Mask Charade

by Marina Oceania

First published

Even a Changeling can change for the better. But my Destiny is Unknown, Join me as I venture all over Equestria behind a mask as I help both my kind and the Equestrians, But am I a Hero or a Villain?

Hidden Behind a Mask, A Hero or a Villain, One who sides to both Good and Evil but chooses what is right, for he is not the pony you think he is.

Join me on my quest around Equestria to find and save them.

Will I be able to help both my kind and the Equestrians?

The Beginning

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by: Mariner Ace

This is my story, This happened a few years back at the time when Queen Chrysalis failed to Conquer Canterlot, I was still a pupa inside my cocoon waiting for my destiny, we will start from the beginning till we reach the ending only to unfold a new chapter of my life as a changeling.

One Day in the changeling hive, I hatched not knowing that I had a destiny that will forever change the meaning of being a changeling, But like every other changelings we are nameless, alone, and uncared for, Forced to forever do the bidding of our queen Chrysalis though it is for the survival of our kind, pushed and shoved with the others we were sent directly into a changeling school where they taught us how to change forms, basic speaking and language, and how to drain the love given to us by others, lucky for me I was one of the changeling species that were highly intelligent fit for infiltration and espionage.

Ten Years have passed since my birth and I have grown into a very intelligent and cunning young changeling, Queen Chrysalis has trained and prepared us to invade and infiltrate a nearby village next month, Those who will show true potential will climb up through the ranks and can even command a swarm of their own.

I was a very independent changeling, Over the years I have trained my skills and knowledge to be someone they made me to be, I did not ask questions or even had doubts, but one day she changed me, from the moment I saw her I knew she was very different from all the others, She was always alone at class and even when walking back to the cocoons, so I decided to talk to her.

"Hello there may I ask your name?"

"Hi my name is Shelly Chitin, nice to meet you umm ... what's your name?" She Bashfully replied.

"Sorry I haven't yet decided on what to call myself because I think names are useless but you can call me whatever you want." I Nervously replied with a grin.

"So is it alright to call you friend?" She asked.

"Sure no problem Shelly, but why friend?"

"Because a friend is someone who cares about you." she replied as she smiled showing her little fangs.

After that we were always together for the past weeks but I always asked myself why did she call me friend and what does that mean? but she was the reason why I have changed, she was the one who first opened my heart to emotions and feelings, she was different but in a very good way, when I am with her I smile as she talks about life outside the hive and the places that we can go, at night we look up on a hole in the hive to see bright lights twinkling in the night sky.

"Hey friend what do you think are those things up in the sky?" Shelly asked.

"I don't know either, they didn't taught us about those things."

"Do you think there is more out there?"

"you mean outside the hive?" I replied

"Yeah and what is our purpose in life I mean is draining love and hurting others all there is?"

That is when I wondered there are many things I still don't understand but because of Shelly I will gladly do my best to Understand them so I can answer her hundreds and thousands of questions for she is what she calls me "A friend."

At first I thought that this is what I was meant to be, a creature that feasts on love to survive and must do everything in our power to take it, but this all changed when one stormy night Queen Chrysalis Ordered us to Attack and Infiltrate a nearby pony village, and with the growls and snarls of the Changeling Generals we flew through the stormy night.

Shelly was flying near me when I saw some of our Brothers and Sisters were having trouble flying through the storm.

"Shelly I don't think they will make it." I said.

"Then we must help them, Come on." She hastily replied.

We then supported their flight as we approach near the village.

Now for the first time I felt pity and dismay as if my mind is contradicting to this kind of act, as I watch my brothers and sisters abduct little fillies and colts and replaced them.

Shelly cried and said "Are we monsters? they are just little foals like us who have families, I just can't do this."

With a confused look I replied "They are just prey and we are the predators, its them or us Shelly."

I regret saying those words as she cried and flew back to the hive, I felt that I have done something wrong because I don't want to lose her, she is my only friend, I had to make it up to her and that I will do, so I just watched my siblings as they terrorized the village, I saw and understood what Shelly was talking about, the cries of the little fillies and colts were heard through out the night, that was when I doubted my purpose as a changeling.

As the stormy wind blew and the rain fell hard, while thunder and lightning clashed into the night sky I saw a filly being carried off by one of the adult changeling when suddenly a lightning bolt almost hit them, the filly took that opportunity and bucked the Changeling hard enough for them to fall right out of the sky.

I did not know what happened but I instinctively flew through the forest and see what has happened to the filly and the changeling, I was relieved that the filly was a pegasus and that she was safe and sound, the changeling also left because he was injured pretty bad, When suddenly lightning struck! *Crackle* it hit the old tree on the trunk enough for it to fall down, My heart rushed and my body suddenly moved to push the filly to safety as the tree almost fell on her.

The filly giggled and thanked me but when she turned around to see her hero her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as the hero that saved her is one of the villains that took her in the first place, before she could say anything I ran back to the hive,I heard her faint shouts through the night as if she wanted to tell me something but I was already too far away.

As I was running my mind was filled with unusual thoughts and questions, Why did I save her? what is this that I am feeling? I don't understand, I Can't Understand.

My Name?

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My return to the Hive empty handed was greeted by disappointed eyes and snarls, The General approached me and shouted furiously " You weakling why did you abandon your mission you should have bought a foal or Infiltrated the village! instead you come here empty handed."

before I could reply some of my brothers and sisters have returned, I saw Razor Edge taking the lead, he proudly announced "Sir we have captured some foals and a few of us have already Infiltrated the village but a princess came with her royal guards and captured some of our siblings."

The General Pridefully replied "Thanks for the report Soldier! Now here is a changeling that we should all be proud of."

I lay confused as they only imprison these foals, I could only imagine what awaits them here in the hive, I am just tired and I really need to rest, as I made my way through the hive back to my cocoon Shelly followed me.

"Sorry I left you, I was just ..." Shelly was silenced as I put my hoof on her mouth.

"No Shelly I am the one who must be sorry, you are right we are monsters."

I was tired and I asked if we can talk tomorrow, she agreed then flew back to her cocoon.

The hive is like a labyrinth full of cocoons and slime squishing through my hooves, thankfully I remember the smell of my cocoon so I found it immediately and slept without worrying anything at all, as the sun rose through the sky its beams went through a hole on the hive and beamed exactly at me waking me up nicely for the morning while the others are still asleep.

I went to Shelly's cocoon and saw that she has already woken up, after a bit of searching I saw her with a group of changelings so I decided to talk to her about yesterday, I was in the middle of their conversation when I greeted Shelly I saw the others glared at me good thing Shelly is on my side as she told them to stand down.

Quick Tooth a fierce looking Changeling then continued the conversation " So there I was chasing this little filly when all of a sudden she asked me, why I am doing this?" The other changelings Laughed and giggled at this except for me and Shelly.

Thorn Vine our crazy little sister replied "Haha, wasn't it obvious to her that she was just dinner."

I did not know what to think of this and Shelly was still not ready to talk. I made my way to the feeding stations where we share the love energy collected by the gatherers, That is when I discovered the the foals being taken here are being cast with an illusion spell by the queen to make them think they are still at their village and the changelings copy their parents so the foal's love can be drained from them, I did't understand but deep down I knew this is very wrong.

I know Shelly is still mad at me so I wanted to give her some space for now, I then got a perfect idea, I dug a hole behind my cocoon until I finally reached the outside, "This is my surprise gift for Shelly." I said to myself. I already studied everything at school and no changeling will miss me, well except maybe Shelly, but for now I will enjoy my time outside the Hive.

As I walked through the forest I saw I large pond surrounded by majestic trees and beautiful flowers. For the first time I saw my reflection and it was really unpleasant.

"We really are monsters." I said to myself.

I then began to practice my pony form so I won't have to copy the form of somepony, I practiced all day however the form I made still have some flaws like my pony hooves still have holes and my fangs are still easily seen, I returned to the hive at night and I saw Shelly near my cocoon sobbing.

"Shelly what's wrong?"

"There you are! I have been looking everywhere for you, I thought you never want to see me again." she replied as she rubs her eyes.

"Sorry to worry you, I will make it up to you, tomorrow I am going to show you something really cool I promise."

Shelly then hugged me and kissed me on the cheeks.

"Alright then see you tomorrow friend." said Shelly as she was blushing.

But fate was cruel, as morning came I looked around the hive for Shelly but she was nowhere to be found, I asked the others on where she is, I felt my heart was crushed as she was chosen to be a part of the new swarm to make a new hive, the last time we saw each other is when the swarm was flying away from the hive, Shelly was behind the swarm crying as she saw me waving goodbye as they suddenly disappeared above the clouds.

No one knows where that swarm will make a new hive but I was determined to do everything in my power to find her even if I have to leave the hive but I have to travel across all Equestria to find her and being a changeling will make my search harder as the royal guards and anypony might catch me, so I practiced making my pony form for months practicing every day on the pond.

finally I have perfected my form, as I looked on my reflection I saw that I was a good looking colt with blonde hair, blue eyes, and gray coat, But I have forgotten something very important that will bust my charade, as I looked around I saw a mare passing by and when she glanced at me then waved her hoof, I do not know how to respond so I quickly waved back in hopes that she would not find out that I was really a changeling behind the mask.

Suddenly this mare began approaching me and asked "Why are you out here all alone Deary?" I told her the truth "I am Lost and I don't know where to go."

She then asked "Do you not have any parents?"

I had to lie as this form took months to perfect, I don't wanna waste all that time and effort by letting her know I am a changeling.

I replied with a sad tone "No I don't, they have abandoned me."

"Oh my this is simply dreadful come with me child and I shall take care of you." She said very dramatically.

I replied "But you don't even know me why would you just take some random pony out in the woods with you?"

She replied with a sweet voice "I cannot bear to see a little foal like you out here in the woods all alone I simply won't allow it, I shall take you home with me."

Before I could realize it she lifted me up with her unicorn magic and gently placed me on her back I felt something in my heart that again I cannot Understand but I feel that I am regaining my Strength back, Then I realized the big cart that she was pulling with her, I instinctively got off her back and asked "Please let me pull your cart for you it's the least I could do," She refused at first but as I begged harder she agreed and with a beautiful smile she gently placed the cart holds on my back and for the first time I Smiled as we walk down the cobblestone road.

"Oh deary me!" She exclaimed "I forgot to tell you, my name is Silver Serenity, What is yours?"

The smile on my face began to frown as I was nameless, But With this Mask I am wearing and this charade of lies and deceit, I told her "I am Mask Charade."

Home on Hollow Shades

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As the Sun sets over the horizon and the Moon took it's place on the starry night sky, When we arrived I noticed a sign and asked Silver Serenity what it says, She replied "Welcome to Hollow Shades my dear."

I began to realize that many ponies here looked very differently to the ones I saw on the village that we Infiltrated, There are carts and stalls full of fruits and vegetables everywhere when suddenly I heard very peculiar sounds of clashing metals and hissing steam when all of a sudden it started to blow it's horn.

It surprised me enough to quickly climb on the back of Silver Serenity trembling in fear, She giggled a bit and explained to me that it was a train from ponyville delivering crates and bundles of delicious fruits and vegetables, I quickly smelled the aroma of fresh apples that made me drool a bit, Silver Serenity immediately noticed this and asked "Oh dear, you must be starving, come my house isn't far from here."

As we walked through the path lit by some torches, this entire rain forest is covered by a very thick canopy that blocks even moonlight in some areas, and so we wandered down a dark and moist path to a wooden house near a pond, As a changeling Hollow Shades isn't a bad place as it is very similar to the hive.

Silver Serenity asked "How is it my dear? I hope you are not afraid of this place, are you?"

"Umm... its not that scary, I can get used to it."I replied with a Nervous Grin.

As we enter her house I had to thoroughly think of my actions before I do them, for some reason I don't want her to find out that I am a changeling, she was preparing the fruits and some baking ingredients while I sat down the chair, She then sat right next to me with a book on her mouth, In her eyes I was just a little colt that still has a lot to learn, as the aroma of sweet apple pie swirl around the house I looked in awe at Serenity as she taught me many things about Equestria and even how to count while we finished the pie in which I forced myself to eat, It really tastes awful and disgusting no wonder love is our only source of energy.

Serenity said "Deary, tomorrow I will sign you up for school."

"What is a school" I replied.

"Oh it's a place where you can learn more things to prepare you for the future."she replied with a smile on her face.

"But what is my future? I don't know what to do" I replied with a Confused look on my face.

"Only you know what your future is and purpose in life, I can only help to prepare you for it."

As we lay down on the bed she sang a lovely lullaby, her voice was music to my ears, When she finished her lullaby she kissed my forehead and said "Goodnight my dear."

I replied with Uncertainty "Goodnight?"

In the middle of the night as Serenity is sleeping I thought about what she said to me earlier, my future? my purpose? these two questions kept me up all night thinking about why am I here? what am I? what should I do? These questions were enough for me to have an existential crisis, but one thing is certain I will protect Serenity at all cost I will never let her down and I will find Shelly mark my words.

"Wake up sleepy head!" Yelled an Unknown Voice

As I quickly woke up to see who it is I was Greeted by a strange gray filly with fangs and red Slitted-pupil eyes, I was startled at first but if you look closely they are kinda cute.

"So are you not afraid of me Earth Pony?" Asked the bat filly.

"No not at all, you kinda look cute, oops! I said that out loud"

The filly blushed a bit and said " Why thank you nopony else ever said that to me, The names Scarlet Moon by the way."

" My name is Mask Charade, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, Oh and Silver asked me to take you to school with me I am really excited about this"

"Why are you so excited?"

"well this is the first time an Earth pony comes to our school oh and don't worry, we don't bite, THAT hard at least." she replied with a mischievous smile.

Her words really confused me as what she meant by we don't bite THAT hard, But as a changeling that I am, I tend to ignore what I still don't understand, as we head to the school through a dark path.

I asked "It is so dark here even in the day how could you see where you are going?"

Scarlet replied "Our eyes have adapted in seeing in the dark but are very sensitive to light that is why we prefer dark places to live and only wander out at night."

"that's very fascinating, you ponies are kinda like u..." I then remembered that I must not let them know that I am a changeling.

"What was that?" asked Scarlet.

"Oh nothing, Nothing at all hehe."

Once again my head is aching from all these feelings and I feel my heart beating faster as I try to just ignore this, But I just don't understand, Why?, I suddenly began to shed tears and sniffled a bit that got scarlet very scared.

"No Mask Charade, I didn't mean to scare you or anything, Oh maybe its too dark, Is it too dark here? why do you look so sad?" Asked the flustered Scarlet.

"wait, she says I look sad, is that what I'm feeling? I don't think I like it very much." I said to myself.

"Oh I just remembered something, Nothing to be worried about, But what is this sad?"

"That's a relief." replied Scarlet as she wiped the sweat off her forehead "Wait what? you don't know what sadness mean?"

"Yeah, is that bad?"

" Sadness is a feeling, which means you are not well or unhappy about something."

"But what is this happy?" I asked

"You are one weird colt not even knowing what emotions are haha, happiness is also a feeling quite opposite to sadness meaning that you are content and agreeing to a certain event that gives you a wonderful feeling of joy and there are more feelings and emotions that you can experience in different events."

"I didn't know that and these feelings are very important?" I replied

"Yes it is these emotions and feelings define us on how we use them in different occasions, umm... sorry if you didn't understand my explanation it's just because these emotions have so many definitions, Good thing I read that book about philosophy." boasted Scarlet Moon

When we arrived at the school it was much darker inside filled with bat ponies that sat on the desks while other were hanging on the ceiling,there are only a handful of unicorns in that school, Suddenly a mysterious figure began to speak.

"Welcome, we seem to have a new student joining us today."

Everypony greeted in Chorus "Good morning Sir Red Fang."

Red Fang replied "Good morning as well my students and who might you be new Colt."

"My name is Mask Charade Sir."

"Ah yes good to have you here I hope we will have a splendid time not like these bat ponies they are a real pain in the neck."

most of the bat ponies cringed at that pun, some even laughed.

Scarlet Moon replied "Sir your pun really sucks." *Laughter*

"Okay that's enough puns, now let's begin roll call, Echo, Mosina, Arrythmia, Nightlight, Dusk Dancer, Lullaby, Moonshine, Moonlight....."

Everypony was present and accounted for, we just had a great time studying under Sir Red Fangs teachings, School was never boring and I learned quite a lot about bat ponies, the fruit and blood drinkers, with some Equestrian History with Geography and the Princesses of the land, With all this knowledge I am sure to fit right into society, for now I just want to enjoy this happiness I feel.

But all of this has been too good to be true.

The Colts Coat

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Class was dismissed when the moon already started rising into the night sky, I bid farewell to my classmates and started walking home with Scarlet.

"That was fun wasn't it Charade?" Asked Scarlet.

"Yeah it was really enjoyable, I even memorized the map of Equestria Sir Red Fang showed us." I pridefully replied.

"Oh yeah what is the capital of Equestria?"

"That's easy the answer is Canterlot."

"Wow you really did study haha, *sigh* I wish I could visit these different places" replied Scarlet.

"But why not?"

"Because I am a bat pony I can't see very well at Daytime meaning I can only go at night, but that is when ponies are asleep and the shops and stores are closed, Also I might scare them with my appearance." sighted Scarlet.

"I am sorry to hear that, But don't worry I will gladly come with you even at night so we can both visit these places I promise." I sadly replied, "Scarlet is just like Shelly who just wants to enjoy life too huh." I thought to myself.

Scarlet's eyes widened and suddenly hugged me tight.

"Okay Mask Charade I want you to keep your promise cross your heart and hope to bite."

" *Nervous Chuckle* Sure cross my heart and hope to bite."

Weeks have passed here in Hollow Shades, I have become very studious and began reading lots of books especially about the land of Equestria, Serenity asked if I will accept her as my Mother, when I agreed she began to cry and hugged me tight and said.

"Oh my son, my dear Mask Charade."

We then went upstairs to get some rest as she sang her lullaby and kissed me goodnight, I really feel happy when I am with Sere... I mean Mom, even as I am not even trying to drain her love it flows through me like a tsunami I felt power and Energy rushing through me, then I remembered a cruel fact that I was a changeling that no matter what I do as long as somepony loves me I continue to weaken them but not all is doom and gloom she regains her strength back as long as I am keeping my distance from her, good thing I go to school every day.

"Charade Dear, you will be late for school." yelled Mom from downstairs.

things have been quite peaceful here and I started calling Serenity Mom, I woke up today, forcefully eating a blue berry muffin "Eugh," I was a bit hungry and felt dizzy walking to the door to go to school.

Silver Serenity said "Good luck dear, be careful out there okay." she then kissed me on the cheek before I walk outside the door.

For some strange reason I was fully energized and suddenly the hunger faded away, But Today was a really bad day for me, most of the ponies in my class just earned their cutie mark along with Scarlet Moon, this is what I was missing from my form and as I have read in one of my books a cutie mark is symbol and a representation of who you are and your special ability.

"Charade look I got my cutie mark isn't it awesome" asked Scarlet Moon.

"Yeah it certainly does." I replied struggling hard to hide my flank behind my saddle bags.

"Can I see your Cutie mark? please." Begged Scarlet Moon.

As she was my good friend I silently showed her my blank flank.

She gasped and I saw her blushed a bit, but then helped me hide my flank, good thing the other ponies are too busy admiring their own flanks.

Just then shouts and screams were heard outside the school, a massive swarm of changelings were attacking Hollow Shades I quickly ran out of the school to go and protect my Mother, I changed into my changeling form till I got near my home, To my anger I saw those changelings attack my Mom, I quickly bucked them and punched them away, but more of them came and started attacking me at all sides, Mom tried to save me but she was charged by a changeling, My anger became Hatred as I was filled with Fury I then had a sudden burst of strength enough to drive those changelings away, just then help arrived from canterlot and saved Hollow Shades.

Mom was seriously injured and had to be treated in Manehattan she was full of scars and bruises, so I decided to keep these scars on my pony form as to decrease the suspicion of the royal guards that saw me fight off the changelings, most of the buildings in Hollow Shades were destroyed, Mom was still asleep when I accidentally opened her locket, It was a picture of her with a colt that looked similar to me, she then regained consciousness and said.

"My sweet dear son don't worry about me, you have given me happiness I once lost, I am proud to be your mother Once more."

"Excuse me Maam we have to go to Manehattan right now, Sorry little Colt the train is fully loaded and has only enough space left for the injured." said the Royal Guard.

"Okay I understand, don't worry Mother I can take care of myself and I promise that will visit you in Manehattan, cross my heart and hope to bite." I sorrowfully promised.

"Be safe my dear, and if you are going to venture out please use your fathers coat in your journey it is in the attic inside a green chest, and always remember I love you." after those few last words she fainted.

It was so sad and unbearable to be apart from my mother, But I have to be brave for I have promised her that I will visit her in Manehattan.

It was never the same at home without Mom, I received a letter stating that Mom had broken her legs from the fight and that she will need more time to recover, I couldn't wait anymore I must see her immediately, But fate was determined to keep us apart the train broke down in los pegasus and even if it was repaired the rail roads leading to Hollow Shades were very rusty and that they have to replace it, they estimated that it will take months to finish repairs.

The only one with me at home was Scarlet, she is an orphan adopted by Mom just a few months ago, Scarlet and I stayed mostly inside the house for the school was targeted by the changelings so it was completely destroyed and most of the bat ponies moved to the badlands until the buildings are rebuilt by Luna's Night Guards, I went up into the attic to find the coat Mom was telling me about, It was a Fancy Brown Trench Coat that was still in good condition made with fine and durable fabrics fit for adventure and luckily hiding my blank flank it was still a bit big for me to wear, so it was a good thing I was a changeling and I can adjust my size whenever I see fit but not for now.

Seeing the condition of this town I vowed to protect the innocent both ponies or changeling and to find out where Shelly is, I now have so many paths to take and I have to take one path at a time, this is the start of my adventure throughout Equestria.

Cutie Mark What?

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The sun begins to set as we prepare our journey across Equestria.

"What! we have to walk all the way to ponyville?" asked Scarlet with a dismayed look on her face.

"The trains are scheduled for repairs it will take months to finish that and we don't have time to idle around."

"Whatever you say Mask, Oh by the way a brought some sunglasses and a black coat so I can walk even in broad daylight."

"Good, I have also packed some fruits and bread for the journey ahead, so are you ready Scarlet?"

"Are you kidding me it's my dream to go on an adventure, let's go before the we run out of moonlight!"

I opened my map as Scarlet held up the torch.

" So we are here in Hollow Shades now we must follow the train tracks straight ahead to the mountain where Canterlot is then go through the tunnels."

" When do you think we will arrive at ponyville?" Asked Scarlet.

"Maybe two or three days if you can bare the heat." I jokingly said.

We walked for hours with a few rest breaks along the way, the moon is now setting and the sun now slowly rises towards the sky.

"Scarlet! Quick put on your sunglasses and your coat."

"Whew! time does fly when you are having fun. Thanks Mask, I couldn't have had the courage to leave Hollow Shades without you."
