> The Real Truth-Or Not (A Spider-Mare AU Side Story) > by Nox Knock Jokes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > In Which Scooaloo and Diamond Tiara Debate Over Superheroes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was lunch at school and students practically flooded into the cafeteria. Soon, the room was filled with the chewing of food and idle chatting by various students. "She's such a brat!" Diamond Tiara complained. Her friend Silver Spoon sat across from her. "She just pushes me aside with her goo powers and I never get credit for being a hero! Like seriously! And her outfit isn't even that great. Just compare it to mine." Across the cafeteria, another pony was complaining similarly. "She's always in the way!" said Scootaloo. "I've got everything under control 'till I hear gunshots! And the target is a flailing filly in some goth costume! I get that she wants to help, but she doesn't have powers, much less skill. Come on, how bad does her reputation need to get of a 'hero' that needs to be rescued by another hero 'till she realizes she has to back off! It's infuriating!" She winced at the memory of last night's encounter with Black Cat. "She's a pest!" continued Diamond Tiara on her end. "She's a showoff!" "She's always there!" "She's in my way!" "SPIDER MARE—" "BLACK CAT—" "—IS THE WORST!!" they finished simultaneously. Miraculously, the entire cafeteria went silent in half a heartbeat as the two fillies stood up with rage at the same time. It took some time for the girls to register what just happened. "Oh yeah? What makes you think Spider-Mare is better than Black Cat?" Diamond practically spat the name of the red and blue hero. "Hey! At least Spider-Mare has superpowers!" Scootaloo yelled across the cafeteria. Babs joined in. "Yeah! That hero's got some serious skills!" "Who said you can talk?!" Silver Spoon piped. "You're just a wimp that became friends with the people that made her a wimp! As I recall, we agreed to never speak to each other again!" "Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" Dinky's voice rang loud and clear. "You're just a bigger wimp and a dork! Don't even talk to us!" Diamond Tiara's voice was amplified with the tense silence that had taken the cafeteria. Scootaloo was getting frustrated. "Leave my friends out of it!" her voice boomed. "Why do you think Black Cat is better than Spider-Mare anyways?!" "Pfft. That's easy. Unlike Black Cat, Bug Brat thinks she's so much better than everypony else. At least Black Cat has a more fashionable outfit." "Since when do care superheroes care about fashion?!" "Since when they were born with common sense, you idiot." "Wow, is idiot the best you got? You definitely are an ignoramus." Ignoramus. That word was like a slap to the face to Diamond Tiara. "Next time stay out of my way." "No! You can't stop me from being a hero!" "Hero? Please. You definitely are an ignoramus." Diamond Tiara sneered. "Don't be so naïve. Just admit it. I've got better reasons that Black Cat is better than Spider-Mare. Don't be a sore loser and face the truth that I am better than you!" Sore loser. Better than you. Scootaloo thought back to a few weeks ago where Black Cat had saved a group of people faster than her. "How did you get here so fast?!" "Jealous?" "No! Why would I be jealous of a person like you!?" "Now, don't be a sore loser. I'm just that much better than you!" "Better at me at what?! Being a snob? Well in that case...Everyone, I present to you the world's greatest snob! Diamond Tiara, you may take a bow." Scootaloo held a smug smile. Diamond Tiara gritted her teeth. "At least I'm not the world's biggest nerd!" The yelling intensified as increasingly colourful words blasted out of their mouths. The entire cafeteria was silent except for the for the two young students. Any passerby that saw the scene stopped to watch the show unfold before them. Soon, a large crowd gathered around them. Eventually, the principal came out. "Girls! Cease this nonsense at once! We do not tolerate tomfoolery like this at school! My office, NOW!" Both girls glared at each other, mumbling curses under their breath as they walked to the principal's office. The principal opened the door to his office and gestured the two girls to have a seat. After the three of them entered, he closed the door behind him and took his seat behind his desk. "Girls--" "She started it!" Diamond Tiara immediately interrupted. "What?! You were the one to start the fight!" Scootaloo yelled back. "Liar! You--" "GIRLS!" The principal shouted at the both of them, "It takes two to start a fight." He calmly spoke. "BUT SHE STARTED IT!" The girls spoke simultaneously for the second time that day. The principal chuckled, "Isn't it a bit childish to fight over who the best superhero is?" "I...Well..." Scootaloo was at loss for words. "Black Cat is still the best..." Diamond Tiara muttered, receiving a cold glare from the student sitting beside her. "Here's what I'm going to do..." he paused for a few seconds to gaze at the girls in front of him. "I'll let you both off with a warning. After all, this fight started from a silly fan thing. I suppose the ones to blame are the heroes themselves." Scootaloo and Diamond released a breath they didn't realize they were holding and let out an awkward chuckle. "But I will have to call your parents--er... guardians to inform them of your behaviour today." He immediately regretted his mistake of wording after remembering Scootaloo's family issue. The two heroes slumped in defeat. Suddenly, the school bell rang for the end of lunch. "That's all the time I'll be taking from you today. Goodbye, young ladies." "I don't know, guys. She just seems to have a really good resemblance to Black Cat." Scootaloo was walking with her friends through the park after school. "Eh, it's probably just ya imagination speak'n." Babs replied. Dinky spoke up. "Maybe you think they're the same person just because of how they treat you." "You guys are right. It's just my head overreacting again. There is absolutely no way Diamond Tiara can be Black Cat." "See? Nothing to worry about." "Aye!" Diamond Tiara walked with Silver Spoon through the mall. "They just seem so...alike." "Just because there are two annoyances in your life, doesn't mean they are one and the same, Diamond." "You make a good point. There is no way Scootaloo can possibly be Spider-Mare. Both of them combined don't even look as good as me!"