupid! You're not my friend! You only spent time with me because you felt sorry for me! Same with the others!" I was sobbing, my sentences were getting harder to complete. I couldn't stop crying, I was rejected, no one loved me, no one will. Suddenly, she hugged me... Tight, gently petting me with her gentle hoof as I continued to sob, my tears soaking her mane and shoulders. I kept crying, her petting and holding never ceased. I didn't do the same, I couldn't especially after what she said. But then, I heard it... I heard her heavenly singing. It sounded like... My song, the song I lived by... Come on Pinkie Pie, smile, smile, smile, Fill your heart up with sunshine, sunshine, All you really need is a smile, smile, smile, For your best friend 'Shy~ As she sang, my mane and tail poofed up again. I knew that just by that, she did care about me... Maybe even loved me... I instantly hugged her back, feeling her own tears on my shoulder, she was crying now too... I pet her and held her as she held me. We stayed locked in our loving embrace for a while before we broke the hug, smiling at each other, our eyes soaked. Our tears wouldn't stop and somehow I knew, she was happy, they were tears of joy, as were mine. I decided I would do it, I would just do it. I quickly leaned in and kissed her without thinking she would reject me or get angry at me. I had to do it. She then kissed me back, that was the biggest shock. Does that mean she loved me too? No, probably not, I'm over thinking things now, aren't I? I still had to tell her now, "Fluttershy... I... I lo--" She then put her hoof to my lips softly, stopping me from talking. "I know... I love you too..." she said... I suddenly grinned wider then I ever have before, we were in love, happy... Together. She suddenly kissed me this time. I immediately kissed her back, wanting to hold her. When we broke the kiss, I saw RD. I began to giggle like a little girl, she had probably been watching the whole time. How could I not have noticed this? Oh right, because I focused on her... Fluttershy, the love of my life. Flutters turned around and saw her, blushing deeply and turning away. I giggled and went over to her and began to pet her head slightly, "Sorry Dashie, but I don't love you," I said, giggling softly. "That's what I thought..." she whispered, grinning a bit as she flew away. I then remembered, that cake! That cake I made for this very occassion! She said yes so it's the perfect time to bring it out! I grinned wide and turned around, looking at her right in the eye, "What are you thinking?" she asked. "Oh nothing, I just went and made..." I said, holding the "a" for as long as I could, trotting to the closet, pulling out the cake in question. On it, was "Pinkie + Flutters 4 ever" writen in yellow and pink frosting with butterflies and balloons all around the text because I thought it was cute.. There were also little standees of Flutters and I on the cake Those took a lot of time to make them. It was a laber of love. "This!" She blushed deeply, looking flabbergasted. I love that word! Flabbergasted, flabbergasted, flabbergasted! "So it's your choice Flutters, do you want to eat it, or we can put it away and never eat it, put it on display?" I asked. Flutters looked confused, almost as if she didn't know what to do. Did I break her? I hope I didn't! "I... I don't know..." she said. She thought for a bit longer before sighing, "Pinkie, how about instead of showing it off, we keep it in a place that only we know where it is." "Ooooooooh! That's a great idea!" I said. I went over to her and hugged her tight, picking her up like a teddy bear and taking her to my bed for a cuddle session. She cuddled me back and had her head in my neck, as I rested my head on hers. We loved each other and I knew it. She turned her head a bit to look at me, "I love you..." she said. I smiled and kissed her cheek softly, "I love you too..." I said. We got back in our original position as she slowly fell asleep in my arms. I kissed her forehead softly, "Good night cupcake..." I said, resting my head on hers again. I pet her softly, singing her song. Hush now, quiet now, It's time to lay your sleepy head, Hush now, quiet now, It's time to go to bed, Drifting off to sleep, Let the joy of dreamland find you, Hush now, quiet now, It's time to go to bed... I didn't add my own lyrics like she did for my song, but I knew she wouldn't mind. I gently fell asleep with her, holding her tight. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been a few months since Pinkie and I have started dating. We've been doing something every day, seeing each other every chance I get. She's everything I imagined and more. She's funny, sweet, kind, cute, and loving. She listens to me She looks out for me, she protects me. She stands up for me. Our friends don't even find it weird that we're going out! We are also preparing to get a house together! She was nervous because of the fact that she felt she would scare the animals, but I told her otherwise. We've had some really interesting dates. She took me to the zoo and oddly enough, she made it so that we can go in the back and meet the animals like they were celebrities... and they were.... We also went to a machinery workshop for her, I had no idea she was so smart with clockwork and technology! One day, when we were in Canterlot to visit the Princesses, she bought us tickets for a concert. The show had music we both liked. The artists were, "DJ-Pon3 ft. Octavia." They were really good, I especially liked the cello sessions. There was so much that happened and so much that will, I do know however that in the end, we are in love and that we will be together for a long, long time... Maybe even forever.... --------------------------------------------- Well, this is the end of this tale. I'm sorry the ending was really lack luster but I really ran out of ideas. If I think of anything to add, then I'll add it. I hope that people will continue to read this even now that I'm done and I hope that it will become even slightly popular. In the end though, thanks for reading, thanks for sticking with my story and thanks for any advice or for the people who listened. If you have any requests or advice for this story, then I'd love to hear it.