> Equestria’s Rebellion Of Heroes > by typervader > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Unlikly Trio > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The bar was rustic and old school, with wooden walls and floors. There was a large table in the middle. The other tables located around the bar were simple, as were the cushioned bar stools. The establishment was nonetheless a bit fancier than most. There were a few lights hanging from the dusty ceiling, and posters of events and politician posted on the walls every once and while. Although the lighting was ineffective due to the weak lights and lack of windows, it was meant to be like that to give the bar a country feel. The patrons in the bar were from all over Equestria. Most of them were older ages, there to celebrate or sulk around in alcohol. They were mostly southerners, and the bartenders were no different. However one pony stuck out like a sore thumb. Crescent Blade, a young strange looking unicorn stallion, drank impatiently, while having Eclipse, a cloaked petite unicorn mare hoofcuffed to him, sat in a bar. He took a look around the bar. He smelt alcohol in the air and saw everything in the bar as clear as day. He took a sip of his drink while looking around. “Man, I can’t believe I was to arrest this mare. She seems dangerous. I want to know how she learned all that dark magic she was doing. I almost wasn’t able to beat her, but it seems like she wanted to be arrested.” He thought to himself, thinking about the mission he just had to do. “Well, this sure sucks, doesn’t it, Nightbeam? Looks like our time is up,” she said to the doll she in her hooves, holding it so she could be on eye level with it. “Oh yes, there is that. She talks to her doll. Great, why are all the cute mares crazy?" Crescent thought to himself. He remembered why he was drinking.. “It doesn’t matter anyway. I gotta wait for my buddies to take her back to prison.” “Wish I could go home or drink some real liquor, but nnnooo! The spec ops morons chose a bar out of all places.” Crescent sneered, revealing his small fangs. He narrowed his stilted eyes before taking another shot. “Hey look, a night guard. What a surprise!” someone shouted from behind him. “Finally come out of your deep dark stallion cave, huh?” As he turned around, he saw a middle-aged pegasus pony looking right at him. “And it seems you have a little toy, too! Ha! All you night guards are the same!” He told Crescent, waltzing up to him as if he were a retarded whale on land. “Hot Shot’s the name, so what brought your sorry little ass here?” he spoke , words slurring and spit sloshing out of his mouth. He was obviously drinking way too much. “I'll have you know that I am a very good night guard. What's it to you, old stallion?” Crescent said, making sure Eclipse stayed in her place. “Old? Fucker, do I look old to you?” Hot Shot chuckled as he grinned as the light shined on his stubble and a few scars appeared on his face. Crescent could feel the entire bar tense up, waiting for his reply. Eclipse sat there watching the two stallions size each other up. She sat there after being arrested, just staying in her own thoughts. “You should cheer them on my little one. It could cause the chaos you need to escape!” a voice in Eclipse’s head told her. She has always heard these voices; they were her only friends. She trusted them more than anypony else. “Are you going to take that from a night guard Hot Shot? After all, you don’t seem very hot!” she said, with a grin on her face. “The mare’s right! I ain't gonna take this crap from you.” Somehow the drunk managed to right his stance, assuming a more threatening position. “Fight me, unless you’re chicken, like all other night guards!” “Why, you little—” Crescent jumped from his chair. “Who are you to talk shit about Equestria’s true defenders?!” “Ha, you mean your group of arrogant teenagers!” Hot Shot laughed until his red-coated face turned pink. His speech slurred even more.. “Out of all the guards hiding behind the walls, the night guards don’t even come out!” “Oh, and who could forget the great bravery of the day guard, whose defensive line crumbled within seconds of the Changeling invasion!” Crescent yelled. His long mangy spiked red and blue locks moving from his eyes revealing one to be red and the other gold, making Hot shot look confused. “First off, is it the drinks in this place or do you have a golden eye?!” Hot slurred, getting spit and alcohol on Crescents face. “Second, that was after I quit, so that's not my fault! If I was there I would’ve beaten the shit outta all those Changelings!” Eclipse held her doll close with her black hooves as strands of her red and purple mane fell over her dark green eyes as she stared at the two arguing stallions. A plan began to form in her head. "Use this to your advantage Eclipse, spread the chaos like a forest fire… Then start a real forest fire!" one of the many voices in her head screamed at her. “No surprise; most day guards run when a real fight starts,” Crescent boasted. “Yeah, before you get your asses kicked!” a pony in the crowd shouted at Hot Shot. “I told you once,” Hot Shot growled as he shifted his hooves and wings into an unrecognizable fighting stance, “I’m no day guard; I’m better than that!” “Say that to my cutie mark in combat!” Crescent Blade lunged at Hot Shot. In the blink of an eye Hot Shot was two hooves to the left from where he was standing a second ago. “Aww, looks like he’s trying to prove himse—” Hot Shot was interrupted by Crescent’s forehoof, which immediately wiped Hot’s stupid grin off of his face. “Proven enough, old timer?” Crescent sneered as he stared at Hot. “Hehe, don’t get too cocky kid.” Hot Shot looked up with a bloody nose. “We’re only just beginni—” “Shit! It’s the cops!” an old stallion shouted. The bar’s double doors busted wide open to reveal four bat ponies in black matted armor. “Alright, break it up! You over there!” they shouted, pointing towards Hot Shot. “For assaulting a guard, you are coming with us as well! Crescent, come with us and bring your prisoner with you!” Crescent grabbed Eclipse and the four ponies grabbed Hot Shot and led them to a police carriage. Hot Shot and Crescent Blade just stared as each other before Hot Shot threw him an evil glare. This made Crescent angry. “Looks like our plan didn’t work, Eclipse. Play it cool for now.” one of her voices told her. They were led to a police-cart with an armed guard inside. He led them both inside the cart. Inside was a small pegasus guard. “Why the hell do I have to be here. You attacked me because your an asshole.” Hot Shot spat at him. “That is no way to address a night guard! Show respect! He is a renowned guard you piece of sh—” A red glow surrounded the private, forcing her back to her seat. “That’s enough, Private Polish,” Crescent growled, making continue to stand her ground. Polish smiled, with a smug look on her face. “What’s with that look private?” he asked her. However, before he could continue, a something and knocked out the other guard.Crescent made an attempt to catch the falling guard, but felt something cold and blunt wallop him in the back of his head. Falling, he saw Eclipse and Hot Shot mimic the action. He couldn't even shout for aid before his consciousness collapsed into a singularity of darkness. Eclipse yawned gently as her vision returned.She saw she was nose to nose with Crescent. Her face remained passive, and she simply lay there before yawning again.. Crescent’s fluffy ears twitched as she yawned as his eyes cracked open. “W-w-what the heck!” Eyes snapping open, he backed away, his cheeks getting tiny hints of red. “What?” Eclipse looked up at him, confused. “Why were you so close to me?!” His voice, hoarse, matched the red growing on his cheeks. “We woke up like that. I was comfortable and didn't feel like moving,” Eclipse said holding Nightbeam to her chest. “Dammit she’s still cute.” Crescent huffed before grumbling as his blush started to fade. “We were knocked out and wake up in damn cave, and you treat it like a nap?” “It was a good nap.” She shrugged. “We don’t see the big deal.” “Well, is everyone ok?” Crescent asked as he regained himself. Eclipse heard some shuffling around and she thought it was Hot Shot waking up. “Ugh. What happened? Did you do this?!” Hot Shot complained, pointing an accusing hoof at Crescent. “Well, we were in a police cart, and now we are in a cave. Any more questions?” Eclipse stated sarcastically. “Eclipse, listen carefully,” another voice said in her head. “I think we are in a bad spot here. However, this could work in our favor.” “Well, no shit! Of course this is bad!” Eclipse said, talking back to the voice. “Um…” Hot Shot was about to ask, but Crescent stopped him. “She was talking to her doll earlier. She has issues, and it’s probably better not to question them now,” he explained. “Oh.” Hot shot said awkwardly. Silence kicked in for a minute before he continued; “Well, at least someone is willing to stay with her, might as well be you.” “Um… I appreciate the sentiment, but she’s just a prisoner I was just doing my duty.” Crescent said equally awkward. “Oh!” Hot shot shuffled his hooves together, not knowing what to do before snickering a bit. “Thought she was a night guard groupie or something.” “She-she was handcuffed to me!” Crescent's blush returned with a vengeance. “You seem the possessive type.” Hot shot shrugged and flapped some dust off his wings. Crescent face hoofed. “Okay. One, fuck you. Two, did you not the hear the part of her being a black mage?!” Eclipse looked up at Crescent's now cheery red face. “Why is your face red, then?” she asked him, confused. “Shut up!” he quickly replied. “The warrior acts like a ten year old accused of having a crush, maybe we can use this immaturity to our advantage.” Another voice, this time female. “Well, you also don't seem the judgemental type either,” Hot shot stated. Crescent facehoofed hard enough to make a slap sound resound throughout. Just take the compliment, Crescent, he thought, frustrated. “Hahahahaha, as much as I would love to keep watching I'm afraid we have business to attend to!” The distorted voice of a pony hidden in shadows said chuckling evilly. He then walked out revealing himself to the three. “You all want to know why we brought you here?” He asked them. “Yeah, what is going on?!” Crescent yelled at the stranger in the cave. “Hmph!” The stranger turned his back to them walking deeper into the shadows. “Want answers then follow.” “I think we should follow him." Hot shot said making Crescent growl lowly. “Are you an idiot!” Eclipse finally got up and got got between the two taller stallions as Crescent snarled at Hot shot. “No but do you have any other ideas?” Hot shot snapped back at Crescent who just huffed. "He’s got you there.” Eclipse said sarcastically. “It's obviously a trap.” Crescent pointed out. “One we could obviously handle.” Eclipse looked up at Crescent optimistically. “You can handle it right?” Crescent’s concern washed away as he couldn't contain a fanged smile. “Obviously, just who the hell do you think I am.” Crescent growled happily. “That book was right about about vespers, always loving a fight.” Eclipse gave a very a tiny smile. “Does he have speech thing, what’s with all the growling?” Hot shot stretched his wings and took flight with Crescent and Eclipse galloping into the darkness of the cave tunnel Crescent’s eyes naturally able to see through the darkness and Eclipse lighting the way for Hot shot. The three came to a lighted area a large dome area with a pillar moonlight in the center revealing the stranger “We have been waiting for your help, Crescent Blade. The two ponies with you make a great deal!” He said, walking closer to the ponies. “So. You want us to join your crew? Not sure how kidnapping us and forcing us into a cave is going to make us cooperate with you. Speak now or I’ll take you down where you stand, you won’t have the drop on me this time!” Eclipse stated, not letting them get the best of her. “I have heard much about you Eclipse. The last freelance Necromancer and dark magic user. You are also very smart, but have no emotions. You also also carry that doll with you and hear voices. We would love to recruit you!” He said towards her. “We don’t trust him. He is hiding something.” They all told her. “I already know that!” She told them, displeased with them. “I am sorry, but I must decline your offer. I don’t like being kidnapped and thrown into a dark cave.” She told him. There was no anger or sadness in her voice, it just held no tone. “And what about you?” He asked, looking at Hot Shot. “Hell no. I have better things to do with my time!” He shouted angrily. “And I have a job to do. So can we be on our way?” Crescent added. “That's too bad, I was hoping this could’ve been easier.” He said. Before anything else could occur, three new pillars of moonlight showed up around them revealing three armors kept in the the air by chains one a rough black and gold chrome a second chrome purple with sickly green chain mail and another a glowing shining fiery red. “The hell?” Crescent unable to look away from the demonic helm staring right at him with white glassy glowing orbs. It looked like a wolf from hell with chrome golden ears and highlights the black metal looking coarse enough that it had been forged from the prison cells of tartarus. “We have so much to offer you, please this is your last chance reconsider,” the Stranger said sounding more and more like a cheap carriage salesman. “I hope you do just imagine what we can do for you.” “You think some fancy armor can sway me.” Hot shot not able to tear his eyes away from the wing armor that ended with polished gleaming blades. “Armor isn't my thing.” Eclipse said with a shrug paying no mind to the glowing glare of the purple wolf helm with rune covered demon horns. Crescent then took a look at his armor, which was the thickest out of all of them. It also seemed to be able to protect against almost all forms of physical attacks, parts of the armor seemed to move and twitch as if it were alive. “Do you think that some fancy armor is enough to buy my loyalty over Equestria? Clearly you haven’t thought this through! You haven't told me once what you can offer me besides some armor.” Crescent told the pony. “So, none of you like our gifts? Well, that isn’t nice, we made them all for you.” The pony explained. “Eclipse, this armor, seems to have something....dark about it......, dark, even for us.” Another voice told her. “I won’t fall for any your tricks.” Eclipse said, pointing her hoof towards the armor. “You and those voices need to learn when to shut up.” The pony told them. More ponies appeared to hold them down. “At least let us explain our true goals, and you will see them!” The pony perched as more ponies came out from the darkness to come and hold them down. Eclipse lit up her horn her eyes searching for the first target. “Back off!” Crescent yelled his horn alight red as he threw the pony off of himself with his magic into the one on top of Hot Shot. Now free he cast a spell conjuring two magical swords. He got onto on his hind hooves and gripped the swords.“Air superiority now!” “Don’t need to tell me twice!” He shot up into the air some of the shadowed ponies spreading their wings and following him. Hot shot managed to reach the top of the dome rock ceiling and kicked off it with enough speed sending him towards the strangers with a trail of friction sparks and enough force to make his hooves feel like a brick as they connected with the other pegasuse's face. “Come and get me!” Crescent yelled as he slashed a shadowed pony across the chest trying his best not to slash too deep. “Enough, you will obey use vesper!” Crescent’s entire body glowed several colors as several unicorns used their telekinesis to try and hold Crescent down. As his legs started to buckle he looked back to the five shadowed unicorns horns glowing in unison and his eyes widen as coarse black chains started to slither like snakes towards him. “Sigh.” Under one of the unicorns arose glowing green ethereal tendrils ensnared him and swung him around like ragdolls into the other the unicorns. In a flash Eclipse appeared in front of them her eyes and horn glowing green. “Over here you witch!” in response he was set aflame with green hellfire. “You owe me.” Eclipse said towards Crescent. Crescent looked around the room. The leader figure from before seemed to have vanished among the chaos, and they were outnumbered by an impressive force. He turned to his impromptu friends. “We need to find a way out of here!” He yelled taking a swing at a unicorn who charged him. “Agreed!” Eclipse yelled back scanning the room for an opening. Hot Shot cracked two of the cultist’s skulls together. “Well it would be rude not to accept their kind gifts wouldn’t it?” Hot Shot flew towards his armor dodging a spell fired from one of the unicorn cultists. “That is a bad idea.” Eclipse said flatly. “That armor is clearly enchanted with dark magic, and I know dark magic.” More cultists seemed to appear from the shadows, and Eclipse couldn’t see a unguarded exit. “I can’t find an escape route!” Eclipse yelled to her comrades. Crescent ran to his armor. “If we can’t find one, we’ll make one!” Eclipse didn’t like the thought of getting in the armor, but knew they couldn’t very well fight them all without the armor on. “Fine,” Eclipse reluctantly agreed. “Besides what’s the worst that could happen.” He reached out for the armor, but before he could grab the helmet chains shot out from the armor wrapping around his foreleg. “The heck!” He yelled as more red chains wrapped around his legs and wings. “Hot shot!” Crescent yelled before black coarse chains wrapped around his forelegs dragging him towards his armor. Crescent managed to cut one of his legs free only for another chain to wrap around his neck strangling him making him gasp and losing the spell his swords disappearing. As chains started to wrap around her legs Eclipse’s legs she realized she didn’t have a spell to stop the armor. She stopped resisting the armor’s force knowing it would make the experience less painful. “What’s happening!” Hot shot yelled as gauntlets with bladed hoof guards were forced onto his legs the metal shifting in size to fit perfectly to his body. A painful scream erupted from Hot shot as chains painfully straightened his wings and legs as the chains dragged the red metal plates onto his body his feathers painfully strapped to the blades of his wing armor. Crescent screamed in agony, a bat like shriek that made some of the cultist cover their ears in pain. The fanged lower metal jaw was forced onto him silencing his pained shrieks. The wind was knocked out of him as the breastplate smashed into his chest and closed the plate covering his back smashing into him, he was forced to his hooves by the chains his hind legs enclosed by the armor even his tail covered by segmented armor with a small blade at the end. Unlike the others Eclipse did not the fight the armor, she knew there would be no resisting it once it latched on. There was no escaping its embrace, the chain mail wrapped around her like a blanket and shrunk to fit her petite body, small chains ripping from it attaching to the plates bringing them closer to her the clawed metal boots fitting like a sock to her legs the light plates gently attaching to her chest and back. “Get it off!” Hot shot flapped his now bladed wings wildly scraping and cutting into the stone ceiling. Despite his resistance the armor found no hindrance attaching itself to Hot shot. “Somepony hel-.” just like Crescent he was silenced by by the red jaw of the helmet enclosing on his own jaw before the chains held him taught. His eyes widened as all he could see was the the inside of the helmet coming closer and closer to his face. Crescent rasped and wheezed being held up by the chains as the golden spiked black pauldrons were lowered on his shoulders, the chains on his back trans-morphing into a tattered black leather cape and similarly small chains dangling from Eclipse’s rear and under her shoulders turned into rune covered cloth in the style of mage robes. “Just stop fighting, it just unnecessary pain.” Eclipse looked letting the helmet slip on over her it's enchantments letting her horn in without a hole or horn sheath. Her mumbled voice quivered with pity. “Please just do it.” The chains holding them completely still their resistance defeated the helmets were lowered on on to their heads masking their faces. “The conjunction is complete!” One of the Shadowed ponies yelled in triumphant. “We’ve done it brothers and sisters!” Another shouted this shadow pony standing in front of Crescent. “We have knighted three new slaves for our order this is a day of triump-” The shadowed pony stopped as he looked upon the tiny skull ornament on the chestplate right under Crescent’s neck. He couldn't look away from it as its glowed as red as Crescents magic. “Um something's up with him!?” A shadowy pegasus yelled seeing the blades on Hot shots wings glow orange from heat. “Master what’s going on?” A shadowy pony asked looking around for their leader as the runes on Eclipse glowed brightly. “Master!?” Crescent’s chains decayed and broke as he grabbed the previously gloating minion by his throat the pure white glare of the helmet punching a hole in his soul. “Mercy mercy mercy, for the love Celestia mercy!” Crescent could feel the strength of five earth ponies once he was in the armor. The demonic looking armor was clearly enchanted to give the wearer strength and protection without slowing them down. It was perfect for him. “Whats......happening..to me.” Crescent held out his hoof a volatile red magic gathering in his hoof. From his wrist a curved sword handle formed. The volatile magic attached to the handle forming a large red curved sabre blade that pulsed and vibrated with power. Hot Shot could feel a similar feeling, and although less protected his armor have him the strength of Crescent’s armor and the speed of a wonderbolt. Eclipse was the odd one out with her armor. Her armor instead of strength or speed gave her enhanced focus for her spells. The chaos of the battlefield around her was made clear as a sunny day and she could easily focus on any spell she knew unhindered, as well as receiving some additional power to her spells. Once all three were armored, the cultists fled down a tunnel. Giving the group their chance. “Hey Eclipse,” Hot Shot said. “I found that opening you were looking for.” He said as he took flight. Eclipse said nothing as she followed. Crescent shortly behind her. The three trotted down the tunnel. It was dimly lit by torches and about ten feet wide. “Ha! We showed them! They ran once we took their fancy toys,” Hot Shot said boasting. Crescent laughed. “Yeah, they fled like cowardly day guards!” “Quiet,” Eclipse told them. “They may hear us.” “And to what?” Hot Shot said back. “Run further?” He started laughing but was cut off when he hit an invisible wall. “Hey! What gives!” He shouted has he punched the wall to not avail. Crescent saw what was happening and backed up, only to find one behind him. “We’re trapped!” He yelled. Figures appeared from the shadows ahead of them. “You can relax now,” The lead hooded figure said. “No need for senseless violence,” he said stepping from the shadows into the torchlight removing his hood. The Pony was a light yellow with a black mane that had a gold streak. “Don’t waste your energy, I’ve got my best casters keeping the force fields up.” “Who are you?” Crescent demanded. “Why have you trapped us here? Do you honestly think after all this we’ll join you?” The pony held up a hoof as to signal for Crescent to stop speaking. “Crescent Blade, a member of the night guards correct?” Crescent nodded and glared. “My name is Thunderbolt Sentinel,” the pony introduced himself as. “I am the pony in charge of our operations here. I tell what ponies where to go, and take to the field myself if I don’t trust my guard to handle it.” “So, you’re the cult leader?” Hot Shot questioned. “No,” Sentinel answered. “I am in charge of many things, but not the cult itself. I am trusted with handling the operations our leader requires of us. Sadly, my soldiers I sent out did not handle things like I had hoped. I asked them to bring you here, and they did so rather thuggish.” He cleared his throat. “Also, the pony I sent in did not explain our goals, but instead merely tried to bribe you with our armor. I will handle things myself in the future.” Eclipse spoke up. “So what do you want then. Nopony has explained it yet.” “We want to make Equestria great again. To help rid the government of corruption and put it back on the right path.” “You’re insane!” Hot Shot yelled. “There’s nothing wrong with the Equestrian government!” “There isn’t?” Sentinel questioned. “A thousand years ago Luna tried to destroy the world, when she returned she tried to do it again and was given a slap on the hoof and her throne back! How many ponies fulfill their talents and never ascend to royal alicorn status, and then the apprentice of Celestia becomes the first in my lifetime? You can’t say it’s a coincidence.” “She saved Equestria multiple times,” Hot Shot pointed out. “With her friends,” Sentinel replied. “Yet she’s the only one. Never did anything alone and took all the glory when it was over.” Crescent retorted. “Like it fucking matters she’s the princess of small damn town, and why do you even care about the friendship council? Because you’re jealous of what you cannot accomplish.” Sentinel flinched. “Jealous? Yes, I am I admit it. I trained my whole life to join the royal guard in fulfill my destiny, to be rejected in the end.” He then turned and looked over to Eclipse, who hasn’t said anything. “What about you Eclipse? I know you don’t feel the same way about the princesses.” Sentinel asked her, hoping to gain her trust. “Honestly? I hate the princesses. They were never there for me, always calling us a monster.” This was the first time her tone showed any signs of emotion, “However, they rule this world better than anyone else has.” “Well, since none of you see what I mean, allow me to show you.” Sentinel said, before revealing a large hole in the tunnel. “Please follow me.” He led them through the tunnel, and Eclipse felt more dark magic at work. “What is with the dark magic?” She asked him. He was taken aback by the question. “What is the difference between dark and light magic? The use? The cause? We use what we have to to defeat a foe more powerful than we could stand against normally.” He smirked. “You of all ponies should understand the use of magic is defined as good or evil by the caster.” They entered a small room where there was several books, notes, and paintings lying around. “They tried to hide this from everypony, but we managed to get a hold of this stuff. This shows what they truly think. Take a look for yourself.” Sentinel explained as he pointed out the stuff in the room. They just stared, not believing what they saw. “This room is full of documents, history books, and other files. The Government kept file of everything it did, but never made it all public. If you wish to read, you’ll find out many things hidden from you before.” The room was full of bookshelves and boxes lined in alphabetical order. “In here is where we keep the documents they meant to destroy or hide from us all. I urge you to read and decide for yourself in the end what you want to do.” He smirked. “No matter what, it won’t end in violence again.” They decided to take a look around to see what was there. They spent what seemed like several hours in the room looking at documents. “This, this can’t be right. She only made Twilight an alicorn in order to gain more power.” Crescent said, still trying to understand what they read. “This doesn’t seem like Celestia at all.” Hot Shot added in. Eclipse could tell something was off with these documents, but wasn’t sure what. They have found things that made Celestia seem tyrannical, and evil, but even she knew those were wrong. Thunderbolt came back in the room again. “He’s going to come back in this room any second, so listen to me. Let’s take him up on his deal, as I have a feeling we can’t say no. We will work with them willingly until we learn more about what is going on. I think it's the best option.” Eclipse explained to them. She knew there was something off, she has dealt with these kind of things before. They both nodded, understanding what she said. “So, what do you all think? Still think we are lying. We want to stop this.” He explained to them. The looks on their faces were confused, anger, and a hint of doubt. “Yes, we will join you.” Eclipse replied. “We see the evil Celestia is, and wish to put a stop to it.” “Excellent! Follow me then. I will give you missions!” Thunderbolt said in a pleasing tone. They have no idea what they got themselves mixed up in now. They were led out of the room back into the tunnel, where they walked into their new jobs. > The First Job > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sentinel lead the trio down a tunnel lit by torchlight. “I’m glad you’ve agreed to work peacefully. Resulting to other methods of compliance can prove stressful to everypony involved. Now, on to your first assignment.” He continued to walk and talk as the trio noticed some cultists flanking them. “Before we go any further,” Hot Shot demanded as he stopped walking, making the cultist behind him almost bump into him. “How come you grabbed us? I’m a retired soldier, Crescent is a rageful foal, and Eclipse is… something. So why go through the trouble to grabbing us?” “You see,” Sentinel said turning around to answer, “I didn’t choose you myself. Our glorious leader chose you. Her will has never before steered me wrong.” They all continued down the hall, eventually reaching a large open cavern that looked like a training room. Various dummies and weapons were placed about, and there were several large obstacle courses. They could see ponies training throughout. “Listen closely,” Sentinel began while sitting at a desk overseeing the room. “The first thing we need you to do is prove yourselves.” “We didn’t do that when we wiped the floor with your goons?” Crescent smirked. “They weren’t even a real challenge!” “This won’t involve combat if you’re smart. I need you to get something for me. A crystal, from the Canterlot castle. You will find it in the vault under the main hall. Trying to fight your way there would be a death sentence, even with your armor. What you’ll need to do is sneak in.” Eclipse answered. “How do we sneak in? This armor doesn’t come off.” “The armor can disguise itself as a piece of generic clothing, such as a necklace like mine is now,” Sentinel said gripping a necklace around his neck with a wolf head as the emblem. “So we’re not the only ones with these suits? Here I thought we were going to be special snowflakes.” Hot Shot laughed. “You can’t have too many of these, though, or everypony would be wearing them.” “It’s true, we don’t have many, but letting you get them was a tactical choice. I’ll explain it later, as for now just try to focus and make the armor something not so suspicious. Try a necklace or an earring.” Eclipse began to focus, thinking of what she would want to make it. She thought the best thing was a anklet around her forehoof. After the transformation, and a bit a work, she had a small purple anklet in the shape of a comet around her left forehoof. She then put her cloak back on. “I know what I want!” Hot Shot focused for a moment and his armor rapidly shifted into a pair of flight goggles with a smaller version of his Cutie Mark on the strap. He adjusted it onto his forehead for a moment before grinning like a colt who just got a new toy. Crescent focused his into a gold bandolier with black pouches. Sentinel grinned at them. “Glad you like the armors so far. They are more powerful than you can imagine. Of course, there are safety measures.” “What kind of safety, and can we take them off at all?” How Shot questioned. “You shouldn’t need to worry about the safety measures, and only those trusted can remove them. I could remove them or my own, but see no point. You can make it look however you want, but never remove it completely,” Sentinel cleared his throat. “Forgive me, I’m rambling.” He gestured to a nearby unicorn cultist to walk over. “If you have any questions, now is the time to ask.” They had no further questions, and so they were blindfolded and led somewhere. Through the blindfolds they could see a flash and feel the tingle of magic. When they removed the blindfolds, they were inside an alleyway in Canterlot. “Well, you are both guards, or were, right?” Eclipse asked them plainly. “Or, at least, Crescent is, and Hot Shot used to be.” “Yea, what about it?” Crescent asked her. “Well, it shouldn’t be hard for either of you to enter the castle then,” she told them. She did have a point. Nobody would think anything weird about it. “But what about you?” Hot Shot asked her, not sure what her plan was. “Why, sneaking into places? You think that's hard for me? I’ve done this kind of work before,” she pointed out, proud of herself. This is different than what we're used to Eclipse. If you get caught, it's over, it pointed out to her. They both looked at her, but then realized who they were talking to, and weren’t surprised. They headed towards the castle located in Canterlot. “So, any plans on how to get into the vault without getting found out? The main hall isn’t exactly empty.” Hot Shot pointed out, and he was right. Getting into the castle wouldn’t be hard, but getting into the vault, that's another story. However, a plan began to form in her head. Well, they are both guards. They could say there are doing some work where the vault is. Of course, getting into the vault safely is a different story. I am going to search the vault with my magic first, and see what kind of vault it is. She explained the plan to them. “And if you can’t get into the vault that way?” Crescent asked. “Then plan B. One of us will force a guard who has access to the vault to open it up for us. Hopefully, it won’t come to that.” With that, her horn glowed green, and she used her spell to find the vault’s location. She had never stole anything from Canterlot before, but she had done this plenty times before. The castle ceiling was high, and the light from the windows left it in the shadows. A perfect place to sneak around in! Hot Shot thought, he flapped his armoured wings. To his surprise, the metal blades did not grind or make a sound. He was completely silent. He grinned like a maniac as he jumped into the air. He effortlessly glided, as if his armour improved his flight ten times more. As Hot Shot was flying around by the window, Crescent walked to the front doors. No reason to sneak if it would cause suspicion. He approached the front doors as the other night guardsmen greeted him. “Hey, Crescent!” the one on his left said—he was a batpony in Lunar Guard armor carrying a spear. “You disappeared last night after the wagon picked you up. The driver said you were there one minute, gone the next.” “Yeah, what happened?” the one on his right questioned, who happened to look the same. “You just vanished. What happened?” Crescent had to think fast. Although not planning on working for the cult, he didn’t want to tell just anypony what happened. It would look bad for him, and it might stop any chance he had of infiltrating if they were watching like Sentinel threatened. “I… I was called off quickly.” He gave a sheepish grin, and the right guard raised an eyebrow. “From the back of the wagon?” He didn’t look convinced. “Well, yeah, the commander flew up the the back of the wagon and needed me for something else.” The guards exchanged looks. “I don’t know, Crescent, that seems fishy,” one of them said. “It’s the truth!” Crescent insisted. “Now, I’ve got a report to file, and I need to go inside.” The two moved out of the way without another word. Crescent walked in, leaving Eclipse outside alone. After Hot Shot and Crescent got inside, Eclipse readied a teleport spell. She vanished in a dull, dark flash, bringing herself inside the castle. Once inside, she begun to look around, and saw the room she was in. She was in one of the several different hallways in the castle. Alright. First thing I need to do is to find the crystal. Eclipse thought to herself. She used a searching spell and begun to walk around the castle, putting her hood over her head. Almost everyone in the castle knew what she looked like, so she took care to hide herself. It wasn’t hard for Crescent or Hot Shot to find the area, and with Eclipse’s tracking spell she soon met up with the other two. All three were in the main hall where the vault should be located. A large statue of Celestia stood off to one side, a fitting location and confirmed by Eclipses spell. According to the spell, the crystal was right under it. “What are we waiting for?” Hot Shot said, walking towards the statue. “Let’s open the vault.” Eclipse stopped him. “Doesn’t it seem odd that there are no guards in here?” Crescent thought for a moment. “Well… if they posted guards in here… it would be more suspicious, right? Ponies would think there was something to guard, right? That must be the reason.” The moment the words left his mouth, he realized how unconvincing—to both himself and his partners—it was. “I guess. Just, be on your guard. I don’t want to fight if we don’t have to,” Eclipse told him. She knew they wouldn’t stand a chance if Celestia showed up. The trio approached the statue looking for any signs of a trap door or switch to open the vault they knew was below. As Crescent tried to figure out the statue’s secrets, Hot Shot and Eclipse stood watch. They knew something was wrong. Why would such an important spot have no guards? It wasn’t long before they heard Crescent. “Got it!” The statue started to rise revealing a staircase beneath it. “Now let’s get it and get out of here.” Crescent hurried into the vault, with the other two shortly behind him. At the bottom of the stairs was a large vault door with the Equestrian flag on it. The door looked like it weighed at least a ton and was pure steel, probably enchanted to boot. Worst of all, there was an intricate system of locks in view and most likely out of view as well. In order to open it, they would need a combination and a key. “Well, this makes things complicated,” Hot Shot complained. “Yeah, no kidding,” Crescent said looking at the locks. “I don’t even think I could break into this.” “I also sense a magic enchantment on it, so I can’t use my magic on it,” Eclipse added. “It is the palace of Celestia and Luna; what do you expect? They’ve got to have top notch security,” Hot Shot said adding his opinion in. “But if we can still blow it up is the question…” “Do you really want us to get caught?” Crescent deadpanned. “Do you have any better ideas?” Eclipse butted in. “Point taken.” They stared onto the massive cold steel vault, thinking of a way to crack it open. “Well, it needs a key and a code right? We should try and find those, or forge them if possible?” Eclipse added in. She wasn’t sure where she would begin, but she knew it was the only other action. “Well then, where do you suppose we look?” Hot Shot added, wanting to speed this up. “There’s a security office on the second floor,” Crescent added. “I remember when they put it in. If there’s a key, it’s there.” “But isn’t this inside a mountain?” Hot Shot asked “Yeah. So?” “So how do we know we’re not on the 100th floor?” he continued. “And even if we do know what floor we’re on, how do we know which one is the ground floor or we’re not in the basement?” “Well, I could do a small scan with my magic to see,” Eclipse pointed out. She began a spell. Eclipse scanned the castle with her magic, she could see the floor above them had the office they were seeking. “It’s above us, we’ll need to go to the next floor.” “It’s settled then,” Crescent said starting to walk towards the exit to the room. “We go up to the next floor.” “Yeah, they’ll just let us walk up there,” Hot Shot said rolling his eyes. “Likely story.” Crescent thought for a moment, putting a hoof on his chin. “Maybe not you two, but me. They think I’m back, so they won’t suspect anything. You two wait here.” “Oh, the hell you’ll be leavin’ me here!” Hot Shot replied in a sassy tone. “I’m going with you; this place creeps the shit outta me.” “Hot Shot, stay. I will be with you. We can’t mess things up now,” Eclipse said, as she made her horn glow. “Or will I have to make you stay?” “Alright, I’ll stay. Jeez, girl,” Hot Shot whined, sitting down. Eclipse then turned to Crescent. “Be careful, they might be onto us.” She added. He nodded as he was about to leave, but heard a voice boom into the hall. “Crescent Blade!” a voice yelled out to him. It was the commander's voice. Oh shit, he thought.. He turned around to see his commander looking at him. “Where did you run off too? I heard you told others I called you. Explain yourself!” he demanded. Crescent had to think fast. “I was told I got orders from you to have a change of plans, sir. I was told to take Eclipse to a different location.. “I gave no such orders. Explain yourself, where did you get these orders from?” The commander stared Crescent down. Clearly he wasn’t going to bluff his way out of this one, and fighting would be bad against the commander and trained soldiers, but what choice did he have? The cult could be listening in and betraying them would be bad too, if the armor was really controlled by them. It was do or die, and he had to think of something fast. “Mind control,” Eclipse said as she walked past him. “I took these two over and broke in here. The will of two overly cocky soldiers is nothing compared to a master of dark magic.” “You understand you’re admitting to one of the most vile crimes in the Equestrian Crimes Code?” the commander questioned her. “Why stop fighting now after coming back? Don’t you fear dungeon time?” “Time spent behind stone walls is nothing but a trivial nuisance. I’ll likely outlive your sentence,” Eclipse said flatly and monotoned, giving the guard commander a soulless stare into his yellow batpony eyes. The commander shivered. “Take this… thing… to the dungeons,” the commander ordered. “Take the other two to the medical ward. I want to make sure they’re not hurt or still under some form of spell.” Guards followed into the room surrounding the trio and cast a spell over all of them. Eclipse felt cut off from her advanced spells as a white aura glowed, and then they all passed out. When Cresent regained consciousness, he realized he was strapped to a hospital bed in the medical ward. Beside him was a still unconscious Hot Shot. Crescent tested his restraints, trying to loosen them and free his forehooves. “Wake up, you old bastard.” Crescent’s horn flared and his telekinesis launched a medical tray right into Hot shot’s face. “What—fuck!” Hot shot yelled, his cheek purple and bruised. “I told you, I’m not old!” “Quiet down,” Crescent demanded as he used his magic to make a small magical blade cut the straps holding him down. “I’m in no mood for any of your shit right now.” As soon as Crescent was free of his straps, his horn pulsed and moved his knife to cut Hot Shot’s straps. “The hell, Crescent! Stop!” Hot shot yelled as the knife flew around him. “I said stop yelling, you moron.” As soon as the last strap was cut Crescent dispelled his weapon. “Geez! What stick crawled up your ass, you jerk?!” “The same stick I’m gonna lodge into your eye socket if you don’t stop talking,” he deadpanned, silencing Hot Shot for good. The two of them heard a door open as a doctor and a couple guards walked in. “We step out for one moment, and you awaken and start trouble?” The doctor looked at the two sternly. “What is the meaning of this? Where did you even get a weapon to cut the straps?” He looked to the guard. “They must still be under control of that Eclipse pony. Have them sedated again and get another spell purge scroll; this control is tougher than we thought.” “Good job Crescent, real great job,” Hot Shot he mumbled as the guards came over with a syringe to sedate them. “Wait, wait, wait!” Crescent shouted towards them. “We're fine, I swear. We were confused was all.” He then winked towards Hot Shot. The older pony was at first confused, but then quickly caught on.. “That's right, I don't even know where I am.” Hot Shot added. They needed to make this seem real. “Well, let us run a test to be sure. This is dark magic after all.” one of the guards explained. They both sighed, wondering what happened to Eclipse, and why she was helping. Eclipse awoke in her cell, Nightbeam still in her hooves. She tried to use her magic, but she was cut off from it. She could summon the armor, but thought it best to keep it hidden. “So, the monster finally wakes up.” She knew that voice from the commander earlier. “Do you know how much trouble you've caused us, Eclipse?” “No, but I really don't care. We all have to make a living somehow,” she said in a mocking tone. “Well then, you will find out. Princess Celestia is coming to see you soon. Don't bother with your magic, you can't use it” he said with glee, walking away. “Wait!” Eclipse yelled, having a pleading look in her eyes, “Can you at least tell me what will happen to me?” “Banishment or execution at best,” he stated. > The Failing Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Eclipse, wake up,” she heard a soft voice tell her. When she opened her eyes, she saw Princess Celestia with a few guards. “Hello, Princess,” Eclipse said, bowing. As much of a rogue she was, Eclipse knew that in the presence of a pony who could—quite literally—banish her to the moon, manners could be a saving grace. “Well, Eclipse, I want you to explain your actions and why you did what you did. I will then read your list of crimes,” the Princess told her. “Well, I'm crazy. I hear the voices.” Eclipse explained. “And you do so without a hint of regret.” “It’s not like I have the emotions to care for my actions.” Eclipse scoffed a little. “As if I’d need them!” Princess Celestia stomped her hoof on the floor. “Very well, Eclipse,, here are your crimes: robbery, usage of black magic, mind control, avoiding arrest.” She paused, letting the crimes sink in, before resuming speaking. “However, if what you say is true, I want to help.” Eclipse didn't reply. Celestia walked around Eclipse, explaining what she meant.. “There is a special school for talented unicorns such as yourself, they can teach you to cope with these voices and harness your ability for the greater good.” Eclipse still said nothing. “I’m going to try to help you, but you need to release them from your spell,” Celestia explained. “They aren’t under a spell anymore,” Eclipse told her. Celestia stood there, taking in what she just heard. “So, you’ve released them?” Celestia asked her, confused. “Sure.” Of course it was a lie, but Eclipse needed her to leave, as she needed to form a plan to escape. Plus, Eclipse felt fear from Celestia, as she knew what power she had. Celestia walked away, leaving her alone. Celestia looked at her, then looked at the guards who shared that look with her. “Well then, I am going to go talk to someone who can help you with your issues. I will return soon,” She said, before leaving. Something about her voice told Eclipse that she wasn’t totally buying the story. It was surprising, then, that she had even bothered to give the strange unicorn the benefit of the doubt.. Eclipse stood there, watching her leave, taking in what she said. Help? she thought. I don’t need help. No help at all. What I need is to get out of here. “Any requests for dinner? I imagine you must be hungry,” said the commander. His voice, in a dry, sarcastic tone, carried an air of boredom with each word uttered. In a biting snarl of a tone, Eclipse replied, “Hmmm. To start, I’ll have the tomato soup, with crispy croutons. Then for the main, I’d like some tomato and basil pasta. And for dessert a nice black forest gateau, with whipped cream.” “Bread and water it is,” said the commander with a chuckle. He walked back down the path between the cells, fading into the darkness. “And Nightbeam wants salad!” Eclipse called out from behind the bars. More chuckles responded, growing fainter and fainter until Eclipse was finally alone. It took hours for Crescent and Hot Shot to convince the Royal Guard they weren’t under any spell, but eventually they were let out of the medical ward. The guard commander from the night before stood before them, tired. The Commander whinnied lightly to vainly keep himself awake.“Alright, you two are free to go. Crescent, be back for night watch tomorrow, and Hot Shot, you’re free to go.” He yawned. “We’ll deal with that savage appropriately, don’t worry.” Crescent and Hot Shot looked at each other. This wasn’t going well. Hot Shot would be expected to leave the castle and Eclipse was in jail. They also knew the cult was watching them and wouldn’t likely risk the loss of their armor considering the value of each suit. It was clear they needed either a counter-plan or some sort of assistance. Maybe they could turn on the cult? Report it? But then again, there wasn’t any proof of their misdeeds besides the armor. Though, that wasn’t saying much; teleporting in and out while being in possession of armor possible made of dark magic had a nasty habit of ruining any sort of credibility. It was a rock-ina-hard-place situation, and they obviously needed some help from the cult or a good plan. For now though, it was important not to break cover. Crescent saluted the commander. “Understood, sir.” “Good,” the commander replied while rubbing his eyes. “This night has been a nightmare. Too much paperwork, I tell ya; my shift should have ended four hours ago. I’ll see you tonight, Crescent. I’ll need a full report on what happened.” With that the commander left the two of them standing there, wondering what their next move would be. “We need to get Eclipse out of prison,.” Crescent finally said. “But I have no clue how to do just that.” “I agree,” Hot Shot said with a nod. “There’s got to be an entire battalion of guard between us and her. Not to mention we’d be in serious trouble with a direct approach. I think we need to contact the cult for help.” “Contact the cult? Are you mad?” Crescent answered. “We’d look like failures! They tasked us with this to prove our loyalty, remember? We’ll never get in if we don’t succeed.” “That’s exactly why we should contact them. If they want it so bad, they’ll send help for us,” Hot Shot said sternly. He emphasized his point by stomping a hoof against the ground. “And remember where your loyalties lie. Remember why we’re doing this.” Almost violently, as an anchor of dread filled his stomach, Crescent realized he had no idea why he had even agreed to this. Some cult kidnapped him and told him to essentially commit treason by stealing from the vault—in the very castle he was supposed to guard, under the noses of the beloved rulers, no less! “Right, yeah, I remember,” Crescent said with a nervous smile. Hot Shot suddenly had an idea. He turned to Crescent with a smirk on his face. “What’s with that smile?” asked Crescent. “I just had a great idea!” said Hotshot. “That must have be a new experience for you” chuckled Crescent “Ha ha, very funny. Do you want to hear it or not?” Crescent looked around, to make sure nopony is nearby. Then, he nodded.. “Okay, then, go for it.” “Well, I was thinking. Our armour hides our faces and bodies, right? So why don’t we use it to bust out Eclipse, and break into the vault. Then we can all escape!” said Hotshot with a proud smile on his muzzle. Crescent sighed. “Under normal circumstances, I’d say that’s a stupid idea. But…” As he trailed off, he turned, and began walking towards the area with the vault. “These aren’t normal circumstances. Plus, I don’t really have any better ideas, and sometimes psychos like you are right.” “I’m not a psycho,” Hot shot said matter of factly. “And where you going?” “The vault, since i’m out of shits to give I’m just gonna rip the vault open with the armor,” Crescent. “Is that possible?” “If not, then I’ll make it possible,” Crescent turned a corner out of sight. “Give the guards a big distraction for me!” “Might as well.” Hot shot smirked before a thought hit him. “I hope Celestia isn't in the mood to fight.” The vault door remained as impassible and impressionable as ever. Crescent’s hard, flat look could not pierce its bronze shell. He stared long and hard at it, analyzing the structure for any weak points. Crescent walked down the steps giving the vault door a flat look, and it seemed rather empty inside. ”What did that yellow guy say again? Just think it and the armor responds?” Crescent focused a bit and soon both of his forehooves were covered in the armor’s coarse, black metal. He raised one of his hooves before punching the massive, heavily enchanted, ton of pure steel door. In a defying clang, it bounced off, sending a painful shock down his entire body. Apparently the door was not going to play nice. Hot Shot soon found himself deeper in the castle than he’d have liked. He distracted some more guards simply by going back in and running. In doing so, he was given the chance to kill them; yet, each time, he refrained from doing the act. He ran deeper and deeper into the castle, heading down more flights of stairs; then he remembered the castle having a dungeon. The dungeon were not like the beautiful castle upstairs, but dark, damp, and cold. It was quiet and empty, and seemed to have been forgotten. He was confident he had lost the guards after him; then, he heard voices up ahead. “And you’re not to let her out of her cell for any reason. The enchantments should block out all magic from being cast, but she’s still a threat if she escapes.” The voice was clearly an officer or official of some kind, most likely talking to guards. “They must be talking about Eclipse. Who else could it be?” Hot Shot as he walked forward. He quietly trotted down the tunnel, trying to keep to the shadows. The sound of clip-clopping indicated hoofsteps coming his way. . He quickly ducked into a dark corner of the hall and he saw a pony walk past. The pony looked like he was wearing heavy Royal Guard armor, with a full helmet and carrying a large halberd. Hot Shot had never seen a Royal Guard armored like he was, but he had no time to question it then. He knew he had to free Eclipse while he was here, or at least make sure she was okay. He crept down the hall as the heavily armored soldier clanked past him. Eventually he could see to Royal Guards standing in front of a heavily chained iron door. After concluding that those two must have been the ones whom the previous guard had been talking to, he thought for a second on how he would get past them.. They were in the way, and there was no way to sneak forward. If he just charged at them they’d at least be able to raise the alarm before he could bring them down….unless... The armor! His suit made him faster than he’d ever gone before, and he was sure he could make it to the end of the hall with no real issue and bring them down before they could call for help. He issued the command, and the armor covered his body again. He could feel the power coursing through him. He bolted; in an instant he was on top of them. “Huh?” was all one of the two could mutter before they were both out cold on the ground. A quick search of the two rewarded the key to the cell. He quickly opened the door and peeked inside. There he could see Eclipse chained to the wall. Hot Shot quickly looked around before shutting the stone door behind him. Eclipse peeked up and saw him. “Oh, hi, Hot Shot,” she said in her usual tone. “So you do care about me after all. What a surprise.” “Well, if I were to leave you, who knows what the cult would do. I really don’t.” Hot Shot puffed, trying to make himself feel better. He really did care about the young mare, even if she was strange. “Anyway, do you have a plan to get us, and the crystal, out of here? I really don’t feel like going to an insane asylum,” she told him. “Easy. The armor should do the trick.” Going over to the chain, he pulled on it and triedt o cut it with his wings. He soon broke the chain off, and Eclipse was able to stand, barely. “Ah, sorry,” she said, noticing his somewhat concerned look. “They didn’t give me much food, and well, the captain sorta beat me a bit. Thought he could break me. He really didn’t.” “I can tell.” Hot Shot turned, and began walking out. “Anyway, do you have a plan?” she asked, walking the best she could. “Crescent is going to find the crystal and we plan to get out here. There are a few guards outside, you up for a fight?” Hot Shot asked her. “Honestly, no. My magic is gone and drained, and not even the armor was on. I need to get Nightbeam back as well.” “That worthless doll?” “I need Nightbeam.” Suddenly, she had her hooves on his shoulders. Her eyes, wide and wanting, stared back into his. Hot Shot sensed something he had thought Eclipse was incapable of expressing: earnestness. “Please,” she added, and her tone of voice reflected the plea. After a moment, Hot Shot nodded. “Alright, I will distract them. Get what you need and meet us back in the main hall.” Hot Shot once again set out to distract the guards as Eclipse moved towards the captain’s room. As Hot Shot rounded the corner out of view, Eclipse slipped into the Captain’s room. He was busy writing at a desk and had not seen her yet. Many thoughts of what to do to him floated around in her head, each with a separate voice. This pony had beaten, threatened, and done terrible things to Eclipse to get what he wanted to hear out of her. He had nearly killed her twice in the process and it was unlikely Celestia either knew about the pony’s methods or cared to ask for plausible deniability. She could hear him mumbling. “With two weeks….hmm...no….add three.” Eclipse’s magic was drained, but not completely depleted like she had told Hot Shot. The armor now free from the rooms’s magical repression, she could feel tugging at her mind, as if asking to be used again. She silently called upon her armor and could feel it recharging her magic, quickly regaining her lost power. Instinctively, she knew whatever black magic went into these suits was beyond ordinary capabilities of ponies. “I know you’re here.” The Captain looked up from his work. “And I know what you’re going to do to me.” “Then you might as well not struggle.” A magical aura emitted from her horn, and she pointed it towards his neck. “Tell me what I need to know.” Looking at her, without a hint of fear in his eyes, the captain said, “Like I would tell a monster like you.”. “You really shouldn’t be fighting me right now,” Eclipse said, staring back at him. I can make you feel pain like you never felt before.” She used her magic to slowly lift him into the air. A poison spell shot from her horn and towards him, causing him to start coughing blood. “Now tell me where Nightbeam is,” Eclipse told him, weakening her magic so he could speak. “I… don’t know… who that is.” “My doll. What did you do with him?” She then threw him against the wall, this time firing a few magical blasts towards him. “I... I...I tossed it in the trash...” He pointed to the small trash bin right next to his desk. She scurried over to it grabbing her doll from it and hugging it close to her chest breathing a sigh of relieve of relief. She opened up her chest piece and stored Nightbeam in there to keep her safe. “I was going to incinerate it too” “You wanted to burn my friend?” Her jaw cracked, and with a pulse from her horn, she raised him in her telekinesis grip. She applied a forcefield around him as she cast a fire spell. “Then you shall have the same fate as you had tried to give to him” She walked away from the captain as his body caught fire, slowly burning off his skin. The fire making it’s way to his face. His agonizing screams pierced the air as Eclipse walked away with a satisfied grin. [img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTP97Q2Kxtt7YX9jtpZFIluTpeGz4q9vJgAIANOLy1vxqRPO-mHbA[/img ] Crescent ran up to the office as the desk clerk called guards were busy going around the room with communication devices trying to asses the situation. “Is the guy red or gold!?” “Wait he broke out one of the prisoners, which one!?” “Is he flying in or out of the castle, which one is it!?” Crescent approached one of the guards. “Soldier i require your assistance.” “I’m sorry Lieutenant, but we have our hooves full as it seems, there’s some armored mercenary or thief in red armor causing chaos on floor 2 or 3 or both for all we know!” The guard in command threw up his hooves as he neighed in frustration. “Wait,” A unicorn guard butted in, “I’m getting reports that he may have just broken into the 3rd and 4th floor.” “I”m aware soldier, i believe it might be a misdirect!” Crescent replied to the commander grabbing the his attention as more and more ponies rushed back and forth in the confusion. “What do you mean sir?” “I believe it might be a misdirect for the captured prisoner Eclipse to steal from the vault!” “How would you know!?” One of them asked. “I’ve seen these tactics before.” “Where?” “The changeling attack on Canterlot! I think changelings are trying to break in and steal something from it! They did the same thing during the wedding when nopony was watching out for the vault and it caused us no end of trouble to get the artifact they stole back!” Crescent smashed his hoof into the desk. “I need the vault key to get in there and see if Eclipse got in somehow and if not guard it!” “But the wards!” One in the back yelled. “She has black magic, she can do stuff we can barely imagine she could have phased through the door!” Crescent yelled before thinking on what he said ”Wait....would that have worked?” “I’ll go with you sir!” A mare private grabbed the key with her fumbling hooves before running to Crescent. Who stopped her by putting his hoof on her shoulder and staring deeply into her eyes. “No, private those Guards need you to help assess their situation and help them organize ,without you those ponies could die, all i can do now is look around a dusty vault but you, you can do so much more me than me right now.” The young mare sniffed at his words before giving him a salute. “You're right sir, I’ll do my best!” Crescent smiled at her before grabbing the key. “I expect nothing less, go assess the tartarus out the situation!” She ran back to her desk grabbing her communication devices and yelling out information. Crescent smirking victoriously ran out the door and back to the vault. Crescent used the key to unlock the door. The vault door’s locks started to unlock and the spells keeping the door from harm fell. The gigantic door opened with a grind and inside was a lone crystal on a pedestal, seemingly the only item in the entire vault. It was obvious to Crescent that the crystal was in here alone for a reason, and the cult wanted it for something big if they would infiltrate Canterlot Castle just for the crystal alone. “Okay let's see if i can just grab it, or if i’m going to have to pull a daring do.” Deciding to play it safe he formed his armor over his hooves as he reached for the crystal. “Hi” Crescent jumped at the sudden noise bumping the pedestal knocking the crystal on the floor. “Sweet Luna, Eclipse.” Crescent cursed glaring at the black mage of a mare. “Let’s grab it and go, i’m sick of this castle” Eclipse grabbed the crystal in her magic and put it in her tattered cloak. “At least alarm didn’t go off.” Crescent said with a sigh of relief before he heard the sound of galloping nearby. “You do know silent alarms exist, right?” Crescents eye twitched as Eclipse’s horn started to glow. “Son of a bi-” Crescent’s curse was cut short by the Eclipse teleporting them out. “How did they get so organized!” Hot shot yelled pinned to corner of a hallway using his wing to shield from the constant volley of arrows and crossbow bolts. One minute he was flying around toying with them before a grapple hook forced him to crash into a hallway where a group of guards were waiting two forcing him into a corner with a twin attack from warhammers and now forced to use his wings as shields instead of flying away. “Ugh.” Crescent moaned in annoyance from the shadows as his armor started to form around him. “Eclipse teleport me above them.” “Okay!” Hot shot yelled as a throwing axe nearly missed his knee. “I’m officially willing to talk!” “No your not!” the ceiling above collapsed as the black ironclad warrior, Crescent, crashed between the guards and Hot shot the arrows bouncing off his massive glowing red claymore. “We got what we need, let's go!” Crescent swung his sword sending a magical shockwave that not only sent the guards into the wall hard enough to embed them in the stone and broke all the windows in the hallway. “Oh shit!” Crescent panicked not intending to give his swing that much power. “Eclipse get us out of here!” Eclipse rolled her eyes before teleporting them away as her entire armor glowed powering up her spell. The trio arrived in the room they left from, several of the cultists including Sentinel were waiting for them. Once they arrived, Sentinel approached them. “Although it was a bit choppy, you got the job done. The crystal if you please?” He held out his hoof. Crescent raised an eyebrow at him. “We went through all the trouble to get it, I think you owe us at least an explanation as to why the cult wanted it so badly.” He held out the crystal and Sentinel took it from him. “I doubt you would understand, but then again, I frankly don’t fully grasp our leader’s plan. She needs this for something, that’s the most of what I know to be completely honest. She’s very careful with who she tells and what she says. It’s a powerful artifact and we, the cult, need it in our plans to overthrow Celestia and the other princesses. Is that good enough for you?” Crescent wasn’t happy with the little information he was given. After all the risk they took to steal the crystal, they were given almost no risk, and as of yet, no reward. Sentinel continued. “I would like you to take it easier on future missions. That guard captain didn’t need to die and it was supposed to be a stealth operation. I guess I am to blame as well however, as that kind of mission doesn’t fit all your skill sets. I have something more your speed prepared now.” He pulled out a map and gave it to Hot Shot. “Wait what about killing the captain?” Crescent turned to glare at Eclipse. “You didn’t?” “How do you know it was me?” Eclipse shrugged at his glare. “It’s obvious you're already a criminal, and you were the closest one to him!” Crescent yelled. “They are gonna hunt us down if we’re not careful about hiding our identities!” “What about his family and friends?” Hot shot pointed out. “Fuck him, he was an asshole with a torturing fetish.” Crescent said “I’m more concerned with him being the captain.” Sentinel cut in. “We don’t kill ponies if it can be avoided. Understand that we’re not murderers. I don’t care who he was, he didn’t have to die. Now the Royal Guard is on the lookout for ponies with your armors. You need to make sure not to be caught. If you’re not careful, they may catch onto us and it’s not good for any of us. Petty revenge can be dealt with on your own time, but not when you’re working for me or my master.” Sentinel cleared his throat. “I’m not going to let you slaughter ponies. We’re the good guys remember? I don’t care what he did to you or why you hated him, his death was unnecessary and a risk to us all.” He glared at Crescent. “You need to train. Clearly you’re not in full control of your abilities in the armor, and if any of those soldiers in the castle died from your attack, it’s all on you.” “....what?” Crescent sat back on his haunches. “No, no i just hospitalized them, they'll live” “I can’t be so sure.” Sentinel said sternly. “You sent them into the stone walls. The armor the guards wear isn’t built that strong. By Celestia, you broke the windows with the force of impact!” He cleared his throat and lowered his voice. “Let me be clear, either learn to restrain yourself in the armor, or don’t use it. It powers us up drastically as you witnessed. Practice when you can, it’s better to be safe than have dead ponies as a result of our actions.” “I’ve killed before, but not like that they were doing their jobs not attacking innocents or trying to kill someone, i...i..i’m a murderer now.” Sentinel reminded him. “We don’t know if they’re dead either. However we can’t erase the past, what’s done is done. You have three days before you need to get to work following that map. Get your affairs straightened out and make sure your departures aren’t suspicious…..you specifically Crescent, as a member of the guard you need to be extra careful.” “You're right, I need to return this.” Crescent held up the key. “Eclipse blast me with a spell, make it look like you knocked me out.” Eclipse shrugged and hit him hard with a blast of magic, enough to knock him down and leave an impressive scorch mark on his chest, and leave him in serious pain.. “Thanks.” He wheezed out. “I’ll tell them you knocked me out.” Sentinel frowned. “That’s a bit excessive, but it’s believable. I’ll have some of my men heal you, but the mark will remain. You’ll need it anyways.” “Alright, I’ll be here. They will have me leave at some point. You two need to leave.” Crescent explained. Sentinel soon left with the crystal and hoof, leaving the three of them in the room. “Well, they haven’t seen Hot Shot’s face, and they already know Eclipse escaped.” “They could get suspicious that you would absent for so long” Hot Shot said. “That’s why i got to go.” Crescent got back to his hooves as he nodded towards Eclipse as her horn glowed and teleported him back. Crescent leaned against the wall as the scenery changed to that of canterlot castle. “Let’s do this.” Crescent moaned out as he began to limp his way to the office. Mumbling curses as he limped up the stairs to the office. “Lieutenant!” the mare private from earlier ran up to him and supported his weight enough to help him stand up properly. “What happened!?” “The bitch blasted me, she took whatever was in the vault.” Crescent hoofed over her the key. “I failed.” “There’s no time for that, i’m taking you to a medic.” Despite being a petite mare she had no problem as she hooked his injured leg over her withers and started to easily guide him out the door. “Thank you private, sorry i never caught your name.” The private smiled at him. “It’s private Squeaky Clean.” Crescent snickered and smiled at her. “Cute name.” She blushed and smiled. “Thank you sir.” Squeaky kept guiding him to the medic until they were both stopped in their tracks by a voice that made Crescent grind in his teeth “Excuse me Lt. Blade, i believe you can shed some lights on recent events.” A voice spoke from behind the both of them. ”Oh great Celestia’s lap dog.” With Squeaky’s help he turned to face Princess Twilight sparkle and her pupil Starlight in tow. “It’s good to see you again Princess.” Crescent seeth bearing his fangs > Losing and Assuming Control > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hello, Lieutenant.” Twilight stood tall in full Princess attire; clearly, she was trying her best to appear regal. “I just have a few questions for you.” “Sorry, Princess Sparkle, but Lt. Blade needs to see a medic.” Squeaky pointed to the burnt side of his chest. “He was injured by one of those monsters.” “Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got him.” Starlight’s horn glowed and the pain Crescent had felt started to disappear as the glow spread from his wound to his entire body. “Huh?” Crescent removed his leg from Squeaky Clean. The pain was gone; he was able to fully move again.. He grumbled as he tried to give Starlight a smile that didn’t look forced. “Thank you.” “Oh, no problem, I’ve been healing the injured guards since the attack ended.” Starlight, a cocky tone in her voice. “I heard three were seriously injured. Are they okay?” Squeaky asked which made Starlight’s mood drop. “Currently one of them is in a comatose state,” she said, looking down at her hooves “The other two are on life support at the moment. They may have been permanently paralyzed ” Crescent gulped as he tried to hide his guilt. “Do you think they’ll make it?” “They’ve been moved to the upper hospital where professionals are working day and night,” she said, noticing the gloomy vibe “I understand you worked closely with some of them. But I’m sure they’ll make it.” “And that’s why we came to see you.” Twilight looked Crescent right in the eye. “Before he slipped into his coma, the guard described a third attacker.” “Yeah?” Crescent tried to play dumb. “No one else saw this one, but I think you might be able to shed some light.” Twilight ruffled her wings “And the info guards told us you went to the vault to see if it was okay, and no one had seen you for nearly an hour only for you to suddenly pop up saying one of them sneaked attack you.” “What are you implying?” Crescent said, with a growl that made a chill pass down Squeaky’s spine. “Princess, what you are implying can’t be true! Why would he help them?” Squeaky spoke, her voice squeaking a bit. “What i’m implying is that the third attacker was the one who snuck up on him.” Twilight spoke giving them an odd look. “Since according to the guards we’ve been helping the other attackers were nowhere near the vault at the time. Crescent snorted in annoyance at her. “No i wasn’t attacked by the third one i didn’t see him, i was attacked by Eclipse she teleported in blasting me and when she teleported out i tried to tackle her ending up in some random hallway spending an hour crawling to the info guys.” Crescent snarled at her before turning away from the two mares in mock offence. “You say a him?” Twilight’s eyes narrowed “Because for someone who hasn't seen the third one, you know his gender when i didn't say it.” “I use him as a general term” He smiled nervously “Haven’t you ever hear of gender assumption?” “That’s fair but i nearly forgot something.” Twilight’s horn flared capturing him in her telekinetic hold. “Eclipse putting a mind control spell on you!” Starlight yelled teleporting in front of Crescent shooting a magic beam right for his head. ”This dispel beam might give him a migraine, but we’ll free him-WHAT!?” Almost like his hooves weren’t restrained at all he raised them in time to block the beam. ”Wait no i didn’t!” Crescent opened his previously clenched eyes to see the black armored gauntlets that shielded his face and Twilight’s telekinetic hold now shattered like glass. His eyes wide in shock he stared at Starlight and Twilight were glaring at him. But his heart felt a sharp sting of guilt as Squeaky Clean stared up at him with tear filled eyes. “You killed..our fellow...guards!” “Wait let me explain!” Crescent tried to explain as a beam from twilight struck him in the back knocking him to the ground. “Hold him down, whatever spell she used must be strong!.” Starlight yelled trying to blast Crescent’s head his gauntlets buffering the beams and starting to shake as Twilight tried to force his limbs down. ”YoU fOOl You BLeW yOuR CoVER!” Crescent felt with sharp sting in his mind with each word of the voice. Crescent rolled over and managed to get to his hind hooves before Twilight telekinesis forced him into a corner as Starlight continued to blast him her beams painfully striking his hind legs and sides. ”DEFenD YoUrSElf you FoOl, EVeN WithOut yOUR coVeR yOUr StiLL of Use to usE US!” The voice shouted as Crescent felt a tingle all over his body and soon slowly more his armor started to cover his body piece by piece. And as the attacks kept on coming his armour still thickened layer after layer. ’No..i..don’t want to hurt them!” “WE WILL NOT HAVE OUR ‘resource’ WASTED DYING LIKE A CORNERED RAT!” With a painful roar from Crescent the helmet jaw snapped closed forming around his head With a mighty roar Crescent grabbed the marble column ripping it from floor and ceiling before tossing it like a javelin at Starlight. And with a green flash of her teleportation telling him she dodged Crescent jumped out of a stain glass window. ”EsCApe tHe cITy NOw!” Crescent jumped to a nearby lower and with the help of two small blades on the wrists of his hooves clung to the tower stabling himself. ”GeT tO ThE CitY liMiTs aN AgENt wIlL bE waiTIng To Teleport yOU!” Before Crescent could jump twin beams of of purple and green connected with him with the force of a steam engine train. Sent flying from the tower and through another smaller lookout tower Crescent crash landed into a courtyard within the castle walls. “Uhhh...” Crescent moaned in pained feeling every part of his body stinging with pain. With his cloudy vision he could some pieces of his armor were now broken off even the right side of his helmet now in parts somehow still connected to his suit by tiny strings. ”...tiny..chains?” Crescent could swear with his returning vision he could see the tiny chains pull the broken parts back to him. He heard a gasp and turned to see a more than a massive group of guards standing there both young and old some wearing full armor other in trainee gear they all stared at him a lot of them easily recognizing him by the exposed gold slitted eye and tufts of red and blue mane that was open to the world by the broken helmet. Crescent groaned as the thought hit him like Twilight and Starlight’s beam. ”I’m in the training grounds aren’t i.” “Attention all available guards!” Twilight's voice ringed out throughout the castle with the help of the royal canterlot voice. “Lt. Crescent Blade is a traitor, he was the third attacker capture him at all costs!” “Raah” Crescent yelled as a poorly thrown spear cut his cheek. The spear thrown by a young trainee barely out of colthood glaring at Crescent with all the hate he could muster. “You bastard those were my friends you hurt!” Crescent reached out his hoof toward the colt. “Wait i can-” Crescent was stopped short as a throwing axe bounced off his still repairing helmet sending a wave a pain through his sore body. He turned and saw an older noble looking pony most likely the son of some higher up. “I knew we couldn't trust a foul half bat pony mongrel.” With a quick use of magic he tossed a warhammer with enough force knock crescent over to his side. “There entire our nothing more than foul beasts, having a horn instead wings makes him no different!” “No i was for-” Crescent was cut off as a beam blue magic bounced of his shoulder armor. He looked up and saw a line of unicorns and archers lining the walls surrounding the courtyard. ”ThEy'Re nOt EvEN bOTherInG TO LiSTeN tO You.” Even with his armor repairing itself Crescent could feel every impact of every magic beam arrow and throwing weapon they felt like throwing at him. “Traitor!” “Freak!” “Monster” Crescent could hear among many other insults shouted at him. ”HoW EAsilY THeY tUrN oN yoU, TIme AfTEr tImE YoU'vE ProVEn YoUR LOyalty To EqUEstrIA.” The iny chains pulled his chest piece back together fully repairing it. His right forearm armor was no longer filled with holes as the pauldron snapped into place. ”IT’s aLmOSt lIKe AlL tHEsE YeArS aNd NOthIngS ChANgeD.” Crescent mumbled as he rolled over onto his knees his back now being pelted with attacks. “How..would..you..know.” Crescent spoke each word in between a grunts of pain. ”As SOoN aS YoU PUt on ‘our’ ArMOR i GoT AcCess to yOUr mind.” The tiny chains started to pull his helmet back together starting seal up the hole that revealed his identity. “W..What?” Crescent’s eyes went wide. ”HoW is IT anY DiFferEnt thEN WhEN yoU WeRE A SMALL WEAK WITTLE colt!” Crescent’s eyes became bloodshot as he felt something tug on his mind. ”BEcause STALLION Or colt THeY WiLL DEspISe YoU anD HaTe YOU NO MATTER WHAT YOU do.” A distorted laugh resounded in Crescent’s mind as he felt the grip on his mind. ”just like BEFORE!” A small little black colt with a tidy black and red mane shook in fear. The sunglasses he was using to protect his slitted eyes lay smashed under hoof one of the hooves of the taller unicorn filly and colt that had backed him into the corner that he cowering in. “Pl..please...i..wasn’t..doing anything.” The little scared colt stuttered out his furry ears folded back in fear. “We beg to differ!” A filly snapped making him jump. “What makes you think you can walk in here, like you're a real unicorn!” A colt yelled getting spit on the black colts face. “I..got accepted.” The taller ponies released a chorus of laughter at what he stuttered out. “You seem to be mistaken, This is Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns.” A filly said using her magic to toss the busted frame of the sunglasses in his face. “This is not the everfree, home for Nightmare moon’s dog’s!” The little colt held a hoof to his head feeling the blood coming from the new cut between his eyes. “Please leave me alone!” the little colt cried. “No, little dumb monsters need to learn their lessons!” “Please!” The colt weeped openly as he curled into a fetal position. “Just...just...just..leave..me...” “AALLLOONNNAAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!” Crescent raised to his hind hooves releasing a deep guttural screech that shook all the guards freezing them in fear. As his he continued to release his guttural screech the jaws of his helmet snapped open revealing a set of teeth that could put any dragons to shame. The blank eye’s of the helmet glowed a golden yellow with the gold of his armor shining bright. ”Oh NO.” The voice said in mock shock. ”He’S GOING berserk.” The beast that was Crescent dashed forward grabbing the noble guard by foreleg holding the prissy guard up the golden glare burrowing a hole in his soul. “Please...i’m sorry i..i..i-AAAHHHH” The noble guard in absolute pain as ever bone in his leg was broken by Crescent roughly twisting it like a pretzel barely stopping short of ripping the limb.off. “Please i don’t want to-” His plea was never heard as Crescent’s new metal maw sinked its metal teeth into his neck and torso. Any blea he had became garbled as he started to choke on his own blood one of the dagger teeth piercing right through his windpipe. “Oh sweet Celestia.” Starlight looked on in shock as Crescent tossed the pony who was now more ragdoll then guard through a window of the second floor. “Call the damn Elites!” A random guard shouted as a pegasus nodded and flew off. Crescent pointed his hoof quickly at the flying guard and a chain shot off from his wrist. The chain grew hot as it wrapped itself around the guards leg. Crescent yanked the chain hard enough to bring the stallion to him before uppercutting the pegasus with his hoof, shattering the pegasus’s armor as he was sent flying upwards. “RAH!” Crescent growled as the chain glowed red turning into a large dagger. With a snarl a second appeared in his other hoof and with a punch sent the dagger flying a chain connecting it to his gauntlet. “Aw shit!” One of the archers cursed as the dagger punched through his bow and cutting through his wing as he barely managed to dodge in time. “I’ll...make...make.” Crescent said his voice making each work sounding like a guttural snarl. He leaped on to the nearest pony not noticing or caring about the magic beams connecting with his back. He punched the pony with the daggers repeatedly the gold shining brighter with drool and dribble as his metal maw seemed to grow a smile. “I’ll make you-” “Pay!”The colt with his mane now wild and a sick grin spreading across his lips was sitting on the one of taller ponies punching the them repeatedly not caring or noticing his now much redder hooves. “I’ll make you pay!” His punches became more wild and uncontrollable as the slits in his eyes becoming thinner and thinner. “HAHAHAHA” Crescent released what sounded like a foal’s laugh if it been dragged through a gravel road as he stood up from the new corpse his daggers abandoned in it somewhere in the corpse. Another guard try to charge him from behind before from a single swipe from his blade tipped tail cut the sneak attacker down. “Enough!” Crescent raised his hooves in time to block the twin beams of Starlight and Twilight both glaring as they increased the intensity of their attacks pushing Crescent back. With a roar two sword hilts grew from his hooves and stomped his hind hoof to the ground sending sending out a magic shockwave that knocked the two mares and bystanders away. ”ThE DEaTh Of The PRinCesS A peRfeCt RedEMptiOn FOr YoUR failurE.” Crescent combined the two hilts filled with Starlight’s and Twilight’s magic forming a massive double edged blade each side of the blade the color of the Princess and her pupil's. “Someone blast him alre-” The stallion and his entire contingent of unicorns and archers as they were disintegrated to ash from a wave of destructive purple and green magic sent from Crescents new blade. “Starlight, restraint spells!” Twilight yelled before both her and her students horns glowed in unison and in a second a purple bubble formed over Crescent a green symbol formed under him and green roped started to grow from it ensnaring Crescents hooves. “RRRAAAHH!” With a roar and the gold of his armor shining even brighter he slammed his sword to the ground making the stone beneath beneath him with magical energy destroying both the mare’s spells. The resulting shockwave caused a tremor to pass through the entire castle making the non-flying archers and ranged caster’s scream as they fell to their deaths the shockwave knocking them off of their vantage points. “Just what is with that armor!?” Starlight yelled her diamond shield bracing her against the shockwave staring in shock as a crater formed under Crescent. With the shock wave over Starlight walked to crater glaring down at the the now panting Crescent the shine of his armor dying as the sword he had embedded into ground disappeared into dust. ”YoUR oUT OF magic ALREADY!” Starlight looked down at Crescent who fell to the ground feeling the sting of the voice in his head. ”YoU OWe us LITTLE vesper FOr THIS exposure.” A ripple formed in the sky before the ripple turned into a tear as gold blur flew out of it and landed on on Starlight knocking her to the ground. “At least i got to hurt this jail out free card holder.” The pegasus in gold gleaming armor and with feathered wings as black as a starless sky gloated before kicking Starlight into a nearby wall. “But i got take care of our card holder.” The gold stallion flew to the collapsed Crescent grabbing the much larger armored stallion and slinging him over his shoulder. With a single flap he easily raised into the air. “Try to remember this princess, next time you see me him or one of our armored comrades.” He raised back to the rip into the sky his disguised voice chuckling. “You’ll die.”