> Author and Adventurer > by Michael Hudson > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Distinction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pain. That’s about all Daring Do could feel at the moment as she laid on the ground. She tried to shift onto her side, but that only brought with it another flare of agony. Her hoof blindly groped at her side, searching for something until she found the sharp protrusion that stuck out of her now. Luckily, it didn’t seem to have pierced too deeply. Not that that stopped it from hurting like a bitch. Her mind swam with what had happened. Whatever it was probably had left her concussed, as explosions often did, and the slight tilt of her head made sure she knew that her assumption was spot on. Her teeth gnawed into her cheek as her eyes opened, staring at the brown stones in front of her. She needed to focus, to recover. She tried to recall how often she had ended up just like this. Not just concussed and on the ground, but exactly like this. Some stupid thing the villain had been doing was thwarted or screwed up, led to an explosion, and now she was sprawled on the ground, staring at the same brown tiles that every ruin seemed to be made of. Just a quick recollection proved to say more than she would ever care to admit to. Not that she had to admit it. In her next book, she could just leave this bit of embarrassment out. Yeah, she could see it now. Villain thwarted, ritual stopped… Daring bit into her lip as an extra powerful throb went through it. She luckily could blame it for breaking her concentration, and why she couldn’t come up with an alternate ending now. She was normally so good at them. Then again, this mission had been a bit rougher than most of her normal ones, even if she didn’t want to admit it. It first began with Ahuizotl, though that was no surprise. In fact, it was so common for him to just randomly appear on her trips that she’d cut him out of some of her books in the past, just to avoid the redundancy of it. Of course, she would need to include him on this one. He might not have been her major threat, but he definitely was working with them. Her hooves pushed against the ground, and she grit her teeth, ready for her head and body to scream at her again. She was only doing this as a way to check how much longer she should stay down anyways. However, she felt… okay. Not great, as the pain wasn’t gone, but she could move, which was definitely different. It usually took a lot longer for her to recover, especially after she passed her thirtieth birthday. A groan escaped her lips as she remembered Ahuizotl deciding to be just as much of a dick and taunt her with her age. He even had the gall to say she should retire. Compared to him, she was a practical baby. Then again, she wasn’t exactly immortal like him. “Stupid demi-god status.” She rubbed her hoof against her temple, trying desperately to recall the finer details. She would need them when she got home, and it was good mental exercise after a concussion, even if it brought its own sort of pain. It would help her in the long run though, she knew that much. So, first Ahuizotl jumped her, snatching her from the air and slamming her onto the ground. The rock that came when she tried getting away had to be the much meaner part of it though. She hadn’t let small fry like him stop her this time, or slow her, even as her body hurt. He hadn’t stopped her like he wanted to though, so a world where he might rule wasn’t going to be made due to h- She blinked for a moment. While she did avoid open combat with Ahuizotl, the idea of him being ‘small fry’ was never the term she used. He had too much power for that sort of dismissal. Then again, after what she had fought when she got in here, Daring supposed that the dismissal was more warranted. Her body shivered as she got to her hooves, and looked to the giant hole in the side of the temple. She hoped only an hour at most ago, there had been about three layers of rock between this inner sanctum and the outside, but she had no way of knowing how long she’d been out. The explosion was pretty bad after all, and she was thirsty as Tartarus. But, to her knowledge, she had stopped the ancient creature’s summoning. See, unlike most of the half baked schemes she stopped, this one was down to her getting here in time, or… Daring shuddered at the thought. If the cult had succeeded, their ‘god’ would have split every being on the planet into two halves. A dark side, bolstered by its power, and a light side, made weaker by its influence. If it had succeeded, light could easily have been crushed, replaced by evil, and destroying harmony. In hindsight, it would make a great story, and was rather exhilarating. Before she won though, it had been terrifying to even think about. But, there was no reason to think about it now. She could revel in the fact that she had survived, and, minus some cuts and bruises, she was fine. “Uuugh.” Daring’s ears twitched at the sound, before she let out an oddly similar moan to the whatever was moving now. She had kind of hoped that the cultists had gotten their comeuppance, and she could recover in peace. Still, one more wasn’t that hard to take care of, especially when she had some time up on it for recovery. She turned around to face her newest enemy, her eyes scanning for any sign of them. A little bit of rubble in the corner moved, and she began to trot towards it, her hooves silent, even against the stone. It was a trick Daring had never done before now, but in her complete focus, she didn’t even notice. She was only focused on one thing. She pushed the large rock out of the way of her quarry, and then stopped. What she saw didn’t make any sense to her. Not a lick of it. Because she, or, more so, A.K. Yearling was in the hole. > Meeting the Other > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yearling groaned as she felt the weight be put off of her. Normally, she would have freed herself somehow, but she wasn’t about to say no to a kind hoof. Maybe if she was lucky, Rainbow Dash would be there. She glanced in the direction of her savior, wincing at the light that streamed into her little enclosure. The hair was right for Rainbow Dash, which was odd. She had just gotten done with her penultimate battle with Abyss and his cult, sealing the dastardly fiend for at least another thousand years, if not forever. Not that she would say forever. Always leave yourself the ability to make a sequel and what not. She coughed, the dust feeling so heavy. Yearling didn’t want this. Sure, her adventures provided great inspiration, but after fifteen years of them? Maybe she should just give it up? And hey, this new mare over her looked plenty strong. A nice, goldenrod body, strong looking wings, and hey! She even had a good ol’ adventurer’s hat. She then winced as she tried to stretch out. Something was wrong. She would never give up on her adventures, not while she still could do them. If she were to take an apprentice, it should be like Batmare. For a moment, she sighed, the nettle in her side of how well that Daring Do wannabe flaring up. “Will y-you get out of there already, imposter?” Imposter? That couldn’t be right. She knew she was. A.K. Yearling, or, also known as Daring Do, adventurer extraordinaire. She was the best writer and adventurer in all of Equestria, excelling in both fields like none other before. She turned to the figure and tried to correct her, before coughing loudly. The dust in the air was just so thick. “What in the… You couldn’t even get my race right?” Race? What was wrong with this mare? Yearling shut her eyes tight, focusing herself. She was a strong adventurer, and would show this odd mare that. Her legs stiffened, and she leapt in the air, spreading her wings like that of Celestia as she kissed the ope- Slam! “You don’t have wings, idiot!” I don’t have… Yearling moved her back muscles and could feel the muscles move to flap the wings. It wasn’t exactly right though. It was just like in Book Seven, Daring Do and the Ghostly Caverns. The area had robbed her of parts of her body along the way, trying to rob her of her sanity along the way. One of those had been her wings… She glanced up at the other pony, her mind beginning to put the pieces together. Now that she could see better and was a bit more focused, she could see the gray and black mane, the goldenrod coat, the compass on her flank… She is me. “But… how?” Daring scowled at the question. After the body snatchers tried this shit on her, she wasn’t buying it. After her initial shock, she guessed that one of the cultists had to just be a changeling, and thought the two were separate beings. “Oh just stop it already! Look, I already pretty much got my ass kicked by a cult, and I’d rather not have to stay any longer than I have already. Just show yourself so I can kick you in the face and be on my way.” Yearling frowned at the accusations, and was tempted to rush up at the mare and teach her what for. Who didn’t say that she was the clone? That didn’t seem right though, especially with how she described the fight with the cult. Sure, what with the bruised hip and foreleg that Ahuizotl gave her in his surprise attack, it hadn’t gone swimmingly, but she had still managed to take out three of them, and stop the ritual. That was a win in her book, even if clumsy. But this one thought it was simply disgraceful… “How did the confrontation with Ahuizotl go?” Daring rolled her eyes. “Why do you want to know?” Yearling nodded slowly, but her mind was doing anything but. While yes she was currently an opponent, she was also helpless, and thus needed to be interrogated. Made sure that they weren’t going to cause trouble. This Daring didn’t care though. “I wanted to see how you described it, as I would describe it as a tense, suspenseful fight that jeopardized the whole mission.” Another roll of her eyes came from Daring as she shook her head. “Ahuizotl, really? Sure he is annoying, but he was just a small road bump. He slowed me down, and nothing…” Yearling saw her chance, and scrambled out of the hole on unsure hooves as she yelled, “That! You’re currently thinking about how Ahuizotl has threatened you before, and that calling him a small threat is something only a cocky adventurer would do, right?” Daring eyed her warily for a few moments, before relaxing, and sitting down. “Yeah…” “And how might you describe what I said about Ahuizotl?” A small chuckle escaped Daring as she thought about calling their exchange of insults as tense. “It sounds like how I’d write the encounter if I felt there wasn’t enough drama in it yet.” “And why do you think that might be?” Daring stopped and stared at her counterpart. Now that she was closer, she noticed that her mane was far straighter, and even longer than her own. Not only that, but she didn’t wear a hat like her own, and the compass on her wide, luscious flank… She blinked for a few moments, and decided against focusing on the writing on her compass, and how it differed from the red Xs on her own. “But…” Yearling came closer to Daring, wrapping a hoof around the other mare as she pushed down the fear growing in her. If she was right, it was likely… likely she would never get her wings back. But it would also mean that her counterpart would be emotional, and need her help more. “We thought we blocked Abyss’s activation of his magic with the talisman Celestia gave us. When he brought his hands down though…” Daring blinked, realizing that she hadn’t noticed something. It was pain that only flared now because of its importance, as it was minor compared to the rest of her injuries. “We overshot. He didn’t hit the globe, or the talisman, he hit-” They both paused, looking at each other for a moment, before whispering, “Us.” Yearling swallowed hard, the first to break the silence that had followed afterwards. She also turned away, not having realized that she’d spent most of the tense moment staring into Daring’s deep, purple eyes. “Y-you can call me Yearling, if you want.” “And why do you get our birthname?” Daring almost instantly regretted snapping at the other mare like that as she saw Yearling look down. She was supposed to be the big, tough adventurer, which… “No, it makes sense. I’m much more like what we’d always wanted to be when we were a foal.” Yearling turned back to Daring, a small smile on her lips. “I’m happy you’re willing to say we to that. I… didn’t want to have to fight you on who actually belonged to the past.” Daring trudged at the ground. She did want to fight about it, now that it was mentioned, but to do so would be childish. Besides she wasn’t the newly crowned earth pony. “We have bigger things to worry about I guess, like if this can be reversed and such.” Yearling smiled even wider, her heart swelling at the words. When she had realized what had happened, she had expected a brawl, to be left her possibly broken by Daring. She didn’t give her adventuring side nearly enough credit though. “And I know together we’ll be able to. Or… it at least gives me a lot more hope than on my own.” A small snort escaped Daring at the sentiment, before she rubbed the other mare’s mane. “Yeah, you probably would have been doomed.” Of course, deep down, Daring was overjoyed to have her there too. She could feel that she wasn’t as smart, or creative. Or… That she was weaker, and that knowing that Yearling was there helped ease the terror inside of her. > Rest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daring looked up at the sky shortly after they had left the temple. Neither had wanted to stay for too much longer in the place, just in case of any level of magical radiation that may had stayed within the rooms. That, and both of them were just more comfortable in forests after having spent so much time in them. And now the sun was setting. “I guess I better setup camp.” “Don’t you mean we?” Yearling stepped next to her adventurous counterpart. “Just because I’m no longer as rugged doesn’t mean that I can’t help.” Daring frowned at the reminder that she was no longer alone. The two had both been quiet since their agreement in the temple to head out, and, if she were honest, she had forgotten that she had a companion now. And a needy one too. “Yeah, and I bet you’ll want to have the one mare tent, won’t you?” Yearling narrowed her eyes, before letting a sigh out. “Actually, I had planned to leave it to you. Sure, I’ll sleep worse, but if any of our enemies come after us, I’ll be dead weight compared to you, so you need to be sharp.” Daring blinked a few times, somewhat stunned as the other mare began to pull out the camping set. She hadn’t had many companions in the past, sure, but all of them who didn’t have a tent always wanted hers, especially the more sophisticated they were. And this one didn’t even have her wings! Her own pair flapped lazily for a moment at the mental mention of them, and Daring paled. Yearling didn’t have wings. If they were attacked, Daring could just fly away, just like they’d done for their whole lives. That only made the thoughts worse though, as she soon realized that Yearling wasn’t just out a defensive tactic… she was out of a natural part of her. Daring stepped closer to Yearling, putting a hoof onto her shoulder before wrapping it around the other mare. “Hey… Sorry. I know I haven’t been nearly as civil as you, despite the fact that you definitely seem to have gotten the short stick between us. Well, I mean, not the short stick, but-” She stopped as her counterpart put a hoof onto her muzzle. Yearling, once she was certain that Daring was going to be quiet, went back to work on the tent. “I won’t deny, when it comes to how one feels when by themselves, I definitely got it worse. Less ways to defend myself, losing whole body parts… it’s rough. But I also know that I can’t fix it. Not right now at least. So what else am I going to do except try to keep it together, and handle myself? You know, the thing none of our other companions have done.” Daring tried to respond, but there was an annoying catch in her throat that refused to let her. Instead, she could only watch as Yearling worked. Her lithe frame working hard at getting to tent pitched. She wasn’t perfect about it, but that only meant more squirming, frustration, and even time to look back to those perfect flanks of hers. Those flanks she could trust, because they weren’t only hers, but understood her job. Understood the danger. Understood the pain one could feel when their partner let them down. Daring swallowed hard as she stepped away from Yearling. “I’m… I’m not hungry or anything, so I’m gonna find somewhere to hide and rest out here. I’ll be close enough to make sure you’re safe though. Okay?” Yearling now hesitated, looking to the adventurous mare, before nodding. “I understand, and I wish you luck in your search.” “Thanks.” Daring spread her wings and took off, frantically searching for a spot. Her mind was already thinking of new adventures, but they weren’t the sort that she was allowed. She worked solo, and that was it. But, as she let herself fall against a set of branches that would let her lay down, she couldn’t help but think how terrible that very fact was. How many nights she had gotten so little sleep. How often she had shivered, wishing only for another pony to hold. And now? There was a beautiful, smart, amazing mare who probably had most the skills she did. Liked similar things as her. Would know every part of her. The last thought brought a sharp breath from Daring as her hoof gently touched the folds between her thighs. For a moment, she thought about ignoring the urge. It would almost be like thinking of your sister. She then discarded it. She liked the other mare, and actually felt like she could trust her. She would enjoy that fact, even if people told her she was being weird or creepy. She was done being lonely. And so, Yearling pushed her hoof further into her nethers, her face buried into her pillow to make sure Daring didn’t dare hear what she was doing, lest she find out her forbidden thoughts. She couldn’t stop herself though as small moans slipped out in time with the rhythm of her hoof. She wondered if it would feel the same if Daring did it to her. If after a long day of typing she could come back to a warm, comfortable bed with her love staying there. They could kiss, before Daring kissed a more intimate part of her. Her hot tongue would send Yearling into squeals of ecstasy. But she didn’t dare move too much, lest she somehow encourage her lover to stop. They could play with each other, their tongues and hooves exploring each other like old friends, until they came together to be one being. To be Daring Do again… Daring pulled her hoof away from herself, the image of the two in a tent disappearing, being swiftly replaced by a tear. It shouldn’t be there of course. She wanted to be Daring Do again. She wanted to have all the power and smarts that she used to, instead of just being half, even if it meant sacrificing Yearling and being alone again. ...Right? > Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “And we’re finally back.” Daring smiled at her tired counterpart. In all honesty, despite the hard week of travel, and how she had expected Yearling to handle it, she had performed admirably. Step after step, mile after mile, with little complaint or issue. It was… nice. It had also been pretty quiet though, as both were more used to being by themselves, and when it came to conversation, it could be hard with one who shared all your memories. You couldn’t just bring up old stories or ask questions without possibly sounding stupid yourself, something that Daring wanted to be the last thing she did. It didn’t help that she knew where she stood between the two. Sure, she was the adventurer, and she could sleep anywhere, walk for days, etc., but when you kept screwing up with facts, or complained about your wings, only to be corrected, it made you feel… less. She glanced over at Yearling and frowned. She still didn’t know what to say, even after a week, about her counterpart’s new species. Yearling started to walk forward, entering the small, quiet yard that led up to her house. In all honesty, she had liked the fact that Daring was so stumped on the matter. It made her feel more normal not to be coddled for how she was weaker, or disabled for a former pegasus. She was simply the travelling partner for this ride. Besides, if Yearling acted like the wings didn’t hurt, even though feeling their ghost still was agony, it would make what was about to happen all the easier. After a moment of the two checking who had the keys, with it being found in one of Daring’s pockets, they walked into the small house. When it was first made, Daring Do had asked for nothing but a cabin, but Celestia wouldn’t have it. With how hard the job was, and being the head for trying to hint to other adventurous ponies that the Royal Adventurers existed, she was forced to have the two story place she did. Not that she complained about that nowadays. It was bad to look a gifthorse in the mouth, especially as one used their house to heal more often. Or, now that they had a possibly permanent guest. Yearling smiled at that, thinking about how the guest room might finally find some use now, and turned to Daring. “Do you mind putting on the kettle and making some tea? I want to grab the typewriter and get to work.” Daring nodded, internally smiling at the implication. Daring Do had never bought a second typewriter, instead preferring to just buy a new one when the old one broke, so whoever used it was the only one that would be able to write. It made sense of course, though she suspected that Yearling thought she might fight her. As she prepared some green tea, she knew she wouldn’t. She wasn’t of the right mindset anymore to write. Sure, she could try, and maybe make something half decent, but that’s what anypony could do. It was those with experience, a passion, and just overall skill with wordsmithing who could craft something truly enjoyable. That was why she used to be paid the big bucks for her writing. She brought the tea out for Yearling, but from how the keys clicked and clacked, she knew it would probably go largely ignored. The mare was in the zone, focused only on her creation as she worked. She’d be lucky to remember about dinner like this. Then again, Daring could always do it, like a good friend, or a caring… She bit into her lip, remembering all of her snuck glances. All those times when she let her wandering eyes see what she was never supposed to. And, worst of all, all the times she let those images fill her mind at night, all while her hoof drifted and found a way to comfort herself. Truth be told, she’d been all too happy to let Yearling keep the tent to herself if it meant her own privacy for the trip. Now she would have her own room though, with thick walls keeping them apart, and making sure none of her noises reached the intelligent mare. Daring looked down, feeling ashamed for her thoughts, but also trying to focus on them. They were a lot less terrifying than what she was actually thinking, and of what her dreams really were. No, those couldn’t be thought of. They weren’t for a lone wolf like her. After hours of walking around the house, filling her time with practice, other hobbies, and even beginning to read one of her own books, for once being proud of what she had written instead of thinking it could be better, she only then realized how late it was. It wasn’t the fading light that told her though, as it was pitch black when she noticed, and she’d been reading by lamplight. No, it was because the clicking and clacking had stopped. Daring stepped into the writing room, and smiled as she saw Yearling still bent over her typewriter. Coming closer let her hear the other mare’s soft, even breathing. She was sound asleep, probably after having told herself over and over that she would go to bed after this page. Daring let her hoof run through the mare’s mane with a smile, before nodding to herself and knowing what she would do. It was good that it was this way, rather than the other way around, as Yearling was only a slight burden to Daring as she carefully slipped the mare onto her back. She then trotted upstairs, always mindful of how Yearling was on her. It made her cheeks flare up with heat, but she didn’t dare let that make her drop the mare she… “Careful Daring, you almost thought it.” With the absolute utmost care, she slid Yearling onto her bed, and then simply stood there. She knew that she should go and sleep in another room. She had a guest room just for that. But… She shivered for a moment, before her whole body straightened, and she couldn’t stop a wide grin from coming to her face. She slowly trotted over to the other side of the bed, muttering to herself, “I can’t let her get sick because it’s a cold night tonight, now can I?” She then carefully got onto the bed herself, and, with trembling hooves, pulled Yearling into her barrel. Yearling, for her part, finally woke up for a moment then. When she noticed where she was, in the embrace of the pony who somehow made her feel higher than her wings had ever taken her, she smiled to herself. It was a nice dream, so she played along and snuggled into Daring’s chest, enjoying the soft, fluffy hair there before she fell asleep with her own hooves now around Daring. And both slept, finally indulging a little of what neither could admit. Not yet. > Waking Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yearling slowly came back to the world of the waking at the touch of a hoof on her mane. It was gentle, slow, and even somewhat made her want to go back to sleep. For a moment, she was even tempted. If her dream was to be believed, it would be Daring lovelingly doing that And then she remembered that that would mean Daring was lovingly tending to her. Her muscles bunched up beneath her as she subtly shifted her legs. One powerful kick, and she would teach the intruding stalker a big lesson. Three, two, o- “I love you.” Yearling’s heart almost skipped a beat at the words. They were whispered, almost as if the mare was speaking to herself. However, they’d also spoken too loudly, and she’d heard the cadence, tone, and pitch of the voice perfectly. It was that same, rough, higher pitch that she had learned to enjoy so much. Almost the same as hers even. She looked up into those clear, magenta eyes of Daring, and felt her cheek’s turn bright red. Daring’s followed suit as her eyes, which used to almost be shut, now widened to the size of dinner plates. The adventurous mare stammered a few times, before barely squeaking out, “H-how long have you been awake?” Yearling swallowed hard, her hooves twitching as she tried to figure out what to do. She could give the classic response of ‘long enough’, or even kiss her if she felt brave enough… No, she wanted to do what her counterpart had finally been able to do, and cleared her throat. “I-I love you too.” A small, almost inaudible whine escaped Daring’s mouth as one of her eyes began to twitch. She had been expecting screaming, punching, really anything other than a positive response. To hear a positive response though was almost worse. “Ga?” Yearling smiled at the small sounds, and pushed herself up, her nose gently touching Daring’s for just a second. She then swallowed hard again, tears now deciding to come to her eyes, even if she wished that wasn’t the case. “Is… is that okay?” Daring swallowed hard herself, trying to still figure out what to say. She then looked into Yearling’s eyes, and saw the tears that were coming to the edges of them. Saw the fear and worry in them. The thought that she had misheard, or Daring didn’t actually feel that way about her. The exact sort of thing she never wanted her to feel. A small yelp escaped Yearling as she was pushed onto her back, and Daring’s strong hooves pushed down on her shoulders. Her body shuddered as she looked up into those strong, confident eyes. The eyes that made her wish she could do better herself. She didn’t recoil, but instead pushed back at Daring’s muzzle as it came close .Their noses touched, just before their lips did. There was no hesitation now, as both of their tongues wrestled for dominance. There was no contest of course, with Daring soon overpowering her. Not that either were that good, not when it was one of the only dozen times either had ever kissed another pony. Daring didn’t stop there though. She instead lowered her body, but kept her lips close. On her neck, suckling on her like a the vampires they fought in Ponsylvania, before going to her chest. Yearling’s heart thumped so hard from the direction she was going that, while her lover kissed her heart, it was about to pop out, just like that weird cult leader had tried to do during one of her earliest missions. Next there was her barrel, just over her most intimate place. The butterflies in there could only bring back the memories of her standing in front of her very first temple. It was an urgent mission, and Celestia had apologized for that fact, but it had to be done. Just like now, her hooves trembled at the prospect of it all, and she only wished that she could have… Yearling looked down to Daring, tears now back in her eyes. Her counterpart’s lips were so close. Another few centimeters of kisses, and she would be where nopony had ever been. And she would hopefully never be alone again. A small moan escaped Yearling as Daring finally touched her nethers, the other mare’s lips pecking her folds. Daring meanwhile was fighting back her own tears, having the same butterflies, and the same thoughts as her lover. She wanted this more than she’d possibly ever wanted anything before. She slowly let her tongue come out of her mouth, her hooves wrapping around Yearling’s open hindquarters, and pressed it against the lips in front of her. They tasted sweet with the small bit of juice that had leaked onto them. Another small whimper escaped Yearling from the touch, and Daring couldn’t help but smile. Her tongue began climbing up along the trembling nethers now. She could feel every small tremor that they had at the stimulation, pressing against her tongue as she pushed down on them. When she flicked the end in though, Yearling seemed to pull at it, beckoning it to come deeper inside of her. It only made Daring smile more. Yearling, for her part, was almost brain dead as she stared at the ceiling. She had used her hooves, sure, but never did they feel like this. They weren’t wet, weren’t warm, weren’t rough.They weren’t another’s. She bit into her lip, trying to stop herself from making anymore of the embarrassing noises, but it only made her moaning muffled, and she could hear Daring chuckle below. “It’s not funny!” Almost as if challenged, Daring flicked her tongue against Yearling’s clit as she yelled, changing the last sound into a touch of a shrill scream. She then brought a hoof over, gently running it over the folds. They were nice and slick now, which was perfect for her. She clambered over Yearling, getting another small yelp from the nervous mare as she found herself suddenly facing her much bolder lover. The fear soon ebbed as Daring pushed her lips to hers now, and she let out another muffled moan in response. She was left unprepared for what was to come next because of it though. Daring lowered herself. Not all the way down, but enough to let Yearling feel her weight against her. She then hooked one of her hind legs underneath her studious counterpart’s, and lowered her hips more. She could feel Yearling’s soft fur between her thighs, and shut her eyes at the blissful feeling. It wasn’t to be enough though. She grinded upwards, Yearling’s body trembling against her, only making the action even better. Every shake and shudder from the cute, nervous mare meant another shock of pleasure that ran through Daring. When their nethers met though, it was more than a shock. Feeling her nethers slip around her lover’s clit, along with the moan that came with it, was a euphoria Daring had never experienced. How her folds clinged and sucked on the small nub, and brought more of those ever wonderful shakes from Yearling, was an icing on top of it though. Yearling’s body finally began to work though, with her carnal instincts flashing into gear. Now it was Daring’s turn to let out a surprised yelp and moan as she bucked back against her spunky lover, grinding her folds against her. It felt amazing, and Yearling could feel her own pleasure building. Not that she needed much more to push her just over the top, which happened all too soon for her. Daring let out another long moan as she felt Yearling buck against her again, but this time the other mare kept her hips up, and drowned out any pleasurable response she had with her own scream. For a moment, Daring was worried something had happened, but as she felt her thighs get wetter, she knew exactly what had happened. The two collapsed onto the bed, with Yearling breathing hard. She couldn’t believe how hard she had cum, or the fact that she’d forgotten the rule porn should have taught her about warning your partner. Even worse, Daring didn’t get off at the same time. She was too tired to help the other mare out though. That didn’t seem to be an issue though as she got a peck onto her cheek. She glanced over to see Daring smiling. No smirk, or chuckle to it, but just smiling, even with tears in her eyes. She reached out and grabbed Daring’s hoof as she smiled. Daring’s tears finally fell, and she came closer to Yearling. “I… I need to ask you something. M-may I?” Yearling mustered enough energy to throw her arm around Daring, before nuzzling against her. “Anything. Isn’t… Isn’t that what lovers get to do?” This time Daring chuckled, before stroking Yearling’s hair. “Yeah, I guess. I just… I just wanted to know-” ======+++++====== Celestia walked beside the two as they walked in, causing both of them to jump. While the now three had always had a somewhat casual relationship with Celestia, a bonus to the hard life they lived, she always met them on the throne. Then again, today wasn’t all that normal anyways. Celestia smiled at the response, and offered a hoof to the two. While Yearling decided to be more formal and bow, Daring just took it in her own hoof and shook it. By the time their hooves separated though, the princess was back to business, her smile mostly gone. “I’ve already looked through my texts about your condition, and, fortunately, I do believe I could reverse it.” Daring and Yearling stopped as Celestia walked ahead of them, before turning back to the two. “I’ll admit, I’ve never used the spell, and the texts they were on are rather old. The spell itself though is nothing out of my limit, so with some experimentation, I’m almost certain I can get you two back together.” The two mares glanced at each other, before Daring, in a rare show of cowardice, gestured for Yearling to go forward. The studious mare swallowed hard at the gesture, but she couldn’t deny the reasoning behind it either. She stepped forward, looked Celestia right in the eyes, and managed to squeak out, “We’re already together.” Celestia furrowed her brow for a moment as she looked at the two. As far as she could tell, it was a bold faced lie. Upon closer inspection though, she could see the glances shared between the two, even now, and the slight blush that touched both of their cheeks. It was cute, but she wasn’t about to let the wordplay slide. She raised herself up high, before crashing down, her hooves ringing against the tile. Both mares jumped at the gesture. Before they touched the ground again, Celestia shot forward, and the two mares found themselves wrapped in her hooves. “Congratulations, you two, and if you ever need a minister, you know who to contact.” The two looked each other, their faces bright red, before tears came to them, and they hugged Celestia back, unable to find the words to thank her. Not only did they have each other, but now, with her blessing, they had the acceptance they’d been so afraid of losing. Neither could think of anything better than those to things as they nuzzled against each other, smiling at their bright future.