> Of a strange phonomena > by Dragonrose Lovesong > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just an ordinary night in Ponyville. Almost everypony in town is asleep, as they should be at midnight. Rainbow Dash, however has other plans. As she flies gracefully in the skies, she scans the area one last time before landing at one of Ponyville's many lakes. She touches the water and watches the ripples it makes as she moves her hoof over the surface. A single teardrop falls into the water. When did I start crying? she holds her hoof to her chest and looks around. all clear she steps on the now frozen lake and skates. A light appears at the edge of the lake followed by a small creature which looked like a plush chibi lop rabbit with an over-sized fluffy tail, the heart symbols which decorated it matching Dash's eyes perfectly. It watches excitedly as she skates. "Simply beautiful, mistress." it applauds. "Thanks Lovie, but I'm not really good at this." she replies skidding to a stop infront of the small creature. "The usual, mistress?" it asks, to which Rainbow Dash simply nods. The small creature jumps into her hooves and gives her a hug, a crystal heart on its tail lighting up and engulfing Rainbow Dash. After awhile the light dissipates. "You seem to be drained more than usual, my lady." it says with a worried expression. "The Wonderbolts training must be getting to me." she says and begins to fly away from the lake. The creature right behind her. "Mistress, you have seemed a bit more sad than usual." the worry clear in its voice. "Really? That's strange, I'm not quite sure that's even possible." She looks questioningly at her companion. "Perhaps you simply need to feed soon." It tries to ease the tension. There is a short silence where she looks straight into Rainbow Dash's expressionless eyes. "Perhaps you're right?" Lovie nearly falls out of the sky at this. "What shall I have?" Rainbow's voice a smooth unnatural whisper with a sweet undertone. Lovie blushes as she usually does when Rainbow spoke in her most natural voice. Quickly looking around she spots a unicorn preparing for bed. "How about there?" she points. Rainbow's eyes follow and she sees the pony. "That's Rarity." Lovie looks up at her confused, "She'll just have to do." Rainbow Dash swoops over to the open window. She scans the area and then feels around with her magic. Why are you the only pony in town that's awake? Just a she was about to close the window, Rainbow Dash grabs her and pulls her into a kiss. Before Rarity had a chance to register what had happened she passes out. Rainbow pulls her to the bed and tucks her in for the night before flying to meet the stuffed doll. "I guess I was hungry." She says playing with her mane. Lovie smiles at this. "I guess I should get some rest before morning though." "My lady, have you forgotten about tonight?" Lovie panics "Tonight?" she taps her chin and looks around. Her eyes drift to the moon. "The blood moon?" she asks. Lovie nods and flies right infront of her. "If you will." she holds her and flies into the air. All the hearts of the creature's body lights up and Rainbow throws her into the air. She reaches out a hoof and grabs onto the crimson moonlight. Her eyes flash pastel pink as she pulls the string of light. Lovie falls unto the light and it materialized into a pale crimson material. Lovie slides down the material and stops just shy of hitting the ground. She then flies up to meet Rainbow Dash. "You seemed hungry." Dash smirks, Lovie just smiles awkwardly while rubbing the back of her head with a forepaw. "I'll make you something magnificent!" she exclaims taking the fabric. "I'll be asleep. I'll try your new designs tomorrow night." She says. With a nod Lovie disappears with the fabric and then Rainbow Dash flies home and falls asleep for the night. > chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's not unusual for someone to be tired after flying until after midnight. What was unusual was how Rainbow Dash was seemingly unfazed by her late night flight when she had gotten up at five am. A few morning exercises later and she takes her morning nap. No sooner had she fallen asleep was she awakened by Pinkie Pie calling her. "'Sup Pinkie!" she calls down "Twilight said she got a super important letter from the princess this morning and she needs to see us right away!" she says in one breath. "Got it." she responds and flies towards the castle. She should have been surprised when she saw Pinkie already there but she's known her long enough to be used to it. Since everyone had arrived Twilight begins to speak."I'm glad you girls could all make it. An important message from the princess arrived this morning for everyone. She opens the scroll beside her and begins to read. To Twilight Sparkle, A secret organisation of ponies wish to meet with you girls and have asked for you all to be in Canterlot three days from now for a meeting. This is of the utmost importance. I hope to see you then. Yours sincerely, Princess Celestia "Ooh I wonder what kind of super secret ponies want to meet us!!" Pinkie Pie exclaims. "Maybe it's somepony who want to see my awesomeness!" Rainbow Dash adds rather smugly. "Yes, darling as if somepony from some secret society wishes to see you fly." Rarity adds her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I know right." Rainbow Dash adds getting an exasperated sigh from Rarity. "I don't know girls, we just have to be there three days from now. I'll send Spike over with the tickets later today." Twilight says looking over her friends. "We'll have to meet an hour before the train arrives to go over a few things." With that confirmed her friends soon file out of the castle on their daily business. > chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn't odd for the Elements of Harmony to be called over to Canterlot on short notice. And it wasn't quite odd for the princess to send a vague message. What had been getting under Pinkie Pie's skin since the meeting was the fact that they were going to meet ponies from a secret organisation. She rolls over on her bed and looks at the train ticket Spike gave her days before. It's best to forget. a familiar voice calls. It's not her voice, somepony else, from a past she had hoped to forget. She groans and pulls out a letter she had gotten just before Spike had told her that Twilight was looking for them. She hadn't opened it until in the night and at the letter's content she could tell that things where about to get difficult. "I don't want to see her again." Her mind races. It has been two days since then and the worry had been slowly consuming her. "What do I do if she can recognise me, it's game over if they find out." She checks the time, it's one a.m. She'll have to test her luck in the morning. "They can't find out." She sighs again, rolling over to face the window, she sees some flashes of pastel pink light. She could never catch whatever it was that made those lights but it was always fun to watch. She found herself drifting off to sleep to the gentle rhythm that always seems to carry on those lights. *doki*doki*dokidoki*doki*doki* "Mistress has something been troubling you?" questions the small plush bunny. "It's been a little confusing with my day life recently." Rainbow Dash answers. "Shall I play some music to sooth your troubles away, or would you care to lay your burdens upon my heart as well." Lovie responds. "You always know how to get me to talk don't you?" Rainbow uses her natural voice to answer, causing the plushie to blush. "It is a gift mistress." "Well, it's been on my mind Twilight read the letter. I know you will always forget any name I tell you, but bear with me. My friends and I will be meeting with a secret organisation in Canterlot tomorrow. So keep your reach active I'm not sure we'll come back at that day. What's got me confused is the secret organisation part. I know I'm not the smartest pony out there, but I'm pretty sure that those will do things that are illegal." Dash summarizes. "If that is the case mistress I must go with you. It is imperative your understanding of illegal activity does not develop." "I've heard of what happened to my relatives. The princesses had to dispose of them." "It would be in your best interests to comply, my mistress." "It is the way of life I guess." Lovie looks around with a worried expression. "What's coming?" Rainbow places Lovie on her head. "The lights, I can feel them. It is not safe here, follow me." And with that Lovie pulls Rainbow Dash along by her magic away from the building magical energies in the surrounding area. > chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The day had come for their visit. Cool and calm as were most days in Ponyville, but something was off. "Oh where is she?" Rarity huffs in frustration. The she in question comes hopping by not too long afterwards wearing a saddlebag. "There you are, Twilight's been a wreak over this schedule of hers." Rarity says pointing to Fluttershy trying to calm Twilight, who was over - revising her schedule and itinerary for the day. "Whoopsies, sorry Twilight I got really busy." Pinkie apologies. "What's with the bag Sugarcube? Twi said it should only be for today." Applejack questions. "I heard that Donut Joe has a new flavour donut and I wanted to bring some back as souvenirs for the Cake twins." She explains with a large grin. "Whatever the train ' s boarding." Rainbow Dash says flying into the open train car, followed soon after by the rest of the girls. They all settle into the compartment and start talking about what they've all been up to since they last met up. Pinkie Pie realizes that the hair on her tail keeps standing on edge, but she ignores this. This happens sometimes when I hang out with Dashie n-n-nothing off. She just can't shake the ominous feeling. Even though she's come to associate it with going near Rainbow when she was alone, it didn't usually linger this much. As the conversation continues they reach their stop and head to the castle. doki*doki*dokidoki*doki*doki The mane 6 (plus Spike) took the scenic route to the castle since they knew they'd be arriving early. After about half an hour they make it to the castle. "Weird. Where are all the guards?" Spike asks getting unto Twilight's back. "They must be inside, but that's usually only reserved for when there's an emergency." After listening to her own words, Twilight's eye twitches and she starts a gallop to the entrance. She is stopped by Applejack who runs in front of her. "Whoa there, Sugarcube. Maybe the princess has them meeting these ponies she called us to meet or something." She attempts to calm her down. "Yeah, it's not like there's a world - ending crisis every other week." Rainbow says floating on her back. Twilight's eye twitches. "Not helping Sugarcube." "Oooohh maybe it's a surprise party and we're the one's being surprised and like all the guards are in on it and want to see our faces when they all jump out and yell SURPRISE! But they didn't remember they need to be out here so that we won't know the secret and ..." whatever Pinkie was going to add got lost in the hoof currently shoved into her mouth curtsey of Fluttershy. "Thank you, darling I don't know how much longer she would have gone on for." Rarity says dramatically fanning herself with the extravagant feather fan she had decided to take along. "Heh, we ain't gonna find out standing here. Besides it's not like we haven't saved the world before." Rainbow comments with her ego puffed out as far as her chest. This caused more than a few groans. "I guess if everyone's fine I could calm down. A little." Twilight adds. "Wonder how long that'll last." Spike mumbles under his breath. "Spike." Twilight huffs. "What?" He answers annoyed. "We'll it's sort of true." Fluttershy says pawing at the ground and avoiding eye contact. Twilight sighs, "Fine, let's go girls." After this the all trot on into the castle. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as they enter the castle they are greeted by a full squadron of guards marching through the halls looking pretty spent and a couple of them giving a pleading eye. "Come on ladies that all you got! " yells an earth pony covered in runes at the back of the pack kicking at the straddlers. "Could somepony explain what the hay is going on here?" Applejack complained. As soon as she says this a snow white unicorn is standing in front of them. Her icy silver eyes piercing their very soul. "Sorry about that, my colleagues decided that the palace staff needed some ... retraining." She states her voice as cold and unfeeling as the mist rolling off her body. There was silence for a moment before someone decided to speak. It was Twilight. "Um, the princess asked us to come by to meet this organisation but since you seem busy we'll just come back later." They start for the door but another figure blocks it. Black coat and soulless ruby eyes, the navy cloak he wore hid any other distinguishable features. "Elements of Harmony I presume. We have been waiting for you." He smiles a toothy smile exposing rather canine - like teeth. "They shouldn't be there, a pony shouldn't have those teeth." Rainbow Dash says dumbstruck. "Oh these." He says with his sadistic smile inches away from Dash's face. This was enough to make Fluttershy faint. "I'm surprised she held out so long." Rarity grumbles under her breath. "What was that my dear?" The stallion asks now beside her. This caused Rarity to faint (overly dramatically as always but faint none the less). "Oh great somepony else to carry." Rainbow's voice drenched in sarcasm. "Quit your yammerin' an' go get 'Shy, Ah got Ms dramatic over her." Applejack says heaving Rarity unto her back. "Aye aye captain" Dash salutes and goes to pick up Fluttershy. "I'm sorry I didn't get your names." Twilight says after a while. "Pardon my manners." The stallion bows. "My name is Crimson Quill, and my icy friend over there is Fairy Sherbet. Pleased to me your acquaintance." "Good day." She greets coldly stare still blank and expression unrevealing. "Twilight," a familiar voice calls out from atop a staircase, "it is a pleasure to see you again though I would have preferred for it to be under more favourable circumstances." She sighs under her breath as she descends. "Princess, I was a little confused, since there weren't any guards outside." Twilight says as she and her friends made as much distance between themselves and the two strangers as possible. They bowed when the princess of the sun had reach the bottom of the stairs. "I apologise for that, as you may have seen my staff have been busy ...entertaining my visitors today." A hint of distaste enters her eyes at the word 'entertaining'. "Crimson would you be a dear and inform your ... colleagues that they must not keep the Elements waiting." She says rather coldly. "As you wish." Crimson Quill bows and disappears in a cloud of black smoke. The ice in the monarch's demeanour evaporates as she turns to the Elements of Harmony. "Who the hay, we're those ponies?" Applejack says so upset she had to steady herself to keep Rarity on her back. "They are part of an organisation known as the Counsel of the Dead." The princess states. "Dead seems about right, I've seen livelier ponies in a graveyard." Rainbow Dash says with a groan. Rainbow Dash suddenly became aware of how quiet Pinkie Pie had been this entire time. "I apologise again, they were quite intent on meeting all of you and I thought it better for you to meet them her instead of leaving them to their own devices." She states as she leads them through the corridors to a meeting room. Opening the doors they are greeted by a group of ponies who all held a sombre expression on their faces accompanied by dull lifeless eyes. All except one pony, she drank a glass of wine and a gleeful expression on her face. "Oh princess, you're back, I missed you. What were you doing so long?" The mare's face twisted in a maniac grin from ear to ear. "Daisy Chain I had only left for three minutes," You could almost hear the grit in her teeth, "the Elements of Harmony have arrived for their meeting with you as scheduled." "Oh, that's them?" She questions about the mares making way for some seats, some stallions kindly pulling out the chairs for the mares. Rarity and Fluttershy started to regain consciousness. Fluttershy soon regretted this as what she saw shocked her. She makes this known by a shrill squeak and cowering so far into the chair she may as well be as small as a mouse for how small she made herself. "Didn't know there was an element of cowardice, Celly." Daisy says. "I know your older than me but please refrain from calling me that." Princess Celestia sighs and takes a seat. "Girls let me introduce you to Daisy Chain. She is over three millennia old and is a necromancer of graveyard origins." "She is the leader of the Counsel of the Dead and is unable to be killed." She says the last part with venom in her words. "Now who would want to kill lil' ole me?" She flutters her eyes like some Broadmane flusie in a play. "Now, why don't you introduce your little bundle of cuties you brought here?" "The pony mentioned before is the element of kindness, Fluttershy." "Shy all right. Act a little more scared why don't you?" She laughs hysterically at her bad joke. "The one who is trying to get her bearings is the element of generosity, Rarity." She gestures towards the pony who looks like she rather believe that she's still asleep. "Generosity, huh. I wonder how generous she can get." She shoots Rarity a scandalous glance. "Well I have never." Rarity turns her nose upwards with a dignified huff. "This spoiled brat is generous make my day." Daisy Chain chuckles and takes a swing of the drink. "This is my personal prodigy, turned alicorn princess, the element of magic Twilight Sparkle." "Pleased to meet you, Ms Daisy Chain." Twilight attempts to be polite. "A kiss up is what I see." Daisy's horn glows crimson and surrounds Twilight for a moment before dissipated. "I'll allow it. Where'd you dig up this raw energy, the back corners of the nether reigns?" She laughs like a maniac pouring herself another glass. After a cough the princess of daytime continues. "The one glaring daggers at you is the element of loyalty, Rainbow Dash." "Was the name spilled paint taken? Couldn't your parents name you something not so obvious?" "I'll show you what's obvious." She says through gritted teeth. A couple of the other ponies in the room took a few steps back with some reaching for their weapons. "Oh, a fighter are we? Let's continue this later. Go on princess we're all just dying to know more. Some of the Counsel members taking a step back at the word 'dying' "The one with the Stetson is the element of honesty, Applejack." "Can't get any more honest than a farmpony, now can we. Giddy up little pony." She jokes. Applejack grumbles something incoherent about a saddle not screwed on right with her arms closed. "And the one who has been strangely quiet this whole time the element of laughter, Pink..." "Pinkamena Diane Pie." All eyes fall on Pinkie who wore a scowl and an almost completely deflated mane, everyone except Daisy Chain flinched and slid slightly backwards into there chair. "You know Pinkie?" Princess Celestia asks stunned at the amount of hatred in the pink party mare's glare. "Know her? I trained her. You said she's the element of laughter, ha." She snickers. "Good to see you to Chains." Pinkie hisses. "Yo, Pinks you good your sorta scaring me here." Rainbow Dash tries to lighten her mood, but nothing could break the anger filled glared that housed all the hate in the world directed at the hysterical necromancer. "You know I was hoping to get her to come today, if I knew that she was an element of Harmony I wouldn't have sent her that letter. It would be one big surprise." "You mean like what you did to my grandmother?" She growls and everyone backs away a step. "Tic tac, I put her back where I found her. You know Pinkie here's the only one of my subordinates with what it takes to get out." She chuckles. "All those ponies dead, that body count was glorious." She had her head back laughing. Just then a knife decapitated her. This causes Fluttershy to faint again and Rarity loses her lunch. "Oh no, It would seem I've lost my head." Twilight and Applejack cover their mouths in shock and Princess Celestia gives Pinkie Pie a surprised look. She realises that Pinkie is no longer glaring at Daisy Chain. She follows her gaze to Rainbow Dash who wore a blank expression as if oblivious to the situation. "Rainbow Dash, you alright?" She calls to no response. > chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Rainbow Dash, are you alright?" The princess asks again. When Daisy Chain's head was properly back in place Rainbow shakes her head as if coming out of a trance. "Sorry, Dashie I think you blacked out." Pinkie says with an apologetic look to her friend. "Wha?" She shakes her head again. "What are you talking about, I just said you were acting weird then you looked over here." She says slightly confused. "And ya didn't see anything else?" Applejack asks "No, not really." She looks around, "Why?" After some blank stares her friends say, "Yep blacked out." "No she didn't." Daisy Chain says sounding suddenly sane. Before smiling sadistically while lightning flashes from her mane concentrating on a small rabbit shaped space near Rainbow's head. A small chibi style lop bunny falls to the ground charred by the electricity. "Lovie!" Rainbow cries out and picks up the plush toy looking animal and holds it her chest, "What's wrong with you?" "With me?" Daisy Chain foreigns shock and then chuckles. "A better question is why do you hold so closely the second most dangerous creature in all of Equestria?" "Dangerous? It's a bunny that likes to sew." Rainbow deadpans. "It eats souls." Crimson Quill speaks up from where the other members of the Counsel are looking at it as if it had fangs and claws. "What are they talking about Lovie?" Rainbow addresses the creature as if it were a five year old's toy while holding it at arms length. After some noises they couldn't understand Rainbow responds saying, "She says she doesn't know what you're taking about." At this Daisy Chain stops smiling and the Counsel members and Pinkie Pie back away from her. "Dash that thing didn't speak one word Equestrian." Applejack says. Dash giggles at this, "Why would she speak equestrian? She's not a pony." She again holds it close to her chest like a treasured toy. "Rainbow Dash you do know the kind of pony those creatures keep near to correct?" Pinkie Pie asks with a slightly forced smile. "Oh," she looks down. She looks up and smiles, "it should be fine. I'm sure would of triggered it." "I'm sorry did you say trigger?" Daisy Chain looks perplexed. "Yeah." She answers hesitantly. Daisy Chain once again laughs manically. "That was a good one, for a second there I thought you implied that the most dangerous creature in all of Equuis will only rampage when they seen something gruesome." "Well yeah that would be stupid." Rainbow says and the ponies who understood what was going on began to chuckle. "They can either turn to gore or lust so anything r-rated can trigger it." At this all sound stops and Daisy Chain's right eye twitches. "Princess a moment if you will." She says and the starts walking to the door. The princess follows her out of the room with a confused expression.