The new Cutie-Map

by SchwarzesSchaf1

First published

This Plays about 10 Years after the Cannon. When the now full grown Cutie Mark Crusaders, discover alongside Twilight a new Room in the Castle and a new Path of their destinies.)

Ten years have passed the Main 6 all have formed Families. Twilight strolls through her Castle as a new Room appears.
Due to the Castles connection to the Tree it is a Room perfectly designed, for the Cutie-Mark-Crusaders.

This is my Headcannon, why the Cutie Marks of the CMC's were surrounded with those of the Mane 6, at the Episode "Crusaders of the Lost Mark"

Contains, Hinted: FlutterCord, FlashLight, SoarinDash, CaramelxApplejack, ButtonBelle, CheesePie, RarityxOC

Prologe: Gathering together

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It was a very big surprise for Apple Bloom as Twilight came up to her as she was working on Sweet Apple Acres. Normally the Princess of Friendship would come up here when she needed Something from Apple Jack or to take her sister with her when she forget a meeting with the other girls of the Friendship council.

But this time Twilight Sparkle was looking for Apple Bloom. “Hello Apple Bloom” the Princess said.

“Mornin’ Twilight, want somethin’ from my sister? Maybe lookin’ fer a little Help with lil’ Dusk?” Twilight snickered lightly at the thought of the last time the Cutie Mark Crusaders were looking at her little Treasure. It ended with the Kitchen painted green with Mushed-Peas.

“No my Son is visiting my parents with his father.” She answered. “I was looking for you. I found another room in the Castle I think you and you Friends would like to see.”

Apple Bloom was getting curious “What is it?” she asked.

“Can’t tell you yet. Make sure to catch your Friends. We meet at my Castle in one Hour.” With that said, the Princess dashed off.

The now twenty-year-old Apple Bloom turned to the Ranch and even bevor the door to the Barn came clear in sight, two tiny figures ran towards her.

“Aunt Apple Bloom!” yelled a small beige Colt, followed by the question of a bit older red Filly:

“Are you done with your Chores already?” Apple Bloom giggled.

“No, I’m not quite done, Sweet Apple, but Princess Twilight wants to see me and my Friends at the Castle. Apple Cinnamon, do you know where you mother is, I need to tell her”

“Of course Aunt Apple Bloom, she’s in the kitchen, baking Apple Pies. I burnt myself trying to help her so she sent me and Gala out.” informed the Colt of her big sister.

“Thanks Cinnamon, now go on and play with your Cousin.”

“Okay, bye Aunty.” Said the shy Filly. In that regards she was exactly like her father.

After Apple Jack was informed Apple Bloom dashed off to Ponyville first looking at Carousel boutique, if Sweetie Belle was there.

But as she came into the Dress shop she could hear the Arguing.

“I don’t want to wear that itchy dress!” yelled the little white Unicorn-Filly with gray, messed up Mane. Rarity chased behind her.

“But that’s going to be your dress for the Gala, and if you don’t want to be laughed at you by your Daddy, you have to wear it, so I can fit it to you. It won’t itch anymore when I’m done I promise.” Both unicorns came to a sudden halt, as they saw the light yellow Earth Pony standing in the entrance.

“Apple Bloom Darling, welcome!” greeted the Fashionista.

“Gree’nts Rarity, do you know where Sweetie Belle is?”

“At Sugar-Cube-Corner!” yelled the Filly. “She and Uncle Button are having a Date!”

Rarity scolded her Daughter: “Quartz, how often I told you that you don’t tell stuff like that to Everypony! Sorry dearie but…” she attempted to look at Apple Bloom but there was only the door swinging close.

As Apple Bloom entered the Sugar-Cube-Corner, two Foals rand between her feet.

“I get you soon enough Berry,” yelled the Yellow Colt behind her pink Sister.

“Never Bubble Brain” teased the other sibling back.

“Stop Kids, you don’t want to hurt yourself, by running Stuff over” said the yellow Stallion that came from behind the counter to stop his Twins. The Energy of two Party Ponies combined in these Kids was making them a hufful to Handle. Even for Pinkie who had experience with the Cake Twins.

In the left corner, sat Sweetie belle and her Coltfriend, a brown Earthpony with Ginger Hair. Apple Bloom Approached the Couple.

“Sweetie, sorry to interrupt you, but we are needed in about 45 Minutes at Twilight’s Castle. She want us as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, to see something she found and was really serious about this.”

“Do you mean she found somepony that needs our help?” asked the white Unicorn.

“It could be” answered the Colt with Sparkle in his eyes. “You should go with Apple Bloom, we continue our Date later”.
Sweetie Belle pecked a kiss on the lips of her Coltfriend. “Thanks Button”

“Grace, could you pretty please stay in your nest-thingy, when you with your Mother, you always stay there” along the Streets fluttered Discord a bag of groceries in the Claw and a tiny yellow Baby Draconequs in his Paw. That little one struggled against the Grip of her Father.

“Hello Uncle Discord, what’s goin’ on, that you yell so much?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Fluttershy sent me to Shop groceries. And told me to take our little one with me, so she can feed her Animals without disturbance of Gracey here. That little girl loves to feed the bunnies with Bon-Bons, and even I agree that’s not healthy for them, even it is hilarious.” A bottle appeared in the claws of the little Girl-Draconequs, filled with a rosy liquid and she began to nursing herself.

“Can you tell us where our friend Scootaloo is?” asked Sweetie Belle. Discord simply conjured a Compass and tossed it towards the girls.

“Find it out yourself” he said and continued his path, as she was sure that his Compass was engulfed by Sweetie Belles magic.

The Compass lead the to the Whitetail woods, soon they saw the Cloud home of Rainbow Dash.

“Scootaloo, we need you!” yelled Apple Bloom as loud as she could. Sweetie Belle winced at the sheer Volume of the Cowgirls voice, which by her opinion sounded louder than the Royal Canterlot Voice, with Princess Luna used to speak with before she befriended Twilight so long ago.

“Do you have to go, Aunty Scoots? Can’t we play a bit more?” asked a little cyan Filly with Dark gray Mane the other Pegasus.

“You heard Apple Bloom, and believe me, you don’t want to yell like that again, because when that happens I fear that your’ Parents have to rebuild parts of your home. I’m Sorry Stormy but I didn’t disappear, we can play again soon okay?”

The Filly sights. “Okay”

“Be Brave See ‘ya” with that the now flight-able Pegasus, left the House.

Scootaloo descended from Rainbows Cloud home. And as soon she was eye to eye the Compass disappeared.

“Finally, what took you so long?” asked Apple Bloom her curiosity was driving her crazy. “We have an appointment which Twilight in 10 Minutes. ALL OF US!”

Just on time they could make it to the Castle.

“Welcome, my little Ponies, I assume Apple Bloom told you, that I found a new Room in the Castle. Since the Castle is an offspring of the Tree of Harmony, it adds a room when the Tree think it is necessary. This time it is a room that is especially designed for the three of you.” As Twilight Talked they went inside. As she was done rambling they stood before a large door.

“Welcome to the Cutie Mark Council” Twilight said proud and opened the door. The three Friends gasped in awe.