Twilight's Dream

by PTS1503

First published

It was a rainy day and Rainbow Dash stayed at Twilight's castle.

It was a rainy day and Rainbow Dash stayed at Twilight's castle. After some reading together Twilight falls asleep. Then she has this weird dream where everything seemsto be fine at the start but in the end it's totaly not how she expected.

Unexpected night

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It was a rainy day at Ponyville. Twilight was alone in the castle and then she suddenly heard a knock on the doors. When Twilight opened the doors she was a bit suprized seeing a pony out in a storm like this but seeing this pony she now wasn't so suprized. Outside of the castle there was standing a wet pony with an apoligizing smile on her face.

''Umm... hey Twilight. Can i stay here untill the raining stops?'' Rainbow Dash said with an awkward smile on her face.

''Hi Rainbow! Yeah sure you can stay.'' With that said Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a towel so she could get clean.

''So... what were you doing out there when there's a storm?'' Twilight asked.

''Oh, you know, weather patrol.''

''Oh! Make yourself at home and if you need anything then im gonna be at that room over there" And with that said Twilight pointed her hoove to a room next door.

''I'll go with you. It's not like i have anything better to do and besides i would love a company.'' Rainbow said with a smile on her face.


They went to that room and started reading a book together laid next to eachother and next to a fireplace. A while later Twilight didn't even notice she had fallen asleep on Rainbows shoulder.

Just a moment later she woke up and saw that Rainbow wasn't there anymore and the castle was dark and empty. It also had stopped raining. Twilight went outside but she didn't like what she saw. The whole town was on fire and there were only some ponies running around. Twilight was about to run after them but she saw a pony near her. Twilight walked that direction when she realized. It wasn't just anypony. It was Trixie and she was much older and was just as tall as Celestia and her horn was much bigger than Celestias. Then Trixie turned to face Twilight.

'''Well if it isn't princess Twilight. The princess of Friendship. Got any friendship lesson teach?'' Trixie said with an evil smile on her face.

With that Trixie used her magic to go uncontious. When Twilight finaly woke up she felt her every part hurt like she was sleeping there forever or atlist very long. Ponyville was already burned to the ground and somehow Twilight was still alive. She had to fly to Canterlot. Probably her friends and family are there.

When Twilight was closer to Canterlot she saw that Canterlot just wasn't the same anymore. It was more like a base and it actualy was. It was something more like The Wonderbolts academy. It just had difrences. There were not just pegasi but unicorns and earth ponies too. They all were training and practising.

''Glad to see you here Princess Twilight. I know probably your confused and don't know what's going on here but i'm gonna explain to you all i know.'' Spitfire The Captain of The Wonderbolts said.

''We are here to learn to protect ourselfs and the ones around us and to stop a villain who calls herself 'The Great and Powerfoul Trixie'. She has caused all thin an almost all of Equestria. Now she's in Manehatten. Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Shining Armour tried to stop her but nothing that bad happened but they are in a coma. It could go for months. Everyone here has a mission to accomplish. Mine is to teach everyone here how to protect themselves and keep everyone calm. It would be much help if you would do that too.'' Spitfire explained.

''I will do my best to help but is any of my friends here?'' Twilight asked in a serious voice.

''Well there's Applejack and Fluttershy and you probably want to see them. I'll lead you to them.'' Spitfire said as she started walking.

When Twilight finaly met her friends all she heard from them was 'Excuse me do i know you?' or 'Who are you?'. After what Trixie did to her friends Twilight was angry and will do everything she can to save her friends. Now the only pony she could trust was Spitfire and obviously herself.

As time went on and much changed including Twilight. She had becomed the assistant of Spitfire and her marefriend. They were a great and a realy cute couple. They just loved eachother very much. They lived together, they ate together and mostly did everything together exept the didn't do their job together couse that would totaly be a flirting mess.

With time Twilight lost her hope of getting her friends memories and only thing she could do is getting ready for the battle. Finaly on some random day Rainbow Dash showed up too. Everyone else from her friends were already there. Rainbow Dash tought Twilight was being realy strict to everyone exept Spitfire.

''It's just not fair. Twilight's almot always jelling or looking at me serious but to Spitfire she's super kind and always smiling at her. And that cute blush on her face when Spitfire kisses her on the cheek in public! :heart: Ugh! Anyways i'm her best friend she should not be jelling at me like that.'' Rainbow dash talked to herself.

She was too caried in her loud thinking that she didn't notice that someone was listening. That someone was Twilight.

''If she's my best friend she shouldn't be thinking about her best friend like that'' Twilight whispered to herself with that cute little smile on her face.

''Twilight?!'' Rainbow was disturbed and suprized by someone behind her back ''How much did you heard?''

''N-Nothing!'' Twilight lied with a deep blush on her face trying not to make the conversation more awkward.

''Okei... So did you said something?''

''I said that your needed in group-C right now.'' Twilight said still blushing and looking to the ground.

Finaly Twilight talked in her normal voice and not jelling or comanding. And the best part for Rainbow Dash was that when Twilight blushed. It was just so cute! :heart::rainbowkiss: Then that means she must have heard my loud talking. Anyways i get to see her blushing and it's just so cute! I just want to hug her and wrap Twilight in her wings and never let go her to that captain of The Wonderboults. She could admit it she was kinda jelous of Spitfire. She was rea-

"Rainbow! Are you even listening?'' Twilight was now annoyed.

''No, just thinking about you! Well, see ya later!'' Rainbow said smiling and walking pass Twilight to the exit of her room.

''Wait? What?!'' Twilight snapped of realization.

''And Twilight, i'm glad you heard what i said. Your much better now than you were before!'' As Rainbow said she winked at Twilight and went to her group.

As the war came closer so did Twilight and Dash. They were getting pretty good friends. Rainbow still did her cute flirting thing once in a few days or almost every day. Ofcourse Twilight blushed almost every time but she somehow didn't feel the same way as Rainbow Dash did couse she was already occupied by Spitfire.

Tomorrow was going to be the day when all the trained ponies from all over the Equestria were going to fight against Trixie. It was a raugh day but the important part was that everyone was prepared for battle.

The Begining Of The End

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Both sides were strong but Trixie was almost unstoppoble. Almost. She was realy strong but Twilight believed that she and everyone else could stop her. Hopefully. As Trixie speard her magic on everyone, everyone just got up and tried again. Everyone was weak, hurt, tired and wanted for this to end but it didn't. Some tought it was a bad dream, some tought it was the end of everything and Twilight just believed. She won't give up until she defeats Twixie and gets her friends back to normal. She will do anyth-

Suddenly Twilght got hit by a powerfoul magic attack and she fell to the ground. She could't hear or see a thing. It felt like the time had stoped but it didn't. The war still didn't end. Everyone was still fighting for victory. As Twilight fell to the ground she couldn't move or say a thing. It was like her body left her but she could still feel the pain. Much pain. And it hurt very much.

Then Twilight heard a familliar voice. She was so happy to hear it. It was hard to open her eyes but she tried as hard as she could. When finaly she opened her eyes she saw a worried mare looking at her almost crying. She heard Rainbows voice but it was hard to understand what she was saying for a moment. It was like she was saying Twilights name. Probably. What else she could say, right?

''Rain...bow...i...'' Twilight tried as hard as she could to say what she wanted but the words just didn't want to come out. Before she could contiunue Rainbow started speak. It was more like screaming than talking.

''T-Twilight! I'm so happy you're allright! I tought i lost you forever! I...i...don't you ever scare me like that! You have to understand that i...i love you Twilight! If you would fall i would be always there to catch you and i would never let you go! If you needed me i would never let you down and i would always be there for you! If i had a chance like Spitfire did i would be the luckiest pony in all of Equestria! Even if the whole world were against us or you i'd still love you and i love you now! I would say it a million times no matter were we were! I would everyday say that you're beutiful, amaizing, smart, cool, wonderfoul, kind and the best pony i've ever met! And no matter if were next to eachother or seperated far away i would still love you no matter what!'' Rainbow was now crying forever-long tears.

Hearing what Rainbow said without even noticing she started to cry but also she smiled at the same time. She had finaly regained full control of her body and still was looking at Rainbow Dash. She had never heard anyone say such a thing with such words. That made her happy.

"Rainbow, I love you too!'' And with that said Twilight placed her hand around Rainbows neck and kissed her.

Twilight had forgot everything for a moment and she had forgot that she was together with Spitfire but she didn't care. All she knew that she was kissing Rainbow Dash. It didn't felt like a mistake. It felt like the right thing to do. And thats what she wanted. She wanted to kiss Rainbow Dash and she did it.

Rainbows eyes videned but they slowly shut. Rainbow was realy happy she said those things and that Twilight wasn't mad or didn't leave her alone. They both had forgot the world around them and that was the biggest mistake they've ever made. Trixie had blasted the place with her magic and everthing got burned. Both of them now were weak but they were lied together next to eachother and holding hands. They couldn't do anything but they were happy being next to eachother. In the end they died but they died together knowing they loved eachother.

''huh?'' Twilight waked up and saw that she was still in her castle and still with Dash, still sleeping on Rainbows shoulder.

''You ok Twi?'' Rainbow asked but at the same time blushing 'couse their noses were touching.

''Umm... yeah. I just had a bad ending in my dream. But then again it was... nice.'' Twilight said with that shy and cute smile on her face. And ofcourse she was thinking about Rainbow Dashes cute blush. It was just so cute!

''What was it like?''

''Umm... well... you opened your heart to me and said the most wonderfoul things in the world and then we... we kissed.'' Twilight started to stare at the ground.

''What's wrong Twi?''

'''s just...umm nevermind. It's dumb anyways. You'd start laughing or - '' Twilight soon got interupted by a gentle kiss on her lips.

She was stopped by a kiss. By Rainbows and Twilights kiss. It felt like forever and it meant so much even if it was kinda short but that was all Twilight needed. Mostly she needed Rainbow Dash. And she was happy about it.

''I wanted to do that now for a long time'' Rainbow said smiling at Twilight.

''Why didn't you said anything?''

''Well it doesn't matter now couse i love you!''

''I love you too'' As she said that she gave Rainbow Dash a long and passionate kiss.

Twilight was happy and Rainbow Dash was happy too. They both were happy. And they loved each other.

''Well this is a good ending. Don't ya think Twi?'' Rainbow said with a smile.

''Rainbow! It's only the begining.''

Dash kissed her on the neck and whispered in her ear ''I know''.

And with that said they spent the night together being happy with eachothers presence. The raining didn't stop but that didn't matter now. All they needed was eachother and nothing else.