> The Great War > by King Artermis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Great War By the Princes Artermis & Nova “My name is Nova, Prince of the Stars, and Time.” Says Nova with a somber expression. “And my name is Artermis, Prince of Moons, and Shadows.” Artermis continued. They both took a deep breath to brace themselves for the tale to come. “This is how the great war between the alicorns, and chaos itself started.” They say in unison. *************************************************************************************************************************************************** It all started on a planet commonly known as B-538-C, also known as The Dark Planet. We crashed there after our fighter squadron was ambushed by Chaos’s minions in-route to a satellite relay that was broadcasting strategic data for Chaos’s armies. We were supposed to go in, and copy as much data as possible before destroying the relay. This would cripple the enemy war effort, and ensure victory for the alicorns. But little did we know, we were in for a rude awakening. As Nova was awakening from the crash, all of his senses were dulled. “Artermis! Are you alright?!” He barely managed to yell. “*cough cough* Yeah, just a bit smoked out!” Artermis replies before climbing out of his star fighter. “Good, we need to continue our mission.” Nova tells Artermis before saying to his AI, “Sara, map the fastest route to the relay.” “Route mapped successfully.” Sara answered. “Epona, give me a vitals check.” Artermis says to his AI. “Vitals nominal, save for a fractured fore arm. I recommend immediate medical attention.” We take on our human forms for they are superior for combat, but our magic is limited in these forms. “It will have to wait, in the meantime send drop pod Bravo 928.” Artermis replies. “I cannot confirm the contents of this drop pod.” Epona states. Artermis sighs in annoyance. “Send it regardless.” He commands. “Yes Prince.” She answers, “Drop pod ETA 35 minutes.” “Shit that’ll take too long. We’ll have to hold position.” Nova says with stress evident in his voice. “Sara, we need weapons, any clue where we can get them?” Nova asks his AI. “There are emergency weapons in every fighter in case of a crash landing in a hostile environment, but due to the nature of our crash I cannot confirm its condition.” Sara informs Nova. Nova sighs in frustration, “It’ll have to do. Artermis, check the back of your fighter. There should be a weapon in there.” Artermis nods in reply. As the princes check their fighters for something to defend themselves with, rocks were disturbed from their perches as something watched them. “Alright, simple med kit, and a standard pulse rifle with five mags of .308 rounds. Eeyup this’ll work.” Artermis says before opening the med kit to tend to his arm. He pulls out a nanite injection syringe with a 5 inch needle and sighs. “This is gonna hurt.” He says before stabbing the syringe parallel-ish into his arm. He groans in pain before pressing the plunger, and injecting himself with medical nanites that repair his arm. “Oh, that hurt.” He says before removing the needle. He drops the syringe as Nova says, “Artermis?! Um… we’re not alone!” “Great just what I need to make this situation normal.” Artermis grumbles to himself before slamming a mag into his rifle and cocks it. “Somebody is about to die, and I get to have some fun.” Artermis says as he lets go of the lever on his rifle, letting it load the round into the firing chamber. He exits the fighter before Nova looks his way. “How much longer until the pod lands?” Nova asks. “28 minutes.” Artermis replies before sitting down on the wing of his fighter. “That’s still too long.” Nova says before cocking his rifle, and sitting next to Artermis. As we were sitting there debating our plan of approach, a concussion grenade lands right in front of us. “Brace!” Nova screams right before the grenade detonates. Now before you say this shouldn’t have done anything, a concussion grenade explosion makes your feel as though it were a smart car that was flattened by a semi-truck. “FUCK!” Artermis shouts as he clutches his head while rolling on the ground. Nova was groaning nearby. As they come back from their impaired minds, Nova hucks a solar grenade in the general direction that the concussion grenade came from. They hear Nova’s grenade detonate, with a flash greater than the sun’s own light, and after they hear the dying screams of those that dared attack them. As Nova gets up with his rifle in hand, he takes aim at the staggering remains of the opponents he says this, “You see, I live by a few simple rules. First rule; Always eat breakfast,” He states with a shot from his rifle, hitting one of the enemies right between the eyes. He then aims at the next enemy. “Rule two; Always lover your family.” Another headshot confirms his point. “And finally rule three;” he says as he lines up his next shot, “Never fuck with a prince.” He pulls the trigger once, and manages to get a triple headshot as his targets shambled into a straight line. “Artermis, what is the ETA on the pod.” Nova asks. “*groan* Epona?” Artermis asks. “Drop pod is one minute out. It should be visible.” Epona answers. Nova looks to the sky to see the pod entering the atmosphere. “There it is.” Nova says as they watch the pod scream through the sky. “Epona how far is the pod?” Artermis asks while getting to his feet. The pod lands before his AI could reply. The AI runs through ten mathematic equations at light speed to calculate how far away the drop pod is from their location “Just under a mile, west of your location.” Epona answers just before the sound wave from the pod reach them. Once the rumble dies out, Artermis and Nova nod to each other before they use their limited magic to teleport to the pod. Appearing in front of the pod, they are slightly dazed by their now lack of magic. The pod scans its surrounding before opening for the royals before it, revealing two small boxes on the floor of the pod, and two swords hung on the walls. The boxes contained two wristbands each, that, when activated, would use the stored magic within to conjure the Princes’ armor that they themselves forged out of the two rarest but strongest materials: Lunar Crystal, and Solar Steel. “Time to suit up.” Artermis says as they put on their bands, and activate them. The armour slides into place on their bodies. They both grab their respective swords. “Now, the fun truly begins.” Nova says just before his visor slides over his face and locks into place.