> Gotta Be Kid-In-Me! > by Xx_LunaDash_xX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Part One > --------------------------------------------------------------------------    Applejack groaned as she sat in her granny’s rocking chair. She smiled as she looked out at the pasture that surrounded her home. It looked its best at dawn, when the dew sparkled on the grass and the clouds turned to a beautiful magenta color. The cattle, horses, and sheep grazed in one big herd, which almost never happened. They were usually about the length of a yacht seperated from each other. She sighed as she rubbed her swollen stomach, and started to rock in the chair slowly, not taking her eyes off the view in front of her.   “Who said y’all could sit in ma chair?” An old voice interrupted the mommy daughter moment.  Applejack turned to see Granny Smith standing in her canary yellow blouse, her long red skirt, and her signature apple pattern shawl covering her shoulders. “Hey, Granny. I guess I’m still on my farmer schedule. I just hate it that I can’t help y’all around anymore. I feel kind of useless, ya know?”  “Ohh, honey pie,” Granny Smith started, as she hugged her granddaughter tight, “you ain’t useless. Think about how much you’re doing for my great granddaughter in there,” she said, patting Applejack’s abdomen. “You are keeping her safe, fed, warm, and a whole bunch of good stuff. An-”  “Granny! Granny! Granny! Granny!” a squeaky voice yelled, followed by the sound of footsteps. Apple Bloom ran out of the house with a huge smile which instantly faded. “Am I interrupting somethin’?”  Applejack couldn’t help but laugh. “It ain’t nothin’, go ahead.”  “Okay, well, me and Big Mac were making a bigger apple crate for the market today and he...he told me...” The small girl started to laugh uncontrollably. Applejack and Granny Smith exchanged confused looks as she continued to laugh. “Okay...okay, I’m sorry. Okay, so he told me that when y'all first took me to the farmer’s market, I pulled down my pants and panties and started to hump a random stranger!” Apple Bloom started to laugh again, and this time Applejack joined in too.  “Ah told your brother not to tell you that story until you were fifteen!” Granny Smith said with a frown on her face, which made her two granddaughters laugh even harder.  “Me an’ Mac laughed so hard. You were probably the horniest six year-old in your class!”  “Applejack! Don’t say things like that aroun’ your sister!”  “It’s okay, Granny, I was six! I didn’t know any better, but now I do. I might just do it for fun today when we head off to the market,” Apple Bloom joked, causing her Granny to turn the same color of a red delicious.  “Apple Bloom, you do that an’ you’ll get the whoppin’ of a lifetime! By the time you get to my age you’ll be able to sit down again without cryin’ out in pain!” Granny threatened as the redhead ran back into the house.”You better get your butt back over here!” the elderly woman cried as she chased after her youngest grandchild.  Applejack laughed as she watched her brother walk out of the front door carrying an oddly large wooden crate. “How long ago did you tell Apple Bloom that story?” she asked.  Big MacIntosh stopped and thought for a second. “About three months ago, I reckon,” he said, before he stepped off of the porch and headed for the silo.   Applejack chuckled as she watched her brother walk. “Apple Pie, I hope you can deal with this crazy family.” she spoke to her belly.  Applejack watched as her family loaded the last of the apples onto the pick-up truck. She smiled as she waved goodbye. “Finally, we can be alone,” she sighed as she closed her eyes and started to rock herself to sleep. She smiled as she recalled the first time she and Shining Armor hooked up. ***  Applejack leaned on the back wall of Canterlot High’s gym. With a drink in her hand she stood quietly, keeping her eye on a certain clone.   “I’ve seen you’ve met my little sister,” a deep masculine voice said, breaking her concentration.   “You could say that..” Applejack said, not even looking at the source of the voice. The two sat in silence as the lights of the disco ball swirled around the room.   “Why won’t you look at me?” the voice asked, as a strong white hand took her head and forced it to face him.  “‘Cause I am mad at you.”  “Why?”  “Why?” Applejack mocked before she let out a chuckle. “Well maybe because of how you stood me up on our two month anniversary, or when I found out you were twenty-four and married!” Applejack gave Shining Armor the most threating glare any adorable cowgirl could give.  “You’re so cute when you're upset,” he said with a dashing smile.   Applejack smiled at him. “You’re so cute when you’re trying to distract me,” the orange girl said, before she punched him in the arm.   Shining hissed out in pain and rubbed his arm, “Ow! That actually hurt.” He said smiling.  “Well I’ve been working on a farm almost all mah life! What did ya expect? For me to punch like your crazy sister over there?” Applejack pointed to the human world’s Twilight Sparkle, who was looking at something behind the bleachers.   “She’s not crazy…” Shining said, trying his best to defend his little sister, “She’s just different. She sees the world differently.”  “So she’s crazy.”  Shining paused for a little bit. “Yeah, but she’s not so bad.”  Suddenly the music stopped, the lights turned back on, and a high pitched sound went off. Everyone looked up at the stage, where there stood the Principal of Crystal Prep, Principal Cinch. Before she even spoke, Applejack rolled her eyes. “This ain’t gonna be good at all.” she whispered.  “Yeah, let’s get out of here,” Shining whispered back, grabbing Applejack by the hand. The cowgirl tried to protest, but before she knew it she was being dragged out of the gym.  “Just what do ya think you’re doing? My friends will notice I-”  Shining covered Applejack’s mouth with his hand. “Do you trust me?” Applejack stared deep into Shining Armor’s eyes and nodded. “Great.” He smiled as he removed his hand from her mouth and started to run again.   “Where are we going?” Applejack asked, as she tried her best to keep up with Shining Armor.  “The roof, for some time alone.” Applejack smiled as the two stopped in front of a door that was labelled ‘Roof Access’. Shining opened the door for her and bowed. “M’lady.” Applejack chuckled as she started to climb up the ladder.   Minutes later, Applejack made it to the top. She opened the hatch and gasped for air. “Why was that so tiring?” she panted as she pulled herself onto the roof. She then got up and looked around. Shining Armor came up moments later, just as tired as Applejack.    “Isn’t it nice up here?” Shining asked, as he sat on the edge of the roof. Applejack sat next to him and cuddled against him. Shining wrapped his arm around him.   “Ain’t this wrong?” Applejack said out of the blue. “I mean you’re married, and out of college. And I’m here barely a senior in high school, and I’ve never done anything before.”  “You’re a virgin?” Shining asked in a shocked voice. Applejack blushed and nodded. “How can anyone as beautiful as you be a virgin?”  “Ma family scares everyone away. One time in middle school ah brought a boy home to show him my horse, Chief, and my brother…” She stopped and laughed. “He ran out there as fast as he could and gave that boy a mouthful of curses and threats. That boy ran home cryin’, I was so embarrassed I didn’t talk to him for four weeks straight.”   “Wow,” Shining said blankly. He then turned to Applejack.    “What is it?”   “You’re so beautiful,” he gasped, as he slowly leaned in for a kiss. Applejack did the same and eventually kissed him softly. Shining pulled Applejack closer, her chest against his. Instinctively, Applejack started to undress herself, trying her best to unbutton her shirt quickly.  “Whoa, slow down,” Shining said breaking the kiss.   “Wha- what is it? I’m so pumped! I got so hot, and I’m pretty sure my vagina is getting wet. An-”    Shining chuckled again. “Calm down, I just want to know if you are ready for this.”   “I am! Why do you think I was trying to take off this gosh darn shirt!” Applejack panted as she looked down at her red blouse. It had five buttons. The second fourth one were already unbuttoned.   “Let me help you,” he said, holding back a laugh. Applejack blushed as the man unbuttoned her shirt.   “Thanks, but I got it from here.” Applejack said when he was done. She slipped her blouse off then her her shirt, revealing her black lacey bra.  “Are you sure you weren’t ready to lose your virginity tonight?” he teased as he pulled on her bra strap.  “You let that go and I’ll push you off of this roof myself!” Applejack snarled.   Shining smiled nervously as he slowly put the bra strap where it was before. “I guess since you're shirtless I gotta be shirtless.” Shining started to take off both his shirt and his vest.   Applejack started to drool as Shining Armor revealed his muscular, toned, god-like body. “Wow…” she said as she wiped the drool off of her chin. “I knew you were hot, but I didn’t think you were smokin’ hot.”   Shining laughed and stood up. “Are you ready?” He held out his hand.   The cowgirl couldn’t take her eyes off of Shining’s abs as they seemed to be shimmering in the moonlight. “Ah guess,” she said placing her hand on his. Shining pulled her close to him. He hugged her tight, causing her to feel warm again. “Can we try that kiss again?” she asked, taking deep breaths. Shining nodded as he pulled the cowgirl into a kiss.   Applejack moaned as Shining grabbed hold of her firm ass and gave it a squeeze. The country girl’s hands caressed Shining Armor’s pecs and somehow made their way to Shining’s crotch. Without even knowing, she started to unzip Shining’s pants. She felt her bra being undone, she moaned as her breasts were freed from their prison.  She felt Shining Armor pushing her back until her back met a wall. She slid a hand into his pants, grabbing the bulge that laid in his boxers. Applejack gave him a tight squeeze, earning a moan from Shining Armor. The snow white man broke the kiss. “Ready for the main event?” he asked, as he swiftly pulled down Applejack’s skirt and panties.  “Ah sure am!” she said, casting her skirt and panties away. “Are you?” She then pantsed Shining Armor, revealing his meaty package.   Shining nodded as he grabbed Applejack’s legs and wrapped them around his waist, his flare rubbing against Applejack’s clit. “There ain’t no need for teasing, just put it in!” she growled as her lips winked at Shining Armor.  “As you wish,” he smirked as he pushed his tip in. ***  Applejack let out a soft moan, as she remembered her first time. As pregnant as she was, she still had needs, and even as weird as it would be, those needs needed to be tended to. A loud buzz went off in the cowgirl’s left pocket, snapping her out of fantasy. “Aw, what is it now?” she asked aloud, gaining the attention of Winona who was sleeping on the other side of the porch. She fished her phone out of her back pocket, and read the message that appeared on her lock screen, it was from Shining Armor. Hey, I was just thinking about you.