> “Whoa Adagio, Why are You So Small?” > by reading is magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Shut up! Stop patting my head!" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was another Friday to everyone; a prelude to the coming weekend and rest. Adagio Dazzle paced back and forth in front of the television, consumed by a thought that had been keeping her mind busy. Aria Blaze was at her room, playing a new game that failed to live its promises to the consumers and only added to her anger that was already fueled by a series of crashes. Sonata Dusk sat on a sofa in front of the television, trying to watch her weekend cartoon. “Adagio, can you move? I’m trying to watch.” Sonata’s words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Adagio continued her pacing. What made it work? It seemed easy for them... How— “Adagio, would you PLEASE THINK SOMEWHERE ELSE?! THE SEASON FINALE IS HERE AND YOU’RE IN THE WAY!” Adagio snapped out of her deep thinking. “Oh, sorry.” Sonata tilted her head, surprised to hear the once proud leader actually apologize. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m okay. Just thinking.” Adagio then moved to sit beside Sonata. “Thinking? What are you thinking about— Wait, shut up, it’s starting!” Sonata grabbed a throw pillow and hugged it. She then shushed Adagio. At least someone here is happy. Adagio was glad to see Sonata enjoying herself despite Aria’s obnoxious, loud, and annoying rage ringing out from her room. Maybe I should tell her to tone it down... Nah. It would be too much work and she might end up listening to the drivel of Aria’s problems, which were, to Adagio, nonsensical. Video games were a bizarre form of entertainment to her. Adagio went to her room instead, and let herself fall onto her bed. She then took it out from her pocket and held it up against the light. A piece of the red gem. The once source of the sirens’ power. Adagio had been thinking a lot ever since their little moment in the convention. Before that, she was moping for their loss. Their magical voice had been a part of their lives and in an instant they were gone. Only the gem she held in her hands reminded her of what she had once. Power. She twisted the piece in her fingers and watched the light pass through it. The piece was once part of her, now an empty shell and a reminder of her defeat. It only reminded her that she loved her magic. She wanted it back. But how? It was the question that lingered in her head for so long and so far, but no answer came to be. Magic seemed to work different in this world, seeing that non-magic creatures like humans were capable of manipulating it. Other than that, she had no idea how to do that. Adagio sighed and pocketed the piece back. Adagio stood in front of Canterlot High. To her, it felt like yesterday when she and her sisters saw the eruption of huge magic from it. She didn’t knew back then that it would be the last place where they would be able to control. But Adagio wasn’t here to reflect on the past. No, far from it. She wanted to learn how to gain magic. The girls that defeated her seemed to had magic without the aid of any gem or any of the sort. Maybe she can see something. After all, they must be using magic on a daily basis, right? So she waited for an hour until the school bell rang. School’s out. A minute later, students milled out of the building, eager to do whatever other than schoolwork. Adagio pulled up her hoodie and just waited. She waited for anything magical to happen. Anything! After twenty minutes, nothing happened. Her legs ached and longed for rest, but Adagio steeled herself. She still has yet to come out. And then, Sunset Shimmer came out of the doors. Sunset and her bandmates, in fact. Sunset was laughing over something her pink friend said. Adagio smirked. She had been waiting for her. Now, show me your secrets! The group sat in front of the school and there they just chatted. And chatted. And chatted. And Adagio felt her legs giving up. Did they know I’m here? No, that can’t be. Then what? Aren’t they discussing about magic? Don’t tell me they actually talk about school?! Adagio then noticed Sunset’s pink friend waving at her. Darn it! I’ve been made! And with that, Adagio broke into a run, away from the school and Sunset Shimmer. “Ah, she ran away!” Pinkie Pie bellowed. “Someone you know, Pinkie?” Sunset Shimmer asked as she was adjusting the strings on Rainbow Dash’s guitar. “Not really.” Pinkie then sat down on the steps again. “She just kinda stood there staring at us. I thought she wanted to join or something.” “Huh.” Sunset placed the guitar back in its case. “Whoever that was, I hope she’s okay.” Adagio rested her palms on her knees as she panted after stopping in front of a convenience store. “Darn it,” she muttered under her breath. It was a long run from the school, so she didn’t expect them to go after her. Why would they? They didn’t know her. In the end, she learned nothing. Adagio kind of expected that, but she kept on hoping that maybe, just maybe there was a chance. She wasn’t going to ask the girls, no. She had her pride not to ask from the ones who defeated her. If she wasn’t going to ask them, what then? She had no other source of information about magic. In frustration, she pulled out the gem fragment from her pocket. “Why did my powers had to be in this thing?!” Adagio screamed. As it were, the gem was useless. It held no power nor voice. Her voice, at least. In anger, she threw the piece into the wall, which made it fly into the lamp post. In turn, the gem flew into a speeding car, causing it to fly into the convenience store’s window. Hearing this, Adagio turned to see what made the sound, only to have the gem go straight to her mouth. Adagio choked on the gem. She tried to scream for help, but she ran out of breath and passed out. Adagio woke up. Her throat hurt a bit, but it didn’t matter to her. She sat straight up and looked around. Nobody was around. Good. Other than her throat, she felt fine. She stood up, and dusted herself off. She looked at the convenience store’s window to see her reflection so she can fix her hair, but something was off. The reflection showed a little kid instead. Wait, that can’t be right. It’s probably just a kid inside the store. Adagio then proceeded to make faces at the kid to scare her off. What happened instead was that the kid imitated her. Well, that’s an annoying kid. Adagio made more faces, but then realized that the kid imitated her movements too perfectly. Alarmingly perfect. She noticed the kid’s height. Why did they have the same height? It can’t be my reflection, right? It can’t! Adagio reached out her hand. If it followed her movement, then… The kid followed her movement. That confirmed it. She was looking at her reflection. She had shrunk into a child. How was that possible? She never was a child in this world and yet she recognized the child beyond the glass. The long, curly, puffy, orange hair, her surprised expression… There was no mistaking it, it was herself in a younger form. Even her clothes had shrunk to her size. She looked smaller than those kids back in Canterlot High. Calm down! This has to be a form of magic. Adagio then searched for the gem piece she threw a while ago. The gem surely did something to her, but where was it? She looked around the ground, but it was nowhere to be found. Adagio then remembered when she choked. Could it be? Did I choke on the gem? If I did, then I swallowed it. This isn’t good. I should get it out of me so I can get back to normal… But how? It seemed the only way was to induce vomiting, but Adagio grimaced at the thought. She had never done such a thing before. “Hey, kid. Are you okay?” A teenager asked from behind her, worried because she saw Adagio panically looking for something. “Oh course I am!” Adagio snapped and reminded herself to calm down. “Whoa, easy there kid.” The teenager hurriedly left. I am obviously not calming down. With her situation, who could? In any case, Adagio thought she should hide somewhere to induce vomit, as disgusting as that sounded. She had no choice, after all. As she turned around, she bumped into someone, making her land on her buttocks. “Ah!” Adagio exclaimed. “Oh.” A girl’s voice blurted. “Sorry kid, I wasn’t looking down.” “It’s alright, miss...” Adagio looked up and saw someone she did not want to see as of the moment. Aria. Adagio then pointed at her. “A-A-A—” “Huh?” Aria looked at Adagio, raising an eyebrow. “What’s up with you, kid?” “A—” “Wait a minute, you know me?” Aria raised an eyebrow. “A—” “I get it.” Adagio gulped. Oh no. “I know what you are.” Adagio felt herself sweating. “That shocked face, there’s no other explanation...” Adagio wanted to bolt into a run. She wanted to hide herself from Aria, from embarrassment. “You’re a… fan!” Aria folded her arms with delight. There it is! She knows I’m a… fan… What? “What’s wrong, kid? Didn’t expect to meet me here?”Aria patted Adagio’s head. “Come on kid, get up. You shouldn’t be sitting there.” She then extended her hand. Adagio gave her hand. Upon touch, Adagio already noticed the difference in size and also felt Aria’s warmth. She was back on her feet. “You okay?” Aria asked with a concerned look. “Yeah.” Adagio never thought of Aria to be the children-tolerant type, but then again, she was nice to children in the convention months ago. “You gotta be the cutest fan I have. So, what’ll it be, kid?” Aria questioned. “What?” Well, of course I'm cute. That's a given. “Well, most people ask for an autograph, but I’ll listen if you have something else in mind.” People ask for her autograph?! The thought was surreal to Adagio; after all, internet fame was something she thought to be something small despite seeing that convention. “Hey.” “Huh?” Adagio looked at Aria. “What’cha thinkin about? At least tell me your name.” Adagio felt anxious. She didn’t want Aria to know it was her; that would invite Aria’s mockery and unnecessary pampering. She can’t tell her. “I’m… Ada...” Darn it! Why do I end up saying my name?! I’m doomed! “Ada? Alright, Ada. Wanna hang?” “What?” “Wanna hang out for a bit? Or do you need to be somewhere else?” “Um, not really.” “Cool! Let’s go!” Aria immediately turned around and gestured Adagio to follow. Hesitantly, Adagio trailed along. Adagio and Aria arrived at the arcade near Canterlot High. The place was a bit dark, only illuminated by the screens of the game cabinets lined up inside and covered most of the walls. There were some students already playing at some of the cabinets. “My treat, kid.” Aria announced, smiling. “Play whatever you want.” It was actually Adagio’s first time in an arcade, as there was no reason for her to go to one. She never really liked video games, and a place made just for that was just impossible for Adagio. “Um, why an arcade?” Adagio asked. “I thought you like games? Don’t you watch my stuff?” “Right… video games… Streams and the stuff.” Adagio walked further into the store. Different sounds came from each cabinet, and each screen showed a different game. Adagio felt like she was at an appliance store where all the screens were turned on all the time. It was then that she saw a bizarre machine. It was a glass box with a bunch of stuffed toys inside. Outside the box was a controller similar to the other arcade cabinets. “You want one?” Aria asked. “Want what?” “A stuffed toy, silly!” Adagio looked at the box again and saw the claw in its ceiling. So that’s how you get them… Adagio never had a thing for toys or cute things, but when she saw a small lion stuffed toy lying in the corner of the box, she felt happy looking at it. What do you call that? Adorable? “I’m not a kid! Why would I want anything in there?” “If you say so, kid. But I’m telling you, I can get anything in there.” Aren’t these things rigged? No way they let you win. Also, stop calling me a kid! Adagio folded her arms. “Yeah right.” Aria smirked, took a quarter from her pocket and inserted it into the machine. With that, the machine hummed its tune. Aria grabbed the controller and moved the claw to her target: a silly-looking zebra. Aria slapped the drop button, and the claw descended to the toy. The claw squeezed and missed its head. “What are you doing?! You missed the head!” Aria didn’t flinch from Adagio’s outburst. “Just watch.” Huh? After the claw squeezed, it raised up, and along with it the zebra stuffed toy. “What?! How?!” Adagio’s eyes were wide. She looked at the claw and noticed the claw had snagged the plastic tie that connected the paper tag and the toy. “Is that even fair?” “Of course it is.” After the claw released, Aria reached into the bottom of the machine and pulled out the toy. “Easy.” Aria held the toy in her hand and showed a peace sign. “The V in the peace sign is the V for victory.” Adagio didn’t know why Aria just gave a trivia, but this gave her an idea. “I bet you can’t get that lion on the corner.” It was Adagio’s turn to smirk. She really didn’t want to ask Aria for anything, but this way she can get what she wanted since Aria really wanted to show off to a kid. Aria looked at the toy Adagio was pointing at. “That does look difficult to get...” Aria then looked at Adagio. “You look worried. I guess you really want that doll, huh?” “What? No! I’m just challenging you!” Adagio folded her arms. Aria giggled. “Yeah, sure you are, with your blush face.” Adagio glared at Aria as she took out another quarter and inserted it. Same as before, Aria moved the claw towards the new target. The claw stopped before it even reached the head. Adagio also noticed the claw was also too far from the tag. “Now you’re just missing it entirely.” The claw descended and squeezed. It grabbed the lion’s tail, and the toy was now suspended in the air, carried by the claw. “Wha—” “Got it.” Aria gave another peace sign. “The V in the peace sign— You know the rest.” Aria then handed the lion to Adagio. Adagio looked at the stuffed toy. Unknownst to her, Adagio smiled. “Aren’t you happy, kid?” Aria patted Adagio’s head. Adagio scowled and swatted Aria’s hand “I’m not a kid!” “Right, Ada.” Aria placed the zebra on her sling bag. “You sure it’s pronounced Ada? Not Ada like aviator?” “Call me however you like.” Adagio still wasn’t sure if she should even hang around Aria as a kid. There might be a chance that she would turn back to normal at any moment. Even then, she would rather be with someone she knew rather than a stranger. Or worse, those girls back at Canterlot High. Aria called Adagio and led her to the fighting game cabinets. Some teenagers were already huddled over one cabinet. “What are we doing here?” Adagio asked. “Just kicking butts.” Aria went to the cabinet parallel to the one the teens in uniforms huddled over, while Adagio followed. Looking at the screen, Adagio noticed that one of the characters on screen was already beating up the other as he flew in the air. Well, isn’t that realistic? Aria inserted a coin and pressed a button. “A NEW CHALLENGER!” the game announced. Aria sat in front of the cabinet. The screen blinked black and lights up into the character selection screen. Adagio was surprised at the amount of fighters to pick. “You pick, Ada.” Aria faced Adagio. “I’ll win with anyone you pick.” What?! There’s at least more than twenty in there! I don’t even know this game! Adagio observed each character image. There’s a lot of dudes, of course… Some girls… A panda? And a monster… What the heck is this game?! Adagio decided to pick the prettiest girl to her. Should be hard to handle pretty characters, right? “Her,” Adagio pointed to the pink/red haired girl. “Alrighty then.” Aria highlighted the character Adagio pointed and pressed a button. The other side had already selected a fighter: a male fighter wearing a red martial arts uniform that also sported a flat top. The game loaded the stage, the character introductions skipped, and the first round began. Adagio wasn’t sure what had happened. The fighters moved too fast for her to process what exactly occurred within the screen. What she did understand was that Aria lost, but it wasn’t like Aria didn’t fight good.; she was excellent at it, but her opponent was simply too much for her. They ended up in the park, a place Adagio knew Aria hated. Was it because she was with a kid? Adagio could not think of another reason. When she tripped and hurt her knee, Aria carried Adagio on her shoulders. Of course, Adagio was very against it, but Aria ignored her. It made Adagio nervous, feeling that she might fall anytime. Because of that Adagio held tightly on Aria’s head, which that made Aria laugh. Aria made Adagio wait at a bench so she can buy them drinks. There, she could see the sun setting. It was getting late, and she had yet to return to her original size. “Sorry about that,” Aria said as she sat next to Adagio. “I was supposed to win that for you.” “Um, it’s alright,” Adagio replied as she handed her a can of cola. It was weird for Adagio to have Aria apologize. “It’s not like I’m interested in that anyway.” She opened her can and sipped. “Really? I thought you’d like that since I stream that game a lot nowadays” Adagio choked on her drink. Right, I’m a fan of hers. “I, uh, like your other stuff.” “Oh. No wonder.” Aria opened her red can of something and took a huge gulp. “Aren’t your parents looking for you or something?” Adagio held the can with both hands on her lap. “Not really. Just my sisters.” “Cool. I live with my sisters as well. Pain in the necks, but hey, they’re family. One’s a silly, kid-at-heart brat, and the other’s a narcissistic diva. See who I have to live with?” Aria laid back on the bench. Narcissistic diva!? How dare you! “But. They make me feel better. One way or another.” “How?” Adagio asked. “I don’t know!” Aria shrugged. “There’s a bond between us. Something like that.” Aria took another huge gulp and then tossed the can into a trash can fifteens meters away. “Score. ” Adagio knew Aria cared, but to hear it from Aria herself was actually heart-warming to her. She felt like she didn't reciprocate enough, so she couldn’t help but hug her. “Ada?” “Just let me.” "You're a weird, cute kid." Together they watched the sunset. It was then that Adagio felt something she hadn’t felt for the longest time. And so, she started to sing. We were once their world They all said we were shining Princesses and queens of everything and everyone “Ada?” I have opened my eyes And felt what I want the most And in this world we needed No one but just us three A Sirens' Bond Serene and oh so beautiful No one can break our bonds and our dreams Shall not be bound by chains An endless sky We all look up and only hope That good times will stay, repeat, delay So we can feel our hearts forever glow The sun had sunk, and the night sky glowed its light onto the two. “Adagio?” Aria muttered. “Thank you, Aria.” Then, Adagio began to glow, and soon she was covered in blinding light. When the light disappeared, Adagio returned to her regular size, still hugging Aria. “Adagio. It is you.” “Yeah.” “H-how?!” Aria’s eyes were wide and her jaw dropped open. “Accidents happen.” Adagio let go of Aria. “Accidents!?” “Anyways, you did say some of the sweetest things there.” Adagio stood up. “Huh?” “What did you call me, a narcissistic diva?” “A-Adagio, I would never—” Aria started to scoot further away from Adagio. “Too late.” It was then Adagio held Aria’s head into a headlock and proceeded to noogie Aria for the longest time.