It’s MINE!

by the frank

First published

On the hottest day of the year, the question is not who gets the last ice Cream. The question is... Who deserves it?

Desperate situations bring out the worst in ponies. Sunset knew from experience that the same was true about humans. However, she had no idea how far people would go, how far she would go...
...before she fought with Trixie over the last Ice Cream sandwich in the bag.

Inspired by the cover picture by Uotapo and written in three hours on a train. Sorry, but I just had to!

Where's King Solomon when you need him?

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The sky was wiped clear of every cloud from Canterlot to Baltimare and the sun spread its rays without mercy over the unprotected citizens. And everyone took all the chances they could get to find some cool. Even the smallest spot of shade was crammed with people trying to avoid the heat. It was one of those days you crave and beg for on a cold winters day, and when it finally arrives, you wonder how you could ever been so stupid back in january. Every a/c-unit was working at full throttle until they broke from exhaustion and mr. Desperate Fan, who owned the only repair shop in the area was busy from dawn til dusk.

Over at The Corner, the Cakes switched their whole production over to Ice Cream, smoothies, ice teas and Frappés and everyone who owned a fridge and popsicle forms tried their luck as refreshment providers.
Sunset Shimmer had spent the day trying to help the CMC put up a lemonade stand. At first, it seemed to be a disaster, as they charged five bits a glass, while Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon only took two. However, their sucessful business ended when everyone realized that the charged five bits more for sugar.
For her help, she had free lemonade the whole day, but when she had ten glasses and felt that she could drink the double, she left as she fear she would run the girls out of business.

As she walked down the Street, everywhere she looked there were street vendors selling drinks, ice Cream and fruit; or signs and posters from cafés and shops doing the same. Sunset swallowed. Lunas teats, was she thirsty! She could feel her throat dry with every step she took and she longed for something refreshing. But she had left her wallet at home by mistake, so there was no end to her thirst in sight.

As she walked on, she found herself outside The Carousel Boutique. She was thinking about going in, but she hesitated.

While Rarity is generous, she's not known to keep a storage of Ice Cream or soda at her boutique she thought, but it doesn’t hurt to ask. And so, she entered the shop.

"Hi Rarity, how...OH SWEET CELESTIA!"

A wave of thick heat hit Sunset straight in the gut. Rarity met her, dressed in what looked like an one-piece swimsuit with a thin silk skirt over her thighs and torso. Her hair was laying flat from sweat against her head and her makeup was floating.

"Hello, Sunset darling. I do apologize for the heat, my air conditioner broke down an hour ago, and mr Fan couldn't come here earlier dan two o'clock. And then the water was shut off due to some BOGGING IDIOT with a dowsing rod managed to struck a hole in the main water conduit. I have changed clothing over four times dis day, but whatever I wear, I end up looking like a contenstant in a wet t-shirt competition! I wouldn't be arsed to even wear knickers today, but I would be off me nuts to do so."

The thick Irish accent that sometimes came over Raritys lips when she was upset told Sunset that this was beyond "the worst possible thing".

"And on top of dat" She continued, "every client today was all fur coats and no knickers. I'm pulling the pin."
Then she stopped, took a deep breath and returned to her more controlled accent. "I'm so sorry darling. I hate it when you have to see me like this. But this day... it has gone arseways! I can’t phrase it better. But I'm being terribly rude, dear. What can I do for you?"

"Uhm... I was just wondering if you had anything cold, but I guess with the water out..."
She didn't bother to finish the sentence.

"I am dreadfully sorry dear, but yes. I finished everything even distantly related to liquid myself earlier this day and I refused to pay ridicoulos money for a soda can at Flim and Flams so my shelves are empty... Ah! But wait a moment! I have a bag of Ice Cream Sandwiches in my freezer. Go a head and have one dear, it’s the least I can do after having you listening to my gobbling. But yes! Idea! Today, I will close early and then we get the gang together and go to the beach! I'll call the girls and then we take my car. You know where my fridge is darling. Help yourself. Now to get some swimsuits. .. oh, and a bikini for miss Dusk...the yellow one..."

With that stream of words, and her mind focused on her plan, Rarity left for her storage room. The idea of going to the beach with the girls seemed like a really good idea to Sunset. Perhaps she could persuade her boyfriend to drop work early and come down as well... she licked her lips at the thought of him in a pair of swim trunks... Then she realized how dry her lips were. And so, she walked into the small back room that Rarity used on her tea breaks to get her treat.

The freezer was small, and almost empty as Rarity said. But the cool that stemmed from the open freezer was almost stupidly refreshing. And in the back, she found her target. One bag of Ice Cream Sandwiches. Sunset took it, but it seemed alarmingly light. As she looked inside, just one piece of ice Cream was left.
Sunset hesitated, should she take the last one? Could she? But Rarity had given her permission, and soon she found herself, eagerly searching the bag. Ah! There it was! Wrapped in thin plastic, the perfect combination of chocholate bisquit, vanilla ice cream, and strawberry jam. Sunset could feel the taste on her tongue already and she prepared herself to unwrap the package...

...When she felt a hand on her shoulder. Annoyed she turned around, to find herself looking into a pair of very angry purple eyes.

"The great, and powerful TRRRRRRIXIE DEMANDS to know what you are doing with her treat!"

Had this been a normal day, Sunset would have given a more diplomatic responce, but her thirst threw all social conventions out the window. "YOUR treat? What do you mean, your treat? "

Trixie cleared her throat. "Trixie was benevolent enough to led Rarity a hand with her dress making a few days ago. Rarity promised a slight reward for Trixies invaluable help, an ice Cream. And as the day was hot, Trixie thought this to be a good day to collect her reward. "

Sunset blinked. "All right, but Rarity promised me an ice Cream to cool down on this hot day. You can wait for another day, so..."

"She may have promised you as much as you want. The real question is...what did you do to earn it?"

"Earn it...? I'm her friend! You don’t have to 'earn' anything to get things from your friends!"

"Perhaps not. But Trixie is also Raritys friend PLUS she was assisting her the other day. That makes me more worthy of the ice Cream. "

"More worth... I have been Raritys friend for longer than you have!"

"Perhaps... but before you became her friend, you blackmailed her, destroyed her circle of friends and tried to take over the school!"

Sunset became red in the face with anger. "Alright, I did! But did you do anything to help her back then."

"Perhaps not, but I didn’t make her situation any worse."

"Didn’t. .. you’re not being a friend because you're being indifferent to someone."

"Considering the circumstances, I think it counts! "

"Well, if you are such a good friend with Rarity... Why did you lock us under the stage at the battle of the band?"

"Tough love."

"Tough love? What the hay are you talking about?"

Trixie straightened herself up. "Perhaps Trixie needed to teach Rarity a lesson in humblety. Friends do that."

"Thats not a word! And no they don’t! "

"Hah! " Trixies finger was suddenly in Sunsets face. "If that is true, then explain your 'friends' actions towards Rainbow Dash during the 'miss-do-well' incident!"

"But...well..." For a short while, Sunset was lost for words. "Alright, they behaved. .. not so good... but what has this to do with me? I wasn't in on that."

"Well, Trixie can assure you that had SHE been in on it she would have stopped it. That makes Trixie the better friend and so she is the one who deserves the ice Cream. "

Trixie streched her arm towards the ice cream, but found Sunsets hand holding her back.
"Now wait a moment! That's just hypothetichal! You can't claim an ice cream based on what you WOULD have done, only for what you actually did!"

"In that case, neither can you!"

Silence. Then Trixie spoke. "Trixie can’t be bothered getting involved in a simple argumentation. And since she suppose that Sunset wouldn't give her the ice cream freely... Trixie suggests a game of abstract poker."

"Abstract poker?"

Trixie got a light in her eyes only matched by princess Twilight when she was in 'lecture mode'. "Abstract poker, my dear Sunset, is the true battle of the mind, where every step has to be perfectly calculated. Trixie expects nothing but victory for herself, since she is the champion. Now, deal."


"Trixie is the master, you’re the novice. Hence you deal the cards. Five cards each. Come on, we don’t have all day."

Sunset stared ar Trixie, shrugged her shoulders and began to deal the 'abstract' cards.
Trixie looked at her 'cards' with a frown. "You're a lousy dealer, Sunset shimmer. Alright, I'll have... three cards."
Sunset kept staring at Trixie who looked perfectly calm and serious. And so, she dealt Trixie three 'cards'.

"Aha! Prepare for defeat, sunset! Two pairs, knights high!"

Sunset found the whole situation ridicoulos, and said "Flush, hearts. Lady on top."

Trixie stared at her. "But... but...YOU CHEATED!"

"Of cource I CHEATED! This is stupid! You can say that you have any type of cards you want!"




Once again, all was silent in the room. Sunset and Trixie glared at each other, Trixie with an offended face, Sunset with a look that said 'I’m talking to a foal'. After even more silence, Sunset was to one to break the silence."...I have had straight A's on all my latest tests." Instantly she had Trixie in her face. "Are you trying to pull some kind of demi-fascistic argument on Trixie?"

"What? No! I'm just saying, the more brilliant students should have some benifits."

"Sunset Shimmer, this is Canterlot, not the Hunger games!"

"Well, I would have crushed you, had this been the Hunger games!"

"You would not! Trixie is an excellent archer!"

"Alright, but I'm faster!"

"But Trixie is more agile!"

"I'm stronger!"

"Trixie would have fought for ideas and an ideal! YOU would only been in it for the food!"

Sunset felt the desperation and anger build inside her. She needed to finish this, she needed to hit Trixie where it hurt the most...
"My boyfriend is much better than your... girlfriend!"

Trixie froze. Her eyes shrank to two small dots and her face became green with anger.
"YOU LEAVE TRIXIE'S BELOVED MAUDIE OUT OF THIS!" Trixie jumped Sunset who was completely unprepared for the attack. Sunset was indeed stronger, but Trixies arms and hands was almost impossible to get of and it was hard to get a grip on her. They tossed and turned over the room, Sunset pushed Trixie against the wall, and Trixie was about to slap Sunset in the face when...

"Sunset? Why are you and Trixie fighting? "

The antagonists turned around to see Sweetie Belle stand there with the last piece of ice cream sandwich in her hand. The plastic was peeled back, and she had already taken a big bite. As the reason for their fight slowly disappeared into Sweeties mouth, all of the anger fell of Sunset and was replaced by shame.


"Yes, Nothing. Trixie and sunset were just... it was just... silly."

"Well, you should never fight over silly things. You should only fight over which football team's the best. At least that’s what Scoots and Bloom says. Oh, Sunset? Here's ten bits as thanks. We made an awful lot of money thanks to you, and it’s only fair that you get some. Well, gotta run. We're gonna take our business to the beach, and I have to work on Button so he gets his brother to drive us. See you!"

And with that, the young girl was out of the room, leaving two very sweaty and ashamed teenagers.



"I'm sorry... about what I said about Maud."

Trixie stared at the floor. "Trixie accepts your apology. .. and Trixie is sorry too."

Silence. "Soo... I have ten bits. Wanna go for Ice Cream? .

Trixie opened her mouth in a small smile and reached into her pockets. "Trixie earned 10 bits performing magic on the streets today. You pay for ice cream, Trixie pays for ice coffee?"

"That sounds nice"

Then the two frienemies went out for refreshments. Then, they gathered their friends and significant other for a trip to the beach where the CMC ALMOST managed to destroy the Equestrian economy with a bagel. But that’s not my story to tell.

Now, a story like this should end with some sort of moral. But since I've lost mine, all you get is a marble.


Well, he's not here either.

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A couple of days later was tuesday, and ordinary school day. The heat hadn't died down, but luckily, most of the AC on Canterlot high worked. Most of them. Not the one that covered the rehearsing room. Fluttershy was the first to give in.

Well, honestly she fainted, and had to be carried out by Applejack and Rainbow, and without their bassplayer present, Rarity and Sunset agreed that it was just as well to cancel the rehearsal. Only Pinkie stayed behind, trying to master the 11/4 beat.

"I'd never pin Pinkie as someone who listens to experimental jazz."

"Neither would I, darling. But somehow, that's just Pinkie. When you think you know her..."

"Yeah, I guess you are right. So, Rares, what are you up to today? Work as usual?"

"As a matter of facit, Sunset. I'll have you know that my paramour is taking me on a date. She will pick me up at seven, and take me to on of the most popular restaurants in town."

"That taco place on Braid street?"

Rarity blushed slightly. "Well, um ... Yes. But it's the thought that counts! What about you, Sunset? Does YOUR boyfriend take you out on a normal boring tuesday?"

Sunset frowned. "He's working, Rarity."

"Yes, yes, That was uncalled for. I apologize. But seriously, what are you're plans? Want to join me and Fluttershy at the spa?"

"Mmmm, I'll think I'd rather spend my tuesday trying NOT to melt actually."

Rarity stopped by her locker and rolled her eyes. "Ha ha. Very funny. Not everything at the spa is hot, you know?"

"I'll think I'll pass anyway, but thanks for asking. See you tomorrow!"

As they went their separate ways, Sunset realized she was only one corridor away from the vending machines. An ice-cold soda would be nice. Or perhaps an ice cream. Sunset checked her pockets. She had a few bits, that should cover it. As she passed the corner and made a line for the vending machines, she could see from far away that there was just one ice cream sandwich left. Sunset put her hand in her pocket, produced her bits, lifted her hand... Only to find herself shoulder to shoulder with another ice cream-craving student.


Both of them backed away four steps. Both of them looked at the vending machine with hungry eyes. Both of them had the bits they needed. Then they looked at each other.



" First one to die... Looses."

Sunset smiled, and snapped her fingers. "Game on."